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"ALESP (2018) - Legislao Estadual" |
"Bem-vindo (a) aossimulados para o Concurso da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de So Paulo (ALESP).Aproveite essa oportunidade e inscreva-se j!Na Udemy, alm do COMPUTADOR, voc pode praticar no seu SMARTFONE, TABLET e/ouIPHONE.Comece agora mesmo a revisar oseuaprendizado, treinando emcasa, no trabalho ouem qualquer lugar.Cada um dos simulados deste pacote fornece um conjunto de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide suas habilidades sobreCONSTITUIO ESTADUAL e REGIMENTO INTERNO DA ASSEMBLEIA LEGISLATIVA DO ESTADO DE SO PAULO,proporcionando-lhe um melhor desempenho na realizaodoconcurso.Alm disso, para facilitar os seus estudos, as questes ainda so comentadas com os seus respectivos artigos, pargrafos, incisos e alneas.No perca tempo! Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no concursotestando seus conhecimentos atravs destessimulados comDIVERSAS QUESTES NOVAS E BASEADAS EM PROVAS ANTERIORES.Oambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Voc tem medo de falar em pblico? Dicas para superao." |
"Imagine um vendedor que tem que tem que expor o seu produto, um aluno que tem que apresentar o TCC, um advogado que precisa enfrentar os jurados, o concursando que ter que passar por um exame oral ou simplesmente a pessoa quer se relacionar melhor com seu grupo de amigos.Todas estas situaes descritas no teriam nenhum problema caso a pessoa no sofra de GLOSSOFOBIA. Mas pesquisas indicam que o medo de falar em pblico atinge um nmero gigantesco de pessoas fazendo que elas percam grandes oportunidades em suas vidas e ainda passem momentos de grande sofrimento quando so obrigadas a se apresentar em pblico. Neste pocket curso vamos estudar um pouco sobre o problema, oque pode causar este medo e ainda apresentaremos algumas dicas para lhe auxiliar na superao desta dificuldade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ngilizce A-Z (2020) Elif Hoca'nn Keyifli Anlatmyla!" |
"Sosyal medya, filmler, diziler, kitaplar ve belki de kk yurt d seyahat deneyimlerinizden aina olduunuz ngilizce'yi artk gerekten anlamak ve sadece anlamakla da kalmayp konumak istiyorsunuz, deil mi?Artk Udemy online eitimde frsat eitlii sunuyor ve dil okullarna kaydolarak hem binlerce lira vermek zorunda kalmyorsunuz hem de bu kurslara giderken harcayacanz gnlk zamanlardan tasarruf edebiliyorsunuz. Gramer derslerimizi olduka renki hazrladk, birok nemli konudan sonra testler ile pekitirmeler yapacaz, telefon/bilgisayarnza indirebileceiniz ekstra dokmanlar ile renme deneyiminizi kat kat artracaz ve en nemlisi de 7/24 soru-cevap ans ile eitmenimizle yakn temas halinde bulunabileceksiniz.Dersleri srekli yeni konular ekleyerek & dnyadan modern renme teknik srlarn paylaarak & altrmalar ve konuma egzersizleri ile gncelliyor olacaz. Sizlerden ricamz ise sadece haftalk olarak kendinize gzel bir program karp bolca tekrar yaparak kursumuzu takip etmeniz ynnde olacak.imdiden aramza hogeldin!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Saatte Rusa Yeni Balayanlar iin Pratik Rusa" |
"Rusa, Rusya Federasyonu'nun resmi dili ve dnya zerinde 150.000.000'dan fazla kiinin anadilidir. Dou Slav dilleri arasnda yer alr, tm Slav dilleriyle akraba olsa da dierlerinde bulunmayan ilgin zelliklere sahiptir. Doru telffuzunu mkemmel renmesi en zor olan dillerden biridir. Bunun nedeniyse Kiril alfabesiyle yazlmas deil ok ilgin kurallarla aklanabilen istisnalara sahip olmasdr. Bu yzden doru eitmenler tarafndan, pratik yntemler zerinden renilmesi olduka kritik bir dildir.Dzenli olarak yeni dersler eklenen bu eitimizde, Moskova doumlu olan eitmenimiz Syuzana sizlere hem video dersler ile hem de soru/cevap blmnden birebir destek olacaktr. Elenceli ve aklda kalc bir renim deneyimine sahip olmanz amac ile tasarlanm prodksiyonumuzda eminiz ki sizlere faydal olabilecek bir online eitim sunuyor olacaz.Derslerde grmek zere!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"stn Baarnn 50 SIRRI Pratik Ses Eitimi" |
"NOT: ETM YALNIZCA SESL ERKLERDEN OLUMAKTADIR!KENDNZE U SORUYU SORMA ZAMANINIZ GELD Baarya Ulamam Engelleyen Faktrler Neler?Tembellik, yanl inanlar, kendinden phe etmek!Darbelere kar zayf kalmak, ar nezaket ve fedakarlk!inizde ki gizli gc kefedememe ve onu aktif kullanamama!Bilgi, beceri ve deneyimlerineksiklii!Kendinize kar gven eksiklii, kompleksler, korkular, yanlglar!G, arzu, enerji ve irade eksiklii!Hangi alanda ve ynde kendinizi gelitimeniz gerektiini bilmemek!Gaflet, atalet, beyinde durgunluk, yanl dnce yaps!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ChantSutra - Patanjali Yogasutra with Meaning" |
"ChantSutra is a simplified take on Sage Patanjali's 195 YogaSutras/Aphorisms. We hardly see any work on this text which is simplified to the extent that a layman can understand it. Effort is made here to chant the sutra in a simplified method whereby it becomes easy to understand its meaning. Sanskrit sutras has this feature where words are clubbed together and while doing so some letters are deleted. Anon sanskrit person finds it very difficult to decipher it. In this course the sutras are sectioned in such a way that the meaning becomes obvious. This is called as sandhi vicheda. When one chants in this way then every sutra reveals its essence. There are gems of wisdom in this text which one can start applying as soon as one learns the sutras. Just simplifying it was the need of the hour. We have done that and brought to you this superb course where not only is the sutra chanted spliiting at the right point but also one liner meaning is mentioned too. So sit back and enjoy this text. Let the learning begin."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Documentary Filmmaking Masterclass" |
"Who is this course NOT for:You need to have some basic filmmaking knowledge and skills. If you've never made at least a 3-5 minute story and video, this course will be too advanced for you. Why take this course?You wont need a big team, budget, or a fancy diploma for my course. All you need is a story, and Ill help you turn it into a documentary. This course is a view into my life, and how I make my documentaries. It takes you through the exact steps I took, when I made my award-winning film The Pearl of Africa and Ill even share my personal lists of grants and festivals I applied for. Its like a mentorship, with me, for your future film.What you will get:42 lectures5-hours of educational content.Lifetime access to our online communityLifetime access to all assignments that will take your project to the NEXT level.A unique insight into the life of a documentary filmmaker. Pure and practical advice that you won't get in a film school or in a book. ALLtemplates you need to make a documentary (pitch deck, budget, contracts, list of festivals and funders etc). Personal advice from an award-winning director and producer. Who am I to teach you?Investing in yourself is the most important thing if you want to make a living working witha profession like this. During my 15 years as a professional filmmaker, I've invested inonline courses, books, talks and workshops. There's been good ones, but also a lot of bad ones.But the education has reallyhelped meget towhere I am today.Sign up now and don't wait!If you're not happy with the course, I'd be more than happy to refund all your money within 30 days. But I hope that doesn't happen!See you on the other side!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A+ Certification (220-901 & 220-902): Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to get the CompTIA A+ Certification? Test your learning with this new Practice Test offering on Udemy. Ludus Digital School offers Practice tests of Exam 220-901 and 220-902 in single course. Now, you don't need to buy Practice test for each exam separately. This Practice Course has 3 full practice tests of CompTIA Exam 220-901 and 220-902 each; Each practice test in this set has 90 questions covering CompTIA A+ exam objective. This enables you to check your mastery of the topics and provides you the confidence youll need to take your CompTIA A+ Certification.A+ (A Plus) is an entry-level computer certification for PC computer service technicians. The exam is designed to certify the competency of entry-level PC computer service professionals in installing, maintaining, customizing, and operating personal computers. The A+ certification is sponsored by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma In Education" |
"The module of SIXSIGMAINEDUCATION is targeted towards excellence with implementation of Quality and Management in Academic deliveries towards pace of satisfaction among the stakeholders in particular. The modules deliver introduction of SIXSIGMAquality tool in academics and how it can be implemented in academics by the teachers through the nomenclature of SIXSIGMAas a practice.The modules reflect real time scenario and conjunction in particular."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The course on NLPFORTEACHERS penetrates the importance of NLP techniques and initiatives towards quality in education. The modules cover the basics of NLP- as a model of excellence and is drafted to practically demonstrate its implementation through simple means and methodologies in particular. The initiative is to catch them young and innocent towards Quality Teaching by the Teachers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The course DIGITALSKILLSFORTEACHERS inherits the requirements for being a ROCKSTARTeachers with competency towards excellence within classrooms on narration with experience and making a wow feature a continuous activity in classrooms on priority. The course modules the expertise to imbibe for all teachers towards excellence with the adoption of technology in a big very way!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be a Rockstar Teacher?" |
"The course is designed and drafter forTeachers, Educators, Parents and all who think learning and teaching go hand in hand towards excellence. This is an initiative towards Teaching as per the new age requirements promoting learning as a hobby rather than an occasional occurence. The purpose is to catch the students young and innocent towards excellence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Periodic Table of Happiness" |
"The Periodic Table of happiness defines and liberates the joy of life for all individuals. Learning to Learn as a hobby rather than an occasional occurrence. The path way to happiness is what elements comprise of Periodic Table of Happiness. Let us learn and share the same towards Joyful living and learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New Age Teaching Skills Unleashed" |
"The course initiates towards excellence in Teaching Strategies to deliver a WOWlearning scenario within schools and colleges with the encapsulation of Learning to Learn as a Hobby rather than an occasional occurence. The objective is to catch the students young and innocent towards making EVERYCHILDAGIFTOFGODTOMANKINDANDAPRIDEOFTHEHUMANRACE and to govern a WOWelement of Learning and Teaching within classrooms in particular. The literacy aspect for teachers laminates success through the modulations depicted within the modules and lessons accordingly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to be a WOW Teacher!" |
"The course is a video based deliberation towards excellence in classroom management and contributes towards managing the classroom blues by the teachers. The initiative is to make the classroom a wow environment through Street Smart Practices by the Teachers managing the Google Generation towards Excellence. The initiative is towards catching the students Young and Innocent."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Manage your Classroom Effectively" |
"The course is slated towards excellence in Teaching and Learning process within schools with a periodic narration of strategies and practices which govern a WOWelement within classrooms in particular.The initiative is to make teaching a priority with interactive sessions and one on one initiatives towards learning to learn as a hobby both for the teachers and the students at large."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trouble Shooting Your Classrooms" |
"The module has an objective towards managing Classrooms Effectively towards excellence and making learning a pride for all. The initiative is towards managing classrooms with a wow feature towards excellence with engagement of the students at large towards excellence and making learning happen as a periodic event in every classrooms in particular."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teaching Excellence" |
"The course module of Teaching Excellence is explored towards learning to learn as a delivery to make a wow learning experience within classrooms. Teaching excellence is a priority to laminate learning with classroom management capsules re-visited for the delivery of a connect and networked classrooms through live interactions and inspiring story telling for we can not teach the way we were taught. The priority is to catch them through the wow experience within classrooms as a priority."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The belief towards inception and implementation of TQMin Academics gain to monitor and segment the causes towards concerns and dissatisfaction which prevails among the stake holders particularly the students at large. The initiative has to be towards catching them young and innocent. TQMtalks about a culture where every one wins and marches towards excellence as a habit to make a WINWINclimate of learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to have Ignited Classrooms?" |
"How to have Ignited Classrooms? is an initiative towards managing the new age classrooms with motivational aspects and recognition towards excellence in classrooms with a feasible environment and a child friendly approach for the student learn with pace and productivity through the conception of recognition and intelligence achieved.The quality incorporates learning to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Managing Classrooms for Excellence" |
"Managing Classrooms For Excellence talks about innovative teaching practices towards making a classroom happy going with an interactive mode of understanding and exploring ideas towards excellence. The initiative is towards catching them young and innocent with a perception towards making learning a habit rather than an occasional occurence in particular. Priority of Kaizen through continuous development must be the initiative."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"99 School Management Strategies reflect towards managing the schools in the best way towards excellence. These include some of the activated ways to deliver pride while exploring the WOWmanagement of schools keeping the satisfaction of all stakeholders in particular of repute and recognition. The initiative is towards catching them young and innocent."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The module, 50 Java Source Codes Explained' defines the basics using the programming methodology of over 50 sources codes (programs in Java) explained one by one with basic learning capsules towards excellence. It monitors interest of the readers/ learners towards online programming execution through the online platforms. A nice collection of simple and basic programming assignments for Java learners."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computing Ethics For Students" |
"The initiative is towards awareness of safe computing initiatives for one and all. The activated lecture is mounted to monitor safe computing techniques towards security and safe working online for best of all as a safety measure. Some of the topics well explained in lay man's voice. Cheers and happy learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to have QUALITY through MINDFULNESS Within Classrooms?" |
"The objective is to imbibe the Quality of Teaching and engaging the kids towards gaining a happiness quotient towards Learning as a Habit. The catch is towards teaching them 'How to Excel with Confidence!"" Learning and Teaching with pace of implementing the ideas towards engaging the kids in order to provide them the WOW- Wonder of Wonders as a continuous approach towards excellence in particular."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Influence People First time Every Time?" |
"The objective of this course is to model effectiveness in self through the inception of a WIN-WIN approach towards excellence. The perfection to govern as a hobby via attributes of success at large of influencing people and self via policies and framework towards excellence in totality. How good you feel and make others feel when you speak has to be replicated through ideas and fellowship of liking for others and respecting others attributes of life and towards things in particular."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be Instantly Magnetic as Teachers?" |
"An initiative towards teaching excellence with a wow feeling of catching them young and innocent with applications towards success at large. Learning with pride and delivering with pride towards lamination of repute and conduct of a WOWlearning scenario in particular. How to impress your students first time every time is the priority in particular. A must for all the teachers towards inducing a WOWculture within classrooms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Wow Ways to Impress Your Students" |
"The course is a methodology towards generating a WOW feeling towards excellence for the clients/ customers/ students/ parents with the inception of teaching excellence and gaining momentum towards gaining confidence while facing the audience in particular. The objective is towards gaining confidence, inspiration and motivation for self and others. Learn now the ways to impress and execute the learning with perception towards excellence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Avail Opportunities as a Habit" |
"A step towards quality of work life and mass quality framework. The course modules motivation for all. The encapsulated module towards success at large in particular The initiative is towards exploring the possibilities towards excellence. The narration is dealt with experience of years over 20 in spectrum towards making every individual be prepared to explore opportunities when and whenever it aligns at our threshold."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"An initiative towards excellence in school management for developing and paging Quality of work life and a learning segment within schools towards Quality as a Habit towards deliberations, learning habits, academic climate and totality towards satisfaction through monitoring the win win approach. The objective is delivered towards KAIZEN, the philosophy of continuous improvement and excellence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |