Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Social Media Management - The Complete 2019 Manager Bootcamp" |
"Want to achieve financial freedom and work from ANYWHERE with an internet connection?Anyone can do it. All it takes to get started is the motivation to learn.Here's the thing...You CAN be your own boss and run your own business - hundreds of thousands of people around the world make an extremelycomfortable living by freelancing online.We have been travelling non-stop for almost a year now, exploring the best parts of Europe, and living in a new Airbnb every month.Don't you want a piece of that pie? Who wouldn't.But heres the issue Where do you start?To us, the answer is simple - social media.As social media platforms continue to grow, there are TONS of opportunities to get work as a freelance social media manager today.Within a matter of weeks, you could be earning money online by managing social media accounts for small businesses - and we want to show you how.By the end of this course, you will have everything you need to get started and grow FAST.Well guide you through every step towards uncapped financial freedom as a freelance social media manager and business owner.How incredible would your life would be if you could earn 6 figures a year, working from anywhere with an internet connection?It all starts here. Inside the course, youll learn:Everything you need to know about the major social media platforms (even if you have never used them before)Why you should approach every platform differently (EVERYONE seems to get this wrong)How to create awesome content for your clients (without wasting time and money)The best tools to use as a social media manager (and step-by-step instructions on how to use them)How to drive sales through social media (and create beautiful reports for your clients)The fastest and most efficient ways to grow social media accounts and win thousands of followersHow to find your first client without harassing hundreds of peopleWhen to start outsourcing your work and how to find your first assistant (so you can spend more time doing the things you love)Little-known industry secrets for growing your business to 6 or 7 figures in annual revenueOkay, that might sound great...But why should you chose this course over another?We actually do this for a living, earning 6 figures a year while travelling the world.Absolutely everything is covered, from basic social media marketing and management to advanced growth tactics.Start and grow your business as your progress through the course with the carefully planned assignments.Get access to some super helpful resources such as email templates, checklists, contracts, client reports and more.Personal support - get your questions answered by working professionals.Small one off payment, no subscription.High quality information, all in one place. No more trawling the internet for reliable information.Access anywhere, 24/7.Over 7 hours of HD video tuition.Delivered in a way thats entertaining and enjoyable.30 day refund policy.So, check out the promo video, and have a browse through the free preview lectures.When you're ready, join the course, and we'll see you inside!- Rob & Lottie"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Maximize earning from Careem & Uber in Pakistan" |
"Ride sharing business is galloping in Pakistan, where multiple international companies have started business to attract highly deprived commuters. Everyday these companies are registering hundreds of new cars & drivers who are risking their life investments without the right idea of success. This course is specially designed for those new investors who wants to know the maximum before they invest in the business.If you are seriously planning to invest with couple of cars into the business, this course will provide you all the right material, information and assessments that comes after years of experience. This course will help you plan your business and returns with minimum risk from day one.After attending this course you will be comfortable to plan your investments. You will also learn the tips and tricks for better earning from day one.I hope you will love this course as this is one of a kind available so far."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vende ms mejorando la conversin E-commerce con Analytics" |
"Hay muchas formas de mejorar las ventas y ganancias en un e-commerce o negocios que tengan ventas online. Pero la ms efectiva de todas es mejorar el ratio de conversin.Por qu?Por que mejorar la conversin te ayudara sacarle ms provecho a cualquier otra accin que ests considerando hacer. Por ejemplo, si quieres duplicar tu cantidad de compradores, puedes gastar el doble en de plata en adquisicin de trfico o trabajar en duplicar el ratio de conversin y tener los mismos compradores sin invertir ese dinero extra.Al finalizar este curso vasa:Contar con ms de 15 formas de ver conversinTener una lista de acciones de mejora basadas en tus resultados y saber cmo y cuando aplicarlasY lo ms importante de todo, tener los recursos yel modelo para seguir profundizando y mejorando la toma de decisiones para mejorar la conversin de tu negocio en el futuro.Por qu este curso es distinto?Otros cursos de negocios online son solo teora. No te muestran cmo aplicarlo, o cmo ver nmeros reales y decidir en base a ellos.En este curso usaremos Google Analytics para ver exactamente cmo extraer el dato que nos permitir tomar la decisin. Te guiar paso a paso en como hacerlo y usaremos ejemplos realespara mostrarte que decisin tomar.Y tampoco escomo otros cursos de Google Analytics! quemuestran todaslas funcionalidades de la herramienta pero sin aplicacin alguna. Aqu usaremos las funcionalidades clave pero para llegar a un resultado especfico de negocio.No necesitas conocimiento tcnico para tomar este cursoEsto no es un curso de implementacin de Google Analytics, es un curso de cmo tomar desiciones data-driven para aumentar la conversin. Google Analytics servir como soporte y herramienta para hacerlo prctico,pero no veremos ningn aspecto tcnico ni es necesario este tipo de conocimiento para lo que haremos en el curso.Quin es la audiencia objetivo?Este curso est especialmente diseado para aquellos que tengan que tomar decisiones para mejorar el rendimiento de un e-commerce o negocio con ventas online.Dueos de e-commerceGerentes de lineas o unidades de negocioProduct Managers o analistas de productoAnalistas de marketingSi tens que tomar decisiones para que el negocio crezca, este curso te va a dar herramientas para hacer mejor tu trabajo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Speak Freely: The Secret to Confident Conversation" |
"Does yourmind go blankduring conversations?If so, this course is FOR YOU!You'll learn how toSpeak Freelyand feel confident in conversation. You can finally stopworrying about what to say next and avoid those dreaded awkward silences.Imagine talking to anyone naturally, flowing smoothlyfrom one topic to the next.It's time to connectwith more people, rock jobinterviews, and make this yearfull offunandopportunities.Inside you'll get4+ hoursof video and learn:Why your mind goes blankThey key to conversation confidenceThe magic trick that the ""naturals"" useA five-minute exercise for spontaneityHow to never run out of things to sayHow to talk about yourself and tell great stories (even if you're boring)Four failproof icebreakers to start conversations with anyone Go-to topics for any situationKeep updated on current events and pop cultureso you never feel cluelessYou'll also get these Exclusive Bonuses:BONUS #1: How To Join & Enjoy Group Conversations with Jeff CallahanBONUS #2: Connect With All 4 Personality Types with Paul Peixoto"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Intermediate" |
"This course is designed for Clerks, Officers, Executives, Supervisors, Administrators, Managers of all levels; and personnel who already know and understand and want to further enhance their knowledge and practical uses of Microsoft Excel.Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel is essential with the following pre-requisites:Have attended Microsoft Excel Foundation Level; ORAble to switch between task applicationsAble to create a spreadsheet with simple formattingAble to create a basic chartAble to print a spreadsheet with headers and footers addedAble to apply Freeze Pane commandAble to create basic formulas Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and DivisionAble to use basic functions AutoSum, Count, Max, Min and Average functions.Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:Create simple to complex formulas and functions, like:COUNTIF FunctionAVERAGEIF FunctionSUMIF FunctionIF FunctionVLOOKUP FunctionFilter data using Auto FiltersCreate ChartApply Conditional Formatting"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Excel Advanced" |
"This course is designed for Clerks, Officers, Executives, Supervisors, Administrators, Managers of all levels; and personnel who already know and understand and want to further enhance their knowledge and practical uses of Microsoft Excel.Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel is essential with the following pre-requisites:Have attended Microsoft Excel Foundation and Intermediate Level; ORAble to use and apply Database functionAble to use and apply Logical function (IF, AND)Able to use and apply Statistical function (COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS)Able to use and apply Mathematical function (SUMIF, SUMIFS)Able to use and apply Lookup function (VLOOKUP)Able to use Auto and Advanced Filter commandAble to validate dataAble to apply Conditional FormattingAble to Protect worksheet and workbookUpon completion of this program, participants should be able to:Advance Chart function and PowerPivot FunctionAnalyze data Using Pivot TablesPerform What If Analysis using:Goal SeekSolverInput TableScenariosUse VLOOKUP function to extract dataNesting INDEX and MATCH FunctionCombining & Consolidating DataCreate Hyperlink in a workbook"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn Excel Foundation from a Microsoft Certified Trainer!" |
"Enhanced by intelligence, Microsoft Office Excel learns your patterns, organizing your data to save you time. Create spreadsheets with ease from templates or on your own, and perform calculations with modern formulas. Learn to present your data in compelling ways, with formatting, sparklines, and tables to better understand your data."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
nisaschool-basic-2 |
"2018.4.9 30 E-Book500010052018.4.7NISA10nisaNISA 10PART111PART212131415NISA 100%100% 1010 2017.10.032017.11.302017.11.30Topic 11182018.04.07NISA2018.4.7Topic 11192018.04.09NISATopic 1330"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"SQL Para Iniciantes" |
"O curso tem como objetivo ensinar sobre Banco de Dados e ANSI SQL, como as instrues SQL de forma prtica. Apresenta passo-a-passo como construir as instrues e consultas para a manipulao e gerenciamento dos dados do banco de dados. O curso possui questionrios para ajudar a fixar o conhecimento apresentado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Front end: HTML, CSS y Javascript" |
"En la actualidad existe una gran cantidad de tecnologas, herramientas y cursos para crear sitios web, debido al incremento del uso de Internet y a la complejidad cada vez ms alta que los sitios web requieren; sin embargo, entre tantas opciones, dar el primer paso para empezar en esta gran actividad que es el Diseo Web puede ser abrumador si no tenemos la gua correcta.El enfoque de este curso es conocer los fundamentos del diseo web y aprender a crear sitios web de manera sencilla usando tecnologas como HTML5, CSS3 y Javascript, que son invariablemente los pilares de la construccin de cualquier sitio web, sumando a lo anterior la aplicacin de las mejores prcticas que un sitio web necesita.El curso tambin aborda los conceptos bsicos de UX (experiencia de usuario) y SEO (posicionamiento en buscadores) que son fundamentales para asegurar un sitio web bien posicionado e ideal para ofrecer a nuestros usuarios una navegacin adecuada segn sus necesidades.Este es un pre-lanzamiento. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Debian Server Administrao de Servidores Linux" |
"Durante o curso o instrutor aborda o contedo de forma simples e direta, desde como instalar o sistema operacional debian at como instalar e gerenciar os mais diversos servios para servidores Linux com o debian.O Sistema operacional Debian uma distribuio GNU/Linux que tem foco em servidores do mercado corporativo. Existe no Brasil e no mundo uma grande demanda por profissionais que estejam aptos a utilizar e a administrar servidores Linux.Este curso prepara o profissional para trabalhar em ambientes de computao que usam Linux como sistema operacional de clientes/servidores em um ambiente corporativo, dando suporte, implementando e administrando Servidores como:DHCPIPtablesDNS PrimrioDNS SecundrioApache (LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP )Samba 4 Proxy SquidFTPPostfix e MDA DovecotOs conhecimentos tcnicos abordados vai desde O aluno aprender a colocar um site online usando a aplicao apache, Criar um domnio usando o servio de diretrio Active Directory, Colocar em produo um servio Proxy integrado ao AD do samba, Aprender regras de firewall e muito mais.Com um suporte a perguntas/dvidas da plataforma para os alunos receberem o suporte, necessrio para concluir os laboratrios do curso e tirar eventuais dvidas sobre os contedos demonstrados no curso. O Laboratrio de estudo do curso contm mquinas virtuais em uma ambiente virtualizado para que os alunos estudem e coloquem em prtica todo o contedo do curso, para depois colocar em produo em cenrios reais dentro de empresas."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"LPIC1 - Preparatrio para os Exames 101 e 102" |
"O Curso tem o objetivo de abordar todo o contedo dos 2 Exames necessrios para obter a certificao LPIC-1 (Linux Administrator). a principai certificao para sistemas Linux do mercado e so muito valorizada, alm de ser reconhecida internacionalmente. Aps conclurem o curso os candidatos esto totalmente aptos a prestarem os dois exames da LPIC1.Os candidatos aps obterem a certificao so credenciados como profissionais Administradores de Sistemas Linux independentemente da distribuio GNU/Linux. Para obter a certificao, preciso ser aprovado em 2 exames, que so totalmente cobertos nesse curso online:LPIC-1: 101 e 102 (Atualmente na verso 5.0 para ambos: 101-500 e 102-500)O contedo dividido em Tpicos e Sub-Tpicos, como pode ser visto na Grade Curricular deste Curso. Todo o contedo apresentado e demonstrado de maneira totalmente prtica. Voc ir assistir a utilizao e os retornos de cada comando aplicado em uma mquina Linux virtualizada, e como boas prticas de estudo reproduzir e testar em uma VM disponibilizada para o aluno.Aps o fim de cada sub-tpico o aluno ter desafios para responder e ao fim de cada tpico questes para que o assunto seja melhor fixado pelo aluno. e ao fim de todos os tpicos que cobrem um exame voc ter um simulado no mesmo formato dos exames.No final deste curso, alm de estar preparado para obter as certificaes, o aluno ter o conhecimento dos mais importantes comandos e conceitos necessrios para um Administrador de Sistemas Linux.Durante todo o curso, voc ter o meu suporte para suas dvidas sobre os assuntos estudados.Fique a vontade para explorar a grade curricular completa disponvel. Veja tambm os vdeos de apresentao do curso, dicas para se d bem nos exames."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Servidor Samba 4 Active Directory" |
"Este curso aborda aspectos do samba como servidor em uma infraestrutura que pode ser aplicada em empresas de pequeno e mdio porte, ensinando desde informaes tericas e partindo em seguida para a prtica.O curso faz uso somente da verso 4.x(O ""x"" significa atualizaes da verso 4 do samba como por exemplo 4.9) do servidor samba, mostrando desde a instalao do sistema operacional com prticas de particionamento e armazenamento indicadas para ambientes de produo at as configuraes avanadas que podem ser usadas para atender necessdades do seu dia-dia.Durante as vdeo aulas o aluno aprender a implementar o servidor samba em alguns ambientes reais como:Controlador de Domnio Active Directory;Controlador de Domnio adicional;Servidor membro de um domnio;Servidor arquivos;Ingressar um cliente linux no domnio;Compartilhamento de ImpressorasO aluno ir aprender algumas prticas recomendadas para delegar permisses administrativas no domnio com active directory e tambm em mquinas clientes que possuem sistemas operacionais windows.Ser dedicada uma seo de video aulas somente para: GPOs, Politcas de senhas, Perfis Mveis e Pasta base. por fim o aluno ir aprender a fazer o backup e restore do servidor samba configurado como controlador de domnio de forma correta em cenrios diferentes e fazer um upgrade entre verses do samba."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"ChatBots : ChatBot Messenger avec WIT.AI, Node.JS et Heroku" |
"Vous savez dvelopper en Javascript, vous avez dj entendu parler de Node.js et vous voulez crer un Chatbot de vos propres mains ? Cest le cours quil vous faut !A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable de grer de A Z votre propre Chatbot autonome cre de vos propres mains et hberg par vos soins !0 RISQUESatisfait ou rembours pendant 30 joursBadgeMeilleures ventes de ce mois-ci : + de 120 tudiants inscrits et satisfaits ! Le seul cours en Franais qui vous donne toutes les cartes en main & astucespour fabriquer gratuitementun ChatBot de qualit & intelligent !Des fichiers prts tre utiliss afin de vous fournir les lments de basepour crer votre ChatBot en 1htop Chrono !Certains prdisent la mort des applications et leur remplacement par des ChatBots Dans tous les cas, les Chatbots ont le vent en poupe et favorisent effectivement la relation client !Imaginez le gain de temps que peut vous faire gagner un ChatBot :-Rponse aux FAQs-Rponses aux questions rcurrentes de vos clients- Prises de Rendez-vous- Afficher des donnes provenants dune base de donnes externe- Les possibilits sont illimitesRien nest impossible aujourdhui ! Le seul frein que vous aurez aprs ce cours sera votre imagination !Dans la premire partie de ce cours, nous allons voir ensemble toutes les gnralits concernant les ChatBots !- Quest- ce que cest ?- A quoi ca sert ?- Comment ca fonctionne ?Puis nous dcouvrirons ensemble larchitecture globale dun Chatbot.La deuxime partie sera consacre la partie Pratique ! L, vous de jouer !On va commencer en douceur en crant une page Facebook pour faire nos tests !Ensuite, nous allons dcouvrir ensemble comment installer nos fichiers de base fournis avec le cours, comment les hberger gratuitement sur un serveur Heroku, comment crer une app WIT.AI, comment stocker des informations sur une base de donnes Firebase,comment lentrainer et enfin comment obtenir une rponse de notre ChatBot.A partir de l, votre Chatbot de base sera configur ! Il sera prt faire tout ce qui sortira de votre imagination.Dans la troisime partie, vous allez donc voir comment insrer des donnes issues dune API externe afin denrichir votre ChatBot.vous procderez la mise en place pratique sur un exemple !Vous fabriquerez un ChatBot qui donne la mto de demain ou bien d'aprs demain pour une ville donne.Vous verrezensuite comment soumettre et faire valider votre cration par les quipes de Facebook rapidement et vous dcouvrirez toutes les erreurs viter pour rendre cette tape la plus courte possible.A la fin de cours, vous aurez donc toutes les cartes en main afin de produire un chatbot de qualit, riche en comprhension du langage naturel, avec des outils de communication externes capables denrichir en donnes votre ChatBot.Je rpondrais toutes les questions poses lors de ce cours et tenterais de vous guider au mieux dans toutes les tapes !Mots cls :natural language processing, ChatBot, Messenger, Chatbot Messenger, deep learning, machine learning, NLP, WIT.AI, API.AI, intelligence artificielle, artificial intelligence, bot, Ai, IA, heroku, Firebase, NodeJS,Deep LearningMachine LearningNeural NetworksChatbotNatural Language Processing"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Animate CC: Curso Animacin 2D" |
"En este curso conocers y aprenders a usar las herramientas para dibujar y configurar el personaje para la animacin.Personalmente me divierto mucho desarrollndolo y enseando como usar el programa y estoy seguro que t tambin te divertirs aprendiendo a usarlo.El curso inicia con un captulo dedicado a conceptos fundamentales de Adobe Flash para luego preparar los personajes, configurar las expresiones entre otras cosas.La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos que te permiten entender su uso en la vida real.Regstrate ya y aprende a trabajar de forma profesional con Adobe Flash dando vida a tus personajes contando tus propias historias.DETALLES DEL CURSOMs de 11,5 Horas Prcticas41LeccionesCREA UNA PIEZA ANIMADAAprenders hacer una pieza animada desde la Idea hasta la Produccin.Dirigido A:Todas las personas con ganas de contar historias de forma visual. No se necesita tener conocimientos de dibujo, aunque si los tienes mucho mejor.Cupn de Descuento:CA2DAFAACC"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Animate CC: Stick Men Animacin con Huesos" |
"El gnero de ""Stick Men"" se ha vuelto bastante popular con los vdeos de YouTube, y si bien puede parecer amateur, la simplicidad de las figuras de palos proporciona un gran ejercicio en la animacin de personajes.Usando figuras de palo uno puede trabajar ms rpido que animar una figura ms realista, pero an as tener un gran sentido para el tiempo y la dinmica humana.Este curso se divide en partes separadas para disear y armar el stick men bsico, caminar y correr, animar una escena de lucha.Espero que te diviertas aprendiendo en este curso como yo me divert enseando."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Digital para el xito: Ventas por WhatsApp" |
"! Vender por WhatsApp si es posible sin ser invasivo con la privacidad de las personas !El curso ms completo de Marketing Digital para el xito: Ventas por WhatsApp.Est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu negocio, organizacin o idea, tendrs tu propio sistema de envi masivo que podrs descargarlo en los recursos de este curso, podrs configurar tus propios mensaje personalizados y enviar a un sin fin de mensaje a WhatsApp.Compuesto por varias lecciones, el objetivo es convertirte en unprofesional del Marketing Digital para el xito: Ventas por WhatsApp para que hagas crecer tu empresa, producto, o marca personal.Con ejemplos de reales, aprenders a realizar estrategias, lanzar campaas. Convirtete en un experto en Marketing Digital para el xito: Ventas por WhatsApp!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Beatles Guitar Crash Course For Beginners" |
"Would you like to be able to play simple songs on the guitarand impress your friends?This course allows students to learn 5 Beatles songs in no time!The course include 1 hourof on demandvideo with step by steplessons and on screentabs of how to play along with songs likeHey JudeCome TogetherLet It BeTwist and Shout.*A free lesson is availableon the basics of the chords the Beatles use to play in their songs.Who is this Guitar Course For?If you are a beginner on the guitar, then this course is perfect for you!If you have tried countless times trying to sit down with a guitar and learn a full song but couldn'tget through it, then this course is perfect for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Turo car sharing The AirBNB of vehicle rentals" |
"Everything an entrepreneur needs to start a successful vehicle rental business on Turo. If you are astudent,a professionalor looking for a fun and creative way to increase your monthly income, Turo is a great way toearngreat side money or makea living.This course is designed for beginner and intermediate level Turo entrepreneurs. Using techniques we've developed and implemented successfullyover the last 3 years; we will help you obtain the best return on investment.Our strategies and proven processes will help your entry-levelvehicle(s)earn $10,000 annually withonly anhourper week each.Welcome to our course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
pcfietob |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"20197Adobe XDXD" |
"20197 CC AdobeXD IMAKE UIUXWebAdobe XDAdobe XDAdobe XDUI/UXOSWindows10Windows MacMacAdobe XDXD"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Learn Piano In Retirement #2 - Increase Wellness With Age" |
"In ""Learn Piano In Retirement #1"" you learned how easy it is toplay piano, at any age, with no previous experience.""Learn Piano In Retirement #2"" shows you how easy it is toaddfourextra skills to your playing abilityMakeinteresting variations to the songs learned in #1Adjustthe songs for different singers' voicesLearn new songsjust by listening tothemLearnnew songsby readingmusic sheetsUnlike #1, this course isnot publicly available, but is reserved onlyfor graduates of #1.As before,I focuson the absolute core essentials of pleasurableplaying. No arty theory, no boring repetitive routines, no hours of scales. I made it ultra, ultra, simple.Whatever your ageyou will be able to playso much betterby the end of this course.You can contact me at any time during the course, or after it, and I'll gladlyguide you through whatever is holding you back.I didn't start learninguntil Iretired, so I know exactlywhere your sticking points are, and I know the ways round them. It's veryeasy when you know how."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Learn Piano In Retirement #1 - Increase Wellness With Age" |
"Alan: ""Chris has an awesome ability to see straight through complexity, to the absolute core of the problem, and to rapidly produce simple and effective solutions.""Ade: Our Skype chat was an inspiration and Im making significantly better progress. Your simple explanations of music theory means that I no longer have problems with music in a different key. Im really enjoying sitting down to play. I cant thank you enough.As an adult beginner myself, learning piano in retirement was one of the most deeply satisfyingexperiences of my life. Producing this training was even better.These are the lessons I wish I couldhavegivemyselfback then.I firstcreated it as""Learn Piano In 4Hours"" at a time when I was able to giveone-to-one instruction to mature students in my local area. Its success led me to givingremote instruction via Skype, and thento producingan eBook for sale on Amazon. Now I have made itavailable as avideo course, hereon Udemy.If you are in orapproaching retirement, and would love to learn to play piano, you may be wondering""Is it too late for me?"", ""Am Itoo old to learn?"", ""What if I've never played amusical instrument in my life, andnever had a singlemusic lesson?"".Well, Idesigned thiscoursespecificallyfor those with exactly that background. Itested it for over a year, on elderly students, in my home townTheynow derive deep satisfaction from exploringtheir new foundskills. They have gone on toamuse themselves and their families, toplay for church and community, tohelp their grandchildren learn to play,to dowhatever they chose to do with their new knowledge and ability. And they achieved those goalsinjust 4 lessonsof aboutan hour each.You willplay from day one. By the end of the course you will easilybe able toplay the songs you love, andto comfortablyread sheet music. And you will know how tofind and learnnew songs.I focuson the absolutecore essentialsof pleasurableplaying. There is no arty theory, no boring repetitive routines, no hours of scales. I made it ultra, ultra, simple. And it works brilliantly. Whatever your age, if you know nothing, youwill be able to playby the end of this course.Playing piano is veryeasy when you know how. And modern electric pianos are both compact and affordable. They take up very little space, are easy to moveand store, andnever need tuning. They sound like the real thing, yet can be played insilence while wearing headphones. They are the perfect solution to keeping mentally and spirituallyactive in later life.Contact meany time, during the courseor after it, and I'll gladlyguide you through whatever is holding you back.I didn't start learninguntil Iretired, so I know exactlywhere the sticking points are, andthe ways round them."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Motivation To Get Fit" |
"Do you ever wonder what those naturally fit people have that you don't? Well they don't need external people or things to motivate them to stay healthy. In this course I will help you increase your own internal motivation (even if you feel like it is beyond non existent) so that you can also become one of those naturally fit people!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CS6: A'dan Z'ye Uygulamalar zerinden renin" |
"Bu kurs Trke olarakhazrlanm ieriinde A'dan Z'ye tm teknik konular ieren ve birokuygulamaya sahip en geni kapsaml kurslardandr.Adobe Photoshop, gnmzn en ok tercih edilen profesyonelgrafik tasarmprogramlar ierisinde ilk sralarda yer almaktadr.Adobe firmas tarafndan hazrlanan, vektrel izim yapma imkan sunan, fotoraf maniplasyon ilemleri yapabilen, reklamlar ve grsel dzenlemeler yapmanza imkan salayan gelimi bir grafik tasarm programdr.Photoshop sayesinde gnmz reklamcl ve web tasarm sektr ok daha iyi bir noktaya geldi ve bu neden dolays ile artk sektrlerde ortaya kan almalar ok daha kaliteli oldu.Adobe Photoshop program sayesinde yapabileceiniz ilemlerin kesin bir snr sz konusu deildir. Grafiksel anlamda hayal edebileceiniz tm almalar yapmanza imkan tanyor. Genel olarak yapabilecekleriniz u ekilde sralanabilir;Logo TasarmWeb TasarmMaskot TasarmFotoraf Maniplasyonzel izimlerReklam HazrlamaAfi HazrlamaFotomontaj"
Price: 319.99 ![]() |
"CorelDRAW X6: En Temelden leri Dzeye Grafik Tasarm" |
"Bu kurs Trke olarakhazrlanm ieriinde A'dan Z'ye tm teorikkonular ieren ve birokuygulamaya sahip en geni kapsaml kurslardandr.CorelDRAW vektr tabanl bir grafik tasarm programdr. Genel olarak bask grafiinde kullanlr. zellikle masast yaynclkta, dijital bask, maatba, tekstil, tabela, d cephe kaplama gibi alanlarn tasarmn da en ok tercih edilen programlardan biridir.Vektr tabanlizimlerde znrlk sorunu olmadndan tasarm dnyasnda vektr izimler ok nemlidir. CorelDRAW mkemmel bir vektr izim programdr. Ancak vektr izim yapmak yetenek ister. CorelDRAW programnbilmek ve yetenekli olmak ise kalitelialmalar yapmanza yol aacaktr."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye ngilizce Eitim Seti" |
"Nereden balayacanz ya da nasl ilerleyeceinizi bilmiyor musunuz? zel derslere ya da kurslara zaman ve para harcayp, emek vermi olmanza ramen bir trl renemediniz mi? ngilizce renmi binlerce Video Eitim ailesine siz de katln! lk bir ay koulsuz iade hakk ile bu kez kaybedecek hibireyiniz yok! 39 saatlik bu kurs ile SIFIRDAN balayarak, ngilizce'nizi ileri seviyeye tayabilirsiniz. renmeniz gereken bilgiler, nasl pratik yapacanz, anlamadnz konular iin danabileceiniz donanml ve gler yzl eitmenlere kadar ihtiyacnz olan her ey ite burada. Peki neden kursa gitmek yerine bu eitim seti? ncelikle zaman kazanacaksnz. 39 saatten fazla video kurs demek, 3 kat yani 151,5 saat bir kursa gitmeniz demektir. Biliyorsunuz ki; 1 saatlik fiziksel kurs aldnzda dersin 45 dakikas snf ortamnda 15 dakikas mola olarak geirilir. stelik bu kalan 45 dk srenin sadece 20 dk olan ksm konu anlatm. Geri kalan sre ise, bakalarnn sorular, sizin not almanz ve tahtay okumanz ile geen sre. Bunlarn da dnda, sizin ya da eitmeninizin kendinizi iyi hissetmedii durumlarda dersin verimliliinin dmesi kanlmazdr. Udemy platformunda yaynladmz eitimde ise;Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz dersi tekrar tekrar izleme ansnz bulunuyor. Her konuda danabileceiniz uzman eitmenlerden destek alabiliyor olacaksnz.Ders srasnda dikkatinizin dalmamas iin zel teknikler kullanlmtr ve videolarn sreleri en ideal ekilde hazrlanmtr. Daha iyi renebilmeniz iin size baz tavsiyelerimiz var: Her gn dzenli olarak gnde 2 saat aln ve ltfen asla zinciri koparmayn. Her gn almanz nemli. Mutlaka bir nceki gn tekrar ederek balayn yeni bir konuyu renmeye. Yeni bir deftere balayn ve her rendiiniz yeni kelimeyi, deyimi not aln. Kursun son videolarnda size bir ka yardmc site ve teknikten bahsedilecek. Ltfen onlar mutlaka uygulayn. Konuma gelitirme iin, kursta bahsedilen sitelerden egzersiz arkadalar bulun.Birlikte geireceimiz 39 saatin sonunda derste belirtildii ekilde ilerleyip, uygulamalar zdnz takdirde ngilizce konuma ve anlamay renmi olmanz kanlmaz olacaktr. Sizden ricamz, tek bir dersi bile anlamadan gememeniz olacaktr. Defalarca bile olsa anlayana kadar tekrar etmekten kanmaynz. Takldnz hususlar ilgili dersin soru/cevap blmnden bizlere ulatrnz. Beklediiniz verimi alamadnz taktirde ilk bir ay iinde koulsuz iade hakknz bulunduunu da unutmaynz. Bu kez kaybedecek hibir eyiniz yok! Video Eitim ailesi olarak biz yannzdayz. 39 saatten oluan ingilizce kurumuzun 15 saatini Youtube kanalmzdan ve Udemyde nizleme format ile cretsiz izlenmeye aktr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Rhino: A'dan Z'ye Adm Adm Uygulamalar zerinden Eitim" |
"Bu eitim seti Rhino hakknda bilmeniz gereken temel bilgileri iermektedir. Herhangi bir baka yazlm bilmediiniz varsaylarak hazrlanmtr. Mimar ve mhendisler iin mutlaka renilmesi gereken bir yazlmdr!Rhinoceros(Rhino)NURBStabanl bir 3 boyutlu modelleme programdr.Robert McNeel ve Ortaklar (Robert McNeel & Associates)tarafndan gelitirilmitir.Bu yazlm genellikle endstriyel tasarm, mimari, tekne/gemi tasarm, mcevher tasarm, otomotiv tasarm, CAD/CAM, hzl prototip retimi, tersine mhendislik ve multimedya tasarmnda kullanlmaktadr.Rhino serbest yzey NURBS modellemesi zerinde uzmanlam bir programdr. McNeel tarafndan gelitirilen eklentileri Flamingo (Raytrace tarama/render), Penguin (gereksel olmayan tarama), Bongo (animasyon) ve Brazil (gelimi tarama). 100n zerinde nc-parti eklentileri mevcuttur. Birok modelleme uygulamas gibi, Rhinoda bir script diline ve gelitiricilere ak bir SDK (Yazlm Gelitirme Paketi) ne sahiptir.Rhinonun gittike artan poplerlii onun eitlilii, dk maliyeti ve 30un zerinde dosyay okuyup yazabilmesindedir. Bu sayede Rhino tasarm almalarnda bir eit dntrc grevi de stlenmektedir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max: Modelleme ve Animasyon Sanatn A'dan Z'ye renin" |
"Hibir yazlm bilmeden temelden ileri seviye 3dsMax renmek istiyorsanz, bu eitim seti tam size gre!Set ieriigncellenen AUTODESK mfredatna gre tamamen sfrdanekilmitir. Site ieriindeki serbest modelleme, grselletirme ve animasyon setlerinin temelidir.3D Studio Max3D Studio Max dnyada en ok kullanlan boyutlu grafik ve animasyon programdr. boyutlu programlar ile filmlerde ve reklamlarda grdnz birok grsel efekt yaplabilir. Bu alandaki dier programlardan en ok kullanlanlar Maya , LightWave, SoftImageXSI 'dir. Bu programlarn birok ortak yn ve birini dierine stn klan ince noktalar vardr. Fakat amalar ayndr ""hayallerinizi gerek dnyaya tamak..""Neden Max?3D Studio Max u anda dnyada en ok kullancs bulunan programdr. Dier programlara gre kullanm kolayl ve renmede bulunabilecek kaynak bilgiler asndan olduka doyurucudur.3D dnyasna ilk girdiinizde karnza kacak sorulardan biri de ""Hangi program kullanmalym?"" sorusu olacaktr. Kullanmak istediiniz program seecek olan sizsiniz. eitli zamanlarda bu programlarda birbirine stn olacak yenilikler yapmaktadr, fakat bir sonraki srmleri ktnda bu zellikler dier programlara da eklenmektedir. Programlarn zelliklerini renmeye baladnzda ok fazla ortak ynleri olduunu siz de greceksiniz. Birbirlerine olan stnlklerini anlamanz iin ise ileri seviye bir kullanc olmanz gerekmektedir. O seviyeye geldiinizde ise komutlar rendikten sonra dier programlar da kolayca kullanabilirsiniz.Bilgisayarnzn RAMkapasitesi 3ds Max kullanmnda ok nemli bir yer tutar. Daha sonraki nemli para ilemcidir eer ilemciniz hzl ise render hz artacaktr. Bunun yannda iyi bir ekran kart render hzn daha da arttracak ve max ekranlarndaki grntnn de daha kaliteli olmasn salayacaktr.3dsMax programnda tel ereve grnmndeki tasarmn klar, kaplamalar, yansmalar ve dier hesaplar yaplarak son grnmn elde edilmesine Render denir."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D: A'dan Z'ye Uygulamalar ile Modelleme" |
"Blender genel olarak 3D Modelleme ve Animasyon oluturma programdr ancakBlender ile yapabilecekleriniz saymakla bitmez:oyunlar, video montajlar, VFX, UV resim oluturma ve dzenleme, doku kaplama, VR, mimari grselletirme, sculpting, 3D printingvs. Yani boyutlu dijital dnyada oluturulan hemen hemen her eyi bu program ile yapabilmek mmkn!En byk avantajlar ise tamamen cretsiz ve ak kaynakl bir program olup, kaplad alan rakip programlarna gre olduka kktr. Ak kaynakl olmasnn en gzel yan ise herkes tarafndan srekli olarak gelitirilmekte olduudur. Bu eitim seti Blender renmek isteyenlere sfrdan, hibir ey bilmiyormu gibi Blender retmeyi amalanarak hazrlanmtr. Blendern 2.79. versiyonunun anlatld bu settekomutlar ve ksa yollar, 3D modellemenin mant, objeler stnden tasarm, k ve glgelendirme ayarlar gibi render iin hazrlk ve kalitesini arttrmaya ynelik incelikler stnde durulmutur. Bunlarn yan sra malzeme ve renk seimi, texturing (doku kaplama) ve rigging eitim seti kapsamndadr. Bu 10 saatlik eitim seti sadece anlatmdan ibaret deil ayn zamanda 2.5 saatten fazla uygulama olarak da mevcut. Kurs sonunda mkemmel tasarmlar ve bu oluturduunuz tasarmlar sahne iinde dzenleyip, yksek kalitede render alabilir tecrbeyi kazanm olacaksnz. Bu sayede 3D modelleme dnyasnn kaps size de alacak. Hadi imdi ilk cretsiz videomuzu izleyip, Blender renmeye balayalm!"
Price: 379.99 ![]() |
"6 Sigma: Operasyonel Mkemmellik Yaklam" |
"I. Dnya Sava sonunda istatistiksel kalite kontrol, rnekleme, spesifikasyon, tolerans, vb. terimler reticilerce kullanlmaya balad. O dnemde balayan tm bu aba ve almalarn bugn bizi getirdii nokta dk maliyetlerle ve yksek kalitede retim yapmak veya hizmet verme zorunludur. 6 sigma bunu salayabilecek alternatifsiz bir model ve mkemmellik felsefesidir.Operasyonlarda mkemmelliin salanmas iin iletmelerde srelerin tanmlanmas, llmesi, analiz edilmesi, iyiletirilmesi ve kontrol iin kolay ve etkili istatistik aralarnn kullanld yntemdir. lk olarak Motorola uygulamtr ve baarl olmutur. 6 sigma yaklamna gre retimdeki bir milyonda 3.4 olmaldr. Yani bir milyon rn retmiseniz ve toplamda 3.4 adet hatal rn varsa 6 Sigma'y baarl bir ekilde uygulam oluyorsunuz demektir.Sigma Yaklam;Mteri memnuniyetini artrmaevrim srelerini drmeHatalar azaltma ile ilgili konulara odaklanr.6 Sigmann faydalar:Hata oran azaltlr.rn maliyeti %10-25 aras daha az olur.retim maliyetleri %10-40 aras der.retim ve rn kalitesi artar.Mteri beklentileri daha iyi belirlenir.Pazar pay artrlr.Datm ve kalite performans artrlr.Daha gl ve salam tasarmlar yaplr.Tm srelerde kayplar en aza indirilir.Kompleks tasarmlar basit hale dntrlr."
Price: 319.99 ![]() |