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"Kurkuma: Pflanzenheilkunde, Gesunde Ernhrung, Vegan Kochen" |
"Sie mchten die Wirksamkeit von Kurkuma (Gelbwurz) fr ihre Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden nutzen?- dieser Kurs wird ihnen helfen das zu tun!Bei meiner Arbeit in einem Bio-Laden neben meinem Studium in Prvention und Gesundheitsfrderung (M.A) habe ich die Faszination fr Kurkuma das erste Mal entdeckt.Die Wirksamkeit der Pflanze ist vielfltig, was wissenschaftliche Studien zeigen:Kurkuma bei KrebsKukruma bei AlzheimerKurkuma fr die Leberreiniinung Kurkuma fr die Zahnreinigung.Kurkuma bei Diabetesund vieles mehr!Ich konnte sehen, dass viele Leute schon etwas ber die Wirksamkeit der Pflanze gehrt haben, aber nicht genau wissen WIE sie die Pflanze gut anwenden! Dieser Kurs soll ihnen dabei helfen die Wirksamkeit der Pflanze anhand von wissenschaftlichen Studien besser zu verstehen UND Ihnen Praxis-Tipps geben mit Anwendnungshinweisen fr den Alltag inklusive Rezepte in kurzer und knapper Form!Wenn Sie darber hinaus Fragen haben sollten, zgern Sie nicht mich anzuschreiben!Ich beantworte Ihre Fragen gern!VielenDank!Mit freundlichem GruKevin Kockot"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blutgruppenernhrung fr mehr Wohlbefinden - einfach erklrt" |
"Peter DAdamos merits are not esteemed enough....[He is] one of the most creative scientists in the Western world.Professor Gerhard Uhlenbruck, PhD, MD, World-Renowned Lectin Researcher at the University of Cologne, Germany Sie interessieren sich fr Ernhrung? Die haben sich bereits mit einigen Konzepten beschftigt? - Wunderbar!Dann ist die Frage - Warum scheinen einige Leute die Paleo-Dit gut zu vertragen und einige Leute blhen als Vegetarier/Veganer auf?Die Blutgruppenernhrung bietet eine Antwort auf diese Frage! Sie knnte, laut dem Vordenker Dr. D'Adamo, das grundlegende Konzept sein, welches darber bestimmt, ob welche Lebensmittel wir vertragen und welche nicht.- spannend, oder? :)Dieses Konzept ist neu und in Europa kaum bekannt.Das ist aber nicht berall so.Das Grundlagenbuch ""Eat right for your type"" Dr. D'Adamo ist ein New York Times Bestseller mit ber sieben Millionen verkauften Exemplaren.ber 2400 Erfahrungsberichte von Lesern sind auf Amazon zu finden.Das Konzept ist im Alltag vieler Leute angekommen.Was mchte ich mit diesem Kurs abdecken?grundlegende Infos zum Thema Blutgruppentheorie Dr. D'AdamoErklrung von wichtigen Grundbegriffenbersichtliche Zusammenstellung aller Informationen als Ebookeinfache Rezepte und Ernhrungslisten zum nachkochenein Blick auf die Kritik an dem Konzeptdie Beantwortung der Frage: ""Funktioniert das Konzept in der Praxis?""und vieles mehr!Ich wnsche Ihnen viel Spa mit dem Kurs zur Blutgruppenernhrung nach Dr.D'Adamo!PS: Sollten Sie an irgend einer Stelle im Kurs Fragen haben: zgern Sie nicht mir zu schreiben! Gern beantworte ich ihr Anliegen!PSPS: Ich freue mich ber eine Bewertung dieses Kurses!- Das kostet Sie ein paar Sekunden und ist fr mich als Dozent unheimlich hilfreich!VielenDank!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gewrze: Pflanzenheilkunde, Gesunde Ernhrung, Vegan Kochen" |
"Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen bei ""10 Gesunde Gewrze -Kruterkunde fr mehr Gesundheit""Ich freue mich Sie zu diesem Kurs zu begren!Sie mchten mehr Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit in Ihr leben ziehen und das mglichst mit natrlichen Pflanzen und Gewrzen?Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs genau richtig!Ich bin Kevin Kockot, Absolvent im Fachbereich Prvention und Gesundheitsfrderung, ich bin seit vielen Jahren mit meinen Inhalten selbststndig aktiv und gebe Seminare zu Themen der Prvention und Gesundheitsfrderung.In diesem Kurs gehe ich auf folgende Punkte ein:1. die Wirksamkeit der Gewrze 2. konkrete wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse 3. Hinweise zur optimalen AnwendungDas alles erfolgt in einer mglichst kompakten, konzentrierten Form, wobei ich mich auf das Relevanteste konzentriere.Das erspart Ihnen den Rechercheaufwand und Sie haben Zeit fr die Sachen die sie lieben!Meinen Frage: Haben Sie Lust etwas ber 10 gesunde Gewrze zu lernen und damit die Grundlage fr ihre eigene Gesundheit zu legen?Dann freue ich mich Sie im Kurs zu begren!Hier finden Sie die Gewrze, die ich in diesem Kurs behandle (Gesundheitswirkung, Anwendung und ORAC-Vergleich)KurkumaKreuzkmmelIngwerZimtSchwarzkmmel (l)BoxhornkleeRosmarinBasilikumOreganoKnoblauchZudem gebe ich Ihnen eine bersicht ber wissenschaftliche Studien zu den einzelnen Gewrzen!Sollten Sie an irgendeiner Stelle Fragen haben, zgern Sie nicht mich bei Udemy anzuschreiben!Ich hoffe, dass Sie diesen Kurs als faires Angebot verstehen! :)Und nun: Viel Spa im Kurs! :)Ihr Kevin Kockot"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gesundheit & Ernhrung: Hohen Blutdruck erfolgreich senken!" |
"Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen bei ""Gesundheit & Ernhrung: Hohen Blutdruck erfolgreich senken!""Ich freue mich Sie zu diesem Kurs zu begren!Sie mchten ihren Blutdruck natrlich senken und das mglichst einfachen und natrlichen Mitteln (Ernhrung und Lebensstil)?Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs genau richtig!Ich bin Kevin Kockot, Absolvent im Fachbereich M.A. Prvention und Gesundheitsfrderung und seit vielen Jahren mit meinen Inhalten selbststndig aktiv und gebe Vortrge und Seminare zu Themen der Prvention und Gesundheitsfrderung.In diesem Kurs gehe ich auf folgende Punkte ein:1. Kompakte Informationen ber Bluthochdruck (Ursachen, Folgen, Eckdaten..)2. Handlungsoptionen zur natrlichen Senkung von Bluthochdruck 3. Untersttzung bei einem gesunden, selbstbestimmten LebenDas alles erfolgt in einer mglichst kompakten, konzentrierten Form, wobei ich mich auf das Relevanteste konzentriere.Das erspart Ihnen den Rechercheaufwand und Sie haben Zeit fr die Sachen, die sie lieben!Meine Frage: Haben Sie Lust etwas ber natrliche Mglichkeiten zur Blutdrucksenkung zu lernen damit die Grundlage fr ihre eigene Gesundheit zu legen?Dann freue ich mich Sie im Kurs zu begren!Hier finden Sie die Punkte, die ich in diesem Kurs behandle:Wie kann ich mit meiner Ernhrung meinen Blutdruck natrlich senken?1. Kalium2. Kakao3. Gemsesfte4. weniger Salz5. Omega 3 Fettsuren6. Coenzym Q107. L Arginin8. Knoblauchextrakt9. Vitamin D10. Kiefernrindenextrakt11. BrennesselWie kann ich mit meinem Lebensstil meinen Blutdruck natrlich senken?1. bergewicht reduzieren2. Kaffee und Alkoholkonsum reduzieren3. Rauchen stoppen4. Bewegung5. Entspannungsmethode praktizieren6. SaunagngeZudem gebe ich Ihnen eine Angabe ber wissenschaftliche Studien zu einzelnen Methoden!Sollten Sie an irgendeiner Stelle Fragen haben, schreiben Sie mich gern bei Udemy an!Ich hoffe, dass Sie diesen Kurs als faires Angebot verstehen! :)Und nun: Viel Spa im Kurs! :)Ihr Kevin Kockot"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Budget, Expenditure Management and Business" |
"My course isvery necessary for you because, in my course i gave you some initial knowledge that by doing simple things you can be able to improve yourself. like making a budget, you can remember where you expense your money and what things are necessary and what are useless. Raise your confidence, and make you imagination high Think about richness. avoid poverty.By expending more on daily uses you can end up in debt.Make business plan by taking few steps and by collaboration with others you can have mini financial plans which can help you to raise your income.Be comprehensive, and cover your self by regulating your needs because there is a thin line in needs and demand, those who understand may be a richest person in life. Import and export business is very easy you can manage by having a partnership with others.Firstdomarketing for your self, try to understand others nature. To sell things and is very difficult but by Price slabs you may get healthy result."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Management & Trading is an Art" |
"You have learn more course but my course is more good than others. Why it is more good? because by my experience i teach you many terms and calculations, that how the market based in fundamentals, and that the financial markets are based on averages and the more lessons are that how the gray markets works and what are the gray markets, and do not neglect the inside trading what are gaps how they are important, how can you avail these gaps into your trading. I teach you mean, median, and mode. to understand keep eye on IPOs. Do not forget the risk, in each and every trade risk is always there. A term ""Risk Management"" is very important.Risk Management is a theme of stock Market I briefly teach you about Risk Management . There are many tosses and turns in stock Market, its floor are very slippery. World witness that people came here and at first trade they fell down and to stand it will take long time. Long Long time ago People trade one by one but now there are many trades in one minutes. The most important trade is sticky trade. Relative strength (RSI) is very important. Numerical digits are also a great lesson to understand.Believe in numbers and their averages. Awareness is very good, not to be a foolish that you have a trade. And you don't know where to sell. Market goes up and come down cut your trade but you are sitting with your trade it is very dangerous. A better thing to get more knowledge than a little bit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learning Aims" |
"Solve your financial matters to release your self, fair of jail. To solve your problems take guidance by the relevant people. In Bible there is lot of about Guidance.Which I experience in my life. Every thing is depends on your financial nature. i tried to you make a sense not to use all of your money, Lineup all your Expenses. For the financial matter you need guidance.You can get financial guidance. Get Guidance from God. God guidance tell us that every thing is figure out. So make and build a task, task is position, purpose capacity function, any thing which you determine and Task management is to collect our self in the current situation.We have to make policies, made draft policies. By my course you been able to finalize policies, strategic policies make you more strengthen. Set your priorities. I tried to explain you what are priorities how you establish priorities. For to understand imagine you have a cotton ginning business, then set your goals, set your policies, set your priorities, which items are on prior side and which are decide on time, or decide on moment.I briefly discussed what are the requirements for starting a business for this i gave an example to start a cotton ginning business, for this business, or any business you need to hire component individuals with you. And for your business marketing need. But on the other side 41% of people supported small business over large business ( even if they had to pay more)Doing marketing for a small business you have to comply with many limitations. Small companies usually don't have unlimited budgets for promotion, their team's resources are limited since people have to multi functional and do a lot of various tasks at the same time and of course, they can't afford to wait for results ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO TRAINING 2020: Complete SEO Course + WordPress SEO Yoast" |
"""This is the best and very comprehensive course for SEO and would recommend for everyone and I am learning a lot."" Shakeel""One of the BEST courses on Search Engine Optimisation. This course is a Encyclopedia of SEO: On Page Seo, Off Page Seo, Link Building, Youtube SEO, SEO Tools, Copywriting, Wordpress SEO, Local SEO, White Hat SEO, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Voice SEO, Mobile SEO, E-commerce SEO: all topics covered in 1 course."" AbhijitSEO (Search Engine Optimisation) TRAINING that will help you to MASTER SEO. Learn POTENT White Hat SEO strategies and the most modern SEO techniques. Get higher rankings & more traffic. Get profit stream with my step by step COMPLETE SEO GUIDE.UNLOCK THE FULL POWER of SEO, WordPress SEO, Video SEO, YouTube SEO, Image SEO, Mobile SEO, Voice SEO, Visual SEO, E-commerce SEO, Local SEO, SMO, Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google featured snippets, and Google maps (Google my Business).Dear Students,Hi, Tomas Moravek here, Internet Efficiency 2016 Award Winning Digital Strategist, to introduce my brand new, updated, SEO MASTERY Course.This is the most comprehensive and current SEO course available!! No other course has so much up-to-date SEO information on the latest 2020 SEO strategy, like voice search, mobile SEO, video SEO, YouTube SEO, video featured snippets on Google, featured snippets on Google, image SEO, visual search, and Facebook search optimisation.I've put so much passion, energy, and time in to creating this course for you and I can't wait until you join my thousands of satisfied students so you can see for yourself why my strategies really work.LEARN POWERFUL WHITE HAT SEO TECHNIQUES & THE MOST MODERN SEO STRATEGIESWhen you enrol, you'll get actionable White Hat SEO Strategies that have been proven to work and will generate you the measurable results I know you want to see.White Hat SEO tactics are the most effective as they comply with the major search engines terms and conditions and have been fully approved by them. Not only that, they focus on a human audience as opposed to search engines, so are far more effective at organically growing your reach than Black Hat or Grey Hat techniques.Focusing on relevancy and organic ranking, these techniques are fully search engine optimised and are the BEST APPROACH to take if you're looking to build sustainable, long term growth for your brand. With White Hat techniques, you'll also see much more of a return on your investment in your marketing budget later down the road.In my course, you'll gain a grounding in White Hat basics, then you'll learn a host of the most modern SEO strategies so you can enhance your SEO performance in EVERY area, including in VIDEO SEARCH and VOICE SEARCH and by using Google Featured Snippets and Rich Snippets.You'll also discover why stuffing your content with the right keywords is outdated and will learn how to take a truly holistic approach to your SEO by including the right strategies in ALL your promotional content and marketing.A contemporary SEO approach goes far beyond content, touching every area of your digital presence, and t you need to learn how to play the game right, or you'll be struggling to get seen amid all the noise.Most SEO courses are not offering these kinds of cutting-edge SEO techniques, which are becoming increasingly important in today's digital marketplace. Don't waste your money on outdated techniques, when my course gives you everything you need - with FREE UPDATES, FOR LIFE so you'll always stay in the loop.I've structured the course format so it takes you right through EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BECOME AN EXPERT IN SEO, and Ive made sure my material is suitable for everyone to learn from, even complete beginners.What will you get when you enrol?This is the most comprehensive, up-to-date SEO course out there that contains tried and tested strategies that will dramatically boost your SEO results.My digital marketing and SEO strategies have been followed by hundreds of thousands of satisfied students, and have even been awarded, so I can guarantee that if you enrol on my course, you will not be disappointed.Study with me and...You'll find out why WHITE HAT SEO techniques are so important, and you'll learn how to use them to build sustainable growth and drive traffic to your website. You'll discover how to get QUALITY BACK LINKS from high authority sites like WIKIPEDIA, NEWS, and EDU that will organically increase your search engine position. You'll learn how to BUILD PERFECT WEBSITES and WordPress sites, that will generate you a stream of interested visitors and you'll become proficient in WordPress Security and Yoast. You'll learn why it's important to focus on topics rather than keywords and you'll learn how to create SEO friendly content that automatically generates the right kind of TARGETED, NICHE TRAFFIC. You'll get access to my powerful step by step SEO system for generating FIRST PAGE GOOGLE RANKINGS - which will bring in an ongoing stream of traffic (and revenue) for your business. Youll learn how to MASTER the latest Google Biggie algorithm, and the Google Search Console configuration, and youll learn how to tweak your SEO approach to get found quicker on Google. You'll learn the latest SEO strategies for video and voice search and will discover how to optimise Google Featured Snippets to give your organic click-through rate a serious boost. There's a reason Featured Snippets are often referred to as position #0 in Google, and when you enrol in my course, I'll teach you how to game them so your business can benefit. I'll teach you how to use SEO correctly with Google Maps, so you can benefit from this powerful tool that will help you organically attract new local customers and will GET YOUR BUSINESS FOUND FAST. When you enrol, you'll receive POWERFUL TECHNIQUES to enhance your eCommerce SEO, so you can attract a stream of new customers and drive serious traffic to your business. You'll discover what you need to do to get found on social, and how you can tweak local search to make the most of your area and GET YOUR BUSINESS FOUND. I'll teach you how to OPTIMISE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA SEO, including your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn, so you get found, and increase your followers, organically, every day! There's so much more, plus I am constantly updating my course content, so there is always something new to learn and discover.What can you expect?If you want more traffic from Google, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Bing!, Yahoo, and more, this course will deliver.Using easy to understand video presentations and screen recordings, where you can literally watch over my shoulder, I'll lay out ALL MY EFFECTIVE, TESTED, AND PROVEN SEO STRATEGIES so that you can copy them to turbocharge your SEO results.I've created my content to be super easy-to-learn from, so you can begin to use it immediately as your step by step SEO blueprint to success.Use the knowledge you'll find in my course to supercharge your own business, by getting a continuous stream of free SEO traffic. Or, make money as an SEO expert, working from anywhere as a freelance consultant, or land a highly paid job in the SEO industry.With over 42 hours of training, strategies, explanations, advice, summaries, and step by step blueprints you can follow - this is a VALUE-STUFFED course. I've taken care to cover EVERY aspect of modern SEO technique you'll need to know in order to thrive online.""Without a system, you have to put the pieces together from random blog posts and YouTube videos. And if your approach to learning SEO is ""reading blog posts"", let me wish you good luck (because you're going to need it). But when you have a system, just follow the steps... and you're SET. Following a step-by-step SEO system was one of the best things I ever did for my business.""Brian Dean, according to Success Magazine, the worlds foremost expert on Search engine optimisationShould you sign up? Would you like to get 10k - 100k worth of free SEO traffic every month? Do you need help understanding how SEO works? Maybe youd like to know how to find effective strategies that actually deliver results? Would you like to brush up your SEO skills so you can make full use of the most modern techniques, including video and voice search? Do you wish you knew how to benefit from all the potential SEO offers, but are confused where to begin?If the answer to any of the above is yes, this course is for you!If you are willing to put just a bit of work in, I promise you my SEO step by step guide will positively impact your results. These are not outdated strategies, they are the very latest, most modern SEO techniques that have been tested and proven to work. When you enrol, you're guaranteed updates for free, for life, and I will be constantly updating as SEO techniques change.There's absolutely zero risk to try out my course, as I'm so confident you'll love the content I've prepared for you that I'm offering a full, no quibble 30 DAYS MONEY BACK REFUND if you're not completely satisfied.With nothing to lose, why not RESERVE YOUR EXCLUSIVE SPOT on my COMPLETE SEO MASTERY course NOW at this special discount price and get: Lifetime access Lifetime updates Over 42 hours of SEO training, video, blueprints, walkthroughs, tips, tricks, advice, step-by-step guides and strategies - YOU CANNOT GET THIS CONTENT ANYWHERE ELSE! The latest, most cutting-edge SEO techniques, including voice and video search, and Google Featured Snippets and Rich Snippets Fast & friendly support in the Q&A section plus my FULL SUPPORT and guidance if you need to ask me anything Access to ALL my online course material - forever ALL my SEO explanations & SEO strategies in a handy PDF for download and easy reference Udemy certificate of completion ready for download Full 30-day money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfiedThere's no risk and everything to gain, by enrolling in my course. Just think, you could soon have all my secret knowledge and insider SEO SUCCESS STRATEGIES at your fingertips, so you can start putting them to use and reaping the rewards.Get increased traffic, get found on social, and climb to the top of the major search engines with POWERFUL SEO strategies you can implement right away.SEO can help you supercharge your business, if you know how to make the most of it. Don't flounder around flitting from blog to blog, wasting your time trying strategies that don't work. Enrol in my Complete Guide to SEO MASTERY and you'll receive IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to the latest PROVEN system for SEO Success - forever.I hope to show you how to become an SEO MASTER,Ing. Tomas Moravek"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rigging Your Character For 3D Animation In Unreal Engine 4!" |
"FINALLY! The Holy Grail of animation (Lip Synch animation) can be done INSIDE of Unreal Engine 4 with the new plugin ""Allright Rig 2.0"" created by Alexander Shatalov. This course contains over 3.5 hours of video instruction along with:Complete Unreal Engine 4 Scene FileAllright Rig 1.3 (free version)""Dweller"" creature character, fully rigged (created by Josh P. Crockett)Presets for Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, & Genesis 8 charactersComplete video instruction (over 3.5 hours) on how to rig and animate your character - from beginning to end!No longer do you need to purchase expensive programs such as Maya and 3DS Max to animate your characters - now you can achieve stunning quality with the powerful combination of DAZ Studio, Unreal Engine and Allright Rig 2.0!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Do Amazing Cloth Animation In Unreal Engine 4!" |
"5 stars ""The course is well organized and it's a good beginner course. I would recommend this for anybody wanting to learn the basics of unreal engine 4 cloth simulation."" ~Robert Shumaker 5 stars ""There is essential info concerning clothes in UE4. I had issues about a character and asked help to Michael. His dedication to help you solve your issues is amazing. 5 stars, and I go to follow his other courses. Thanks again Michael for your professionalism."" ~Luter Ionov ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSEIn this course you will learn the simple, easy steps to apply real-time cloth animation to your characters! Once a very difficult task, the folks at Epic Games have made this process a lot easier and actually FUN to do, right inside of Unreal Engine 4! WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS COURSEYou will have access to the amazing Paragon SEVAROG and Paragon NARBASH characters that are fully rigged and come complete with motion-capture animations! ONLY A FEW SIMPLE STEPS ARE NECESSARYYou will be taken thru the EASY step-by-step process of painting cloth weights to create your animation. You will learn how to use the WIND tool inside of Unreal Engine 4 to get your character's clothing to blow in the wind! (This is a little known feature)Best of all, the process is simple, and anyone can do it once they follow the steps! YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT PHYSICS ASSETS AND HOW TO CREATE AMAZING ANIMATIONS WITH ITIn this course you will learn about physics assets and how to set it up on your character to create amazing animations that look like it took you days to hand animate! This is one of the hidden features of Unreal Engine 4 that few have figured out how to use. It's amazingly powerful - you're going to LOVE IT! ANIMATION ASSETSYou will learn how to create reusable animation assets that can be imported into Sequencer, blended with other animations and then exported out into a cinematic movie file! ENROLL NOW!Now is the perfect time to enroll in the course and have fun learning cloth animation in Unreal Engine 4! See you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginner's Guide To Learning Unreal Engine 4!" |
"Unreal Engine 4 has become a leading resource in the creation of games, animations, television shows and illustrations! In this course we will take the absolute beginner from knowing NOTHING about Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) to a workable understanding of:Scene setupImporting assets & charactersLighting setupBasic material setup and applicationThe Sequencer (Unreal Engine's animation & editing timeline)Setting up a simple animationImporting audio into the SequencerRendering your movie out to a movie file for further manipulation"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP Material Ledger: Conceptos y Caso Prctico" |
"Al finalizar el curso aprenders como la funcionalidad de clculo del costo real de SAP (Material Ledger) calcula el costo real para los materiales, las frmulas que utiliza y el proceso que lleva a cabo. Adems, aprenders las diferencias entre el costo estndar y el costo real. Entenders como se van registrando en SAP las diferencias encontradas durante el mes para luego considerarlas a fin de mes para calcular el costo real de los materiales.Finalmente, con este curso entenders que es lo que SAP CO-ML llama costo real de los materiales, pudiendo explicar a los usuarios de las empresas el procesocuando llevas a cabo una Implementacin de SAP, lo que SAP CO-ML realiza cuando calcula el costo real. Aprenders el proceso utilizando un caso prctico realizado en SAP, muy sencillo pero concreto. El mismo est destinado a los consultores de costos de SAP que quieren aprender la funcionalidad de SAP CO-ML (Material Ledger). El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de mas de una hora con la siguiente agenda: Objetivo del Curso Por qu usar Clculo de Costo Real ? Ambiente del Libro de Materiales Estrategias de Valoracin Tradicionales Clculo de Costo real en Tres Pasos Resumen"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Target Marketing - Find Your Best Prospects Today" |
"Compare Target Markets and choose yourbest. Create your own criteria to apply to potential target markets - the Target Marketing Tool will show thebest markets for you. Save time and money marketing to the targets that will make the best clients. Workbook pages are attached to the first lecture; you can print them and fill in with your own information. With the results you will be ready to prepare a mini-marketing plan to connect with this target market. Join us inside and get started on your Target Marketing Tool right away."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Estatstica Descritiva com Python" |
"As reas de maior crescimento e demanda por profissionais qualificados sem sombra de dvidas esto ligadas as cincias e tecnologias voltadas para os campos da matemtica, estatstica e computao cientfica (Machine Learning, Deep Learning). As reas de Data Science e Inteligncia Artificial nunca apresentaram tanto destaque e importncia como nos dias atuais. E a cincia me por trs de tudo isso a ESTATSTICA.Este curso tem o objetivo de apresentar um dos assuntos mais importantes para todo e qualquer analista e cientista de dados que a Estatstica Descritiva. Como ferramenta de aplicaes e testes dos estudos estatsticos iremos utilizar a linguagem de programao Python.Neste curso voc ir aprender curiosidades a respeito da estatstica e muito contedo tcnico e aplicado. O curso apresenta dedues de frmulas importantes conduzidas com uma linguagem simples e informal. Responda as perguntas abaixo e veja se este curso para voc:Voc sabe diferenciar os principais ramos de estudos da estatstica?Como a estatstica descritiva pode ajudar na anlise e interpretao inicial dos dados?Qual a diferena entre: dados, informaes, conhecimentos e sabedoria?Voc saberia distinguir uma medida de disperso de uma medida de assimetria?O que uma medida de tendncia central nos nossos dados?Como a magia dos nmeros aleatrios podem nos ajudar a solucionar problemas do mundo real?Por que os grficos da estatstica descritiva so to importantes?Por que precisamos compreender a diferena entre dados amostrais e dados populacionais?Voc sabe o que um boxplot e por que ele to importante para a anlise descritiva dos dados?Voc sabia que possvel utilizar o Python de maneira gratuita completamente na nuvem?Se voc possui alguma curiosidade com relao as respostas das perguntas acima este curso realmente para voc! Venha comigo desbravar esse to importante, interessante e instigante ramo da estatstica que a Estatstica Descritiva.Faa agora mesmo sua inscrio!Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"lgebra Linear com Python" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender tudo o que h de mais importante a respeito da lgebra Linear. E o melhor de tudo utilizando uma das linguagens de programao mais utilizada e promissora da atualidade que o Python. Voc ir ter acesso a aulas tericas e logo em seguida praticar o contedo aprendido utilizando o Python. Voc ter acesso a diversos exemplos e aplicaes voltadas para a rea de cincia e anlise de dados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamal Etik Szma Testi Eitimi" |
"AIKLAMA:KURS NDRM KODU: HACKS_SECTRMetasploit le Uygulamal Etik Szma Testleri Eitimine Hogeldiniz...Kariyerinizde Beyaz apkal Hacker ya da A ve Sistem Gvenlii Uzman olma hedefleriniz varsa, bu kursta tamamen sfrdan balayarak detayl bilgilere kadar szma testleri nasl gerekletiini reneceksiniz. Hi bir n bilgiye ihtiya duymadan hacker 'larn kulland saldrlar, bu saldrlarn nasl yapldn, teorisini ve tabii ki kendinizi bu saldrlara kar korumay reneceksiniz. Kendi bilgisayarnzda kuracanz hacking laboratuvarnzda canl denemeler yaparak sadece teoriyi deil ayn zamanda pratii de deneyimleyip byk bir tecrbe kazanacaksnz.Bu Kursta;En temel seviyeden balayarak temel linux, ksmi a ve sistem bilgisi, Kali Linux, Vmware,VirtualBox kurulum ve kullanmlarn renmi olacaksnz. Etik dzey bilgileri renmi olacaksnz Kali Linux Kullanm Temel Linux Komutlar Metasploit Framework Kullanm Msfvenom Kullanm Trojanlar Meterpreter Ekran Grntlerini Ele Geirme Sosyal Mhendislik Sosyal Medya Gvenliigreceksiniz.Ayrca takldnz anlamadnz,sorun yaadnz durumlar ve sorularnz istediiniz zaman sorabilirsiniz.Kurs YapsBir ok konu zerinde durularak ierik zenginletirilmitir.Konularn ileni dzeni sraldr.Video ierikleri, konulara gre uygun uzunlukta paralara blnm halde renmenizi kolaylatracak yapdadr.Konu ierisindeki btn bilgilerin sral ve dzenli bir biimde yer ald kursun tamamn kapsayan dokmantasyon kayna oluturulmutur. Bu sayede unuttuunuz veya tekrar bakmak istediiniz bilgilere elinizin altnda bulunacak olan bu dokmantasyon kayna ile bir rpda bakabileceksiniz.Ayrntlar karmamanz ve eitimin daha anlalr olmas iin btn videolarn grnt kalitesi 720p -- 1080p znrlnde 'dir. Ses kalitesine ve sluba mmkn olduunca dikkat edilerek, uzun duraksamalar ve alakasz konular olmadan dikkatinizi kursa tam olarak vermenizi salayacak ekilde oluturulmutur.Kursun genel ierii elde edilen geri bildirimlere ve uygulanabilir makul taleplere gre ierik dzenlemesi ve eklenmesi yoluyla gelitirilebilir durumdadr.UYARILAR: nemli Uyar: Bu kursta retilen tm bilgilerin amac etik hacker olmay hedefleyen, kiileri ve kurumlar bu saldrlardan korumaktr. Tm renciler kursta rendii bilgileri yasal ereve ierisinde kalarak kullanacaklarn taahht ederler. Trk Ceza Kanununun 243. maddesi Bir biliim sisteminin btnne veya bir ksmna hukuka aykr olarak giren ve orada kalmaya devam eden kimseye bir yla kadar hapis veya adli para cezas verilir. Fkra-Yukarda ki fkrada tanmlanan fiillerin bedeli karl yararlanlabilen sistemler hakknda ilenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza yar oranna kadar indirilir. Bu fiil nedeniyle sistemin ierdii veriler yok olur veya deiirse alt aydan iki yla kadar hapis cezasna hkmolunur. Trk Ceza Kanununun 244. maddesi Bir biliim sisteminin ileyiini engelleyen veya bozan kii bir yldan be yla kadar hapis cezas ile cezalandrlr. Bir biliim sistemindeki verileri bozan, yok eden, deitiren veya eriilmez klan, sisteme veri yerletiren var olan verileri baka bir yere gnderen kii alt aydan yla kadar hapis cezas ile cezalandrlr. Bu fiille bir banka veya kredi kurumuna ya da bir kamu kurum veya kuruluun ait biliim sistemi zerinde ilenmesi halinde verilecek ceza yar orannda artrlr. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kids Intermediate Ukulele Course" |
"Step by stepbeginner ukulele video course for your child aged 5+to follow along to. If you haven't taken the first beginner ukulele classyou should go through that oneFIRST! If you already know how to play a C & F chords comfortably and know a few songs then you can move right into this class.Some things they'll learn include:How toread tab7 new chords!Songs: Stand By Me, Shake Your Sillies Out, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Etc.New strumming patternsNotes on the G stringWhole and Half stepsC Major ScaleAnd more!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Electrnica (parte 1)" |
"Este curso empieza desde lo mas basico, nos introducimos en los fundamentos de los circuitos electricos, dando a conocer los conceptos de voltaje, corriente y resistencia.Despues de saber estos conceptos podemos empezar a ver leyes de circuitos, como lo son la ley de ohm y leyes de voltajes de kirchhof las cuales nos ayudaran a analisar circuitos simples, cuando nos topamos con circuitos de mas complejidad utilizaremos los metodos de analisis de circuitos como analisis de nodos, analisis de mallas, teorema de superposicion, teoremas de thevenin, de norton, conversiones de fuente.por ultimo hacemos una introduccion a los amplificadores operacionales. haciendo unas configuraciones comunmente utilizadas.y un proyecto de un diseo de circuito con operacionales."
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) - Deep Dive" |
"Amazon Elastic Container Service is the Native Container Orchestrator provided by AWS. In this course you will learn about ECS from basic to advanced mode.It starts with Container concepts with Docker, Docker Labs and then into ECS. It shows how ECScan be helpful in managing environments with multiple containers. It will also show ECS integration with development tools like CodeCommit, CodePipeline (on a high level).I will add EKS(Elastic Kubernetes Service)in due time."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Web Research Vol 1 : Finding company info : For Beginners" |
"Learn how to find any company information quicker and easily with using my techniques.You are a business man or a marketing person. Naturally, the information of other companies will be needed for the sake of your business. But you have poor knowledge about how to find other company information and collect them for business purpose.Are you sluggard? Do you want to remove your idleness and earn money from freelancing? Now you are thinking you have no 3/4 month for learning freelancing. So how could you learn freelancing? Dont take tension... Learn 1 freelancing skill within 1 hour and start your freelancing career....Now you have a question about, What can you learn from this course?You are going to learn from this course about How to find any kind of companiesHow to find company addressHow to find company websiteHow to find company phone numberHow to find company email addressHow to find company social media linksHow to check company website mobile friendly statusand some essentials issues about web researchThis is the first part of web research training series. Then serially I will be publish web research vol. 2 & 3. In the second series I will teach you more about web research and in the 3rd series I show you how to work in the web research working platform.I hope you will be stay with me."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Complete SEO 2019 EBook, Course, Tool and Assistance" |
"This course is recommended to all professionals as well are those who are looking forward to this beautiful profession for their first time. At the end of this path you will have a very clear picture of how to deal with an SEO project through the writing of content, as well as an infinity of useful information very well arranged that help to understand many aspects of this world.Having the inputs allows all the participants to be able to exercise what they are learning directly on the field using a free version of our tool. The fact of offering a free TRIAL to anyone participating in the course also allows agencies and professionals to benefit from a first free project useful to thoroughly test the potential of our services.Sign-up to Wizard Tool Trial Version is required to complete the SEO exercises."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cours SEO 2019 ALL-IN-ONE Livre Cours Outil et Assistance" |
"Ce cours est conseill tous les professionnels ainsi quaux personnes qui approchent cette belle profession pour la premire fois. la fin de ce programme, vous aurez une ide trs claire de la faon de traiter un projet SEO travers la seule criture web de contenu, ainsi quune multitude dinformations utiles et trs bien conues qui vous aideront comprendre en dtail de nombreux aspects de ce monde.Avoir accs au cours permet tous les participants de pouvoir appliquer directement sur le terrain ce quils ont appris en utilisant une version gratuite de nos outils. Le fait doffrir une Licence TRIAL gratuite toute personne participant au cours permet galement aux agences et professionnels de bnficier gratuitement dun premier projet utile pour tester en profondeur le potentiel de nos services."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kompakt SEO ALL-IN-ONE Buch Lehrgang Tools Kundendienst" |
"Dieser Kurs wird allen Fachleuten empfohlen, die sich zum ersten Mal auf diesen schnen Beruf freuen. Am Ende dieses Weges haben Sie ein sehr klares Bild davon, wie Sie mit einem SEO-Projekt umgehen, indem Sie Inhalte schreiben, sowie eine Unmenge ntzlicher Informationen, die sehr bersichtlich sind und dazu beitragen, viele Aspekte dieser Welt zu verstehen.Mit den Eingaben knnen alle Teilnehmer das, was sie gerade lernen, direkt auf dem Feld mit einer kostenlosen Version unserer Tools ben. Die Tatsache, dass jedem, der an dem Kurs teilnimmt, eine kostenlose Testversion angeboten wird, ermglicht es Agenturen und Fachleuten, von einem ersten kostenlosen Projekt zu profitieren, das ntzlich ist, um das Potenzial unserer Dienstleistungen grndlich zu testen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kompletan SEO ALL-IN-ONE kurs E-book kurs alat podrka" |
"Ovaj kurs se preporuuje svima, kako profesionalcima, tako i onima koji se raduju prvim susretom sa ovom prelepom profesijom. Na kraju tog puta imaete veoma jasnu sliku o tome kako se nositi sa jednim SEO projektom iskljuivo kroz pisanje sadraja, kao i o korisnim informacijama koje e vam pomoi da u potpunosti razumete mnoge aspekte ovog sveta.Aktivacija kursa omoguava svim studentima da primenjuju ono to ue direktno na terenu koristei besplatnu verziju naih alata. injenica da nudimo besplatnu probu za svakoga ko pohadja kurs omoguava agencijama i profesionalcima da testiraju i uvere se u puni potencijal naih usluga koristei prvi besplatan projekat."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"K SEO ALL-IN-NE , ," |
", , . , SEO , , , ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Teaj SEO ALL-IN-ONE e-knjiga, teaj, alati i asistencija" |
"Ovaj se teaj se preporuuje svim strunjacima, kao i ljudima koji se raduju poetku ove lijepe profesije. Na kraju ovog vremena imat ete vrlo jasnu sliku o tome kako se nositi s projektom SEO pisanjem sadraja, kao i beskonanost dobro organiziranih korisnih informacija koje pomau u razumijevanju mnogih aspekata svijeta.Uz elemente unosa, omoguuje svim sudionicima da koriste i prakticiraju ono to se naui izravno na zemlji pomou besplatne verzije naih alata. BESPLATNA TRIAL verzija omoguuje svima koji sudjeluju u teaju, kao i agencijama i strunjacima da ga koriste za svoj prvi besplatni projekt koji je koristan za testiranje i voenje potencijalnih usluga."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kurs SEO ALL-In-ONE Libr kurs instrumente dhe asistence" |
"Ky kurs rekomandohet si pr profesionistt ashtu edhe pr personat t cilt po prgatiten pr her t par pr t filluar kt profesion t bukur. N fund t ksaj rruge ju do ta keni t qart se si t punoni me nj projekt SEO nprmjet shkrimit t prmbajtjes, sikurse do t keni nj pafundsi informacionesh t dobishme t prshtatura m s miri t cilat ndihmojn t kuptoni shum aspekte t ksaj bote. T paturit t drejtn e hyrjes i lejon t gjith pjesmarrsit t ken mundsin t ushtrojn at q po msojn drejt e ""n fush"" duke prdorur nj version falas t pajisjeve tona. Fakti q ne ofrojm nj TRIAL falas pr kdo q merr pjes n kurs gjithashtu i lejon agjensit dhe profesionistt t prfitojn nga nj projekt i par falas i dobishm pr t testuar hollsisht potencialet e shrbimeve tona."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master SEO ALL-IN-ONE Knyv, Tanfolyam, Eszkz s Segtsg" |
"Ez a tanfolyam ajnlott minden szakembernek, valamint olyan embereknek, akik elszr tallkoznak evvel a gynyr szakmval. Az tanfolyam vgn nagyon vilgos kpet kaphatsz arrl, hogyan kezelheted a SEO-projektet a tartalom rsaban, valamint a nagyon jl szervezett hasznos informcik vgtelenvel, amelyek segtenek megrteni e vilg szmos aspektust.A bemenetek lehetv teszik, hogy minden rsztvev szabadon gyakorolhassa azt, amit kzvetlenl ""a helysznen"" tanulnak az eszkzeink ingyenes verzijt hasznlva. Az ingyenes kurzus TRIAL minden tanfolyam rsztvevnek elrhet, s ugyangy lehetv teszi az gynksgek s a szakemberek szmra, hogy rszesljenek egy els szabad projektbl, amely hasznos lehet tesztelshez s a potencilis szolgltatsok elindtshoz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso SEO ALL-IN-ONE Ebook Curso Herramienta y Asistencia" |
"Este curso esta enfocado tanto para todos los profesionales como para las personas que ingresan a esta hermosa profesin por primera vez. Al final de este curso, tendr una idea muy clara de cmo manejar un proyecto SEO a travs de la redaccin de contenidos, as como una infinidad de informacin til y muy bien organizada que les ayudar a comprender muchos aspectos de este mundo. Tener acceso permite que todos los participantes puedan ejercitar lo que estn aprendiendo directamente sobre el campo utilizando la versin gratuita de nuestra herramienta. El hecho de ofrecer una prueba gratuita a cualquiera que participe en el curso tambin permite que las agencias y los profesionales se beneficien de un primer proyecto gratuito til para evaluar exhaustivamente el potencial de nuestros servicios."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kurs SEO kompletny ALL-IN-ONE Ksika, Kurs, Tool i Pomoc" |
"Ten kurs jest polecany wszystkim profesjonalistom, a take osobom, ktre po raz pierwszy podchodz do tego piknego zawodu.Na kocu kursu bdziesz mia bardzo jasny obraz tego, jak radzi sobie z projektem SEO poprzez pisanie treci, a take nieskoczono przydatnych informacji ktre, dobrze zorganizowane, pomagaj zrozumie wiele aspektw tego wiata. Posiadanie danych wejciowych umoliwia wszystkim uczestnikom na wykonanie wicze w trakcie nauki bezporednio w terenie przy uyciu bezpatnej wersji naszych narzdzi.Fakt zaoferowania darmowego TRIAL kademu uczestnikowi kursu umoliwia take agencjom i profesjonalistom skorzystanie z pierwszego darmowego projektu, przydatnego do dokadnego przetestowania potencjau naszych usug."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cursul SEO ALL-IN-ONE Cartea Cursul Tool si Asistenta" |
"Cursul este un ghid complet,care va ajuta, plecind de la baza, pina la procedurile operative complexe nu numai in teorie, ci si in practica, facind referire la cazuri care au avut un succes real,in asa fel incit sa va faceti o idee completa priviind importanta si functionalitatea procedurilor in utilizarea SEO moderna.Se vor achizitiona cunostiintele si mijloacele necesare pentru a aplica , de la persoane care au facut din SEO o meserie de succes. nscrierea la curs permite tuturor cursanilor s fac practic!n cmp utiliznd o versiune gratuit de instrumente pus la dispoziia voastra de noi. Faptul de a oferi un TRIAL, gratis,fiecarui participant, permite chiar si ageniilor sau profesionitilor utilizarea gratuit a unui prim proiect pentru a testa potenialul serviciilor noastre."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |