Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A'dan Z'ye Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 Eitimi" |
"Grafik dnyas ve vektrel izimde bir standart haline gelmi olan Adobe illustrator yazlm ile sizde kendi logo, karakter, poster vb. vektrel tasarmlarnz oluturabilir, sosyal mecralarda paylaabilir ve pazarlayabilirsiniz.renmesi kolay bu program ile pratik bir ekilde ksayollar kullanarak tasarmcya ihtiya duymadan kendi tasarmlarnz salayabilirsiniz.Hayalinizdeki tm yaratc dizaynlarn gerekletirebilecek bir yatrm olan Adobe Illustrator ile hem kiisel becerileriniz arttrabilir hemde ekonominizi canlandrabilirsiniz.Sormak istediiniz konular iin soru-cevap ksmnda bana ulaabilirsiniz.Derslerde grmek zere."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Striking 102: The Ultimate In One Strike Defense" |
"There are no genders in this course. You will learn about positions of attackers relative to your own. You will learn how to face fear and how to deal with it. You will learn how to strike while inflicting optimal damage. You will learn how to defuse the situation if possible. You will learn the most vital areas to strike while protecting your own body, but most importantly you will learn how to protect yourself, your family, and your friends."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Node.js REST API with Express & MongoDB - Solid Architecture" |
"Want to learn how to build REST API with Nodejs, Express, and MongoDB ?? If yes, then this course is for you. In this course you will learn how to create MVC pattern REST API architecture in Nodejs, communication with MongoDB using Mongoose, Securing API with JWT ( JSON web token) and documenting API using popular open-source tool called swagger.We are in the world of REST API architecture because of the boom in the micro-services. Every company is moving toward REST API architecture from traditional monolithic server architecture. What is REST API ?A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. Why MVC Pattern in REST API ? MVC pattern/architecture allows you to decouple your code into various modules such as controller, services, models and routes so that you can scale your code without any burden of code maintenance as all the nodes in the MVC architecture works in sync and as expected.You will be learning the following things in this course: REST API in Nodejs and Express. MVC Architecture in REST API Nodejs. Interaction with MongoDB in nodejs using mongoose. Create, update, delete and find query using mongoose. Create pagination API using mongoose pagination query in Nodejs. Secure REST API with JSONWEBTOKEN ( JWT ). Use tools such as POSTMAN to test API. Write middleware in Nodejs . Joi object schema validation in Nodejs. Host swagger documentation of your REST API on your API server itself. Create Re-usable services in REST API. Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Nodejs REST API. Mongoose schema and models. HTTP request basics: Request body, path params, query params, and headers. CRUD API in Nodejs. Login/Authenticate API to generate a token. REST API Design. Node and NPM. and more."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 4 Angular- Build Web App, Native Android, IOS App" |
"Write once, run anywhere: Ionic 4 With Angular Framework. Build PWA, Android, Ios Apps. What is Angular?Angular is a platform that makes it easy to build applications with the web. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop What is Ionic Framework ?Ionic Framework is an open source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile and desktop apps using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).Ionic Framework is focused on the frontend user experience, or UI interaction of an app (controls, interactions, gestures, animations). Its easy to learn, and integrates nicely with other libraries or frameworks, such as Angular, or can be used standalone without a frontend framework using a simple script include. Advantages of Ionic Framework: Cross-platformBuild and deploy apps that work across multiple platforms, such as native iOS, Android, desktop, and the web as a Progressive Web App - all with one code base. Write once, run anywhere. Web Standards-basedIonic Framework is built on top of reliable, standardized web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using modern Web APIs such as Custom Elements and Shadow DOM. Because of this, Ionic components have a stable API, and aren't at the whim of a single platform vendor. Beautiful DesignClean, simple, and functional. Ionic Framework is designed to work and display beautifully out-of-the-box across all platforms. Start with pre-designed components, typography, interactive paradigms, and a gorgeous (yet extensible) base theme. SimplicityIonic Framework is built with simplicity in mind, so that creating Ionic apps is enjoyable, easy to learn, and accessible to just about anyone with web development skills. Ionic CLIThe official Ionic CLI, or Command Line Interface, is a tool that quickly scaffolds Ionic apps and provides a number of helpful commands to Ionic developers. In addition to installing and updating Ionic, the CLI comes with a built-in development server, build and debugging tools, and much more .You will learn the following things in course: Deploying Ionic App as a Web App To Standalone Server ( Node.js For example ) . Deploy Ionic App To Real Native Android Device. Add/Update/Change App Icon and Splash Screen. Change App Status Bar Color and Header Color in Multitask View. Change App Name, Package Name and Versioning of Native Apps. Running App Inside Android Emulator. Ionic CLI. Ionic Lab. Ionic Project Structure. Theming Ionic App. Ion Card Component. Angular HttpClient Module. API call using HttpClient Module. Integrate data from API with UI. Responsive design with Ionic Grid. Ionic Split Pane View. Ionic Spinner. Ionic Pull Down To Refresh. Ion Select Component. Applying ngModel and ngModelChange on ion select component. Angular LazyLoading, Routing, and Routing Params Explained. Generating new pages/component. Ionic Storage Module: ['sqlite', 'indexeddb', 'websql', 'localstorage'] . Storing, Fetching and removing data from Ionic Storage Module. Ionic with REST API. Signing APK with Keystore. and more. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"15 Minute Home Workouts: Cardio and Legs" |
"This course will help you learn and understand the best exercises for your legs and cardiovascular health. It doesn't matter if you have been working out a long time, or just starting out, this course will add value to your routine!Why this course?Have you ever been told that you need to be working out for 45 minutes to an hour to be in shape?I'm sure you have because I've heard that for years!Guess what?That isn't true!And furthermore, that comment only stops people from wanting to workout because it can be difficult to carve out 60-90 minutes for a workout, drive to/from the gym, shower, and more. This course debunks that myth and will show you that with only 10-15 minutes, you can get an amazing workout in!There are two incredible 15 minute workouts included in this course which I'm sure you will enjoy and also sweat!In the two workout videos, Iwill do all of the exercises along with you, take water breaks, and I'll motivate you throughout the workout with my voice!It'll feel like I'm right next to you helping out the entire time!Ihave been a personal trainer for over 10 years and willdescribe each exercise in detail, why it works, and how to perform the movement on your own. You will be able to complete two 15 minute workouts with me to build your confidence so you can do these exercise on your own in the future. Oh, and Imake the workouts FUN!Exercise doesn't have to be boring and repetitive. With these workouts, you will be smiling while also getting in an awesome workout!This course will also help you build confidence leading up to your workouts.Working out isn't just about the 15 minutes where you are actually exercising. Iwill teach you ideas on proper nutrition, hydration, getting enough rest, and making sure your body is in peak pre-workout condition before you even begin. Also, one of my favorite ways to teach is...SIMPLE!Keeping it simple can be the most powerful part of my courses. Complex courses and complex ideas regarding exercising will only confuse people and there is no need for that. I make sure all of my lectures are simple, easy to follow, and high energy so you are engaged the entire time as my student.I'm excited to have you be a part of this course!WELCOME!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking: Conquer your fear and own the stage!" |
"Welcome! My name is Matt Scoletti and I'm a professional keynote speaker who's givenover 500 speeches!Iwasn't always like this though.After a failed 5th grade speech Itold myself the false story that Iwas a terrible speaker...for MANYyears. Now, Ican't wait to get in front of audiences both big and small and share my story as well as motivate the crowd! This is my passion and Ican't wait to share my knowledge with you and help you on your journey!This course is designed to help YOUhave a similar breakthrough that Ihad. This course will help you:- Develop the best mindset to become extremely confident on stage- Get out of your comfort zone more often in order to improve your success rate- Learn how to structure a speech and find your style- Keep things simple- Debunk public speaking myths- Gain knowledge and ideas from someone who has a proven method of conquering fear and creating breakthroughs!This course is different from others because it gets to the core problem with public speaking fear!There are many tips and ideas out there to help you become a better speaker, however, the MAINconcept of MINDSET is often overlooked in other courses. All of the tips in the world will not help you if you haven't developed the right mindset before giving a speech. This course helps you develop the correct mindset in order to become the presenter you've always dreamed of becoming!This course will help you crush fears, get out of your comfort zone, and blow past any limiting beliefs you USEDTOhave for yourself. Itruly believe that if you take this course and use the ideas that are laid out, your life will change for the better!You'll become a more confident person, you'll become a better leader, you'll develop amazing communication skills and you'll turn into an incredible public speaker! I'm so excited to have you on board for this course and Ican't wait to hear about your future successes!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Success Habit: 15 Minute Morning Routine" |
"Are you stuck living a life that isn't what you've been dreaming of?Are you trapped in a patter of habits that leave you unsatisfied, exhausted, and longing for something better?Set your life straight by rewiring your brain for success with this simple 15-minute morning routine. This routine will help you live life on YOURTERMSand have a life full of purpose and fulfillment.Starting your day with an intentional routine sets the tone for the rest of your day and gets you in the RIGHTMINDSETto make a huge impact on your own life, as well as the lives of others.Health Coach Matt Scoletti personally developed this routine so he could overcome alcoholism and set and achieve goals that he never imaged were possible years ago.Now, with this course,he's sharing the best way to develop your own 15-minute morning routine so you can live your BESTLIFEPOSSIBLE. You'll learn about the importance of self-talk, gratefulness, SMARTgoals, stretching, Smile Files, Meditation, and so much more!This routine, if followed and made into a habit, will slowly begin to help you live the life you've always wanted!You'll find your TRUEself and begin to walk the path you were born to walk. ""Ipersonally have implemented many of Matt's morning strategies into my daily routine - thank you Matt for this course andfor spreading your passion and energy with our world!"" - Chris Johnson, CEOof On Target Living, LLC"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Uygulamal Hadoop ve Byk Veri Eitimi" |
"Byk veri dnyasnn yldzApache Hadoop'u herkesin anlayabilecei basit vesade bir yaklamla anlatmaya altm. Kendim renirken ok zorlandm ve zaman kaybettiim noktalarda sizlerin daha hzlve kolay renmesiiin derslerdebol bol benzetme, ekil ve animasyon kullandm. Sonra fark ettim ki bunlar kursu epeyelenceli hale getirmi. Ancak benzetmelerin anlatlan konuyabire bir uyduunu dnmemek gerekir.Benzetmelerinamac olayn altnda yatan mant kavramak ve konunun anlalmasn kolaylatrmaktr.Zamanndabaz konularn altnda yatan temel mant anlayabileceim ekildedzgn anlatan biri olsaym kk kk eyleri renmek iingnler ve haftalar harcamak zorunda kalmazmm. Bu noktada kursun size salayaca en byk katkhzdr. Ayn eyleri mutlaka kendiniz farkl kaynaklardan aratrarak renirsiniz ancak bu kadar hzl ilerlemeniz mmkn olmaz. kinci olarak kurs sonunda kendi kendinize renme olgunluuna erieceksiniz. zet olarak bu kurstan alacanz en byk iki kazanm; ""hz""ve ""kendi ayaklarnn zerinde durabilme""olacaktr.Ylardr bu alanda Trke kaynak sorunu yaadk, halen de yok deil. Ancak umarm bu kurs ile beraber daha baka gzel Trke kaynaklar retilir ve btn dnyann yaygn olarak kullanmaya balad bu teknolojiyigenlerimizdaha fazla ge kalmadanhzla renirler.Bu kurs zellikle byk veri konusunda ilerlemek isteyenler iin gzel bir balang noktas. Kursu bitirdikten sonra kendi kendinize renme ve kendinizi daha ileri seviyelere tama yeteneikazanacanz umuyorum. Birok eyde olduu gibi byk veri konusunda da zor olan aama ilk renme aamasdr. Daha yerli bir tabirle ""olaya girme"" aamasdr. Olaya girdikten sonra emin olun kendi kendinize ilerlemeye balayacaksnz. Burada rendiklerinizin eitli versiyonlarnkendiniz deneyecek, hata alacak, zmeye alacak ve farknda olmadan bu alandaki yeteneklerinizi gelitireceksiniz. Hatrlyorum da ilk zamanlarmda Spark ile Hive'dan veri alp basit dnmler yaptktan sonra tekrar Hive'a tablo olarak yazmtm ve ne kadar byk ve zor bir i yaptm diye sevinmitim. imdilerde ise o halime glmsyorum, nk bu tr operasyonlar artk bana ok kolay geliyor.Kursa ierik eklemeye devam edeceim. Baz konulara zellikle fazla yer vermedim. Bunlarn banda da Apache Pig ve MapReduce geliyor. Ben imdiye kadar okMapReduce kullandm ancak hi yazmadm. Zor bir i. Zaten bu zorluktan dolay Hive,Pig ve Tez km ortaya. Son olarak Spark'n kmasyla beraber MapReduce artk mzelik olma yolunda ilerliyor. Tez'in ortaya kmasyla beraberartk Hive ve Pig,MapReduce kullanmak zorunluluundan kurtuldu. Geriye Sqoop gibi daha az ve alternatifleri olan kkbileenler kalyor. Ancak,MapReduce zerinde almasna ramen Sqoop hala ok gzel bir ara onu kullanyorum. O yzden ona kursta yer verdim.Kursun hedef kitlesibalang ve orta seviyeli kursiyerlerdir. Yeni balayanlarn renecei eyler daha ok olamasna ramen muhakkakorta ve ileri seviye kursiyerlerin de iinden renecei bir ok ey kacaktr.Byk veri dnyasnn kapsnda dikilen sizleri tebrik ediyor ve bu heyecan verici yolculukta baarlar diliyorum.Kurs boyunca desteimle ve oalan kurs ieriimle sizlerle olacam zaten.Kursta grmek zere..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress for Beginner To Pro Course in Hindi / Urdu" |
"! ? ? ? !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Wondershare Filmora Zero to Hero Filmora Beginner's Course" |
"If you're looking for some simplest-to-use but powerful video editing tools, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor should be the first choice!This course is a course of complete video editingwithWondershare Filmora.It will take you from the very beginning to Professional video editor.Open Wondershare Filmoravideo editing softwareand learnthe various panel windows to editclips together, creatingtitles, audio work, color correction advance video editing technique,exporting and much more!I personally use Wondershare Filmora for my video editing because it is easy & fast with user friendly interface. There is no complexity like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro & Adobe After Effects software.Why would you need this?Wondershare Filmora is a really Amazing and user friendly video editingsoftware.You will able to create YouTube Into, Lower Thirds easily using filmora video editing pre-made tools, Motion Graphics & templates.I will talk about everything you need to know in order for you to make your video unique.Express Your Creativity To The Next Level.Deliver Your Message with a BANG!Create Professional High Quality Video Presentations.Make Fantastic Videos for School, Home, Work, Sales, Office , Shows Suitable For All Industries!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Easy Guide - WordPress for Beginners 2020" |
"Wordpress Beginner to Pro Course : Wordpress Bootcamp Easily create a Wordpress website: no experience, programming, or coding necessary. Complete WordPress course!This is the perfect place to start.This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter).WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, ora business website to sell your products and services,you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive.Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along.Why learn from me?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting.Now I love WordPress!I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.I still remember what it is like to be a beginner, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a WordPress Responsive Design Complete Guide 2020" |
"Easily create a WordPress Responsive Website 2020 in a few Minutes. Complete Responsive WordPress Course!This is the perfect place to start. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a Responsive WordPress website (or any website for that matter). WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully Responsive website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, or a business website to sell your products and services, you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along. Why learn from me?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting. Now I love WordPress! I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.I still remember what it is like to be a beginner, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr for Beginners Secret Tricks - Fiverr Ultimate Guide" |
"Hello, I am Gurpreet Singh and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with you.Fiverr Success Complete Guide . Ultimate Success Blueprint On Fiverr by Using Hidden Secret Fiverr for Beginners.Are you looking for an additional income source?Are you a Freelancer looking for a new great market place full of Buyers?Are you a Udemy instructor looking for more students who want to pay to enroll in your Course?Then look no further - Fiverr Success is for you!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++In this Course you will discover:How to set up an Optimised Account and Profile on FiverrHow to Select the Gigs that you can sell to willing and eager BuyersHow to Create a Gig from scratch - step by stepHow to manage your Fiverr Account day by day to maximise sales and your Fiverr reputationHow to promote your Fiverr Gigs Disclose my Hidden Secret tricks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This Course has everything you need and, naturally, comes with my 100% No QUIBBLE Money-back Guarantee - well its Udemy's too! So, what are you waiting for?Time is literally money! Enroll today and start your profitable Fiverr business with me!Best regardsGurpreet Singh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dead Man Talking" |
"What would say if you died and then came back? And what if this happened to you several times? And what if what you experienced was nothing at all like what other people have shared... and what you wanted to share could totally transform someone else's life?This is what happened not only once, but several times to best-selling author and master instructor Dr. Joe Marshalla. Join him on a journey of a lifetime. He will present concepts, models and ideas that will alter your perception and experience of life forever. Although he does talk about some of his profound death experiences, this class is more about how to live more fully. This unique exploration into life is unlike anything else available in the world. You will be sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for his next words.Dr. Joes presentation will leave you with profound and deep understandings about life. He addresses some of the core issues that disrupt our sense of peace. He also unpacks and discusses what we unknowingly do that creates most everything that is disrupting our lives. This class will change your life forever. If you are looking for class to radically shift your life, then this is the class for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Joe Marshalla has had multiple death experiences in his lifetime. Several of his death experiences he characterizes as near-death experiences or NDE. The NDEs contained what is normally shared with most death experiences with the channel of light and the angels and such. However, Dr. Joe has gone beyond those experiences which he characterizes as complete-death experiences or CDE, going far beyond what is commonly shared about Near Death Experiences. These complete-death experiences were radically different than the previous near-death experiences. In fact thirteen years ago he was declared dead for over 10 minutes, and 8 years ago he was out of his body for over 12 hours. These two complete-death experiences were the result of massive heart attacks which were more anomalous considering the fact that Joe has been a vegetarian for over 30 years. The strange part about that is that after each occurrence, he has become healthier than he's ever been in his entire life. So instead of his life degrading as would be the custom in many of these circumstances, he is actually becoming healthier and younger as a result of these experiences. Up until this point in time Joe has kept his experiences to himself. The environment has not felt safe for him to share the truths that he understands about life as a result of these two death experiences. So for the first time in this lecture, Joe openly shares all of his experiences and then takes questions from participants. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and most likely will not happen again in the near future. His experiences were deeply personal, profound, mind altering, paradigm shifting, soothing, calming and blissful. He will take you on a journey that will affect your life forever. Give yourself the opportunity to hear a perspective that can free your mind and soul and bring a long-lasting peace that will enhance your life, your meditations and your experience here on earth."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Best Affirmation Class in the World" |
"This course teaches a new way to do affirmations. The approach is based on the neuroscience behind the development of one's personality and their self-concept. There is a very specific way in which one's ""I"" or ""Me"" develops and shows up in one's life. Through learning how this occurs one can redirect and reprogram the self-talk, self-belief and self-concept systems with effective and enduring results."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to promote, fund and account for my business?" |
"It is purely to help people who are planning to set up a business. I am convinced that if you study and follow this guide to help, you will not become a failure. Why My First Business Failed? When I started my small business in 2001, I haven't done any proper preparations need to become successful. A potential entrepreneur has to do statistical surveying, passion for business, strategy for success, a pay and consumption structure. I review the first day that I accepted control over the company; got exhausted and overweight with work and unnecessary utilization. All those I have not masterminded, came as a paralyzing to me and started to allude to dissatisfaction and frustration. Regardless after, a couple of months I had lost the vitality for that business. It lead me to consider ways to deal with a surrender of that business. I felt the utilization was going up, and I was going up against a condition of adjusting to the difficulties. I didn't have any money , and there was no business and didn't have enough cash to buy the stock . And we were missing the mark in keeping up the rent instalments for the company premises. We couldn't make the public supplies to poor worldwide customers, and I felt like a fiasco. We got one staff, and that staff abused our shortcomings, and we had a robbery moreover which exacerbated matters. The police got included, and my companion got whipped by the thieves, the police didn't help much. We have taken the development from the house for the introductory set up of the business. Then we couldn't make the planned portions, and they sent us the repossession notice. My sister helped and safeguarded us so got away from the repossession warning, we prepared to save our unique home. I found a business after a couple of months and began making the portions that was a big help at that time. The reason why I am forming all these is an unconstrained choice can pound you completely. What is your enthusiasm? What is that you are right? The best blessing can provide for yourself is to attempt and bring home the bacon by doing something you love. I had a costly ordeal over setting up a business. This course is for anybody likes to set up a company, please learn this course entirely so that you will have a few thoughts. If it's not too much trouble, let me know whether you need further exhortation How to Go About Setting Your Objectives If you think that you have a weakness in some area, thinking about it all the time it is not self-destructive. But thoughts should be in a positive way to empower yourself so that you will not lose confidence. When managing a business, there are many areas like marketing, advertising, finding finances, and maintain proper accounting system to consider. But you might be an expert in these regions. Therefore, there is no harm in addressing your weakness and seek help for that is not undermining yourself."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master Franchise" |
"Now, I have created this course all about franchising, with the intention of helping people who are interested in setting up a franchise. The book shows, how to choose a franchise, managing it and making the profit out of it. It also helps you to decide whether a franchise is a good investment. You also will get to know about an online franchise and home based franchise business, as both forms of franchising when becomes successful, gives you a better lifestyle. Remember making a success is easier to the franchise than in any other business. There are great franchise companies out there, particularly fast food restaurant where you can easily make profits in the year or two."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to set up a home business for you?" |
"How to set up a home business for you?I have created this course to help the people who want to start a home business; there are so many benefits you can have if you plan it very well and also select a niche that you have the passion. Otherwise, you might not want to continue with your business in the long run. The home business will help you to achieve financial freedom, start it straight away. Say goodbye to your boss, do business globally, enjoy the travel anytime. Everyone is close to each other in a family, if the mom realizes that she is losing the family connection, she will start to look for ways to bring the bond back. I would suggest a family business is good so that everyone can get involved as fun which will lead to growing the business. A home business is beneficial to start compared to a shop or a store in a marketplace, as you will not incur extra costs at the start further have great hours, can change your hobby into a business. We all benefit from having business at home, train your family members to take over if you are not, you dont have to travel to work, relax & work in your night clothes and feel comfortable If you fail in your home business, you will not feel the weight of the loss as you have started the company with the minimum cost. Wiser to turn your hobby into a business at home.Many people out there want to start a home business, but they feel reluctant, because of the fear of failure. This course tells you all about overcoming the fear and helps you to build the confidence to become an entrepreneur. When you are running your business, at some point, you might think that you are not achieving your goal and feel disappointed and try and relax or sometimes might think of going for a change of project without seeking to complete the one that you already started. But is a wrong way of dealing with the achievement, it might not come your way soon as you expected, but always remember hard work pays you well. If you do not give up and continue to work towards the achievement with the belief in yourself, the win will be yours.You need to be disciplined with your work set up at home for your home business, have a dedicated office space for work and make sure that your working conditions are a pleasant one, it will help you achieve your goals. Further, keep away from the family distraction, prepare and follow a schedule to attend to your family matters and social eventsYou will also discover that there is no better feeling in the world than owning your own home business, and working for yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be home -schooled?" |
"Description of the courseA free self-teaching project is not difficult to accomplish. You do need to do some arranging and innovativeness, however. Coincidentally, when I say 'free,' I mean you don't have to burn through cash beside the pen and papers which any standard school kid needs. Additionally, I prescribe getting a whiteboard when showing your children.If you want your child to excel in home-school, you need to possess two things. One, you must have the desire to teach your children and two, you must have the determination to succeed with home-schooling. With home schools that are all, it takes, a desire and some effort. With those two things, your child can realize an education that will far surpass a classroom environment. Any parent can be an effective teacher if they truly have the desire for their children to learn.The home-school provides children individual attention as they are being taught by their parents at home, whereas a teacher in a school will not be able to provide the same due to lots of kids in a class. There is an understanding among home-school parents that their kids perform equal to the public school kids or maybe better than them. Parents can make the best use of their time as they do more work within a short time when compared to a teacher in a school. Parents do not have to spend more money apart from paying for usual things like pen and paper, therefore, having a home-school is not costly.I have given all these facts in great detail in my online course and I hope that you will enjoy and make the best use of it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Aquarela para Iniciantes (Nvel II)" |
"Inicialmente utilizada como pano de fundo das pinturas clssicas, com o tempo, a paisagemfoi ganhando espao e destaque, at tornar-se o tema principal de obras de artistas comoWillian Turner, John Constable e Claude Monet.O Curso de Aquarela - Nvel II, tem como foco o tema da paisagem, abordandopasso-a-passo o desenvolvimento de pinturas utilizando diversas tcnicas diferentes.Ideal para quem j concluiu o Curso de Aquarela para Iniciantes ou mesmo para quem jteve contato com a aquarela, O Curso de Aquarela - Nvel II, um passo adiante para quemquer se desenvolver ainda mais no uso deste material."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Desenho para Iniciantes (Nvel II)" |
"Este curso uma extenso do Curso Bsico de Desenho para Iniciantes disponvel aqui na Udemy.Atravs deste curso, voc ter as bases necessrias para desenhar e pintar, tendo como foco o uso do lpis de cor. Os temas centrais so os objetos e paisagens, por serem fceis e melhor assimilados.As atividades prticas visam reforar pontos importantes do curso anterior, sendo um passo adiante no seu desenvolvimento. Os materiais utilizados so relativamente baratos e fceis de encontrar."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Pintura para Iniciantes" |
"Algumas pessoas no gostam de expresses artsticas abstratas, alegando que so muito difceis de entender.A msica, no entanto, embora seja uma arte essencialmente abstrata, no precisa reproduzir o som de uma tempestade ou do vento nas rvores para ser apreciada. Da mesma maneira, uma pintura pode nos emocionar sem representar figurativamente um objeto ou lugar.Criada no incio do sculo XX, a arte abstrata uma das expresses artsticas que nunca saiu de moda e oferece infinitas possibilidades de criao e estilos.O Curso de Pintura para Iniciantes tem o objetivo de trazer a prtica da pintura por meio da abstrao, atravs de exerccios prticos, passo a passo, que serviro como base para a construo de seus prprios trabalhos.Ideal para quem nunca teve contato com pintura, o curso prope a prtica da abstrao como um incentivo para que voc libere sua expressividade sem a presso de criar um trabalho ""realista"". Desta forma, o curso tambm incentiva a prtica da pintura como meio teraputico, totalmente livre, sem cobranas, nem stress. O curso tambm introduz o uso da tinta acrlica: material base de gua, atxica e uma das tintas mais versteis e baratas.Voc ver que trazer tona o artista que est dentro de voc, mais fcil do que imagina!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Desenho para Iniciantes (Nvel III)" |
"O trabalho com caneta direto e, muitas vezes, sem retorno: depois que foi feita uma marca no papel, muito difcil (e s vezes impossvel) apag-la. Portanto, no h lugar para indeciso.O ideal, ento, contar com audcia e segurana para saber o que voc vai colocar no papel antes de comear.Seja ele dinmico e audacioso ou delicado e rendilhado, o desenho a caneta provoca um impacto direto e muito vivo.O CURSO BSICO DE DESENHO PARA INICIANTES (NVEL III), traz o uso de canetas como meio expressivo para a criao e sombreamento de desenhos. Ideal para quem j fez ou est fazendo os cursos de nvel I e II, o CURSO BSICO DE DESENHO PARA INICIANTES (NVEL III) um passo adiante para o seu desenvolvimento e uma oportunidade a mais para construo do seu prprio estilo."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Desenho: Pontilhismo" |
"A segunda metade do sculo XIX foi o bero de uma grande ruptura com o academicismo, que dominava o cenrio artstico ocidental desde o Renascimento.Os impressionistas trouxeram uma nova forma de representar o mundo no plano pictrico, deixando de lado as velhas convenes.Porm, um grupo de artistas desta mesma vertente, deu um passo alm, levando a tcnica impressionista ao seu limite. Nascia, ento, o Neo Impressionismo juntamente com a tcnica criada pelo seu maior expoente, Georges Seurat: o Pontilhismo.O Pontilhismo uma tcnica que exige pacincia e foco, sendo utilizada por muitas pessoas at mesmo com fins teraputicos. tambm uma tcnica muito fcil de aprender, e traz resultados surpreendentes at mesmo em desenhos mais simples. E, ultimamente, vem ganhando cada vez mais espao na arte da tatuagem.O CURSO BSICO DE DESENHO: PONTILHISMO, apresenta esta tcnica de forma prtica e direta, por meio de exerccios passo a passo. Ideal para quem j cursou ou est cursando os CURSOS BSICOS DE DESENHO NVEIS I, II E III, O CURSO BSICO DE DESENHO: PONTILHISMO, mais um passo para o seu desenvolvimento no universo praticamente ilimitado do desenho."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - 112 Meditation Techniques" |
"The course will empower you to learn, practice and benefit from 112 Meditation Techniques ofVigyan Bhairav Tantra.Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is sourced from ancient Hindu text, and is described as a discourse between God Shiva and Goddess Shakti. It talks about 112 meditation methods or sutras or techniques.There are 112 Guided Meditations in the course.Listen to each meditation carefully and practice along with it. Gradually, you will be able to connect with the essence of the meditation and feel the experience of healing,self realization and awakening."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Unity 2018 and C#: Develop Professional Videogames" |
"This course was designed so the students can master the elements of a professional 3D platformer videogame in Unity and with the C# language.In this course you will see the complete functionality of Unity, the programming methodology and the C# language from zero.Complete characters functionality, attack systems, graphic user interfase, life systems, navigation, final boss battle and virtual controls for mobile device and monetization."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Einstieg in die professionelle Java Entwicklung meistern" |
"MCHTEST DU JAVA ENTWICKLER WERDEN?Dann begeistere Chef und Teamkollegen mit echtem JAVA Praxiswissen aus dem Arbeitsalltag! Wie? mit dem Videokurs ""Einstieg in die professionelle Java Entwicklung meistern""Studium und andere Onlineseminare lehren viel, doch der bergang von Lehre zu realem Arbeitsalltag gestaltet sich fr Studierende und Unternehmen oftmals mhsam und zeitaufwendig!Warum?Die Theorie muss zunchst in die Praxis bertragen werden und das braucht Zeit und kostet Nerven! DEINE VORTEILEDu hebst Dich von anderen Bewerbern ab und hinterlsst von Beginn an einen positiven Eindruck bei Kollegen und Chefs!Mit nur etwas mehr als 3 Stunden Zeitaufwand machst Du dich fit fr den ArbeitsalltagDein Einstieg ins Berufsleben wird sprbar einfacher und stressfreier.und alles in nur einem einzigen Onlinekurs!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Das digitale Notizbuch - OneNote fr Einsteiger" |
"OneNote begleitet mich jeden Tag, sowohl Privat als auch Geschftlich.Ich versuche mittlerweile vollkommen auf das klassische Notizbuch zu verzichten.Die grte Hrde fr mich war damals, dass ich nicht wusste, welche Notizbuch Applikation ich verwenden soll.Nachdem ich zuerst OneNote, dann Evernote, dann Synology Note Station und dann doch wieder OneNote verwendet habe mchte ich mein Wissen mit dieser - fr mich - einmaligen Notizbuch Applikation teilen.Dieser Kurs soll dir einen kleinen Einblick in die Funktionen von OneNote geben. In diesem Kurs behandel ich nur die Funktionalitten aus der OneNote UWP App und nicht aus der OneNote Desktop Applikation.Die OneNote UWPApp kann kostenlos ber den Microsoft Store bezogen werden. Die UWPApp hat zur Zeit leider noch nicht den Leistungsumfang der Desktop Applikation ""OneNote 2016"", aber da diese nicht weiter entwickelt wird, hoffe ich das nach und nach weitere Funktionen in OneNote dazu kommen und ich diesen Kurs immer mal wieder erweitern kann."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Imprio do Trfego" |
"Agressivamente praticado pelos grande e pequenosmarketeiros mundias-empreendedorespessoas que nunca desistem pessoas que ajudam a resolver o problema de outras pessoas.Por isso o curso Imprio do trfego vem solucionar o problema de muitos micro empreendedores que esto iniciando seu primeiro negcio online .se voc acha que gerar trfego muito complexo ento isso para voc, se voc acha que atrair Lead ou Prospecto muito complexo ento isso para voc se voc no sabe configurar um canal no youtube, criar uma fan page de maneira correta, criar uma pgina de captura, criar um blog profissional, criar uma pagina pr vendas ento definitivamente isso para voc."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL Server para Principiantes" |
"Si te dedicas al desarrollo (o simplemente ests dentro del sector tecnolgico) aprender base de datos SQL es uno de los lenguajes mas importante que debes aprender a manejar y aqu los veremos en el motor mas usado de la industria como lo es Microsoft SQL Server. *************************************************************************************************************""Muchas gracias por esto completo curso de SQL donde tocas todos los temas para implementar la creacin y mantenimiento de una base de datos. Se nota la experiencia del profesor en el tema."" Carlos Rodriguez""La primera impresin muy buena llevando paso a paso para la gente que somos principiantes en esto."" Exzae Santos""BUEN CURSO DE NIVEL 1 , PARA CUANDO EL NIVEL 2. SALUDOS"" Eduard Joel PRADO ROJASnete a ms de 750 estudiantes que han aprendido Microsoft SQL Server "" *************************************************************************************************************Quieresaprender unas bases de SQL con Microsoft SQL Server?. Qudate, porque en este curso , el temario y los contenidos es lo que realmente necesitas, agrega mas habilidades y conocimientos a tu vida.Incluso puede ser de utilidad para los directores del rea informtica que desean conocer acerca del poder de SQL.Aprende a :Crear bases de datos y tablas.Insertar nuevos datos.Actualizar los datos que fueron almacenados en la base de datos.Eliminar registros.Manipular multiples tablasAlterar tablasAprender las funciones que trae SQL ServerTe invito a adentrarte en el mundo de los datos.Este curso estaenfocado para las personas que desean aprender como crear y manipular la informacin en la base de datos, y te enseare hacerlo paso a paso.Al terminar el curso podrs crear y administrar bases de datos con SQL con Microsoft SQL ServerNingn conocimiento de SQL Server es necesario.Regstrate en el curso Microsoft SQL Server para Principiantes,No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Guardar, Consultar, Editar, Eliminar, Sesin con Php" |
"Bienvenido al curso Aprende guardar, consultar, editar, eliminar, sesin con Php, aprende unas bases solidas de Php manipulando bases de datos Mysql.Agrega mas conocimiento y habilidades a tu vida.Los temas que trataremos en este curso son:Creacin de base de datosGuardar datos en base de datos MYSQL con PHPCreacin de formulariosUsar Materialize en nuestro proyectoEditar datos en base de datos MYSQL con PHPEliminar datos en base de datos MYSQL con PHPIniciar Sesin con MYSQL con PHPAl terminar el curso podrs guardar, consultar, editar, eliminar, sesin con Php de una manera sencilla y optima.Regstrate en el curso Aprende guardar, consultar, editar, eliminar, sesin con Php , No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |