Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Leverage Your Impact for Profit Bootcamp" |
"You want to make a BIG impact in the world with the work you do, but you don't know how to increase your impact. You want to take your business to the next level, but you just don't know how to get there...without having another 24 hours in the day.What if you could actuallydoubleortripleyour monthly income while working less...and multiply yourpositive impactin the world at the same time?YOUCAN!LEVERAGE IS NOT ABOUT CREATING SOMETHING NEW.IT'S ABOUT TAKING WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE AND DELIVERING IT IN A NEW WAY. When you join this program, you'll have a blueprint to growth success. This blueprint includes everything you need to know in order to move through a 3-stage journey to launch your leveraged program.Stage 1: PlanGain all the knowledge you need in order to create and launch the Leverage Program that is completely right for you. That includes:Understanding where you are in your business growth journeyIdentifying the three types of income and how they work togetherDefining your leverage personalityClarifying your leveraging purposeStage 2: CreatePut your plan into action and create your program. This includes:Organizing program componentsCreating program contentDeveloping supplemental assetsPricing your program effectivelyStage 3: LaunchGet all the support you need so you can launch your leveraged program successfully. This includes:Campaignassets, visual creative, and text copyMarketing, lead generation, and sales strategiesImplementation readinessTechnology support toolsARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM MORE LIVES IN LESS TIME FOR MORE PROFIT?GET STARTED NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"0 to 1" |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------BitTigerBitTigerBitTiger Facebook---------------------------------------------------------------------BitTiger10------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Udemy----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Python |
"Python - ---------------------------------------------------------------------BitTigerBitTigerBitTigerFacebook---------------------------------------------------------------------PythonPythonWeb---------------------------------------------------------------------Python---------------------------------------------------------------------PythonbashJSONCSVAnacondaSQLNumpyMatplotlibScikitJupyter Notebook---------------------------------------------------------------------PythonNumpyPandasMatPlotlibScikitJupyter NotebookPython------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
JavaScriptWeb |
"JavaScriptJavaScriptWebJavaScriptWebWeb - ---------------------------------------------------------------------BitTigerBitTigerBitTiger Facebook---------------------------------------------------------------------JavascriptWebJavascriptJavascriptnode.js.---------------------------------------------------------------------Javascript---------------------------------------------------------------------JavascriptJavaScript For loop and if/else statements Web callbacksasynchronous programming DOMReactWeb---------------------------------------------------------------------JavascriptJavaScriptWeb---------------------------------------------------------------------Javascript---------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
jtgvanky |
"BitTiger---------------------------------------------------------------------BitTigerBitTigerBitTiger Facebook--------------------------------------------------------------------- O2O--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------1 - PythonNumpyScikit-LearnPandasLogisticK-Means2 - +SVMbootstrap3 - +K---------------------------------------------------------------------Python-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Vegan Crash Course" |
"A six-part educational resource for anyone with questions, or who is interested in veganism.We will take you through topics such as:what veganism is and why it's trendingwhat foods to eat and how to prepare themsmall changes with bigenvironmental impactthemistreatmentofanimals and how you can make a differencea peek intoyour cleaning suppliesan in-depth look at daily-use productsand,what to wear without hurting anyone!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Build a Cost Effective Exposure Unit" |
"Screen Printing is used on so many products that we use every day, from our coffee mugs, our favorite t-shirts, posters, and stickers. Nearly everyone wears t-shirts and other printed apparel.Screen printing is a fun creative, and rewarding business. Anyone with a passion for art and design will do great! If you have a garage, semi-finished basement or even a spare bedroom, you have the potential of being a screen printer. With a basic knowledge of the process and a little practice, you can start a new business. I've been screen printing for the past 10 years, and it's been great to me! In this class, I will be taking you through my process of Building a cost-effective exposure unit out of PVC pipes. What You'll LearnTools & MaterialsAssembling The Exposure unitAttaching the LightCompleted exposure unitCorrect Exposuretime for the unitHow to use theexposure unitWe will be going through the entire process with all the necessary steps. the class will finish with us completing the class project. This class is aimed at beginners and even intermediate students. looking to learn another approach toBuilding a cost-effectiveexposure unit.I hope you check out my class and let me know what you think!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to build and design your own website" |
"In this we are going to walk through every step you will need to take in order to get your website from an idea in your head, to real life! Walk through every step you will need to take, from purchasing and setting up website hosting, building your dream website, and even optimising for Google so your lovely clients can find you!Whether you are taking this course because you don't have the budget to hire a web designer, or maybe you just want to learn a little more about Wordpress to make changes to your existing site, we go over all the basics so you will feel perfectly comfortable on Wordpress."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Budgeting - Learn The Primary Skill To Master Your Money Now" |
"Are you struggling to take control of your finances?Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to managing your money?Want to make your finances work hard for you, not the other way around?If you said yes to any of thesequestions, then you need to take this budgeting course.Budgeting is such a crucial part of Mastering Your Money. However, it is not something that is taught in schools, universities or in the workplace. If budgeting hasn't been taught to us, then how are people meant to understand it?In this eight part video series let Chris Carlin, financial planner anddirector of Master Your Money Now, teach you how to create a budget and apply it in your day to day life. Chris has been teaching andhelping everyday people just like you for over seven years take control of their finances so they can life the lifestyle they want to live.This course includes a Excelbudgeting template which is easy to use and modify to your personal circumstances.If you have never been taught how to budget, or you want to make your financesthis course is for you.Want to get your finances in shape so you can live the life you want to live? Subscribe to this course today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"La questione glutine da tempo al centro dellattenzione generale. Sta aumentando in modo esponenziale il numero di soggetti che, anche in et adulta, si scoprono affetti da celiachia una patologia legata ad una predisposizione genetica che influisce sul sistema immunitario. Ultimamente cresce anche il numero di soggetti aventi sintomi simili alla celiachia, ma che non hanno la predisposizione genetica n presentano danni alle mucose intestinali.Questo disturbo stato identificato con il nome di gluten sensitivity.In seguito a tale incertezza crescono le trib dei no-glu, coloro che hanno deciso autonomamente di eliminare dalla propria alimentazione tutti i cibi contenenti glutine, soprattutto quelli derivanti dal grano e dalle sue farine. In realt non ci sono delle evidenze che dimostrano che eliminando il glutine si ottengano buoni risultati per il nostro corpo.Ma quindi davvero utile labolizione del glutine anche per coloro che non sono celiaci e che non soffrono di gluten sensitivity? In questo seminario, daremo una risposta a questultima domanda e affronteremo, oltre che la celiachia e la gluten sensitivity da un punto di vista scientifico, i quesiti e le domande pi comuni sul tema."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Injeo de Dependncias para Desenvolvedores C#" |
"Abordagem de ensinoE aqui est a minha abordagem de ensino. Sem perda de tempo, sem reclamaes, sem dar socos no ar. Eu aprecio seu tempo. O material do curso sucinto, mas abrangente. Todos os conceitos importantes so abordados. Tpicos particularmente importantes so abordados em profundidade.Faa este curso e voc ficar satisfeito. Construa uma base slida na arquitetura de software que aplica injeo de dependncia com contineres IoC. Em muitos de meus cursos eu uso tcnicas de Injeo de Dependncia e sempre os alunos me escrevem mensagens privadas dizendo que no sabem o que isso, e assim no entendem o que est acontecendo no curso. Isto muito infeliz do ponto de vista da aprendizagem. Injeo de dependncia o conjunto de tcnicas que permitem fornecer dependncias aos objetos. Na verdade, se voc j passou dependncias via construtor, ento aplicou a chamada injeo de construtor. Injeo de dependncia (DI) simples e difcil ao mesmo tempo. Por um lado, a DI composta de tcnicas simples e, por outro lado, quando precisamos trazer a DI para o prximo nvel, precisamos tornar as coisas mais complicadas usando a chamada DI ou Continer- IoC (Inverso de Controle). Contineres so os frameworks que executam a injeo de dependncia automaticamente. Voc s precisa configurar um na raiz do aplicativo (uma noo extremamente importante que voc aprender no curso) e, depois disso, ele resolver todas as dependncias que ele conhece no tempo de execuo. Se voc ainda no entende o que estou falando, acredite em mim, voc sem dvida precisa conhecer a Injeo de Dependncia. Este curso aprimorar tremendamente sua compreenso de como as arquiteturas de software emergem. Portanto, este curso ""obrigatrio"" para quem ainda no entende o que DI e contineres IoC. Contedo e Viso Geral Este curso destinado a todo tipo de desenvolvedor. No entanto, necessria uma experincia slida em C#. O curso fornece slida base terica reforada por material prtico. O curso cobre: Introduo Inverso de Controle Princpio de Inverso de Dependncia (DIP), Inverso de Controle (IoC), Injeo de Dependncia (DI), Dependncias e seus tipos, DI Pura e Contineres IoC, Service Locator As Implicaes Arquiteturais da Injeo de Dependncia Anti-padres e refatoraes relacionados a DI Control Freak, Dependncias Ocultas, Acoplamento Temporal, Sobre-Injeo de Construtor e como evit-la, Contexto Ambiente, Servio de Fachada, Injeo de Propriedade versus Injeo Bastarda, Dependncias Cclicas Refatorao de uma base de cdigo existente aplicando injeo de dependncia Como colher os frutos da DI Contineres DI (Contineres IoC):Viso geral de Contineres-DI, Unity, Ligao tardia com Unity, Programao Orientada a Aspectos (AOP), Interceptao versus DI Pura versus Ferramentas AOP, e outros tpicos Configurando um bootstrapper com Unity, Autofac e Castle.Windsor"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master HTML in 60 mins" |
"If you have never done programming, but you are willing to, then you can't be in a place better than this one.This course teaches HTML programming in the most engaging and compact way possible. Already done some programming before and want to learn HTML? This is a great place to start. This 'to -the-point' course will keep you engaged throughout the course. I have made lot of material available to you for studying the subject in greater depth like:PowerPoint presentationsSource codesQuizzesThis course will introduce you to programming and to HTML in the simplest way without any huge technical terms to scare you. It is designed to the point and taking this course won't waste your time over useless things you don't need to learn to learn HTML."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Brain Health and Lifestyle Factors" |
"Sadly, there's currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease. In a healthy brain changes also occur as a normal part of ageing. In fact, the human brain starts to reduce in volume and weight from the mid-twenties onwards. Although there is no guaranteed way to prevent dementia, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk, and keep your mind sharp into older age.This course is based on scientific research and is a brief overview of the impact of various lifestyle factors including physical exercise, mental stimulation, chronic stress, sleep, diet and social interaction on brain health.You'll also learn about brain plasticity, how the brain changes in response to experience, and the effects of inflammation on the ageing brain.Life is busy, so this is a short course designed to provide you with the main lifestyle factors that have an impact on your brain health. You can even complete it in your lunch hour! Learn how to keep your brain healthy. Start protecting your greatest asset, your brain, today!The scientific references used to create the course are listed at the end.However, in the bonus lectures, the references are added at the end of each lecture.This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. If you're not happy for any reason you will be refunded in full!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Agile Enterprise Architecture Essentials" |
"Agility and Architecture are two wheels that makes an organization move ahead when in balance. What is the right balance to have them work for your organization? How can you balance it and at the same time achieve business results, transformations and even simple align your organization goals in the right directionTOGAF as a framework can be explained in short as a methodology that can help one to manage your architecture while moving from AS IS to TO BE state. AS IS can be anything progress from your current IT landscape. You can be in anywhere on your journey towards accomplishing your mission and how do you go towards getting there all the while caring about agility and not taking your eye off on the milestones and cost."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Level 1 Enterprise Architecture Certification Course" |
"The course helps with getting certified in Level 1 Foundation TOGAF Standard 9.2 Course from the Open Group. It helps one to quickly revise the part 1 of the course without a deep dive into framework. Quite useful for candidates opting the self study route to get the industry leading TOGAF certification for ITprofessionals and architects.Eturnti is a member of The Open Group Architecture Forum and a holder of a valid TOGAF 9.2 commercial license."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Level 2 Enterprise Architecture Certification Course" |
"The course helps with getting certified in Level 2 Foundation TOGAF Standard 9.2 Course from the Open Group. It helps one to quickly revise the part 1 of the course without a deep dive into framework. Quite useful for candidates opting the self study route to get the industry leading TOGAF certification for ITprofessionals and architects."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Outils de gestion de projet : Adoptez l'agilit avec Trello" |
"Voulez-vous - vous un outil pour grer vos projets ? Trello est gratuit, souple et c'est un moyen visuel d'organiser vos projets de n'importe quelle taille, ou mme pour organiser vos Todo lists.Laissez tomber les longs changes par e-mail, les tableurs obsoltes, les notes adhsives qui se dcollent et les logiciels compliqus pour grer vos projets"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Body, Happy Me!" |
"Have you ever wanted a sure fire guide to weight loss? Are you looking for a meal plan and workout regiment that's explained and simplified so that you can just get started today? Well, this is the course for you!!I will provide so much information pertaining to weight loss and health that you will be able to map out a successfulpath that is designed for you! This course is for people of all levels: beginners, intermediate, and advanced. I will also offer resources for people with back pain, diabetes, and slow mobility. It is time to take health and fitness to the next level!! Let's get started today!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Say Goodbye to Nagging Negative Thoughts with Mantra Yoga" |
"Negative thoughts holding you captive?Break free from negative thought patterns and beat mental burnout with easy 5-minute exercises to stop your mind from spiraling out of control!My own worst enemyNegative self-talk kept me from pursuing my dreams almost all my adult life!I would get glimpses of who I could be and mind-blowing eureka moments, but the little Gremlins on my shoulder always talked me down:""You're not good enough. No one will like you. You're too weak for this. You'll never succeed.""Don't waste another minute listening to your gremlins.In this 1.5 hour workshop-style eCourse, we will drown out the voices of your gremlins so that you can hear your highest self guide you and take inspired action!A stress-busting playlist.In addition to the lessons and reflections, you also get 4 MP3 downloads to start building your mantra meditation playlist for a sweet escape wherever you are.Enroll Now!See if mantra can help you break through your mental blocks today!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master The TOEFL (Official reading)" |
"Struggling with the TOEFL READING section?This course is absolutely designed for youIn this course you will have the opportunity to improve your reading skills and get a better score in the TOEFL testWhy should you buy this course?The reason is that I made this course for helping you succeed at your own paceBut this course is expensiveWell, Remember quality education is expensive and we have to invest in Education in order to change our lives. However, this course is not expensive compared with taking the TOEFL test twice or three times.After taking this course you will be able to read academic passages and cross out wrong answers.My main advise is to invest in your education and succeed in your life while at the same time you change the world."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Instagram For Business Turn Your Followers Into Paid Clients" |
"Connect passions, immerse yourself visually, spark exploration, join communities...Instagram is a place where visual expression from business inspires visible action from people around the world.When I started with Instagram, I did not really know how to use this platform to run a business. But the more I browsed through my feed, the more I noticed a ton of people having crazy success promoting their blogs and creating niche accounts about recipes, workouts and travels.I was intrigued, and that is when I started to see Instagram as the perfect medium to promote an online business.I quickly learned the ins and outs, what worked and what did not. I understood the importance of every Instagram features like hashtags, competitor research, stories, insights and started to implement a strategy that becamemy secret formulafor every account I promote nowadays.My first account went from 1,000 to over 10,000 followers in one year. And now I am able to grow an account up to that amount of followers in about 3 to 4 months!That is why it is so important to have the right strategy in place to grow an Instagram account.No matter if you are a blogger, a life coach, an online shop owner, a youtube creator...Instagram can work for you!I have helped grow accounts focused on yoga, coaching, travels, beauty products, photography services and so many more!They are all thriving because I have a strategy that works and it's called: Instapreneur Academy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Arbitrage 101: The Amazon Course" |
"This course will walk through step-by-step how to start selling on Amazon. This is a basic course designed for someone who has never sold on Amazon before and is looking to get started with little to no resources. This is a perfect course for someone with a low budget and no prior knowledge of selling retail arbitrage on Amazon. There are subsequent courses which cover Amazon Seller Central in more depth (Managing Inventory, Tools, & Reports), EBay Arbitrage, Online Arbitrage, Private Label, and Wholesale. This course is the best starting point."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS 12: iPhone UI/UX (Programmatically)" |
"iOS Extensions Elements Element UIView, UILabel, UIButton, UIImageView, UITextField, UITextView Code Snippets Elements Code Snippets Welcome Elements Sign Up Instagram Cocopods UIStackView Elements Textfield TabBar NavigationBar Title Alert ActionSheet TableView TableView Chat TableView TableView Animation Messenger Favorite Settings GridView CollectionView Featured GridView Elements Item List CollectionView Layout 2 Grid List Layout Elements CollectionView Horizontal CollectionView CollectionView Layout PageControl CollectionView PageControl Cocopods Animation Pinterest Layout Layout CollectionView Layout Top Bar Menu CollectionView Menu Shopping Segmented Control Top Bar Menu Instagram Profile MapKit MapView Directions Map Favorite Item Search TableView CollectionView Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword My Music 2 URL"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to make a beautiful porcelain art" |
"()166()In porcelain art & porcelarts , paste transfer paper (or paint paint) on plain white porcelain, bake it in the kiln, and you can make the original dishes.From beginner to advanced, you can learn how to make 166 pieces.The kiln is recommended electric furnace which can be used in the household electricity.You can paste transfer paper (or paint) on white porcelain at home and borrow just the kiln in the closest classroom.Beginner sticks transfer paper, color from intermediate level with paint.You can make dishes of high quality brand texture.Both transfer paper and white magnetic can be purchased through mail order.This course has no voice, it is a course to learn with subtitles."
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
balletshoes |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"How to make Herbarium" |
"()()It is a course of Herbarium popular with interior and presents.Easily arrange the materials and make original Herbalium.You can also sell your interior, gifts to family and friends, handmade items.This course has no voice, it is a course to learn with subtitles.Mainly the following materials and tools are necessary.<Materials>Dry flower (by piece), bottle, silicone oil (or mineral oil), tweezers, scissors"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"How to make ribbon's tote bag" |
"Without using a sewing machine, you can make bag with large ribbons, bag with ballet shoes.It is an easy handmade bag that can be made in about 30 minutes.This course has no voice, it is a course to learn with subtitles."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Python Tutorial For Beginners" |
"Python today has multiple implementations including Jython, scripted in Java language for Java Virtual Machine; IronPython written in C# for the Common Language Infrastructure, and PyPy version written in RPython and translated into C. To be noted, Cpython which is written in C and developed by Python Software Foundation is the default and most popular implementation of Python. While these implementations work in the native language they are written in, they are also capable of interacting with other languages through use of modules. Most of these modules work on community development model and are open-source and free."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pixel Art Master Course - Beginner to Professional/Freelance" |
"This course teaches everything about pixel art for video games. From the very basics to the advanced techniques. Students will learn about lines, shapes, colour theory and harmony, creating a colour palette, designing characters, backgrounds, items, making animation and even how to start freelancing. You will also learn a lot about game design principles. If you are new to art or pixel art and want to create better art for your indie games then this course is for you.This course is always growing with new lessons (you can check the future planned lessons in a document available on the Discord server). If there is a topic that you would like me to cover, you can message me and I will make it. I am on Udemy and Discord server every day so you can easily get into contact with me. Discord (1000+ members) also provides certain benefits once you reach a certain role on the server such as getting access to exclusive channels. The wonderful community there also provides a place for you to share your work, get feedback or even just hang out and chill with people of similar interest!Connect and work with other people on game jams (if you want). Yes, even if you want to find game coders and music compositors (or if you're one who's looking for an artist)! There are also indie devs who code and do the art themselves. This course will strengthen your foundations in art and pixel art. It will build your confidence in your art and give you the information you need to continue improving your pixel art and start making money. By the time you finish the course, you will already have a portfolio for different game genres with practical game design. This course has 3 big parts: beginner [B], intermediate [I] and advanced [A]. Each section is marked with a letter inside square brackets at the end of it's title with corresponding difficulty.I am available on Udemy and Discord every day - to give you feedback, to help you overcome your limits, to help you become a better artist in fun and relaxing way. I'm here for you every step of the way if you need me."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"INFLUENCE MARKETING 2020: the step by step guide" |
"First, thank you and welcome to your course.You will learn step by step, the process I use daily to reach influencers and work with them.- setup a goal that matter- find all the influenceryou need- create a kit that do the work for the influencer- why working with small influencer- reach influencer today with a powerful email"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Getting Started as a Real Estate Agent" |
"You've got your license, now what? Did you know 87% of real estate agents fail in their first year? And 7% of agents close 93% of the deals. Those odds are intimidating when you're just starting out. A lot of new agents get frustrated and quit because real estate school doesn't teach you the tools of success. You need to understand how to run your business, find clients, and start making money fast so we've packed all that info into the ""Complete Guide to Getting Started as a Real Estate Agent"" courseThis course is designed for newly licensed real estate agents like you, who want to start finding clients and earning commissions quickly.Are you worried about finding clients?Are you confused about what you're supposed to be doing every day?Are you getting bogged down with busy work like ordering business cards rather than finding clients?Does all the advice about cold calling and door knocking for clients make you want to curl up in a ball and binge watch Netflix?Then this course is for you. It will teach you to... find clients faster so you can get paid soonercreate a steady income stream instead of worrying about where your next client is coming fromclearly communicate to people how you help and why they should hire younetwork in ways that feel authentic rather than ickyset up the practical tools you need now and in the futuredesign your business so it can grow quickly without taking over your lifeThe information included in the Starter Kit is practical advice that has been used successfully by your instructor Micki to grow her brokerage from one agent and $900k in sales to eight agents and $15 million in sales. She knows how hard it can be starting out and designed this course so she could givenew agents like you the best chance of success in their businesses. Who should take this course?> New agents who just got their real estate license or are taking their test soon. > Agents who are struggling to find clients or just want to make more money.Don't become a statistic. You can survive your first six months and thrive as a real estate agent. Enroll today and let's get your career started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |