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"Curso SEO ALL-IN-ONE Livro curso ferramenta e assistncia" |
"Este curso recomendado para todos os profissionais da rea, mas tambm para pessoas que esto entrando em contato pela primeira vez com essa belssima profisso. No final deste percurso voc ter um quadro muito claro de como fazer face a um progeto SEO utilizando apenas a escrita de contedos, alm de uma infinidade de informaes teis muito bem organizadas, que ajudam a entender a fundo mltiplos aspectos desse mundo. A inscrio no curso permite a todos os cursistas exercitar o que esto aprendendo diretamente no campo, utilizando uma verso gratuita das nossas ferramentas. O fato de oferecer uma TRIAL gratuita a qualquer participante do curso permite que agncias e profissionais tambm possam usufruir de um primeiro projeto gratuito, til para testar a fundo as potencialidades dos nossos servios."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO Kursu ALL-IN-ONE Kitap kurs gerekli aralar ve destek" |
"Bu kurs, tm profesyonellere ve ilk kez bu gzel meslee adm atanlara nerilir.Bu srecin sonunda, bir SEO projesinin ieriinin nasl yazlabileceine dair ok net bir fikriniz olacak ve bu dnyann birok ynn anlamaya yardmc olacak iyi dzenlenmi ve yararl sonsuz bir bilgi kaynann sayesinde olacak. Girdilere sahip olmak, tm katlmclarn, aralarmzn cretsiz bir versiyonunu kullanarak, dorudan sahada rendiklerini uygulamaya koyabilmelerini salar. Kursa katlan herkese cretsiz TRIAL teklif etme olana, kurumlarn ve profesyonellerin, hizmetlerimizin potansiyelini kapsaml bir ekilde test etmek iin yararl olan ilk cretsiz projeden yararlanmasna olanak tanr."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forecast Business Outcomes with Monte Carlo Analysis" |
"Suppose you are flipping aproperty.You buy the worst house in the best street to transform it into the best house and sell at a profit.How will you work out your profit?Will you estimate the maximum and minimum for the purchase cost, the improvement cost, and the selling price?What about all the other costs, and the time the project could take...... and the time it could take to sell?How will you processall these variables in your calculation?You could build a few scenarios to ask ""what if"" questions, like ""what if the bottom drops out of the market mid project?""But how will you choose them, and how many scenarios will you build?What if you could plug everything you know into a model and get a computer to build you thousands of scenarios that test every combination of parameters?What if the computer could tell you the minimum and maximum profit you can achieve?What if the computer could tell you where 80% of the profit outcomes lie?What if the computer could tell you how confident you can be in any profit outcome you choose?Would that take a load of worry off your business planning?Would that help youplan tighter projects?Or improve your return on investment across a portfolio of projects?This is what this course delivers.And it uses standard functions in Excel so you don't have to buy add-ins, or write macros, or learn special coding.What is more, we'll give you the Excel to get you started.We'll use a property flip as our example, and go behind the scenes to explain the mathematics - but you don't have to learn this or pass an exam.We'll show you howto do this in Excel and give you a working spreadsheet.And we'll show you how to use the Excel to build your own models.Then we'll show you how we use this technique to work out our strategy for buying businesses."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Buy a Business" |
"Why start a business, when 50% of new businesses don't last five years...... and 70% don't make teenage?Why put yourself through the stress of finding an idea for a product or service,then working out whether anyone wants it,and anyone wants to pay for it,and how to produce, market, sell, and deliver it,at a quality that will satisfy customers,against competitors who are already doing this,or will come in to steal your success,and doing all this while ensuring you don't run out of cash,and that the friends you started with will help you grow the business,and doing all this in a way that doesn't burn out you, your cash, or the business?Why notbuya business that has done all this,maybe not as well as it could,but where you can add value and be rewarded for it?At any one time, there are myriad business owners who want to sell their businesses.They are drawing towards retirement and want to cash in their investment of time, money and effort in their business,or they have health concerns,or family issues,or they have other interests,or they are bored,or they are just plain tired and want to be freed from the shackles of what used to interest them.They must have solved the start-up issues because they've been in business for some time.You just need to work out the value of their businessto you,then negotiate a deal that delivers what they want and what you want and do it in a way that requires as little of your cash as possible.But first you need a purpose yourself. So we'll help you think about this.Then you need a strategy. So we'll help you with that also.Then you need to identify targets that align to your strategy, open negotiations, conduct ""due diligence"" to be clear what you are buying, propose and close the deal, then take charge of the business. And we will show you how to do all this, and show you an example of a deal in progress.So, where can you expect to be after you've completed the course?First, you will discover that buying a business is much easier than starting one.Secondly, you will be confident thatyoucan do this.Thirdly, you will know what skills you need to recruit intoyour""power team"", and what your power team must do for you.Fourthly, you will have a system to follow that focuses on thevalue to youof the targets you are looking at acquiring.And last, but not least, you will be encouraged to go out and do this!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Statistics for Data Science and Analytics" |
"Why should you learn statistics now?Jobs in Analytics Data is everywhere, and with that is the need to have professionals who can interpret that data which requires a solid understanding of statistical conceptsDemand is only going to go up With more organizations realizing the potential of statistics for their business, data analysts knowing statistics will excel over the ones just knowing technical tools. For a good Data Analyst, it is THE backbone!Build your Career in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis - Statistics remains the fundamental skill set of those pursuing a career in Data Science, Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence, ManagementConsulting, Financial AnalysisImprove your understanding of the world - Statistics is used in everyday life, to describe the stock market, house prices, economic performance, business and much much more. Improve your data literacy and equip yourself with the ability to communicate in the language of the future.Why learn from us?Save your time and your money with us by using the exact training courses that have been used to equip over 1000 beginners with statistical skills that they can apply to their day-to-day jobsLeverage our real-world understanding and experience, with instruction from real-life analytics experts who have built their careers applying statistics to real business problems on a day-to-day basisDevelop your skills in Data Analytics & Data Science with our expanding range of high quality programs, that equip you with the real-world skills needed to succeed in the workplace of the futureWhat is Statistics all about?Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the social and behavioral sciences. In this course you will learn the basics of statistics; not just how to calculate them, but also how to evaluate them. This course will also prepare you for the next course in the specialization - the course Inferential Statistics. In the first part of the course we will discuss methods of descriptive statistics. You will learn what cases and variables are and how you can compute measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and dispersion (standard deviation and variance). Next, we discuss how to assess relationships between variables, and we introduce the concepts correlation and regression. The second part of the course is concerned with the basics of probability: calculating probabilities, probability distributions and sampling distributions. You need to know about these things in order to understand how inferential statistics work. The third part of the course consists of an introduction to methods of inferential statistics - methods that help us decide whether the patterns we see in our data are strong enough to draw conclusions about the underlying population we are interested in. We will discuss confidence intervals and significance tests. You will not only learn about all these statistical concepts, you will also be trained to calculate and generate these statistics yourself using freely available statistical software.Statistics encompasses the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and provides a framework for thinking about data. Statistics is used in many areas of scientific and social research, is critical to business and manufacturing, and provides the mathematical foundation for machine learning and data mining.In this course, students will gain a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and techniques ofstatistics as applied to a wide variety of disciplines.This coursecovers basicstatistics, such ascalculating averages, medians, modes, and standard deviations.With easy-to-understand examples combined with real-world applicationsfrom the worlds of business, sports, education, entertainment, and more.This course provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to start analyzing data. You'll explore how to use data and apply statistics to real-life problems and situationsWhat will you learn?This course isyour complete guideto the fundamentals of statistics and probability1. Descriptive Statistics2. Measures of Central Tendency3. Correlation4. Linear Regression5. Probability Theory6. Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions7. Sampling Distributions8. Confidence Intervals9. Significance Tests. The first chapter will focus on one variable analysis - we start with discussing the various descriptive statistics, how data can be represented using frequency tables and then move on to discussing measures of central tendency and their interpretation.The second module will focus on Correlation and Simple Linear Regression and show how these can be calculated in Excel using various formulae. We will then also discuss the interpretation of these resultsThe next module will focus on introducing the fundamental concepts of Probability Theory like the sample space, events, randomness and basic set theory. We will then move onto discussing conditional probability and introduce the concept of mutually exclusive events. You will also learn how to calculate probabilities within this section.In the fourth module, we will discuss Probability Distributions and show the difference between a continuous and discrete distributions, using the Normal and Binomial distributions as key examples.The next chapter will discuss Sampling Distributions and introduce the Central Limit Theorem and discuss why sampling is important. We will also link the Central Limit Theorem to the normal distribution and explain why this result is so critical to statistical analysis.The sixth module will focus on confidence intervals and the use of intervals to estimate the true average or proportion of a distribution. We will also discuss the relationship between the significance level (alpha) and the confidence level and teach you how to generate your own confidence intervals in Excel.The last module will introduce the concept of statistical Hypothesis Testing - what it can tell you and what it can't (i.e. you can't prove anything); how to define the null and alternate hypotheses correctly; getting the direction and 'tails' of your distribution correct and finally Type I and Type II errors with example and interpretations.This course is the go-to course for building a solid foundation in statistics and probability, not only teaching you the theory but giving you a comprehensive set of real examples you can work on which hasn't been seen in any other courseon this platform.There are helpfulquizzesincluded in all sections that will help you to cement the concepts learnt. Also, we arecommitted to add new practice activitiesso that you can practically apply the concepts learntin this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python for Data Science and Visualization -Beginners to Pro" |
"Python for Data Analysis and VisualizationWhy Should I learn Python?The Python programming language is currently fuelling scientific programming, but this wasnt always the case. For years academic scholars and private researchers were using the MATLAB language for scientific research. That all started to change with the release of Python numerical computation engines such as NumPy. allowing complex calculations to be done by a single import statement followed by a function call.Slowly but surely, Python started to take over as the preferred language for data analytics and machine learning. Python is the future of Artificial Intelligence.Given the flexibility of the language, its speed, and the machine learning functionality, well continue to see Python dominate the machine learning landscape.What is covered in this course?This course is the complete guide to take you from a beginner in Python to an expert in data analysis and visualization.1. Overview of Python2. Installing and Starting Python3. Writing your first Python program4. Variables, Keywords and Data Types5. Operators and Expressions6. Built in Functions7. List, dictionary, tuple and set data type8. Flow control statements9. File Input and Output (I/O)10. Object oriented programming11. Errors and Exception handling12. Regular Expressions in Python (RegEx)13. NumPy14. Pandas15. Matplotlib16. NLPWhy learn from us?Save your time and your money with us by using the exact training courses that have been used to equip over 1000 beginners with Python skills that they can apply to their day-to-day jobsLeverage our real-world understanding and experience, with instruction from analytics experts who have built their careers applying statistics to real business problems on a day-to-day basisDevelop your skills in Data Analytics & Data Science with our expanding range of high quality programs, that equip you with the real-world skills needed to succeed in the workplace of the future"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The word webinar is a blend of web and seminar. A webinar is an event held on the internet which is attended exclusively by an online audience. This distinguishes it from a webcast, which also includes the presence of a physical audience. Other terms used as alternatives for webinar are web event, online seminar, webcast, web lecture and virtual event.This course is designed to take you STEP-BY-STEP through the process you need to do before, during and after your webinars to make it ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGOur goal is to help you to produce ENGAGING, RESULTS-ASSURED productions using our proven methodology and best practices"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"React Redux 2020 - tworzenie aplikacji webowych" |
"Jest to druga edycja kursu - aktualna na rok 2020, czyli bazujca gownie na komponentach funkcyjnych i hookach. Wikszy nacisk zosta pooony rwnie na narzdzia towarzyszce tworzeniu aplikacji webowych. Pierwsza edycja jest wci dostpna i stosownie oznaczona, bo jest wci aktualna, tworzymy tam nieco inny projekt (cho w tej samej domenie), a praktyki nigdy do.Kurs w praktyczny sposb pokazuje jak, od pierwszej linijki kodu po wdroenie na zewntrzny serwer (Heroku), tworzy aplikacje webowe z uyciem biblioteki React i wspomagajcej j biblioteki Redux. Nie tworzymy wic osobnych 'mini' projektw dla kadej funkcjonalnoci Reacta, lecz zbieramy wszystko w jedn cao i maymi krokami tworzymy penoprawn aplikacj webow wraz z integracj z baz danych i uwierzytelnianiem uytkownikw. Nauczy on Ci podstaw bibliotek React i Redux - obecne jednych z najpopularniejszych bibliotek front-end opartych na JavaScript. Kurs zaczyna si od instalacji niezbdnych narzdzi, krok po kroku bdziemy rozwija nasz aplikacj, by finalnie zintegrowa j z usugami googlowego BaaS - Firebase. Od zera wic utworzymy penoprawn aplikacj webow."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Complete Linux Troubleshooting Course (Practical Examples)" |
"Maintain a reliable and highly available Linux server infrastructure, and reduce costly downtime. In this Linux troubleshooting training course, you gain the expertise to effectively diagnose and fix common and complex Linux server configuration and administrations issues, and learn to apply those skills in production environmentAlso helps in RHCSA, RHCE and LFCS certificationsLinux Troubleshooting CourseSection 1 Introduction and Course Overview What is this course about Syllabus Overview Download SyllabusSection 2 Troubleshooting Best Practices Follow Policies and Standards Documentation or Ticketing Process Patience To Work With the Users / Group Get Online Help Understanding the Issue Before Making a Decision Involve Vendor If Needed Log Monitor Be Honest and Ask QuestionsSection 3 - Lab Setup What is VirtualBox? Installing Oracle VirtualBox Creating First Virtual Machine Linux InstallationSection 4 - Conceptual Troubleshooting Who is Who? Cannot Access Server Cannot Install Linux Linux Virtual Machine Running SlowSection 5 - System Access Troubleshooting Server is Not Reachable Cannot Connect to a Website or an Application Cannot SSH as root or a Specific User Firewall Issue Terminal Client is not working Cannot Connect using Putty to a VirutalBox VMSection 6 - FileSystem Troubleshooting Cannot cd into a Directory Cannot Open a File or Run a Script Having Trouble Finding Files and Directories Cannot Create Links Cannot Write to a File Cannot Delete, Copy, Move or Rename a File Cannot Change File Permissions or View Other Users Files Disk Space Full or Add More Disk Space Add Disk and Create Standard Partition Add Disk and Create Standard Partition Add Disk and Create LVM Partition Extend Disk with LVM How to Delete Old Files FileSystem is Corruption Corruption in /etc/fstab Script to Delete Old Files HandoutsSection 7 - System Administration Troubleshooting Running Out of Memory Add Swap Space System Rebooted or Process Restarted Unable to get IP Address IP Assigned but not Reachable Having Trouble using vi Editor Cannot Run Certain Commands Cannot Change Password User Account has no Home Directory How to Change Every Instance of a Word in a File How to Use sed Command How to Kill a User Terminal or Process Recover Root Password SOS Report List of Users Logged in by Date System is Running SlowSection 8 - System Recovery Recover Virtual System Recover Physical System Disaster RecoverySection 9 - Additional Resources What is FileSystem File Ownership Commands (chown, chgrp) Files and Directory Permissions (chmod) System Logs Monitor (/var/log) Soft and Hard Links curl and ping commands Programs and Service Management Processes and Jobs (systemctl, ps, kill, top, crontab, at) New Network Commands Script to Delete Old Files Difference Between CentOS/Redhat 5, 6 and 7===================================================================================Here is the testimonial from my students:To all of you that are looking for a REALLY GOOD LINUX course, THIS IS IT, SERIOUSLY I promise you won't find a course on LINUX here that is THIS GOOD. -- T.J. Marstiller (Udemy Student)Imran is a very knowledgeable and engaging instructor. As others have said, you can tell that he is not just trying to sell a course, but that he is invested in giving his students a strong career foundation with a positive and approachable attitude. He is also entertaining with his use of pop culture and practical work examples. It really feels like you're in a classroom with him. I'm taking this course mainly as a hobbyist, but got a lot from it already. The homework assignments, quizzes, and handouts help reinforce the material. -- Raymond B. (Udemy Student)Main thing about course is its simplicity and the hierarchy. Design is very good and easy which helps to understand things better. -- Akash Garg (Udemy Student)I just love the teaching ad the learning experience I am getting -- Jacob Samba (Udemy Student)Imran Afzal might be my favorite teacher I've EVER had. He is funny, and engaging. The course was easy to follow, and with no experience starting I am now extremely comfortable with Linux, and actually really like it. He does make you do your googles, but this is not a bad thing especially considering the nature of IT and documentation to solve your own problems. I highly recommend. -- Vanessa Diaz-Goumond (Udemy Student)The course is run very well and I really like the handouts and the homework that is assigned. The homework helps me learn and continue with the learning process even when adult life is still progressing forward. -- Thomas Rogers (Udemy Student)Such an amazing instructor. Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran. I am a student for life. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience. Thank you. -- Ali Shiekh (Udemy Student)In the first place I say a big thank you to the instructor for making such a great course. I was afraid to learn Linux. I now feel very comfortable with Linux. I have understood both the concept behind and the practical as well. I would recommend every one who is NEW to Linux and wants to grab it once and for all without wasting time to go ahead and ENROLL. You will not regret it. I would like the instructor to do same for WINDOWS SERVER ADMIN., I don't seem to find any better and beginner oriented course out there that could be matched with this course. To me, it is the BEST Linux Course on Online. I just started some real world projects with Linux after this great course, I was new to Linux and in just a month I am on the command line always playing. -- Opoku Bright (Udemy Student)I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. This has been so informative. You hear the name oracle all the time, but this was well put in laymans terms -- Atoofa Hasan (Classroom Student)Imran Afzal eats, breathes and sleeps Linux! He really knows his stuff. I feel like he has brought me from a novice level education to masters level in a short time period. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course. -- TJ Walker (Udemy Student)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP Customer Service (CS/SM) - Service Management module" |
"If you want to expand your SD skill set or learn a little know yet frequently in demand SAP module then this is the place. In this exciting introduction to the SAP Customer service module you will learn all about how service management works in SAP as we cover the four primary real world service scenarios: simple service sale, service contract, in-house repairs and field service. We will review the primary objects in CS including technical objects, Repair orders, Service orders, Notifications, pricing, and resource related billing. Learn from someone who actually implements customer service at client sites every day. Includes links to config guide and relevant SAPhelp."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Grasshopper: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Learn Grasshopper from scratch and develop your skills in algorithmic modelling through step-by-step detailed explanations of the logic and practice behind the powerful platform.The structure of the course is not by components (one lecture per GH node or function) but instead it's a continuous flow where you will gradually gain knowledge about the interface, functions and best-practices.This course is a consolidation of theory and practice that are both required for making strong and useful algorithms.New interesting projects will be added to the course over time so stay tuned and welcome to the magnificent world of Grasshopper.Music credits: BensoundImage credits: Freepik"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Detox Profundo - Segundo a Medicina Tradicional Chinesa!" |
"A Medicina Tradicional Chinesa possui vasta experincia em tratar doenas graves e fortalecer a sade atravs de tratamentos eficientes com Ervas! Neste Curso voc aprender a Fazer o Melhor Detox oferecido pela medicina tradicional Chinesa! Aprenda as Principais Ervas com Poder de Desintoxicao, as Melhores Estaes do Ano para Fazer Detox, Doses Corretas para Uso, Tempo Correto de Uso e Muito Mais! Este Curso pode Levar sua Sade para um Outro Nvel de Qualidade!"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Master Class: Terraform for AWS (Beginner to Pro)" |
"Why this course ?In current Cloud Industry, Terraform is considered as one of the leaders for Infrastructure as a code platform. With its flexibility and compatibility with many different cloud providers like (AWS, Azure, GoogleCloud, Digital Ocean and many others), Terraform makes it Very easy to manage the workloads that are provisioned in different cloud providers at one place.Having the skills to write and maintain the infrastructure using Terraform gives an edge to a cloud practitioner's profile. In this course Ihave covered a lot of ground on Terraform which will help all levels of students (Beginner to pro) to get a good understanding and practical implementation. This course is structured in an Hands On way and students who practice along with the lessons will get the most out of it. Course StructureIntroduction Section:What is Terraform ?What & Why Infrastructure as a code ?Course RequirementsInstalling TerraformSetup AWS CLI Terraform Basics:First Terraform FileWhat is state file and its importanceDifferent ways to give access to tfTerraform Variables and its usesTerraform input variablesTerraform output variablesBasic AWSComponents:IntroductionCreate S3 bucket and upload filesLaunch new EC2 instanceNext stepsAdvanced Terraform Concepts:Terraform Modules & Why we need them ?First Terraform ModuleProviding Inputs to the ModuleModule Reuse with different InputsMultiple Environments ProblemTerraform WorkspacesEnvironment Specific Local VariablesShared Vars for different EnvironmentsConclusionAWSProject:Project IntroductionProject Setup & Security GroupsSetup ALB and Target GroupsSetup Launch ConfigurationsSetup Autoscaling & Launching EC2 instancesProvision Multiple Environments(staging/production)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Building your Inner Compass - Your Path To Self-Fulfillment" |
"The main objective of this course is to establish a Framework for knowing yourself. It is about bringing awareness on the existence of your inner-compass and its components.The inner-compass is a tool that will help you to learn who you actually are.Todays life is hectic, full of distractions and noises. It is not easy to reconnect to the voice within.Through this course which includes many self-exercises, you will learn: 1.What are your values and how to live every day by them. 2.Discover your superpowers or natural strengths. 3.Understand your Whys. 4.Create your personal definition of success and achievement. 5.How to listen to your intuition.In other words, you will learn to build your inner-compass :)This coursewill also help you to become able to see directly what is the mosteffective responseandvaluableactionto youat any given moment."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Tormenta" |
"Continuamos con la rueda del ao tanto interna como externa adentrndonos en nuevos conceptos de magia, los elementos, la fuerza de la primavera para nuestros deseos/hechizos. Despertando a la Bruja, Chamana y Sacerdotisa que hay en t, hablaremos de la Muerte, compartiremos una clase de baile, de cocina y muchas ms preguntas realizadas a otras mujeres de nuestra tribu para compartir su sabidura. Preguntaremos a hombres conectados con lo femenino para que nos ayuden en este camino, encontrar lo sagrado que hay en cada una....todo esto y mucho ms en este curso. Lo quieres descubrir?"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Viento o Rosada" |
"En esta luna nos adentraremos en los arquetipos de Diosas, los elementos para la Magia, como se desarrolla un ritual, como podemos crear un hechizo con la fuerza de los elementos, el camino del hroe y de la heroina y compartiremos el camino y la sabidura de nuestra tribu.Te animas a descubrirlo conmigo?"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de las Flores" |
"En esta luna de Mayo veremos las diosas vulnerables (entendidas como el arquetipo de la mujeres que comparte como madre, hija y/o pareja ) la magia de los elementos, como se desarrolla un ritual, el Sabbat de Beltane ( Diosa y Diosa se unen para crear vida) crearemos un rbol de los deseos , cuentos, ejercicios y muchas cosas ms!!."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna del Sol Fuerte" |
"En este curso trabajaremos con los elementales de la naturaleza, Afrodita diosa del amor y la belleza, ejercicios taostas para despertar el corazn, ejemplo de como podemos abrir un ritual, un bonito trabajo mgico con las hierbas donde potenciaremos nuestros deseos y celebraremos el Sabbat de Litha (saltando en la hoguera nuestros deseos y dejando partir lo viejo)."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de las Bendiciones" |
"En este curso aprenderemos distintas tcnicas para despertar nuestra intuicin, y veremos cual nos conecta ms con nuestro sexto sentido. Trabajaremos tambin con nuestro Dragn de la Tierra para ayudar a sanar el planeta, conoceremos las reglas bsicas para la magia y celebraremos la festividad de lammas, compartiendo nuestra comida con nuestras hermanas.Que me dices...Te unes a la Tribu?"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Maz" |
"En esta luna hablaremos sobre las fases lunares para la magia, la influencia de los signos lunares, el caldero, nuestro animal de Poder, (el Totem ) y como nos ensean los animales si nos permitimos conectar con ellos, conoceremos a nuestro Dragn de la Tierra y continuaremos con nuestra rueda de Runas. A disfrutar de la energa del verano!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna Azul" |
"La rueda sigue girando y nos encontramos ahora en su ltimo cuarto, en este curso veremos: herramientas para la magia (varita, athame, copa y pentculo), reglas mgicas, correspondencias y sigilos, hechizos en papel y pergamino, magia para el da a da, el rbol de tero y nuestra rueda de runas."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Cosecha" |
"En esta Luna profundizaremos ms en los hechizos para que podamos compartirlos con otras personas, hablaremos de la abundancia y sus rituales ms poderosos, veremos bibliografa, lugares mgicos, nuestras runas del mes, el Sabbat de Manon ( es hora de dar las gracias por lo que tenemos ) y muchas cosas ms. Que me dices.....Empezamos?"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Sangre" |
"En este curso trabajaremos con las Diosas Oscuras, llamamos a Lilith despertando nuestra energa sexual y libertad. Conectamos con nuestro poder interior bajando a nuestra dcimo primera luna, nuestra diosa guerrera, caminamos por nuestro lugar mgico, consagramos nuestra herramientas mgicas, celebramos Samhain y nos permitimos soltar todo lo que no deseamos en nuestras vida a travs de un hermoso hechizo de otoo y muchas cosas ms."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Duelo" |
"En este curso desarrollaremos nuestros sentidos, repasaremos nuestras conexiones entre los ciclos, conos de poder, runas, guerreras de poder, despertar el poder interior de esta luna en nosotras, el espejo mgico, haremos jabones con Rosala y despus lo intentaremos nosotras, Sabbat de Yule, lugares mgicos, hechizos muy potentes para soltar y muchas cosas ms."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"El Orculo de las Runas: Conectando con tu poder interior" |
"En este curso aprenderemos la historia de las runas, El orculo ms antiguo que se conoce.Conectaremos con cada una de ellas, sus muchas posibilidades , para bendecir, compartir, aprender, recordar, confiar...Diferentes formas de leerlas para nosotras y para otras personas. Descubriendo el poder y la fuerza que encierra esta mgica simbologa que me recuerda y devuelve mi verdadero poder interior.Es un curso tanto para hombres como para mujeres pero est grabado con alumnas de mi crculo de mujeres as que por defecto uso el femenino e incluyo cosas del tao femenino. Si eres hombre y ests interesado por favor lee primero las reseas masculinas o pregntame por correo. Muchas gracias!Awen"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"El Misterio de los 13 poderes lunares" |
"En este curso trabajaremos con nuestra Magia interna. Despertando los 13 aspectos de la luna a travs de la magia de las cuerdas, animales, plantas y piedras de poder. Recuperaremos o recordaremos nuestra fuerza ancestral en cada una de estas lunas de poder, para que nos acompaen de ahora en adelante en nuestra vidas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Diosas y Atributos de Poder" |
"En este curso trabajaremos con 13 atributos de poder para que podamos conocernos mejor, sacar nuestro mximo potencial, conocer las opiniones de mas personas. Porque entre todos podemos hacer un curso donde crecer juntos y escuchando todas las ideas tanto las que nos gustan como las que no, nos ayuda a crecer.Awen"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"El camino Druida: Mi camino hacia la libertad" |
"En este curso aprenderemos sobre la filosofa Druida: cultura, orgenes, prcticas, ejercicios, fundamentos...Trabajaremos con los Bardos (artistas, poetas), Vates ( Chamanes Celtas) y Druidas (sabios y consejeros).Basado en las enseanzas de las Ordenes de Inglaterra e Irlanda.Espero que lo disfrutes!Recitemos juntos la oracin que uno a todos los Druidas:Concdenos, oh! Diosa Madre, tu proteccin, y en la proteccin, fuerza, y en la fuerza, entendimiento, y en el entendimiento, conocimiento, y en el conocimiento, el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, y en el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, el amor a ella. Y en el amor a ella, el amor a todo lo que existe, y en el amor a todo lo que existe, el amor de la Diosa Madre y todo lo que es bueno.Awen"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Music Ear Training and Aural Skills 1" |
"This Course1, Section 1 course focuses on learning to notate basic rhythms andnotes after listening to a melody. Through listening exercises andinstruction, a student will be able to correctly notate a melody. This includes identifying simple time signatures in which the quarternote receives the beat and notate simple rhythms. A student willlearn to identify different key signatures and scales and transcribewhatthey hear."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Development: 11 Steps to Start your First Business" |
"Starting Your Own Business? Dealing With Confusion? Feeling Overwhelmed? Procrastinating?Ever feel like you are on a treadmill running through peanut butter. Like there is always more to do than you can possibly get done in a day?Making the decision to start out on your own can be scary. Even if you are a fan of change and challenges, the uncertainty of starting your first business can often be an obstacle to pursuing your dream and idea.Overwhelm comes in many forms, but it typically involves having too many options, not knowing where to start, constantly struggling with shiny object syndrome, overconsumption of information and taking too much on all at once.To help you overcome those obstacles, I created this 11 steps course. It will give you clarity and focus because it takes you by the hand and shows you what to do each day.I created this course to help you break free from financial stress, trading your time for money, and fears that tripped you up in the past, and to guide you through the early stages of establishing your business.Start your dream NOW, that gives you ownership of your time and money. And grow from there.Heres what I propose: start small. Follow the 11 steps and take it one day at a time.Ready? Let's jump into it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"UAS/UAV (Drone) Remote Pilot Certification Test - Part 107" |
"I have a lot of free content on my website, The Legal Drone (.com), including a full (and free) Ultimate Part 107 Study Guide, which includes a full practice test. Each study guide is also incorporated into the lectures in this video course.If you want to fly drones (also called UAVs or UASs) in the United States and get paid for it, you must get your remote pilot certificate. This course is different because I recognize that not everyone interested in commercial drone work has a background in aviation. Most content available teaches the concepts for this test from an aviation perspective and without the aviation novice in mind. In addition to the knowledge needed to pass the test, I will provide you with some of the tools that have most helped my drone services business succeed.I am very active on Udemy, updating the course content on a regular basis (including additional test questions), and answering student questions. I make it a top priority to engage with my students so that each one of you can achieve a passing score on the Part 107 knowledge exam. Several student reviews will show you that this course provides the information you need to take and pass this exam.Additionally, this course includes access to an active Facebook Group, where you can ask questions about Part 107 as well as other questions related to flying drones commercially in the United States. Finally, I frequently update my Youtube channel with new videos on questions that are frequently posed to me by students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |