Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Wordpress, Photoshop, Elementor intenso e abrangente p sites" |
"Domine todo o processo para criao de sites profissionais, desde o registro do seu prprio domnio e contratao de hospedagem, passando pela estruturao do contedo de cada pgina utilizando ferramentas de organizao mental, crie a arquitetura da informao e esboce seu wireframe, crie o design de interface do seu site aplicando conceitos profissionais para harmonizao e equilbrio do layout, trabalhe com grids, implemente todo o site em wordpress de maneira simples e intuitiva, instale seu Analytics e um poderoso plugin para SEO.Esta formao completa para voc dominar a criao de sites profissionais."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Oracle SQL for Beginners - The fundamentals" |
"Learn the basic concepts that you will need to write SQL statements. What is SQL? SQL (Structured Query Language) is the primary language responsible for managing data and data structures contained within a relational database management system (RDBMS). Put simply, SQL is the language you use to interact with a database. Build a strong foundation in SQL with this tutorial for beginners. Database basic conceptsRetrieving, filter dataCreating tables, modify tablesManipulate data, sort dataJoin tablesSQL functionsGrouping result set.Database objectsUnderstanding users/ roles/privilegesComplex queries Understanding the concept of transactional databaseSQL types classificationNext steps Why should you learn SQL? Because you can earn really good money : SQL Developers have good incomes.Because SQL is one of the most sought-after skills by hiring employers : Employers are seeking individuals who know SQL Because you can get an answer to any question you ask about your data stores in a database :Think of all the questions you ask about your data on a regular basis. What were our sales last year? What is the average income for our employees? How many goods entered the company this month? Those are all questions that can be answered using SQL.Because you no longer have to deal with Excel crashing : Ever crashed Excel because you had a ton of rows in a spreadsheet? Relational databases are designed to store millions and millions of rows of data. And you will need SQL for communicating with the database.Content and Overview Suitable for beginners, through this course of 84 lectures and 5.5 hours of content, youll learn all of the SQL fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concepts behind databases. Each lessons have attached files with examples, you can put your new skills into practical use immediately. No need for a software installation for starting with the examples. No need for a database installation. You just create an free account on Livesql and you are ready to start, all the steps are described in the course The Next Steps lesson with show you what are the next steps if you want to take the experience accumulated in this course to the next level. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Os alunos aprendero a utilizaradequadamente seus materiais artsticos tal como compor uma temtica que propiciar uma introduo aoestudo daanatomia, e tambmdistribuir os tons iniciais comconscincia e trabalhar com as luzes e sombras de forma natural e convincente. Aprendero a observar a pintura com maioracuidade e pintar com oprazer daaplicao dos conceitos e tcnicas apresentados;possibilitando melhores resultados e desenvolvimentos satisfatrios."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Anlise tcnica e estrutural doimpressionismocom enfase nas caractersticasdoexerccio tonal e luminoso,que fizeram deste perodo um dos maisagradveis e revolucionriosda histria da pintura ocidental. Pintura feita passo a passo com paleta expostae comentrios elucidativosdas caractersticas gerais que impulsionaram o movimento.Observaes sobre pinceladas, cores opostas e justapostas, evoluo dos pigmentos, tranformaodas dimenses das telas utilizadas entre muitas outras curiosidades."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C# for beginners step by step first project" |
"The course explains basic idea of classes in object oriented software development. Keywords used in programming languages and how to develop first application. As an example we will develop software which helps manage products, orders and customers.We begin with downloading the tools, how to develop the project step by step.Finally, students will be able to download the c# project and practise."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"OK 3"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Mastering Exponents, Exponential Expressions and Equations" |
"Are you struggling with exponents in your mathematics or science class? This course will help you to master the use of exponents in a variety of contexts. Learn the basicsofexponents and the rules that govern their use in mathematical and scientific applications.Develop confidence withexponents and their applicationsin this course designed to supplement your existing and futuremathematics and science classesIncluded in this course:Learn basicsof exponentsApply rules governing exponentsExtend your understanding of exponents byUsing Scientific Notation to represent quantities and solve problemsSolving exponential equations (equations involving an exponent)Simplifying exponential expressions (expressions involving exponents)Exponents Are Powerful Mathematical Tools!Believe it or not,we can use an exponentto reduce the enormously largenumber 12,157,665,459,056,928,801 to a compactexpression involving only 2 numbers! It is written simplyas920Also, if we know the volume of a cube is 2744 cubic feet, we can work backward to find that the cube has a side length of exactly14 feet in only a matter of seconds!How is such a powerful simplification involving a very large number and finding the side length of a cube in only a few secondspossible? Come and see these answersand much, much more!Put these useful tools to work to solve real-life problems in addition tothose foundin your high school and college level mathematics and science courses.Content and OverviewAll Algebra-based mathematics courses and most science coursesrequire a clearunderstanding of exponents, so learning the fundamental principles of exponents opens up a new world of understanding for you and gives you a leg up in your studies. This course was designed for high school and college levelstudents who are beginning to work with exponents, and those who need a review of fundamentals and applications of exponents.As youmaster these fundamentalconcepts, you will form the basis for masteringother mathematicaltopics such as quadratic functions,polynomials, exponential functions and logarithms.In addition to the stated topics of exponent basics, rules of exponents, Scientific Notation, solving exponential equations and simplifying exponential functions, there are several additional topics included in this course. These include:use of ascientific calculator to evaluate exponential expressions, powers,negative exponentsthe Zero Exponentnon-integer bases and exponents (exponents represented asdecimals and fractions) and how they produce ""intermediate values""substituting in numerical valuesto evaluate exponentialexpressionsuse ofvariables (such as x and y) in exponentspowers (the combination of a base and an exponent)roots and radicalsof numbers, including specially named rootsthe Principal Square Root (when we only recognize a single square root)rationalizing denominators containing radicalscombining powers and roots into a single (fractional) exponentThe course is designed for youwith lessons, shortquizzes, checks for understanding and a set of practice problems in eachsection for you to assess your progress. Over 200 practice problems are provided with the course materials.Answers can be checked using the provided answer keys or you can follow along with me on videoas I work out the solutions to problems you are having trouble with."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 Hour Button Master" |
"Still using Adobe Photoshop or another raster graphics editor to create your buttons? Try this faster and more organised way. Using Adobe Illustrator is not that hard as you will find in this course. Get your workflow up to date in one hour!In the end of this course you will not only be able to create beautiful buttons but also know how to keep them consistent in style. You will know easy ways to organize and export batches of buttons for your app, game or website with tremendous speed. My methods are so streamlined that you do not need an innumerable amount of layers. The only thing you need is the text of your button to create a complete button! Lets not wait any longer and get started. My name is Ludwig and I am your tutor. I am a graphic designer for over 25 years and I have worked for top design companies making projects for the Dutch Government, Dutch railways, Educational editors and a lot more. I also worked for Quark. When you are an older designer you will know them from Quark XPress, the industry standard for graphic design in the eighties and nineties. Since the dawn of HTML I have been making web pages and since the last eight years I have been working on video games and game art. I have created thousands of buttons and I found it can be a lot of work to create buttons with a consistent style. That is why I have created a way to streamline this process and would like to share this with you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al uso de Adobe Premiere PRO CC 2017" |
"AdobePremiere PRO esla herramienta de edicin de video ms usada por editores de cine y video, compaas de postproduccin y productoras de televisin.En este curso mostraremos las tcnicas que usan los profesionales en sus trabajos y te ayudaremos a potenciar tu creatividad visual mejorando tu formacin en programas digitales para la edicin de vdeo.Aprenders cmo editar material en el timeline, modificarlo, aadirle efectos, transiciones e incluso animarlo. Aprenders a sincronizar audio y a ajustar los niveles en la propia lnea de tiempo.FACILITADORGirbrahim Surez, Lic. en Publicidad, Locutor, Productor y Post-productorcon una ampliaexperiencia. Instructor certificado en Final Cut y Adobe Premiere Pro. Actualmente residenciado en Ciudad de Santiago, Chile."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de la produccin radial" |
"Unade las caractersticas ms interesantes y que marca prcticamente todo el proceso de creacin y produccin de un proyecto radiofnico es el hecho de que la radio solo puede ser oda o escuchada. Diferencia fundamental, porque condiciona a su vez la actitud que tiene el receptor en este proceso.Este curso desarrolla las tcnicas bsicas para la produccin de programas de radio en los gneros ms usados en la actualidad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Televisin Digital de Broadcasting Terrestre" |
"La Plataforma de Televisin Digital Terrestre (DTTB) representaun cambio de paradigma en todos los mbitos de la televisin: aparecen cambios profundos tanto en la forma de crear contenidos (iluminacin, escenografa, maquillaje, vestuario, utilera, sonido, etc.), en la representacin de la informacin visible, audible y en los datos (auxiliares, interactivos y de house keeping), la modulacin, la transmisin, el transporte, la distribucin y hasta la representacin de las imgenes televisadas en los receptores digitales (con tecnologas de pantallas planas de LCD, Plasma, OLETS, LCDoS, LEDs y TFTs).Adems, representa un cambio conceptual desde una plataforma puramente de BROADCASTING a una plataforma dominante de multimedios interactiva.FACILITADORDr. Carlos Pantsios MarkhauserProfesor Titular USB/UCAB/UBCMiembro Asociado de IEEE desde 1996Post Grado, Especializacin en Telecomunicaciones Digitales, Universidad de Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1997Ingeniero Electrnico y Magster en Comunicaciones, USB EN 1976, 1982Consultor Profesional en Proyectos sobre DTTV, DTTB (ISDB-T), Flyaway, Redes enfibra pticaAutor de 57 papers publicados en:(1) IEEE Trans in Broadcasting, (2) IEEE Trans. In Consumer Electronics, (3) SMPTE"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Asistencia de Direccin" |
"Proporciona los conceptos y herramientas para el cumplimiento del rol del Asistente de Direccin, enlace entre el director, elenco de actores as como con el personal de produccin.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARDesarrollar habilidades para manejar eficientemente los elementos que involucran el plan de rodaje para la puesta en escena de la produccin audiovisualDesarrollar habilidades para efectuar el desglose del guin tcnico de produccin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El Poder de la Palabra" |
"El Poder de la Palabra es una imparticin de Comunicacin efectiva y eficaz que provee a sus participantes herramientas prcticas para mejorar el uso y manejo de su voz como una de las principales herramientas de comunicacin, al mismo tiempo que ensea la importancia de las palabras habladas y no habladas como instrumentos universales y vitales en el desarrollo de todas las reas referentes a la comunicacin como esfera social incluyendo la comunicacin audiovisual como medio de transporte masivo de informacin.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARActivar al participante hacindole consiente de qu tipo de comunicacin practica por medio de la exposicin de los hbitos ms comunes de interaccin, y como sus consecuencias pueden diezmar su efectividad comunicacional.Concientizar al participante de cmo est relacionado su tipo de comunicacin con su propsito personal, y la importancia de puntualizarlo.Informar al participante de la relacin natural que existe entre los medios de comunicacin y el cuerpo humano y del lugar protagnico que tiene, as como proveedor, tambin como consumidor de informacin.Ensear tcnicas de uso y manejo de la voz como las herramientas para desarrollar el conocimiento de los 3 primeros objetivos.Impartir El Discurso como base del primer orden de ideas que cada participante debe manejar con facilidad en todos sus canales abiertos de informacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Funcionamiento de las cmaras profesionales de vdeo" |
"Este curso desarrolla los conceptos bsicos de operacin, configuracin y tecnologa de las cmaras de videoCOMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARConocer el desarrollo histrico de las videocmarasConocer la tecnologas detrs de los sensores de luz en las cmaras de videoAplicar los distintos elementos del lenguaje audiovisual en la grabacin de contenido audiovisualDesarrollar habilidades para la correcta postura corporal en la grabacin usando cmaras de videoConocer las diferencias en la configuracin y operacin de las cmaras DSLR, ENG y Cinematogrficas"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la escritura creativa" |
"El guin dramtico estructura momentos significativos y relevantes que permitan hacer atractiva la historia y ayuden a mantener al pblico interesado en la misma. Este curso Introduce, potencia y desarrolla el ejercicio de la escritura, mediante la exposicin y discusin de sus principios generales.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARReconocer el conflicto como la base fundamental de la dramaturgiaReconocer la importancia de la correcta definicin de los personajes ya que con ellos se identifican los espectadores de la obra audiovisualReconocer la importancia de los obstculos como un elemento de mantener el inters del espectadorConocer la estructura de los 3 actos, base para el desarrollo de obras dramticas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Direccin y Gestin de Medios Audiovisuales" |
"Curso enfocado en dotar a los participantes de las competencias necesarias para gerenciar y emprender exitosamente en la industria de los medios de comunicacin audiovisuales.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLAREntender los diferentes tipos de empresas que explotan el espectro radioelctrico y los servicios de radiodifusin.Describir los diferentes tipos de empresas audiovisuales, analizando su desarrollo y potencialidades.Analizar el funcionamiento interno de un medio audiovisual.Describir el proceso de mercadeo y la comercializacin en este tipo de empresa, analizar el mercadeo en varios pases de la regin, as como los conceptos comunes que debe conocer un planificador publicitario.Conocer como opera cada una de las reas tcnicas de un canal de televisin.Describir las etapas de la produccin audiovisual y analizar los aspectos gerenciales que deben ser considerados en este proceso.Analizar las caractersticas de una gerencia exitosa, describiendo en detalle las funciones claves en cada una de las reas en este tipo de industria.Analizar el proceso de planificacin que permite la toma de decisiones adecuadas y oportunas. Planificacin estratgica, sistema de presupuesto base cero, desglose de libretos y elaboracin de planes de negocio.Describir los diferentes esquemas que permiten el financiamiento de las producciones audiovisuales.Analizar los principios contables que regulan la informacin financiera de estas empresasAnalizar el marco legislativo de la industria audiovisual en distintos pases, los derechos de autor y la legislacin en internet.Describir las fases para el desarrollo de un nuevo medio de comunicacin.Analizar el futuro y caractersticas de la nueva industria audiovisual as como las oportunidades para los emprendedores audiovisuales"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de ideas audiovisuales" |
"Este curso ofrece conceptos para el desarrollo de ideas que puedan convertirse en productos audiovisuales de calidad.Competencias a desarrollar:Entender la influencia de las distintas unidades de anlisis en la creacin de ideas: la familia, el amor, la mujer, el hombre y la sociedad. Y las diferentes variables: edad, sexo, competencia.Conocer el lenguaje televisivo y su esttica.Entender la creacin de ideas desde la cultura nacionalSensibilizar y fortalecer el trabajo en equipo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccion al uso de After Effects" |
"Desarrollar los conceptos y herramientas principales de Adobe After Effects para animacin y motion graphics, a fin que el participante pueda utilizarlas en sus proyectos audiovisuales.Al finalizar el curso el estudiante podr intervenir videos a travs del uso de After Effects, con criterios creativos, a travs del conocimiento del lenguaje de los efectos especiales y la animacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El arco del personaje" |
"En este curso podrs entender qu es un personaje, la importancia de ste, sus caractersticas psicolgicas, fenotpicas, el entorno socio cultural y geogrfico que le rodea y aprenders cmo construir personajes.COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARCrear personajes para una historia de largo alcanceConstruir el personaje de acuerdo a sus caractersticasTrabajar el lado interno del personaje el inconsciente y la sombra del personajeDesarrollar personajes a travs de los mitos establecidos para la escritura de guionesSaber resolver los conflictos de los personajes y que sean de gran inters para la audiencia"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Produccin de Streaming" |
"Con el avance de la tecnologa cada da va ms en auge el desarrollado del Streaming, actualmente hay un sinfn de apps, software, etc. que permiten una mejor captacin de imagen y audio, generando as una transmisin de calidad. La alta demanda de consumidores y generadores de contenidos multimedia que se suman a esta nueva propuesta, hacen que el streaming sea el canal facilitador para hacer llegar el mensaje Rpido, claro y preciso. Probar el software, probar varias alternativas hasta llegar a la que se adecue para la transmisin. Conocer las configuraciones y ajustes a realizar para realizar una buena transmisin. Recomendaciones a consideran en los proceso de Preproduccin, Produccin, Post Produccin en el Streaming para evitar fallos y presentar un producto de calidad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El oficio del script" |
"El script es el encargado de vigilar se cumpla a cabalidad todas las secuencias en el rodaje de productos audiovisuales. Su responsabilidad principal es velar por la continuidad de la historia: acciones y emociones del personaje, vestuario, maquillaje, utileria y otros elementos usados en la produccin audiovisual .COMPETENCIAS A DESARROLLARRealizar los distintos tipos de desglose necesarios para llevar la secuencia en las grabacionesConocer las responsabilidades del cargo en las distintas fases de la produccinConocer las actividades realizadas de acuerdo al gnero del producto audiovisual"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Radio Humor" |
"Este curso est enfocado en explicar y ensear a desarrollar las tcnicas bsicas para la produccin de un programa de radio de corte humorstico, as como el uso de herramientas para presentar temas de inters comn, populares y que logren combinar los gusto del pblico estimado con los ingredientes creativos del realizador, ayudndolo a explotar al mximo su capacidad y espontaneidad en produccin de temas de humor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wedding Dance Choreography Course Ed Sheeran - Perfect" |
"Getting Married? What do you have planned for that first dance? Let us help you choreograph the perfect first dance to yourperfect wedding song ""Perfect"" by Ed Sheeran"".It is easy and fun choreography and with our course you will be able to learn it step by step with no previous dance experience.Does it look way to professional and time consuming to learn? Do not worry!Each step of theroutine is craftedspecially for thisbeautiful song. That's why this dance looks professionally performedbut very easyto learn. Also, this course will allow you to learn theroutineonly in onemonth!Do not hesitate and make the first steps towards your perfect first dance with us!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: Lana del Rey - Young and Beautiful" |
"The Choreography Lana del Rey - ""Young and Beautiful"" with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: Calum Scott - You Are The Reason" |
"The Choreography Calum Scott - ""You Are The Reason"" with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: Ed Sheeran - Perfect - version 2" |
"The ChoreographyEd Sheeran - ""Perfect"" with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: Bailando - Enrique Iglesias" |
"The Choreography ""Bailando"" - Enrique Iglesias with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: Lifehouse - You And Me" |
"The Choreography Lifehouse - You And Me with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance: Choreography Ti Amo (Viennese Waltz)" |
"The Choreography Ti Amo (Viennese Waltz) with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: I wasn't expecting that" |
"This wedding dance choreography has 2 parts:""I wasn't expecting that""+ ""Shut up and Dance with me""with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"First Dance Choreography: Beauty and the Beast" |
"The Choreography Beauty and the Beast with Step by Step instruction.It could be Your Great First Wedding Dance!If you have some questions please let us know, our instruction always will help you!Don't hesitate, let's start to learn!Don't you have enough time to go to a stationary dance school? Don't you like time table of dance classes?Find dance classes for yourself on DanceBook and practice whenever you only want!DanceBook - Professional Online Dance School.Why our online dance classes stand out?1. On DanceBook all lessons are produced in association with professional dance schools.2. Classes are provided only by experienced, high - class dance teachers.3. Online dance lessons on DanceBook contain exactly the same knowledge, provided in the same order, as traditional dance classes. Our instructors pay attention to the same details (the most common mistakes) as they do during stationary dance lessons.4. The courses are divided into levels.5. Each first lesson of course on DanceBook is free! It is you who decides whether this dance or instructor meets your demands!6. Contact our instructor. You can always ask any question to your instructor, if something makes you a problem!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |