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"NIHON E IKIMASHOU! Vamos a Japn!" |
"Es momento de que aprendamos acerca de lo ms que podamos en el idioma japons. Esto te va a gustar mucho porque se trata de un videocurso que tiene e incluye temas sobre la cultura japonesa, te ayuda a crecer en tu aprendizaje del idioma y si simplemente eres curioso, te nutrir la mente un montn! Es hora de aprender del lugar que nos ha brindado grandes aportes tecnolgicos y hermosas canciones de nime!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Japons: El Videocurso Para Hablar Con Fluidez" |
"Es hora de que aprendas el idioma japons en la manera ms eficiente que puedas porque de seguro que esto te va a ayudar a crecer como persona y como ser polglota. Recuerda que este idioma lo puede aprender todo el mundo sin ningn tipo de excepcin siempre que tengas dos odos normales funcionales. Te ensearemos a quitarte los tabes acerca de que el japons no es fcil o que es solamente algo de la gente con talento. Comprobars como tambin es posible asimilarlo desde la habilidad sin indispensablemente pasar por el talento. En este curso vas a aprender cosas como: hiragana, katakana, tips para aprender menos lento y definitivamente entender algo sobre los kanji que suelen ser la parte ms densa del idioma. Lo disfrutars y recuerda evitar predisponerte a que no es posible hablar este idioma, pues con prctica y Banana Lingua de seguro lo logras!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Get READY: Un Repaso Ideal Para Pasar El Examen" |
"Esta vez queremos ayudarte a crecer como persona, profesional y ser humano, con Ingls Get Ready, podrs sin lugar a dudas tener un mejor chance de superar tu examen de ingls. Adems, estars mucho mejor preparado al disponer de ms vocabulario, gramtica e incluso algunos prcticos conejos que pueden ayudarte a estar ms preparado para otras cosas sorpresa.You can always learn with us in Banana Lingua, also, remember that there are plenty of vocabulary, grammar, tips, secrets, life lessons and A LOT of FUN on the go! This is your chance to get the best out of the best!Enjoy!GET YOUR LIFE READY!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estudia Japons SAKURA: Una Flor de Cerezo de Curso" |
"Esta es una opcin que te ayudar a mejorar tu nivel de japons y aunque no conozcas nada, podrs usar este videocurso para aprender ms de este maravilloso idioma que es el japons. Notars que es un videocurso completamente instructivo con gramtica, con vocabulario, Hiragana, Katakana, explicaciones, tips y ms. Una pequea muestra gratis, la palabra JAPONES se dice y ""da lo mejor de ti se dice"" Ests por aprender mucho del idioma! preprate!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls AWESOME: Aprende el English Con Full Poder!" |
"This time you will enjoy and you will get the best out of the best in terms of english. Remember that it is not only about awesome presentations but actually about learning the functional english you will use in real life! If you are willing to learn english, you will surely want to improve the language you know in the present. The more you give english to others, the more you shall receive! Preprate para aprender un montn de ingls con mucho inters!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Italiano Sicuro: Lo que Necesitas Saber" |
"Ests por experimentar un curso entre italiano y... mucho italiano! Estars LITERALMENTE EMPAPADO de italiano hasta que ya no puedas ms. Esto puede ser de gran utilidad si ests buscando mejorar tu nivel en el idioma y adems deseas viajar a Italia sea que por turismo o sea que para vivir all y quiz casarte con una persona de ese pas, el futuro absoluto no lo sabes! As que por qu no dar un giro de 360 grados a tu vida con ""Aprende Italiano Sicuro: Lo que Necesitas Saber "", ser tu manera de aprender el idioma de una manera definitivamente buena y con total xito. Esperamos que ests muy bien y que definitivamente todo te salga de manera maravillosa con la bendicin de Jess en tu da a da. Dio ti benedica!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Exceloid: El Ingls Pero de Manera Excelente" |
"Preprate para disfrutar el idioma de una de las maneras ms innovadoras que tal vez hayas experimentado porque no solamente pretendemos darte un simple idioma sino tambin te diremos que te a practicar el idioma de formas innovadoras, temas importantes sobre contextos, resmenes gramaticales, buenos vocabularios e incluso datos sobre el mismo espaol, que vayas a la playa a practicar el idioma, a disfrutar un paseo de amigos pero en ingls e incluso escuchar msica en idiomas nuevos. SEE YOU THERE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estudia Ingls Desde Casa: Lectura y Vocabulario" |
"Ests apunto de experimentar un excelente videocurso para repasar el idioma ingls. Con toda seguridad, te ayudar a practicar dos cosas principales: lectura y vocabulario como una autntica mquina. De resto, para los prximos exmenes puedes estar seguro de que tendrs algo que decir y algo que responder ya que tendrs muchas palabras en tu mente. I hope you can learn english with this and consider that you are going to surely understand more and more with this information. There are lots of vocabularies to learn in english, therefore, we can't just not pay attention to a videocourse where you can get lots of them with little effort! Aprende ingls y recuerda que valdr la pena poder agregar el ingls a tu currculo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
SAP? |
", : . . : () ( ) . , SAPHCM. , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Firebase Authentication masterclass with Angular" |
"Learn to implement User Authentication usingFacebook, Twitter, Google, Github, Email/Password, Phone, and Anonymous strategies using Firebase Authentication.We'll start with understanding the Firebase Console. We'll then configure and enable several sign-in methods on Firebase Authentication Providers Section. We'll then implement User Authentication in our Angular App. Finally we'll refactor the code.By the end of this course, you'll be able to implement User Authentication using social identity providers like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and GitHub. You'll also be able to implement User Authentication using Email/Password, Phone and Anonymous strategies."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Ionic Framework - Features Diversas" |
"Vrias dicas e utilizao de bibliotecas e recursos com o Ionic Framework..NavController: navegando entre telasNavParams: parmetros entre telasControle e Validao de FormsPush Notification com OneSignal e FirebaseGeolocation com Google MapsAnimaes com Lottie FilesAssinatura DigitalIntegrao com PayPalGrficos com Chart.jsCriando menu estilo NubankPesquisando com SearchBarClasse Model e Form (Usurio)Muitos desses recursos podero ser implementados em seu projeto de aplicativo!"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Responsive Webpage: A Fast Pick-up with HTML-CSS-JavaScript" |
"This course is the way to go if you have no idea about responsive webpage design but have already known the sufficient knowledge on HTML, CSS and JavaScript - and you want to learn responsive design fast. I will show you what responsive webpage design is, and the fundamental concepts underlying the building of such pages.Of course we shall see how people are doing this in the contemporary mainstream web design, and also the educated suggestions of a better diversion from the mainstream."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas para fazer uma boa apresentao em pblico" |
"O curso ""Tcnicas para fazer uma boa apresentao em pblico"" vai ensinar os principais conceitos para fazer uma boa apresentao em pblico. O curso rene as principais caractersticas dos grandes oradores e traz ao aluno de forma simples e clara como possvel se preparar e realizar uma apresentao que encante o pblico ao falar.Esteja preparado para encantar professores e colegas de sala na apresentao do TCC, encante clientes ao apresentar sua empresa e produtos e consiga mais contratos para seu negcio, conquiste a confiana da liderana da empresa mostrando que sabe falar bem em pblico ao apresentar seus resultados e planos para o futuro."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Escreva seu livro" |
"J pensou em escrever um livro? Criar contedo o caminho tomado pelos grandes especialistas para se diferenciar dos concorrentes. Com este curso voc estar apto:Criar autoridade no seu nichoDesenvolver uma forma de renda extra e passivaAumentar sua lista de clientes sem precisar investir em propagandaCriar seu primeiro produto de informaoProspectar clientes com seu livro, sem precisar investir em publicidadeVou compartilhar com voc as mesmas tcnicas que utilizo para escrever um livro em 16 horas. Aprenda a escrever de um jeito que encante as pessoas. Escrever bem necessidade em qualquer rea de atuao. Se voc trabalha com escrita, um coach, terapeuta, palestrante, profissional liberal, ter um livro publicado vai fazer toda a diferena na sua carreira.O curso voltado para quem busca escrever um livro de no fico, auto ajuda, desenvolvimento pessoal, entre outros temas. No um curso sobre escrita de livros de fico."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Mestre do PowerPoint" |
"J passou pela necessidade de precisar criar uma apresentao e no saber por onde comear? Ou ento estar assistindo uma apresentao e o material do apresentador parecer coisa de amador? Imagens feias, desconfiguradas, slides com muito texto, texto inelegvel. Uma apresentao de Powerpoint pode fazer toda a diferena na hora de mostrar um trabalho de faculdade, apresentar nmeros para a empresa, vender um servio, conseguir um investidor ou criar sua marca com palestrante. Este curso vai te ensinar tcnicas para transformar sua apresentao em algo agradvel e impressionar a platia com animaes de qualidade. Crie slides com visuais profissionaisAprenda recursos para animar suas imagensCrie fundos de slides com movimentoConfigure de forma rpida seus slidesEstruture uma apresentao de forma a encantar sua plateiaConhea e crie efeitos 3D em suas apresentaesUtilize planilhas em suas apresentaesInsira grficosEdite imagens utilizando apenas o PowerpointTudo isso e muito mais voc vai aprender no curso: Mestre do PowerpointUma boa apresentao faz toda a diferena!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Trabalhe de casa" |
"J sonhou em ter um negcio que traga uma renda extra no curtssimo prazo?O mercado de trabalho mudou. Empresas consideradas estveis para se trabalhar demitem centenas de seus funcionrios, casos de corrupo geram crises nas maiores empresas do pas, a automatizao tecnolgica responsvel todos os anos por milhares de cargos fechados em todo o mundo, a inteligncia artificial avana, e com ela o desemprego em massa. Como responder a um modelo de trabalho que se torna obsoleto?O crescimento de usurios de internet e a popularizao do smartphone gerou uma nova forma do consumidor se comportar. Ano aps ano o mercado de vendas online cresce, enquanto os demais setores da economia sofrem com as perdas de vendas. Os grandes varejistas j sabem como ser a economia do futuro.Em poucos anos o nmero de desempregados vai aumentar, e no h boa vontade poltica que consiga reverter isso. A aposentadoria tradicional vai se extinguir, e a populao ativa no mercado de trabalho ser empurrada cada vez mais para empregos a margem do mercado formal. Em poucos anos aqueles que no se preparem para enfrentar ameaas na carreira atual com uma fonte de renda recorrente, enfrentaro dificuldades financeiras.Assim como nos pases desenvolvidos o brasileiro precisa olhar mais para as oportunidades disponveis na rea de servios, em especial para as oportunidades que surgem com o crescimento do comrcio eletrnico. Construir um negcio online que gera vendas recorrentes o que voc vai aprender nesse curso. Hoje o negcio online pode ser sua opo de renda extra, amanh pode ser sua fonte de renda principal. Como todo mercado quanto antes voc comear, maior os frutos que voc vai colher no futuro. Voc pode ter deixado passar outras oportunidades de bons investimentos no passado, no espere a crise aumentar para decidir montar seu negcio digital, comece hoje e conquiste um amanh com mais tranquilidade para voc e sua famlia."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 Crash Course in Less than 3 Hours" |
"Crash Course on CSS and CSS3, from basics to expert level. HTML is nothing without CSS, you can create a HTML page but you can not make it look good without CSS. This course covers following topics.Basic Styling using inline styleDifferent style propertiesUnit of Measure like px, pt, in, cm, em, % etcBasic SelectorsComplex SelectorsAttribute SelectorsPadding MarginBordersDisplayBackgroundLink StatesHTML Color CodesBox SizingBefore AfterSelecting ChildsUsing External CSS file"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Foundation Course in 3 Hours" |
"Python programming including following.Number and String VariablesOperatorsComparison OperatorsConditional StatementsIf, Elif and ElseLoopsCollection and SequencesList, Tuple, Set, DictionaryIterating Sequences using for loop, while and rangeUnderstanding, Writing and Calling FunctionsFunctions with variable argumentsCreating Lambda FunctionsImportant String FunctionsFunctional Programming Filter, Map, ReduceFile IO, Reading, Writing, AppendingReading and Writing Binary FilesUsing With KeywordException HandlingTry, Except, Finally"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Rapid HTML5 - A HTML Crash Course with Project" |
"A rapid course for HTML5 in 2.5 hours and a HTML5 project has been explained. In project very nice and good looking page has been designed. We covered mostly all of the topics of HTML and HTML5.Text Formatting TagsAll Basic TagsImg TagAnchor Tag/LinkList Items - UL/OL TagParagraph TagGiving style to the tagsDIV TagsSpan TagsCreating Page Layout using DIV TagsCreating Layout using HTML5 Structural Tags like header, footer etc.HTML FormsText and Password FieldsSubmitting the FormsField Alignment and FieldsetRadio, CheckboxSelect BoxList of HTML5 FieldsEmail Field, Color Field and Date FieldHTML5 Form ValidationAudio and Video PlayeriFrames and YoutubeProject on creating a page with three columns and round images with a header, navigation, footer etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administracin a fondo con Linux CentOS 6 y 7" |
"Curso Aplicado 100% al mundo empresarial con unenfoque sobre proyectos reales de gran infraestructura en donde conoceras las configuraciones y caracteristicas de las versiones 6 y 7 de CentOS / Red Hat-Instalacin del SO, versiones 6 y 7 de CentOSRequerimientos inicialesDimensionamiento, matrices de compatibilidadBuenas prcticasTipos de instalacinInstalaciones por defecto y manualTablas de buenas prcticas para el SwapParticionamiento y recomendacionesBuenas prcticas paquetera inicialRevisin post-instalacin-Estructuras jerrquicas del sistema operativoRunlevelsProceso de arranqueComandos de administracin standardEditor viTuberas y redirecciones-Sistemas de archivosTipos de filesystemEstructurasCaractersticas, capacidades y limites-Administracin de paquetesAdministracin con rpmAdministracin con yumRepositorios locales y externosInstalacin de Escritorio por linea de comandos-Administracin de discos standard y lvmPresentacin y reconocimientoSin downtimeParticionamientosFormatos y montajesStandard y lvmBuenas prcticasAdministracin con LVMPersistencia-Servicios y procesossysvinit vs systemdEstructuras, directoriosAdministraciones de procesosComandos top, ps, kill-Administracin de usuariosTipos de usuariosAdministracin de usuariosArchivos de configuracinPermisos, comandos chown y chmod-Administracin de redesArchivos de configuracinComandos de administracinConfiguracin de red entre 4 servidores distintas versiones CentOS 4,5,6 y 7Network vs NetworkManagernet-tools vs iproute2 vs nmcliAccesos remotos-Servicios y comandos de administracin generalCrontabsRsyslogAliasvariables de entornoGrub"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"HTML in 1 Stunde vollstndig lernen - HTML5 Online Kurs" |
"HTML Online Kurs - HTMLin unter 1 Stunden vollstndig lernen!KEINE VORKENNTNISSE NTIGPRAXISBEISPIELMITALLEN GELERNTENINHALTENCODE-BASISALSDOWNLOADUNDZURFREIENVERFGUNGIn diesem Kurs wird dirHTMLschrittweise, kompakt und praxisnahvermittelt.Lerne HTML zu lieben und professionell zu coden!Dabei lernst dualles was du ber HTML in der tglichen Praxiswissen kannst und zwar sowohl in Theorie, als auch an konkreten Praxisbeispielen. In ungefhr 60 Minuten wirst du HTML vollstndig lesen und anwenden knnen.Mein Name ist Leon Hoffmann, ich bin Web-Entwickler und Agentur-Inhaber aus Berlin und mit mir lernst du in der nchsten StundeHTML. Viel Spa dabei. :)Warum solltest du HTML lernen?HTML bildet das Fundament deiner Programmierkenntnisse und istwirklich leicht zu verstehen.Was duin der kommenden Stunde studierst, ist kondensiertes und geballtes Wissen zu HTML.Am Ende dieses Kurses kannst du HTML vollstndig und professionellanwenden.Der Kurs behandelt HTML vollstndig. Solltest du whrend deiner Arbeit mit HTML spter auf neue Themen stoen, z.B. weil HTML sich weiterentwickelt hat, wirst du in der Lage sein, dir diese Neuerungen problemlos autodidaktisch anzueignen, da du ein grundlegendes Verstndnis fr die Funktionsweise von und Arbeit mit HTML haben wirst.Ablauf des HTML Online KursesIm ersten Schritt bereiten wir den Kurs und deine Werkzeuge vor.Danach behandeln wir alle Grundlagen von HTML.Im fortgeschrittenen Teil bauen wir auf die Grundlagen auf und du wirst zum HTML-Experten.Abschlieend wenden wir all unser neu erlangtes Wissen in dem Praxisbeispiel an.Zwischen den Kapitelen erwarten dich Downloads, Quizze und Code-Tests.Hinweise vor dem StartBevor wir in den Kurs einsteigen, mchte ich dir etwas zum Aufbau der Lektionen mit auf den Weg geben, damit du dich einfacher orientieren kannst.Ein Groteil des HTML Online Kursesbesteht aus Videos.Es gibt zum Anfang eines Kapitels oft ein kurzes Video, in dem ich direkt zu dir spreche und dir einen berblick ber die darauf folgenden Inhalte gebe.In den Lektionen gibt es dann:Dunkle Slides, diese geben dir einen berblick ber die Themen der Lektion.Diagramme auf weiem Hintergrund veranschaulichen Definitionen und Zusammenhnge.Desktop-Aufnahmen sind klassische Tutorials, in den ich dich bitte mitzumachen, also alle Schritte auch an deinem Computer umzusetzen. Pausiere dafr die Videos und mache nach, was ich dir vormache.Zusammenfassungen auf trkisem Hintergrund am Ende jeder Lektion erinnern dich stichpunktartig an die wichtigsten Fakten.Nach vielen Lektionen gibt es die dort verwendeten Dokumente zum Download und zu deiner freien Verwendung.FeedbackVon Zeit zu Zeit wirst du nach einer Bewertung gefragt. Wenn ich dich nur um eine Sache bitten darf, dann darum eine Bewertung abzugeben. Ich habe viel Arbeit in den Kurs gesteckt und hoffe sehr, durch dein Feedback den Kurs laufend verbessern zu knnen. Auch anderen Studenten hilft es den Kurs einzuschtzen. Also bitte, nimm dir 15 Sekunden Zeit und gibt eine Bewertung ab. Es hilft mir wirklich sehr. Vielen Dank."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Java Masterclass For Absolute Beginners" |
"It would not be any wrong to call Java a winner in the world of programming languages. From web to mobile, electronic appliances to servers, Java is used everywhere. If you are dreaming of a rewarding career in IT, the expertise in Java is an essential skill to have. This Course is perfect for anyone who wants to start a career in this field and has no prior programming experience. You will create conditional statements, functions, and loops to process information and solve problems. Learn everything about Object-oriented programming in Java.If you are new to java programming then this course takes you through every basic thing in Java.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master your Mindset for Tennis" |
"At any stage in your tennis lifetime, mindset will give you the edge. It will also mean that you can quieten your inner critic so that you can enjoy playing better. This course is primarily for players who are rusty or who have been stuck at the same level for some time. It aims to grow self belief, and create the mental space to put into practice the techniques contained in the course. The course will raise your awareness of how you play, and who you are on court, and it will help you make simple changes that will make a huge impact on your attitude, your habits and your ability to play a bigger game."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Make Magical Videos with VideoScribe like a PRO in 60 Minute" |
"Learn How you can create Magical Video Content with Video Scribe. Know theintroduction and importance of Story Boarding.The process of taking a script or speech and turning it into a visual presentation enables a real focus on the content of the message. Research shows that 70% of LEARNING is attained VISUALLY, so making the visual element engaging and relevant is important. Rather than trying to break down a script into slides or bullet points, the emphasis is on the original content and finding ways to enhance rather than to recreate it to fit a tool. Videos are easier to transport to other platforms. Sharing a video is much easier than sharing a PPT. Platforms like YouTube mean that your presentations can reach a global audience quickly without the need of the correct software. You simply press play and away you go. VideoScribe helps the presenter focus on the design of the presentation, enriching it and controlling where the focus should be. People will compelled to see what is drawn next with voice and audio keeping the flow of the message. Next time you're tempted by PowerPoint, try Video Scribeinstead.You will beUnderstanding the Basics of Video ScribeCreate a New Scribe Store Data online Cloud Settings Saved Projects With the help of Video Scribe Project, You willbe able toDesign the Paper Texture and colour for your personalized video Add Images to the Canvas from your own photo Gallery or from Video Scribe Photo library Add Text to the Canvas Add Chart to the Canvas (Pie, Bar, Line) Add or change a music track for the scribe Add or change a voiceover for the scribe Select a Different Hand Base for a Scribe Editing the Scribe Preview the Scribe Publish the Video on your Social Media Network"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Guide to Research by Doctor MO" |
"Research is search of Facts. It is the answers to questions and solution to problems. Research is done with a purposive investigation based on observable experience and empirical evidences. When a research scholar starts carrying out his study of a particular problem, s/he generally has a lot of unanswered questions. This course is to address those questions. In this course you will find a detailed guideline to perform each step of your research. These steps are scientific in nature and based on logic.This Research course work is simplified in 9 sections. These sections are as follows:1. Concept of Research:This includes Introduction and several definition of research. The objective and purpose of carrying out research. The section also shows a logical Research process that will take out all the hassles from your research.2. Formulation of Research Problem:In these videos we will learn about Research formulation. I will show you the importance of choosing a valuable research problem. You will also know about the sources and areas where you can find out the Research problem.3. Types of Data & How to collect Them:Meaning of Primary & Secondary Data. Difference between them. Sources of collecting Primary and Secondary data. The section also deals with advantages and limitations of data collection.4. Hypothesis & its Testing:You will understand the concept of Hypothesis. Types of hypotheses and their Importance. Later some light will be thrown on characteristics of Hypothesis.5. Research Design & Types of Research:Concept and Meaning of Research.Details of types of research including Descriptive Research, Exploratory Research and Experimental Research.6. Sample Design:The section starts with the concept of sampling. It also explores major sampling approaches used in Market Research. What are the essential elements of sampling. During this section we will also get awareness about the mistakes to be avoided in sampling. Last part of the section deals with the merits & demerits of sampling inspection method.7. Data Processing & Data Analysis:We will discuss the steps those are necessary in data analysis. TYpes of data viz Qualitative and Quantitative data.8. Hypothesis Testing:In this section a detailed discussion on types of hypothesis will be done. We will understand ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), Single factor ANOVA and an introduction to SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).9. Report/Thesis Writing:An insight into the meaning, types and style of report writing will be provided in this section. It will also discuss the objectives of research reports. The essential steps of report writing will be addressed. Finally we will see the best practices in report writing, acceptable throughout the world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chess middlegames - complete training" |
"In this course I will prepare you for all of the most common middlegame situations and strategies and after finishing this course you will 100% be able to win more chess games. I give you examples on what techniques you should get familiar with and you will not need to memorize anything, because you will acquire intuition about what moves are right in which positions.This course is mainly made for beginners and intermediate players and in that period of your chess career you do not have to burden yourself with learning sequences of moves by heart.In 7 lessons I covered some of the most common middlegame situations you will encounter, such as attacking the enemy king, open files, the initiative, counter attack and many more.The only prior knowledge you need is knowing therules of chess."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pontos de Funo & Roteiro de Mtricas do SISP" |
"Este curso apresenta de uma forma bastante simples e objetiva, como funcionam as principais mtricas de software do mercado e como a administrao pblica faz uso desta estratgia no Brasil.Sero abordados alguns conceitos bsicos sobre o mtodo Anlise de Pontos de Funo do IFPUG e tambm o modelo de funcionamento do Roteiro de Mtricas do SISP (verso 2.3). o nico curso da Udemy sobre o Roteiro de Mtricas do SISP e esta a forma mais comum de contratao de software no Governo Brasileiro. Aproveite agora e adquira j o seu acesso vitalcio!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Anfnger Tutorial - Baue Apps fr Android & IOS" |
"Wir schauen uns in diesem gratis Kurs Googles neues Framework Flutter an mit dem man sowohl fr Android als auch IOS(Appel) Apps erstellen kann. Das besondere an Flutter ist, dass man nur eine App programmiert die fr beide Systeme funktioniert. Somit spart man viel Zeit und Geld bei der Entwicklung seiner App.- Vermittlung der Grundkenntnisse von Dart- Vermittlung der Grundkenntnisse von Flutter- Erstellen einer eigenen App -> ToDo Liste"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flutter - SQLite Datenbank - CRUD - Einfach!" |
"Fr Anfnger geeignet. Wir erstellen eine komplette App mit CRUD Funktionalitt (create, read, update, delete) fr Flutter. Diese App kannst du als Referenz fr deine eigenen Apps nutzen und schnell und einfach SQLite Datenbanken fr sie erstellen.- Flutter App erstellen- SQLite Datenbank erstellen- CRUDFunktionalitt create, read, update, deleteViel Spass mit dem Kurs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flutter - Firebase - CRUD - Build 2 Apps super easy!" |
"We will be building 2 Apps and connect both to Firebase. Our first App will have all important functionallities you need to know. You can use this project as a reference for your own Apps. The second App will be a todo list which you can do as a excercise or with me together. - Connect Firebase to your projects- Build Databases- Create, read, update, delte Items in your Databases- Read All items from your Databases and display themHave fun, enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flutter - SQLite Database - CRUD - SUPER EASY!" |
"We will connect our Flutter project with a SQLIte Database. Our App will have all important functionallity you need to know when working with a SQLite Database. We will cover create, read, update, delete and read all functionallity in our example app.- Connect Flutter project with SQLite database- learn to create, read, update, delete items in your database- Streambilder to display all your dataHave fun, enjoy! :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |