Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduction to Online Learning Development and Support" |
"This course will provide an overview of online learning. It will focus on the common terminologies, formats, technologies, common misconceptions, and support systems needed to create, manage and develop successful online courses. This is the first step into a true dedication to producing and supporting quality online learning experiences for both teachers and learners. Are you a teacher, manager, leader, in academia or even corporate education? This course will start you on the road to preparing for next generation learners."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Agent Success" |
"In this series you will learn everythig you need to do from day 1 in the business. Broken down in to actionable steps you will progress through the series and by the end you will be fully equipped to be a successful real estate agent and business owner. Setting the foundation for explosive growth. Following the UPAD Principles of Succees you will learn to Understand, Plan, Act and develop Discipline to successfully reach what ever goals you desire."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Mental Maths - Shortcuts in Math calculations" |
"Learn to do calculations mentally and faster than using a calculator. This course will help you step into the word of vedic maths and show you how to use simple techniques that provide amazing results.This is the first level of the course and is suitable for children from year 3 onwards as well as adults.I have taught this course in various schools all across India and have had really great feedback. I hope to reach a wider audience through this and give a glimpse of the magic of vedic maths."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Egyptology Part 1 - Predynastic Egypt and Old Kingdom" |
"An informative and encompassing course on life in early Ancient Egypt with location filming and lectures at the Giza Pyramids, Saqqara, Dashur, Memphis and the Egyptian Museum. Over 5,000 pages of bonus material are included in this course.The Formation of the Land and its peopleThe first part of this course looks at the physical creation of Ancient Egypt with the encroaching desert forcing people to live closer to the Nile and how the change in climate impacted on the environment. It also gives the background to the establishment of the early centres in the, then divided areas of Upper and Lower Egypt.Though much simpler than the later great dynasties the early people had developed skills and living techniques that were to lay down the foundations for the great empire.Predynastic Egypt Before the Pharaohs In the second we begin to outline the chronological history of ancient Egypt. This module covers the prehistoric roots of the land leading up to the Predynastic period and explores the settlement of the Nile Valley by human beings and the evidence for the first agricultural settlements in Egypt. The early principles of the Egyptian late stone age which included the Badarian and Naqada cultures are discussed and we see the advent of an actual state and the founding of the primary period of Dynastic rule.In this section wewill also discuss some important artefacts such as the Macehead of King Menes and also the Narmer Palette (sometimes known as the scorpion king) which is a key piece. We will also examine the archaeological sites of Saqqara Abydos and Hierakonpolis, and conclude the section with the early art, writing and architecture that established the beginnings of an empire.Old Kingdom Period The beginning of the civilization In the final part of the course we will coverthe Old Kingdom that began the extravagance of ritual burial and we will look at the development of mastaba tombs to the step pyramid to the great pyramid as well as the people behind the building and the Kings behind the funding. We will also study the progress in lifestyle up to the 5th and 6th dynasties.From around the end of the 6th dynasty the concept on Kingship was questioned and with thee rise of the nobles the first Intermediate period began and is often referred to as Egypt's 'Dark Ages. By the end of the First Intermediate Period (Dynasty 11) the Theban kings had taken power and the reconsolidation of Egypt began."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excellence in Quality Management & Lean 6 Sigma Methodology" |
"*** Audio: Portuguese / Subtitles: English ***This course is structured for you that seeks to achieve better results in a structured and aligned way with strategic planning in an area or company and wants to learn more about this approach.In today's market, Quality Management and Lean 6 Sigma Methodology has been much desired by large, medium and small companies.Professionals who apply this approach as a way of thinking and acting in a structured way have a great competitive advantage in the market.So if you seek to achieve results continuously and perennially and are curious to know how to apply a quality diagnosis and Lean 6 Sigma tools thinking from start to finish and that directly impact the results in a specific company or area but never had contact with this theme, this is the right one for you!In this course you will immerse yourself in what is essential to this practice, know the benefits of applying quality management strategically, what are your core values for it to happen, will attend each step of a complete process and gain access to various tools that you can use them in your daily life, whether as a professional or personal use.As initial training you will have access to some examples of practical cases that have been successful in applying this methodology in small, medium and large companies in Brazil, USA, Zurich and Bahamas.*Not recommended for those who already know or use this approach in their day-to-day life, because it is an initial course.*** Audio: Portuguese / Subtitles: English ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Melhore Resultados com Gesto Metas e Avaliao Performance" |
"Este curso foi estruturadopara voc quebusca obter melhores resultados, de forma estruturada e alinhada ao planejamento estratgico em umarea ou empresae quer aprender mais sobre essa abordagem.No mercado atual aGesto de Metas e Avaliao Desempenhotem sido muito aplicada e desejada pelasgrandes, mdias e pequenasempresas.Profissionais que aplicam essa abordagem como uma maneira depensar e agir de forma estruturadatm uma grandevantagem competitivano mercado.Portanto, se vocbusca atingir resultados de forma contnuae perenee est curioso para saber como aplicar um modelo de Gesto de Metas, melhoria de Performance, Controle de Dashboards, KPIs, Avaliao de Desempenho Comportamentale Meritocracia pensando do incio ao fim e queimpactam diretamente nos resultados em uma empresa ou rea especfica, este o caminho certo para voc!Neste curso voc vai mergulhar no que essencial para essa prtica, saber quais os benefcios em aplicar a gesto de Performance de forma estratgica, quais so seus valores centrais para que isso acontea e quais os benefcios, voc ir entender tender cada uma das etapas para criar esse modelo e ter acesso ferramentas que voc pode us-las no seu dia a dia, seja como um uso profissional ou pessoal.Como treinamento inicial voc ter acesso a alguns exemplos de casos prticos que tm sido bem sucedidos na aplicao dessa metodologia em pequenas, mdias egrandes empresas."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Build a Winning TeamUpgrade The Business Revenue in 8 Weeks" |
"WorkWith an elite staff completely committed to you, your businesscan bring in more money with less work.Practice building the right kind of team, without spending more. This course is practical, not justtheoretical!Every business faces the challenge of how to make more money inless time and with less work.This isthe place to learn exactly how to do that.Whether youre a business of one or a medium-sized or large company,this course will reveal the single most common error: that in order to grow and develop yourbusiness, you have to shell out plenty to pay professionals and partners alongthe way. Its simply not true!Even if you just started operating your business yesterday, inthis course, youll gain an understanding of how to attract the right peopleand build a team of professionals who are there to help you make your businessor venture profitable, efficient and a magnet for income like youve never hadbefore. It doesnt matter if your team ismade up of employees or consultants, by applying the tools youll receive inthis course to build a team of superstars, youll be ready for a new level ofdevelopment and income for your company or business. To become independent or own a more lucrative and efficientbusiness thats increasingly competitive.This course doesnt require any accounting ability,Aimed at current and future entrepreneurs, managers, andbusiness owners seeking to discover the formula for building and improvingtheir business, or for turning it into a money-making machine putting moneyinto your pocket instead of taking money out of it. Turn your business into a profitable asset!You will learn how to choose employees and staff. How to identify good employees, how to create them, how to delegate authority, and how to trust your employees or staff - so that the system will take your business upto the next levels.This Formula -Will give you hugecontrol and more stability in the business, itwill give you more time and it will bring you more money.This practical course is based on business successes alone,both those of the speaker, who has founded a number of activities andcompanies, and those of colleagues in the business world.This course is a foundation that will offer a precise formulafor success, for building a team of workers or advisors who will serve YOU andnot vice versa.No theories; no stories!Submit Now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Your 5 people who will build your 500-people empire" |
"Learn short and to the point, how to lead people in your business activities. In less than 45 minutes you're going to acquire the skill of life! Your capability to understand what makes your venture, your business or both, into a machine that works for you is based in your ability to control your people in such a way that they feel they want to build your dreams for you. This is what you are going to understand and learn how to implement. Yes! That is it indeed! It is a game changer! It changes life! It is no less than revolutionary for you as an entrepreneur or manager. Please note, it doesnt matter if you have a team working for you, or if you are managing contractors or colleagues as your working crew for promoting your product or service. Even if they are just business associates that you work with regularly. In each case, they all get the same sense as for the way you need to manage/ control them for maximizing your productivity and creating a successful business activity. One of the harsher realities of business is wasting valuable funds due to lack of efficiency. while you, as the person in charge, knows that if each person would give the extra mile or would work a little differently everything would run more smoothly, efficiently and effectively. In addition, everyone would be happier. Sounds like a dream...doesnt it? Even if you have just started your business recently and are interested in running faster or just want to save yourself the trouble of learning from your own mistakes, this would definitely work for you. You must be willing to understand that when making moves patience and the ability to look forward is needed! The secret is in understanding - in order to make moves practically and with sharp focus, and even faster! because there is no time! since wasting time at a business means spending a lot of money that usually an entrepreneur just doesnt have - because it is needed for development. This is a practical and engaging course based on previous success and business experience only! No big theories, everything is straight to the point!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Coping with your emotions: a skill you can use daily!" |
"We live in a society where the focus is often on developing our intellectual and physical abilities. However, we need many more skills to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. In our work, we often encounter very intelligent people who struggle to control their emotions, to build meaningful relationships, to assert themselves with confidence, who cannot cope with stress, resolve conflict or deal with disappointments. We are two facilitators for this course, Drs Ronl le Roux and Rina de Klerk-Weyer, who both have a Ph.D. We did therapy in our private practices before we realised that it is very important to work pro-actively. Working in this way means that we teach and guide people in learning important life skills that they will be able to use in their personal and professional lives. People who have these skills can apply it before and while they experience problems in their lives. Our courses is all about Emotional Intelligence. We did extensive research in this area and wrote several self-help books. Since 1998, we facilitated these courses for individuals and groups ranging from homemakers to CEOs of large companies. We attended and spoke at several international conferences and seminars. We have years of active involvement in peoples lives and we are confident that this program makes a life changing difference in everyones life who is open to growth and committed to learn these skills. We are passionate to share our wisdom and years of experience with you. During this course, we will guide students to Realising where their emotions come from, whether it is from their needs, thinking patterns or values. Knowing the cause of your emotions help you to understand and manage them in a more constructive way. Becoming aware of their feelings, as it is presenting itself in the body, for example, heart palpitations and sweaty hands may indicate that you are anxious. This skill helps us to recognise the emotion sooner so that it will not overwhelm us. Learning the names of various emotions. It is quite important to be able to give your feelings the correct name, as that will help you to manage them. An example of this is the difference in coping with frustration and anger. Frustration usually indicates to us that something is not working like we want it to work and that we need to do something different. Anger is an emotion that is coming from other emotions like hurt or disappointment. Knowing the difference between suppressing and controlling/managing your emotions. This is important as most people rather suppress their emotions than dealing with it, with negative consequences. Practising various ways in coping with your emotions. Here we will focus on easy to apply skills to lower the intensity of your emotion, for example, deep breathing and doing some simple brain gym exercises. Applying these skills in your everyday life. We will provide several examples and case studies that will help the students apply their new skills in personal and professional situations. Why is it important to have these skills? You can lessen the intensity of the emotion. This will help you to make sound decisions, which is not possible when your emotions overwhelm you. You can stay calm and think rationally. Being aware of your emotions hinder you from impulsive behaviour, e.g. if you are angry you should not be aggressive and hit someone! Intense emotions can damage your body and lowers your immune system. An example of this is constant anger that may lead to cancer, arthritis and various other diseases. Uncontrolled emotions may give rise to serious problems in your relationships with others, personally and professionally. If you are unable to manage your emotions, you may lose someone you love dearly or you may even lose your job. Suppressing your emotions have several negative consequences for you. It will come out when you least expect it. People will never know what you are feeling. When you learn that emotions do not come from the behaviour of other people, you will take responsibility for your own emotions. You will stop blaming others for the way you feel. This will empower you as you realise that you can decide what to feel in various situations. Students doing the course will have to complete questionnaires, do homework and self-reflection, and do role-plays with friends and or family. They will receive a workbook with various activities to do. We will be available to our students to offer guidance and support when needed, via email."
Price: 350.00 ![]() |
"Assertiveness: Stand up for yourself in the right way!" |
"We live in a society where the focus is often on developing our intellectual and physical abilities. However, we need many more skills to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. In our work, we often encounter very intelligent people who struggle to control their emotions, to build meaningful relationships, to assert themselves with confidence, who cannot cope with stress, resolve conflict or deal with disappointments. We are two facilitators for this course, Drs Ronl le Roux and Rina de Klerk-Weyer, who both have a Ph.D. We did therapy in our private practices before we realised that it is very important to work pro-actively. Working in this way means that we teach and guide people in learning important life skills that they will be able to use in their personal and professional lives. People who have these skills can apply it before and while they experience problems in their lives. Our courses is all about Emotional Intelligence. We did extensive research in this area and wrote several self-help books. Since 1998, we facilitated these courses for individuals and groups ranging from homemakers to CEOs of large companies. We attended and spoke at several international conferences and seminars. We have years of active involvement in peoples lives and we are confident that this program makes a life changing difference in everyones life who is open to growth and committed to learn these skills. We are passionate to share our wisdom and years of experience with you. During this course, we will guide students to* Become aware of what assertiveness really is* Realize that assertive is much more than just the ability to say ""no""* Know that they may stand up for themselves without feeling guilty* Getting to know themselves and become aware of issues of confidence and personality* Define their healthy boundaries * Recognise the beliefs and thoughts which may hinder their assertiveness* Learn how to have emotional control while being assertive* Distinguish between being passive, aggressive or assertive * Learn the process of assertiveness that is easy to apply.We are available to students who have questions and want to discuss some of their personal issues regarding this communication skill.Give yourself the opportunity to learn this very important skill that will definitely last you a life time!!!"
Price: 350.00 ![]() |
"Strong Leadership Masterclass" |
"Leadership is about influence, integrity and inspiration.Many people overthink the idea of leadership and start believing that they dont have what it takes to lead. We will all be forced to lead at some point on some level. Whether its at work, at church, in the community or just in the home (which is probably the most important place to lead well).This course is designed to inspire and motivate new or tenured leaders to lead with purpose and passion.The foundationalprinciples that are presented in this course, if appliedwill take your leadership to the next level. This course puts an emphasis on6 leadership characteristics that any leader should possess if they want to be strong leaders in their organization.The most important person you will ever lead is yourself. This course is a huge step in helping you become the Strong Leader that you desire to be!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles 1/4" |
"Este es el primero de un conjunto de 4 cursos denominados ""Autocad Civil3D para Topografa y Obras Civiles"" que te permitir aprender a manejar este fabuloso software de Autodesk y aplicarlo a diferentes proyectos y obras de construccin. Vulvete un experto en el software y podrs generar movimientos de tierra, calcular materiales y precios de obra y crear grandes diseos de carreteras, puentes, alcantarillado entre otros.Este conjunto de cursos ha sido producto de horas de dedicacin, trabajo y esfuerzo, recopilando los datos mas importantes en el tema de la Ingeniera Civil y Topogrfica, resumiendo grandes cantidades de teora y volviendolas practicas, para que tu puedas aprender de una manera facil y rpida con clases cortas pero especificas para cada tema y practicar con todos los datos (reales) y ejemplos que aqu te brindamos.Si quieres comenzar a manejar este software, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido.Dejanos introducirte en este mundo del Autocad Civil3D, que es una poderosa herramienta para reducir grandes cantidades de tiempo diseando y calculando y facilitar tu labor en el ambito profesional. A quin est dirigido? Este curso est orientado a tcnicos, tecnlogos y profesionalescon conocimiento en Topografa, obras civiles o relacionados, que quieran iniciar en el mundo del diseo de carreteras, obras lineales,movimientos de tierra y construccin o aquellos que quieren fortalecer sus habilidades en el manejo de esta poderosa herramienta.CONTENIDO DEL CURSO BSICO (1/4) INTRODUCCIN AL SOFTWARE:- Descripcin de la interfaz del software.- Resumen y listado de comandos y funciones principales.- Configuracin del proyecto en Civil3D. PUNTOS- Importacin de puntos de terreno desde un archivo de texto.- Definicin de estilos de puntos, textos y descriptores.- Configuracin, edicin y manejo de puntos de terreno. SUPERFICIES- Creacin y definicin de superficies de terreno TIN.- Definicin de estilos y presentacin (Curvas de nivel, mapa de pendientes, mapa de direcciones, pisos trmicos).- Edicin y configuracin de superficies. ALINEAMIENTOS HORIZONTALES- Creacin y configuracin del alineamiento horizontal (eje va). ALINEAMIENTOS VERTICALES- Creacin y configuracin del Perfil longitudinal de terreno (alineamiento vertical).- Diseo del alineamiento vertical (rasante del proyecto)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Arcgis Desktop aplicado a proyectos SIG" |
"Este es elprimerode un conjunto de cursos denominados ""Aprendiendo SIG con Arcgis Desktop aplicado a proyectos"" que te permitir aprender a manejar este fabuloso software de ESRI y aplicarlo a diferentes proyectos. Vulvete un experto en el software y podrs generar mapas de alta calidad, proyectos relacionados con sistemas de informacin geogrfica, bases de datos, consultas y cartografa temticaentre otros.Este conjunto de cursos ha sido producto de horas de dedicacin, trabajo y esfuerzo, recopilando los datos mas importantes en el tema de la Ingeniera Civil y Topogrfica, resumiendo grandes cantidades de teora y volvindolas practicas, para que tu puedas aprender de una manera fcil y rpida con clases cortas pero especificas para cada tema y practicar con todos los datos (reales) y ejemplos que aqu te brindamos.Si quieres comenzar a manejar este software, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido.Djanos introducirte en este mundo del Arcgis Desktop, que es una poderosa herramienta para reducir grandes cantidades de tiempo diseando y calculando y facilitar tu labor en el mbito profesional.A quin est dirigido?Este curso est orientado a tcnicos, tecnlogos y profesionalescon conocimiento en Geomtica, Topografa, SIG o relacionados, que quieran iniciar en el mundo del diseo de mapas y sistemas de informacin geogrfica con Arcgis o aquellos que quieren fortalecer sus habilidades en el manejo de esta poderosa herramienta.CONTENIDO DEL CURSO BSICOINTRODUCCIN AL SOFTWARE:- Definicin de Sistemas de informacin geogrfica.- Arcgis desktop: Arcmap, Arcatalog, Arctoolbox, Arcscene, Arcglobe.- Interfaz de Arcgis desktop, Tabla de contenido, modelo, papel, barra de herramientas y estndar.- Tipos de datos de entrada (Shape, Acad, Excel, Bd, Gbd, Tablas, Raster.) CONFIGURACIN Y CREACIN DEL PROYECTO- Creacin, estructura y configuracin de un proyecto.- Propiedades del documento.- Rutas relativas y absolutas.- Paquetes de mapas y datos.- Sistema de coordenadas del mapa. CONSULTAS SIG Y CLASIFICACIN.- Mtodos de seleccin (manual, atributos, espacial)- Tipos de clasificacin simblica. CONFIGURACIN E IMPRESIN DEL MAPA.- Configuracin del proyecto.- Adicin de datos- Clasificacin simblica cartografa- Configuracin del papel, marco de datos (data frame)- Insercin de elementos de mapa (norte, leyenda, textos, escalas, imgenes).- Impresin. TABLAS Y DATOS EXTERNOS.- Configuracin de archivo de texto para insercin.- Importacin de tabla GPS de Excel a Arcmap- Creacin de puntos X,Y Coordenadas- Adicionar plancha de Autocad- Configuracin y creacin del mapa impresin. GEOREFERENCIACIN Y EDICIN- Conceptos de Georeferenciacin.- Georeferenciacin de imagen por (x, y), mtodos, interpolacin.- Creacin de Shapes (punto, lnea, polgono).- Creacin de atributos- Digitalizacin edicin de datos, mtodos de edicin.- Actualizacin de atributos.- Creacin de una carta catastral, impresin."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Planos de Negcios para Empreendedores e Pequenas Empresas" |
"Este curso destinado queles que desejam criar ou expandir seu negcio e precisam desenvolver habilidades para planejar e apresentar seu negcio. Ao final do curso voc estar capaz de:Definir o que um plano de negcio e a sua importnciaCriar seu Plano de NegcioApresentar sua empresaDesenvolver e apresentar seus produtos e servios Analisar e explorar omercado Analisara concorrncia e desenvolver estratgias baseadas em suas foras e fraquezas e no ambiente de negcioEstimar a previso de vendasApresentar suas operaesRecrutar e apresentar a equipe de gesto Construir e apresentar as projees financeiras e aviabilidade econmico financeira do seu negcio"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Non Destructive Edition with Photoshop" |
"Hi! I'm Mariana Cabral, Education & Marketing Specialist from Adobe Latin America and I welcome you to this Non-Destructive Edition course with Photoshop.Did you know that the worst thing you can do to a photograph is to add adjustments and effects? Yes, and I know that is what Photoshop is for, but you have to know how to do it, apply them correctly so that you do not lose the original information of your images and you can always edit them without setbacks.In this course we will see the basic techniques that make up the universe of the NON-destructive Edition, starting with a correct trimming of your photography and its process in RGB mode.We will know and work with the Adjustment Layers, the Smart Objects and the Smart Filters, we will apply bitmap and vector masks, we will add information in independent layers, painting and cloning and, last but not least, we will develop photos in Camera RAW and we will use the filter inside of Photoshop.In 2 and a half hours you will have all the resources to edit your photos without losing any information. Welcome, and let's work!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Insane Productivity: How Top High-Achievers Get Things Done" |
"From the instructor of the Best-Selling Courses:The Crash Course 2 Keto (#1 Best-Seller)Intermittent Fasting 101 (#1 Best-Seller)LEARNWHAT STRATEGIESTHETOP1%OFCEO'S, HIGH-ACHIVERS, &ELITEPERFORMERSUSETOGETMOREDONEINLESSTIME!Do you wish you could have more time in the day?Do you feel like your missing the edge that could help you be more productive, get things done faster, and accomplish the goals you have in mind? If you want to be as productive as some of the top performers and high-achievers in the world like Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Bill Gates, etc. you need to know the habits and strategies they use.If so you've found the BEST course for insane productivity!In this course, you'll learn:The top mental strategies and habits that the elite CEO's and high-achievers use for better time management and productivity!The secret productivity hacks and strategies that help you get more done in less time!The secret to powerful and lasting energy to fuel your productivity, motivation, and will power!How to set clear, specific and powerful goals!How to maximize the power of your focus using specialized focus training!How remove distractions and hone in on the activities that allow you to stay productive!This course is full of bonus resources and printable materials to be able to apply your productivity in a real world environment.Time Saver AuditCrystal Clear Goal Setting GuideTask Manager Goal Setting GuideFREEWORKOUTS!And More!We've also included a downloadable MP3 audio in each lecture so you can take your learning anywhere via MP3's. You'll also have access to our exclusive coaching group to be able to ask questions, seek advice, get support, and stay connected!Welcome to Insane Productivity!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Endgame Fundamentals: Pawn Endgames" |
"Hey guys,this is Grandmaster Mesgen Amanov!I am excited to present you withmy new video course on Endgame Fundamentals. Specifically this Endgame course is dedicated to Pawn Endgames.This course is forBeginners and Intermediate players. In order to fully benefit from this course you just need to know how the pieces move and some basic rules.I've been teaching chess for more than 15 years and mentored 3 junior players that became World Champions. I know exactly what material to teach you when you start learning about Endgames. Fundamental Principles such as Opposition, Zugzwang, Mined Squares are important to learn and master.In this courseI recorded 16 Lessonsthat will help you establish Fundamental Endgame ideas. Every chess player must learn Endgames. World Champion J. R. Capablanca once said: ""To improve at chess you should in the first instance study the endgame.""All lessons are very easy to follow and for your convenienceI am adding a PGN file for all of the lessonsthat we will go over. Thank you so much for your attention! Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Containers & Kubernetes-Cilium N/W Policy+Spinnaker Delivery" |
"CILIUM:A microservices- based application is split into small independent services that communicate with each other via APIs using lightweight protocols likeHTTP,gRPC,Kafkaand more. However, existing Linux network security mechanisms (e.g., iptables) only operate at the network and transport layers (i.e., IP addresses and ports) and lack visibility into the microservices layer.Cilium brings API-aware network security filtering to Linux container frameworks like Docker &Kubernetes. Using a new Linux kernel technology calledBPF, Cilium provides a simple and efficient way to define and enforce both network-layer and application-layer security policies based on container/pod identity.We believe in a future where Linux has deep network visibility and control for microservice at the API layer, making applications more secure than ever before. If this goal excites you too, we invite you to join us by contributing ideas, code, and documentation to Cilium.Identity Based Security:Cilium visibility and security policies are based on the container orchestrator identity (e.g., Kubernetes labels). Never again worry about network subnets or container IP addresses when writing security policies, auditing, or troubleshooting.Blazing Performance:BPF is the underlying Linux superpower to do the heavy lifting on the datapath by providing sandboxed programmability of the Linux kernel with incredible performanceAPI-Protocol Visibility + Security:Traditional firewalls only see and filter packets based on network headers like IP address and ports. Cilium can do this as well, but also understands and filters the individual HTTP, gRPC, and Kafka requests that stitch microservices together.Designed for Scale:Cilium was designed for scale, with no node-to-node interactions required when new pods are deployed, and all coordination through a highly scalable key-value store.Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.Created at Netflix, it has been battle-tested in production by hundreds of teams over millions of deployments. It combines a powerful and flexible pipeline management system with integrations to the major cloud providers.Multi-CloudDeploy across multiple cloud providers including AWS EC2, Kubernetes, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, and Openstack, with Oracle Bare Metal and DC/OS coming soon.Automated ReleasesCreate deployment pipelines that run integration and system tests, spin up and down server groups, and monitor your rollouts. Trigger pipelines via git events, Jenkins, Travis CI, Docker, CRON, or other Spinnaker pipelines.Built-in Deployment Best PracticesCreate and deploy immutable images for faster rollouts, easier rollbacks, and the elimination of hard to debug configuration drift issues. Leverage an immutable infrastructure in the cloud with built-in deployment strategies such as red/black and canary deployments.Active CommunityJoin a community that includes Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Veritas, Target, Kenzan, Schibsted, and many others, actively working to maintain and improve Spinnaker.Many companies are moving away from big bang software releases every six months or so to a continuous delivery (CD) model that enables IT to release updates frequently, even if that means several times a day. Using Netflix and its open source Spinnaker CD platform as examples, this practical ebook demonstrates how a new host of tools can help you deploy software changes to production quickly, safely, and automatically.A team of experts from Netflix and Google show you how to automate deployments with Spinnaker across multiple cloud accounts, regions, and even across multiple cloud platforms into continuous deployment pipelines. Youll learn how Spinnaker enables your company to design and automate a delivery process that not only fits your release cadence, but also the business criticality of your application.Learn about the organizational and technical practices that enable continuous deliveryUnderstand the fundamental considerations you need to solve before successfully deploying software to the cloudManage cloud resources for consistency across accounts, regions, and cloud providersUse Spinnakers pipelines to structure deployments from customizable piecesUnderstand how CD pipelines to Kubernetes differ from pipelines to VM-based cloudsExamine how Spinnaker ensures safety across cluster deployments and pipeline executionsLearn how to integrate automated testing techniques such as chaos engineering or automated canary analysis into the delivery process"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Guide for Running IOT Systems -AWS GreenGrass!" |
"AWS Greengrass is software that lets you run local compute, messaging, data caching, sync, and ML inference capabilities for connected devices in a secure way. With AWS Greengrass, connected devices can run AWS Lambda functions, keep device data in sync, and communicate with other devices securely even when not connected to the Internet. Using AWS Lambda, Greengrass ensures your IoT devices can respond quickly to local events, use Lambda functions running on Greengrass Core to interact with local resources, operate with intermittent connections, stay updated with over the air updates, and minimize the cost of transmitting IoT data to the cloud.ML Inference is a feature of AWS Greengrass that makes it easy to perform machine learning inference locally on Greengrass Core devices using models that are built and trained in the cloud.AWS Greengrass seamlessly extends AWS to devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage. With Greengrass, you can use familiar languages and programming models to create and test your device software in the cloud, and then deploy it to your devices. AWS Greengrass can be programmed to filter device data and only transmit necessary information back to the cloud. AWS Greengrass authenticates and encrypts device data at all points of connection using the security and access management capabilities of AWS IoT Core. This way, data is never exchanged between devices when they communicate with each other and the cloud, without proven identity.Benefits :Respond to Local Events in Near Real-timeAWS Greengrass devices can act locally on the data they generate so they can respond quickly to local events, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage. The local resource access feature allows Lambda functions deployed on Greengrass Core devices to use local device resources like cameras, serial ports, or GPUs so that device applications can quickly access and process local data.Operate OfflineAWS Greengrass lets connected devices operate even with intermittent connectivity to the cloud. Once the device reconnects, Greengrass synchronizes the data on the device with AWS IoT Core, providing seamless functionality regardless of connectivity.Secure CommunicationAWS Greengrass authenticates and encrypts device data for both local and cloud communications, so that data is never exchanged between devices and the cloud without proven identity. Greengrass uses the same security and access management you are familiar with in AWS IoT Core, with mutual device authentication and authorization, and secure connectivity to the cloudSimplified Device Programming with AWS LambdaAWS Greengrass uses the same AWS Lambda programming model you use in the cloud, so you can develop code in the cloud and then deploy it seamlessly to your devices. Greengrass lets you execute Lambda functions locally, reducing the complexity of developing embedded softwareReduce the Cost of Running IoT ApplicationsWith AWS Greengrass you can program the device to filter device data locally and only transmit the data you need for your applications to cloud. This reduces the amount of raw data transmitted to the cloud and lowers cost, and increases the quality of the data you send to the cloud so you can achieve rich insight at a lower cost.Use CasesAWS Greengrass ML Inference can be deployed on connected devices like security cameras, traffic cameras, body cameras, and medical imaging equipment to help them make predictions locally. With AWS Greengrass ML Inference, you can deploy and run ML models like facial recognition, object detection, and image density directly on the device. For example, a traffic camera could count bicycles, vehicles, and pedestrians passing through an intersection and detect when traffic signals need to be adjusted in order to optimize traffic flows and keep people safe.Retail and HospitalityRetailers, cruise lines, and amusement parks are investing in IoT applications to provide better customer service. For example, you can run object detection models at amusement parks to keep track of visitor count. Cameras locate the visitors and maintain a running headcount locally without having to send massive amounts of video feed to the cloud, which is often a challenge due to limited internet bandwidth at parks. This solution can predict wait times at popular theme park rides and help improve the customer experience.SecuritySecurity camera manufacturers are looking for new ways to make devices more intelligent and automate their threat detection capabilities. AWS Greengrass ML Inference can help improve the capabilities of security cameras. Greengrass enabled cameras can continuously scan premises to look for a change in the scene, such as an incoming visitor, and send an alert. The cameras are able to quickly perform scene detection analysis locally and send data to the cloud only when required, e.g., for additional analysis to identify whether a visitor is a family member.Precision AgricultureThe agriculture industry is going through two major disruptions. First, the worlds population continues to grow causing the demand for food to outweigh the output. Second, climate change is resulting in unpredictable weather conditions, affecting crop yields. AWS Greengrass ML Inference can help transform agriculture practices and deliver new value to customers. Greengrass-powered cameras installed in greenhouses and farms can process images of plants, crops, and data from sensors in the soil to not only detect environmental anomalies such as change in temperature, moisture, and nutrition level, but also trigger alerts.Predictive Industrial MaintenanceAs pricing pressure increases on manufacturers, they are looking for newer ways to help increase operational efficiency on factory floors. Delays in detecting issues on the manufacturing assembly line can lead to a waste of time and resources. AWS Greengrass ML Inference can help you in early detection of faulty equipment and issues on the factory floor. Greengrass-powered industrial gateways can continuously monitor the sensor data (e.g., vibrations, noise-level), predict anomalies, and take relevant actions such as send alerts or shut-off the power to minimize losses."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS IoT:Building cool apps,AI& serverless Computing-Deeplens" |
"AWS DeepLens is a wireless video camera and development platform integrated with the AWS Cloud. It lets you use the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and technology to develop computer vision applications based on a deep learning model. Through examples and tutorials, AWS DeepLens gives you hands-on experience using a physical camera to run real-time computer vision models.The AWS DeepLens camera, or device, uses deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to analyze visual imagery. You use the device as a development environment to build computer vision applications.AWS DeepLens works with the following AWS services:Amazon SageMaker, for model training and validationAWS Lambda, for running inference against CNN modelsAWS Greengrass, for deploying updates and functions to your deviceGet started with AWS DeepLens by using any of the pretrained models that come with your device. As you become proficient, you can develop, train, and deploy your own models.AWS DeepLens HardwareThe AWS DeepLens camera includes the following:A 4-megapixel camera with MJPEG (Motion JPEG)8 GB of on-board memory16 GB of storage capacityA 32-GB SD (Secure Digital) cardWiFi support for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz standard dual-band networkingA micro HDMI display portAudio out and USB portsThe AWS DeepLens camera is powered by an Intel Atom processor, which can process 100 billion floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS). This gives you all of the compute power that you need to perform inference on your device. The micro HDMI display port, audio out, and USB ports allow you to attach peripherals, so you can get creative with your computer vision applications."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Big Data analytics with PySpark (Apache Spark and Python)" |
"PySparkhelps data scientists interface with Resilient Distributed Datasets in apache spark and python.Py4J is a popularly library integrated withinPySparkthat lets python interface dynamically with JVM objects (RDD's). In this course you'll learn how to use Spark from Python! Spark is a tool for doing parallel computation with large datasets and it integrates well with Python. PySpark is the Python package that makes the magic happen. You'll use this package to work with some live example. You'll learn to wrangle this data and build a whole machine learning pipeline to predict results. Get ready to put some Spark in your Python code and dive into the world of high performance machine learning! Apache Spark is a fast cluster computing framework which is used for processing, querying and analyzing big data. Being based on in-memory computation, it has an advantage over several other big data frameworks.Originally written in the Scala programming language, the open source community has developed an amazing tool to support Python for Apache Spark. PySpark helps data scientists interface with RDDs in Apache Spark and Python through its libraryPy4j.There are many features that make PySpark a better framework than others:Speed:It is 100x faster than traditional large-scale data processing frameworks.Powerful Caching:Simple programming layer provides powerful caching and disk persistence capabilities.Deployment:Can be deployed through Mesos, Hadoop via Yarn, or Spark's own cluster manager.Real Time:Real-time computation and low latency because of in-memory computation.Polyglot:Supports programming in Scala, Java, Python, and R.PySpark in the IndustryLet's move ahead with our PySpark tutorial and see where Spark is used in the industry.Every industry revolves around bigdata and where there's bigdata, there's analysis involved. So let's have a look at the various industries where Apache Spark is used.Mediais one of the biggest industries growing towards online streaming.Netflixuses Apache Spark for real-time stream processing to provide personalized online recommendations to its customers. It processes450 billionevents per day which flow to server-side applications.Financeis another sector where Apache Spark's real-time processing plays an important role. Banks are using Spark to access and analyze social media profiles to gain insights which can help them make the right business decisions forcredit risk assessment, targeted ads, and customer segmentation.Customer churnis also reduced using Spark.Fraud detectionis one of the most widely used areas of machine learning where Spark is involved.Healthcareproviders are using Apache Spark to analyze patient records along with past clinical data to identify which patients are likely to face health issues after being discharged from the clinic. Apache Spark is used in genomic sequencing to reduce the time needed to process genome data.Retail and e-commerceis an industry where one can't imagine it running without the use of analysis and targetedadvertising. One of the largest e-commerce platform today, Alibabaruns some of the largest Spark jobs in the world in order to analyze petabytes of data. Alibaba performs feature extraction in image data.eBayuses Apache Spark to provide targeted offers, enhance customer experience and optimize overall performance.Travelindustries also use Apache Spark.TripAdvisor, a leading travel website that helps users plan a perfect trip, is using Apache Spark to speed up its personalized customerrecommendations. TripAdvisor uses Apache Spark to provide advice to millions of travelers by comparing hundreds of websites to find the best hotel prices for its customers.An important aspect of this PySpark tutorial is to understand why we need to use Python. Why not Java, Scala or R?Easy to Learn:For programmers, Python is comparatively easier to learn because of its syntax and standard libraries. Moreover, it's a dynamically typed language, which means RDDs can hold objects of multiple types.A vast set of libraries:Scala does not have sufficient data science tools and libraries like Python for machine learning and natural language processing. Moreover, Scala lacks good visualization and local data transformations.Huge Community Support:Python has a global community with millions of developers that interact online and offline in thousands of virtual and physical locations.One of the most important topics here is the use of RDDs. Let's understand what RDDsare.Spark RDDsWhen it comes to iterative distributed computing, i.e. processing data over multiple jobs in computations, we need to reuse or share data among multiple jobs. Earlier frameworks like Hadoop had problems while dealing with multiple operations/jobs like:Storing data in intermediate storage such as HDFS.Multiple I/O jobs make the computations slow.Replications and serializations which in turn makes the process even slower.RDDs try to solve all the problems by enabling fault-tolerant distributed in-memory computations. RDD is short forResilient Distributed Datasets.RDD is a distributed memory abstraction which lets programmers perform in-memory computations on large clusters in a fault-tolerant manner. They are theread-only collection of objectspartitioned across a set of machines that can be rebuilt if a partition is lost. There are several operations performed on RDDs:Transformations:Transformations create a new dataset from an existing one. Lazy Evaluation.Actions:Spark forces the calculations for execution only when actions are invoked on the RDDs."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Python code for Artificial Intelligence" |
"Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines. It has become an essential part of the technology industry.Research associated with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialized. The core problems of artificial intelligence include programming computers for certain traits such as:KnowledgeReasoningProblem solvingPerceptionLearningPlanningAbility to manipulate and move objectsKnowledge engineering is a core part of AI research. Machines can often act and react like humans only if they have abundant information relating to the world. Artificial intelligence must have access to objects, categories, properties and relations between all of them to implement knowledge engineering. Initiating common sense, reasoning and problem-solving power in machines is a difficult and tedious task.Machine learning is also a core part of AI. Learning without any kind of supervision requires an ability to identify patterns in streams of inputs, whereas learning with adequate supervision involves classification and numerical regressions. Classification determines the category an object belongs to and regression deals with obtaining a set of numerical input or output examples, thereby discovering functions enabling the generation of suitable outputs from respective inputs. Mathematical analysis of machine learning algorithms and their performance is a well-defined branch of theoretical computer science often referred to as computational learning theory.Machine perception deals with the capability to use sensory inputs to deduce the different aspects of the world, while computer vision is the power to analyze visual inputs with a few sub-problems such as facial, object and gesture recognition.Robotics is also a major field related to AI. Robots require intelligence to handle tasks such as object manipulation and navigation, along with sub-problems of localization, motion planning and mapping.This tutorial covers the concepts of various fields of artificial intelligence like Artificial Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Genetic algorithms etc., and its implementation in Python."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Guide -Amazon Virtual Private Cloud AWS VPC-18" |
"Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is a commercial cloud computing service that provides users a virtual private cloud, by ""provisioning a logically isolated section of Amazon Web Services Cloud"". Enterprise customers are able to access the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud over an IPsec based virtual private network.Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)is a commercialcloud computingservice that provides users avirtual private cloud, by ""provisioning a logically isolated section ofAmazon Web Services(AWS) Cloud"". Enterprisecustomers are able to access theAmazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) over anIPsecbasedvirtual private network. Unlike traditional EC2 instances which are allocated internal and external IP numbers by Amazon, the customer can assign IP numbers of their choosing from one or more subnets.By giving the user the option of selecting which AWS resources are public facing and which are not, VPC provides much more granular control over security. ForAmazonit is ""an endorsement of the hybrid approach, but it's also meant to combat the growing interest in private clouds"".ContentsComparison to private cloudsIP AddressingConnectivitySecuritySee alsoReferencesExternal linksComparison to private cloudsAmazon Virtual Private Cloud aims to provide a service similar to private clouds using technology such asOpenStackorHPE Helion Eucalyptus. However, private clouds typically also use technology such asOpenShiftapplication hosting and various database systems. Cloud security experts warned there can be compliance risks, such as a loss of control or service cancellation in using public resourceswhich do not exist with in house systems. If transaction records are requested from Amazon about a VPC using aNational security letterthey may not even be legally allowed to inform the customer of the breach of the security of their system. This would be true even if the actual VPC resources were in another country.The API used by AWS is only partly compatible with that of HPE Helion Eucalyptus and is not compatible with other private cloud systems so migration from AWS may be difficult. This has led to warnings of the possibility of lock-in to a specific technology.IP AddressingThis sectionmay rely excessively on sourcestoo closely associated with the subject, potentially preventing the article from beingverifiableandneutral.Please helpimprove itby replacing them with more appropriatecitationstoreliable, independent, third-party sources.Initially, users are able to choose a range of IP addresses for their VPC. Within this range, users can assign various private and public IPv4 and IPv6addresses to instances in the VPC in order to communicate with the Internet and other instances of VPCs. These addresses are assigned to specific instances rather than the user's entire VPC account.Static assignment of Public IP addresses is not possible, instead the address is assigned and unassigned in certain cases, causing the address of an instance to change. When a consistent IP address is needed, a third type of IP Address,Elastic IP addresses, can be used in place of Public IP addresses.ConnectivityThis sectionmay rely excessively on sourcestoo closely associated with the subject, potentially preventing the article from beingverifiableandneutral.Please helpimprove itby replacing them with more appropriatecitationstoreliable, independent, third-party sources.AWS VPC allows users to connect to the Internet, a user's corporatedata center, and other users' VPCs.Users are able to connect to the Internet by adding an Internet Gateway to their VPC, which assigns the VPC a public IPv4 Address.Users are able to connect to a data center by setting up a Hardware Virtual Private Network connection between the data center and the VPC. This connection allows the user to ""interact with Amazon EC2 instances within a VPC as if they were within (the user's) existing network.""Users are able to route traffic from one VPC to another VPC using private IP addresses, and are able to communicate as if they were on the same network. Peering can be achieved by connecting a route between two VPC's on the same account or two VPC's on different accounts in the same region. VPC Peering is a one-to-one connection, but users are able to connect to more than one VPC at a time.SecurityAWS VPC's security is two-fold: firstly, AWS VPC uses security groups as a firewall to control traffic at the instance level, while it also uses networkaccess control listsas a firewall to control traffic at the subnet level.As another measure of privacy, AWS VPC provides users with the ability to create ""dedicated instances"" on hardware, physically isolating the dedicated instances from non-dedicated instances and instances owned by other accounts.AWS VPC is free, with users only paying for the consumption ofEC2 resources. However, if choosing to access VPC via a Virtual Private Network (VPN), there is a charge."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Playing with OpenShift,Container based Platform from Red Hat" |
"Red Hat OpenShift is a multifaceted, open source container application platform from Red Hat Inc. for the development, deployment and management of applications.Rearchitected during 2016 and 2017 to take advantage of advancements in cloud technology most notably, containers OpenShift provides developers with an integrated development environment (IDE) for building and deploying Docker-formatted containers, and then managing them with the open source Kubernetes container orchestration platform.Red Hat OpenShift is available in four models: OpenShift Container Platform OpenShift Online OpenShift Dedicated OpenShift ioThough the implementations and locations on which they run and the pricing models differ, the actual underlying OpenShift code and functionality are identical.OpenShift Container PlatformKnown as OpenShift Enterprise until a June 2016 name change, OpenShift Container Platform is a private platform as a service (PaaS) for organizations that deploy and manage OpenShift on their own on-premises hardware or on the infrastructure of a certified cloud provider.OpenShift Container Platform is implemented as an assemblage of Docker-based application containers managed via Kubernetes orchestration, all running on an operating system foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).OpenShift OnlineIntroduced in 2011, OpenShift Online is for individual developers or teams that access OpenShift as a public cloud service. OpenShift Online is implemented as an on-demand consumption model hosted on public cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS).The latest version of OpenShift Online, released in May 2017, provides a container-based platform that developers can access from any web browser, IDE and command line. It also provides support for local development, enabling programmers to deploy a functional OpenShift cluster on their local workstations, and it supports port forwarding, which enables developers to use remote services as if they were running locally.OpenShift Online was built with the same code as OpenShift Container Platform, and it is the deployment platform for OpenShift ioOpenShift DedicatedOpenShift Dedicated offers organisations the ability to run a single-tenant OpenShift environment on a public cloud managed by Red Hat while incorporating Docker and Kubernetes orchestration technologies.At the time of its launch in December 2015, OpenShift Dedicated ran only on AWS. Support for Google Cloud Platform was added in December 2016. As of July 2017, support for Microsoft Azure is not offered.OpenShift ioAnnounced in May 2017, OpenShift io is a free, open source supplement to OpenShift Online. Together, they offer an integrated approach to DevOps that incorporates tools for development teams to create and deploy microservices based applications.OpenShift io also provides a Linux container environment and a machine learning system that assist developers with design decisions. OpenShift io encompasses several open source development technologies, including fabric8, Eclipse Chef, Jenkins, OpenJDK, Performance Co-Pilot, WildFly Swarm, Eclipse Vert.x and Spring Boot.Why use Red Hat OpenShiftAs container use increases in app development and production, services such as OpenShift offer ways to manage and automate a large amount of containers. Doing so frees up developers from the manual management of containers.A demo of OpenShift featuresAlso, OpenShift can help IT organizations bridge legacy servers supporting traditional applications and modern, microservices based work. These features feed into a mobile-first approach for companies that want to produce smartphone and tablet apps quickly.Finally, OpenShift's options promote continuous app development and common tools for development and operations teams. This approach is a cornerstone of DevOps efforts.How Red Hat OpenShift worksAccording to Red Hat, the key to OpenShift lies in the combination of Docker containers and Kubernetes orchestration, both built on RHEL.By using Docker at its model, OpenShift enables any app created with it to run anywhere else that Docker containers are supported.After developers push code to OpenShift either through software version control or continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI CD) systems, OpenShift orchestrates how and when the apps run. It also enables dev teams to fix, fine tune and scale those apps as quickly as needed.Containers associated with OpenShift can serve as web frameworks or stateful services, according to Red Hat.In addition to enabling developers to create their own containers, OpenShift provides an online container catalog with contributions from Red Hat and third parties. Some popular categories include container management, mobile application development, operating systems, programming languages, logging and monitoring, and database management."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Course to unleash ML exclusive with AWS-2019" |
"Why machine learning on AWS?Machine Learning for everyoneWhether you are a data scientist, ML researcher, or developer, AWS offers machine learning services and tools tailored to meet your needs and level of expertise.API-driven ML servicesDevelopers can easily add intelligence to any application with a diverse selection of pre-trained services that provide computer vision, speech, language analysis, and chatbot functionality.Broad framework supportAWS supports all the major machine learning frameworks, including TensorFlow, Caffe2, and Apache MXNet, so that you can bring or develop any model you choose.Breadth of compute optionsAWS offers a broad array of compute options for training and inference with powerful GPU-based instances, compute and memory optimized instances, and even FPGAs.Deep platform integrationsML services are deeply integrated with the rest of the platform including the data lake and database tools you need to run ML workloads. A data lake on AWS gives you access to the most complete platform for big data.Comprehensive analyticsChoose from a comprehensive set of services for data analysis including data warehousing, business intelligence, batch processing, stream processing, data workflow orchestration.SecureControl access to resources with granular permission policies. Storage and database services offer strong encryption to keep your data secure. Flexible key management options allow you to choose whether you or AWS will manage the encryption keys.Pay-as-you-goConsume services as you need them and only for the period you use them. AWS pricing has no upfront fees, termination penalties, or long term contracts. The AWS Free Tier helps you get started with AWS.You will learn about the various artificial intelligence and machine learning services available on AWS. Through practical hands-on exercises, you will learn how to use these services to generate impressive results. By the end , you will have a basic understanding of how to use a wide range of AWS services in your own projects.Welcome on Board!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Course on AWS Identity and Access Management" |
"AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service that helps you securely control access to AWS resources. You use IAM to control who is authenticated (signed in) and authorized (has permissions) to use resources. When you first create an AWS account, you begin with a single sign-in identity that has complete access to all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is called the AWS account root user and is accessed by signing in with the email address and password that you used to create the account. We strongly recommend that you do not use the root user for your everyday tasks, even the administrative ones. Instead, adhere to the best practice of using the root user only to create your first IAM user. Then securely lock away the root user credentials and use them to perform only a few account and service management tasks. Course covers Topics such as- Introduction to IAM IAM Features Accessing IAM Understanding How IAM Works Overview of Identity Management:Users Overview of Access Management: Permissions and Policies Security Features Outside of IAM QuickLinks to CommonTasksAWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely. Using IAM, you can create and manage AWS users and groups, and use permissions to allow and deny their access to AWS resources.IAM is a feature of your AWS account offered at no additional charge. You will be charged only for use of other AWS services by your users.To get started using IAM, orif you have already registered with AWS, go to theAWS Management Consoleand get started with theseIAM Best Practices.Use CasesUse fine-grained access control, integrate with your corporate directory, and require MFA for highly privileged usersFine-grained access control to AWS resourcesIAM enablesyour userstocontrol accessto AWS service APIs and to specific resources. IAM also enables you to addspecific conditionssuch as time of day to control how a user can use AWS, their originating IP address, whether they are using SSL, or whether they have authenticated with amulti-factor authenticationdevice.Manage access control for mobile applications with Web Identity ProvidersYou can enable yourmobile and browser-based applicationsto securely access AWS resources by requesting temporary security credentials that grant access only to specific AWS resources for a configurable period of time.Multi-factor authentication for highly privileged usersProtect your AWS environment by usingAWS MFA, a security feature available at no extra cost that augments user name and password credentials. MFA requires users to prove physical possession of a hardware MFA token or MFA-enabled mobile device by providing a valid MFA code.Integrate with your corporate directory IAM can be used to grant your employees and applicationsfederated accessto the AWS Management Console and AWS service APIs, using your existingidentity systemssuch as Microsoft Active Directory. You can use anyidentity managementsolution that supportsSAML 2.0, or feel free to use one of our federation samples (AWS Console SSOorAPI federation).FunctionalityIAM assists in creating roles and permissionsAWS IAM allows you to: Manage IAM usersandtheir access You can create users in IAM, assign them individual security credentials (in other words, access keys, passwords, andmulti-factor authentication devices), or request temporary security credentials to provide users access to AWS services and resources. You can manage permissions in order to control which operations a user can perform. Manage IAM rolesand theirpermissions You can create roles in IAM and manage permissions to control which operations can be performed by the entity, or AWS service, that assumes the role. You can also define which entity is allowed to assume the role. In addition, you can useservice-linked rolesto delegate permissions to AWS services that create and manage AWS resources on your behalf. Manage federated usersand theirpermissions You can enable identity federation to allow existing identities (users, groups, and roles) in your enterprise to access the AWS Management Console, call AWS APIs, and access resources, without the need to create an IAM user for each identity. Use any identity management solution that supportsSAML 2.0, or use one of our federation samples (AWS Console SSOorAPI federation).IAM Best PracticesFlexible access management for users, groups, and applications.AWS has a list of best practices to help IT professionals and developers manage access to AWS resources.Users Create individual users.Groups Manage permissions with groups.Permissions Grant least privilege.Auditing Turn on AWS CloudTrail.Password Configure a strong password policy.MFA Enable MFA for privileged users.Roles Use IAM roles for Amazon EC2 instances.Sharing Use IAM roles to share access.Rotate Rotate security credentials regularly.Conditions Restrict privileged access further with conditions.Root Reduce or remove use of root."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Enzymology |
"This course is a beginner to intermediate level course in enzymology designed specifically for students in science, biochemistry, and medical schools. The course will cover a wide range of subjects such:a.Classification of enzymeb.Properties, mechanism and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactionc.Derivation of the Michaelis Menton equationd.Regulation of enzyme activitiese.Enzyme Inhibition (Reversible and Irreversible)f.Mechanism of multi-substrate reactiong.Chemical modes of enzymatic catalysish.Binding Modes of enzymatic catalysisi.Examples of mechanism of some important enzymes (serine proteases and Lysozymes)j.Solving Exercises"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Water Properties and Buffers" |
"This course is addressed to all level students who want to learn more about water properties and buffers. In this course you will learn about water properties, how to differentiate between different types of molecules (polar, non-polar etc...), the different types of attractive forces (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic etc...) and understand the colligative properties of water (due to effect of solute). You will also study water ionization, the pH scale, weak acid properties and their action as buffers and solve exercises related to buffer action"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"De formule van succesvol en blijvend gewichtsverlies." |
"Heeft u al regelmatig een dieet gevolgd met slechts een klein resultaat? Bent umet succes afgevallen maar is dit gewicht er helaas weer bij gekomen? Wilt u graag weten wat de mensen gedaan hebben die wel met succes en blijvend zijn afgevallen?Deze cursus is opgezet met 20 jaar ervaring in hetbegeleidenvan mensen met het bereiken van een gezondgewicht. Wat doen mensen die slagen anders dan de mensen die falen en steeds terugvallen in een jojo effect? Deze kennis kunt u in uw voordeelgebruikenom het succes voor uzelf te creren. Gebruik hiervoor deze unieke formule van succesvol en blijvend gewichtsverlies."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Practical BPMN 2.0 Master Class" |
"This course will get you from zero to hero in BPMN 2.0. Iwill teach youhow to apply all the fundamentalBPMN elements with the help of processes fromexiting business use cases.We willtake a look at:An industrial production processes of a private space ship manufacturerThe compliance procedures of a holiday visa application to anislandA digital transformation process in the health & beauty industry.A process of manual tasks applied as work instruction in the retail industryAnd many moreEach of these real life scenarioswill then be concluded by an exercise that enables you to tryout the freshlylearned BPMN elements yourself.For thiswe use Cawemo, a free, lightweight and very user friendly BPMN web modeler that also allows you to share your process models.In the last section you model completely independently. You can send me the result to review! I am happy to provide you with personal feedback and advice on your final piece of work!Of course, before every exercise and practical,real business use case I will introduce you every new BPMN element through a brief theory parts.In these theory parts you will learn about the following BPMN ElementsTasksSequence FlowsPools & LanesExclusive GatewayParallel GatewayInclusive GatewayEvent Based GatewayStart and End EventMessage EventTimer EventConditional EventLink EventAttached EventsCollapsed PoolsSub ProcessesCall ActivitiesData ObjectData StoreAll of these elements will the be applied to a practical real business process."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ciberseguridad Todo en Uno" |
"Curso con cobertura en mltiples reas de Ciberseguridad como: Fundamentos y principios,Gestin de riesgos,Control de acceso, Gestin de la identidad,Seguridad de red y perimetral, Seguridad en Internet,Malware, Amenazas y ataques, etc. (Amenaza, riesgo, vulnerabilidad, autenticacion, AAA, IdM, amenazas, ataques, malware, virus, firewall, IPS, IDS, UTM, HTTPS, etc). Talleres y laboratorios prcticos de Firewall, snnifer de red, reconocimiento de la red y ataque de diccionario.La ciberseguridad es uno de los campos con mayor crecimiento y demanda en la industria de las tecnologas de la informacin (TI).Segn @Cisco Systems, se estima que para el ao 2020 habr un dficit de cerca de 2 millones de profesionales de Ciberseguridad a nivel global, debido a la falta de personal capacitado para cumplir con la gran demanda prevista en el rea."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |