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"Aprende Java con 100 ejercicios prcticos (Incluye JavaFX)" |
"Curso de iniciacin en Java de una forma amena y dinmica, enseando de la mejor forma que s hacer, haciendo ejercicios.La versin que usaremos en este curso es Java SE (Standard Edition).El curso consta de 100 ejercicios prcticos (+50 ejercicios bonus) realizados en Java explicados y resueltos paso a paso, haremos desde ejercicios muy simples (pedir nmeros, mostrar datos, etc) hasta ejercicios mas complejos (movimiento de una pieza de ajedrez) ayudndote a mejorar la lgica de programacin para tus futuros proyectos. Este curso es altamente recomendable para aquellas personas que comiencen un curso de formacin profesional DAM/DAW, empiecen la universidad o cualquier persona que quiera empezar de alguna manera a programar.Los ejercicios estn divididos en las siguientes secciones:Bsicos: aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos como los tipos de variables, operadores, estructuras repetitivas o bucles, estructuras condicionales, etc.Funciones y mtodos: aprenderemos como crear funciones y mtodos tiles que podremos reutilizar durante el curso.Arrays o vectores: aprenderemos a crear, rellenar, recorrer estructuras de datos estticas simples. Terminaremos esta seccin con el juego del ahorcado.Arrays multidimensionales o matrices: aprenderemos a crear, rellenar, recorrer estructuras de datos estticas multidimensionales. Terminaremos la seccin haciendo el juego del buscaminas.Programacin orientada a objetos o POO: aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos sobre la programacin orientada a objetos creando nuestras propias clases, veremos herencia, polimorfismo, etc. Haremos un aeropuerto que va a ir evolucionando durante las clases. Como ejercicio final, veremos un pequeo gestor de aeropuertos en consola.Arrays dinmicos (ArrayList): aprenderemos a crear, rellenar, recorrer estructuras de datos dinmicas. Usaremos la clase ArrayList de Java.Ficheros: aprenderemos como escribir y leer ficheros de texto, binarios y serializados.Expresiones regulares: aprenderemos como crear expresiones regulares.Interfaces grficas (SWING): aprenderemos como crear aplicaciones grficas con SWING de Java. En este caso, se dividen en ejercicios pero podra considerarse como un mini proyecto. Haremos un gestor de aeropuertos grficos.Java + MySQL: aprenderemos como conectarnos a una base de datos MySQL y hacer operaciones de consulta, insertado, actualizacin y borrado de datos.JavaFX: aprenderemos como crear aplicaciones grficas con JavaFX, la evolucin de SWING. Haremos el mismo proyecto que hicimos con SWING, pero esta vez los datos los cogeremos de nuestra base de datos.Se ha agregado cuestionarios para repasar los conceptos en cada seccin.Y no todo acaba aqu, aparte de estos ejercicios, tambin tenemos canal de Youtube donde puedes complementar an ms todos estos ejercicios. En mi web, tambin tienes disponibles manuales tiles para documentarte.Tienes los enlaces en mi perfil y tambin los comento en una clase.Todos los ejercicios realizados durante el curso, los puedes descargar y usar para comprobar soluciones o modificarlo a tu gusto.Te espero en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Projeler le Arduino Eitimi" |
"Sfrdan Her Ynyle Arduino renmenintadn karn.Bu kursta sfrdanArduino'nuntemellerini renerek , ileri seviye projeler yapmayaberaber balayacaz. Birlikte akll sistemler, mini otonom robotlar, robotik sistemler (v.b) konu balklarnda bir ok projeyi hayata geireceiz. Eitim boyunca yaptnz tm projeleri gndelik hayatnzda kullanabilirsiniz.Eer Arduino hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Bu eitim seti yaayan (canl) bir eitim setidir! Her hafta gncellenerek ve yeni konular, projelereklenerek yaamayadevam etmektedir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Python ile Raspberry Pi Programlama" |
"Sfrdan Python ile Raspberry Pi renmenintadn karn.Bu kursta sfrdanPython ile Raspberry Pi' nintemellerini renerek , ileri seviye projeler yapmayaberaber balayacaz. Birlikte Linux ve terminal kullanmn, Python ile bir ok rnek kodlama, Raspberry Pi ile farkl gelitirme kartlaryla iletiim kurma, grnt ileme (v.b) konu balklarnda bir ok projeyi hayata geireceiz. Eitim boyunca yaptnz tm almalar projelerinize entegre edebilirsiniz. Eer Raspberry Pi ve Python hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Bu eitim seti yaayan (canl) bir eitim setidir! Her hafta gncellenerek ve yeni konular, projelereklenerek yaamayadevam etmektedir."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D desde cero: Modelado y Texturizado" |
"Todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar en el mundo del 3D tanto para animacin como para videojuegos, diseo industrial, y ms. Veremos cmo modelar, texturizar, usar la interfaz y todas las herramientas del programa. Importante: la versin de Blender usada en el curso es la 2.79, pero los conceptos valdrn tambin para la nueva versin 2.8."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Publica tu libro en Amazon Kindle: Tu primer bestseller" |
"Un curso paso a paso para darte todo lo que necesitas saber para publicar tu libro con xito, evitando fallos tcnicos y dndote el mapa para que aproveches al mximo las ventajas de Kindle. Aprenders cmo potenciar tu obra para llegar al mximo de gente y obtener ingresos con tus escritos. Este curso sirve tanto para publicar ebooks como libros en formato fsico."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator Paso a Paso Con Logos Profesionales" |
"Aprenda Adobe Illustrator Paso a Paso Haciendo Logos ProfesionalesDesde cero hasta profesionales!En este curso aprenders en prctica los secretos de oro del diseo de logos profesionales de empresas sper exitosas en todo el mundo.Al finalizar este curso tendrs la preparacin, la prctica y los conocimientos necesarios para disear y crear los logos ms espectaculares del mercado.Aqu aprenders haciendo desde el primer da, olvdate de teoras aburridas y empieza a producir desde la primera clase.Slo necesitas Adobe Illustrator (cualquier versin) y una conexin a internet.No se requieren conocimientos previos, te enseamos paso a paso.Aprenders a crear tu propia marca, al final del curso habrs creado 50 logos propios que podrs usar en tu portafolio y te daremos instrucciones para que empieces tu propio negocio online.No olvides esto: Es ahora o nunca!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dvelopper les 5 qualits de la russite" |
"Jai une question pour vous ! A votre avis, quel est le point commun entre toutes les personnalits qui ont russi de grands projets (Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Marc Zuckerberg, Thomas Edison.. )?Vous ne le savez peut trepas encore ! Et bien, ils ont tous rat leur scolarit !Ils ont tous quitt lcole avant dobtenir leur diplme. Certains lont volontairement fait et dautres ont t ject du systme scolaire !Comment des personnes qui ont russidaussi grands projets ont pu y arriver sans diplme ? Quelles sont les qualits qui leur ont permi dy arriver ? Et pourquoi lcole ne tolre pas ces qualits ? Et pourquoi le fait dachever un long parcours acadmique ne permet pas de raliser daussi grandes ambitions ?En suivant cette formation et dans moins de 20 min, vous serez fier de ne pas tre toujours premier de la classe ! Arps cette formation, vous comprendrez pourquoi votre russite professionnelle na rien avoir avec votre parcours scolaire ! Et vous serez pour la premire fois content de ne pas avoir trop travaill lcole ! Et la bonne nouvelle cest que votre chec scolaire expliquera certainement votre russite professionnelle ! Inscrivez-vous MAINTENANT!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Energy and Power System Optimization in GAMS" |
"**Brand New For September 2020 - The Bestselling Power system optimization GAMS Course on Udemy**Join over 18,000 of your fellow optimization experts in the energy and power system industry in learning the fundamentals of the power system and energy optimization.I will walk you through every step of GAMS coding with real-life case studies, actual experiments, and tons of examples from around different disciplines. By the end of this course, you'll be able to:Code your own optimization problem in GAMS.Receive your official certificate The developed course is suitable for you even if you have no background in the power systems.In this Energy and Power System Optimization in GAMS course you will learn:How to formulate your problem and implement it in GAMS and make optimal decisions in your real-life problemsHow to code efficiently, get familiarised with the techniques that will make your code scalable for large problemsHow to design an action block with a clearly defined conversion goalHow to run sensitivity analysis in GAMS to predict the outcome of a decision if a situation turns out to be different compared to the key predictions.For your convenience the course is broken into two sections :General GAMS coding (Pure GAMS, elements, loops, multi-objectives, conditional statements, Examples)Power system GAMS coding (Static/dynamic economic/environmental dispatch, AC/DC OPF, Storage, DR, PMU, ...).......... and much, much more! By finishing this course, you will have the power to transform your coding skills into a powerful decision making machine. .If you think this GAMS coding is complicated, it's not.If you think GAMS coding is time-taking, it's not.If you think watching this course won't make a difference in your professional career ... think again.I've consulted with several companies and researchers around the world and have consulted them on how to use optimization techniques in their business. Trust me, I learned all this the hard way.Along with the video content of the course, there are many bonuses.BONUSES:Downloadable resources and guidesAn audio version of the course to listen on the goQ&A videos the answer your specific questionsAssignments that make you productive while taking the courseAn instructor who truly cares about your successThis is the course on landing page design I wish I had when I was first starting out!OUR PROMISE TO YOUWe'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.We want to make this the best course on how to use GAMS. So if there is any way we can improve this course, just tell us and we'll make it happen.Enroll today and enjoy:Lifetime access to the course and all future updatesOver 6 hours of high quality, up to date video lecturesExercises and feedbackAccess to the student-only discussion forum30 day, no questions asked, money-back guaranteeOver 14,000 students enrolled4.5 average student ratingWith our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.I'll give you two more reasons why you should enroll right this second:Your investment in this course will quickly be paid back even just by implementing some of the techniques I share with you. There are hundreds of gold nuggets to choose from, making this course the best investment in your own education and future success.While today is still the best day you can get started with GAMS coding, it will get harder for engineers as the markets get more and more competitive. You want to start as soon as you can (like now) to take advantage of this growing market. Instead of struggling and trying to do everything yourself, just learn from someone who has already figured it out.I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESSSee you inside!A."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"This course is designed for mechanical engineers, mechanical engineering students and designers who wants to learn best practices in creating engineering drawings and the procedure to apply Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. You will learn datum structure, geometric tolerance symbols and their usage. You have to learn the basics to understand procedure for preparing engineering drawings. I am sure you will get very good information to be successful."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Oratria" |
"Voc j sentiu medo de falar em pblico? Ou mesmo dificuldade em se comunicar com a sua equipe?Nesse curso de oratria, voc aprender como falar para pblicos de todos os tamanhos!Voc tambm aprender como perder o medo de falar em pblico e os elementos bsicos de uma apresentao de sucesso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spanish Language in just 7 hours for beginners" |
"Learn Spanish Language in just 7 Hours for beginnersFULLHDVideos CoursewithExamplesin each lesson.Subtitles inEnglish InteractiveBoard Power Point Presentation.Downloadable PDFFiles for each Spanish Lesson.Best Value for Money Easy Access to TV, Mobile & Computer.30-DaySatisfactionor money back guarantee Full Lifetime access.SpanishLanguage Course for Beginners to Intermediate and Advanced(All Levels)Welcome to learn Spanish online: Course Contains Spanish Lessons: Spanish Pronunciation, Basic Spanish Grammar rules, Vocabulary and Grammar Spanishspeaking, Spanish spelling, Spanish writing, Spanishgrammar patterns of verbs and tenses, basic Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conversation and communication skills. The subtitles help the visual learners.The starts from thebasics and includes the beginners, intermediate and Advance Spanish and advanced Spanish grammar, free PDF support and practice tests & quizzes.Our Course includes:Medical phrases, Travel phrases, Survival phrases, basic phrases & market phrases to help shopping.Everyday situationsconversation in SpanishExtensive listening and speaking practiceFULLHDVideoLessons presented on power point presentation and anInteractive BoardThis Spanish course includes:Video Captions in English languageVideo Captions are cominginGerman, Russian, Portuguese, Italian & FrenchThis Spanish course includes:Aneasyway to listen and to understand theSpanish Sentences and Spanish grammarTesting andimprovingyour knowledge usingsimple example sentences, images and quizzesfollowing each lessonDownloadable PDF Files for the irregular verbs and Spanish grammar rules30-Day money back guaranteeFuture Updates & FullLifetime accessSpanish Learning will be like a game for you with this course for beginners.The Spanish language is the most widely spoken language of the Romance language family. There are some regional differences in the pronunciation and the word usage, still the language is quite intelligible throughout the whole of the Hispanic World that comprises more than 400 million Spanish speakers. Spanish language has been evolving since the roman times, and in different areas of the Iberian Peninsula, and after the Spanish conquest of the Americas, it became the first European language spoken on the American continent. Thus you err if you consider Spanish a single language, actually Spanish is a group of closely related languages. More than 75% of todays Spanish vocabulary has been derived from Latin. Many Ancient Greek words also found their way to Spanish language through Latin. It is estimated that about 8% of the Spanish words find their origin in Arabic, making it the second-most influencing language after Latin. According to some scholars, 437 million people speak Spanish as a native language, which really qualifies Spanish as second on the lists of languages by number of native speakers.Spanish is one of the fastest growing language in the world, especially in the United States. Interesting facts about the Spanish language:Spanish is the official language of twenty-one countries.More than 400 million people use Spanish language in the world.Spanish is the third most widely-spoken language, closely following Chinese and English.Spanish is much similar to Italian and French.It is predicted that by 2050, the world will have 530 million Spanish speakers, with 100 million speakers living in the United States.Why you should Learn Spanish?The United States has more than 60 million students, learning Spanish. The Hispanic countries are the largest business partners of the United States. The largest minority group in the United States is Hispanics. There is almost a rush for learning Spanish. Furthermore, Spanish is the easiest language to teach and learn, if compared to other Romance languages, as Italian, French or Portuguese. Here are some reasons why you MUST LEARN Spanish?Travelling to the Spanish speaking countries becomes much easier.You can better understand the world, and better communicate with the Spanish-speakers.It enhances your resume to be able to speak Spanish, that makes your job easier to be attained and settled.You can make a handsome amount of money by teaching Spanish, there is much bright scope. The United States has 33 million Spanish speakers, you can better connect to these people, if you can speak Spanish.Spanish movies, songs and literature can truly be enjoyed if you understand Spanish. Learning a new language gives tremendous energy, prestige, confidence and peace, and also slows down the memory loss. The world is going crazy after Spanish, dont leg behind!!!Why only this Course?Our course has been especially prepared to:To help the beginners in the language.To increase the interest in Spanish language and culture.To help in pronouncing Spanish correctly, like native speakers.To teach Spanish grammar in the easiest possible way.To help all levels of the learning.To help in building a strong and usable vocabulary.To make the learnt material sustainable through the audio-visual aids.To make the learning of the Spanish language a fun.To increase the general interest in learning the languages.Student Testimonials:Acclaim and kudos to the course developer...! Course is awfully awesome and truly worthwhile. Although I've watched only five lectures, it has tremendously enriched my Spanish vocabulary. Words and sentences presented with their high definition picturesque view, quick recap or follow-up exercise with every module, lectures technically interlinked endowed with spoken as well as grammatical coverage, soft-spoken style of the instructor are some of the features which make this course a comprehensive one. I really appreciate it. -Kuldeep KumarWhat a great teacher you are Mr. Arvind! You are doing a great job. I am speechless. I am highly impressed with your creative skills. Your teaching methodology is very easy to understand. I recommend every Spanish lover to join this course. Course has a great learning material. Keep it up. Truly amazing work. -Sachin JainIf you are still wondering why buy this Spanish course?There are at least 4 reasons:Each lesson is taught in the easy English language, with the visual support of the appropriate images to facilitate the memory. The communication method is adapted to present real-life situations, in an easy manner.The teaching method and manner is such that the student fall in love with the language.The basic vocabulary is especially targeted to enhance the language capacity of the student.The last but not least, the students are given full time to repeat the sentences and thus to have full practice. Thanks, Wish you an enjoyable learning. Hasta la vista."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Wonderful Sanskrit Chantings of Shiva Mantras & 4 Gayatris" |
"Everyone desires to have a healthy body and mind, to remain calm and happy and to experience the inner peace. But today all this looks like beyond our reach. Today almost everyone of us is suffering from some or other form of illness, sadness, helplessness, despair and self-doubt. Today life seems to be anti-life. Dont worry. Our forefathers had researched a lot in these matters and fortunately we have inherited a great treasure of the sacred literature, epics, shastras, mantras etc. 'Sanskrit Mantras for Health, Wealth & Mental Peace will teach you some of the best mantras and stotras for your well-being. If you are suffering from a disease,If you feel defeated in the battle of life,If you find yourself overwhelmed by the circumstances,If you count yourself helpless,Then it is here that all of your problems will be solved in no time.Here are the Gayattris of particular God-heads, like Ganesha, Laxmi devi, Vishnu etc. These mantras have miraculous powers inherent, and have been being regarded panacea for all the problems in life. And the glory of Shivatandavastotram cannot be described in words. Human tongue and pen are not able to sing all its magnificence and significance. The greatest of Shivas devotees, the demon-king Ravana had composed this sacred stotram to please Mahadeva Shiva. Shivatandavastotram is unique in multiple ways. It is considered the best stotram to please the Lord Shiva. Shiva, hearing this stotram becomes exceedingly delighted and grants everything to the singer."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"UI para Games com Unreal- BluePrints e UMG" |
"Design de interface de usurio, o desenvolvimento de aplicaes grficas,para facilitar a interao dos usurios a programaes complexas, emaplicaes, mquinas, dispositivos de comunicao mveis, softwares e sitesweb . O nosso foco trabalhar essa interao na rea que mais gostamos , os games . O curso aborda desde os conceitos para o desenvolvimento da sua prpria interface, at a execuo de uma arte pronta dentro da Unreal.Utilize OUMG da Unreal Engine para desenhar e prototipar interfaces de jogos , o mesmo sistema que voce ir aprender pode ser usado tambm para sites e aplicativosCriar interfaces e veja na hora sua UI funcionandoOrganize seu trabalho de modo profissional"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction au montage avec Final Cut Pro" |
"Cette formation ""Initiation au montage avec Final Cut Pro"" vous apprend utiliser le logiciel vido dit par Apple.Ce cours a t cr pour lesdbutantsen montage vido avec Final Cut Pro X(FCPX).Aucune exprience n'est donc requise. Ce coursn'est pas destin aux personnes matrisant dj ce logiciel.Si vous avez djutilis Windows Movie Maker ou iMovie, Final Cut peut tre la prochaine tape pour vous.Le but de cette formation est simplement de vous faire passer la pratique ! Tout simplement. Je suis partisan des choses pratiques, je parle trs peu de thorie sauf quand c'est ncessaire et important mais le but est qu'aprs avoir regard cette formation vous soyez derrire votre cran en train de faire votre premier montage sous Final Cut Pro. vous de jouer !Et je reste disponible pour toutes vos questions si besoin est."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premire Pro pour Dbutants" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation PRATIQUE sur Adobe Premire Pro.Logiciel utilis par de nombreux professionnels dans le monde entier, ADOBE PREMIRE PRO offre d'normes possibilits en terme d'ergonomie, de personnalisation de l'interface, de productivit, de rendu vido.Avec ce logiciel vous allez passer un autre niveau tant les possibilits sont immenses.Mais avant tout a, par o commencer ? Cette formation sur Adobe Premire Pro rpond exactement cette question que vous vous posez. La premire chose qu'on m'a souvent dit concernant Adobe Premire c'est : ""C'est trop compliqu !"". Je vous aide dans cette formation bannir ce vocabulaire de votre langage. la fin de cette formation vous saurez mieux prendre en main ce logiciel et raliser vos propres montages vidos sous Adobe Premire Pro.Sur ce, bonne continuation et bons montages."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Office 365 - Exchange Online - Beginner to Professional 2019" |
"*** This is a course for Exchange Online and NOT Exchange On-Premise ***Office 365 is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft Office product line. The Office 365 service consists of a number of products and services that will help you to run your organization and maintain your work environment. In this course we will learn about the Exchange Online service that is available with specific licenses.Microsoft's Office 365 suite includes Exchange Online, which is a hosted messaging application that provides organizations with access to the full-featured version of Exchange Server. It includes access to email, calendars, contacts and tasks for any endpoint device.This course takes you from a beginner to a professional Office 365 - Exchange Online administrator. Before purchasing the course make sure you check each section and lecture title, so you can see in detail what topics in ""Office 365 - Exchange Online"" I am covering. To learn Exchange Online we will have to learn to use different admin centers and tools. Some of them are:Office 365 Admin CenterExchange Admin CenterSecurity and Compliance CenterExchange Online via PowerShell.MSolService via PowerShellSecurity and Compliance via PowerShellTopics covered in this course include:Understand Office 365Learn how to use PowerShellOutlookUser Creation and administrationUser MailboxesGroupsShared MailboxesPermissionsHolds & eDiscovery / Content SearchAudit LogProtection Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange Online have a lot of features and without receiving a proper training it is not really possible to understand its entire scope.Join this course to learn everything about the Microsoft Office 365/Exchange Online environment and become an expert in managing Exchange Online and theEXO guru in your organization."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Become an ACTOR - How to Take Headshots!" |
"Ever consider acting as a career? While we're all in it for FUN, wouldn't it be great to get called in for real auditions, and be considered for real work?!The most important marketing tool, from novice to pro, is an actor's headshot. While it may be the key to your success, you don't have to dread the process! In this course, you'll quickly and efficiently learn everything you need to know to set up, execute, and complete your portfolio of headshots.Get ready to jump-start your acting career with headshots that compete!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mein Erfolgsgeheimnis fr ein unverwechselbares Anschreiben" |
"Bist Du SchlerIn und hast erkannt, dass Du mit dem Dir beigebrachten Einheitsbrei an Formulierungen und Vorlagen aus der Schule in der Berufswelt da drauen wenig Chancen auf Erfolg hast? Kennst Du das Gefhl der Angst, wenn Du trotz stundenlanger Versuche keinen ansprechenden Text fr ein Anschreiben hinbekommst? Sicherlich sitzen Dir deine Eltern und Lehrer bereits im Nacken und Du hast immer noch keinen erfolgsversprechenden Plan fr eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung?Hast Du Kinder und mchtest diese genau vor dieser Angst bewahren? Stehst Du nun vor der schwierigen Frage, wie Du sie bei der Berufsorientierung effektiv untersttzen kannst? Deine eigene Bewerbungszeit ist lange her und Du hast das Gefhl, dass sich alles verndert hat? Die Schule bietet zwar Hilfestellungen aber so wirklich erfolgversprechend sind die nicht? Das Angebot und die Ratschlge im Internet sind eher verwirrend, als erhellend? Jeder Bekannte erzhlt Dir etwas anderes?Bekommst Du als LehrerIn immer mehr das Gefhl, dass Du deinen Schlern bei der Berufsorientierung nicht ausreichend helfen kannst? Ist es Dein Wunsch, wieder als kompetenter Ansprechpartner in diesem wichtigen Thema wahrgenommen zu werden? Stehst Du nach jahrelangen Studium nun mit Deinem Abschluss in der Tasche da und bist bereit, durchzustarten? Merkst nun aber pltzlich, dass Du nie gelernt hast, wie Du Dich erfolgreich bewirbst? Alle Deine Qualifikationen scheinen nichts wert zu sein und Du bist kurz vorm Verzweifeln?Besteht in Dir das brennende Verlangen, etwas an Deiner Jobsituation zu verndern? Ist es Dein erklrtes Ziel, Dich weiterzuentwickeln und neue Wege zu gehen?Egal aus welchem Grund Du dich fr diesen Kurs interessierst: Herzlich Willkommen!In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du zuknftig schnell und effektiv erfolgreiche Bewerbungen schreibst oder andere dabei untersttzt, sie zu schreiben. Die dafr geltenden Regeln sind fr alle gleich und daher immer extrem wirksam. Lass mich Dich ein Stck auf Deinem Weg begleiten und einen Teil Deiner Erfolgsstory mitschreiben.Nutze jetzt Dein Chance und verinnerliche die Formel fr nachhaltigen Erfolg:Erkenne die Fehler, die bei so vielen Menschen regelmig zum Misserfolg fhrenNehme Vernderungen mit, die Dich nicht nur im Bewerbungsprozess gewinnen lassenErhalte meine 3-Stufen-Erfolgsformel, mit der Du immer ein packendes Anschreiben formulierstVerinnerliche die entscheidenen Tipps, die Dich zum Liebling jedes Personalentscheiders werden lassenLerne die Angst vor Rckschlgen zu verlieren, da durch die systematische Herangehensweise schlicht die Erfolge berwiegenWeshalb darf ich Dir helfen?Die Hlfte meiner 42 Lebensjahre habe ich mich mit allen Facetten von Bewerbungen beschftigt. Ich war bei einem groen Automobilunternehmen im HR-Bereich ttig und habe insgesamt acht Jahre die Aus- und Fortbildung fr den Standort Hannover betreut. In diesem Rahmen habe ich das Recruiting fr verschiedene Mitarbeitergruppen mit gestaltet und Einstellungen verantwortet. Mein groes Engagement und meine Begeisterung fr dieses Thema haben mich immer wieder Konzepte zu den Themen ""Onboarding"" und Bewerbermanagement erstellen und umsetzen lassen. Neben meiner eigentlichen Ttigkeit bin ich daher immer noch stark in die Themen Ausbildung und Recruiting involviert und fhre bis heute regelmig Bewerberinterviews. Im Anschluss treffe ich die erforderlichen Personalentscheidungen und begre unsere neue Mitarbeiter. Seit dem Jahr 2009 bin ich ehrenamtlich als Bewerbungscoach aktiv und halte regelmig Vortrge und coache Menschen mit Erfolg im Rahmen ihres Bewerbungsprozesses."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Fundamentals" |
"I welcome you to this course Public Speaking Fundamentals where I will tell you the easiest ways to become an expert in public speaking. The fear of public speaking will vanish and you will be able to create an environment where your audience will take interest in what you are saying and you will be able to get the attention of your audience. Fear of public speaking is a fear that plagues many of us. Just thinking about standing in front of a crowd may give you a strange feeling in your stomach and make your feel uncomfortable.However,it is a condition that we all can overcome, and no one has to live with this fear throughout his life anymore. In this course, I will provide you with perfect strategies that will help you to stand before a crowd with genuine confidence. Thiscourse will help you overcome the fear of public speaking and you will be to deliver excellent speeches that will definitely capture the attention of your target audience. If you have any problem or want explanation to any point, let me know and I will respond to you as quickly as I can. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Know Essential Habits for Personal Development & Success" |
"I welcome you to this course about Essential Habits for Personal Development & Success from the core of my heart. Let me tell you one thing that in todays life, everyone wants to be successful in Life so I am going to share with you secrets of success that are not that difficult to follow but will defiantly put you on the path of success and happiness. No need to be worried about failure anymore. By having these habits and strategies in your life, you can easily become successful in life and get everything you desire in no time.You will learn to: Learn how to have a Positive Attitude Increase Dramatically the Chances of Success in Life How to deal with failure Learn how to commit to your Personal Growth How to Increase your inner motivation level How to be disciplined to Achieve More in a Day Learn habits to become happy by applying these rules in your own life Learn the secrets of successful people so you can reach new heights of success Become Successful in shortest possible timeSuccess will boost your confidence and will make you feel relaxed, calm and the feeling of achieving something will surely bring a big impact on your life. Its your right to be successful and by simple following these rules and making these rules your habit; you will see a tremendous change in shortest possible time. Go from zero to hero. Lets start and make a promise to implement them in practical life and see the change which will make you stand out of crowd and make you satisfied with yourself. Now lets get started. I wish you nothing but Success. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Have Happiness In Life,find inner Happiness & Selfconfidence" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course about Having Happiness In Life, finding inner Happiness & Self-confidence. Life is for once so live it happily and fully. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. Happiness is the main objective which makes other life goal like achievement, prosperity; success and relationship feel meaningful and pleasant. I have mentioned ways and tips which will definitely change your life, your relations and your professional carrier. If we are more relaxed and happy, we give our best. You will learn so many things from this course. You will learn, Learn to feel happier and gain more confidence Tips that are simple to apply in daily life and can bring fast benefits Enjoy happiness on a daily basis. Implement these points at work, or home or in your relationships to enjoy happiness Improve the mind-set which will make it easier for you to live life you have always dreamed of living Grow into healthier, confidence, calm, joyful and happier lifestyle Reveal lifelong motivation and enthusiasm. Learn ways and strategies to make control on how you feel on a daily basisThe state of mind matters a lot in our attitudes, work and behaviors. Now it is the time to learn how to become happy in life. Do remember this thing; there is one life to Live. You will never be born again and the days which have passed, those cant be brought back but yes, we can defiantly change our future and coming days to our wishes and can change our life to be more happier and joyful and fulfilling by making small changes in our daily routine and not only we will be much more happier but will also be much more satisfied and successful. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"CONFIDENCE : Have Unshakeable Self Confidence & Esteem" |
"let me Welcome you to Course about CONFIDENCE to Have Unshakeable Self Confidence & Esteem. Master your life, build self-esteem, confidence and defeat any kind of doubts you have. Most people struggle with lack of confidence that creates hurdles in their daily life routine. Good thing is that being confident about you is just like another skill that you can learn and implement. So confidence can be learned practiced and mastered and once you master it, you can change your life for better. You have to believe in yourself. We have one life to live so; we should live it to our utmost capacity with confidence and happiness and reject negative thoughts and any kind of doubts.In this courseI am going to tell you best strategies that will help to boost your confidence level and increase your self-esteem in no time. The best thing about this course is that all the strategies mentioned can be implemented instantly to bring a drastic change in your life. You will learn a great deal of knowledge. You will learn: Learn to Feel Confident & Calm in Any kind of Situation Develop a Powerful and Confident Body Language Develop your Social Skills, Confidence, and Self-Worth How to Terminate the Fear of Rejection Learn how to develop Unshakable Confidence & Genuine Self Esteem Improve your Ability to Always Feel self-confident in your Own Skin Communicate with Honest Assertiveness and self Confidence. Learn how to live freely from needing others Approval Learn simple Strategies for Building Self Esteem Build a Winning Mindset and achieve success through confidence and self esteem Learn to Face Life's Challenges with more Confidence and Courage How to Overcome Social Anxiety & Build Strong Social Confidence skills Increase Your Level of Confidence and Self Esteem So I welcome you to come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create A Growth Mindset To Be Successful" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Create A Growth Mindset To Be Successful where I am going to tell you about the secrets through which you can control your mind. You can easily become the master of yourself. Your life should be according to your wishes and desires. To get power on your own mind involves the ability to understand what is right or wrong for you. How to react in certain conditions and how to think in order to have excel in your life? So stay with me and learn the tips to control yourself in the best possible manner and easily you will achieve success and dominance in your work field and people will see a noticeable positive difference in you.You will learn: Learn to Feel Confident & Calm in Any kind of Situation Learn How to simplify your life? Unconsciously Influence Others Learn How to develop your intelligence? Learn how to eliminate negative thoughts that stop you from achieving your objectives & goals. Learn How to Understand your emotions Identify limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back improve your Ability to Always Feel self-confident in your Own Skin Learn to Face Life's Challenges with more Confidence and CourageSo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts... Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How To Do Career Planning To Get Your Dream Career" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course How To Do Career Planning To Get Your Dream Career where I am going to tell you about the secrets of career planning. There are useful and effective steps that will guide you in creating a plan customized to your interests and ambitions. I will guide you from the beginning till the end of having your new career till polishing your existing career. Career planning is not an activity that should be done once in high school or college and then left behind as we move forward in our jobs and careers. Rather, career planning is an activity that is best done on regular bases.Learn everything you need to know to create and implement the Ultimate Career Plan. Learn About: Discover the best strategies for landing a job Learn how to Plan for your own better career Help others with planning of their career Ensure that you are on the right way to your successful future Create Goal Oriented Progress Plans Find out how to find satisfying work for you Recognize the importance of having a career strategy for successSo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts and choose a career that will suit your needs and capabilities. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unlock Your Inner Millionaire For Future Prosperity" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Unlock Your Inner Millionaire For Future Prosperity where I am going to tell you about the secrets of unlocking your inner millionaire. We wish to have best and successful life and in order to get that we have to find the millionaire that is inside us that can lead you to the top of success. So I have gathered all those secrets that can take your inner millionaire out. You can also live the life in your style with fame and success. You simply have to practice and implement these tactics to live a prosperous and successful life. You will learn : How To become financially free Learn How to alter your financial and personal mindset to get the financial results you desire Handle your financial challenges so that you not fall back into poor financial habits. Recognize your money personality in order to gain better control over your financial judgments and behaviors Plan your mental blueprint to turn your financial dreams into reality Change your emotional intelligence in corresponding with your financial intelligence to make better financial decisionsI wish you nothing but good luck and success.. So, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Manage Your Reactions in Difficult Situations" |
"Welcome to Course How to Manage Your Reactions in Difficult Situations, where I am going to tell you the ways through which you can deal in difficult situations with ease and comfort. Life is a name of dealing in different and difficult circumstances with comfort and smoothness. I have got an experience of tackling in tough situations and I will share my experience with you. All these tactics will help you to make your mind prepared to deal in difficult situations. So be ready and stay with me to become the conqueror of all challenges. Learn: Learn how to deal with a coworker, a friend or any relationship else under pressure Practice a step-by-step method for handling your reactions in pressure conditions Learn How you can handle difficult and tense situations How to Create a positive perception in daily and stressful life How to use communication tactics to avoid difficult situation before they start Build excellent communications skills Increase your confidence levelSo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts.. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Dream Big, Plan Bigger and Achieve the Biggest" |
"Welcome to Course How to Dream Big, Plan Bigger and Achieve the Biggest .Today I am going to tell you about targeting the best in your life. Big aims come from our dreams. When you see around, you will obviously notice those successful people who are living a beautiful and luxurious life. Those are the people who dream for big and in order to get that fulfil they plan bigger and at the end they achieved the biggest. If you are not going to think about something then you have no destination. You will be having aimless life.Everybody has dreams I do and you must be having too. But what makes a difference is that which kind of person we are? Those who only dream or those who dream, Think and get their targets, goals and objectives of life. Sometimes we share our dreams with others and people might be thinking based on our personality that might they get their dream or might not going to fulfil that. So now it's up to you to make commitment to dream big, plan bigger and achieve the biggest. Sometimes we are not sure from where to start to reach our ultimate goal. This is the time where this course comes in to be handy enough to get you to your dreams, your ultimate goals. I have gathered all the information that you need to get you to the final step of success. Go through this course. Get your pen, write the points , practice daily and with no time you will get what your heart desires for.So, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find Life purpose & Acheive Success with Simple Secrets" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Find Life purpose & Achieve Success with Simple Secrets where I am going to tell you about something new that is going to change your life. It will make you successful and happy in life and that is how to discover yourself. If you don't know about your strengths then you can't live in this world properly and happily. In order to live like others who are enjoying their lives fully you have to discover yourself. I will help you to search for your inner strength and your talent to live your life happily and successfully. Life is very short so try to live with satisfaction and happiness and it can only be done if you know yourself and the things that make you feel happy and comfortable. You only have to be with me and follow these strategies to discover yourself Know what is our life purpose and What makes us happy? Discover your personal identity Knock into your genuine passions and be able to choose how you want to live your life Learn how to depend on yourself to make the most important decisions Differentiate your thoughts from the thoughts of others around you How to abandon the negativity in your life Identity the challenges and limitations in achieving success Identity your skills to grow your personal potential Become more sensible and progressive and open minded Live your life with more direction and purpose Be knowledgeable about what you truly want in life Live your life with more confidence and self-awareness Treasure more enjoyment and happiness in your day to day activities Feel a deeper sense of success, achievement and accomplishment So, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind . Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grow Mental Strength Like A Warrior For Personal Success" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Grow Mental Strength Like A Warrior For Personal Success where I am going to tell you about the secrets through which you can become just like those who are strong minded people. Those who are leading their lives according to their own choices. There is much strength like physical, emotional and mental. Dealing with the mental strength is highly important. It determines how your mind can handle the stress and troubles of life. You are here in this world to live your life beautifully and successfully and it can only be done if you are mentally strong. Just like other strengths it should be maintained and sustained.Get Best Strategies to: Identify limited thinking that is holding you back How to use the influence of your mind to get desired results Create a warrior mindset to achieve what you dream for Boost your self-confidence and courage Raise your capacity for persuasion Attract the opportunities that you desire How to find more time to spend with family and friends Have more appreciation, more rewards, and even more praises So, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts and choose a career that will suit your needs and capabilities. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Life Purpose Life Coach Certification Find Hidden Strengths" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Introductory Course to Find Life Purpose & Hidden Strengths where I am going to tell you how to identify your inner strengths and find your life purpose in order to conquer the world. When we look around us we see people who are enjoying successful and happy life. They know their inner strengths and are enjoying all the luxuries of life. they know what is their purpose of life. They have more confidence and are using in different fields of life like personal, social and professional life. So I have gathered all the information to help you to identify your inner strengths and have successful and beautiful life. You will discover the true meaning of your Life Purpose You will learn about: Learn the Strategies to dramatically improve your awareness How to transfer your ideas ahead quickly and easily Know what it takes to be more productive and dedicated Accomplish quicker results that you really need How to produce the right habits that will get you success in every area of life How to practice focus to live your life as an self-starter How to be a master of your time management Build up your focus Become focused on what's most important for you Learn how to acquire and grow your skillsSo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Success: How To Be Successful in Every Area of your Life" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course How To Have Success in Every Area of Your Life where I am going to tell you about the secrets through which you can become more successful in all aspects of your life. You are the one who can change his life so no need to worry any more I will guide you and you have to follow the tips to become successful, happy and satisfied person. All those who are having successful lives are also following these tips to lead their lives according to their own desire. So stay with me and promise me to follow me to become a king who will live his life according to his own desires. You will learn a great deal of practical knowledge like: Get ahead in life and relationships Become talented enough to measure success in every walk of your life Increase health and happiness levels Manage your time effectively and be more productive Flourish mentally Discover what success really is and how it will play a vital role in your life Realize what has kept you away rom successful Overcome the obstacles with simple and practical techniques Learn how to develop a Positive Attitude Increase Intensely the Chances of Success in your Life Learn to deal with failure Learn how to commit to your Personal Growth Learn How to be well-organized and Achieve More in a Day Learn simple habits to be happy and apply them in your own life Know the secrets strategies of successful people so you can reach new heights of success Become Successful in shortest possible timeSo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these simple strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts... Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |