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"Coping Skills: For A Better Life!" |
"Coping Skills are THEUltimate Tools in LIFE! Without them ... You Crumble. With them ... You THRIVE and EXCEL!These are the Best Coping Skills you can Find Anywhere ... PresentedBy International Trainer and Award-Winner Educator, Prof. Paul J. ClineWhether you are someone looking to gain New Coping Skills, someone who works in the Helping Fieldsor a Therapist or Student looking for Exceptional Skills in this area ... This course is for YOU!Coping Skills can give you a Life of Joy and Greatly Reduce the Day-To-Day Stress you feel. You can also Share these Skills with your children, friends, spouse or co-workers. They say Stress is ""The Common Cold of Mental Health"" .... You Need to be able to Protect against it to stay Strong and get the MOSTOut of Life!Here Are JustA Few Of theSkills You Will Gain:Learn How To Conquer Stress!Reduce Negative Self-TalkLearn Problem Solving SkillsUnderstand & Boost Self-EsteemBoost Relationship SkillsLearn To UtilizeThe Power Of HabitsRe-Write Your STORYImprove Communication SkillsGain The Power of AcceptanceBoost Your Personal Power!And Much, Much More!Signup Today ... And Your Life Will Be Better Tomorrow! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stress Management - For Relief From Stress of Life & Work" |
"Stress Management: Stress can weigh you down until you can hardly think straight! Beat it Today with this Comprehensive Stress Management Course filled with Cutting-Edge Tools & Strategies - Feel better TODAY! Created by Master Therapist & Multiple Award-Winning Educator Prof. Paul J. Cline Ed.D ... Get His 35+ years of Expertise in Helping others Beat Stress ... Condensed down into this Training.Here Are Just A Few Of the Skills You Will Gain:Get a Good Nights Sleep - TONIGHT!Learn How To Solve The Major Problems In Your LifeHow To Rid Yourself Of Negative Self-TalkHow To Release Pain & Stress EffectivelyGain Serenity Back In Your LifeHow To Move Past Negative Life Situations & Create The Life You WANT!How To Feel Better & Live Longer At The SAME Time!Take this Course Today ... Feel Better TODAY! Signup Now!Let International Celebrity & Top Therapist Prof. Paul J. Cline Teach You How To Release Your Stress ... And Create A Life Second To None!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Effective Time Management Skills - Time Management Skills" |
"Effective Time Management Skills - Taking Complete Control of Your Time and Your LifeLife is Naught But a Measurement of Time You Cannot Waste One Without Losing the Other.Time & Life the the SAME Thing! ... SO, Time is Your MOST Valuable Resource.Learn how to Save YEARS of Your Life using our Cutting-Edge Techniques ... We have Trained over 155,000 Students in the past year alone!Effective Time Management Skills Can Give You HUGE Advantage In Life & In Business .. It Can Reduce Your Stress, Help You Beat Your Competition ... And Give You YEARS of Your Life Back!Boost Your Time Management & Productivity!BENEFITS OF EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS:Reduce Your STRESSMake MORE MONEYGet Promoted FasterGrow Your Business FasterGet YEARS Of Your Life BackBoost Your Productivity & The Productivity of Your StaffGain an Unfair Advantage over Your CompetitionHave Less Stress & More Time to Spend with Family & FriendsGREAT Training To Help Your STAFF be More Efficient ... Saving YOU A TON Of Money $$$.You Will Discover:How To Find Out Where Your Time Is Going To And Ways To Get It Back!Discover How To Speed Up Repetitive TasksLearn How To Take Advantage Of Normally Wasted TimeHow To Save Time By Getting People To Respect Your TimeDiscover A Secret Trick That can Get You 25% Of Your Time Back In Just ONE Day!Discover Our Exclusive Effective Time Management Tips, Tools & Strategies That Can Save You YEARS Of Your Life!Having Effective Time Management Skills is one of the KEY Ways you WIN at the Game Of Life!Learn Effective Time Management Today ... and have MORE Time Tomorrow for Family, Friends, Fun And To Just Relax & Enjoy Life!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Winning With Communication - Master Communication Skills" |
"Winning With Communication - Communication Training Course Transform Your Communication ... Transform Your LIFE! It's hard to get the slightest things done ... if you can't communicate well. Master Communicators enjoy Better Careers, Relationships, Happiness and More Success! Gain an Unfair Advantage over those who are missing these skills ... and Join the Ranks of the Top 1% of Communicators!You Will Learn: How To Say Things In A Way Others Will Listen Learn How To Make Your Communication More Powerful Improve Your Relationships Be More Influential Boost Your Income Get Your Needs Met Create Closeness & Understanding Be Liked & Admired Understand Others Better Achieve Your Goals Boost Your Sales $$$ Speak With Greater Confidence! Advance Faster In Your Career $$$... and Much, Much More!Mastering Communication Skills is one of the KEYS to a Successful Life ... It will help you achieve more in your Career in less time and More in your Life in General! Gain this Added Advantage in Life - Become a Master Communicator!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sat ve Pazarlama Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile mteri ilikileri, mteri algsn ve duygusunu etkileyip sat gerekletirmek iin gerekli stratejileri reneceksiniz. Bu stratejiler sayesinde sat ve pazarlama alannda kariyer yapmaya balayacak, kulaktan dolma bilgilerle sat profesyoneli olmayp, bilerek, anlayarak yapacanz bir kariyer basamadr. Bu eitimden sonra gelirlerinizin arttn fark edeceksiniz...Bu kursun sonunda,akam yemei partilerinde, maazalarda, fuarlardasat ve pazarlama sorunlarhakkndagvenle konuabileceksiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Satta %100 Baar ve Sat Kapama Eitimi" |
"Satta %100 baar salamak iin forml ve bu forml kullanarak mteri tiplerini tespit edip, mteri itirazlarn karlayarak sat kapatmann en ince ayrnts ile stratejiler, taktikler btnn kapsayan bir eitim ieriidir. Bu eitim sonunda kesinlikle sat ve pazarlama alannda baar salayp, sat kapatma olaslnzn artacan garanti ederiz. Bu eitim aldnz hi bir sat ve pazarlama eitimine benzemez ve size katks ok olacaktr."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bireysel Motivasyon Teknikleri" |
"Hayata bir ok alan da ve bir ok sorunla mcadele ederiz. Bu sorunlar bazen bize ar gelir ve her eyi brakp bir keye geer sadece yaamak iin yaarz. te o ana kaybetmi birisiniz. Sizi mcadeleye tekrar hazrlayacak, tekrar ayaa kaldracak motivasyonu siz kendi kendinize yapabilecek ve siz kendinizi ayaa kaldrabileceksiniz. Gcnz g katp yeni gcnzle mcadeleye meydan okuyacak tm teknikler bu eitim de ... Sadece tekniklerin yer ald bu eitim de teknikleri siz kendinize uygulayacak, kendi kendinizi motive edebileceksiniz. Baar kendine yetebilen insanlardan balar ve sizin kendi motivasyonunuzu kendinizin salayacan garanti ederiz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Etkili ve Verimli Ders alma ile Baar Teknikleri" |
"Baz renciler ok fazla ders altnda baarl olmay bekler ancak bir sre sonra fark eder ki ok alm olmas ona baar getirmeyecektir. nemli olan ok ders almak deildir, verimli ders alabilmektir. Ders alabilmek masaya oturup kitab ap okumak deildir. Baz renciler ok ders alr ancak verim alamaz bu tip renciler ATLAK RENC olarak nitelendirilirken, elde edecekleri baar ise PATLAK BAARI olacaktr. Oysa bizlerin amac PATLAK BAARI elde etmek deildir. Verimli ve etkili almak iin hemen imdi balayalm..te eitimimiz ile ilgili hangi sorular cevaplarn bulacak; Daha az ders alarak nasl daha baarl olunur?Baarl olma uruna doru bildiimiz yanllar nelerdir?Baarl olmak iin konu nasl allmal ?Etkin ders alma teknikleri nelerdir ?Verimli almak neden nemlidir ?PATLAK BAARI elde etmemek iin yaplmas gerekenler ?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Etkili Zaman Ynetimi ve Planlama" |
"Eitimimizde, zamannz en iyi ve en verimli ekilde renmek, rendiiniz bu bilgiler eliinde de sizin iin nemli o zamanlar planlayarak baarlar elde edebilir zamannz en iyi ekilde ynetebilirsiniz. renciler iin ise;ok yararl bilgiler renecekleri gibi en verimli ders almann nasl yapldn renecek ve ders alma plannn nasl oluturulacan reneceksiniz. Hemen ardndan konu alrken en verimli ekilde ve de en ksa srede nasl ders alacanz renecek baar salayacaksnz.Yetikinler iin ise;alma hayat ve gndelik hayata o kadar ok kouturma arasnda aslnda neleri gzden kardnz ve bu kardnz eyleri grmeni sayesinde hayatnzn nasl deieceini greceksiniz. Ayrca o yetmiyor zaman bana deyip bunalma girdiiniz o zamanlar geride kalacak her ie yetiebileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Etkili renme ve Zihin Gelitirme Teknikleri" |
"Etkili ve hzl renmek iin gl bir zihne sahip olmak gerekiyor ancak zihni ileyerek onu glendirmek hepimizin elinde iken yanl uygulamalar sonucunda zihnimizi kreltmektedir. Oysa ki zihnimize bakacak olmu olsaydk onun saln korumak iin doru eyleri bilmi olsaydk zihnimizin u anki durumdan daha gl olabilirdi. te bu eitim ile zihninizin saln artrp geliimini artracak ve daha etkili renerek daha ksa srede daha ok ey renebileceiz. Unutmayn ki en byk hazinemiz olduu gibi zihnimizin gcnden bir bilgisayar yaplacak olmu olsayd bunun iin 300 Trilyon Dolar para harcanmas gerekecekti, ayrca bu makinay altrmak iinse 1 Trilyon Wat enerjiye ihtiyacmz olacakt bu dahi uan sahip olduumuz zihnin maksimum performansn veremeyecektir. te bu kadar gl ve bu kadar pahal bir eyi eitmek size neler kazandracak bir dnn. 300 Trilyon Dolarnz olsa onu nasl korurdunuz ? te o paray banzn zerinde tayorsunuz ?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Start Business with low cost and good Strategy" |
"This is 21st century, technology and internet has taken over the industrial era. Start up or starting a business is as easy as blinking of eyes. Mindset which prevailed for generations has taught us that we need tons and tons of money in order to start a business, but thats not true anymore. A survey report clearly shows more than 55% start ups registered every year are based on internet, which barely demands back up millions. So, if you are still worried about financial back up before starting your dream project, I think you shouldnt, because in this course you will get aware of the true world of business and how to start a business with very low investment. Years of experience in this industry has taught me one thing, we dont need more money, but we do need more hard work to succeed. A business with low investment is same as multi billions dollar industry and I demand same efforts and grind. All the planning, strategies and work ethics which are required to make you successful is clearly taught in this course. This course will also help you to clear your beliefs regarding money and earning. Learn how to make a small idea turn into billion dollar industry.I met people who said ""they will not put effort to start business, because they don't have money"".they keep saying all the time, that, they can't start a business because no money, if there is money, they can start a business easily with no delay, and this belief is not trueTruth is, you can start your business without money, with low cost and also you can succeed with little money in your beginning.In this course; I present most of the methods which can help you to make your own start, just you need to take an action step.what I present in this course is not from my imagination or books but it is from practical experience with myself and my clients.You will find practical guidance to start a new life in the business field and how you can start a business with no money or with the minimumBusiness without money or with less cost means you have to put more effort to succeedIt is your choice to start; waiting for you!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Business is a Human, Your Personality and more than This!" |
"Ever heard successful personalities saying that they are really passionate about their work and love what they do. How can someone fall in love with business, thats a nonliving entity, right? Well, we all know that, passion is the biggest reason for success which comes when you are deeply in love with something. You have to understand one thing, you and your business is a single unit because your business is reality of your dreams. This course will clear your understanding about business. You will learn your business is like all other living beings on the planet and various points which directly relates to this theory. It happens very often, we start with full enthusiasm, but after some time it disappears. They keep waiting for some magic to happen. This eventually and slowly result to death for your business and dreams. By the end of this course your perspective for your business will be changed by 180 degree. This course will tell you how put heart in your business and bring life to it. Making you and your business a single body with souls in true love paving path for your success and flourishing of your business.You have to find your beliefs about business and filter it then break un-useful one and you will find it is simple to start in business, take care I didn't mention that working in business is easy, I only mentioned it is simple.Similarities between human and business will help you to accept the idea of a working in a business.Change idea and break beliefs, your life will changelooking forward to changing your idea and belief about business"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Ideas and Methods of Creating Content Easily" |
"People buy what they see, and the content hanging online there gives your audience the idea of your product. A quality content doesnt give only a good impression to the readers but plays major role in financial statement of your company. A quality content gives a clear picture and description of the things you want to tell your consumers. It directly hits the subconscious mind of the reader without letting them know. Wondering how to generate a quality content which can meet your desires. Your search ends here, this course is the treasure for those who wants to create excellent contents which can influence its readers. Being creative yet simple has been always a challenge for content creators. Bringing up something new every time hasnt been easy since ages. For most of the people, reading is hardest task of their lives, how to keep them engaged to your content? Learn everything from A to Z of content creation in this course. Step by step procedure will turn your dreams into reality before you will even this course you will know methods to generate ideas to create content easily Build word through adding values in creating content and also people will define you as expert in your field because creating content is one of presenting of your experience and prove your are experienced in your fieldDon't miss this course, it will help you so much"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"LPIC-3: 304 Virtualization & High Availability" |
"LPIC-3 certification is the culmination of the certification programLPI multi-level professional. The LPIC-3 is designed for the Linux professionallevel and represents the highest level of professional certification.of Linux in terms of distribution in the industry. Three certification ofLPIC-3 specialties are available. Pass any of thethree exams will grant LPIC-3 certification for this specialty.The LPIC-3 304: Virtualization and High Availability Certification covers themanagement of Linux systems across the enterprise with anVirtualization and High Availability.This course covers the topic: 334: High Availability and Cluster Management.A certificao LPIC-3 o ponto culminante do programa de certificaoprofissional multi-nvel da LPI. O LPIC-3 projetado para o profissional Linuxde nvel empresarial e representa o mais alto nvel de certificao profissionalde Linux neutro em termos de distribuio na indstria. Trs certificaes deespecialidades LPIC-3 separadas esto disponveis. Passar qualquer um dostrs exames conceder a certificao LPIC-3 para essa especialidade.O LPIC-3 304: certificao de virtualizao e alta disponibilidade cobre aadministrao de sistemas Linux em toda a empresa com nfase emVirtualizao e Alta Disponibilidade.Este curso aborda o tpico: 334 : Alta Disponibilidade e Gerenciamento de Cluster."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Servlets and JSP Tutorial For Beginners!" |
"Servlets and JSP are the backbone of all modern day Web Applications!In this course, we will start by talking about some network component and we understand the basics of networking with simple real world examples. And then we jump in to some real good examples on network programming.Here, we will take examples of socket communication through TCP/IP, UDP, Broadcasting, Multi casting, and many more examples.By, now you must gain foundation knowledge to explore about servlets and JSP's and to enter the world of JavaEE!Learning aboutServlets and JSP, lay a great foundation for learning allmodern day frameworks. This course is almost like a prerequisite for learning modern day Java Frameworks as they internally relay on these technologies. This course will surely will make your Java journey smooth without any glitches.We will start by talking about the basics of servlet's and JSP with some real good example programs and cover everything that you need to know on Serveletand JSP technologies!Join us!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"PostgreSQL, PGadmin, SQL Tutorial + Mini Project!" |
"PostgreSQL is the most advanced and the most popular Open Source Relational Database used in the industry for enterprise applications. Postgresql is known for it's standard compliance (ACID compliant), and ensures great reliability, robustness, and performance, even with large set of concurrent users.PostgreSQL works fine with all modern web frameworks including but not limited to,: Django (Python), node.js (JavaScript), Hibernate (Java), Ruby on rails, PHP, and many more. Due to PostgreSQLs robustness and replication capabilities, websites can easily be scaled out to as many database servers as you need.It has wonderful analytical capabilities and offers a powerful SQL engine, which makes processing large amounts of data in efficient manner.Why PostgreSQL?Posrgresql offer,Better standard compliance to ACID propertiesBetter performance for read and write operations (Crucial for performing Data Analysis and Data Warehousing)Better performance in handling complex queriesBetter security with builtin SSLSupport and communication is encryptedGreat support for cloud infrastructures like AWS, Microsoft Azure, etcSupports NoSQLFeaturesSupports a wide range of programming languages (C,C++, Java, Python,JavaScript, R, Perl, Ruby, etc..)Offers rich set of features for administrationZero downtime upgradesWhy this course?This course will start with an assumption that you don't know anything about Database. We will start, right form the very basic question, ""What is Database?"" to more and more advanced concepts (refer course content below). In short, if you want to learn PostgreSQL and you don't even have knowledge on RDBMS, then you are in the right place! You will love this course.Here are some organic reviews I received from students who took this course,""This is another excellent course in the database with this tutor. I am now some part of the course and it is very engaging.""""This course is well organized and clear explanation. No unnecessary junk, just the right content!""""I recommend this course to anyone who want to get started with postgresql. The instructor is knowledgeable and knows his stuff well. The mini project in the end is useful""Apart from PostgreSQL, You will learn about 'PGadmin' which is administrative tool for Database Administrators. You will learn 'SQL' (Postgresql specific) which is a language to communicate with the Database. You will learn about 'JDBC' with is essentially a glue code, that will enable your application to interact with the Database.We are also going to create a CRUDApplication by combining all the components. We will follow the MVC design pattern to do so.I have over 11 Years of corporate experience in creating enterprise Java applications and been teaching online/offline for over 6 years. I've contributed to many ambitious projects in the industry. Although, I did not work as a Database Administrator specifically, I have used PostgreSQL as the Database solution for the projects I worked on. I have great exposure to the entire stack of Java technologies and in this course, I will fill the gaps related to the Database and specifically PostgreSQL.High Level Course ContentIntroduction to the courseComponents of DBMS and its architectureRDBMS terminologiesStructured Query Language with PostgreSQLBasic OperationsSQLConstraintsWorking with RelationsFetching DataSQL JoinsQueries and Result SetsSub QueriesDBMS through PostgreSQL and PgAdminPostgreSQL Users and RolesDatabase ViewsTransactionsPgAdmin Stored ProceduresTriggersSchema ObjectsDDL, DML, DCL, TCL, and Postgres CommandsPgAdmin ComponentsDesigning a database and good practices!MVC Architecture and Mini ProjectI hope to see you there!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Maven and Ant the easy way!" |
"A must learn technology for Java Programmers!This course is about Apache Ant and MavenApache AntAnt is a library that helps you automate the build process of a project.Using Ant, you can have good control over your project to minute detail. We can accomplish it, by creating tasks.Ant offers a great deal of builtin tasks, that will help you automate literally any typical project tasks like, compiling the source code, copying the files to server, packaging the project as an archive, etc.Apache MavenApache Maven, is a great project management tool that will not only help in automating the project build process, but also a host of other things like, dependency management, versioning, etc.We can keep enhancing the capabilities of Maven by incorporating additional plugins or even write our own custom plugins.Who should take this course?- People who want to learn every aspect of the most popular Project management tool (Maven)- People who want to be productive in workspaceAfter you complete the course- You will know how real world Java projects are managed- You will be able to stand on your own, in dealing with these technologies.- You will be able to outsmart your colleges and you will be able to make valid arguments on the subject"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hibernate Java Framework the Easy way!" |
"Hibernate is the most popular ORMtool for enterprise Java Applications. In this course you will Learn the core concepts of Hibernate ORMFrameworkWith hibernate, you will know how to map some of the OOPnotions like inheritance, polymorphism, composition, Java collections etc, with Relational Database tables.You will learn some interesting core concepts of Hibernate, like Lazy loading, caching, fetching strategies, optimistic locking, connection pooling, seconds level cache etc.You will learn how to do reverse engineering so that you can generate POJO entities from an existing database.And many more interesting conceptsDownloadable examples in each chapter"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Integration Ultimate Method for function of different type" |
"In this course, i have prepared lecture for various type of function which are not solved by ordinaryintegration methods, course is described as1 Integration of rational function having linear numerator and denominator2 Integration of rational exponential function3 Integration of function having exponential and cosine function as product of both.4 Integration of function having exponential and sin function as product5 Integration of sin power 4 x6 Integration of cos power 4 x7 Integration of tan power 4 x"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This organic chemistry course is meant for students looking to take the MCAT.This course is perfect for college organic chemistry students of all levels and anyone who wants to ace MCAT organic chemistry. This course takes you through all of the major topics of organic chemistry that you need for the MCAT. You will get lot practice questions on each topic. You will learn almost everything you need to know about the MCAT organic chemistry course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Organic Chemistry - Reactions And Mechanism" |
"In this course I have attempted to give equal weight to the three fundamental aspects of the study of organic chemistry : Reactions , mechanism and structure.This course provides a deeper understanding of the reactivity and properties of organic compounds. Stereo-chemical features including conformation and stereo-electronic effects; Aromatic compounds , carboxylic acids and aldehydes and ketones are explained in detail."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Constructing a Website With Google Sites" |
"This course will explain all the steps necessary to create, build, and publish a professional looking website with Google Sites. You can use Sites to create a teacher web page or have your students create their own web pages about topics they are learning about in class. Having a teacher website is a great way to communicate with staff, students, parents, and the community. When students use Google Sites, they are learning 21st century skills and communicating globally all over the world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Science R: Manipule, visualize dados com R" |
"Aprenda a programar em R pelo pacote ""tidyverse"". Voc ir aprender os principios do R e, por exemplos, como manipular um conjunto de dados, extrair as informaes que voce quer. Como visualizar seus dados de maneira PROFISSIONAL do R, pelos pacotes dplyr e ggplot2Aprender sobre os principais grficos em estatstica para representar os dados, como: Grfico de disperso, grfico de barras, histograma etcSer um curso que aborda, de forma geral e resumida,assuntos complexos e que merecem horas e horas de estudo."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 1/4): Visualizao" |
"Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas!No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever.No terceiro curso (Previses) vamos abordar diversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais!No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 2/4): Modelagem ARIMA" |
"Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas!No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever.No terceiro curso (Previses) vamos abordar diversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais!No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 3/4): Previses" |
"Sries Temporais um assunto que est por toda parte, de questes financeiras como analisar o preo das aes at estudar o comportamento do fluxo de um rio! Isto , dados que variam ao longo do tempo esto por toda parte!Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas!No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever.No terceiro curso (Previses) vamos abordar diversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais!No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 4/4): PONDO EM PRTICA" |
"Sries Temporais um assunto que est por toda parte, de questes financeiras como analisar o preo das aes at estudar o comportamento do fluxo de um rio! Isto , dados que variam ao longo do tempo esto por toda parte! Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas! No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever. No terceiro curso (Previses) vamosabordardiversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais! No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Machine Learning com o TITANIC no R" |
"J pensou em aplicar machine learning a um banco de dados famoso como o do Titanic? Aprenda o conceito e ferramentas importantes do machine learning como rvore de deciso e florestas aleatrias com o conjunto de dados mais famoso das competies de machine learning: Titanic!Tenho certeza que vai gostar desse curso rpido que convido voc a participar, e caso no goste, vc pode pedir devoluo do dinheiro. O que acha?Caso queira conhecer mais sobre o R, Data Science e Machine Learning, convido voc tambm a olhar meus outros cursos no meu perfil de instrutor."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Anlise de dados: Domine a manipulao de dados no R" |
"Neste curso, voc aprender como executar tcnicas sofisticadas com o dplyr para realizar sua manipulao de dados com R. Primeiro voc dominar os cinco verbos de manipulao de dados R com dplyr: selecione, mude, filtre, organize e resuma. Em seguida, voc aprender como voc pode encadear suas operaes dplyr usando o operador pipe do pacote magrittr. Na seo final, o foco est em praticar como subconjunto seus dados usando a funo group_by.Com tudo isso, voc estar familiarizado com ferramentas de manipulao de dados e tcnicas que permitiro manipular dados com eficincia."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"INSTAGRAM: Trucos Prcticos para las Historias de Instagram" |
"Instagram es una plataforma en la cual reina el contenido con alto nivel esttico y si no quieres estar a la sombra de los dems, tienes que estar al tanto y masterizarlos ltimos trucos que estn usando los lderes en Instagram.Los ltimos reportes que estn saliendo sobre las tendencias en Instagram, dicen que los usuarios de esta plataforma consumencada vezms y ms el contenido de lashistorias de Instagram (Instastories).Es por eso que he creado este curso.Durante los ltimos 3 aos he aprendido muchos trucosque me han hecho elevar la calidad demi contenido a otro nivel. Al mismo modo he encontrado trucosde los que nadie hablapara poder alcanzar a una audiencia ms amplia y targeteada por medio delashistorias de Instagram (Instastories).Y es precisamente esto lo que quiero ensearles en este curso.Les voy a ensear trucos para que sushistorias de Instagram (Instastories) se destaquen dentro de los otros millones y millones de historias que se suben da a da.Y por qu es importante aprender estos trucos?Al final de este curso entenders:Cmo entregar tu mensaje a una audiencia ms grande, targeteandolos porinteresesy locaciones.Podrs crear diseos que hagan ver tu cuenta/marca mucho ms profesional y moderna.Tu audiencia te va a ver como un lder gracias a la esttica de tu contenido.Vas a poder crear contenido de alta calidad y creatividad que va a llamar la atencin de tu audiencia.Tu perfil se ver ms consistente, profesional y esttico despus de crear tus historias destacadasConocers 2 plataformas y 1 aplicacingratuitacon las cuales vas a poder disear rpidamente y sin esfuerzo contenido de alta calidad.Conocers 2aplicaciones gratuitas ms con las cuales podrscrear videos con texto animado sin esfuerzo y en poco tiempoAumentars el engagement de tu audiencia por medio de tushistorias de Instagram (Instastories)Estos trucos tambin te ayudarn a: impresionar a tu audiencia, hacer que te destaquesde tucompetencia y que tu perfil se vea ms profesional--Si durante el curso tienes alguna duda, me la puedes dejar en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas!As que no lo pienses ms, dale click al botn que dice ""Comprar Ahora"", nos vemos dentro del curso!Estoy ac disponible para ayudarte en el proceso."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Simple tricks for animations in css with Examples" |
"Animation is the thing using which you can make your web pages eye catchy. If you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS thenmaking animation will be very easy for you. In this course you will also learn about font styles and how to use material colors. Combination of material colors, stylish fonts and animations will perfectlymake your website fascinating. So if you want to make your website attractive and eye catchy then you will be watching correct video.Covers:1)ApplyingFont style and animation on text.2)Applying mouse hover effect on text and button.3)Applying animation for text rotation.4)Applying animation for text typewriting5)Applying styles and animations on button"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |