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"Video Game Weapon Course : Modeling / Substance Painter 2" |
"Learning how to create weaponsfor games can be hard. There are many places where things can go wrong. Trying to follow multiple tutorials about modelingand texturingcan result inleavingout the most important details or, in the worst case,give you the wrong information. This can leave you feeling confused about how to model and texturegame weaponsand asking yourselfhow you could improvethe quality of your art work.What you want is agame industry professional to walk you through the process of creating a game ready weapon. You wouldhaveno questions about how to create thehighest quality results possible. Your art and knowledgewouldjump in quality, leaving youwith beautiful art for your portfolio or game.This course is designed to give you all the skills you need to create beautiful weapons forgames. You will be walked through each step of the creation process of creating a first personknife. All the steps have been recorded and narratedto give you the skills to not only build this knife but to buildany typeof 3d weaponat the highest quality. By the end of this course you will have the skills to create beautiful weapons and models for games.Now is the time to increase your art ability and really let your true skills come through. So sign up for the course now and have yourself wondering why you ever let yourself struggle at creating beautiful weaponsfor your artportfolio or video game."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender to Maya: A practical guide to transfer your skills" |
"It can be hard feeling completely lost when you already know the fundamentalsand the software is the only thing getting in your way. You may be pulling your hair out, because your speed and process have been thrown out the door. You may be knowing what you want to create but getting nowhere trying to accomplish it.Most tutorials for learning Maya are fundamentals videos that are long and drawn out, covering topics that you already understand.You're just looking for the information on how to transfer the skills you already have from working in Blender. You may be spending large amounts of time scanning through tons of beginner videos only to find the videos overlook the advanced techniques you use. Sometimes the techniques you use aren'teven available in Maya. This becomes irritating and wastes your time.This video series is designed to get you up to speed inside of Maya and have you wondering why it ever seemed so hard to transfer between software in the first place. All of the main tools and techniques that are usedin everyday video game art development (modeling, unwrapping, and baking) will be explained and cross referenced to what you would use inside of Blender. So if you're in need of getting up to speed inside of Maya for a new job position or are a studentlooking to improve yourresume to become more attractive to employers this video series is perfectfor you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quicklessons Piano Course - Learn to Play Piano by Ear!" |
"With over 8 hours of high-quality piano lessons, Quicklessons is one of the most exhaustive piano courses on Udemy. Perfect for beginner and intermediate students, this course is taught by award-winning composer/pianist Ozie Cargile. These tutorials will focus on the skills needed to write and improvise your own music. Each lesson is clear and concise, shown from an up-close point of view so that you can easily see everything the instructor is doing. With daily practice, youll learn all the scales and chords for every key, and the music theory behind them so that you can quickly put great melodies and harmonies together. Youll even learn to read charts while studying a variety of chord progressions from popular music genres including Rock, Pop, RnB, Hip Hop, Classical, Gospel and Jazz. This combined with ear-training sessions and tips for singer/songwriters makes Quicklessons the best online course for learning how to play like a pro in no time. Sign-up today and learn to play!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java et les bases de donnes avec JDBC, Hibernate et JPA" |
"La trs grande majorit des applications va devoir conserver les donnes manipules sur le long terme, on utilise pour ce faire des systmes de gestion de bases de donnes. Il en existe de diffrents types mais celui dont on va parler dans ce cours et le plus rpandu sont les bases de donnes relationnelles comme par exemple MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server ou PostgreSQL.Java rpond depuis longtemps ce besoin via une API nommes JDBC que l'on peut traduire par Java Database Connectivity. C'est une API de Java Edition Standard, vous y avez accs avec un JDK / JRE.Mais JDBC s'avre assez vite assez fastidieux utiliser et depuis prs de 20 ans on utilise galement des librairies plus avances que l'on appelle framework ORM (Object Relational Mapping) et dont le meilleur exemple est sans conteste Hibernate de RedHat.Hibernate est un framework ORM parmi d'autres, chacun ayant ses spcificits, mais la plupart sont compatibles avec une norme qui permet l'interchangeabilit des framework ORM nomme JPA (Java Persistence API) et qui fait partie intgrante de Java EE / Jakarta EE.Dans ce cours nous allons introduire les technologies JDBC, Hibernate et JPA mais ce n'est pas tout. Nous allons galement voir comment adapter l'architecture d'une application Java de bureau ou une application Web pour tenir compte de ces technologies.Nous verrons la notion de couche logicielle avec la couche dite ""Repository"", le problme de la gestion transactionnelle et ses consquences sur le modle Objet avec le Lazy loading et les Data Transfer Object (DTO).Comme toujours ce cours fera la part belle aux travaux pratiques avec un atelier fil rouge, des quizz et des exercices complmentaires."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Autenticao com o Firebase utilizando a Unity" |
"A maioria dos apps e/ou jogos precisam reconhecer a identidade do usurio. Essa informao permite que um jogo salve os dados do usurio na nuvem com segurana e fornea a mesma experincia personalizada em todos os dispositivos do usurio.O Firebase Authentication fornece servios de back-end, SDKs fceis de usar e bibliotecas de interface de usurio prontas para autenticar o usurio do seu jogo. Ele oferece suporte autenticao por meio de emails com senhas e muito mais.H algum tempo eu tenho visto que muitos desenvolvedores tem a dificuldade na integrao de um banco de dados on-line em jogos produzidos com a Unity, muitos vdeos explicando muito pouco e de maneiras diferentes e parece no haver um nico lugar onde voc possa obter tudo o que precisa para configurar seu projeto na Unity de autenticao com o Firebase, at agora!!!Com este curso, vamos criar um projeto na Unity de autenticao com o Firebase para usurios que vo utilizar um e-mail e senha de registro, vamos conhecer a primeira forma entre outras de se autenticar com o provedor atravs do seu e-mail pessoal e muito mais.Tudo isso de maneira fcil e muito legal para aprender, e com a garantia da devoluo do seu dinheiro caso no tenha gostado do curso, ou que no tenha aprendido."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Brand new SAP ABAP for Beginners - Learn new ABAP syntax" |
"Updated January, 2019 Learn new ABAP syntax - you will have a real competitive advantageABAP 7.40 has a lot of new ABAP language constructs which help you to improve your code writing and to keep it compact and clear. In this course I will give you examples of ""classic"" ABAP and its 7.40 correspondent. If you ask yourself why you should learn new ABAP syntax, you are going in the right way, because if you want to improve yourself, you have to ask yourself the right questions and to find the right answers. So, first of all you need to learn new ABAP syntax because any ABAP code will be written in this way in the future and secondly with the new ABAP syntax you can make a lot of things easier and your code will be much readble and finaly you will have a real competitive advantage and you will make a difference in your work team. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to learn the new ABAP syntax!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Experto en Tablas Dinmicas" |
"Gratis: con la compra de este entrenamiento de Tablas dinmicas te llevas otro entrenamiento en Excel de ms de 6 hs. El entrenamiento ms completo y paso a paso para dejar de abrumarse con complejas y rutinarias tareas. No solo sabrs hacer fcil lo difcil, sino que ganars, confianza en ti mismo y aumentars tu productividad y valor en tu organizacin.Reduce el tiempo que dedicas a tareas complejas y montonas. El entrenamiento que marcar un antes y un despus en tu carrera y tus habilidades. Descubre en tan solo 10 das o menos el proceso completo de cmo pasar de ser tan solo un simple trabajador a dominar tareas complejas que te harn ver cmo un profesional en tu organizacin."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Experto en Tableros de Control de Gestin en Excel" |
"Descubre como Dominar de forma definitiva la creacin de Cuadros de Mando, Reportes y los Tableros de Comando en Excel. El objetivo de este curso es ensearte cmo aprovechar la funcionalidad de Excel para crear y administrar Cuadros de Mando. Al terminar este curso, podrs analizar grandes cantidades de datos e informar esos resultados de manera efectiva."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Animaes para jogos 2D utilizando o DragonBones" |
"O DragonBones uma ferramenta de animao que se concentra especificamente na animao 2D para jogos. O DragonBones uma tima ferramenta para criar suas animaes em 2D para os seus jogos com muita qualidade!Neste curso voc aprender a trabalhar com os formatos corretos de arquivos para suas animaes, tambm vamos ensinar a criar animaes, para o seu personagem:Vamos aprender tambm a criar efeitos de animaes com logomarcas, escritas para os seus jogos.Conhecer bem o programa e sua utilidade;Importar arquivos PSD (photoshop);Exportar imagens para a UnityCriar sistemas sseos (Bones);Criar IK Constraints;Animaes de Interfaces de Jogos;Muitas outras animaes sero colocadas em nosso curso, como atualizao deste curso;Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta ""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.No perca mais tempo e vamos desenvolver nossas animaes em 2D usando o DragonBones!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking na Escola" |
"A escola, nos moldes como a conhecemos hoje, foi organizada para sanar a necessidade de mo de obra das fbricas. Assim, decorar procedimentos para repeti-los com velocidade era a maior necessidade. Hoje, muitas profisses esto surgindo que j no requerem a simples repetio, visto que a tecnologia vem modificando constantemente o modo de produo de produtos e de informao, mas buscam por pessoas criativas, inovadoras e capazes de adaptar rapidamente s mudanas. A escola, assim, precisa tambm inovar seu modo de trabalho e atingir os prximos nveis dos processos cognitivos.Todo professor um designer se considerarmos que seu trabalho criar novas experincias didticas a partir dos conhecimentos que ele possui dos seus alunos. Porm, h professores que magicamente criam experincias didticas que so significativas, a tal ponto que transformam seus alunos de simples observadores para cientistas, engenheiros, mdicos, advogados e tudo mais o que eles sonham tornar-se. O design thinking um mtodo sistemtico de resoluo de problemas comumente utilizado na rea de negcios, design de produtos e marketing, mas que pode ser utilizado em qualquer rea que busca desenvolver inspirao e inovao. Na educao, seu principal objetivo encontrar uma experincia personalizada para os alunos e potencializar o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades para que seus sonhos tornem-se realidade.Atravs de tutoriais em vdeo, exerccios e leituras, vamos abordar passo-a-passo as etapas do design thinking para a sala de aula."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Practical Guide to Google Analytics Mastery" |
"Google Analytics FundamentalsGoogle Analytics reporting can be quite confusing unless you understand fundamentals about how google analytics tracking works, how google analytics account is set up. This is exactly what this course is all about, this course will help you understand key concepts of Google Analytics which will make you a power user who can not only report the numbers but derive actionable insights from the reports.This course covers important concepts on every aspect of Google Analytics- Google Analytics Account Structure- Google Analytics Data Collection- Google Analytics Code Instrumentation- Google Analytics Key Concepts- Google Analytics Reporting InterfaceBeyond this This course will also provide you with Google Analytics productivity tools which will transform you to Google Analytics Power User"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"De PSD a HTML5" |
"En este curso aprenderás a maquetar un sitio web en HTML5 a partir de una plantilla basica en photoshop. Podrás descargar la plantilla PSD para que puedas seguir sin problema la clase, en tan solo 5 vídeos aprenderás a maquetar este sitio de manera fácil y sencilla. El curso se compone primero estudiando y estructurando la plantilla psd de tal manera que primero veremos como esta compuesta la plantilla, luego crearemos secciones sobre como se va a maquetar y exportaremos las imágenes de la plantilla, una vez hecho todo este proceso pasaremos manos en el código. Te recomiendo completamente este curso si quieres iniciarte en esto del desarrollo web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollador Web Profesional" |
"¿Quieres convertirte en un Front-End Profesional? ¿Te gustaria aprender las nuevas tecnologías que se están utilizando en el desarrollo web? Entonces este curso es para ti.... En este curso no solo aprenderas las bases del desarrollo web, si no que seras todo un profesional para que puedas aplicar estos conocimientos en empresas y porque no, para tu propio emprendimiento en el mundo web."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo web para NO programadores" |
"¿Buscas desarrollarte en el mundo web como todo un profesional? No eres el único... Si has tomado algún curso de diseño Web anteriormente, o has buscado información sobre el tema en Internet, sabes lo que es esto: toneladas de información fragmentada, dispersa, o sencillamente inútil, y al final no sabes que hacer con esa información, ni por dónde empezar ni cómo integrar todos los programas necesarios para lograr tu objetivo: diseñar y poner a funcionar un website visualmente atractivo y funcional DESDE CERO. En tan solo 4 módulos aprende el proceso de adaptación para dispositivos móviles, como crear animaciones de una forma bien sencilla y a la vez avanzada, crea de forma muy visual, muy sencilla y muy profesional a desarrollar sitios complejos para la web. Estamos totalmente convencidos que este curso es para ti y te ayudara a crear sitios web o si no tu dinero de vuelva ¡GARANTIZADO! así que no tienes nada que perder y si MUCHO que ganar, INSCRIBETE HOY y nos vemos del otro lado."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Superb jQuery Course - Become Certified jQuery Developer" |
"What will you gain about this course?This jQuery course is more actual coding than theory.The only jQuery course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes. Welcome to Superb jQuery Course - Complete jQuery Course From Beginner to ProThis is the best course to fulfill your dream to become jQuery Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skills faster. jQuery is a powerful programming language it can be use in Web development.With this course you can be beginner to professional in just4 weeks.What will you get in this course?Download and SetupSyntaxEventsHide and ShowSlide and FadeanimatePrepend and apendCSSClassesForm EventText ValidationjQuery UIjQuery Ajax with PHP and MYSQLjQuery PluginsGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain Superb jQuery Course - Complete jQuery Course From Beginner to Pro.Thank YouPaul Carlo"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the Gantt Chart like a pro!" |
"The objective of this training course is to enable beginners and intermediate project developers to create and update a Gantt chart or diagram in real time to manage a complex project and share real-time progress of tasks and subtasks. More and more European Programs ask when a project is filed that a Gantt chart is part of the supporting documents. It will prove the correct planning of the tasks over the duration of the project.Used terminology:Gantt chartMental map, mind mapWork breakdown structure (WBS), project breakdown structureOrganization, planningResources included in the course:21 videos including presentations, commented slideshows or screencastsLinks to wikipedia, ""mindmup"", ""Freeplane"" and ""Gantt Project"" softwareImages of mental mapsCourse Structure:The course is divided into four main parts:Understand the Gantt chart: history, softwareConstruct the diagram: the staircase method, the mental map, the logical networkInstall and use the ""Gantt Project"" softwareWhy take this course?The Gantt chart, although simple to understand, can be difficult to implement in a complex project if it is not properly and exhaustively ""thought"" upstream.In this simple and easy to learn course, you will learn step by step how to ""decomplex"" and demystify this diagram to transform it into a real project management tool!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advance SketchUp Course: Animation with Dynamic Components" |
"This course is for those students /professionals who already have the working knowledge of sketchup. Those who can create modes in sketchup and looking for advance course to animate their models in sketchup. Course is taught using SketchUp 2016 version but you can apply the learning even on the latest version also.We will be starting our course by learning how to move and rotate objects. We will make simple dynamic furniture and learn how to slide or open doors of a drawer. Then we will focus on windows and doors. How to animate Windows and doors? How to close and open doors and window? How to scale them in such a way that they do not get distort? Materials and Pricing pay an important in interior designing so we will focus on these two also. How to change material of a component by just clicking on it? How to show price to a customer? How to flash a message on screen? We will even learn how to change material and show different price (dynamic pricing) and in end we will learn simple behavior and formulas such as Hidden and Randbetween. If you are joining this course then we assume that you have the working knowledge but still we will be teaching components as well as brief you about the sketchup interface. To make full use of this course, it is requested that you first learn the basics of sketchup."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate 2019 Deep Learning & Machine Learning Bootcamp" |
"This course was designed to bring anyone up to speed on Machine Learning & Deep Learning in the shortest time. This particular field in computer engineering has gained an exponential growth in interest worldwide following major progress in this field. The course starts with building on foundation concepts relating to Neural Networks. Then the course goes over Tensorflow libraries and Python language to get the students ready to build practical projects.The course will go through four types of neural networks:1. The simple feedforward 2. Convolutional3. Recurrent 4. Generative Adversarial You will build a practical Tensorflow project for each of the above Neural Networks. You will be shown exactly how to write the codes for the models, train and evaluate them.Here is a list of projects the students will implement:1. Build a Simple Feedforward Network for MNIST dataset, a dataset of handwritten digits2. Build a Convolutional Network to classify Fashion items, from the Fashion MNIST dataset3. Build a Recurrent Network to generate a text similar to Shakespeare text4. Build a Generative Adversarial Network to generate images similar to MNIST dataset"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Control & Protection Systems" |
"Electricalcontrol & protection systems are a critical part of the distribution & transmission systems that feed power to our cities & industries.The aim of this course is to introduce all of the basic principles associated with these complexsystems.The course will go into detail for the following key topics :-Introduce all of the key symbols, equipment's and architecture of a substation protection systemShow the basic principles behind electrical protection philosophyLook at three phase currents and see how they can be broken down into sequence components and harmonics.Providethe basic principles behind current transformers, how they operate and need to be connectedShow how voltage transformers operate and introduce the key typesGo into detail on what happens when a fault occurs on the systemLook into circuit breaker control and protection systems and how they interact with the protection systems.The main protection relay we will look at on this course is over protection. We go into detail on the basic and more advanced versions and show how this relay can be put to good use to provide great fault discriminationLook at the different types of earth fault relays and see how they can be used to protect some key equipmentsBy theend of the course the studentwill be able to identify all of the key components of a protection & control system and understand how all of these components fit together to create a fully integrated system."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Control & Protection Systems part 2" |
"The aim of this course is to introduce all of the basic principles associated with these complex systems. The course will go into detail for the following key topics :-Show how a substation DC systems operated and how the battery is sizedLook at the key elements of a circuit breaker protection schemeIntroduce the principles behind circuit breaker failure protection and show what action needs to be taken.See how circuit breakers can be re-closed after a fault and outline the systems involvedIntroduce the principles behind synchronising, show what parameters need to be checked and how the systems operate.Go into detail on the main features of transformers, including vector groups, tapchangers, cooling systems, controls / alarms & protection systemsIntroduce the basic principles and systems associated with SCADA systemsBy the end of the course the student will be able to identify all of the key components of a protection & control system shown above and understand how all of these components fit together to create a fully integrated system."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Air Insulated Electrical Substation Design" |
"Air insulatedsubstations are the most common type of substation that you will find on theelectrical network, due to their cost effectiveness and simplicity.This course willgive you an appreciation of how to design this type of substationand introduce you to all of the equipment's that you will find in a typicalair insulated substation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hive to ADVANCE Hive (Real time usage) :Hadoop querying tool" |
"Apache Hive is a data processing tool on Hadoop. It is a querying tool for HDFS and the syntax of it's queries is almost similar to our old SQL. Hive is an open source-software that lets programmers analyze large data sets on Hadoop.Benefits of this course:""Basic Hive is not sufficient if you want to work on Real-time projects.Make yourself prepared to work on Real time Big data and Hive projects by learning Advance Hive from this course. Enroll into this course and get end to end knowledge of Basic + ADVANCE Hive + Interview asked Use cases. This course is very rare of its kind and includes even very thin details of Hive which are not available anywhere online.In this course you will get to understand a step by step learning of very Basic Hive to Advance Hive (which is actually used in Real-time projects) like:Variables in Hive Table properties of HiveCustom Input FormatterMap and Bucketed JoinsAdvance functions in HiveCompression techniques in Hive Configuration settings of HiveWorking with Multiple tables in HiveLoading Unstructured data in HiveAnd many more......This course is a full package explaining even rarely used commands and concepts in Hive. After completing this course you won't find any topic left in Hive. This course is made keeping in mind the Real Implementation of Hive in Live Projects.Apart from this I have included 1 more section which is Use cases asked in Interviews. Usually students can answer the direct questions asked by Interviewers but got stuck on Use cases . For that I have explained the frequently asked Use cases with their proper practical working in Hive. Additionally ,You can download the Step Step Installation Guide (pdf) to Install Hadoop and Apache Hive"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C PROGRAMMING made easy" |
"==========================C PROGRAMMING made easy==========================This course is designed for students / professionals who are relatively to new (or) beginners to programming.This course is designed to give hands-on programming knowledge in various concepts of C-Language.Below concepts are covered with illustrated code samples. All code samples can be reviewed and practiced.==========TOPICS==========Software Installation GuidanceHello World program in CData TypesOperatorsControl Structures Loops - for, while, do while, nested loopJump Statements - break, continue, gotoArrays - Sample programsFunctionsRecursionPointers - IntroductionCall by Value Call by referenceStructures and UnionsWorking with FilesWorking with String and Math functionsAlso, Additional appendix provide to learn numerous C-ProgramsFeel free to write to me to include any additional topics related to this course which will benefit student community. I will consider including the same in this course.Once again, Thank you for enrolling for this course. Hope you will enjoy the course as much as I enjoyed creating the course.Regards,Meganadha Reddy K12 Years of experience working for companies like Accenture, Deloitte, Cognizant, Capgemini etc.,"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How to install a free VoIP telephone PBX system with 3CX v16" |
"This course is designed to give you a free, cloud-hosted and privately controlled telephone system in around 30 minutes using 3CX v16 / Elastix. The course is easy to understand and we provide suggestions, tools and tips along the way.In the course we will teach you:How to get a free telephone system licenseWhere to access free cloud hosting for your telephone systemHow to configure your cloud environment and telephone systemTesting and next stepsWe provide the tools and links throughout the entire course. The course can be consumed in a single session, or broken up into separate sessions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GNS3 network emulator - Instalacin y configuracin" |
"Este curso esta diseado para ensearte a instalar y a configurar el emulador de redes GNS3, para que puedas simular tus practicas sean estas para prepararte para un examen de cisco, o para poner a prueba alguna configuracin antes de implementarla dentro de tu empresa.Al finalizar el curso conocers las herramientas necesarias para poder crear una topologa de manera correcta conGNS3."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Week of Chinese - Sensible Chinese" |
"Getting started in Chinese is tough. But it doesn't have to be.Lots of people consider Chinese one of the world's hardest languages... I'm here to show you why this is wrong.The real difficulty is that the first week of Chinese is difficult!Don't fail before you start!If your first week in Chinese is hard you will likely give up before you've really started. Please don't fall into this common trap.Chinese is front-loaded.Day 1 introduces a foreign pronunciation system, the tones and the Chinese characters. Trying to tackle them all at the same time, without guidance, is a recipe for disaster.Chinese is ""too hard""!You've heard this one before. Everyone knows at least one nay-sayer who tried to learn Chinese and failed.To protect their pride these people will claim that Chinese is ""too hard!"". If no-one can learn Chinese then their pride is protected!The truth is that these people used the wrong methods. Their methods were inappropriate and they failed as a result. Claiming Chinese is ""too hard"" is just a way to save face.In a week's time don't be the person saying ""Chinese is too hard"". I want you to be the person saying ""Chinese is just another foreign language. No problem!""With the right early foundation in Chinese it's possible to push through the first ""tricky"" week of Chinese and come out on the other side wondering what all the fuss is about.I wish I had known how to learn Chinese when I started!I struggled with my first week of Chinese. Just getting to the first ""hello"" takes time!I managed to get through due to sheer stubbornness and a lot of luck.But I saw a lot of people give up and decide that Chinese is ""too hard""!Hi, I'm Kyle!I have a confessionThe first time I tried to learn Chinese was adisaster.I, like so many others, failed to get over the initial difficulty hump of Chinese.After a couple of weeks of ineffective flailing about and rote memorization I quit.To save my pride I would tell people that ""Chinese is just too hard"" and suggest that no non-Chinese is able to learn Chinese.Nonsense.I was lying to myself so I didn't feel stupid.But I didn't need to do this. The problem wasn't Chinese. The problem wasn't me.The problem was the method I was using to learn.In Beijing making dumplings for Chinese New YearI lied to myself to save my pride- telling others that Chinese is too hard is one thing. It helps you save face. But tellingyourselfthat Chinese is too hard is inexcusable - it is a self-limiting belief that limitsyou.Cracking ChineseThankfully I came back to Chinese and I conquered it. I realized that Chinese is not impossible for a foreigner to learn. Chinese is just like any other foreign language - there are easy bits and there are hard bits. And even the hard bits can be worked through with the right method.s.I went on to set up a couple of companies operating in China and set up aChinese language learning blog. Since then I've helped thousands of people crack Chinese.Talk about over-compensating for an early failure! If I were to start from Week 1...The key to successfully learning Chinese lies in nailing down the fundamentals early in your study.There are a number of key skills and methods that, if understood and implemented immediately, can make the pathway to Chinese much smoother and more enjoyable.Start speakingwith native Chinese speakers immediately - from Day 1! With today's(free) technologythere's no excuse not to.Don't stress the tonesbut instead focus on replicating native pronunciation andgetting feedbackASAP.Understandhowthe Chinese characters workbefore trying tobrute force memorizethousands of them.Common Week 1 MistakesDon'tdo these:Waiting to Speak.Most learners think they need to wait until their Chinese is a certain level before trying to speak to a Chinese native speaker. Some people wait months or even a year before trying to speak to a stranger! When this conversation is a mess (as any first conversationshouldbe!) they lose confidence and give up. Instead we need to immediatelypractice the skill we want to acquireHiding behind the textbook.Textbooks and courses are safe, cosy places where we can't make mistakes. Even when we do make mistakes there's no-one to see our mistakes. Beginner's therefore tend to hide behind their textbooks,focusing on studying the language and not using it.But using a foreign language is a skill not a subject ; we've got to start making mistakes, getting feedback and learning from these mistakes if we want to progress rapidly.Spending too much time with the Characters.Characters are often what draw us to the Chinese language in the first place. But it's very easy to become too engrossed in learning the characters too soon. Instead it's important tobuild a foundation of communicative spoken Chinese first.After that there is plenty of time to get lost in the characters - don't you worry!Focusing on Handwriting.Learning to hand-write characters from Day 1 is a mistake.It takes up a huge amount of time and the payoff is very limited.This time can be better spent learning how to type in Chinese (which is SUPER easy) and using the written language to communicate with native Chinese speakers.Rote memorizing characters.Brute-forcerote memorization from vocabulary lists in textbooks is the most old-fashioned, wastefully inefficient way to learn vocabulary.It is this sort of activity that puts kids off languages in school. There are now better ways to learn vocabulary and Chinese characters that are faster, more efficient and not mind-numbingly repetitive. Horray!How to set yourself up for success in Chinese from Week 1By simply focusing on a small number of incredibly vital skills we can make our first week in Chinese a breeze.The key here isfocus.Focusing on what is important means cutting out a lot of the nonsense that Week 1 learners normally participate in.We'll employ the80/20 rulehere (also known as Pareto's Law) -80% of the results come from 20% of the effort.By focusing on the most effective 20% we can achieve 80% of the result.Less work, Greater resultsThe common textbook and classroom approach to Chinese throws too much material at you in Week 1 and expects you to juggle it all.As a beginner you don't know what is important and what isn't important so you have no choice but to learn it all!Instead we can be sensible about how we approach the language.Instead we can focus on what is important for us,right nowand discard the rest.By doing so we can both reduce our Week 1 workload and achieve better results. It's this sort of sensible approach to Chinese that we need to help us get over the first week difficulty hump!The key to success is not doing more. It's doing more of what works.What is the key to knowing what works?Here it is:WEEK 1 IN CHINESEFrom years of thinking and writing about the best ways to learn Chinese I've distilled the perfect first week in Chinese. For the first time it is available as a step-by-step, day-by-day video courseto give you the perfect foundation for your future study of Chinese.Start Strong:this is the only course of its kind - a course designed specifically to give you a strong foundation in the Chinese language during the critical early period.Step by Step:the course is broken up into short videos and exercises to be worked through each day. This isn't just theory but also actionable tasks to carry out during your first week.Skill focused:every textbook or course can give you the material to say ""hello"" in Chinese. Instead we give you the material you need and show youhowto actually learn and use it immediately. We'll focus on theskillof using Chinese rather than just knowledge of Chinese.What Learners Are SayingBest possible start.""""I've been working through the course...and am so relieved that I found the course. Having a guide for the first week has been invaluable....I would highly recommend this course to anyone else starting to learn Chinese.""Michael K.USASimple, to the point...not too much.""""Thank you for the work you've put into the really shows... My wife and I have been watching together...we were surprised to be speaking Chinese this week. I never thought I'd end the week being able to talk to people in Chinese.""John V.USAExcellent foundation.""""I tried to learn Chinese in university...but to no avail. I agree that the textbook/teacher method is old fashioned... I like your novel approach, much more practical. Communication should be the goal but this is often forgotten.""Rose A.UKReady to start strong?"
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"Manage Project Cost" |
" In guiding a project, particularly one in the building and construction industry, an intricate knowledge of Project Cost Management is critical in determining the projects outcome. In reality, people practice many of the concepts involved in Project Cost Management however our course will allow students to fully utilise and benefit from such a detailed understanding of Project Management Diploma theory. Duration of Study The pace at which each student studies is different. The nominal hours for this course are 20 hours, however, this can vary greatly depending on your previous experience and study techniques. Student support is available by asking a question online or visiting our website.We offer our support as a Registered Training Organisation.As a RTO, Exner Education is responsible for delivering quality training and assessment.Exner Educations Project Cost Management course serves to provide an understanding of the theory and practice of project management in the building and construction industry. If you would like to be assessed for this unit of competency, please visit our website for more information. Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate of attainment. We recommend that students purchase a copy of ""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"", Sixth Edition (PMBOK Guide) 2013 Please note that ""PMBOK"" is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manage Project Procurement" |
" In guiding a project, particularly one in the building and construction industry, an intricate knowledge of Project Procurement Management is critical in determining the projects outcome. In reality, people practice many of the concepts involved in Project Procurement Management however our course will allow students to fully utilise and benefit from such a detailed understanding of Project Management Diploma theory. Duration of Study The pace at which each student studies is different. The nominal hours for this course are 20 hours, however, this can vary greatly depending on your previous experience and study techniques. Student support is available by asking a question online or visiting our website.We offer our support as a Registered Training Organisation.As a RTO, Exner Education is responsible for delivering quality training and assessment.Project Procurement Management is not a new concept for teaching, Exner Education, drawing on their 25 years of experience in the construction industry have tailored this course to address many of the challenges facing Construction Projects and their Project Managers today. Typically, these projects have the greatest risks associated with them and as such are far more susceptible to deliver outcomes where large financial losses are experienced or the project be delivered late or to a lower quality than expected. Exner Educations Project Procurement Management course serves to provide an understanding of the theory and practice of project management in the building and construction industry. If you would like to be assessed for this unit of competency, please visit our website for more information. Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate of attainment. We recommend that students purchase a copy of ""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"", Sixth Edition (PMBOK Guide) 2013 Please note that ""PMBOK"" is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manage Project Scope" |
" In guiding a project, particularly one in the building and construction industry, an intricate knowledge of Project Scope Management is critical in determining the projects outcome. In reality, people practice many of the concepts involved in Project Scope Management however our course will allow students to fully utilize and benefit from such a detailed understanding of Project Management Diploma theory. Duration of Study The pace at which each student studies is different. The nominal hours for this course are 20 hours, however, this can vary greatly depending on your previous experience and study techniques. Student support is available by asking a question online or visiting our website.We offer our support as a Registered Training Organisation.As a RTO, Exner Education is responsible for delivering quality training and assessment.Project Scope Management is not a new concept for teaching, Exner Education, drawing on their 25 years of experience in the construction industry have tailored this course to address many of the challenges facing Construction Projects and their Project Managers today. Typically, these projects have the greatest risks associated with them and as such are far more susceptible to deliver outcomes where large financial losses are experienced or the project be delivered late or to a lower quality than expected. Exner Educations Project Scope Management course serves to provide an understanding of the theory and practice of project management in the building and construction industry. If you would like to be assessed for this unit of competency, please visit our website for more information. Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate of attainment. We recommend that students purchase a copy of ""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"", Sixth Edition (PMBOK Guide) 2013 Please note that ""PMBOK"" is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |