Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ethical Hacking: Brute-Forcing Methods to Crack Passwords" |
"In this course you will learn about Brute Forcing methods for cracking passwords. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. The main thing we will learn is different brute forcing methods for cracking passwords. First we will learn how to crack Hashes then we will learn how to use hydra and john the ripper for brute forcing to crack passwords. We will explore brute-forcing in detail. We will learn to break every kind of password.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Denial of Service/Dossing a Web Servers" |
"In this course you will learn about Denial of service/Dossing a web server. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. After that we will learn about Denial of service (DOS). We will learn how to DOS and DDOS a web server. There are also two sub-types of these DOS logical and brute force. I will teach you each and everything about these types. After this course you will be able to DOS a web server on your own.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creating Reverse shells to Gain remote control of any device" |
"In this course you will learn about creating Reverse Shell to gain remote control of any device. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. We will also learn each and everything about reverse shells. First we will learn how to create reverse shells. After that how to install reverse shell in other person device and how to secure shells so that device can't identify or trace them. Then how to create connection between your device and reverse shells. At the end you will be able to monitor all the activities on other device.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking of DNS Settings of a Router" |
"In this course you will learn about DNS Setting Exploitation to redirect users with post authentication exploitation. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. We will also learn each and everything about DNS Setting Exploitation. In this course we will exploit the DNS settings of our own router for learning. we will change the DNS settings of the router in such a way that if anybody who is connected to our router open a certain website on their device. He/She will get a copy of the target website with the right domain in the address bar and if that person enter his/her credentials in that copy website so those user credentials will be sent back to us who are changing DNS settings.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Responsive Websites : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4" |
"This is an introduction to website development, covering all basics in summarized minimal time to get you started, you get a solid foundation and have a presentable website in just 4 hours. From installation of prerequisites, setting up and finally diving into HTML , CSS and Bootstrap 4 with loads of examples to aid with better understanding, we will deal with text, images, links, buttons, navbars, tables, containers and grids and many more. We will be creating static websites in this course, where content is pre defined"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Camera Projections with Nuke" |
"This is an intermediate-level course on camera projections using Nuke. In this course, students will learn how to take a simple 2D image and convert it into a stunning 3D environment, complete with a camera move and parallax. The course will also explore various techniques used by standard compositors including rotoscoping, clean plate creation etc. and use the powerful 3D tools in Nuke to create the effect."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Play A Celtic Irish Reel On The Piano Accordion" |
"This course will teach you how to play an original Celtic Irish Reel. Gerry will show you how to play the tune step by step from playing both hands individually to putting the piece together. The course will show you specific techniques used in traditional Irish music and how to apply ornamentation and improvisational ideas. Also included in this course is the original music score and two backing tracks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make a Syrian Halawet Al-Jibna Like Professional" |
"Making a Syrian Halawet Al Jibna and the Arab Cream in the easiest way & to give you an amazing taste both in one sweet with an available ingredients around. Everything you need is your desire for a great taste . In the end you are going to make the best taste of this sweet professionally and you will share it with your family and friends and the everyone who loves sweets and desserts . It refers to Syrian native . And here you will be willing to taste a new delicious dessert have ever tasted and share it with your community and make it on your own kitchen in best way ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pega CSA 7.2 Practice Exams" |
"This course contains practice exams which students can give before appearing for the actual exam. This course covers the frequently asked questions in Pega CSA 7.2 Exam. The wording can be different in the Actual exam but the level of difficulty is same. Hope this course helps you out. All the answers provided are self explained , in case if any of guys want explaination feel free to ask. I will be updating the content of the course as much as possible so the people who will give CSA ( in future ) in 7.3 Version also can benefit from this course. Feel Free to give me any suggestions on how can i improve this course further. Thanks."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Thai Language : Learn to Speak Thai With Confidence" |
"ABOUT THE COURSE!In this online course, You will learn how to use Thai words in every day conversation. You may access my online course from anywhere where there is an internet connection. This online course is available for everyone who wants to begin learning Thai language.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN THIS COURSE?Thai phrases You will learn and will be able to use Thai phrases to communicate. These phrases are useful and helpful when speaking Thai. For example, greetings and introducing yourself in Thai, going shopping, asking people directions, ordering delicious foods or talking about the weather.Sentence Structures - You will understand sentence structures and be able to make sentences by yourself.Pronunciation You will be able to pronounce Thai words correctly and clearly.Vocabulary You will learn Thai words.These words will be some of the most important words that you will use in your beginning communications.LEARNING THAIIs it difficult to learn the Thai language? Learning Thai is similar to learning any other language.You will need to keep an open mind which will easily allow you to learn Thai. Like in any learning situation, you will be proud of yourself when you understand and apply what you set out to accomplish.The more that you practice each module, the more comfortable you will be in speaking and using the Thai language in your everyday communications."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Becoming Agile: Introduction to Kanban, Scrum, and Lean" |
"Change.In the times of great uncertainty the ability to adapt to changing environment and market demand is more important than ever. The traditional waterfall project management is often considered obsolete and gives way to Agile methodologies that by definition embrace change. This course was designed to give you a solid understaning of what the Agile methodologies are all about. With a series of easy to understand, pictoresque, short films you will grasp the essence of Agile.The course includes description of:KanbanScrumLeanwhich are often considered the main Agile concepts.Within one hour of time you will possess a knowledge that will change your way of thinking about leading projects.It is time for you to become Agile!Course credits:On point, informative, and entertaining articles were composed by Saleka Noble,Beautiful, hand-painted animations were prepared by animator Julia Larionova,Course was produced and voiced-over by Krzysztof Pawelec."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Giriimcilikte lk 5 Dakika" |
"Giriimcilerin nasl doru hazrlanacaklarn ve melek yatrmclar nasl bulacaklar ile ilgili bir eitim.-Yatrmclar size uzun bir sunum frsat vermez ksa bir grmenin ardndan eer onaylanrsanz sizi bir sunum yapanz iin arrlar ide bu eitim ile o ksa grmeden baarl bir ekilde ayrlmanz salayabilirim ama tabiki herey sizlerin elinde azim ve kararllkla uygular ve eitimdeki programlara uygun almalsnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started in C++" |
"This course prepares a student for a more in-depth course in programming. The primary goal is to level the student so that they can more fully participate in a course designed for experienced programmers.The course starts with basic information on data representation and how the computer processes data and executes instructions. Next, the course walks through popular development tools and their use. Finally, we introduce the basic concepts in C++."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Comprehensive Guide To Pro Trading For Beginners" |
"Are you a trader?Maybe, you are inspired by financial markets and want to become one?Congratulations, you are entering a very interesting and challenging period of your life. But hold on - do you know what type of business you are trying to get into? You will need to beat professional market participants in their own game. There's no amateur league in trading - you will start competing against the Pros from the very beginning. Do you have what it takes?Let's get acquainted. My name's Stanislav (Stan) and I'm a professional trader with experience in trading different markets since 2004. I was managing either my own capital and other people's money. Thus, I know how to make a living from trading or making it a partial source of income. If you let me mentor you in this process, I will show you the step-by-step plan which I use for my own trading (and which has proven to be effective over the years).Why would you need this course?If you are stuck with simplified indicator-based approaches or drifting between different trading setups or strategies, then this course will help you build your own systematic trading plan, which you will be able to follow.You will learn how different major market forces act, how they think, why they do what they do. Finally, you have to know what stands behind the chart. Practical strategies are also included - I will show you examples of real trades (verified by a third party web resource) and give you the full explanation.What markets do we cover?I usually trade the most popular markets like major currency pairs, Crude Oil, Gold, and, occasionally stocks and cryptocurrencies. But the principles from the course are applicable for all markets, which have a free two-sided auction process.Who will benefit the most from this course?If you have zero experience, I would recommend you to go through some basic education first. To enroll in this course, you should know what is a candlestick chart, how to make a trade and set a stop-loss. We will not spend time on very basic things. 3-6 months or preliminary experience is recommended.And remember that trading might be difficult psychologically since it is associated with the financial risk. You will have to learn to tolerate discomfort and emotional pressure. If you are ok with that, I welcome you to join the course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Build personal website and make it live on internet" |
"Learn how to build personal website from scratch till deployment with domain name. We build server side with Nodejs and Express and use express-handlebars template engine for the view on the screen. You will learn back-end and front-end programming languages while you build personal website. I will explain every single step from scratch to deployment and at the end of the course you will have your own personal website live on the internet and you will have skills to develop any website you like."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp with Real Projects" |
"This Course covers full process of web development from scratch till deployment with domain name. We will use Node, Express, MongoDB to build Server side which is Back-End, and we will use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery to build Client side which is Front-End. No coding experience is necessary."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Funciones Matemticas : Una Gua imprescindible" |
"Las Funciones de variable real son necesarias de dominar para comprender mas fcilmente temas de matemticas mas avanzadas como el Calculo de una variable, donde se estar continuamente utilizando funciones para trabajar con Limite,Derivada, Integrales etc. De hecho sera til conocer las propiedades de tales funciones para comprender conceptos como el limite, la discontinuidad de una funcin, modelar problemas mediante funciones etc., en fin las funciones son necesarias para expresar que una cantidad depende de la otra y ese concepto tan sencillo tiene importante implicaciones de las cuales muchas veces no somos capaces de visualizar por no saber si quiera el concepto de la funcin misma.En este curso hago un enorme esfuerzo de condensar los principales aspectos sobre Funciones de Variable Real que necesitas conocer para adquirir las herramientas necesarias para un curso de Calculo o en general si deseas reforzar este tema tan importante. El curso requiere conocimiento del lgebra bsica como factorizar, o sumar trminos algebraicos en fin ,se supone que las Funciones de variable real son un tema posterior a este curso.Si estas interesado en dominar completamente todo sobre Funciones de Variable Real te invito a que te inscribas y asegures tu pase al Calculo de una variable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation en Projection Routire avec AutoPiste 15" |
"Ce cours a t conu pour toute personne dbutant dans le domaine de la Projection routire. Nous avons mis un accent sur la manipulation du logiciel AutoPiste, mais pendant les vidos et lorsque nous le jugeons ncessaire pour votre bonne comprhension, nous nous permettons deffectuer des rappels thoriques afin de mieux comprendre non seulement le jargon (mots couramment utilises dans le domaine) mais aussi la science derrire le logiciel. Nous avons fait des sections indpendantes les unes des autres afin de faciliter votre apprentissage car vous pouvez commencer dans lordre que vous souhaitez. Nous vous recommandons cependant de suivre lordre propos si vous tes tout nouveau dans le domaine."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"pastry,meat pie and chicken pie" |
"Do you have an idea about pastry, meat pie and chicken pie? flavors, ingredients ? do you have the chance to taste one of this ? have you think how you can prepare it?Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Palestinian recipe by the traditional way ?In each section, you will take step by step cooking the pastry, meat pie and chicken pie"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dominate Your Niche & Brand Using The Power Of Social Media" |
"Social Media Marketing and learn to make more money now. It is an incredibly powerful tool and these days it is one of the single biggest factors that a marketer can use to build their digital empire. In fact, social media is often what really makes the difference between having a website and having such an empire. A website on its own can make you money and it can promote your business but it takes more than that to build a brand and to have that ubiquitous presence that can help you to drive the maximum amount of traffic to your monetisation systems. Social media allows you to interact with your audience, to get feedback, to hear suggestions and to communicate in a variety of different ways. It lets you build brand visibility and it lets you drive visitors directly to your site. This is why social media is so important and its why so many people and businesses are hopping on board. In fact, 66% of marketers believe that social media is a core part of their business (Salesforce), with 92% of respondents describing it as important (Social Media Examiner). 38% of companies are looking to increase their spend in this area. 66% of businesses have a dedicated social media team according to Salesforce.But unfortunately, despite this ubiquity of social media marketing, many of these companies are not actually getting the very most out of their marketing efforts. Many social media marketers simply dont know how to allocate their resources with regards to social media and the result is that they often arent getting anywhere near the increase in profits and brand awareness that they could be from it. THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE YET, BEST SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE ONLINE (UK) - Free access to all updates for life!Ready to take your business viral? Harness the power of social media with our extensive social media course. Everything from Twitter and Facebook to blogging, social media automation, G+ and content marketing.Are you ready to become part of the next-generation of business leaders? Harness the power of social media for your business, organisation and career.Join our latest social media course with UNLIMITED & LIFETIME access you will learn how to drive sales, attract new customers and master social media.FULL 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest and G+ all have thousands of customers waiting for you to explore.NOTE: Udemy operates a 30 day full money back guarantee, no questions asked! If you're not happy with this course you can request your money back.Click the""take this course""button straight away at the top right of this page to unlock the power of social media for your business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Motion Design in After Effects" |
"Do you want to become a stronger video editor? Are you interested in the Animation pipeline? Then this introductory, beginner's course on Motion Design in After Effects is for you! Follow MOONDOGAcademy as they walk you step by step through each level of the After Effect program. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to create your own short video with effects!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Reiki 1 livello" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Reiki di 1livello.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria e attraverso le esercitazioni pratiche sarai accompagnato passo passo in modo da essere in grado, appena finito il corso, di fare trattamenti per te stessi, per gli altri e non solo, animali, piante, ecc.Inoltre, solo cos avrai il vantaggio di poterti rivolgere in ogni momento al tuo Reiki Master per qualunque domanda, problema, necessit."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Corso Reiki 2 livello" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Reiki di 2livello.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria, ti verranno rivelati i simboli, come attivarli, come utilizzarli.Scoprirai nuovi tipi di trattamento, pi rapidi ed efficaci rispetto a quelli che hai imparato con il 1 livello.Sarai in grado di fare trattamenti a distanza, trattare persone, animali, piante, oggetti, situazioni della vita passate, presenti e future.Insomma, il 2 livello ti aprir un nuovo mondo di possibilit, assolutamente da non perdere.Inoltre, solo cos avrai il vantaggio di poterti rivolgere in ogni momento al tuo Reiki Master per qualunque domanda, problema, necessit."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Reiki di 3 livello - Reiki Master" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Reiki di 3livello, quindi diventerai un Reiki Master.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria, ti verranno rivelati i simboli, come attivarli, come utilizzarli.Scoprirai come utilizzare pietre e cristalli nelle tue sessioni e come usarli per risparmiare tempo.Sarai a tutti gli effetti un maestro di Reiki, un Reiki Master.Questo livello per coloro che vogliono essere maestri ma non hanno intenzione di attivare gli altri.Se il tuo desiderio quello di attivare le altre persone dovrai conseguire il livello successivo, il 4."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda testes de integrao com Spring Boot" |
"Sobre o cursoO mercado de trabalho est, a cada dia, demandando mais profissionais que conheam sobre qualidade de software. Esse curso aborda a melhoria na qualidade de software atravs do aprendizado ou aperfeioamento sobre testes de integrao. Ao final deste curso voc apto a entender e desenvolver testes de integrao em aplicaes que utilizem o Spring Boot.Porque eu devo aprender sobre qualidade de software ou sobre testes de integrao?Um erro no software pode causar um prejuzo gigantesco para uma empresa.Em 2002 o NIST , Instituto Nacional de Padres e Tecnologia em portugus, relatou que bugs de software custaram 59,5 bilhes de dlares a economia americana. Erros no software podem afastar negcios e clientes, devido a isso as empresas, cada vez mais, esto buscando melhorar a qualidades dos seus produtos, para ganharem mais confiana dos seus clientes e do mercado, que muito competitivo, alm de procurarem formas de reduzirem os custos. O conhecimento nessa rea pode ser o diferencial em uma seleo de emprego.Porque Spring? Porque Spring Boot?O Spring um framework amplamente utilizados no mercado de trabalho. Diversas empresas, grandes ou pequenas, utilizam o Spring e o Spring Boot veio com a finalidade de facilitar o uso do Spring.Porque esse curso?Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar testes de integrao utilizando o java 11 e a ltima verso do Spring Framework e do Spring Boot. Meu estilo de ensino bem direto, esse curso mistura teoria e prtica de forma que no fica cansativo aprender sobre o assunto."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity" |
"After 15+ years specializing in Betrayal Trauma and counseling thousands of couples Dr. Kevin Skinner has composed an outline of what can be found in couples who find success in relationships after infidelity. In this course he shares what he has learned, and provides you with an outline of tools that can help you on your path back to trust."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to do upakarma (changing sacred thread) yourself!" |
"Welcome to the world's first Udemy tutorials on Hindu pooja riturals by Guru Rajaramji! No matter where you live in today's modern world, you can easily and practically uphold your tradition, asthese easy to follow practical video tutorials will teach you to perform Hindu cultural rituals by yourself. The 6 part video tutorial series will guide you through the process for performing Tharpanam - an important Hindu ritual, right from the comfort of your own home! Invest in your tradition and enlighten your future - Vedo Rakshadhi Rakshidha!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"""Breath is Life"" Pranayama & meditation course" |
"An extensive Pranayama course to get a profound understanding of breathing and meditation. In this course you will learn how to use your breath like a wonderful tool to start controlling all systems in your body, take care of your mind and how to take the awareness to the Soul level and realize your true nature. (I believe these techniques should be available for everybody, money or no money. If you have no money to do the course you can PM me and we will find a solution) This course is mostly the same course as the 'Breath Is Life' -Breathing & Meditation course.In this wonderful Pranayama, breathwork and meditation course you will learn how to use the power of the breath to:Clear you mind and sharpen your awarenessIncrease energy, health and mental balanceEnergize or calm your body and mindBecome aware of the deeper layers of the selfTechniques learned in this Pranayama course:BandhasMeditationKumbhakasYogic BreathingUjjayi PranayamaBhastrika PranayamaKapalbhati PranayamaKaki mudra PranayamaNadi Shodhana/ Anulom Vilom PranayamaPranava PranayamaBhramari PranayamaUdgeeth PranayamaGuided meditations, breathing and Pranayama sessions "" Proper breathing is the foundation of healthy living "" The course is guided by founder of the Life Awareness Project, Michal Bijker "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"""Breath is Life"" Breathing & Meditation course" |
"The most extensive breathing course available on Udemy. Get a profound understanding of breath work and meditation and learn how to use your breath like a wonderful tool to start controlling all systems in your body. Take care of your mind and how to take the awareness to the Soul level and realize your true nature. (I believe these techniques should be available for everybody, money or no money. If you have no money to do the course you can PM me and we will find a solution) "" Proper breathing is the foundation of healthy living "" This breathing course is guided by founder of the Life Awareness Project, Michal Bijker(This course is mostly the same course as the 'Breath is Life' Pranayama & Meditation course)In this wonderful Yogic breathing (Pranayama), breathwork and meditation course you will learn how to use the power of the breath to:Clear you mind and sharpen your awarenessIncrease energy, health and mental balanceEnergize or calm your body and mindBecome aware of the deeper layers of the selfTechniques learned in this Pranayama breathing course:Explanation about meditation and how to use the breath to still the mind and sharpen the awarenessEnergy and consciousness awakening breathing techniqueYogic Breathing - Open up the energy systemsOcean breathing (Ujjayi Pranayama) - Create inner silenceBreath of fire (Bhastrika Pranayama) - Awaken the fire withinEnergy Locks (Bandhas)Skull cleansing breath - Cleaning of the systems in mind and bodyKaki mudra Pranayama - Focusing the mindEnergy cleansing technique (Nadi Shodhana/ Anulom Vilom Pranayama)Cosmic Breathing (Pranava Pranayama) Bhramari PranayamaUdgeeth Pranayama - Connecting with a higher SelfGuided meditations, breathing and mind training sessionsBandhas (Body/ energy locks) This course will give you the tools to tap into the power of the mind and change your life. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Masterkurs - Erfolgreicher verkaufen - in 54 Lektionen" |
"Folgendes werden Sie bekommen, wenn Sie sich in diesen Kurs einschreiben: Sie werden lernen schneller zum erfolgreichen Verkaufsabschluss zu kommen. Sie werden Tipps erhalten, die es mglich machen bessere Zusatzverkufe zu ttigen und mehr Weiterempfehlungen zu erhalten.Und ich werde Ihnen zeigen, wie die Profis vorgehen, um die Probleme des Kunden mit Ihren Produkten oder Dienstleistungen zu lsen. Sie werden Preise durchsetzen und auch gegenber billigeren Konkurrenzangeboten berzeugen. Auerdem werde ich Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps geben, um erfolgreich Einwnde zu behandeln. Und Sie werden zustzlich lernen, wie Sie den Verkaufsabschluss beschleunigen knnen und wie Sie auch in schwierigen Situationen zu einem guten Abschluss finden.Dieser Masterkurs ist eine Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung, um den Erfolg im Vertrieb zu steigern. Warum sage ich das? - In den letzten 25 Jahren habe ich ber 13.000 Menschen geholfen, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und im kritischen Umfeld zu berzeugen. Diese Erfahrungen gebe ich weiter. Der Aufbau, die Themen und die Inhalte dieses Kurses sind in der Praxis erprobt und bewhrt.Welche Ergebnisse werden Sie nach diesem Kurs erzielt haben?Sie werden die wichtigsten Kaufmotive kennen lernen, um im entscheidenden Moment das richtige Kaufmotiv ihres Kunden zu bedienen. Sie werden sich auf die wichtigsten Einwnde vorzubereiten, damit ihnen spter beim Kunden nicht sprachlos sindSie werden auf verschiedene Verhandlungs-Szenarien vorbereitet sein, um keine unangenehmen berraschungen zu erlebenAuerdem lernen Sie Ihre innere Einstellung mit mentalen Techniken auf Erfolg programmieren, damit Sie spter schwierige Situationen souvern meistern.Sie werden lernen, wie Sie die Krpersprache Ihres Kunden lesen, um zu wissen, was er von Ihnen denkt.Ich zeige Ihnen Technik kennen, mit denen es Ihnen gelingt, sofort die Sympathie des Kunden zu gewinnen.Sie werden Ihre Kunden sicher in verschiedene Typen einteilen knnen und wissen, wie welcher Kundentyp wie in welcher Verhandlungssituation reagieren wird.Sie erhalten wertvolle Hinweise, wie Sie authentisch bleiben knnen und wie Sie mit Ihrer eigenen Persnlichkeit am besten mit diesen Kundentypen umgehen knnen ohne sich zu verbiegen.Auerdem werden Sie Zusatzwnsche beim Kunden wecken und Zusatzverkufe ttigenSie werden Tipps erhalten, wie Sie kundengerecht prsentieren und Ihre Verkaufsprsentationen optimierenUnd Sie werden im richtigen Moment die richtige Abschlussfrage stellen knnenSie werden die richtigen Fragen stellen, um den Verkaufsabschluss zu beschleunigen.Auerdem werden Sie wissen, wie Sie sich am besten in kritischen Situationen verhalten, um bei Ihren Kunden immer einen guten Abschluss finden.Und ich werden Ihnen Tipps geben, wie Sie nach dem Kundenbesuch Weiterempfehlungen erhalten.Nachdem Sie diesen Masterkurs beendet haben, werden Sie eine komplette Ausbildung zum erfolgreichen Fhren von Verkaufsgesprchen durchlaufen haben und fhig sein direkt damit zu starten, um Ihre Vertriebserfolge zu steigern.Und: Wenn Ihnen dieser Kurs nicht gefllt, dann knnen Sie jederzeit innerhalb der ersten 30 Tage Ihr Geld zurckbekommen.Deswegen: Warten Sie nicht! Dieses Angebot zu diesem Preis knnte schon bald verfallen und der Preis des Kurses in die Hhe gehen. Deshalb entscheiden Sie sich jetzt schlagen Sie jetzt zu!Sie haben nichts zu verlieren, aber viel zu gewinnen! Wenn Sie mchten, sehen wir uns gleich im Kurs! Ich freue mich auf Sie. Bis gleich!Ihr Christian Zielke- Einfach schneller zum Ziel mit Zielke -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Penetration Tester - Szma Testi Uzman Kursu" |
"Gnmz pentest(szma testi) ilemlerinin sertifikal(oscp), gerek hayat deneyimi olan pentesterlar tarafndan eitim sresini uzatmaya dayal olan bo muhabbetler yaplmadan dorudan bilgi aktarm yaplarak anlatld bu eitimde, temel ilemlerin yansra orta-ileri seviye pentest ilemlerini uygulamal olarak renecek, sradan ethical hacking eitimlerinin aksine microsoft domain yaplarnda yaplan pentest ilemlerine aina olabilecek, gnmz OSCP snavnda yksek puanlarla sorulan BoF exploit gelitirme ilemlerini kavrayabilecek, pivoting, tcp relay gibi anlatmlar sradan ethical hacking kurslarnda bulunmayan ileri seviye a haraketlerini renebilecek ve siber gvenlik alannda ki kariyerinize salam bir ka adm atabileceksiniz."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |