Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Prepare Homemade Italian Lasagna in 5 Versions" |
"Learn from a real Italian instructor how to make the original Lasagna at home! I have a motto that at the end of the course will become your own Stay Hungry and Mangia Lasagna!From today on youll be able to make fresh pasta from scratch and amazing Lasagna in different versions to surprise and pamper your family and friends.Ill share with you my Nonna and Mammas secrets and tricks and open a world of opportunities to experiment with incredible Lasagna variations great for all occasions and seasons.Youll learn:- how to make fresh lasagna pasta sheets at home following my nonnas secrets and learning how to knead and roll by hand or with a machine,- how to make fresh pasta also in green with spinach to use for different versions of Lasagna,- how to prepare Traditional Lasagna with Bolognese and Bechamel Sauce,- how to prepare Pizza Lasagna with Mozzarella and a dense Tomato Sauce,- how to prepare Vegetarian Lasagna with Vegetarian Bolognese and Tomato&Ricotta Sauce,- how to prepare a light and sophisticated Pesto-Shrimp-Mozzarella Lasagna with fresh Basil Pesto made at home following my mammas cookbook,- how to prepare Pumpkin Lasagna and its gluten free bonus variation.With my step-by-step instructions you wont need fancy machines at home (but if you have them, you can use them all right!) because Ill teach you also how to knead and roll by hand. Believe me: its much easier and much more fun than you think and also a great exercise.Moreover, you'll find downloadable resources with the ingredients I use for each version of Lasagna.Its time to fill your fridge and freezer with Lasagna pans and also to experiment your own Lasagna.Welcome to the Lasagna Makers Club: Stay Hungry and Mangia Lasagna!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Sexual Harassment Training for Managers" |
"Why should you attend?Training all managers to spot, prevent and deal with workplace situations is nothing less than essential. Instead of allowing inappropriate conduct to lower employee morale and productivity, organizations should foster a positive and respectful work environment that will help all employees thrive.Who should attend? This training is essential for all managers in an organization.Learning objectives What managers need to know about sexual harassment in the workplace Sexual harassment explained Dealing with sexual harassment as a manager History of sexual harassment in the workplace through case studies Sexual harassment laws in the states of New York and DelawareEducational Approach This training takes a modern approach to sexual harassment training Classes are illustrated with practical questions and examples Classes include examples and real case discussionsPrerequisites A desire to make your organization better equipped to deal with sexual harassment in the workplaceTable Of contentsWhat Managers Need to Know What are your responsibilities as an Employer? Take charge to address sexual harassment Understand Sexual Harassment Liabilities as an employerSexual Harassment Explained Harassment explained Other types of workplace harassment What is sexual harassment? Who can be the target / perpetrator of sexual harassment Where can workplace sexual harassment occur? What should I do if I am harassed?Processes for reporting sexual harassment Taking an active bystander approach Mandatory ReportingDealing with Sexual Harassment as a ManagerThe Supervisor's ResponsibilityHow to Handle Sexual Harassment ClaimsConducting Sexual Harassment InvestigationsQuestions to ask when Conducting InvestigationsIdentifying Abuse by Authority FiguresTake Reasonable Steps to Protect Workers from VictimisationEnsure Complainant ConfidentialityHaving Conversations with the AccusedWorking with the Reluctant VictimRetaliationSexual Harassment Case StudiesCase Study 1: Not Taking No for an AnswerCase Study 2: The Boss with a Bad AttitudeCase Study 3: No Job for a Woman?Case Study 4: Too Close for ComfortCase Study 5: A Distasteful TradeCase Study 6: An Issue about AppearancesUS State Sexual Harassment LawsNew York State LawsDelaware State Laws"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to design a logo on illustrator - for beginners" |
"No experience in graphic design or illustrator but you want to learn what goes behind designing a logo? No problem!This course is for absolutely anyone who wants to get started with logo design.Iknow the detailed courses or tutorials on Logo Design out there can be overwhelming sometimes for beginners. This course is short and very easy to understand, while also being fully equipped to get you started in designing a professional quality logo in no time!WHOSHOULDTAKETHISCOURSE?Complete beginners to graphic design or logo design. No experience is required to gain the benefits from this course. You could be someone working at an office, a freelancer, a housewife, a high-school/college student etc. if you have a hunger to learn, Iwill guide you through this course and you'll be designing awesome logos in no time.The student only requires a working copy of Illustrator CC (preferably the latest version).WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?I am a professional graphic designer with over 5 years of experience, with experience as an In-house graphics designer for two of the largest MNCs in the world, including Uber and Reckitt Benkiser. Allot of my design involved around developing motion graphics, corporate brand identities and print design. I have built this course for anyone from any background to easily understand the process and elements required to design a professional Logo easily in the shortest amount of time. If you are a serious learner, within just a few minutes, you'll be designing professional quality Logos after taking this course.My previous courses ""Business Card design on Photoshop"" and ""Poster design in Photoshop - ABasic Guide for beginners"" attracted over 14,000+students who are reaping the benefits everyday! Read about their experiences below - WHATSTUDENTSARESAYINGABOUTMYPREVIOUSCOURSES:""It's awesome and interactive. I've learned a lot "" - Benjamin-Whyss Olumide ""What I liked about your course was some of the links that you shared. I like watching your process of making it all come together. I picked up on some tips and tricks that seemed useful. I liked your use of simple objects to make a well presentable business card."" - Maggie A SUMMARYThe course is for complete beginners. The student requires no prior experience with any sort of software. Anyone with a few minutes can learn the skill through this course. From the skill learnt from this course, students can easily design Logos, use for themselves or sell them on various online marketplaces to earn money right away.Also, there are tons of FREEBIESas you go along the course. Students will receive various resources to help them out through out the lectures. The final lecture will have design assets for students to experimentwith."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Animation on After Effects" |
"Do you want to learn about animation and how it works? or Are you a YouTube/content creator who wants to enhance their content with animated lower thirds or other projects? and the whole idea of learning animation seems daunting?For anyone coming into animation, initially the interfaces and software can get overwhelming with hundreds of features and tools and options. That is why Ihave designed this course for complete beginners, to introduce them to one of the most powerful tools in the world of motion graphics, which is Adobe After Effects CC. Iwill slowly but surely get you familiar and friendly with the functions of After Effects, and not only that, you will be skilled enough to follow through with a project with me. WHOSHOULDTAKETHISCOURSE?This course is designed for complete beginners. If you have never seen After Effects CC, this course is for you. But if you are someone with a little knowledge and want to enhance your skills with the tool, this is perfect for you as well. The project in this course will help absolutely anyone to expand their skill set.WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?I am a professional graphic designer with over 5 years of experience, with experience as an In-house graphics designer for two of the largest MNCs in the world, including Uber. Allot of my design involved around motion graphics, print design, developing corporate brand identity. I have built this course for anyone from any background to easily understand the process and elements required to get familiar with animation easily in the shortest amount of time. If you are a serious learner, within just a few minutes to spare, you'll be designing animated elements in no time.My previous course on Business Card design on Photoshop attracted over 14,000+students who are reaping the benefits everyday! Read about their experiences below - WHATSTUDENTSARESAYINGABOUTMYPREVIOUSCOURSE ONBUSINESSCARDDESIGN:""It's awesome and interactive. I've learned a lot "" - Benjamin-Whyss Olumide ""What I liked about your course was some of the links that you shared. I like watching your process of making it all come together. I picked up on some tips and tricks that seemed useful. I liked your use of simple objects to make a well presentable business card."" - Maggie A SUMMARYThis course is the perfect first step for beginners into the world of animation. If you are even slightly interested in animation, Ihighly recommend you to enroll in this course and learn the skill. It will help you become a better content creator, social media manager and video editor. You will be confident in presenting your ideas in video formats and you will reap the benefits by standing out every time.Thank you for checking the course out!Iwill see you inside!SYED"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Meditation For Beginners to Advance -Silence to Stillness" |
"How would YOUR LIFE look like if you have mastermeditationwhich gives sustained level of peace higher concentration in your daily to day life and able to give undivided attention to that moment,I strongly believe this course can give the answers to many of your questions and give you clarity that will help you enter a deeper state in meditation and enhance your meditation journey. Do you want to meditate, but dont quite know how? Are you confused about different types of meditation? Do you struggle to start meditate because of nonstop chitchat of the mind? Do you know how to prepare for meditation? Do you want systematic techniques to enhance and deepen your meditation?How much you can get done? and super focusWhat would it look like if you have more inner joy, how its gone enhance your relationship people around you office and relationships with your childrenWhat if you have higher awareness to see things in different prospective to handle things smoothly without getting stressed out.What would it look like if you have that mental energy to change the habits you want to remove and to replace with good ones. What would be looks like if youre more creative with you doyouwant peace of mind and active body, We want clarity and focus, we want enthusiasm all want whole new level of courage in our life, we want to feel vibrant, powerful and happy, We know meditation is one of the best tool which can help that and I am sure your on journey to figure out how to reach the deeper level of the mind through meditation by using the right techniques and tool to quite the chitchatting monkey mind in order to improve the quality of meditation so it can have awesome impact on all areas in our life . The challenge is most people either dont know how to handle the mental chitchatting during meditation or they never really know how to meditate properly with right understanding and techniques the way the monks and yogis do, they never learned how to become efficient in their practice because most of them are confuse and switching to one or the other meditation, doesnt know which is good for them. So we try few times and we stop. I know you are in a struggle to figure out otherwise you never have been checking this course.Some are lookingkind of a magic pile to have say can feel better every single day, Everyone says they want to experience deeper level meditation experience but they dont do any perpetration to reduce and gradually stopping the noise inside the work, every one says they want simple system which they can use in there day to day ,But everyone knows those thing dont excises and I knew it I want to have something differentI dont want a pile, I want a system I want a structure which I can declare the mind and pre prepare the mind and to practice meditation with right techniques and tools which works for common people like me not only for monks and spiritual gurus, I want something that I can follow and implement and it works and proven to work, I want some to show me the correct road map, I want to know how the mind body and breath connection , I want to know how to deal with my minds nonstop chit chatting ,I want to know the clear picture and clarity on the topic of meditation instead of confusion between different type of meditation do I do this, how do I get consistency to do that etc..I want to learn all of that in one thing. I know it doesnt I have to travel and study all this from various great yogis and spiritual masters and distilled the knowledge and practice. I personally earned lots of personal gained in life on my carrier, family life, social life more than that I got control over my inner world by expanding my awareness through using meditation to touch my deeper levels this by learning the each of those area, before I out to gather and offer to the people. I want something no one created before, I want to something which work for me and people who face same challenges and struggles in meditation, to help them and simplify the process.So simplified whatever I gathered and experienced past a decade I got finally created created this course.Finally shows you the tools and techniques and how to access deeper level of meditation, So that you can create and impact accomplish thing in all areas in your life and you feel deep sense of peace and satisfaction on your daily practice way and you will experience the control over your own emotions and thoughts and reactions to create a life the way you want it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word para Abogados (versin MAC)" |
"Te daremos las tcnicas para usar word como abogado utilizando casos prcticos, adems te explicaremos lo bsico de la redaccin profesional del abogado.Podrs dar formato a los documentos de consulta constante, como leyes, para que accedas a las partes que te interesan en el momento.Aprenders a ser ms eficiente y a escribir con mayor velocidad y exactitud, pues aprenders las tcnicas de los mejores atajos y funciones de auto correccin y autoformato.Te llevaremos de la mano explicndote exactamente cmo debes utilizar las funciones del word. Tambin te ensearemos las reglas bsicas de la redaccin jurdica profesional, lo cual resulta importante para que tus escritos sean ms claros, ms concisos y sobre todo los hagas ms rpido."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Teach Online: Language Teaching Methods" |
"This course presents methods, techniques and principles in online language teaching. In this course, I present the methods and their use in the context of distance teaching of English language, especially the online form. This course encompasses previous definitions of distance teaching, its stages of development, as well as explained theories of online and offline education. I endeavor to discuss traditional methods, which can be successfully applied to online English language education, which rapidly grows and keeps up pace with technological developments, and is organized and exists globally through numerous platforms. By presenting these methods of teaching, I try to make things easier for future teachers in their choice of the most suitable one. Furthermore, I encompass advantages and limitations of methods in our analysis of online teaching. Practical implications of this course is application of online teaching, in syllabus and planning of individual teaching units, whether it is a preparatory class, or any other institutional program dedicated to the language teaching."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Presonus Studio One Beginners Guide" |
"The PreSonus Studio One Beginners Guide was designed for someone that is brand new to using this amazing DAW. Whether you have never used a digital audio work-station before or if you are coming from a different DAW, this guide will help you get up and running very quickly. I take you step by step from the very first time you open the software, through all of the most common tools and features. By the end of this course, you will be very comfortable setting up a session and getting started with making music in Presonus Studio One. Be sure to see my other Studio One training courses. Thank you for trusting me with your training needs.David Vignola"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Million Value Copy Writing" |
"Starting a copy writing business can be scary: You're probably wondering,""Where will I find clients?"" ""How can I ensure I don't charge too little?""""How much is too much to charge?""You and I both know: running any kind of business can be intimidating.There are gurus everywhere, selling courses designed to do only one thing: separate you from your money.But you've got to ask yourself:Do they actually know their stuff?Have their ideas been market tested?Can they actually help you scale beyond freelance status into a larger operation like an agency?Who else have they helped?This is the ONLY course designed to help you not only become a better writer of sales copy, but also to learn the tactics, principles, & strategies to scale beyond freelance and grow into a full-fledged agency, with employees."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
2020Elementor |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Conviertete en el Mejor resolviendo Series" |
"ste cursoincluye explicaciones claras de cada tema en video y en texto(diapositivas) as como tambin una gran cantidad de ejercicios que te ayudarn a poner en prctica lo aprendido; porsupuesto que cada ejercicio cuenta con su respectiva resolucin.Para una mejor comprensin e organizado ste curso en 4 secciones, las cuales son:Series Numricas:La cual contiene nmeros enteros, nmeros decimales y nmeros fraccionarios.Series Literales:Se encuentra conformada por letras del alfabeto espaol.Series Grficas:Contiene varios conjuntos de imagenes, en su mayoria se encuentra conformada por figuras geomtricas.Ejercicios Propuestos:En sta seccin se encuentran una serie de ejercicios (con su resolucin y con diferete complejidad) de todos los temas expuestos en el curso: Series Numricas, Series Literales y Series Grficas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inteligencia financiera; el verdadero secreto en tus manos" |
"En el curso de inteligencia financiera aprenders que el vender tu tiempo no te llevara a tener la libertad financiera anhelada, conocers diferentes fuentes de ingresosresiduales,cambiaras aquellos paradigmas que te impiden ser libre y aprenders la diferencia entre deuda buena y deuda mala, siguiendo todos los conocimientos que aprenders podrs llegas a tener esa libertad y ser artificede tu propio destino"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Property Flip or Hold - Real Estate Investing Calc Analysis" |
"This course focuses on the most important aspects of Real Estate Investment, calculations. Yes, Deal Analysis. Numbers do not lie and when trying to make an educated decision at what price a property is worth purchasing and should I Flip or Hold, Real Estate Investingprofit evaluation is a must.By the end of this course you will be able to calculate your Maximum Purchase Price, Profit at closing when you purchase, Equity, Cash on Cash Return, Calculate scaling profit on your Flip up to 12 months. Calculate Hold and Rent Cashflow up to 30 years. Compare Flip or Hold to how many years it might take to match Profits.Students will have free lifetimeaccess to Property Flip or Hold analysis tools, plain and simple it will do all of the Real Estatecalculations for you. Save multiple Portfolio's and Properties.UsesReal EstateInvestors for personal use or others.Flip Property.Rent Property.Agents for their investors.MainAnalysisValue AnalysisCalculate Maximum Purchase Price based on Profit needed, Soft Cost and Repairs.Flip Analysis for the first 12 months.Rent Analysis up to 30 years.Rent Analysis shows cumulative Cashflow summary comparing to Flip's Profit.Calculate Mortgage Payment.Cash on Cash Return.Print individual property Flip or Hold details.Save report to PDF and email.Real Estate Investing.Property EvaluationResearch sold homes in the property area to evaluate ARV.Calculate approximate Repair Cost.Evaluate Monthly Holding Cost.Lookup PropertyTaxes.Estimate Property Insurance.Consider evaluation as Cash Offer, Flip and Hold Mortgage.Real Estate InvestingNo Complex CalculationsNo Long Drawn-out AnalysisAnalyze Flip or Hold Scenarios from one screen."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Wilderness Survival and Awareness - Special Promo Price!" |
"This course teaches essential survival skills, what you need to know to make it out alive in a survivalscenario. If you're new to wilderness survival, this is the course for you.Emergency situations happen all the time and this course will teach you ways to handle them, such as securing drinking water ortreatinginjuries.This course will prepare you for a variety of survivalsituations and give you the know-how on what to do. You will learn: how to build a fire (and use as a signal fire), finding and purifying water,how to properly dress to stay warm in coldenvironments, making shelter, surviving animal attacks,how to trap and fish for food and even how to survive a natural disaster.Lectures are a variety ofslides, pictures, and video demonstrations. Also this course will be updated periodicallywith new material for all students.You will learn what to do in the event you are stuck in aemergency situation. These skills can also be applied to many areas of life such as on your next family camping trip. This course will prepare you for the unknown and surviving through it!LASTUPDATED: April 2017"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to travel cheap and Free! What you need to know" |
"This course will cover a variety of topics and give you the tools and tips from travel pros. We will cover thesteps to take preparing oneto travel on a budget. Usingflexible dates to your advantage. How to use travel reward points (Credit Cards, etc.). How to find work that allows you to travel or live abroad.Ways to be not be an average ticket holder, utilizing travel discounts and benefits. A variety of lodging options that include short or long-term stay that cost less or nothing. Practices to remain safe and not be a victim of theft. Find the local hot spots and not pay ridiculous tour guide fees. Key tips to know on your next tripand much more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Backpacking for Beginners" |
"--------- JUST UPDATED NOVEMBER 2018 ---------Welcome! This course is designed for thosefairlynew to backpacking and those looking to get into it. Learn the things you need to know from experienced backpackers without having to learn them the hard way through trial and error.By the end of this course, the manyquestions you haveabout backpacking will be answered and you will feel prepared and well equippedfor your next adventureThis course will teach you the essentials you need to know for backpacking. Find out what gear you need and why. Discoverhow backpacking will benefit you in many areas of life. Learn how best to setup your campsite and ways to keep wildlife away. Know what physical and mental demands are required and how you can build these traits in yourself. This course will also teach how to build (or purchase) a survival kit and various uses for them. Hear backpackingtips from the pros to use on your future hikes.And how to find the right trails for your next trips!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Survival Guide - Learn the keys to survive anything" |
"The need to eduction yourself on survival skills is especially important in today's society. You never know when an accident, act of terror, disaster, etc. will strike and it's important you are ready for it and know how to respond.This course is designed to educate you on what you need to know for a variety of survival scenarios, which include:- Terror Attacks- Natural Disaster- Government Collapse- End Of the WorldApocalypse- Survival Kits and Emergency Preparation- Using a map, compass and your surrounding to navigate- Buliding Fire- Animal Attacks- And much moreAfter completing this courseyou will beconfident and prepared for whatever comes your way. Enjoy!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Emergency Preparedness - Be prepared for the worst" |
"ThisEmergency Preparedness course will help you be prepared and readyforthe next time you are faced with a emergency/survival scenario. You will learn about various types of preparedness and howto address a variety of emergency situations.Some of the key areas covered in this course are:- Why you need to prepare ahead of time- Emergency/Survival Items for your home, car, outside, boating, flying and more- How to make your own 72 hourBug-Out bag- How to make your own Survival Kit- Personal/home emergency survival shelters- Best items to stockpile for emergencies- Surviving a economica/government shutdown- Surviving the ApocalypseBy preparing for the worst you can drastically increases your chances of survival if ever caught in a emergency situation.Upon completion of this course you will:- Understand the need to be prepared for an emergency- Able to know what and how to prepare for a variety of emergency scenarios- Know what to do to survive a economic/government collapse or terrorist attack- How to make your own personal survive shelter and what to stock it with- And how to make your own Bug-out bag and survival kit"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Snowshoeing for Beginners" |
"Have you ever wondered about going snowshoeing but don't know anyone who goes and where you should start? This course is for you then. Learn key skills and knowledge to prepare yourself for many snowshoeing adventures to come.In this course you will learn:What snowshoeing is all aboutWhat gear you need to bringHow to select your own snowshoesBuilding a fire in the snowAvalanche SafetySnow sheltersAnd more!These skills are taught by Jeremy White, an avid outdoor enthusiast, mountaineerand snowshoer. He has also trained with Search and Rescue and the Sherrif's Dept on avalanche safety and rescue. You are in good hands with him.If you enjoying being outdoors and what to see it from a different point of view, take the leap and start snowshoeing. You will discover it is exhilarating with beautiful scenery."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Active Living - Loose weight, live longer, improve mentally" |
"This coursewillteach the importance of being active, especially in today's society. There are many benefits of living an active lifestyle, we will cover the following in this course:- The need for activity today- Live life while you have it - the story of an adventurer to sudden heart failure and life on a mechanical heart- How to be active in your everyday life- The many benefits of being active- Weight loss and weight control- Improvedmental sharpness- Spiritual benefits- Finding the right activity for you- How to find activities in your area- How to find otheractive people in your areaCome join for the journey of how to live an active life to a better you"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Urban Survival - How to prepare and make it out alive" |
"This course is about learning to surviveand make it out of a urban survival situation. Many threats faces us today, from natural disasters, terrorist attacks, economic collapse, war, etc. During times like these, society has little tono order, only chaos. The skills taught in this course will help you to survival in a urban survival scenario until help arrives and/or aid youif you need to get out to town to stayalive.Topics covered in this class:What is Urban Survival?Why Prepared for an Emergency?Three Key perspective of Urban SurvivalSurvival Items for your Home and VehicleHow to build a 72 hour bug-out survival bagDeciding when to stay or leave your residence based on your situationSurvival a Government/Economic CollapseSurviving a TerroristAttackKey resources to scavenge for andutilizeHome Survival SheltersSituational Awareness in Urban SurvivalUrban Survival Like HacksAnd MoreUpon completion of this course you will have the know-how and confidenceto survivea urban survival situation. Also checkout another course 'Wilderness Survival and Awareness' for more detailed survival info.Have fun on the course!Jeremy"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of MQL5" |
"This course is aimed at making students very familiar with the most important aspects of the MQL5 programming language, it walks towards giving the student a strong foundation in the language, then it progresses through the more advanced concepts andultimately allows the studentsto easily learn more on their own making them able to automate any MetaTrader 5 trading strategy they can think of.The course takes the student from the beginner levels by showing them basic MQL5 concepts and later progressesthrough themore advanced features of the language like Objects Creation and manipulation, String operations, writing HTTP Web Requests and Advanced DLL calls."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of cAlgo" |
"cAlgo is the programming language used for development on the cTrader platform. cAlgo lets you buildtrading cBotsandcustom technical indicatorsusing C#. With adirect accessenvironment, cAlgo gives you:Fast execution ideal for algorithmic tradingAdvanced backtestingIntegration with cTraderDedicated community with forums and downloadable cBots and indicatorsThis course will cover all fundamental aspects of coding cBots and Indicators and we will also go through some advanced concepts provided by the cTrader environment."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Technische Analyse fr Trading Anfnger" |
"Dieser Kurs sind die einfhrenden Bestandteile unser Online Kurse. Die Grundvoraussetzungen fr eine jede Strategie ist das Verstndnis der Markttechnik. Dabei ist es erschreckend, wie viele Anfnger die Wichtigkeit bersehen und direkt mit Strategien starten, um spter doch wieder von vorne anfangen zu mssen. Unser Ziel ist die Ganzheitlichkeit. Dies ist auch der Grund, weshalb wir jeden unserer Kurse mit exakt diesen Inhalten starten. Solltest Du Interesse an weitere Inhalte haben, so schaue einfach auf unserer Internetseite vorbei, welche Du in unserenProfilen findest.Wir wnschen Dir viel Spa!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Take Charge Of Your ADHD" |
"In this course I will coach you through a process that willhelp you to function and feel better.We will focus on four main areas:Increasingyour ability to get things doneImprovingyour self-confidence and mood while reducing your anxiety.Accomplishing a goal that's important to you.Discoveringand maximizing your strengthsI look forward to working with you.Robert provides themissing link in ADHD treatment . With his support clients are able to makechanges that can greatly improve their quality of life. Dr. Gayle Klein, Psychiatrist, Farmington, CTI am so grateful for our work together. Youenabled me to embrace the way my brain works and the tools you gave me havebeen invaluable. I now can identify when my ADHD is pulling me into scattereddirections, and I know the exact steps I need to take in those moments to bringit all back into control. I use my planning and meditation techniques daily andthe positive impact they have had on my life and my family relationships isawesome. I lookforward to working together again in the future!AmyStoddart, Chef& Owner,Say-She-Ate CookingStudioRobert brings animportant new approach that is highly effective in improving clientsexecutive functioning as well as their enjoyment of life.He helps shepherd hisclients through a process aimed at maximizing their strengths and shoring upareas of relative challenge and weakness. Dr. Mayer Hoffer. Psychiatrist, ADHD SpecialistADHD meds and trying ideas from so many ADHD books were not changing my life enough. Luckily, my ADHD psychiatrist recommended Robert to me, and just three months later Robert has provided me with the tools and coaching support to dramatically increase my confidence, self-esteem, and productivity not to mention growing my small business. He has helped me follow-through on creating new ways and changing old ways, of living a more effective and fulfilling life.For the first time in my life, I feel Im running at my ADHD, not from it, maximizing the parts that a huge advantage, and mitigating or eliminating the parts that were keeping me from feeling and being successful. Mike Crum, Principal, Crum Group""Ive worked with numerous healthcare practitioners, therapists, and coaches to try to overcome my ADHD, but none were able to help me successfully. However, several months ago, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Robert. With his guidance and support, Ive finally been able to take control of my ADHD. Im able to function and remain productive without the aid of medication, which is the greatest gift anyone could have given me. I appreciate Robert deeply, and I feel that I owe him a great debt for helping me when no one else could Marc R. New York, NYRoberts skill and expertise enabled himto evaluate my needs and connect me to tools and actions that helped me notonly rediscover my dreams, but to start to believe I could achieve them.His guidance and support continuesto help me build faith and trust in my strengths and abilities, enabling me totake the necessary steps to make my dreams a reality Shelly Logan, OCT, NZCT, London, Ontario"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"UI/UX design with Adobe XD: Design & Prototype a Mobile App" |
"Adobe XD is a brand new design and prototyping tool made by Adobe, totally dedicated to UI/UX designers. In this course, I will teach you the basics of this new software and will show you step by step how you can design a beautiful and modern iOS mobile app. In the first part of the course, you will see how the interface works, all the main tools and features, and the most common shortcuts which will dramatically increase your productivity. Then well jump right into design and well start creating a dating-inspired mobile app, made of 7 great looking screens: home, login, signup, browse, sidebar menu, inbox, settings. Not only that, I'll teach you how you can give life to your design and create a working prototype directly within Adobe XD, without the need of any third party software. The source .xdfile of the app we designed will be included, along with the other resources I used. This course has a learn-by-doing approach. There wont be much theory, its all about teaching you how to design a real world mobile product and showing you the full potential of Adobe XD. By the end of the course, you will have a very clear picture of how Adobe XD works, and you will be able to apply the design techniques, productivity tips and all the skills you have learned in your future design projects."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mobile App Marketing Masterclass" |
"This course is the most comprehensive guide to mobile app marketing. If you own or manage an app - whether it be your own startup business, as an agency managing it on behalf of a brand, or as a brand owner - this course will help you scale your app business from zero users, to a million users! Ill be sharing with you 16 proven, highly-effective app marketing strategies - all market-tested to work with some of the biggest brands in the world. Based on my more than 14 years experience in mobile marketing, this course will help you learn the techniques of many of the biggest retail, consumer goods, startups, and mobile commerce apps around the world. Ive helped scale the apps of clients such as McDonalds, Krispy Kreme, DBS Bank, and many others, to millions of users and millions of dollars in app revenues. These strategies absolutely work - theyre market tested and proven, and can fit the budget of any brand or startup. If youre not completely happy with what you learn after taking this course, we have a money-back guarantee in place that will ensure that your course investment is protected."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android - Make a Professional Dictionary App from Scratch" |
"The Best Way to Learn App Development is Through Making One.And that is exactly what we are going to do in this course.This course is Completely Project Based.From creating a project in Android Studio to the Complete Application. All in a little over 1 hour.A REAL LifeProfessional and Play Store Ready App.AProfessional and Modern APPLICATION not just something for learning withasloppy User Interface.In this course, you will learn how to build aProfessionalEnglishDictionary App.Do you have the basics of android app development down and want to take the next step?Are you an Android developerwho wants to upgrade your Android skill?Or you want to build a beautiful App?This is THE COURSE for you.With only a few hours of content,this course will CHANGE your Android skill.Dont wait and enroll today. I hope to see you in my course!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"* Grow your sales now * Sales Rockstar plan" |
"The Sales Rockstar plan is a course aimed at Entrepreneurs, Business owners and Salespeople. If you don't have much experience in sales, or if you need to start, build or enhance your sales team, this course if for you!Each lesson shares a sales principle with a related template or tool to use in your own business environment. This can be applied right away into areas where you feel that you need improvements. The aim is for you to not only acquire knowledge, but to apply these practical principles for increased conversion rates. Sections include attracting the right talent, creating a healthy sales environment and the art of selling using the principles taught through the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SEO 2020: Best Beginner SEO Training for WordPress + Bonuses" |
"This course, SEO 2020: Best Beginner SEO Training for WordPress is about: Out ranking your COMPETITION, getting more free TRAFFIC and driving SALES! By learning a step by step FORMULA used by Search Engine Optimization professionals! This SEO Formula is explained in the following ways:Exploring the PRINCIPLEs that govern each stage of the formula What STRATEGIES, METHODS and TACTICS deliver the best RESULTSLive DEMONSTRATION of how to implement TACTICS Real-life examples to SHOW when to use TACTICS Syeda Ali says, The sound quality is very good. Video illustrations are spot on. The research is very thorough. You engage the audience right from the start. Overall, very very impressive___________________________________________________________________________________________________This SEO Training 2020 course is based on EXTENSIVE RESEARCH from the analysis of: Over 2 million unique URLs Hundreds of thousands of on-page factors Over 20,000 search queries Billions of backlinks and social signals The collective experience of over 150 individual SEO professionals*The most well-researched course on WordPress SEO by quite a distance___________________________________________________________________________________________________The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google. Unknown SourceThis course is designed for Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Employees, Bloggers, Youtubers and Online Marketers who are NOT trying to hide a dead body but rather looking to rank #1 on Search Engines and get found by EVERYONE! BR Ole Kruse says, Very well structured course with good and easy to understand information about the SEO universe. Even though I have quite a lot of experience with SEO, I still feel a lot wiser after completing this course.___________________________________________________________________________________________________This is the most ENGAGING and ENTERTAINING SEO training ever made! Each section, lecture, and resource is designed to evolve the students into SEO-Ninjas who can create, adapt and thrive in any situation. insider information tutorials real-world examples project-based learningWhats more!Brand NEW SEO course for 2021BONUS Videos, Templates, and ResourcesAccess to TONS of FREE tools and WordPress plug-insNO additional or hidden costs6.5 Hours of Full HD Videos + Updates30 Day money back guarantee - No questions askedAlso learn: Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, & WordPress Fun Fact: This course was initially created for my friend who started a coaching service and needed my help to attract FREE / QUALIFIED traffic for his website___________________________________________________________________________________________________Heres What You'll Learn!Build an in-depth understanding of SEO Principles, Strategies, and Tactics to Rank Higher in any Search Engine, for any industry, at any time. Grow your business with SEO! Get Started with SEO BasicsPerform a SEO Audit for Your Website Using a FREE toolTrack SEO Performance with Google Webmaster, Google Analytics and Bing WebmasterIncrease Site Speed Using Plug-ins and Other Proven TacticsDiscover 5 Unique Keyword Research Methods to Get More Targeted Traffic (+BONUS)Learn to Craft the Top 1% of the Best SEO Content Created Online Become Search Engine Friendly & Get Indexed FasterEarn Relevant, Authoritative, Local & Quick Backlinks with 15 Unique Tactics (+BONUS) Avoid Making 3 Common SEO Mistakes & Protect Against Negative SEO Build Profitable Relationships Online With a Three-Step-SystemUse Social Media to Rank Higher in Search EnginesAnd Much More ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Marketing isn't just Billboards and TV ads anymore. Nowadays, the internet is a primary source for gathering information, so search engine optimization has to be part of your marketing strategy in order for you to stay relevant.I designed this SEO Training for WordPress to help you stay relevant with value-added information, actionable steps, and easy to follow tutorials that will guide to the solid results which will exceed your expectation! If you are ready to take your Ranking, Traffic, and Website to a new level, go ahead and click the ""Take this course"" button on the top-right corner to enroll now.Note: All lectures will be kept updated and more free tools will be added at no extra cost to you. Last updated in May 2020. SEO Is Not A Cost But An InvestmentSEO Works 24/7, 365 Days a Year to Drive Sales SEO has a 2-3X Better ROI than Paid AdsSEO may Account for 64% of all Website VisitsSEO Builds Brand Awareness, Equity, and Credibility Your Competitors Are Investing in SEO___________________________________________________________________________________________________Scroll up and hit the TAKE THIS COURSE button right now.About Ali (your SEO instructor)Ali is a search engine optimization professional with over 5 years of experience. Currently, Ali is the Director of Marketing at Crowdlinker, a digital agency based out of Toronto, Canada. In the last 5 years, Ali has worked with top startups, gave presentations at conferences and universities, and ranked for countless competitive terms. Some of Alis biggest wins include working with two of Canadas largest insurance providers, exponentially increasing organic search traffic and leads for his clients, and teaching SEO to over 6000 students across 100 countries.Alis teaching style is engaging and entertaining. In his courses, he only covers the important elements to move students towards their desired outcomes. A course by Ali is packed with in-depth research, real-world examples, and live demonstrations. Ali also pushes his students towards taking action through-out his SEO training.If you are ready to learn from an expert SEO professional about search engine optimization tips and tactics, join the course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO Training: Learn Link Building Basic + 15 Unique Tactics" |
"This course, SEO Training: Learn Link Building Basic - 15 Unique Tactics is about: Outranking your COMPETITION, getting more free TRAFFIC and driving SALES! By learning 15 Unique Link Building methods used by Search Engine Optimization professionals! These methods are explained in the following way:EXPLORING the What Backlink or Back Links ARE and WHY they are Important What STRATEGIES, METHODS and TACTICS deliver the best RESULTSLive DEMONSTRATION of how to implement TACTICS Real-life examples to SHOW when to use TACTICS _______________________________________________________________________________________________This course is designed for SEO Specialist, Link Building Specialist, Content Marketers, Social Media Managers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Employees, Bloggers, Youtubers, Online Marketers... _______________________________________________________________________________________________This is the most ENGAGING and ENTERTAINING SEO Backlink Building course ever made! Each section, lecture, and resource is designed to evolve the students into SEO Link Building Specialist who can create, adapt and thrive in any situation. insider information tutorials real-world examples project-based learning Whats more!Brand NEW SEO Link Building course for 2018BONUS Videos, Templates, and ResourcesAccess to TONS of FREE toolsNO additional or hidden costsFull HD Videos + Updates30 Day money back guarantee - No questions asked Fun Fact: This course was initially created for my friend who started a coaching service and needed my help to attract FREE / QUALIFIED traffic for his website_______________________________________________________________________________________________Heres What You'll Learn!Build an in-depth understanding of SEO Link Building Principles, Strategies, and Tactics to Rank Higher in any Search Engine, for any industry, at any time. Grow your business with SEO! Get Started with SEO Link Building BasicsLearn What Link Building Is and It Is ImportantDiscover 4 Factors That Contribute to Backlink Quality Conduct a Backlink Analysis Look at Over 15 Unique Link Building Tactics Implement Relevant, Authoritative, Local and Quick Link Building Avoid Making 3 Common SEO Mistakes & Protect Against Negative SEO Build Profitable Relationships Online With a Three-Step-SystemAnd Much More _______________________________________________________________________________________________Marketing isn't just Billboards and TV ads anymore. Nowadays, the internet is a primary source for gathering information, so search engine optimization has to be part of your marketing strategy in order for you to stay relevant.I designed this course to help you stay relevant with value-added information, actionable steps, and easy to follow tutorials that will guide to the solid results which will exceed your expectation! If you are ready to take your Ranking, Traffic, and Website to a new level, go ahead and click the ""Take this course"" button on the top-right corner to enroll now.Note: All lectures will be kept updated and more free tools will be added at no extra cost to you SEO Is Not A Cost But An InvestmentSEO Works 24/7, 365 Days a Year to Drive Sales SEO has a 2-3X Better ROI than Paid AdsSEO may Account for 64% of all Website VisitsSEO Builds Brand Awareness, Equity, and Credibility Your Competitors Are Investing in SEO_______________________________________________________________________________________________Scroll up and hit the TAKE THIS COURSE button right now.About Ali (your SEO instructor)Ali is a search engine optimization professional with over 5 years of experience. Currently, Ali is the Director of Marketing at Crowdlinker, a digital agency based out of Toronto, Canada. In the last 5 years, Ali has worked with top startups, gave presentations at conferences and universities, and ranked for countless competitive terms. Some of Alis biggest wins include working with two of Canadas largest insurance providers, exponentially increasing organic search traffic and leads for his clients, and teaching SEO to over 6000 students across 100 countries.Alis teaching style is engaging and entertaining. In his courses, he only covers the important elements to move students towards their desired outcomes. A course by Ali is packed with in-depth research, real-world examples, and live demonstrations. Ali also pushes his students towards taking action through-out his SEO training.If you are ready to learn from an expert SEO professional about search engine optimization tips and tactics, join the course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |