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"Sogni Lucidi in 3 Settimane - da ZERO fino a VOLARE e Oltre" |
"** Ti piacerebbe arrivare a prendere il CONTROLLO TOTALE dei tuoi sogni?**Su internet c' molta confusione riguardo l'argomento, ti sar capitato di leggere diversi metodi da seguire per ottenere il controllo sui tuoi sogni ma ad oggi sei molto spaesato e non sai quale metodo seguire. Quello che ti posso dire che come in ogni ambito della vitaper raggiungere qualcosa bisogna averechiaro un percorso da seguire e durante il quale misurare i progressi.Il percorso per arrivare a prendere il controllo dei tuoi sogni ci che troverai in questo corso. Ti dico fin da subito che ci vuole costanza, ma non preoccuparti l'impegno della tua mente durante la giornata sar minimo ma propedeutico al condizionamento e all'allenamento del tuo inconscio per prepararti a prendere il controllo totale dei tuoi sogni in un tempo che va dalle 3 settimane alle 6.Faccio Sogni Lucidi dal 2014, Ho deciso di fare questo corso per mettermi in contatto con persone che sono appassionate di questa pratica come me e fare riflessioni sia di tipo concreto che metafisico riguardo questo argomento ai confini della realt"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis fundamental aplicado al mercado de divisas" |
"Este curso te dar informacin muy valiosa relativa a los aspectos fundamentales que rigen el mercado de divisas. Cuando operamos forex, todos vemos lo que los grficos estn mostrando en ese determinado momento, pero lo cierto es que necesitamos estar al tanto de lo que realmente est sucediendo detrs, en la economa real, la que est dirigida por los datos macro y las polticas monetarias establecidas por los Bancos Centrales.Los sentimientos son los que rigen el movimiento del precio de las divisas en el corto plazo, mientras que las polticas monetarias instauradas por los diferentes Bancos Centrales son las que definitivamente rigen el movimiento fundamental de las divisas en el largo plazo.Es un tema denso y en algunos casos farragoso, pero lo cierto es que hemos tratado de sintetizar al mximo todo aquello relativo al anlisis fundamental aplicado al forex, en los siguientes aspectos:La bsqueda de informacin.Los indicadores macro ms relevantes.Los Bancos Centrales, sus herramientas, actuaciones y su interpretacin.Los sentimientos que rigen los movimientos en el corto plazo.Los fundamentales de largo plazo.Utilices el tipo de estrategia que utilices, este curso te ser til para tener un conocimiento profundo del funcionamiento del mercado, aspecto este fundamental si lo que buscas es una operativa con rendimiento constante en el medio-largo plazo.El objetivo de todo es que puedas incorporar el anlisis fundamental a tu trading de manera que consigas una ventaja competitiva respecto a otros participantes del mercado.Si te parece interesante nos vemos dentro del curso!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
bitcoincollege |
", ( ) . . , , . "" "" . : , , . , , , , . . , "" "" ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
bitcoin-not-alone |
": 2009, . """" . "" "" (Token) (Coin) . , . : "" "" CoinMarketCap . , . : Ethereum Ethereum Classic Litecoin - Bitcoin Cash Ripple"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimativer All-in-One Bildbearbeitungskurs" |
"Du fotografierst gerne, mchtest jedoch mit der Bildbearbeitung noch mehr aus Deinen Fotos herausholen, ohne davor stundenlang im Internet nach geeigneten Tutorials oder Bchern zu suchen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig, denn dieser Kurs bietet Dir das wichtigste Wissen so gebndelt, dass du schon bald selbst richtig durchstarten kannst. Alles wird mglichst praxisrelevant erklrt, damit du Zusammenhnge leichter verstehst und noch schneller zu Deinem gewnschten Ergebnis kommst.Alle RAW-Dateien, welche im Kurs verwendet wurden, werden mitgeliefert und drfen spter beliebig weiterverwendet werden."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Purchase and Import Products from Alibaba" |
"This course will prepare you to order products fromAlibaba that are no more than $2,500 in value or less.This course is for beginners who would like to begin an online business selling products.If you are not sure how to go through the process of purchasing products from Alibaba and importing them to the United States, this course is for you!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Transforma tus finanzas personales" |
"No interesa si eres muy joven o mayor, si tus ingresos son muy pocos o grandes cantidades. Si tu por algn motivo recibes dinero, usas dinero o estas por comenzar a recibirlo, eres la persona indicada para entrenarte. En este curso aprenders conceptos muy bsicos pero determinantes para dar una excelente gestin a tus ingresos, transformar tu mentalidad y construir riqueza para que seas un ganador en tus finanzas."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sales strategies to exponentially grow your business" |
"WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU DOUBLED YOUR INCOME? Go on a long vacation? Pay off your debt? Buy a new car?In this course we'll challenge you to double your income in only 90 days. Of course, you cannot do that out of the blue. That's why we'll teach you some tools and tactics that will help you get there.You may think the problem in your sales process is your lack of sales skills. But the real problem is not having enough of the right people to talk to. With a steady stream of prospects, you could rapidly grow your business.That's what this course is all about."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A to Z Turo: Comprehensive Guide for running a fleet of cars" |
"Learn how to run your Turo business from LA's top rated Turo Powerhost. In this course Iwill teach you everything Iknow about running a business on Turo. If you're looking to make additional money using resources you already have, this course is perfect for you!From personal experience Iwent from being a broke college student to funding vacations around the world within a few years using various sharing economy apps. While the journey is long and arduous, the rewards are great! Iwill show you all the mistakes that Imade when Ifirst started so you can save time and money when you tackle these opportunities as well.You'll learn how to:1. Purchase or lease cars to get amazing deals2. Customer service skills to secure 5 star ratings3. Ways to diversify your income as a Turo host4. How to optimize your Turo listing5. Access to financial statements you can use for your own business6. How to maximize the revenue you receive from Turo7. Pros and cons of being a commercial hostAnd more!This course is targeted to ANYONEwho wants to make money from Turo(whether you have a full time job or are a full time entrepreneur). I will go over the basics and teach you industry secrets so whether you are a beginner or an expert there's a lot of information that can be learned. This course will prepare you for all of the challenges that you will face when operating a fleet of cars on Turo.I'm not here to sell a get rich quick scheme. If you're dedicated and willing to apply the information Iprovide here - Ihave no doubt you will be successful in your future endeavors. If you're interested in getting 1 on 1 consultations don't hesitate to reach out!*This course will be constantly updated in the coming months to include features like Turo GO."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Transcribe" |
"Transcription is an invaluable skill, which empowers one to accurately and correctly transcribe any audio or video file into a professional document. From Doctors to Lawyers to Journalists, they all require transcribers! In addition, one can also provide an invaluable service to either your own clients or work for any transcription company.This jam-packed'Learn How To Transcribe' course will take you from beginner to novice and consist of44 minutes of transcription fun.All students (whether beginner or advanced), can enjoy the 'Learn How To Transcribe'curriculum as it includes the following:1. Introduction;2. Comprehension;3. Accuracy;4. Accuracy Examples;5. Common Homophones;6. Formatting;7. Spelling;8. Speaker Labeling;9. Advanced Modules (Including notation tags, timestamps, research and more)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spoken English- Videos for Beginners" |
"Do you want to learn English, but youare a little confused? Have you been studyingfor a long time, but you have not been able to remember or learn much?Are you not sure how to start? Then you have come to the right place! This is the foundation of your future English learning. Without a proper foundation, then you will make the same mistakes over and over in the future, or you will find that you are stuck.Iam an oral English and pronunciation teacher, so this is my main focus in this course!This course will teach you the alphabet, and most importantly, how to pronounce and learn to read! This is all conducted from a professional online curriculum in which you will learn english online in an organised way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Drums - Master your single strokes" |
"This drumming technique will help you move further towards your musical goals in no time! My method of teaching is breaking potentially complex topics in a simple format so it doesn't waste your valuable time and gives you only the information that you need with no fluff in-between. Doing this allows YOU to practice more and learn things in the quickest time possible while still getting the job done! see you on the other side."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Recht fr Grnder: 10 Schritte zur Gewerbeanmeldung #1" |
"Dieses ist der 1. Kurs fr Existenzgrnder,mit dem Sie mir,Prof. Richter,bei der Grndung meiner Firma folgen und gleichzeitig fr Ihre eigene Grndung wertvolles Wissen sich aneignen knnen - Schauen Sie mir ""ber die Schulter"" und melden Sie ihr eigenes Gewerbe an!Wir werden gemeinsam viel lernen, Sie schauen mir zu, Sie schreiben mir, ...wir kommen gemeinsam ans Ziel - klingt gut? Es ist gut!Dann machen Sie den 1. Schritt in die Selbstndigkeit- rechtlich abgesichert mit folgenden Unterschritten:Zustndiges Gewerbeamt findenAnmeldebogen besorgenFelder 1 bis 33 begleitet mit mir ausfllenZweifelsfragen in den einzelnen Vertiefungsvideos klrenAnmeldebogen wegsendenFertig!Kommen Sie nunmit und schauen Sie sich an, was ich alsWirtschaftsjuristen bei meiner eigenen Gewerbeanmeldung erlebt habt. Und dass ich esdann auch geschafft hat zeigen dieBeweise:Ich zeige Ihnen meinfertig ausgeflltes Formular!Und die Bescheinigung vom Gewerbeamt (geglckt!)kam auch gleich mit Gebhrenbescheid (war ja klar!)!Keine Sorge, es geht ganz schnell.Auch Sie knnen mit diesem Kurs in krzester Zeit Klarheit bei der Gewerbeanmeldung gewinnen.Eine Bitte zum Schluss:Schicken Sie mir Ihre Fragen zu Ihrer Existenzgrndung, ich zeige Ihnen den rechtlichen Hintergrund, damit Sie selbst zu einer Lsung finden in der gewohnten Richterschema-Art:alle wichtigen Sachverhalte und hufigsten Fragenunverzichtbare Definitionenversteckte und leicht erklrteVorschriftennicht zu vergessende Beteiligtealle Zahlen zum Thema, z.B. Kosten, GeldbuenperfekteChecklistensofort umsetzbareMusterformulierungenAuf gehts!Melden Sie sich jetzt an!Ihr Online-Rechts-ProfessorThorsten S. Richter"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Arbeitsrecht: 10 Mindestinhalte jedes Aufhebungsvertrags! #3" |
"Da legt mir doch neulich ein Mitglied meiner Online Community auf facebook folgenden Fall vorl:Hallo Herr Prof. Richter,ich habe nebenberuflich eine UG gegrndet und mchte nun meinen Hauptberuf aufgeben. Sollte ich kndigen oder einen Aufhebungsvertrag machen? Was gibt es zu beachten? Vielen Dank fr Ihre Antwort, Ihr Herr Simon.Dieses Problem haben viele Existenzgrnder: sie sind zur finanziellen Absicherung zunchst noch voll- oder teilzeit in einem Arbeitsverhltnis! Aber irgendwann kommt die ""Stunde der Wahrheit"", wo man sich entscheiden muss: nur noch komplett selbststndig sein und das Arbeitsverhltnis beenden! Hier gibt es einige rechtliche Spielregeln zu beachten, besonders, wenn man einen Aufhebungsvertrag bevorzugt. Ich zeige hier in diesem Beitrag, mit welchen 10 Inhalten ein Aufhebungsvertrag eine fr den Arbeitnehmer gnstige Lsung ist! Perspektivenwechsel: Aber natrlich werden wir auch die Sichtweisen der anderen Beteiligten betrachten: vor allem den bisherigen Arbeitgeber, die Agentur fr Arbeit und das Finanzamt!Viel Spa beim Finden des fr Sie besten Weges aus aus der Unselbststndigkeit in die Selbststndigkeit!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Recht fr Grnder: IHK & HWK Kammern anmelden? #2" |
"Herzlich willkommen, liebe Existenzgrnderin, lieber Existenzgrnder!Sie wurden von einer Kammer wie der IHK&HWK angeschrieben?Sollen Sie Mitgliedsbeitrge zahlen?Sie wissen nicht, wie Sie damit umgehen sollen?Dann sind Sie hier richtig:Ich habe es selbst in vielen Jahrenals Anwalt, Rechtsberater, Jurist beraten und bei meiner eigenen Existenzgrndungpraktiziert und:So gehen Sie erfolgreich mit dem Thema Kammer-Mitgliedschaft und Zwangsbeitrge um!Sparen Sie ein paar Hundert Euro an Mitgliedsbeitrgen... wir prfen das gemeinsam!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Recht fr Grnder - 10 Tipps fr Werbung ohne Abmahnung! #4" |
"Sie entwickeln gerade diese ersten Werbe-Ideen mit denen Sie auf dem hart umkmpfen Markt durchstarten wollen?Preise, Marktaufteilungen etc.,werden in geselligen Runden in Zusammenarbeit mit Mitbewerbern und Verbnden abgestimmtWerbe-Texteerstellen Sie aus denen Ihrer MitbewerberAngeblich haben Sie einGtesiegelfr Ihre ProdukteIhreWebseitestrotzt vor Marken, Designs andere Mitbewerber, aber das Impressum ist unvollstndigKonkurrenzprodukte werden von Ihnen in der Werbung unsachlichverglichen, heruntergemacht und falsch dargestelltpotentielle Kunden suchen Sie mitDirektansprache am Telefon, ber Fax, eMails und auf der StraeAngaben zu Ihren Produkten sindungenau,vage und nur zum Teilrichtigvor Ihrem Ladengeschft werben Sie mit groenWerbeschildernauf ffentlichen Straen, Werbetafeln am Haus und im Schaufenster. und noch viele andere gute Ideen haben Sie!Sie haben es sicher gemerkt:da ist nicht alles rechtens! Aberwoliegen die Grenzen des rechtlich zulssigen Werbens, besonders wenn es um Ihre 1. Werbeaktivitten geht?In der Rechts-Community hier schauen wir uns an, wie Sie Folgendes vermeiden:teureAbmahnungenundUnterlassungserklrungenlangwierigeund teurejuristische AuseinandersetzungenumsonstentwickelteWerbe-Aktionenrgerbeim Thema Werbung!Ich spreche aus Erfahrung, denn ich habe es selbst in vielen Jahrenals Anwalt, Rechtsberater, Juristberatenund bei meiner eigenen Existenzgrndungpraktiziert!Fangen wir hier an mit meinen 10 teuren Fehlern, die Sie unbedingt vermeiden mssen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Recht fr Grnder: Digitales Postfach abmahngefhrdet? #5" |
"Das virtuelle Bro Virtual office = abmahnungsgefhrdet nach aktuellen Urteilen?2 aktuelle Urteileund das virtuelleBro ist tot?Vorsicht:Wer das falsch angeht, riskiert Abmahnungen mit bis zu50.000 Euro Geldbuen, bei Zuwiderhandlungen bis zu250.000 Euro bzw. 6 Monate Haft!10 Tipps, wann das virtuelle Bro fr Ihren Betrieb funktionieren kann!Das virtuelle Bro geht um, denn jeder wnscht sich, mehr und mehr Kosten zu sparen!Invielen Foren, Blogbeitrgen und Rechtanwaltsanfragenetc. geht es um die eine entscheidende Frage:Welches digitale Postfach ist dasBeste,PreiswertesteundSicherste?Dieser Frage stelle ich mich hier in der Rechts-Community, nachdem auch ein Mitglied mir seinen Fall vorgelegt hat:Kann man eine virtuelle Postanschrift imImpressumangeben?Ist das virtuelle Bro eineladungsfhigeAnschrift?Aktuelles OLG Urteil: Unter welchen Voraussetzungen knnte eine virtuelle Anschrift abgemahnt werden darf!Aktuelles EUGH Urteil: Wie ist die steuerliche Seite? Was darf das Finanzamt als Anschrift verlangen?Wie hoch ist dasRisiko,abgemahntzu werden?Wann drohen Seitenbetreibern ohne korrektes ImpressumGeldbuen von bis zu 50.000 Euro.Wann kann esim Wiederholungsfallwie vom OLG Mnchen angedroht fr jeden Fall der Zuwiderhandlung ein Ordnungsgeld bis zu250.000,00 und fr den Fall, dass dieses nicht beigetrieben werden kann, eineErsatzordnungshaftoderOrdnungshaftbis zu sechs Monatenangeordnet werden?Wie bekommtman heraus, ob und welche Form eines virtuellen Bros fr das eigene Unternehmen rechtlichdie beste Wahlist?10 Tippsfr die Rechts-Community von Prof. Richter"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Giriimciler iin Hukuk - Startup Hukuku 101" |
"Giriimciler iin en ok zorlanlan konulardan birisi bu yolculukta salamalar gereken hukuki alt yapy bir trl tespit edememek. Fikrimi nasl korurum, irket kurmalym diye balayan sorular yatrm alrken neye dikkat etmeliyim, kiisel verilerin korunmas da ne demek noktasna kadar ilerliyor. Bu kursun amac ise 140'tan fazla giriimci ve yatrmcda deneyimlediimiz bu srecin temellerini sizlerle paylamak."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"Erfolgreich als Unternehmer" |
"Ein besonderes Talent meiner Meinung nach hatte ich nie, aber die innere Willenskraft und Ehrgeiz haben mein Privat- als auch Berufsleben immer geprgt. Aufgeben war nie eine Option fr mich. Stattdessen bin ich sehr oft ans Limit gegangen. Ein Schlsselerlebnis dabei war sicherlich, dass ich im jungen Alter von 28 Jahren gerade dabei gewesen bin -whrend meines Beruflebens im Vertriebsauendienst- das BWL-Fernstudium abzuschlieen und unser Sohn geboren ist. Nebenbei habe ich mich dann noch entschlossen, im medizintechnischen Vertrieb, mein eigens Business zu beginnen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Planowanie podatkowe vs optymalizacja podatkowa" |
"Kada firma chce osiga w swojej firmie jak najwikszy zysk, ktry niestety obniaj podatki. Wiele przedsibiorcw zaczyna myle o optymalizacjach podatkowych, jednak czy to zawsze jest najlepsze rozwizanie? Czym tak naprawd s optymalizacje podatkowe, a czym nie s? Jakie potencjalne korzyci, ale rwnie negatywne konsekwencje mog spowodowa?W tym szkoleniu Maciej Stpa opowie o rnicy pomidzy optymalizacj podatkow, a planowaniem podatkowym.Czyli o tym, jak paci moliwie najnisze podatki korzystajc tylko z legalnych, zgodnych z prawem mechanizmw.Maciej Stpa wspzaoyciel spki Profit Plus zajmujcej doradztwem biznesowym skierowanym do przedsibiorcw prowadzcych firmy w Polsce. Doradza i wspiera partnerw, klientw i wsppracownikw w budowaniu efektywnych organizacji. Jest dowiadczonym przedsibiorc, wspwacicielem kilku spek, z ktrych najwicej uwagi obecnie powica spce Profit Plus. Obecnie zatrudnia tam ok 30 osb."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Jak zbudowa efektywny zesp?" |
"W kade firmie znajduje si grupa ludzi, ktrych cz wsplne cele. U przedsibiorcw zaczyna si rodzi pytanie, jak zbudowa efektywny zesp, ktry bdzie osiga nieprzecitne wyniki.Jak dobiera nowych czonkw do zespou? Jak motywowa zesp by chcia osiga lepsze rezultaty? Jak wyoni prawdziwych liderw z firmy, ktrzy pomog na w jej rozwijaniu? Jak wspiera najbliszych wsppracownikw w budowaniu poczucia wasnej wartoci? Jak uwolni si od zej sawy Coachingu przy jednoczesnym angaowaniu si w rozwj wsppracownikw? Kady przedsibiorca zadaje sobie takie pytania, jednak niewielu zna na nie odpowied.W tym szkoleniu Maciej Stpa odpowie na te pytania oraz opowie o swoich dowiadczeniach w budowaniu efektywnego zespou.Maciej Stpa wspzaoyciel spki Profit Plus zajmujcej doradztwem biznesowym skierowanym do przedsibiorcw prowadzcych firmy w Polsce. Doradza i wspiera partnerw, klientw i wsppracownikw w budowaniu efektywnych organizacji. Jest dowiadczonym przedsibiorc, wspwacicielem kilku spek, z ktrych najwicej uwagi obecnie powica spce Profit Plus. Obecnie zatrudnia tam ok 30 osb."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Jak prowadzi wasn firm?" |
"Prowadzenie biznesu to skomplikowana sztuka. Musisz by sprzedawc, marketingowcem, controlling-owcem, liderem, menederem i wciela si w wiele innych rl. A to wszystko przy jednoczesnym rozwizywaniu biecych problemw.W tym szkoleniu Maciej Stpa opowie o tym jak budowa wiadomie swj biznes, o tym, e za sukcesem organizacji stoi cay zesp i o tym jak wspiera liderw w rozwoju osobistym i na rzecz firmy.To jaki finalnie firma przyjmie ksztat zaley od wsppracownikw, ktrych bdziesz mg traktowa jak partnerw biznesowych. Dlatego wane jest pokazanie, e kady Twj wsppracownik tworzy wasz wspln firm.Z tego szkolenia dowiesz si jak podzieli si odpowiedzialnoci za powodzenie i sukces ze swoimi partnerami biznesowymi.Maciej Stpa wspzaoyciel spki Profit Plus zajmujcej doradztwem biznesowym skierowanym do przedsibiorcw prowadzcych firmy w Polsce. Doradza i wspiera partnerw, klientw i wsppracownikw w budowaniu efektywnych organizacji. Jest dowiadczonym przedsibiorc, wspwacicielem kilku spek, z ktrych najwicej uwagi obecnie powica spce Profit Plus. Obecnie zatrudnia tam ok 30 osb."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"15 miertelnych puapek przywdztwa" |
"W XXI wieku bycie szefem bezwzgldnym i nieprzyjemnym zarzdc, ktry rozstawia wszystkich po ktach jest ju bardzo passe. Szczeglnie dla pokolenia tzw. millenialsw, ktrzy ogromn wag przykadaj do wartoci. O wiele lepiej by liderem, czyli kim, kto napdza ca maszyn zoon z jednostek ludzkich, wskazuje kierunek, pomaga, a take przyznaje si do bdw.Maciej Stpa hoduje idei liderstwa, dlatego te postanowi zebra 15 bdw popenianych przez przywdcw, ktre potrafi zabi wspprac w zespole, a w rezultacie rwnie projekt, firm czy organizacj. Szczeglny nacisk kadzie na motywacj pracownikw w rne sposoby nie tylko poprzez wybaczanie pomyek, ale np. poprzez indywidualne podejcie, jasne wytyczenie celi czy dzielenie si swoj wizj przyszoci firmy z kadym pracownikiem. Jednoczenie przestrzega np. przed tolerowaniem niekompetencji lub publiczn krytyk.Wiele bdw wymienionych w tym szkoleniu to bardzo szerokie tematy, a ich popenianie warunkuje szereg cech i przyzwyczaje. Dlatego te, aby wej w niego jak najgbiej, Maciej poleci Ci kilkanacie ksiek z zakresu zarzdzania ludmi czy walczenia z zachannoci.Maciej Stpa wspzaoyciel spki Profit Plus zajmujcej doradztwem biznesowym skierowanym do przedsibiorcw prowadzcych firmy w Polsce. Doradza i wspiera partnerw, klientw i wsppracownikw w budowaniu efektywnych organizacji. Jest dowiadczonym przedsibiorc, wspwacicielem kilku spek, z ktrych najwicej uwagi obecnie powica spce Profit Plus. Obecnie zatrudnia tam ok 30 osb."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Droga do pierwszego miliona" |
"Czy w polskiej rzeczywistoci moliwe jest stworzenie ogromnej firmy obracajcej 500 milionami zotych w cigu kilku lat? Brzmi do nieprawdopodobnie. A jednak znaleli si tacy, ktrym si to udao.Z kursu dowiesz si jak zbudowano przedsibiorstwo generujce rocznie p miliarda zotych obrotu i otrzymasz wskazwki dotyczce rozwoju i skalowania wasnego biznesu.Marek Rostkowski to wiceprezes firmy logistycznej OMIDA funkcjonujcej w caym kraju. Wraz z prezesem Bartomiejem Glink rozpoczli swj biznes siedem lat temu, a ich droga do sukcesu wielokrotnie cigna si pod gr.Maciej Stpa w wywiadzie z Markiem wypytuje o histori OMIDY o mudny proces tworzenia marki, histori firmy, cienie i blaski wielkiego przedsibiorstwa, chwile zwtpienia oraz chwile radoci, najwaniejsze wartoci wyznawane i stosowane przez zaoycieli OMIDY, o skalowaniu biznesu, a take o wielu innych istotnych rzeczach i cennych lekcjach, ktre Marek wynis z siedmiu lat prowadzenia firmy."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"RabbitMQ : Messagerie Asynchrone avec Spring Boot & Java 8" |
"Durant cette formation, l'apprenant va apprendre les principes de base du message broker RabbitMQ et va pouvoir dvelopper une application complte qui communique via le broker.Cette application contient deux projets de baseUn message producer: l'application qui prend en charge l'envoi des messages vers le brokerUn message consumer: l'application qui prend en charge la rception des messages depuis le brokerLe code source des deux applications sera disponible et gratuit pour les participants."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Adjectives: 102 Advanced Adjectives in Stories" |
"Learn English Adjectives: 102 Advanced Adjectives in Stories is a course that teaches you lots of great English vocabulary in the context of engaging stories, and then teaches you the definitions with further examples.Stop using the same old English language adjectives and English vocabulary that will not impress anybody. If you want to get high scores on your next test or essay, your English language adjectives have to add flavor and color to your English vocabulary and what you say. If you want to stun your friends or your colleagues, you must start using better adjectives to show off your English vocabulary.This is often what separates the English speakers who are considered to be 'fluent' from those who are not - an advanced English vocabulary.This course gives you more English adjectives that will be impressive for native speakers to hear than any other course at the time of its creation.PLUS:You get to learn HOWto learn more English adjectives!Idon't just teach you these 102 wonderful adjectives - Ialso teach you mind-blowing techniques to learn MOREEnglish adjectives evenafter the course! How rare is that?!Very rare.This course gives you all the context you need for each English adjective, as well as the different ways you might use the English adjectives, precise definitions, and plenty of examples.If you want to pass the IELTS, or the TOEFL, write an essay in English, or even simply impress people in your next English conversation - learning these English adjectives could make all the difference!Learn from an native speaking English instructor who hasmany years ofexperience teaching English, years of experiencemanaging a school, and who has won several awards for teaching English learners and managing an English school.I'm here all the way as you learn these English adjectives and can answer any questions you might have on your path. Ican't wait to work with you!Expand your English vocabulary and learn English language adjectives now!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn English with Songs and Music: English Language Course" |
"Learn English with Songs and Music: English Language Course is an English Language Course that teaches you HOW to learn English language and English grammar with popular songs and music in the English language.*PLEASE NOTE: I CANNOT PLAY THE SONGS ON UDEMY - I TELL YOU WHICH SONGS TO LISTEN TO & HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH FROM THEM ... And I give you 10 PDF handouts (song worksheets) so you can practice the English language with them.Have you ever tried to learn English language with music? It's not too easy, is it? Sure, you might learn a few English words or English idioms, and if you are really clever you might even develop better English listening skills.But there's more.In this course I help you to use popular songs to learn English grammar, develop your English speaking, and even increase your English fluency. Yes - you CAN improve all of these skills when studying English language through songs!It's my 8-Step Music Method and I want to share it with you.If you've ever tried and failed to learn English language with songs, it's probably because of three reasons:(1) You are listening to the wrong songs.(2) You are listening to the wrong songs!(3) You don't know how to take advantage of the right music to learn English language.That is where this course comes in.I give you the right songs to listen to so you can understand English language with the right English grammar.And I give you my 8-step music method, which you won't find anywhere else.In this course, you will learn:* The BEST songs to learn English language from.* HOW to learn English language from these songs, using the 8-step music method.* Many English grammar points that are used in the songs.* Lots of new English vocabulary and English idioms in the songs.* How to continue to learn English language with music by finding the best songs for your needs.This is your chance to use that music you've been listening to and actually understand how to learn English language from it!Don't waste another second!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Study Skills: #1 Learning Strategies, Memory & Note Taking" |
"Study Skills: #1 Learning Strategies, Memory & Note Taking is a course that gives you the TOP study skills, learning strategies, memory techniques and note-taking skills in the world today... plus the ones that will be tomorrow.------------Praise for Study Skills: #1 Learning Strategies, Memory & Note-Taking""Extremely engaging and excellent content that I am already acting upon and making a step change in my learning ability. Gabriel is a great communicator and teacher who really brings learning to learn to life, one of the few I have experienced that can make a connection through video. The course isn't long, but to the point and a fantastic toolbox for learning anything - thank you!""~ John Cole""Upon completion of this course, I can confirm I have found this extremely beneficial and I am more pleased than ever to say I am happy with my purchase, For me, it was a literal learning curve and alternate method of thinking to retain the knowledge. 5 Stars as its already working... here's to lifelong learning""~ Stuart McGinney""The instructor of this course is very captivating. The way that he speaks makes it intriguing to listen. Also, the visuals alongside the lessons keep me entertained and focused on what is being said.""~ Matt Bookout-Varner""This course actually helped me to find many ways to learn , not only this but also the instructor language was very clear , english language is not my native, i'm Arabian BTW but i didn't miss any word of what he said because of his easy language .. thank you Mr Gabriel""~ Ahmed El-Kelany------------What if you could wake up every day knowing that you could learn whatever you wanted to learn that day on a deeper level than 99% of the rest of the human population is capable of?And what if you also knew that you would enjoy the process?You can. And if you take this course, you shall.A study star is not just someone who learns quickly. If that is all you want, there are a few courses that can do a decent job of helping you do that. What I am talking about is learning deeper.A study star is an individual who has that rare ability of converting information into gems. Study skills and learning strategies are more important than ever today, with so much to learn and so many other people learning quickly, you really need to have the best study skills.With this course, I can show you step-by-step how to master your memory processes by creating stories out of what you learn, creating a city in your mind, and developing the skills you need to take notes that you will be able to go back to decades from now for it all to come flooding back.In this course, you will learn:What causes us to forget what we study, and how to make sure it never happens againHow to plan your studyingHow to create the best study environmentHow to make a city in your mind and have it teach youHow to warm up your brainThe best note taking skillsHow to use sound to optimize your learningHow to use spatial memory and football to learn anythingHow to use your body when studyingHow to create stories so you can learn anythingWhen and how to take breaksHow to make a board game and have a blast to enhance your learningThe power of post-itsThe long-term inner game of studyAnd much, MUCH MORE!Studying is not only for cramming information when an exam is coming. Studying is for now, and it is for life. Become a lifelong learner and turn studying into a habit that will serve you for life."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Evening Routine Mastery An Evening Ritual to Dominate Life" |
"Evening Routine Mastery An Evening Ritual to Dominate Life is a game-changer in personal development. A missing segment of the productivity industry, you can finally set yourself up for both success and fulfillment every single day.The self-help world is so concerned on mastering the morning routine that it has neglected the ever-crucial evening routine. Without the right evening routine, the morning routine is really destined to flop.In this course, not only are you getting all the top habits from all the proven and tested evening rituals of successful people, but you also get your own Evening Ritual Planner and a BONUS Daily Master Map.Your day is won the day before - in the preparation stage.In Evening Routine Mastery, you get step-by-step instructions on how you can create YOUR evening ritual - not one prescribed to you, but one that you customize for yourself and your personal needs after understanding the unique value of all the choices you have.No matter which habits you choose to incorporate... choose them for you.In Evening Routine Mastery:You get your own Evening Ritual Planner.You learn how to incorporate your individual needs into your plan.You get your own Daily Master Map.You learn how your evening ritual impacts your morning ritual.You learn what NOT to do in the evenings.You learn what to eat when you are peckish in the evenings.You learn how to set up your bedside table for success.You learn which exercises to do in the evenings.You learn what to read in the evenings.You learn about decision fatigue.You learn how to celebrate the day you've had.You learn how to reflect upon the challenges during your day.You learn how to plan the day ahead.You get bonus resources.Don't miss out on this opportunity! Finally take control over your day by knowing how to go to bed feeling alive and 100% READY to wake up and master your days."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Business English (Professional Language)" |
"Business English is English language for any business or professional purpose.Do you need to use Business English at work? Do you need to learn Business English for future work?You know very well how essential it is to communicate effectively in business relationships, working environments, and professional settings.Whether you are an international CEO or you simply want to apply for a job and need the English language for the interview, this course will walk you step-by-step all of the Business English Language necessary for getting down to business.English is the international language of business - finance, marketing, trade, law, and deals are made using Business English Language. And knowing just enough English to have an everyday conversation is not enough to get the big business these days.You need to know the right words, the right expressions, the right etiquette, and even the right understanding of business culture in the English language.In Learn Business English (Professional Language), you get much more than just the words about marketing and sales. You do get those, but you will also practice interview techniques, negotiating, what to say in a meeting, phone conversations, emails, and more.Just as one learns business from experience, you also learn Business English Language from experience.That's why this Business English course has been designed to be very practical. You practice English speaking just as you would in real life.In this course, you learn all the Business English Language skills for:How to pass an interviewHow to interview someone elseHow to negotiate salaryHow to negotiate trade dealsHow to handle a meetingHow to politely disagree in a meetingHow to write a business e-mailHow to take a business phone callHow to write a resumeHow to write a cover letterHow to talk about your jobHow to talk about marketing strategies, costs, and the brand of your businessAnd much, much more!-------------Praise for Learn Business English (Professional Language)""I am learning huge new things. Its very important for me.""~ Rabiul Islam""Gabriel is very friendly and I like the way he explains the vocabulary so I can easily understand. Buy it if you are a beginner of business path! you would enjoy learning, just like me. worth it!! thanks Gabriel ;)""~ Napatchanok Chaisurakeart""This course was really helpful. I learned a lot and it was money well spent. Gabriel is wonderful and deserves the best!""~ Giovanna Bell""It is very wonderful course. I'm from Brazil and I've a little difficulty with english language, but the instructor speak slowly and it help other people to understand the contents :)""~ Luis A. Fernandes""Buenos tips para las conversaciones de negocio o viaje.""~ Alvaro Portela""Sehr einfach und verstndlich aufgebauter Kurs.""~ Andr Halbertschlager""This is an excellent course! I wish I had had this information 45 years ago when I started to look for jobs. There was no internet then so it was mostly learning from mistakes. I am now retired but I do meet young students and I am certainly going to recommend this course to them. However, Gabriel also has a course called Business English Writing. I highly recommend this course as well since it will help to get your writing correct. I have worked in several countries with managers whose native language is not English. Even though they spoke English at least half decent, but their written English was usually terrible. My native language is Swedish and if I can detect English errors and feel embarrassed I do wonder what a native English speaker when getting lousily written emails or letters.""~ Rolf Backstrm-------------If you have any interest in succeeding in any of these professional areas, or if you want to climb the career ladder or communicate with any international businesses around the world, then you simply cannot afford to miss this opportunity. This Business English course is at such a high price because it gets you results.There's a common English expression: time is money. Don't waste it. Invest in yourself with Learn Business English (Professional Language) and never look back!*Promo music downloaded on a royalty free basis from 'Bensound'."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Idioms - 240+ English Language Idioms: 1 Story" |
"Learn English Idioms - 240+ English Language Idioms: 1 Story is an English Language Course that teaches you more than 240 English idioms about many different topics, and it uses a STORY METHOD to teach you these, as well as definitions.If you are learning English language, you need to know A LOT of English idioms.Idioms are so natural for native speakers, that they are constantly being used without the native speakers even realizing it. We use English idioms in conversations, in business, in exams, in essays, in books, in movies, in music, and in every other situation where the English language is used at all!That's why this course has 240 IDIOMS...!Yes, that's right - 240!And that's not all...You also learn the English idioms in context.What does that mean? It means you follow one story of 40 chapters, where six new idioms are introduced in each chapter. Each chapter has a theme, so you can easily group the English idioms together.After each chapter:you learn the exact definitions,you get more examples,you learn when to use the idiom,and you learn when NOT to use the idiom!You also get:40 Free PDFs with all 240 idioms and their definitions40 Free MP3s with all 240 idioms and their definitionsFree quizzes added each monthCommunication with an expert English language instructorA great story!Free BONUS RESOURCES to continue to learn English!----------Praise for Learn English Idioms - 240+ English Language Idioms: 1 Story""It was perfect and very creative. It kept me up till the end . It was more than worth it""~ Lanremodele Mlt""I have not had such a fun for a long time, and learning great expressions was only an extra on top! By mile this course is the best for anyone and everyone.""~ Balazs Kecskemeti""Very nice course. Helped me to learn 240 idioms in a simple story telling way. And of course, the story was very loving,interesting as Billy and Indigo kept me curious about what would happen next.""~ Hemant Kumar----------There is no other course on English idioms that has had as much care and effort put into it to ensure the high-quality educational value of the course, so you get everything you need in one space. If you truly want to learn English, this course is one of the best investments you can make in yourself.*Promo music by 'Bensound'."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |