Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Google Tag Manager with Facebook & Google Remarketing Tags" |
"Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app. Once the Tag Manager snippet has been added to your website or mobile app, you can configure tags via a web-based user interface without having to alter and deploy additional code. This reduces errors and frees you from having to involve a developer whenever you need to make changes.In this course you will be learning to deploy the following tags on your website,Google Analytics Tracking CodeFacebook Remarketing PixelGoogle Ads Conversion Pixel And can track ,File DownloadsOutbound Link ClicksForm SubmissionsButton ClicksConversions ( Purchase or Sale etc.)E-commerce Tracking"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Writing Revenue: Write Well, Get Published, & Earn Money" |
"What people are saying about this writingcourse:""Unlike most online courses, Dave has been and done what he preaches. He uses his experience as a journalist and writer to help you become a better writer."" -- Brandon Skerritt, founder and Udemy student""Good, practical advice you can implement immediately."" -- Kristen, Udemy student""Dave provides some excellent advice and resources to help writers earn more from what they love doing,"" -- Erica, freelance writer and Udemy student""I would have paid more for it."" -- CJ, experienced writer andUdemy student""Its funny, but it felt like you were reading my mind! This is a solid, solid course. No fluff. No repetition. Tons of practical instructions and examples."" -- Matt Mediumwriter and Udemy student""The content is very well presented, in a professional manner and the sound is excellent."" -- Ovidiu, softwaredeveloper and Udemy student""What's taughtabout communication and behavioral psychology is transferable to my domain.""-- Ken, seminarian and Udemy student""Original, organized, and encouraging."" -- Janan, professionalcounsellor andUdemy student""Incredible! So pumped!"" -- Jason, best selling author and Udemy studentThe age of the starving artist is over.Learn the skills, strategies, tactics, and tools to become a professional writer and earn good money, including:How to find your voiceHow to get published in major publicationsHow to interview smart peopleHow to write an outstanding blog postHow viral articles go viralHow to write captivating headlinesHow to write an effective case studyHow to create a white paperHow to easilyself-publish your own bookHow to get intoyour creative flowHow to charge high rates for your workThe takeaways goon.But first, here's my story.Ihated writing in school. Abhorred it.Iwasn't any good at it. Not at all.That was over sixyears ago.Today,I have over 15k followers on Medium and I'm a top writer in Entrepreneurship, Ideas, Startups, and Creativity.I'm a columnist for Inc. Magazine whereIinterview people like Shark Tank's billionaireDaymond John, NPR's host of How IBuilt This Guy Raz, and top CEOs of huge nationalcompanies like Jersey Mike's Subs and Orange Theory.Istarted a toppublication on Medium and have grown it to over 87,000 followers, gaining 125 new followers a day. I wrote the 7th most popular story onMedium in 2015. Michael Hyatt, Chairman and former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers commented personally on my article.My writing has been published in Chase News, Thought Catalog,CNBC, Business Insider, Quartz, Axios, Smashing Magazine, The Next Web, Forbes, and more.Iwrote a 386-pagenovel (the size of The Hobbit)and self-published it on Amazon.In this course, Iwant to share with you everything I've learned so that you can becomea well-paid, reputable writer with the ability to attract thousands offollowers.My videos are vulnerable and transparent. As wespend time together,I'll open up about my journey from the very beginning.Here's the truth: Anyone can write online and start a blog, but not everyone can make money as a writer. A lot of courses will teach you how to blog but they leave out the crucialentrepreneurial aspects of becoming a successful writer. I want to share with you how I generate revenue with rates at $1/word, $500/article, and$100/hour.I want to give you myformulas for viral articles, tools for saving time, tips for getting wide exposure, and strategies for building a passionate following online. But you'll need to be opento unlearning (almost) everything you've learned about writing in school.Instead, you'll learn practical skills including how to pitch your work to major publications, how to create science-backed case studies that clients pay for, how to write an ebook, how to easilyself-publish a physical book.We'll also dispel myths about how to find your writing voice and how to get into your creative flow so you can produce your best work. You'll learn my formulas for how to writeoutstanding blog posts, how to craftcaptivating headlines, and how to ""launch""your work.Finally, the deepestoutcomes you'll come away with after you've completedthis course are:A strongconfidence in yourself as a professionalwriter.It took me years to feelconfident as a writer. And while there are no shortcuts to true success, this course will give you a framework to develop yourpersonalconfidence in your writing ability -- the kind of confidence thatempowers you to persist through seasons ofself-doubt, sharp criticism, and financial troughs.A rare and lucrativewriting expertise. Not everyone can stand out from the crowd, but you'll learn howexpertselevate their personal brands, attract swathes of readers,and build a generousincome.Whothis course is for:Beginning andambitious bloggers who want to take their writing to the next levelWriters who aren't making money onlinebut want toSmall business owners whose blog isn't getting any trafficMarketers who want their brands to get serious PR exposureWriters who want to specialize in marketablecontent creation skills and work from anywhere"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4.1.2 Responsive Website Design From Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn all about the web development. If you are searching for the Course in which you wanted to learn design and along with that animation then this course is for you. In this course you will learn how to design this complete website from scratch and create custom animation for your website.Table of Content:--) Building a Responsive Mobile Friendly Website-) Custom Animation-) Single Page Application(SPA)-) Parallax Effect-) Sticky Navigation-) Scrolling Function-) Form Validation-) Amazing DesignRequirement:-Understanding of HTML and CSSBasic understanding of Bootstrap FrameworkFamiliar with JqueryIn this course we will cover the design and animation for the website.So basically in this course you will learn lots of things that you really want to learn. This course clear concept of single page application, creating a custom animation, how to create the parallax effect with complicated design, sticky navigation, how to make a slowly scroll to top function, Form validation for contact form, and how to build the amazing latest user interface design.But before you take this course make sure you do have understanding of HTML and CSS which is the basic of web development. Furthermore you also have a basic knowledge about bootstrap framework and jquery. If you have better understanding of bootstrap framework and Jquery then you will better understand the course.We divide our course in few section. First few sections you will learn how to design the website and then at the last you will learn how to create the animation for this website. We will also cover the advance features in this course to understand how the website function work.Press the Enroll Now and Enjoy the course.we will see you in the course.Thank You."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Natural Light Portrait" |
"Hi I am UgurWelcome to my course named [Natural Light Portrait].I'm excited to learn about the workflow I've created after hundreds of trials, the methods I've used in Photoshop.I shoot and edit my photos with a straight wall behind the model using the natural light coming from the window and without using any other accessories.In this course, I will show you how to edit the photos which you take with a simple wall and only by using the light coming through the window without wasting money on equipment like the studio, softbox, Backdrop stand, Off Camera flash, studio strobe, and Reflector for a good portrait photo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Arduino: Referncia de Programao (COMPLETO)" |
"CONHEA O CURSO AO ASSISTIR GRATUITAMENTE AS SEGUINTES AULAS IntroduoAula 1 Apresentao pessoalAula 2 O que esse curso e como o veremosAula 13 Calculo de Resistencia dos ResistoresAula 14 Identificando Resistores, Serie e paraleloProgramaoAula 17 FunesAula 31 #includeAula 40 ArrayMultidimensionalProjetos - Na parte de projetos, voc s conseguir faz-las com a placa de Arduno e uma placa EthernetAula 74 Teste no PCAula 75 Teste na TVNo se preocupe em ter ou no a placa e demais componentes de Arduno. Utilizaremos um simulador gratuito e tambm o Arduno, mas o aluno poder realizar o curso utilizando apenas o simulador.O foco deste curso a programao, onde apresentarei cdigos bsicos, intermedirios e avanados, passo-a-passo, permitindo a voc, aprender codificaes dinmicas, atravs da criao de funes onde se passa nmeros de pinos e seus valores podendo ligar ou desligar qualquer pino do Arduno, entre outras coisas. Fiz vrios cursos e com base nisso, junto minha experincia de mais de 18 anos de programador e repasso de maneira simples para que voc realmente aprenda.Quanto a parte de circuitos, vou apresentar circuitos bsicos pois o foco que aprendam a programar. Depois, em novos cursos, irei apresentar outros cursos focados em projetos onde como base, devero ter visto este primeiro curso para poder facilitar o entendimento da programao utilizada nos projetos dos cursos que viro.No fim, vocs conseguiro implementar projetos prticos em suas casas como:Iluminao automtica de jardim, abertura de portas e janelas, controle de irrigao, controle remoto de um televisor LG, etcCONTEDO PROGRAMTICO DO CURSO: ARDUNO: REFERNCIA DE PROGRAMAO SEO 1 APESENTAO Aula 1: Apresentao pessoal Aula 2: O que esse curso e como o veremos Seo 2 INTRODUO Aula 3: Pgina Oficial: O que o Arduino Aula 4: Onde comprar a placa Arduino? Aula 5: Conhecendo a placas (famlia Arduino) Aula 6: Placa Arduino Uno Aula 7: Baixando e Instalando (Windows) Aula 8: Conhecendo a IDE - Parte 1 Aula 9: Conhecendo a IDE - Parte 2 SEO 3 SIMULADOR ONLINE - Tinkercad Aula 10 Criando a conta e acessando Aula 11 Recursos do Tinkercad Aula 12 Aprendendo com exemplos Aula 13 Calculo de Resistencia dos Resistores Aula 14 Identificando Resistores, Serie e paralelo SEO 4 PRIMEIROS PASSOS Aula 15 Sketch Blink e sua estrutura. Aula 16 Sensores, Atuadores, Shields e Mdulos, Componentes. Aula 17 Funes Aula 18 Variveis: locais, globais, constantes SEO 5 PROGRAMAO Aula 19: pinMode() Aula 20 digitalRead() Aula 21 digitalWrite() Aula 22 delay() Aula 23 delayMicroseconds() Aula 24 micros() Aula 25 millis() Aula 26 analogRead() Aula 27 analogWrite Aula 28 analogReadResolution() Aula 29 analogWriteResolution() Aula 30 #define (Define), // (comentrio de linha nica), (comentrio de BLOCOS) Aula 31 #include (Incluir) Aula 32 Serial Intruduo Aula 33 Begin, print, printLn, end Aula 34 Available, Read, Readstring Aula 35 byte, int, short, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, word Aula 36 bool, boolean Aula 37 float, double Aula 38 char, unsigned char, String Aula 39 array simples Aula 40 array multidimensional Aula 41 Converso parte 1: byte(), int(), long(), word() , float() Aula 42 Converso parte 2: toInt() e String() Aula 43 Aritmticos: =, +, -, *, /, % Aula 44 Comparao: < , <= , == , >, >= Aula 45 if..else Aula 46 for Aula 47 while Aula 48 do...while Aula 49 break Aula 50 Continue Aula 51 Aula 52 return Aula 53 ! (lgica de negao), && (lgica E), (lgica ou), != (no igual a) Aula 54 ++ (incremento), -- (decremento) Aula 55 += (adio composta), -= (subtrao composta) Aula 56 *= (multiplicao composta), /= (diviso composta) Aula 57 random() Aula 58 abs() , constrain() Aula 59 map() Aula 60 max() , min() Aula 61 sq(), pow(), sqrt() Aula 62 Trigonometria: cos(), sin(), tan() Aula 63 isAlpha(), isAlphaNumeric(), isAscii(), isControl(), isDigit(), etc, etc Aula 64 Buzzer - tone() noTone() SEO 6 ROJETOS Aula 65 Controle remoto TV LG - Copiando cdigos IR Aula 66 Controle remoto TV LG - Enviando cdigos IR Aula 67 Projeto - Introduo Aula 68 Projeto - Cdigo - 1 Aula 69 Projeto - Cdigo - 2 Aula 70 Projeto - Cdigo - 3 Aula 71 Projeto - Cdigo - 4 Aula 72 Projeto - Cdigo - final Aula 73 Projeto - Gravando na placa Aula 74 Projeto - Teste pelo PC Aula 75 Projeto - Teste na TV Aula 76 Projeto - Construindo App - passo 1 Aula 77 Projeto - Construindo App - passo 2 Aula 78 Projeto - Construindo App - passo 3 Aula 79 Projeto - Finalizao do App"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Yeni Balayanlar iin Web Tasarm ve Kodlama (HTML5, CSS)" |
"Bu kurs, ""Nedir bu web, kodlama ileri?"" noktasndan, web projeleri yaparak hayatn kazanan bir web tasarmc / front-end developer noktasna giden bir yoldur. Naizane 15 senelik eitmenlik deneyimimi bu kursta topladm ve en batan en sona bilinmesi gerekenleri derledim. Bir eyi renmenin bir numaral kural mant kavramaktr. nk mantk, ileride yenilikleri anlayarak kendi kendimize renme becerisini bize kazandrr.Bu eitim setinde hem web tasarmn ve web kodlamann mantn grecek, hem de konu hakknda bilinmesi gereken her ne varsa ayrntlar ile grecek ve reneceksiniz. Srekli gncelleyerek ve uygulama ekleyerek de gncelleyeceim bu eitim ile rahatlkla sfr noktasndan bu ii profesyonel olarak yapma noktasna gelebilirsiniz.Siz yeter ki renmek isteyin. Gerisi bende."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Second part of the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM: three lessons, from Lesson 5 to Lesson 7. You will learn pronunciation, writing and reading of basic characters, how to make VERB-based sentences, and how to ask and answer questions using these sentences. Conversational topics include: talking about daily life of yourself and your family, what yourself and your family will do in the future, what yourself and your family did in the past, and what yourself want to do. Practical conversational topics are: how to ask for help, how to ask someone to do something for you, and how to give instructions to drivers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"This is the last of three sections of the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM: three lessons from Lesson 8 to Lesson 10.You will learn how to make ADJECTIVE-based sentences, and how to ask and answer questions using these sentences. Conversational topics include: talking about pains, physical conditions, likes & dislikes, how to ask for descriptions, how to ask for impressions, and how to respond to statements.In the final lesson, you will review the topics of grammar and themes of conversation you learned in the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM. You will also learn about VERB conjugation and how to talk about abilities."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"100 Teilnehmer fr deinen Udemy Online-Kurs (unofficial)" |
"Dein Online-Kurs verkauft sich nicht so gut, wie du dachtest? Du gewinnst keine Teilnehmer auf Udemy?Es gibt ein paar Tricks, mit denen du wirklich Geld verdienen kannst auf Udemy. Ich kann so zum Beispiel zu Beginn einfach 100 Teilnehmer fr meine Kurse generieren. Auerdem verrate ich dir 3 Strategien, um an berzeugende und hochwertige Rezensionen zu kommen.Ich selbst habe ber 250 Teilnehmer auf Udemy und verdiene 3 stellige Betrge im Monat mit Udemy. Auerdem betreibe ich den Kursersteller Podcast, indem ich einmal pro Woche Tipps zur Erstellung und Vermarktung von Online-Kursen gebe.Mit dem Kurs erhlst du eine Klick fr Klick Anleitung, mit dem du in 5 Tagen deine ersten Einnahmen ber Udemy generieren kannst.Sichere dir jetzt diesen Kurs und mache deinen Traum von passivem Einkommen wahr.Aus berzeugung von der Qualitt dieses Kurses, gibt es eine 30 Tage Geld zurck GarantieNutze die Aktion, solange sie noch gltig ist!Klicke jetzt auf den Button ""In den Einkaufswagen""!Willst du weiter so wenig Geld verdienen oder dir mit Udemy noch ein zweites Standbein aufbauen?P.S. Sicher dir den Kurs jetzt, und in 1Wochehast du das Geld wieder rein :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing & SEO fr Unternehmen fr mehr Traffic" |
"Dir fehlt der Traffic auf deiner Website?Niemand liest deine Blogbeitrge?Du hastnoch kein Pinterest Profil???Dann wird es aber Zeit!Pinterest ist nach Google und YouTube eine der grtenSuchmaschinen und wird noch total unterschtzt!ber 200 Mio. monatliche Nutzer hat diese Suchplattform fr Bilder. Du hast jetzt die einmalige Chance deine Nische auf Pinterest mit Hilfe dieser Anleitungzu dominieren.Durch Pinterest konnte ich meinen Traffic innerhalb von 2 Monaten um 300% steigern. Es geht wirklich so schnell. Ich hatte nach einem Monat 20.000 Betrachter fr meine Pins.Mit dem Kurs erhlst du eine Klick fr Klick Anleitung, mit dem du in 2 Stunden ein optimiertes Pinterest Profil anlegen kannst. Pinterest macht mittlerweile mehr als 30% meines Traffics aus!Sichere dir jetzt diesen Kurs und drehe den Traffic fr deinen Blog auf!Aus berzeugung von der Qualitt dieses Kurses, gibt es eine 30 Tage Geld zurck GarantieNutze die Aktion, solange sie noch gltig ist!Klicke jetzt auf den Button ""In den Einkaufswagen""!Willst du weiter auf Besucher warten?P.S. In nur 2 Stunden kannst du dir anhand des Kurses ein Profil aufbauen, dass dir monatlich mehrere hundert Besucher beschert. Worauf wartest du?:)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"6th Grade Math Boot Camp" |
"OverviewMath in the 6th grade is very challenging for many parents and students. This course is designed to make math easier for sixth grade students and parents. Even the best 6th grade math teacher isn't able to connect 100% of the time with every student. Most math students need extra help every now and then to excel in class. Thats why so many families find this math course helpful.Who should take this class?Parents. Do you want to help your child with math? Take this course to remember and relearn the most important topics in 6th grade math. You can even take this course with your child.Teachers. Are you looking for a supplement to your regular 6th grade math lessons? Do you need an activity for your advanced 5th graders? Are you looking for a way to help some of your 7th grade students catch up in math class. This course might be the solution you need. Help your students learn even when you aren't teaching, by having them complete this course. Students. This course was designed to be completed by a 5th, 6th, or 7th grade math student working with minimal help from an adult. Parents can simply give this course to their children, and 99% of kids can handle it on their own. Plus, when they need extra help with the math, there is a Q&A section.Why take this course?School doesnt always provide everything you need to succeed in math class. Most children require extra math help at some point. Teachers often don't have the time to give one-on-one instruction, tutors can be extremely expensive, and parents don't have the time to teach their kids. An online course is often the perfect solution for math students. The students can work at their own pace, rewatching videos to gain a better understanding. The math homework, quizzes, and reviews help ensure understanding. A 5th grader will find an interesting math challenge, a 6th grader can stay on target, and a 7th grader, struggling with math, can catch up by learning the fundamentals.What does this course include?This course is separated into 6 sections:RatiosDivisionRational numbersExpressions and equationsArea, surface area, and volumeStatisticsEach section includes four video lessons, math vocabulary words, homework problems, 10 video review questions, and a quiz. In addition, there are two vocabulary practice tests and a final exam. Teachers will notice that each section corresponds to the 6th grade math common core modules."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn everything about Sports Betting - Wager and Win" |
"OverviewIn this course you will learn the art of sports betting. It takes more than luck to win a wager and become successful at sports betting. After you finish this course you will be able to confidently make winning bets, that make watching sports way more fun. You will learn how to bet on 8 major sports including soccer, baseball, auto racing, tennis, football, golf, basketball, and hockey. There is a lot more to sports betting than picking winners and losers. I will teach you the lingo, the winning strategies, and the bets to avoid. Making a bet can cause you to have so much more fun watching a game. Who should take this course?This class was designed for the novice, beginner, and intermediate better. If you are already making wagers every day online, placing bets in Vegas every day, or you are a professional handicapper, then this course is not for you. If you have never made a bet on sports in your life, but are interested in sports betting, then this program should be great for you. If you play fantasy sports and are interested in transitioning to sports betting, this class will be a great resource for you to discover how to bet.If your spouse is into sports betting and you want to learn more about making bets, this would be a perfect place to start.If you go to Vegas every now and then, have made a few wagers on sporting events, but want to learn even more, then you have come to the right place.Remember that the legal age for gambling and placing bets is 21 in the United States. Please bet responsibly.What will I learn in this course?Before you can make a bet, you need to know how to set up a bankroll and choose a sports book where you will place your wagers. Then you will learn about money lines, point spreads, over/under totals, pushes, parlays, teasers, futures, live wagers, trends, algorithms, props, contests, field bets, matchups, and 3 way lines by learning how to bet on 8 major sports. You will learn how to wager on all the major sports including soccer, baseball, auto racing, tennis, football, golf, basketball, and hockey. By the end of this course you will understand how to make smart bets that allow you to have more value in your wagers. Making a bet can turn a boring Thursday night football game into the most exciting event of the week. Sign up today and start making bets like a pro. Let's wager and win."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D Modeling Basics" |
"You will learn the concepts of Parametric modeling, Spline Modeling and Polygonal Modeling.You will get hands on modeling experience by learning step-by-step on how to model a table lamp. Sometimes the best way to learn something is to just jump right in and start making something. This course is designed to get the basic knowledge without all the other features that would just get your way.Tools:Pen Tool.ExtrudeExtrude InnerLoop SelectionKnifeLoop CutExtrude GeneratorSweep GeneratorSubdivision SurfaceInterface"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Hard-Surface Modeling Techniques in Cinema 4D" |
"Welcome to my course - Advanced Hard-Surface Modeling Techniques in Cinema 4D. You will learn the most advanced techniques to model complex geometry in the most efficient ways possible. This course will give you an arsenal of techniques to tackle any modeling project that you may need to accomplish. Look at this course as you personal resource and reference to your Cinema 4D modeling needs.This course will be continually updated based on new Releases of Cinema 4D.This course covers:Polypen toolDeformersSubdivision Surface.SymmetryConnectAxis ToolsCurved surfaces.Flat plane modeling.Cylindrical Modeling.Symmetrical ModelingModeling using Subdivisions.Modeling using References."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Model a Spaceship Lander in Cinema 4D" |
"In this Project-Based Learning course I will teach you step-by-step on how to model a Spaceship Lander in Cinema 4D. Every part is clearly detailed and you will learn the tools and techniques to model your own similar spaceships. You will learn to harness MoGraph Cloner to make Modeling Faster. You will have fun building something instead of just learning lecture. You will Learn:PrimitivesExtrudeExtrude InnerBevelCut ToolsLoop SelectionLive SelectionMoGraph ClonerSplitDisconnectSubdivision Surface"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D Interface, Tools and Tags" |
"UPDATE: Available in 1080p Resolution!This course is a resource for Cinema 4D users. A reference for the tools, tags and interface in Cinema 4D. This course is designed so users can quickly find out how to use a particular tool and get back to working on their project. You will Learn:InterfaceViewportInterface CustomizationHUDExtrudeExtrude InnerMatrix ExtrudeSelection ToolsAxis ToolsLine CutLoop CutBevelMagnetClose Polygon HoleBridge ToolStitch and SewWeldEdge Cut ToolSlide ToolMirror ToolQuantizeMesh CheckingSmooth ShiftSubdivision SurfaceConnectSymmetry"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a Worm Creature in Cinema 4D" |
"This is a very in-depth Cinema 4D training course. I will take you through step-by-step in creating a Horror/Sci-fi worm creature.I will show you the modeling process. Then when we have a low rez base mesh I will show you UV mapping with UV Edit.Then I will show you the sculpting process. You learn the tools and techniques for sculpting this creature.Finally I will show you Bodypaint. I will walk you through the painting and texturing process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Maya LT Interface and Modeling Tools" |
"This course is designed to be your resource when need to know how to use a particular Maya Modeling tool. Lectures are listed in an easy to find modeling tool. All lectures are clear and to the point. Each lecture has a maya file if needed.InterfaceSelecting ObjectsViewportGrouping and ParentingMarking MenuIntro to Polygon ModelingPolygon ModelingComponent SelectingCreate PolygonsAppend to Polygon Tool"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Making Creatures using Zspheres in Zbrush" |
"I love using Zspheres in my projects because I can just create instead of worrying about building geometry in traditional way with other 3D software packages. In this course I will teach you how to make and manipulate Zspheres and then sculpt with two separate projects.You will Learn Zspheres as well as:Adaptive SkinBrushes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 Complete Marketing Masterclass #1 Your Model" |
"Ourlive Marketing Leadership Workshop is now available online!Too many people know WHAT to do in marketing but they don't know WHYthey are doing it!Does this sound familiar? Anyone can learn how to post to social, write a blog post, or learn what SEOis, but quantity is not what works. What works are people who actually know WHYand WHEN certain marketing activities work. That's the purpose of this course. By the end, you will have developed an actual marketing strategy, your own personal marketing playbook, that will guide you and your brand into the right marketing activity.Think about it - no more guessing or assuming. You will be able to inform others and act personally based on the correct information!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added/updated constantly).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! It comes from years of graduate-level education and 20+ of marketing leadership experience across dozens of industries.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics.This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead.A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people.Once you work your way through nearly 200lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. ""This is the best marketing innovation I have seen in years.""- IgnacioAgacevicThe Marketing Leadership Masterclassis split into 6 different online sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of marketing leadership.In Session1we will focus on Building Your Model.As youmay know, more and more marketers are constantly under pressure to justify their marketing effectiveness, prove ROI, and create efficiency at scale. Since most marketing today is digital marketing, all the digital tools available make this task easier.To do this well, every brandshould have a model for how they track consumers fromanonymousvisitor all the way to loyal customer and promoter. The goal of building a model is to ensure that you have a way to track and measure every primary step a consumer takes during the buying journey. Without a model you will simply be guessing at which marketing tasks will be the most effective.The benefit of having multiple models of historical numbers is that you are then able to build out future scenarios by which you can more accurately gauge ROI, create efficiency at scale, and identify opportunities for marketing activities on each channel.What are the requirements?No experience or audience required.Suitable for all types of businesses (digital product, physical product, service, B2B, B2C).Why take this Course?Become a Leader - Learn how to think & act like a strategic marketing leader.Modern Marketing - The world of marketing is in constant flux. Dont get left behind.Why of Marketing - Learn the Why of marketing rather than just the How.What am I going to get from this course?Practical theory - Great marketers and great entrepreneurs are great learners. Well cover the theory that you need to understand to drive your own Demand Gen program.Hands on - Throughout the course, we give you multiple opportunities to slow down and apply what you have learned by building out the real-world plan that your company needs.Peer Learning - Your instructors are peers, start-up founders and fellow marketers with decades of tangible experience in every stage and level of an organization.What is the Target Audience?Business Owners - Increase your business revenue, sales pipeline, and ROI by building out transformative demand generation programs that actually work.Startups - Leverage proven marketing processes and practices to establish and increase your user-base and business revenue.Marketers - Increase your current marketing knowledge by learning the most effective tactics, best practices, and processes.Go from Beginner to AdvancedNo matter what level of marketer you are, youwillgo from beginner to advanced marketing leader as we walk you through building your own model.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are eitherincluded,free or very cost effective.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism Health Nutrition: Turmeric = Natural Medicine" |
"You want to use the positive health effects of turmeric (curcumine) for your health and well-being? - THIS course will help you to do that! :)During my work in an organic shop next to studies in ""Master of Arts in Prevention and Health Promotion"", I discovered the turmeric the first time and was directly absolutely fascinated by the little root and its remarkable health effects! The effectiveness of the plant is diverse, which scientific studies show: Turmeric in cancer Tumeric at Alzheimer's Turmeric for liver cleansing Turmeric for tooth cleaning. Turmeric in diabetes .. and much more! I could see that many people have already heard about the effectiveness and positive effects of the plant, but do not know exactly HOW to use the plant well! The purpose of this course is to help you better understand the effectiveness of the plant based on scientific studies AND to give you a practical guide with application instructions for everyday life, including recipes in a short and concise form! >>> If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me! - I am happy to answer your questions! <<<Thank you very much! Sincerely yours, Kevin Kockot PS: Please do not forget to rate the course! That helps me as a course creator to grow on Udemy! Thank you for your support! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition & Natural Medicine To Reduce High Blood Pressure!" |
"Hello and welcome to ""Nutrition & Natural Medicine To Reduce High Blood Pressure! ! "" I am happy to welcome you to this course! You want to lower your blood pressure and the simplest and most natural ways (diet and lifestyle)? Then you are exactly right in this course! I'm Kevin Kockot (M.A. prevention and health promotion) am an Online Entrepeneur teaching over 50.000 students on Udemy and for many years I worked as an entrepeneur giving lectures and seminars on topics of prevention and health promotion. In this course I will discuss the following points: compact information on hypertension (causes, consequences, key data ..) options for the natural reduction of high blood pressure support living a healthy, self-determined life All of this is done in a concise form, concentrating on the most relevant information. TThis helps you to save time reseaching and having time for the things you love! My question: Do you feel like learning about natural ways to lower your blood pressure for your own health? >> Then I am happy to welcome you to this course! <<Here are the points I cover in this course: How can I lower my blood pressure naturally with my diet? 1. potassium 2. cocoa 3. vegetable juices 4. less salt 5. omega 3 fatty acids 6. coenzyme Q10 7. l arginine 8. garlic extract 9. vitamin d10. pine bark extract 11. stinging nettle How can I naturally lower my blood pressure with my lifestyle? 1. reduce overweight 2. reduce coffee and alcohol consumption 3. stop smoking 4. exercise 5. practice a relaxation method 6. practice sauna sessions I also give you access to further ressources!If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Udemy! I hope you understand this course as a fair offer! :) And now: have fun in the course! :) Sicerly yours, Kevin Kockot"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Meditation & Create A Mindfulness Habit For Beginners!" |
"Hello and welcome my new course the ""Learn Meditation & Create A Mindfulness Habit As A Beginner""!Guided 21 Day Personal Transformation. Create The Habit Of Meditation, Stress Management, Relaxation & Mindfulness. I really like the 5 minute start. I makes it doable for anyone! Tried day one and it helped me calm down from feeling stressed out in a short amount of time. Thanks! - K. WK. Thank You Kevin for this course. This is a very structured course. I hope to take this course to its conclusion & see an improvement in life.Wishing you all the success! - Savio Varghese Very useful and easy to follow. Excellent for those wanting to build a meditation routine or those who have allowed their practice to drop off a little, and want to get back to it. - Rachel Stokes LovelI am Kevin Kockot, and I am happy to welcome you to this course!... you are interested in the topic of How to meditate for Mindfulness, Stress Management & Relaxation, you are looking for an easy guidline that is giving you a hands-on solution as a beginner in meditation?.. you want to meditate, but you struggle with the creation of a new habit? ... you want to reap the benefits of mindfulness, but you have a hard time incorporating new routines into your life?>> If that is the case, then I am convinced that this course is the right one for you!I'm Kevin Kockot (M.A. Prevention and Health Promotion), I teach over 50.000 students on Udemy and for many years I worked as an entrepeneur where I give lectures and seminars on topics of prevention and health promotion. For example: I am giving seminars on the topic of relaxation and stress management regulary. So I was sharing my information to hundrets of people each year on the topics mentioned. Meditation can also be a way to relax, but it is much more! How to built the habit of meditation? You can find it out in this course! :)Several working hours were going into the preperation of this content, that I made for you, who is interested to find out how to meditate if you are a beginner! (Links and additional ressources included!)>>>>>>My goal is to help you living a healthy and self-determinded life! >>>>>>What can you expect in this course?In this course you will learn how to build the habit of meditation. After this 21-day scedule meditation will be a normal part of your life.With the help of this course you will be able to trible your attention span for meditation step by step.Slowly increasing the timeframe for meditation from 5 minutes to 15 minutes and by that creating a new habit.Furhermore, by accessing this course you will have access to additional material like Checklists and MP3s that will help you with the transformation into your meditation - routine.You are uncertain if the course is the right one for you?Just go to the first day of the 21-day challenge for free and find out how the course works for yourself!So you have a certain idea what you can expect from this course! :)Have fun trying the exercises out! :)Come and find it out in to experience the change for yourself!If you have the feeling something is missing - please feel free to contact me on Udemy anytime! I am happy to answer you add lectures based on your recommendations! As you are my custumer your happiness is my highest goal! :)Please also give me feedback for this course!That helps me as a course creator a lot to improve the course! :)Thank you!See you in the course! :)Best regards, Kevin"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Read and Interpret a Scientific Paper" |
"Get your head around the scientific literature! If you are a grad student, patient, medical student, clinician or researcher who needs to be able get their head around a scientific paper, then this course is for you. Its my belief that you dont need an extensive scientific background in order to be able to understand and make sense of a scientific paper. This course, in a straightforward way, will get you up and running in no time and help you form your own opinions about the science. Perhaps you do have a background in science. If thats the case, you will still get a lot out of this course and build on the skills that you already have. Save precious time! An important approach to reading a scientific paper is to determine up front what you hope to get from the paper and avoiding having to sit there and read the whole thing. In this course, I will highlight the sections that will be helpful to read depending on your reason for reading the paper. What makes me qualified to teach you? Im Dr. Emma Nichols. I have a PhD in molecular biology and a Masters degree in technical communication. After deciding that the lab and academia werent for me, I transitioned into medical writing. Ive read many scientific papers in my time, and Ive often had to digest papers quickly to meet deadlines as a medical writer and journalist. As a result, Ive picked up a few shortcuts along the way! Ive been privileged to help a few folks start their career in medical writing through my 6-week course. Here are a couple of reviews: Emmas enthusiasm is contagious and she has an obvious passion for helping people starting out in the medical writing business. Gill S. The direct, personalized, insightful mentoring I received from Emma during and after the course is indispensable as I navigate the field of medical writing. I highly recommend Emmas course to anyone serious about transitioning into medical writing. Kelly C This course will cover exactly what you need to know to read and interpret a scientific paper, including the following:The structure of a scientific article Important terms related to study population and trial design Different study designs and their implications Terms used to describe results Statistical significance and confidence intervals Sensitivity and specificity Adverse events and placebo effect Impact factor and peer review At the end, I will discuss three papers and talk about how to approach reading them from the perspective of a patient, a clinician, and researcher, respectively. Created by experts Joshua Hwang, MD, who is not only an MD, but a skilled medical writer, lent his expertise to the topic and created the course slides. What are the requirements? Most sections are suitable for people without a strong science background, but there is one section that goes into detail about different ways to report results and might be a bit slow going for someone who is not familiar with the topic. Likewise, some sections may be considered a bit rudimentary for people with a PhD or an MD, but it never hurts to brush up on your knowledge. In general, this course should appeal to anyone who has an interest of need to read the scientific literature. My promise to you I am here on this planet to teach and communicate (especially about science and medicine). If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1All the best, Emma"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cancer Biology 101" |
"If you or a loved one has cancer and want to understand more about how cancer starts and spreads, then this course is for you. This course is also for you if you are a high school or college student taking biology or a related topic and want to learn more about cancer. This course is also a useful introduction to cancer biology for medical students and PhD students, although it might be considered a bit basic by some students at that level.The message of this course is that huge progress has been made in understanding cancer. Most people now survive cancer whereas just a few years ago they did not. We'll talk about how cancer starts and spreads. We'll also talk about cancer staging and various types of cancer treatment as well as what to expect in the future.What makes me qualified to teach you? Im Dr. Emma Nichols. I have a PhD in cancer-related molecular biology and a Masters degree in technical communication. I've spent my career as a medical writer and now a producer of online courses. It's my job to stay up to date in the latest advances in medical topics, including cancer, and it is my hope that I can convey this information to you in a clear and engaging manner.Created by experts Smitha Reddy, PhD, who has a PhD in neuroscience and postdoctoral training in cancer research, helped to create the course slides on which the course is based.My promise to you I am here to teach and communicate about science and medicine. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!All the best, Emma"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 10 Steps of Getting Your Point Across in Writing" |
"If you want to improve your writing skills, then this course is for you. Superior writing skills can improve your grades in school, increase your chances of promotion, make you more employable, help you win new clients, and improve your odds of getting what you want in all areas of life. In a few short hours, you will have enough knowledge and practical experience to dramatically increase your writing skill and confidence. Which one of the following best describes you?You last studied writing in high school or college, and over the years, your knowledge has become rusty. This course will refresh that knowledge. You have never felt fully confident about your writing skills. This course will raise your confidence levels so that you can compete in todays marketplace. You are already skilled at writing; this course will make your writing the best it can be.Well start out by covering writing basics so that we are all on the same page. This will include the following: The importance of clear writing The components of a sentenceThe basic functions of punctuationThen, we will teach you ten specific steps that will help you improve your writing. These steps are split up among 3 sections: the process of clear writing, the mechanics of clear writing, and clear word choice. Section 1: The Process of Clear Writing1. Clear Thinking2. Clear Organization3. Clear EditingSection 2: The Mechanics of Clear Writing4. Clear Sentences5. Clear Punctuation6. Clear Lists7. Clear ParagraphsSection 3: Clear Word Choice8. Clear Nouns & Pronouns9. Clear Adverbs & Adjectives10. Clear VerbsIn addition to the course videos, you will have access to multiple quizzes, so you can test your knowledge, as well as bonus content for each section.Go ahead and sign up for better writing skills today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Primer in Type 2 Diabetes" |
"Hello! This course is A Primer in Type 2 Diabetes. Im Dr. Emma Nichols, a long time medical writer. Ive collaborated with writer and pharmacist Dr. Melanie Padgett to bring you a concise overview of the important aspects of understanding the diagnosis of diabetes and the various treatment options. After taking this course, you will be able toDefine diabetes and cover some of the important terminology.Describe some of the disease characterizes, such as who gets type 2 diabetes and why.Discuss the symptoms of diabetes and what can happen if diabetes is not managed properly.Review diabetes and lifestyle, especially diet and exercise, that can help improve the condition and prevent long term consequences.Summarize the various treatments for type 2 diabetes, including insulin. Anyone who has diabetes would benefit from this course. In addition, caregivers, healthcare providers who do not specialize in diabetes, and medical writers who need an update in the basics will find this course useful. You do not need any background knowledge of medicine or science to take this course. Just an interest in knowing about type 2 diabetes. If this course sounds of interest, I hope to see you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"15 Errors in Scientific Writing & How to Fix Them" |
"Hello! This course is 15 Errors in Scientific Writing and How to Fix Them. Im Dr. Emma Nichols, a long-time medical writer. Ive collaborated with medical writer Dr. Jessica Martin to bring you this course so you can eliminate some of the common errors in your scientific, academic, or medical writing and earn the trust of your readers, which is so important in this field. If you are a researcher or clinician, you may think that the science is the most important part of what you do. But writing up your results and communicating them in an error-free way is just as important. Alternatively, if you're a copyeditor or copywriter, you may find writing about and editing science intimidating. However, editing and proofreading medical and scientific writing is a great way to boost your income in this growing and in-demand field. Don't shy away from these opportunities!Instead, take this course so that you can begin to learn the conventions and common errors in medical and scientific writing, and find the high-paying clients that you have been looking for!By eliminating these 15 errors in your scientific and medical writing, you will create a great first impression.In this course, the 15 most common errors are broken up into three categories:Grammar. In this section, we will discuss verb tense. When should you write in the present tense? When should you write in the past tense? We will also discuss nouns that are always plural, such as data, and how to use verbs that agree in number. We will talk about proper hyphenation, which is frequently a struggle for writers who are not used to the many compound adjectives and phrases used in science writing.Style mistakes. Mistakes in style are things like inconsistent word or abbreviation usage, incorrect comparisons, and sentence set-up.Misused words. Some misused words that we discuss are applicable to all types of writing (such ""that"" versus ""which"" and ""ie"" versus ""eg"") and some are specific to science writing, like the use of the word significant. And, importantly, this section includes a lesson on person-first language to ensure your scientific and medical writing is sensitive to all people.Perhaps you area researcher, academic, scientist, professor, or doctor who struggles to write in an error-free manner, resulting in manuscript rejections or revisions that focus more on the writing style than the substance of your work.already a skilled writer, but not so familiar with the quirks that come along with science writing; this course will make your writing the best it can be.a freelance copyeditor or copywriter and want to expand your clientele to include more lucrative and profitable scientific and medical jobsAll you need is high school-level English and English language proficiency to get started and, of course, a need or desire to use that writing in a scientific or medical arena. Just click on the link to enroll! Thank you so much!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"zel Ders Formatnda Sfrdan Zirveye Rusa Eitim Seti" |
"BU KURS HER HAFTA GNCELLETRLMEKTEDR !Rusa renmek istiyor ancak aklnzda ''Nasl yapacam, nereden balamalym? Neler renmeliyim?'' gibi sorular m var? zin verin size yardm edeyim; hem de baka hi kimsenin yapamayaca bir ekilde!Rusa kursuna veya yurt dna gitmeden, zel derslere avu dolusu paralar dkmeden, evinizin konforunda, sfrdan Rusa renmek ister miydiniz? Eer cevabnz ''Evet'' ise; sizi Trkiye'nin ilk ve tek ''zel Ders Formatnda Sfrdan Zirveye Rusa Eitim Seti'' ile tantrmak isterim.Bu eitim seti; her yatan rencilerin sfrdan balayarak st dzey gramer bilgisinin yannda, kelime renme - yazma - dinleme (anlama) ve konuma gibi btn becerilerini ayn anda gelitirebilmesi iin uzmannca zel olarak hazrlanm ''tam'' bir online Rusa kursudur. Bu sette anlatlanlar uygulayp Rusa renememe gibi bir ihtimaliniz dahi yoktur!Rusa renmek in Neden Bu Eitim Setini Tercih Etmeliyim?zel Ders Format: lk bilmeniz gereken ey kursun zel ders formatnda olduudur. Yani binlerce TL deyeceiniz zel dersler size ne verebilirse bu eitim seti size aynsn, hatta daha fazlasn verebilir. - Nedir Bunlar?Online ve seviyelere ayrlm kurs: Rusa bilginize gre stediiniz seviyeden balayabilir, dilediiniz kadar ileri-geri tekrar yapabilirsiniz.Hedefe odakl kaliteli eitimler. (Aada blmlerimizi inceleyerek kendiniz grebilirsiniz.)dev ve grevlerle srekli olarak renci takibi ve unutmamas iin ynlendirme.Konu anlatmlarnn yannda renme srecinizi hzlandracak bir takm teknikler ve tavsiyeler.Konuma ve yazma pratii yapabilme imkan (ilerleyen seviyelerde)stediiniz zaman soru sorabilme, akl danabilme ve yeni eitim videosu talebinde bulunabilme imkan.Ve ok daha fazlas...Planl - Programl retim ve Sistematik YaklamNeyi, ne zaman renmeliyim, nasl ilerlemeliyim derdine son! Uzman tarafndan hazrlanm ve yllarca denenmi; planl ve programl bir eitim seti. Bu set ierisinde asla geliigzel ve kark anlatlm konular bulamazsnz. Btn eitimler belli seviyelere gre verilmitir; blmler kendi arasnda ve dersler kendi iinde sistematiktir. (seviyeye uygun-sral- birbirini destekler ve gelitirir nitelikte)Not: Sistematik retim; birok eitim seti tarafndan gz ard edilen bir durumdur, nk kark anlatmak ok kolaydr! Ancak kark veya rencinin neyi nerede reneceini semesi gereken setlerle baarya ulamanz ok zordur. nk bu plan yapabilecek bir rencinin eitim setlerine zaten ihtiyac yoktur!Btnsel Yaklam:Gramer anlatmak bir Rusa retmeni iin dnyann en kolay eyidir! Ben zor olan tercih ettim ve st dzey gramer eitimlerinin yan sra eit derecede neme sahip ''Kelime, anlama, dinleme, okuma, yazma, konuma'' gibi becerilerini de nasl gelitireceinizi seviyelere blp ve Grev SistemiUygulamadnz hibir bilgiyi tam olarak renemez ve bir sre sonra unutursunuz. dev ve grevler sizlere rendiklerinizi uygulama ve pratik yapma imkan Sistemi: rendiiniz gramer konularn (ve ara konular) her blmde en az 1 tane olmak artyla toplu olarak kullanmanz ve pratik yapmanz salar.Grev Sistemi: Gramer konularnn dnda kalan becerilerinizi (konuma, kelime, anlama gibi) gelitirmeniz iin her blmde sizlere verilen ve teknolojiden olduka faydalandmz uygulama sistemi.Ara Konular & Pratik Rusa Konular Serisi:Gramer konularnn dnda kalan ara konular: saylar, saatler, hava durumu, evin blmleri, meslekler vb. ve Pratik Rusa konularn (gezi Rusas, alveri, yer yn sorma, gnlk konuma kalplar vb.) bulacanz ara blmlerdir. Bu ara konular yine blmlere 'kolaydan zora' doru paylatrlm ve bylece olas eksik renmenin veya 'atlamann' nne geilmitir.Baka Hibir Kaynaa htiyacnz Yok!Bu eitim seti sizden ekstra bir kaynak kullanma talebinde bulunmaz. Baka bir materyal gerektiinde en basit haliyle interneti kullanmay reneceksiniz. (Altrma, test, kelime vb.)% 100 Mteri Memnuniyeti ve 30 Gn Para ade GarantisiEitim setimiz % 100 mteri memnuniyetini garanti eder. Eer memnun kalmazsanz rn 30 gn iinde sorgusuz-sualsiz iade edebilir ve dediiniz cretin tamamn geri alabilirsiniz. Yani, hibir riskiniz yoktur!Ksaca; Temel olarak gramer konularn renme,Rusa yazabilme, anlayabilme ve konuabilme adna sizin iin her ey, garantili olarak TEK BR SETTE hazr durumdadr. Tek yapmanz gereken harekete gemek!Not: Aada ak braklan eitim videolarn izleyerek setin sizin iin doru bir tercih olup olmayacana karar verebilirsiniz. Ak videolara ulamak iin blm balklarna tklamanz yeterlidir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS 10.X (SIG) Bsico Intermedio" |
"El curso est enfocado a ensear los conceptos fundamentales y las funciones bsicas e intermedias de Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica (SIG) para proyectos de ingeniera, estudios ambientales y planificacin territorial, etc.; mostrando las propiedades de los mapas de SIG, y la estructura de una base de datos de SIG.En los ejercicios del curso, se desarrollarn las habilidades bsicas e intermedias para el manejo de software SIG, para visualizar datos y consultar una base de datos geogrfica, crear mapas y analizar los datos mediante herramientas de anlisis espacial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing for Beginners: Adobe Premiere Pro CC" |
"This is acomplete guide to Adobe Premiere Pro video editing, you'll not only learn all of the editing tools available in Adobe Premiere Pro, but also how to edit professionally with time saving tips and tricks..This course is designed to teacheverything you need to know to start video editing, including:Starting a project & creating sequences.Getting familiar with the work space & editing your videosAdding video and audio transitions to clipsIntroduction to keyframingCreating &animating texts and titles with key framesCorrecting and grading the color of your video to give it a lookAdding visual effects to your projectsEncoding &Exporting your video for high-quality playback on any deviceEfficiency & Pro tipsSo much more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |