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"50 Ways To Deal With Anger" |
"Anger is a reaction. Its a pseudo or secondary emotion that comes to the surface as a result of other hidden emotions such as fear, pain, lack of respect, lack of appreciation, etc. Anger is an adaptive response to threats; it inspires powerful and sometimes aggressive feelings to trigger the fight or flight modes. Anger can be unpredictable and -if left untamed- could affect your quality of work and social life. Its accompanied by physiological and biological changes. The way we are brought up and our cultural background affect the way we express anger. You can be angry about thoughts, people or events.Topics covered in this e-course:What is really behind anger: Triggers and signsHow the brain worksCognitive distortionsThe cycle of acceptanceWhen is anger considered to be a problem and how far could it affect general health?The Johari modelAssertive management and setting realistic boundariesProblem solving techniquesUsing clean languageFitting in the transactional analysis modeAcknowledging psychological contractsBreathing and deep relaxation techniquesCognitive restructuring techniquesThe rational emotive theoryEmotional freedom techniquesIntegrated personal developmentHumor and energy psychologyWhen is it healthy to be angryGlassers Choice TheoryFishers process of personal changeSelf-help script for anger management"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Power BI: Balangtan Profesyonel Seviyeye (R, Big Data)" |
"Herkese selamlar. Bu kurs boyunca;- Power BI kurulumu- Power BI ile kullanlabilir veri kaynaklar- Power BI grafiklerinin tantlmas- Power BI'da veri transform ilemleri- M sorgu dili ve yaps- DAX sorgu dili ve yaps- Power BI ile veri modellemesi, tablo ilikileri- Power BI ve R ile birlikte predictive analiz, grselletirme- Power BI ile veri gvenlii, yetkilendirme- Power BI Gateway kurulumu ve Web hizmetleri-Gerek i uygulamalarndan rnekler ve projelergibi konularda yetkinlik asndan uzman seviyeye kmaya alacaz.Not: Bu kursu tamamladktan sonra Power BI: leri Seviye DAX Gelitirme ve Uygulamalar kursuna gei yapmanz tavsiye ederim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin ile Android ve iOS Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme ( C# )" |
"Herkese selamlar. Bu kursta dnya zerinde enerji, tama, salk gibi alanlarda 15.000'den fazla irketin uygulama gelitirmede kulland Xamarin Framework'u retilecektir. Native diller mobil cihazlarn donanmsal olarak gelimesiyle beraber g kaybetmeye balad. irketler uygulama gelitirecekleri zaman iki ayr iOS ve Android takm kurmak, ayn uygulamay iki ayr Java / Kotlin, Swift / Objective C dilleri ile yazmaktansa tek kod ile birden ok platforma uygulama gelitirmeyi tercih edip maliyetlerini dryorlar.Kurs Boyunca;- Xamarin Forms Mimarisi- Platform Spesifik Farkllklar- Tasarm Kontrolleri- Data Binding- Veritaban( RealmDB)- Push Notification (Firebase)- Web Servisler ile iletiim- Custom Renderers- Dependency Service- Messaging Centerve daha fazla konuda bilgi sahibi olacak ve kendi Android / iOS uygulamalarnz gelitirebilecek, ayn anda Android / iOS developer olabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"T-SQL, SSAS, SSIS ve Power BI ile Raporlama ve Veri Analizi" |
"- SSASve OLAP Cube nedir?- Gerek bir projede raporlama altyaps, admlar nasl oluturulur?Data warehousing...- SQL Server 2017, SSMS, SSDT ve Visual Studio kurulumlar- Fact table, Measure, Dimension ve Attribute kavramlar- Data Source, Data Source View, Cube kavramlar- Dimension Attribute kavram- Zaman Boyut(Date Dimension) tablosu ve Hiyerari oluturma- Excel ile SSASbalants yaplmas, Pivot Table oluturulmas- Calculated alanlar ve Query'ler- Cube Process ilemi ve Otomasyonu- Power BI ile SSAS balants ve Rapor oluturmagibi konularda bilgi sahibi olmak iin bu kursu mutlaka tamamlayarak ve ksa srede OLAP mimarisini kolayca anlayabilir, kendi data cube'lerinizi gelitirebilir. Srekli gncel datalar ile alabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gradient Descent : Makine renmesi ve Yapay Zeka [2020]" |
"Herkese Merhabalar, Son gnlerde en ok kulaa gelen Machine Learning, Neural Networks ve Deep Learning gibi algoritmalarn veriden renmeyi nasl gerekletirdiini merak etmisinizdir. Kurs ierisinde; zellikle regresyon ve yapay zeka uygulamalarnn optimizasyon problemlerini zen Gradient Descent algoritmasn rendikten sonra rahatlkla bu alanda ilerleyebileceksiniz. u anda ben de bu alanda Baheehir niversitesi'nde yksek lisans yapmaktaym. nternette kark matematiksel ifadelerden sklp gerekten bir problem zmne ihtiyacnz varsa bu kurs tam size gre."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power BI: Advanced DAX Gelitirme ve Uygulamalar [2020]" |
"Herkese Merhabalar,- ncelikle bu kursa balamadan nce kesinlikle Power BI: Balangtan Profesyonel Seviyeye(w/ R) kursunu izlemeli ve DAX temellerini renmelisiniz.- DAX konseptlerine hkmetmek, parametre tablolaryla almak, What - If analizleri yapmak, dinamik grsel metrikleri oluturabilmek, hangi DAX fonksiyonu daha performansldr renebilmek iin bu kursa sahip olmalsnz.Kursu bitirdikten sonra DAX'n esneklii, kolay gzkt gibi derinlere girdike kompleks seviyelere gittiini greceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Visual Models for Course Creators" |
"In this course, I'll demonstrate how course creators can use visual models to fast track their journey towards earning more, working less and loving what they do. Youre an expert, but do potential students know that?Every single business owner wants ONE thing: more clients. But being the best isnt enough if your expertise is a well-kept secret. Without the ability to communicate to your ideal client what it is you do, why you do it, and exactly how they can benefit - youre likely to end up waffling yourself out of the sale, digging yourself deeper into a hole as you try (and try and try) to explain what you do - meanwhile eyes are glazing over and theyre bolting for the exit!Losing leads before you even had a chance to wow them!And because (if youre honest) youre a little bit all over the place with your messaging, your expertise isnt coming through with your marketing, content or packages - but you are actually GREAT at what you do - what gives?What if you could unpack your brain and be seen as the expert you are?More and more, people are responding to visuals rather than text. They can grasp complex ideas in an instant, make connections to their own circumstance, and easily make decisions with confidence. In this course, I show you how to take the information, skills & processes inside your head and turn them into your Signature System: a set of visual models to showcase what it takes to succeed (whatever that looks like for your ideal client), educate your audience, get them excited and quickly close sales with a big YES!Course Goals:Why creating your Signature System is a key ingredient to successSee real life models in use and the impact theyve had on each businessThe 4 main types of visual models (and how you can quickly get each out there)Even if right now you dont know which shapes to use or how to create images with impact, Ill show you where you need to start.You have total confident to clarify your ideas into visual models.How to create your own complete Signature SystemHaving a single visual model is great, having a complete system that works to take leads from strangers to clients is even betterHow to leverage your Signature SystemNo matter how new to business you are, whether youve been at it for years, or if you simply need a little clarity, your Signature System creates opportunities to simplify, scale and speed up. Youll discover multiple ways to leverage your models, with case studies to inspire and motivate.Use your Signature System to become the go-to expert without looking back!Imagine the possibilities when you have:1. Focused ClarityYoure crystal clear on what you do, who you do it for and how you do it.Know exactly why people will buy from you.You have a streamlined business model with your Signature System providing strong foundations2. Fast Content Youre working smarter not harder with super fast content and product creationEasily map a years worth of content in less than an hourWrite a book in days not years3. Famed Credibility Your audiences perception of you dramatically shifts when you show them your modelsHaving your own unique methodology gives you an instant credibility boostWith content that is consistently on message, you build your profile as the go to expert4. Fabulous ClientsEducating and adding value by sharing your proven Signature System, instead of selling yourself, will change the way you feel about sellingPeople can clearly see the power of your work and that makes saying yes a no-brainerYour conversion rates will skyrocket5. Fantastic Cashflow Reach more people and make more money in less timeCharge what youre worth6. Fun CelebrationClients win, your business wins and you win. You have more freedom and it feels FREAKING AWESOME.Dont delay. Id love for you to join me and create some amazing Visual Models. Lets do this!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass: 10 Ferramentas de Gesto e Produtividade" |
"O Que Aprenderei Neste Curso ?Aplicar ferramentas de gesto em novos negcios e projetos;Avaliar concorrentes em seu mercado de atuao;Aprender a usar ferramentas de gesto de forma integrada;Criar aes estratgicas para empresas de micro, pequeno e mdio porte;Melhorar os processos organizacionais de sua empresa;Potencializar estratgias competitivas;Aprender tcnicas para a criatividade aplicadas ao ambiente empresarial;Avaliar as prioridades de sua empresa ;Conhecer ferramentas de gesto para aumentar a produtividade em sua empresa;Administrar melhor seu tempo como empreendedor, gestor ou profissional liberal;Conhecer solues que melhorem o controle e avaliao de resultados em sua empresa;Descrio do Contedo do Curso:A proposta deste curso apresentar ferramentas de gesto , de fcil aplicao e de grande relevncia, para empreendedores de startups, microempreendedores Individuais, empresas de pequeno e mdio porte, alm de gestores e profissionais liberais de todos os segmentos econmicos.O mundo dos negcios do sculo XXI cada vez mais complexo, colaborativo e interconectado. Neste sentido, a capacidade de resolver problemas uma habilidade fundamental para gerar oportunidades para empreendedores, gestores e profissionais liberais que pretendem se destacar neste cenrio.A proposta do Curso: Masterclass: 10 Ferramentas de Gesto - Aprenda a melhorar a eficincia com ferramentas de gesto, mesmo que seja um empreendedor iniciante, apresentar modelos e ferramentas simples de gesto, que usadas de forma adequada iro proporcionar vantagens competitivas, aumento de produtividade e viso estratgica para empreendedores de todos os segmentos de atuao.A compreenso e aplicao destas ferramentas, tradicionais e contemporneas, de gesto podero ser decisivas para a consolidao e desenvolvimento de empresas emergentes. Estaremos juntos nesta jornada do conhecimento sobre Empreendedorismo, Gesto e Negcios.Sucesso!Marcelo Brcia"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como captar recursos para startups" |
"O que voc aprender:-Conhecer as principais modalidades de captao de recursos para startups e empresas inovadorasNeste curso aprenda de forma objetiva sobre os principais mecanismos para captao de recursos financeiros para Startups e negcios inovadores em fase inicial, como Crowndfunding, Equity Crowndfunding, Investimento Anjo e Editais.As informaes e organizaes sinalizadas podero ser de grande valia para empreendedores, fundadores de Startups, profissionais inovadores, mentores de negcios e demais envolvidos no ecossistema de empreendedorismo brasileiro.Neste curso voc vai aprender, entre outras coisas, a:Avaliar diversos meios de captao de recursos para startups.Diferenciar Crowndfunding de Equity CrowndfundingConhecer o formato do investimento anjoMapear editais pblicos para startupsO ecossistema empreendedor brasileiro est em franco crescimento, especialmente no segmento de startups. Compreender a lgica da captao de recursos indispensvel para empreendedores destas empresa que dependem de investimentos intensivos para crescer e ganhar escala em cenrios de extrema complexidade.Para quem este curso:-Fundadores e scios de startups- Empreendedores de negcios inovadores-Mentores-Consultores de Negcios-Investidores iniciantes-Estudantes da rea de gesto"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Christian Art" |
"This course covers the earliest images of Christianity from signs and symbols to the appearance (and identity) of images ofChrist and Mary. We take an in-depth look at artworks from Rome, as well as from the territories of Roman Palestine,Syria, and Egypt, as we trace the development of forms which would become the icons of one of the major religions of theworld."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Early Christian Architecture" |
"This course takes a look at the architecture of Christianity's earliest and most significant built environments, whether they were houses of worship intended for the use of manyor simple markers of the sacred. Rome, Constantinople,Jerusalem, and the Sinai Peninsula in Egyptare the settings for the buildings which this course examines up-close."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Art of the Early Byzantine Empire" |
"The Byzantine Empire was the last vestige of the Roman Empire, now with the eastern city of Constantinople as its capital. However, what distinguished the Byzantine from the former Roman Empire was its embrace of Christianity and the blurred line between religious and political authority to which its artworks amply testify. This course takes a look at how Christian symbolism mingles with the political and economic realities of the day and how the language of power coalesced into what would become standard iconographies for both Eastern and Western Christian art for centuries to come."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Byzantine Architecture" |
"This course takes a look at the distinct characteristics of Byzantine architecture and introduces the student to its primary examples. This lecture also branches out from most Byzantine architectural histories by its inclusion of domestic architecture, in the form of the Byzantine-era palaces of Venice, Italy. By the end of this course, the student will be able to confidently recognize Byzantine architectural forms in a variety of contexts."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Islamic Art & Architecture" |
"This course takes a look at the advent of Islam and the art and architecture it quickly precipitated within the context of the wider world stage of the sixth and seventh centuries C.E. Exclusive images and content about some of the earliest mosques which exist in the Islamic world today- the Great Mosque of Sana'a and the Great Mosque of Ibb, both in present-day Yemen- provide a rare glimpse into the earliest architectural and artisticconventions of Islam as well as these monuments' endangered status today. We trace the art and architecture of Islam from originally Arabian origins north into the formerly-Byzantine lands of Syria and Palestine and follow the Umayyad and 'Abbasid Caliphates' legacies across the Mediterranean Basin to Spain and into Mesopotamia with the foundation of the new city Baghdad. Additionally, we look at the technological and mechanical contributions of the Golden Age of Islam within the broad arch of their histories from Hellenistic Egypt toMedieval Western Europe."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Western European Art After the Fall of Rome" |
"At the height of its power, Rome stretched into the far northern reaches of the European continent and the British island, but for the Vikings, Saxons, Celts, and other groups who remained outside of its empire, distinct artistic and cultural traditions existed side-by-side the Greco-Roman ""mainstream"" culture of antiquity. When Rome itself fell to invaders from the north and as Roman culture eroded from lands previously under its control, these alternative artistic traditions would inform the production and the character of artwork of the northwestern stretches of the European continent well through the advent of Christianity."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Art of the Middle and Late Byzantine Empire" |
"This course looks at the arch of Byzantine art history spanning its Middle and Late periods. During that time, artworks were destroyed, banned, and reduced to non-human symbols for a short time under Iconoclasm, but ultimately, a resurgence of Classical and Hellenistic artistic sensibilities ushered in what is called the Macedonian Renaissance, which laid the groundwork for much of the Italian Renaissance which would occur a few centuries later. This course looks at Byzantine artworks as far removed as the sixth-century church of Sana'a,Yemen and as unusual as the moving throne and automata which appeared at the Constantinople court."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Art of the Holy Roman Empire" |
"The Holy Roman Empire was built on the marriage of a powerful military to the Frankish state and blessed by the financial support of the Roman Churchand itsconversion-by-the-sword it brought for millions in early Medieval Western Europe. This course looks at the visual cues which it took from the world's last great superpower, Imperial Rome, as well as from the Byzantine Empire in the East. The patronage of this solid union between Church and State led to the flourishing of distinct artistic and architectural phenomena."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Romanesque Art & Architecture" |
"Romanesque art and architecture consolidate Latin Christianreligion, conquest, andpower into its most permanent medium seen in Europe so far: stone. These lasting monuments and their art were designed to impress and to terrify, and a new chapter into the psychology of Christian images opens in Early Medieval Europe."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Gothic Architecture" |
"The style of architecture which came to dominate the capitals of Medieval Europe was rooted in a new religious, philosophical, and even proto-scientific concept of the nature of light. For the first time, the stone walls of heavy Romanesque churchs gave way to expanses of colored glass which bathed interiors in the sacred rays Medieval scholastic churchmen had been exploring. Hand in hand with the new appreciation of light came the prerogative to stretch sacred spaces as high as their engineering permitted - the higher the nave, the closer to God. These and other characteristics of the Gothic architectural style make up the content of this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Gothic Church Artwork: Stained Glass and Sculpture" |
"With the consolidation of power between Church and nascent Medieval monarchies having been achieved in the Romanesque Period, the Gothic brought with it a marked ""softening"" in the images of authority and devotion; whether these were royal images of religious, their functions and images became identical. At the same time,a greater recovery of Greco-Roman Classical conventions in art occurred. We can see this in Gothic sculpture's emerging from reliefs to the round, the distribution of weight in the distinctive Gothic S-curve and the first glimmers of contrapposto, and an unprecedented degree of individualism which approaches portraiture."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Medieval Italian Painting" |
"In Italy, a tradition of painted walls on the interior of churches continued what had been the legacy of Classical aesthetics well through the Romanesque. With chaos in the Byzantine Empire after the Fourth Crusade, influences and exchanges between Greek and Latin approaches to two-dimensional artworks- icons, in the tradition of the former, or murals, in the tradition of the latter- led to distinctive new looks. Naturalism, a new interest in showing the human body from all angles, intensity of emotional expression, and the new use of light- chiaroscuro- to reveal the body's mass are some of the final legacies of Medieval Italian painting which anticipated the major evolutions of the Renaissance to follow."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Early Renaissance Sculpture in Italy" |
"Sculpture was forever transformed in the Western European history of art by the developments which we see coming out of Italy. Most histories start the clock on the revolutions from fifteenth-century Florence- linear perspective and the reclamation of the Classical male nude are some of them-, but this course places them in the context of Classicizing artworks which came before; specifically, we will look at examples from Romanesque Modena and Medieval Pisa. Through this course, we will see how sculpture in Western Europe would evolve from its Medieval characteristics into new distinctlyRenaissance forms."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Early Renaissance Painting in Italy" |
"In this course, we will look at the major developments in painting theory and technique to emerge from fifteenth-century Florence, the ""cradle of the Renaissance."" The rules of linear perspective developed by Filippo Brunelleschi guided a new generations of artists who transformed flat surfaces into illusionistic windows onto infinitely receding space. Masaccio and other artists took the pursuit of creating this realistic trompe l'ceil (""trick the eye"") effect to new heights, bringing in such fundamental innovations as the consideration of a single, directed light source on the figures and objects of a given scene. In short time, a recognizable Florentine style had coalesced, defined as much by its treatment of form, depth, light, and space as by its embrace of Greco-Roman Classical subject matter in lieu of formerly exclusively Christian content of Medieval artworks in churches."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Renaissance Architecture" |
"This course looks at the development of Renaissance Architecture in Italy, primarily through the lens of Florentine and Venetian contributions from the late-fifteenth through mid-sixteenth centuries. We will explore the revival of Greco-Roman antiquity in building theory and forms and how this led to an entirely new appearance of architecture in Western Europe. Many of the accomplishments of the Italian Renaissance in architecture were ""firsts"" which had no parallel in even the feats of Gothic Medieval building; the most well-known example of this triumph of the revival of antiquity is the dome of the Florence Cathedral, which became the largest dome built since the Pantheon in Rome!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"High Renaissance Art in Italy" |
"This course examines what set the High Renaissance of sixteenth-century Italy apart from the Early Renaissance of the fifteenth century through selected works of its most well-known masters: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Raphael, and others. Drawing on original, unpublished material as well as immediately-recognizable masterpieces, this course takes a look at the age's new observation of nature and original innovations in both large-scale frescoes and oil-on-canvas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Northern Renaissance Art" |
"In Flanders and Burgundy in the fifteenth century and in parts of France, Holland, England, and the Holy Roman Empire in the sixteenth, painting assumed radical new appearances which distinguished the Northern Renaissance from its counterpart in Italy. As the centuries progressed, Flemish painting even came to directly influence the course of Art History in Florence. This Northern taste and recognizable style is explored in this course through such broad contributions as the new medium of oil painting as well as the rise of the portrait, the landscape, the still life, and the genre scene in painting."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Mannerist Art & Architecture" |
"Mannerist Art and Architecture is not as well known as the Renaissance Art which came before and the Baroque Art which came afterwards, but it is a critical chapter in the development towards Modern Western European Art. In the mid to late sixteenth century, the political, social, and even religious fabric of life in Italy which had been a certainty was unraveling at the seams. Artists stopped looking to first-hand observation and turned instead to the copying, distorting, and surpassing of other great artists' work before them. Mannerism could not have developed in a void without the Renaissance, but the Mannerist painter and architect broke all the rules which the authorities of the Renaissance- Brunelleschi and Alberti, for example- laid down. We see artwork charged with psychological turmoil, designed to provoke an intense emotional reaction in the viewer: uncertainty, disorientation, wonder, awe, and even terror. However, Mannerist Art followed the tastes of elite courts of Europe, and we see a permissiveness extended to its erotic and transgressive forms that the later Baroque Art, intended for mass consumption, would ultimately silence and censure."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Understanding and Working With Spiritual Symbols" |
"Spirit often communicates to you through symbols, whether youre receiving information through dreams, meditation or intuitive insight.Sometimes, when Spirit speaks, the message is clear. You turn on the radio and the song thats just starting has a message that rings true. But sometimes, the meaning seems hidden or symbolic. You ask what the next step is in your current career and see a dragonfly. Or you meditate on your health and get a strong smell or taste of oranges. What does that mean?Knowing your personal definitions of common symbols allows you to decipher the message. And while you can look up the general meanings of symbols in psychic symbol or dream dictionaries, what it means to you might be different.Learn more about your intuitive and psychic symbols, how to listen for them and figure out what they mean to you in this class with Rev. Joanna Bartlett. Rev. Joanna Bartlett is a Spiritualist medium certified by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Quality Assurance - Become a Freelance Software Tester" |
"Learn to test websites and mobile apps to find flaws or defects. Allowing you to make money as a freelancer or in your spare time. The course covers manual testing, agile testing, software testing lifecycle and the tools of the trade. Also provided are tips on how to get started so that you to can become a digital nomad. Having the freedom to work from anywhere and at anytime as a freelancer.No degree required. Just a desire to learn!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain Programming: Smart Contracts with Ardor" |
"This course will show you how to create and deploy blockchain smart contracts using Ardor blockchain technology. Instead of using Bitcoin, EOS or Ethereum, we will use Ardor.The course takes students of any level through the production and deployment of blockchain smart contracts. Videos show a step-by-step guide, that depicts every single part of the process. You will be given the tools you need to execute your ideas for blockchain apps and businesses.You will build skills that can be used in other projects, such as Hyperledger.Blockchain programming is made simple with this easy-to-understand class!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginning to Draw From the Mind with Zen Doodle" |
"Mindful Drawing without the fancy techniques. You are on your way to creating designs that inspire. I'm JJ, and I am teaching my favorite subject, drawing. I've been drawing for 12 years but just this year, Iwas introduced to Zen Doodling, and can't stop. So I created a simple 3 part course to build upon patterns and colors to create a collage of intricate and flowing zentopia with the pen.Make a doodle a day, and you can be creating artwork that will surprise you as we take each pattern into a simple and real time tutorial for anyone to follow. Then we create a collage to create a Zen tangle.30 Day Money Back Guarantee- If i don't make you an artist within 30 days, then you can get your money back. However the skills in this course are for everyone."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |