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"The Unspoken Rules of Style" |
"Panduan terperinci tentang apa yang akan dikenakan berdasarkan musim, tempat, acara, cuaca dan waktu, siang atau malam hari. Kedengarannya rumit? Jangan khawatir. Ini akan membantu Anda memberikan tujuan untuk setiap kain, warna, potongan, bentuk, bahan seperti dalam perhiasan dan make-up yang menyelamatkan Anda dari banyak uang dalam jangka panjang dan waktu mencari pakaian yang Anda bahkan tidak yakin jika yang paling benar. Dengan pengetahuan ini, Anda tahu apa yang Anda inginkan dan butuhkan. Masuki toko, lihat sesuatu yang Anda cari atau luruskan dan tuju sesuatu yang Anda butuhkan tanpa menjelajah terlalu lama dan keluar! 1. Gaya Musim Panas. 2. Gaya Musim Gugur. 3 Gaya Musim Dingin. 4 Gaya Musim Semi. 5 Tips Perhiasan. 6 Tips Warna Pribadi. 7 Tips Lain-Lain .. 8 Tips Kerah. 9 Gaya Rambut / Gaya. 10 Apa Warna di Musim Gugur. 11 Bagian Tambahan tentang Apa yang Saya Pakai Hari Ini.Giving meaning to every outfit you decide to wear on that day. Cara struktur dan aturan itulah yang memberi tujuan.Ini lebih gaya daripada mode. Mode tidak bertahan lama. Gaya bertahan selamanya. Alasan saya sangat menekankan pada pakaian apa pun, lama atau baru, konservatif atau seksi, pakaian sehari-hari atau acara khusus - termasuk semua, ada banyak hal yang tersedia untuk dipelajari dan diterapkan. Saya pernah dihentikan oleh seorang wanita yang sangat bergaya sewaktu saya berjalan kaki di Milan. Dia hanya mau memberikan pujian atas busana yang saya pakai pada saat itu. Itulah telahsalah satu hal terpenting dalam hidup saya di Italia. Juga di salah satu Bank dimana ada rekening saya. Rupanya ada pengagum2 yang pendiam selama ini sampai setahun kemudian beverapa pengakuan mereka tentang bagaimana penampilan saya yang sangat terpesona bagi mereka dalam caranya saya menata diri. Salah satunya adalah dua Manajer Bank di mana mereka memperhatikan penampilan saya selama beberapa kali saya harus pergi ke sana untuk melakukan tugas saya. Percayalah, sampai saat ini, mereka telah menjadi teman dan sangat membantu kapan pun saya membutuhkan bantuan mereka terutama sekarang karena saya tidak lagi tinggal di Italia. Saya masih memiliki Bank di sana. Pernah saya tiba2 difoto oleh seorang fotografer Spanyol di sebuah butik di Roma sambil mencoba beberapa pakaian pilihan saya. Namun, saya bukan orang yang terkenal. Oleh sebab itu, ingin sekali saya berbagi pengetahuan yang agak rahasia ini dengan orang lain tentang apa yang disebut Aturan Tak Terucapkan yang memperkaya Anda tetapi yang terpenting, membantu menciptakan perasaan kebebasan dan rasa percaya diri karena tidak perlu bertanya pada diri sendiri lagi jika Anda memakainya benar atau jika Anda membelinya dengan benar. Ketika saya tidak punya waktu, saya hanya memasuki toko, mencari apa yang saya tahu saya inginkan atau butuhkan tanpa membuang waktu untuk browsing. Ketika saya punya waktu, itu adalah perasaan yang luar biasa untuk menelusuri dan melihat apa yang ditawarkan toko yang dapat menandai dan menggoda karena pengetahuan ini. Saya merasa saya tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu untuk tinggal di Milan selama bertahun-tahun tanpa menunjukkan apa pun dan sekarang, membagikannya kepada Anda. Saya ingin membagikan pengetahuan yang sangat berharga namun menyenangkan ini kepada mereka yang peduli dan suka menjaga gaya yang menarik dan memikat. Tidak acak. Jadi ... Ini dia! Ini pertunjukannya. Inilah pengetahuannya. Ini aturannya. Selamat belajar! Jangan ragu untuk bertanya kapan saja. Terima kasih telah memilih Aturan Gaya yang Tidak Diucapkan. Ayo mulai!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Marriage Lifeline Masterclass: Fascinating Womanhood Vintage" |
"Take this course and learn how women from around the world have successfully saved their marriage/relationship with the Fascinating Womanhood principles. Does any of these scenarios resonate with you?Are you unhappy with the quality of your marriage or relationship?Are you experiencing emotional neglect, infidelity, separation or threat of divorce in your relationship?Do you love your husband/partner, but unsure how to rekindle to love affair you once had?Are you frustrated with your husband/partner's lack of emotional vulnerability and transparency?Are you longing for an enchanting and lasting love affair with your husband/partner, but unsure how to create it?Were you confident that you understood your husband/partner, but now you are totally confused by his behaviours?Are you curious about how you can become a priceless asset to your family?Have you ever struggled with embracing the strength and uniqueness of being a feminine woman?If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then this course is for you!We believe that a feminine woman is the divine adornment of humanity.The purpose of this course is to reawaken the unique magic that resides inall womento create enchanting and lasting relationships, and to help make the most of each womans fascinating and limitless potential.This course is specifically designed for women who are married or in a committed relationship. The8 classes will teach you the qualities and characteristics that you need to cultivate to become the woman, wife or partner you aspire to be. Also, you will learn the timeless feminine strategies you need for building and maintaining a healthy long lasting relationship with your husband or partner.This course was recorded live with real women who were experiencing challenges in their relationships. Participants' questions were authentic and may be relatable to your circumstances. To receive the best results from this course, it is strongly recommended that students purchase the textbook (Fascinating Womanhood Vintage) and workbook (Fascinating Womanhood Vintage Student Workbook) from The Official Fascinating Womanhood Site at fascinatingwomanhood [dot] com/shop/LEGAL DISCLAIMEREvery effort has been made to represent this course and its potential accurately. Any claims made of actual results and success are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individuals success depends on their background, professional ability, and level of follow-through. As with any educational endeavor, there is an inherent risk, and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the results you desired with the methods taught in this course. The templates and materials provided are for educational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical, legal or financial advice."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Family Meetings - How To Make Them A Success" |
"Does any of these scenarios resonate with you?A deep feeling of regret of becoming a parent because you think you are failingConstant power struggles with your children that leave you feeling out of control, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, and guiltyChildren are uncooperative and out of control with constant back-talking, disrespect, and sibling fightsOther parenting strategies have failed and harsh strategies (e.g., spanking) are your last resortCommunication is filled with screams, yelling, shouts, and name callingIf you answered yes to any of the above, Family Meetings: How to Make Them A Success is for you!The purpose of the course is to support and encourage families to create a structure via family meetings that focus on non-punitive and non-permissive strategies in solving problems within the family.By learning how to successfully conduct family meetings, your children will have the opportunity to develop most of the characteristics and life skills you hope for them, including a sense of belonging and the belief that they are capable. You will have the opportunity to avoid power struggles when you invite problem-solving instead of lecturing and micromanaging."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Builderall Masterclass" |
"Last year I was fortunate enough to team up with my mentor that showed me how it was possible to create a 6 figure business from scratch. I learned a great deal about marketing , building funnels and developing a community. The last few years advertising is becoming more expensive due to more competition in the market. The cost of acquiring a new customer is a lot more than it used to be. To win you need to attract leads and convert those leads into paying customers without spending a fortune. Ho do you attract leads and generate sales with it costing you a fortune? Sales Funnels.Builderall is an awesome tool that gives small business owners the ability to build highly converting sales funnels without having to hire a developer. I use Builderall to create highly converting optin pages, followup with a sequence of emails that convert those leads into sales. This is bread and butter money. I've integrate online courses and webinars into the mix as well which allows you to sell higher ticket items. Builderall delivers so much value. If you want to create sales for your business, then this course is for you. Here is a snippet of what you are going to learn: What is a Sales Funnel and Why Traditional Websites are Dead How To Use The Pixel Perfect Editor How Integrate Mailingboss to Build an Email List How To Connect a Domain Name (MORE PROFESSIONAL) How To Build Funnels For Mobile That Convert How To Install Facebook Pixel and Google Tracking Code How To Accept Paypal and Credit Card Payments (SUPER EASY) How To Create a Lead Magnet Funnel How To Add Social Proof To Your Funnel (HIGHER CONVERSIONS) How To Convert Facebook Comments to Sales Using Facebook Chatbot How To Create Online Course Funnel Builderall comes with pre-made templates. Dont re-invent the wheel. You can make minor changes to these templates to personalise them for your business. If you are looking for simple, but proven strategies to increase profits then this course is for you. You could be digital marketer, website builder or business owner, this course will help increase sales and profitability. Hope to see you inside. Garth"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crear plataforma de Chat en tiempo real con Nodejs/SocketIO" |
"Bienvenido al curso de ""Crear plataforma de Chat en tiempo real con Nodejs/SocketIO"" donde aprenders a desarrollar desde cero un chat en tiempo real con funciones avanzadas con estas tecnologas.NodeJSes una tecnologa que permite hacer desarrollosback-end usando nicamente JavaScript.SocketIOes una librera enJavaScriptparaNode.jsque permite una comunicacin bidireccional en tiempo real entre cliente y servidor. Para ello se basa principalmente enWebsocketpero tambin puede usar otras alternativas comosocketsde Adobe Flash, JSONP polling o long polling en AJAX, seleccionando la mejor alternativa para el cliente justo en tiempo de ejecucin. En el curso desarrollaremos una plataforma avanzada de chat en tiempo real con funciones completas y avanzadas, entre ellas destacamos:Enviar mensajes entre usuarios.Compartir un mensaje personal.Cambiar estado actual (Disponible, ocupado, ausente y desconectado)Enviar mensajes privados entre usuarios.Registrar usuarios conectados y actualizar en tiempo real la lista de conectados para todos los usuarios.Notificacin en tiempo real de usuarios conectados.Entre otras.Este curso le servir no solo a aquel con conocimiento sino a cualquier usuario sin conocimiento alguno ya que se explicar paso a paso todo lo necesario desde instalar y configurar el servidor Nodejs hasta dejar funcionando completamente la plataforma con todas las funciones que estn preparadas para este curso.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de Crear plataforma de Chat en tiempo real con Nodejs/SocketIO.Todo ser desarrollado desde cero explicando todo paso por paso.chale un vistazo al programa completo del cursopara ver en detalle todos temas que aprenders y aquellos que vienen prximamente.Aprende ahora o amplia tus conocimientos con NodeJS y SocketIO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme Eitimi Java 2020" |
"Android platformunda mobil uygulama gelitirmek istiyorsanz doru adrestesiniz.Temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye kadar Android uygulama gelitirme alannda geliim salayacaksnz.2011 ylndan beri 100lerce insana profesyonel bir ekilde Android uygulama gelitirme eitimi veriyorum.Son yllarda Android ve IOS eitmeni olarak BT AKADEM , BLGN T ACADEMY VE BAARISOFT gibi kurumsal irketlerde eitmen olarak grev yapyorum.rencilerimizin tamamna yakn yksek memnuniyet ile kursumuzu tamamladlar ve kendi alanlarnda android gelitirici olarak almaktalar.Eitim kurumlarnda edindiim tecrbe ile bu online kursu sizler iin tasarladm.Eitim mfredatnn verimli, profesyonel ve dzenli olmas iin ok zaman harcadm.Rahatlkla Eitim mfredat olarak en dzenli ierie sahip bu kurs diyebilirim.Bu eitim ieriinin yapsn ve kalitesini dier kurslar ile kyaslayabilirsiniz.Kursun sonunda tam anlamyla profesyonel bir ekilde uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz.Bu kurs bir ok teknoloji ve yazlm aralar iermektedir. PHP, Firebase, Volley, Retrofit 2, MYSQL, SQLite ve bunun gibi bir ou.Bunlar bilmiyorsanz endielenmenize gerek yok, Eitimde en temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye kadar geliim salayacaksnz.Eitim ierii konu balklar ;Java Blm : Java GiriDeikenler ve Veri TipleriStandart Programlama YaplarNesne Tabanl ProgramlamaString YapsCollectionsleri JavaJava I/OAndroid Blm : Temel Java EitimiAndroid GiriAndroid Tasarm GiriAndroid alma YapsAndroid WidgetsAndroid Kullanc EtkileimiMaterial DesignAndroid Depolama lemlerileri AndroidAndroid nternet Tabanl lemlerAndroid Lokasyon lemleriAlarm Manager KullanmAndroid Animasyon lemleriDrag and DropAndroid Ticari lemlerAndroid 2D Oyun YapmAndroid Test KullanmProgramlama renmek Neden nemli ? Her geen gn yazlm hayatmzn en derinine kadar iniyor.Hayatmz kolaylatrrken yazlmclara byk bir i alan alyor.ok ge olmadan bu dijital aa ayak uydurmal ve yazlm sektrnde yer almalsnz.Bu dijitalleen ada ortalama bir bilgisayar ile kendinize yeni bir i frsat yaratabilirsiniz.zellikle mobil uygulama gelitirme sayesinde tek banza istediiniz her yerden projeler gelitirebilirsiniz.Hangi meslek ve eitimden olduunuz yazlmc olmak iin nemsizdir.Her yata bu beceriyi kazanabilirsiniz. Bir eitimci olarak hazrladm eitim mfredat ile profesyonel seviyeye gelmek sizin elinizde.Tek yapmanz gereken zamanz ayrarak geleceinizi deitirecek yazlm becerisini kazanmak iin abalamak.Gelin birlikte bu yola kalm ve size deer katalmBaarlar dilerim.Eitimi incelediiniz iin teekkrler"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cration de Vidos Animes avec Powerpoint" |
"Ceci est la version franaise du cours numro 1 sur la Cration Vido sur Udemy! La cration de vidos est une comptence de plus en plus demande. La consommation de contenu vido par les internautes est en forte croissance et les marketeurs sautent sur cette opportunit. Il existe beaucoup de logiciels complexes pour la cration de vido, alors qu'il est tout fait possible de crer de belles vidos animes avec Powerpoint uniquement!La qualit des vidos cres avec Powerpoint est suffisante pour tout ce qui est vidos ducatives/informatives. Ca peut tre des vidos de promotionnelles pour du business, des vidos pour les cours et les formations en ligne, ou des vidos pour une chane YouTube. Il y a normment de chanes YouTube avec des millions de vues dont les vidos sont cres avec Powerpoint!Donc si vous souhaitez utiliser des vidos pour dvelopper votre business, vous n'avez pas besoin de logiciels complexes et des mois ou des annes de formation - vous pouvez utiliser Powerpoint. Et avec les bonnes techniques que je vais vous enseigner dans ce cours, vous pourrez raliser de belles vidos qui auront rellement l'air de ""vraies vidos"" et non pas de prsentations Powerpoint classiques.Cette formation est 100% pratique. Nous allons crer ensemble 3 projets en partant de rien, et je vais expliquer chaque tape une par une. Ala fin de ce cours vous matriserez la cration de vidos avec Powerpoint et vous serez capables de produire des vidos la demande. Et avec plus d'exprience vous deviendrez galement plus efficaces. Il est tout fait possible de crer une vido par jour!La cration de vidos animes avec Powerpoint est un parfait compris entre une bonne qualit de la vido (en termes de ""complexit"") et le temps que a prend pour la crer. Vous pouvez crer des heures et des heures de vidos relativement vite par rapport des logiciels spcifiques et plus complexes.-------------------------------Voici quelques traductions de commentaires laisss pour la version anglophone: ""Ce cours m'a ouvert les yeux!!! J'ai l'impression que je peux crer une mini socit de production vido grce tout ce que j'ai appris! [...]"" ""[...] Les comptences que j'ai appris dans ce cours vont m'aider normment pour la cration de mon cours propre cours eLearning en mathmatiques [...]"" ""Excellent cours. Le formateur a des bons gots et vite les concepts trop utiliss. Il donne vraiment des conseils qui permettent de crer des animations qui sortent du lot. Bravo!"" ""Ce cours est exactement ce dont j'avais besoin! J'ai appris faire des animations avec Powerpoint que je pensais impossibles"""
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Vender com Facebook Orgnico" |
"Aprenda tudo que precisa para ter os primeiros resultados com vendas atravs das redes sociais. O curso engloba como utilizar o Facebook de forma profissional e capturar leads, utilizar automatizao de pginas no Facebook (chatbot) e tudo que essa ferramenta pode oferecer. H um mdulo ainda que ensina como se relacionar com os clientes potenciais e as melhores estratgias para a converso em vendas. Alm do curso, o apoio ao aluno fundamental, por isso h um grupo de alunos que valoriza a interao entre pessoas que querem o mesmo objetivo. Tudo isso na prtica. A parte terica mnima para voc entender um pouco sobre esse mercado e j partimos para prtica. Aulas prticas gravadas passo-a-passo e na tela do computador. Ento tudo que voc precisa a fora de vontade, um celular e uma conexo de internet para comear. Ento vamos l, te espero l dentro!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sing and play piano by ear (no reading music) 'Summertime'" |
"Playing and singing at the same time isn't doing two separate things! It's doing one thing.The best way to learn and get good at something is to approach it in bite sized chunks. One song at a time. Using this method you get to be able to perform a complete song whilst you are learning. It's enjoyable straight away and you get results.In this course you will learn how to play the chords and the melody of Summertime. And you will learn how to use your voice (singing or humming the song) to bring the two together.How this course works is: I teach you the simple chords and the melody (both singing and playing)I show you what to practice I break the chords down note by note for beginners (but if you already have some experience you can skip these lectures) I give you simple excercises/patterns to practice (for both hands) Before you know it, you will be singing and playing the song.Chords and Melody. It's simple.You don't have to be a great singer to put a great song across. You don't have to be great Singer and player to get to the heart of a song, to speak the lyric and to touch people with its essence.It's all about Melody Rhythm and Love. Oh and practice!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"For all piano learners. Play piano and sing 'Autumn Leaves'" |
"Playing and singing at the same time isn't doing two separate things! It's doing one thing.The best way to learn and get good at something is to approach it in bite sized chunks. One song at a time. Using this method you get to be able to perform a complete song whilst you are learning. It's enjoyable straight away and you get results.In this course you will learn how to play the chords and the melody of 'Autumn Leaves'. And you will learn how to use your voice (singing or humming the song) to bring the two together.How this course works is:I teach you the simple chords and the melody (both singing and playing) I show you what to practice I break the chords down note by note for beginners (but if you already have some experience you can skip these lectures) I give you simple excercises/patterns to practice (for both hands) Before you know it, you will be singing and playing the song. Chords and Melody. It's simple. You don't have to be a great singer to put a great song across. You don't have to be great singer and player to get to the heart of a song, to speak the lyric and to touch people with its essence.It's all about Melody, Rhythm and Love. Oh - and practice!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trauma? Handle your life with a kid in autism." |
"Do you have a melt down when your kid just diagnosed with autism (or similar diagnose)?I will guide you threw the first stages in your trauma from my own experiences as a single mother and examples from therapies I have licensed in.I will help you sort out what is important to start with.You will listen to my own traumas and how I handled them."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Entity FrameWork para Principiantes" |
"En este curso vers de manera prctica cmo desarrollar una aplicacin con el Entity FrameWork, realizando operaciones CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) sobre una base de datos en SQL Server.Estos fundamentos, se pueden server no slo para desarrollar aplicaciones de escritorio, sino para tener una mejor comprensin en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web utilizando el marco de trabajo MVC. Me llamo Daniel y tengo basta experiencia en el desarrollo de software especialmente en el universo de herramientas Microsoft, por eso quiero compartir con tu persona este curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django para Principiantes" |
"Sabas que Python es uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms populares y potentes que existen y que adems es de los ms sencillos de aprender?Django, el framework para desarrollo web de Python, va sobre esa misma popularidad, potencia y sencillez, por eso he decidido hacer un curso sobre l. Pero no cualquier curso, uno en que puedas aprender haciendo (practicando) 4 tipos de CRUD (CRUD es el acrnimo de Create, Read, Update, Delete) sobre una base de datos PostgreSQL.Soy Daniel Bojorge y tengo ms de 20 aos de experiencia desarrollando aplicaciones tanto de escritorio como web, utilizando diferentes lenguajes de programacin y frameworks. Permteme guiarte en la elaboracin de un proyecto que podrs dejarlo en tus repositorios principales para consultas y te servir de herramienta para crear aplicaciones a gran escala, tanto para web como para mviles, utilizando como lenguaje de programacin Python.Lo que dicen los estudiantes inscritos :Tengo comprados como 10 cursos de python, django y varias yerbas. Sin duda, este curso de Django es Excelente, todo es muy prctico, hay teora s, pero lo basico y necesario para entender. Lo que ms me gusta es que desarrolla una aplicacin completa. La mayora de los otros autores utilizan el ""django admin"" pero l se da el trabajo de hacer el app de 0 y te muestra como. Hay cosas que aprend que no saba de django sobretodo con el tema de templates. Buen trabajo seor... muy buen trabajo. El cursos esta explicado con un lenguaje sencillo, con todas las concreciones necesarias para la adquisicin del conocimiento. Si tienes alguna cuestin que se te escapa, el profesor te contesta en poco tiempo, lo cual hace ms fcil seguir el contenido. Totalmente recomendado. Uno de los mejores cursos de Django que vi en esta plataforma Udemy el instructor es de los mejor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Programacin en Capas Web y Escritorio con ADO Net" |
"La programacin por capas es un modelo de desarrollo de software en el que el objetivo primordial es la separacin (desacoplamiento) de las partes que componen un sistema de software o tambin una arquitectura cliente-servidor: lgica de negocios, capa de presentacin y capa de datos. De esta forma, por ejemplo, es sencillo y mantenible crear diferentes interfaces sobre un mismo sistema sin requerirse cambio alguno en la capa de datos o lgica. Al mismo tiempo, he desarrollado una librera (DLL) , de uso libre, que permite la interaccin con la base de datos (SQL Server) que puede ser usada tanto para entorno de escritorio como web, usando modelo de capas o tradicional. La nombr DLL Acceso a Datos.En este curso te ensear a trabajar en capas, de una forma ordenada, dividiendo el proceso por tareas, la primera parte, desarrollamos las capas para una aplicacin de escritorio, para tal motivo consta de 4 grandes secciones:Devolver un registroDevolver todos los registrosGuardar (Insertar/Actualizar)BorrarEn cada una de las secciones, se orden por operaciones en cada capa.En una segunda parte del curso, trabajaremos en la capa de presentacin (FrontEnd), ya no usar de escritorio (Desktop), sino haciendo una aplicacin web, pero reutilizando las capas elaboradas en el ""proyecto"" anterior. Con esto vemos una de las bondades de la programacin en capas, como es la reutilizacin de cdigo.Soy Daniel Bojorge, con casi 20 aos de experiencia en desarrollo de software y quiero guiarte en este curso inductivo, con el que aprenders bases slidas para la programacin por capas, utilizando C#, SQL Server y la librera de Acceso a Datos que elabor especialmente para este tipo de trabajo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Replicacin de Base de Datos con SymmetricDS" |
"El nico curso en Udemy En este curso aprenders a realizar replicacin desde cualquier base de datos hacia cualquier base de datos sin importar el sistema operativo.Elaboraremos una solucin que replique data entre diferentes tipos de bases de datos y sistema operativo. Veremos PostgreSQL (en Ubuntu y Windows), SQL Server ( en Windows) y MariaDB.Todo con una herramienta opensource que te har la vida muy fcil por su forma de trabajar. Te gustara implementar una solucin de replicacin robusta, eficiente, escalable sin invertir un solo centavo? Eres DBA o quieres serlo? Eres desarrollador y requieres hacer pruebas en diferentes bases de datos? Entonces debes tomar este curso.SymmetricDS es un software de cdigo abierto para replicacin de datos asncrona que permite subscriptores mltiples y sincronizacin bidireccional. Utiliza tecnologas web y de bases de datos para replicar tablas entre bases de datos relacionales, casi en tiempo real. El software fue diseado para escalar a un gran nmero de bases de datos, trabajar con conexiones de bajo ancho de banda, y resistir a periodos de inoperatividad de la red. Una replicacin de base de datos es una tcnica mediante la cual copiamos de forma exacta en otra ubicacin una instancia (o cluster) de la base de datos. Se utiliza en entornos distribuidos de Sistemas de Gestin de Bases de Datos donde una sola base de datos tiene que ser utilizada y actualizada en varios lugares de forma simultnea."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Success : How To Make Money With Youtube Marketing" |
"YouTube Success : How To Make Money With Youtube : Youtube Marketing Strategy Updated 2-17-2019!! EXPERIENCE THE JOY AND EXCITEMENT OF GETTING YOUR FIRST SALES WITH YOUTUBE AFFILIATE MARKETING USING A SIMPLE TECHNIQUE IN YOUTUBE THAT I USE ON A DAILY BASIS!Do you have a strong desire to succeed with a Youtube marketing strategy and you are determined to make things work?Youtube Success Isn't A Pipe-Dream!All that is left standing between you and your dream of making money with affiliate marketing is the right advice and guidance to spur you into action!If you are looking for a course that can ensure Youtube Success, help you to gain abreakthroughand successfully make money online as an affiliate using easy and fast marketing strategy, then you've put yourself in the perfect place!#youtubesuccess #youtubemarketingstrategy #howtomakemoneywithyoutube #youtube"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Peter lernt Content Marketing" |
"Kennst du schon Peter? Peter ist Brauer und hat krzlich seinen eigenen Online Shop fr Craft Beer gegrndet. Er hat nicht viel Geld fr Marketing, aber er hat Leidenschaft und Mut. Mit Content Marketing mchte er es den Groen zeigen.Lerne gemeinsam mit Peter, wie du mit Content Marketing Kunden gewinnst:Ziel, Ziegruppe und Buyer PersonaThema, Content-Audit, und RedaktionsplanSchreibtraining und alternative Content-Formate wie Video, Infografik oder PodcastPromotion ber Social Media und Influencer MarketingConversion mit E-Mail-Marketing und Landing PageDu entwickelst gemeinsam mit Peter in 13 Praxisbungen dein persnliches Projekt und kannst nach dem Kurs direkt durchstarten.Peter und ich freuen uns auf dich!Dein Simon"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lead Generation Masterclass: Cold Emails 2020" |
"Imagineyou never have to stressabout where youll get your next client.Imagineyou never have to be a slave of the one big customerwho jerks you around all the time.Imagineyou never have to become desperateabout one sales opportunity because thats all youve got.Imaginegetting consistent and predictable high-value leads every week.Imagine the peace of mind youll have to focus ondoing what you love every day.This ultimate peace of mind is what this course is all about.BUT....LET'S FACE THE FACTSYou know you need to get more consistent and quality leads in order to sell your products and services. You probably know that you can change no other part of your marketing, but just get in front of more of your dream clients, and sales skyrocket.But theres a problem.The problem is most cold emails are sleazy and overhyped. Weve all seen the lazy and crazy cold emails that seem to scream spam. Maybe you are afraid that when we talk about cold email lead generation, thats what were referring to. Absolutely NOT!That style of cold email may have worked at one time on the Internet, but its effectiveness is diminishing rapidly, and the power of that sort of marketing has already seen its day.To succeed in modern times, you have to understand that your prospect is smarter. They demand more respect than ever before. And they have always deserved it.Today, the most powerful cold email system is heart-centered, not manipulative, yet powerfully persuasive communication.***Ive tested over 1 million cold emails. These are the best techniques***I want to show you the exact step-by-step cold email writing techniques Ive used to get over 1,000 sales appointments with C-Suite leaders and generate millions in sales pipeline for several businesses.You want peace of mind, and you're here because you may be:Someone who has never used cold emails to generate leadsSomeone who is trying to cold email lead generation but hasnt had successSomeone who has been successful, and still want to scale your successI can help you, no matter what situation you're in.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO:Think and Write Cold Emails Like a Professional CopywriterWrite Subject Lines That Grab Prospects By The Eyeballs (And Literally Suck Them Into Your Emails)Write Follow Up Emails That Dont Smell of Desperation & Add ValueMake Irresistible Cold Email Requests Prospects Cant RefuseAlleviate Your Prospects Fear & Sell MoreSkyrocket Cold Email Success With The Secret, Little-known HacksTriple Your Responses & Meetings From Cold EmailsTurn Strangers into Partners and CustomersComply with US & EU Cold Email RegulationGet More Leads & Sales With Cold EmailsAlong with the video content of the course, there are several exclusive bonuses.BONUSES:Downloadable resources and guidesAssignments that make you productive while taking the courseAn instructor who truly cares about your successI SHARE ALL MY SECRETS IN THIS COURSEThese are techniques that I use every day every to grow my 6-figure business. They are techniques I use to help my clients to successfully find, connect and get sales from their dream customersYOU WILL MISS 100% OF THE SHOTS YOU DONT TAKE. IT WILL NEVER BE A BETTER TIME TO START COLD EMAIL LEAD GENERATION.WHY SHOULD YOU ENROLL?Reason 1: Ive tested over 1 million cold emails. These are the best techniques.A few years ago, I started helping fast-growing companies with sales. Id help them find potential customers and partners, connect with them, and close deals. Rinse and repeat.I tested different forms of cold emails. I hunted for the magic cold email template. I found some techniques that were okay. Others worked for a while - and then they didnt.Little did I know I was in for a shocker: No ONE cold email works 100 percent of the time.Over time, my frustration turned into curiosity. Curiosity turned into an obsession. Obsession turned into rigorous testing and reiterations. In the process, I built a business around it. Over the past years, my team and I have tested over one million cold emails. These tests helped us to find the techniques that worked.Weve used these techniques to helped over 50 companies connect with their dream clients. Reason 2: Proven Advice from Someone Who Does This For livingWhen I moved to New York from Europe, I had zero professional connections. I wanted to build professional relationships. My priority was to connect with CEOs and leaders of multi-million dollar businesses. But, there was a problem. Nobody knew me. I didnt know anyone. So I sent cold emails to CEOs. I asked them to share with my the most significant sales mistakes theyve made. I told them Id share their insights on a blog. They agreed.In a short period, I was able to connect and speak with over 50 business and thought leaders. These are people who altogether lead over $50M multimillion dollar businesses. Its the same system weve used to help Inc 5000 companies aiming to reach their $10M revenue mark.I will show you exactly how we did this and how you can do this for yourself.With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.Your investment in this course will quickly be paid back even just by implementing some of the techniques I share with you. There are hundreds of gold nuggets to choose from, making this course the best investment in your own education and future success.I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESSSee you inside!Kwesi"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Partnership Puzzle" |
"The Partnership Puzzle is designed to build a sustainable language between you and your horse. You will learn essential techniques, from building confidence to channelling your horse's energy, to create trust, communication and responsiveness. This course will transform your horsemanship skills and help you to build a lasting partnership with your horse.Please note The Partnership Puzzle is mostly groundwork based, with a few mounted exercises towards the end. This is not a horse riding course."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks Programn Sertifikal Uzmandan renin" |
"Kupon Kodu : 21052020 Udemy sistesine girdiiniz zaman birbirinden farkl solidworks eitimleri greceksiniz.Ama bunlarn hemen hemen hepsi size programn nasl kullanacan gsterir.Program kullanrken karnza kan problemleri de renmemiz gerekmektedir.Bu eitim setinde program en ince ayrntsna kadar reneceksiniz.Ve dahas da var rendikten sonra program kullanrken en sk yaanan Top 15 hatann zmn sizlerle paylatm ve bunlarn saysn artrmay dnyorum.Ayrca Solidworks n sizin hzl ve projenizi doru bitirebilmeniz iin imalat iin olmazsa olmaz ipularn yine bu eitim setinde sizler iin hazrladm.Hepinize yi seyirler.[SOLIDWORKS-2020]"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks Uzmanndan Yeni Balayanlar iin 30 rnek izim" |
"Kupon Kodu : 210520200Solidworks uygulama paralaryla bilgilerinizi tekrar edeceksiniz.30 uygulama parasna deindiim bu eitim setinde sketch,Kat modelleme ve montaj konularnda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Kurs bitiminde Udemy nin kursa katldnza dair sertifikasn CV'nize ekleyebilirsiniz.Kursumuz ''Solidworks programn uzmanndan renin'' kursumuzun devam niteliindedir.Kurs ierisinde indirebileceiniz dkmanlarmz mevcuttur.Kurs soru cevap ksmnda ltfen bana soru/cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletiniz.''Solidworks Uzmanndan 30 Uygulama-rnek izimler kursuna hogeldiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks Uzmanndan Sac Levha Modelleme Eitimi" |
"Sevgili renci, Kupon Kodu : 21052020 Bu kurs, metal teknolojileri alannda mesleiniz ile ilgili Bilgisayar Destekli izim modllerinden biri olan Sac Metali reneceksiniz. Mesleki bilgiler, gemiten gnmze doru hep gelime ierisinde olmas gerekir. Sizler de bu alanda mesleki bilgilerinizi artrp gelitirmelisiniz. Bilgisayarda sac metali katlatrarak izmek, farkl flan kvrmlarn yapmak, birbirleriyle birletirmek iin onunla ilgili bilgi ve becerileri renmek gerekir. Bu becerileri; okumak, tasarlamak, izmek ve sonucunda da teknik resim sayfasnda karmak iin Sac Metal modln renmeniz gerekir. Bu modl aldnzda: Sac metal paralar izmeyi, deiik flanl kenar kvrmlarn eitlerini reneceksiniz. Bilgisayarda sac metal katlatrmann amacn, nemini ve uygulamalarn yapabileceksiniz. Sac metal paralarn birbirlerinden ayr katlatrma uygulamalarn yapabileceksiniz.Hepinize iyi seyirler."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks Uzmanndan leri Dzey pular&Pf Noktalar" |
"Kupon Kodu : 210520200Solidworks programnn en ince ayrntlarnn hepsini bu sette hazrladm.Solidworks kullanan firmalar ile birebir irtibat halindeyim.Gerek telefonla gerek ise firmalara giderek gryorum.Ve sklkla programda uratklar konular hakknda fikir alverii yapyoruz.te solidworks kullanan yzlerce insann ortak noktalarn bu eitim setinde birletirdim.Sizlerde bu eitim setini izleyerek solidworks programna bir adm nde balayabilirsiniz.yi seyirler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Makine Mhendisinden leri Dzey Solidworks Uygulamalar" |
"Sevgili renci ; Kupon Kodu : 210520200 Solidworks program makina, mobilya, otomasyon, mekatronik, plastik-sa kalpl, endstriyel rn tasarm gibi alanlarda olduka yaygn kullanm olan, kat modelleme yaplabilen bilgisayar destekli boyutlu izim programdr.Bir ok niversite, meslek yksek okulu, teknik lise mezunlar ve 3 boyutlu kat model izimine ihtiya duyulan mesleklerde alanlar solidworks programnda kendini gelitirmelidir.Sizler iin ok kapsaml ve ok detayl bir eitim seti hazrlamaya karar verdim.Her tasarmn teknik bilgilerini renmekle kalmayp tasarmlarmz birlikte yapacaz.Hepinize iyi seyirler."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Number Systems: Binary, Hexadecimal and Octal" |
"The binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems are widely used throughout computing and IT. The binary number system is at the heart of today's digital computers and the octal and hexadecimal systems are commonly used to abbreviate binary numbers.This course will give an introduction to the binary, octal, and hexadecimalnumber systems. It will enable you to convert between the number systems and teach basic arithmetic operations using the different notations. It will give you confidence when dealing with number systems of different bases by providing you with a deeper understanding how the number systems work.The course covers the following topics:Revisiting the decimal number system.Introduction to the binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems.Converting between decimal and the different number systems.Converting between binary and the octal/hexadecimal systems.Introduction to hexadecimal colour codes.The required knowledge for this course is minimal. An introduction to the decimal system is given in such a way as to point out the similarities and the differences between the base-n number systems. The decimal system is the number system that we all use every day. It consists of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and9 and uses place values to encode a number. By revisiting the decimal system you will find that the other number systems follow a very similar pattern. This will make understanding the other number systems easier and will give you additional confidence.A short introduction into hexadecimal colour codes is given as a sample application of the hexadecimal number system. These colour codes are frequently used in web design and other graphics and designapplications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion & Influence Science" |
"Influencers realize that Psychology, Hypnosis and Neuroscience are all amazing subjects, because they each teach us what's important about human thinking and behavior. You must understand a little about each one when you wish to be influential and therefore successful in life. That's why this lecture series is very special. We reveal all three of these subjects easily for the first time in a simple elegant theoretical model. You're going to become more influential faster than you ever thought possible. You'll also feel wonderful learning because the lectures pattern peaceful intuitions such as pleasure, collaboration and enthusiasm. This is the best way to master the science of persuasion. Enroll now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"God, Help Me To Stop Smoking" |
"There are many resources out there that invite you to try external means to stop smoking- patches, gum, prescriptions - but God is saying, ""Try Him.""Your answer to stop smoking rests in God's unfailing strength which lives inside of you. Philippians 4:13 KJV reads, ""I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.""Let's be honest, you don't have to take this course to quit smoking. Every tip and tool I share in the course, you can find by researching on your own....But, IF you don't have the time to perform your own research, this course conveniently places all the information together in one place. It's all about prayer and preparation.You don't have to wait until the new year to create a resolution. Right now, is better than ever.There's only one question that remains. Are you ready to quit smoking?What this course is not:Magical solution Step-by-step guideA promise of no discomfortEasy fixIdon't have all the answers, but what Ican guarantee you is that God is faithful to his word. This course about two things:PrayerPreparationWhen you pray and prepare you are ready for anything that comes your way. Gain the tools needed to successfully quit smoking, while you grow closer to God. Get ready to start your war against cigarettes and live a victorious life in Christ!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Finding Purpose, Setting Goals, & Creating a Vision Board" |
"Are you tired of life passing you by? Do you love God but question why you are here on this earth?Many of us get stuck! Life experiences cause us to grow and we find ourselves no longer feeling the same; we lack inner happiness and fulfillment. We know there's something else out there for us, something with a deeper meaning - a purpose for our very existence. If any of that sounds familiar, this course is for you. PurposeUnderstanding your purpose, how it relates to you, and how to find it are all vital parts in living the life that God intended for us to live.In this course, plan to find your purpose by: Understanding who you are- both your behavioral traits and spiritual gifts with self-assessments Taking a closer look at difficulties and pain that you experienced in your lifeGoal SettingSetting purposeful goals helps us to stay focused on God's plan for our lives. We don't always have the exact blueprint, but when we trust God to order our steps we have faith in setting goals that use our purpose for the advancement of His kingdom.Learn about SMART Goals that involve balance between the 5 Parts of a Person. Participate in activities that allow you to practically put your goal setting skills to the test. Vision boardOnce we have discovered our purpose and set goals, it's a great idea to illustrate those thoughts together in a vision board. Vision boards are great way to see your purpose and goals in a positive mindset each day.Learn how to craft your own vision board based on your purpose and goal setting tips learned in this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Handmade Pasta with Chef Giovanni Gaudio" |
"Chef Giovanni will show you how to make 3 different pastas from Northern Italy in this easy to follow, step-by-step class. Each lecture takes you through how to prepare pasta dough, from the egg to flour ratio per serving, to kneading, preparing a sauce or filling, and how to cut and finish each of the three unique and traditional recipes. Although Chef Giovanni uses a pasta machine to roll out his dough, you can use a rolling pin, too!Making fresh pasta doesnt have to be daunting. And once youve mastered making the dough, it can actually be an easy way to make dinner in no time at all!In this class, learn to make 3 pastas, their fillings, and their sauces!Hand-Cut Pasta~ This simple pasta illustrates how easy hand-made pasta can be using a pasta machine. This recipe finishes the pasta with a simple and seasonal fresh tomato sauce that takes only minutes to prepare and serve. This recipe demonstrates how to cut your pasta using a pasta knife. It also demonstrates that once youve mastered making your dough, you can make this dish in 30 minutes or less from start to finish!Chestnut Gnochetti~ This truly simple recipe hails from the Alpine region of Val DAosta using a combination of chestnut & 00 flour. This traditional recipe demonstrates a simple way to make hand-cut gnocchi where you hand-roll the dough, then cut and cook! This hearty and mouth-watering recipe is finished with a blue cheese sauce and is a guaranteed hit for your foodie friends and family.Raviolo~ a stuffed pasta made with fresh ricotta, chard, and an egg yolk sauce. Youll learn to make the filling, along with how to cut, cook, and serve this delicate pasta with huge flavor! This pasta recipe illustrates how to cut pasta dough using a simple template (a cereal bowl about 6 in diameter) you can find in your kitchen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD-2020 for Beginner: Learn & Earn with AutoCAD 2D/3D" |
"This Course is on AutoCAD 2019/2020. The main objective of this course is to Make you able to Earn from the AutoCAD projects at Freelancing Sites and get Good Job with AutoCAD Design, So, this course is ""Gateway to Freelancing with Building Design Project's"",We will teach you from the very basic of Building Design as coordinate system, Designing Basic Shapes, Lines, Drawing with layers, Annotating the Design, Block Design, Attribute on Design, Layout , Printing , Scaling, Advance Commands,3D Modeling with AutoCAD, Create 3D Object [Sections of Building] with AutoCAD 3D etc.Here is the major sections of this course:Basic Drawing and Editing with AutoDesk AutoCAD, Drawing with Layer, Hatching, AnnotationCreating Blocks, Attributes, External ReferencesLayout ,Printing and ScalingAdvance Commands with AutoCADComplete Design of 3 Storey Building & some other drawing examples.3D Modeling with AutoCAD Tool , etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 3D Modeling Course for Beginner" |
"This course ""AutoCAD 3D Basics"" teach from the scratch of the AutoCAD 3D Modeling, Graphical User Interface-GUI features, Creating Solids, Surfaces, editing solids and working drawing from the 3D models. This course have lab session on the creating the Water Tank, we also included a session on how to start with 2D design and complete it with 3D modeling.This course will direct you for the Next level project's as Building, Mechanical Architecture design."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |