Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn SAP OData Services Developments in 2 Hours" |
"This course would give a good understanding of the confusing terminologies like Stateless, RESTful, Client-Server Architecture, ODBC of Web etc. After the theories, participants would have hands on practical session. They would create a custom OData Service, Test, Debug and Analyze it. By the end of this course, the participants would be independent SAP OData Developer.Course GoalsIntroduce the participants to SAP OData & Netweaver GatewayProvide deeper technical insight Create & Test OData ServiceHigh-level AgendaPart 1 Theory and Commonly used Terminologies in SAP Netweaver GatewayPart 2 Hands on Practical, Create Odata Service, Test, Debug and Analyze"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SAP HANA, HANA Database & ADT for Beginners" |
"This course would provide a crystal clear picture of the flaws in existing SAP ERP System. It would reveal why SAP BW was introduced. What are the issue in BW landscape and what gave birth to SAP HANA? HANA has become a Platform now and not just an Appliance. Block Diagram of SAP HANA along with Index Server would be a lesson to go through. How can you forget the duel between Row and Column stores in HANA. Finally we would let you know the difference between HANA Studio and Eclipse."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Um curso focado em ajudar mulheres comuns a criarem sua prpria maquiagem profissional sem gastar rios de reais em produtos que no precisamos. Com esse curso voc ir ser torna a DEUSA da sua prpria maquiagem. Assim voc ira conquistar vrios dos seus objetivos com toda a elegncia que uma Deusa pode ter."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reliability and Maintenance Engineering - FMEA" |
"Course Outline:This course explores the lean tool of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA/FMECA) a universal method for assessing underlying risk of a plant, process or system. It is a fundamental tool for any engineer and we will demonstrate how it can be applied to improve the reliability of a plant or system. We explore the FMEA process in detail and identifying ways to accelerate the process through educated assumptions, whilst focusing on the value adding steps of delivering a more reliable plantThe content of this course is based around and industry recognized International Standard for The Study of Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA/FMECA) EN 60812.A key element of the course is walking through a working example from start to finish. The tools and templates introduced and used during the course will be available to the students so they can embark on their own FMEA studies.Course Philosophy and Approach:I use the methodology and tools taught in this course in my core job as an Engineering Reliability Manager. The content is designed to be comprehensive but also concise with practical examples I am a firm believer that students should not have to sift through hours of online content to extract the key points."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Engineering and Maintenance Management in a Lean Environment" |
"""I had enjoyed the refreshment regarding maintenance planning"" - QuintunCourse Outline:To be a high performing engineer in a high performing engineering department requires more than sound technical knowledge expertise. Understanding the essential skill-sets outlined in this course are key to unlocking the full potential of the department.Key modules within this course include:- How to build an engineering strategy- Key metrics (KPIs) for engineering that measures performance and drives improvement- Maintenance what it is and why we do it- Different approaches to maintenance of assets- Industry and world class standards for maintenance activitiesWhere applicable I have incorporated templates, notes, handouts and additional references so that students can quickly apply their learnings in their own environment. There are also some short quizzes along the way to help reinforce some key points.Course Philosophy and Approach:I use the methodology and tools taught in this course in my core job as an Engineering Reliability Manager. The content is designed to be comprehensive but also concise with practical examples I am a firm believer that students should not have to sift through hours of online content to extract the key points."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
PPT- |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
PowerPoint2019 |
"Office2019PPTBefore & After"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Express JS." |
"! , , Node js, REST API Express 100% , Express Js. Node js Express js. : JavaScript JavaScript Express js Full Stack JavaScript Rest API Node js Express js Node js , ! : Express.js node js - Express JSON Express Express Router Pug, Handlebars, EJS - Express REST API Express Nodemon Typescript Express - Express + Socket.Io + Bootstrap + Jquery Express MongoDB Express Heroku MongoLab: . !"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking - Find Your Confidence" |
"Confidence is the main thing you need in order to be able to stand up onstage and deliver a speech to anyone. Even if you're in a business meeting, or whether it's speaking to strangers at a networking event, confidence will give you that extra edge to be able to deliver your ideas and speak without fear.In this course I give you simple techniques and activities that you can do yourself in your own time. I would recommend to try the techniques for at least 30 minutes a day. The activities will take longer, but with the willpower and dedication to becoming confident, try to make time. This activities are not quick fixes, these are techniques you use to make that change over time. All of the activities that have been included, are activities that I have used myself and still do. They are basic, but they work very well. They have changed me. From a quiet and shy person, I have become a person who is full of confidence mentally and the way I present myself physically.What is in the course?These are the three sections that we will be looking at.Tips and TricksWays of Finding Confidence Through Different Techniques and ActivitiesMotivation and Other Courses OfferedWhat are you going to take away from this?How to become self confident.How to become confident through different tips and activities.Create the foundations to becoming the public speaker you want to be.Physical activities and writing activities to gain self consciousness. Tips to help with preparing for a speech and how to conquer that fear of looking at the audience.Changing the way you interact with others around you.I would recommend you try all of the things in the course, but besides the main assignments, you can pick and choose what works for you.Your certificate will be you actually performing your own speech, and recording it. I don't like to give out pieces of paper that say you have achieved something, I would rather you have done something physically and keep going over things. Each step you take is a personal certificate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cartooning using Adobe Illustrator" |
"Anybody Can Make Cartoons!Wanna learn how to make cartoons? Wanna know the secrets to creating depth Curious to know how your favourite toons are orchestratedHeya!, I'm Hamed. Im an guy from London who loves to make cartoons!. Over manyyears oftrials and frustration, I've developed ideal methods that make it easierto draw cartoons.Now, Imusing this same methodology to help students to discover theirown cartooning style.The aim of this course is to address the frustrations that we all deal with when creating cartoons, Weather youre a fan of Steven Universe or One Piece, by the end of this course youll be able to tap into your own artistic touch and bring all your ideas into life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kids Academy" |
"This course was create to help exercise the kids brain, and keep them one step ahead in class. From learning Basic Math and colors. We notice kids these days love electronics, and learn a lot faster looking at a screen. We know this course will have your kids ahead of time and prepared."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Facebook ADS & Instagram ADS [2020 COMPLETO] Bsico & Expert" |
"***NOVAS AULAS - ATUALIZAO 2020***> Tudo Sobre Pblico-Alvo Personalizado> Tudo Sobre Pblico-Alvo Semelhante> Explore a Central de Ajuda do Facebook/Instagram ADS e Descubra Como ela Pode te Ajudar> Como Adicionar uma Forma de Pagamento no Gerenciador de Anncios> Como Criar Converses Personalizadas no Facebook ADS> Como Identificar Converses no Gerenciador de Anncios> Conhecendo o Gerenciador de Anncios e Principais Funcionalidades> Como Criar um Pixel do Facebook no Gerenciador de Anncios> Como Criar um Anncio Partir do Pixel> Dicas Prticas para Escolher seu Pblico-alvo de Campanha> Diferena entre Gerenciador de Anncios e Gerenciador de Negcios> Facebook AD Library Descubra Tudo Sobre a Melhor Ferramenta de Benchmarking do Facebook> Facebook ADS Info Descubra Anncios Ativos em Qualquer Pgina no Facebook> Conhea e Navegue pelo NOVO Gerenciador de Anncios do Facebook (Novo Layout)> O que Gerenciador de Negcios do Facebook ADS? Descubra o Que e Como Ele vai te Ajudar> Personalizao de Colunas Aprenda a Tcnica que vai te Ajudar a Analisar Melhor Seus Dados> Relatrios: Aprenda Tudo Sobre os Dados de Campanhas e Onde e Como Analis-los> Todas as aulas de Introduo aos Mdulos so NovasAproveite todo o contedo do curso + as aulas de atualizao acima. Tudo que voc precisa saber para anunciar da forma correta no Facebook e obter resultados reais com suas campanhas. PS: na grade do curso, as aulas de atualizao acima citadas esto identificadas pelas chaves, [NOVA].Bons estudos e vamos juntos!!!---O Facebook lidera o ranking mundial da maior rede sociais em nmeros de usurios ativos por ms!So mais de 2 bilhes de pessoas ativas mensalmente na rede social! (Facebook Press)Incrvel, no mesmo?J o Instagram, temos + de 1 bilho de usurios ativos por ms demaisss! (Instagram Press)J enxergou o potencial enorme de alcance que voc e/ou seu negcio tem? EU J!Por isso os Anncios no Facebook e Instagram tem sido uma opo cada vez mais adota por Empreendedores em todo o mundo justamente pelo fato de voc poder anunciar gastando o quanto quiser e atingindo SOMENTE pessoas que QUEREM ou tem o interesse real no que voc ir oferecer.Existem estudos que dizem que as verbas de investimento em marketing digital nas empresas, baseada em 100% da verba, so distribudas desta forma:-> 70% no Digital (Anncios no Facebook, Instagram e Google)-> 30% em mdia offline Este dado prova que o DIGITAL AGORA! J parou pra pensar que sua concorrncia j est l anunciando e fazendo novos negcios e voc ainda no?Pois , mas ainda h tempo de resgatar todo o tempo perdido e sair na garanto!!!Eu trabalho h mais de 3 anos com anncios no Facebook e Google e garanto para voc, Facebook & Instagram ADS so os melhores lugares para voc anunciar...Ento, se voc est lendo este texto, voc est no rumo certo.Bom, esta foi uma (das milhares) inspiraes que tive para criar este curso e compartilhar um pouco do meu dia-a-dia, daquilo que fao e d certo, justamente para voc no perder tempo e dinheiro $ com estratgias e tcnicas obsoletas que no do certo mais...Ento...Eu gravei a minha tela falando e fazendo voc vai acompanhar exatamente os meus passos para crescer seu negcio e aumentar seu faturamento. Essa a minha misso com este Curso Online COMPLETO de Anncios no Facebook e Instagram!Afinal, ningum merece perder dinheiro com anncios, certo? Sei que voc j passou por isso em algum momento.Se faz sentido para voc, veja o que vai aprender comigo no cursoRecursos bsicos para criar uma pgina atrativa para sua audincia no Facebook e Instagram;Criar corretamente uma conta de anncios;Definir o seu pblico-alvo de forma correta assertiva (e + tcnicas surpresas!);Estrutura bsica e essencial para pensar e criar uma campanha otimizada e focada em resultados reais;Como usar o retargeting (ou remarketing) tcnica MUITO eficiente;Tcnicas avanadas que grandes Players do Mercado fazem;E MUITO mais!E claro, os BNUS deste curso so incrveis...d uma olhada:Acesso ao nosso GRUPO EXCLUSIVO para alunos do curso no Facebook (acesso instantneo);Grid especial no formato de anncios do Facebook (1200x628);Lives EXCLUSIVAS de Tira-Dvidas;Gostou?Olha, eu tenho certeza que voc vai gostar do curso e que no final, voc ter VRIOS anncios no Facebook e Instagram trazendo visitas qualificadas para o seu site, aumentando sua presena online e no final, gerando mais vendas e receita para o seu negcio ($).Se de alguma forma ou por qualquer motivo o curso no tenha atendido suas necessidades, voc pode solicitar a devoluo do seu dinheiro nos primeiros 30 dias.T vendo s a garantia? Sua satisfao MUITO IMPORTANTE pra mim. Afinal, tenho certeza que este curso ajudar voc e milhares de pessoas!Agora voc tem TODA a garantia que precisa e no tem nada a perder, correto?Inscreva-se agora mesmo no curso e vamos juntos crescer em conhecimento sobre Anncios no Facebook e Instagram!Um abrao, e estou te esperando :)At na sala de aula!"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Criar um Site do zero! para leigos em informtica" |
"Aprenda a criar um site do zero! voc que leigo e nem imagina como um site criado, esse curso te ensinar do inicio ao fim, algumas etapas que sero abordadas no nosso curso:Compra de Domnio; Contratao de servidor de hospedagem;Configurao do CPanel;Criao de Webmail;Instalao da plataforma Wordpress;Configurao de temas, plugins, pagina inicial e widjets;Criao de contedo;Analise SEO.Ao final o aluno estar apto para criar seu prprio site e inclusive trabalhar com essa ferramenta."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Piloto de Drone" |
"Aprenda a voar com seu Drone!! voc que leigo e nem imagina como voar com um drone DJI, esse curso te ensinar do inicio ao fim, algumas etapas que sero abordadas no nosso curso:O que um drone; Histria dos UAVs e da DJI;Tipos de Drones;Componentes e peas do Drone;Legislao area;Como Homologar seu drone;Software DJI GO;Aula prtica com exercicios.Ao final do curso o aluno estar apto para poder voar com segurana e tranquilidade."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Montagem de um Set-up de gravao para videoaulas" |
"O ensino a distncia uma modalidade crescente de negcios. Ele permite que pessoas de todo lugar do mundo tenham acesso informao sem precisar sair de casa. Tambm proporciona que pessoas que tenham grande conhecimento sobre um assunto possam compartilhar essas informaes via internet. Assim sendo, um dos melhores formatos de aulas que faz sucesso online o de vdeo aulas. Mas voc sabe como editar videoaulas? nesse curso voc aprender!Objetivo desse curso ensinar voc a montar seu estdio de gravao utilizando solues de baixo custo e acessveis, para que voc inicie imediatamente sua carreira de sucesso! Geralmente o Instrutor quer iniciar um projeto e no sabe por onde comear, mostramos um passo a passo de cada etapa.Ser abordado desde equipamentos, cenrios, softwares, tcnicas de edio e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Edio no Vegas Pro do zero" |
"Nesse Curso voc ir aprender a utilizar o Vegas Pro de forma profissional, partindo do zero at os mais avanados efeitos que voc nem imaginava que era possvel fazer! Abordaremos a edio completa, utilizando os mais variados recursos que esse software disponibiliza. Em poucas horas o aluno j estar editando e dominando a interface do software, perceber que o Vegas no perde em nada para softwares como Adobe Premiere e Final Cut, ver que possvel arrasar na edio de videos com um aspecto profissional."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Corso completo di inglese da zero!" |
"Questo corso PERFETTO per coloro che non hanno mai studiato inglese oppure lo vogliono ripassare in modo approfondito una volta per tutte. Non sono richieste conoscenze pregresse per affrontare il corso, attraverso un metodo efficace che consente lapprendimento in modo semplice e naturale comprenderete linglese e le sue strutture grammaticali.Vuoi sapere gli argomenti contenuti nel corso? Eccoli di seguito nel dettaglio:1.FONETICA;2. ALFABETO;3. IL PLURALE4. GLI ARTICOLI;5. I PRONOMI PERSONALI SOGGETTO6. AGGETTIVI POSSESSIVI;7. AGGETTIVI DIMOSTRATIVI;8. VERBO ESSERE;9. THERE IS, THERE ARE;10. LE PREPOSIZIONI: IN, ON , AT;11. COME SI LEGGONO LE ORE;12. COME SI LEGGONO LE DATE;13. IL SIMPLE PRESENT;14. IL VERBO AVERE;15. SHORT ANSWERS;16. PRONOMI POSSESSIVI;17. PRONOMI PERSONALI COMPLEMENTO;18. SOME & ANY;19. COMPARATIVO DI MAGGIORANZA;20. COMPARATIVO DI UGUAGLIANZA;21. COMPARATIVO DI MINORANZA;22. SUPERLATIVO DI MAGGIORANZA;23. SUPERLATIVO DI MINORANZA;24. WH- QUESTIONS;25. I PRONOMI INDEFINITI;26. IL GENITIVO SASSONE;27. PRESENT CONTINUOUS /PROGRESSIVE;28. MUCH, MANY e A LOT OF;29. FEW, LITTLE;30. SIMPLE PAST;31. SIMPLE PAST VERBO ""TO BE"";32. PAST CONTINUOUS / PROGRESSIVE;33. PRESENT PERFECT;34. SIMPLE PAST vs PRESENT PERFECT;35. PAST PERFECT;36. IL FUTURO;37. HAVE TO e MUST;38. VERBI MODALI.Inoltre ci saranno delle schede illustrate con alcuni vocaboli riguardanti:1. THE BODY (Il corpo)2. THE HOUSE (La casa)3. THE FEELINGS (Le emozioni)4. THE FRUIT (La frutta)5. THE VEGATABLES (La verdura)Potrete inoltre trovare una scheda in cui vi spiegher come scrivere una lettera (o una mail) in un contesto FORMALE."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Beyaz apkal Etik Hacker'lar iin Kolay Mod" |
"Bildiiniz konsept'lere kolay yoldan eriin. Deerli olan vaktinizi komut yazarak harcamayn. Kali Linux konusunda biraz deneyim sahibi iseniz bu kurs tam size gre. Bir ka program kurun yada kurulu programlar altrn, Hzl bir biimde VPN balants salayn, kolay bir ekilde szma testleri yapn Exploit ve Sosyal mhendislik konularnda bilginizi katlayn,"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
studymassage |
"- , ! , . , . , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como ler, estudar e pesquisar" |
"Este curso est dividido em 3 mdulos, 7 aulas e 17 vdeos. Com o seguinte roteiro: No Mdulo 1 - Como ler, vamos abordar: Como ler livros - As partes e o design do livro, Como ler livros - Leitura inspecional, Como ler livros - Leitura avanada, Como ler outras mdias, Dificuldades de leitura. No Mdulo 2 - Como estudar, vamos abordar: Preparao, Prtica do estudo, Dificuldades de aprender. No Mdulo 3 - Como pesquisar, vamos abordar: Introduo pesquisa, Fontes de pesquisa, Prtica da pesquisa."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"GDPR per tutti" |
"Gdpr per tutti un corso introduttivo che fornisce gli elementi necessari a tutti gli operatori che debbano trattare dati personali. importante evitare di commettere errori o leggerezze o, peggio, abusi, mettendo inutilmente a rischio la propria attivit, qualunque sia il nostro ruolo o incarico lavorativo in Azienda.Grazie a questo breve corso che potrai studiare senza fretta, anche nei ritagli di tempo, acquisirai un attestato sempre verificabile on-line e comunque scaricabile come pdf, che dimostrer il tuo impegno formativo.Tale attestato sar valido ai fini degli adempimenti formativi richiesti dalla normativa GDPR."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Android Unit Testing and TDD for beginners : Getting Started" |
"-Update :9/4/2020 This course designed as entry level for Unit Testing and TDD with Android, So if you are looking for advanced course this course may not be helpful for you because it is the foundation course to learn Junit, Mockito , TDD and simple example with MVP Design Pattern.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi My friends and Welcome to my new course in Android DevelopmentThis course about interesting topic in Android Development. It is about TDD and Unit Testing for Android App Development .HII am Mahmoud Ramadan and I am software engineer passionate about Android development .I have build many applications like chatting ,augmented reality, streaming and event based apps.I am happy to share my knowledge with you.By end of this course you will be able to Build Android Apps using Test Driven DevelopmentWrite Unit Testing for your Android Applicationlearn Junit Framwork by exampleslearn Mockito Framwork by examplesTest Driven Development is a great software approach to build high quality software systems in general and android apps in particular .After using TDD you will not be afraid of any change in your code any more because you have tests that fail if there is some thing wrong.TDD has Cycle of Three Steps Red ,Green and refactor ,In a simple way you start coding by writing test first and then write actual implementaion to make this test pass and finally you do refactor to enhance the existing code.In this course we will use Junit and mockito as our tools for writing the unit test for our android app.At the beginning we are going to learn the concepts of Junit and Mockito in java then we will apply these concepts with our Android APP using TDD and Model View Presenter (MVP)Design patternCourse Content:Introduction for Test Driven Development(TDD)Introduction for Behavior Driven Development(BDD)Testing Types for Android Development (white and black box testing)learn Junit by exmapleslearn Mockito by examplesBuild Android App Using TDD and MVPadditional material for learningWhy you should take this course:This course is designed for android developers with no background in Android testing in general and in Unit testing for Android app development in particular.This course will help you Build your next android apps using TDD with Model View Presenter .This course has 30 day money back guarantee so there is no an risk to take this course , So what are you waiting .ENROLL NOW"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Continuous Integration (CI/CD)with GitLab and Kotlin" |
"Hi my friends and welcome to my course Android DevOps : Master Continuous Integration and Delivery Continuous Integration and Delivery is one of the most important skills for any software engineer in general and for android developers in particular because it help us to automate our build and delivery process to minimize the time consumed in tedious tasks and errors because of the human mistakes.HI I am Mahmoud Ramadan , I am software engineer with 6 years experience in Android development.I have developed many android apps like chatting , augmented reality based location ,events based apps ,etc...I love teaching and sharing my experience with another developers like you.I will help you to build CI/CD for your android apps from scratch step by step , I am super excited I hope you are too.By end of this course you will be able toBuild Continuous Integration for android appBuild Continuous Delivery for android appUnderstand Gitlab Ci for Android AppMaster fastlane for Continuous DeliveryDeploy production Build to Google playSend Build to Beta Crashlatics from Fabric SDKMaster signing android app using Gradle scriptIntegrate Google play console Api to automate the deployment processIntegrate with Slack App for sending Notification about the build processThis course designed to android developers with no background in CI/CD and want to master it. This course also has 30 days money back guarantee so there is no risk to try this course and if you do not like it you can refund it at any time.So what are you waiting just ENROLLNOW"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master RxJava , Dagger with MVVM for Android Development" |
"Hi my friends,welcome to Master RxJava , Dagger with MVVM for Android Development.This course designed for android developers with no experience in RxJava and Dagger and have basics knowledge in Kotlin and want to use it in their code.This course has two main courses the first course is RxJava and The second course is Dagger . if you look for any opportunity as Android Developer nowadays then you should learn RxJava and Dagger because these tools are required in any job description and you will be asked to develop sample app using them often to show your skills for the company that you love to apply for it so I think this is very poweful motivation to take this course and master these tools.By end of this course you will learnRxJava BasicsRxJava Creation OperatorsRxJava Filtering OperatorsRxJava Combining OperatorsRxJava Transformation OperatorsRxJava SubjectsRxJava with RetrofitRxJava Error handlingRxJava with MVVM Design patternRXJava with repository Design PatternRxJava with Android Architecture components Like ViewModel,LiveData and Room DataBaseDagger FundamentalsCourseHow to Use Dagger to architect your apps with View Model Multibinding"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Emprende en corto! - Ideal para Chavorrucos" |
"Curso enfocado a emprendedores primerizos. Encontrars los principios bsicos para aterrizar ideas y ejecutar tu proyecto.Aprenders a lo largo de 10 mdulos las reas que involucran la arquitectura de un negocio y las estrategias ms tiles para una correcta gestin. Acceders igualmente a la comunidad ""Emprende en Corto"" para poder compartir con otros tus avances, dudas y xitos.Qu ests esperando? Ingresa ahora y alcanza tus metas.BENEFICIOS ADICIONALES:- Actualizaciones mensuales gratuitas de por vida.- Acceso al grupo especial ""Emprende en Corto"".- Acceso a entrevistas a otros emprendedores.- Reportajes de negocios en Mxico y el extranjero."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Understand your own energy!" |
"Have you ever wondered what an aura is? Do you want to learn what a chakra is? Aura and chakras are an integral part of our body. Crystals can be used to work with the chakras to bring emotional balance. This course provides a basic introduction to auras and chakras, as well as a beginners guide to working with crystals. Lindsay Banks is a Psychic Medium & Spiritual Entrepeneur with 10 years experience in working with energy and the energy fields. In this course you will learn how to understand your own energy and what crystals can bring to the party!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Caravan of Spirit" |
"Do you long tonourishyour spirit? Are you searching for a spiritual experience that awakens and enriches you? Many of us want to pry open our minds, hearts and souls to a deeper wisdom.The mystic poets had direct, intimate connections to the Divine. Their vibrant, provocative language helps us let go of mental striving, and cracks us open to a richer truth.Ive been leading an in-person mystic poetry group for a while and now Id like to invite you to walk this transformative path, by starting with Rumi and selections of his work.Throughout the course I offer guidance in experiencing the rich, direct spiritual life expressed in Rumis words. Not only will we read the words, we sit with them, we learn to surrender to the transformative power of mystic wisdom. Letting the words rest in you, and gently opening yourself to hear what speaks to you; this is a contemplative practice.Mystic poetry has many different facets, and Ive found that reading the same poem at different times in my life, I encounter new and important meaning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Japons - Mdulo 1" |
"Si ests interesado en aprender el idioma japons en este curso aprenders conceptos bsicos, vocabulario, saludos, adems aprenders a leer y escribir correctamente los silabarios de hiragana y katakana.Adems aprenders algunos kanjis bsicos (caracteres pictogrficos de origen chino), como por ejemplo, los nmeros, das de la semana, entre otros.Entenders algunos conceptos bsico como el uso de partculas, criterios para decidir el tipo de escritura a usar dependiendo de las palabras a escribir."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Node.js & Hapi.js: Building Enterprise Web Apps" |
"Hi, welcome to the course!!Through the 11 chapters of this course, you'll learnWhat Hapi.js isHow to setup a Node.js &Hapi.js serverHow to validate server input &payloads, then respond with proper error messages & status codesServer composition and configuration for additions & modificationsHow to serve simple static content & complex static content over HTTPHow to simplify your server content using templates & HandlebarsHow to secure your web application with Basic Authentication and 3rd party Authentication providers like Azure Active Directory (AzureAD)How to connect to, query, insert and update records into a relational databaseHow to monitor your server, output logs, and ship those logs to a centralized repository like SplunkHow to easily generate Swagger API documentationHow to unit test using Lab &CodeHow to unit test using JestHow to output code coverage reportsSo much more!What version of Hapi.js is used in this course?The latest version major version of Hapi.js - 17.x.xComments?Questions? Suggestions?Leave a question in the QA section of this course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marketing para Restaurantes" |
"Aprende a crear tu negocio de alimentos y bebidas desde cero, define tu mercado, crea los ambientes y las instalaciones adecuadas, elabora con las mejores tcnicas de Neuromrketing tu carta o men, utiliza la estrategia eye tracking, convierte a tus meseros en los mejores vendedores, disea tu operacin y construye el costeo y precios de tus platillos."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Organizacin: Cmo realizar reuniones laborales efectivas?" |
"Quieres aprender a realizar reuniones laborales efectivas?La operacin diaria le da vida a la empresa, sin embargo, para lograr la mayor productividad, es decir una notable eficiencia y eficacia, es necesario realizar reuniones de trabajo, que permitan establecer las reglas de juego, los procesos a utilizar, las polticas que guiarn en la toma de decisiones logrando as el crecimiento empresarial deseado.En este curso aprenders: A distinguir entre las funciones operativas y estratgicas Conocer la forma de realizar reuniones efectivas Aprender la importancia de las reuniones efectivas Conocer el cmo poder realizar reuniones efectivas Poder diferenciar los tipos de reuniones Conocer cmo realizan las reuniones laborales las grandes empresas como Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Amazon.Las reuniones te brindan una perspectiva del ambiente interno y externo de tu empresa u organizacin; es la mejor forma de transferir conocimiento rpido entre distintos departamentos, equipos de trabajo o personas.Al tomar el curso estarn en condiciones de realizar reuniones efectivas para mejorar la productividad de tu empresa u organizacin dedicando el tiempo ideal de las reuniones, ahorro de este, as como de recursos financieros, poder planificar decisiones estratgicas, alcanzar los objetivos empresariales.As que espero que este curso aumente tu productividad y efectividad al momento de realizar reuniones de trabajo. Apntate hoy!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |