Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Adobe After Effects for Beginners with Arabic" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
studycourse |
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Price: 2299.00 ![]() |
"Businessplan - Dein Plan fr deine erfolgreiche Grndung" |
"Trumst Du davon endlich Dein eigenes Unternehmen zu grnden? Du hast auch schon eine konkrete Idee, mit welchem Produkt oder Dienstleistung Du deine eigene Firma aufbauen mchtest? Dann starte Deinen Traum mit einem stabilen Fundament: Deinem Businessplan. Ohne Frage ist die Ausarbeitung eines Businessplans nicht ohne, jedoch lohnt es sich die Zeit zu investieren. Mit diesem Onlinekurs gehen wir strukturiert und vor allem Schritt-fr-Schritt alle Punkte deines Businessplans durch. Parallel kannst Du in einem Dokument bereits deine Ideen zusammenschreiben.Dieser Onlinekurs hat bereits mehrere Teilnehmer dazu verholfen, ein eigenes Unternehmen aufzubauen und Finanzierungen z.B. den Existenzgrnderzuschuss von der Agentur fr Arbeit zu erhalten oder eine gre Geldsumme durch die KfW (StartGeld 100).Unser wichtigster Tipp fr deine Grndung: Starte deine Selbststndigkeit mit einem fundierten Businessplan. Es zeigt Dir u.a. ungeahnte Schwchen, aber auch Potentiale! Bei uns und vielen war das der Fall.Viel Erfolg bei deiner Grndung!Beste Gre,Marco (Dozent)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"ngste - 7 effektive Tipps um deine Angst zu besiegen" |
"Es gibt soviele Menschen da drauen, die aufgrund ihrer ngste viele Chancen verstreichen lassen. Die Angst kann uns extrem lhmen, uns davon abhalten unsere Potentiale zu nutzen. Vielleicht willst Du Dich selbststndig machen und hast eine groe Existenzangst. Dieser Onlinekurs bzw. diese 7 wirklich effektiven Tipps knnen Dir dabei helfen, endlich mit deiner Angst umzugehen. Wir persnlich haben genau mit diesen Techniken gelernt mit der Angst umzugehen und sind heute erfolgreicher & glcklicher den je. Probiere es aus und lass Dich drauf ein. Viel Erfolg! Deine Carolin und dein Marco------Georgios Vamvakidis (5 Sterne Bewertung)Ich hab mir den Kurs in der Tat als Fehleinkauf (sorry:-)) eingeschtzt, aber dieser Kurs berrascht mich immer mehr. Weiter so Marco und Caro"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Sing Better - Full Singing Course And Vocal Exercises" |
"Would you like to learn how to sing or maybe you would like to dramatically improve your singing voice? Do you suffer with vocal problems and need help with your technique? This course has been carefully designed to give students a full understanding of the physiology of singing and its only with this understanding that you can sing effortlessly.No amount of vocal exercises will make significant improvements to your voice without understanding the physiology of singing!Many people learn to sing by themselves and develop poor habits that can lead to vocal trouble and straining. This course will help to free your voice and unlock its true potential!Your body is an instrument and we must understand our instrument to get the best from it!Your tutor is Cathy Vard a triple platinum selling recording artist and vocal coach who has held a two album recording deal with Sony Music. Cathy has 35 years experience in the industry and has been through it all including the complete loss of her voice which nearly ended her career.Cathy has developed this course based on her 35 years experience as a professional singer and vocal coach so that you can learn what has worked for her and her students over the years.Some of the key areas addressed in the course include:Understanding the body as we singHow to breathe while singing and breathing anatomyPostureThe MindSinging with emotionDealing with performance anxietyWhat this course includes:Over 1.5 hours of Video Lectures with Cathy VardDownloadable E-book with course notes3 Video guided vocal exercises with Cathy8 Downloadable vocal exercises as MP3s and notationCathy's personal weekly training schedule and moreUnlike many vocal coaches that only impress vocal exercises on their students, Cathy has developed a course that gives you a full understanding of how your body works as you sing and its with this knowledge that you can truly get the best from your voice.All you need to do is follow Cathy's videos step by step, create some good practice habits using her exercises and the results will follow.________________________________________________________________________________________________Who is this singing course for?If you're an absolute beginner and want to learn how to sing with good technique this course is perfectIf you're an intermediate singer or professional that wants to improve their technique and range, this course is idealIf you're not getting the results you're looking for from private vocal coaching and vocal exercisesIf you have vocal problems like straining and vocal tensions this is perfect for youIf you suffer with performance anxietyThe techniques in this course are also suitable for vocal coaches, choir directors and public speakersAny ability or singing genre can take away fantastic results from this course!When it comes to singing Cathy Vard has done it all! Her list of credentials include:Signed to Sony Music for two albumsTriple platinum album sales award35 years experience as a professional singer and vocal coachCountless national TV and radio appearancesToured the world as a soloist and in a groupHired to sing by celebrities and has sung for US presidentsCathy has taken her 35 years of experience and developed a simple plan for beginner singers to professionals, to understand their bodies while they sing and its with this awareness that her students begin to get the best from their voices!_________________________________________________________________________________________________There's a 30 Day Money Back GuaranteeIs this course for you?I'm positive that anyone can take away something helpful from this course that will improve their singing voice and that's why I'm offering a money back guarantee!Sincerely,Cathy Vard"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Guia prtico de imigrao para Portugal" |
"O objetivo deste curso proporcionar informaes que sejam teis para quem deseja morar, trabalhar e/ou estudar em Portugal, do momento em que decide viver uma nova experincia at sua chegada e vivncia neste pas. Com as informaes disponibilizadas neste curso, certamente ir economizar um bom dinheiro na compra de passagens, curso, hospedagem e outros gastos. Este curso no criado e muito menos apoiado por agncias de viagens e turismo, pelo contrrio, destinado para que deseja planejar sua prpria viagem e economizar o mximo possvel. Ao participar deste curso voc ter direito:- Contedo exclusivo;- Suporte e esclarecimento de dvidas;- Apoio na montagem do currculo e padronizao europeia; - Participar de uma comunidade exclusiva ao alunos do curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Spray Facile" |
"In questo breve corso abbiamo selezionato per te le migliori strategie al mondo di Difesa con lo Spray al Peperoncino Tutti gli insegnamenti che ti diamo in questo corso sono street-proven in quanto provengono dai migliori dipartimenti di polizia americani. Il corso rivolto a chi sta pensando di acquistare uno Spray al Peperoncino e non sa da dove iniziare ma anche per il professionista della Difesa Personale.Lo scopo di questi 7 video di formarti in modo veloce ed efficace al fine di essere in grado di proteggerti da subito senza dover per forza spendere tempo e soldi in qualche corso di dubbia qualit.Lo abbiamo concepito come se dovessimo insegnare a nostra madre o nostra sorella a diventare pi sicure in pochissime ore.Se guarderai tutti i 7 video e seguirai tutto quello che ti diciamo all'interno del tua difesa diventer assolutamente efficace.Scopri in breve i contenuti del corso insieme a Massimo e Simone, fondatori dei programmi Spray Facile e Sicura per Sempre."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Difesa Personale per Donne" |
"In questo corso gli istruttori e fondatori Massimo & Simone del programma Sicura per Sempre hanno concentrato i migliori insegnamenti accumulati in oltre 20 anni di pratica a contatto con i migliori professionisti internazionali nell'ambito della sicurezza.Il programma pu essere seguito tranquillamente sia da una persona che diSicurezza Personale non sa nulla fino all'insegnante di Difesa Personale che vuole fare la differenza.Non si tratta del solito corso di arti marziali (abbiamo dedicato a questo un intero video all'interno del corso) ma di un tutorial dove passo dopo passo Massimo e Simone ti portano a un livello dove ora non riesci nemmeno a immaginare.Il programma prevede sia una parte teorica che una pratica.La parte pratica non richiede capacit fisiche particolari poich si basa su movimenti estremamente semplici e naturali.Questo programma stato espressamente concepito per le donne. Clizia, la ragazza che vedrai nelle riprese una ragazza normale come te. la quale ha imparato addirittura mentre giravamo le riprese.Clizia l'antisport per eccellenza e non aveva nessuna esperienza pregressa....questo ci ha resi ancora pi orgogliosi del programma che abbiamo creato...ora a te la parola.Ti aspettiamo dall'altra parteMassimo & Simone"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to create a sticky habit without using your motivation" |
"Most of people quit a new habit in the first month. But if you're able to last a year or two or more, imagine what kind of result you can reach.Want to learn guitar play ?Go to sport every week ?Develop a business by working on it every day ?Learn to create lasting habits that stick (not the one you quit after 1 month).Why habit are so strong ? Use the 3 step magic formula to implement habit without using your motiviationImagine that you are able to write 500 words every day. Won't you be a amazing writer in 1 or 2 years (more than 360,000 words) ? How many book will you write ?Get full benefits of the compound effect by implementing habit creation in your life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Asesor de Imagen Profesional" |
"En este curso conocers las herramientas principales de la Asesora de Imagen. Podrs aprender detectar tipos de cuerpo, y que prendas benefician. Tambin distinguir los diferentes Rostros, y los cortes o peinados que ms benefician. Aprenders las paletas tonales, y los colores que mas favorecen a cada persona. Todo aplicable a tu imagen personal, o la de otros. Ademas, recorreremos los Estilos en la moda, y en el vestidor actual femenino, ideal para encontrar tu Estilo. Por ultimo, conoceremos las prendas fundamentales para crear tu fondo de armario. Te ensaaremos como combinarlas, y como lograr un looks exitosos rpido y fcil."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chakras are real! Physically locate & Master 7 Chakras" |
"Kindly follow me on social media to see what value I can add to you. Instagram @shivcallingA lot of misinformation and false marketing is being spread in the name of chakra activation. Only physical experience is the valid proof of our success in Chakra activation. I am sharing the methods that helped me find my chakras physically and activating them. Hence I am speaking from personal experience.Common advantages of activating chakras:1. Total Health and immunity - Connect with Prana (energy body)2. Increased creativity and intelligence3. Peace and bliss for the mind and soul4. Beauty and youth - feel the age reversal5. Spiritual powers - with access to these energy vortices, powers of healing and manifestation come by themselves.Our Chakras and Kundalini are part of our energy body. That energy body is what is the cause of our physical body, and make our vibes. And our vibes attract our tribe :)This is a fun, and in-depth course, and is best suited for Chakra and Prana Healers, who want to know fundamentals of chakra system based on ancient Yoga tradition. This course is about direct experience of Charkas within our body and energising them using Meditation + prana energy + Mantra + Sound vibrations.Topics covered in the course:1. Understanding of Chakra and our Lotus energy body2. Divine Mindset - The Yogic secret of positive spiritual mindset before we start the meditation3. Turning the senses Inwards - To go inside our body to find the chakras4. Quietening the mind - The essence of Raja Yoga5. Understanding the axis line of our Chakras where we need to move our awareness6. Using breath as vehicle to go inside the body7. Direct experience of the chakra energy vortices through meditation.8. Chakra healing using Prana energy and Beej MantraIt won't be an exaggeration to say that Chakra hold the key to the evolution of mankind. Peak of health, peak of strength, peak of creativity, peak of Intelligence, peak of spiritual ecstasy, all this is possible through meditating on our chakras.But what is the condition of chakra meditation today? Today in the name of chakra meditation all we do is, visualise colours and symbols and patterns, and we reach nowhere. How many of us can claim that they have been able to find chakras within them? It is because, the premise has been wrong. It is because people with no idea of Chakras, teaching others what are chakras. And all they have understood is that chakras are basic concepts, and all they need to do is visualise them.But imaginations and visualisations are just that, they are imaginary. They won't lead to any result. While our real aim should be, to go inside and and find these chakras that are inside our body. And their impression is as physical as touch of a hand, or any other physical touch. And this is what the course will be about; it will be about going inside and finding our Chakras that are always inside us. No visualisation, direct experience is the name of the game here. And direct experience is the only validation of our success in this meditation. So join me in this journey. I really want you to be able to find the Chakras because really, it is in our chakras that our superpowers lie. It will enrich our life and would help us lead an extraordinary life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Derivadas desde cero - clculo, matemtica" |
"En 48 videos que abarcan 100 ejercicios explicados detalladamente en video aprenders a derivar desde las funciones mas bsicas pasando por trigonomtricas, exponenciales, logartmicas implcitas y hasta orden superior en diferentes temas con una sola variable independiente que te permitirn resolver ejercicios de dificultad media y avanzada incluyendo demostracionesDerivadas: algebraicas, trigonomtricas, exponenciales, logartmicas, implcitas, recta tangente, paramtricas y ms"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Statements 101" |
"My name is Todd Frazier and I'm a CPA in Southern California. In this 9 part course, you will get acquainted with the most effective tool to strategize how to manage your business from a global standpoint. This information has helped many of my clients become more efficient and effective in their businesses. My goal is that it does the same for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Trompete" |
"Para quem acredita que necessita de possuir DOM para tocar este instrumento est muito enganado. Este instrumento foi desenvolvido exatamente para que todas as pessoas tenham acesso tudo o que ele pode proporcionar! Ento, o que est esperando? Quer vivenciar o mundo da msica? Pegue seu trompete e vamos juntos desvendar todos os mistrios que h por trs de se tocar bem o Trompete!Ateno: Por este canal, voc ir acessar o Nvel 1 (10 aulas)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Teoria Musical" |
"O Conservatrio Digital desenvolveu um mtodo de fcil compreenso, de simples aplicao prtica e de uma forma bem divertida de se aprender a leitura musical por partituras. Voc vai se surpreender com os resultados rpidos e ficar feliz em aprender uma das artes mais incrveis j inventadas, a compreenso musical atravs de smbolos e a execuo a partir deles.Ateno: Neste canal, voc ir acessar o Nvel 1 (10 aulas)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Regncia" |
"Hoje, a tcnica apurada da regncia exige bastante do maestro, devendo estudar os movimentos, a leitura musical, a propriocepo, a percepo, o ritmo, a afinao e mais uma srie de atributos para que domine com perfeio esta incrvel arte guiada pelos gestos!O Conservatrio Digital preparou com exclusividade para voc um curso que, at ento, no existia na Amrica Latina, e voc conhecer todos os segredos da regncia perfeita desvendando os mistrios dos sons e dos silncios.Ateno: Disponvel por este canal o Nvel 1 (10 aulas)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Hitting a Baseball: Learn the 3 Essential Phases of a Swing" |
"MASTERINGYOURHITTINGPOSITIONS - 'Hitting a Baseball: Learn the 3 Essential Phases of a Swing'is the key to finally seeing results on the baseball diamond. With a lot of information you need someone that can dissect through it all. The game has mass amounts of data and it can over complicate the fundamentals. When a player is first introduced to the game it starts simple, but overtime you start getting exposed to many thoughts: Should Iworry about exit velocity?What is my launch angle?What angle should my front foot be at? Should Ido this hitting drill because (fill in MLBNetwork personality) recommends it?Once a simple idea of swinging a bat to hit a ball becomes complicated fast. DON'TWORRY!Ihave had plenty of players that have felt the same way. Ilike simplifying complex ideas. Making something easy to understand with basic explanations is the best way to describe big thoughts. IPROMISE YOU that we will NOTtalk about launch angles and degrees of difference with each swing. If you are person that wants this info, please DONOTTAKETHISCOURSE! This course is not for you. BUT, if you are a person that wants to know how to perfect the different positions in a swing you have arrived. We will talk about positioning with your body, hands, and how basic movements can produce big results. I am a step-by-step person. This course is designed with that in mind. Ifilmed short videos that lead you through 3 phases of the swing (Stance, Launch, Pre-Set) Perfecting these positions will grab the attention of your coach and personal hitting instructor. SUMMARY OFCOURSE:Stance:Simplified stance and correcting positioning in the box for success Launch:The holy grail of hitting positions Pre-Set:Perfecting the pre-set position to land big swingsBONUS!Ideal Contact Position:How should your contact position look when review your swing on video? This bonus section gives you the tools."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Field Like a Pro" |
"Dazzle your teammates and make an impression on your opponents. Be the most feared defender on the field with Nate Goro's infield course. Coach Goro was one of the most well respected shortstops at the division 1 level. He played in the Los Angeles Angels organization and went to Oral Roberts University. Pay close attention and learn from the best when it comes to the basics. Master the basics!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Yoga" |
"Imagine building a house with the roof first. Or growing a tree starting with it's branches. Crazy right? Yet that's how many people start their yoga practice, with the imagined ""finished product"" they're trying to achieve. Even for a practiced yogi this can result in not knowing what you're doing or getting hurt. So many classes are still taught pose first but this revolutionary class is designed foundation first.This course will start your practice from it's foundation or roots. It uses anatomy, physics, and biomechanics to build your poses in a healthy alignment for your body and optimize your practice. It also activates your deep core strength, heats up your body, and transitions you through poses in a way that gets you more results in less time and makes transformation accessible on all levels.Whether you're looking for beginner yoga or something more advanced, this course will help you take your yoga practice to the next level.Ready to channel your inner-superhero and transform your yoga practice? Then I'll see you on the mat! Namaste!!This course includes:Workshop style videos teaching the foundations of yoga asana and anatomyTopics and philosophies not normally discussed in a yoga classVariety of complete yoga flows for your home practicePose tutorials of fun and challenging yoga posesSurprise bonus material!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Your First Leadership Position and Beyond" |
"This course teaches leaders and managers how to be successful from their first day as a leader. After taking the course, you will be able to do the following things:Establish leadership credibility Assess your team's performance Set organizational goals Lead your team to a successful outcome I created this course because in my first leadership positions, I did not perform very well, and the reason for that was because I did not know what to focus on or what I needed to do to be successful. Looking back on my military and civilian leadership positions, I am going to share with you the lessons I've learned in this course about what you need to do as a new leader. The course is structured in 2 parts:Part 1 provides a week-by-week framework for how to build your leadership skills in the first 30 days of your leadership positionPart 2 discusses additional leadership principles that are required to continue leading your team to a successful outcome The principles in the course are derived from my personal experience of successfully leading military units as well as civilian organizations in the business and academic sectors. Iam highly confident that if you follow the framework and put the course principles into practice, you will be a leader who people want to follow because you know how to guide your team to achieve their mission. And I know that, because I've done exactly what I'm teaching you.The course is primarily made up of lectures that explain a concept, why it's important, and how to put it into practice. I also have created activities for you to apply the course principles to your leadership situation. I also provide checklists that you can download and take with you to remember what you learned. I strongly believe leadership is best learned by putting it into practice, and this course gives you many tools to do just that!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Meetingmarathon - Das Geheimnis produktiver Meetings" |
"Mitarbeiter verbringen viel Zeit in Meetings. Allerdings wird in den Meetings die kostbare Zeit nicht sinnvoll genutzt, es tritt nicht das gewnschte Ergebnis ein und Teilnehmer beteiligen sich nicht.Vielmehr sollten Meetings produktiv sein, Raum fr eine kooperative Zusammenarbeit bieten und die geplante Zeit sinnvoll nutzen.Dieser Kurs wird direin besseres Verstndnis fr die Ursachen unproduktiver Meetings geben,zeigen wie du in 8 Schritten ein erfolgreiches Meeting gestaltest und durchfhrst,Tipps und Tricks fr deine nchsten Meetings geben,Hilfsmittel zur Visualisierung und zum Timekeeping zeigen undeine Checkliste bereitstellen, die dein nchstes Meeting zum Erfolg macht.Nach diesem Kurs wirst dudie Anzahl an produktiven Meetings erhhen,dein gewnschtes Ergebnis erreichen,das Commitment der Teilnehmer erhalten,ein erfolgreiches Time Management durchfhren und den Fokus auf dein Meetingziel lenken.Starte jetzt mit diesem Kurs und mache schon dein nchstes Meeting zum Erfolg."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Change Management - Verhalten und Handeln verstehen" |
"Unternehmen sind einem immer strkeren Vernderungsdruck ausgesetzt. Damit Unternehmen sich verndern knnen, ist es zwingend notwendig, dass Mitarbeiter neue Prozesse, Strukturen und Systeme lernen und als neue Gewohnheit annehmen. Hierfr bedarf es eine Anpassung der Verhalten und Handeln der Mitarbeiter. Deshalb ist eine der wesentlichen Grundlagen fr jeden Change Experten zu verstehen,wie Verhalten und Handeln entsteht,wie sich das Verhalten in Vernderungszeiten ist,wie ein anpassungsfhiges Unternehmen gestaltet werden sollte undwie das Lernen von neuen Prozessen, Strukturen und Systemen gefrdert werden kann.Genau diese Inhalte werde ich Dir in diesem 2-stndigen Kurs vermitteln. Dies ist ein Einstiegskurs zum Thema ""Change Management"". Der Kurs fokussiert auf das Entstehen von Verhalten und Handeln und den Kontext von Vernderungen und dem gezeigten Verhalten und Handeln. Denn nur wer die theoretischen Zusammenhnge im Change versteht, ist zuknftig fhig, einen eigenen Change Prozess zu gestalten. Begleite mich hinter die Kulissen und werfe mit mir einen Blick auf das Verhalten und Handeln von Menschen.#Change Management #Vernderungen #Mitarbeiter #Business #Transformation"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Piyanoya - Haftalar inde Piyano renin" |
"Daha nce hi piyanonun bana geip zgrce almay hayal ettiniz mi?Artk haftalar iinde bu hayalinizi gerekletirebilirsiniz.Hibir tecrbeye sahip olmasanz bile sfrdan balayp hzlca orta seviyenin stne kmanz iin tasarlanm bu kurs ile, iki eli bamszlatrmaktan nota okumaya, kulak eitiminden repertuar geniletmeye kadar ihtiyacnz olan her eyi renmi olacaksnz. Herkes Piyano alabilirBu kurs nasl oluturuldu?Tular tanmaElleri bamszlatrmaTemelleri Pratiklerle almaNota OkumaPiyanonun kendine has zelliklerini renmeTulara duygu katmaTakip etmesi ok kolay 6 admla, kursun kendine ait yntemi baka materyale sahip olmadan uygulanabilir. Piyanoyu hzlca renmenize ynelikDers ierii btn kaba bilgileri darda braklarak, z ve takip etmesi kolay bir konsept ile hazrland.Kursun sonunda, Mziin temel talar; Notalar, aralklar, akorlar, llerMajr ve Minr dizilerNota okumaTranspoze YapmaArpej almaFarkl Gam DizileriKadanslar, Krk AkorlarPedal KullanmVe daha birok konuyu renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Complete Ethical Hacking Course Beginner to Advanced!" |
"In this course, you will learn ethical hacking from basic level to advance level. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. We will also explore Tor Browser how to install it and use it. Proxy chains is important tool for anonymity and i will explain it in great detail. VPN stands for virtual private network and we will learn how to install it and use it. An ethical hacker must know how to change mac address. For this thing i will introduce you to Mac-changer. Then another important tool N map that is use for foot printing. If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Tor, Proxy Chains and VPN, Beginner to Pro!" |
"In this course, you will learn about Proxy Chains, VPN and TOR browser. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. We will also explore Tor Browser how to install it and use it. Proxy chains is important tool for anonymity and i will explain it in great detail. VPN stands for virtual private network and we will learn how to install it and use it. If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Mac-Changer and Foot-Printing with NMAP" |
"In this course, you will start learning things from basic to advance level. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands.An ethical hacker must know how to change mac address. For this thing i will introduce you to Mac-changer. Then another important tool N map that is use for foot printing. If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical hacking of WiFi: WPA and WPA2 encryption" |
"In this course, you will learn ethical hacking of wifi by cracking WPA and WPA2 encryption. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands.Then we will learn how to hack Wi-Fi ethically. In which we will learn how to break router WPA and WPA2 encryption and how to crack pin authentication. In this course you will also learn how you can secure your router from attacks and how you can remove bugs from router.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Denial of Service(DOS) on Wireless Networks" |
"In this course you will learn how to perform Denial of Service (DOS) on wireless networks. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. The main topic of this course is Denial of Service(DOS) on wireless networks. Through DOS you can jam the wireless network so nobody can connect to that network. I will teach you each and everything about it. After that you will be able to DOS a wireless network.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Evil twin method to Clone wireless access points to get data" |
"In this course you will learn Evil Twin method to Clone wireless access point to get the data. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. Then we will learn about evil twin method in which we will create a clone of wireless access point and when different devices will connect to that clone. Then we will be able to monitor traffic of those devices. Basically we are able to access the data of different devices that are connected to that clone access point. We will have their credentials.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Exploiting Router Vulnerabilities" |
"In this course you will learn about router vulnerabilities, Exploiting router vulnerabilities and securing your router. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. After that we will learn about how to discover router vulnerabilities and how to exploit those vulnerabilities to manipulate the router. At the end we will also learn about how to secure our routers. We will learn Exploiting of router Vulnerabilities in great detail.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Exploiting Website with SQL Injections" |
"In this course you will learn about Exploiting Website with SQL Injections. First you will learn the basic terms in hacking. Then we will learn how to set up Kali Linux. Before practical we will explore the terminal and its important commands. The main thing we will learn in this course is how to Exploit the Website with SQL Injections. Then we will be able to access the data in the database like passwords, emails etc. We will explore SQL injections in great detail. We will learn how we can make different queries to Exploit the database so we can access all the information in database.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning. I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |