Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Google Apps for Education +200 Practice Questions and Tests." |
"In this course students will test their degree of knowledge in google education tools for education and they will asses their ability to pass google certification exams. This course consists 6 practice test s. The first two tests contains 200 multiple choice questions. However, in the last two tests you have to complete specific assignments in topics from various google educational tools such as google classroom, google forms, google sheets, google calendar, google groups, google slides and many others."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Art : Painting A Pet Portrait" |
"If you've always wanted to create a portrait ofyour favorite pet, or just love animals and would like to learn some tips and tricks to help youdraw them, this class is for you! I'll teach you everything i know about painting animals, frommy sketching technique tohow i paint realistic fur. I'll alsoshare a few tips to make your portrait stand out and create beautiful visual effects in Adobe Photoshop.This class will be featuring my favorite model in the world, my dogMars :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Workshop Powershell for System Center Configuration Manager" |
"This new and complete WorkSHOP ( 9 hours) will give you the Power to manage all the admin aspects of System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) with Powershell !! In this WorkSHOP, you will be a Powershell Master by learning how to use the SCCM Powershell MODULE to Manage the site settings of your Primary site, configurethe methods for discovering yourdevicesandusers, create your device collections.We will then focus on how to configure the push Method for installing the SCCM Client. We will after manage the client settings and create custom settings. We will then see how to manage client notification so you will never have to go on your device and refresh the policy !!After, we will go deep dive in the prerequisite to install packages and applications, We will see how to customize the DP for deploying Pkg and Application. We will see how to install a package and after how to install an application. We will then deploy it to the collectionsor device.After all that, we will see how to manage and deploy Software updates, We will see in the interaction with WSUS and the ports to use. We will create software updates groups and finally create the package to push on your collections. We will finish with the automatic deployment rules.We will also manage the compliance futures. How to add Items to check settings and then deploy them by creating BaseLines.We will then start the big part : OSD. We will see the WDS/PXE interaction, modify your boot files WINPE, import drivers. We will then import your operating system and of course create the Task Sequence to deploy the OS to your devices.You will also learn the different Roles that you can add, how to manage their settings and modify those Roles. After that we will see the RBAC and how add new security Roles, Scopes and Admin users.We will then see the Endpoint protection Role and how to create the policy for Anti Walware detectionFinally we will see the monitoring aspects and how to create AlertThe last module will be automation. We will see with a simple examplehow to create a script to push Apps or Pkgs.We will visit the Powershell Gallery to see the scripts createdby the communityIts really a fantastic WorkShop and the first on SCCM. you will never have the opportunity to follow more then 8 hours of deep dive Powershell for SCCMEnjoy !!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon AWS EC2 pour dbutants" |
"Ce cours dcrit les bases de Amazon AWS EC2. Familiarisez-vous avec les fonctionnalits d'Amazon EC2, dcouvrez les options d'achat en fonction des prfrences d'instance: rserv, planifi, localis ou ddi. Apprenez travailler avec les AMI (Amazon Machine Image), lancer une instance et vous connecter cette instance (par SSH our RDP)Nous allons voir les points suivants :C'est quoi Amazon EC2Les rgions et zonesLe paiementLes familles et typeLes Amazon Machine Image (AMI)La cration d'une instance Linux et Windows"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Professionelle PowerPoint Prsentationen - Die Masterclass" |
"Der Slide Coach PowerPoint online Kurs verfolgt das Ziel, Sie zum PowerPoint Profi zu machen. Jedoch ist der reine Umgang mit PowerPoint lediglich 80% der Kr. Deshalb lernen Sie unbewusst durch zahlreiche Profitipps die Grundlagen guter Gestaltung sowieFarbzusammenspiel und vieles mehr kennen. Somit schulen Sie neben Ihren PowerPoint Kenntnissen zugleich auch Ihre Kreativitt, Ihre Designskills und eine systematische Arbeitsweise. Des Weiteren wird Ihr Umgang mit anderen Microsoft Office Produkten geschult."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Tehnici de Reiki Tradiional de nivelul 1 (Shoden)" |
"n acest curs vi se vor prezenta toate tehnicile aferente nivelului 1 Usui Reiki Ryoho, abordarea Traditionala: meditaia Gassho (Gassho Meiso), tehnica Nentatsu Ho, curarea uscat (Kenyoku Ho). contemplarea Seika Tanden (Joshin Kokyu Ho), scanarea (Byosen Reikan Ho), ghidarea de ctre spirit (Reiji Ho), cercul Reiki (Reiki Mawashi).n plus, vi se vor mai prezenta i regulile de conduit moral i etic Reiki, precum i cele 5 principii.Vi se va prezenta pe scurt autotratamentul, vei nva s efectuai tratament unei alte persoane, mpreun cu manevrele de final (Ketsueki Kokan Ho). De asemenea vi se va exemplifica i metoda tradiional de tratament n grup (Shuchu Reiki)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Level 1 (Shoden) Traditional Reiki Techniques" |
"In this course you'll learn all the level 1 techniques within Usui Reiki Ryoho, traditional approach: Gassho meditation (Gassho Meiso), the Nentatsu Ho technique, the dry bath (Kenyoku Ho), Seika Tanden contemplation (Joshin Kokyu Ho), Byosen Reikan Ho scanning, the intuitive placement of the hands (Reiji Ho), the Reiki circle (Reiki Mawashi).On top of that, you'll be presented with the base moral and ethic rules governing Reiki practice, as well as the 5 principles.You'll be briefly presented the self-treatment, you'll learn how to treat another person and you'll also know how to perform the final movements (Ketsueki Kokan Ho). Also, you'll be given an example of the traditional group treatment session (Shuchu Reiki)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AutoCad 2019 : Sfrdan Uygulamal Eitim Seti" |
"AutoCad programn uzmanndan renmeye ne dersiniz ? Program hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam da size gre. Kurs bitiminden hayal ettiin izimleri bilgisayar ekranna kusursuzca dkebileceinizi sylemek isterim. AutoCad hayallerinizi izerken size hz, g ve etkinlik salayan bir Autodesk programdr. AutoCad program geleneksel izimleri bitirip 2 Boyutlu izim konusunda dnyann en ok kullanlan programdr, bu kadar ok tercih edilmesinin sebebi ise hem kullanm kolay hem de ksa srelerde renilebilmesidir."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Design para Redes Sociais" |
"Aprenderemos criando 2 projetos do zero para segmentos diferentes, passando por todas as etapas desde o briefing, anlise do cliente e referncias, hierarquia de informaes no layout, organizao de camadas no photoshop, exportao de arquivos e tudo mais que voc precisa saber para ter um wokrflow organizado e que explore sua criatividade ao mximo.Vamos entender como funcionam os layouts para mdias sociais, suas regras e seus formatos principais para termos uma campanha de sucesso. Utilizaremos o Photoshop como ferramenta principal para construirmos layouts atraentes e vendedores."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem e Animao 3D - Skate Ramp" |
"Neste curso rpido e prtico, voc aprender o bsico sobre modelagem 3D, configuraes de luz, um estilo de animao de objetos e como renderizar o seu projeto em 3D. Aps, faremos a ps-produo do nosso vdeo com auxlio do After Effects, onde iremos corrigir cores e ajustar a nossa animao final com transies de cmeras.Se prepare para criar incrveis animaes em 3D, usar nas suas redes sociais e ganhar mais destaque no seu portflio."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress for Freelancing" |
"Ic course me ap sekhengy k apko freelancing py kaisy kaisy task aa skty hain, or unko ap kaisy kaisy solve kr skty hain.JO commonly use hoty hain task woh yeh hain...Introduction Install Theme as DemoMigrationClone SiteUpdate upload Size, Execution time, Post SizeFooter changeEmpty Page errorInternal Server ErrorThis site cant be reached error404 Page not found errorSpeed UpgradingUnderstanding database connection DB Connection ErrorReset PasswordDesign page with Visual Composer Contact Form using Ninja Form & Contact Form 7 Files introductions( content.php, header.php, footer.php ) Install multiple wordpress in one databaseChanging Style, Color, Code.Creating a simple plugin ( Soon )Upgrading wordpresss. Refresh hacked wordpressFinding Error in wordpressSocial login installationWoocommerce Integration ( Soon )A complete website makingAdd-on domainDNS Changing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn web application penetration testing from %00" |
"In this ethical hacking course you'll learn how to exploit the vulnerabilities found in web applications and web servers following the OWASP Testing Guide framework, used by companies all over the world to perform web penetration testing engagements.A vulnerable virtual machine, Web Sec Target Practice, is provided with the course for you to practice the various phases of the penetration testing assessment.We'll predominantly use the Burp Suite Community edition and open source Kali tools throughout the entire course to test the infrastructure of the web server, brute force authentication forms, tamper with header attributes, perform XSS, SQL, command injections and other injection variants. We'll also develop a buffer overflow exploit step by step."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Impara il web application penetration testing da %00" |
"In questo corso di ethical hacking imparerai come sfruttare le vulnerabilit trovate nelle applicazioni e nei server web seguendo la guida al testing di OWASP, usata da aziende in tutto il mondo per eseguire penetration test contro le applicazioni web.Una macchina virtuale vulnerabile chiamata Web Sec Target Practice viene fornita insieme al corso a scopo dimostrativo. Useremo principalmente l'edizione community di Burp Suite e altri strumenti open source presenti in Kali per testare l'infrastruttura del server, per attaccare i form di autenticazione, manomettere gli attributi degli header, eseguire iniezioni di comandi, iniezioni XSS, SQL e altre varianti di iniezioni. Svilupperemo anche un buffer overflow dall'inizio alla fine."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn and master the Vim text editor" |
"In this course I'll teach you to use Vim, one of the most powerful text editors out there. Vi and Vim come installed by default on most Linux distributions.Vim makes you faster and more productive - you never have to move your hands away from the keyboard as all Vim commands can be issued from the keyboard alone. Vim has also more than 26 registers to save text to, as opposed to only one clipboard of your operating system.The course will guide you starting from the very basics of how to move in a document, we'll learn how to edit files efficiently, how to use macros, regular expressions, how to work with multiple tabs and split windows in panes. We'll also learn how to install Vim plugins to change its appearance and behavior.By the end of the course you'll know how to use Vim and how to turn it into a full-fledged IDE."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara a usare Vim come un IDE" |
"In questo corso ti insegner come usare Vim, uno dei migliori editor di testo esistenti. Vi e Vim sono gi installati su molte distro Linux.Vim ti rende pi veloce e produttivo: non dovrai mai spostare le mani dalla tastiera dal momento che tutti i comandi di Vim possono essere eseguiti soltanto usando la tastiera. Vim possiede anche pi di 26 registri che possiamo usare per salvare il testo, a differenza della clipboard unica presente sul tuo sistema operativo. Il corso ti guider partendo dalle nozioni elementari come il navigare i documenti, impareremo a modificare i file di testo efficientemente, come usare le macro, le espressioni regolari, come lavorare con multiple schede e come suddividere le finestre in multipli riquadri. Impareremo anche come installare i plugin di Vim e come modificare il suo aspetto e comportamento.Una volta raggiunta la fine del corso saprai in grado di usare Vim, trasformandolo, se vorrai, in un IDE completo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn bash scripting from scratch" |
"We'll start by setting up a very simple script, then we'll move from there and cover how to deal with variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, arrays and how to manipulate text using sed, awk and regular expressions.Once covered the fundamentals of the bash scripting language we're going to write three scripts:A simple universal archive extractor: this script will allow us to extract any compressed archive (tar.gz, 7z, rar, zip, bz, tbz2 and more) just by typing a command. This script will contain no more than 30 lines of code.A batch renaming tool: the script is going to take the folder to process as an argument, then will batch rename all the files in the folder with a given extension. It will then rename all the files in the folder either with a sequential number or with a user supplied keyword, then a sequential number.A tool to generate automatic backups based on a schedule: this script is going to generate a tar.gz file by appending the current system date and time to the original folder name provided as an argument, we'll then proceed to use cron jobs to schedule the script execution based on our preference.By the end of the course you will be able to write scripts on your own to automate anything in Linux."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara il bash scripting da zero" |
"Inizieremo sviluppando uno script molto semplice, poi continueremo ad esplorare le variabili, le funzioni, le istruzioni condizionali, i cicli, gli array, come manipolare il testo usando awk, sed e le espressioni regolari.Una volta trattati gli aspetti fondamentali del linguaggio svilupperemo tre piccoli progetti: Un semplice estrattore universale di archivi: questo script ci permetter di estrarre qualsiasi archivio compresso (tar.gz, 7z, rar, zip, bz, tbz2 e altri) digitando soltanto un comando. Lo script non sar composto da pi di 30 linee di codice.Uno strumento per rinominare i file in massa: l'argomento da passare allo script definir la cartella da elaborare per poi rinominare in massa tutti i file nella cartella con un numero sequenziale oppure con una parola chiave fornita dall'utente, seguita da un numero sequenziale.Uno strumento per generare backup programmati automaticamente: questo script generer un archivio tar.gz con il nome della cartella originale fornita come argomento dalla linea di comando, per poi aggiungere la data e l'orario di sistema alla fine del nome dell'archivio. Useremo poi un cron job per programmare l'esecuzione dello script in una data e orario da definirsi.Una volta raggiunta la fine del corso sarai in grado di scrivere i tuoi script per automatizzare qualsiasi operazione in Linux."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implantando e Configurando o firewall Fortigate" |
"Aprenda a implantar e configurar o firewall Fortigate, um dos firewalls mais utilizados no mercado de trabalho e ganhe esse skill que lhe permitir concorrer vagas no mercado de trabalho que visam profissionais com esse conhecimento.O curso focado na implantao e configurao em nvel bsico e intermedirio.O que o curso engloba?- Ambiente de laboratrio para acompanhamento das aulas(simulamos duas empresas, uma na verso 5.6.2 e outra na 5.0.14, ambas possuem um servidor web e uma mquina, TODAS as imagens so disponibilizadas, ou seja, tudo pronto para aprender a configurar oFortigate)- Interfaces (privilgios e configurao)- Gerenciamento de usurios-Criao de objetos-Criao de rotas- Polticas / Regras de firewall- Melhores prticas para a criao de polticas / regras de firewall- Network Address Translation (NAT, abordando os conceitos de SNAT, DNAT e exemplos de erros comuns)- SD-WAN (link redundante de internet)- IPSec VPN- Monitor (onde verificamos problemas nas configuraes em interface grfica)Os trs temas abaixo so abordados de maneira terica por conta de limitaes (seja por conta da verso trial da VM do Fortigate ou por falta de software de terceiros):- SSLVPN- HA(alta disponibilidade)- SNMP(para monitoramento, no ser abordada aula sobre softwares de monitorao, apenas como a integrao feita)O que o curso NO engloba?-CLI(significa linha de comando, usamos alguns comandos bsicos para fazer pequenas verificaes, mas as configuraes no curso so feitas 95% em interface grfica)- Troubleshooting avanado ( abordado de uma forma bsica, o suficiente para a maior parte das verificaes do dia a dia de um administrador de firewall, pois o curso nvel bsico e intermedirio)"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Troubleshooting avanado no firewall Fortigate (foco em CLI)" |
"Aprenda a resolver problemas (troubleshooting) no firewall Fortigate, um dos firewalls mais utilizados no mercado de trabalho. O curso inteiramente focado em cenrios reais que j presenciei em ambientes produtivos em minha carreira, ou seja, voc ver o que realmente ir acontecer em uma empresa em que voc administra o firewall.O curso focado no nvel Intermedirio e Avanado, logo necessrio conhecimento prvio no Firewall. Para aqueles que no tem o devido conhecimento, recomendo que faam o meu curso ""Implantando e Configurando o firewall Fortigate"" (embora no seja obrigatrio, visto que voc pode ter os conhecimentos sem ter feito o curso).O que o curso engloba?- Ambiente de laboratrio para acompanhamento das aulas (simulamos duas empresas, ambas na verso 5.6.2 do firewall, ambas possuem um servidor web e uma mquina, TODAS as imagens so disponibilizadas, ou seja, tudo pronto para aprender a realizar troubleshooting no Fortigate)- Criao de polticas, objetos, VPN via linha de comando (CLI). No algo que seja realizado com frequncia, mas um importante skill para quando se tem um problema na interface grfica do firewall.- Resoluo de problemas com cenrios reais que voc encontrar nas empresas que trabalhar.- Imagens simulando os problemas para que no percamos tempo criando o problema no firewall (at por que se eu pedir para vocs criarem o problema fica fcil saber qual a resoluo, certo?).- Questionrios ao final de cada mdulo para verificar o entendimento das lies.O que o curso NO engloba?- Servios que no esto englobados na verso de teste do Fortigate"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Geometry : Making Angles With & Without Compass-Easy Math" |
"This course is for all the beginners who need to learn Geometry. The course focuses on understanding the construction of angles step-by-step and ultimately takes the students away from cramming. It tells the students that they can learn to construct all the angles if they if they can:Construct 60 angleBisect an angleAdd simple numbersDivide simple numbers by 2."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
IP |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Scrapy |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GCSE/IGCSE Maths (9-1) Grade 7 Topics" |
"This course contains videotutorials and worksheets with answerson theGrade 7 GCSE Maths topics.This course is designed for students who are currently working at a grade level from 6 to 9 in Maths. The video tutorials go at slow pace to help make everything clear to understand. The video tutorials also contain summary notes for each topic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Non-verbal communication skills" |
"The course will teach you how to be relaxed and confident communicator that is ready for any interview. Practical advice and exercises on how to tackle the nervousness, anxiety so you own the interview and you get the job! Topics will cover anxiety, how to own it and how to deal with it. You will learn specific tips on how to tell a story about yourself so that you can sell yourself and limit the number of questions you are asked. You will learn how to ask one important question and how to use their answer to your advantage. How to break the ice and why it is so important. The secret goal of any interview. Many more tips are offered so you can ace any job interview with ease. The course is also useful for conquering anxiety and fear of public speaking and makes you a more relaxed and confident communicator."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"IoT: MQTT with Adafruit, App Inventor and the ESP8266" |
"The Internet of Things (IoT) allows many types of connection,In this course, Dr. Moutinho will show youwith theLED V1.0 project how to establish control under the MQTT protocol (Message Queue Telemetry Transport ) and alternatively, also using App Inventor MIT. Free platforms allow a broad spectrum of communicatigand controlsystems(as demonstrated in the repositories of the code libraries).The accuracy of the content and the duration of this course are sufficient for an immediate examination about the flexibility of the M2M control with the MQTT and P2M platform with the Android application."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"IoT: Mdulo de Potencia para el ESP8266" |
"El proyecto LED V1.0 de la Serie Electrnica Moutinho, es un proyecto que facilita:Conocer todas las fases de desarrollo de control IoT con distintos protocolosFabricacin de componentes fsicos electrnicosEstablecer objetivos financieros para el desarrollo del proyectoDe esta manera el participante aprende yexperimenta mientras hace uso de recursos de software y hardwarenecesarios. Esporesto que los cursos de la Serie se enfocan enmotivar experiencias prcticasms que plantear solamente conceptos.Electrnica de Desarrollo IIEn el cursoprevio Electrnica de Desarrollo I se present cmo realizar la tarjeta PCB para elmdulo el ESP8266-01 la cual permite programarlo e integrarlo al proyecto LED V1.0 o cualquier otro.Aqu en el curso Electrnica de Desarrollo IIel Dr. Moutinho, muestra todos los pasos necesarios para hacer un mdulo de potencia llamado POWER LED V2.4 el cual es compatible para alimentar al mdulo que se ha diseado para elESP8266-01."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programao C Avanada: Torne-se Jedi" |
"C uma das linguagens mais populares e utilizadas no mundo! Voc quer sair do bsico e domin-la totalmente?Este curso destinado para voc que deseja aprender recursos avanados da linguagem C:Estruturas (structs)PonteirosAlocao dinmicaFunesCriao de bibliotecasArquivosAlm do enfoque terico, este curso proporciona momentos prticos (atravs de exerccios) para voc exercitar o que foi aprendido! O curso est dividido em 6 mdulos que intercalam teoria e prtica Ao final do cursovoc ser capaz desenvolver sistemas reais modularizados, eficientes (em termos de memria) e com capacidade de persistir (salvar) dados.OBS: Este curso est sendo produzido, e a medida que as aulas forem sendo preparadas, sero postadas."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Mindset for League of Legends (LoL)" |
"The targets of this course are to form players capable of arrive wherever they want to arrive, capable of learning by themselves, improving their game comprehension, providing them of tools that they will be able to use to keep imrpoving by themselves and beyond what this course offers.Something interesting is that this course will be useful in other areas in life, because you will be more competent and efficient, capable of achieving objectives easily and learn easily too."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Learn Excel (Beginner Level)" |
"In this course I'll teach you Basics level of Microsoft Excel, and important is that you will learn quickly and in details and can save your much time.In this course you can learn the following topics:Introduction:""What is a Cell, What is a Column, What is a Row, What is a Range"", ""Changing Font Size, Font Color, Fill Color, Border, Alignment (Left, Center, Right), Wrap Text, Merge & Center etc."", ""How to Insert a Comment"", ""How to add/Delete Column, Row"".Special Skills: I'll teach you about valuable Keyboard Shortcut keys like:""Inserting a Formula SUM for all required cells"", ""Creating a Chart from Selected Data"", ""Numbers in Comma Format, Numbers in Currency Format, Numbers in Percentage Format"", ""Current Date, Current Time"", ""Select Entire Row, Column, Hide Rows, Columns"", ""New Line inside a Cell"", ""Save Active File, Save As Active File"", ""Insert New Worksheet"", ""Move Forward between Worksheets in same file / Move Back between Worksheets in same file"". Using Formula in Excel: ""Using SUM Formula (Discuss in Details)"".Data Analyzing: ""Pivot Table"", ""Pivot Chart"", ""Subtotal"", ""Charts"", ""Consolidation:Consolidation (Example 1) (Simple), Consolidation (12 Months Sales Record), Consolidation (Count, Average, Max, Min)"". Data Validation: ""Data Validation - Cricket Match ScoreCard"", Data Validation - Date of Current Year"", ""Data Validation - Numeric Values"", ""Data Validation - Entering Supplier Names"", ""Data Validation - Entering Item Names"".Inserting Formulas in Simple Reports: ""Sales Report (Simple Format)"", ""Mark Sheet (Simple Format)"", ""Cricket Series Report"".IF Function: ""IF Function (Introduction)"", ""Simple IF (Qty Sold Example)"", ""Simple IF (Rate per Unit Example)"", ""Nested IF"". Filter & Sort: ""Filter"", ""Sort"".So please enroll this course and improve your Microsoft Excel Skills. Please recommend to your friends and colleague."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Drums for Beginners" |
"This course aims to equip you with the fundamentals of playing the drum kit. You will be introduced to the basic rhythms and grooves of the drum kit. As we progress, we will teach you different drum beatpermutations and patterns. We will also discuss how these beats and rhythms can fit into different songs.We will be providing detailed video lessons with numerous practical examples for you to apply your new found knowledge in. All these will help you develop good fundamental skills in playing the drum kit.By the end of this course,you will be able to play a wide variety of pop and rock songs."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cambridge English: C1 Advanced (CAE) Listening Exam" |
"Do you want to travel the world, improve your job prospects, get into universities and make your life better?We will show you how to pass the CAE Listening exam: C1Advanced.Check out my promo video and preview videos!With this exam you can:Get into lots of universities in English speaking countries!Get newer and better jobs!Travel easily!Have proof of your language ability for life!This course is designed to helpyou prepare yourself for the CAE: C1Advanced Listening paper. The CAE exam is recognised and accepted by lots of education and work institutions around the world!In this course Igive you all the best tips, techniques and resources to effectively prepare yourself for the CAE Listening paper. I go through each part of this papergiving you the best tips, techniques, strategy and extra advice on how to best answer the questions, so you won't need to spend lots of money on private lessons.This is the only course which focuses on and instructs you how to pass each section of this exam in detail, using exam samples for practice exercises. This course allows you to concentrate specifically on what you need to do in order to pass the Listening paper.The course comprises 7 videolessons with lots of useful information,tipsand practice exercises.Homework exercises are given.I have helped hundreds of students pass the CAE Listening paper, I really hope you will be next! See you in the course :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |