Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Amazon FBA - How to Private Label Products & EARN an income!" |
"In thisAmazonFBAcourse, you're going to learn how to go from the very beginning, until selling and beyond!Find hidden AmazonFBA private label products with various research methodsLaunch to page 1 within JUST10 days with our SECRETLAUNCHSTRATEGY Skyrocket your Amazon FBAsalesHow to scale your Amazon FBAbusinessYour Opportunity with Amazon FBAThere are 800,000+ Amazon sellers making $100,000 or MORE. That is 39.6%!The real question is... why can't that be you?!If you are:Sick of your 9-5 jobDesire the freedom to work from anywhere in the worldFed up with being brokeWant an automated incomeThen this course is for you!Even if:You don't have any business experienceYou're overwhelmed and don't know where to startYou're completely new to online businessJUMPSTARTyour Amazon FBA business!Start earning, and live the life you deserve...After taking the AmazonFBAFamily course, you will be able to:Find profitable private label products fast with our product research methodsAnalyze your Amazon FBA private labelproductsSource productsFind top notch suppliersFind the best priced photography, logo, package design, etc. for your Amazon businessCreate a listing and shipping planLaunch in the best, fastest, and cheapest wayScale and learn the secrets of 6 and 7 figure Amazon earnersHire employeesEarn money on and off of Amazon& more!What are you waiting for? Take the first step in creatingyour own Amazon FBAbusiness, learn from top earners in the Amazon world, and create a sustainable life!We'll see you on the inside! We can't wait to see you embark on this journey.Your instructors,Kaylee & Mitch"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2010 Grsel Eitim" |
"Gnmz bilgi teknolojileri ierisinde kelime ilemci byk nem arz etmektedir. Kelime ilemci uygulamalar gnlk ilerinizde, devlerinizde byk kolaylklar salamaktadr.Microsoft Office Word kelime ilemci alannda nemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu eitim videosu sayesine, ofis ierisinde yer alan ilemler, tez ve dev yazm, hikaye, roman, kitap yazm konusundaetkin kullanabilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Math 101" |
"This video series will cover the methods andsolutions to potential math problems seen on any given Real Estate exam. Part 1 will focus on 16simple problem types that tend to appear most often. Then I will coverhow tocalculatecommissions, taxes, and financing using three levels of problems (Easy, Medium, and Hard).Each video will focus on 1 unique question and will be solved step by step with emphasisonproblem solving strategies.If you are preparing for yourReal Estate licensing exam,or just want to develop your test taking and problem solving skills this course will help you do just that.*Disclaimer: Questions will not be taken from an actual exam, nor will Ibe able to provide you with detailed information about the exam itself (this would be considered a breach of real estatelaw)!*"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL : Fundamentos e como Desenvolver" |
"Este curso vai te ensinar todos os fundamentos da inteligncia emocional, por que desenvolv-la importante a acima de tudo, quais so os primeiros passos para comear a sua jornada.Fizemos este curso com um roteiro e edio bastante OBJETIVOS. O contedo rico, as aulas so curtas mas profundas e sem enrolao para que voc obtenha, ao final das 16 aulas um conhecimento abrangente e prtico que vai te permitir ter mais clareza quanto s suas habilidades e se voc precisa ou no evoluir ainda mais na sua jornada.Alm disso, voc ter acesso a TRS bnus incrveis:1 - e-book com TODOS os INFOGRFICOSDOCURSO2 - e-book: ""Emocionrio"" com definies simples para as emoes mais recorrentes no nosso dia-a-dia3 - e-book: ""EQUILBRIOEMOCIONAL:COMOCONQUISTAR"" com 70 pginas explicando detalhadamente como alcanar (e manter) equilbrio emocional em um formato amigvel para leitura no celularNo perca esta oportunidade e inscreva-se j!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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"PHPHTMLweb!iHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery:HTMCSSjQueryPHP"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fiddle Firsts (Ages 8-14)" |
"This is not a prerequisite to the other classes I teach. Children who are ready to make a longer commitment to playing the violin are welcome to skip this and will not miss anything if they do. Anyone with any prior experience playing the violin should probably skip this class. The goal is to learn a simple fiddle tune - Bile Them Cabbage Down - by ear, in order to give children the opportunity to try violin lessons in a shorter six week course. Other simple tunes will be included, as well. There will be no note reading until the second class in the Fiddle Club series, but there will be counting, ear training, and technique building exercises in Fiddle Firsts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementao de Telefonia IP Cisco - Call Manager (CUCM)" |
"Neste curso, utilizaremos um laboratrio para realizar uma implementao do zero do servidor de Telefonia IPda Cisco, Cisco Call Manager (CUCM). Iniciaremos realizando a instalao das mquinas virtuais, configuraes bsicas, processo de registro de telefones Cisco, implementao de roteadores Cisco como VoiceGateways (MGCP, H.323 e SIP), Permisso/bloqueio de chamadas, Usurios, funcionalidades avanadas como Conferncias e Transcoding, entre outros. Ser explicado todo o processo, alm de disponibilizada toda a configurao dos roteadores como exemplo. Alm disso, sero disponibilizadas tambmconfiguraes comuns de E1 para operadoras como Embratel, Oi e Telmex."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Rede Cisco em 9 passos - O bsico do CCNA" |
"Neste curso, vamos criar uma rede Cisco completa usando o Simulador Oficial da Cisco, o ""Cisco Packet Tracer"". Ele um software gratuito, onde voc pode configurar roteadores e switches, entre outros equipamentos. Voc ver vrios tpicos cobertos no curso Cisco CCNA.Vamos fazer todos os passos, incluindo:- Download e Instalao do Cisco Packet Tracer- Como usar o Cisco Packet Tracer- Criar VLANs- Criar Trunks entre Switches- Realizar o roteamento InterVLAN em um roteador- Criar um servidor DHCP no roteador Cisco- Criar rotas estticas em vrios roteadores- Configurar o NAT Overload, para o compartilhamento de internet- Configurar o NAT PAT, para um servidor HTTP na DMZ- Configurar o EIGRP entre 2 sites- realizar a injeo da rota padro no processo EIGRP- Configurar o OSPF entre 2 sites- realizar a redistribuio das rotas entre o EIGRP e o OSPFTodas as atividades sero realizadas passo a passo, com a disponibilizao da configurao final, para a sua verificao.Haver tambm pequenos testes em formato de Quiz durante o curso, e no final, um simulado de 15 minutos com 15 perguntas."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Java. ." |
"""Java. "". - . , , ,, -. . , ., , . , . . ,. , . ., , . . ., FullHD . 1080. ."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"""Primi passi"" corso di russo per i principianti" |
"- 10 lezioni strutturate appositamente per aiutaread imparare l'alfabeto nel modo pi efficace possibile;- unitamente alle lettere scelte per ogni lezionescopriamo subito nuove parole composte da queste lettere,per un totale di circa 100 parole alla fine del corso;- ancor prima di terminare l'alfabeto impareremo acostruire le frasi in russo;- impareremo a salutare e presentarsi,a costruire le frasiconiugando i verbi;- scopriremo tutti i trabocchetti della pronuncia russa(i trabocchetti belli seri, non solo che la O si legge come la A ogni tanto)Ideale per chi studia da autodidatta, perfetto anche per la III et."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Upwork Saved My Life - Earn 6 Figures or more on Upwork" |
"There are opportunities being generated EVERY second on Upwork. Thousands of businesses per day are in need of your help to help them grow their businesses. Are you interested in being able to use Upwork to work with businesses all around the world? Upwork allows you to work from home, Rome or anywhere in the world. It has allowed me to live a type of lifestyle I never would have imagined. I've been using Upwork consistently over the years and have turned it into a business. Not just a gig here and there, but something that you can rely on.And working virtually is just getting started. Even before the pandemic we're in the middle of, companies were starting to realize they can just hire virtual freelancers, but now that practice has been fueled at an accelerated pace.So where do you fit in? What skills do you have? Most likely, they're in demand. And you can leverage them right now with companies that are in search for a person like you. And from what I've found in my experience, you're also going to learn so much more as you work with more and more companies.You are in the middle of an opportunity of a lifetime. Because since you were able to find Udemy, you basically understand how big the industry of online content can be. Many of my clients know this too, and they're hiring many people to help them.I'm usually one of those people! If you're willing to learn the ropes of working online, you can find your niche and start making money online today with Upwork, if you can show that you're capable of helping the business with their issue. This course is goes through exactly what you need to do to get your career jump started on Upwork so you can start earning and learning.For those that don't know my story, Upwork Saved My Life and helped me turn my entire around.I was completely broke from two failed restaurants and an iPhone App and I decided one day I wouldn't be a victim anymore. I made the determination to be one of the highest paid freelancers on Upwork and I worked everyday to achieve it.Now that I'm at the level that I worked so hard to achieve, I want to pay it forward and educate the masses on exactly what I do and how I got started so you can breakthrough on Upwork on an accelerated path.I started with just a small $45 project and that morphed into me regular charging my long term clients $250 - $500/hr. Yes! PER HOUR.With the techniques I outline in this course, I'll show you exactly how I do this and what you can start doing today to start earning real money by this weekend.These are some of the things I'm going to cover.How to create a profile that will be respectable and get you hired.What skills you need in order to get a yes from Clients everytime with very little commitment on both sides which gives your relationship time to grow.How to increase your hourly rate so your time is more valuable by increasing your skillset. How to negotiate on Upwork and the right pricing strategy that puts you in the position to NEVER have to haggle.Getting started with the right types of contracts so you're set up from the beginning.How to position yourself to not just get paid for your time, but passively through ongoing dividends that your clients gladly hook you up with. Who is this course for:In this course you'll see that that there are always niches on Upwork that you can get your foot in the door.If you're looking to change up your career or are looking to get started with providing your services online, check out this course. If you don't get an amazing amount of value out of it I will gladly refund you. I'm more interested in getting people onto Upwork, so they can figure out how to leverage their skills and start earning an income online. In this time of uncertainty, I think it's truly important to be able to earn an income, even if you're first to stay home.When is the right time:At the time of me writing this, I'm in quarantine, so I would have to say there's probably no better time to learn different skills online that you can monetize than now. Or maybe you want to start your business of course, and then you would want to hire some of the people taking this course :) Hopefully you're doing something though that's productive.In this course, you'll see is that a lot of what I do is work with software platforms that can most likely be learned in a couple days. This is something I would assume you DEFINITELY have the time for right now and will pay off dividends later."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live 10 Masterclass" |
"In diesem Kurs werden die grundlegenden Funktionen von Ableton Live 10 anhand eines modernen Songsbeispiels erklrt. Darum geht es zum einen - technisch routinierter mit dem Programm umzugehen, aber auch zu erlernen, welche die ersten Schritte bei einer Musikproduktion sind. Der Kurs ist einsteigerfreundlich, umfangreich und mit vielen Materialien zum Experimentieren versehen.Es werden Themen wie Beat Programming, Sampling, Arrangement & Komposition, Mixdown und Mastering behandelt.Fragen die nach diesem Kurs geklrt sind: Wie starte ich eine Produktion? Wie programmiert man Akkordfolgen (ohne Vorerfahrung)? Wie verbessere ich meine Skills im Bereich Drum Programming? Wie bekommene ich meine Songs endlich fertig? Wie arrangiere ich meine Beats? Was muss ich tun, damit meine Beats druckvoller klingen?"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Creating a realistic weapon using blender" |
"DescriptionThis course is updated in response to students.This online course will teach you how to use Blender and substance painterto create a realistic looking weapon!Do you want to learn 3d modeling, texturing, and rendering, but don't know where to begin?Have you spent time looking on youtube to only see tutorials on how to make furniture or coffee cups... (lets make something exciting.)Do your 3D models just dont look very realistic and do you think it is hard to recreate a concept from someone else???If you answered yes to any of these questions,you'rein the right place!I know it can be frustrating watching other people post gorgeous looking rendersand game assetsonline, while always wondering how they did it. You can spend hours or even days trying to find the right tutorial online to recreate a 3D asset.Even then they don't always cover the complete pipeline from start to finish.That's why wecreated this course - to teach people just like you how to create awesome looking modelswith Blender and substance painter.Have fun while learning!Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll be taken through a completeproject that will show you how to recreate a 3D game asset from start to finish.Follow along and practice while learning!you will follow this process:i will go step to step through the entiremodel.You guys can follow every step i make.(This is not a dubbed over version i am speaking and modelling in real time.)This way you can see exactly what i am doing while i am explaining.You will get fulllifetime accessfor a single one-off fee.If you're a complete beginner, chapter 1 is a crashcourse and i will teach you everything needed to make this asset.Note:access to this course comes with an optional, freefacebook group where we will all be able to share our models and progress. this is a great way to connectwith other students.Dive in now, you won't be disappointed!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"create a science fiction gun using blender" |
"DescriptionThis course is updated in response to students.This is a course for intermediate blender users and not beginners. This online course will teach you how to use Blender and substance painterto create a realistic looking weapon!Do you want to learn more advanced 3d modeling, texturing, and rendering, but don't know where to begin?Have you spent time looking on youtube to only see tutorials on how to make furniture or coffee cups... (lets make something exciting.)Do your 3D models just not look very realistic and do you think it is hard to recreate a concept from someone else???If you answered yes to any of these questions,you'rein the right place!I know it can be frustrating watching other people post gorgeous looking rendersand game assetsonline, while always wondering how they did it. You can spend hours or even days trying to find the right tutorial online to recreate a 3D asset.Even then they don't always cover the complete pipeline from start to finish.That's why wecreated this course - to teach people just like you how to create awesome looking modelswith Blender and substance painter.Have fun while learning!Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll be taken through a completeproject that will show you how to recreate a 3D game asset from start to finish.Follow along and practice while learning!you will follow this process:i will go step to step through the entiremodel.You guys can follow every step i make.This way you can see exactly what i am doing while i am explaining.You will get fulllifetime accessfor a single one-off fee.Note:access to this course comes with an optional, freefacebook group where we will all be able to share our models and progress. this is a great way to connectwith other students. Dive in now, you won't be disappointed!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"fluid simulation inside blender" |
"DescriptionThis course is updated in response to students.This online course will teach you how to use Blender to create a soda advertisement!Do you want to learn using fluid simulations and particle systems, but don't know where to begin?Have you spent time looking on youtube to only see tutorials on how to make furniture or coffee cups... (lets make something exciting.)Do your 3D models just don't look very realistic and do you think it is hard to recreate a concept from someone else???If you answered yes to any of these questions,you'rein the right place!I know it can be frustrating watching other people post gorgeous looking rendersand game assetsonline, while always wondering how they did it. You can spend hours or even days trying to find the right tutorial online to recreate a 3D asset.Even then they don't always cover the complete pipeline from start to finish.That's why icreated this course - to teach people just like you how to create a awesome looking advertisement inside Blender Have fun while learning!Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll be taken through a completeproject that will show you how to create this soda advertisement from start to finish.Follow along and practice while learning!you will follow this process:i will go step to step through the entiremodel.You guys can follow every step i make.(This is not a dubbed over version i am speaking and modelling in real time.)This way you can see exactly what i am doing while i am explaining.You will get fulllifetime accessfor a single one-off fee.Note:access to this course comes with an optional, freefacebook group where we will all be able to share our models and progress. this is a great way to connectwith other students. Dive in now, you won't be disappointed!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |