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"Master the Secret of Influence at Meetings - Get it Your Way" |
"Did you ever walk away from a meeting thinkingI should have said something. Now I have no influence on the decision. Well, I have no confidence to speak up. This is all because I am an introvert.You can change that. Actually, it is an advantage to be an introvert at meetings.You just need to master the how to prepare for meeting to remove uncertainties.How to master secret techniques, like the framing, that can turn your opponent argument to seem weakLearn that it is not the one talking the most which has most influence at a meeting....and much more.This course will turn you from no influence to have influence and get promotedHow can I know?I used not to say anything at any meeting. Because I was shy, scared of what other thought of me, and introverted.I also saw how employees contributing at meetings succeeded in their career.I wanted to learn that skill.Today my main task is attending meetings, influencing, and making decisions.I can teach you to achieve the same.The course has a 30 day money back guarantee that ensures if you are not satisfied, you will get your money back. Also, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"History of English Literature" |
"History of English Literature is an attempt to showcase the initial stages of development of English literature and language through different ages. The Era of Chaucer was a remarkable age where English poetry and literature as whole flourished and developed. Post Chaucer period witnessed a deluge of poets and intellectuals who left their lasting impressions on peoples mind."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Fundamentals and Learning" |
"The course Computer Fundamentals and Basic is intended to present the basic knowledge of computer in a simple way. The best part about the course is that it deals with both hardware and software as well. Simple language with the help of sketch presentation has been used to supplement the learning process. All in all its the most simple and easy way of understanding computer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 1800.00 ![]() |
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"? SEO Youtube ? FB .. SEO.-1-1.:1-2.:51-3.:.-Easy2-1.2-2.2-3.SOP.-80%?3-1.3-2.3-3. .-Blog4-1.4-2. .-5-1.5-2.5-3.5-4..- 6-1 6-2.-7-1.7-2..-8-1. 8-2. .-9-1.9-2..-10-1.10-2..-11-1.11-2. ;-12-1 12-21.2.3. 4.Michael Hou () 500"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"PicsArt Full Guide: Zero To Hero In Photo Editing & Retouch" |
"Yes!!!!! You think like me , I also feel like Photoshop is complicated . But If I Tell you , that you can even edit or retouch your photos better than Photoshop that too easily in a minute or two and most importantly in your smartphone . Yes you have clicked on the right course. This course will help you be a pro in editing and retouching photograph from PicsArt( a photo editing app) ........Requirements:-1- A Smartphone (Android, iOS) .2- No prior knowledge required.You will learn the following from this course:-1-People after purchasing this course would be able to edit their photographs from their smartphones like a pro.2-Edit photographs like Photoshop from your mobile phone.3- Learn the secrets for retouching a photograph.4-Learn How to make professional Youtube Thumbnails.5- Learn how to erase and replace background.6- Know the process of creating a professional logo.If you want to edit and retouch photographs from your smart phone like a pro in a short period of time , this course is perfect one for you.Enroll Now!!!!!Sincerely Your Instructor-Dhabaleshwar Das"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Graphic Design Bootcamp with CorelDraw Part 1" |
"If you want make yourself as successful Graphic designer and CorelDraw Expert You can join to learn this courseHere are some topics that will be taught in this course.Getting Started with CorelDraw 1. Introduction CorelDraw2. Starting with CorelDraw Understanding Corel Draw Tools1. Pick Tools and Freehand Pick Tool2. Shape Tools3. Smudge Brush Tool and Roughen Brush Tool4. Free Transform Tool5. Smear Tool and Twirl tool6. Attract tool and Repel tool7. Crop Tool and Knife Tool8. Eraser Tool and Virtual Segment Delete Tool9. Zoom Tool And Pan Tool10. Freehand Tool11. Bezier Tool12. Artistic Media Tool13. Pen Tool14. B-Spline Tool15. Polyline Tool16. Smart Fill And Smart Drawing 17. Ellipse, Polygon, Star, Complex Star, Graph Paper and Spiral Tool and shapes18. Text Tool (Artistic Text and Paragraph text)19. Blend Tool20. Contour and Distort Tool21. Drop Shadow Tool 22. Transparency Tool23. Color Eyedropper tool24. Outline Pen tool25. Uniform Fill and Fountain Fill Tool26. Texture Fill27. Interactive Fill28. Mash FillUnderstanding CorelDraw Basic1. Save File, Export To jpg, pdf and import image2. Object Position3. Align and Distribute Object4. Object order 5. Group, ungroup Object and Lock, unlock Object6. Distributing object Same Space 7. Undo and Redo and Repeat Object8. Insert page and insert page number9. Fit text path10. Weld Object 11. Trim Object12. Intersect, Simplify, Front minus Back, Back Minus Front Object13. Power clip objectCorelDraw Project1. Brochure Design 2. Business card Design"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Development with Asp.Net Using C# MS SQL Database Basic" |
"In this class You will learn Web Development.Web Development for beginners to advance If you want to make own Dynamic website or you make yourselfas a Web Developer then You can join this course.if you want to make yourself Web developerAsp dot net using c# with sql Here are some topics that will be taught in this course.Basic of Asp dot net C# Intro Visual Studio Overview First web Hello WorldHello By Your NameResponse.Redirect Simple Calculator Standard ToolsHidden FieldText box Button Check boxCheckbox list Radio ButtonRadio Button list Master Pages.Validation RequiredField ValidatorCompare Validator Range ValidatorRegularExpression Validator State ManagementQuery string Session Cookies Sql TutorialSql IntroductionCreate a new database Create a new tablePrimary key How to get backup of databaseHow to generate script of databaseDatabase Sql CommandConnect database Insert command Select commandUpdate commandDelete commandData Management Bind data in GridviewEdit data in gridviewUpdate data in gridviewDelete data in GridviewBind data in Dropdown Loops And Conditions If else conditions For loopForeach loop Asp dot net C# Advance Tutorial Sign Up / Register pageLogin page"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Master Class - Complete Programming with Python 3.7" |
"Hi there If you want to make yourself as Python Programmer then this course for you.python help to making yourself as a successful ProgrammerYou can create GUI and Console Application with help of This course.And we will be learn about python Basics & also learn mysql Basic concept to manage Database which help us to create dynamic Application.we will learn python using Pycharm and Learn Mysql using Wampserver.So Do not be late that join this course and make yourself as successful Python Programmer.Thank you very muchPython Video TutorialCourse Structure's 1. Python Intro2. Python And PyCharm Download3. Python Get Started Hello world4. Python Comment5. Python Variables6. Python Strings7. Python Numbers8. Python Input9. Hello By Your name10. If elif else statement11. Python Operators12. Python Simple Calculator13. Python While Loops14. Python For Loops15. Python Functions16. Python Arrays17. Python Classes / Objects18. Python Try...ExceptPython MySQL1. MySQL Intoroduction2. Install Mysql Connector3. Test MySQL Connector4. Create Connection5. MySQL Create Database6. Connect Database7. MySQL Create Table8. MySQL Insert9. MySQL Select10. MySQL Where11. MySQL Order By12. MySQL Delete13. MySQL Drop Table14. Create DB and Table Manule 15. MySQL Update16. MySQL Limit"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JPA Hibernate ile Java Persistence Eitimi" |
"Bu eitimimizde JPA Hibernate teknolojilerini kullanarak veri eriim ilemlerini Java tabanl olarak gerekletirmeyi reneceksiniz. Eitimimiz object relational mapping zmlerinin ne olduunu, JPA/Hibernate'in bu resimde nerede yer aldn vurgulamann ardndan, hem Hibernate hem de JPA zerinden nasl allabileceini, rneklerle uygulamal biimde sunmaktadr. Eitim boyunca Hibernate'in en gncel srm zerinden almann yan sra zaman ierisinde Hibernate srmleri arasnda ortaya kan farklardan da yeri geldiince bahsediyoruz. Gelitirme ortam olarak Java 8, Eclipse tabanl Spring Tool Suite ve ilikisel veritaban olarak da ak kaynak kodlu Java tabanl H2 veritaban kullanyoruz. Bu eitim sonunda Java tabanl kurumsal uygulamalarnzda ORM zmlerini ok daha verimli ve doru bir biimde kullanacak seviyeye geleceinize eminiz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Yoga, Outils pour la Transformation en Franais" |
"Ce cours est une compilation d'outils yogiques traditionnels puissants et traditionnels offerts par un yogi de renomme mondiale de l'Inde du Sud et un mystique profond de notre temps, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Sa sagesse et sa perspicacit ingales ont aid des dizaines de millions de personnes travers le monde surmonter les hauts et les bas de leur vie. Il a galement initi des millions de personnes travers l'Inde et le monde dans des pratiques spirituelles puissantes pour approfondir leur conscience, leur conscience et raliser leur propre divinit inhrente.YOGA, OUTILS POUR LA TRANSFORMATION Avec seulement cinq minutes par jour, vous pouvez transformer votre vie! Que vous cherchiez la sant et la joie ou la paix et l'amour, que vous russissiez dans le monde ou que vous poursuiviez votre exploration intrieure, ces pratiques simples sont conues pour vous aider surmonter la lutte et traverser la vie avec aisance.Le mot yoga peut voquer des images de bretzels humains, des personnes tordues dans des postures physiques impossibles. Cependant, ce n'est pas ce qui est rfrenc ici. Le mot ""Yoga"" signifie essentiellement ""Union"". Pas seulement comme une ide ou un systme de croyance, mais comme une possibilit exprientielle. Lorsque vous exprimentez tout comme un dans votre conscience, alors vous tes dans le yoga.Peu importe quelle religion vous appartenez ou d'o vous venez, en quoi vous croyez ou ne croyez pas, que vous soyez un homme ou une femme; enfant, g moyen ou g, ou d'une forme de corps ou de flexibilit particulire.Yoga, est une technologie qui fonctionnera merveille pour vous - condition d'apprendre l'utiliser.Le yoga est un moyen d'tre en parfaite harmonie. avec votre corps, votre esprit, vos motions et votre nergie dans une harmonie absolue, une faon de produire une chimie de flicit. Une fois que vous tes heureux par votre propre nature, la gestion de situations extrieures devient sans effort. Une description de ce cours:Yoga for Transformation est une compilation de plusieurs outils faciles pratiquer mais efficaces offerts par Sadhguru pour amliorer la sant, la joie, la paix, l'amour, le succs et l'exploration intrieure, aidant faire face au rythme effrn de la vie moderne toutes les sphres de la vie. Ce cours complet offre l'ancienne science du yoga dans un format compatible avec la vie moderne. Pour commencer, vous travaillez avec le corps, puis vous passez la respiration, puis l'esprit, puis au moi intrieur. Les processus proposs ici ne ncessitent aucun changement dans votre routine quotidienne avec chacun prenant environ 5 minutes pour pratiquer et peut tre fait tout moment de la journe, mme votre bureau de travail. Vous n'avez besoin d'aucune exprience pralable du yoga, ni aucune agilit particulire. Les pratiques conviennent tous les adultes et enfants de plus de 4 ans ( l'exception des pratiques comme le Yoga Namaskar, qui peut tre pratiqu aprs 7 ans).C'est un bon point de dpart pour ceux qui sont nouveaux au yoga, et il peut tre utilis comme une prparation pour d'autres pratiques de yoga.Upa-yoga (inclus dans ce cours) est un ensemble simple mais puissant de 10 pratiques qui activent les articulations, les muscles et le systme nergtique, apportant la facilit l'ensemble du systme. Bas sur une comprhension sophistique de la mcanique du corps, l'Upa-Yoga dissipe l'inertie dans l'nergie du corps et apporte de la facilit l'ensemble du systme.Lorsque vous vous couchez dans des positions horizontales et devenez statique, une certaine inertie se rassemble dans le systme nergtique.Dans le systme humain, l'nergie circule le long de 72 000 voies appeles nadis. Au niveau des articulations, les nadis se rencontrent et forment des nuds, faisant des joints des rservoirs d'nergie. Upa-Yoga active cette nergie et lubrifie galement les articulations, crant un sentiment instantan de vivacit et de vivacit, de sorte que le reste du systme commence fonctionner. Maintenir le bon flux d'nergie dans le corps favorise la vie saine et apporte la facilit au systme du corps.Cette forme de pratique est particulirement bnfique pour ceux qui travaillent dans des emplois stressants et sdentaires et cela aussi avec des rsultats presque immdiats.Le yoga Nada (le yoga de l'utilisation des sons, galement enseign dans ce cours) est une pratique particulirement bnfique pour vous et vos enfants. En termes de bien-tre et de bon dveloppement du corps et de l'esprit, ces outils simples peuvent vraiment les diffrencier dans un groupe en termes de capacit. Comme ils commencent voir les avantages, ils seraient naturellement poursuivre des formes plus leves de yoga.Vous pouvez vivre avec des douleurs articulaires et musculaires sur une base quotidienne. Ou vous pouvez tre fatigu et stress. De toute faon, vous aimeriez le rajeunissement que ces pratiques apportent au quotidien.Avantages de ce cours:Cette forme de yoga offre de nombreux avantages immdiats et vidents. Bas sur une comprhension sophistique de la mcanique du corps, ses avantages comprennent: Soulage le stress physique et la fatigue Renforce les articulations et les muscles Rajeunit le corps aprs des priodes d'inactivit Nie les effets du dcalage horaire et des longs trajets Un systme puissant d'exercice. En prparera un pour les formes suprieures de yoga. Peut aider la transition sans effort vers des pratiques suprieures, si on le dsire. Lorsque votre corps et votre esprit sont dans un tat dtendu et un certain niveau de flicit, vous pouvez tre libr de tant de maux lancinants."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Yoga fr Transformation" |
"Dieser Kurs ist eine Sammlung traditioneller und kraftvoller traditioneller Yoga-Werkzeuge, die von einem weltbekannten Yogi aus Sdindien und einem tiefsinnigen Mystiker unserer Zeit, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, angeboten werden. Seine beispiellose Weisheit und Einsicht haben Dutzenden von Millionen auf der ganzen Welt geholfen, mit den Hhen und Tiefen ihres Lebens umzugehen. Es hat auch Millionen von Menschen in Indien und der ganzen Welt in kraftvollen spirituellen Praktiken initiiert, um ihr Bewusstsein, Bewusstsein und ihre eigene innewohnende Gttlichkeit zu vertiefen.Yoga, Werkzeuge fr Transformation Mit nur fnf Minuten pro Tag kannst du dein Leben verndern! Ob du Gesundheit und Freude oder Frieden und Liebe suchst, ob es in der Welt erfolgreich ist oder du innere Erforschung betreibst, diese einfachen bungen sollen dir helfen, den Kampf zu berwinden und mit Leichtigkeit durch das Leben zu gehen.Das Wort ""Yoga"" kann Bilder von menschlichen Brezeln hervorrufen, verdrehte Menschen in unmglichen Krperhaltungen. Dies ist jedoch nicht das, worauf hier Bezug genommen wird. Das Wort ""Yoga"" bedeutet im Wesentlichen ""Union"". Nicht nur als eine Idee oder ein Glaubenssystem, sondern als eine experimentelle Mglichkeit. Wenn du alles als eins in deinem Bewusstsein erlebst, dann bist du im Yoga.Es ist egal, welcher Religion du angehrst oder woher du kommst, woran du glaubst oder nicht, ob du ein Mann oder eine Frau bist; Kind, Mitte oder alt, oder von einer bestimmten Krperform oder Flexibilitt.Yoga, ist eine Technologie, die wunderbar fr Sie arbeitet - vorausgesetzt, Sie lernen, es zu benutzen.Yoga ist eine Mglichkeit, perfekt zu stimmen. mit Ihrem Krper, Geist, Emotionen und Energie in absoluter Harmonie, ein Weg, eine Chemie der Glckseligkeit zu erzeugen. Sobald Sie von Ihrer eigenen Natur glckselig sind, wird der Umgang mit ueren Situationen mhelos.Ein berblick ber diesen Kurs:Yoga fr Transformation ist eine Zusammenstellung mehrerer einfach zu praktizierender, aber wirkungsvoller Werkzeuge, die von Sadhguru angeboten werden, um Gesundheit, Freude, Frieden, Liebe, Erfolg und innere Erkundung zu frdern und dabei zu helfen, mit der Hektik des modernen Lebens umzugehen und ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten alle Lebensbereiche. Dieser umfassende Kurs bietet die alte Wissenschaft des Yoga in einem Format, das mit dem modernen Leben kompatibel ist. Am Anfang arbeitest du mit dem Krper, dann bewegst du dich zum Atem, dann zum Geist, dann zum inneren Selbst.Die hier angebotenen Prozesse erfordern keine nderungen in Ihrer tglichen Routine, da jeder etwa 5 Minuten fr das ben bentigt und zu jeder Zeit des Tages erledigt werden kann, auch an Ihrem Schreibtisch. Sie bentigen keine vorherige Erfahrung mit Yoga oder besondere Agilitt. Die bungen sind fr alle Erwachsenen und Kinder ber 4 Jahren geeignet (auer bungen wie Yoga Namaskar, die nach 7 Jahren praktiziert werden knnen).Es ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt fr diejenigen, die neu in Yoga sind, und es kann als Vorbereitung fr andere Yoga-Praktiken verwendet werden.Upa-Yoga (in diesem Kurs enthalten) ist ein einfaches, aber leistungsstarkes Set von 10 bungen, die die Gelenke, Muskeln und das Energiesystem aktivieren und dem ganzen System Leichtigkeit verleihen. Basierend auf einem ausgeklgelten Verstndnis der Krpermechanik, beseitigt Upa-Yoga Trgheit in der krpereigenen Energie und bringt Leichtigkeit in das ganze System.Wenn Sie sich in horizontale Positionen legen und statisch werden, sammelt sich eine gewisse Trgheit im Energiesystem.Innerhalb des menschlichen Systems fliet die Energie ber 72.000 Pfade, die als Nadis bezeichnet werden. An den Gelenken treffen sich die Nadis und formen Knoten, wodurch die Gelenke Energie speichern. Upa-Yoga aktiviert diese Energie und schmiert auch die Gelenke, wodurch ein sofortiges Gefhl der Wachsamkeit und Lebendigkeit entsteht, so dass der Rest des Systems zu funktionieren beginnt. Das Aufrechterhalten eines angemessenen Energieflusses im Krper frdert ein gesundes Leben und bringt Leichtigkeit in das Krpersystem.Diese Form der Praxis ist besonders vorteilhaft fr diejenigen, die in stressigen und sesshaften Jobs arbeiten und dies auch mit nahezu sofortigen Ergebnissen.Nada Yoga (das Yoga der Klnge, das auch in diesem Kurs unterrichtet wird) ist eine besonders ntzliche bung fr Sie und Ihre Kinder. In Bezug auf das Wohlbefinden und die richtige Entwicklung von Krper und Geist knnen diese einfachen Werkzeuge wirklich in einer Gruppe in Bezug auf Fhigkeiten unterscheiden. Wenn sie beginnen, die Vorteile zu sehen, wrden sie natrlich hhere Formen des Yoga verfolgen.Sie knnen tglich mit Gelenk- und Muskelschmerzen leben. Oder Sie sind mde und gestresst. Wie auch immer, Sie wrden die Verjngung, die diese Praktiken tglich bringen, lieben.Vorteile dieses Kurses:Diese Form des Yoga bietet viele unmittelbare und offensichtliche Vorteile. Basierend auf einem ausgefeilten Verstndnis der Krpermechanik, beinhalten seine Vorteile: Lindert krperlichen Stress und Mdigkeit Strkt die Gelenke und Muskeln Verjngt den Krper nach Perioden der Inaktivitt Negiert die Auswirkungen von Jetlag und langen Reisen Ein kraftvolles System der bung. Wird einen fr hhere Formen des Yoga vorbereiten. Kann beim mhelosen bergang in hhere Praktiken helfen, wenn man dies wnscht. Wenn dein Krper und Geist in einem entspannten Zustand und auf einer gewissen Ebene der Glckseligkeit sind, kannst du frei von so vielen nagenden Krankheiten sein."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
yoga-transformation-korean |
"Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev . . . 5 ! , .'' '' . , . , . . , , . . : Sadhguru , , , , . . . 5 . . 4 ( (Yoga Namaskar) ). 7 . , .Upa-yoga ( ) , 10 . Upa-Yoga . (nadis) 72,000 . , nadis . Upa-Yoga . . . ( ) . . . , . : . . . . . . . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Parenting: Raise Yourself Before You Raise Your Kids" |
"""A child is closer to life than you are. When a child comes into your life, it is time to relearn life, not teach them your ways. A child needs a friend, not a boss. If we enforce our ideas upon a child, he will lose his sense of independence, and this could result in rebelliousness later on. You just have to protect them from the wrong influences, the rest let them free."" -SadhguruUnfortunately, people have been made to believe that children are all born improper and we have to correct them, which is not true. Children are definitely more joyful than parents. Then who should be the consultant for life those who are more joyful, or those who are falling apart within themselves because they do not know how to handle their offspring? Raising children is an extremely challenging, yet highly rewarding and fulfilling experience. If youre a parent, chances are youve experienced both the frustration of trying to figure out the right way to raise your children and the feeling of joy that often comes from watching them grow. The way we raise our children sets the precedence for the rest of their lives. It helps mold and shape them and unleash their potential for later on in life. Like every child, every parent is different and has a different parenting style. And while there arent any rules for raising children, there are some qualities shared by all good parents that you should keep in mind.So, what is the right way to raise children? As with other such aspects of life, there is no right way to raise children. You do whatever you can do according to your capabilities. If you do not do what you cannot do, it is all right, but if do not do what you are capable of doing for your children, that is really unfortunate.In this course, Yogi and mystic Sadhguru shares his insight on parenting which comes from his deep sense of realization and understanding of the way life is structured. This course will help foster a healthy parent-child relationship and will help you set the necessary ambience for early childhood education. Learn Parenting skills from a yogi and a master; a rare privilege indeed. ""If you are genuinely interested in giving your children a good upbringing, you should first transform yourself into a peaceful and loving human being."" When a child enters your house, it is not the time to become a teacher, it is time to learn.Parenting involves a certain amount of discretion. There is no one standard rule for all children. Different children may need different levels of attention, expression of love, and toughness. A child is influenced by so many things the TV, neighbors, teachers, school, and a million other things. He will go the way of whatever he finds most attractive. As a parent, you have to make yourself in a way that the most attractive thing he finds is to be with the parents. If you are a joyous, intelligent, and wonderful person, he wont seek company anywhere else. For anything, he will come and ask you. If you are genuinely interested in giving your children a good upbringing, Sadhguru says that you should first transform yourself into a peaceful and loving human being. Children are a blessing from life and the Creator. You have been given a huge responsibility of nurturing and upbringing. It is time you understood the need to work upon yourself. This will automatically foster an environment which is stress- free, conducive to your child's growth and raises a responsible- mature generation.Parenting involves a certain amount of discretion. There is no one standard rule for all children. Different children may need different levels of attention, expression of love, and toughness. Suppose I was standing in a coconut garden and you ask me, How much water per plant? Id say, At least 50 liters per plant. When you go home, if you give 50 liters to your rose plant, it will die. You must see what kind of plant you have in your house and what it needs.""Parenting: Raise Yourself Before You Raise Your Kids"""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
yoga-russian |
"( ) , , , 7 250 . . . , , , , . 100 ., , , ; , , . - , - . - ; , , , . , . : - , , , , , , , . , . , , , . - , 5 , , . - - . 4 ( , , 7 ). , , .- ( ) , 10 , , , . , - . , . 72 000 , . , . - , , , . . , , .- ( , ) . , . , , , . . . , , . : . , : . . , . , ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Manifestation II: Chit Shakti (Peace) Meditation" |
"In this course, Sadhguru, a renowned mystic and yogi, leads you through a powerful meditation process that taps the latent power of your mind, to visualize your goals and manifest them. He reveals how you can transform yourself from being just a piece of creation to becoming a Creator. Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will also get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. -SadhguruLaw Of Attraction Doesn't Really Work...This is a fact.Sadhguru says that : ""Whether it is two magnets, male and female, North Pole and South Pole, the law of attraction happens between opposites. Now you are talking about the universe so does that means you are an alien to this universe? "" People who go about claiming the benefits of this supposed Law of Attraction have actually unconsciously achieved access to the creative power of their mind which is referred to in yoga as 'Chitta'.If you transcend the limitations of your logical mind, what is there is here; what is here is there; what is then is now; what is now is then; everything, time and space, get mixed up in your perception. When this happens, you will not be talking to the universe. Those who are not on talking terms with their neighbors talk to the universe. So, We'll Say this again: The Law of Attraction Doesn't really work.What exactly is this 'Chitta' or 'Chit Shakti' ?Chitta is the subtlest dimension of our minds, a mind without memory pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence simply there. Everything happens because of that. If you touch this dimension of your mind, which is the linking point to ones consciousness, you do not even have to wish for anything, you do not have to dream of anything the best possible thing that can happen to you will anyway happen. Everything that human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. So how we organize and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows. Using the power of the mind to create what one wants in his life is called Chit Shakti. The four Chit Shakti guided meditations will help you to manifest love, health, peace and success in your life.This course features Part 2 of those powerful meditations: The Chit Shakti Meditation to Manifest Peace. Each one of us has desires, our very own list of dreams and longings. Creation may have its own blueprint for us, but our personal desires cannot be easily wished away. They may be extravagant or mundane, ambitious or trivial, they may be inconvenient, they may be too personal to share, but they are ours. And for us, they are real, they are precious, they are urgent and deeply significant.Here is a rare offering from Sadhguru, a mystic who embodies the wisdom and clarity of profound realization. It is an offering that enables each one of us to become our own alchemist, that empowers us to transform long cherished desires into reality. Sadhguru offers this with the intention that once these desires are fulfilled, we will turn towards the larger goal of our ultimate wellbeing.This isn't about attracting something through the Law Of Attraction. That anyway doesn't work.Creation has given us this wonderful freedom... You can manifest..You can determine your destiny and only you should, that is what being human means. Make you mind into a Kalpavriksha : ""Kalpavriksha"" is a mythic wish-fulfilling tree. It is held as a metaphor for a well-established mind an amazing instrument capable of creating what you want. In this mind, whatever you ask for becomes a reality. Sadhguru says, the most miraculous thing in this existence in terms of instruments, is not the computer, car or spacecraft, but the human mind. We present to you : Yogic Law of Attraction: Chit Shakti (Peace) MeditationUse it to manifest Peace as a moment to moment presence in your life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Manifestation III: Chit Shakti (Love) Meditation" |
"In this course, Sadhguru, a renowned mystic and yogi, leads you through a powerful meditation process that taps the latent power of your mind, to visualize your goals and manifest them. He reveals how you can transform yourself from being just a piece of creation to becoming a Creator. Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will also get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. -SadhguruLaw Of Attraction Doesn't Really Work...This is a fact.Sadhguru says that : ""Whether it is two magnets, male and female, North Pole and South Pole, the law of attraction happens between opposites. Now you are talking about the universe so does that means you are an alien to this universe? "" People who go about claiming the benefits of this supposed Law of Attraction have actually unconsciously achieved access to the creative power of their mind which is referred to in yoga as 'Chitta'.If you transcend the limitations of your logical mind, what is there is here; what is here is there; what is then is now; what is now is then; everything, time and space, get mixed up in your perception. When this happens, you will not be talking to the universe. Those who are not on talking terms with their neighbors talk to the universe. So, We'll Say this again: The Law of Attraction Doesn't really work.What exactly is this 'Chitta' or 'Chit Shakti' ?Chitta is the subtlest dimension of our minds, a mind without memory pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence simply there. Everything happens because of that. If you touch this dimension of your mind, which is the linking point to ones consciousness, you do not even have to wish for anything, you do not have to dream of anything the best possible thing that can happen to you will anyway happen. Everything that human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. So how we organize and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows. Using the power of the mind to create what one wants in his life is called Chit Shakti. The four Chit Shakti guided meditations will help you to manifest love, health, peace and success in your life.This course features Part 3 of those powerful meditations: The Chit Shakti Meditation to Manifest Love. Each one of us has desires, our very own list of dreams and longings. Creation may have its own blueprint for us, but our personal desires cannot be easily wished away. They may be extravagant or mundane, ambitious or trivial, they may be inconvenient, they may be too personal to share, but they are ours. And for us, they are real, they are precious, they are urgent and deeply significant.Here is a rare offering from Sadhguru, a mystic who embodies the wisdom and clarity of profound realization. It is an offering that enables each one of us to become our own alchemist, that empowers us to transform long cherished desires into reality. Sadhguru offers this with the intention that once these desires are fulfilled, we will turn towards the larger goal of our ultimate wellbeing.This isn't about attracting something through the Law Of Attraction. That anyway doesn't work.Creation has given us this wonderful freedom... You can manifest..You can determine your destiny and only you should, that is what being human means. Make you mind into a Kalpavriksha : ""Kalpavriksha"" is a mythic wish-fulfilling tree. It is held as a metaphor for a well-established mind an amazing instrument capable of creating what you want. In this mind, whatever you ask for becomes a reality. Sadhguru says, the most miraculous thing in this existence in terms of instruments, is not the computer, car or spacecraft, but the human mind. We present to you : Yogic Law of Attraction: Chit Shakti (Love) MeditationUse it to manifest Love in yourself and have much better relationships."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Manifestation IV: Chit Shakti (Health) Meditation" |
"In this course, Sadhguru, a renowned mystic and yogi, leads you through a powerful meditation process that taps the latent power of your mind, to visualize your goals and manifest them. He reveals how you can transform yourself from being just a piece of creation to becoming a Creator. Once your thought, emotion and energies are organized, your very body will also get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal. -SadhguruLaw Of Attraction Doesn't Really Work...This is a fact.Sadhguru says that : ""Whether it is two magnets, male and female, North Pole and South Pole, the law of attraction happens between opposites. Now you are talking about the universe so does that means you are an alien to this universe? "" People who go about claiming the benefits of this supposed Law of Attraction have actually unconsciously achieved access to the creative power of their mind which is referred to in yoga as 'Chitta'.If you transcend the limitations of your logical mind, what is there is here; what is here is there; what is then is now; what is now is then; everything, time and space, get mixed up in your perception. When this happens, you will not be talking to the universe. Those who are not on talking terms with their neighbors talk to the universe. So, We'll Say this again: The Law of Attraction Doesn't really work.What exactly is this 'Chitta' or 'Chit Shakti' ?Chitta is the subtlest dimension of our minds, a mind without memory pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence simply there. Everything happens because of that. If you touch this dimension of your mind, which is the linking point to ones consciousness, you do not even have to wish for anything, you do not have to dream of anything the best possible thing that can happen to you will anyway happen. Everything that human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. So how we organize and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows. Using the power of the mind to create what one wants in his life is called Chit Shakti. The four Chit Shakti guided meditations will help you to manifest love, health, peace and success in your life.This course features Part 4 of those powerful meditations: The Chit Shakti Meditation to Manifest Health. Each one of us has desires, our very own list of dreams and longings. Creation may have its own blueprint for us, but our personal desires cannot be easily wished away. They may be extravagant or mundane, ambitious or trivial, they may be inconvenient, they may be too personal to share, but they are ours. And for us, they are real, they are precious, they are urgent and deeply significant.Here is a rare offering from Sadhguru, a mystic who embodies the wisdom and clarity of profound realization. It is an offering that enables each one of us to become our own alchemist, that empowers us to transform long cherished desires into reality. Sadhguru offers this with the intention that once these desires are fulfilled, we will turn towards the larger goal of our ultimate wellbeing.This isn't about attracting something through the Law Of Attraction. That anyway doesn't work.Creation has given us this wonderful freedom... You can manifest..You can determine your destiny and only you should, that is what being human means. Make you mind into a Kalpavriksha : ""Kalpavriksha"" is a mythic wish-fulfilling tree. It is held as a metaphor for a well-established mind an amazing instrument capable of creating what you want. In this mind, whatever you ask for becomes a reality. Sadhguru says, the most miraculous thing in this existence in terms of instruments, is not the computer, car or spacecraft, but the human mind. We present to you : Yogic Law of Attraction: Chit Shakti (Health) MeditationUse it to manifest Health in your life and improve your general body constitution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga of Self-Transformation (Exercise Only Version)" |
"""Yoga is not something that you do. Yoga is something that you become. It is not an act, it is a quality. If you cultivate your body, mind, emotions and energies to a certain level of maturity, a certain quality arises within you. That is yoga."" - Sadhguru Yoga of Self Transformation is a set of powerful traditional Indian yogic tools for everyday practice, designed by world-renowned Indian Mystic, Realized Master and Yogi; Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev,whose incomparable wisdom and insight has guided tens of millions of people entangled in the ups and downs of life. He also has initiated millions of people across India and the world into powerful spiritual practices to deepen their awareness, consciousness and realize their own inherent divinity.PLEASE NOTE: This is an Exercise only Version which is a part of a bigger course: The Yoga of Self-Transformation (Exhaustive version ) This economical abridged edition retains availability of the yoga exercises discussed in the much more exhaustive full version. This version contains all the yoga exercises to promote health, joy, love, peace and inner exploration. The word 'yoga' may conjure up images of human pretzels, people twisted in impossible physical postures. However, that is not what is being referred to here. The word 'Yoga' essentially means 'Union'. Not just as an idea but as an experiential possibility. When you experience everything as one in your consciousness, then you are in yoga.It doesn't matter what religion you belong to or where you come from,what you believe in or do not believe in, whether you are a man or a woman; child, middle or old aged, or of a particular body shape or flexibility,Yoga, is a technology which will work wonderfully for you--provided you learn how to use it.Yoga is a way to be in perfect tune; with your body, mind, emotions and energy in absolute harmony, a way to produce a chemistry of blissfulness.Once you are blissful by your own nature, dealing with outside situations becomes effortless.An Overview of this Concise Yoga Course: Yoga for Transformation is a compilation of several easy-to-practice yet potent tools offered by Sadhguru to enhance health, joy, peace, love, success and inner exploration, helping one cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize their full potential in all spheres of life.A few salient features of this abridged exercise only version:This concise course offers the ancient yoga practices discussed in yoga in a format that is compatible with modern life. To start with, you work with the body, then you move to the breath, then to the mind, then to the inner self.The processes offered here do not require any changes in your daily routine with each one taking about 5 minutes to practice and can be done any time of the day, even at your work-desk.You dont need any prior experience of yoga, or any special agility.The practices are suitable for all adults and children above the age of 4 (except practices like Yoga Namaskar, which can be practiced after 7 years of age).Upa-yoga (included in this course) is a simple yet powerful set of 10 practices that activate the joints, muscles and energy system, bringing ease to the whole system. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the bodys mechanics, Upa-Yoga dispels inertia in the bodys energy and brings ease to the whole system.When you lie down in horizontal positions and become static, a certain inertia gathers in the energy system.Within the human system, the energy flows along 72,000 pathways called nadis. At the joints, the nadis meet and form nodes, making the joints storehouses of energy. Upa-Yoga activates this energy and also lubricates the joints, creating an instant sense of alertness and liveliness, so that the rest of the system begins to function. Maintaining proper energy flow in the body promotes healthy living and brings ease to the body system. This form of practice is especially beneficial for those working in stressful and sedentary jobs and that too with near immediate results.Nada yoga (the yoga of using sounds,also taught in this course) is a particularly beneficial practice for yourself and your children. In terms of wellbeing and proper development of the body and mind, these simple tools can really set them apart in a group in terms of capability. As they start seeing the benefits, they would naturally pursue higher forms of yoga.You may be living with joint and muscle pain on a daily basis.Or you may be fatigued and stressed. Either way, you'd love the rejuvenation that these practices bring on a daily basis.Few Key Benefits:This form of yoga provides many immediate and evident benefits. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the bodys mechanics, its benefits include:Relieves physical stress and tirednessStrengthens the joints and musclesRejuvenates the body after periods of inactivityNegates the effects of jet lag and long travelA powerful system of exercise. Will prepare one for higher forms of yoga. Can aid in effortless transition into higher practices, if one so desires. When your body and mind are in a relaxed state and at a certain level of blissfulness, you can be free of so many nagging ailments.Participants had this to say:At first, doing myUpaYoga practice was so noisy! Everything in my body was creaking, popping, snapping orcrackling. But after only a few weeks the noise level is significantly reduced, as my old body breaks its sixty-year-old habits of non-movement. My joints feel lubricated, and I have regained movements in my shoulders and wrists that I thought I had lost forever. Anonymous, San Diego I have been keeping up my Upa Yoga practice everyday. What a fantastic way to wake up in the morning! For 15 minutes, I cant believe the affect it has on me. When I finish, I feel like my whole body has loosened up and has a huge boost in energy. Throughout the day, there is a greater sense of clarity in my mind. I feel happy and excited to keep this up, now that I know the difference it has created for me. Mark S., Indianapolis These 5-minute processes are easy-to-practice yet potent tools to enhance health, joy, peace, love, success and inner exploration, helping one cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize their full potential in all spheres of life. PLEASE NOTE: This is an Exercise only Version which is a part of a bigger course: The Yoga of Self-Transformation (Exhaustive version )"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Habits of a highly effective sales person" |
"80% of the salespeople make 20% of the money....20% of the salespeople make 80% of the money,meaning that they make 4 times more money than the remaining 80%...would you want to be of those 20%?According to Aristotle, you are what you repeatedly do,therefore if you continually do what the best salespeople do,you will become one of them,So if you will learn the habits that make great salespeople effectiveyou will become highly effective also."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Nail Art Course with gel painting" |
"I've prepared for you a course of severalhours where I will show you all the details you need to know about gel painting. In this course you will learn step by step, from simple to difficult how to decorate your nails using gel painting. The course includes a variety of information that will help you keep up with the novelties in nail decoration. I will show you which color gel is ideal but also what types of brushes you need to use for each technique, in models such as simple flowers, daisies, roses, leaves, butterflies,etc.This course includes the one move technique. This technique is easy to achieve in the salon and you can create special models in a very short period of time. This was the description of the course. Thank you for your time and I hope this course will help you and satisfy all your curiosities about gel painting design."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Nail Art - Mix Design" |
"I have prepared a new course of several hours in which you will learn step by step from simple to difficult how to make nails designs using different materials to decorate and I'll show you how to perform the mirror effect ,the sugar effect and other techniques.The course includes a variety of information to help you keep up with nail art news. At this course are welcome both beginners and advanced, the necessary ingredients are only the passion and the desire to learn. I will present and I will explain in detail the materials we will decorate with, but also all the necessary steps to complete the nail design.After participating in this course you will be able, depending on the talent and skill of each one, to create special nail designs, to develop and improve your skills . Thank you for your time and I hope this course will help you and satisfy all your curiosities"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de un proyecto de edificaciones en MS Project" |
"Curso enfocado a la planificacin de un proyecto de construccin, utilizando un caso real y explicando de manera clara y sencilla el uso de la herramienta de programacin MSProject 2016. Este curso considera criterios de construccin como el uso de sectores y planificacin de los mismos. Cabe resaltar que el curso presenta teora relacionada a la gestin de proyectos aterrizada a los fines de planeamiento de obras de construccin."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Scrum in 60 minutes! Agile Scrum from zero to Scrum Master" |
"Do you want to learn Scrum quickly?If yes, this training is for you & no prerequisites required even if you have no knowledge on Scrum!This training will save you a lot of time, money and efforts and will supply you with solid Scrum knowledge and help you to prepare for Scrum certification.I will be completely focused on the subject and will try to avoid unneeded things so that we can cover all the fundamental things quickly within just a little more than 60 minutes in a solid way.What is Scrum?Scrum is a subset of the Agile approach which commonly used as an approach in Software Development. This will be covered in the course.Who should take is the course?This course of anyone who wants to understand Scrum in a solid way. Whether you are a Scrum Master, Product Owner, Project Manager, Team Member, business Stakeholder or simply someone who wants to understand what makes Scrum so popular, this is an ideal place to start. If you are about to prepare for Scrum Master certification or other Scrum Agile certifications, this class is exactly what you are looking for!What will I learn?In this course, we will cover all the fundamentals needed for a solid understanding of Scrum. This knowledge will benefit your Scrum Master Certification preparation and to your ability to implement Scrum inappropriate way considering all the best practices. The following core chapters will be covered:You will learn the Agile approach and how it correlates with the Scrum frameworkYou will learn the Scrum framework with its core values and principlesYou will learn all the prescribed Scrum rolesYou will learn all the prescribed eventsYou will learn all the prescribed artifacts80 Questions assessment will wait for you to make sure you are all set with all the knowledge provided!This course could be considered as educational materials in the following fields: project management, product management, product development, scrum methodology, scrum methodology tutorial, scrum tutorial, agile methodology, overview agile methodology steps.Learning Advice:If you are new to Project Management, please watch training from the first lesson to the end for the best results.Note: This course could be considered as educational materials in the following fields: project management, product management, product development, scrum methodology, scrum methodology tutorial, scrum tutorial, agile methodology, overview agile methodology steps."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freemium Principles: Design F2P Games that Generate Revenue" |
"The most comprehensive course on how to Generate Revenue for any Mobile Game Why this course is specialThis course not only covers the basics of what Freemium is. But it also pushes the concept of making intellectual decisions on how to market and monetize your games.There is no other course like this on the market. You will understand real fundamentals of Freemium and apply them by building analytics in the actual product design from the earliest stages of the development cycle. Since your product generate massive amount of data through interaction, we use that data to maximize conversion and boost user retention.Since every minor change can drastically impact how user behavior reacts, we will look at how applying an MVP strategy and intuitive Dash-board Design to make sure any optimization required will lead to an increase in revenue.We will also look at Virality and the huge impact it can have on how user's behave with the product. When it comes to promotions, hooks, or even emails, each viral strategy play a role in generating revenue and growing the user base. User acquisition is a giant asset to any freemium models growth and we look at the different way we can achieve our desired goals.My Guarantee For every student that joins the course, they will be able to ask questions about their own products and how to go about developing them. I will be available to answer any and all questions for all of my students.The Course StructureThe course is almost all video. It will take between 5hours to complete. After you finish this course, you should be much stronger in understanding to to go about designing and developing your own applications from a data-driven design approach. You will understand the benefits of using metrics to make design decisions that are the most optimal outcome to generate revenue.The course is structured into 8 main Sections. Section 2: Introduction to Freemium as a Business ModelIn this section, we get a universal understanding of what the term freemium is, and how it is applied today. We look at what made freemium possible in the mobile market. Also go into a brief description of all the main components that make up the freemium model. We look at Price Elasticity and how it applies to Freemium. Section 3: Using Analytics in Freemium designHere, we look at what analytics is as a whole. What analytics can do and who makes up the team that takes analyzing data. We also look at Big Data, a huge trend in the market at the moment. We then shift our focus to a the Minimum Viable Product strategy and effective it is with the freemium model. We see how a Data Driven Design compliments the MVP in analyzing and effectively implementing changes to generate revenue.Section 4: Freemium Metrics This is my favorite section and the largest one. Here we will look at how to properly design an First Time Flow (Tutorial) to not only get the user engaged right away, but also make it become a routine. We look at the Core Loop and how to create a solid one. As discussed previously we had MVP, in this section we are going to look at MVM(Minimum Viable Metrics) and how they are used to create cost effective decisions. We deep dive into Retention mechanics and metrics, how to Monetize our products to give us the largest ROI, What different strategies and ways we can increase user Engagement, and we take a small step at understanding Virality which we have a whole section on. After we learn all these core fundamentals, we them see how we can use these metrics to our advantage. What they numbers behind the words mean and what we can do with them to increase our revenue.This is the most important section in the course in terms of theory as it sets the tone of what the whole courses depth is aboutSection 5: Lifetime Customer ValueIn this section, we take a look at what LTV(Lifetime Customer Value) is. We see how it relates to the freemium model and its usefulness towards understanding how our users are behaving. We look at different terms like the Ins/Outs of LTV, Discounting and more. What retention vs acquisition is and what is a better path to go through. How LTV relates with Marketing, Product Development, and Organizational Priority. These are key concepts that must be understand for long term forecasting of the product life cycle.Section 6: MonetizationHere we look the Monetization curve and the impact it has on decision making for the product catalogue. We see how valuable Non-Paying Users are to the Freemium model and what kind of value they give. We then switch gears and look at monetization from marketing perspective. We see how Downstream marketing plays a key roles in freemium and metrics.. We see how we can re-engage pre existing users and measure how effective those marketing campaigns were in doing this strategy.Section 7: ViralityPerhaps one of the most vital sections in the course, Virality plays a huge factor in making sure a product is successful. We will look at how to calculate virality, hot ti compound it and much more. We will see key factors of virality and retention, and how they both are intertwined. We look at viral networks and the different ways we can increase both viral invites and conversion rate to effectively generate more revenue.Section 8: Growth The final section of the course! After a product launches, it all about how to sustain the current flow and grow it to be more lucrative. this section takes a loot at how the development team can choose demographics effectively and when to do so. What Paid User Acquisition has for the value of growth, Advertisement exchange and the benefits it holds for a marketing team to effective showcase their campaigns. We then look at both Supply and Demand Side Platforms and what it means on both ends of the transaction.What sort of apps do People usually make?Game apps, puzzle apps, social apps, photo apps,andproductivity apps.Money back Guarantee The course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed.Certification of completion when finishing this courseWhen you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmara de Juiz de Fora (2018) - Legislao Municipal" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Cmara Municipal de Juiz de Fora/MG.Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando em casa, no trabalho e/ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreESTATUTO DOS SERVIDORES PBLICOS, LEI ORGNICA E REGIMENTO INTERNO DA CMARA MUNICIPAL DE JUIZ DE FORA,resultandoassimnum melhor desempenho para fazeroconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas.Temos ainda um simulado bnus sobre NOES DE INFORMTICAbaseado exclusivamente emprovas anteriores, proporcionando um aprendizado mais eficiente e eficaz nessa disciplina de exatas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concursotestando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comDIVERSASQUESTES NOVAS E BASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cmara de Goinia (2018) - Legislao Especfica" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Cmara Municipal de Goinia/GO.Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando emcasa, no trabalho e/ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreESTATUTO DOS SERVIDORES PBLICOS, LEI ORGNICA E REGIMENTO INTERNO DA CMARA MUNICIPAL DE GOINIA,proporcionando-lhe um melhor desempenho na realizaodoconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concursotestando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comDIVERSASQUESTES NOVAS E BASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Prefeitura de Maric (2018) - Legislao Especfica" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Prefeitura Municipal de Maric/RJ.Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando emcasa, no trabalho e/ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreLEI ORGNICA, CDIGO DE POSTURAS E ESTATUTO DOS FUNCIONRIOS PBLICOS CIVIS DO MUNICPIO DE MARIC,proporcionando-lhe um melhor desempenho na realizaodoconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concurso,testando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comDIVERSASQUESTES NOVAS E BASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cmara do Distrito Federal (2018) - Leis Distritais" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Cmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal.Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando emcasa, no trabalho e/ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreLEI ORGNICA, LEI COMPLEMENTAR N 13/1996 E REGIMENTO INTERNO DA CMARA LEGISLATIVA DO DISTRITO FEDERAL,proporcionando-lhe um melhor desempenho na realizaodoconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concursotestando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comDIVERSASQUESTES NOVAS E BASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pref. de So Bernardo do Campo (2018) - Conhecimentos Gerais" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Prefeitura Municipal de So Bernardo do Campo/SP.Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando emcasa, no trabalho e/ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreATUALIDADES E NOESDEINFORMTICA,proporcionando-lhe um melhor desempenho na realizaodoconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concursotestando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comQUESTES ATUALIZADAS EBASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ALEGO (2018) - Legislao Estadual" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Gois (ALEGO).Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando emcasa, no trabalho ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreCONSTITUIO ESTADUAL, REGIMENTO INTERNO, RESOLUO N 1007 e RESOLUO N 1073 DA ASSEMBLEIA LEGISLATIVA DO ESTADO DE GOIS,proporcionando-lhe um melhor desempenho na realizaodoconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas com os seus respectivos artigos, pargrafos, incisos e alneas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concursotestando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comDIVERSAS QUESTES NOVAS E BASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas."
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