Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"PWA - Aplicaciones Web Progresivas: De cero a experto" |
"Aplicaciones Web Progresivas - PWALas PWAs son el siguiente paso en las aplicaciones web tradicionales, nos permiten poder utilizar nuestra aplicacin web inclusive si no tenemos conexin con el servidor e inclusive nos permite recibir notificaciones push.Este curso se enfoca en extender las caractersticas de una aplicacin web y convertirla en una PWA integrando funcionalidades que nos permitan usarla sin conexin, instalarla en el home screen, usar base de datos offline y mucho ms.Los temas principales que cubriremos en el curso son:Aplicacin web sin conexin a internetDiferentes estrategias para el manejo del cachIndexedDBPouchDBService WorkersApp ManifestSplash ScreensPush NotificationPush Server propioFetch APIInterceptar peticionesDespliegues en dispositivosSincronizacin sin conexinRecursos nativos como la cmara y localizacinShare APIY msUna aplicacin web progresiva bien elaborada, no se puede diferenciar de una aplicacin nativa, y aqu aprenderemos a profundidad muchos temas para que podamos aprovechar al mximo lo que el navegador web del cliente nos ofrece, y progresivamente mejorar la experiencia de usuario conforme nuevas funcionalidades sean liberadas.Lo mejor de todo, es que no es necesario volver a crear nuestra aplicacin web o pgina web, con la ayuda del ServiceWorker nos permite integrar todo lo mencionado anteriormente para que nuestros usuarios disfruten de una aplicacin web eficiente y veloz.El curso est enfocado en aprender no slo los fundamentos, sino tambin convertir aplicaciones hechas en PWAs que ser la tarea ms comn, le integraremos paso a paso funcionalidades que nos permitan decidir qu caractersticas queremos incluir en nuestras aplicaciones web empresariales o personales.Sintete libre de revisar las clases gratuitas y el temario que se encuentran en el curso para tener una mejor idea de los objetivos del mismo"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Angular: Aplicaciones en tiempo real con sockets y rest" |
"Angular: Aplicaciones en tiempo real con sockets y restEste curso tiene varios objetivos en concreto, que van desde aprender a crear tu propio servidor REST, integrarle la comunicacin de sockets y la creacin de varias aplicaciones en Angular para el consumo de dichos servicios REST y establecer la comunicacin en tiempo real con sockets.Aqu una lista de temas que tocamos en el curso:Socket ioNodeExpressRESTCORSApi de google maps nativaTips interesantes en AngularGrficas en tiempo realInteraccin de mapas en tiempo realComunicacin 1 a 1 y 1 a muchos mediante socketsEmisin de eventos de sockets desde servicios RESTObtener informacin de sockets desde servicios RESTAcciones personalizadas de sockets dede servicios RESTTypingsTypeScriptY msTodo el curso est escrito en TypeScript, desde el front hasta en backend. Al finalizar el curso podrs aplicar este conocimiento para crear tus propias aplicaciones que muestren informacin en tiempo real y notificar a tus usuarios cuando hay nueva informacin que les interese o necesiten recibir retroalimentacin del servidor sin que el cliente lo solicite explcitamente.Es importante que sepas que el curso no es para personas que deseen aprender Angular, presta atencin en los requisitos del mismo, porque en el curso me enfoco en la creacin del servidor de sockets, consumo de los mismos en Angular y el uso de servicios rest para emitir eventos que notifican a los clientes conectados por sockets.El curso te ensear tips de Angular, Google Maps, TypeScript, Node, Express y ms pero recuerda que no te ensear Angular.Puedes revisar los videos gratuitos y el currculo del curso para tener una mejor idea de lo que contiene."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mind Power - Change Your Thought Process To Change Your Life" |
"**Course Updated - Oct 2018**To have a breakthrough in YOUR happiness andemotional well being... All you have to Do is CHANGEYOURBELIEFSYSTEM/THOUGHT PROCESSHave you ever thought what causes someone to persist when another would give up?What causes a person to focus and utilize all their resources towards a goal? What ultimately creates the difference between happiness and despair? The answer is beliefs.Just Imagine, can there be anything more important than our thought process and our own thoughts? Our thoughts create our reality, the reality that we live in and spend majority of our most valuable time. More importantly, the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. Our day-to-daythoughts creates the beliefs that we process and these beliefs makes us who we are (in a good way or in a bad way).Our thought processis actually something that we are engaged in every day of our lives, yet we always take it for granted without even acknowledging the fact that what ever we are doing and how ever we are feeling (emotionally) is totally dependent on our thought process and It is completely in our hand to make a difference in our life with our thinking pattern.Changing beliefs/thought processisnt easy. Despite what some authors and speakers tell you, deeply ingrained beliefs arent going to disappear with one magical technique or method. But if your happiness and success is important to you it can be done.In this course, you will learnthe complete 'blueprint' to free yourself from the tyranny of thoughts that limit your achievement. The aim of this course is to be thought-provoking and this in return will help you to become aware of your thinking pattern and to control your thoughts instead of being controlled by them...So, to have a breakthrough in YOUR happiness and emotional well being... All you have to Do is CHANGEYOURBELIEFSYSTEM/THOUGHT PROCESS"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Unleash Your Creative Mind" |
"**Course Updated - Oct 2018**I am sure you have heard it once if not many a times that CREATIVITY - Worth Its Weight in Gold..Being creative is a very desirable trait in modern society. Before the modern information age creativity was not something the average person really needed in order to be a productive member of society. In the 19th and most of the 20th century all or most people needed was the ability to follow instructions well. Being creative was reserved for a small educated elite and artists of various types. Today things are very different. Thanks to automation those un-creative and monotonous jobs are being taken over by machines. Were in the knowledge economy now and even low-level jobs need a component of creativity.But, at the same time... In todays world it is absolutely impossible to become successful without inculcating creativity in your profession, whether it is setting up a small business. opening a HR or design agency, creating a new entertainment park for children or adults or for that matter opening an online shop All these requires a lot of creativity, no less than painting a mural, creating a new sculpture or working on a series of photos. I know you might be thinking, I am not a creative person. How will I become creative?? Well! that is what YOU are going to learn in this course. Myself and my fellow instructor Libby, have spent a great deal of time building this course. This course is an INTERACTIVE course, having said that... YOU will do many exercises throughout the course lectures and each exercise is designed to open up your CREATIVE MINDThis course is NOT an easy fix, it is an ongoing process of learning and creating... And if you are not willing to invest time on yourself to create an AMAZING YOU... then this course is not for you.So, be prepared to Unleash YOUR Creative Mind!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Product Design: Design Thinking Approach" |
"**Course Updated - Oct 2018**World finally understands the essential role of design. Products look better than ever, interfaces feel intuitive, and companies are hiring designers at an increasing rate. But, the designers role has been changing over last few years. Its no longer enough to iterate and understand your user, instead in todays world, designers should be able to do both identify problems and build solutions, which will increase their worth by at least 10 times for any company. When you can do both, you can do things that no one else can do and you will be a unique asset in your company.Theres a shift under way in large organizations, one that puts design much closer to the center of the enterprise. But the shift isnt about aesthetics. Its about applying the principles of design for better user experience. This new approach is in large part a response to the increasing complexity of modern technology and modern business.Most people don't think about how poorly designed everyday interactions are until they learn the principles of good design and user experience, many of which are not intuitive. You don't need to be born thinking about this stuff in order to become a successful designer, it's a skill that can be developed like anything else. Passion often follows from knowledge and expertise. In this course, I have explained the entire design process which when integrated into your product can create an amazing user experience. You will also learn to approach a problem in a systematic manner. Working in a series is the most important stage of the design process. The ability to experiment, to value and learn from mistakes, and build on the experience achieved is the hallmark of a the truly successful and creative individual, whatever the field. So, what are you waiting for?? Get Enrolled and start your journey today Happy learning my dear friends. See you in the course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"10x Your Social Skills & Connect With People" |
"**Course Updated - Oct 2018**The first step in increasing your skill in dealing with people. 85 percent of your success in life is going to be determined by your social skills, by your ability to interact positively and effectively with others and to get them to cooperate with you in helping you to achieve your goals. To create a successful human relations, it is imperative to understand people and their nature.This course has been divided into 12 sections. In each section, we have discussed in detail about different aspects that you would need to master to have a great people skill .In this course, you will learn human Characteristics and how you can understand the non-verbal quo while talking to someone. You will learn to tactfully agree with people, you will learn to make people feel important, you will learn the power of constructive criticism, and many more . So, be prepared with you pens and notepads to take notes while you listen to the lectures. Each section has exercise to be done for better understanding of the concept. And I would encourage you to complete the exercises before you move to the next one. Throughout the course you will hear me giving many different examples in the form of photos and stories to make your understanding better and relatable. Once, you have successfully completed the course. In the last section of this course, You will learn the tools and techniques to apply the real-life application of the human-centered skills and I have also explained how you too can do the same for yourself. So, what are you waiting for?? Lets dive into the world of creating amazing people skills. Thank you, my name is Susmita Dutta and I will see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wholesaling Starter Kit: 5 Steps To Closing Your First Deal" |
"The Wholesaling Starter Kit: 5 Steps To Your First Deal is a course in which you will learn step-by-step everything you need to know and more on how to go out and get a $5,000+ wholesale deal in the next 30 days or less and then scale from there to hit $10k+ per month!I will go over:The hottest marketing streams to use in today's marketthat are actually workingHow to determine a property's worth withextreme accuracyThe exact tools I use to generate well over $20k/Month in deals with under $2k/Month in expensesExactly how to go out and get a dealwith $0 or little amounts of marketingin the next 30 daysMy highly effective phone system for managing your leadsOur secret,high convertingseller scriptHow to negotiate with sellers like a proHow to use my""Quick Offer Formula""to determine what you should offer to the sellerStep-by-step walk through on how to present and sign a contract with the sellerHow to ensure that your buyers can make a decision on the propertyin hoursHow to find a trustworthy and effective title company/closing attorneyHow toeffectively build and utilizea massive buyers listHow to get the highest price for your propertiesHow to sign a contract with your buyerWhat to expect on closing day and how to ensure you get your $5k+ checkYOU WILL LEARN ALL OF THIS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Eclipse Your Basic Java Programming Course" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on Java Programming with Eclipse!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!What about Eclipse?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several lessonsthat will helpyou getcomfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Chart Pattern Technical Analysis For Forex & Stock Trading" |
"Trade Both Basic and Harmonic Chart patterns, Like a Pro! Master the art of Making Money in Stock Market using Chart Patterns Analysis with Technical Analysis by taking this course!'Stock chart patterns' are a way of viewing a series of price actions occurring during a stock trading period. If you can learn to recognize these patterns early in the starting phase, they will help you to gain a real competitive advantage in the markets. So take this course to learn about most advanced and regular chart patterns.Learn from a Certified Technical Analyst and become an expert in, Reversal Traditional Patterns, Continuation Traditional Patterns, Harmonic Patterns, Scanning them, Using Recognition Tools working on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and many more other topics.This Course is Not For Everyone, I know many people would want to do this but I want you to first complete my Technical Analysis Masterclass course because that is a requirement for studying this course.. If you are like me, you are reading more now because you want to know for sure whether this course is worth taking before you invest your money and time in it. A Huge Number of Clients trust me and Invest their money on my Suggestions and now, I am teaching all of that on Udemy with more improvements and awesome video lectures.Thank you very much for reading so much of the description for this course! The fact that you have spent some of your very valuable time here already reading this course leads me to believe that you will enjoy being a student in the course a lot! Find the ""take this course"" or ""start free preview"" button up on the page to give the course a try today!If you want to learn more about what the course contains, here is a short list of questions to help you decide if you should take it followed by a deep list of the course lectures below.Regular Chart Patterns:Head and Shoulder PatternDouble Top/Bottom PatternWedge PatternCup and Handle PatternVarious Triangle Pattern FormationsUsing Online AI Based ScannerHARMONIC CHART PATTERNS:Gartley PatternBat PatternCrab and Deep Crab PatternCypher PatternButterfly Patternand a lot moreYou get lifetime access to this course sharing everything you need to be a Successful Technical Analyst and Start Making Money in the Best way! If you are still not sure, here are three questions you can use to make the final decision!Do you want to Sit Back and Relax avoiding those Computer Screens and TVs all the Time?Do you want to use your Time & knowledge in the Most Efficient Way and Still get More Profit? Do you want to learn the Essence of Trading which people even after spending years don't know?If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would guess based on my experience after working for 9+ years in Investment and Finance Industry that you might enjoy this course. If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. I can guess the odds of you enjoying this course are very high! Thank you very much for reading all of this!I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!Legal Disclaimer:The Authors, or any Party Related to this Course or it's Contents, Will not be Responsible for Any kind of Loss to anyone in anyway, due to this course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Admin 201 Certification Practice Test" |
"Exam Weights:Organization setup - 3%User setup - 6%Security and Access - 14%Standard and Custom Objects - 15%Sales and Marketing Applications - 15%Service and Support Applications - 12%Activity Management and Collaboration - 3%Data Management - 8%Analytics - 10%Workflow/Process Automation - 12%Desktop and Mobile Administration - 1%AppExchange - 1%Word fromSalesforceThe Salesforce Certified Administrator program is designed for individuals who have experience as a Salesforce administrator. The program encompasses the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end user, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across the Sales, Service, and Collaboration Clouds.The first credential in the program is the Salesforce Certified Administrator. This credential focuses on the features and functionality used to maintain a Salesforce implementation. The second level in the program is the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce Certified Administrator who has mastered Salesforce configuration maintenance, can demonstrate an understanding of administration best practices, and is able to use the advanced features and functionality to solve a variety of business problems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iGCSE Trig explained from start to finish" |
"Learn everything regarding trigonometry, to successfully pass the (I)GCSEexaminations.The Course covers all the topics for the (I)GCSE syllabus. Every topic is explained in detail from the beginning.Topics:Pythagoras' TheoremTrigonometric ratiosTrigonometric word problemsSine and Cosine RuleArea Rule3-D TrigonometryBearingAngles of elevation and depressionEach section is accompanied with either a worksheet with answers or quiz to test your understanding of each lesson."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"Grade 12 Mathematics From start to finish" |
"In this course I will help and guide you through the whole grade 12 syllabus. It is (CAPS & IEB) aligned and ideal for learners searching for help, because they struggle with some topics, learners hoping to catch-up and master topics or learners without a teacher and need the whole syllabus explained from start to finish. The topics covered in this course:Sequences and seriesAnalytical geometry DifferentiationFinancial mathematics Trigonometry FunctionsAnalytical geometry Data handling Euclidean geometry ProbabilityGuiding you to finish your grade 12 successfully. The course is also constantly being updated with new material. you can also send requests for more specific material to be added to the course. "
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Online Learning for Businesses - Course 1" |
"OVERVIEWOnline Learning for Businesses (OLB) is an online learning program for learning and development teams and stakeholders to create online learning experiences for clients, customers, and personnel.Throughout the program, participants will learn everything that goes into creating an online coursefrom careful planning and preparation, to designing an effective and engaging curriculum, to creating the course collateral (e.g., videos, graphics, exercises), and finally to launching the course.Applicable to L&D stakeholders across the organization:Instructional designers who are responsible for designing learning materialsProject Managers who are relied on for smooth executionSubject-Matter Experts whose knowledge is too important not to shareProduct Owners who are accountable for training development and sign-offPractical, hands-on training:Templates for designing your course and aligning with stakeholdersTools and exercises to think through options and make the best decisionsActivities to practice and apply creative skillsINSTRUCTORKatharine Kormanik, your instructor, brings years of experience creating online courses for organizations such as:UdacityMcKinsey & CompanyOliver WymanApplied MaterialsStanford Graduate School of BusinessStanford Graduate School of EducationAfrican Leadership UniversityCiscoVisaGenerationDribbbleShe has worked with many different teams on many different learning experiences with hundreds of subject-matter experts and has seen what works well, what doesnt, and what to plan ahead for and when. Read more about Katharine on TURN THE WHEELs About page.PROGRAM DETAILSThe full program consists of three courses that cover two tracks:Course 1: Getting started with creating online coursesLearn what makes a high-quality online course and the various options to consider when you first plan to create a course. Be guided through an envisioning exercise to plan and align on the course experience and potential delivery platforms, and then hear an overview of the full process of creating an online course.Course 2: Designing online learning experiencesLearn how to develop a logical curriculum flow and choose an effective content delivery method. This involves making critical instructional design decisions and completing key deliverables at each step of the course creation process: plan, develop, build, and run.Course 3: Bringing the learning experience to lifeLearn how to push a project forward from start to finish: workplanning, budgeting, aligning stakeholders and keeping them accountable, selecting and managing vendors, tracking and organizing course collateral, logging and addressing issues, and releasing the course to participants.ABOUT COURSE 1The first course in the OLB series, Getting started with creating online courses, is useful for teams that are just beginning to think about how to develop online learning programs. After taking this course, participants from the same organization will be able to:review the many options for course designalign on major decisions for the courseget on the same page regarding the path forwardWhile organizations can still benefit from just one or several team members taking part in this course, we strongly encourage all stakeholders who will be involved in the course development process to complete the course: course owners, subject-matter experts, instructional designers, project managers, and others who will have a voice in creating the course experience. By independently exploring options, teams can combine ideas to develop a powerful vision for their organizations learning program.Lesson 1: What is an online course?Hear a brief history of online learningConsider the benefits of online learning over traditional in-person learningExplore the three critical elements of online courses todaySee demos of some of the most advanced online coursesLesson 2: Options for designing your courseReview the many options to navigate when beginning to plan the course experienceArticulate the course objectives in a way that will set your course up for successThink through the key points to be made in your courseHear about common mistakes that teams make in the early stages of planning a courseLesson 3: Envisioning the learning experienceWalk through an exercise to envision the entire course experienceAlign on key decisions with your course development teamLesson 4: Course production overviewPrepare for the entire process of course creationExplore the pros and cons of the best off-the-shelf learning platforms and the option to custom-buildHear the steps of creating common course collateral, including various types of videosPrepare to launch and run the course seamlessly while continuing to offer new interactive content"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Product Management: Leadership & Communication" |
"To quickly move up the product management career ladder, you'll need to master two skills: communication and leadership. This advanced course will give you step-by-step advice on how to do just that. In fact, the guidelines covered in each section are applicable to any professional role and may even boost your personal life too.Split into four parts, the course offers both expert guidance and real world examples. The first section focuses on communication strategies. Excel at Steve Jobs-esque storytelling, get help with public speaking and learn how to deal with colleagues in one-on-one scenarios. The second group of lectures aims to help you become a better leader, whether that's getting to grips with influencing people or figuring out how to elevate your profile within a company.Next up is career acceleration. This is where you'll hear about all the job opportunities that come from product management and how to climb that ladder as swiftly as possible. Last but not least is people management. You may not be someone's boss right now, but understanding how to manage a team of people is a vital skill for the future. By the end, you should have a clear idea of what it takes to become a top-rated product manager. And you'll know how to put every tip and trick into action. So whether you want to remain at your current level or move up to a role with more responsibility, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to do so. Your instructorsCole Mercerhas been a Senior Product Manager at Soundcloud, Bonobos, Mass Relevance, and has taught the Product Management course at General Assembly in Manhattan, NYC. He is now a full-time Product Management and Strategy consultant.Evan Kimbrellis a top rated Udemy instructor with numerous courses focused on Entrepreneurship. His courses have over 300,000 enrolled students and more than 16,000 five star reviews. For the past few years, he has also been running a digital agency that has produced over 100 web and mobile products."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Anlayarak Hzl Okuma ve Hafza Teknikleri" |
"Sper Hzl Okuma Kampanya!Bu benim hzl okuma programm, dnyann en iyi zelliklerinden birisi olan hzl okumay baarmak iin online eitimlere katlyorsunuz imdi herhangi bir bilgisayar veya mobil cihazla kendi evinizin rahatlnda balayabilirsiniz!BU ETM HERKES N DELDR. Burada zaman, para ve aba yatrm yapyorsunuz. Eer hafzanz ve renme yeteneklerinizi bir st seviyeye tamaya ve bunu pratiklerle alkanla dntrmeye hazrsanz, sizi Super Hzl Okuma kursuna katlmaya davet ediyorum.Bire bir mterilere ve eitimlerime koluk yapmaya zamanmn ounu adadm iin, u anda yeni bire bir mterileri alamam. Ancak her hafta bu samimi beyin eitimi ile renme becerilerinizi nasl gelitireceinizi renebilirsiniz.Bu yzden Super Hzl Okuma nn ierii size destek olmak iin hazrland. Ltfen bu anlattklarmn sizin iin olduunu dnyorsanz okumaya devam edin.nsanlar birok nedenden dolay bize geliyorlar.Baz insanlar alma srasnda, youn bir ekilde odaklanma problemi yayorlar. Bir eyler okurken, konstantrasyon kaybn nlemeye veya uzun senaryolar hatrlamaya ihtiya duyar Sizi tam zihinsel potansiyelinize ulamaktan alkoyan ne olursa olsun, sa beyininizi gelitirmeniz, engelleri kaldrmanza ve hedeflerinize ulamanza yardmc olabilir."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso WordPress Essencial Para Iniciantes 2.0" |
"O curso WordPress Para Iniciantes promete te levar para o prximo nvel quando o assunto desenvolvimento de sites. Com uma didtica impecvel procuramos desmistificar o conceito de que preciso aprender diversas linguagens de programao para se conseguir criar um blog ou site.Nesse treinamento aprederemos todo o conceito de facilidade que encontra-se por trs da ferramenta WordPress, voc ver como fcil criar um site ou blog de uma forma que voc nunca mais vai esquecer. como andar de bicicleta, voc nunca mais vai esquecer!O curso composto por 7 mdulos que buscam te auxiliar o mximo em nosso objetivo.No primeiro mdulo irei falar sobre a questo da hospedagem e o registro do domnio do site de vocs e ainda nesse mdulo eu ensino como adquirir uma hospedagem totalmente gratuita.No segundo mdulo eu mostro passo a passo a instalao do WordPress.No mdulo 03 e 04 eu mostro detalhadamente todas as configuraes do painel administrativo do WordPress. Esses dois mdulos so importantes para todo o restante do curso, pois abordarei como a coisa funciona minuciosamente.No mdulo 05 eu explico a dinmica de funcionamento dos plugins e sua importncia no WordPress.No mdulo 06 iremos trabalhar com o conceito de templates e visualizar na prtica o poder dessa ferramenta.No mdulo 07 veremos o que deve ser feito para garantir o seu certificado. Nesse mdulo irei pegar na sua mo e fazer passo a passo o projeto final de vocs.Como vocs podem observar, temos a faca e o queijo na mo, cabe a voc estudar, colocar em prtica e realmente atingir seu objetivo que criar sites e blogs de uma maneira to prtica que aquela histria de programao vai virar literalmente clich para voc.Fora todo esse contedo, ainda lhe darei como bnus dois mdulos complementares, onde mostrarei a caixa preta dos meus projetos e como deixar o seu WordPress muito mais seguro.No me diga que vai perder essa oportunidade?Ento no perca tempo e venha fazer parte da nossa comunidade e aprender de vez os mistrios por trs da ferramenta WordPress!!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Music Mastering in Ableton Live" |
"So you want to master your own music?If you don't want to give hundreds of dollars to amastering engineer to master your music or you want to learn how to do it yourself using your favorite DAW - Ableton Live you're at the right place.Learn how to make your music sound like commercial EDM tracks!Learn how to add gain, punch and that extra detail to your mix. You'll love the results.By enrolling, you'll begettingmy mastering chain for free!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AutoCad Civil 3D for Beginners" |
"Civil Engineering Courses by Hamid El Darwich:Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions of AutoDesk Civil 3D.If you are new to Civil 3D, then this course is for you.What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to perform the basic calculations using civil 3D software. This course target the beginners.It's a great way to start with basics and then move to more advanced courses.The Power of Civil 3D:In the past, engineers used to perform earth work calculations manually; this usually takes a lot of time and effort in addition to the human's errors expected. Using Civil 3D, such calculations can be performed easily withing minutes. In addition, Civil 3D produces printable and neat reports that can be presented to key people in your company.What are exactly the points covered in this course:This course focuses on the following Civil 3D skills:Creation of Points and SurfacesAdjustment of SurfacesCreation of Surface ProfileCreation of SampleLinesPerforming Calculations such as Cut and Fill(Earth Work)Performing Calculations such as Pavement Layers quantity EstimationUnderstanding different method - and concept - of Take Off Criterion Students completing the course will have basic knowledge of.AutoDesk Civil 3D.The course is easy to follow; all of the resources needed are posted in the course content. What are you waiting for ! register now."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Reinforced Concrete I: Essentials and Derivations" |
"Civil Engineering Courses by Hamid El Darwich:Learn the language of Reinforced Concrete; You probably have taken Statics and Mechanics of Materials, so this short course will introduce you to the essential concepts that you should know before starting design of concrete elements.What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to know the derivation of the variables used in reinforced concrete design such as reinforcement ratio, nominal resistivity of concrete, etc.Inaddition, this course guides you through the derivation of these variables. You will also be able to understand the basis of dimensioning of RC elements.What are exactly the points covered in this course:This course focuses on the following concepts:Concrete material and its elementsWhy does concrete need reinforcementWhy steel is used as reinforcing materialDerivation of RC variables such as effective depth, nominal capacity, etc.Safety factors used in design (most used combination)Assumption used in designStudents completing the course will have basic knowledge to start design lectures.The course is easy to follow; all of the resources needed are posted in the course content. Other instructors directly start with the design problems making them hard to be understood, this course is your ""Starters""."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"What is Civil Engineering in College ?" |
"Civil Engineering Courses by Hamid El Darwich:You need a course that tells you everything about Civil Engineering ? it's here.Story of the Course:When I was first year in college, nobody told me what Civil Engineering is about; you know people just say its designing buildings (but nothing specific !!), so I started asking myself: then what is the difference between civil engineering and architecture. Therefore, I had no idea about what I was going to learn in college and I had no idea whether I will like it or not. I think colleges should give their students an overview about what they expect to learn from Civil Engineering. To solve this issue, I decided to create this course to help prospective students decide whether or not they really like civil engineering based on facts that I am going to state. Why to take the course: if you are a high school student or a student from other major considering transfer, then you should take this course because the information here might convince you to become a Civil Engineer. Briefly, what is CivilEngineering:The definition of Civil Engineering as I see it- is a profession that deals with civilization development. Civil Engineering is the distant cousin of Military Engineering. The first is deals with cities and development, and the latter deals with defending the same city. What are exactly the points covered in this course:I will give an overview about every single course in Civil Engineering Branches. We have 5 Branches in Civil Engineering:Structural Analysis & Design Water & Environmental Transportation Geo-technicalAfter the course: Students completing the course will have basic understanding of what Civil Engineering is about. This objective understanding will help you decide whether or not you should become a Civil Engineer. The course is easy to follow; all of the resources needed are posted in the course content. What are you waiting for ! register now and have fun :)"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Ernhrungsfalle: Milch" |
"In den letzten Jahren ist die Milch unter anderem durch die vegan Bewegung immer mehr in Verruf geraten. Gerade am Beispiel Kaffee kann man die neue Dikussion ber pflanzliche Alternativen erkennen. In diesem Kurs lernst du sowohl die Milch in ihrer Zusammensetzung, Herkunft und ihren gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen kennen. Wir betrachten gemeinsam verschieden Milchprodukte und Qualittsstufen und schauen uns mgliche Milchalternativen an.Wenn du wissen willst wie der Mensch auf die Milch gekommen ist und mehr ber das ""weie Wundermittel"" aus der Werbung kennenlernen willst, bist du hier genau richtig!Ich bin gespannt, ob du am Ende der Meinung bist: ""die Milch macht's"" "
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Cubase 10.5: Deep House Production Edition" |
"-The Mastering Cubase Series is dedicated to one of the most popular and powerful DAWs available today.The course is divided roughly into five main sections: PLAYGROUND, ANALYSIS, THEORY, SOUND DESIGN and ENGINEERING.The PLAYGROUND section contains a template with short loops for you to play with.Youll be asked to rearrange and improve their individual elements for you to get yourself familiarized with basic Deep House concepts which will better prepare you to go through the rest of the material in this course.ANALYSIS takes a deep look into each individual element found in a classic Deep House track.Youll learn how often they play, how important they are, their main purpose and common uses and also how to choose presets and samples wisely.THEORY will teach you harmony, notes, chords, and scales which are crucial theoretic concepts you need to know in order to write effective lead parts, chord progressions, and bass lines.SOUND DESIGN is your ticket into learning whats behind the preset packs and sample libraries you download.There are basic concepts that sound designers follow to create basic kick and clap samples that you can learn too in order to create your own unique sounds.Finally, ENGINEERING is the section containing your mixing and mastering lessons.Pay close attention to how to prepare and correct your mix before adding shine and embellishments so you can achieve the best possible results once you reach the mastering stage.At the end of these four sections, youll access the creation process of the course track and its Cubase project which you can download and use as an educational resource.-Want to get going with Deep House? Watch Mastering Cubase 10.5: Deep House Production Edition today!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Certifications & requirements when importing from China" |
"Have you ever wondered what you need to meet legally when importing from China? Did you know that customs can seize your product if you dont comply with standards, have certain test reports and legal standards meet? Did you know that Amazon is cracking down on sellers whos products dont comply with standards?Have you ever worried about test reports, customs and what national laws and standards you need to meet when you buy a product from China? Be it CE or REACH for Europe or FDAor FCCfor the US, not sure which one applies and what you need?Not sure what test reports in terms of compliance you need when you import something?Then this is the course for you. In this course I walk you through all the standards and laws there are out there for the US and the European Union. In the first Module I explain all the basics to give you a better understanding what you need to meet legally, where you can save money and how to find the right standard for your product. I explain in laymens terms what all these standards mean and how you can simply comply to them.In module 2 & 3 I walk you trough the most common regulations and legislations within the European Union and the United States. Youll learn the basics and will understand what all the standards and laws mean for your product and how to apply them.In module 4 I provide you with actionable PDFs for 30 product categories. Be it electronics, kitchen, garden, toys or furnitures. I explain each PDF or Product Requirement Profile and all you have to do when you source from China is to send this PDF to your chosen suppliers and ask them if they can fulfill your requirements.I give examples in each PDF that apply to all product categories. For example if you are not sure what your kitchen helper has to meet in terms of standards and compliance you just have to look at PDF No.14, look at the country requirements, laws and certifications and ask your supplier if he can meet them. You dont have to look any further and dig trough the internet and read hundreds of PDFs still not knowing what standard you have to meet. This is a testing plan with everything your product needs.In later modules I give you case studies on different product groups and how I find out what certification they need to meet. I also give you contacts of test laboratories and how you can contact them and get your product tested. Finally I explain how you can find out if a supplier is sending you fake certificates or not. This will help you filter out the good from the bad ones.With this course youll get a practical roadmap to ensure compliance with all mandatory safety standards & labelling requirements for Europe and North America.Laboratories will charge you thousands of dollars for this kind of information and youll still have to pay for all the testing costs.Find out below how this course will make your life easy and your products from China compliant to national standards and lawsMy Name is Manuel and Iam Entrepreneur based in Hong Kong for the last 12 years. Ihave several courses on Udemy in regards to importing, selling on Amazon and general business in China and Hong Kong.I run my own sourcing company in Hong Kong, teach people how to import from China, author several books sold on Amazon and sell my own products on Amazon. Many gurus out there will only give you examples and techniques that might work but none of them have actually worked and lived in China, importing/exporting over 200Million USD like I have.Join today to never have to worry again about which certification you need for your products."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Brand Evolution - Build an E-Commerce Brand From Scratch" |
"My name is Manuel and I have been importing from China for over 18 years while actually living in China for over 12years now.I've released several courses on Udemy, some of them are bestsellers in their category.Competition has increased a lot and nowonly the fittest will survive.Amazon is a great platform to get started but it is not the only sales channel out there.If you truly want to build a brand and beat the competitionyou need to branch out into other sales channelsincluding other Amazon marketplaces.On top of that, most importers dont even know that they have to meet certain country regulations.Governments, retailers and eCommerce channels like Amazon will become stricter and stricter.You need to stay ahead and be fully prepared of whats to come. Simply buying a product in China and putting it on Amazon wont guarantee your survival anymore!Youll want to be better than the rest out there and bring your business to the next level.Most courses out there only focus on a specific strategy which might not be viable anymore. What we offer is something no one else does. We looked at all parts of building a business and a brand not just on Amazon but many other sales channels.You need to look at long term strategies.Amazon can close your account any day without prior warning.Youll want several income streams and have ultimate control in every part of your business. Well show you how you can build trust with yourcustomers and turn this into a powerful tool to increase sales.From pricing and inventory,to closing deals with large retailers that will help exposing your brand to new audiences,this course is all about giving you the confidence to expand your business further.Amazon is still the most popular sales channel,and selling on there will always be viable and it will grow even more in the future. However, the point is to diversify and secure your survival.Even if you are already selling a few products on Amazon Dont stop there!Your products might sell well on other channels too. Imagine if you already have a lot of products on Amazon, you can take those same exact products and expand intoother sales channels the opportunities are endless!This course will stand the test of time because it looks at the bigger picture of an Ecommerce business and does not focus on just one sales channel.So let me guide through some of the things you will learn in this course:Choosing a ProductEven if youre an established seller, chances are youre still looking at new products to sell right now! This module will help you devise a strategy to launch great products each and every time! But thats not all, a unique brand is ultimately morevaluable.Thats why we have dedicated a complete section on patents and how to analyze your competition effectively. Remember, generic products are not working anymore and if you truly want to innovate, you need to have Intellectual Property unique toyour brand. Well also show you in a unique and foolproof way how to find innovative products.Business IncorporationHaving a strong legal structure behind your business will be vital for your success. For this reason, we have researched the best countries in the world to incorporate your business. The main goal of this module ismaking your business moreattractive to investors, especially if you want to sell your business down the road.A strong business is also a profitable one! You might agree with us that in this business, fees can really kill your profit margins. However, we have got you covered in our business banking section. We have done extensive research on thebestbusiness bank accounts, currency exchange and transfer accountsto make sure your brand saves money and becomes more profitable.Social MediaKnowing your target audience will be essential if you want to build a raving fan base that purchases every product you launch. When it comes to building audiences in your market, there is no better way than having a social media strategy.Wehave asked around in groups launched questionnaires and polls and the issue most people have these days is actually not sourcing or PPC or inventory management but how to launch a product.I truly believe Influencer marketing and having astrong social media presence will be your KEY tool for the years to come when launching products.Influencer marketing is exploding right now and it will be the only way to get your product off the ground!In this module,we will guide you step by step through all the social media platforms and how you can successfully build an audience behind your brand.Having a social media strategy in place is not only vital to get your brand noticed, but also todrive sales and get market share from your competition.Building social media presence is not a sprint but a marathon.I am not going to lie, it will take time to build an audience, but if you start now, youll have the most powerful tool on themarket.The best part is that we will not only give you a clear strategy on how you can drive insane amounts of traffic to your Amazon listing, but also to your website.Younger audiences are also moving away from traditional sales channels like retail, andthey are shopping on social media.After going through this module, you will have a platform where you can connect with your customers and showcase your products freely.RetailIve been in retail for over 18 years now and thats where I actually started out.Ive built a 7 figure retail business before even moving onto Amazon.Ill discuss retail in detail and how you can reach out to retailers. Ill show you how I find retailersin a foolproof way. Ill show you how I prepare marketing materials that you can send to retailers and how you can follow up and push for sales.Youll also learn how to price your products to retailers and which contracts you need to prepare beforehand when you work with them.Ive made profits as big as 50,000$ with retailers in one dayand I will show you how you can do it too.This isjust a brief overview of the entire course.There are many other modules that will help build and elevate your brand.Our ultimate goal with this course to is help you build a business that is stronger, profitable and more successful than yourcompetitors.After going through our course, you will have learned how to take control over your business and build a brand loved by its customers, in any market you plan to sell.So join us today and learn how to start a global brand & build an eCommerce empire.THISISNOTANIN - DEPTHAMAZONFBACOURSE. This course is about building a brand on and off Amazon. For in-depth Amazon FBAinformation please visit my course:From China to Amazon - A live case study and complete guide!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Modelling a Game Res Victorian Horse Drawn Carriage:" |
"Within this course we are going to be modelling a Victorian inspired Horse drawn Carriage within 3DS Max. We will be making a high and game res model of the carriage. Once this is done we will proceed to baking the maps and texturing within Substance Painter. Our final stage will be to render, we will be using IRay in Substance Painter and Marmoset Toolbag 3. This is a Game Art creation Course that will teach one possible working method.This course is focusing mainly on the Hard surface modeling aspects and not the soft surface. This course is intended for Beginners but all levels are welcome."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Jumpstart to Docker, from zero to hero" |
"This course covers Docker Platform from the very basics of installation and function to an in depth review of the use cases and advanced features.We will talk about how Docker is architected in order to provide a better understanding of how to manage Linux Containers using the Docker Client. Once we have a good understanding of the basics, we will dive into the advanced use cases and really uncover the power of the entire system.It also shows the best practices for installing and using docker on Microsoft Azure.The course also comes with a practical guide to using docker with DevOps.If you apply to this course you'll be able to setup a web server based on docker too.GOALS :UnderstandDocker platformImages and containersSetup VM on AzureInstall and configureDocker on VMUsing andexperimentingDocker images and containers for most common use casesBuild Docker images with DockerfileShared volumes and port expositionOverview of Docker0 networkLinking containers to each otherLimiting Memory and CPU usageDockerizing Web AppsGuide to using docker with DevOps"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Sway Fundamentals" |
"Microsoft Sway is a presentation program and is part of the Microsoft Office family of products. Sway allows users who have a Microsoft account to combine text and media to create a presentable website. Users can pull content locally from the device in use, or from internet sources such as Bing, Facebook, OneDrive, and YouTube.With Sway, users can create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more. Its built-in design engine helps you create professional designs in minutes. With Sway, your images, text, videos, and other multimedia all flow together in a way that enhances your story. In this course, we'll show you how to get started using Sway, whether you're creating Sways from existing documents or from scratch. You'll learn how to add titles, use cards to lay out a storyline, choose a design, and determine navigation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clonando com o Clonezilla" |
"A clonagem de discos uma prtica poderosa para voc preparar vrios laboratrios didticos de informtica em pouco tempo e, tambm, para fazer uma cpia de segurana(backup) do disco inteiro de clientes ou do seu prprio. A vantagem evitar a reinstalao e atualizao de diversos aplicativos.O Clonezilla uma ferramenta gratuita que incorporei, h anos, na minha rotina para me ajudar quando estou diante de situaes frequentes como uma troca de HD ou correo de inicializao do sistema operacional por falha no sistema de arquivos. Alm destas, preciso realizar cpias de segurana dos discos, semestralmente ou anualmente, de computadores com dois sistemas operacionais atualizados e com dezenas de aplicaes instaladas em ambos. A minha proposta apresentar, de forma prtica, o Clonezilla e os conceitos fundamentais necessrios para voc aprender a clonar discos localmente, disco a disco, ou remotamente onde feita atravs da rede.Alm disso, voc aprender a utilizar esta ferramenta para guardar cpias de segurana de discos inteiros! Muito til para restaurar o disco de um ponto anterior.Ao final, voc ser capaz de:Clonar discos de dois modos: disco a disco ou atravs da rede local;Criar e recuperar imagens de discos com Windows 7 e/ou Linux Ubuntu instalados em dual boot ou no modo single boot*.Tenho me beneficiado bastante e sei que poder ser til a voc tambm, por isso quero receber o seu comentrio quando estiver diante de um ponto do curso que no ficou claro ou est distante da sua finalidade. Da mesma, estou aguardando situaes em que no vivenciei e que podero ser acrescentadas aqui. muito importante a sua participao. Utilizei mquinas fsicas e virtuais, com o Virtual Box**, para encontrar um caminho mais fcil de mostrar os procedimentos a voc. Portanto, encontrei este formato de curso uma maneira te transmitir o conhecimento que adquiri como tcnico de laboratrio didtico de informtica. -----* - Dual boot e single boot se referem a possuir dois sistemas operacionais instalados no disco ou apenas um.** - Oracle Virtual Box permite que se manipule mquinas virtuais para propsitos diversos.OBS: Este curso foi baseado em discos SATA fsico convencional (magntico) e virtual. Ainda no foi testado com tecnologia M2 encontrada em alguns modelos de SSD."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Vocabulary translated to Mandarin Chinese" |
"Grade K, 1, 2 English Vocabulary Frequent words, translated to Mandarin. There are example sentences and pictures that portray the meaning of the words for better understanding. This course has about 400 vocabulary words, that is quite a substantial amount of content for the student to master. This course is taught by Teacher En Chuan.K12 400"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Srkle Brak ndir altr -Kodsuz Android (Kodular io)" |
"NOT: Ltfen algoritma bilmiyorsanz kursu satn almaynz. Kursun bir blm anlatm, kalan blm ise, Bethoven mzik eliinde (konsantrasyon salamak iin) video seyir blm yer almaktadr.Algoritma bilginiz yoksa, satn almaynz.Appinventor'dan ok daha fazla zellik sunar,Kodular io sitesinde, online android uygulama gelitirin.ok yaknda gelecek olan,ios uyumu almalar devam ediyor.apraz platformlardan yararlanma imkani sunar, thunkable, appinventor gibi.Tam 15 dilde (15 Language) alma imkan sunan, mkemmel bir platformda kolayca uygulama gelitirmeye ne dersiniz?Telefonunuza, tabletinize hkmedin ve donanm en verimli ekilde kullann.Srkle brak, indir altr, ite bu kadar basit.App inventor mantyla ayn, fakat daha fazla zellik kontrol salanmtr.Kod bilmeye gerek olmadan, sadece srkle brak yntemiyle program yazabileceksiniz,Blok programlama ile kolayca program gelitirebilecek,Baka blok programlama sitelerine, hzl bir ekilde adapte olabileceksiniz.Blok yapl uygulamalarnz, baka blok yapl programlara kolayca ekleyebilirsiniz.ok yakn zamanda, dier iletim sistemi uyumlu versiyonu entegre edilecek olmasndan dolay,Oluturacanz programlarn uyumu salanacak ve yazacanz tek programla her iki iletim sistemi iin de uygulamalarnz kullanabileceksiniz.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It offers many more features than Appinventor,Develop your online android application, on the site of io Codes.Coming soon, ios is approaching harmony.Cross-platform, thunkable, like appinventor.What do you think about developing an application in a perfect platform that offers a working environment in 15 languages (15 languages)?Reach your phone, tablet and hardware in the most efficient way.Drag and drop, run, it's that simple.Same as the inventor logic, but more feature control is provided.No need to know the code, you can just write the program by drag and drop,Programming with block programming can be developed,Other block programming sites have been quickly adapted.You have block structured applications and other block structured programs.Very recently, other operating system compatible versionThe programs you create will be adapted and you will be able to use your applications for both operating systems with the only program you will write."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cost and Managerial Accounting - Part 1" |
"Accounting often referred to as the language of business. Whether you are going into management or actually going to be an accountant, you need to be familiar with the basics of accounting. This includes understanding the concepts of debits and credits, assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses, dividends and equity. From an investors perspective, the business results are communicated through the financial statements, including the income statement, statement of owners equity, balance sheet and statement of cash flow. These are all discussed in this course! This course is for those students who have not had much (or any) experience in accounting and are looking to enhance their understanding of it, to either help pass a course or to enhance your business career. It is for anyone who may have felt lost in prior accounting courses and wants real life examples and a down to earth explanation, rather than something read word for word out of a textbook. Is this you? Then you are in the right place! This course is taught by an instructor with over eleven years of training experience, including corporate training, face to face instruction, and online course development. In addition to the lectures and study material common to many other courses, this course also has a downloadable textbook/study note file, along with downloadable Excel templates paired with a lecture walking through the solution once you are done. To test your knowledge of the basic concepts we also have quizzes after each section to make sure you feel comfortable with the topic before moving on to the next one. At the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of the mechanics of accounting, the concepts, and the goals of accounting in general. You will be able to pass that class!! Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |