Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"HTML5: From Beginning to Advanced !" |
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 to make you a VETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. We learn only by doing so here I perform all the practical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of 10:90.10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the rest and this is the only way you can learn.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 & HTML5: Boot Camp" |
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 and CSS3to make you aVETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. Then we move on to the CSS3 and see in much more details that how CSS really works with HTML. Why CSS is came up and Feels the power of CSSby Practical demonstrations.We learn only by doingso here I perform all thepractical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of 10:90. (Ten RATIO Ninety)10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the courseand this is the only way you can learn.First we will explore whole HTML5 from very basics toAdvance.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively.Then, we move on to the CSS3We see what CSSreally is.What is the syntax of CSS is.What is Selector in CSS and how to use Comments in CSS.(With all steps)Then we see how we can use CSS in our HTML Document.(Everything is doneSTEP-BY-STEP) so you can understand.We'll also see how CSS increases the power ofBorders in HTML WEBPAGE.Then we explore Margins in CSS.Afterwards we'll move to Text part how to apply the power ofCSS.We will also learn how to enhance the capability of Links.In short, you will learn pretty much everything that you need to know to start a journey as a WEB DEVELOPER."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Become Front End Web Developer GURU" |
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 and CSS3to make you aVETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. Then we move on to theCSS3and see in much more details that how CSS really works with HTML. Why CSS is came up and Feels the power of CSSby Practical demonstrations. Then we began our journey towards adding logic to your Web Pages i.e. Adding JavaScriptto your web site and learn all the necessaryWe learn only by doingso here I perform all thepractical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of10:90. (Ten RATIO Ninety)10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the courseand this is the only way you can learn.First we will explore wholeHTML5from verybasicstoAdvance.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively.Then,we move on to theCSS3We see what CSSreally is.What is the syntax of CSS is.What is Selector in CSS and how to use Comments in CSS.(With all steps)Then we see how we can use CSS in our HTML Document.(Everything is doneSTEP-BY-STEP) so you can understand.We'll also see how CSS increases the power ofBorders in HTML WEBPAGE.Then we explore Margins in CSS.Afterwards we'll move to Text part how to apply the power ofCSS.We will also learn how to enhance the capability of Links.And at last the JavaScript. We learn everything in JS.In short, you will learn pretty much everything that you need to know to start a journey as a WEB DEVELOPER."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Javascript for beginners - Quick JavaScript Fundamentals" |
"JavaScript is the technology that makes things happen online. Learn how to create Dynamic and Interactive web pages applying JavaScript. This course covers all the core fundamental concepts like variables, arrays, objects, functions, loops, conditions, Document Object Model Basics and more.JavaScript isFast and Responsive relatively easy language to get started with. All you need is a browser and you are ready to create JavaScript. LearnJavaScript to HTML web pages works across browser.JavaScript is powerful extending the functionality of web pages.Executed on the front-endThis course covers the core fundamentals of JavaScript, so that you can get started or refresh your knowledge of how JavaScript work quickly. Designed as a fast paced informative course that guides you to learn and practice JavaScript.Learn how to create variables, objects and ArraysExplore functions how local and global scope work and how to return values and pass arguments into functionsSee how to apply logic with conditions and ternary statementsSave time with loops do while and for loopsInteract with your web elements connect via the Document Object ModelThis course will startteachingyouvery basic of JavaScript language and will gradually take you to the advance level.You will learn deep understanding of JavaScript concepts. You will seethebeauty and powerof JavaScript language and you would be able to apply all these skills in modern web development."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 2019 Front End Web Development" |
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 and CSS3to make you aVETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. Then we move on to theCSS3and see in much more details that how CSS really works with HTML. Why CSS is came up and Feels the power of CSSby Practical demonstrations. Then we began our journey towards adding logic to your Web Pages i.e. Adding JavaScriptto your web site and learn all the necessaryWe learn only by doingso here I perform all thepractical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of10:90. (Ten RATIO Ninety)10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the courseand this is the only way you can learn.First we will explore wholeHTML5from verybasicstoAdvance.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively.Then,we move on to theCSS3We see what CSSreally is.What is the syntax of CSS is.What is Selector in CSS and how to use Comments in CSS.(With all steps) Then we see how we can use CSS in our HTML Document.(Everything is doneSTEP-BY-STEP) so you can understand.We'll also see how CSS increases the power ofBorders in HTML WEBPAGE.Then we explore Margins in CSS.Afterwards we'll move to Text part how to apply the power ofCSS.We will also learn how to enhance the capability of Links.And at last the JavaScript. We learn everything in JS.In short, you will learn pretty much everything that you need to know to start a journey as a WEB DEVELOPER."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become Bitcoin Guru" |
"This course acts as a starting point for anyone who is new to bitcoin and wants to learn the fundamentals of this exciting new technology and digital payment system. The course assumes that the reader has zero knowledge of computer programming or economic analysis.Advanced topics such as algorithms and money supply deflation will be explained in layman's terms so it will be easy for you to understand.In thiscourse you will learn:What Bitcoin is and howto understand the market valuesHow toInvest in BitcoinHow toBuy, Sell and Trade BitcoinHow to use real money to buyBitcoinCryptocurrency fundamentals such as the name,volume, price, volatility &graphcandlesticksA basic introduction to the blockchain and it's importanceHow To Transact With BitcoinHow To Store Bitcoin SecurelyWho Is Satoshi Nakamoto?Decentralized Autonomous CorporationsUsing the Blockchain for Digital FinanceUsing the Blockchain for the IoTBitcoin SidechainsBitcoin as a Ledger TechnologyIncoming Surveillance of BitcoinSupranational Governanceand more!At the conclusion of this course, you will be well-versed in both the functionality of the bitcoin blockchain and the potential for global commerce that comes with a borderless, digital economy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Blockchain from SCRATCH using JavaScript" |
"Nowadays, everyone is talking about Blockchain. But, what exactly a Blockchain is? How it really works? What are the some basic principles behind the Implementation of a Blockchain?Well all these questions will be answered in this course.First we will begin with some of the basics of Blockchain and Bitcoin.In the second section we'll understand some basics of the JavaScript. ( If you know any Programming language to certain degree you can skip this.)In the third section we'll start building our own Blockchain.The best thing is you really don't need to understand the programming stuff if you don't know what that really is. If you stuck at any point just ask in the Q&A section Iwill be happy to help you out."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Numpy Become Zero to Hero" |
"NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things:a powerful N-dimensional array objectsophisticated (broadcasting) functionstools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran codeuseful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilitiesBesides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data-types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases.>>> import PracticalDemonstration as pdThis course is designed only to be PRACTICAL. Everything in this course is gonna be interactive.We will learn the entire NUTS & BOLTSof Numpy starting from the basics to more Advance functions."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Object Detection with Python" |
"You always wonder how actually computer see.This course is your best resource for learning how to use the Python programming language for Computer Vision.We'll be exploring how to use Python and the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library to analyze images and video data.The most popular platforms in the world are generating never before seen amounts of image and video data. Every 60 seconds users upload more than 300 hours of video to Youtube, Netflix subscribers stream over 80,000 hours of video, and Instagram users like over 2 million photos! Now more than ever its necessary for developers to gain the necessary skills to work with image and video data using computer vision.Computer vision allows us to analyze and leverage image and video data, with applications in a variety of industries, including self-driving cars, social network apps, medical diagnostics, and many more.As the fastest growing language in popularity, Python is well suited to leverage the power of existing computer vision libraries to learn from all this image and video data.In this course, we'll teach you everything you need to know to become an expert in computer vision! This $20 billion dollar industry will be one of the most important job markets in the years to come.Well, we only focus on the practical working of the programming.So join me on this wonderful journey."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Encontrars una breve resea de diversos autores que en este cambio de poca, nos muestran caminos alternos para hacer un cambio de conciencia en el interior de cada persona para tomar decisiones ms acertadas y as poder mejorar tu relacin contigo mismo, con los dems, con la naturaleza y realizar la misin con la cual fuiste creado."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create a Healing Spirit Art Doll" |
"Learn to create your own Healing Spirit Doll!I began creating Spirit Dolls and art as part of a healing process for both physical and emotional reasons. These dolls have played an important role in my life. May this class provide the tools to create some comfort and joy as you make your own doll. Dolls have traditionally been used in magic and healing rituals, as well as toys throughout the world since the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome. Early dolls were handcrafted from sticks, wood, stone, clay and fabric.This class may be considered a form of art therapy. It invites the student to think outside the box, use their imagination and have fun. There are no right or wrong ways to make your art doll.In this 1.75 hour class you will learn to make two different types of dolls. One created with sticks and branches. The other with wooden BBQ skewers. You will also be taught how to make your own paper clay doll faces, as well as how to use fabric, ribbons, beads and found objects to decorate and dress your doll. We will also cover how to add special details and how to hang or display your finished doll.There is an added section on how to create jewelry with paper clay, treasures found in nature and recycled baubles.Modules include:Setting the Intention of the Spirit DollHow to select sticks & branches.How to make paper clay faces.Painting paper clay faces.How to assemble, dress and adorn the doll.Finishing touches and detailsTwo videos of finished Spirit Dolls for inspiration using seashells and other sea inspired treasures. Extra Section: Paper clay jewelry ideas."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Travel English - At the Restaurant" |
"In this course, you will learn the vocabulary and the words you need to speak with confidence in a restaurant, in you next trip.You will learn to use the words and sentences you need to order your food and drinks.You will learn to read a menu and understand it.You will practice using 14 dialogues that simulate real-life situations that are common in a restaurant.The course includes key words and phrases that will help you achieve the fluency you need.You have plenty of practice activities through quizzes, worksheets to download, audio files and links."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Edio Expresso" |
"Aprenda a expressar suas ideias atravs de vdeos no Youtube!Ocurso Expresso te guia desde a concepo do seu canal, passando pela gravao, edio, identidade visual,at chegar o momento que voc o apresenta ao mundo!So 5 mdulos e mais de 50 aulas:Criando o seu canal: Tirando sua ideia do papel com a mentalidade certa.Gravao: Aprenda a criar um roteiro, ter desenvoltura, perder o medo da cmera, e agravar.Edio: Entenda do zero, como editar o vdeo que voc gravou.Ps-Produo e Identidade visual: Faa o seu vdeo ficar mais bonito eatrativo.Youtube: Aprenda configurar e entender como a plataforma funciona.Confira abaixo,o cronograma do curso em detalhes."
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Transcend Beyond Stress 'Chopra Certified Instructor'" |
"How many times have you attempted to change something in your life and it just never happened? Life got in the way, not enough time, family issues, job commitments, responsibilities, lack of resources, lack of knowledge, which are all essentially excuses that we tell ourselves when we fail to change the very thing that we no longer want in our life.If youre really serious about changing the course of your life then this workshop will give you the knowledge, the understanding, the science, the research, the tools and powerful techniques of how to do just that without the excuses. Youll learn how to become aware of your own mind and your habitual thoughts. You will become the observer of your own conditioned self, not only of your thoughts, but your feelings, your behaviours, your actions and youll become acutely aware of the choices you normally make subconsciously.You will be identifying and exposing your limiting beliefs, those unconscious thoughts, feelings and behaviours from past conditioning that have been holding you back, preventing you from moving forward and attaining the life you really want.This course will direct you to your core values, towards what it is you really, really want and based on those values you will be putting together a strategic plan of action for your success, your vision for your future.Whilst knowledge is empowering, knowledge about yourself is self-empowering, so you will be learning about neuroscience, brain wave patterns, how thoughts happen, the electromagnetic field around the body, and the study of epigenetics. Essentially, when you learn to connect with the intelligence running the physiology of your body, you will achieve a state of 'mind body coherence' and experience first hand, changing from the inside out.This course is about loving yourself enough to rise above self-limiting beliefs and being the change you want to become.All of the material you will cover in this course is a labour of love, its based on 12 years of research and is a result of my work with transformational leaders in self-development from around the world. The practice of mindfulness plays a strong role in this work, as does a powerful breathing technique which will truly raise your state of being, raise your energy and give you the clarity and vision to make changes.Be assured that once you have left behind limiting beliefs and emotional addictions, once you've determined your core values and your purpose, you will find your driving force and you will have the ability, the innate desire and the passion to soar to the next level.I look forward to you joining me on this transformational journey.Marie"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
()C++FFMpeg-ffmpegqt5opencv |
"c++rtspqth264+accopencv,flvrtmpnginx-rtmpcrtmpserverC/C++ 1.windows10 ubuntu16.04 win7XPlinuxMac ubuntu 16.04 64 2.vs2015 vs2013C++11linuxmacQTcreater3.x86 32 6464,armffmpegqtopencv4. QT 5.9 32 FFmpeg 3.3 32 Opencv 3.2 32 c++opencvrtspqt5h264+accopencv,flvrtmp nginx-rtmpcrtmpserver c++c++rtspqth264+accopencv,flvrtmpnginx-rtmpcrtmpserverC/C++ 1.windows10 ubuntu16.04 win7XPlinuxMac ubuntu 16.04 64 2.vs2015 vs2013C++11linuxmacQTcreater3. x86 32 6464,armffmpegqtopencv4. QT 5.9 32 FFmpeg 3.3 32 Opencv 3.2 32 c++opencvrtspqt5h264+accopencv,flvrtmp nginx-rtmpcrtmpserver c++"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
C++C++ |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Modern Upholstery Fundamentals:Reupholster diningroom chairs" |
"Modern upholstery fundamentals is a course based on video's tutorials and f.a.q's. You will start with a simple but yet effective exercise. A chair with a plywood seat and backrest. After that you will be building your skills up. Step by step and object by object. The course is accompanied by a competence matrix. It will tick all the boxes. If you are familiar with upholstery already this course could bring you some added value, as you do not have to follow all steps. You can also pick and choose the skill you want to learn which is listed in the competence matrix. We have multiple upholstery courses available."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Negociacin - Libro: La incertidumbre detrs de las ventas" |
"Tcnicas de de Negociacin y Cierre de Ventas basado en el libro La incertidumbre detrs de las ventas es un curso prctico que incluye EL LIBRO COMPLETO CON SUS 178 PGINAS Y EJERCICIOS PRCTICOS que muestra la actual realidad sobre las ventas y la necesidad de transformar antiguos paradigmas que ya no encajan con los deseos del cliente. Representa la Negociacin en Evolucin y la Comunicacin para el Cambio.Por qu realizar este curso? Capacitacin en negociacin para equipos de ventas 2020Optimiza TU capacitacin personal!Negociar requiere de la habilidad para crear una relacin entre lo econmico y lo significativo. Sabes cmo hacerlo?El cliente tiene que ganar para que t ganes y esta es la base de todas las negociaciones. Ya no le des ms vueltas y capacita a tu equipo!Cerrar un trato, una venta, un acuerdo, requiere de una visin estratgica de conjunto. La tienes?A los clientes les gusta negociar con personas con una alta autoestima profesional. La has desarrollado? La capacitacin en negociacin te ayudarTransmitir los beneficios de una negociacin requiere de habilidades de comunicacin influyente. Las tienes?Optimiza TUS TCNICAS de negociacin y comunicacin influyente!La comunicacin influyente es el punto de partida y la meta final de quienes se dedican a negociar. Qu tanto conoces el mtodo?La comunicacin interpersonal es como un puzzle que nos va dando las pistas para pulsar los detonadores adecuados del si quiero! Conoces las pistas que te da la capacitacin influyente?Influir positivamente requiere de un conocimiento preciso sobre los comportamientos comunicativos de los clientes. Sabes cmo reconocer los tuyos?Entender las Fases INREV para aplicar la tcnica de anticipacin de objeciones es vital para llegar al cierre de la negociacin. Conoces las Fases de la comunicacin influyente en la negociacin?Y ahora qu le digo? Es la pregunta que ha pasado por tu mente una y otra vez sin saber que hacer, sin embargo ha llegado el momento de darle respuesta.Romano Rodrguez FernndezEspecialista en Psicologa de la Negociacin Influyente20.000 horas impartidas para ms de 17.000 personasAutor del libro: La incertidumbre detrs de las ventasTodos los Derechos Reservados ISBN 978-84-16209-521"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Elementor Wordpress: Criando Sites com Elementor" |
"Voc gostaria de aprender como construir pginas responsivas incrveis para o seu site WordPress sem saber programao?Se sim, ento voc chegou ao caminho certo. :)Descrio:Neste curso de Elementor WordPress, eu vou te apresentar todos os recursos deste poderoso plugin. Um guia passo a passo sobre como criar sites e landing pages em algumas horas usando o Elementor! O plugin Elementor o construtor page-builder (arrasta-e-solta) de pginas que mais cresce para o WordPress, com mais de um milho de downloads do repositrio do WordPress. O Elementor tem a vantagem de tambm estar disponvel com uma verso gratuita que to poderosa que voc pode criar um site completo usando apenas a verso gratuita do mesmo. No curso voc vai conhecer as funcionalidades da verso FREE e da verso PRO do Elementor. So mais de 80 aulas notal!O curso destina-se a qualquer pessoa que queira criar sites, landing pages, ou pginas de vendas personalizados com o plugin Elementor (tanto a verso FREE quanto a verso PRO). Se voc est pensa em trabalhar como freelancer criando sites ou at mesmo iniciando sua agncia de marketing digital, este curso para voc! Se voc nunca criou um site, ou at j criou, mas est procura de ferramentas mais avanadas, este curso para voc. Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar! Vantagens do Curso Elementor WordPress:PARA INICIANTESEste curso de Elementor WordPress completamente amigvel para iniciantes.Voc no precisa saber nada sobre o Elementor, codificao ou programao (voc s precisa ter o conhecimento mnimo de WordPress). CRIAO DE SITE NA PRTICANo bnus extra, voc vai ver na prtica em algumas horas como criar um site do zero. Tudo para elucidar o que voc aprendeu nas aulas anteriores, mas dessa vez na prtica utilizando diversos mdulos do Elementor. ECONOMIACriao de site pode ser algo caro, mas com este curso Elementor WordPress e um pouco de criatividade voc pode construir qualquer site com Elementor com um baixo investimento.Voc pode criar um site profissional com a verso 100% FREE do Elementor. Coisa que nenhum outro plugin construtor de sites oferece. So muitos recursos grtis para voc usar como quiser.SUPORTEA comunidade do Elementor no WordPress no para de crescer, o suporte incrvel tanto da verso FREE quanto da verso PRO.Vejo voc l dentro do curso!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Construa prottipos rpidos e funcionais com Figma" |
"O Figma um software de prototipao completo, rpido, que roda no navegador, e ainda super simples de usar, com ele podemos transpor nossas telas desenhadas para um modelo navegvel, mais fiel e prximo ao que se planeja criar, com isso economizamos custo operacional de desenvolvimento de software, conseguimos coletar feedback e criar um produto mais poderoso e prximo do que se deseja.Que tal impressionar seu cliente com belssimas apresentaes funcionais? Nesse curso mostro voc da forma mais rpida e simples possvel como construir interfaces poderosas com o Figma, seguindo a linha dos meus cursos de ser direto ao ponto, vamos juntos aprender?!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD: Prottipos rpidos e poderosos" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender os principais truques do Adobe XD para sair na frente com seus clientes ou na empresa onde trabalha. No precisa ser o Leonardo Da Vinci para construir prottipos funcionais e bonitos, isso que vou te mostrar neste curso.Vamos juntos construir um redesign do aplicativo da Udemy, passando pelos principais recursos que a Adobe colocou no XD, animado?No deixe de conferir, e vamos crescer juntos!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Marketing, Sales and Mindset Mastery" |
"Are you an entrepreneur or salesperson? Are you confused and overwhelmed about all the latest and greatest marketing gadgets and systems that promise unbelievable and unrealistic results for a premium price? Are frustrated because youre sacrificing personal and family time, working long hours and not getting the results you want?Heres another question: Are you sabotaging your business or career because you dont have provable strategies or poor mindset?Do you fail to see consistent, predictable results with your sales and business efforts? Guess what - you are not alone! Look, the truth is that success has little to do with tactics and techniques, but instead has more to do with your energy, mindset, and attitude. Yes. You need to utilize the right tactics, pick the right target audience and implement your strategies, but you must also optimize your mindset and energy to attain your highest goals.We know that sales and entrepreneurship are very vulnerable professions. Youre putting yourself out there every day! Weve been there and understand this!After spending thousands of coaching hours with frustrated clients who have up and down careers, weve decide to develop the Marketing, Sales and Mindset Mastery CourseThis course explains proven, leading-edge marketing and sales techniques, and outlines what you need to do to sell any product, service or business. But, in addition to covering all that, we weave in how to work with the Universe to achieve your goals. Marketing, Sales and Mindset Mastery Course also includes handouts to help you keep you on track.Marketing Plan TemplateInspiring Goals HandoutWeekly Forward Thinking Action PlanAnd much more!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Trading Master 106 - The Relative Strength Index Strategy!" |
"Trading Master 106 The Relative Strength Index is the 6th course in the series of courses that is designed to take the absolute beginner in trading from their first steps all the way to becoming a full time trader on the financial markets! This is an intermediate to advanced level trading course that teaches students (who are already able to read charts) how to use the Relative Strength Index and earn consistent returns in their investments. This is a serious course meant for serious students who want to make money through trading! Students will be able understand the use of RSI Indicator and get enough practice during the course that trading on their own will become very easy! Unlike other courses where instructors focus their attention entirely on theory, I focus my course on actual hands on trading. I use charts to show you where to enter a trade and where to exit a trade with profit! The ""Trading Master 106 The Relative Strength Index Strategies Covers: What is the RSI? How is the RSI Calculated? When RSI Fails & Why? Using the 14 Period RSI Using the 5 Period RSI Identify KEY Entry Levels Getting Out With Profit! Bonus Lectures: Keep yourself up to date with LIVE examples of trades that I enter into every now and then. Further to this you will have direct access to me to discuss any of your trades! You can contact me via the Q&A Section in the course. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MetaTrader 4 - A to Z" |
"MetaTrader 4 - A to Z is a beginner level course that is meant for those who want to setup a demo tradingaccount for the very first time. It is designed to help new traders setup an account, download and install the MT4 platform, and understand most of the important platform tools.It goes on to help beginners configure the options &preferences so that the charts can start to look familiar. Students will learn how to create templates, save and edit these templates andadd indicators to individual charts or templates.Most beginners find it difficult to understand the differences between Stop orders and Limit orders. This course clarifies what these orders are and gives you practical examples to placing these trades on the terminal. We will go further on and see the MQL5 marketplace and download a free indicator and I will also offer you one of my own custom made OHLC display indicatorthat you can load onto your charts.You can feel free to ask me questions and i will be available to all my students so that no one runs into any problems.So Iwish you the best of luck and hope to see you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to have joyful, meaningful and harmonious relationships" |
"Life involves relating to people. In relating, we often experience conflicts. These conflicts cannot be wished away or dismissed as they bother us. I experience happiness and connectedness with the other only when I am in harmony in my relationships. How can I be in harmony with the other who is so different from me? The timeless wisdom of the ancient masters from India show us the way forward for harmonious living by practising dharma. Dharma is not an abstract concept or a cosmological proposition. This course is a step-by-step journey of the What, Why and How of the ancient, universal guide of Dharma in our lives, now. While the word 'Dharma' has many meanings, one of the primary meanings is universal values and principles that have upheld society from time immemorial. Hinduism and Buddhism which grew in the heart of India has dharma has its foundation. Our actions on a day to day basis and hence our lives are an expression of the values that we have assimilated well. This course is the first ever course on Udemy by a Hindu monk. The journey of the course is a simple, yet profound journey of small yet firm steps to discovering that you are the light of dharma and how you can illumine your life and the life of others with your joy and wisdom. It addresses a huge gap that modern psychology totally misses, which is our need for dharma. When dharma is at the centre of our lives, all the values such as love, acceptance, appreciation, justice, co-operation, fairness flow from the inside out, into all areas of our lives. To discover dharma as our centre, we look through what being obsessed with work, partner, money or children entails. Unless we see the suffering we are going through we will not be able to appreciate the power of dharma.By doing this course, you will:Do what needs to be done as your understanding of dharma grows.Invite the illumination of dharma into all areas of your life. This includes the space of self awareness between you the person and the roles. See the interconnectedness of the five sets of relationships (Panchmahayajna)that you did not know you had. Change wisely, in how you give and receive in your relationships. This is possible because of the three powers you have in every situation. Open your heart.Value your relationships Embrace them with your thoughts, words and deedsRejoice in your life and relationships as the joy and wisdom if yours to claim. This course is a sacred and heartfelt offering to all seekers, of the love and wisdom that I have received from my gurus. The commitment to the tradition is carried forward by sharing it. Traditional teaching in gurukulam-s (traditional teaching institutions) is offered free of cost, for years, even in this day and age. It will be my joy and responsibility to contribute to Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, where I studied, from the proceeds received for this course. It is with much joy, warmth and respect that I welcome you into this sacred and consecrated space of the course. The space is sacred because the wisdom that will be shared has been shared by rishis, ancient masters across generations. The space is sacred because you have opened your heart to the possibility of learning and growing. The space is sacred because you are sacred. For, you are as much as I am. Om. "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"1.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Mov. de Tierras" |
"En este Curso 1 de los 17 que componen el total del proyecto formativo con VIDEOS filmados directamente desde los distintos tajos en construccin de edificios, trata el Captulo Movimiento de Tierras, con el visionado de la ejecucin de las actividades que se llevan a cabo en la construccin de una obra.Antes desarrollar el proyecto de una nueva edificacin el proyectista debe saber con qu tipo de terreno se encontrar al ejecutar la obra, para recogerlo en sus clculos de las estructuras as como en la estimacin de coste de ejecutar los movimiento de tierras precisos, para ello, se deben ejecutar los estudios Geotcnicos que la reglamentacin del Cdigo Tcnico de la Edificacin (CTE), obliga. Aqu se visionan los procedimientos de penetrmetro y de mediante toma de muestras mediante sondeos.Se inician las obra acondicionando el solar y sus proximidades haciendo una explanacin lo mas horizontal posible, para llevar a cabo el posicionamiento de casetas y servicios del personal que va a intervenir en la ejecucin y la colocacin de camillas para el tirado cordeles para el replanteo de las alineaciones de las distintas partes.Aqu se visionan como se realiza el vaciado del stano si lo lleva el edificio a realizar en dos tipos de terreno mediante retroexcavadora; sobre tierras de fcil extraccin o en terreno duro de roca o margas sin meteorizar (tufa). As mismo se visionan las ejecuciones de la excavacin de zanjas y pozos de zapatas de pilares tambin en los distintos tipos de terreno blando o duro. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing For Creative Entrepreneurs" |
"If you are a blogger, creative entrepreneur or online business owner, Pinterest can be a game changer for your business. It is a great tool for getting online exposure, free traffic to your website and sales.It can be a HUGE traffic generator, you just need to have a few strategies under your belt to use it effectively.In this course I'll show you some tips and tricks that will help you to grow your business.Do you want to turn Pinterest into a list building and traffic generating machine for your business?In this course you will learn:how to get started and set up your account for successhow to use Pinterest to figure out exactly what your customers wanthow to optimize your Pinterest Profile to get clicks to your site or shophow to create content that will bring people to your sitethe power of group boards and pin schedulingBy the end of thisclass, youll have the knowledge and action steps to take your Pinterest gameto the next level!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DISEO EDITORIAL, sus fundamentos y elementos" |
"El curso de diseo editorial es la introduccin que todo diseador, planeador o arquitecto debe saber, ya que es un curso que se aplicara no solo al diseo grfico sino a cualquier situacin de la vida, desde una maestra en primaria que busca poder realizar un cartel para un nio y debe conocer los principios bsicos de la diagramacin hasta diseadores experimentados que realizan artes finales;deben estar al 100% del conocimiento de los elementos, fundamentos, retculas y publicaciones que el diseo editorial conlleva. Este curso dar un pequeo recorrido por cada una de las necesidades al aplicar diseo editorial, no necesitas ser experto en la materia ya que el curso empieza desde cero. Bienvenidos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Meditation Transformation: Mindfulness for Beginners" |
"Mindfulness is the BEST way to navigate this wonderful journey calledlife!And when you combine Mindfulness &Meditation, then you will havethe single most powerful transformationaltool at your disposal.Being mindful will help you have more clarity, less stress, better sleep, better relationship and most importantly, a better life in general.In this course, I'll teach youto:Create a simple yet effective mindfulnesspractice.Learn how to relax in as little as 5 minutes a day.Utilize the power of EFT""Emotional Freedom Tapping"" to release stuck energy.Manifest with the power of affirmation and meditation.Use mindfulness exercises like the shower meditation or the active meditation to gain an instant awareness of your energy and emotions.Banish fear and create clarity with learning the Chakra system and how it affects your life.And much much more fun tips and benefits to help you build your most BRILLIANTlife ever!So are you ready to be the BESTversion of yourself, and tolive in a constant state of joy and bliss by simply introducing mindfulness into your everyday life?Are you ready to bean unstoppable form of transformation and ignite within you that spark that will lead you to the EPIClife that you were meant to live?You're at the right place, take this course!It is TRULY a transformation experience!Created byZane Baker,the founder of My Daily Zen and the co-founder of the Valhalla Mind Institute. Zane inspires, educates and transforms the lives of thousands via his newsletter, his blog andlive events on his Valhalla MindFacebook Page where he captured the attention of 570,000 followers and growing all teaching the concepts of mindfulness, energy healing and crystals."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Hiring and Recruiting Strategy" |
"Hiring is an opportunity to bringtalented people to your organization who can help take your business to the next level. Yet, if you make the wrong hiring decisions you can end up having wasted time, money and energy.In thiscourse, you'll gain a consolidated overview of thethe latest research and best practices in hiring--so that you candesign the right process for your own company. You'll gain actionable insightsfrom bestselling business booksand learn from real case studies about how torecruit, screen, and hire the right people for your team.The course will cover:5 typical steps in a hiring processscoping, sourcing, screening, selecting, and selling candidates on the positionand give you practical exercises to develop each of these steps for your own company.Youll look specifically at how to identify the talent needs of your organization and then structure a job to meet these needs. Youll develop a job description and corresponding scorecard to identify the kinds of traits and skills you need to recruit for You'll look specifically at how to identify the right recruitment channels to find candidates. You'll develop a screening processincluding crafting powerful interview questions and creating trial tasks to test for the right abilities. And, finally, you'll learnhow to make the job offer, and effectively bring someone on board. By the end of this introductory course, youll have a solid understanding of best practices for hiring great people."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Sanskrit Pronunciation" |
"Learn the tricks to tune your tongue and body to perfect Sanskrit phonetics, regardless of your native language. This practice will help you to minimize your accent to the minimum.Practice individual sounds and sound groups with real examples from Sanskrit language. More than 300 word and 50 verses/mantras will boost your vocabulary as well!Listen, watch, and repeat: With 5.5 hours of video and audio material you will be guided in each step of your journey to perfect Sanskrit sound - with no single detail left out.Understand the science behind the Sanskrit alphabet - the most systematically arranged alphabet in the world. Being aware of its various sound groups will tremendously help you to perfectly reproduce in sound what you see on paper.Don't know the traditional Sanskrit script? No problem - learn everything through the Romanized Sanskrit system (Latin/English letters). Then too, the whole course is optionally presented in the as well (each version is 5.5 hours long)! Personal feedback on your progress from the instructor."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |