Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduction to Data (with Power BI)" |
"Introduction to Data with Power BI will help you to learn the basics of best practice in working with data in 1 day. This is a fully interactive course with tons of resources.We have done hundreds of data projects so we have the experience to transfer to you.This course is perfect for you if you have worked with data before and would like to streamline any data process that you are involved in.No prior knowledge is required, this course is for people starting out with data."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Curso de GNU/Linux con CentOS y Debian (I - Gestin y Admin)" |
"nicocurso en espaolautogestionado que realmente te ensea todo lo que debes de aprenderAprende GNU/Linux de la mano de un verdadero SysAdmin Linux. En estecurso aprenders a manejar 2 de las principales distribuciones en sus ltimas versiones como CentOS y Debian, de esta manera, cuando te topes con alguna distribucin basadas en estas dos (Ubuntu, RedHat, Oracle Linux), podrs administrarla sin inconvenientes.El curso est estructurado de una manera que te sea fcil seguirlo, desde lo ms bsico hasta llegar a la gestin y administracin de una distribucin GNULinux relacionada conDebian (Ubuntu y Derivadas)o CentOS (Redhat, Fedora, Oracle Linux)Tendremos en cuenta aspectos de seguridad para una buena implementacin de servidores.Qu aprenders?ComunidadesLicenciamientoInstalacin de CentOS y DebianComandos de Gestin y AdministracinCrear Scripts de MantenimientoProgramacin de TareasGestin yAdministracin de ServiciosAdaptar la Distribucin a tus NecesidadesY Mucho Ms, te invito a ver el contenido del cursoNo te lo puedes perder!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Profesional de Endian Firewall Community (Espaol)" |
"Endian Firewall hoy por hoy se eta convirtiendo en uno de los mejores Firewalls del mercado no solo en el sector comercial si no tambin en el segmento ""Free"" (OpenSource). Su competencia directa es el ya reconocido Firewall UTMpfSense.Endian FirewallCommunity esta en la capacidad de servir como seguridad de frontera a diferentes tipos y tamaos de empresas sin ningn problema ya que entre sus mltiples caractersticas encontramos:Administracin 100% WebBasado en el Kernel de Linux (As que los comandos que sepas de Linux ac tambin te sirven)FuncionalidadesServidor DNSServidor DHCPServidor NTPDectector de Intrusos (IDS e IPS)Servidor ProxyFiltrado de ContenidoAntivirusProtocolo POP3ProtocoloFTPProtocolo HTTPListas de Acceso condicionadasUsuariosGruposHorariosAplicativosProxy DNSPrroxy SMTPFirewallSalienteEntranteNATSource NATEntre ZonasFirewallVPNServidor VPNIPSECOpenVPNRegistros TOTALESMuchos MasEn este curso aprenders aconfigurar todos esos servicios y elaboracin de varios talleres para cada uno de ellos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Profesional de GNU/Linux con Debian y CentOS" |
"En este curso profesional aprenders todo lo necesario para administrar servidores GNU/Linux basados en CentOS o Debian, ademas, te preparar para presentar los Exmenes de LPIC-1, LFCS y CompTIA Linux+.Cabe resaltar que al terminar el curso estars en capacidad de presentar los exmenes anteriores, no significa que llevemos el mismo orden que indican dichas certificaciones, este curso se organizo de tal manera que cualquier persona con nulos o altos conocimientos en GNU/Linux pueda terminarlo a diferencia de otros cursos que toman como referencia directa la estructura de las certificaciones los cuales no siempre es lo mejor para una persona que inicia en Linux. Iniciaremos con temas sencillos para comprender la filosofa y licencias del Software Libre o OpenSource, pasando por su instalacin hasta llegar a la configuracin profesional de los diferentes servicios que esta en capacidad de ofrecer Linux."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Cash & Kicks : A Beginners Guide To Reselling" |
"A few years ago I noticed that a lot shoes were selling out instantly! Once the shoes sold out they would go for 2 sometimes even three times more than the retail price onceresold! I started thinking why can't I cash in on this opportunity? Thus a reseller was born!Nike made over 32 billion dollars last year! That's billion with a B! So come learn the tricks of the trade from an industry insider. Sneaker head or not if you like making money.. this course is for you! This course will show youHow to get shoes that sell out instantly and resell them for profit $$$ ( Jordans, Yeezys etc.) How to get rare / limited shoes before they release to the public How to create your own website How to get shoes that only release in foreign countries How to buy and when to sellALL FOR LESS THAN A PAIR OF KICKS! SEE YOU IN CLASS!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Kanal Gelitirme ve SEO Formlleri [Uzman Anlatm]" |
"YouTube fenomenlerinin kullandklar teknikleri renmek ister misin? Hangi yntemleri kullanarak bu kanallar bu kadar hzl byyor? O zaman bu eitim tam size gre. YouTube Sertifikal Uzman olarak her ay ortalama 600nzerinde kanala danmanlk yapyorum. Yllardr biriktirdiim deneyimlerimi bu eitimde paylayorum. Yz binlerce kiinin takip ettii Afgan Rasulov YouTube kanalnn sahibiyim. Bu kurstagerek raporlar, gerek analizler paylayorum. Milyonlarca izlenme almanz salayacak formlleri rendikten sonra kanalnzhzla byyecek. Duygu Kseolu, Yabanc Oyuncu gibi yz binlerce aboneye sahip olankiiler, bu eitimde kendi kullandklar tekniklerden bahsediyor. YouTube fenomenlerinin kulland formllerirenmek iin bu eitime sen de katl. Buradaki formller ileA'dan Z'ye YouTube Para Kazanma Srlarn renerekabone ve izlenme saylarnz artrn. Sralamada her zaman nde kn. YouTube izlenme arttrma formlleri ile daha hzl byyeceksiniz.Benim kim olduumu merak ediyorsanz,Ekiszlk'te hakkmda yazlan yorumlar okuyabilir, nternet zerinden ismimi aratabilirsiniz. u ana kadar iten yzlerce yorum aldm. Eminim eitimleri tamamladktan sonra da sizlerden de gzel yorumlar alacam. Eitimin faydal olmas dileimle.Popler bir YouTube Kanal ile kendinizi / giriiminizi markalatrmay arzuladnz iinburadasnz, deil mi?Belki de ilk kezYouTube'aayak basyorsunuzya da belki biraz tecrbeniz var, ancak mevcut kanalnzn bymesi iin profesyonel bir dokunua ihtiya duyuyorsunuz..YouTube, kendi markanz bytmek, web sitenize trafik ekmek iin mkemmel bir yerdir. Ayn zamandaYouTube reklamlarnzdan, rnnzden ve hizmet tantmlarnzdan para kazanmanz iin ei benzeri olmayan bir platformdur.Yllar boyunca gerek kendi kanalm gelitirerek,gerekseTrkiye'deki en popler YouTuber'larn hesaplarn yneterek elde etmi olduum tecrbemle size bu kursta""bilmeniz gerekenher eyi"" sfrdan hi bilmeyen birine anlatyormuasna aktarmay hedefliyorum.Adm adm uygulamalar zerinden ilerleyerek takip edeceiniz bu eitim setinde:Sradan geliigzelce aktarlan bilgileri deil;test edilip onaylanmkk/byk tmtyolar sonuna kadar renerekartkkendi kanalnz ayaa kaldrmaya hazr olacaksnz!-------GNCELLEMELER (26 Aralk 2017)Google AdWords Eitimi ile YouTube Video Reklamcl, YouTube'a Reklam VermeGoogle AdWords eitmi ile YouTube'da reklam verme nasl yaplr ve videolarnzda organik izlenme nasl artrllr. Bu blmde birlikte YouTube reklam oluturup yneteceiz.Eklenen yeni videolar:Google AdWords ile YouTube Video Reklamcl GiriGoogle AdWords Nedir ve Neden nemlidir?YouTube ocuk Kanalm RaporuGoogle AdWords Reklam Kalitesi Neden nemlidir?Google AdWords Reklam Kalitesi Nedir?Google AdWords Balang Rehberi ArayzGoogle AdWords Hesabna deme Yntemi EklemeGoogle AdWords ile YouTube Video Reklam Nasl Yaplr?Google AdWords Sonularn Anlama-------GNCELLEMELER (19 Aralk 2017):Eklenen yeni videolar:Nasl YouTube Sertifikal Olunur?Kelin ilac olsa bana srer mi?Giri blm pratik testi.Ruhi enet Videolar Anlatyor (2.5+ Milyon Abone)Soru & Cevap Blm Nedir?Lifestyle erik Tr Nedir ve Neden nemlidir?YouTube Markalama SreciGeriye Dnk Optimize Yapmal mym?lke Seimi nemli mi?Creative Commons Videolar Sakncal m?YouTube'da Spam Trleri Nelerdir?rneklerle YouTube Konsept Aklamas-------GNCELLEMELER (06 Mart 2019):Eklenen yeni videolar:A'dan Z'ye YouTube Kanal Gelitirme ve SEO Formlleri Pf Noktalar (Hzlandrlm eitim)Yeni Google Ads ile YouTube Video Reklam Verme ve Pf NoktalarYeni Google Ads Anahtar Kelime Planlayc ile Rakiplerini Analiz ve Pf NoktalarYeni Google Ads Anahtar Kelime Planlayc ile Anahtar Kelime Fikirleri BulunYouTube CPM, BGBM Artrma Teknikleri ile Daha Fazla Para Kazann"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Fotoraflar iin Video Dzenleme, Montaj Eitimi" |
"Videonuzu Adobe Premiere Pro CC ile profesyonelce dzenlemeye balayn!BU KURS TRKYENN EN BYK PHOTOSHOP, FOTORAFILIK ETMLER HAZIRLAYAN YOUTUBE KANALI SAHB AFGAN RASULOV TARAFINDAN HAZIRLANILMITIR.Eer bir fotorafysanz ve videolarnz dzenlemenize yardmc olacak bir video dzenleme uygulamas, program aryorsanz Adobe Premiere Pro en iyi yanttr. Premiere Pro, dnya apnda profesyoneller tarafndan, i ve pazarlama, reklam videolarndan, mzik kliplerinden, belgesel videolarna, uzun metrajl filmlere kadar her tr retim iin kullanlmaktadr. Fotoraflara zel bu kurs, video dzenleme, montaj konusunda balamak iin en iyi yoldur. Videolar hayal ettiiniz ekilde yapn!renirken pratik yapn. Bu ders pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece videoyuz izlerken takip edebilir ve yaparak renebilirsiniz.Uygulamal interaktif kurs. Kursun sonunda, en az 3 video mzik klibi hazrlayacaksnz.Creative cloud srmn kullanarak kursu reteceim, ancak daha nceki bir srmnz varsa (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac veya PC), bir profesyonel gibi dzenleme yapmay hala renebilirsiniz.Sizi eitmek iin beni nitelikli yapan nedir?Merhaba ben Afgan Rasulov. On yldan fazla sredir Adobe Premiere Pro ile video dzenliyordum. Ayrca, hem fotoraf hem de evrimii eitmenim. 220,000den fazla takipisiyle Photoshop eitimi konusunda Trkiyenin en popler YouTube kanalnn sahibiyim. 450inin zerinde video paylatm kanalda neredeyse Photoshop hakknda her konuya deindim. Ayrca ekiszlkte hakkmda yazlan konular okumanz tavsiye ederim. Size szmBen tam zamanl bir video editr ve evrimii retmenim. Yolun her admnda sizin iin burada olacam. Kurs ierii veya bu konuyla ilgili herhangi bir konu hakknda herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, kursa her zaman soru gnderebilirsiniz. Bu Fotoraflara zel Video Dzenleme kursunun amac nedir?Fotoraflarn bir ou kendi video reklamlarn oluturmakta zorlandklarn biliyorum. Bir ok arkadama ahsen yardmc oldum. Tabi karlnda scak aylarn itim. Udemy ile tannca video konusunda olan bilgimi buraya aktardm. Hem siz deerli fotoraf arkadalarmz faydalanabilecek hem de doacak kzm iin ek gelir elde etmi olacam. Herkesin memnun kalmas iin fiyat ok dk tuttum. Umarm fiyattan memnun kalmsnzdr. Eitim setinin sresini ksa tuttum. Fotoraflar iin nemli olan konular anlattm sadece. Bylece bir ka saat iinde kaliteli video montaj, video dzenleme yapabilceksiniz. Size sz veriyorum eitimi bitirdikten sonra 10 dakikadan ksa srede muhteem montajlar yapabileceksiniz. Bu kurs, video dzenlemeyi balatmak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr.Video dzenleme balang rehberiVideo montaj ve birletirme teknikleriDn mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaYenidoan mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaDoum hikayesi mzik klibi videosu hazrlamaocuk video klipleriVideolara gei efektleri eklemeVideolara logo eklemeLogoya hareket vermeKorsana kar videolara filigran eklemeProjelerinize grsel efektler eklemekGelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!u anda sektrde alan, meslei fotoraf olan ve en gncel kurgu tekniklerini bilen ve en iyi film okullarndan birinden Sinema ve Televizyon Yapmcl Lisans derecesine sahip birinden bilgi edinin.BONUS: Bir bonus olarak, size retirken pratik yapmak iin ek video ve ses klipleri alacaksnz.Bu kursun sonunda, bir fotoraf olarak video dzenleme konusunda gveniniz artacaktr. Video montaj eitimini aldktan sonra Fotoraflar kendi reklamlarn, mzik kliplerini yapabileceklerHemen bu eitimi satn alp kariyerinizi bir adm ne tayn. Yapacanz video montaj, dzenleme ile mterilerinizi memnun edin. stelik deneyip memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde paranz geri alabilirsiniz. Eitimlerde grmek dileimle.Sevgiler,Afgan Rasulov"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Photoshop CC 2020 Dersleri Afgan Rasulov" |
"Adobe Photoshop CC renmek istiyorsun, deil mi? ster bir fotoraf, grafik tasarm rencisi olun isterse de yeni bir meslek edinmek isteyen birey. Bu Photoshop kursu hem fotoraflar hem de grafik tasarmclar iin uygundur. Photoshop eitim seti balang, orta ve ileri dzey program renmek isteyen herkes iin zel olarak tasarlanmtr. Afgan Rasulov'un Photoshop dersleri eitim seti ile Adobe Photoshop programn hzl renecek ve hemen kullanmaya balayacaksn. Photoshop dersleri konusunda en ok aratlan isimlerin en banda Afgan Rasulov geliyor. Ona Photoshop programn sevdiren adam diyorlar. EkiSzlk'tehakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz.Elenceli anlatm ve izle-ren uygulama metodu ile ezber yapmanza izin vermiyor. Photoshop, fotoraf dzenleme, popler fotoraf efektlerinde kullanlan tekniklerinin tamamn basit anlatmla retiyor. Photoshopla harika bir ekilde entegreli alacak Adobe Bridge ve zellikle fotoraflar iin Adobe Camera RAW'u da renmi olacaksnz. Yani 3 eitim bir arada!Afgan Rasulov kimdir ve eitmen olarak onu farkl yapan nedir?Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. 240.000ten fazla takipiye sahiptir. Fotoraf dzenleme, maniplasyon teknikleri ve Photoshop dersleri ile ilgili 500n zerinde video eitimi bulunmaktadr. Bir ok popler web sitede Afgan Rasulov hakknda bir ok yazya ulaabilirsiniz. Trke yabanc dili olmasna ramen ok gzel bir diksiyona sahiptir. Diksiyonu ok dzgn olduu iin eitimleri izlerken sklmadan reneceksiniz.Photoshop'ta tamamen yenisiniz ya da Photoshop programnda kendinizi gelitirmek istiyorsunuz. Her iki durumda da, bu kurs sizin iin harika olacaktr. lk olarak Photoshop balang, temel seviyeden kursu renmeye balayacaksnz. Eitime devam ettike Photoshop orta seviye konular ilenecek. Bu srete srekli olarak altrmalar ile izle ve uygula yntemi ile sizin en iyi ekilde rendiinizden emin olacaz. Siz videolar izledike Afgan Rasulov'un uygulamay siz farknzda olmadan en zor blmlerini nasl rettiini grnce aracaksnz! Onu farkl yapan ite bu zellii. En zor Photoshop uygulamalarn kulland teknikler ile ne kadar pratik yapldn greceksiniz. Grafik tasarm programlar arasnda Adobe Photoshop, dnyann 1 numaral fotoraf dzenleme uygulamasdr. Bu Adan Zye Photoshop eitim seti, program nasl kullanlacanz renmenin en iyi yoludur. Kolay anlalr Photoshop dersleri ile en verimli ekilde program reneceksiniz.Fotoraflarnz profesyoneller gibi dzenlemeyin renin. Photoshop derslerinde anlatlan konular profesyonellerin kulland yntemlerden bahsettik. Uygulamal Photoshop dersleri ile hzl reneceksiniz (Temel, orta ve ileri dzey Photoshop dersleri)Bu kursun banda, fotoraf ve proje dosyalarn ieren bir klasr indireceksiniz, bylece pratik yapabilirsiniz.Bu yeteneklerle bir grafik tasarmcs olarak para kazanabilirsiniz! Fotoraf olarak en fotoraf dzenleme konusunda uzmanlaabilirsiniz.Bu kursta Adobe Photoshop CC'nin (creative bulut) en son srmn kullanarak dersler hazrlanmtr, bu yzden CC'yi kullanyorsanz en iyisi budur. Ancak daha nceki bir srmnz varsa (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac veya PC), bir profesyonel gibi dzenleme yapmay hala renebilirsiniz. Sadece baz aralar ve uygulamalar eski srmlerde olmayabilir.Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan yorumlar (Ekiszlk)Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, uslb gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere (suyuarayanadam)Gerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. (cokoprens)Azerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. (kafkasorcun)"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"RETOUCH 101 & 201 Profesyonel Photoshop Eitimi Full Paket" |
"Fotoraflarnz Batan Yaratn! Fotoraf Retouch EitimiPhotoshop ile retouch odakl Trkiye'nin en kapsaml fotoraf dzenleme eitim seti serisidir!ster moda fotorafs olun, ister portre fotorafs. Fotoraflarnz ufak ya da byk dokunularla mkemmel hale getireceiniz Retouch Kursunu karmayn! High-end profesyonel fotoraf rtu yntemleri ile doku kayb olmadan fotoraf dzenleme yapabileceksiniz. Klasik Photoshop retouch yntemleri doku, detay kaybna sebep olmaktadr. Ancak high-end photo retouch yntemleri ile frekans ayrma teknii uygulanmaktadr. Fotorafn doku ve renkleri ayr katmanlara aktarlmaktadr. Bylece renk katman zerinde ilem yaplmasna ramen hi bir ekilde doku, detay kayb olumamaktadr.Fotoraflarnda mkemmellik isteyenler, bu eitim tam size gre.Orta ve ileri seviye uygulamal Photoshop retouch, fotoraf rtu eitimini bitirdikten sonra, fotoraflarnz batan sona mkemmel hale getirmeyi, daha hzl, pratik ve profesyonel dzenlemeyi reneceksiniz. High-end retouch, profesyonel rtu tekniini renecek ve sektrde i yapabilme dzeyine geleceksiniz. Retouch eitimi iin indirimi karmayn. Profesyonel fotorafym diyebilmek iin bu eitimi karmayn.Fotoraf tutkunuysanz;Hobi iin; temel ve ileri fotoraflk eitimlerini alabilir ardndan retouch eitimine kayt olabilirsiniz. Fotoraf ekmeye devam ederek ektiiniz fotoraflar dzenleyebilir, bylece daha fazla pratik yaparak kendinizi gelitirebilirsiniz.Meslek edinmek istiyorsanz;Mesleki olarak dnrseniz; Photoshop fotoraf retouch kursu ile mesleinize ilk admnz atabilir, fotoralar profesyonel teknikler ile dzenlemeyi renebilirsiniz. Profesyonel fotoraf rtu yntemlerini rendikten sonra profesyonel kariyerinizi oluturabilirsiniz.Deneyip memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde paranz iade! Hemen kayt olun! Para iade garantisi. Telefonunuza ndirin. mr Boyu Eriim."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"PID Controllers - Intro to Control Design" |
"In this course you'll learn how to implement a PIDcontroller in software. You will understand when the Proportional, Integral, and Derivative components of the controller should and shouldn't be used.The physics of an elevator are simulated to allow you the opportunity to write control software and see how it performs. The simulator will also give you hands on experience with debugging and tuning a controller, two very important aspects for a real system."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Autonomous Robots: Kalman Filter" |
"Autonomous Robots Are The Future. Learn to Program Them With My Fast, Easy to Understand Course!For lovers of cars, technology and robotics alike, my online course can teach you how to write the software needed to make a self-driving car work.Regardless of your experience in coding, by the end of this course you will not only be proficient with Kalman Filters, but youll have an understanding of how robotics software works and how to write code in Python.My goal with every course I make is to meet you where youre at. You can be completely new to robotics, never having coded a thing in your life, and in only two hours youll have the knowledge needed to write a code that is ready to be tested in my custom simulator.If you are already a coding expert, this in-depth look at how Kalman Filters function will help you diversify your robotics arsenal and level up your confidence in working with autonomous robots.But this course isnt just about accumulating knowledge. What sets this apart from other online robotics programs is that I make the process fun. You get to see what the real-life results of your code would look like with a simulated self-driving car. Robotics can (and should) be a field full of exploration, experimentation, fun, and getting your hands dirty. With my courses, I make that a priority, even in an online setting.Want to see for yourself?Check out the course to see how you can level up your skills today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sociologia para Vestibulares e ENEM" |
"Trata-se de um curso que traz os contedos da Sociologia para qualquer programa de concursos, vestibular e ENEM, com o diferencial de trazer, alm da aula expositiva, os textos em PDF da aula e questes de resoluo modelo ENEM para cada tpico. Voc pode fazer o curso onde estiver e confirmar e reafirmar seus conhecimentos com as questes que acompanham o PDF."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Filosofia para Vestibulares e ENEM" |
"Trata-se de um curso defilosofia que traz os contedos para qualquer programa de concursos, vestibular e ENEM, com o diferencial de trazer, alm da aula expositiva, os textos em PDF da aula e questes de resoluo modelo ENEM para cada tpico. Voc pode fazer o curso onde estiver e confirmar e reafirmar seus conhecimentos com as questes que acompanham o PDF."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Your Roadmap to Fasting" |
"Fasting has recently made it back into the spotlight thanks to the surge in keto diets and intermittent fasting, but it is NOT something new. In fact, yogis, monks, spiritual leaders and people looking for optimal health have all fasted to give their body a break as well as mental clarity for thousands of years.This program will be your guide to fasting so that you can be successful! You'll learn to meditate as well as have a great gentle yoga class to help keep you feeling in tip top shape. Ihope you enjoy it and Ilook forward to hearing your fabulous results!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sketch App - Modern UI Design" |
"Version:This is the only course on Udemy featuring the latest features of Sketch such as Libraries.Sketch is an application which has already won the hearts of UI and UX designers around the world, even though just about anybody can learn how to use it. Among all the advantages, too numerous to list here, Sketch has a big disadvantage it is only available for macOS. If you are one of the lucky owners of a Mac, though it would be a waste not to make use of the potential of Sketch. Let me assure you that designing interfaces has never been so fast, and most of all pleasant!Course highlights:Practical, A-Zproject ofApp designTips&Tricks, make most of Sketch ToolsVector Tools and SymbolsColors, Icons, and TypographyBONUS!Creating a working, interactive PrototypeThe course has been designed to show you full functionality of Sketch, to teach you how to best make use of its potential. Some of the topics are best presented over the course of a few, theoretical lessons, for example exporting graphics. Others, such as preparation of resources for a new project are better explained in practice. That is why I decided to divide the course into two parts. The first one is a greatly compressed compendium of hundreds of important techniques, key shortcuts, tips and tricks. Because of how vast the knowledge condensed in the video is, it was recorded withfast narration, so if you need to dont hesitate to stop the video and go back to any of the lessons, even the basic ones. The other half of the course is entirely practical. We focus on the use of learned techniques to design a few screens of an intelligent home app. Studying both parts of the course will teach you all the necessary theoretical concepts and equip you with practical skills needed in your everyday work on projects.The second half of the course is focused on designing a complete project in Mobile First scheme. It will serve as a testing ground for particular combinations of techniques you must learn and use in the real projects. First, we configure the Grid and Artboard settings, then we move on to designing the icons and Symbols, and finally we create final application boards. Testing all the functions of Sketch you have learned about in theory, will showcase their practical usage and teach you good designing habits."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD for UI Design (Plus Muse)" |
"Version:This course includes all the new features of Adobe XDCC 1.0, such as Libraries!Do you want to design interfaces quickly and without issues? Adobe Experience Design is an extremely versatile tool for UI/UX designers because it also lets the users create interactive prototypes. Not only are we going to discuss working techniques for Adobe XD but also make our project into a working website with Adobe Muse!Course lessons will show you how to exchange data between Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, and even mobile apps, which you can use to quickly prototype with your tablet or smart phone. Wireframes created this way can be easily imported to XD where you can continue your work. In Experience Design, you can use Assets panel and Creative Cloud Libraries to manage all the assets and keep them consistent in your software.This course focuses on the creation of a practical website project. The site advertises the intelligent home app we have worked on during our previous UI courses. However, the start might seem a bit unusual because we deal with a desktop view, then we create a responsive view and test it on a mobile phone. Next we prototype transitions and interactions for a finished project and prepare graphic assets to be exported to the Web."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Career in UX Course" |
"Get practical insight on starting your career as a UX designer. As there are not many academic opportunities to learn about UX design and many of them focus on the theoretical design process, this course provides actionable knowledge for you to learn about working as a UX Designer, as well as tips on how to make your first steps in the industry.The nature of work of a UX designerDeciphering various job roles in UXCore skills and methods designers use on a regular basisPopular design and research tools for the jobSoft skills useful in designRecommended learning resourcesPractical tips on building your portfolio and searching for a jobHow UX Designers workLearn about many different job roles and specialisations, as well as the context of work of a UX Designer. There are many influences in the daily design work, both in an in-house team and agency-side. Learn what those influences are and how different specialisations are involved within the whole length of a model design process.The skills to masterUX Design is quite a complex job role, because in every project in every organisation you may need to tap into different skills. Because it is a job primarily based on collaborating with other people, I want to show you not only the methods of working or tools to use, but also soft skills that will help you work out various design problems.Kick-start your careerWhen I started in the industry, I had to figure everything by myself - which books or blogs to read, how to build my first design portfolio. Id like you to build on the knowledge I gathered myself and with the help of other designers, and get to know high-quality books, publications and podcasts that will help you grow and stay on top of the game. You will also be able to pick up some ideas for your first portfolio and practical tips on how to build it to impress recruiters.The author of the course is Micha Mazur"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Guide touristique en Tunisie" |
"La Tunisie a rcemment chang de visage, son paysage politique a bien volu... mais ses paysages naturels eux, ainsi que la culture intrinsque du pays, sont rests les mmes, toujours aussi grandioses et captivants!Du nord au sud, un itinraire travers la Tunisie prend des aspects incroyablement varis: on est loin d'une destination se cantonnant au couple plage-htel-club que peuvent laisser supposer certaines brochures touristiques...La charmante Bizerte, le parc national d'Ichkeul et la magnifique cte nord, Tunis, sa mdina, ses muses et son quotidien intense, le site archologique de Carthage ou le bleu de Sidi Bou Sad, le verdoyant Cap Bon, la blancheur de Hammamet et lartisanat de Nabeul, le patrimoine de Sousse et de Kairouan, les plages de Djerba, puis l'oasis de Tozeur avant les tendues arides du Sahara... et ce ne sont que les grandes lignes!C'est pourquoi organiser son voyage par soi-mme pour dcouvrir tout ou partie de la Tunisie est si attractif... On peut ainsi choisir un point de chute, y prendre une location et partir pour des excursions en louant une voiture... Ou bien encore adopter une attitude nomade, se dplacer d'htels pas cher (confort en berne) en gtes ou auberges de jeunesse pour les petits budgets, ou dans les htels touristiques, dont le rapport qualit-prix varie fortement d'une adresse l'autre.Autre solution, choisir parmi les nombreux sjours tout compris, souvent prix dfiant toute concurrence, destination des grandes stations touristiques du pays... Attention cependant si vous tes allergiques aux ambiances htel-club, piscine-cocktails-animations-transats qui sont le lot de nombre de ces offres all inclusive. Bien en revanche, si l'on a besoin de ne fournir aucun effort pour seulement profiter du soleil pour quelques jours.Ides d'itinraires en TunisieLa Tunisie est une destination de vacances trs attractive : relativement proche, bnficiant du chaud climat mditerranen dAfrique du nord toute lanne, et de tarifs gnralement bon march. Le pays a bien compris lintrt du dveloppement de lactivit touristique et prvoit la mme la cration de nouvelles stations balnaires dans les dcennies venir. La majorit des visiteurs se rendent en effet en Tunisie pour profiter du bord de mer, avec ses plages, villages et villes comme la capitale Tunis et les ruines de lantique Carthage. Mais il ne faut pas oublier le sud saharien qui attire toujours plus de nouveaux adeptes avec ses vastes tendues dsertiques.La Tunisie ne se rsume pas ses plages, il serait dommage de passer cot de la richesse de son patrimoine et des nombreuses possibilits d'excursions dans le dsert. Voici quelques exemples d'itinraires qui allient: plage, farniente, visites des sites antiques, excursions dans le dsert et balades dans les mdinas:Une semaine en Tunisie: les incontournablesUn sjour d'une semaine en Tunisie: au programme: plage, mdina et souks, sites antiques. Le pays est assez petit vous pourrez donc voir pas mal de choses en une semaine, condition de louer une voiture:Les tapes:-Jour 1 :Mdina de Tunis - Mosque es Zitouna - muse du Bardo.-Jour 2 : Carthage - La Marsa - Sidi Bou Sad -retour Tunis et repas la Goulette-Jour 3 : Hammamet.-Jour 4 : Sousse-Jour 5 : La cit historique de Kairouan-Jour 6 : Bizerte.-Jour 7 : Parc national de l'Ichkeul - retour Tunis.Les temps forts:Le souk de Tunis la visite du site du Carnage la mdina de Hammamet les plages de Sousse -Transport et hbergement:voiture de location - htel et pensionIde budget sur place:300/600 euros par semaineDeux semaines en Tunisie: un itinraireOn reprend le circuit d'une semaine, sauf qu'on s'attarde un peu plus dans le sud, sur l'le de Djerba et dans la rgion de Tozeur:Les tapes:-Jour 1 : Mdina de Tunis - Mosque es Zitouna - muse du Bardo.-Jour 2 : Bizerte.-Jour 3 : Parc national de l'Ichkeul - retour Tunis.-Jour 4 : Carthage - La Marsa - Sidi Bou Sad -retour Tunis et repas la Goulette-Jour 5 : Hammamet.-Jour 6: Les sites antiques de Bulla Regia et Dougga-Jour 7 : Sousse-Jour 8 et 9 : La cit historique de Kairouan-Jour 10et 11: Ile de Djerba-Jour 12 : Matmata-Jour 13: Le circuit des Ksour-Jour 14: TozeurLes temps forts:Le souk de Tunis la visite du site du Carnage la mdina de Hammamet les plages de Sousse - partir en mhare dans le dsert la palmeraie de Tozeur -Transport et hbergement:voiture de location, bus et train, htel et pensionIde budget sur place:300/600 euros par semaineUne semaine HammametVous vous demandez ce qu'on peut bien faire Hammamet part aller la plage, et bien voici votre rponse; beaucoup de chose, suivez l'itinraire:Les tapes:-Jour 1 : La mdina - remparts de la kasbah-Jour 2 : plage et loisirs marina.-Jour 3 : Centre culturel international - ruines de Pupput-Jour 4 : excursion Tunis.-Jour 5: excursion Carthage-Jour 6 : excursion Nabeul-Jour 7 : Sousse et KairouanLes temps forts:Se perdre dans la Mdina d'Hammamet soire sur la Marina - le site archologique de l'antique Carthage et le charmant village de Sidi Bou Sad...Transport et hbergement:voiture de location, bus - htel et pensionIde budget sur place:300/600 euros par semaineCircuit: sites antiques en TunisieBien que la Tunisieest mieux connue pour sesplages et ses stations balnaires, le pays possde un patrimoinetonnant avecquelques vestiges archologiquesexceptionnels explorer:Les tapes:A commencer par le clbre site de Carthage, un must absolu lors d'une visite dela Tunisie.Ensuite ne manquez pas Monastir et Sousse, des stations balnaires bien connues, mais aussides villesau patrimoinehistorique important remontant l'poqued'Hannibal.A voir galement: El Kefpour sa kasbahbyzantine, et ElJem pour son exceptionnel amphithtreromain, un site class par l'UNESCO.Transport et hbergement:voiture de location, bus, htel et pensionIde budget sur place:300/600 euros par semaine3 jours Tunis3 jours vous permettront de profiter pleinement de la ville et de faire de belles excursions dans les alentours, notamment Carthage et au villagedeSidi-bou-SadLes tapes:-Jour 1: La mdina - Le muse national du Bardo-Jour 2: Le site de Carthage la Goulette-Jour 3: Balade au village de Sidi-bou-SadLes temps forts:Muse du Bardo - le souk de Tunis la visite du site du Carnage Transport et hbergement:taxi, transports en commun, voiture de location - htel et pensionIde budget sur place:300/600 euros par semaineUne semaine TozeurUn voyage d'une semaine Tozeur vous laissera le temps de dcouvrir la ville elle-mme et d'organiser plusieurs excursions dans le dsert et vers les oasis:Les tapes:-Jour 1 : Visite de la vieille ville, quartier historique de Ouled el Hadef - Muse Dar Cherat - parc du Belvdre.-Jours 2 et 3 : excursion dans le dsert jusqu' Douz-Jour 4 : Lac de Chott el Djerid-Jour 5 : itinraire oasis: Tozeur. Mids, Chebika, et Tamerza,-Jour 6 : excursion avec le Lzard Rouge : un train qui permet de dcouvrir quelques beaux paysages.-Jour 7 : zoo de Tozeur - balade dans la PalmeraieLes temps forts:excursion dans ledsert dos de dromadaire ou en quad bivouac dans le dsert l'oasis de Douz vieille ville de Tozeur -Transport et hbergement:voiture de location, 4x4 - htel et pensionIde budget sur place:300/600 euros par semaine"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programa BullyProof :Cmo Formar Hijos a Prueba de Bullying" |
"Segn estadsticas oficiales, el 70% de los nios y jvenes sufren algn grado de bullying durante su vida escolar y slo el 4% de esas situaciones son identificadas por los profesores o adultos responsables. Lo ms angustiante de dicha situacin, es que la mayora de los padres nunca se enteran cuando sus hijos estn siendo vctimas de bullying o matoneo. Permitir que el bullying contine puede llevar a daos irreversibles en la autoestima de los nios y repercutir durante su vida adulta. El nivel de estrs, ansiedad y miedo puede llevar a consecuencias muy trgicas que en la mayora de las ocasiones, se podran resolver con un manejo apropiado. El programa Bullyproof ha sido desarrollado y mejorado continuamente desde el ao 2012, aplicado con xito en colegios de Centroamrica y ha demostrado ser efectivo para reducir significativamente las incidencias de Bullying en las aulas. Este programa es una marca registrada que est siendo trado a ustedes para que junto con su hijo/a, aprendan a aplicar el mtodo TTATD para afrontar situaciones de acoso o matoneo. Con este programa usted le est dando las herramientas necesarias a su hijo/a para que, incluso sin ayuda de los padres o adultos responsables, el/ella sea capaz de afrontar el acoso escolar con mltiples herramientas de fcil aplicacin, que cultivan seguridad y confianza en s mismo/ay evitarquehaga parte de esas elevadas estadsticas de vctimas del bullying, matoneo o acoso escolar. Este programa es muy prctico, por lo que en el transcurso del mismo, encontrar actividades para realizar en casa junto con su hijo/a que buscan aplicar los conocimientosinmediatamente a medida que avanza y simular su aplicacin en situaciones que podran suceder en la vida real. Adicionalmente, las actividades estn diseadas parapermitirgenerar un espacio de confianza entre su hijo/a y usted, para que con los ejercicios guiados pueda detectar si su hijo/aest siendo vctima de bullying en este momento o si se encuentra en riesgo de serlo, y tomar las acciones preventivas o correctivas segn corresponda.Qu puede obtener de este curso? Ms de 40lecciones en video.Ms de 90 minutos de contenido.Recursos complementarios para cada mdulo.Actividades diseadas y planeadas para ser desarrolladas junto con su hijo/a, donde puedan aplicar paso a paso cada uno de los conceptos tratados en el curso. Incluso siendo un curso en lnea, hay un alto componente prctico que debe realizarse en compaa de su hijo/a para garantizar que estos conocimientos puedan ser aplicados en situaciones reales.Soporte ilimitado: no importa cuntas veces usted quiera realizar preguntas en el curso, tiene total libertad para hacerlas. Siempre estaremos disponibles para que saque el mximo provecho del material que hemos preparado para usted.Acceso ilimitado de por vida sin costo extra para usted, olvdese de pagar membresas mensuales y dems, un solo pago para toda la vida.Todas las actualizaciones del programa: clases, actividades, adicionales, etc. Sern siempre gratuitas para los estudiantes inscritos.Garanta de total satisfaccin: 30 das para quedar satisfecho con el curso o devolucin total de su dinero, sin preguntas incmodas. Hemos diseado este curso con mucha dedicacin para que pueda obtener un gran valor del mismo, as que estamos tranquilos de ofrecerle esta garanta.Lo invitamos a ver una muestra del curso. El primer mdulo lo hemos publicado para que est disponible en vista previa y tambin una de las lecciones de defensa personal.Contenidos y panorama del curso Usted iniciar con una introduccin a la trayectoria profesional del Sensei Mauricio Carranza, quien tambin fue vctima de bullying en su edad escolar. Consecuentemente podr entender la necesidad para crear elprograma BullyProof y todo el trabajo de mejoramiento que desde el ao 2012 ha tenido estecurso que tiene a su disposicin hoy. Luego, usted ver cmo determinar, con total seguridad, cul situacin es bullying y cul no lo es, identificando una serie de caractersticas que se deben cumplir para que se pueda definir a alguna situacin como matoneo. Tambin aprender a identificar los diferentes tipos de bullying que coexisten y entender sus diferencias. Luego, usted har una inmersin en cmo reconocer el miedo, para poder asimilarlo como una reaccin natural del organismo como mtodo de supervivencia y aprender a reaccionar y controlar este miedo para no entrar en pnico o en estado de shock. Despus, usted ver todas las caractersticas del lenguaje corporal y aprender a cmo ser asertivo en la comunicacin para saber cmo expresar su insatisfaccin ante el bully de manera eficaz, combinando tcnicas especficas y una serie de pasos muy bien definida para mostrar seguridad y manejar la estructura de palabras apropiada. Siguiente a lo anterior, aprender tcnicas de muy fcil aplicacin que puede utilizar para evitar que el hostigamiento o acoso escolar siga presentndose. Tambin se har una inmersin en cmo involucrar correctamente a los adultos ante estos casos y captar su atencin para que tomen accin e intervengan en situaciones de bulllying. Finalmente, el Sensei Mauricio Carranza le mostrar tcnicas de defensa a los ataques ms comunes en casos de bullying con agresin fsica, para que su hijo/a est en plena capacidad de detener un ataque y evitar trgicas consecuencias. Este curso le dar a usted las herramientas necesarias para que su hijo/a sea seguro/a y confidente. Todo esto ser llevado a usted por un mtodo de pasos revisado, estudiado y probado. Est listo para iniciar?Crditos:Music: Royalty Free Music de Bensound"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Purpose Driven Dental Assisting" |
"Are you interested in dental assisting, or in just learning more about dentistry and how a dental office runs?Have you ever considered expanding your personal knowledge or training into the field ofdental assisting, maybe considering seeking employment in the dental assisting field? If you have, thenthis is the course for you!When you sign on to this course with 23 sections all loaded to the brim, youll have access to a deep and wide knowledge base condensed from years of clinical experience and practice into a mere 4 hours of high quality and compelling HD video.Lectures Included:Introduction to Dental AssistingGeneral Dentistry OverviewThe Dental TeamPatient AdvocacyDental Assistant ResponsibilitiesPatient InteractionsRadiographsDental AnatomyCommon Dental ProceduresDental ImpressionsAnesthesiaTooth PreparationDirect RestorationIndirect RestorationFixed ProsthodonticsRemovable ProstheticsOral SurgeryEndodonticsOrthodonticsDental Implant ProstheticsPediatricsHygieneContinuing CareProfessional DevelopmentWhether you are interested in discovering everything there is to know about dental assisting, or want to focus in on one particular facet therein, this is the course for you. Enjoy!Dave King, DDS"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"eBay Selling Masterclass: eBay Selling with a eBay Business" |
"Are you looking to make money online in 2018? If you want to make this the year where you increase your income, then this is the course for you.Over the last 10 years I've been selling on eBay andI've come tolearnwhat doesand what doesn't work. In fact, during this time I'vebecome bothaPowerseller and Top Rated seller.While doing eBay part time, I've been able to help multiple6 figure business's with theireBay stores, and create my own eBay accountpart time earning 5 figures! Please feel free tosee my preview lesson for proof of my income. I truly believe that you can do it too!Are you aware that there are billions of dollars spent on eBay every single year?Plus, there are over 100 million active eBay buyers looking for items to buy! This means that there's still more than enough space for new sellers to come into eBay.To be crystal clear, in order for my lessons to work, you need to work.This is NOT is get rich quick course. The amount of money you earned is based around your efforts and knowledge.I personally can't control your efforts, but I do want to give you my 10+ years of knowledge of selling on eBay so you too can be successful.This course goes through just about everything that you'd need to know when starting your owneBay business. My goal is to be 100% transparent, that way you can succeed.If your ready to learn what it takes to make money when selling on eBay, thenI invite you to enroll now!**Please Note** This course is not partnered or affiliated with eBay Inc.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Focus: Concentrate Better On Tasks For Work Or School" |
"This online focusing course will teach you actionable strategies on how you canmore effectively focusto ultimatelyreach your goals faster.This course has been created to teach you the tips that I've personally found to be incredibly helpful for myself, along with many other tactics that you can easily implement into your life today.When you truly learn how tofocus, your tasks at handwill naturally get done more efficiently. I know this because that's what I've found in my experience!Whether youconsider yourself great at focusing, or someone who could really use some guidance, this course will at the very least get you headed in the right direction towards achieving your goals.It's all a matter of taking control of your day, and getting things done!Just a few of the things you'll learn:Get a great understanding of what habits you should haveHow to fix any bad habitsActionable strategies to ensure your staying focusedHow to keep yourself focused all the timeGet started with this coursetoday, and watch your productivitypave your way to success!About the instructorBrennan Zimmerstarted his first business in 2012, and since then he's earnedmany different accomplishments such as being one of the top eBay sellers in the world, along with being an Amazon best selling author. In order to have made this all happen, being able to focus was key. Without it, simply nothing would have been achieved. Brennan is constantly learning and implementing new methods on how to become more productive within his life.Who's this course for?This course is for anyone who is looking to do a better job focusing on their work.This course is for beginners who want to take the first step in learning how to focus.This course is for business owners, employees,college students, high school student who what to get their tasks done faster by being able to focus better.This course is for anyone who wants to learn tips that they can put into their lifestyle almost instantly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Email Etiquette: Improve Your Email Writing Skills for Work" |
"Almost everyone knows how to send an email, but not many people really know how to send an effective, professional email.There's a big difference between the two!One is much more likely to get you farther in your career or business than the other. Can use guess which one?Being able to have great email etiquette is incredibly important because it is often the first way we make an impression on a boss or your business clients.Broken English, and poor grammar will leave you an impression that you don't want.Thankfully, there are ways on how to substantially increase your ability of writing and creating professional emails!If you are at all interested in improving your email etiquette skills, this is the course for you.If at any time you have a question (throughout or after this course), please feel free to contact me!I'm more than happy to help!Again, I invite you to enroll in this course today so that you can start improving your email etiquette and enjoying its rewards!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Content Creation: Master Content Creation For Social Media" |
"Creating content does take time, but it doesn't have to take all day!Learn how to create tons of content without having to put in tons of effort. Yes, you'll need to put in some effort, but not nearly as much as you think in order to create lots of great content.This course is more than just about helping you make more content. It's also about helping you work smarter, to get more done in less time.The best part of all, my strategies that I share are proven. They work. How do Iknow this you ask?I use them, and so do others!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Communication: Lead Effective Meetings With Ease" |
"Meetings can be a waste of time... If done wrong. That's why it's incredibly important to make sure that when you're apart of a meeting, you make it as effective as possible.Thus, ultimately making it be worth your time.Whether you're a manager or you regularly attend meeting, this course is designed to help YOU. This course has multiple sections in it that includes:- How to run a one on one meeting- How to run a small group meeting- How to run a large group meetingPlus, this course even goes into some advanced topics to help you have the best meeting possible. If that sounds good to you, Iinvite you to enroll in this course today!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours! * Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE? Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Audience Growth: Quickly Grow a YouTube Channel 2019" |
"If you've ever tried starting your own YouTube channel, you'd know that it's really slow trying to get people to see and watch your videos.You may spend a lot of time and effort on them but regardless, less than 100 people see the videos pretty consistently too.Although, Ihave some good news for you. That news is that you don't have to wait YEARSin order for your channel to take off.In fact, some of the biggest channels on YouTube got a large following within 6 months are creating their channels. That's crazy fast!While there's never any guarantee's, Ican say that the methods that are shown in this course are proven. With the thought of having a little to no budget in mind when creating this course, each method you should be able to use at one point if you so chose.Now enough with the talking about the course, let's get into the details!Enroll in the course today!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Outsourcing Writing: Get Great Content for a Great Price" |
"Do you ever feel that you don't have enough time in the day?Don't you wish that you could just ""get"" more hours in the day?Iknow I've thought this, so you're not alone!But Ihave some bad news for you...I can't give you more than 24 hours in a day, but Ican show you how to can get other people to spend their time helping you get YOUR TASKSCOMPLETE.While this sounds great and amazing, I'll say that there's a catch.That catch is you need to know how to outsource writing effectively! If you don't, well you will likely find yourself frustrated just like me whenI tried outsourcing all by myself whenI first got started.That WASAMISTAKE.Instead, learn from the years of experience I've gained from spending thousands of dollars on outsourcing. I""ll give you my best tips that Istill use till this very day.If you're looking to learn how to outsource writing for you business, look no farther.This is the answer that you've been looking for.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours! * Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE? Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Debt Free Personal Finance: Get Out of Debt With a Strategy" |
"Right now, is it looking like your going to have to stop drinking coffee for the next 40 years to help pay off your debt?Regardless of how much debt your in, your lifestyle DOESNOThave to drastically change in order to pay off your debt.In fact, YOUcan have a better lifestyle WHILE paying off your debt. The key is making smarter choices. In this Debt Free Personal course you'll learn about:How to stay out of debt in the first placeProven strategies for getting out of debtHow one can reduce their debt quicklyANDMUCHMORE!If you're ready to make the move to having better personal finances, then this course is your starting point to doing exactly that!Enroll today, and invest into your future!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now.__Full Disclaimer:All financial decisions made are 100% your choice and your responsiblity. I/afflilates of this course don't take any type of responsiblity for your actions. You may see better, the same, smaller, or no results based on your actions. Iam not a finanical advisor. This course has been designed to give you the most accurate information possible during the creation of this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda! Repara Tu Crdito Hoy- Express" |
"Aumenta tu Puntuacin de Crdito, Elimina informacin Negativa, Mejora tus Finanzas Personales; haz realidad tus Sueos y Metas. Qu te parecera conocer uno de los mtodos ms poderosos que puede ayudarte a Reparar tu Crdito, desde cualquier lugar que te encuentres? Es posible, yo lo hice y te mostrar como t tambin lo puedes hacer. Aprende a: La importancia del Crdito; como Herramienta de Poder para tus Finanzas Los Derechos que tienes como consumidor Lo que afecta tu Crdito Cules son los personajes importantes en el proceso Como Monitorear tu Crdito Gratis Las 7 herramientas poderosas para el monitereo de tu crdito El mtodo ms sencillo en el proceso Que contiene tu historial de crdito Cmo Reparar el Crdito tu Mismo en 30 das ESTE CURSO NO ESTA DISEADO PARA ASESORA LEGAL. ESTA DISEADO CON FINES NICAMENTE EDUCATIVOS."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Pricing: Get Your Retail Price" |
"How do you decide what the best price to sell your product for?If you make and sell products or are thinking about selling products you have made, either online or in a brick and mortar store, knowing how to price your products is essential to the continued success of your store.This class shows you how to come up with a profitable retail price to charge for your products, that works for physical products that you have made."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Management Masterclass - 13 in 1 MBA Level Course" |
"If you are a student of 'Marketing Management' subject as a part of your MBA/BBA/M.Com/B.Com or related curriculum, this course will help you understand all the concepts with relevant examples in the simplest manner. This MBA level course covers most of the marketing curriculum taught all across the world through books by leading authors like Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Gary Armstrong, Charles Lamb, Joseph Hair, Noel Capon and so on.5 Star Reviews and Comments:Umut elikz - Very informative course! Had so much more than I expected purchasing the course. Awesome value for money and lecturer's passion is very evident and INFECTIOUS. THANK YOU, THANKS :))Emmanuel Kwabena Appiah - I took this program to help me clarify lessons in my ongoing marketing management class for my MBA program. The content, delivery and examples were so perfect. I wrote the exams with knowledge gained from the videos instead and not from the class. I still remember the delivery so vividly. Perfect content for marketing course. Thanks prof!Ivana - Great course with simple explanation of definitions.Mohamed Naseef K - Superb experience, I have got examination points to elaborate with examples. I am so happy to recommend to this type of classes. I faced my marketing examination only with this class, very helpful and thanks to our sweet teacher Mr. Vijay. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In 13 sections, this course helps you learn Marketing through 119 videos.In this course,We begin with the definition of Marketing and discuss the role and importance of Marketing in a business. Then it is followed by Marketing Mix - 4Ps and 7Ps of Marketing.Then questions like - 'How do you create Customer Value' and 'how do you identify the needs of the customers' are answered through concepts of Customer Value and Marketing Research.We also try to understand the Consumer as well as Business Buying Behaviour.'How do you identify a market segment' and the processes involved in Targeting and Positioning are discussed in the course.The concepts related to Branding, Product Strategy, Product Mix, Product Life Cycle and New Product Development have been discussed.We also review the concepts of Price and Pricing Strategies with Price Adaptations and Price Changes.We also learn about Marketing / Distribution Channels, Channel Levels and Channel Design Decisions.Then finally we learn about Advertising and Promotions with Public Relations, Direct Marketing, Personal Selling and Digital Marketing.All the above concepts have been simplified through real world examples from leading companies of the World. All the concepts have been discussed with a talking head video and slides to make learning better and faster.This course also comes with:~ Lifetime access with all future updates ~ Fast and Friendly support in the Q&A - Comments section~ Udemy Certificate of Completion~ A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!'Buy Now' this course risk free and master the subject area of Marketing.See you there..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |