Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ladies THE system you need to complete health!" |
"Ladies, in this course you will learn from a PhD and Master Trainer, the fundamentals to firming and toning your body, using the most effective exercises, research based in addition to learning about the optimal protein supplements to use, and minerals! You will also learn about optimal sleep habits and proper aerobic training!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a SHMUP with Unity 3D" |
"In this course we will create a full Shoot Em Up game (Skyforce, Raiden) from scratch in Unity. You will learn about object oriented programming and have an overall better understanding of C#.We will provide you with all the assets needed to create the game (including 3d models, audio), feel free to use these assets in your own games. In this course we will discuss the concepts and advantages using Component Based Design, and also features such as Movement, Shooting Pattern, Curved Movement with Nodes, Scene Transitions, Saving and Loading, Coins & Human Rescue, also Medal Achievement, just like the one in Skyforce Games.Basic knowledge in Unity API C# is required.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn how to make gamesIndie game developersGame DevelopersGame enthusiastsUnity developers"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Guide to the Soccer Business World" |
"Have you ever...Wondered how your favorite soccer club is making money or why FIFA is such a big player?Or maybe after hearing so much about the record-breaking player transfers, you would like to know how the system works from the inside!The course features an easy-to-follow module system giving you a unique perspective on the business side of the industry and its biggest stakeholders.It provides a comprehensive overview of the key soccer business concepts ensuring you will be equipped with a solid knowledge of the international business environment of the game after the course completion. Which will become the first step in satisfying your personal aspirations in this exciting industry!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Intermittent Fasting for Women" |
"Intermittent Fasting is an eating (nutrition)pattern where you cycle in between eating and fasting for specific hours depending on your desired schedule and tolerance that results in weight loss. Intermittent fasting is a great tool to assist you with reaching your weight loss goals faster. In this 30 minute course, Jen @gojenbefit, NASM-certified fitness instructor (GFI) and YouTuber, will teach you everything you need to know to get started with your intermittent fasting weight loss journey. Included in the course are the following 6 topicsWhat is Intermittent Fasting?What to eat and drink?What is your daily calorie intake?Different Intermittent Fasting SchedulesWhen to workout out and suggestions of workoutsWhen to take a break from Intermittent FastingIntermittent fasting allowsfor dieting, fitness, nutrition and weight loss to be simple.Included with this course is a downloadable PDF, "" Intermittent Fasting Starter Kit"".You also get a free meal and workout planner to start your Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Journey today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Lose Weight in 1 month with Social Media" |
"Lose weight in 1 month isnt as hard as people think. Use Social Media to hold you accountable to your weightloss goals. Social media and body image is a great tool to assist you with reaching your weightloss goals faster. In this 44 minute course, Jen @gojenbefit, NASM-certified fitness instructor (GFI) and YouTuber, will teach you everything you need to know to get started with your how to lose weight in 1 month wih social media to jumpstart your weight loss journey. Included in the course are the following 3 topics: Answer, Should I lose weight question? Learn to use a 30-day weight loss meal plan Social media and body image pros/consIncluded with this How to Lose Weight in 1 month with Social Media course is a downloadable PDF 7 Day Meal and Workout planner"" . You also get a free How to Lose Weight in 1 month with Social Media printable guide with steps to start your How to Lose Weight in 1 month with Social Media Journey today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"NPM Desarrollar y publicar librerias JS,TS, Angular, ReactJS" |
"Bienvenido/a a NPM. Desarrollo y publicacin de libreras en JS, TS, Angular y ReactJS, en el que aprenderemos todo lo necesario para dominar el arte de crear libreras y hacerlas accesibles mediante la publicacin en el repositorio de libreras NPM.De qu trata el curso?El objetivo principal del curso es claro, aprender a crear nuestras librerias desde 0 o modificar cualquier libreria existente y gestionarlas (publicar nuevas o actualizar existentes) en el repositorio de NPM. Cul es la razn de crear este curso?Es importante saber trabajar con librerias, ya que seguramente muchas de las funcionalidades que utilizis en vuestros proyectos se asemejan. Y por eso estaris aplicando la tcnica del ""copy/paste"" siendo esta una prctica muy mala ya que teniendo una librera propia, podemos instalar y configurar en unos sencillos pasos para poder usarlo, haciendo su mantenimiento mucho ms sencillo ante cualquier cambio en ese cdigo.Con esto daremos posibilidad a los usuarios/as de aprender a crear sus propias utilidades que podrn necesitar en uno o ms proyectos dando posibilidad a reusar nuestro cdigo y ante cualquier cambio, poder actualizar en todos los proyectos sin muchos quebraderos de cabeza.Qu aprenderemos durante el curso?Desde lo ms bsico a cosas ms complejas aplicadas a la mejora de las libreras como pueden ser:Git / Github: Primeras nociones en el control de versiones para gestionar las copias de seguridad y cambios en nuestros proyectos.NPM: Node Package Manager. Primeras nociones sobre el repositorio donde vamos a alojar nuestras libreras.Node.js: Libreras escritas en Javascript.Mocha: Framework para pruebas de test para comprobar que el funcionamiento de nuestro cdigo es el correcto.Node Typescript: Libreras en Node escritas en Typescript. Travis CI: Integracin contnua para mejorar la deteccin de posibles errores de manera automtica.Coveralls: Informes del porcentaje de cdigo acotado a la hora de testear.Compodoc: Crear documentacin fcil de mantener y de manera automtica en nuestras libreras.Firebase Hosting: Publicar contenido en el hosting de Firebase como puede ser la documentacin de una librera.Angular: Desarrollo de libreras para el framework de JavaScript estndar para desarrollar aplicaciones web SPA, dinamicas, modernas y escalables.ReactJS: Introduccin a la creacin de libreras compatibles para proyectos que trabajan con ReactJS. En este caso es una introduccin para mostrar que pasos hay que dar para el desarrollo de una librera de ReactJSObtener habilidades de colaborador de proyectos Open Source. Ser capaces de contribuir en proyectos ajenos con nuevas utilidades, resolviendo bugs,... y tambin ser capaces de gestionar contribuciones en un proyecto propioDurante las ms de 20 horas del curso veremos todo lo relacionado al desarrollo de libreras y sus herramientas complementarias haciendo todo el proceso muy prctico y con una curva de aprendizaje de menos a ms.Se tratarn todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel en los diferentes aspectos descritos anteriormente.Con el objetivo de aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomiendo tener conocimientos bsicos de Git, Javascript, Typescript y en el desarrollo de Angular (con ser capaces de hacer un proyecto sencillo es ms que suficiente), aun as no os preocupis ya que los proyectos los iremos desarrollando desde cosas muy muy bsicas por lo que iremos aprendiendo poco a poco.El cdigo del curso est 100% accesible en Github y tambin para su descarga en los apartados correspondientes a las clases del curso.Habr tambin actualizaciones peridicas con nuevo contenido propuesto como proyectos y retos.Y una de las cosas ms importantes, tendris apoyo, soporte y toda la ayuda de manera rpida y eficaz, siendo el tiempo de respuesta lo ms reducido posible para que la experiencia del curso sea lo ms agradable posible y se aprenda mucho ;)Si quieres ser un experto desarrollador de libreras y no tienes conocimientos sobre esta materia, este es tu curso en el que conseguirs un aumento de tu nivel de desarrollador haciendo que tus posibilidades laborales aumenten ms creando libreras propias que publicaremos dejando a disposicin de otros programadores que quieran colaborar en nuestros proyectos o incluso mejorando libreras existentes y publicadas en el repositorio de NPM. La metodologa de aprendizaje es la siguiente:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso.Combinacin terico / prctica.Ms de 10 proyectos completos escritos desde 0Ms de 300 clases explicadas al detalle.Orden lgico y progresivo, para que el aprendizaje no nos resulte frustrante y veamos los progresos a medida que avanzamos.Retos para trabajar ms a fondo las libreras con nuevas funcionalidades.Soporte completo (24 x 7 x 365) sobre el contenido del curso y orientacin en los retos propuestos.Actualizaciones peridicas con nuevo contenido propuesto como proyectos y retosAl finalizar el curso seremos capaces de:Crear y gestionar fantsticas libreras escritas de diferentes maneras aplicando buenas prcticas.Colaborar en proyectos Open Source aportando tu granito de arena o incluso ser el gestor de un proyecto en el que muchas/os programadores colaboren.Utilizar las libreras creadas en proyectos que tienes en marcha o incluso crear nuevas para proyectos futuros o que cubran una necesidad.Y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks kalp tasarm eitim seti" |
"Bu eitim serisi SolidWorks hakknda orta dzelbilgiye sahipkenbile eitim serisi sonrasnda sizi hemSolidWorks kullancs haline getirir hemde kalpck zerinegelitirir..Bu ders sonrasnda CV nizde SolidWorks ve solidworks kalpclk zerinebecerilerinizden gururla bahsedebilirsiniz.Tasarlamann snrlar yoktur. Tasarm yapmay ,Kalp Tasarm renmeyi veyeni eyler ortaya koymay seviyorsanz bu eitim serisi tam da size gre."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"200-125 - Curso Completo para certificao CCNA R/S" |
"Para todos os profissionais ou indivduos interessados em aprender mais sobre networking e se preparar para a certificao oficial CCNA R/S.O curso entrar em detalhes por todos os tpicos abordados no exame atual 200-125.Est estruturado em teorias e prticas no final de cada mdulo do curso.Voc ter acesso vitalcio ao curso.E certificado de concluso no final do curso.Este curso cobrir:Conceitos tericos sobre todos os pontos abordados no exame.Prticas laboratoriais no final de cada mdulo.O instrutor fornecer detalhes das melhores prticas sobre a configurao de cada item durante o curso.Todas as prticas podem ser praticadas atravs de um laptop ou desktop com a funcionalidade de virtualizao dos roteadores Cisco usando o GNS3 ou o Cisco Packet Tracer.Obtenha todo o conhecimento necessrio para passar no exame de 200-125.Use todo o conhecimento adquirido para coloc-lo em prtica no seu dia-a-dia.Incluindo laboratrios prticos no final de cada mduloO curso inclui slides para cada tpico com detalhes conceituais.Tambm possui uma topologia com prticas de exerccios ao final de cada mdulo.Em vez de gastar muito dinheiro em treinamento oficial, compre este curso de excelente qualidade atravs da Udemy.Mais sobre o instrutorProfissional com mais de 15 anos de experincia no mercado, tendo atuado tambm como instrutor de cursos oficiais e com bootcamps preparatrios para o CCIE R/S e Security naAsia. Ele tambm foi professor de cursos de Graduao e Ps-graduao em redes.Possui certificaes Cisco como CCNA, CCDA, CCDP, CCNP R/S e mantm 7x CCIEs # 16778 (Roteamento e Comutao, Provedor de Servios, Segurana, Voz, Wireless, Colaborao e Data Center).Tambm possui certificaes Vmware, como Vmware NSX Professional e Vmware Certified Implementation Expert 6 (VCIX6-NV)."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"100-105 - Curso Completo para certificao CCENT" |
"Para todos os profissionais ou indivduos interessados em aprender mais sobre networking e se preparar para a certificao oficial CCENT.O curso entrar em detalhes por todos os tpicos abordados no exame atual 100-105.Est estruturado em teorias e prticas no final de cada mdulo do curso.Voc ter acesso vitalcio ao curso.E certificado de concluso no final do curso.Este curso cobrir:Conceitos tericos sobre todos os pontos abordados no exame.Prticas laboratoriais no final de cada mdulo.O instrutor fornecer detalhes das melhores prticas sobre a configurao de cada item durante o curso.Todas as prticas podem ser praticadas atravs de um laptop ou desktop com a funcionalidade de virtualizao dos roteadores Cisco usando o GNS3 ou o Cisco Packet Tracer.Obtenha todo o conhecimento necessrio para passar no exame de 100-105.Use todo o conhecimento adquirido para coloc-lo em prtica no seu dia-a-dia.Incluindo laboratrios prticos no final de cada mduloO curso inclui slides para cada tpico com detalhes conceituais.Tambm possui uma topologia com prticas de exerccios ao final de cada mdulo.Em vez de gastar muito dinheiro em treinamento oficial, compre este curso de excelente qualidade na UdemyMais sobre o instrutorProfissional com mais de 15 anos de experincia no mercado, tendo atuado tambm como instrutor de cursos oficiais e com bootcamps preparatrios para o CCIE R/S e Security naAsia. Ele tambm foi professor de cursos de Graduao e Ps-graduao em redes.Possui certificaes Cisco como CCNA, CCDA, CCDP, CCNP R/S e mantm 7x CCIEs # 16778 (Roteamento e Comutao, Provedor de Servios, Segurana, Voz, Wireless, Colaborao e Data Center).Tambm possui certificaes Vmware, como Vmware NSX Professional e Vmware Certified Implementation Expert 6 (VCIX6-NV)."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"PCI DSS Qualifed Security Assessor (QSA) practice exam" |
"The intent of this course is to provide some extra test questions you may not have encountered that relate to the PCI DSS standard version 3.2.1 re-qualification exam. Areas include, scoping, segmentation, assessing people, processes and technologies. If you have questions or suggestions for improvements, please don't hesitate to contact me and please leave a review!PCI DSS Version 4.0 will be coming sometime in 2020 and test questions will be updated upon release."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISO 27001 Internal Auditor Certification Practice Tests" |
"Each test is comprised of 30 true/false and multiple choice questions. Correctly answered questions earn one point. You are encouraged to answer all the questions. You will have 90 minutes to complete each test and can move forward and back through all the questions.You are encouraged to silence your mobile phone and put it out of reach to simulate the actual exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to prepare a Yogurt at Home !" |
"Have you noticed that the yogurt section of most grocery stores has practically taken over the dairy aisle? Its getting harder to find more traditional dairy foods, such as cottage cheese and sour cream, amid the sea of yogurt options. But it only makes sense that a food with as many health benefits as yogurt be given prime real estate in the supermarket."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get A Web Developer Job - The Tips, Tricks & Tech Revealed" |
"Want To Start Your New Career As A WebDeveloper But Lacking Confidence? Applied For Jobs But Never Heard Anything Back? Got an Interview and Don't Know How to Approach It? Want to Learn to Code But Don't Know Where to Start?This is the course for you!!!INCLUDED!...A stunning portfolio students can edit and call their own! No coding experience necessary to get a beautiful website.A designed coding style resume.Access to an Open Source project on GitHub that everyone can be involved with! Build your resume up with awesome experience.Over a hundred real interview questions collected from all of the interviews I have had!A selection of real worldcode tests to download and complete in your own time. Practice the sort of questions and projects you are likely to be asked!In this course, you are going to learn every tip and trick that you need to land yourself a web developer job. We are going to cover:Version Control - What is it? How should we use it? Learn how to useGit/GitHub (Get access to an open source project that you can put on your resume!)Portfolios - How to make them the best we can (Included is a free stunning mobile responsive template you can edit and call your own)The Tech Employers Want - Learn about the tech that companies want you to be able to use and learn what you should be focusing on learning - SASS, BEM and Bootstrap.Resumes - How to really make them stand out! (Included is an awesome designed resume template you can make your own)Networking -Learn how to network effectively. We talk about building a brand, and get you set up on the industries favourite LinkedIn and Instagram. Learn how to start creating a personal brand and get a shout out on completion of our Instagram assignment!Interviews - Find out how to succeed at interviews and about the dreaded Coding Test. Practice makes perfect, and included is a extensive list ofreal interview questions which is CONSTANTLY being updated!Tackle two real life examples of a code test!!--------------------------------------------------------My name is James Bedford, I am a 27 year old Web Developer. I started working as a freelance web designer 13years ago, and at the age of 14 I sold my first website. It has been a long running love of mine, and something that I have always done. Currently I run my own consultancy company anddo contract work as well as advise individual companies on how to improve their online presence.I am passionate about getting people into code and teaching them the most effective ways of learning and succeeding at programming. This comes from my days in education and studying Computer Science: I had trouble throughout my studies, and found much better success working off my own back rather than the content being taught in lessons. I find actually building items over and over and over to be more beneficial to me and this is what I want to share with everyone.I am firmly of the belief that programming is only as hard as you make it. You just need to figure out how best to learn it.This is why I have put together a course to talk about the things that aren't often taught in the coding world - the soft skills necessary to get yourself into a new career. I run through right from the start, where you should learn and what you should learn, right up to applying for jobs and getting your first freelance contracts!Students will get some excellent resources, as well as knowledge from several experienced developers and career people. As well as this, students will get continued support on their learning, and if you ever need to know anything or require help then please feel free to get in touch.Regards,James."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MICROCOSMOS: Sistema de Chakras" |
"Bienvenidos buscadores y buscadoras al curso de chakras de la Escuela Todo Es Uno. ste curso se dedica exclusivamente a explicar en detalle todo lo referente al sistema de chakras: su correcto funcionamiento, las capacidades que se adquieren cuando estn en armona, el funcionamiento inarmnico de cada uno de ellos acompaado de soluciones para armonizarlos y ejercicios prcticos que sern de utilidad para desarrollar el nivel de conciencia correspondiente a cada chakra."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create and Present Business Cards to Clients Like a Pro!" |
"Hello, my name is Kevin and I want to thank you for taking my course on the fast and easy way to design and present a business card to a client. This course is also great if you are interested in creating a business card for yourself and your business.I have 20 years of design and agency experience. I know first hand how hard it can be to come up with great new ideas and translate them into a production and presentation ready format for clients. Over the years there is a simple lesson I have learned, which is, in most cases, there is no need to re-invent the wheel. That is why I created this course and why I believe it is different from any other courses out there.First, we will go over the assets you will need to get started. Then I will introduce you to the important process of researching ideas to help with your creativity. After that we will jump right into photoshop for our layout, exporting our files and setting up our final presentation.I hope that you enjoy this course and find it useful!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Composite Like a Pro! For Beginners." |
"In this course you are going to learn how to composite the art shown here - but fret not, what you learn if this course will not only teach out to do this type of composite for any subject, but it is fast and easy. What you won't learn here is how to envision your next masterpiece, because that only comes with time, but, the creation of this course was done with no preparation, other than grabbing a few free assets. What you will see here is the slamming together of 3 completely unrelated elements, into one pretty cool composite.Ichallenge you to take what you learn here and use it for your own visions. You may not be interested in a woman and a pug in a field, but if you can transpose these skills into a warrior, a castle and a maiden, then you have understood what this course is all about.Let's do this!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Elif Kutlubay Keman reniyorum" |
"Merhaba ben Elif Kutlubay 10 yl akn srede verdiim keman dersi deneyimlerimden yola karak sizlere mzik elikli, grsel destekli ve alma kitap olan, kolay anlalr ve ok keyifli bir kurs hazrladm.Bu kursu tamamladnzda kemandan gzel ve temiz bir ses nasl elde edilir, doru bir ekilde yay nasl kullanlr, kemanda ki teller porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve nasl okunur, keman telleri zerinde ki dier notalar nelerdir ve porte zerinde nasl gsterilir, keman tuesi zerinde notalar nasl alarz ve doru bir ekilde parmaklarmz nasl basarz, renilen notalarla bir ark nasl alnr, ark alarken nasl bir yol izlenir ve nelere dikkat edilir bunlarn hepsini renmi olacaksnz.Videolarda kullanlan ses dosyalarn ve alma kitapklarn, videolarn kaynaklar blmnden indirebilir ve istediiniz zaman mzik elii zerine notalara bakarak alabilirsiniz. Her blm iin zel olarak alma kitapklar hazrlanmtr.Konularla ilgili sizler iin hazrlanm olan arklar iin mzik elikleri bulunmaktadr ve rahat alabilmeniz iin yava hzda , orta hzda ve hzl olmak zere her ark iin farkl ses kayd yaplmtr. Dier konularn mzik elikleri iin de yava ve hzl ses kaytlar kaynaklar blmnde mevcuttur.Elif Kutlubay Keman reniyorum Balang Seviyesi3 Blmden olumaktadr ve toplam 29 video ierir,1. Blm Giri;Bu blmde toplam 5 video bulunmaktadr; Her videonun iinde konuyla ilgili takip edebileceiniz grseller bulunmaktadr. 1. blm de ki tm konu ve notalar ''ELF KUTUBAY KEMAN RENYORUM 1. BLM ALIMA KTAPII'' ierisinde ders numaras ve ilgili notalar olarak ayrntl bir ekilde gsterilmektedir. Videolarn ses kaytlar ilgili videonun kaynaklar blmnde bulunmaktadr, kitapkta ki konu isimlerine gre ilgili mp3 ses dosyalarnn isimlerini eletirip indirebilir ve kitapktaki notalara bakarak mzik elii zerine alabilirsiniz. Bu blmde,Kemann blmleri nelerdir, ne ie yarar ve nasl kulanlr ?Keman nasl tutulur?Keman tutarken arlk nerede olmaldr ?keman tutarken ve alarken vcudumuzun ekli nasl olmaldr ?Yay nasl tutulur ?Doru bir ekilde nasl yay ekilir ? Keman tellerinin isimleri nelerdir ?Kemanda ki drt telin nota karl porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve nasl okunur ?Notalarn sreleri nasl hesaplanr ve nasl okunur ?Birlik nota nedir, sresi nasl hesaplanr, nasl alnr ve okunur ?Bo telleri porte zerinde grerek nasl alarz ?Notalar ritmik bir ekilde nasl saymamz gerekiyor ve buna gre yaymz nasl kullanmalyz ?Yaymz ekme ve itme ynn nota zerinde ki hangi iaretlere gre anlarz ? Yay ekerken kemandan doru ve gzel bir ses nasl elde ederiz ?Mzik elii zerine bo tellerde btn yay nasl kullanlr ?Bunlarn hepsini renmi olacaksnz.2. Blm; Yayn BlmleriBu blmde toplam 10 video bulunmaktadr. Her videonu iinde konuyla ilgili takip edebileceiniz grseller bulunmaktadr. 2. blm de ki tm konu ve notalar ''ELF KUTUBAY KEMAN RENYORUM 2. BLM ALIMA KTAPII'' ierisinde ders numaras ve ilgili notalar olarak ayrntl bir ekilde gsterilmektedir. Videolarn ses kaytlar ilgili videonun kaynaklar blmnde bulunmaktadr, kitapkta ki konu isimlerine gre ilgili mp3 ses dosyalarnn isimlerini eletirip indirebilir ve kitapktaki notalara bakarak mzik elii zerine alabilirsiniz. Bu blm de;Yayn blmleri nelerdir ?Btn Yay nasl kullanlr ? Yayn Alt Yars ve st Yars nasl kullanlr ?Yaymzn alt yarsn ve st yarsn kullanrken yaymzn dz bir ekilde gitmesine nasl dikkat ederiz ?Yaymzn blmlerini kullanrken sa el, bilek ve kol amza nasl dikkat ederiz ?Porte zerinde Birlik ve ikilik nota nedir, ritmik bir ekilde sreleri nasl hesaplanr ve nasl okunur ?Yaymzn blmlerini Birlik ve ikilik notalara gre nasl kullanrz ?Porte zerinde grdmz Birlik ve kilik notalar yaymzn hangi blmlerini kullanarak daha rahat alarz ?Sol, Re, La ve Mi tellerini porte zerinde ikilik ve Birlik notalar halinde nasl okuruz ve alarz ?Yay hakimiyetimizin gelimesinde nelere dikkat etmeliyiz ?Kemandan doru ve temiz bir ekilde nasl ses elde ederiz ?Mzik eliinde ritmik bir ekilde nasl yaymzn alt ve st yarsn kullanarak doru bir ekilde nasl keman alarz ?Bunlarn hepsini renmi olacaksnz.Not; Keman zerinde ki bo telleri porte zerinde grerek tanyp bakarak kemanda almak konusunda bu blmde kendimizi gelitiriyoruz ve bunun iin kendimiz mzik elikleri zerine notalara bakarak, doru bir ekilde notalar sayarak alyoruz. Bu alma nemli nk bir sonra ki parmak basmaya geite kendinize gveniniz daha da artaca iin 3. blmde daha da kolay adapte olacaksnz.3. Blm; Parmak Basmaya Gei;Bu blmde toplam 14 video bulunmaktadr. Her videonu iinde konuyla ilgili takip edebileceiniz grseller bulunmaktadr. Bu blmde Sol El pozisyonu nasl olmaldr ve keman tuesine doru bir ekilde nasl parmak baslr, keman telleri zerinde ki dier notalar nasl alnr , ark nasl alnr ve bir ark allrken nasl bir yol izlenir, bu seviyeye uygun 3 farkl ark ile anlatlmaktadr. arklarn mzik elikleri de ark isimleri verilerek ilgili ark videosunun kaynaklar blmnde yava hz, orta hz ve hzl olmak zere farkl mp3 ses kayd olarak bulunmaktadr.3. blm de ki tm konu ve notalar ''ELF KUTUBAY KEMAN RENYORUM 3. BLM ALIMA KTAPII'' ierisinde ders numaras ve ilgili notalar olarak ayrntl bir ekilde gsterilmektedir. Videolarn ve arklarn ses kaytlar ilgili videonun kaynaklar blmnde bulunmaktadr, kitapkta ki konu isimlerine gre ilgili mp3 ses dosyalarnn isimlerini eletirip indirebilir ve kitapktaki notalara bakarak mzik elii zerine alabilirsiniz. Bu blmde,Keman alarken sol el pozisyonu nasl olmaldr ?Sol El keman tuesi zerinde nasl durmaldr ?Kemann arl parmaklar telin zerine basarken nerede olmaldr ?Parmaklar tel zerinde doru bir ekilde nasl baslr ?Parmaklarn as nasl omaldr ?Gl bir ses elde etmek iin parmak basnc nasl kullanlr ?Sesleri doru frekansta basmay renirken nasl bir yol izlenir ?La teli zerinde ki notalar nelerdir, porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve okunur ?La teli zerinde ki notalar keman tuesi zerinde nasl alnr ?Drtlk nota porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve okunur, sresi nasl hesaplanr ?Drtlk, Birlik ve kilik notalar bir ark ierisinde nasl okunur ve alnr ?Sus iareti ne anlama gelir ve Drtlk sus porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ?Diyez iareti ne anlama gelir ve yanna geldii nota keman tuesi zerinde nasl alnr ?La teli zerinde renilen notalarla bir ark nasl alnr ?Mzik eliinde bir ark doru bir ekilde nasl alnr ?Mi teli zerinde ki notalar nelerdir, porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve okunur ?Mi teli zerinde ki notalar keman tuesi zerinde nasl alnr ?La ve Mi telinde renilen notalarla bir ark nasl alnr ?Mzik eliinde La ve Mi telinde renilen notalarla bir ark nasl alnr ?Re teli zerinde ki notalar nelerdir, porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve okunur ?Re teli zerinde ki notalar keman tuesi zerinde nasl alnr ?Sol teli zerinde ki notalar nelerdir, porte zerinde nasl gsterilir ve okunur ?Sol teli zerinde ki notalar keman tuesi zerinde nasl alnr ?Sol ve Re telinde renilen notalarla bir ark nasl alnr ?Mzik eliinde Sol ve Re telinde renilen notalarla bir ark nasl alnr ?Bunlarn hepsini renmi olacaksnz.Not; Bu blm bitirdiinizde artk bir ark nasl alnr ve nelere dikkat edilmeli bunlarn hepsini renmi olacaksnz, imdiden kolaylklar diliyorum ve teekkr ediyorum.SevgilerimleElif Kutlubay"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mandarin Chinese comprehensive Pinyin course" |
"Pinyin is the first thing students learn when they start learning Mandarin Chinese. Pinyin tells us how to pronounce words. At school, no much time is left for students to master Pinyin. This course is a comprehensive Pinyin course. It is for students who plan to start learning Chinese to build solid foundation in further Chinese study. It is also for students who have learned Chinese for some time to solidify their knowledge about Mandarin Chinese pronunciation and help them to master the sounds, so that they can speak more clearly, have more confidence when speaking Mandarin Chinese. In this course, we have covered all the combinations of consonants with simple vowels, compound vowels and tones. If you master all of these, you can pronounce any Mandarin Chinese word with correct pronunciation. The course consists of 17 lessons, in lesson 2 to lesson 16, at the end of each lesson, we have exercises provided to test what you have learned in the lesson. You can use it to practice and train your listening and strengthen your mouth muscle in speaking Mandarin Chinese."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lazy Dancer Beginner Ballet Course - Vol 1" |
"The Lazy Dancer Beginner Ballet Course is for Anyone who wants to do Ballet without the hassle of getting to a class.Ballet is a beautiful way to workout, not only for the body to achieve the Long LeanBallerina Muscles, but also tokeep the brain trained and active.With this courseyoull:Learn that you can do ballet at any stage in your lifeReduce the overwhelm of everyday lifeFind out that getting in shape doesnt have to be hard or boringFeel confident and beautiful with workouts that are gentle to your body and a challenge to your musclesImprove your balance and your postureClosed Facebook Group to share progress, tips and tricks with other Lazy Dancer Fans and be part of the FamilyBenefits of the Course:You will feel refreshed, stronger, regenerated and your body will align with beautiful posture to walk tall and proud everyday.Learn from a Pro:Ballet has been my passion for 20 years, it's become my daily job and I recently decided I wanted to share all of my knowledge and passion with you.Seeing students improving, achieving their goals and dancing with a smile every day has been the most wonderful gift I could wish for."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lazy Dancer Ballet Burn - 30 Days Fitness Ballet Programme" |
"Skip the sweaty, crowded subway ride to the gym and dance to our ballet fitnessworkoutin your living room instead. With thisballet-inspired fitness workout youll ditch your love handles and improve your flexibility in the comfort of your own home. And have time for a cup of teaThe Lazy Dancer Ballet Burnis for Anyone who wants toworkout like a Ballerina without the hassle of getting to a Ballet or Fitness class.Ballet Fitness is a beautiful way to workout, not only for the body to achieve the Long LeanBallerina Muscles, but also tokeep the brain trained and active.Barre workouts have become very popular, the rise of interest in Ballet and how to achieve a ballet body has grown immensly and this is why I'm here to show you how you can achieve the lean ballerina muscles you always dreamt of.The structure of this Fitness Ballet Programmeis devided in 4 main sectionsBreatheFitness Ballet BarreFocusFitness Ballet CentreEnergiseFitness Ballet BarreMotivateFitness Ballet CentreIn each video I will follow you closely, giving you advises and tips to practice safely and at the best of your potential.Be ready to sweat, you will build up stamina and strength, as well as elongating muscles while working out.We will use the same structure of a real ballet class, but don't worry you don't need to be a pro to do this, only your willing to improve your body and take on a new challenge.Whether youre a pro dancer or a complete beginner,Youll:Discover the Most Beautiful YouLearn that you can workout like a ballerinaat any stage in your lifeReduce the overwhelm of everyday lifeFind out that getting in shape doesnt have to be hard or boringFeel confident and beautiful with workouts that are gentle to your body and a challenge to your musclesImprove your balance and your postureClosed Facebook Group to share progress, tips and tricks with other Lazy Dancer Fans and be part of the FamilyBenefits of the Course:You will feel refreshed, stronger, regenerated and your body will align with beautiful posture to walk tall and proud everyday.Learn from a Pro:Ballet has been my passion for 20 years, it's become my daily job and I recently decided I wanted to share all of my knowledge and passion with you.Seeing students improving, achieving their goals and dancing with a smile every day has been the most wonderful gift I could wish for.Get Ready for this challenge, you see how your body will change in a short time. Put your best frock on and let's Dance."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Autopilot Bitcoin Systems" |
"This is it.. the moment you've been waiting for..You can finally make bitcoin pay you...No more worrying about the marketsNo more reading the news with fear ofmissing out.No more losing your money in a crypto crashNow you can consistently make money in the cryptocurrency markets and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin cash, EOS and more with ease.Even if you don't know a thing about trading and even if you never wrote a piece of code before in your life!This is the perfect time to get started!You don't need to listen to fake gurus on news sites and twitter anymore.Just run your systems in your browser and you'll know exactly when to buy and sell to make 100%a year returns or more.Think about the possibilities this opens you up to:Making money while you (ahem,)sleep (classic right?)Making money while on vacationMaking money while going out to a club with your friends.Now you can finally get the confidence and peace of mind that your future will be taken care of.Enjoy newfound profits to buy clothing, gifts... maybe even a home or anexotic car.Many others have already done it. You could be next.The Cryptocurrency revolution is minting millionaires left and right.. but it may feel as you have missed the train.Don't worry - the next entry is just around the corner.Our tested systems beat buy and hold with a fraction of the risk.These are the same type of systems you read about in trading books.Systems that hedge funds and quant shops are using -- worth thousands if not tens of thousands ofAnd in the next 3 daysyou can run these profit bots from your browser,work computer or even the kid's laptop.Take this course and everybody will be amazed by your newfound forecasting skills.Iguarantee you'll be seen as an expert on bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and tradingin your community.Its your opportunity to profit anddazzle!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Get My Official French DELF B2 Certificate + PDF Cheat Sheet" |
"This French course includes the ""Advanced Cheat Sheet to get My French DELF B2 by Christophe Daniel Ternay"" PDF file. (For the French Intermediate Level (B2) Official Exam called ""DELF B2"") and it is the only French DELF B2 Level Cheat Sheet on the web! SAVE TIME! In only 3,5 hours I can guarantee you that you will get your Delf B2 Exam at the first Strike!I believe learning is best done when it's enjoyable. And I know people learn in different ways.That's why I am providing multiple ways to learn French and successfully handle with hundreds of Everyday Phrases and Expressions .WATCH:Watch this French Language Course online, on your mobile (Udemy mobile app), on a Tablet (the course is fully responsive), on any computer or anywhere else.JOIN THE COMMUNITY:Join the Private Facebook group ""SpeedyFrench"" to ask questions and get feedback from me or the other French learners.LISTEN and REPEATListen to the Audio Version of this course (MP3), present in every section, to learn French on the go (in a car, in a bus, in your bed,...)READ and WRITEDownload the PDFs present in every section and take some notes so as to build your own French sentences.Read the FRENCH DELF B2 CHEAT SHEET included in this Course.Take the QUIZZESAt the end of the day, I just want to help you succeed. I hope that by providing all of these additional resources, you can learn French in a Fun and High-Quality way.This French course includes the ""Advanced Cheat Cheat to get My French DELF B2 by Christophe Daniel Ternay"" PDF file. (For the French Intermediate Level (B2) Official Exam called ""DELF B2"")Important Notice: This course is presented in English AND French. At the beginning, more English is used, so that you can learn step by step.What Students say about my Online Courses: I am only 1/4 of the way through however, what I like about the instructor is his engaging online presence and his approach to learning including little hacks for remembering words. I get the impression he is sincerely dedicated to teaching the French language in a way that it can be immediately useful to anyone wanting to learn and/or improve. (Patricia Russel) The way the instructor teaches helps the retention of all the new vocabulary. I have memorised many different phrases and I can remember what they mean, which will help me to form more sentences in different situations and tenses. Above all it has helped my pronunciation greatly. (Joy Thornton) Learning French through his courses, explanations and excercises are a great opportunity to be well motivated for further improvement. (Mine Durmaz) About the Author:He is French and fluent in English, German and Spanish.He is a graduate teacher in Teaching French for foreigners. (From the French Alliance)He is teaching French since 2015 to students from all over the world thanks to offline and online courses in Peru.That's why he knows how important it is to know exactly how to pronounce French words.How important French vocabulary is to be able to make you understand.And how important it is to quickly understand and decrypt French words in common sentences ...... So he developed this comprehensive approach to learning B2 level French based on his learning of 4 languages, the challenges faced by his Peruvian Students, his Worldwide Online courses (900 + hours) and what he studied informally: Neuroscience.What includes the course: This French Language Course includes more than 100 HD photographies so your Brain can easily link the new words with a clear image.This French course includes Quizzes that I highly recommend you to take because it is the best way to improve quickly. This French Language Course includes Pdf Flashcards that will also be very useful to take some notes during the course. This French course includes the complete Audio Version of the whole B2 French course to use it on the go.What it is NOT Specialized in: Grammar lessons and exercices (this course contains only little chunks of grammar that will help you build your own B2 LEVEL sentences quickly)This French course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You literally cant lose.Ready to get started, French learner?Enroll now using the Enroll Now button on the right, and get started on your way the French World. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, class is waiting!)CheersChris---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- French Version----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Je pense quil vaut mieux apprendre le franais en y prenant du plaisir. Et il faut noter aussi que les gens apprennent de diffrentes manires.C'est pourquoi je propose plusieurs faons d'apprendre le franais et dassimiler facilement des centaines de phrases et d'expressions de tous les jours.REGARDEZ:Regardez ce cours de franais en ligne, sur votre tlphone portable (application mobile Udemy), sur une tablette (le cours est entirement adapt sur mobile) ou sur nimporte quel ordinateur.REJOIGNEZ LA COMMUNAUT:Rejoignez le groupe priv Facebook ""SpeedyFrench"" pour poser des questions et obtenir des commentaires de moi ou des autres lves de franais.COUTEZ ET RPTEZcoutez la version audio de ce cours (MP3), prsente dans chaque section, pour apprendre le franais depuis nimporte o (dans une voiture, dans un bus, dans votre lit, ...)LIRE ET CRIRETlchargez les PDF prsents dans chaque section et prenez des notes afin de construire vos propres phrases en franais.Lisez et tudiez la feuille de triche (en anglais) intitule: ""Advanced Cheat Cheat to get your DELF B2 par Christophe Daniel Ternay"" pour vous prparer l'examen officiel de niveau intermdiaire franais B2 appel ""DELF B2""Noubliez pas les QUIZZ, ils vont vous aider mieux retenir les mots et expressions franaises.En fin de compte, je veux juste vous aider russir. J'espre qu'en fournissant toutes ces ressources supplmentaires, vous pourrez apprendre le franais de manire amusante et qualitative.Avis important: Ce cours est prsent en anglais ET en franais. Au dbut, j'utilise davantage l'anglais pour que vous puissiez apprendre pas pas.Ce que les tudiants disent de mes cours en ligne:Je ne suis cependant qu' un quart du parcours, mais ce que j'aime chez l'instructeur, c'est sa prsence en ligne attrayante et son approche de l'apprentissage, y compris des ""petits trucs"" pour se souvenir de mots. J'ai l'impression qu'il se consacre sincrement enseigner le franais de manire ce qu'il puisse tre immdiatement utile quiconque souhaite apprendre et / ou se perfectionner. (Patricia Russel) La faon dont l'instructeur enseigne aide conserver tout le nouveau vocabulaire.J'ai mmoris de nombreuses phrases diffrentes et je peux me souvenir de ce qu'elles signifient, ce qui m'aidera former plus de phrases dans des situations et des temps diffrents. Surtout cela a beaucoup aid ma prononciation. (Joy Thornton) Apprendre le franais travers ses cours, explications et exercices est une excellente occasion dtre bien motiv pour encore progresser. (Mine Durmaz) Qui est l'auteur?Il est franais et parle couramment anglais, allemand et espagnol.Il est professeur diplm par l'Alliance Franaise dans lenseignement du franais pour les trangers.Il enseigne depuis 2015 des tudiants partout dans le monde grce aux cours en prsentiel et en ligne...Cest pourquoi il sait exactement quel point il est important de bien savoir prononcer les mots franais.A quel point le vocabulaire franais est important pour pouvoir vous faire comprendre.Et combien il est primordial de pouvoir rapidement comprendre et dchiffrer les mots franais dans une phrase du quotidien... Il a donc dvelopp cette approche complte d'apprentissage du franais de niveau B2 sur la base de son apprentissage des 4 langues, des dfis rencontrs par ses tudiants au Prou, des cours Online donns dans le monde entier (plus de 900 heures) et sur ce qu'il a tudi de manire informelle: La Neuroscience.Ce que comprend le cours:Ce cours de franais comprend plus de 100 photographies HD afin que votre cerveau puisse facilement associer les nouveaux mots une image claire.Ce cours de franais comprend des quizz que je vous recommande vivement de prendre car cest le meilleur moyen de samliorer rapidement.Ce cours de franais comprend des cartes-mmoires au format pdf qui seront galement trs utiles pour prendre des notes pendant le cours.Ce cours de franais comprend la version audio complte de lensemble du cours de franais B2 utiliser lors de vos dplacements.Ce cours n'est PAS spcialis dans:La grammaire et les exercices de grammaire (ce cours ne contient que quelques fragments de grammaire qui vous aideront construire rapidement vos propres phrases en franais de niveau B2)Ce cours de franais est assorti d'une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours. Cela signifie que si vous n'tes pas compltement satisfait du cours ou de vos progrs, faites-le-moi savoir et je vous rembourserai 100%, sans poser de questions.Vous ne pouvez littralement pas perdre.Prt commencer apprendre le franais?Inscrivez-vous maintenant en utilisant le bouton Acheter ds maintenant sur la droite et lancez-vous dans le monde du franais. Ou, cliquez sur afficher un aperu de ce cours (cest gratuit), afin de savoir que vous tes sr 100% que ce cours est fait pour vous.Rendez-vous l'intrieur (faites vite, la classe attend!)Et prenez soin de vous !Chris"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Exclusive Moroccan soup the easiest way step by step" |
"Moroccan soup is a kind of famous soup in Morocco and Moroccan soup isusually served during the month of Ramadan. It is an integrated dish in terms of nutritional ancient Moroccantradition. It is full of healthy ingredients, . Moroccan soup is not a regular soup. It has a special taste and a unique way of preparation and not everyone knows how to prepare it in a good way.that's why i want to show you in this lesson a correct and quick way to prepare Moroccan soup."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker ) 2018 -EXAM Preparation Tests" |
"This Practice Test Series is intended to one of the most advanced and accurate Practice Tests with an effort to update continuously with new questions and accurate answers. Here, candidates are going to have a good amount of questions and answers to review all the chapters and crack the Certified Ethical Hacker Exam easily - obviously at their very first attempt.These practice exam questions are based on the Exam Objectives for EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam for all areas of the exam (Background, Analysis/Assessment, Security, Tools/Systems/Programs, Procedures/Methodology, Regulation/Policy, and Ethics) to help better prepare you for the real certification exam.After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and money."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Serverless en Espaol con AWS y Serverless Framework" |
"En este curso vas a aprender en tu idioma todo lo que necesitas para desarrollar aplicaciones sin servidor (Serverless).Las aplicaciones serverless son una nueva forma de desarrollar aplicaciones en la nube. La tecnologa serverless te permite en menos de 10 minutos tener un servicio desplegado en la nube y que escala automticamente y con la ventaja de no vas a tener que crear ni mantener esos servidores. Yen este curso te voy a ensear como hacerlo.Te suenan estos conceptos? Serverless, AWSLambda, infraestructura como cdigo, FaaS, funciones como servicio... Seguro que los haz escuchado por ahi, pero si no sabes que significa cada uno, en este curso lo aprenders.QU VAS A APRENDER?Este es un curso muy prctico, donde vas a aprender todos los conceptos bsicos que necesitas saber para poder desarrollar una aplicacin serverless. Aprenders sobre AWS en general, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, SQS, DynamoDB, Cloudformation, y Serverless Framework. Capaz muchas de estas palabras te sean desconocidas, pero no te preocupes al final de este curso vas a saber que significa cada una.Al final de este curso vas a ser capaz de desarrollar aplicaciones sin servidor con AWS, y adems vas a entender los conceptos bsicos de serverless. Con esto te va a ser muy sencillo poder seguir aprendiendo esta tecnologa en cursos ms avanzados.Al final del curso adems vas a tener una aplicacin serverless usando muchos servicios de AWS que podrs usar como referencia para futuros proyectos. Esta aplicacin adems de ser 100% serverless va a ser 100%desarrollada como infraestructura como cdigo.CMO ESTA ORGANIZADO EL CURSO?En este curso vamos a desarrollar juntos una aplicacin sin servidor, vamos a ir construyendo paso a paso la aplicacin y mientras te voy a ir explicando todo lo que necesitas saber para poder desarrollar esta aplicacin y otras. Espero que pauses el curso y desarrolles esta aplicacin al mismo tiempo que yo!El curso est organizado en siete secciones, donde cada una se centra en explicar un concepto grande y varios ms pequeos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Sketchup ile Mimari Modelleme Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs sonunda Sketchup ile Mimari Modelleme eitimini tamamlam ve aada ki tm zellikleri renmi olacaksnz.Neler reneceiz?Autocad Projesini temizlemeAutocad zerinden Sketchup'a proje aktarmProje Modellemenemli Sketchup ksayollarSketchup ile plan zerinden tasarmDetayl at modellemePencere ve Kap ModellemeCephe TasarmSve yapmLumion 9 ve Photoshop ile birlikte render alma.Fotoraf zerinden l Alarak Prefabrik Ev Modelleme Mekan Dahil (Detayl)Prefabrik Ev modelleme (YEN EKLENEN DERS)Prefabrik Ev Mekan Modelleme (YEN EKLENEN DERS)Prefabrik Ev Mutfak Modelleme (YEN EKLENEN DERS)Bu blmleri rendikten sonra Sketchup ile mimari projeleri modelleyebilir, vray bilginiz var ise render alabilir ve sunum yapabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop ve Sketchup Mimari Kat Plan Modelleme" |
"Sketchup & Photoshop ile kat plan modelleme eitimi serisi;BU KURS LE BRLKTE; Ders ieriimizde kullanlan tm proje dosyalar, kat plan tefrileri de cretsiz olarak kursiyerlere verilmektedir.BU KURS SONUNDA; Sketchup ile Mimari kat plan Modelleme eitimini tamamlam ve aada ki tm zellikleri renmi olacaksnz.Neler reneceiz?Autocad Projesini temizlemeAutocad zerinden Sketchup'a proje aktarm2DKat plan modellemeye giriVray Render motoru ile kat plan render alnmasPhotoshop'a aktarmaPhotoshop ile tefrileri yerletirmeMetraj ve llendirmeyi ilemeBu blmleri rendikten sonra Sketchup ile tm mimari kat plan projelerini modelleyebilir, photoshop ile kat plan renklendirmelerini yapabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aumenta la tua produttivit" |
"Ecco come anche tu puoi scoprire come diventare e rimanere sempre pi concentrato aumentando cos facendo la produttivit lavorativa e non. Impara le migliori strategie per aumentare la Produttivitlavorativa e personale, in maniera semplice. Seguendo tutti i passaggi che ti elencher nel corso sarai pi produttivo del 40% nel giro di 30 giorni e non te ne renderai nemmeno conto di avere ancora tantissimo margine. Tira fuori le tue capacit nascoste"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dai a Google quello che Google vuole" |
"Verrai a conoscenza di tutto quello che un motore di ricerca desidera dauna pagina o un post.Le nozioni che troverai sono alla portata di tutti e non servono programmi pesanti e complicati da capireIl Video corso adatto a tutti, ma sopratutto a chi agli inizi o per chi non riesce a trovare i risultati che sperava"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Come creare i tuoi Infoprodotti da vendere e far vendere" |
"Crearti la tua flotta di Infoprodotti non mai stato cos semplice, trucchi e strategie innovative e semplici per crearti la tua flotta di manuali da vendere e far vendere ai tuoi affiliati. Imparerai passo passo tutti i segreti per realizzare e vendere i tuoi Infoprodotti o manuali digitali. Se hai una particolare esperienza e competenza in un campo specifico e sai che le tue capacit possono essere utili anche ad altri non esitare e impara come aiutarli."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Managing Stress for a Better Life" |
"Are you suffering from stress? Or know someone who is, and really want to help?Then this course is for you!MODULE 1: What is Stress?Topics covered: What is Stress? When is Stress an Issue? What are the Effects of Stress? What Causes Stress? Types of StressMODULE 2: Stress and Change Topics covered: The Biggest Driver of Stress is Change The Holmes-Rahe Test Managing Situational Stress Anticipating Change MODULE 3: Money Troubles Topics covered: Money Troubles Keeping Up with the Joness The Reality of Wealth The Three Levels of Sufficiency Financial Setbacks Long Term Stress and Saving Finance and Relationships MODULE 4: Health and Lifestyle Topics covered: Health and Lifestyle Exercise Sleep Diet and Nutrition Stress and Addiction MODULE 5: Interactivity and Support Topics covered: Bottling Things Up is Bad for You Your Support Network Friends and Family Outside Resources MODULE 6: Time and Obligations Topics covered: Stress and Time Setting Goals Planning for Future Stress Work/Life Balance No Downtime Always on the Go! Wrap UpMODULE 7: Fun and Relaxation Topics covered: Fun and Relaxation Planning for Fun Try Something New STOP 21 Days To Form a Habit No backsliding MODULE 8: Setting Goals and Planning for the Future Topics covered: SMART Goals The Three Ps The Four As Achieving Your Personal Goals"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |