Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Bootstrap 4 - Curso COMPLETO com Projetos Reais" |
"Deseja elevar o seu conhecimento no Desenvolvimento Web com um Framework CSS que aumenta a sua produtividade e torna seus projetos cada vez mais profissionais? Gostaria de entender as novidades do Bootstrap 4? Ou ser que chegou a hora de elevar o seu conhecimento em Bootstrap e entender sua estrutura e como extrair o que ele tem de melhor? Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Este o Curso completo de Bootstrap 4. Primeiro voc aprender sobre os componentes e estrutura do Bootstrap, aprender a utilizar o Flex Box, e o Grid System do Bootstrap, como aplicar botes, formulrios, tabelas, e tantos componentes na prtica. Veja como construir um layout responsivo completo utilizando Bootstrap 4.Neste curso cobriremos cerca de 9 horas de contedo os seguintes tpicos:1) Estrutura do Bootstrap 2) Componentes do Bootstrap 3) Grid System do Boostrap 4) Flex Box. 5) Responsive Web Design. So projetos que aplicaro o Bootstrap na prtica.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar aplicaes profissionais, levando suas aplicaes web sejam sites ou web apps a um nvel profissional.Acesso vitalcio! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Basic to Advance SEO Training in Urdu/Hindi 2019" |
"My all experience is enclosed within this course videos so by seeing those video you will get the most accurate knowledge for search engine optimization. My course will empower your skills and will teach you how to defeat the competitors.Doesn't matter whether you know online marketing basics or not, but this course is for you because we designed this course from very beginning point!What this course emphasizes on?To be very honest, I made this course just to empower my listeners/students because that is my mission. Logically, this course teaches the art of running a online business with finest touch of marketing. And as we know that ""SEO"" is a lead term of the online marketing.Why should I buy this course?No.#1 most comprehensive SEO course on udemyCourse not only covers SEO, its more than SEOYou will become SEO Specialist after watching all videos (Guaranteed)You will get the reflection of my success within this courseYou will get lifetime updates related to SEOWhat this course covers?This course will cover everything related to SEO a-z including on-page seo and off page seo both kinds all factors. Please read the below course content for further info!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Use Excel Functions the easy way From An Expert" |
"This course uses a series of videos and downloadable materials to explain the use of statistical, logical,text etc functions in Microsoft Excel. No previous knowledge is needed as the basics are covered.The Student will need a desktop of laptop computer with Microsoft Excel installed to get the best out of the course.The course takes about 10 hours to complete if you just want to watch the videos but (and this is a big but) this is definitely not the approach that i encourage. Instead, the student is advised to download the Excel workbooks that i have included in the course and use them to follow through the videos with. This would give the student the hands-on approach that is most needed and in doing so get the best out of the course. This approach would take 10 days approximately. Remember the old saying that: The best teacher is practice.I have broken down the course into summation, string, logical and statistical functions.Understanding Excel Functions is the heart-beat to becoming a top level Data Analyst or Excel Developer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DSLR and Mirrorless Video Camera Basics - PROFESSIONAL LOOK" |
"Video is now the world's number one method of communication. It is estimated that the number of video cameras now surpass the number of people in the world. Without a basic understanding of video cameras, you'll quickly be left in the dust.Hi, my name is Marshall Rimmer and I'm a cinematographer who has been filming in high definition before the days of YouTube. I know the ins and outs of Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Nikon, and RED.This class is designed for someone who hasn't used a camera with manual settings and is looking to shoot beautiful video without spending thousands of dollars on fancy equipment.This class will teach you how to:Use your camera in any situationProperly expose a subjetPut your subject in focus while making the background out of focusProperly frame of a subjectShoot indoors, outdoors, day, and nightUse existing location features to your advantageMove the camera to reinforce emotion"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Video Blog 101: Start to Finish" |
"Start-to-Finish Video Blog Recording is a class designed to give you all the information you need to take your video blog from conception to completion. Geared toward those with little background in video production, this class will easily show you how to produce high-quality, eye-catching Video Blogs, all on your own.In addition to video blogging, this course is excellent for anyone who wants to learn the very basics of all aspects of video production.In this class, students will learn:Which equipment and softwares to useHow to conduct themselves on cameraHow to capture clean video and crisp audioHow to craft an edit with optimum pacing"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Questo il primo videocorso su E-ONVUEX-STREAM interamente in italiano.OBIETTIVIDELCORSOObiettivo del corso , che tu sia uno studente o che tu sia gi un esperto, quello di metterti nelle condizioni di imparare un software cosvasto e spettacolare, seguendo un percorso lineare e chiaro. Sarai in grado di generare le tue ambientazionigi dopo le prime lezioni e rimarrai sorpreso dei risultati che riuscirai a raggiungere.Tutti gli argomenti vengono trattati molto dettagliatamente, analizzando la maggior parte delle funzionidi questo eccezionale software professionale.STRUTTURADELCORSOIl corso strutturato in 19 lezioni, chesi susseguono secondo uno schema ordinato e chiaro, con esempi pratici.Imparerai a modellare landscape, montagne, grotte, vallate,oceani, vegetazione, ma anche agenti atmosferici epianeti.F.A.Q.A cosa serve VUE?A generare fantastiche ambientazioni fotorealistiche. Hai presente i fantastici mondi di Avatar, Narnia, Shreck e Madagascar? Sono stati realizzati con Vue e integrati con Maya!A chi dedicato questo corso?A tutti quanti coloro sono attratti dalla computer grafica e alla realizzazione di ambientazioni 3D professionali. Dal principiante al professionista.Devo essere un esperto del computer?Assolutamente no. Basta avere un minimo di esperienza in ambiente Windows, Mac o Unix.Devo essere saper programmare?Assolutamente no!Quanto costa Vue?Esistono diverse versioni a prezzi variabili, acquistabili sul sito ufficiale. La versione a cui si riferisce questo corso costa 1.695euro. Ma possibile scaricare la versione di prova perfettamente funzionante e con poche limitazioni, al fine di imparare e testare il programma.Quanto impiegher a diventare bravo?Dipende esclusivamente da te e da quanto ti eserciterai giornalmente."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Business Knigge / Etikette wichtiges Grundlagenwissen" |
"Knigge-EtiketteDieser Kurs ist ein kleiner Einblick in die guten Umgangsformen und spricht verschiedene Themen an. Es wird kein Anspruch auf Vollstndigkeit gewehrt und doch ist er die Grundlage im freundlichen Umgang miteinander.Die Etikette zieht wieder in den Beruf ein und es wre schade, wenn Du negativ auffallen wrdest. In diesem Kurs gehe ich nicht auf die Details am Tisch, beim Essen (Rangfolge der Glser), dem Besteck .. Dafr gibt es weitere Kurse. Der Inhalt kann sowohl fr privaten, als auch Geschftlich genutzt werden.Bist du ein Neuling in Etikette, so zieh das heraus, was du fr dich jetzt gerade nutzen mchtest. Bist du ein Knigge-Hase, so kann es ja sein, das einiges Wissen aufgefrischt wird.Wir werden einen Abstecher in die Kleidung, sowie die Begrung und den Inhalt eines Small Talk machen.Frau im Beruf, sowie ein Restaurantbesuch und Reisen wird angesprochen. Weiterer Auszug aus dem Kursinhalt:KrperhaltungBeinhaltungAbstandWohin mit den HndenAngemessen gekleidetStrken betonenWie sieht es in deiner Branche ausQualitt - QualittDas Du ablehnen aber wie?Vom Du wieder zum SieDame oder FrauVisitenkarte Stilsicher im RestaurantSich setzenDas sind nur Auszge aus dem kompletten Angebot."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Bases de datos con Microsoft Access" |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de un videojuego completo con adobe flash" |
"Durante el curso vamos a ir elaborando paso a paso el tpico juego de los colores (Simn). Para ello elaboraremos todos los objetos necesarios para el funcionamiento del juego. Utilizaremos sonidos, figuras y otros objetos para elaborar el tablero de juego. Veremos como el lenguaje actionscript ayuda de forma muy potente a implementar las funciones necesarias del juego."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping Business 2020: Dropshipping for Beginners" |
"Discover How To Build A Six Figure Online Business Without Spending a Dime On Inventory Or Ever ShippingAnything Yourself...Online business is bigger than it ever has been, and the time to start an online business has never been better.Unfortunately, most methods for making money online just dont work as well as many of the so-called gurus say that they will.There are a lot of online business opportunities that are based on methods that dont work that well, and most people that try to make money with scammy online business opportunities just end up wasting a lot of time and money.To make REAL money online, you need to invest in a REAL online business.Right now, starting your own online store selling physical products through dropshipping is one of the easiest ways to make money online.Heres why dropshipping is one of the fastest and easiest ways for you to get up-and-running and making money online:First off, what exactly is dropshipping?In short, it works like thisSomeone orders a physical product from youThey pay youYou then place an order with the warehouse or manufacturerThey ship the product DIRECTLY to the customerYou keep 100% of the profitAdvantages of dropshopping over other online business models:You can get started with dropshipping right away since you dont have to have any capital to buy inventoryYoure providing real value and giving people what they want when you offer physical products onlineGetting started takes just a couple of hours of setup time when you know what youre doingMargins are great youll very often seen 50-150%+ margins when selling physical products online with dropshipping.Its easy to quickly scale up your business and incomeSo, If dropshipping is so simple, why isnt everyone doing it?To build a profitable dropshipping business, there are a few key details you have to get right:The right market or nicheFinding products that people want and locating vendors that will dropship those productsThe steps to getting your online store up-and-running without a massive investmentGetting traffic to your store and then getting those people to buyAlthough all of the above is simple if you know what youre doing, but still most people that try drop shipping online fail.You need to learn from someone who has actually built a successful dropshipping storeSomeone that can give you a roadmap to success with dropshippingSomeone that knows EXACTLY whats working todayThat's why you need this course I've put together on Dropshipping. To recap, inside it you'll learn:How to get started with dropshipping today even if you have no prior online experience.Why NOW is the time to get started with dropshipping and set yourself up for massive success.How to find the best products for your store and find vendors that will dropship the products for you.The best niches and industries to focus on with dropshipping.A step-by-step plan for getting your partners and products in place as quickly as possible.How to get your store up and running even if you have no technical skills.The right way to price your products to boost salesHow to quickly boost your income up to the six or even seven figure range and put your income on virtual autopilot.Plus, a whole lot moreSo, hit that enrol button and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Trade Stock Options: Profiting in Up and Down Markets" |
" What Will You Learn? You will be taught how to profit when stocks go up and how to ""really"" profit when stocks go down. You will learn one core trading strategy called the ""DMA Template"". This template and training teaches you how to buy Call and Put options.Call options are how you make 30-50% on your money when stocks go up in price.And Put options are how you make 30-50% on your money when stocks fall in price. Even Warren Buffet (the world's richest investor) uses stock options... Within a week of joining you will learn a bonus technique called ""The 10 Minute Strategy"". It literally takes only 10 minutes and a few example trades have been recorded to show proof of concept. ***** How Long Will Your Success Take to Achieve? ***** The course is designed for beginners who know nothing about options trading and they are usually transformed into sophisticated investors in as little as 7 weeks. Those already familiar with options are welcome to join, but please keep in mind this course is for beginners. As long as you can devote 1-2 hours a week to study, you'll be able to finish the course in roughly 30 days. However, this doesn't necessarily mean the skills are built up in this time, it just means you have the tools. It will take roughly 6-8 weeks for you to get a good grasp on the concepts. However, the fact still remains that it will still take 1-3 years before you become consistently successful. That can't be rushed or shortened, period. It's a commitment all of us need to make if we are ever going to be successful as an investor! ***** Highlights from Students Who Shared Their Experience... ***** ""I cleared $5,000 this month in profits"" ""Early on I had great success which was a downfall and then I got greedy and lost bigI dove back in to the program and went right back to the basics and have started earning again."" ""I've made money every single month this year"" ""If I didn't want to work anymore I don't have to because I'm making more money with my trading then with any of our other sources of income"" ""...right now, I know that I have total financial security, and I know that if I lose all my other sources of income, if my husband loses all of his sources of income...I mean, those things are not going to happen...but if they did, I'd be just fine. We'd be just fine because I will always make money trading now. I could lose everything else right now and I'd be just fine. That's a huge piece of mind! That's what everybody wants in life, most people. Everybody wants that, and now I have that, and it wasn't all that hard to get."" Enough said! ***** What to Expect as You Go Through This Course (Trading Road Map) ***** Think of your journey through this course as a profitable adventure and remember learning this skill is a marathon, not a sprint. You can rush through the learning material if you so choose, but it will have an adverse affect on your ability to profit. After all, no master of his/her craft ever became a master overnight. Succeeding with options is very simple, not easy, but simple; if it was easy then everyone who ever picked up a trading book would be rich. BUT if you can commit to do the simple things then the possibilities to profit with options will be limitless. ""Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't"" -Jerry Rice- As you proceed through the course please be mindful that I have strategically placed practical application exercises within the learning tutorials. Please, please, please, do any assignments I give. The one thing that all the successful students have in common is that they followed the program and did all the exercises given! Okay, enough of my rambles let's begin... ***** The Secret to Why Traders Fail - Getting Started Section ***** Watch me First The ""Watch Me First & Second"" video(s) will give you an overview of the member's area. It also covers the main reason people fail at trading and I discuss a realistic time frame for success. Your Road Map to Success In this video you will learn the mantra and process that all successful students follow (you're going to L_____ then D_____). I'll walk you through a brief overview of the training videos...You'll learn about the options trading ladder of success...And you'll discover why trade alert services don't lead to success... My Story From Failure to Success In this section you'll learn how an alcoholic and suicidal kid became one of the most successful traders in the nation. Pitfalls to Opening a Brokerage Account In this section I give you guidance on opening up your brokerage account (if you don't have one). You'll also learn the one phrase to avoid or else you won't get your account approved. We will teach you to paper trade first before you fund your brokerage account. Then in the training we will cover the different real money starting amounts as well as the pros and cons of each level. ***** Work Once, but Get Paid the Rest of Your Life ***** The work pay ratio teaches you how to work once, but get paid the rest of your life. In this section you'll learn about the formula we followed to become financially free without a million dollar account. Also watch Parts 1 and 2 of the ""Option Profit Formula"" videos. These videos reveal the formula that was shared with me by a group of very wealthy and enlightened millionaires. Essentially, they believed in ""giving back"" and by sharing this formula with you I am honoring all that they taught me. It's VITALLY important that you understand the foundational concept and way of thinking in these videos as it's completely different than the traditional way of investing. It may take some time to retool the way you think about investing, but once you do I think you'll enjoy the Option Profit Formula style of investing. For instance, during a bear market your ""total account value"" may be down roughly 40% but you won't care as you'll still be making the same monthly income each month! Watch the two ""Option Profit Formula"" videos to understand why... ***** Option Basics Section Lessons 1-4 ***** The material in this section will make the difference between your success and your failure: ""Option Basics"". ALL option strategies are nothing but the basics applied. A great deal of traders scoff or turn up their nose at the basics and what they don't know is that every great trader is a great trader because they have the basics committed to memory. Our option basics course has 4 parts to it. Please watch these videos several times and make sure you really understand the material. The more you understand the basics the easier it will be for you to grasp the strategy you'll eventually learn. ***** The 10 Minute Strategy Section ***** In this section I give you a ""proof of concept"" strategy so you can get an early taste of the power and pitfalls of options trading. I start off by defining what an option chain is...And you'll learn the pitfalls of picking the wrong option... And there's no need to do stock research as I give you a list of stocks to practice on. *** Using a farming analogy, the material you have reviewed thus far was designed to prepare the soil. Now I will teach you how to plant and reap a harvest of financial reward. Your ""ultimate"" success may not come quick. And most give up or get distracted before they reach success. Then years later their financial situation has not improved and they regret their earlier decisions. I encourage you to have faith, keep pressing forward, and live life with no regrets. The work you put in is well worth the reward you will receive! ***** Your Trading Blueprint (Core Content of the Course) ***** Next you move on to the core content of the course, learning how to place trades. From this point on I will only summarize the major lessons within this portion of the course. Intro to the 7 Step Process This section introduces you to the 7 step foundational process of trading stock options. The 7 step process can be further broken down into 3 simple questions. What do you trade? This is where I cover ""fundamental analysis"" (definition in the training). I walk you through the process of developing your stock watch list and I even made it easy for you. I created a stock watch list for you. When do you trade? This is where I cover ""technical analysis"" (definition in the training). This will be an overview of the best times to enter and exit trades. You'll also learn why we don't use technical indicators as the law. A technical indicator assists you with entering and exiting trades, but price and volume determines your true entry and exit point. How do you manage risk and profits? Managing risk is what most consider the most important aspect of successful options trading. This video will be the big picture abstract view. I'll also share why you should have an exit strategy planned out before you enter a trade. The DMA Trading Template and Blueprint There are several sub sections taught here, so here is a brief overview of what you will learn... You'll learn what the DMA template is...You'll be given a 3 step trade entry checklist...I'll show you the indicator that helps you determine the best direction to trade...I'll reveal a secret bid/ask spread trick that professional investors use...And then I follow up with a million dollar tip about the worst hour to trade...You learn how much money you should start trading with...The best path to take when you transition to real money...And I'll walk you through a bonus stock picking shortcut... And then once you learn how the template works I leave you with a practical application exercise... ***** Trading Exit Strategies (Worth the Investment in the Course Alone) ***** Did you know stocks tell stories? Well, I'll teach you the importance of listening to the story the stock is telling you. I also share the dangers of drinking a hope cocktail. Have you ever heard of a hope cocktail? It's a dangerous drink and should be avoided. Never drink and trade :) I then reveal the secret to my trading success and I will teach you the 3 primary trade exits I use when trading options. Full disclosure: There is a slight sexual portion in these videos where I teach you an analogy to help you understand why we trade the way we do. *** At this point you have come such a long way since when you first started. I really hope by now you can see how amazing and how powerful options trading can be. And I highly suggest you practice the DMA template on paper. There is something about seeing that money show up in your account. It helps bridge the gap between theory and reality. A lot of what you are learning will make absolutely NO SENSE until you apply it. We get those ""I finally got it!"" emails all the time (smile). ***** How to Manage Your Trades (AKA How to Not Be So Emotional While Trading) ***** In this section... You'll learn 2 key ingredients for success as a trader...I'll walk you through the best way to manage profits and losses...I'll walk through a few hypothetical examples on becoming a millionaire...I teach you my ""not so secret"" money management formula...We'll talk about the fact that 80-90% of traders focus on the wrong things...And I share how you don't need a winning trade ratio to make money... Towards the end I introduce you to the 3 step process to trade both confidently and successfully. Please absorb the message in this section because if you lose too much money it will take 1-3 years to make it back!!! ***** Money Management Myths ***** In this lesson we cover the most important aspect of trading, learning how to keep your money. You'll learn how to develop a money management formula that works...You'll learn what pitfalls to avoid so you don't end up a losing trader...And if you're worried about having enough time to trade, don't worry. We'll help you develop an ideal weekly or daily trading routine... At the end of this module you will understand WHY traders fail and what you can do to avoid losing all of your money. You'll also understand HOW to actual accomplish what Warren Buffet, the worlds richest investor has been saying for years... Rule #1: Don't lose money Rule #2: Don't forget rule #1 ***** Trade School (Example Option Trades) ***** Here is where I will personally trade my own account so you can watch me trade this strategy in real time. This is where theory will meet reality and you'll see how this strategy holds up to various market environments. ***** Parting Thoughts... ***** If you've followed the path I have laid out and implemented everything I've asked you to do then at this point you should have already seen some early success. If not, please remember we are only an email away. We are here to help and the only stupid questions are the ones not asked. I'll leave you with 2 quotes that have helped me on my path to success ""I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."" John D. Rockefeller- ""There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen."" Wayne Dyer- Here's to YOUR Divine Prosperity, Travis Wilkerson (AKA Trader Travis) P.S. Here's why I'm so persistent on following the rules and doing exercisessometimes we think we can take shortcuts and still get the same results. We think we have a smarter way. Sometimes that's true. But when it comes to using time tested principles that have been developed through hundreds of hours and many years...trying a shortcut is shooting yourself in the foot. That's the opposite of smart and it's why it took me so long to succeed. Learn from my mistakes and you'll reach the end destination faster! Please follow the program (smile). ***** ""Why Do Trading Courses Cost So Much...?"" ***** We receive a lot of emails inquiring about the financial investment needed to enroll in our training programs. If you've been to one of those 1 day promotional seminars or browsed online for awhile then you know the industry average for options education of this quality is between $5,000 9,000 dollars. And 1-on-1 coaching can cost you $10,000 dollars plus. I myself had to invest roughly $9,000 dollars, but I ended my first year with around $20,000 dollars in profit. When I was first introduced to options trading I thought the training's were expensive and if you happen to also think that's expensive you are absolutely right! It's just one of those things where ""you don't know what you don't know"" and when you have no experience with trading options you have nothing to compare it to. Again, the industry average for options education is between $5,000 - 9,000 dollars, but once you start trading options that $5,000 - 9,000 dollars will go from seeming expensive to being your monthly income you can easily earn. And that's what I meant when I said if you have no experience trading options you have nothing to compare it to. Our classes are custom made based on the needs of the group and so far I've been able to design training in the range of $2,000 - 5,000 dollars and our average student has a starting account size between $10,000 - 30,000 dollars (some have much more and some have much less). Not cheap by any means, but a little more affordable than the industry standard and with the same profitable results! However, with this course I've decided to keep the investment below $1,000 dollars. Make no mistake about it. Becoming a successful options trader is like becoming a member of a private club for wealthy people. There is a high price of entry, but it's soooo worth it! And you are also worth the investment! And if anyone understands the position you are in, it's me You're in that same place I was many years ago where I was trying to decide if I should invest in my education and invest in my future or continue on the path of self education. The path of self education is often called the poor man's journey and I stayed on that journey far too long. It was tough, it was scary, but I stepped up and did what was best for me and my family and hundreds of thousands of dollars later I know that decision made all the difference! My job is to get you to make a decision. Whether you say yes or no doesn't matter, its okay either way. You just don't want to be paralyzed by inaction because even if you don't make a decision, you've still made a decision. It's a decision that you're going to keep the same life that you have today! So decide one way or another. If you're ready to step up then now is the time to act. Opportunity waits for no one and I don't want you to pass this one up and then experience the bitter taste of regret. You are either remorseful or resourceful. There is no power in regrets... ***** You'll Have Your Questions Answered During the Annual Product Update! ***** This is an older course I no longer support. I am re-releasing this course as it's not helping anyone sitting on my hard drive. The strategy still works and many students still use it (check the reviews for confirmation). I also do not have a support staff to answer questions in a prompt manner. The price of the course reflects that. Thus, most of your questions will be answered within the course or I'll record a separate FAQ video and upload it to the course when I do my yearly training update."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Delphi Nivel 1 - Seja um Programador de sucesso" |
"Ola meus caros alunos, com grande satisfao que venho at vocis mostrar o meu curso de Delphi nivel 1 - criando um sistema de controle de estoque. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender desde o basico, tudo sobre o delphi.Vamos Criar as tabelas,os formularios, as consultas, relatorios e muito mais. So 95 video aulas passo a passo de como criar um sistema de controle de estoque. Vamos aprender como facil criar um software com sistema de login e muito mais.Ao termino deste curso o aluno estara apto a trabalhar como programador de sistemas linguagens delphi.Um grande abrao e boa sorte do Professor Henrique PoloNOVO DESIGN DO DVD - DELPHI NIVEL 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 1 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 2 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 3 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 4 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 5 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 6 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 7 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 8 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 9 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 10 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 11 Aula - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 12 Aula - Criando o DataModulo parte 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 13 Aula - Criando o DataModulo parte2Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 14 Aula - Criando o DataModulo parte3Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 15 Aula - Criando o DataModulo parte 4Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 16 Ativando o DBnavigator e hits no DelphiCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 17 Aula - Melhorando a DBgrid - Cadastro de CidadesCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 18 Aula - Apresentao dos formulrios de Clientes, BairrosCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 19 Aula - Criando o formulrio de Funcionrios parte 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 20 Aula - Criando o Formulrio de Funcionrios parte 2Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 21 Aula - Criando o Formulrio de Funcionrios parte 3Curso de Delphi 7.0 - 22 Adicionando o objeto dblookpcombobox no formulrio de funcionriosCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 23 Aula - Ajeitando o Formulrio de FuncionriosCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 24 Aula - Criando Mascaras nos campos no DelphiCurso de Delphi 7.0 - 25 Aula - Carregando uma foto no cadastro de clientesInstalando o QUICK REPORT no delphi 7.0 - Prof Henrique PoloCriando um Relatrio no Quick Report - Demonstrao - Prof Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Cdigo Automtico para suas AplicaesCurso de Delphi 7.0 TaborderCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Protegendo o Campo CdigoCriando o Relatrio de Cidades parte 1Criandoo Relatrio de Cidades parte 2 - Imagens e PaginaoCriando o Relatrio de Cidades parte 3 - Chamando os dados no RelatrioChamando o Relatrio de Cidades no Form Principal e Explicando um ErroResolvendo o Problema do Relatrio de Cidades e testando no Menu PrincipalCriando o Formulrio de Bairros Baseado no de Cidades - Add repositoryCriando o Formulrio de Bairros Baseado no de Cidades Parte 2Criando Campos Virtuais para a Dbgrid no Cadastro de Clientes - ApresentaoCriando Campos Virtuais para a DBgrid no cadastro de Clientes Parte 1Criando Campos Virtuais para a DBgrid no cadastro de Clientes Parte 2Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Gravando o caminho da foto no cadastro de clientesCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Colocando o campo foto no modo de edio - Cadastro de ClientesCadastro de Clientes -dbnavigator carregando a foto ao navegar nos registrosCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Adicionando Icones para suas Aplicaes e Compilando um SistemaMontando o cadastro de fornecedores parte 1Montando o cadastro de fornecedores parte 2Montando o cadastro de fornecedores parte 3Montando o cadastro de fornecedores parte 4Criando o Controle de Estoque - parte 1 datamoduloCriando o Controle de Estoque - parte 2 - ajeitando o formularioCriando o Controle de Estoque - parte 3 - ajeitando o formularioCriando o Controle de Estoque - parte 4 - cdigo automticoCurso de Delphi 7.0 - colocando data automtica e inserindo fotos no controle de estoqueCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Calculando o Preo de Venda do controle de estoque parte 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 - calculando o preo de venda do controle de estoque parte 2 - resolvendo um erroCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Apresentao do Formulrio de Sada de MercadoriasCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Explicao sobre a Sada de Mercadorias - TabelasCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Sada de Mercadorias chave primaria CompostaCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando o Formulrio de Sada de Mercadorias parte 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando o Formulrio de Sada de Mercadorias parte 2Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando o Formulrio de Sada de Mercadorias parte 3Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando o Formulrio de Sada de Mercadorias parte 4Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando o Formulrio de Sada de Mercadorias parte 5Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando o Formulrio de Sada de Mercadorias parte 6Criando um formulario para Consulta de Cidades parte 1Criando um Formulario para consulta de Cidades parte 2- Dbdados dbqueryCriando um formulrio para consulta de Cidades parte 4 - chamando o formulario no menu principalCriando um Formulrio para Consulta de Cidades parte 5 - criando a rotina sql e determinando os parametrosCriando um Formulario para Consulta de Cidades parte 6 - Finalizando a consulta botao gerarCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um sistema de Login de Acesso Parte 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login de Acesso parte 2Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login de Acesso parte 3 - designCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login de Acesso parte 4Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login de Acesso parte 5Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login de Acesso parte 6 - biblioteca dbCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login de Acesso parte 7 - boto acessarCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login parte 8 - tentativas de acessoCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login parte 9 - continuando tentativasCurso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login parte 10 -formulrio principal parte 1Curso de Delphi 7.0 - Criando um Sistema de Login parte 11 -formulrio principal parte 2Criando um Instalador com o Instalshield parte 1Criando um Instalador com o Instalshield parte 2Criando um Instalador com o Instalshield parte 3Criando um Instalador com o Instalshield parte 4 - Gerando o Executvel"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Delphi Nivel 2-Aprenda tudo sobre Delphi - Avanado" |
"Ola meus caros alunos, com grande satisfao que venho at vocis mostrar o meu curso de Delphi nivel 1 - criando um sistema de controle de estoque. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender desde o basico, tudo sobre o delphi.Vamos Criar as tabelas,os formularios, as consultas, relatorios e muito mais. So 95 video aulas passo a passo de como criar um sistema de controle de estoque. Vamos aprender como facil criar um software com sistema de login e muito mais.Ao termino deste curso o aluno estara apto a trabalhar como programador de sistemas linguagens delphi.Aprenderam tambem a criar formularios de contas a pagar, contas a receber,consultas avanadas utilizando paramentros.Um grande abrao e boa sorte do Professor Henrique PoloCurso de Delphi Nvel 2 - Avanado01 - Apresentao do Delphi Avanado02- Criando a Estrutura de diretrios do novo Projeto03- Criando o Formulrio de Acesso parte 104 - Criando o formulrio de Acesso parte 2 tabela05 - Criando o Formulrio de Acesso parte 3 conexo06 - Criando as Variveis para fazer a Analise na tabela login07- Criando as Variveis para fazer a Analise na tabela de Login parte 208 - Criando as Mensagens no Sistema de Login09 - Chamando o formulrio principal dentro do nosso projeto parte 110 - Chamando o formulrio principal dentro do nosso projeto parte 211 - Liberando o formulrio de Acesso da memoria freeandnil12 - Criando o Sistema de tentativas parte 113 - Criando o sistema de tentativas parte 2 soluo14 - trabalhando com vrios bancos de dados no mesmo sistema (filiais)15 - Criando os bancos de dados das filiais16 - Criando Arquivos Ini no Delphi para conexo dos bancos de dados parte 117- Criando Arquivos Ini no delphi Parte 2 Sucesso18-Finalizando Arquivos Ini - Prof Henrique Polo19 - Definindo o Projeto e melhorando o sistema de Login20- Melhorando o Design do Formulrio Principal PetPolo21 - Criando os bitbtns no formulrio Principal22 - Introduo a nveis de Acesso no Sistema23- Colocando na pratica o nvel de acesso - parte 124- Finalizando nvel de Acesso no Delphi- Sucesso25-Utilizando o Emsbmanager para criao de banco de dados26- Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o Pagecontrol parte 127 - Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o PageControl parte 228- Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o PageControl - Criando o Data Mdulo29- Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o PageControl - Manipulando tabshets30 - Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o PageControl - boto gravar e cancelar31 - Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o PageControl Cadastros32 - Criando o Formulrio de Clientes com o PageControl - gravando registros33 - Criando o Formulrio de Clientes - Comando Alterar e Excluir registros34 - Criando o Formulrio de Clientes - Utilizando o evento Onkeypress35 - Colocando um formulrio de outro projeto no sistema de Petshop36- Chamando o formulrio de suporte no sistema de Petshop37 - Demonstrao do Sistema de Contas a Pagar e Receber38 - Importando o Formulrio de Contas a Pagar e Receber de outro projeto pronto39- Fazendo as modificaes de codigos no formulrio de contas a pagar40 - Fazendo as modificaes de codigos no formulrio de contas a receber41 - Chamando os formulrios de contas a pagar e receber nos botes42 - Mudando os campos formulrio de contas a pagar - Emsbmanager43 - Inserindo registros no sistema de contas a pagar44 - Criando a Janela de consulta de contas a pagar parte 145 - Criando a Janela de Consulta de Contas a pagar parte 246 - Chamando o formulrio de consulta de contas a pagar no formulrio principal47 - Criando o sqlconpagar no DataModulo e inserindo os codigos parte 148 - trabalhando com parmetros e inserindo codigos no boto gerar na grade49 - Exibindo os dados na dbgrid e modificando o layout do relao de contas a pagar50 - Modificando cdigo para Contas a Pagar em um perodo de 30 dias51- Criando uma Barra de Progressos e Abrindo um menu Principal no Delphi"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Moodle - Criando um Sistema de Ensino a Distancia" |
"Neste curso vamos estarmostrando como implantar um site para ser usado tanto em ambiente empresarial como em ambiente Educacional. Estaremos ensinando como instalar e administrar sites em moodle, veja como simples e facil utilizar esta otima ferramenta de ensino a distancia.Mais um super treinamento do Professor Henrique Polo.CURSO DE MOODLE - CRIANDO UM SISTEMA DE ENSINO A DISTNCIA01-Curso de Moodle Apresentao02-Curso de Moodle - Baixando o Moodle e o WampServer03- Curso de Moodle - Instalando o Moodle parte 104- Curso de Moodle- Criando o banco de dados no moodle parte 205- Curso de Moodle - Criando o banco de dados no moodle e resolvendo erros06- Curso de Moodle - Mostrando as tabelas criadas no banco de dados07- Curso de Moodle - Criando a Conta do Administrador do Moodle08 - Curso de Moodle - Configurando a front page no Moodle09- Instalando o Pacote de Linguagens para o Portugus10- Curso de Moodle - Criando contas de Usurio11-Curso de Moodle - Configurando a pagina de usurios logados e nao logados no sistema12- Curso de Moodle - Dando Funes ao Calendrio e Adicionando Eventos13 - Curso de Moodle - Adicionando recursos no moodle USUARIO LOGADO14- Curso de Moodle - Aprendendo a Mover os blocos dentro do Moodle15 - Curso de Moodle - Adicionado recursos de Rotulos e Sites no Moodle16- Curso de Moodle Adicionando themas no moodle17- Curso de Moodle - Baixando Novos temas e testando no Moodle18 - Curso de Moodle - Adicionando atividades recentes e comentarios19- Curso de Moodle - Criando um chat (Bate Papo ) no moodle20 - Curso de Moodle - Criando um Forum de discusso no Moodle"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Access - Criando um Sistema de Vendas" |
"Aprenda neste Curso a Desenvolver um Sistema de Vendas - Feito todinho em AccessCriaremos os formulrios de Pesquisa, ou seja, ficara mais fcil efetuar uma consulta atravs de um formulrio no Access.obs: Criando as tabelas do curso,consultas, formularios, relatorios, macros e mdulos.Nas proximas 17 video aulas estaremos desenvolvendo um mini sistema de vendas, ou seja, iremos criar todas as tabelas necessarias para isso, faremos os relacionamentos de dados e depois criaremos as consultas e formularios do sistema.Por fim faremos o recibo da venda."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Build scalable applications with Apache Kafka" |
"Today's application are build in the Microservices Architecture. Having a lot of Microservices that needs to communicate with each other can be problematic as they quickly become tight coupled. Apache Kafka allows us to create services that are loosely coupled and operate in the event driven way.We can build components that process events and apply business logic as events arrived and publish those events further into the processing chain.We will learn how to use Apache Kafka to create applications that works in the publish-subscribe model.We will delve into the Kafka Architecture and its Producer and Consumer API. We will learn how replication and fault tolerance is achieved in Kafka. We will learn how to leverage Kafka to build truly Resilient, Scalable and event driven applications.About the authorTomasz Lelek is a Software Engineer who programs mostly in Java and Scala. He is a fan of microservices architecture and functional programming. He dedicates considerable time and effort to be better every day. Recently, hes been diving into Big Data technologies such as Apache Spark and Hadoop. He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development.Tomasz thinks that we should always try to consider different solutions and approaches before solving a problem. Recently, he was a speaker at several conferences in Poland - Confitura and JDD (Java Developers Day) and also at Krakow Scala User Group. He also conducted a live coding session at Geecon Conference."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Entrevista com o cliente - para Decorao de Interiores" |
"Esse curso aborda um tema muito especfico e fundamental para que o projeto acontea desde o inicio da maneira correta, sem retrabalhos e agradando o cliente. Entenda seu Cliente na hora de fazer seu projeto de Arquitetura e Decorao de Interiores!Nesse curso vou te mostrar a melhor forma para entender o que seu cliente deseja e como voc pode apresentar seu projeto a ele. Atravs de:Briefing (Entrevista com o Cliente)Tipos de clientes e estratgiasPostura profissionalConhecendo o ambiente de seu clienteDocumentando os dados"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Montar um PORTFLIO para Decorao de Interiores" |
"PortfolioPortflio uma coleo de trabalhos j realizados pelo profissional ou estudante relacionado ao seu negcio, ele serve para apresentar o servio oferecido, mostrar a capacidade de execuo e explicarsua linha de raciocnio para chegar na soluo do problema.Passos para desenvolver um portfolio vendedor.O que um portflioPara que serve o portflioComo iniciar um portflioMontar uma apresentaoComo organizar essa apresentao"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Vender Consultoria em Decorao de Interiores" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a vender o seu servio de consultoria para decorao de interiores.Vamos abordar formas de captar clientes, calcular seu preo, montar oramento e contrato.Por fim voc vai aprender a desenvolver o Plano de Consultoria em Decorao com um checklist de tudo que voc precisa executar, todo o passo a passo para seguir, em ordem.Voc estar apto para:Identificar oportunidades de venda de consultoria em decoraoCalcular com eficcia o preo da sua consultoriaElaborar oramentos atrativos para o servio de consultoriaAplicar tcnicas para fechamento de vendasDesenvolver o Plano de Consultoria de Interiores"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"PRECIFICAO Como Cobrar Projetos de Arquitetura e Design" |
"Irei lhe apresentar diversas maneiras de precificar, explicando com mais detalhes a que acredito ser a melhor e que sempre apliquei. Siga a que se encaixar melhor ao seu processo de trabalho.Precificar uma das maiores dificuldades do processo, mas isso mistificao.Os assuntos a serem abordados so:Os tipos de CobranaA Primeira Impresso a que FicaComo Agir na Primeira ReunioO que Perguntar na PrimeiraReunioO que apresentar na PrimeiraReunio"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Como Montar Oramento e Contrato - Arquitetura e Decorao" |
"Nesta aula voc conhecer um novo conceito e abordagem sobre os oramentos/contratose como eles podem garantir o sucesso em uma venda de design de interiores. Estude este material em conjunto com os vdeos e aplicaes de exerccios assim, poder conclu-lo com a melhor eficincia possvel.Temas abordados:A importncia do OramentoElaborao de OramentoElaborao de Contratos"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"O Tamanho Correto dos Mveis para se ter Conforto" |
"Aprenda identificar as medidas corretas para cada perfil do usurio que voc vai projetar.O curso apresenta aos alunos uma viso geral de como adequar os mais variados ambientes residenciais, com recomendaes especficas para cada situao visando o conforto e uma correta aplicao de medidas nos projetos.Esse curso vai:Preparar o profissional que deseja melhorar ou expandir seus conhecimentos em ergonomia, para desenvolver projetos arquitetnicos e de decorao com dimensionamentos corretos e funcionais.Oferecer base para que desenvolvam projetos eficientes, valorizando os ambientes com o uso de solues adequadas s necessidade dos usurios, melhorando a funo, a esttica e o bem estar;"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Projeto de Forro de Gesso" |
"Aprenda o detalhamento do forro de gesso dentro dos padres tcnicos para que todos os demais profissionais entendam o projeto.O que este curso vaiensinar?Preparar o profissional capacitando-o para desenvolver projetos de Paginao de Gesso. Atribuindo ferramentas fundamentais e conhecimento tcnico para melhor atender seus clientes e suas necessidades de mercado. Executar projetos de Paginao de Gesso aplicando noes de proporo, equilbrio e percepo; Utilizar sistemas, equipamentos e materiais adequados para execuo do projeto; Empregar tcnicas fundamentais para o bom entendimento e compreenso do projeto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Projeto de Iluminao Residencial" |
"O que este curso vai ensinar?Preparar o profissional que deseja iniciar ou expandir seus conhecimentos de iluminao na arquitetura de interiores residenciais. Oferecer base para que desenvolvam projetos eficientes, valorizando os ambientes, com tendncias de iluminao e uso de solues inovadoras adequadas as necessidade do mercado.O curso apresenta aos participantes uma viso geral de como adequada e iluminar os mais variados ambientes residenciais com recomendaes especficas para cada situao visando o conforto e uma correta apresentao de projeto. Compreender os conceitos e fundamentos da luz; Entender o uso correto de lmpadas e luminrias; Desenvolver efeitos de iluminao utilizando as lmpadas e luminrias corretas; Aprender a desenvolver um projeto luminotcnico correto seguindo as especificaes corretas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Weblogic desde Cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a instalar, administrar y configurar el servidor de aplicaciones de Oracle: weblogic.Es valido para versiones 12c en adelante. La mayor parte de los conceptos funcionan tambin para una 11gEste servidor de aplicaciones es el ms utilizado a nivel empresarial para desplegar aplicaciones Java Enterprise corporativas y lo encontrar en la mayor parte de empresas.Durante el mismo y de forma prctica conoceremos los distintos componentes del producto y veremos cuales son las funcionalidades del mismo.Este curso te ayudar a preparar la certificacin de Oracle 1Z0-133 Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I, aunque por supuesto no debe ser tu nica base para esa reparacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Use MailChimp Email Marketing" |
"Email marketing has become a modern way of promoting ourbrands, making sales and engaging or havingvery good relationships with your customers.Email Marketing is a process of sending emails or communicating to our customers through electronic means.It changes the way we think about business,sales and marketingWe will be creating a list inorder to help us store or manage our subscribers email. templates will also be created so that we can save time whenever we want to send out a campaign.We will also create our firstcampaign and send it out to the entire list.The course will be extended to build our Optin forms and integrate it with our mailchimp.A real life practical demonstrations and examples will used for this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso IONIC 4 - 5 bsico e avanado Backend em PHP Laravel" |
"Curso IONIC 4, 5 do bsico ao avanadoAtualmente estou gravando a nova verso do curso 3.0Neste curso criaremos um aplicativos de pedidos. Durante o curso vamos desenvolver outros aplicativos.Escolherei um aplicativo para desenvolver que seja sugerido pelos alunos do cursoVoc vai aprender tambm a utilizar os recursos nativos do Android como a cmera e GPS Funcionalidades estudadasListar Restaurantes via Http Cadastro de UsuriosLoginListar cardpiosListar PedidosListar cardpiosCadastro de RestaurantesRecursos Nativos - Cmera, GPS e Gesto de ArquivosCriando App para os restaurantes Cadastrar RestauranteCadastrar foto restauranteCadastrar CardpioLista de pedidosMapa de RestaurantesRecursos Avanados IONICSincronismo entre banco de dados local e o Mysql na nuvemCriao do Aplicativo de Loja virtual - Em andamento"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Popping Dance Advanced Waving Explained" |
"Learn Popping Dance Advanced Waving ExplainedAn Indepth explanation of the Art of Waving, How to become more creative with your waves, and gain more Confidence!I'm going to teach you the waving secrets of the most talented dancers and poppers. These are techniques and concepts that the Best of the Best know and use......EXCEPT...It took them years to learn these kind of techniques because most of them had to learn them on their own!TODAY, I am going to teach you what took me years to learn. LiterallyMany of the advanced techniques and concepts Iwill explain consist of the ""Ah HA"" eureka moments in dance, many of us struggle to find.With Extremely Popular shows such as, WORLDOFDANCE, America's Best Dance Crew, and Dancing With The StarsStreet Dancing has come back into the limelight and everyone is trying to learn how to do those incredible dance moves.Dance Classes are filled with so many people who want to learn the AMAZINGDance Moves they see their favorite Artists do on TV and Youtube.Iwill teach you the main things they don't teach you in dance class.IKNOW because Ihave taken class with some of the best from all over the world, but there are some things you just figure out on your own...Which is why Icreated this course, so you don't have to figure it out alone.Imagine the look on your friends and family when you bust out your brand new dance moves out on the dance floor at your next party and impress them!It's okay if you have never danced before...Iwill walk you through the basics as we progress through this course and make it slightly more advanced.Iwill also give you special drills that will accelerate the amount of growth with your dance!By the end of this course you will be able to dance and move to your favorite songs with ease and become a confident dancer!It's okay, feel free to show off!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Conquiste mais Clientes - Arquitetura e Design" |
"Muitas pessoas no conseguem cumprir sua rotinas por no saberdeterminar horrios e prazos para suas atividades. Geralmente acreditamque a falta de tempo condiz com enorme carga de tarefas executamdiariamente.O curso te ajudar a desenvolverum planejamento de carreira para o seu sucesso profissional.Assuntos abordados: Administrao do TempoEstratgias para otimizar o tempoPlanejando a CarreiraIdentificao da sua necessidade financeiraDirecionamento da carreiraPlanejamento futuroDesenvolvendo uma agenda de trabalho"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Replacing Your Job with Forex" |
"Do you have a strong desire to be financially independent?Would you enjoy a lifestyle filled with travel and freedom?Can you imagine not having to think about making ends meet?The majority of today's workforce would love the opportunity to say goodbye to their 9-5 job and travel the world. Nowadays we are looking to connect with people on a larger scale but are unable to do so because we have the obligation ofgoing to the same place everyday to pay our bills. The idea of making a full time income from your laptop or cell phone seems like a fantasy to most, yet, there are secret millennial millionaires that have taken advantage of this high leverage market that has been around for decades.Unfortunately, Currency Exchange has been painted out to be extremely complex since it's introduction to the retail world. With the ability for anyone to create a new indicator and the lack of general institutional knowledge, Over 90% of traders are misinformed on how simple currency analysis can be.Simplicity is key to creating a steady and stress free income from your cell phone. In this course you will learn the basics of the currency exchange market and how to use it's inherent leverage to create a full time income with a small portion of your current income. By using technical analysis concepts that have been proven for over 100 years, you will be able to create a relatively passive andfreelifestyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From scratch to mastery: Elliott Wave Analysis" |
"** Disclaimer: The course covers every concept of Elliott Wave theory but this particular course is very fast paced. If you want to make money by tradingstocks, forex, futures, options, orcrypto-currencies, this is knowledge that you will need every day.You will be able to see thetrue anatomy of every trend, whether you are looking at the 1 day chart or the 15 minute.If you are like over 75% of the population, you are most likely either actively looking for a new reliable source of income that won't fizzle over time. Trading stocks and forex is one of the most stable, high leverage,and reliable way to make money because no matter what happens, trading will be around in one way or another.There is a point that every retail trader faces, after the excitement of retail trading haspassedand you start to lose money on a consistent basis. This is the point where most traders will quit trading forex or stocks completely. When I was at this point in my career, I remember thinking that if I still wasn't making money after everything I had learned it must be impossible.The truth is that 98% of retail traders don't make money because they aren't studying thematerial that will allow them to make money. The introduction of the internet to the trading world has allowed for the creation of sub 1 day charts, trade copiers, algorithmic trading, and a slew of ""experts"" selling nothing but an unsuccessful trading system, so the need to learnmarket theory and psychology seems more unimportant every day.By learning Elliott Wave Analysis, you are equipping yourself with an institutional advantage that will allow you to see the market in a way that most other retail traders will not. This is for traders who are looking to make 6 figures per month, which meansyour trading isa business and not as a source of excitement.In this course, you will learn all of the concepts that are essential to mastering trend analysis, as articulated by Ralph NelsonElliott. This is for slightly more experienced traders."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |