Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Make a Natural & Vegan Lip Balm" |
"Hey Guys !In this video we will be learning how to make a natural and vegan lip balm and then, how to make a delicious-chocolate lip tint ! I will also explain some properties of the oils and butters that we will be using in our recipe.It is a step-by-step tutorial, easy to follow and fun to practice!After completing this course, you will no longer need to buy any moisturizing products in the store and you will be able to surprise your oved-ones with a personalized DIY gifts.All along your learning, I will be there to answer your questions and help you out ! Just let me know:)Hope to see you in my course ! <3 xoxoxoox -Diana"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Powerpoint for Scientist: Guides for Presentation and Design" |
"Who is this course designed for: Graduate students who want to graduate fasterScientific researchers writing manuscripts for peer-review journals Students making poster or presentation for conferencesPersoninterested in making beautifulscientific artThis course will provide you every tips and tricks you need to know to create professional-looking scientific materials to impress your audience and gain attention for your work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
dc_learn |
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Tratamento de Imagem com Lightroom CC 2020" |
"Ol, aqui o Carlos Rincon, Educador, Fotgrafo e especialista em Photoshop e Lightroom. Seja muito bem-vindo(a) a este CursoAntes de criar sua identidade no uso correto do Lightroom, quero lhe fazer uma pergunta muito simples...O que voc busca?Voc esta em busca da sua realizao profissional, da sua misso de vida?De alguma forma voc foi atrado ate aqui.Todos ns sabemos que quando o ser humano esta determinado, nada o segura para querer aprender...Permita-me fazer outra pergunta: Voc uma pessoa paciente?Sendo afirmativo sua resposta, asseguro que voc est no CURSO certo para iniciar sua trajetria de sucesso no Lightroom.Voc quer que suas fotos se tornam melhores?? E acha difcil isso acontecer? Voc quer aprender o aplicativo de edio mais poderoso e eficiente do mundo, usado por fotgrafos profissionais?Se assim for, voc est no lugar certo - e estamos felizes em t-lo aqui! timo ter voc aqui. AMO A FOTOGRAFIA E A EDIO DE FOTOS!Talvez voc seja um fotgrafo amador que tenha feito um pouco de edio de fotos, ou talvez voc tenha um pouco de experincia em edio de fotos. De qualquer forma, fizemos esse curso para ajud-lo a fazer edies de imagem de formar profissional e fcil.Comece a editar fotos no Adobe Lightroom Classic CC (anteriormente Lightroom CC) hoje!Voc sempre quis aprender a editar facilmente suas fotos. Lightroom a ferramenta perfeita para voc. robusto, porm intuitivo. Este curso ir ensinar tudo o que voc comea a edio de fotos hoje.O que nos torna qualificado para ensinar voc?Sou Carlos Rincon, e estou usando o Adobe Lightroom h mais de uma dcada. Sou fotgrafo profissional e Professor. Trabalho com estdios fotogrficos, Fotografia de Alimentos (food styler), Fotografia de Rua e Composio fotogrfica. NOSSA PROMOO PARA VOCEstarei sempe aqui para voc a cada passo. Se voc tiver alguma dvida sobre o contedo do curso ou qualquer coisa relacionada a este tpico, voc sempre pode enviar uma pergunta no curso ou me enviar uma mensagem direta.Quere tornar este o melhor caminho sobre como usar o Adobe Lightroom. Ento, se houver alguma forma de melhorar esse curso, apenas diga-nos e vamos fazer isso acontecer.SOBRE?Se voc est usando o Lightroom CC ou uma verso anterior, este curso ir ensinar-lhe como usar o programa ao seu mximo potencial.Quando terminar com este curso, voc poder editar suas fotos no Lightroom como um profissional. Voc poder configurar o Lightroom para que ele funcione melhor, economizando horas de frustrao e voc ter a confiana de que no vai perder suas imagens.Voc tambm poder retocar imagens profissionalmente e voc gastar menos tempo fazendo dicas e truques do Lightroom. Voc tambm poder fazer a calibrao da cmera profissional e correes personalizadas do equilbrio de branco, uma correo avanada de um boto, notavelmente poderosa.Vamosfazer isso cobrindo a configurao e a configurao do Lightroom, ajustes de exposio, adicionando dramatismo por clareza, dominando predefinies do Lightroom, cobrindo os melhores plugins do Lightroom, organizando imagens no Lightroom for Mobile, editando no Lightroom for Mobile, recuperando detalhes nas sombras, como editar uma foto de paisagem, como retocar um retrato e muito mais.Faa suas fotos brilhar com este timo curso.TPICOS Navegando no aplicativo Lightroom Importando e organizando fotos - incluindo marcao facial e ranking Usando ferramentas bsicas de edio para corrigir problemas de fotos como balano de branco, exposio, cores e muito mais. Editando com tcnicas avanadas Melhorando retratos e fotos de pessoas Usando o Lightroom Mobile para editar durante o curso Configurando o Lightroom para funcionar eficientemente Exportando fotos e adicionando marcas d'gua e muito mais!V em frente e clique no boto de inscrio, e vamos ver voc na lio 1!Felicidades,Carlos Rincon"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"The Complete 2019 Fiverr Masterclass" |
"Learn how to generate incomeWith The Ultimate Fiverr Masterclass!Fiverr is a platform for freelancers to put services so people can find them and buy them for a relatively cheap price. You are basically owning your time! with no boss! No coworkers! And you can work in any place of the world with only your computer and WiFi connection, Isn't that cool?If that wasn't enough, Let my tell you that in this masterclass we are going to cover everything you can possibly need, and i will teach you what the pros aren't teaching you.In this course we will cover deeplyA Small Fiverr IntroductionEverything You Will Need Before Starting With Fiverr: Business name, Logo EmailHow To Create An Optimized Fiverr ProfileThe Most Profitable Niches on Fiverr For 2019 - 2020How To Create a GigHow To Write A Kick ass DescriptionHow To Create A FREE Image For Your GigCreate a Highly Converting Video For Your GigFacebook MarketingInstagram MarketingQuora Marketing ( NEW )Facebook AdsForums MarketingYouTube MarketingPlus, I will be doing a live case study so you can see how i manage and market my own gigs!And if that wasn't enough i will include as a bonus lecture, some podcast style audio sections where i will be giving away some extremely valuable information!So what are you waiting for? Join this course and let's make some money!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr: Genera Ingresos Desde Casa ( Clase Completa 2019 )" |
"Quieres aprender a generar ingresos de manera fcil y rpida?Llegaras de ser un completo novato a dominar el arte de FiverrAl tomar nuestro curso ganaras valiosa experiencia, conocimientos y recursos que podrs aplicar en la vida real.Nuestra clase empieza con:Una Introduccin A FiverrTodo Lo Que Necesitas Antes De Empezar En Fiverr: Nombre De Negocio, Logo, Email, Etc.Como Crear Un Perfil De Fiverr OptimizadoLos Nichos Mas Rentables Para Este 2019 - 2020Como Crear Tu Primer GigComo Escribir Una Descripcin Que VendaCrear Una Imagen GRATIS Para Tu GigCrear Un Video Que ConviertaFacebook MarketingInstagram MarketingQuora Marketing ( NUEVO )Facebook AdsForums MarketingYouTube MarketingCuando termines, tendrs conocimiento en todas estas reas Es hora de tomar accin, inscrbete en el curso y nos vemos ah!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing: The Complete 2019 Masterclass" |
"Learn how to create income with The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Class! Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money where you promote digital or physical products of other people (affiliates) and get a commission on each sale. You are basically the owner of your time! no boss No coworkers! And you can work anywhere in the world just with your computer and WiFi connection, isn't that cool? If that were not enough, let me tell you that in this master class we will cover everything you need and I will show you what the professionals are not teaching youIn this course we will cover deeplyA Small Affiliate Marketing IntroductionEverything You Will Need Before Starting With Affiliate Marketing:Business name, website, EmailHow To Create A 100% FREE WebsiteHow To Pick The Right Affiliate ProductsHow To Keep Track Of Your PPC AdsHow To Create A FREE ReportFREE YouTube MarketingWebinars And Live StreamsMy Personal SECRET Affiliate FormulaFacebook MarketingInstagram MarketingGuest Blogging ( NEW )Paid MarketingKeeping A High Growth RateGrowing Your BusinessPlus, I've included multiple books and reports to increase you learning experience.And if that wasn't enough i will include as a bonus lecture, some podcast style audio sections where i will be giving away some extremely valuable information!So what are you waiting for? Join this course and let's make some money!WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE INCLUDED!!!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MPLS VPN: Cours complet + Exercices corrigs" |
"Dans ce cours, nous allons couvrir les notions de bases du MPLS. Nous parlerons de la mise en uvre du MPLS, de sa terminologie et de sa configuration au niveau de la couche 3 et pour les protocoles de routage RIPv2, OSPF, EIGRP et MP-BGP.Nous parlerons du protocole LDP et voquerons la notion de label ou tiquette.Grce un lab qui va regrouper tous les concepts tudis dans une seule architecture, nous allons crer des VRFs et comprendre comment cela marche. Nous allons ensuite faire ressortir l'utilit des Route-Distinguisher et Route-Target.A travers la configuration des Routeurs Customer Edge et Provider Edge, nous apprendrons faire circuler les paquets d'un site un autre et, ceci dans les VPNs pralablement crs.Avec le contenu de ce cours et une certaine pratique, le dpannage du rseau MPLS devient comprhensible."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Par La Pratique" |
"Ce cours traite du Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching et des sujets comprendre et matriser enfin de devenir un Ingnieur rseau digne de ce nom. J'ai pris soin d'y expliquer toutes les commandes de la manire la plus simple et efficace, de faon ce que vous puissiez comprendre sans effort. Si un moment donn vous ne trouvez pas une fonctionnalit ou une commande, cela voudrait tout simplement dire qu'elle est obsolte et qu'elle a t remplace par quelque chose de meilleur. Si jamais je n'ai pas parl d'un sujet qui vous intresse spcialement, faites-le moi savoir en commentaires et, je me ferai une joie de vous l'expliquer en l'insrant tout simplement dans ce cours. Le simulateur rseau que j'ai utilis tout au long de cette formation est GNS3 mais, si vous disposez d'quipements rels, sachez que toutes les commandes que j'utilise seront valides pour vous galement.N'oubliez pas de me donner vos impressions !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Create 3D Origami - Christmas Turkey" |
"Arts and Craft The Enormous Benefits Improve coordination. ... Hone fine and gross motor skills. ... Enhance letter and number recognition to support academic lessons.. Skyrocket self-esteem Prevent development of dementia.. Fight depression.. These are just some of the many benefits of arts and craft. In essence, arts and craft are for everyone of all ages! There are immense benefits associated with arts and craft for both children and adults alike. Arts and craft projects help build confidence in toddlers. Exposing children to creative endeavours can help to raise their IQ and develop many of the fundamental tools they will need to be successful in school! New studies are suggesting that older adults who do creative activities like arts and crafts could delay the development of memory problems in old age. There have been a number of studies both in older and somewhat younger individuals suggesting that mental activities like arts and craft stimulate their minds and may help prevent development of dementia As in all things, taking the first step is always difficult and may even be rather intimidating. For one, knowing where to start is a problem - what projects to do or where to go to get the materials. If you have been inhibited from giving arts and craft a go due to those reasons, we have good news for you! This course on 3D origami handicraft is probably one of the best way to kick start your very first creative endeavor. For one, the materials are readily available; paper, scissors and glue. Next, the course provides a comprehensive bite-sized step-by-step guidance from start to completion. Whats even more exciting is the fact that you can even sell your handicraft on an online platform specifically designed for hand made products!!! While reaping the many benefits from arts and craft in the process of spending quality time with your loved ones, you also create an opportunity to make money!!! What more can one ask for? To top if off, you even get to earn cash rebates from enrolling in this course!!! We have included in the course segments on signing up for Ebates to earn cash rebates as well as the steps to create an account with Etsy, the online platform for selling hand made products. And for some reasons you feel ripped off, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee! There is really nothing to lose but much to gain from enrolling in this course! Sign up for the course NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What is Bullying? And How to Stop It?" |
"Children fall victim to a bully during their school and college days. Bullying impacts not only a child's emotional development but also academic intelligence.Bullying is more prevalent and dangerous to a child's development than parents and teachers think as it has long lasting negative impact. So bullying should be stopped and prevented as soon as possible.This is a self-help course for children, aged between 11 and 17 years. After completing this course, children can identify bullying behaviour easily, stop it and prevent it.Who can take this course:Children aged between 11 and 17 yearsParents to understand and help their childrenTeachers to understand and help their studentsObjectives of the course:Understand what is bullyingTypes of bullyingImpacts of bullying behaviourPreventing bullyingStopping bullying behaviour with a porper response to a bullyAfter completing this course, you can:Identify bullying behaviour easilyProtect yourself from falling victim to a bullyStandup to other victims"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teen's Guide To Cyber Security" |
"For children and teenagers, internet is a fascinating tool with information of every kind. But they do not know how to utilize it properly in a positive manner. Moreover, internet is full of false and misleading information.So this course educate children of age between 11 and 19 about safety on internet. They will learn how to filter information and identify genuine sources on internet.For Parents: If you are a parent, gift this course to your child to introduce them to safety on internet.Objectives of the course:Inner workings of internetUnderstand how images are manipulatedUnderstand how videos are manipulatedEmail frauds and how to protect Fake news and how to identify itmisuse of social networks to manipulate opinions and how to safeguard yourselfTips to identify genuine websites and information on internetAfter completing this course you can:Use internet wiselyprotect yourself from email scamsStay away from fake news and fake sitesIdentify jokes and messages which try to manipulate your opinions without giving any facts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity C# Sfrdan 2D & 3D Oyun Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"Hayalinizdeki oyunu gelitirmek mi istiyorsunuz? O zaman doru yerdesiniz! Dnya zerindeki en byk oyun stdyolarnn ve bamsz oyun gelitiricilerin kulland, endstri standartlarndaki oyun motoru Unity 3D ile kendi oyun projelerinizi hayata geirmek sadece sizin elinizde!Bu kurs ile birlikte kendi oyun projelerini gelitirebilmek iin sre boyunca ne renilmesi/uygulanmas gerekiyorsa tm ilemleri adm adm reniyor olacaksnz. -------------------------Eitim boyunca gerekli programlarn indirilmesinden temel algoritma kurmaya, C# ile programlamaya giri yapmaktan oyun tasarmna gemeye kadar her eyi en temel bilgilerinden itibaren aklyorum. Yani burada baarl olmak iin daha nce herhangi bir programlama veya tasarm bilgisine sahip olmanza gerek yok!Ders boyunca gelitireceimiz tm oyunlar sfrdan kodlayarak ilerlemekle beraber oyunu tamamlamak iin ihtiya duyacanz tm sanatsal geleri nasl kullanacanz da size retiyor olacam.rencilerim arasna katlarak, bu eitime hayat boyu eriim hakkna sahip olmakla beraber, internet eriimi olan dilediiniz her yerden telefon, tablet veya bilgisayarnz ile kursu takip edebileceksiniz. -------------------------Unity ile gelitirilmi baz popler oyunlar:Ori And The Blind ForestInsideRustThat Dragon, CancerSuperhot"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"WordPress For Beginners - Set Up Your Website In 50 Minutes" |
"Learn how to quickly and easily make a beautiful website using WordPress - all in under50minutes and without writing a line of code.What if you could have your own website set up in less than 5minutes? Finish it completely in 30 minutes?Without ever having set up a site before, and without writing any code? Good news, you can!Who is this course right for?If youre thinking, I want a website. I want it now. I dont know how to code then this course is a perfect match for you.100% newbies, those who dont know how to code, those who have never set up a site before, those who want a create a website for dummies course, and those who want to build a beautiful, professional website in under 50minutes.Do you want to set up a website but feel overwhelmed and want a simple, quick, step-by-step guide that holds your hand all the way through?Do you want to set up a beautiful, customizable site, but dont necessarily know how to code?Have you never set up a site before?If there was a course called set up a website for dummies or set up a website for a complete newbie youd jump at the chance to take it?If yes to any of the above, you are in the exact right place!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Passos Para Fabricar Cosmticos Profissionais" |
"Tudo explicado em 3 passos nesteCurso Online Como FAbricar Cosmticos ProfissionaisFaaCosmticos Profissionais para vender! Mesmo para quem vai tentar pela primeira vez, fabricar Cosmticos uma tarefa bastante fcil e agradvel. O nico segredo usar e abusar da criatividade. Melhor ainda porque o material no to caro e voc pode ter uma margem de lucro muito acima de 100%. A fabricao de cosmticos alm de um meio de descontrao e lazer tambm pode lhe guiar para aprender uma nova profisso, onde voc ter a chance de ganhar muito dinheiro trabalhando em tempo parcial ou integral. possvel fabricar produtos com qualidade, seguindo as orientaes do nosso curso atravs das videos aulasvoc no encontrar obstaculos. As matrias primas naturais so encontradas facilmente. Os equipamentos so fceis de fazer. Dicas de comodesenvolver sua marca e vender seus produtos nos sales de beleza e na internet.Leve de Bnus Formulas para sabonete liquido e mais uma apostila com mais 70 frmulas incluindo produtos masculino para barba.Este curso vitalciopor tempo ilimitado no ar. Aproveite j"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Keys to Successful Entrepreneurship: Strategic Support" |
"Support is essential to any entrepreneur or small business owner. Many times we scream we need help or need support, but aren't exactly sure how others can help us. This course lays out the types of support an entrepreneur needs when deciding to get into business, when your business is growing or when you realize you are not doing as well as you need to. The course teaches you the necessity of certain types of support and how to strategically utilize these""Support Networks""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn MSP430 Programming while Implementing a Task Scheduler" |
"This course will introduce you to the MSP430 and embedded software in general. You will also learn how to implement a basic task scheduler. From setting up ports and registers, to more advanced subjects like callback functions, structs, and timers, you will learn how to program an MSP430 to do precisely timed tasking in a fairly simple manner."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Business or Organization Cyber Security Plan" |
"According to a CNBC article from July 25 2017, 14 million US businesses are vulnerable to a cyber-attack. Is your business or organization one of them? With technology becoming an essential part of every organization, a breach can happen before you know it. Often new devices are added without thinking about how they impact the rest of your business - and the security needed to keep you and your clients' safe. Creating Your Business or Organization Cyber Security Plan will help you prepare your organization to survive the cyber-attack that you will probably face in the future by preparing a plan to both defend and recover from an attack. Topics we will cover in this course include: How Do I Protect Myself and My Business? Email Safety Account Security Password Security Mobile Devices"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Design Grfico - Fechamento de Arquivos em PDF" |
"O curso de DesignGrfico Fechamento de Arquivos em PDF visa expandir o conhecimento de estudantes e profissionais das reas de Design, Propaganda e Marketing na prtica de fechamentos de arquivos em projetos grficos, gerando melhores resultados e uma maior segurana no envio dos projetos para impresso.Os mdulos do curso contm temas essenciais, indo desde o fechamento de um modelo de carto de visita, at uma embalagem de cartucho, com todas as principais especificaes tcnicas.Se voc deseja se diferenciar no mercado de trabalho, este curso feito pra voc. O conhecimento sobre finalizao de arquivos uma carncia eminente no mercado de comunicao, se voc trabalha no setor de comunicao, basta questionar sua network para ver quem de fato possui segurana na finalizao de arquivos paraOff-Set / Flexografia / Rotogravura / Serigrafia etc, ou ento, materiais com acabamentoscomo:cores especiais/pantones, dobras, corte especial, braille, entre outros.Este curso ir te ensinar o passo a passo sobre como se tornar um profissional completo, que tenha segurana na hora de garantir que todo o projeto concebido na tela, saia com perfeio quando impresso."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Remote user testing and analysis" |
"Have you ever wondered if the design of your website actually helps your users?Can customers find your buy now buttons?Is anyone seeing the subscribe links in your blog posts?Why is nobody using your new features?If youre a graphic designer, product manager, BA, developer, or even a veteran UX researcher, youve probably asked these questions a thousand times. Often the answers are expensive and time consuming to find. Enter remote user testing! Im Hugo, a 15 year design and usability veteran. In this course, Ill show you how to use remote user testing to get hard, objective data on these kind of questions, in a matter of hours, not days or weeks like regular user testing. And no previous experience in user testing or design at all is required. Ill show you how to test drastic changes to your site with no previous knowledge of code or design, which can speed up your A/B testing by an order of magnitude. And when I say data, I mean it - Im not talking about chintzy clickmaps or heatmaps of where people are scrolling. Im talking about generating real, task-based human performance data, and using a simple analysis process that benchmarks your site design in a way that no on-site analytics package can. This process gives you really nice, easy to digest metrics, and great charts and graphics to wow your stakeholders and exec team. And let me stress again - no experience or knowledge of user testing is required. Ill show you how anyone can use these new tools to get insights about the performance of their design and how things could be improved. Take this course and the performance of your design will no longer be a mystery. Start your remote user testing journey with me today!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Online Reputation Marketing & Management 2.0" |
"Welcome to Mastering Online Reputation Marketing & Management 2.0!As a member you have full access to this crash course onmanaging the online reputations of offline businesses.NOTE: the business listing sites mentioned inside this course are U.S. based so if you live outside the U.S. you'll need to research the top business listing sites in your countryMastering Online Reputation Marketing & Management 2.0 Course consists of 2 main parts:Step 1: Building5-Star ReputationsIn this module youll learnwhat onlinereputation is and whyit's so vital to focus onright now.Successful online companies are well-aware of their reputations; however, many offline companies and local businessesare oblivious to how they are viewed by their customers and prospectson the internet.Here you'll learn...The Theory:how much people actuallytrustreviews onlinethe difference between Reputation Marketing and Reputation Management (yes, they are different!)how people view good reputations, no reputations and bad reputations onlinehow to find these businesses with negative reputations so you can reach out to themthe difference between Referral Marketing and Reputation Marketingthe 4 Pillars of Online Reputation Marketing.The Tasks:keyword-rich reviews and why they're important for converting more customersBasic keyword research demo to find local service keywords for your clientsWhy business listing sites are a crucial part of Reputation MarketingWalk-thru on claiming your local business listingsHow to rank higher in Google Maps (very important for online reputations!)How to optimize a Google+ page listingHow to get more reviews & better quality reviews for your clientsStep 2: Managing&Marketing 5-Star Reputations OnlineIn these videos, you'll learnhow you can make money with online reputation services and I'll be sharing some awesome ideas that you can use when delivering for your clients. We'll cover how to choose the bestindustries to work with, which ones to avoid and common prospect excuses. I'll alsoshare a neat little hack if you want to outsource all of it if you don't want to do it all yourself.And last but not least, I'll share my companies very own proven Reputation Marketing strategy that built more than 500 5-star reputations online.I've includedthe most important tasksin effectively building,managing and marketingreputations online...I hope you get a lot of value from this courseand as always Ilove to hear your feedback!If you enjoyed - leave me 5 stars!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Canva Graphic Design Course" |
"Wish you could create your own graphics for your brand, but don't know how to start? Have you researched graphic design tutorials online only to find thatthey never coverwhat you're reallylooking for? Do you find outsourcing graphic design work tobe a time-consuming pain? (especially when you have multipleeditsbefore the project is finished?)If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions - this is the course for you!I understand what it's like - 'causeI've been there too!That's why I created this course - to teach people just like you how to easy it is to be your own graphic designer when youget started with Canva.Design and branding is important for your business and I especially love this quote from Paul Rand that sums it up perfectly...Design is the silent ambassador of your brand."" CreatingBeautiful Graphics Used to Be Frustrating...I knowhow much time it can taketo create customgraphics yourself, especially when youre just starting out with no previous experience. Ive been there too Spending countless hours online searching for the right tutorial - but always coming up short.Tools like Adobe Photoshop are comprehensive offering thousands of features but I'll be honest, I still have yet to fully master it.And outsourcing can get expensive - even on Fiverr! Not to mention its a challenge in itself to find the right designers to work with andget it done the way you want it within your time frame. I never thought I could create professional-looking graphics in minutes! But I can- and you can too!Before, I was seriously stressed at the thought of creating something as simple as a branded Facebook post or YouTube thumbnail But with Canva I can create beautiful designs in literally MINUTES! I love it!Now branding & designing graphics is one of my favorite aspects of building businesses!They've done all the heavy lifting for you by in-building thousands of beautifully designed templates for you choose from and customize.So you can create custom graphics for your brand quicker than you can find someone else to outsource it to - seriously.This course will teach you how to use Canvato createPRACTICAL projects in minutes that you'll actually use in your business (and beyond).What Youll Learn By Enrolling in The Ultimate Canva Graphic Design Course: After enrolling in this course, in Section 1, youll go through the welcome lecture, how to navigate the Canva dashboard and a few core Canva skills. Then in Section 2 Ill walk you through the core design elements in Canva so you'll know how to use them to create whatever you desire!Finally, in Section 3, we'll design 10 branding projectsyou'll need in your business plus 2 very special EXTRA PROJECTSI know youll enjoy!*NOTE: This is a longer course so if you're strapped for time - simply watch Sections 1 & 2 and that will cover most of what you need to get started.Graphic Design Doesnt Get More Fun (or Faster) Than Using Canva! Projects You'll Learn How to Create: A Brand Logo Blog Title Facebook Cover Facebook Post Facebook Ad Twitter Header Twitter Post YouTube Thumbnail YouTube ChannelArt Google+ Photo Pinterest Graphic Instagram Graphic Whether youre looking to improve your designskills for business, for personal use or just for fun if you have a specific project you need done today, this Canva course is perfect for you. You'll also get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course! Best of all - Ill be here to guide you step-by-step and Im always available to answer any messages or questions that you have. ENROLLNOW!!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SEO Audits Made Simple + Screaming Frog SEO Spider DEMO" |
"Has it been awhile since you took inventory of your site's content?Are you struggling to rank for your keywords in Google?Is it a battle to get visitors to your site? Have you found that when visitors DO visit your site, that they often leave soon after? If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions - you're ready for an SEO audit!If you're here - you already know SEO is important for anyone looking for free organic traffic. But as you know, proper search engine optimization is more than just tossing in a few keywords into your content...There are many factors (over 200 to be exact!) that can affect search engine visibility & rankings in Google.With all the tasks we have to handle as business owners - it can be tricky to keep track of it all......and often times - we miss things.Chances are - there are a few things that are holding you back from achieving the rankings and organic traffic you've been wanting.That's where an SEO audit comes in!What Is an SEO Audit?An SEO audit is the process of analyzing how well your web presence measures up to best practices and it'sthe first step to creating an action plan that will have measurable results. SEO audits can help you analyze a number of different aspects within your online presence including:Technical SEO issuesWebsite structure issuesOn-page SEO issuesPotential off-site problemsUser experience issuesContent gaps and opportunitiesCompetitive marketplace insightsWhy Take the Time to Do an SEO Audit?The whole idea behind performing an audit is to analyze core elements that can be improved so that we can fix those things, perform better in the search engines and win more customers!When I say core SEO elements, I mean checking factors that are most important to search engine rankings like: traffic, content, on-page optimization, proper linking structure, and user navigation - just to name a few.Ideally an audit should be comprehensive yet easy to understand. After all the whole point is to see what (if any) SEO issues are affecting your online goals. Any and all recommendations should line up with your over-all business objectives. By performing a periodic SEO audit on your site you can fix crucial errors, improve site quality, visibility & rankings.Is This Course for You?While there are a number of other SEO audit courses out there - I designed this course for entrepreneurs and business owners that need a PRACTICAL, real-world audit that can be completed in just a few hours (not days!) If you follow my method that I'll be teaching you inside - you'll see just how SIMPLE it can all really be!Overview of What We'll Be Covering Inside:How to Setup Your Site in Google Search Console, Webmasters & AnalyticsAnalyzing How Your Brand Appears in the Search EnginesChecking Your Site SpeedAnalyzing Your TrafficHow Your Brand Appears to ProspectsSite Navigation & Structure AnalysisAnalyzing Your ContentPerforming a BacklinkAnalysis with Screaming Frog SEO Spider & SEMRushInfluence (Social Media Analysis)Tips if you're struggling to keep people on your siteTips if you're not ranking for your brand nameTips if you're not ranking for your main keywordsContent Marketing Tips and MUCH More!SEO Auditing Tools We'll Be Using Inside This Course: (to get a head start - feel free to sign up for the following tools:)Screaming Frog SEO Spider (FREE version *good for up to 500 urls)Google Analytics (FREE), Webmasters (FREE), Search Console (FREE) Yoast SEO plugin (FREE version)SEMRush (FREE version)My GuaranteeI think you're gonna like how straight-forward and practical I made this course but, if you aren't satisfied, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there's nothing to lose and a LOT to gain!So let's not waste any more time - enroll now and we'll begin!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Complete ClickFunnels Training Course" |
"If youre here, chances are youre:Tired of dealing with the time-wasting hassles websites cause from building them out, to customization, to maintenanceFrustrated with high bounce and low conversion rates Sick of trying to use other funnel builders that are over-complicated or just not up to par...Or maybe you're simply looking for an efficient, reliable system to take you're business to the next level...Sound familiar?I completely understand. Just a few years ago, I was still relying on traditional websites to build my business.I was literally pulling my hair out trying to build, customize, maintain and rank websites PLUS actually run my businessI knew there HAD TO BE A BETTER WAY! Because there was still another HUGE problemWebsites dont convert as well as most people think they do Well not compared to sales funnels.So first of let's get clear on, what a sales funnel is...A sales funnel is a series of stages or steps designed to guide prospects towards making a buying decision. Each step is composed of landing pages, videos and emails that do the work of selling. Because ultimately, a sales funnel has ONE PURPOSE: to persuade people to buy from you and not just once like traditional websites, ads or sales letters but time and time again.More often than not there are many interruptions on the journey from prospect to buyer but unlike a website, a sales funnel is able to continually work on your behalf to nurture your audience to take action.So a sales funnel is the system used to build a relationship with your prospects and turn them into loyal customers. Now that you understand what a sales funnel is, let me explain why funnels convert higher than most websites do...WHY?Because websites give people TOO MANY options.When someone lands on a traditional website, they have the option to browse the homepage, go to your about page, your product pages, your contact page, or even multiple pages in your blog. Thats a lot of options & chances are becoming a customer (or even subscriber) isn't going to be one of them.Too many options confuses people - and a confused mind never buys!Thats why its important to make your buying processes as simple, streamlined and effective as possible. Thats where the concept of the sales funnel comes into play.Sales funnels are known for having MUCH HIGHER conversion rates than traditional websites becauseA sales funnel structures your offers so a visitor is only focused on ONE action to take at a time.It leaves the prospect with only two decisions either take action on the offer or leave.Theyre effective at improving our conversions because they increase our value to our customers which lead to more trust and sales.ANDallow us to sell virtually on auto-pilot 24/7 every single day!While the concept of sales funnels is nothing new - the way that landing pages sales funnels are created have vastly improved. Back in 2007, if you wanted to build out a sales funnel you needed a six-figure business just to afford it...Luckily now, we have the help of software that cut the cost, time and knowledge needed to setup a successful sales funnel.What used to take a team of developers, a few months and a small fortune to accomplish can now be done in just a few hours with just a few simple clicks SERIOUSLY!That's what ClickFunnels allows us to do!Inside this ClickFunnels Training course youll learn:The difference between Value Ladders and Sales FunnelsHow to select a package & get started with ClickFunnels How to Integrate 3rd-party services with ClickFunnelsAll the Different Page Types and SettingsHow to Customize Your Funnels Using the Page Editor FeaturesHow to Send Emails & Create AutomationsHow to Install Facebook Pixel & Google Tracking LinksHow to Use Pre-Built Funnel TemplatesHow to Setup a Membership PortalHow to Setup Your Own Affiliate Funnel in Just ONE-Click!Im committed to your success with ClickFunnels, so Ill also be including a few extra resources (PLUS a secret BONUS at the very end) that I know youll find SUPER helpful.It doesnt matter if you've been marketing and building funnels for years or are just learning about sales funnels for the first time ClickFunnels is simple & effective to use. Garret J. White from Wake Up Warrior summed it up beautifully and I couldnt agree more:ClickFunnels Came Out Of Nowhere - They took the market by storm, just like Apple did when they launched the iPhone. It was a QUANTUM move in improvement that opened up the gap to allow people just like you and me - who are NOT technically savvy and werent born in the matrix, who dont have a chip planted in our heads, who arent engineers or computer science majors and dont understand that stuff inherently - the opportunity to cut and decrease the time of stress and anxiety and suffering behind the keyboard.... And ultimately to deal ONLY with the stuff that matters, which is getting your message about your product and program out to the marketplace.Now you can forget your dysfunctional website and consolidate the half-a-dozen softwares youre currently paying for - ClickFunnels Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell and Deliver Your Products Online. I know you're gonna love it as much as I do!See you inside!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Franszca A1+" |
"Franszca A1 seviyesinde eitim alm rencilerin ve genel olarak herkesin A2 eitimini alrken yararlanabilecei, temel dilbilgisi konularnn Trkeaklamalar ve rneklerleseslendirmeli videolar ile bu seviye iin gerekli szck desteiiin ek dosyalar. Hibir kurumdan eitim almyorsanz dahi, uzaktan eitim yntemiyle alarak dilin yapsn kendi kendinize kefetme ve renme imkn."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Franszca Snavlar Delf B2 Sevyesi 2'li Paket" |
"Franszca snavlarnda karlaabileceiniz rnek snav sorularn hazrlamaya altk.Ayrca bir snav nasl yaplmal, sorular nasl deerlendirmeniz gerekiyor. konularnda yardmc olamaya altk.Her soru rnei ayrca incelenmi ve tm soru rneklerine videolarda yer verilmitir.Sizin iin zel olarak hazrlanm bu snavlar zerek Franszca eitiminizi pekitire bilirsiniz.Farkl sor rnekleri ve snav zm rnekleri sizin iin Franszca snavlarn daha kolay hale getirecektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing Mastery" |
"Facebook Marketing MasteryIn this course, we will take you from beginner to expert in Facebook MarketingWe will show you how to correctly optimize your Facebook ads for high conversions at an extremely low cost. You will learn every type of Facebook Ad and how you will be able to utilize these ads to grow your business. We will teach you how to grow a Facebook Page from scratch. We will show you the exact method we use to find new customers and how we start making sales!Jump into our course now and find out how you can use Facebook as tool to grow your business and income to a whole new levelWhat will we go over in this course?How to create a perfect Facebook pageKeyword research to drive more traffic and customers to youHow to create Facebook ads (That work!)How to make stunning Facebook ads (FOR FREE)How to create and A/B split test ads on Facebook to get them making HUGE profitsHow to get more likes for your Facebook PageHow to setup Facebook pixels to track your ads for conversionsHow to create Ads to sell High Ticket ProductsHow to setup Instagram Ads within FacebookHow to get more engagement on your postsHow to create ads using an email listHow to create a lookalike audienceCreate coupons for your business on FacebookHow we can average $0.01 per engagement/like/click our Facebook adsReasons why you need to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to our lessons, including new lessons every month!Get instant access to us! (be able to directly contact us with ANY question and we will answer you ASAP)Everything you will learn in this course is the exact process we use every day to grow our businesses. We dont hide anything from you. We will show you how you can easily implement everything from this course into your business to help you experience rapid growth. You will be shocked at how easy it is!Constantly updated. As Facebook updates roll out, we will update our course!What are you waiting for?! Jump in now before we put the price up!!(Course Value $96)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Brew Your Own Beer and Start Your Own Brewery" |
"In this 2 part course you will learn how to brew your own beer and the process of starting your own brewery. We'll first start with the fundamentals of brewing an IPA beer. We will cover the beer brewing process. We'll get into Water Chemistry, hops &yeast selection, fermentation and much more.We'll then get into starting a brewery. We'll talk with brewers whove been-there-done-that, and well get insights from experts about starting your own brewery.This course will cover the essential steps to starting a brewery: planning a brewery, finding a brewery location, choosing brewery equipment, building relationships with vendors and the local community, funding a brewery, learn about regulation requirements and much more.While it may be your dream to brew great beer, this course will teach you how to brew beer and how to get started in opening your own brewery. This guide will help you identify the aspects of the business side of the process that you have to get right, in order to make it possible for you to brew your dream beer day in and day out."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3D do ZERO PS em 7 horas - Cinema 4D para Designers" |
"Esse curso um SUPER COMBOde 3 mini-cursos de Cinema 4D, cada um deles abordar o desenvolvimento de um projeto diferente.Eleir te capacitar para criar campanhas, social posts, panfletos, outdoor e o que voc mais quiser, tudo em 3D.Iniciaremos pela exportao e importao dovetor usando o CorelDraw e usando o Illustrator, passaremos pelas etapas de modelagem, texturizao, iluminao com HDRI, configurao de render, exportao da imagem com fundo transparente (.png), exportao do ""multpass""que te dar total controle das selees de cores e objetos na ps produo que ser feita no Photoshop."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |