Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Change your life...for real and for good!" |
"There are a million resources on the latest diet, the next big investment, a guide to a better body, how to get a relationship, food to improve health... but very few venture into the science and psychology behind change, why we don't make the changes we want and how to make the changes we do!This course is designed to do just that!We'll work step by step to understand your drivers of change and the patterns behind our behaviour. Best of all we'll design your very own life dashboard together to show you what needs to change and how.At the end of our time together you'll know and be able to easily implement your desired habits. You'll also have your own eBook and a list of resources to help you along the way."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a criar belas cenas no blender do zero." |
"Quer aprender a mecher no software 3D blender? ento esser curso pra voc!Nesse curso alem de voc aprender belas cenas tambm aprendera a usar fisicas do blender, sistemas de particulas, aprendera a usar o blender cycles, tambm tem aulas no blender renderizador. E no curso voc tambm pode aprender todo o basico no software 3D, como tecla de atalhos, ferramentas e os modificadores do blender. Se voc comprar esse curso voc vai aprender a criar lindos landscapes, tambm aprender varios modos de criar gramas, pedras, arvores e materiais realistas para assim poder chegar cada vez mais a fantasticos renders no blender. Alem disso no final do curso eu lhe mostrarei todos os cursos onde eu aprendi e ainda tenho aprendido! Te indicarei o caminho pra caso voc queira seguir carreira no blender e mesmo que queira apenas continuar praticando sem seguir carreira tambm mostrarei como. Com cursos nacionais e internacionais, pagos e outros gratuitos."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Simulados de todas as provas do enem desde 2009 at 2013." |
"Em 2009 foi o ano que comearam aceitar a publicar os gabaritos e no apenas as provas porm ter que anotar cada questo que voc acertou e depois verificar na folha questo por questo pode ser muito chato ento pra isso que existem os simulados. Tambm esse simulado pra voc poder ter um prvia do seu conhecimento e saber oque estudar pra provas como enem, vestibulares e concursos que exigem uma avalio teoricaca. Tambm podera saber como so as provas do enem. Voc tambm sabera aqui a suas notas sem ter que precisar calculalas pois o sistema fara isso pra voc automaticamente.Mostrando pra voc uma base que voc pode usar pra saber seu desempenho. E refazer os simulados varias e varias vezes pra voc saber se est melhorando ou no. Alem disso voc tambm pode olhar as questes que so as corretas e quais voc selecionou.ento venha saiba qual seria sua nota se voc fizesse o enem O melhor simulado do enem voc encontrara aqui.E lembrando que se voc ver um erro no nosso simulado voc tem uma area pra fazer seu comentario e se de fato estiver errado sera arrumado com toda certeza. (bviamente). Infelizmente a plataforma udemy no permite mais que seis simulados ento no podemos por todos porm voc tera todos os simulados at 2013 e tambm temos outro pacote de simulados apartir de 2014 caso voc queira apenas os acima de 2014."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Life Through a Mathematician's Eyes" |
"In this unique course, you will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for all aspects of life around you through the use of mathematics. The course will discuss how you can understand nature in mathematical terms, the math behind the scenes of the technology we rely on in our daily lives, and the interplay between math and art."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cybersecurity Data Science" |
"The best of the best badass hackers and security experts are using machine learning to break and secure systems. This course has everything you need to join their ranks.In this one-of-its-kind course, we will be covering all from the fundamentals of cybersecurity data science, to the state of the art. We will be setting up a cybersecurity lab, building classifiers to detect malware, training deep neural networks and even breaking CAPTCHA systems using machine learning.If you've tried to enter the super hot field of cybersecurity and machine learning, but faced rejection after rejection, needing experience to get experience, feeling hopeless that the demand and pay are so high, but nothing you are doing is letting you in, this is your chance to gain an edge over the competition. This is your chance to get credentials and real experience.If you are looking to break into the field of cybersecurity data science, pick up on the bleeding edge tools, and become the best in the field of cybersecurity, this course is for you.We will be using python and scikit learn for majority of our machine learning, and keras, a wrapper for tensorflow, for deep learning. This course is hands on and practical. Consequently, a student is expected to put in the work and not be shy about getting their hands dirty with some malware!If you still haven't chosen to enroll, you might be thinking:- I'm trying to get a job in cybersecurity as a data scientist. Will this help me get one? Yes, and if 6 months after completing this course you're not able to break into the field, message me and I will personally refund you via PayPal. Just make sure to use the coupon code from my ML4CS website so I can give you back the full sum.- What if this course sucks. I don't want to take another boring course. If you find the course boring, no worries. Quickly press the pause button and get your money back using the 30-day money-back guarantee. Send me a message after letting me know my course is boring and I'll try to make future content more interesting.- Do I need to know stuff about cybersecurity? Because I don't. Nop. I'll teach you everything you need to know. You don't need to know jack-squat about cybersecurity.- I'm not very good at coding in Python. You can find the code repo for this course in my github repo. I'll be walking you through this code and you can play around with it on your own. But if it's still looking too complicated, no worries, come back once you've leveled-up your Python chops. - What if I am stuck on understanding something. Who is going to help me? I don't know anyone who knows this stuff. If you have a question about the course, use the Q&A and I promise to answer your question. I have a 100% response rate so far and I plan on continuing it. If you have a question about cybersecurity data science not directly pertaining to the course and you are a student of mine, you can use the ML4CS forum and I or someone else on the forum will answer your question."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso dedicado para disear de manera coherente, practica, familias de soporteria para instalaciones elctricas, hidro-sanitarias, contra incendios, HVAC, y que representen de manera lgica para el acomodo de soporte de la instalacin en 3D y sea cuantificable y modificable, para modelos complejos y dar parmetros que faciliten el rendimiento del modelo ."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory" |
"Hi! Welcome to the ""Master the Fundamentals of Sets in Mathematics"", the only course that you need to learn and master the fundamental concepts of sets in mathematics.Some special features of this course are: Videos are interactive, short, crisp and to the point.Each and every concept is explained with the help of various examples to help you gain an in-depth understanding. Every concept is followed by quizzes and assignments so as to have enough practice and help you test your understanding along the way.Personalized Feedback. You will be provided feedback on the Assignments you submit at each step as you progress through the course. This helps the instructor track your understanding of the topic and guide you based on that.The language is very easy to understand. Even if you don't have a good hand at English, you won't feel the need to open a dictionary to look up the words.The course is constantly updated with new content. Think of it as a subscription to never-ending source of student training. Master the Fundamentals of Sets in Mathematics is organized in the following sections: Sets - IntroductionRepresentation of SetsSome Special SetsMore about Sets: Subsets, Supersets, Power Set, Universal SetVenn Diagrams and Sets OperationsSo, what are you waiting for? Have a walk through the sample videos and get enrolled in this course. Will see you inside!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crez Ds Aujourd'hui Votre Premier Jeu Vido Avec Unity" |
"Unity est un logiciel de dveloppement de jeux vido incroyablement utile. Il vous permet de rapidement crer pour toutes les principales plateformes de jeux vido, de console mobile, avec de nombreux outils afin de vous faciliter le travail, et peut tre utilis gratuitement.Si vous rvez de crer vos propres jeux vido, de donner vie vos crations, mais ne savez pas par o commencer, c'est probablement la solution idale pour vous, permettant de rapidement vous lancer dans l'aventure.Cependant, Unity peut tre intimidant : crer un jeu vido est difficile, et en crer un en 3D l'est encore plus. Objets, textures, code, physique...Unity propose bien des tutoriels, mais ceux-ci sont disponibles uniquement en anglais.Heureusement, si vous vous voulez apprendre utiliser Unity et ne parlez pas couramment anglais, ce cours est pour vous !Ce cours s'adresse aux dbutants complets dans l'utilisation du logiciel Unity qui souhaitent apprendre en franais.En seulement quelques heures, je vous guide dans la cration d'un jeu trs simple, rminiscent de ""Super Monkey Ball"" , mais qui vous permet de comprendre toutes les bases du dveloppement sous Unity. Cration de matriaux et d'objets, dplacements, collisions, affichage de textes, physiques, sons, textures et modles 3D, changement de niveau... Autant d'lments primordiaux la cration d'un jeu vido 3D.Avec toutes ces informations, vous avez un excellent point de dpart dans le dveloppement de jeux vido, et vous pouvez vous intresser des sujets de plus en plus complexes jusqu' ce que vous soyez capable de raliser le jeu de vos rves...De plus, je vous offre galement un guide de 10 pages au format PDF qui vous guide dans le processus de cration de jeu vido. Il vous aide mettre en place vos ides de dpart, et vous conseille pour le design et le scnario de votre jeu vido en concordance avec son gameplay. Il prsente galement les diffrents logiciels de dveloppement, et vous donne une ide de ce que vous pourrez faire une fois votre jeu sorti.En plus, je vous fourni galement 615 effets sonores et 242 musiques libres de droits que vous pourrez utiliser sans limites dans vos propres projets ! Ne remettez plus vos rves au lendemain sous prtexte que vous ne savez pas ou ne pouvez pas. Unity est gratuit, et ce cours vous permet de dmarrer avec vlocit et efficacit dans son utilisation.Tout ce dont votre jeu besoin pour exister, c'est de votre envie, de votre dsir, de votre volont le crer. Il vous suffit de faire les efforts ncessaires, et vous y arriverez.N'attendez plus : lancez-vous, avec ce cours, dans l'aventure ardue mais incroyablement satisfaisante du dveloppement de jeux vido !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Stresstastisch - Der leichte Weg zu mehr Stressfreiheit" |
"Kennst du das auch?Du bist gestresst und fhlst dich oft gehetzt?Du leidest vielleicht unter unerklrlichen Schmerzen und bist oft mde, sowie erschpft?Du bist oft gereizt?Du mchtest mehr Wege entdecken noch besser mit deinem Stress umzugehen? Hast du solche oder hnliche Themen?Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Stresstastisch ist die Mglichkeit, nach der du suchst. Doch eins vorweg:""Dieser Kurs ist nicht fr alle Menschen geeignet!"". Er richtet sich an die Menschen, die wirklich mehr Stressfreiheit in ihr Leben lassen mchten. Die Mglichkeiten suchen mit Stress noch besser umzugehen. Die daran Glauben, dass Stress eine Ursache hat und uns keineswegs einfach nur so zustt. Stress knnen wir niemals ganz aus unserem Leben verbannen, doch wir knnen lernen mit ihm umzugehen. Wir knnen lernen uns mit ihm zu arrangieren und wir knnen akzeptieren, dass er auch berlebenswichtig ist. Der Name bei Stresstastisch ist Programm. Trotz Stress fantastisch fhlen. Seit ber 10 Jahren arbeite ich mit Menschen zusammen und helfe ihnen ihre Ziele zu erreichen und sich ein stressfreieres Leben aufzubauen. Du kannst es auch.Mit Stresstastisch. Dies ist keineswegs wieder so ein herkmmlicher ""Du kannst es schaffen Kurs"", sondern einer der an die Basis geht. In ihm setzt du dich mit dir selbst auseinander und entdeckst neue spannende Mglichkeiten, sowie Wege, mit deinem Stress noch besser umzugehen. In ber 45 Min Videomaterial lernst du alles wichtige zum Thema Stress. Wie entsteht er?Welche Auswirkungen hat er auf unseren Krper?Was hat ein Elefant und ein Hund mit Stress zu tun?Und vieles mehr. Desweiteren wartet der beliebte Stress-Typen-Test auf dich. Heute wissen wir, dass es 7 Stress-Typen-Anteile gibt. Doch welcher ist bei dir mehr oder welcher weniger ausgeprgt?Finde es wie viele Menschen vor dir heraus. Dann warten noch 18 Methoden auf dich. Stelle sie dir wie einen groen Werkzeugkoffer vor, welcher dir eine groe Vielfalt an Lsungsmglichkeiten mit an die Hand gibt. Praxiserprobt und Alltagstauglich. Abgerundet wird Stresstastisch durch die 2 begehrten Traumreisen. In der Vergangenheit von Leistungssportlern und Managern genutzt, finden die Traumreise heutzutage wirklich jeden Menschen. Egal ob jung oder alt. Egal welchen Beruf du nachgehst. Mit den Traumreisen profitierst du gleich doppelt, denn sie setzen unterbewusst neues ungeahntes Potenzial frei und entspannen auch gleichzeitig. Ich werde dich auf der spannenden Reise zu mehr Stressfreiheit begleiten. Ich bin gespannt mit welcher Methode du beginnst. Hole dir nun Stesstastisch direkt zu dir nach Hause und beginne damit, dir das Leben aufzubauen, wovon du schon immer getrumt hast."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Node.js by exemples: from beginner to advanced" |
"This course will teach you, with real world exemples, how to write CLI and back-end web services with Node.js. Taking a software engineer approach (I'm a software engineer myself), this course will make you a Node.js master, but will also teach you architectural patterns, design patterns and concepts such as streams, event emitter, authentication, etc. You will also have the opportunity to use high-demand tools and technologies such as Docker, CouchDB, Gulp, Mocha and Angular. In this course, we will use those tools to help us build our applications. I'm also always available for any questions you might have during this course, and even after."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"How To Install A Free SSL Certificate On Your WordPress Site" |
"HOW TO INSTALL A FREE SSL CERTIFICATE ON YOUR WORDPRESS WEBSITE COURSEWhether you are on a tight budget, just starting out, or have multiple domains that require an SSL certificate, you have come to the right place to save you a ton of money, as well as wasted time and energy bashing your head against a brick wall in a ton of confusion and frustration! - Yep, that was me just a short time ago! And now I am free for the next 15 years, as CloudFlare's free SSL certificate is valid for 15 years. Whoop! Whoop! To that!If you are a non-techy person like me, and don't want to spend hours trawling through CloudFlare's support forums and going back and forth between them and your web host like I did with email after email, and you want to know how to avoid the mistakes I did when starting the installation process, then it's best to invest a few dollars getting this step-by-step course, where I will be holding your hand every step of the way to get that certificate installed for you by the time you finish the course.In this short mini course, I will be showing you:How to create and install a free SSL certificate on your WordPress website.How to avoid the mistakes I made when starting the installation process.How to change your nameservers.How to avoid the redirect loop and prevent being locked out of your own site.How to add 2 plugins to make sure your SSL is forced on every page to be fully complaint and performing at its best.How to test if your site is fully secure and SSL compliant.And so much more ...And as a bonus I have included a copy of my 54 page Amazon Kindle book ""FREE SSL - HOW TO INSTALL A FREE SSL CERTIFICATE ON YOUR WORDPRESS WEBSITE FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS, A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE, in PDF format, for free. So you can download it, always have it to hand, and follow along.This was what one of my students who took this course on my own site had to say about the course:""I was a student of ""How to install Free SSL Certificate for Your Website"" and I am positively surprised. It's a video course (+a book) free of tech-talk, focusing on what is needed to achieve the goal of protecting a website not leaving the watcher/reader without understanding what is going on. It is a great tutorial for beginners with a blog or small business. Every step is very detailed so the student understands what is being done, not just mindlessly repeat. Courses are made in a way, that even complete beginners will understand what's going on and how to achieve actual goal of the course. Sandra keeps improving with every video and tries to apply possible perfection in every product of hers. I am a subscriber of her YouTube channel and graduate of ""Free SSL cert course"". """
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar uma Loja Virtual do Zero Sem Gastar Nada" |
"Neste curso voc aprender sobre a criao de uma Loja virtual para alavancar seus negcios na internet. Resumo Criao de um domnio gratuito Conhecer a plataforma de hospedagem de domnios e websites Iniciao do processo de criao de uma Loja Virtual em PHP Criao de um Banco de Dados Transferncia dos arquivos da Loja Virtual para o servidor de hospedagem Instalao da Loja Virtual e Conexo do banco de dados Explorao da Plataforma do administrador da Loja Virtual"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Preparando um CURRCULO DE SUCESSO" |
"Neste curso mostraremos a importncia de construirmos um bom currculo, com informaes positivas sobre sua carreira. O objetivo chamar ateno para que o recrutador leia o currculo at o final. Com isso o profissional deve pensar em quais habilidades, conhecimentos e experincias que possui, a fim de causar o primeiro impacto e adequar ao gosto do RH."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Curar GASTRITE em 07 Dias" |
"Tomar o anticido pode prejudicar seu organismo a longo prazo e levar doenas como osteoporose e demncia. Ao que parece, o mundo sofre mesmo do estmago. E o Omeprazol foi um medicamento que apareceu como uma autntica revoluo no tratamento de inmeros males que atingem o rgo. Neste curso iremos ensinar os mtodos que os profissionais da sade escondem da sociedade."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Sunum Becerileri" |
"Anlatabildiimiz, ancak karmzdaki kiinin anlayabildii kadardr. Bizler konumuzda ne kadar uzman olursak olalm, karmzdaki kiinin bilgi seviyesine gre anlatabilmemiz lazm. Dinleyicilerimizi tanmyorsak da, bunu baarmann en temel kural, bilgiyi mmkn olduunda ksa, sade ve net bir ekilde, kafalarda soru iareti bulundurmayacak ekilde kar tarafa aktarabilmektir.Bu kursumuzda bilgiyi kar tarafa transfer etmenin temel kurallarn, Sunucu (yani bilgiyi paylaacak kii), Dinleyici ve Sunum Materyali bileenleri gz nne alnarak yani btnsel olarak inceleyeceiz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Explaindio Mastery: A detailed Approach to Video creation" |
"Greetings fellow animators and aspiring animators!If you have been struggling with learning how to use Explaindio 3.0 or transitioning from video scribe or video maker fx or easy sketch pro to a much more complex software like Explaindio then worry no more!*****************************************************************************************************Have you used older versions of the Explaindio software like the 2.0 version and are having a hard time getting a hang of some of the changes in the Explaindio 3 software?Perhaps you have looked everywhere for a detailed yet straight to point, no fluff course on using the Explaindio software but can't seem to find one..Most Explaindio courses are just way too lengthy and spend time trying to over explain the basics while leaving out the most important features and much more!Would you like a detailed course that takes you through each Explaindio feature explaining how to use them?How about a complete start to finish video project showing you the exact approach i take any time i am creating a video?That's not all, you also get access to a folder containing the graphics used in the tutorials!******************************************************************************************************With this course you get a step by step guide of the key features in Explaindio 3 along with tips on how to make a good video from someone who has made hundreds of whiteboard animations, presentations and Explainer videos!What you will learn with this course- How to use all the features in the Explaindio 3 software- How to create professional and very eye catching whiteboard animation- Creating other types of videos in the Explaindio 3 software- Making uses of other elements to spice up your animation- No fluff straight to the point lectures- Resources to help you replicate sample videos - Links to additional software to give you an edge over other animators********************************************************************************************I am dedicated to not just teaching you how to use the Explaindio3 software but also to making you a very good animator in the process.You would also be backed up with a:100% Satisfaction 30-Day Money Back Guarantee Life time support for all modules Plus free future updates! What are you waiting for??Enroll today! and be on your waiting to Animation success!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to make your Basketball Team" |
"Players that have been cut from your basketball team, everyone deserves a second chance. We want you to be more prepared and knowing the exact things to do while you have another opportunity. This is also for players who have made their team and want to fine tune their basic fundamentals. What makes this special is having a coach guiding you through the course step by step with clipboard sessions and written detailed format of the comfort of your own home and mobile. No coach will have time to keep on reminder you about certain things, and have the patience to go at your pace. We made this course so you can have one on one training with a person who has been cut from school teams before but overcame it through private coaching and putting the time in on my own."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga lesson for hips" |
"This Yoga lesson is for opening your hips, developing strength, flexibility and balance in the body. Strengthens the back muscles, gently stretches the spine. Develops breath control and conscious relaxation. Repeating this complex several times a week will help you get rid of back pain, chest and cervical spine, improve digestion, establish a healthy sleep and harmonize your mood."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile photography for beginners" |
"Want to get more likes on Facebook or Instagram, share your photos with fiends and family? Its simple learn how to better your current mobile photography skills. Capture the perfect moment by applying the fundamentals of mobile photography.In this Online course you will gain knowledge on how to make your photography stand out from the rest, how to apply composition to your photos, using apps and filters and many more. You no longer need expensive DSLR cameras anything is possible with your smartphone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Copywriting Mastery" |
"If you've ever dreamed of making a full-time living selling products on Amazon, then you simply must master the art of Amazon Copywriting. Think of the ad your prospects read as a ""salesman in print,"" working around the clock to persuade your prospects to turn into customers!In Amazon Copywriting Mastery, professional copywriter Michael Witcoff details the step-by-step formula responsibly for success after success in niche after niche on Amazon. One client using this simple style of copywriting is even making $48,000 per month!While that level of results can't be guaranteed, what IS guaranteed is that by the time you're done with this course, you will:*Know your customers better than they know themselves*Have hard-hitting, power-selling Amazon copy on your listing *Avoid all of the worst Amazon copywriting mistakes...that can KILLa product launch before it even gets off the ground!So whether you're new to Amazon selling or simply getting ready to launch a new product, the information you'll learn in Amazon Copywriting Mastery is simply *crucial* to your success. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lesson: Technical workout for Beginner - Advanced" |
"This course is designed to improve your guitar playing. It gives you tips on how to correctly use your fingers and the picking hand. You will learn all Major and minor scales and arpeggios across the fretboard both with the root on 5th and 6th strings. There are tips througout the whole course on using the Alternate picking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Break Free from Loneliness Anxiety" |
"Loneliness is considered a Modern-Day Epidemic. We are 30% more lonely than what we were in 1984 and this statistic keeps rising. In just 10 days, lock down techniques that will shift you out of loneliness anxiety for good. When you experience loss or have gone through a break-up, the physiological effects can overwhelm your life and plummet you into despair, low self-worth and loneliness. Before reaching for substances that offer a temporary fix, you will be able to effectively overcome this state by learning easy-to-use techniques that will permanently shift your perceptual reality and change your energetic resonance.With her characteristic passion for your wellbeing, Diana will guide you through a journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment. This is a holistic view of healing that will shift your way of thinking around loneliness, anxiety, and panic. Each day, you will learn the most effective exercises and tools to help you change your energetic resonance to break free."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CBC Conceitos Bsicos do contrabaixo" |
"Curso Intensivo de C.Baixo este curso equivale 3 meses de aulas, esta vdeo aula tem aproximadamente 30 minutosContedoEstudo das Cordas SoltasEscalas MaioresEscalas MenoresRitmos MaioresRitmos Menores Estudo das cordas soltas at 5 casaEscalas Maiores CM DMEM FM GM AM BMEscalas Menores Cm Dm Em Fm Gm Am BmRitmos 4 maiores e 4 menoresTodos acompanhados de play back"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ritmos no Contrabaixo" |
"CONTEDO Neste curso voc vai aprender vrios ritmos, pois um grande baixista precisa saber vrios ritmos e alm de aprender estes ritmos ao mesmo tempo estar aprendendo tcnicas, pois cada ritmos tem sua tcnica ser explorada.Os ritmos so; Vanera ou Vaneira ritmo gacho que esta sendo usado com algumas modificaes para o sertanejoForr Vanero muito usado ultimamente com grandes bandas de Forr, Arrocha que veio com muito swing modificado do ritmo brega, Pagodo ritmo formado na Bahia com algumas levadas de ax, Pop Rock grande ritmo uns dos mais usados indispensvel para um baixista e Continuando com ritmos nordestinos temos o Baio msica rica do nosso Brasil, e Arrasta P ritmo muto usado em festas juninas no Brasil inteiro."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Forr no Contrabaixo do Zero" |
"Voc quem tem dificuldade em tocar Forr, est sua chance de entender este ritmo e como funciona s combinaes que o grande segredo, muitos acham que s ouvindo baixistas e bandas e tirando de ouvido msicas o suficiente, e quando vai tocar uma msica no consegue aplicar, sabe o porqu? Eu sei o segredo! Devido anos tocando e lecionando descobrir alguns macetes e caminhos que so mais fceis chamados combinaes onde voc poder aplicar em qualquer msica basta somente entender s harmonias, frases dentro de uma combinao. 32 Aulas, mais de 57 exerccios"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos do Groove" |
"Como criar Groove? Por onde comear ? Quais s notas mais usadas ?Bom ests so s perguntas que mais ouvir de alunos que tem dificuldade de fazer um groove, criar um groove, e por onde comear, pensando nisso resolvi criar est vdeo aula Fundamentos do Groove.O que Groove ?A partir da apario dofunknos anos 1950, o conceito degroovese associou cada vez mais a uma forma de tocar relacionada com obluese a msicagospele, desde a metade da dcada de 1960, tambm com osoul. Nas dcadas de 1980 e 1990, se vinculou aoacid jazz. Ento nesta vdeo aula estarei aplicando em cima de ritmos Funk Music."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Campo Harmnico Maior Caminhos da Improvisao" |
"Caminhos da improvisao, como o nome j diz mostrarei alguns caminhos da improvisao, para voc que est perdido e no sabe por onde comear, neste curso estou improvisando nos modos do campo harmnico maior, em cada modo fao solos de improviso e mostro o que usei na aplicao de cada modo, notas de tenso, notas evitadas e notas caractersticas, combinaes de graus, intervalos de trades e de teras ascendente e descendente, notas do acordes e muito mais!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sertanejo no Contrabaixo Sertanejo do Zero" |
"Voc quem tem dificuldade em tocar Sertanejo, est sua chance de entender este ritmo e como funciona s combinaes que o grande segredo, muitos acham que s ouvindo baixistas e bandas e tirando de ouvido msicas o suficiente, e quando vai tocar uma msica no consegue aplicar, sabe o porqu? Eu sei o segredo! Devido anos tocando e lecionando descobrir alguns macetes e caminhos que so mais fceis chamados combinaes onde voc poder aplicar em qualquer msica basta somente entender s harmonias, frases dentro de uma combinao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"MBA Express em Gesto da Pequena Empresa" |
"Curso prtico, intensivo e com 2 focos principais: Ensinar ferramentas de gesto empresarial e desenvolver seus comportamentos empreendedores.Direto ao ponto e com contedo essencial para gerar resultados na pequena empresa. S o Filet Mignon e sem o mimimi de receitas prontas e frmulas ""mgicas"" de sucesso.Didtico e com muitos exemplos prticos. (E com material para baixar em toda as aulas).Centrado no problema-soluo: Totalmente amarrado no mercado e em minha experincia de 28 anos como Executivo, Consultor e Empreendedor.Voc ainda recebe2 Planilhas Excel para uso imediato: Fluxo de Caixa e DRE Demonstrao do Resultado do Exerccio.E com Certificado de Concluso!"
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al griego bblico: La segunda declinacin" |
"Estudio de las flexiones (y los casos) de los sustantivos masculinos, femeninos y neutros de la segunda declinacin y del artculo en sus tres gneros gramaticales, e introduccin al anlisis morfolgicoContenido:I) Concepto de declinacin, tipos de declinacin II) Declinacin sintctica III) Declinacin preposicional IV) El concepto de caso en el marco de una declinacin V) Ejemplo de una declinacin preposicional en castellano VI) Las tres declinaciones del griego koinVII) La segunda declinacin (bsicamente de gnero masculino)VIII) La primera declinacin (declinacin bsicamente femenina)IX) La tercera declinacin (declinacin diversa y ms compleja)X) Vocabulario de sustantivos de la segunda declinacinXI) Desinencias y morfologa de los casos de los sustantivos masculinos (y femeninos) de la segunda declinacin XII) Desinencias y morfologa de los casos de los sustantivos de gnero neutro de la segunda declinacinXIII) Modelo para la declinacin de sustantivos masculinos de la segunda declinacin (sin artculo definido)XIV) Modelo para la declinacin de sustantivos femeninos de la segunda declinacin (sin artculo definido)XV) Modelo para la declinacin de sustantivos neutros de la segunda declinacin (sin artculo definido)XVI) Morfologa del artculo definido en gnero masculinoXVII) Morfologa del artculo definido en gnero femenino XVIII) Morfologa del artculo definido en gnero neutro XIX) La acentuacin griega: La movilidad del acento griego en la declinacin de los sustantivosXX) El acento agudo en una palabra grave o llanaXXI) El uso del acento circunflejo.XXII) El acento agudo sustituyendo al circunflejoXXIII) El movimiento del acento agudo en la declinacin de una palabra esdrjula.XXIV) Modelo para la declinacin de sustantivos femeninos de la segunda declinacin (con artculo definido)XXV) Modelo para la declinacin de sustantivos neutros de la segunda declinacin (con artculo definido)XXVI) Los cuatro elementos a definir en el anlisis morfolgico de un sustantivo o nombre, un pronombre o adjetivoXXVII) Cuadro con los cuatro elementos a tomar en cuenta en el anlisis morfolgico de un sustantivo (nombre), pronombre o adjetivoXXVIII) Ejemplos del anlisis morfolgico de un sustantivo (nombre), pronombre, o adjetivoXXIX) Ejercicio 1 de lectura, anlisis morfolgico y de traduccin XXX) Ejercicio 2 de lectura, anlisis morfolgico y de traduccin XXXI) Examen 1, con valor de 25 puntos. Mandato: Seleccione la respuesta correcta.XXXII) Examen 2, con valor de 25 puntos. Responda segn el mandato en cada caso XXXIII) Examen 3, con valor de 25 puntos. Mandato: Analiza morfolgicamente las siguientes frases, estableciendo el caso, el gnero, el nmero, la forma bsica o lxica y su traduccin.XXXIV) Examen 4, con valor de 25 puntos. Establezca el caso y el gnero de las siguientes expresiones. Aprende la gramtica griega del Nuevo Testamento Griego. Avanza en la especializacin de los estudios avanzados de la Biblia."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bautizados en el Espritu o bautizados con el Espritu?" |
"La importancia de este curso radica en que consiste en una profundizacin de ciertos aspectos de la gramtica y sintaxis de la lengua griega koin, que por lo general son abordados de una manera muy bsica en los estudios generales de la gramtica griega. Por otro lado, reviste mucha importancia este curso por el impacto que tiene la idea de agencia y de medios en la exgesis y traduccin bblica, y evidentemente, en el discurso teolgico de la teologa sistemtica.Sean pues, muy bienvenidos y muy bienvenidas a este curso de especializacin en el campo de la gramtica griega del idioma original del Nuevo Testamento, titulado: La idea de agencia y de medios en el Nuevo Testamento Griego. Contenido: A modo de introduccin: Por qu es importante este curso?I) Los accidentes gramaticales Qu se entiende por accidente gramatical?II) Concepto de categora gramatical. Qu es una categora gramatical? III) Los accidentes gramaticales del verbo. Cules son los accidentes gramaticales del verbo?IV) La idea de complemento. Los complementos del nombre y los complementos del verboV) La idea de agencia y de medios en el griego del Nuevo TestamentoVI) El tratamiento de la idea de agencia de y de medios en el Nuevo Testamento Griego, por algunas reconocidas gramticas del griego bblicoVII) Estudios de casos. 1) El papel del Hijo y del Espritu Santo en la creacin; 2) la llevada de Jess al desierto despus de ser bautizado; y 3) bautizados el Espritu o bautizados con el Espritu?VIII) Prueba-examen de 100 puntos. Calificacin mnima para aprobar este curso: 70 puntos"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |