Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Practical Anger Management: Manage the Anger in You & Others" |
"Are you suffering from anger issues? Or know someone who is, and need to deal with it?Then this course is for you!MODULE 1: What is Anger?This module contains:The Long Term Effects of AngerTypes of AngerTriggersWhat Causes Anger?Fight or FlightWhat is Anger?MODULE 2: Angry VolcanosThis module contains:How to Spot a VolcanoThe IntimidatorThe InterrogatorWhat Are Angry Volcanos?MODULE 3: Bottling up Your AngerThis module contains:SummaryHow to Recognise a Black HoleThe DistancerThe Winder UpperThe VictimBottling up Your Anger - Being a Black HoleMODULE 4: Controlling Your AngerThis module contains:Controlling Anger: Using THINKImproving your CommunicationLong Term Anger ManagementControlling your OutburstsAbout Controlling your AngerMODULE 5: Anger and CommunicationThis module contains:6 Steps to Communicating When AngryWhy You Express AngerThe Three Components of CommunicationExpressing AngerMODULE 6: Dealing with Angry PeopleThis module contains:Anger is OK but Bad Behaviour is NotSelf-Preservation when Dealing with Anger in OthersCoping Strategies - The SOFTEN AcronymAbout Dealing with Angry PeopleMODULE 7: Using Anger for Positive OutcomesThis module contains:Channelling Your AngerThe Yerkes-Dodson CurveUsing Anger to Motivate YouCan Anger Be Positive?MODULE 8: Assertiveness, Negotiation and ControlThis module contains:Staying in ControlNegotiationGoal SettingBe Assertive, Not Aggressive"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"English Language/Grammar - HOW and WHEN to use Conditionals" |
"When you are having a conversation, do you try NOT to use conditionals? Do you prefer to think of a different way to explain what you are trying to say? This can make it more confusing and difficult and you have to think of more vocabulary, which makes your sentence become longer and you start to make mistakes with grammar and tenses.You can learn the RIGHT way to use conditionals - in the right situation, with the right tenses - by doing this comprehensive course on English Grammar Conditionals. You will learn to speak better and explain yourself clearly by learning about theZero, First, Second and Third Conditionals understand the grammar forms and, more importantly, know when to use them! This course will teach you the grammar structure and show you examples that will demonstrate how the conditional is used in everyday conversations and also includes a practice quiz to ensure that you have learned the rules correctly."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Piano for the Absolute Beginner" |
"In this course, instructor Louis Jones will teach the basic concepts that are necessary to play the piano. This course is designed for the adult and/or child beginner pianist. The instructor will slowly guide the student through each section and song. As a result, students will be able to understand the ""music language"" and be able to quickly learn songs.The course is divided into 10 sections:Pattern of Black keys on the PianoFinger NumbersHigh and Low soundsChopsticks and Forks (Note Names)Dog House (Note Names)Grandma's house (Note Names)Note names testHalf step and Whole stepC Major ScaleBlack Keys (Note names)In addition, the pianist will learn how to play 12 songs:Mary had a little LambEye of the Tiger (Survivor)Twinkle Twinkle Little StarHappy BirthdayAmazing Grace (John Newton)ABC (Jackson 5)Uptown Funk - Easy (Bruno Mars)Fur Elise (Beethoven)Peanuts theme Song (Guaraldi)Ode to Joy (Beethoven)Uptown funk - intermediate (Bruno Mars)Minuet in G (Bach)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Data Science for AI and Machine Learning Using Python" |
"Becoming Data Science professional (Data Scientist) is a long journey and need guidance fromseasoned Data Science professional (Chief Data Scientist). We are trying to manage the journey such a way that you learn right skills and in theright way. The whole concepts of the course areto make you ready for Data Science projects, mainly in Machine learning and AI projects. You will learn1. Foundation of Machine learning2. Supervised Machine learning - Regression3. Supervised Machine learning - Classifications4. Unsupervised Machine learning (Clustering, KNN, PCA)5. Text Analytics6. Time Series"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.0 Basic to Advance with Python" |
"As a practitioner of Deep Learning, I am trying to bring many relevant topics under one umbrella in the following topics. Deep Learning has been most talked about for the last few years and the knowledge has been spread across multiple places.1. The content (80% hands-on and 20% theory) will prepare you to work independently on Deep Learning projects2. Foundation of Deep Learning TensorFlow 2.x3. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Regression (2 models)4. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Classifications (2 models)5. Use Convolutional Neural Net (CNN) for Image Classifications (5 models)6. CNN with Image Data Generator7. Use Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for Sequence data (3 models)8. Transfer learning9. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)10. Hyperparameters Tuning11. How to avoid Overfitting12. Best practices for Deep Learning and Award-winning Architectures"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Data Science for AI and Machine Learning Using R" |
"Becoming Data Science professional (Data Scientist) is a long journey and need guidance fromseasoned Data Science professional (Chief Data Scientist). We are trying to manage the journey such a way that you learn right skills and in theright way. The whole concepts of the course areto make you ready for Data Science projects, mainly in Machine learning and AI projects. You will learn1. Foundation of Machine learning2. Supervised Machine learning - Regression3. Supervised Machine learning - Classifications4. Unsupervised Machine learning (Clustering, KNN, PCA)5. Text Analytics6. Time Series7. RShiny"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"AI, Basic Statistics, Basic Python, Basic R, ML (Overview)" |
"The AI world is too big to comprehend. The AI has been most talked about for last few years and the knowledge has been spread across multiple places. As practitioner of AI, I am trying to bring many relevant topics under one umbrella in following topics.1. Various terms used under the umbrella of AI2. Understand and use Basic Statistics (90% hands on and 10% theory)3. Basic Python (90% hands on and 10% theory)4. Basic R (90% hands on and 10% theory)5. Will able to understand the various terms used under the umbrella of Machine learning (ML)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Create Custom Animated Vectors (SVGs) for VideoScribe" |
"VideoScribe is software you can use to create a whiteboard animation, which have become very popular recently for creating explainer videos. In this class Im going to teach you how to create your own animated vector images to use in VideoScribe.We will be using Adobe Illustrator and Videoscribe, and this class assumes you have some working knowledge of each piece of software.You will learn how to use an existing or purchased vector image or create one of your own, then set it up for animation in VideoScrbe. You will also learn how to add color, how to make the elements of the drawing appear in a specific order, and a few different options on how to have the color load on the page. I will also show you how to modify vectors from VideoScribes library of images."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Use VideoScribe for Whiteboard Animations" |
"In this class you will learn the basics of how Videoscribe Animations work. You will get step-by-step instructions on how to build your own whiteboard explainer video or animation.Youll learn how to:Place or import images and textUse the timeline and set the cameraUse drawing options and filtersUse the hand effectAdd music and voiceoversSave and publish your scribeOnce you have completed the class, you will have all the skills you need to build an animation from scratch!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easily Build A WordPress Website - Avada Theme" |
"Wordpress is a very powerful, very popular content management system (also called a CMS) that allows you to build a powerful website using plugins, built-in features, theme, and even a page builder. Wordpress is older than Twitter and Facebook and has more than 50,000 free plugins available for you to use in building your sites. In this class, we will review what WordPress is and how it works, and why you should use it to build your website. Then, I will show you how to download and use one of the most popular WordPress themes, Avada. It's a highly customizable and very easy to use theme that will allow you to easily build a professional and original WordPress website.I will review every Avada Theme option, including global options that will allow you to update elements of the site from one location, and on-page options that will allow you to override the global options for that one particular page.Avada is an amazingly powerful and customizable theme that will allow you to build a beautiful website with tons of built in features that will make your website eye-catching and professional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 Hour Wordpress Web Design - Build a site with no coding!" |
"Want to build a website yourself but don't have a lot of time or know-how?Then thisis the perfect class for you!In this class you will be taken step-by-step through how to:Search for and register your domain name/website addressHow to setup basic hosting for your websiteHow to install WordPress onto your hosting platformHow to preview then install a FREE WordPress themeThen once all that is setup, I will show you how to use Beaver Builder, the page builder that comes with the free theme we use in the class. Beaver Builder is SUPER easy to use as it has a drag-and-drop interface and comes setup with templates you can use to start your page, various elements you can drop onto you page to setup galleries or your social profile links. You're going to love it!You will also learn how to:Customize your website color schemeUpload your own logoSelect fonts to use in your designModify your menu and add new pages to itEdit the elements in your footer and copyright areaView and edit content in the site widgetsHow to view and use stock images in your site designHow to add and edit slideshows and galleries on your siteThis is gonna be great!You will truly learn how to doeverything it takes to build out your website in just an hour!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bioestimulacin con plasma rico en plaquetas. Aprende rapido" |
"Curso destinado a los profesionales de la salud que desean aprender a realizar el PRP (plasma rico en plaquetas) para cualquier aplicacin medica y primordialmente para bioestimulacin.Se demuestra la aplicacin de la bioestimulacin con tcnica Nappage y con Derma Roller.Finalmente se da un par de Pro Tips para comenzar a ganar dinero con la bioestimulacin con PRP si no se cuenta con una centrifuga para obtener el PRP o no se desea extraer la sangre manualmente.Curso fcil y rpido para las personas que ya tienen practica en las areas de la salud.Se trata de un curso de alta demanda y bien pagado que ademas no es de alta especialidad por ser mnimamente invasivo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de programao em C para iniciantes" |
"Aprenda a linguagem C desde o incio. Ser mostrado conceitos e fundamentos da linguagem e algoritmos bsicos.Com este curso voc aprender a programar, a construir algoritmos estruturados simples e realizar tarefas comuns.Se voc est iniciando no mundo da programao, iniciando uma faculdade ou curso ligado a rea de programao, este curso perfeito para voc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Boto3 Cookbook Chapter 1" |
"Here is the first chapter to get you started with Python and Boto3. We start with how Boto3 works and then move to the different connection methods with a live demonstration of each in IPython. We end the chapter with your first python boto3 script. Each chapter has a hands on section to get you comfortable with Python and Boto3."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Boto3 Cookbook Chapter 2" |
"In this course we will do 5 projects. We will loop through EC2 Instances in AWS and find running/stopped instances. We will create custom tags for AWS Instances. We will create AMIimages for a backup of your EC2 Instances. We will make an APIcall to HackerNews and grab the top 10 articles and insert them into a DynamoDB Table. Our last project I will show you how to incorporate boto3 into a slack chatbot app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Boto3 Cookbook Chapter 3" |
"In this chapter we work on one big project. We create a data conversion factory(ETL Pipeline) in AWS. We start by uploading a CSV file to S3, then a trigger event sends a notification to a Lambda Function that picks up the file and converts the file to a python object, then the Lambda function sends it to a DynamoDB table."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Training on Linux System Administration" |
"Linux is the best operating system for the corporate enterprise and it powers over 80% of worlds digital devices.If you dont know Linux System Administration as ab IT Professional, then youre leaving a lot of money on the table, while also denying yourself the joy of one of the best fulfilling career there is today. If you are considering a career change, Linux System Administration is the only wing in the field of IT that can guarantee your immediate employability within a few months of training, while opening you up to other advanced skills in the field of IT, because you will have the opportunity to work with diverse professionals along the line of your duty. The going salary for this kind of skill is far more for entry level than any other field, this is according to the recent Indeed data. And demand for Linux System Admin isnt letting up, and you have a unique opportunity now with this Linux System Admin course to add an incredibly demanding skillset to your own repertoire.If you want to start your career in Linux System Administration and you have little or no knowledge of the system, then this Linux System Admin course is for you. IN this course I take you through the Linux System Administration in a walkthrough approach, which is purely hands-on. You will learn Linux Server Installation, Configuration, Administration, Troubleshooting, Command Line, Firewall, Security, Cloud Deployment and much more with detailed explanation and hands-on.In addition to the lecture videos, there are quizzes and hands-on materials you can download and use just the way it I used in the live classroom trainings.As a coach and teacher, my students are my first priority, thus, all my courses are created as walk-throughs that you can pick up and start using right away. This course, Linux System Admin, has been created to accommodate a wide range of learning styles.I am quick to respond to messages, therefore, if any topic is unclear, all you have to do is send a message with the topic and your questions and you will get response within 24hours.I look forward to helping you achieve your learning objective with this Linux System Admin and hopefully getting that dreamed job.SAMUEL OJOCoach/Instructor"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"MS Excel 2019 - Data Analysis, BI, Formulas and Functions" |
"The use of Excel is widespread in every industry. It is a very powerful data analysis tool and almost all big and small businesses use Excel in their day to day functioning. This Microsoft Excel course has been designed to give you a working knowledge of Excel and its numerous add-ons and functions, with the aim of getting to use it for more advance topics in Business Statistics and Intelligence as you may be required to do in your work life.The course is designed keeping in mind three kinds of learners those who are totally new to Excel, those who have very little functional knowledge of Excel and those who use Excel regularly but at a peripheral level and wish to enhance their skills. The course takes you from basic operations such as reading data into excel using various data formats, organizing and manipulating data, to some of the more advanced functionality of Excel, such as PowerPivot, data model, data sources, business intelligence, etc. All along, Excel functionality is introduced using easy to understand examples which are demonstrated in a way that learners can become comfortable in understanding and applying them.To successfully complete course assignments, students must have access to a Laptop or PC and Microsoft Excel 2019. This course uses Microsoft Excel 2019. You can obtain a free copy from Microsofts website.The ability to analyze data is a powerful skill that can enhance your career while helping you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and business intelligence and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.In this course, you will learn how to perform data analysis using Excels most popular features. You will learn how to create pivot tables from a range with rows and columns in Excel. You will see the power of Excel pivots in action and their ability to summarize data in flexible ways, enabling quick exploration of data and producing valuable insights from the accumulated data.Pivots are used in many different industries by millions of users who share the goal of reporting the performance of companies and organizations. In addition, Excel formulas can be used to aggregate data to create meaningful reports. To complement, pivot charts and slicers can be used together to visualize data and create easy to use dashboards.I hope this course makes you proficient and helps increase your productivity with Excel."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Success with Email Marketing" |
"If youwant to becomesuccessfulwithEmail Marketingyou willappreciate this training course! Youwill learn thestrategiesthat work for us and that we have used to build Email Marketing campaigns for a lot successful campaigns! Join this course today to master Email marketing Solution with MailChimp and start to profit from building an email list! TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantlyas updates roll out).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Master the platform MailChimp and learn the Email Marketing strategies I implement for clients daily!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Pentest, Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security" |
"Gain the ability to do ethical hacking and penetration testing by taking this course! Get answers from an experienced IT expert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course including installing Kali Linux, installing Metasploitable, installing Windows, How to use Virtual Machine Workstation or Oracle VirtualBox, basics of Linux and Distributions, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, cracking wifi, aircrack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, known vulnerabilities, SQL injections, cracking Linux passwords, and much much more topics that are added regularly! If you are not sure weather you should take this course or not, here are three significant questions you can use to make the final decision!Do you want to learn how to penetrate networks, exploit systems, break into computers, and compromise routers?Do you want to use the valuable skills to work for companies that want you to use these skills to test their network security and show them to enhance it?How would you feel if you could apply these skills to what you already know to greatly advance your career as a network specialist, network administrator, or freelancer online?If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, I would guess that you will surely or might enjoy this course. If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. I can guess the odds of you enjoying this course are very high! Thank you very much for reading all of this! and I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Apache Web Server: Deployment and Security - Hands-On" |
"Apache Web Server focuses on teaching you how to do the job of deploying a web server on linux server for your organization or your clients, both on-premises and in the cloud. You will learn by doing as this course takes a walk-through approach.You will learn a lot of valuable skills with this training course - apache web server, some of which are, how to build and secure apache web server, deploying a firewall for access and ports control, deploying WordPress Website, and including a bonus chapter on Apache Web Server Deployment on Google Cloud Platform.In addition to the lecture videos, there are quizzes and hands-on materials you can download and use just the way I used in the live classroom training.As a coach and teacher, my students are my first priority, thus, all my courses are created as walk-throughs that you can pick up and start using right away. This course, Apache Web Server Deployment and Security, has been created to accommodate a wide range of learning styles.I am quick to respond to messages, therefore, if any topic is unclear, all you have to do is send a message with the topic and your questions and you will get response within 24hours.I look forward to helping you achieve your learning objective with this Apache Web Server Training Course and hopefully getting that promotion or a switch.SAMUEL OJOCoach/Instructor"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn Ubuntu Desktop: Start Using Linux Today" |
"In this Ubuntu Desktop training, you will learn all about Linux and how it is easy to use compared to other operating system out there. And you will see why you should dump that windows for Ubuntu Desktop Linux.You will learn how to perform installation of Ubuntu Desktop from USB drive on a partition just in case you want dualboot with windows. You will learn how to take it for a spin in a virtual environment. You will learn how to perform all tasks you usually perform on your current operating system.You will also learn how to become an anonymous internet user, protecting yourself online while maintaining privacy the way you want. You may think that Windows is easy to use and Linux is hard. Thats a misconception and you will soon see why in this course. No doubt, windows is widely used and people are already familiar with it, so most people think its easier than other operating systems and thus maintain the status quo by not trying out other operating systems.Study have found that many people who have never used computer before think Ubuntu Desktop, which is a user-friendly Linux distribution is easier that Windows after they are provided with a Ubuntu computer and a Windows computer.Linux is a community-driven project, when you dont understand something, all you do is search google and there you will be presented with answer the way you need it.Linus is clean and clutter-free. On Linux, you dont see advertisement pop out. Software on Ubuntu Linux isnt adware. When you installed a software on Ubuntu Linux, you dont have worry about installing a third-party toolbar, plugin or that kind of stuff, things windows is popular for. Ubuntu Desktop environments such as Unity, Gnome, KDE are designed in a clean way.Ubuntu Desktop is very customizable. You are free to customize Ubuntu Desktop the way you want and let it behave however you seem fit. If you dont like a desktop environment, all you do is install another one. Its fun and cool to tweak to your liking. You can even legally build your own version of Linux and distribute to the world.Linux is Open Source: This is the beauty of Ubuntu Linux and Linux Operating Systems in general. Open source means every one can download the source code, have a look at it or modify it. This also means you have full control of Linux and theres no backdoor or spying software on Linux. Another awesome feature is that theres no mandatory updates. You only update when you want to without some pop up forcing you or restarting your machine on you. When you are using Microsoft operating system, you are not in control of your computer and you dont know how many spyware are running on your system.Linux is a very robust operating system, it can run continuously for many years and doesnt have a problem. You may choose not shutdown this operating system for months and it wont crash, showing you some bluescreen.99% of the time, Ubuntu Desktop Linux doesnt require a reboot after updates to software or editing settings. In comparison, every time you change computer name in Windows, you have restart.Ubuntu Desktop can run on a very minimum resource system, meanwhile, windows cannot run smoothly on a system unless you have a 4GB Ram and something like that, Linux on the other hand can run smoothly on a 1GB RAM and will still be faster than any windows machine. This means you dont have to worry about changing hardware for incompability.Ubuntu Desktop is very secure, most of us Linux users dont install anti-virus software since the Ubuntu Desktop Linux itself is very secure out of the box. To this day, theres no virus known to pose a threat to Linux system. All that Trojan horse virus, worm, spyware, malware etc that target windows system have no effect on Ubuntu Desktop Linux.Finally, Ubuntu Desktop is FREE. If you do a clean install of Windows 10 Home, you will spend $119.99. Window 10 Pro costs $199. And any upgrade cost about $99. All these costs are not present in Ubuntu Desktop Linux. And you can install on as many system as you may want to use.As a coach and teacher, my students are my first priority, thus, all my courses are created as walk-throughs that you can pick up and start using right away. This course, Ubuntu Desktop, has been created to accommodate a wide range of learning styles.I am quick to respond to messages, therefore, if any topic is unclear, all you have to do is send a message with the topic and your questions and you will get response within 24hours.I look forward to helping you achieve your learning objective with this Ubuntu Desktop Training Course and hopefully getting to switch from the current operating system to Linux and enjoy the freedom.SAMUEL OJOCoach/Instructor"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Inbound Marketing 101" |
"Inbound Marketing is a key to leveraging the power of theInternet in order to drive business growth. It's what enables you to attract your audience to you, to generate leads, to nurture your leads and ultimately convert them into clients and customers. It is the magic sauce that fills your conversion funnel.By implementing inbound principles in your business, you will learn how to:Attract morevisitors to your websiteGenerate more leads from visitorsConvert moreleads into more customersIncrease customer retentionBottom line...Inbound Marketing will help you achieve:More CustomersMore SalesMore RevenueThis course will give you all the principles you need to understand about how to implement Inbound Marketing in your business.Course Overview:Introduction to Inbound Marketing: Understand what it is and how it works. Create Content Offers that Convert: Learn how to create content that will resonate with your audience and provide them with helpful support that they need. Create content that prompts your online audience to visit your website and request the content, at which pointthey become your leads, which you can then nurture and convert.Build an Effective Landing Page: In order to convert your site visitors into leads, you need a landing page that will make them want to enter in their information and access the content offer you've developed for them. Don't let them miss out on your great content because your landing page isn't effective.Create Opt-in Forms that convert: Without the right opt-in form, visitors may refuse to enter their email information on your website, thus costing you a lead. Learn to create forms that will convert.Build an Effective Thank-You Page: This is the first step in your lead nurturing. Now that you have a lead's contact information, you need to greet them and start building a deeper relationships. An effective thank-you page will help you do that.Write Blogs that Attract Your Audience: Blogging is a powerful way to attract your audience to your website, engage them with helpful free content, and then lead them to your landing page, where they can access your content offer and become a lead. There IS a right way to blog. I'll show you how.Create Compelling Calls-to-Action: Calls-to-Action(CTA's) are a crucial component for getting your site visitors to go to your landing page and access the content offer you've created. Learn how to create them and where to put them.Drive Traffic with SocialMedia: Learn how to craft social media posts that will attract your audience to your blogs, landing pages, and other places on your website.Nurture Your Leads: Lead nurturing is where most conversions happen. This is how you build trust and deepen relationships with your leads. Ultimately this is how you convert them into customers."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Strategy SIMPLIFIED" |
"Social Media Marketing...Do you waste time thinking about what to post and when to post it?Are you lacking a clear strategy?Are you unsure about how to manage your social media efficiently?If so, you're in the right place.Creating a solid social media strategy is as simple as 1-2-3.By implementing a WELL-MANAGED SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGYinto your business, you will learn how to:Stop wasting time on social mediaKnow what to post on social media and whySpend time in the right activitiesDevelop a content strategy quickly and easilyDeliver great customer service easilyManage your social media in just 4-6 hours a monthThis course will introduce you to the proven systemsthat have helped hundreds of businesses use social media effectively.Course Overview:Introduction to Social Media Strategy SIMPLIFIED:Get an overview of what you'll learn in this course.Social Strategy:Discover the 3-step process that works for every business every time to create a solid social media strategy.Content Management:Understand what types of content you need and how to easily find or create that content and turn it into usable resources for your social media channels.Engagement and Social Care:Aplan to engage with and serve your audience is an essential part of a successful social media strategy. Learn how to implement one easily and efficiently.Four Steps to Social Media Management:Learn how to follow 4 simple steps you can repeat over and over again in order to manage your social media in 4 hours a month (or less)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Multi-Media Mastery" |
"You know you needimagesandvideos for yoursocial media, but you don't know how to create them.Right? You need... SOCIAL MULTI-MEDIA MASTERY!Multi-Media contentis the most powerful content you can share on social media toengage youraudience,drive traffic,increase conversions, andgenerate big results.Learn how to create IMAGES, VIDEOS and INFOGRAPHICS in this online training program.In a series of detailed video tutorials, here's what you'll learn:Where tosource contentto use in your multi-mediaHow touse multi-media effectivelyon social mediaHow tocreate social imageswith:StencilCanvaPicMonkeyHow tocreate videoswith:AnimotoRipliMovieMovie MakerHow tocreate infographicswith PiktochartHow touse SlideSharefor sharing multi-media presentationsHow touse YouTubefor sharing videos"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Ads 101" |
"Social media ads are one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways to generate more leads and convert more customers.But if you're not careful, they can cost you a lot of money and waste a lot of time.InSocial Media Ads 101, learn how torun effective ad campaigns that will work within your budget and generate big results.In a series of detailed video tutorials, here's what you'll learn:How towrite effectivead copyHow to write headlines that convertHow to use images in your adsHow to test ads so you don't lose moneyHow to run ads on Facebook (including using pixels and custom audiences)How to run ads on TwitterHow to run ads on LinkedInHow to run ads on InstagramDon't wait another day to start puttingsocial media adsto work for you."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Instagram How-To Guide" |
"Gain the technical knowledge you need to start using Instagram for business.In a series of detailed how-to video tutorials, here's what you'll learn:How to create an InstagramaccountHow to switch to a Business Instagram accountHow toconnect and engage on InstagramHow to create an Instagram adHow to tag products on InstagramHow to gather Instagram insightsIt also includes a BONUSsegment on how to plan your social media strategy in 3 easy steps.Don't wait another day to start puttingInstagramto work for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn How-To Guide" |
"Gain the technical knowledge you need to useLinkedIn for business.In a series of detailed how-to video tutorials, here's what you'll learn:How tooptimize your LinkedIn profileHow to setup a LinkedIn company pageHow toconnect with your audienceHow to find and engage with companies and groupsTagging, newsfeed and notificationsHow to use the mobile appHow to create adsHow to gather insightsBonus: Learn how to plan your social media strategy in 3 simple steps.Don't wait another day to start puttingLinkedInto work for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Twitter How-To Guide" |
"Gain the technical knowledge you need to useTwitter for business.In a series of detailed how-to video tutorials, here's what you'll learn:How to create aTwitter profileHow tofind and follow your audience on TwitterHow tocreate and engage in Twitter listsHow to set and respond to notificationsHow to use the mobile appHow to create adsHow to gather insightsBONUS: Learn how to plan your social media strategy in 3 simple steps.Don't wait another day to start puttingTwitterto work for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Facebook How-To Guide" |
"Gain the technical knowledge you need to use Facebook for business.In a series of detailed how-to video tutorials, here's what you'll learn:How to create a Facebook pageHow to like a Facebook page as your pageHow to engage as your Facebook pageHow to create and engage in groupsHow to set and review notificationsHow to use the mobile appHow to create ads (including use of the Facebook pixel and creating custom audiences)How to gather insightsBONUS: Learn how to plan your social media strategy in 3 simple steps.Don't wait another day to start puttingFACEBOOKto work for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business Foundations: What You Do, Who You Serve, and Why" |
"ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO MAKE MONEY IN YOUR NEW BUSINESS? How can you turn your talents and passions into a business that makes you money?That's what you'll learn in this program.The course will take you through a soul-searching process to get to the core of your purpose in life and how you can serve others. Then it will take you through evaluative exercises to help you define what exactly it is that you want to do and who exactly it is that you want to serve.In this program, you will discover:Your core purpose: the why that drives you, and how you are meant to show up in the worldThe tribe of people you are meant to serve: who and where they are, what they do, and what they need from youYour core offerings: what you can do to provide solutions for the people you serveYour story: what sets you apart from everyone and everything elseYour goals: the dreams for the future that drive you and the detailed goals to achieve measurable business growth over the next 12 monthsDon't allow your lack of clarity to hold you back. Go through these timeless and proven processes to get clear on these core elements of your business.Everything you'll learn in this program will give you the foundation you need for business success.Get Clear. Get Moving. Get Results."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |