Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Kizomba On Fire! Learn Kizomba & Have Fun on The Dance Floor" |
"Wait No More and Start Learning Kizomba Today!Did you always wish to learn KIZOMBA the right way, or to improve your Kizomba technique? Are you looking for a new and exciting hobby to do with your partner? Do you want to impress your friend on the next party? Or even would you like to loose some pounds, while increasing your self esteem and having a lot of FUN??JooCapela and Vera Gomes, a couple with more than 15 years of dance experience, had made for you a simple to follow KIZOMBA course, with a series of videos and steps that fit like a puzzle, and that will take you from the total ZERO (from having two left feet) to an expert in Kizomba.Joo and Vera have being teaching Kizomba in their own Dance Studio in Portugal (Academia JooCapela), and also in several other studios and countries.In their portuguese version of this Kizomba Online Course, Joo and Vera have students from Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola,Fance, Check Republic, Uruguai, Vietname and growing.In this version specially made for Udemy, you will learn EVERYTHING you need to start in this amazing dance that is Kizomba, and start finally dancing in any place or event. As soon as you start you will stop no more!It is more than proven that learning to dance, like KIZOMBA, is one of the best activities that you can take. Improves your social capacities, your coordination, balance and posture, it is an excellent exercice ... and it's a lot of FUN!In this course you will learn not only the KIZOMBA basic steps the right way, but also some more advanced moves. You will also learn how to move your body and hip, you will learn different step combinations, and much more!!Sign Up Today and Start having fun today While Dancing Kizomba! :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dfinition d'entreprise : Vision Mission Valeurs" |
"Vous avez des difficults lancer votre produit ou service, vous ne savez par o commencer, ou vous dmarrez tout juste votre activit Comment trouver sa voie ou prendre le bon dpart ? C'est cette question que rpond cette formation.Vous trouverez les informations ncessaires sur les vision, mission et valeur. Vous comprendre leurs importances pour votre dveloppement commercial, vous apprendrez dfinir et utiliser ces lments vitaux pour votre entreprise. De nombreuses fiches de travail vous aide suivre le processus tape par tape, pour crer, vrifier et tester vos vision mission et valeurs. Ensuite, vous dfinirez votre plan d'actions.Voici une formation complte qui vous rvle les cls de la russite. Un moyen pour prendre confiance en votre potentiel et dvelopper votre activit sereinement."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Tree planning: How to plan, track, and execute any project?" |
"This course is going to teach you how to plan, track, and execute your project. So, if you have a project, goal, or a dream in mind, but you don't really know how to plan, and track your progress, then this is the right course for you. For years I haven't been able to reach when I want not because I can't, but because I always forgot about my goals. After years of experience, I came to realize that in order to truly accomplish a massive goal or a project, then it has to be planned, track, and defined clearly. And this course is going to teach you how to do just that."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python - How To Create & Package Command Line Tools" |
"In this course, we will learn how to create & package command line tools using python. So, if you would like to learn how to turn your python program into a Command line tool, and then package it so everyone in the world can use what you have written, then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a Lucrative Copywriting Portfolio from Scratch" |
"Do you want to create an impressive copywriting portfolio?Would you like to attract more clients, land well-paying gigs or earn more at work?Are you impatient to get started?Sure you are!You've learned the basics. Now you want to put your skills to work.I hear you. But something's holding you back... Am I right?Maybe you're thinking...But INEED clients to GET clients?How do I build a copywriting portfolio with no experience?I'm a complete newbie... HELP!All totally valid thoughts. It's tough when you're an aspiring copywriter.Especially when you're looking for work and you have zero professional writing experience. But let me tell you a secret...You dont actually need any on-the-job experience at all...__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ""This course was great! I thought I was only going to get tips on how to build my portfolio, but learning where to go for jobs and asking for testimonials, and my favorite, samples of copy to write, were all such amazing bonuses! Thank "" you!JessieSince1986 ""Great course and great PDF summaries and resources!"" Mike Malley ""This course has already given me so much confidence, and I""m only half way through! I'm excited to see what the rest of the content will offer!"" Moriah ""Tamsin has done it again! As an aspiring copywriter, I was completely clueless about how to start my (new) career until I watched Tamsin's videos. She goes into the nitty-gritties of what is required to jumpstart a copywriting career. Her exercises forced me to tap into the unused parts of my brain to do some actual ""copywriting"" work, which I'm so grateful for, as it gave me a feel of the elbow grease I'd have to go through to build my career. Tamsin's encouragement is so valuable. It's almost like having a personal coach telling me what to do and not to give up. The rest is up to me - practice, thick skin, grit, research, hard work. Thank you, Tamsin, for the invaluable advice and tips you've shared with me."" Brenda Chung ""I loved the writing prompts to begin creating my portfolio. This helped immensely and I was able to get 5 or 6 documents added! It really helped to motivate me to continue writing on a vast array of subjects. Thank you!"" Kristine Walker ""This course is truly amazing! I have recently moved into full-time copywriting and web development and needed a portfolio of work. Following Tam's lectures and writing has enabled me to do just that. When Tam says the copy templates the course provides are proven to work, she is not wrong! I used the one to approach my contacts and had a reply requesting my services from a large company CEO, within hours!!"" ""If you haven't taken Tam's other copywriting course, and are serious about copywriting, then you are missing out, I really recommend that course as well!"" David Kalcher ""For months now, I've been telling myself that I need to build a portfolio so I can start freelancing more seriously, but it just never got done. It felt like too big of a task to tackle, so instead, I distracted myself with more skill-building courses, and planning and re-planning my freelance business."" ""The best thing about this course so far is that it cuts through all of the busywork and potential roadblocks, and really encourages students to do what matters. I love this. Building a copywriting portfolio has never felt so doable before."" Tara Nelson It's got me writing! That has to be a good thing. Ajibola Anita Dahunsi ""A great follow on from her Copywriting course (but can be used independently of it) with very helpful tasks. Definitely puts one's mind at ease about going on this new copywriting venture!"" Che ""I initially finished the Complete Copywriting Course, and this course is the perfect addition to take what Tamsin teaches there and put it into practice. By the end of the course (if you actually do the exercises) you'll come away with a body of work all ready to go."" Dominic Frencken ""Tamrin was Awesome, she brought us along and had us put together 5 pieces for or portfolio- I think more feedback and assignments to have to turn in either with links or cut and paste to her would be helpful so she can review and help us further BUT as I start her full course I think I'll get just that! Also I would love to see a group with shared copy of please invite me if this is up or when you have it up! I so want to take my copywriting and make a business out of it and have it really help my blog flourish!"" Pamela Schmidlin ""I found this course to be exactly what I was looking for an exactly as described. As far as improvement goes, I would recommend just having some more example copy as part of the building our own copy. Something that is similar to the examples we should be building, but not to similar. Analysis of something like that also might be good as far as looking over/editing our own copy or improving someone else's."" Spencer Smith__________________________________________________________________________________________________And Im going to show you how to build your copywriting portfolio completely from SCRATCH. Inside this course you'll find five prompts you can use to create credible writing samples. (Plus tons of inside circle tips and tricks for getting them done with ease.)REMEMBER:When you can demonstrate your copywriting skills youve got a fighting chance of getting SEEN, HEARD and HIRED. When you cant? Might as well wear an invisibility cloak. *Sad face*All you've got to do is learn how to put together a great portfolio, and effective ways to get it in front of your potential customers.And thats EXACTLY what we're going to do, together, inside this course.Step by step. Plus, you get to choose the pace. If you want, you could complete the whole thing in one afternoon. Or, you could do it over the space of a few weeks. Speedy or relaxed, your choice.Not only that but we're gonna go out and GET YOUR FIRST COPYWRITING GIG.Yep, you'll have a real paying client sample in your portfolio. And to make things less intimidating (cos Ihear those voices in your head too y'know)...__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ""I've learned everything there is to know about building my portfolio thanks to Tamsin. Udemy has a wide selection of courses and trainers, glad I decided to take her course."" Telecia LaRue ""Tasmin 's Course is great, and worth it. Get the course as it works in real life. Great video and great sound. To the point. Better than a five star course in rel life."" Andre Pretorius Andre Pretorius ""This instructor gets to the point and provides a lot of value by giving it straight. The easy, stepped exercises are spot on. If you do what she says, you're going to succeed. Inkudoble!"" Michael James Fitzgerald ""I feel really excited about copywriting so far in this course as I feel more reassured about how to get a portfolio going (I am a complete beginner at copy). I love the way Tam presents the course, clear, concise, engaging."" Amy Ma ""I found this portfolio building course from Tamsin's ultimate copywriting course. This was exactly what I needed to help build my portfolio as I continue my journey of making a career change. The course is filled with useful exercises to help you build the foundational pieces for your portfolio. Not only are the exercises manageable, they are completely focused on real-world situations -- perfect for showing off to future clients! You won't be disappointed with this purchase."" Tristyn Sipsy ""Tam has done it again with an excellent course for the aspiring copywriter. I will be going through the exercises and building up my own samples and finally taking action towards getting my first copywriting clients..well done Tamsin!"" Stephen Johnson ""Tamsin is an excellent Instructor. She is generous with information and resources. Her courses provide the skills and confidence needed to succeed."" Brenda Wyche ""This is a great build on the previous course (The Complete Copywriting Course). Gives me everything I need to get going...and takes away any excuses! :)""Thanks Tamsin! Robin McShane__________________________________________________________________________________________________Ive simplified the whole process for you.Ive broken it down into five, fun mini projects, carefully designed to expand your confidence as you go.So by the end of this course...You'll have a digital copywriting portfolio you'll be proud to show clients and employers. (It won't cost you a penny, either.)A credible, meaningful, versatile, client-impressing, competition-smashing copywriting portfolio that shines a light on your skills.In fact, never again will you have to sell yourself. Why? Because your work will do the talking for you.PACKED WITH TEMPLATES, PITCHES AND TACTICSI'll also be sharing my time-tested email templates, pitches and hush-hush copywriting brief. These are gonna set you in good stead for the rest of your career.Plus, I've built in positive experience escalation, a sort of gamification, to keep you motivated and focused on your writing. So that you can FINALLYget your portfolio DONE.And before you know it, not only will you have a collection of excellent copywriting samples... youll have landed your first client.Yep, right here, inside the course.Ready to get started?WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Freelance copywriters Social media managers Digital marketers: all levels Creatives Agency workers Web designersBecause these days, if you're job involves any kind of writing, you're a much more attractive prospect if you can demonstrate persusasive writing skills. WHO AM I?Hi! My names Tamsin and Ive taught over 5000 students on Udemy with my best-selling copywriting course.Ive been writing marketing copy under various guises for 16 years. For six of those, I've been running a successful copywriting business. I work just two days a week and love the freedom and flexibility of calling the shots for myself.Brains and human behaviour have always fascinated me. So getting paid to geek out on the science of what makes people tick is so rewarding. I'm evangelical that copywriting is THE most useful (yet underated) skill ANYONE can have. And when you have an effective platform to demonstrate it AKA your awesome portfolio, youre gonna win the hearts, minds and pockets of all those copywriting clients out there.And trust me theyre everywhere.NEVER has there been a better opportunity for copywriters. So whether youre an aspiring copywriter, a heavyweight marketer or a social media Godzilla (or anything where you need to write WORDS as part of your job), you need a portfolio to demonstrate your skills.SHOW don't TELL, remember?Here are some nice things people have said about my Complete Copywriting Course ""Just the fundamentals section covered more than most copy writing books I've read. I'm moving on to the advanced techniques, and I can't wait. Gonna be learning till late tonight. Better than Netflix."" A. Jackson ""Best copywriting course on Udemy! Practical and easy-to-follow."" Carys. S. ""Amazing course! I learned so much. The lessons were light and beautifully explained,the visuals also helped a lot. The information is relevant and applicable, I started taking action immediately. I loved Tamsin's personality and her voice was easy to listen to. I liked that certain things were repeated in various sections, it solidified the information in my head. I will certainly be going over the lessons. This course gave FAR more value than it costs. I would highly recommend it and will be on hunt for any other content this instructor has out there. Thank you Tamsin!"" Christina F-Thomas ""This course has removed so much confusion and guesswork in my writing."" ""AWESOME course! This stuff is almost a no brainer When you hear it you finally realize you knew what to do all along. It all makes so much more sense. And, awesome examples + resources that come along with this course, it really helps you understand copywriting on another level. You can definitely tell a lot of hard work went into putting this course together. Totally worth the buy."" K. McMurrick ""Its so obvious now why our copy wasnt working before. We were making every classic mistake. The tips and tricks Ive learned on this course have completely changed the way Im writing. The how to guide make it easy to follow. Now all I need is practice! Add to this the lectures are engaging and get to the point quickly.Thanks Tamsin."" Suean Pascoe ""I'm happy I took this course because it increased by copywriting knowledge ten fold. Now I know what I'm looking at when it comes to copy."" E. Lemus ""This course was so informative and has empowered me to get started with my freelance copywriting business right away. The content flowed well and I feel prepared to go it on my own!"" J. Smith ""SO HELPFUL!!!"" Ryan ""Definitely a good match. The presenter starts from scratch but never assumes the audience is stupid. Also love her energy & passion. This is not only teaching me skills, it's invigorating me!"" D. Biancotti ""I really love this course, everything is broken down into simple steps and very well explained with plenty of examples and exercises to give you a chance to see if you understand it before you move on to the next lesson. Would definitely recommend this course."" Sean Smith ""As a complete novice to copywriting, I absolutely enjoyed the pace of the course. Tamsin brought a wealth of knowledge and energy to every lesson. You can tell that she put her heart into this and it shows. My main take aways were grasping an understanding of persona, WIIFM, features and benefits. I would highly seek out and recommend her future courses to everyone!"" Jacquie DearIS THIS YOU?Youve got the copywriting basics, but your lack of portfolio is holding you back.You keep using excuses like: How am I going to get clients without any paid work to show?You dont know where to start with your portfolio or what to write aboutYou havent got a clue how to even present your portfolioYoure worried youre not quite good enough to show your workLet me start by saying:All of that is just blleeeep.Everybody starts somewhere. And youll be surprised just how quickly things escalate once youve got your copywriting portfolio up and running.In fact, all of these worries are unfounded and insignificant. Mere distractionsSo Im going show you the specific path I took to build my portfolio, with all the tried and tested templates, prompts and tips.Thats why I created this course, to help you replicate my journey and create your own version of success.Today really is the best day to get started. Other people are already discovering the awesomeness of copywriting. So youll want to start as soon as you can (like today!) to take advantage of this mushrooming opportunity.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN:BUILD AN AWESOME COPYWRITING PORTFOLIO FROM SCRATCH LIFETIME ACCESSto all the prompts and resources you need to improve the conversion rate of everything you'llwrite again. ONE HOUR OF BINGEWORTHY VIDEO TUTORIALSchopped into tasty mini projects. RINSE AND REPEAT EMAIL TEMPLATESthat cut to the chase and help you get results. 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you're not completely satisfied. INDISPENSABLE RESOURCES and BONUSES, downloadable PDFs and At-A-Glance guides- worth the price of the course alone.I cant wait to see your success.In the first section, I give you my secret copywriting brief and my valuable system for building a digital portfolio in just ten minutes or less.See you inside the course! - Tamsin"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Create Web Experiences using AEM (All versions & AEM Users)" |
"Today most organisations need to manage multiple brands from several different sites on social and mobile platforms and many of them choose Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as the Content Management System. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), formerly known as CQ5 or Communique5, is an Enterprise Web Content Management System which allows organizations to deliver a highly personalized digital experience to audience across different delivery channels including web, mobile and social.In this course Create Rich Web Experiences - Adobe Experience Manager 6.4, use Adobe Experience Manager to create rich responsive web experiences quickly and how to manage the content of your web experiences. The course is designed to build your skills in AEM Touch UI, Authoring in AEM, how to manage and publish the web pages in AEM etc.By the end of the course you will be well versed and comfortable in AEM authoring essentials with pretty good fundamental knowledge of authoring experience on the version AEM 6.4."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Enterprise IT Business Analysis" |
"Benefits of Taking This Course:Career Enhancement: Ongoing commitment to, and investment in, your professional development and the success of your yourself or organization.Well-Rounded Curriculum: My courseoffer a blend of courses to developcompetencies, and provide experience through hands-on practice with real-world challenges for typicalBA tasks.Immediate Application:I have designed thiscourse tohave practical learning activities - enabling you to apply what you learn in class directly to your work environment.Current Topics and Comprehensive Materials:Course topics and materials are continuously updated to reflect changes in the workplace and the latest industry best practices. Dynamic Instructions engaging you in relevant real-world experience.Main Reasons For Creating This Course:To help students:UnderstandIT project lifecycle and explain where a BA is specifically involvedMaster skillset for BA tasks ina start-up or anenterprise level organizationLearn and apply requirements elicitation and managementtechniques.Draft Requirements for a real-world IT enterprise project.BA course curriculum that would explain ITprojects from avery realistic (real-world ITenvironment)and practicalstandpoint - Enterprise Project Demo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Online Business From Scratch" |
"If you're thinking about starting your own online business, but not quite sure where to start, then this class is for you! You'll be taken through the basics of how to identify a gap in the market, the most ideal online platforms so use and how to market your online store when it's up and running.This class is ideal for people who are both new to online businesses and also people who may have tried launching their own online business in the past, but aren't quite sure how to make it become successful. Luckily, you've come to the right place!In this class you will learn:- How to choose the most suitable online platform for your business.- How to find a demand in the market to fill.- How to plan your marketing strategy to get customers to buy your products or services.- How to think of the best name for your business.- The initial steps towards building your online store.- The best ways to market your business based on your products, services and platform.- How to manage your finances; the basics of income vs expenses to be able to run a profitable online business.- How tweaking your online store regularly and experimenting with your business can bring positive rewards and allow you to see any changes in your market very quickly.Class objective:By the end of this class you will know exactly how to start a new online business from scratch, choose the best platforms for your products or services, and be confident in being able to market your business effectively. This class is for entrepreneurs who are keen to learn how to take advantage of a gap in the market and create a profitable online business - from zero."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Best Practices automatizado com PowerShell" |
"Aprenda como criar um best practices do seu SQL Server no Word com o word sendo gerado na sua frente me tempo real e na hora. um trabalho de horas feito em minutos . Veja o video promocional e veja a magica do PowerShell. Foram quase 4 meses de trabalho montando o scripts que eu darei para vocs e ensinarei como usar"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Negociao (Bnus de Marketing)" |
"Este contedo rene dois grandes professores da Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV) para falar de NEGOCIAO e DIFERENCIAO. No somente quando pensamos em mercado, mas at mesmo em nossa vida pessoal, ambas as habilidades so fundamentais para atingir os resultados esperados.Fernando Marchesini e Claudio Goldberg oferecem dicas valiosas que podem ser utilizadas hoje mesmo por qualquer pessoa. Voc ir perceber que a capacidade de negociar e criar valor podem nos separar entre o sucesso e o fracasso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda AutoCAD na Prtica" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a desenhar mais de 100 exerccios na prtica, passo a passo, sem enrolao. A vantagem deste curso que o aluno aprende o comando e j aplica nos desenhos, o que torna a aprendizagem muito mais eficiente e agradvel.Indicado para alunos que querem aprender a desenhar no AutoCAD e tambm para os mais experientes, interessados em se aperfeioar e se atualizar.O mtodo de ensino aplicado neste curso permite que o aluno aprenda aquilo que realmente importa para ele, no importa a verso do AutoCAD que voc esteja utilizando e voc nem precisa seguir o curso em sequncia pois cada aula independente da outra,Voc comear a desenhar exerccios fceis onde aprender as ferramentas bsicas, a dificuldade vai aumentando conforme a quantidade de ferramentas aprendidas, desde o primeiro exerccios voc ir aprender como definir escalas para o desenho dentro de um formato padro ABNT, tambm ir inserir as dimenses e realizar sua impresso."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Formao em SketchUp" |
"O SketchUp o software 3D mais utilizado no mundo. Uma ferramenta simples intuitiva e muito poderosa que permite que profissionais possam transformar rapidamente suas idias em projetos 3D e 2D.Este um curso extremamente prtico onde o aluno ver todas as ferramentas que o SkechUp oferece, desenhando uma casa de 2 andares passo a passo com dicas e tcnicas para que seu trabalho seja o mais produtivo possvel."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Formao Completa no AutoCAD 2D e 3D" |
"No Curso Formao Completa em AutoCAD o aluno aprender a desenhar em 2D e 3D no AutoCAD, atravs de 4 cursos voc verconceitos prticos, muitos exerccios e projetos completos passo a passo.Este curso vai te preparar para o mercado de trabalho eesta a oportunidade de voc adquirir uma nova profisso."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Revit Para Iniciantes" |
"O Revit um software para a arquitetura criado dentro do conceito de Modelagem da Informao da Construo (BIM), que permite ao usurio extrair diversas informaes para a construo do projeto. Pelo fato de ser um programa muito rico em recursos, este curso abordar de uma forma prtica os principais conceitos que o aluno deve saber para criar um projeto completo. Durante o curso o aluno ir desenhar uma casa completa, desde o incio at a sua impresso e criao de imagens fotorrealsticas, utilizando dicas e tcnicas para que o seu trabalho seja o mais produtivo possvel.O Curso Revit Para Iniciantes voltado para quem nunca teve contato com o Revit e tambm para aqueles que desejam se atualizar."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks Para Iniciantes" |
"O SolidWorkd o lder mundial em software de modelagem slida 3D usado principalmente para a criao de projetos mecnicos, mas tambm utilizado para o design e desenvolvimento de produtos, estruturas metlicas, mveis, entre muitos outros.Neste curso o aluno aprender como desenhar um projeto mecnico completo, aprender como desenhar as peas, realizar a montagem destas peas, detalhar as peas e montagens e realizar a impresso, utilizando dicas e tcnicas prticas para uma melhor produtividade."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Total Chi Kung II: Ejercicios Teraputicos Lian Gong" |
"En esta segunda parte del Programa Total Chi Kung, aprenders una serie de 18 ejercicios teraputicos para el bienestar, llamada gimnasia Lian Gong, que los chinos han utilizado por miles de aos.Se dividen en 3 series de 6 ejercicios cada uno, orientados a la parte superior, media y baja de nuestro cuerpo.Movimientos suaves, respiracin consciente y atencin plena a nuestro cuerpo nos permite relajarnosaliviar dolores mejorar la circulacin regular las funciones de los nerviosaumentar la capacidad muscularcontrol cerebral, etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Impresin 3d de 0 a 100" |
"Hola! Soy Christian Regalado Sarmiento, Diseador Grfico 3d y Analista en Sistemas, te doy la bienvenida al curso Impresin 3d de 0 a 100. La impresin 3d a cambiado el mundo en el que cualquier persona puede hacer realidad algo digital que est en el ordenador, este genial y detallado curso te llevar paso a paso por las diferentes opciones y herramientas desde sus fundamentos hasta el nivel avanzado para que te conviertas en todo un profesional en el rea de la impresin 3d.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de conocer a profundidad la impresin 3d ,realizar ajustes y mejoras en la impresin de tus piezas, realizar y disear modelos en 3d en programas fciles e intuitivos, saber el manejo de formatos de archivos tanto en 2d y en 3d,etc.Amigos me pueden agregar a mi whatsapp para estar en constante comunicacin y poderles brindar cualquier ayuda .+593 0990828374"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Engineering Drawing Part II" |
"This course is all about learning the elements of Technical / Engineering Drawing.A picture is worth a thousand words and an animation is worth a thousand pictures. Andby the end of this course you will realize, how easy it gets to learn stuff by animations. This is not merely a subject to consume, but, its a language which allows engineers across various disciplines to communicate.This course is relevant across all disciplines of Engineering be it Mechanical, Civil, Electrical or Computer Science. This is a mandatory first year course in most of the universities globally. In Part II of Engineering Drawing we will be covering the following topics in depth:1. Projection of Lines2. Traces of Lines3. Projection of Planes4. Auxiliary Planes (Shortcut to Orthographic Projections)"
Price: 3520.00 ![]() |
"Estatstica I (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido!" |
"****MENSAGEM DE BOAS VINDAS****Linguagem simples a frmula para promover o aprendizado!Este o primeiro curso da srie ""Estatstica (para leigos)"", desenvolvido exclusivamente para iniciantes. Venha fazer parte deste curso que cresce rapidamente e tem tido boa aceitao dos alunos iniciantes (veja os comentrios!). aqui que voc comea a aprender estatstica por meio de uma linguagem simples, direta e com uma sequncia lgica de ensino! Eu sou o Prof. MSc. Uanderson Rebula e ensino estatstica h mais de 10 anos em universidades da regio Sul Fluminense (RJ). Sou Mestre em Engenharia de Produo, coordenador de cursos de graduao e ps-graduao, autor de vrios livros e tenho 21 anos de experincia industrial (Companhia Siderrgica Nacional - CSN). Deixei a indstria para me dedicar voc!A metodologia que uso neste curso a mesmssima praticada em sala de aula: ela se baseia na Teoria da Pirmide de Aprendizado do psiquiatra William Glasser, que afirma que ""retemos 30% dos conhecimentos quando observamos e at 80% quando efetivamente fazemos"". Por isso, neste curso voc vai aprender observando as vdeo-aulas e fazendo muitos exerccios! Aqui ocorre o inverso dos cursos online tradicionais: o aluno estimulado a ter uma participao ativa na construo do conhecimento. Quem faz voc e eu sou o seu guia e no um chefe! ****GANHE BRINDES****Ganhe de brinde: 1) quatro softwares estatsticos (no so verses testes, so gratuitos mesmos!); 2) um suplemento estatstico do Excel; 3) diversas planilhas estatsticas prontas no Excel; 4) um Dicionrio de Estatstica (pdf); 5) um Mapa Mental que mostra a sequncia lgica de aprendizagem em Estatstica (pdf); e 6) alm do livro digital (pdf) que acompanha o curso, ganhe outro livro digital (pdf) de minha autoria ""Grfico de Pareto (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido!"" ****SEM DELONGAS, VEJA DETALHES DO CURSO****Se voc...Tem pouca habilidade com matemtica, leigo ou iniciante em estatstica; Procura um curso que adota um ritmo agradvel, na medida, e que segue uma sequncia lgica de ensino;Quer fazer muitos exerccios e depois ver todas as resolues nas vdeo-aulas;Deseja entender como as frmulas e os clculos so desenvolvidos e como se interpretam os resultados;Vai iniciar estatstica para o trabalho, concursos pblicos, ENEM, ENADE, Data Science etc...;Quer melhorar o seu desempenho na elaborao e anlise de relatrios gerenciais no trabalho;Julga que os clculos estatsticos so parecidos, confusos e de difcil interpretao. ...ento (at que enfim) encontrou um curso que VAI TE AJUDAR! O que torna este curso diferente dos demais? Diferentemente dos tradicionais, este curso ensina a teoria associada prtica, pois dedica 75% da carga horria aos exerccios e apenas 25% para a teoria. So mais de 80 exerccios propostos para voc praticar muito e com um aumento gradual do nvel de dificuldade, justamente para te ajudar na fixao dos contedos; Todos os exerccios propostos so resolvidos nas vdeo-aulas, passo a passo e num ritmo agradvel. como se voc estivesse em uma sala de aula com um professor exclusivo! No tem como no aprender!Alm disso, o curso dispe vrios brindes e um livro digital gratuito (em pdf) com toda a teoria discutida nas aulas, alm dos exerccios propostos e resolues comentadas.Vou te ensinar da seguinte maneiraVou explicar a teoria e propor exerccios; Voc vai tentar resolver os exerccios (esta a parte mais importante do curso!);Vou resolver todos os exerccios nas vdeo-aulas! Nota: No pode pular etapas! Esse o maior erro dos estudantes ""apressados""!Esses so os contedos que voc vai estudar comigo (e trabalhar muito!)Conhecendo curso e o professor Seja bem-vindo (a)! Baixe o livro e os brindes nessa aula!Quem o Prof. MSc. Uanderson? Como ser o curso?Estatstica, tabelas e grficosO que estatstica? Qual a sequncia lgica de aprendizagem?Tabelas e grficos. O que so? Para que servem?Tipos de grficos e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5, 6 e 7Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 8, 9 e 10Distribuio de frequncia: viso geralDistribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Distribuio de frequncia sem classes: frequncia e histogramaDistribuio de frequncia sem classes: tipos de frequnciasAplicaes da distribuio de frequncia e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10 e 11Aplicaes prticas da Distribuio de Frequncia e Histogramas (sem classes)Distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes)Distribuio de frequncia com classes: conceito e construoDistribuio de frequncia com classes: histogramas e exerccios propostosResoluo do exerccio proposto n 1Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 2, 3 e 4Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7 e 8Aplicaes prticas da Distribuio de Frequncia e Histogramas (com classes)Frmula de Sturges - outro mtodo para determinar nmero de classes (i)Medidas resumo: viso geralMedidas resumo: mdia simples e mdia ponderadaMdia simples, mdia ponderada e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 6, 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10, 11, 12, 13 e 14Medidas resumo: mdia de distribuio de frequncia e histogramasMdia de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Mdia de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes) e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1 e 2Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 3 e 4Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 5, 6 e 7Aplicaes prticas da MdiaMedidas resumo: mediana simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramasMediana simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Mediana de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes) e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10, 11 e 12Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 13 e 14Aplicaes prticas da MedianaMedidas resumo: moda simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramasModa simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Moda de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes) e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 6, 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10, 11 e 12Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 13 e 14 (e uma mensagem final)Aula bnus!Veja tambm o curso ""ESTATSTICA 2: (PARA LEIGOS): APRENDA FCIL E RPIDO!"", disponvel na Udemy.FORTSSIMO ABRAO!!!!!TMJ!!!!!""A boa educao aquela em que o professor pede para que seus alunos pensem e se dediquem para promover a compreenso (William Glasser)."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
official_documents_translation |
"- - ( 1)/Translating Official Documents (Part I) - , - , . - - , , . - . - - ( 1)/Translating Official Documents (Part I) (, , , , ), , ( , ..). , - . - ( 1)/Translating Official Documents (Part I) . , , . - "" "" (Ozon, Litres). litres: twilight-fanpire"" , , . , , ( ). . !"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master (SEO) Search Engine Optimization" |
"You are all excited!You finally completed yourwebsite and its going live on the Internet. Twoweeks goby since its live and you can't find it on any of the search engines. What happened? Did you submit it to the search engines? What did you do to help your website show up in at least the top twenty in Google, Yahoo and Bing?There are literally millions of websites on the Internet, how could yours possibly come up in the top ten or top twenty websites on a search engine? It is possible to tweak your website so it does appear in the top ten or top twenty of a search online. How to tweak your website for great search engine placement is what this class is all about.I will be covering all the tweaks that you can do to help your website reach the top ten to twenty page results in the three major search engines , Google, Bing and Yahoo.Topicsincluded will be:What is SEOSEO vocabularyTitle and meta description tagsAll about keywordsContent is kingFree online servicesto help you analyze your websiteFree software to analyze and improve your website for top placementand more......."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Proaktywny Biznes" |
"Ten praktycznykurs maza zadanie uwiadomi uczestnikowiwiele zjawisk zachodzcych w dzisiejszym wiecie biznesu, majcych niebagatelne znaczenie we wspczesnych relacjach midzyludzkich jak i dla wasnej motywacji. Pozwala zdiagnozowa i pozby si samoograniczajcych przekona, tak aby nasze nowe przekonaniabyy trampolinami do sukcesu.W treci kursu uczestnik znajdzie szereg przydatnych przykadw i historii z ycia wzitych. Autorka dzieli si zarwno wasn pul dowiadcze jak i przytacza najlepsze branowe przykady."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drone Flying Academy for Beginners: Mavic Pro" |
"Are you total beginner to drones? Do you want to start aerial journey, buy your first drone, but you do not know how? Not sure if spending +1000 USDor more for DJI Mavic PRO is a right choice?Save time, money and energy following Marta on her aerial journey from total beginner to drone owner and confident operator. Find the answers to your questions or ask the actors your own - they are drones fans.You can join us whenever you want to. Our drones can wait for you. Organize your activities, go for aerial adventure, learn and practice from basic exercises the world of drones to more advanced lectures. Gradually develop your skills, knowledge and experience of flying and master your: ""How To Fly a Drone?""Discover the potential of DJI Mavic Pro, that is the best Value/Money in a Drone World!Do not worry, we'll guide you step by step and you can follow Marta, who starts the same journey to the drone world as well. The course is interactive. You can simply follow her real-life exaples and get out the most from the course for yourself. Here is what you will learn on this course:This course will improve your drone skills, knowledge and experience of aerial photography and videography to the upper level, so make your decision, jump right now and get fantastic outcome fast!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tajemniczy Klient w Brany Beauty" |
"Kurs przyblia kulisy weryfikacji jakoci usug wykonywanych przez Twj salon oczami zewntrznego, bezstronnego obserwatora.Autorka sama wielokrotnie weryfikowaa w ten sposb jako usug i wanie teraz odsania nam kulisy takiej usugi. Zwraca uwag na kluczowe kwestie, wane zagadnienia podczas przeprowadzania tego badania.Po zapoznaniu si z treci, zyskasz niezbdne informacje do przeprowadzenia badania jakoci wiadczonych usug wanie poprzez zatrudnienie Tajemniczego Klienta.Zatem jeli naprawd zaley Ci na jakoci wiadczonych usug ichcesz pozna tajniki poprawnego przeprowadzenia tej czynnoci, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Zachcam z caego sercaTatiana Galiska"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ten kurs daje wacicielom salonw oraz ich menaderom konkretne wskazwki, jakich bdw unika w zarzdzaniu swoim salonem oraz jego personelem.Nie ma dwch takich samych firm, natomiast problemy, z ktrymi borykaj si waciciele biznesw s bardzo podobne.Kady profesjonalnie zarzdzany salon zawsze posiada gotowy system, ktry rozwizuje kluczowe problemy maego, rozwijajcego si biznesu. A w efekcie ""ukada"" firm. Nie mam miejsca w nim na przypadkowo, co wpywa na atmosfer w salonie. Przekada si to na pracownikw a przede wszystkim odczuj to klienci."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drone Flying Academy: Mavic AIR - Great Small Drone" |
"Are you new in the world of drones? Do you want to start aerial journey? Not sure if spending +1000 USDor more for drone equipment is a right choiceDJIMavic AIR is one of the best drone options for very first drone.It is small, compact but it hides great potential, and we are going to unveil the possibilities during this course. Almost perfect drone.Save time, money and energy following Rafal and become a confident aircraft operator, master of aerial photography and videography. Find the answers to your questions or ask the instructor your own.You can join me whenever you want to and shape your drone operator skills. . Organize your activities, learn and practice from basic exercises to more advanced lectures. Do not worry, I'll guide you and you can follow me step by step.The course is interactive. You can simply follow the real-life aerial exaples and get out the most from the drone course for yourself. Here is what you will learn on this course:This course will improve your drone skills, knowledge and aerial experience to the upper level, so make your decision, jump right now and get fantastic outcome fast!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Setup Home Film Studio" |
"Usually we get used to some decent standards when it comes to video productions. But when it comes to producing good quality content, that's a whole different story.In the course we are going to follow instructors in their journey to improve the quality of their video content. In this course we'll provide the answer to the question, what a decent quality video should look and sound like. You'll learn how to achieve better audio and video and also how to actually solve basic problems so that you can optimise yourown videos.Whether you have some experience or you are newbie in the video market, this course will help you achieve very nice and decent quality video productions. We include some examples, as well as challenges to make sure you're practicing your new skills.We also share some of our own experiences in a section where we recorded 5 podcasts.By the end of this course you'llhave learned exactly what videos should look and sound like, and you'll have learned valuable skills that will help you achieve perfection in your own videos.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DIY Drone Footage Post-production" |
"Are you total beginner to drones? Do you want to start aerial journey but you do not know how?Not sure if spending +1000 USDor more for drone equipment is a right choice?Save time, money and energy following Marta on her journey from total beginner to drone owner and confident operator. Find the answers to your questions or ask the actors your own.This Courserefers to the PostproductionProces, how to edit and create a short films. What are important factors and what are the main points.Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Warsztat DJI GO 4, czyli Instrukcja Obsugi Drona" |
"Jeeli pasjonuje Ci latanie dronami, wydae spore pienidze na swojego nowego towarzysza przygody i chciaby w peni wykorzysta moliwoci aplikacji DJI GO 4.0, ten warsztat jest odpowiedzi na Twoje oczekiwania. Krok po kroku poznasz struktur aplikacji, ustawienia, optymaln form korzystania z aplikacji, czsto pojawiajce si komunikaty. Warsztat zawiera take czci bonusowe, czyli omwienia elementw dodatkowych np; DJI Assistant 2.0, Drone Radar, Litchi. Warsztat stanowi odpowied na wielokrotnie zadawane pytania, szereg zagadnie i wtpliwoci poruszanych przez operatorw bezzaogowcw podczas uytkowania swoich maszyn. Autor w sposb przejrzysty wprowadza Ci w tajniki aplikacji, krok po kroku.Ten kurs zawiera szerokie spektrum wiedzy i dowiadcze dotyczcelatania dronami DJI.Moesz miao korzysta z dowiadcze innychzwizanychz kadym etapem wtajemniczenia, od podstaw poprzez omwienie poszczeglnych elementw menu, ustawie, komunikatw, inteligentnych trybw lotu,a po bardziej zaawansowane techniki lotu, fotografowania i filmowania.Kurs systematycznie bdzie si poszerza o biece informacje i nagrane nowe materiay dydaktyczne.Materia zosta przygotowany w taki sposb, aby kady otwarty na rozwj uytkownik mg z niego wynie co dla siebie.W miar jak technologia bdzie si rozwijaa, na bieco kurs zostanie aktualizowany.Zapraszam bardzo serdecznie, Autor"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drone Workshop: Discover and Fly with Drone App DJI GO 4" |
"This Drone Operating App - DJI GO 4 workshop describes the variety of functions andsettings within the DJI GO 4 App for drone operation, which can be used as a remote controller connection with a mobile device for the DJI Spark and Mavic AiR or Mavic Pro or in connection with a Remote Controller for the DJI Spark, Mavic AiR, Phantom 4 Series, Inspire , Mavic 2 or Mavic Pro. Overall, the Application DJI GO is the gateway to your drones settings, so its essential to understand what the settings do and how do they work.Please, be aware, that this DJI GO 4 workshop is based onthe Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic, Spark, and Inspire 2. Due to various functions of the drone, some of the screenshots of DJI GO 4 show settings that are available to specific aircrafts only."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jak Zjedna Sobie Ludzi i Zbudowa Zaufanie: 10 Sekretw" |
"Kady sekret zawarty w tym kursie wyda Ci si oczywisty. Masz przecie w sobie tzw. mdro yciow, ktra tkwi gboko w Twojej podwiadomoci. Przecie Ty to wiesz! Komunikujemy si od rana do wieczora i poprzez rne formy. Kady to robi.Ale najwiksz sztuk jest wydoby t mdro i zacz j stosowa w dziaaniu. A to nie jest juz jakie atwe i oczywiste. Pomidzy wiedzie a robi czasem jest przepa.W tym kursie zachcam Ci do szczerego i autentycznego podejcia do drugiego czowieka, a przede wszystkim do samego siebie.Jak ""dogadzasz si sam ze sob"" , to zmieni si wiele, inni to poczuj. Zatem zapraszam Cie do poznania 10 sekretw, no bo kt nie chciaby by czowiekiem nietuzinkowym?, mie grono przyjaci? zaufanie innych ? oraz umie zjedna sobie ludzi?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |