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"Learn how to paint 3 FREE style watercolors for beginners." |
"Hello and thanks for looking at my ""Live Facebook sessions"" course.My name is David Walker,I have been a professional artist for over 30 years painting mainly in watercolor.Over the years I have done many live tutorials all around the U.K. and I now teach to a worldwide audience with Udemy.This course is a compilation of my first 3 live watercolor painting sessions on Facebook.The 3 watercolor paintings you will be following step by step are inspired by the countryside round where I live in North Wales.Each section of the course concentrates on one individual painting.The live sessions each last about an hour and are broken down into easy to manage parts of around 15 minutes each,there is also a sped up time lapse version so you can get an idea of what is coming in the full version and there is a high quality download of each painting for you to use as reference.I mainly use the ""Hake"" brush and just 7 colors in all 3 paintings,if you are not familiar with the Hake brush,there is a full free preview section where you can see a half hour video all about this fantastic brush.There is also a free ""tools required"" video in the preview section which tells you what tools you need to do this course.You will learn as I learn in these 3 tutorials because for the first time I use a hairdryer to dry the washes,this was necessary as I was filming live to a live audience and so I had to make it dry much quicker than usual.As you will see in the videos it is quite interesting to watch how the paint reacts to this new technique.As I have explained,all 3 watercolor paintings are painted in front of a live audience so I can not go back and re film something if there is a problem,this is what appeals to me as an artist,I have to think on the spot and if there is an accident on the painting I have to sort it out there and then,so if you hear my dog grumbling in the background or the seagulls raiding my bins or me putting my brush into my coffee instead of my water,please bear with me,it is all part of the fun which,watercolor painting should be.The 3 watercolor paintings I make in this course were seen by over 40,000 people,many have asked me to do more which I will be because it has been such an enjoyable process and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have,see you soon,DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor gardens, how to paint in FREE style step by step." |
"Hello and thanks for looking at my ""Live Facebook sessions"" Floral watercolors course.My name is David Walker,I have been a professional artist for over 30 years painting mainly in watercolor.Over the years I have done many live tutorials all around the U.K. and I now teach to a worldwide audience with Udemy.This course is a compilation of my second 3 live watercolor painting sessions on Facebook.The 3 watercolor paintings you will be following step by step are inspired by the Gardens round where I live in North Wales.Each section of the course concentrates on one individual painting.The live sessions each last about an hour and a quarter and are broken down into easy to manage parts of around 20 minutes each,there is also a sped up time lapse version so you can get an idea of what is coming in the full version and there is a high quality download of each painting for you to use as reference.I mainly use the ""Hake"" brush and just 5 colors in all 3 paintings,if you are not familiar with the Hake brush,there is a full free preview section where you can see a half hour video all about this fantastic brush.There is also a free ""tools required"" video in the preview section which tells you what tools you need to do this course.You will learn as I learn in these 3 tutorials because for just the second time I use a hairdryer to dry the washes,this was necessary as I was filming live to a live audience and so I had to make it dry much quicker than usual.As you will see in the videos it is quite interesting to watch how the paint reacts to this new technique.As I have explained,all 3 watercolor paintings are painted in front of a live audience so I can not go back and re film something if there is a problem,this is what appeals to me as an artist,I have to think on the spot and if there is an accident on the painting I have to sort it out there and then,so if you hear my dog grumbling in the background or the seagulls raiding my bins or me putting my brush into my coffee instead of my water,please bare with me,it is all part of the fun which,watercolor painting should be.The 3 watercolor paintings I make in this course were seen by over 50,000 people,many have asked me to do more which I will be because it has been such an enjoyable process and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have,see you soon,DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PLC at home using Arduino and CODESYS-Automation Control lab" |
"This course provides hands-on Step by Step experience to integrate, Arduino, PLC and HMI using Modbus TCP by implementing real industrial projects.Real projects will be designed step by step to help you grasp the concepts.By the end of this course, you will be able to integrate various technologies to control industrial automation projects in multiple ways, like using Soft-PLC with Arduino and using HMI with Arduino.The materials also contain a lot of videos that will teach you various skills. Stuff like, Ladder logic programming, HMI design, VFD driving and many other cool lectures that you can use to expand the Arduino integration in real industrial automation projects.You will use technologies and brands like :ArduinoCodeSysSchneider ElectricModbus TCPVFD (Industrial motor drivers)And the best part is you will be able to simulate and integrate most of the things without having to buy any expensive industrial automation hardware. However, if you plan to buy the equipment, then you will be able to design your projects since this course will walk you through Programming and schematic of two complete integration projects.This course will be based on the famous industrial protocol Modbus TCP, where you will learn how to use it in integrating almost any Modbus TCP supported device with Arduino, and just to note, this protocol supported by over 70% of the industrial automation devices and equipment.What you need is:Arduino UNOArduino Ethernet shieldPC/Laptop with Windows Some wires and potentiometerOptional (8-CH Arduino Relay external card with 5v 700mA minimum power supply) All software we will use are free so you don't need to worry about obtaining any of them, all the links will be provided, noting that these are very highly professional software used by the biggest companies around the world and are by no mean poorly developed ones.Skills you will learn in this course:Arduino Integration with CodeSys Soft PLC systemsArduino integration with HMI Learning how to use Modbus TCP with multiple equipmentBasic VFD driving using ArduinoDesign HMI screens in two different software Designing in Ladder LogicHandling Classical VFD devices (Industrial motor drivers) Using Arduino to simulate small size industrial automation projectsThe two projects designed from scratch in this course w are designed step by step. And besides, by the end of each project, an electrical panel-based demonstration video will be shown to let you see the result not only in simulation but also with real industrial automation electrical hardware.An Arduino is NOT a replacement for a PLC system, though it can be deployed for small scale projects."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pet Business Certificate (UK)" |
"Would you love to be a pet sitter, dog walker or cat carer? This course is perfect for anyone wishing to set up and run a successful pet business in the UK. It includes essential information on the UK pet industry, legal aspects, accounting, marketing, pricing, documentation and other important and helpful information and guidance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"I Want Out: New life in Europe by Free education in Germany" |
"Hey there! Do you dream to LIVE in Europe?Would you love to STUDY in Top Universities for FREE?Have you been telling yourself lately that THIS YEAR I will start a new life abroad?But then you wonder: How can I actually move abroad? How can I support myself financially? What if I run out of money?What if I can't find the job after studying in Germany?What if I can't speak German and have no friends?What if.....Understood, but WHAT IF IT WORKS? How amazing is it to change my life, live in Europe and realize my DREAMListen up! I had the same dream as yours! Imoved to Germany from Hong Kong 5 years ago to study for a Master for FREE without any preparation at all, and Iend up able to find a job here without speakingGerman, and gained my permanent residency upon working in Munich for 2 years.I faced many challenges as I have not prepared at all before coming to Germany and yet Imade it. Solet me tell you this, it is not super easy but it is totally possible. If I can make it without much preparation, and when you are preparing now by taking this course, what is STOPPING you to achieve your dream? Living your dream life in Europe could be easier than you thought! This course is designed for those who dream to study abroad but was put off due to various reasons. Based on my experience and themany people I have met here in Germany, I will share with you all the tips to better secure an offer fromGerman university and build your career to stay in Europe for longer terms.You will also be presented with theperspective of reallife inGermany so you can better prepare for your adventure.I will also help you to develop an open mindset which you will need for this journey. If you come from Asia, I can totally understand that you might have extra concern due to the risk involved and the high expectations placed on us due to social norm. Therefore I will also help you to be at ease with those concern.** As I am continuously adding new content to help you succeed in this journey, this course will be FREE for a limited of time. All you need is to take 5 seconds to enroll in the course, leave me some comments if you have extra topic you want me to cover. Take Action NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP Maker2018 Construa sites com banco de dados s/ programar" |
"Ol alunos Udemy, com este curso de PHPMaker voc aprender como desenvolver um sistema de gerenciamento de contedo para seu site ou de seus clientes, de forma rpida e eficiente.lembrando que possivel voc fazer muito mais do que criar sistemas administrativos de sites, porm neste curso ensinaremos na pratica:Como voce comprar uma licena do PHPMaker, Baixar e instalar o programaConectar ao seu banco de dados mysqlFazer as configuraes principais para utilizao.Desenvolver cada coluna da tabela com seus respectivos valores, condizentes com a nescessidadeDesenvolveremos um Projeto Prtico para um sistema de administrador para utilizar em um site institucionalE faremos a hospedagem do painel num servidor web real, simulando todas as fazes do processo.lembrando que esta a ideia inicial, podendo haver continuidade nos estudos, com ampliao de materiais e ou a criao de novos cursos a partir deste."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manipulando banco de dados com Navicat!" |
"Com este curso voc ter os conhecimentos necessrios para gerenciar e manipular seu banco de dados de forma rpida, fcil e eficiente, pois o Navicat uma ferramenta grfica desenvolvida justamente para lhe proporcionar produtividade no desempenho de seus trabalhos.O Navicat permite que voc manipule diversos bancos de dados como Mysql, PostgreSql, Oracle, SQLite e SQLServer entre muitos outros."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creative CSS Animations, Transitions And Transforms Course" |
"Have you ever seen a web animation on codepen or on any website and then you think Ohh that is awesome! I want to do that! but then think its complex and far beyond your skills?Well Im here to tell you: No, it definitely is not!, Im Ahmed Sadek, a full stack web developer and freelancer with more than 7 years of experience, and I wanna welcome you to my CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms Creativity Course. Css animation is quickly becoming an essential design tool thats increasingly used to help our users understand and interact with our websites. Its definitely the next big step in css! Absolutely amazing things can be done with it. Its literally up to your imagination! It gives life to your website and enhances the user experience and you know better user experience means a higher reputation and more satisfied visitors. So css animations, transitions, and transforms are critical skills for any web developer nowadays...and Im here to make sure you learn it the right way. So in this course you will master css animations, transitions, and transforms, starting from scratch, and not only that, were also gonna get our hands dirty and create many examples together so that you will get tons of ideas, and lots of inspiration to help you create any complex animation you can think of. Well start by looking at the css transition property, learning what it is and how it can give life to html elements. Then we will move on to css transforms, which open the doors for many creative options, from moving elements around the page, to scaling and rotating them. So well talk about all the transform functions that we can use in 2D and 3D environments.After that, we get to the fun part! We will use all the techniques and properties we learned about the css transforms and transitions, and well start building some creative examples that will give you inspiration and help you make full use of what youve learned!Well start this section by creating some button hover effects, then some image hover effects, and so much more!Then we will move over to css animations and keyframes, where well learn everything about them and all their properties.And finally we will move on to the last section of the course, where we will be creating many css animations examples that will kickstart your imagination and help you create any animation you can think of! By then end of this course, youll be able to understand how any web animation works, and youll have created more than 55 different examples with different ideas that will help you increase your creativity, and stand out from other web developers. So if you are as excited as I am, hit the enroll button, and lets dive right in with this CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms Creativity Course!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Complete CSS Flexbox Guide With a Complete Project 2020" |
"Are you tired of using floats then clearing these floats ? Are you tired of using positioning to achieve the layout you want and then finding out that the everything collapses when you view it on different screen sizes ?do you want an efficient way to create complex layouts easily and quickly ?do you want to create advanced responsive layouts using css only with just simple lines of code ? if so then this course is for you !In this course you will learn everything you need to know to get started using flexbox in your future projects We will start by learning and understandinghow flexbox works, because I think if you used flexbox before you might be overwhelmed by the number of new properties, we have about 11 or 12 new properties with an average of 4 potential values so it can be a little bit overwhelming to jump right in with everything, but in this course you will clearly understand how every property works and how a specific property can be used to control the layout in different ways I believe in learning by doing so after understanding and learning all the properties of flexbox we will get our hands dirty and we will start by building two menus, a simple single level menu and an advanced one and in this section of the course you will see every thing you learned in action step by step One thing I put in my mind when I was building this course is that I wanted this course to stand out from other courses so I noticed that in all other flexbox courses you will just see some boxes on the screen all the time and the instructor is just moving them around using flexbox and at the end, the course will be finished and you become like ""ok that was good i learned the basics of flexbox but now what? How can I use this knowledge in real world examples"" because after all the web pages are not some boxes moving around, right ? and that is exactly why I created the last section of the course. So in this last section we will build a complete project from scratch that I built for you , and my main focus while I was building this project is how to implement every property we will learnabout flexbox in this project so you get a solid understanding of what we can do using these properties in real life!So in this project you will learn how to create many advanced different layouts like1 - the holygrail layout2 - you will learn how to center elements vertically easily3 - how to build posts articles with equal heights easily using flexbox4 - very advanced cards layouts that is almost impossible to attain without flexbox5 - the horizontal masonry layout which is very interesting"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Design Patterns Simplified" |
"- Are you looking for a different, yet deep and engaging course on design patterns?- Are you better able to understand the concepts through interesting examples, diagrams & visual effects?- Have you struggled to understand design patterns from the books?If you relate to one or more of the above criteria then this course is for you. It is a comprehensive course on design patterns delivered with crystal clear communication. The diagrams and the visual effects help you focus on the exact part of the presentation that the trainer is conveying. The course follows a step-wise approach where you will begin every pattern with a unique and interesting example problem. The course then begins with a design to solve the problem, without applying a pattern. After you have understood the shortcomings of the design, the course then applies the design pattern by altering the design. This approach helps you clearly understand and appreciate the usage of the pattern.You will be able to assess your knowledge by answering several quizzes & questions that pop up throughout the course. Note this course needs you to have a prior experience in software development.If you have registered for this course with an intention to strengthen your base for software design patterns, you will never lose interest during the course.Join the course with a visually stimulating and engaging content!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Webdeveloper worden: HTML leren" |
"Welkom bij mijn cursus ""Webdeveloper worden: HTML leren""Ben je op zoek naar een manier om te leren hoe je websites kunt bouwen met HTML?Als jou antwoord een grote JA is ... Dan is dit precies de cursus die je zoekt!In deze cursus leer ik je HTML, de eerste programmeertaal die je nodig hebt om een succesvolle webdeveloper te worden.Bouw een goede en sterke basis in HTML, met deze cursus:Leer je eigen werkomgeving installeren.Leer de HTML tags.Leer HTML attributen.Leer hoe je HTML kan schrijven.Wat is HTML ?HTML is een krachtige en eenzeer makkelijke taal om te leren. Het is de basis van het web development en wordt gebruikt om websites te bouwen. HTML is een fijne programmeertaal om mee te beginnen en om door te groeien naar andere programmeertalen.Inhoud van de cursus.Geschikt voor beginnende ontwikkelaars met geen ervaring in het programmeren. In deze cursus met 14 colleges, leer ik je alle basis benodigdheden. We beginnen eerst met het opzetten van onze werkomgeving. Vervolgens gaan we aan de slag met het leren van een aantal elementen in HTML."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
chemistrymrsalemfathy |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
chemistrymrsalemfathysalem |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
travelenglish |
"1 251000 XXX 30 30Udemy Northwest LifestylesMichiyo Tower"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Family-Teacher Communication And Collaboration" |
"We will be covering the main topic on Determine the best style and methods of communication to suit the family context which is supported by five subtopics and they are:1.Research the range of family systems and structures2.Understand impacts on family dynamics3.Use of appropriate communication and language skills4.Organise parent-teacher conferences 5.Establish a family communication method"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2020)" |
"Jeste pasjonatem filmowania? Krcisz filmy, ale nie opanowae jeszcze montau? Chcesznauczy si najbardziej popularnego z profesjonalnych programw montaowych? Jeli tak, to ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie :)Omwimy podstawy obsugi montau w Premiere Pro CC, by w kreatywnym procesie montau nie ograniczaa Ciebie znajomo oprogramowania.W trakcie kursu:poznasz podstawowe zagadnienia filmowe,nauczysz si podstawowych zagadnie montaowych,nauczysz si jak przyspiesza i zwalnia filmy,dowiesz si jak stabilizowa trzsce si wideo,jak poprawi kolorystyk i tonalno kolorw na ujciu,jak umieszcza tekst na wideo,zrozumiesz jak Premiere Pro wsppracuje z innymi programami Adobe,jak synchronizowa dwik nagrany na zewntrznym urzdzeniu z materiaem wideo,jak doda przejcia pomidzy klipami,nauczysz si jak dodawa wasne skrty klawiaturowe i przyspieszy proces montau i wiele innych funkcji opcji programu.Kurs jest wsparty materiaami wiczeniowymi, dziki czemu moesz samodzielnie wykonywa omawiane w kursie czynnoci. Doczone s take przykadowe pliki projektowe, ktre mog Ci si przyda w Twojej samodzielnej pracy po ukoczeniu kursu.Dziki temu z atwoci opanujesz przedstawionymateria i zaczniesz tworzy swoje wasne filmy, a uczucie ktre temu towarzyszy, jest niezastpione.Wikszo lekcji prowadzonych jest na wersji CC 2018, jednak kurs zaktualizowaem kilkoma wideo w ktrych pokazuj najwaniejsze nowe opcje dodane do programu w wersjach CC 2019 oraz CC 2020."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"CEH Certified Ethical Hacker" |
"Welcome to Exam Guru'sCertified Ethical Hacker Practice Testscourse.With this course, your chances of passing theCEH Exam increases as the questions are structured and imitate the real exam in the same style and feel. This course also helps you to identify your weaknesses within yourself/structured learning so that you can pass the exam in the first attempt. This course consists of2 extensive realistic imitating examsand cover a broad spectrum of chapters in theCEH v.10.The 2 tests are timed and give you240 minsto complete each Practice test.To aid your exam preparation we here atExam Guruhave randomised all the questions in each exam so every time you sit the exam the questions are randomised and aid your exam understanding.Good LuckWish you all the best for yourCertified Ethical Hacker (CEH) ExamMore Exam Style Course Coming soon keep visitingExam Guru"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CEHv10 Practice Tests with explanations" |
"The ECCouncil CEHis the most important & introductory security certification in the world right now, it tests your basic-advance knowledge of security concepts.These practice tests will help students to brush their concepts while simulating test conditions like timing. Also, many answers are well explained which will help to clarify any confusion in the concept."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Overwatch: The Complete Guide to Genji" |
"Genji, one of the most challenging DPS heroes to master in Overwatch.Many games will depend on the proper use of his Dragonblade ultimate. Positioning and precision are key to success, and will separate the mediocre Genji's from the masters. Are you tired of fruitless flanks, drab Dragonblades and discordant combos? You're not alone. Genji is one of the most popular picks in Overwatch, yet precious few can pilot the hero to his fullest.In this course, you will learn:The nuances of Genji's abilitiesAdvanced strategies to carry with you into your competitive matchesThe right way to think about flanking as GenjiHow to get consistent value from your DragonbladeThe thought processes of decision making patterns of Grandmaster and Top 500 Genji playersGenji is an agile hero, specializing in harassing enemy back lines via flanking and cascading upon enemy supports alongside tanks like Hammond and Winston. Genji favors an aggressive play style... however he is also one of the more fragile heroes in all of Overwatch. Poor positioning or failure to manage your ability cooldowns will spell death often and swiftly.The activities in this course are designed to refine your Genji gameplay rapidly. Some impending challenges include:A Free-for-all Arcade Mode challengeA competitive match in which you are to execute an advanced strategy of your choiceSelf replay analysis in which you will identify areas of possible improvement by studying footage of your own gameplay.My name is Tom. I have presented thousands of guides across a multitude of games in the eleven years I have been involved in the gaming scene. While my Overwatch credentials are modest, all guides in this course have been reviewed and approved by an array of professional Overwatch DPS experts including Dids, Nat and Satellites. You can be assured that all tips and tactics within are drawn from the knowledge pool of Top 500 players and coaches. Satellites and Dids themselves will be walking you through analysis guides of their own gameplay as Genji, played at the highest level.The margin for error on this Shimada is as fine as a katana's edge.Have you the mettle to master Genji?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fotoraflar iin Photoshop ve Lightroom (Nezihi Gzen)" |
"Dijital fotorafln en nemli unsurlarndan biri olan fotoraf nasl dzenleniri Nezihi Gzen ile Photoshop ve Lightroom stnden reniyoruz. Bir manzara fotorafn batan sona Photosop ve Lightroom ile nasl dzenleyeceinizi sizlere reteceim. Temel dzeyde Photoshop yada Lightroom renmek iin benim takip etmeyi unutmayn. Sizler iin cretli ve cretsiz olarak eitimler vermeye bu kanaldan da devam edeceim. Ltfen grlerinizi benimle paylamay unutmayn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Camera RAW Kullanmay renin (Nezihi Gzen)" |
"Batan sona bir fotoraf Camera RAW da dzenlemeyi renin. ster JPG olsun ister RAW ektiiniz tm fotoraflar Adobe Photoshop Camera RAW eklentisi ile hzlca dzenleyip ister sosyal medya hesaplarnda ister bask hazr halde dzenleyebilirsiniz. Camera RAW ile fotoraflar dzenlemek tahmin ettiinizden ok daha kolay. Sizde bu eitim ile fotoraflarnz hzlca nasl dzenleyebileceinizi renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python &" |
"3 ~ 5 Python Python Python Python"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Maddi Skntlardan Kurtul. Gelir Artrmann Yollarn ren" |
"Maddi zorluklar m yayorsun?Gelirin harcamalarn karlamaya yetmiyor mu?Borlarn srekli artyor mu?Gelecein konusunda endielerin mi var?Birok insann ortak problemi olan bu konularda farkl bir eyler yapmann zaman gelmedi mi?Bir k yolu, yeni bir zm gerekmiyor mu?Btn bu sorunlarn zmne ynelik kapsaml bir eitim ile karnzdaym.Bu eitim ile problemleri nasl zeceinizi, gelirinizi nasl artracanz ve varla nasl ulaacanz reneceksiniz.Eitimi bilinmesi gereken btn detaylar ierecek ekilde hazrladm.Eitim konu balklar:* NASIL TASARRUF YAPILIR* NASIL BRKM YAPILIR* NASIL YATIRIM YAPILIR* BORLAR NASIL DENR* EK GELR / PASF GELR NASIL OLUTURULUR* VARLIK VE PARA NASIL ARTIRILIR* ZENGNLERN FELSEFES* ZENGNLK VE VARLIIN FELSEFES* UFKUNUZU AACAK BLGLER* BUNLARDAN DAHA DA NEML BR KONU.eitimde bahsedilen konular hayatnzda uyguladnzda borlarnz azalacak, ek gelir kazanmaya balayacak, zamanla gelirinizin dahada artacak ve zgrlk basamaklarn birer birer trmanacaksnz. BR ARTLA: RENP UYGULARSANIZ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamal SEO Eitimi - Google'da ilk Sraya k" |
"SEO (search engine optimization ) yani arama motoru optimizasyonu, nemi gnden gne artan bir konudur. her web site sahibi SEO'yu mutlaka bilmeli veya SEO uzmanndan yardm almaldr.internette milyonlarca site olmasna ramen yalnzca ok kk bir ksm yeterli sayda ziyareti arlamaktadr. bu siteler tahmin edeceiniz gibi SEO almas yapan sitelerdir.SEOnedir diye soracak olursanz: bilinli olarak arama motorlarna en doru ve etkili verileri sunmaktr. ierii kaliteli olan web sitemizi, arama motorlarna doru ekilde tantmaktr. web sitemizin daha kolay taranmas iin gereken artlar yerine getirmektir.Doru SEO yaplan web siteleri rakiplerinden syrlr ve arama motorlarnda ilk sayfalarda yer alr. lk sayfalarda yer alan siteler daha fazla ziyareti alr. Ziyareti says ok olan sitelerin reklam, sat ve dier gelirleri de ok olur. Sektrdeki rakiplerinin nne geerler. Siteye doal yollarla ziyareti geldii iin Google Adworse ve dier reklamlara harcanan para azalr. Yani giderler azalr.SEO almas yaplmayan web siteleri ise hi bir zaman yeterli ziyareti alamaz ve hi okunmayan en son sayfalarda kalrlar. SEOnasl yaplr? derseniz ziyaretilerin arzu ve isteklerini gzeterek, onlara doru ve faydal bilgiler sunarak yaplr. ziyaretinin aradn bulmas salanarak yaplr. arama motorlarna ise bilgileri doru, eksiksiz ve anlalr ekilde sunarak yaplr.Farkndaysanz SEO nasl yaplr konusunda bile tek bir koddan, yazlmsal ve teknik bilgiden bahsetmedim. nk SEO kod ve yazlm ile deil, verileri doru, etkili, anlalr ve kaliteli oluturmakla yaplr. elbette ikisini birden bilmek bize avantaj kazandrr ve g verir. Eitim sonunda kendi web sitenizi SEO'ya uygun olarak dzenleyerek arama motorlarnda ykselebilirsiniz. ayrca ahslara ve irketlere SEOhizmeti vererek para kazanabilirsiniz.Eitimimi blogger zerinden verdim. ayn bilgiler wordpress, wix ve dier blog siteleri iin de geerlidir. HTML site yapan arkadalarda eitimimde bahsettiim konulara mutlaka dikkat etmeliler."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Music Students and Teach Lessons Effectively" |
"This is a concise course for any musician who wants to learn how to be a successful private music lesson teacher. No prior teaching experience is required!Are you curious about whether youd enjoy teaching private music lessons? Have you ever been daunted by the task of finding students or teaching effectively? Or maybe youve taught some students that have quit in the past, and you want to learn how to keep them motivated to continue long-term?Well, Im here to share with you the ins-and-outs of the incredibly rewarding industry of music lesson teaching.This is a concise, approachable course for anyone who can play an instrument or sing and wants to learn how to get private students quickly, teach really well, and foster a connection to music in your students that will keep them growing and thriving for years to come.Im a masters degree-holding music teacher and have taught music lessons for over ten years. Im also the owner of my own music education business of fellow musicians who love teaching music lessons and helping students become musicians. And now Im excited to share with you as much of the wisdom that Ive gained over the years as I can pack into one short course.So grab your notebook and pencil, get comfortable, and get ready to make a living spreading your love of music to others in a lasting, meaningful way!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dans cette formation vous allez dcouvrir tout le potentiel que ce logiciel a vous offrir.Comprendre et matriser l'interface pour crer celle qui vous conviendra le mieux.Matriser les diffrents outils afin de profiter au mieux de leurs fonctions.Comprendre et matriser les brosses de KritaGrer et crer vos propres brosses.Matriser les diffrents type de claques.Manipuler des photos et crer de superbes effets grce aux moteur de filtre Gmic.Amliorer vos croquis et en faire un line-art prt tre mis en couleur.Raliser une illustration au complet."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Blender: Cration d'un studio d'clairage." |
"Il est assez frustrant lorsque vous crez une scne dans Blender d'avoir reconfigurer chaque fois un nouvel clairage en naviguant d'une lumire l'autre pour trouver la bonne intensit ou la bonne couleur.Dans cette formation vous apprendrez crer un studio d'clairage, ou SoftBox, qui vous permettra, grce l'utilisation de drivers, ou pilotes, de modifier les clairages (intensit-couleur-ombres) et dans laquelle vous pourrez crer vos nouvelles scnes.Vous apprendrez crer des drivers.Vous apprendrez utiliser ces drivers pour configurer votre clairage.Vous apprendrez aussi utiliser l'clairage de manire judicieuse pour rendre vos images encore plus professionnels."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Managing Employee Performance Issues In The Workplace" |
"Managing teams is more than just hiring and motivating hard workers. Even the best managers will encounter challenging employees who, due to poor performance or personality conflicts, are dragging down the morale and productivity of their whole team.This Udemy online training is designed to help equip HR professionals and managers to be able to handle employee poor performance in an effective way that aligns with the relevant legal and ethical considerations."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Customer Service Training" |
"The customeris the person who pays everyones salary and who decides whether a business is going tosucceed or fail. In fact, the customer can fire everybody in the company from the chairman(CEO) on down, and he can do it simply by spending his money somewhere else.Literally everything we do, every concept perceived, every technology developed andassociate employed, is directed with this one objective clearly in mind pleasing thecustomer.Sam M. Walton, CEO Wal-MartAsk any CEO of a company, president of a bank, manager of an office, minister or staffperson and they will tell you HOW IMPORTANT the customer is to their operations andsuccess.How you define service shapes every interaction you have with your customers. Limiteddefinitions of service based on an exchange of monies for goods or service misses the overallpoint of customer service. Service should provide the customer with more than a productor action taken on his/her behalf. It should provide satisfaction. In essence, the customershould walk away pleased at the result of the transaction not just content but actuallyhappy. A happy customer will continue to be a buying customer and a returning customer.In the 50 Keys to Exceptional Customer Service you will learn the best practices that top organizations we look up to implement and adopt in . systematic and consist way to achieve real success and dwarf their competitors."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"50 Secret Ways To Influence & Persuade People" |
"Persuasiveness is one of the most important skills anyone can learn because it is useful in countless situations. At work, at home, and in your social life, the ability to bepersuasive and influence others can be instrumental for achieving goals and being happy.Learning about the tricks of persuasion can also give you insight into when they're being used on you. The biggest benefit of this is that money will stay in your pockets as you realize just how sales people and advertisers sell you products that you don't necessarily need.In this course we will share with you 50 ways you can use to influence and persuade people. Most of these methods are backed by research and science. Some examples are: scarcity, reciprocation, mirroring, framing, timing, congruence, fluid speech, social proof, authority and many more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sales Training: 50 Tips To Be a Top Sales Professional" |
"Selling is an honorable career even though it is fraught with ups and downs, challenges and obstacles. However, at the end of the day, selling is a great way to earn a living. Here are a few of things one should love about selling. Every day is differentRegardless of what you sell and to whom, every day in sales is different than the previous day. Every day is a new experience waiting to happen and even if yesterday was not successful, today can be completely different. Prospects can be more willing to talk, and you can be more effective. The thrill of capturing a big saleOne of the most rewarding aspects of selling is closing a deal that was falling off the rails. Being able to recover and capture a sale is exhilarating and exciting. Dealing with different peopleEven though they may have similar needs, every prospect and customer is different. Plus, every person you encounter has different objectives and personality. Being able to adapt your approach is fun and challenging. No limits on earning potentialThe harder and smarter you work, the more money you can make. Learning about different businesses and companiesEvery company you deal with has its own ideologies and learning about its respective challenges can help you develop as a business person. Every conversation with a new prospect teaches something new. You can be your own bossThis doesnt always work, especially if your boss is a micro-manager, but most sales leaders give their top performers lots of freedom and flexibility. Even when I worked in retail, the best sales people looked at their job from an entrepreneurs perspective. They couldnt set their own hours but they treated their customers as clients and worked diligently to achieve their goals and quotas.In this online Sales Skills Training you will learn tips, tactics, strategies and best practices that have helped shape thousands of top sellers in many industries."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |