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"Master Time Management & Increase your Productivity" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Master Time management & Productivity Tricks with Ease where I am going to tell you about the precious element today that is the Time , how to manage your time properly and effectively. Time past can never be recalled so we have to use this time properly and effectively to become successful and happy in life. By effective time management we become more effective and productive. We have different relations and profession in life so we should be wise enough to give time to all equally and effectively in order to have prosperous and successful life. Life is very short so live it happily and fully and it can only be done if you know how to manage time properly. So I am going to help you to become perfect in managing time and to live your life beautifully and successfully. Time and tide wait for none so stay with me as you will learn a great Deal of Knowledge in shortest possible Time: Like: Learn How Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners can Get More Done in half of their Time Use innovative tips, and tricks to improve productivity work Identify your time-wasters and delete them before they gutter the productive day away Leave the bad habits that cost hours in the day Get more time for the things that matter in your life Learn about why Task Management is More Vital than the Time Management Identify the most important of Tasks in your life Learn Ways to Get High Value Things Done quicklySo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Better RELATIONSHIPS, Secrets To Love & Relationships" |
"I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Build Better RELATIONSHIPS, Secrets To Love & Relationships where I am going to tell you about the secrets through which you can make your relations strong and successful.We are social animals and we can't live alone. We need other people to fulfil our needs. We are dependent on other people but we need to find right people in our life. In order to live in a chain of beautiful people we need to make our relation bonds very strong and forever. We have to give value to those who are important in our life. That's why I made this course to help you to develop more understanding with your beloved ones. I hope to see you having beautiful and prosperous life with all those who make your life more beautiful. Identify the significant signs that a relationship is not working Know how to earn the trust of your relations Recognize the power of a great relationship that is on your entire life Know how to communicate more successfully with other people Dismiss arguments and differences before they even start Learn to deal with the unavoidable challenges that arise in any relationships Become more open and authentic in your personal and professional relationships Know the best strategies that support relationships and that keep relations thrilling and alive Know the techniques to build and improve your relationship Express to each other in such ways that foster more love and understanding Learn how to build stronger and more exciting relationshipsSo, come and join this course and lets make a promise that you will implement these simple strategies in your life and become a better and more confident person and be the Boss of Your mind and thoughts. Enjoy your relationships and be happy with who you are and what you do. Start believing yourself, get motivated and see a new you. The only failure is if you don't take any action.Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Beauty of Life After Decluttering" |
"This is a comprehensive video course on getting started for decluttering useless things around you and ultimately a journey toward more happiness and less attachment to useless things and emotions those are holding you back in true accumulation of positive energy and spirit in your life . However, if you do it right, the process is liberating and empowering, each step of the way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Qlik Sense For Everyone" |
"Qlik sense for everyone ! it is very important to manage time effectively to make quick decisions today. Time is Money, Money is timeDesign your dashboard, make analysis in a short time and make decisions quickly. Working on Qlik Sense is like a magic, learn this tool with engaging exercises that are both fun and also give you a taste for analytics of the real World.With this course you will be empowered to create fully featured desktop applications in Qlik Sense. The tips and tricks provided will help you to overcome challenging situations while developing your applications in Qlik Sense. This and more will help you to deliver engaging dashboards and reports efficiently.By the end of the course, you will be an expert user of Qlik Sense and will be able to use its features effectively for business intelligence in an enterprise environment. In this course you will learn: How to get data into a Qlik Sense document . How to create various charts and tables in Qlik sense and how to improve visualizations. How to make analysis with sets. Advantage set analysis. Combining tables and useful loading syntax prefixes."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Especializacin en Gestin de Proyectos" |
"Quiere convertirse en Director de Proyectos de xito y obtener el conocimiento necesario para ello? No busque ms, esta es su especializacin para conseguir ser un experto en la gestin de proyectos.-------------------------------------------------Escuche de otros alumnos por qu este es el curso de Gestin de Proyectos MEJOR VALORADO en espaol:"" Es un curso muy bien estructurado; Es conciso y se busca explicar lo realmente importante. El mejor curso que he realizado en esta plataforma."" -- Juan Sebastan Vasquez"" Definitivamente. Hasta el momento esta todo claro. El tema es muy interesante y esta muy bien llevado. Excelente."" -- Jos Quijada ""Ha sido un curso muy conciso y que va al grano, del que rpidamente he obtenido la claridad que necesitaba sobre el tema. Al profesor se le entiende con claridad y es capaz de transmitir los conceptos. Muy organizado en la presentacin"" -- J. Ignacio Quintero---------------------------------------------------En los prximos aos habr una fuerte demanda de perfiles especializados en gestin de proyectos con los conocimientos necesarios que sean capaces de adaptarse a diferentes situaciones y de dirigir satisfactoriamente equipos fsicos y virtuales. Estos conocimientos los adquirir en profundidad en esta especializacin.Segn los estudios realizados por el PMI (Project Management Institute), el salario mediano en Estados Unidos para un Director de Proyectos con 10-15 aos de experiencia se sita en 115.000$, mientras que en otros pases como Espaa estara en 53.933$.En esta especializacin aprender las herramientas necesarias para gestionar proyectos de manera exitosa a travs de diferentes metodologas (tanto enfoques tradicionales como PMI o giles como SCRUM) adaptables a cualquier proyecto, independientemente de su naturaleza y entorno. Entender cul es el mejor enfoque para cada caso o bien combinar ambos para determinados proyectos.La especializacin se desglosar en 3 bloques:BLOQUE 1: Introduccin a la Gestin de Proyectos donde se abordarn conceptos genricos as como criterios econmicos para la seleccin de proyectos.BLOQUE 2: Metodologas Tradicionales PMI donde se realizar una explicacin detallada del enfoque tradicional, sus reas de conocimiento (alcance, tiempo, costes, calidad, recursos, riesgos, ...) desde un punto de vista eminentemente prctico tomando como caso de uso un proyecto ejemplo.BLOQUE 3: Metodologas giles SCRUM, donde se detallar el enfoque gil as como el framework SCRUM para poder abordar proyectos que se enmarquen mejor en estos enfoques.Se incluir todo el material utilizado en las clases para que pueda aprovechar al mximo toda la informacin explicada durante el curso. Adems se explicar cmo obtener 5,5 PDUs para su certificacin PMP.Por otra parte, tendr una garanta de 30 das para asegurar que est 100% satisfecho con el material, mi objetivo es aportarle valor con todos estos conocimientos y si no es as sintase libre de solicitar la devolucin, aunque estoy seguro de que cumplir sus expectativas.Si quiere aprender una habilidad muy importante y en un corto espacio de tiempo que podr poner en prctica de inmediato, sin duda este es su curso de Gestin de Proyectos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Business Intelligence Power BI - Toma Decisiones Inteligente" |
"Quiere dominar la herramienta PowerBI y tomar las mejores decisiones basadas en el anlisis de datos?-------------------------------------------------------Escuche de otros alumnos por qu este es el curso de Business Intelligence MEJOR VALORADO en espaol:"" Muy buen curso. Es prctico, sencillo, se aprende bastante. Lo que me gust fue el enfoque de Anlisis que le da, no solamente es crear, sino analizar y tomar buenas decisiones."" -- Erick Brandon Fuentes Fuentes"" Wow me encant, como estn cambiando las tecnologas constantemente, haba muchas cosas que no saba, lo estoy aprendiendo y ahora podr aplicar en mi trabajo... Lo recomiendo ampliamente. Muchas gracias"" -- Efren Javier Zambrano""En una semana pas de no saber absolutamente nada de Power BI a utilizarlo para presentaciones a clientes. Pens que las partes de subir datos y limpiarlos iban a ser arduas, pero estn explicadas de manera muy sencilla. Excelente opcin para aprender a utilizar Power BI."" -- Ral Gonzlez Garca----------------------------------------------------------El Business Intelligence es la capacidad para transformar la informacin en conocimiento a travs de diferentes estrategias y herramientas de tal manera que nos ayude en la toma de decisiones.En este curso aprender cmo utilizar en detalle la herramienta de Inteligencia de Negocio Power BI, una herramienta de escritorio totalmente gratuita con la que obtener de manera rpida, sencilla y dinmica las conclusiones que necesita para alcanzar el xito en sus negocios tanto personales como profesionales.El programa est estructura de tal manera que aprenda desde cero todo el procedimiento hasta la toma de decisiones:BLOQUE 1: INTRODUCCIN AL BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEBLOQUE 2: EXTRACCIN, TRANSFORMACIN Y CARGA DE INFORMACIN CON POWER BIBLOQUE 3: VISUALIZACIN DE INFORMACIN CON POWER BIBLOQUE 4: ANALYTICS EN POWER BI PARA LA TOMA DE DECISIONESBLOQUE 5: POWER BI EN LA NUBEEn cuanto al estado mercado del Business Intelligence, Gartner pronostica un crecimiento anual del 7% de tal manera que en 2020 los ingresos por BI se eleven hasta 23 mil millones de $, por todo esto, es una excelente oportunidad para usted obtener conocimiento en Business intelligence y de anlisis de la informacin como conseguir en este curso.Se incluir todo el material utilizado en las clases para que pueda aprovechar al mximo todo el curso y disponga del material para poder configurar la plataforma Power BI y crear un paralelo el caso de uso que llevaremos a cabo.Por otra parte, tendr una garanta de 30 das para asegurar que est 100% satisfecho con el material, mi objetivo es aportarle valor con todos estos conocimientos y si no es as sintase libre de solicitar la devolucin, aunque estoy seguro de que cumplir sus expectativas.Si quiere dar un salto cualitativo a su trabajo, aprender a analizar en detalle la informacin y mejorar la manera en la cual muestra la informacin al resto mundo, este es su curso.** AUDIO 100% HD ACTUALIZADO **"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Gestin de Riesgos - Controlar Incertidumbre y Obtener xito" |
"Quiere aprende a gestionar los riesgos y controlar la incertidumbre inherente a cualquier iniciativa, desde un proyecto corporativo en un sector concreto hasta la realizacin de un evento personal?-------------------------------------------------------Escuche de otros alumnos por qu este es el curso de Gestin de Riesgos MEJOR VALORADO en espaol:"" Me ha gustado mucho el curso. Me ha dotado de una muy buena base para afrontar la incertidumbre de mis proyectos de una forma controlada. Seguramente reduzca mi estrs y mejore los resultados de mis objetivos. Muy ltil. Gracias!"" -- Jos Mara de la Nieta "" Gran curso, explicado de una manera clara. El instructor es muy claro para explicar los conceptos, adems de dar ejemplos que ayudan a una mejor comprensin."" -- Nstor guila "" Excelente expositor transmite su conocimiento y dominio del tema con gran claridad..Enhorabuena!!"" -- Jason ngel Portillo ----------------------------------------------------------Cualquier evento potencial puede tener un efecto positivo o negativo en algn objetivo del proyecto, es por ello que la gestin de riesgos no es una actividad opcional, sino que es de suma importancia para asegurar que conseguimos el xito en cualquier iniciativa.El objetivo global de la Gestin de Riesgos es minimizar la probabilidad e impacto de los riesgos negativos (amenazas) y maximizar la probabilidad e impacto de los riesgos positivos (oportunidades).En este curso, veremos en detalle cmo analizar y planificar los riesgos junto con las estrategias recomendadas para abordarlos as como las tcnicas para implementar y controlar los riesgos.El programa est estructura de tal manera que aprenda desde cero todo el procedimiento de Gestin de Riesgos:BLOQUE 1: INTRODUCCIN GESTIN DE RIESGOSBLOQUE 2: PLANIFICACIN DE RIESGOSBLOQUE 3: IMPLEMENTACIN Y CONTROL DE RIESGOSSe proporcionar todo el material necesario para que pueda hacer un anlisis en detalle de los riesgos junto con una completa plantilla en Excel que ayudar a identificar riesgos, realizar el anlisis cualitativo/cuantitativo automticamente mediante simulaciones y definir el plan de respuesta y estrategias de los riesgos. Esta plantilla sustituye a otras herramientas con un alto coste para realizar simulaciones y el estudiante la tendr a su disposicin totalmente gratuita.Por otra parte, tendr una garanta de 30 das para asegurar que est 100% satisfecho con el material, mi objetivo es aportarle valor con todos estos conocimientos y si no es as sintase libre de solicitar la devolucin, aunque estoy seguro de que cumplir sus expectativas.Si quieres dar un salto cualitativo a tu trabajo y aprender una habilidad sumamente importante en cualquier posicin de gestin, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Risk Management - Handling Uncertainty to Achieve Success" |
"Risk Management is the knowledge area in charge of handling uncertainty inherit to any project regardless of its nature, from a corporative project to a personal initiative.Any potential event or risk can have a positive or negative impact in some project objectives, so risk management is NOT an optional task, it is vital to assure we can get success.The global purpose of Risk Management is to minimize likelihood and impact of negative risks (threats) and maximize likelihood and impact of positive ones (opportunities).In this course, we are going to review in detail how to analyze and plan risks jointly with recommended strategies to deal with them, as well as risk implementation and monitoring techniques.You will learn from scratch the entire Risk Management procedure. Its structure is as follows:SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO RISK MANAGEMENTSECTION 2: RISK PLANNINGSECTION 3: RISK IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORINGIt will be shared any needed material so that you can perform a detailed risk analysis with a full Excel template to help you identify risks, analyze qualitatively and qualitatively automatically through simulation and define risk response plan with possible strategies.This template replaces other high cost tools to perform Montecarlo simulations and the student will have it totally free to take advantage of the knowledge you are going to get.If you want to improve your skills, learn a high demanded ability to add to your resume and stand out from other people as a manager, this is your course.**Subtitles in English 100% available and reviewed**"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mster en IoT - Conctate al Futuro" |
"Quiere aprender qu es IoT y cmo llevar a cabo sus proyectos en el mundo conectado?-------------------------------------------------------Escuche de otros alumnos por qu este es el programa de Internet of Things MEJOR VALORADO en espaol:""Excelente curso, la forma de abordar los temas deja muy claro todo lo que se debe tener presente para elaborar una Arquitectura IOT. Gracias por compartir tu conocimiento Super"" -- Claudia Gut"" Me ha gustado mucho, toda la divulgacin de informacin, si tienes una idea que quieras solucionar con IoT este curso te mostrar como hacerlo y que tecnologas utilizar."" -- Erik Navarrete Montenegro "" Explica muy bien, es excelente para darnos una idea general sobre el tema y comenzar a pensar en ideas."" -- Felipe Villalobos ----------------------------------------------------------El Internet of Things o Internet de las Cosas (IoT) es la interconexin de cualquier tipo de dispositivo a internet habilitando a estas Things conectarse, recolectar e intercambiar datos con los diferentes elementos.Las Things pueden ser cualquier dispositivo que se nos ocurra como electrodomsticos, sensores domsticos, TV, smartphones, vehculos, maquinaria industrial.. en definitva, cualquier elemento electrnico al que podemos incorporar electrnica y sensores / actuadores para que de esa manera podamos obtener datos de inters y podamos tomar acciones en base al procesamiento de la informacin.Por todo ello, IoT impacta en cualquier tipo de sector, desde sector industrial habilitando lo que se conoce como Industria 4.0 e impactando en toda la cadena productiva, hasta sector domstico (Smart home), pasando por Smart City, coche conectado, Salud, eficiencia energtica, creando por tanto un sinfn de posibilidades para mejorar el mundo.En esta especializacin aprender en qu consiste el ecosistema Internet of Things as como las diferentes alternativas y tecnologas en cada capa de la arquitectura IoT para que pueda llevar a cabo y hacer realidad sus ideas de negocio basadas en IoT.El programa est estructurado para que aprenda desde cero el flujo completo de una solucin IoT y llevarla a cabo:BLOQUE 1: INTRODUCCIN A INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT)BLOQUE 2: DISPOSITIVOS, SENSORES Y ACTUADORES IoTBLOQUE 3: CONECTIVIDAD IoTBLOQUE 4: PLATAFORMAS IoTBLOQUE 5: DATA SCIENCE Y BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEBLOQUE 6: SEGURIDAD EN EL MUNDO CONECTADO Y BLOCKCHAINBLOQUE 7: ESTRATEGIA Y MODELOS DE NEGOCIO IoTBLOQUE 8: PROYECTO FINAL IoT OPTIMIZACIN TRFICO URBANOBLOQUE 9: CONCLUSIONES En cuanto al estado mercado de Internet of Things, se pronostica que para 2025 haya 500 dispositivos conectados en el hogar con un crecimiento exponencial en base a un 25% CAGR, por todo esto, es una excelente oportunidad para usted obtener los conocimientos necesarios en el ecosistema IoT como conseguirs en este curso.Se incluir todo el material utilizado en las clases para que pueda aprovechar al mximo toda la informacin suministrada as como casos prcticos para la mejor comprensin de los conceptos.Por otra parte, tendr una garanta de 30 das para asegurar que est 100% satisfecho con el material, mi objetivo es aportarle valor con todos estos conocimientos y si no es as sintase libre de solicitar la devolucin, aunque estoy seguro de que cumplir sus expectativas.Si quieres aprender la tecnologa que revolucionar el mundo y desarrollar tu idea de negocio a partir de IoT, este es tu programa."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Domina SCRUM con JIRA - Metodologa Agile" |
"Quiere convertirse en un experto en la herramienta JIRA y gestionar proyectos de metodologa Agile?-------------------------------------------------------Escuche de otros alumnos por qu este es el curso de Scrum y JIRA MEJOR VALORADO en espaol:"" Muy buena explicacin de las metodologas giles, poniendo especial foco en Scrum. Gran explicacin de la herramienta Jira y todas sus funcionalidades. El curso transmite todos los aspectos necesarios para poner en prctica las metodologas giles en cualquier organizacin."" -- Pedro Caadas"" Me dio luz en la herramienta que utilizar en un empleo nuevo y proyecto nuevo. El instructor mostro su amplio conocimiento de SCRUM con Jira Felicidades y gracias."" -- ngel Galicia Alamilla"" Excelente curso, la teora y practica."" -- Juan Martn Gachuz Hernndez----------------------------------------------------------Las metodologas giles surgen para dar respuesta a la creciente necesidad en cualquier proyecto de adaptarnos cada vez ms rpido a los cambios en base a las necesidades del cliente. En este curso aprender las herramientas necesarias para gestionar proyectos de manera exitosa a travs del enfoque gil SCRUM, revisando cada uno de los conceptos de este framework (pilares, artefactos, roles y eventos en SCRUM).Por otra parte, se profundizar en el uso de JIRA, una herramienta de gestin de proyectos giles muy utilizada y que es altamente personalizable y adaptable a las necesidades de cada caso concreto.El curso est estructurado en los siguientes bloques:BLOQUE 1: METODOLOGAS GILES Y ENFOQUE SCRUMBLOQUE 2: INTRODUCCIN A JIRA BLOQUE 3: LIDERANDO PROYECTOS GILES CON JIRABLOQUE 4: ADMINISTRACIN DE JIRABLOQUE 5: CONCLUSIONESEn los prximos aos habr una fuerte demanda de perfiles especializados en gestin de proyectos con los conocimientos necesarios que sean capaces de adaptarse a diferentes situaciones y de dirigir satisfactoriamente equipos fsicos y virtuales. Por otra parte, tendr una garanta de 30 das para asegurar que est 100% satisfecho con el material, mi objetivo es aportarle valor con todos estos conocimientos y si no es as sintase libre de solicitar la devolucin, aunque estoy seguro de que cumplir sus expectativas.Si quiere aprender una habilidad muy importante que podr poner en prctica de inmediato y convertirse en el Scrum Master y guru de JIRA tanto en su compaa como mbito personal, este es tu curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Writing Fiction: Mastering the Basics" |
"Seize control of your writing with the important fiction techniques and develop your idea into a polished, marketable story. Topics include plotting, viewpoint, creating characters, dialogue, description, and more. In addition, learn the process of revision and a proven 10-step fiction process. Discover techniques that can help you become a better writer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Math: Solving Linear Equations" |
"This course provides a structured understanding of Linear-Equations and steady progression from the basic concepts to the professional level on the math frameworks involved of relevance to math-based practitioners and new-generation math-derived sciences (such as Data Sciences, Rprogramming). These include the following:A)The ROW, MATRIXand COLUMNview of an LEsystem b)Introductory section basing on ROWand COLUMNmethods c)Introduction to MATRIXmethods, using 2*2 and 3*3 systems d)The Professional Approach to L-Esolutions (used by computer packages and serious mathematicians alike). The concepts learned are cemented through solved examples including an R-based implementation and the course assignment included."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"mac basics[ terminal , bootcamp , games , apps and others ]" |
"any thing on hardware ask me on udemy oryahoo mail we are a will be able to know about your mac. ask me .the next lecture i will answer you .if you havent money you can ask me on mail moh.ismail700@yahoo.comi have many devices but more of it is from apple like mac , ipad and 3 iphonesall of this is from a real experiment"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Language for Beginners using Five Golden rules" |
"This course is created in order to teachpeople from all over the world the right way to learn English.In this course, students will learn basic and every dayEnglish vocabularythat will help them bring their English to thenext level. Students will practicespeaking,listening,readingwhile learningnew wordsto help them join inevery day conversations with native English speakers.In this course, you'll use the uniquelanguage learning method Golden Five: Read, Translate, Listen, Pronounce and Repeat.Boost your English speaking confidence Expand and develop your vocabularyBuild confidence in common conversation topics"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rubik Kp zme Kursu" |
"Merhaba, Rubik Kp zme Kursu'na Ho Geldiniz.Kursumuzda ok keyifli bir hobi ve bir yetenek olan Rubik Kp zme iini iyi bir ekilde reneceksiniz. 3 farkl anlatm tarz ile ok rahat bir ekilde ve ksa srede renebilecek,kendinize ok iyi bir yetenek kazandracaksnz. Kursumuzda En Popler Kpler olan 2x2 ve 3x3 Kpleri zmeyi reneceksiniz. Bu srede karnza kacak zorluklarda(Algoritma Ezberleri, Farkl Teknikleri Anlama) hi zorlanmadan kursun ayrcaln yaamanz iin birok blmmzvar. Ayrca kafanza taklan herhangi bir durumda bana Soru&Cevap blmnden sorularn sorabilirsiniz. Geriye sadece kk bir aba gerekli. Bunu da salarsanz ksa bir zaman iinde Rbik Kp zmeyi reneceksiniz."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Attract Monarch Butterflies to your Garden" |
"This entertaining course makes science fun! Everyone loves butterflies and attracting Monarch Butterflies to your garden may be easier than you think!Learn the basics of Monarch life and what it is they need. Once you know their culture, andtake action,you will be able towitness the miracle of metamorphosis right in your outdoor space.We will cover their intriguing migration, some alternate species for various continents,and some tips for keeping your garden healthy.This brief yet lively course is filled with colorfulphotos and videos to keep students engaged. Plus, sometimes the instructor is funny.Jessica Morgan McAteeissuper-passionate about her butterfly garden. That is why she has made it her life's mission to help other people create their own backyardsanctuaries. She is an author, speaker and consultant who has helped thousands of people attract butterflies.Here's what others are saying:""Mygarden has changed my spiritual path and put me in a mindset of hope. Could not have done it without Jessica!"" Laura B.""With her knowledge and passion and willingness to answer even the most basic question she makes it fun, exciting and doable. I cant overstate the joy it gives me to look out from my breakfast nook each morning and see a variety of butterflies flutter about. Or to wander around in the garden to discover very hungry caterpillars and follow their stages into adulthood. Their is something very spiritual and hope giving indeed to the miracle of life as seen through the butterfly. Thanks Jessica!"" AnnG..""My happy place was brought to me by Jessica. She educated us on how to properly construct a viable butterfly garden. Thank You!"" Laura M."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Attracting Florida's Longwing Butterflies" |
"Would you like to help conserve butterflies? This scientific (yet down-to-earth) course is designed for gardeners and butterfly enthusiasts who want to learn about a special sub-family of butterflies called Longwings. Longwings live in the tropics. Florida, Texas and American South East gardeners will especially benefit. Creating a serene, effective and beneficial butterfly habitat is easy for students who take this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Living Happier - Strategies for Success in Life" |
"In this course, you will learn how to stop HOPING for happiness, and instead, take action to invite more happiness into your life with these powerful strategies developed through research in positive psychology and neuroscience. Live happier. Stress less. Smile more. Bring joy back into your life and the lives of those you care about."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Earned Value Management - Basics & Deep Dive" |
"A series of lecture segments and quizzes to help you master Earned Value Management (EVM).Scenarios are carefully described for different assumption sets about what the future will look like.Context is provided to help you understand which EVM formulas are relevant to which scenarios.Exercises are used to help you internalize the various metrics you need to know (CPI, SPI, AC, ETC, EAC, BAC and so forth).A downloadable PDF file image is included that summarizes the EVM formulas, with the scenario context.Finally, a series of progressively more difficult practice questions with detailed explanations are used to help you deepen your understanding of the EVM discipline."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ocuklar in Web Tasarm Rehberi" |
"Artk gerek kodlar yazmann zaman geldi! ocuklarmz bu eitimde arlkl olarak HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) kodlama yaps kullanarak nasl tasarmlar yaplacan renecektir. Bylece ocuklarmz bilgisayar banda geirdikleri zamanlarn en verimli ekilde kullanacaklar, ayn zamanda grsel zekalarn ve dnce sistemlerini olduka gelitireceklerdir. Yazlm piyasasnda geen kavramlar elenceli bir ekilde renerek, aslnda en yararl olan eitimi alm olacaklardr. Ortaya belirli almalar kardka ocuklarmzn kendine olan zgveni de olumlu dzeyde artacaktr. MEB mfredat ile uyumlu olarak hazrlanan eitim lise dzeyinde biliim teknolojileri alannda eitim gren renciler iin de kolayca anlalr anlatmyla olduka yararl olacaktr. zellikle web tasarm konusunda yeni balayan bireylere profesyonel bir rehber olacaktr. Not: Bu eitim kitapta bulunan eitim videolarnn gelitirilmi halidir. Ek eitim videolar bulunur."
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"Como crear tu primer infoproducto de xito" |
"Es un curso pensado y creado para personas como t, que tienen un conocimiento adquirido tal vez a travs de los aos, o en una profesin, pero no han encontrado la forma de monetizar tan valioso recurso.Crear un infoproducto es la forma ms simple y rpida de generar ingresos online. Lo mejor de todo es que lo hars a partir de lo que sabes y te gusta hacer, por lo que ser muy fcil. Siguiendo estos pasos y tcnicas que te enseo, crear tu infoproducto va a ser muy divertido para ti.Veremos desde la idea hasta el proceso de venta. Pasaremos por el diseo, la estructura y la estrategia de marketing viral; este es una estructura que te permite entender lo que en este mundillo se llama embudo de venta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"!Aprende a negociar como un experto!" |
"Es un curso prctico, enfocado en la aplicacin de una estructura adecuada de fases y tips para sacar el mximo provecho en una negociacin.La estructura de la negociacin profesional se basa en la siguientes fases:1.Fase de PREPARACIN 1.1.Asuntos 1.2.Propuesta 1.3.Lmites 1.4.Lista de concesiones 1.5.Lista de Peticiones2.Fase de EXPOSICIN3.Fase de PROPUESTAS4.Fase de INTERCAMBIO 4.1.Dilogo Negociador5.Fase de CONCESIONES6.Fase del CIERRECon la aplicacin de estas fases de manera estructurada usted podr negociar como todo un profesional.Todo el equipo detrs de este proyecto esta enfocado en ayudarle con cualquier duda, sugerencia y brindarle ms recursos a los largo de toda la vida.Gracias por su preferencias.Atte.Team ADNLean"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Connecting Script Font + Free Script Font" |
"Welcome to this course. This course is designed for anyone interested in learning how to makeconnecting script font.We will be creating theBewitched font from scratch. Learn how to use those skills to make more complex fonts. This course is intended for both Mac and PC users.This class is for anyone just getting started with Illustrator, and wants to take their skills to the next level! Its certainly helpful if youve worked with Illustrator a time or two, but definitely not necessary.As a bonus I am giving awayBewitched font for free, so you can dissect the font and make your own very easily."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"ARKit and ARKit 2.0 - Beginner to Expert - Build 15 Apps!" |
"ARKit is Apple's Augmented Reality Platform for iOS!It allows developers to create augmented reality apps for iPhones and iPads.This revolutionary technology will allow you to breakthrough in an industry worth over $100 billion.We will go through theory for important ARKit concepts and build hands on projects that will be stellar additions to your portfolio.Learn how the default ARKit - ARSpaceShip App WorksBuild an ARApp from Scratch with 3DShapesRemove Objects from the ARViewLearn about lighting to make the ARObjects look realisticBuild an ARMeasuring AppBuild an ARFurniture AppLearn about detecting Images and Overlaying Graphics on themLearn about detecting 3DObjects and Overlaying Graphics on themLearn about the USDZfile format and create your own USDZfilesBuild a website with USDZfilesBuild an iOSApp with USDZfilesBuild an ARDrawing AppStore and Retrieve ARExperiences (Persistence)Source code will be provided for the projects and this course will be regularly updated to incorporate latest technology. Support will be actively provided on the Q&Aarea.If you want to save time on learning ARfor iOS and learn how to build practical applications, this is your best investment!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Computer Forensics" |
"Computer Forensics is the branch of forensics science which deals with the digital evidences that would be admissible in court. The field of digital forensics started early 90's when digital computer compromised. FBI CART program which was previously known as ""Magnet Media Program"" and the father of Computer Forensics Michael Anderson was the chief head of this program. Through blessings of Computer forensics the cases of Michael Jackson,German wings Flight 9525 etc solved.In this course you will learn about general forensics procedures, evidence handling and you will know how to use various tools which will help you to become an expert with more practice. The main objective of this course is that I just brief all lectures clearly which is understandable for everyone. Theres no need for computer/forensic's background to enroll this course if you have interest then you may get this course. This course is also helpful for cyber lawyers or prosecutors because gathering and preserving electronic evidence require a special set of considerations. Without a thorough understanding of digital forensics, your next move could compromise evidence or cause your findings to be inadmissible in court.Shortly this course provides a general introduction to the concepts, theories, principles, and practice of digital forensics. Topics include data acquisition to reporting with lab sessions. Therefore, it also covers the required basics of Unix/Linux commands. Learning Outcomes:Step to CHFI From EC-CouncilProcedural Professional in disaster managementExploring in the field of threat intelligenceData recovery using professional toolsMitigation of admissibilityWindows/Linux/mobile forensicsPrepare yourself for GCFAPreparing reports"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete WordPress Beginner Guide: Build Your First Website" |
"Welcome to, CompleteWordPress Beginner Guide: BuildYourFirstWebsite.Here you will learn about how to create a WordPress website from scratch; This course contains education videos + texts for your learning purpose.Course materials are carefully created to help peoples to learn WordPress easily.In this course, you will learn aboutSetup and install WordPress on LocalhostInstall WordPress themesInstall PluginsSetup Pages, PostsCreate Custom Navigation MenusConfigure WordPress SettingsEven if you have never heard WordPress before, this course will ensure that you will learn everything by the end of the day.Once you complete this course, then you dont need to find any other tutorials to create a WordPress website. The course contains all the essential information to that will help you understand better about WordPress."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"30+ Reasons Why Typescript?" |
"In this course, we will learn Typescript with 30+ reasons why should you think using Typescript during client side as well as server JavaScript applications development. We will look at 30+ questions on ECMAScript 5 / ES5 and how developers solved these questions in ES5. For each question, we will look at the better solution offered by Typescript and we will see how developer's life become easy while building JavaScript applications."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Angular 7, 8 and 9 Drag N Drop Feature With Highcharts" |
"In this course, you will learn a Drag and Drop feature introduced in angular-material Component Dev Kit [CDK]. You will also learn how to integrate Highcharts charts in Angular Applications and see different types of charts. We will change the chart types dynamically using Drag and Drop feature of Angular 9 by building a MEAN stack application."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Internet of Things with ESP8266 & MicroPython" |
"Updates: UPDATE 8 : Project 8 How to Push Sensor Data to Google Sheets for Data Logging ? (based on Lab 4 and Project 7) UPDATE 7 : Project 7 from UPDATE 5 and 6 Labs, pushing notifications up on an alarming activityUPDATE 6 : Using NodeMCU with Pushbullet for Push notification on Mobiles and other devicesUPDATE 5 : Using MQ135 Sensor for Gas Detection and Decision MakingUPDATE 4 : Using Nokia5110 Display with NodeMCU, Parsing JSON Data with NodeMCU, Creating a Weather Station Dashboard using NodeMCU and Nokia 5110 DisplayUPDATE 3: Using LiDAR for IOT Apps, A lecture on Gesture recognition using VL6180x is added to bonus lectures, vl6180x from STMicroElectronics is a popular sensor for mobile phones, which can also be used for IOT Apps, Have a look for new IdeasUPDATE 2 : After Request from Students Asking about interfacing a display, we have uploaded few bonus lectures on working with SSD1306, a 128 x 64 OLED display, after taking these labs you will be able to draw objects, display your own images and run gif images over SSD1306UPDATE 1 : After listening to candidates expressing their discomfort with instructor's accent ,Captions(CC) of all Lectures in the course are properly transcribed now and are not automatic(annoying) Description :This course gives a brief introduction to IOT and enables the students/enthusiasts to create very easy and useful applications through NodeMCU hardware and supporting sensors in a fastest way.Regular courses which teach IOT through Raspberry pi may incur a cost of 30 - 50 $ including different sensors to complete the learning process, where as this course uses hardware like NodeMCU which is Open-source, Interactive, Low cost, Simple, Smart and WI-FI enabled hardware powered by ESP8266Regular courses use C/ C++ language to code,Where as this course emphasizes more on the use of MicroPython which is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.This Course uses popular PyCharm IDE from Jetbrains available free as community edition Course is completely experimental / lab based and has no boring lectures and introductory graphicsIt shows how to interface and grab data from sensors like Vibration, Temperature, Humidity, PressureIt teaches how to post / visualize the data grabbed from sensor on to internet, visualization brokers/interfaces like Thingspeak and Adafruit.IO are used Apart from visualization the course also teaches how to control IOs/devices connected to NodeMCU hardware through internet from any place in the world using Google Voice Assistant and If This Then That (IFTTT) platformsOur rationale to build/teach this course: We went through different courses on IOT and found that there is need for a course which can teach people about building IOT Apps under limited budget"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"All in One Digital Marketing Masterclass for Passive Income" |
"Are you Looking for the best course for cheap price to be a marketing genius? I am glad to say that you are in the right Place. Take a look at what you can do using the skills you will achieve in this course:Make a Successful business at the starting point of your online careerGrow your existing business from scratchHelp client to Increase their BusinessStart your Freelancing Career with the right knowledge Advance Benefits of My Course:I am offering you the advanced level skills and training which are not offered by the other course such as:I will teach you how to get a Hosting for FreeThe source to get the Cheapest domain for yourselfMake a Website, Store or Landing Page for the cheapest Price which converts very high24/7 Consultation on Udemy for any questions you haveWhy Should you Chose My Course:I am a Digital Marketer having 5 years experience and I had been working with 40 Companies. So, I have a lot of experience and I am going to share all of them to you. I have explore how one can make awesome content that converts and attract the buyers. I know a lot of resources that will help my students to start with right path and grow gently. You will achieve the best knowledge ever in this Course.What I will be teaching you:I will teach you all the strategies that I know which will help you to start your business gently. Take a look what I am going to teach you:Avoid the Common mistakes that others did at the starting pointDefine your audience and niche to target themDo Market research to validate your ideasBuild a Professional Looking WordPress Websites that convertsWrite exclusive copies that salesBuild your Email list to do successful email MarketingRank your website on Search Engines with Advanced SEODrive quality traffics to your landing page or funnel.Convert your Traffics into Sales.Paid Marketing using the best PlatformsKeyword, Content, Market and Niche research Make the right strategy to grow your successAnd a lot much more things!!All the tricks, Tips or strategies shown are either Free or Very Cost effective..What will You get If You Enroll With All in One Digital Marketing Masterclass:Lifetime access to the course and all updatesPersonalized support and answers to your questionsAssignments With Useful QuestionsFree Consultation and Help in Projects30-Day money back guaranteePractice Tests to Help you Judge Yourself Get Ready to Take ActionThis is a Golden Chance to make passive income online as a Beginner, Take action Now!!You will learn the right and proven Technics and strategies for each section. You can have the Assignments and know about the real world actions. Finally you can implement the strategies and see real results!IT IS THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO START DIGITAL MARKETING AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND GROW YOUR INCOME ONLINEWhat are you waiting for? Enroll to my course and take the advantages to grow your business from scratch"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Rhythmic Training" |
"Become a master of rhythm with this step by step course and exercise plan. Train your inner clock, rhythm reading + transcribing skills and polyrhythms (includes quintuplets).You'll be able to read any rhythm, recognize any rhythm nd you will have the tools to come up with your own polyrhythms.You can start from any level, we're going to start from the basics, but this course is geared towards people who want topractice towardsan advanced/professional level.It is helpful if you already know what a quarter note, 8th note, triplet etc. is though.(It's also very interesting and helpful if you're into prog)The course covers reading exercises, transcribing exercises, performance exercises, analysis studies of recordings by Vinnie Colaiuta, Jojo Mayer, Dream Theater etc.No stone is left unturned!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |