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"Panes Artesanales" |
"En este curso te enseamos a hornear. Iniciaremos explicndote sobre la levadura y la fermentacin, y sobre los utensilios que se utilizan comnmente. Despus aprenders cmo elaborar una variedad depanes salados:Pan de cajaPan rsticoBaguettePan integralFocacciaNuestros chefs, Montse Castro, Adriana Lavn y Humberto Ordaz,te presentarndeliciosas recetas, dndote consejos para que encuentres tu propio estilo.No necesitas conocer de cocina para participar. Basta con que tengas el deseo de aprender y te animes a hornear con nosotros."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Pan Dulce Tradicional" |
"En este curso te enseamos a hornear. Iniciaremos explicndote sobre la levadura y la fermentacin, y sobre los utensilios que se utilizan comnmente. Despus aprenders cmo elaborar una variedad depanes dulces tradicionales:Roles de canelaConchas (pan tpico mexicano)Pan de muertoPasta briocheRosca de ReyesPan de eloteNuestros chefs: Montse Castro, Adriana Lavn y Humberto Ordaz,te presentarndeliciosas recetas, dndote consejos para que encuentres tu propio estilo.No necesitas conocer de cocina para participar. Basta con que tengas el deseo de aprender y te animes a hornear con nosotros."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Masterclass Java 8 & Eclipse Development course (Nederlands)" |
"In deze Cursus leer je de beginselen van Java.De cursus begint met een rustige en uitgebreide Java introductie waardoor beginnende programmeurs een kennis-boost krijgen.Het meest recente en gebruikte ontwikkel-programma (Eclipse) om java applicaties mee te maken wordt hierbij ook gentroduceerd.Alles wordt haar fijn uitgelegd en de studenten worden specifiek begeleid bij het downloaden van Eclipse en de Java documenten.De bedoeling van deze cursus is studenten zo snel mogelijk te leren programmeren dus daarbij komt een stukje geschiedenis bij kijken.De main focus is het programmeren in java en ontwikkel programma's zoals Eclipse te leren begrijpen dus te veel theorie sluiten we uit.Williamsapplicatie is goed in moeilijke dingen makkelijk te laten klinken en als we het hebben over programmeren dan doen we dit praktisch. Java is een moeilijke taal om mee te beginnen maar zodra je de draad hebt opgepakt dan is er geen stoppen meer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Web Development: (HTML5-CSS3) XAMPP & Hosting (Nederlands)" |
"Web Development: (HTML5-CSS3) XAMPP & Hosting (Nederlands)Deze website development cursus geeft jou als beginnende programmeur een snelle boost om zo snel mogelijk een website te leren programmeren. Een prof zijn is niet nodig, deze cursus is speciaal voor beginnende programmeurs. Geen Juridische termen en geen onzin, je leert gelijk programmeren als een baas.Wij vinden het belangrijk te vertellen waarom bepaalde dingen binnen programmeren worden toepast.Wij maken jou beter en jij maakt ons beter Williamsapplicatie is de platform die jou duidelijkheid kan bieden.Na het afronden van deze cursus ben je in staat een website te programmeren vanaf scratch zonder moeite.Wat kun je verwachten van deze cursus:De basis HTML5 ScriptHTML5 FundamentBijzondere HTML5 tagsHet koppelen van Javascript & CSS3 CSS3 code schrijven Header, Nav, Section, FooterComplete website programmeren Local Host koppelen:Wat is een localhostLocalhost downloadenHtdocs folder gebruiken Bonus :Domeinnamen kopen en vindenHet voorbereiden van een webhostingFTP Programma CyberDuck gebruiken"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Android Studio 3.1.4 N & Java 8 Build 6 Apps Course (NL)" |
"""Ontwikkel 6 Android Applicaties""Ben jij er klaar voor om de volgende Android-developer te worden?Ik zie je in de cursus!Schrijf je nu in voor de cursus The Android Studio 3.1.4 N & Java 8 Build 6 Apps Course (NL)Learn Android Studio 3.1.4 N & Java 8 development build 4 real world Android apps & 2 small Games sourcecode includedWat leer je in deze Android Studio cursus ?- Efficint programmeren om ingewikkelde applicaties te begrijpen- Kennis opdoen om opdrachten te kunnen uitvoeren als een zelfstandige programmeur- Leer ingewikkelde structuren toe te passen tijden het programmeren in Java- Diepgaande Kennis over de MVC model (Model View Controller)Waarom Java?Java wordt veel gebruikt in de industrie en is erg populair. Enkele van de verschillende domeinen waar Java op grote schaal wordt gebruikt, zijn de volgende: Financile services: het wordt gebruikt in server-side applicaties. Big Data: Hadoop MapReduce framework is geschreven met behulp van Java. Bankieren: omgaan met transactiebeheer. Beurs: om algoritmen te schrijven over in welk bedrijf ze moeten investeren. Retail: facturatie toepassingen die u in een winkel / restaurant ziet, zijn volledig in Java geschreven. Android: applicaties worden ofwel in Java geschreven of met een Java API. Wetenschappelijke en onderzoeksgemeenschap: om te gaan met een enorme hoeveelheid gegevens Java is overal, in laptops, wetenschappelijke supercomputers, gameconsoles, mobiele telefoons, enzovoort. Er wordt gezegd dat er 9 miljoen Java-ontwikkelaars in de wereld zijn. Hiermee kunt u in de toekomst de vraag van Java en zijn evolutie in softwareontwikkeling kennen.***Deze cursus is voor iedereen***In deze cursus leer je per direct Android apps programmeren, bij elke sectie krijgt u afbeeldingen en de sourcecode meegeleverd.Van mij krijg je persoonlijk antwoordt op alle vragen, studenten hebben de mogelijkheid mij te mailen of te berichten via social media.Wat zeggen studenten over ons ?SamFantastische video! heeft me enorm geholpen. bedankt, ik kijk alvast verder! ik wil graag beginnen met programmeren. AlexHoi William, Ben hier al echt blij mee zou je dit ook kunnen voordoen met bijvoorbeeld als je op button 1 klikt dat er dan tekst in het tekstvakje 1 komt en als je op button 2 klikt dat er dan tekst in tekstvakje twee komt, als je het zou willen mailen graag, ik BramIk ben bezig met een goed boek Java voor studenten, een van de opdrachten is namelijk een frame met twee knoppen en twee tekstvakken en voor elk knop een tekst, maar ik kom er niet uit en kan verder ook geen voorbeelden vinden, vind het echt top dat je een tutorial hiervan maakt, ik volg je inmiddels ook op fb"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Short And Effective Android App Development 2019 (In Depth)" |
"Programming is thinking differently.Are you ready to become the next Android developer? I'll see you in the loop!Sign up now for the course The short and effective Android development.What do you learn in this Android Studio course?- Efficient programming to understand complex applications- Acquiring knowledge to be able to carry out assignments as an independent programmer- Learn how to apply complex structures during programming in Java- Thorough knowledge of the MVC model (Model View Controller)Why Java?Java is widely used in industry and is very popular. Some of the different domains where Java is widely used are the following: Financial services: it is used in server-side applications. Big Data: Hadoop MapReduce framework is written using Java. Banking: dealing with transaction management. Stock exchange: to write algorithms about which company they have to invest in. Retail: billing applications that you see in a store / restaurant are written entirely in Java. Android: applications are written in Java or with a Java API. Scientific and research community: to deal with a huge amount of dataJava is everywhere, in laptops, scientific supercomputers, game consoles, mobile phones, and so on. It is said that there are 9 million Java developers in the world. This allows you to know the issue of Java and its evolution in software development in the future.*** This course is for everyone ***In this course you will immediately learn to program Android apps, with each section you will receive images and the source code. You get personal answers to all questions, students have the opportunity to send me an e-mail or to report via social media.What do students say about us? SamFantastic video! has helped me tremendously. thank you, I am looking forward to it! I would like to start programming.AlexHoi William, I am already very happy with this, you could for example also occur if you click on button 1 that contains text in the text box 1 and if you click button 2, there is text in text box two, if you would do that like to mail, I like itBram I work on a good Java book for students, one of the assignments is a frame with two buttons and two text boxes and for each button a text, but I can not find it and can not find examples, think it's really great that you make a tutorial of this, I am now following you on fb"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor Botanical Painting: Peony" |
"Welcome to my class on how to paint the peony in the botanical style!I'll teach youoverall principles and techniquesso that you can apply them to other subjects of your own.I'll demonstrateexactly how I sketchmy peonies. Soon, you'll be able to sketch any peony that you desire!I'll take youstep-by-step to paintthree large peonies and three smaller buds. And we'll be using a variety of styles to accomplish this: wet-on-dry, wet-on-wet, glazing, negative painting, layering, and more.We'll use photo references for all but one of the peonies because I want you to have thecreative freedomto paint how you want to paint!Make sure to download my list of supplies in theclass downloads. In addition, if you want to use my line drawing sketches for the class, you can find them in the downloads, too. So grab your supplies, and let's paint together!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor Loose Florals" |
"Painting in the loose style with watercolors is easily one of my favorite things to do. Learn how to use simple brushstrokes to create six different flowers: lavender, lilac, hibiscus, cherry blossom, calla lily, and magnolias. So get ready to let loose with your brush and apply lots of creative freedom to your paintings."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Ancient Egypt" |
"Five thousand years ago the land of the papyrus and the land of the lotus united to form one long, thin country ruled by one semi-divine king. For the next three thousand years Egypt would maintain a culture so distinctive that even today, some two thousand years after the last pharaoh occupied throne of the Two Lands, it has instant, universal recognition.This course is divided into four sections, In the 1st section of this course, we are going to begin with the geography of the land itself, emphasizing how the Nile River shaped the culture of the ancient Egyptians. In section 2, we are going to take a comprehensive view of the timeline of ancient Egypt from the pre-dynastic time 5000 BC to the fall of ancient Egypt in 30 BC. Covering powerful pharaohs, royal pyramids religious shifts, wars, and art. In section 3, we are going to dive into the mysterious ancient Egyptian religion, covering gods and goddess, temples, important concepts like Maat, and key mythologies like the myth of Osiris. In section 4, we are going to touch on the very unique concept of death in ancient Egypt, why the afterlife mattered so much to the ancient Egyptians, and why they had so lavish tombs; also in this section we are going to cover mummification and how it works."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Security fundamentals (98-367) Preparation Tests" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Security Fundamentals (98-367) practice tests. The practice tests are designated for the students they are preparing to take the Microsoft Security Fundamentals exam. In addition, it is a helpful resource for beginners who are involved in getting knowledge about security. The provided practice tests are cover the main objectives of the Microsoft exam. The practice tests covers:Security layers.Operating System Security.Network Security.Security Software.The practice tests contain 300 questions. We will add new questions frequently."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mude Sua Vida Financeira" |
"*** A Universidade Financeira chegou com TUDOna Udemy***O Mude Sua Vida Financeira o primeiro curso de educao financeira da Universidade Financeira na Udemy.Voc aprender:Como quitar suas dvidas;Como fazer o seu dinheiro render mais; Tcnicas avanadas de controle financeiro;Como potencializar sua renda atual;Tcnicas de economia na prtica;Como construir um fundo de emergncia;Como investir nos investimentos tradicionais (e no tradicionais) do mercado brasileiro;E muito mais...----O que o Mude Sua Vida Financeira?R: Este o nico treinamento do Brasil que te preparar com uma base slida de educao financeira (desde a quitao de dvidas at tcnicas avanadas de economia e controle financeiro pessoal), ao mesmo tempo que abordar os aspectos necessrios para te preparar para os investimentos e o sucesso, te apresentar as opes tradicionais e mais rentveis de multiplicao de renda, ensinar como comear, manter e escalar esses investimentos e ainda criar renda passiva de forma slida e duradoura.----CONTEDO:- MDULO 1 - Renda AtivaComearemos aprendendo como criar uma fonte de renda, como lidar com a sua fonte de renda atual, como potencializ-la e como ganhar ainda mais dinheiro, ainda que voc seja um CLT, estudante, estagirio, autnomo, desempregado, dona de casa ou aposentado.- MDULO2 - Finanas no Dia-a-DiaAqui voc aprender como quitar suas dvidas de forma permanente, como gastar o seu dinheiro da forma correta utilizando tcnicas e ferramentas que eu utilizo no meu dia-a-dia, como economizar e manter o dinheiro sobre o seu controle e onde/como acumular seu dinheiro ao criar a sua reserva de emergncia.- MDULO3 - Inteligncia FinanceiraVoc conhecer e dominar a Jornada Financeira, entender como funciona o jogo do dinheiro, tambm investiremos tempo desenvolvendo uma nova mentalidade bem-sucedida financeiramente sem utilizar clichs e indo completamente direto ao ponto! Alm disso, voc ter acesso s minhas fontes de informaes para nutrir e manter a minha inteligncia financeira a fim de alcanar resultados cada vez maiores.- MDULO 4 - Pr-InvestimentoNesse mdulo abordaremos o seu perfil como investidor e te apresentaremos o conceito de investimento comportamental dentro de uma estratgia de enriquecimento. Tambm apresentaremos os investimentos mais lucrativos do mercado e te ensinaremos como escolher o seu investimento ideal!-MDULO 5 - InvestimentosChegou a hora de botar a mo na massa com aulas prticas sobre investimentos na Renda Fixa, Fundos de Investimentos e Aes. Todos esses investimentos sero destrinchados e a forma de investir neles ser mostrada em passos prticos.- Novos contedos & Atualizaes ConstantesSempre que uma nova aula, ou seo, for criada voc ser avisado por e-mail. O treinamento ser constantemente atualizado devido, e conforme, as exigncias do mercado. Novos recursos bnus tambm podem ser adicionados se verificado uma pertinncia para o tema da aula em questo.----Mais alguns motivos para investir no Mude Sua Vida Financeira: - Empresa com 4 anos no mercado de Educao Financeira e Investimentos;- Comunicao direta com Pedro Vieira e equipe Universidade Financeira;- Todas as aulas possuem udio para download e podem ser ouvidas onde quiser;- Mais de 100 materiais de apoios para download dentro do treinamento;- Receba nossos lanamentos e promoes antes de todos;- Mais de 8 horas de contedo direto ao ponto;- Suporte online;- Acesso vitalcio;----Como funcionar o treinamento?R: O treinamento online e pode ser assistido em seu PC, celular, tablet e SmarTV. O treinamento composto por vdeo-aulas com professor e em slides, voc tambm poder baixar todos os udios e pdfs das aulas para escutar e estudar offline, alm de poder fazer download de todas as aulas bnus e materiais de apoio (+ de 100!)Quem a Universidade Financeira?R:A Universidade Financeira uma empresa de educao financeira criada h 4 anos para promover o acesso uma educao financeira sem clichs, explicada de forma simples porm prtica, efetiva e eficaz a fim de gerar uma mudana slida e permanente na vida de seus alunos e clientes. Hoje uma das 3 maiores empresas de educao financeira do Brasil, atingindo mais de 4,5 milhes de pessoas ao redor do mundo.Terei direito a algum certificado de concluso do curso?R: Sim!Ao terminar o treinamento, a Udemy emitir um certificado de concluso do treinamento. Este certificado pode ser impresso e utilizado por voc como queira. O contedo do canal da Universidade Financeira no Youtube no ensina a mesma coisa?R: No! Apesar de utilizarmos alguns poucos vdeos do Youtube como material de apoio, o Mude Sua Vida Financeira um treinamento EXCLUSIVO da Udemy e o contedo foi criado e est organizado de forma indita. Omaterial do Youtube um timo ponto de partida, mas a Escola de Finanas o que te far alcanar o sucesso de maneira estratgica, objetiva e prtica.No tenho tempo para assistir o treinamento, e agora?R: O seu acesso ao treinamento vitalcio, ou seja, voc no vai perd-lo nunca. Poder criar uma rotina de estudos, assim como poder fazer download das nossas aulas em udio e estudar a caminho do trabalho ou no seu horrio de almoo. Tambm possvel acessar a Escola de Finanas pelo seu tablet ou celular, o que te permitir estudar onde estiver, no seu tempo.Vou aprender a investir meu dinheiro?R: Sim!E mais do que isso, vai estar preparado para investir no investimento que desejar e escalar esse investimento para extrair o mximo de resultados possveis!Quanto tenho que ter pra investir, alm do valor do curso?R:Voc pode ter R$ 30, ou nada!O grande diferencial do Mude Sua Vida Financeira que ela vai te capacitar a gerar renda ainda que voc no tenha dinheiro, ou tenha pouco dinheiro pra comear a investir. Vamos falar sobre Renda Ativa e tambm maneiras de fazer mais com o dinheiro que voc j ganha. Quando voc chegar no assunto ""investimentos"", dinheiro no ser o problema.Vou aprender a quitar minhas dvidas?R:Sim!Esse um passo essencial para uma jornada financeira bem sucedida e vamos fazer mais do que te ensinar a pagar seus dbitos, vamos te mostrar como quit-los de maneira definitiva enquanto criaremos uma estratgia para que eles nunca mais voltem a acontecer!Como funcionar o suporte?R: Voc poder nos acionar em Perguntas e Respostas, assim como poder entrar na sua sesso como aluno e acionar o suporte. Temos uma equipe sua disposio e TODAS as suas dvidas sero atendidas e respondidas o quanto antes, independente se for um dia til, final de semana ou feriado."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams" |
"Want to test your exam readiness for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate AND feel confident to pass your AWS certification exam first time? Then these ultimate AWS Solutions Architect Associate practice exams are for you! These 6 practice tests reflect the difficulty of the Amazon Web Services exam questions and are the most similar to the real AWS exam experience available on Udemy as demonstrated by the fantastic student reviews from over 100,000 students. With this AWS Certification Training course, you'll know when you are ready to pass your AWS Solutions Architect exam first time with a great score!If you want easy to pass questions, then these AWS Practice Tests are not for you! Our students love these high-quality practice tests because they simulate the actual certification exam and help them understand the AWS concepts. Check out the reviews confirming that our AWS practice questions closely match the exam pattern and difficulty. Our practice tests will prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass first time with confidence. Watch the intro video to learn how these Practice Exams will fast-track your exam success!SPECIAL BONUS OFFER: Exclusive Access to the Online Exam Simulator from Digital Cloud Training with 500+ Practice QuestionsWe are now offering FREE 12-month access to the Exam Simulator on the Digital Cloud Training website (optional, registration required with name and email). The exam simulator randomly selects 65 questions from our pool of over 500 unique questions - mimicking the real AWS exam environment. The practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real AWS exam. Simply the best way to assess your exam readiness. REFLECTING LATEST SAA-C02 EXAM BLUEPRINTOver 100 new practice questions have been introduced to cover all additional topics for the latest SAA-C02 exam blueprint that was introduced in March 2020. New topics include Amazon FSx, High-Performance Computing, Amazon Aurora, AWS Global Accelerator, AWS Organizations, AWS Resource Access Manager, AWS Database Migration Service and AWS DataSync. Many courses claim to be updated for the SAA-C02 and yet they don't cover these key exam topics.TOP REASONS WHY THESE PRACTICE EXAMS ARE YOUR BEST CHANCE TO ACE YOUR AWS EXAM 100% CONFORM WITH SAA-C02 EXAM BLUEPRINT: Practice Tests on Udemy are 100% scenario-based reflecting the latest AWS exam question/answer format (1 answer from 4 options, or 2 or more answers from 5 or more options)SIMULATE THE ACTUAL CERTIFICATION EXAM: Practice Tests are timed (130 min to answer 65 questions) and scored (passing score is 72%) mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AWS exam formatDEEP DIVE REFERENCE LINKS: To help you understand the concepts, all answers link to relevant sections of our online ""Training Notes"" - the most comprehensive collection of exam-specific information for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate examDETAILED EXPLANATIONS FOR ALL ANSWERS: After completing the practice test, you get to review and check your answers. Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrect, supporting your understanding of AWS Services which is key to passing the examWEEKLY UPDATES OF QUESTION BANK: We're constantly improving and updating the questions based on exam feedback from thousands of our students. Because of our tested and proven approach, most of our students achieve amazing results with an average exam score of over 85%TEST REPORT: Upon completion of the Practice Test you are presented with a report. This allows you to track your progress and highlights the AWS knowledge areas you need to focus on most in your studiesRESPONSIVE SUPPORT: Our team of AWS experts comprehensively respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedbackACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on AWS related topics in our Q&A discussion board where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were coveredMOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all practice questions from your mobile phone - anywhere, anytimeWHAT OTHER STUDENTS SAYOur practice tests are widely considered to be the best as they prepare you to the point where you will confidently pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam with a great score. But don't take my word for it, check out the excellent course reviews from our happy students who passed their AWS exam with an average passing score of over 850! Well Crafted Questionnaire material, which will help you to gain the confidence on taking the exam. I greatly recommend anyone to take this practice text before appearing for the exam.""Just passed the exam with a surprisingly good score and found that these practice exams were very helpful. I tried some other courses too but these questions were most similar to the AWS exam and the free theory notes on the website were invaluable.I've never worked in architecture before and had very little experience in AWS. However, I was able to pass the CSAA exam with 92%, and I have to say that most of the credit goes to these practice exams. If you only buy one practice course, make it this one. I can't recommend it enough.HOW TO BEST PREPARE FOR YOUR AWS CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail! Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!COVERING AWS FUNDAMENTALS: Through our AWS practice exams and AWS Training Notes, we cover the fundamentals of AWS Architecture and how to create performant, cost-optimized, and fault-tolerant applications. We also deep dive into individual services including: Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Storage Gateway, Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, AWS IAM, AWS Lambda, Amazon RDS, Route 53, DynamoDB, RedShift, ElastiCache, Amazon Aurora, VPC, SQS, SNS, SWF, ElasticTranscoder, Amazon Kinesis, API Gateway, Direct Connect, Snowball, CloudWatch, CloudTrail and many more.UNDERSTANDING AWS ARCHITECTURE: The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam is composed entirely of scenario-based questions that test your knowledge and experience working with Amazon Web Services. The key to success is to know in which situation you would use a specific AWS service, and what the cost, operational, security and performance implications are of different design choices. Understanding AWS Architecture choices comes through experience but our AWS practice exams are designed to help even beginners to answer these questions.CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice exams can help to gain experience with the test question format and how the questions in the real AWS exam are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS exam. DEEPEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE: Please note that though we match the AWS exam pattern, our AWS practice exams are not brain dumps. Please dont expect to pass the real AWS certification exam by simply memorizing answers. Instead, we encourage you to use our AWS Solutions Architect practice exams to deepen your knowledge. This is your best chance to successfully pass your exam no matter what questions you are presented with in your real exam.COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: AWS Training and AWS Certification is required in most IT job roles today. In fact, Amazon Web Services is the premier provider of cloud computing services. Our AWS Practice Tests and supporting AWS certification training resources have been created to help you to gain a competitive advantage and ensure that you pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification exam with confidence. KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS500+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 6 sets of Practice Exams (with 65 Questions each) available on Udemy and access to the online Exam Simulator from Digital Cloud Training with a pool of 500+ questions to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 72%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectREFERENCE LINKS: To help you understand the AWS concepts, all answers link to relevant sections of our online Training Notes (Cheat Sheets) with exam-specific informationRANDOMIZED QUESTIONS: Each time you take the test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizingPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were coveredRESPONSIVE SUPPORT: Our team of AWS experts respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedbackBEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Practice Test which gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests you get lifetime access to our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-day money-back guarantee - no questions askedYOUR INSTRUCTORHi, my name is Neal Davis - I'll be your instructor for this course. Cloud Computing is my passion - which is why I founded Digital Cloud Training - offering AWS certification training resources that represent a higher quality standard than is otherwise available in the market. I created these Practice Tests to help you ace your AWS exam and achieve your career goals. I enjoy teaching on Udemy as it allows me to leverage my knowledge and hands-on experience that I have built over the last 20 years Yes, I've been working in the Cloud space since its very inception!OUR SUCCESS IN NUMBERSOver 100,000 students enrolled in our AWS courses4.7 Star instructor ratings from over 20,000 reviewsOur students pass the AWS exam with an average score of over 85%MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEWe are totally confident in the value of our Practice Exams which come with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. To fast-track your AWS exam success - get lifetime access now - risk-free!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
Web |
"Web Android HTML JavaScript CSS JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Android"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master in basics of electronic devices and circuits" |
"This course is mainly useful for the students who are doing diploma and B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology). It is also useful for the students who are interested in learning fundamentals of electronics. This course covers the construction,working and applications of various electronic devices like PN Junction diode, zener diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET. This course is designed to help students who are preparing for competitive exams. In this course, assaignments are given so that the students will be able to understand how the questions will be given in the exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The royal road to Game Development using Cocos2d-JS" |
"Cocos2d-JS is an open-source, cross-platform,game-development framework uses JavaScript, which is growing to become the industry standard.It is an attractive game toolswhich can be used invarious web, mobile platformswith just a single development.In this book, we will learnhow to program JavaScript,Cocos2d-JS.You can become a greatgame programmerwhen you completeinteresting sample games 'Brick Breaker' and ""Garden Keeper'."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to solve a challenging math problem" |
"Mathematician Dr Michael Sun takes you through how to solve a difficult problem first hand. After reviewing some basic arithmetic, right triangles and algebra, we look at one problem we have never seen before. We go through the process of solving the problem naturally using a general problem solving approach which we outline as we go."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Australian Intermediate Maths Olympiad practice tests" |
"One 4 hour exam with problems on geometry, number theory, algebra, combinatorics and probability.First test takers can send a scan of their responses for feedback.Mark values are allocated similarly to previous years exams. The last 2 questions of the exam require explanations or proofs while the remaining 8 problems usually have integer valued answers. In Australia the actual exam is by invitation only held once a year in September. There is also a bonus investigation question to break ties. Good results in this competition will allow students to be invited to tryout for the Australian IMO team. The first students to take this course will be able to have their papers marked."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Logic and functions" |
"[Under construction: get in early and influence the creation of the course at a lower price!] We talk about logic as the glue that holds the ideas of mathematics together.We give a working definition for logical statements and then derive many fundamental results from them treating logic as a mathematical subject! The idea of proof and its manifestations are discussed in detail. We then study sets and functions on them and immediately we are able to re-express our working definition of logical statements using the idea of functions. We proceed develop the basic theory of functions naturally all the while doing exercises and proofs. We conclude with a statement that beautifully summarizes all of the topics involved and their connections: it involves defining two functions that represent the relationship between the set of logical statements on a set and the set of all subsets of that set and then proving that there is some sort of symbiosis between these theories."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"A study in coordinate geometry" |
"Find out what coordinate geometry is and what basic tools are available and then apply them with a heavy dose of algebra to prove a formula that finds the shortest distance from a point to a line. A wonderfully connected study of straight lines and points on the x-y plane."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Proving the chain rule" |
"Sometimes it's just important to not understand or not accept an incomplete proof as it is to understand and accept a correct proof. When presented with a proof, the student should naturally be appropriately skeptical rather than assume it is probably correct. This approach will have the most educational value in the long run. In this course we first go through a commonly presented proof that's incomplete and examine its flaws. Then we adapt it to a complete proof. Quizzes are inserted between lectures to keep you on the same wavelength as whats going on.Let us learn together!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"English vocabulary PRIORITY" |
"When your goal is to learn English, it is very important you start learning things that will help you learn even more things rather than learn one-off useless things that are rarely used and generally unhelpful, despite being difficult.This will halve the time it takes for you to learn English! We learn the most used words first so that they can help us learn new words.The top 25 words in the English language account for about a third of usage. This makes it a priority to have a deep familiarisation with them to help you learn other words. The mathematical idea behind this is that of exponential growth which can vastly accelerate one's learning. Said in another way, we are using the words we learn first to help us learn the words we will need later."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Transcending trigonometry" |
"A hands on, active learning style is used to engage the student to master a crucial piece of mathematics. We strive to understand the role of the cosine and sine rules in the theory of triangles. Once this is done we apply them to prove what is known as Heron's formula to train our algebra skills and consolidate our newly learned knowledge. Extension material is provided at the end connecting students to the most challenging problems for further study."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"From Counting to Complex numbers" |
"I want to take you back to the beginning when you learned how to count but change the style of how you learned it to suit your present mature self. We do not assume anything but this does not mean the journey will be easy. Historically people took a long time to accept even negative numbers as something that exists! We will go from counting numbers all the way to complex numbers and if you complete the journey with us then you can be confident in your mathematical foundations."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Back to basic Math!" |
"Will help get you confident with basic maths and help you get exam ready!Quiz problems solved. Class test problems solved. Final exam problems solved. Step by step.Walks through many basic maths problems from simple arithmetic to equation solving.Also covers statistics and hypothesis testing problems. This was originally created to help struggling students at University of Western Sydney with Quantitative Thinking.While you're here I also want to challenge you to meaningful learning that uses your developed brain to think precisely.This is an independent initiative and not affiliated with the university and any proceeds raised will go towards developing materials to help kids learn maths."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Taking the HSC Maths Extension 1 exam" |
"The goal is not to go through and explain the answers to the problems but to give you a demonstration of how someone can go into the exam and approach questions that they just saw for the first time.Goes through my reaction and solution of the 2017 HSC exam for maths extension 1. Includes how I approach the reading time as well as my natural reaction to each question in the order that I would attempt it. Mistakes (if any) are left uncut for extra realism."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Discrete maths problems" |
"From helping students with discrete maths (DMT137) we have accumulated quite alot of problems and solutions that serve as a great resource for students to practice and prepare for exams as well as to test their own understanding or aid learning.This has helped many students go from just passing or even failing to achieve Distinctions or better(GPA3.5+)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Tournament of Towns trickery" |
"The Tournament of Towns is one of the first opportunities students get to compete mathematically under very relaxed time constraints. Deals with problems encountered in the Tournament of Towns Junior A level exams, and goes through the approach of arriving at a solution from scratch rather than reverse engineering a solution."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Higher School Physics" |
"Goes through new physics syllabus for year 12 students with emphasis on concepts and rigour. Should give you a better grounding for university physics than the usual treatment. Ideal for students who want to continue with physics beyond high school. A summary of the space topic of the old syllabus is also included.Going beyond this we outline a theoretical framework for physics outlining the role of mathematics and statistics. On the second run through we focus on proving, understanding and expanding on key elements of the theory beyond the syllabus. Experiments are omitted in both accounts."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamalarla MATLAB Eitim Seti" |
"MATLAB (matrix laboratory), ok paradigmal saysal hesaplama yazlm ve drdnc nesil programlama dilidir. Drdnc nesil programlama dili : Kullanm ok daha kolay, daha az kod yazarak ynergeler, hazr ablonlar ve sihirbazlar sayesinde belirli ihtiyalarda uzmanlam pratik zmler gelitirmeye ynelik dillerdir.Bu kursla birlikte MATLAB'n temellerini reneceksiniz. Ayrca MATLAB'la birlikte bir ok alanda yapabileceiniz uygulamalara ait fikirleri ve rnek uygulamalar greceksiniz."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master the Concepts of ""Engineering Mechanics"" (Series -1)" |
"This course comprises of 1st one 5th of the total syllabus of Engineering Mechanics (or 1st one 3rd of Statics). This course gives all necessary fundamentals and the must prerequisites of Engineering Mechanics which are necessary to make student feel confident to learn further concepts and solve Advanced problems of the Engineering Mechanics course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"A Quick Guide For CATIA (Part Design Module)" |
"This is a crisp and short to the point course on how to use several features and tools available at hand in CATIA V5 software (Most profound CAD software). The course entirely focuses on how to develop 3D models using PART DESIGN module of CATIA. Students will enjoy engineering designing once they go through the course."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |