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"Ciberseguridad Todo en Uno - Segunda Parte" |
"Curso con cobertura en mltiples reas de Ciberseguridad como: Criptografia, Algoritmos y Sistemas de cifrado,Hardening o endurecimiento del sistema, Informtica forense, Defensa en profundidad, Gestin de vulnerabilidades, Pruebas de penetracin y Ethical hacking, Continuidad de negocio, Recuperacin de desastres, VPN, SIEM, SOC/NOC. Talleres y laboratorios prcticos de Critpgrafia, Cifrado Simetrico/Asimetrico, esteganografia, Ethical hacking, vulnerabilidades web OWASP, interceptar de trafico.La ciberseguridad es uno de los campos con mayor crecimiento y demanda en la industria de las tecnologas de la informacin (TI).Segn @Cisco Systems, se estima que para el ao 2020 habr un dficit de cerca de 2 millones de profesionales de Ciberseguridad a nivel global, debido a la falta de personal capacitado para cumplir con la gran demanda prevista en el rea."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea Publica y Posiciona tu Curso Online en 21 Das" |
"Quieres aprender a crear un curso online en Udemy y otras plataformas y ganar dinero? O mejor, ms de uno. Podrs hacer dinero da tras da si aprendes a hacerlo.Estars de acuerdo conmigo que el mundo est cambiando de forma ALARMANTE. Crear un curso o ms te permitir salir de la crisis y tener tranquilidad.Si no ests un paso adelante, prcticamente ests perdiendo la carrera porque muchos comenzaron hace meses...Y sino mira estos datos que ms que datos son amenazas:Netflix ha destruido los videoclubs (est ms que claro). Uber ha destrozado el mercado de los taxis (y en avance...ahora est ""UBER EATS""). An queda en tu ciudad algn cibercaf? Puf! que antigedad... Hace algunos aos atrs, creas que iban a desaparecer? S SINCERA/O. Es alarmante como te deca, pero eso est pasando... y seguir pasando claramente En tu ciudad no cierran negocios? te parece que ir a la facultad teasegura tener un trabajo seguro hoy en da? Quiero que te pongas la mano en el corazn yseas sincera/o. Que estemos o no de acuerdo con lo que est pasando es otro tema... Es como decir ""yo no quiero que salga el sol por la maana"", ests de acuerdoo no, esa situacin va a seguir pasando. No tienes que estar de acuerdo para que ello pase, me explico?. Hay dos palabras clave aqu: la anticipacin y la implementacinINMEDIATA. A travs de la creacin de muchos cursos en Udemy y adems ""a la velocidad de la luz"" estars asegurando tu futuro. Y son extremadamente importantes para comenzar a ganar dinero y generar un colchn de seguridad para los tiempos malos.Tres razones para TOMAR ESTE CURSO ahora mismo!Tienes acceso de por vida a todos los mdulos y recursos!Podrs hacerme preguntas y las responder de inmediato a cada una de ellas! Ser tu entrenador en lnea...Lo que aprenders en este curso es muy detallado pero a la vez concreto para quepuedas aplicarlo rpidamente! ********** Adems ser algo tuyo y que nadie te lo podr quitar. Es un activo y lo ser de por vida! **********A travs de este curso quiero que des el primer paso, quiero que tengas la oportunidad de cambiar y que tomes accin. No es el curso que te salvar la vida ESO EST CLARO, pero es un gran comienzo. Es mejor a esperar que la cosa se ponga peor.Aprenders a transmitir tu conocimiento utilizando la poderosa herramientade los cursos de formacin. Tu creatividad te salvar, dar un servicio te salvar, as que pontea crear un curso y tendrs el futuro medianamente asegurado. El esfuerzo es una vezy luego comenzar a ver las ganancias mientras te ocupas de duplicar el sistema una y otra vez.Seguramente en algunos aos tu empleo tender a desaparecer, aunque noquieras aceptarlo. Si lo que haces lo puede hacer un robots (que no pide licencias y puedetrabajar 24 horas sin parar) tu trabajo va a desaparecer. PERDN pero tengo que ser directo...Tienes que cambiar la mentalidad, si no cambias te quedars por el camino. Tienes que invertir en t, en nuevos conocimientos PORQUE TU MENTE es tu mayor activo. En el curso te voy a ensear cmo realizar varios PRODUCTOS EN INTERNET, poniendo tu conocimiento al servicio de los dems. Vers que lo podrs hacer ya que la metodologa de trabajo es muy fcil.Luego ser REPLICAR UNA Y OTRA VEZ el mtodo y lo irs perfeccionandosobre la marcha. Ya habr tiempo para ello, primero el objetivo es que lancestus primeros cursos en video, e-books o podcast en internet.Te ensear cmo lo hago detrs de cmaras y me podrs hacer las preguntasque creas necesarias desde el principio. Adems te dejar mi nmero de whatsapp y un enlace a MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE para que puedas plantear tus dudas.Tendrs mi apoyo en todo lo que necesites. Yo ya he recorrido el caminoy puedo decirte lo que funciona y lo que no.Ah! me olvidaba te dar de regalo MI LIBRO, en donde complemento todo loque ves de forma prctica. En fin, es UN CURSO IMPERDIBLE! Te lo resumo: tienes 3 opciones 1) Seguir trabajando para otra persona y MALDICIENDO por el resto de tus das el trabajo que tienes 2) Aprender por tu cuenta QUE ESTA MUY BIEN pero te llevar 3 veces ms tiempo o 3) Aprender de este curso, que te ahorrar DINERO, Y LO MS VALIOSOTIEEEEEEEMPO................................................... Te pido que no me califiques hasta que pueda aclararte todas tus dudas. Es un trato? Es un ganar-ganar t habrs quedado conforme con el curso y yode que me des las 5 estrellas ok? Un saludo.Es una OFERTA MUY MUY LIMITADA, no te demores...Dale a ""Comprar ahora"" Este es el comienzo de un 2020 excelenteNos vemos dentro amiga/oMarcelo Rodrguez"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress ile Email Blten Abonelik eklentisi yazyoruz" |
"Herkeze merhabalar,Ben Gkhan Kara, yaklak 10 yldr tasarm ile ilgileniyorum, son 6 yldr profesyonel olarak tasarm yapyorum.Proje bazl ve freelance olarak iler yapyorum ve kendi alanmda ilgilendiim global projelerim var.Son 5 yldr Wordress ile ilgileniyorum. Wordpress org'da eklentileri olan onayl bir gelitiriciyim. Wordpress'i ok seviyorum. Bana salad olanaklar dahilinde algoritmalara uygun hemen hemen bir ok projeyi Wordpress ile gelitirebiliyorum.Udemy platformunda bu benim ilk eitimim. Daha nce youtube zerinden eitimler paylayordum. Profesyonel anlamda kendimi hazr hissettiim vakit Udemy'de eitmen olmaya karar verdim.Peki bu eitimde nelerden bahsediyorum ?Bu udemy eitim setinde Wordpress alt yapsn kullanarak e-mail blten eklentisi yazyoruz. Balang ve orta seviyede Wordpress ve PHP bilginizin olmas bu eitim iin uygundur.Ders ieriimizden bahsedelim, ncelikle email blten formu ile ziyaretilerden eposta adreslerini talep ediyoruz. Daha sonra SMTP Mail ayarlarmz tamamlayp en sonunda kaytl olan tm eposta adreslerine pratik bir ekilde toplu olarak email bildirimi gnderiyoruz.Umarm bu eitim seti sizler iin faydal olur. Grlerinizi benimle paylamaktan ekinmeyiniz, bir sonra ki eitimlerimde grlerinizi uygulayacamdan pheniz olmasn.yleyse hadi gelin eitim derslerimize balayalm!-"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Substance Designer - Wood, Wood Floors & Wood Carving" |
"In this course we'll learn all about doing stuff with wood in Substance Designer.First we'll create a basic wood material, with an adjustablepolish parameter.We'll then use this material to create two basic floor types (planks &parquet) which we'll then combine to create a third, composite floor material. The masks and functions in our floor materials will also use the polish input from the original wood. So as the polish is lowered, the floor roughens up along with the wood.Finally, we'll create a couple of reusable nodesthat will allow us to turngrayscale bitmaps into carved designson our wood. We will also be able to add and adjust the color in our carving.And just like the flooring, itwill allroughen up on the same polish parameter."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Android Uygulama Gelitirme ve JAVA" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kurs ile birlikte hem mobil uygulama gelitirmeyi hem de JAVA programlama dilini reneceksiniz. Kursumuz 3 blmden olumaktadr Basit-Orta ve leri dzey olarak oluturulmu durumdadr. Kursuma referans olarak kendi oluturmu olduum dier kurslara gz atabilirsiniz.Aklnzda bulunan tm soru iaretlerini beraber giderip kurs sonunda Java diline hakim birer uygulama gelitirici kimliine sahip olacanzdan emin olabilirsiniz. stediiniz yerden bana ulaabilir kurs hakknda veya aklnza taklan konularda yardm isteyebilir, beyin frtnas yapabilirsiniz.Hepinize baarlar ve iyi almalar dilerim.Sevgilerle."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Drupal ile Kod Kullanmadan Web Sitenizi Oluturun" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Drupal sayesinde kendi web sitenizi kendiniz oluturacaksnz stelik her hangi bir kodlama diline gerek duymadan.Aklnza taklan konular da ve bilmek istediiniz yapmak istediiniz konular da bana ulaarak bilgi alp ilemlerinize devam edebileceksiniz. Drupal ile alakal Trke kaynak yok denilecek kadar az olduu iin 0'dan balayp Drupaln tm inceliklerini adm adm ileyerek sonuta ortaya profesyonel bir web sitesi ortaya karacaz. Drupaln anlalmas olduka basittir ve kullanldr stelik drupal kullanrken internet balantsna da gerek yoktur."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Laravel ile Sfrdan leri Seviyeye" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar,Laravel kursu ile birlikte sizlere hem PHP dilini hem de basit web uygulamalarn ya da karmak web sayfalarn rahatlkla kullanlabileceksiniz. Peki Laraveli renmek zor mudur ?Sz dizimi basit ve anlamldr. Bu sebeple renmesi daha kolaydr. Laravel iinde birok yapy ve zellii barndrr. Bylelikle kullanm basit ve kolay bir ekilde kavranlabilir.Bu kursu neden almalym ?ncelikle Ahmet Kaya Akademi bnyesindeki tm eitmenler ile iletiime geebilir onlardan yardm isteyebilirsiniz.Yeni balayan arkadalar iin ilk olarak PHP taban hazrland iin laravel kullanmnda zorluk ekmeyecekler. Dier kurslarmzda olduu gibi bu kursumuzu da aylk olarak gncellediimiz srekli yeni bilgiler reneceksiniz. Ayrca 30 gn iade sresi olduu iin deneme ansnz da yksek aldktan sonra beenmezseniz iade edebileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Acepta tu cuerpo y tus hijos aceptarn el suyo" |
"En los ltimos aos se ha encontrado que la edad ms importante para desarrollar seguridad en nuestro cuerpo es de los 2 a los 6 aos.Los comentarios, las burlas, las influencias sociales y algunas conductas hacia la comida, pueden tener un gran impacto en la seguridad de los nios en su cuerpo desde que son muy pequeos. El rol ms importante es el de pap y mam, pues se ha comprobado que si alguno de ellos se siente insatisfecho con su cuerpo, es muy probable que su hijo se sienta de la misma forma con el suyo. Tambin puede influir la familia extendida, amigos o gente cercana.En esta conferencia aprenders cmo manejar estas influencias, cmo identificar si tu hijo se siente insatisfecho con su cuerpo y cmo promover una imagen corporal positiva en casa, incluyendo alimentacin saludable (sin dietas) y actividad fsica.Dirigido a mams, paps y familia extendida interesados en fomentar hbitos saludables en los nios.Este video lo tendrs disponible de manera ilimitada y lo podrs ver cuantas veces quieras, por partes o completo, todo a tu conveniencia."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Mitos sobre la Independencia de Mxico" |
"El objetivo de esta conferencia es desentraar los mitos de los hroes y villanos de nuestra independencia, intentando, de paso, explorar las personalidades y los motivos que los llevaron a actuar como actuaron y el papel que jugaron en este momento crucial para Mxico, con el propsito de humanizar a los personajes. Exploraremos la historia oficial que hizo de algunos personajes hroes intachables y de otros, oscuros enemigos de la patria."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Un viaje por la historia de Rusia Imperial" |
"El objetivo de esta conferencia es hacer un recorrido por los principales acontecimientos de la historia de Rusia Imperial. Desde la formacin de los primeros principados rusos hasta la consolidacin de un imperio multinacional. Explorar la vida de los principales zares y zarinas y los logros artsticos y arquitectnicos de la poca imperial. Explicar el proceso de expansin y las guerras que lo llevaron a su mxima extensin y a su ruina final en el caos de la Primera Guerra Mundial que termin por arrastrar a la familia imperial.Esta conferencia la puedes ver cuantas veces quieras"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
Fizik-Vektrler |
"Snava hazrlanan veya fizie ilgili arkadalar iin hazrlanm fiziin en temel konusu olan vektrleri tamamen anlayacanz ekilde sunduumuz vektrler vektrler dersimiz sizlerle.Anlattmz konular niversitede de fizik1 dersinde karnza kacaktr.Burada bu temeli iyi attnz taktirde niversitede de rahat edeceinizin garantisini verebilirim.Sonu olarak bu eitimi tamamladnzda fizik-vektrlerkonularnn temellerini atm olacaksnz.Baarlar-Tun Kurt**Krallar gibi yaamak istiyorsan kleler gibi almalsn.**"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"zel Tanml Fonksiyon(YKS-ABT-NVERSTE)Sfrdan,Eksiksiz" |
"Selamlar; Fonksiyon konusunun neminden bahsetmeme gerek yok diye dnyorum.Limiti renmek iin iyi bir fonksiyon,trevi renmek iin iyi bir limit,integrali renmek iin ise iyi bir treve ihtiyacnz var.Sonu olarak fonksiyon bilmiyorsanz 2.basamakta veya niversite matematiinde byk bir sorunla kar karyayz demektir.Kursumuz: Bu eksii tamamen kapatacak ekilde renmeye ve retmeye ynelik bir ierikle hazrlanmtr.150 rnek soru,20 adet test ve en son ksmmzda 100 soruluk tm km niversite snav sorularn sizinle hallediyoruz.Bitirdikten sonra muhteem bir fark greceinizden hi phem yok.Eitimde grmek zere :)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Eksiksiz sl ve Kkl Saylar, TYT-ALES-DGS-KPSS" |
"Tun KurtHacettepe Fen Fakltesi Matematik Blm rencisiAkademisyenlik Adayrenmeyi ve retmeyi seven birisi olarak uzun sredir hazrladm konu anlatm ve soru zm dkmanlarnn talepleri zerine Youtube zerinden eitim videolar yaynlyorum.Yaynladm eitim videolar niversite snavna giri ve niversite gruplar tarafndan takip edilmektedir.Ales,Kpss,Dgs ve abt snavlar iin de eitim videolarm Youtube kanalna yklenmitir.Sonu olarak anlattm konular,anlatm dzeyi ve sizin eitimler sonucunda ulaacanz dzey temel dzeyden sizleri alp gtrebildiim kadar yukar kartmaktr.Udemy'de ise1)Anadolu,Fen Liseleri ve Kolej liseler iin;*leri dzey mantk,ileri dzey matematik ve kolej matematii belki ileride kolej fizii2)niversiteler iin;*Fen faklteleri iin;(Matematik,Fizik,Kimya,Biyoloji,statistik,Akterya)ileri matematik,analiz(1-2-3-4),ileri analiz,genel matematik,soyut matematik,cebir,lineer cebir(algebra) *Eitim faklteleri(Matematik,fizik vb. retmenlikler)iin;*lkokul matematii,lise matematii,kolej matematii,soyut matematik ve cebir*Sosyal Bilimler faklteleri iin(ktisat,letme vb.) iin;*Genel matematik,ekonomi dersleri iin soyut matematik(ileri mantk,kmeler kuram ve nermeler kuram)*Mhendislik faklteleri iin;*Advanced Calculus(calculus 1-2-3-4),Linear Algebra(lineer cebir)Konu anlatm ve sk kullanlan kitaplardan(calculus kitaplarndan)alnm soru zmleri ve konu anlatm fasiklleri.Fasikllerin amac sizlerin eitim videolarn izlemeden temin edip video sresince bizimle birlikte konuyu anlayp rnekleri zebilmeniz iin zenle hazrlanm pdflerden olumaktadr.Eitimlerin amac niversite snavna hazrlanan arkadalar snava matematik anlamnda tam olarak hazrlamak ve niversite matemati iin temel oluturmak,niversite de ise konular tam olarak anlamak,vizeye finallere hazrlk ve ek bir kaynak oluturmak. Tarafmca titizlikle hazrlanm matematie dair her eye ulaacanz keyifle takip edeceiniz eitim serisinin kordinatr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ALES,DGS,KPSS snavlarna hazrlanan ve yeni soru tarzlarna hazr olmak isteyen kiiler iin hazrlanm bir saysal,szel mantk soru zm eitim setidir.Bu sorularn ne kadar nemli olduunu sylememize gerek yoktur zaten.Size renkli pdflerle verdiimiz bu sorular beniml birlikte adm adm gzel bir ekilde hem dinleyerek hem zerek giderseniz eitimi tamamladmz taktirde saysal mantk vb. sorulara yaklam tarznzdaki fark kendinizde greceksiniz. Tun Kurt"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Trev-Calculus-Genel Matematik-Analiz-leri Matematik" |
"Selamlar;Saatlerce size anlatmadan nce hazrlandm notlar karttm,eski defterlerime dne dne baktm,acaba o eksik kald m,bunu da zelim,uray da zelim diyerek adm adm gittiim iime sinmeyen yerleri defalarca durdurup yeniden alp kaydettiim harika eksiksiz bir trev kayd oldu.nann anlatrken ne kadar keyif alyorum,ayn ekilde sizin de beni dinlerken muhteem keyif alacanz dncesindeyim.Eitimden verim alabilmek iin;Pdf formatinda erieceiniz ve benim sizlerle beraber yazdm bu dokman sizlere bir yol gsterici olacaktr.Takldnz zaman dnerek yeniden yeniden bakabileceiniz bir dokman yapmaya altm,bunun ktsn mutlaka aln ve ben anlatrken siz de benimle birlikte sorular deneyin."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Tools: Strategies to boost Your Productivity x5" |
"Are you struggling to manage your time efficiently? Do you have the feeling you could be much more productive if only you used the right workflow strategy during your day?Are you sick of procrastinating, losing focus and always leaving projects unfinished? Do you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and incapable to control the chaos of your day? Do you feel you could be a lot more productive if only you knew how to manage your time?If so, you need to take this course.This action guide takes you, step-by-step, through actionable tips you can use right away to brake the bad habits that are holding you back and develop healthier, more productive habits instead.Here's what you'll learn in this action guide:Shrinking or eliminating the unimportantThe concept of productive procrastinationMaking use of deadtime Slowing down to work more deliberatelyImagine how the extra time you'll have after putting these tips into practice will improve your life: You'll experience less stressYou'll enjoy more time with your familyYou'll be able to pursue personal hobbiesYou'll have the freedom to be more spontaneousAre you ready to reap the benefits of high productivity? Would you like to get things done more quickly so you'll have the time you need to pursue other passions? The choice is yours. You can keep doing what you're currently doing and experience the same frustrating results. Or take action to improve how you manage your time.Take Action Today!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Business Development Mastery: Accelerate Business Growth" |
"Understanding which market segments respond better to what types of campaigns, how broad the market is, and whether the market is presently changing will give you the leg up.In this course, you're going to learn proven business development strategies that will help you to become a global industry leader. You will understand how to boost your profits by developing strategic partnerships, and making strategic business decisions. You will acquire a better understanding of your market and prospects, using proven strategies based on real market research. You will learn how to attract clients and keep them, while running a profitable and productive business. In addition, you'll discover how to expand your most profitable client relationships, and how to create a breakthrough customized business development strategy to mine the untapped potential in your organization. What youll learn in this course: Managing teams and performance Learn how to use competition to your benefit Learn how to build rapport Learn proven techniques that help you close the sale Overcome doubts, and objections Build trust by connecting with customers on a deeper level And much more"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing: Create Content That Generates Leads" |
"The most common mistakes I see small business owners making is that they don't have any methods to connect their content to their business metrics, in particular sales. If you're spending a lot of time building content and you don't know how it's helping your business move forward, it's just time waste. This course aims to be a roadmap to fix that issue and create a link between content and sales.A good content marketing strategy will help you get traffic, attention, and customers.This course will provide you with the most important skills and strategies you actually need in order to succeed in our booming industry of content marketing. It will help you find the strategic shortcuts in order to obtain results fast.You will learn how to produce quality content, gain the ability to engage your audience, and so many more.So, if youre ready to revolutionize your results and become a marketing expert, youve just found the right path.What you'll learn in this course:Fundamentals of content marketingAdvantages of Content MarketingCreating Original ContentContent Promotion StrategyPresenting content on WebsiteCreating a strategic planDriving traffic to your websiteSet your content strategy and decide how to measure successCreate, maintain, and govern on-strategy contentIdentify needs with your content"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Human Resources: Hire the best for Startup. Human Resources" |
"The most challenging step that startup founders have is hiring a great team and also building an extraordinary culture.But why do so many promising job candidates turn out to be disappointing employees? How can you consistently hire the right people at the right time for the right roles?Based on the best interview techniques this course answers the key questions about attracting, hiring, and retaining A-level talent.Interviewing skills involve a high-order combination of observation, empathic sensitivity, and intellectual judgment. This course provides a set of techniques designed to improve basic interviewing skills. It provides an initial, guided experience for the complete interview process, including planning, doing, and analyzing phases.The course will take a look into the most important principles to keep in mind while making the very first hires of the company. You will learn about narrating the mission of the company, defining the companys core values and know-how needed. On the tactical level you will also learn about discovering and contacting potential candidates, the best techniques for conducting interviews, making a hiring decision and drafting up an offer that will get a ""yes"".Vendors are essential to almost every start-up. They can do much more than merely supply you with the services you need to do business. They can also be important sources of information, helping you evaluate the potential of new products, track competitors' actions and identify promising opportunities.In this course, Im going to provide you with a step-by-step strategy to find and manage vendors and the vendor relationship, regardless of the size or function of your organization. In addition Im going to offer you strategic skills behind successful negotiation and the best tips to get the most benefit from the relationship."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Business Development Strategies for Beginners" |
"For any business to succeed, it is crucial that leaders have a clear idea of their business vision and mission, as well as a compelling strategy to help them to get there.Without a solid strategy, businesses will be overwhelmed by competitors and market forces. Business development is a vital step for everyone that seeks to grow their company into an industry leader. Getting a competitive advantage in the marketplace demands a complete understanding of business development.Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced business leader, this course will help you to reach and exceed your business goals. It assists business owners and managers to ensure a massive business growth through efficient customer nurturing and management. It also comprises marketing strategy and client management. You will learn how to structure, systemize, and execute a powerful development plan, with step-by-step expert guidance. What you'll learn in this course:Build a practical business development strategy Create and implement a growth-enhancing strategiesBuild mutual relationshipsTrack your development plan performanceBest approaches for networkingManaging teams and performance Use body language to increase your successUse the power of storytelling Improve your conversation skills Build strong relationships with clients"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Branding Guide: Develop a Successful Brand - Branding Tools" |
"In the world of business, having a strong brand is everything. Those who lack a powerful branding strategy are certainly going to struggle in their climb to success. Having a compelling brand can make the difference between success and failure in the business world. In this course you will learn how to develop a powerful brand strategy by blending your personality and values with the functionality of your products, becoming a authentic brand and company.Not only will you learn how to create your basic brand identity, but you will also discover how to generate personalized strategies that will assist you in growing your brand. With proven technique and approaches, this course will set you on the path to selling more and at higher prices, giving your customers precisely what they want and skyrocketing your profits. In addition, you're going to discover secret elements involved in developing a successful brand, from thestrapline that gives the brand a story and a purpose to clever uses of typography that blend design and language. This course delves into every step of the development process required to build the simplest and most compelling brands. If youre ready to generate massive success with your very own business, Enroll Now and make the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment in yourself, your knowledge and your business growth. What you'll learn in this course: What is branding and how it can help you grow your business Understand the core concepts of branding and why people buy brands Create an authentic brand with personality and gain your customers's loyalty Discover the secret elements required for creating a successful brand Develop your unique design and logo Learn exactly what steps to take to protect your brand name Avoid the most common mistakes in branding Understand how to visually communicate your products and services Learn how successful organizations use strategies to stand out from the crowd Learn marketing tips and best practices for branding Learn how to create a brand promise"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Players - Live Performance in Propellerhead Reason" |
"Ever wondered how DJ/Music producers perform their music Live? Usually you'd see loads of equipment around them; drum pad controllers, midi keyboards, MPC players and possibly an actual synthesiser. This course will teach you how it's done from beginning to end using Reason and it's player devices.We'll also learn how to write music using players in a unique way in order to get the best out of these incredible music making devices."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to Run Effective Meetings" |
"What can prevent you from running effective meetings?Can Fear?Can Self-Doubt?Can a lack of confidence cause you to Fail?The answer is YES to all of the above. Fear, Self-Doubt, and Lack of Confidence are considered Internal Factors. You have to get a handle on all of your Internal Factors to lead effective meetings.You are in luck because this course will teach you the technical skills you need to handle any Internal Factors that might cause you to doubt your ability to run effective meetings.There is an art and science to running effective meetings and Im going to teach you both in this course.Is there anything else that can prevent you from facilitating effective meetings?Can an employee constantly arriving late cause issues?Can an employee that constantly interrupts others cause issues?Can unwanted disruptions and distractions cause issues?The answer is YES to all of the above. These are called External Factors. These factors are not directly under your control but you can influence them. And once again, you are in luck because Im going to help you learn how to handle External Factors.Since I keep using the word LUCK, Im going to stay with it. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to teach you. This is my second Udemy course and it feels great to be teaching people all over the globe. I have students in 14 different countries and adding more every day.I hope you have time to watch my Course Promotion video and preview some of the course lectures. If you think this course will help you, please ENROLL TODAY and get started. If you have questions as you are progressing through the course, please ask them in the Q&A. My goal is to help you become effective at leading meetings.For an overview of the course, please see below:Section 1 Welcome to the Course Introduction to the Course How to get the most from this Course Practice ActivitySection 2 Not All Meetings are Created Equal Introduction Why do we have meetings? What type of meeting should I have? Meetings to RUN your Organization Practice ActivitySection 3 What is Your Agenda? Introduction Why you should have a Meeting Charter Developing a Meeting Agenda What are Meeting Logistics? What are Meeting Procedures? How to Close a Meeting Why you need to understand Meeting Pitfalls? Why you need meeting Ground Rules? AssignmentSection 4 How to Run Effective Meetings Introduction How your Actions impact the Effectiveness of a Meeting 1:1 Meetings Team Meetings Brainstorming Meetings Decision Meetings Kickoff or Launch Meetings Progress Review Meetings AssignmentSection 5 Conclusion Whats Next?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Resin and Alcohol Ink Art Basics: Make coasters and artworks" |
"It's time to let go and go with the flow!Be mesmerised by the incredible effects created when resin and alcohol inks combine in what is known as the resin petri. You can create both pretty and practical pieces such as coasters, pendants, buttons, paperweights and larger art pieces with these techniques. But be warned - it can be addictive! You'll love watching the inks react with the resin to make the intricate shapes and details. It's a very relaxing process.Our class will cover the basics of the resin and alcohol ink techniques and inspire you to go on and create your own amazing mini artworks. Stare into the intricate details and it's like the whole galaxy right there in your resin. Or like looking at life under the microscope. The class also includes tips on how you can create additional income from selling prints of your pieces too. People really are fascinated by how these look, and you will be too.Even if you've never used resin or alcohol inks before, everything you need to know is covered in the class. It's fun, easy,relaxing and rewarding."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Free-form Resin Geodes and Agate Slices" |
"A course for resin beginners looking to create amazing geode inspired free-form resin art works.Resin is such a versatile product for use in your mixed media arts. If you've previously used it for coating paintings and other artworks, or added color to resin and created resin art, then here's your chance to take it to the next level and do away with the base and make a product made entirely from resin. Maybe you've dabbled with resin before, perhaps just some simple clear coating on coasters or art work. Now you've discovered how amazing it can be and seen some of the geodes made from resin and want to make them too. But resin and the geode materials are expensive. You could dive right in, spend a lot of time and money and end up with a piece that just didn't work out - and all those materials are wasted. Taking this class will help you avoid those mistakes and leap up the learning curve so that your first piece will be amazing.In the class we will cover a wide range of topics concentrating very much on the basics for creating free-form resin geodes. It assumes a previous basic knowledge or resin working but we will still cover safety and supplies needed for working with resin. You'll learn how to pick the best surface to use, two different methods for making a silicone mold, what materials you can use and where to get them, three different edge finishing options and three ways to display your finished pieces.We complete two full projects in the class step by step, each with 3 layers of resin and additional detailing through line work. Once you see the basics of how these pieces are made, you are free to let your imagination and creativity go wild and create pieces in any size, shape and color. Create pieces that look natural or be artistic and match colors and designs not found in nature - you just can't go wrong."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Datenmodellierung und Datenbeschaffung (Grundlagen)" |
"Grundlagen der Entwicklungsumgebung von ABAP: Datenmodellierung und DatenbeschaffungDieser Kurs besteht aus 5 Lernvideos /Tutorials (Movie Education)(Folgen 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013 und 1014)SAPmv0103010104.10 - Folge 1010: Tabellen im ABAP Dictionary (14:46)SAPmv0103010104.11 - Folge 1011: Datenbeschaffung (17:39)SAPmv0103010104.12 - Folge 1012: Lesen verknpfter Tabellen (18:19)SAPmv0103010104.13 - Folge 1013: Lesevorgnge beschleunigen (15:21)SAPmv0103010104.14 - Folge 1014: Berechtigungsprfungen (11:31)Artikel-Nr.: SAPmv0103010104.1 , Laufzeit: 77 minSAP hat die Programmiersprache ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) ursprnglich fr die interne Verwendung entwickelt, um optimale Arbeitsbedingungen fr die Anwendungsentwicklung zu schaffen. Die frhere Bezeichnung ABAP/4 deutet auf eine Sprache der 4. Generation hin. Die Sprache wird laufend verbessert, um den Anforderungen der Geschftswelt Rechnung zu tragen. ABAP ist eine hybride Sprache: Ursprnglich rein prozedural konzipiert, wurde beginnend mit Release 4.0 eine objektorientierte Spracherweiterung mit den typischen objektorientierten Sprachelementen Klasse, Objekt, Methode usw. bereitgestellt: ABAP Objects. SAP-Kunden setzen ABAP fr Eigenentwicklungen ein. Solche Entwicklungen knnen z.B. fr die Erweiterung von SAP-Standardlsungen fr spezielle Anforderungen wichtig sein. Die ABAP-Entwicklungsumgebung enthlt alle Werkzeuge, die bentigt werden, um ABAP-Programme anzulegen und zu pflegen. ABAP-Programme werden nicht kompiliert sondern generiert. Bei der Generierung erzeugt das System aus dem Quelltext und den Programmattributen ein sogenanntes Laufzeitobjekt, welches bei Programmaufruf ausgefhrt wird. Dadurch ist es mglich, whrend der Entwicklung lauffhige Zwischenstnde von Programmen zu erzeugen und zu testen, die dann in endgltige Versionen berfhrt werden knnen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Finanzwesen - Allgemeines und Hauptbuch Folge 101 - 107" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie allgemeine Informationen ber das externen Rechnungswesen (Finanzbuchhaltung) und seine Zielstellung im ERP-System. Sie lernen die Organisationselemente im ERP-System und den Zweck von Buchungskreisen sowie die Mglichkeiten fr das Zuordnen von Buchungskreisen zu Kostenrechnungskreisen kennen.Es sind folgende Lernvideos in dem KursSAP FI / Finanzwesen- Allgemeines und Hauptbuch enthalten. SAPmv0102010101.01 - Folge 101: Allg. Informationen zum Rechnungswesen (10:59) SAPmv0102010101.02 - Folge 102: Erfassung und Auswertungsmglichkeiten (16:07) SAPmv0102010101.03 - Folge 103: Organisationseinheiten (20:24) SAPmv0102010101.04 - Folge 104: Einfhrung zur Finanzbuchhaltung (11:43) SAPmv0102010101.05 - Folge 105: Buchungskreis, Kostenrechnungskreis (17:29) SAPmv0102010101.06 - Folge 106: Stammdaten, Transaktionen, Belege (18:07) SAPmv0102010101.07 - Folge 107: Stammdaten verwenden (16:03)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"SAP Finanzwesen - Allgemeines und Hauptbuch Folge 108- 112" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie allgemeine Informationen ber das externen Rechnungswesen (Finanzbuchhaltung) und seine Zielstellung im ERP-System. Sie lernen die Organisationselemente im ERP-System und den Zweck von Buchungskreisen sowie die Mglichkeiten fr das Zuordnen von Buchungskreisen zu Kostenrechnungskreisen kennen.Es sind folgende Lernvideos in dem KursSAP FI / Finanzwesen- Allgemeines und Hauptbuch enthalten. SAPmv0102010102.08 - Folge 108: Hauptbuch, Stammdaten, Bilanzstrukturen (14:01)SAPmv0102010102.09 - Folge 109: Kontenplan, Sachkontenverzeichnis (16:30)SAPmv0102010102.10 - Folge 110: Abstimmkonten im Hauptbuch (13:23)SAPmv0102010102.11 - Folge 111: Sachkonten anlegen und bearbeiten (13:25)SAPmv0102010102.12 - Folge 112: Bilanz- / GuV-Strukur (14:06)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"SAP Finanzwesen - Allgemeines und Hauptbuch Folge 113- 117" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie allgemeine Informationen ber das externen Rechnungswesen (Finanzbuchhaltung) und seine Zielstellung im ERP-System. Sie lernen die Organisationselemente im ERP-System und den Zweck von Buchungskreisen sowie die Mglichkeiten fr das Zuordnen von Buchungskreisen zu Kostenrechnungskreisen kennen.Es sind folgende Lernvideos in dem KursSAP FI / Finanzwesen- Allgemeines und Hauptbuch enthalten. SAPmv0102010103.13 - Folge 113: Belege erfassen - berblick (24:27)SAPmv0102010103.14 - Folge 114: Belegerfassung - Einbildtransaktion (21:36)SAPmv0102010103.15 - Folge 115: Belegerfassung - Mehrbildtransaktion (12:39)SAPmv0102010104.16 - Folge 116: Sachkonten - Saldenanzeige (15:50)SAPmv0102010104.17 - Folge 117: Sachkonten - Einzelpostenanzeige (7:11)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"SAP Finanzwesen - Allgemeines und Hauptbuch Folge 118- 122" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie allgemeine Informationen ber das externen Rechnungswesen (Finanzbuchhaltung) und seine Zielstellung im ERP-System. Sie lernen die Organisationselemente im ERP-System und den Zweck von Buchungskreisen sowie die Mglichkeiten fr das Zuordnen von Buchungskreisen zu Kostenrechnungskreisen kennen.Es sind folgende Lernvideos in dem KursSAP FI / Finanzwesen- Allgemeines und Hauptbuch enthalten. SAPmv0102010104.18 - Folge 118: Belegaufruf, Belegpflege (13:56)SAPmv0102010104.19 - Folge 119: Belegnachweis in Beleg-Journalen (15:33)SAPmv0102010104.20 - Folge 120: Offene Posten - Verwalten und Ausgleichen (11:18)SAPmv0102010104.21 - Folge 121: Stornieren eines Beleges (15:10)SAPmv0102010104.22 - Folge 122: Ausgleich zurcknehmen (9:43)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"SAP Anwenderzertifizierung Foundation Level Vorbereitung" |
"Diese Lernvideos mit einer Gesamtspielzeit von 3:33 Stunden, informieren Sie ber die Prfungsbedingungen und -bestandteile sowie die Themenkomplexe der SAP Anwenderzertifizierung Foundation Level. Das SAP Anwenderzertifizierungszertifikat ist ein Leistungsnachweis fr SAP Anwender.Es sind folgende Lernvideos in dem Kurs SAP Zertifizierungsvorbereitung Foundation Level (SAPmv0101020300)SAPmv0101020313.19 - Folge 19: Logon, GUI und Steuerung (ZVFL) (16:59)SAPmv0101020313.20 - Folge 20: Personalisierung (ZVFL) (28:05)SAPmv0101020313.21 - Folge 21: Drucken und Dokumententypen (ZVFL) (30:43)SAPmv0101020313.22 - Folge 22: Reporting / Berichtswesen (ZVFL) (42:35)SAPmv0101020313.23 - Folge 23: Das Systemmen (ZVFL) (59:50)SAPmv0101020313.24 - Folge 24: Die Hilfefunktionen (ZVFL) (25:46)SAPmv0101020313.25 - Folge 25: Berechtigungskonzept (ZVFL) (9:36)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |