Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Anlisis e interpretacin de los estados financieros." |
"Aprende y se capaz de analizar e interpretar la informacin financiera de tu empresa para la toma de decisiones estratgicas. Determina tu rentabilidad y uso de recursos de una manera fcil lo que te permitir evaluar tu empresa sea en su etapa de inicio hasta una etapa de madurez y as enfocarte en crear las condiciones necesarias para su crecimiento."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"A Simple Guide to Online Video Creation & Presentation" |
"With effective videos you can easily connect with your customers which will allow you more free time to focus on improving products and services. By 2020 it is projected the majority of the internet will be video and most of your customer base will be watching videos. The power of Video you can speak better to your customers so at the end of the day you can spend more time with your family"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Human Resources Strategy Bootcamp" |
"Are you struggling to attract and retain the talent you need to achieve your business goals?Does your organization have a low Glassdoor rating?Is your HR department challenged to get a seat at the table? In the knowledge economy, we need to be much more proactive about attracting and retaining talent. We are all competing for talent against the tech giants, whether directly or indirectly. They are definitely raising the bar when it comes to attracting and retaining talent.In order to compete, firms will need a unique people strategy, grounded in the business goals that differentiates the organization.Our bootcamp will guide you through building a modern Human Resources strategy to achieve business goals. We will cover the fundamentals of strategy, go through a framework to build an effective strategy and then we'll build a strategy together. I will go through a case study as an example and give you assignments to guide you to build your own HR strategy so you can ensure your company is well-positioned for long-term success. At the end of this course, you will have a draft HRstrategy ready to validate with your leaders."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Katakana Workbook with Video Tutorials" |
"The Complete Katakana Workbook with Video Tutorials(step-by-step video tutorials)Over 40 pages of worksheets, detailed explanation and exercisesStep-by-step writing stroke order for each characterAccompanied with tutorial videos (about 60 mins in total)Taught by a professional native Japanese instructor with over 10 years of teaching experienceOver 150 vocabularies are introducedVery effective Katakana Flash Cards & Flashcard VideosIdentify common mistakes for new learnersShows you how to identify similar looking charactersPronunciation guides for special usage of certain charactersExercises to reinforce your new Katakana skills by dictation with videoReal Japanese signboards to practice your new skillsShows you how to type Katakana on a computerEnjoy Learning Katakana with a tutor Kazue!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"English Speaking Upgrade: Speak English Now for Beginners" |
"Do you have plans to travel abroad and you're nervous about speaking English to people? Do you attend months of studying grammar but still struggle to complete a sentence? Do you get frustrated in speaking English with correct sentences? Worry no more! Teacher Jet is here to guide you! Welcome to the Complete English Course - Survival English- English Grammar Beginner Level course! This course is created for you who would travel to a country where English is the primary or secondary language and you would easily learn Survival English. Survival English is about the essential English someone needs to know in order to survive - stay or work in an English-speaking country. In this English course, you will be guided with these skills - Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. After you finish this course, you will be able to:1. Improve your English speaking;2. Give personal information about yourself;3. Introduce yourself, a friend or a family member;4 Identify and write numbers and letters of the Alphabet;5. Ask for and tell addresses and phone numbers;6. Fill out forms with the appropriate personal information;7. Tell the date, days, months and time in English; 8. Ask for and tell time; 9. Ask for and give prices of items;10. Gain more confidence in watching English movies without subtitles;11. Make a reservation at a hotel; 12. Confidently order a meal at a restaurant; 13. Give and follow directions;14. Ask help at a department storeFormat of this Course:This course consists of 8 Sections. Each Section introduces you to different themes, day to day scenarios and includes the following:Dialogue - This is a useful learning method to prepare you for real life needs of English communication.Grammar - Learn simple grammar concepts. The concepts have some application with the theme of each section and flows with the rest of the lesson.""Magic Word or Phrases"" - fun lectures wherein you get to learn short phrases to deal with different scenarios. Short Exercise - After every lecture, you will be given one or two questions to arouse your enthusiasm in studying. (They are super easy!) Quiz - To check your understanding of the lesson, you will be given a quiz/quizzes after every section and you will get results after every item. (Relax!- Most questions are in multiple choice.) Short Videos and Movie Clips - For you to feel more comfortable watching English movies without subtitles, here are short exercises to improve your listening and speaking skills. I'm so excited to have you here!Have fun!!Teacher Jet"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Escribir Mejores Correos" |
"Cuntos correos escribes al da? Y al cabo del ao? Y los escribes bien... de verdad? Escribir mensajes de forma eficaz es una habilidad fundamental en el trabajo. Saber comunicar de forma clara, estructurar la informacin de manera efectiva, y adems hacerlo rpido para perder el mnimo de tiempo, es algo que muy poca gente sabe hacer.Por eso en este curso veremos juntos todo esto:Los errores ms habituales que no puedes cometer.Cmo redactar y estructurar bien tu mensaje.La Frmula para escribir el Asunto perfecto.Cmo escribir correos desde el telfono mvil.Los recursos y herramientas para escribir ms rpido.Y adems te ensear los secretos para que puedas comunicar y coordinarte mejor (jefe, equipo, clientes...), y as evitar muchas urgencias y malentendidos que nacen por culpa de un mensaje mal escrito.Llevo ms de diez aos ayudando a miles de personas y cientos de empresas a utilizar el Correo de forma ms productiva. Y ahora quiero contarte mi mtodo prctico que podrs aplicar desde el minuto uno. Te espero dentro del curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Psychological tricks that helps Boost Sales" |
"The course teaches practical psychological solutions that helps to increase sales, especially when selling through a phone-call. If you don't understand why you get rejections on Call and need to Lower Rejections Sometimes a change in attitude makes wonders, wanna learn that? If you just need clear, genuine and precise ideas in a short course all at once, its the right place! How to tackle those weird questions with confidence? If you have the fire to sell more on call this course is for you!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Art Journal na prtica: Crie seu primeiro Dirio Artstico" |
"Voc conhece alguns desses termos: art journal, creative journal ou art diary? Ou ento:dirio artstico, dirio criativo, dirio visual ou dirio de arte?Seja qual for o nome ou at mesmo se voc ainda no conhece, este curso ir te ajudar nos seus primeiros passos para viver umdia a dia mais criativo e autntico.Com materiais simples e baratos, ao final de todas as aulas e atividades prticas, voc vai:Descobrir o que um dirio artstico;Comear seu prprio dirio artstico;Ter 3 pginas prontas em seu dirio;Aprender o que fazer quando no gostar de uma das suas pginas.Tambm vou te passar algumas dicas e estarei ao seu lado em cada etapa dessa jornada criativa que voc est comeando.Saiba que o hbito de um dirio artstico traz inmeros benefcios como, por exemplo:Os proveitos de um dirio (recordaes, memrias, hbitos) de um jeito mais flexvel, criativo e pessoal;Desenvolver a criatividade e tcnicas artsticas;Auxlio para lidar com os sentimentos ruins (ansiedade, tristeza, medo).E ento, quer aprender mais sobre Dirio Artstico? Basta se inscrever e me encontrar na prxima aula!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Master Marketing Digital y Negocios Online Parte 1" |
"Primeros pasos, Diseo Web fcil. El primer paso es el contenido, para empezar a promocionar un contenido ajeno, debemos ser capaces de crear un contenido propio, en la actualidad, no son necesarios conocimientos informticos ni de programacin para crear una Web interesante y bien hecha, si contamos con una buena idea. Master Marketing Digital Parte 1. Diseo Web e Ideas de Negocio Rentables. Consulta cualquier duda."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Marketing Digital y Negocios Online Parte 2" |
"Conocers claves importantes sobre el contenido de una PaginaWeb, cmo analiza y evala Google ese contenido y las diferentes plataformas para dar a conocer y gestionar un negocio digital, ya sea un portal de servicios o una tienda de productos fsicos. Existen multitud de plataformas Wordpress, Prestashop, Shopify, Blogs, ... incluso puedes hacerlo a travs de redes sociales, aunque tu impacto ser mucho menor. Consulta cualquier duda."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Marketing Digital y Negocios Online Parte 3" |
"Tercera parte del Master de Marketing Digital de Invequa, que consta de 4 partes. La finalidad de esta tercera parte es conocer las diferentes estrategias de posicionamiento en Google, posicionamiento orgnico y de pago por clic. No son necesarios conocimientos informticos ni de programacin para conocer el funcionamiento del principal buscador y cmo posicionarse con distintas campaas y estrategias. Master Marketing Digital Parte 3. Posicionamiento en Google SEO y SEM. Consulta cualquier duda."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Marketing Digital y Negocios Online Parte 4" |
"Master Marketing Digital y Negocios Online Parte 4, ltima parte: Promocin fuera de Google. El siguiente paso para la promocin es dominar las diferentes tcnicas y redes fuera del universo Google. Para empezar a promocionar un contenido propio o ajeno, debemos ser capaces de conocer otras redes y estrategias, no son necesarios conocimientos informticos ni de programacin para poder promocionar un negocio virtual. Master Marketing Digital Parte 4 de 4. Master Marketing Digital y Negocios Online Parte 4. Consulta cualquier duda."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Tienda online con Wordpress y Woocommerce" |
"Invequa te ayudar a montar paso a paso tu propia tienda online con Woocommerce y Wordpress. Primeros pasos, Diseo Web fcil. El primer paso es el contenido, con este Curso seremos capaces de crear una Tienda online completa, no son necesarios conocimientos informticos ni de programacin para crear una Tienda online Profesional y completa. Invequa es una marca especializada en Diseo y Marketing desde 2007. Consulta cualquier duda."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preprate para Teletrabajar. Curso para Teletrabajo" |
"El mejor curso marketing digital online que te preparar para teletrabajar desde casa en algunos de los sectores ms demandados. Podrs trabajar para otras empresas en el sector del Marketing Digital, o montar tu propio negocio para crear y promocionar la venta de servicios o productos a travs de Internet. Invequa, marca especializada en Diseo, Marketing y Comunicacin desde 2007. Consulta cualquier duda."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Dropshipping |
"Trabaja con tu propia tienda online sin invertir nada. Al finalizar el Curso, sers capaz de crear y trabajar tu propia Tienda online, sin invertir nada en stock, almacenaje, ni envos. Pudiendo trabajar desde casa en una Tienda Virtual en el sector que hayas elegido; informtica, regalos variados, moda, sexshop, parafarmacia, herbolario... Domina rpidamente el Dropshipping con Invequa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Publisher - Der Schnelleinstieg" |
"In diesem Videokurs zeigen wir dir die Basisfunkionen von Affinity Publisher der Firma Serif. Das Programm eignet sich ideal um Booklets, Produktprospekte oder Speisekarten zu erstellen. Aktuell befindet sich Affinity Publisher noch in der kostenlosen Betatestversion. Wenn du schon jetzt einen schnellen und einfachen Einstieg in das moderne Desktop Publishing & Layouting-Tool Affinity Publisher suchst bist du hier genau richtig.Der Kurs wird laufend um weitere Lektionen ergnzt, sobald neue Funkionen erscheinen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Certified Educator Level 1 Bootcamp" |
"This course is designed to help educators stand out and earn Google Certified Educator Level 1 Status. Educators can distinguish themselves from other by earning the Level 1 Badge of Achievement. This course is aligned to the Google Educator Level 1 Fundamentals Training from Google for Education Teacher Center. The full course contains screen-casts, whiteboard animations, voice over lectures, and a PowerPoint curriculum on all 13 units. The curriculum contains vocabulary, quick video links to ALLGoogle Educator Tasks, review questions and answers from the fundamentals training, info graphics, interactive slides, and more. Students will have a full understanding on various ways to integrate Google tools and technology into their classrooms."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Algebra Animations: Basic Foundations for Success" |
"This course consists of short lessons (typically about 3 -5 minutes) of Algebra's Fundamental Topics. The lesson topics are selective and aimed to help prepare students for a full year of Algebra. Each lesson is created using whiteboard animation style production. The animations are designed to engage the learner and keep their attention throughout the course. Each lesson consists of a detailed step by step guide for problem completion. This course covers a variety of topics which include operations, algebraic expressions, order of operations, equations, inequalities, absolute value, functions, evaluating functions, distance formula, Pythagorean Theorem, midpoint formula, systems of equations, and more. These topic are selective and will help prepare students for any upcoming Algebra course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Questions -Foundation Chapters&Ethics PMBOK v.6" |
"This course is first part of comprehensive syllabus that contains 12 courses for PMBOK Guide ver 6 study. Each course contains quality questions and covers a separateknowledge area from PMBOK Guide ver 6. Other courses will be published in order very soon. We tried to think like the PMI questions creators and worked hard to enable PMPcertificate aspirants understand most important topic of foundation chapters (Introduction, The Environment & The Role of The Project Manager) and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.Every question delivers a valuable idea to the student away from waste of student's time and idea repetitionsThis course contains 65 contextual questions with multiple-choice answers. It also contains short hints for best answers based on PMBOK version 6. We hope that we delivered the best questions published ever for the most challenging chapters of PMBOKversion 6 and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.Success Mark is 71 points. Each correct answer weighs two points Reference: PMBOK ver 6Good LuckMahmoud"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get The Look: How To Make Beyonce's Vogue Flower Headpiece" |
"Weaving organic florals together with high fashion has long been a way for artists create a signature look. In this course, we'll take you through some of signature floral looks from fashion icons Frida Khalo, Bjork, and Beyonc. You'll meet Emily and her mom, Kathleen -- a 30-year veteran of the floral design industry -- who will be our master designer. We will walk you through the course curriculum:What tools and supplies youll need Choosing your flowers Wiring different types of flowers and leaves Choosing your headpiece Creating your floral composition Wiring your compositionand wiring your composition to your headpiece At the end of you course, youll walk away with your very own floral headpiece that you can wear to a wedding, a festival, concert, or any event where you want to create a signature look using flowers."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The beautiful handwriting masterclass! Includes workbook!" |
"Handwriting - yours can be beautiful too! Have you ever wished that you had fabulous handwriting? Or actually, in truth, you would settle for just legible handwriting?! Are you the person that writes a note for someone, then feels you have to follow it with 'sorry about the handwriting'?Or are you in a profession where it is super important for clear communication to occur, and you feel your handwriting is letting you down? Are you sick of having too answer 'what's that say?'?Or when you attend a training course, are you the person that shy's away from being the groups designated writer? The shear thought of having to write for your group sends shivers down your spine.Do you sometimes go back to your own shopping list and diary and think 'what does that say?'? When you can't even read your own handwriting, that is a big red flag telling you SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE!If any of the above sounds familiar to you, then this course is absolutely for you. This course will take you through step by step, everything you need to know to change your handwriting. We won't just make your handwriting go from the unlegible to legible, we will aim to make it beautiful, the type of handwriting others admire!I want you to be able to feel the joy you get when someone makes a simple passing comment of 'ooo haven't you got nice handwriting'. I want you to be able to progress in your workplace because you have improved communication and are no longer responsible for simple miscommunications which can amount to massive issues. I want you to be able to smile to yourself when you read your shopping list and admire your own handwriting!I've put together a system for creating beautiful everyday handwriting. I've even included a workbook which will help you practice your lettering. I've been through the whole dictionary picking out words that will not only help you practice your letters, but the words I have specially chosen will utilize your practicing time to maximize efficiency of learning your new handwriting.I am so sure you will love this course, that I am happy to offer a full money back guarantee, if for any reason you are unhappy with the course. No hassle, no questions asked, just your money back. So you have absolutely nothing to loose and everything to gain!If you want handwriting that other people admire, if you want to feel the joy beautiful writing can bring in your daily life, if you just want to simply be able to read your shopping list! Then buy this course right now.Imagine what your life will be like if you don't invest in this course right now. You will always be the person who apologies for their handwriting. You will always be the person who feels embarrassed when you have to write for other people to read. You will always be the person who is responsible for mistakes because of poor communication. STOP that cycle right now, and decide to improve your handwriting. Be the person who took action. Be the person who gets to enjoy having beautiful everyday handwriting. Click the buy now button now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"20 Study Habits of Top Students : By a University Professor" |
"When it comes to studying in college or at university, some students perform at the top while others struggle. Ironically, this often has nothing to do with intellectual ability, but rather with developing effective organizational and study habits. This course gives you an opportunity to tap into instructor's years of experience teaching university students and her firsthand experience as a top student in the past. You will discover effective study habits used by top students so you can apply them toward your success in college or at university. After completing this course, you will walk away with a full package of effective strategies and tools that will help you become a top student in your field. The course consists of four sections and 25 video lessons covering the full spectrum of effective habits that you need in order to foster your academic success."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Expresses Regulares" |
"As Expresses Regulares esto em todas as linguagens de programao, editores de texto, processadores de texto, Servidores e entre outros. So utilizadas inclusive para criar linguagens de programao. Alm de outras tarefas, muitos compactadores e descompactadores utilizam massivamente Expresses Regulares no cdigo dos seus programas.O termo deriva do trabalho do matemtico norte-americano Stephen Cole Kleene, que desenvolveu as expresses regulares como uma notao ao que ele chamava de lgebra de conjuntos regulares. Seu trabalho serviu de base para os primeiros algoritmos computacionais de busca, e depois para algumas das mais antigas ferramentas de tratamento de texto da plataforma Unix.O uso atual de expresses regulares inclui procura e substituio de texto em editores de texto e linguagens de programao, validao de formatos de texto (validao de protocolos ou formatos digitais), realce de sintaxe e filtragem de informao ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Shell Script do Iniciante ao Avanado" |
"Esse Curso lhe dar conhecimentos do ZERO ao Avanado. Ou seja, voc aprender a base do conhecimento de programao, alm de conhecimentos avanados como utilizar Shell Script em um Servidor Web e criar sites dinmicos, conexo com banco de dados, criaes de caixas de dilogo e programas grficos, alm da base para entender comandos e funcionamento do terminal no Linux e sistemas baseados em Unix."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Sed Editor de Fluxo" |
"Sed (editor de fluxo) um utilitrio Unix que analisa e transforma o texto, usando uma linguagem de programao simples e compacta. O Sed foi desenvolvido de 1973 a 1974 por Lee E. McMahon, da Bell Labs ,e est disponvel hoje para a maioria dos sistemas operacionais. Sed foi baseado nos recursos de script do editor interativo ed (""editor"", 1971) e o anterior qed (""editor rpido"", 1965-66). Sed foi uma das primeiras ferramentas para suportar expresses regulares , e permanece em uso para processamento de texto, principalmente com o comando de substituio. Ferramentas alternativas populares para manipulao de strings de texto simples e ""edio de fluxo"" incluem AWK e Perl."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D-" |
"Cinema 4DCinema 4D3D3DCinema 4D3D3Dlathing3DCinema 4D3DBoole3DCinema 4D"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D--" |
"3D?Cinema 4D!3DCinema 4D4DAdobe Photoshop!3DCinema 4D3DCinema 4D"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D--Cinema 4D" |
"Cinema 4D4D3DMaxon ComputerCinema 4D3DBoole3D?Cinema 4D!3DCinema 4D4DAdobe Photoshop!3DCinema 4D3DCinema 4D"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop:0 |
"Photoshop CC?Photoshop CC!PhotoshopPhotoshopPhotoshop!Photoshop CC2015(CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3)MacPCAdobe Photoshop?adobe photoshopPhotoshop:PhotoshopPhotoshopPhotoshopPhotoshopphotoshopAdobe Photoshop"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop |
"Photoshop?PhotoshopPhotoshopPhotoshopPhotoshopPhotoshop- InstagramFacebook!PhotoshopPS!Photoshop CC2015(CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3)MacPC:Exposure photoshopAdobe Photoshop"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Photoshop--Photoshop |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |