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MyBatis |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Python |
"Python PythonPython"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Easy Way to Learn Cooking Healthy Recipes" |
"learn simply how to cook wonderful recipes . I follow a simple ways to learn you how to cook. I love the challenge of cooking. I have thirty years of experiences. I can teach you a lot of different kind of wonderful food. I worked in a lot of hotels and restaurant. I have a creativity recipes that you can do simply. you will find in this course videos you can't find anywhere."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn C Language from scratch" |
"Thefastest, easiestway to learn to program C on a Mac or Windows. This course will teach you to program the C language from the ground up. You will learn everything from the very fundamentals of programming right through to the complexities of pointers, addresses and File IO. Maybe you've tried to master C before but failed. Or maybe you are new to C or new to programming. If so, this is the course for you!C is one of the most important of all programming languages. It is used to program desktop applications, compilers, tools and utilities and even hardware devices. The C language is fast and efficient but it can be hard to learn. Unless you use this course. This course begins with a gentle introduction to C but quickly moves on to explain some of its most confusing features: everything from C's 'scoping' rules to the curious connection between arrays and memory addresses. By the end of the course you will have a deep understanding both of the C language itself and also of the underlying 'architecture' of your computer.What you will learn:The fundamentals of programming from the ground upHow to program on a Mac or on WindowsThe nitty-gritty details of the C languageAdvanced topics such as memory allocation, the stack and heap, and binary file IOWho should take the courseBeginners if you've never coded before, you can learn C step by stepProgrammers switching to C from some other language such as Java, Ruby or PythonCross-platform developers there are C compilers for all major operating systemsAnyone who needs to program C++ or Objective-C. The C language is the place to startWho is the target audience?Newcomers to programmingProgrammers of other languages who want a fast way into CAnyone who needs to master C as a basis for using C++ or Objective-C"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PRINCE2 Foundation Mock Exams (2018)" |
"This PRINCE2 Foundation Mock Exams & Key Takeawayscourse is designed for everyone who is planning to take certification exam early and wants to quickly prepare. With the help of timed mock exams covering lots of sample questions and short and to the point key takeaways to grasp the concept you will be more than ready to conquer the real thing. Disclaimer:This course includes practice questions and key takeaways, but it does not cover every exam question. Only the PRINCE2 exam team has access to the exam questions for PRINCE2 exam, and team regularly adds new questions to the exam, making it impossible to cover specific questions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Design Grfico - Fundamentos COMPLETSSIMO" |
"O mercado de Design oferece muitas oportunidades pelo mundo, mas muitos profissionais no obtm sucesso na carreira! E comum encontrarmos pessoas dizendo assim:""O cliente no reconhece o meu trabalho!"", ""Sou mal remunerado!"", ""No d pra ganhar dinheiro trabalhando com Design!""Mas o motivo para algumas pessoas no terem sucesso nessa carreira, o fato de escolher o caminho mais fcil e no o caminho certo!O caminho fcil aquele onde a pessoa aprende a mexer com o Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw e sai oferecendo seus servios no mercado, muitas vezes de forma amadora, cobrando preos muito baixos e oferecendo uma qualidade ""mediana ou ruim"" em seus projetos. Esses profissionais comprometem seu sucesso na carreira e seus resultados financeiros, porque possuem uma qualificao incompleta para ser um Designer Profissional.As escolhas que voc faz no momento de se qualificar esto diretamente ligadas ao seu sucesso profissional! Ento: - Escolha primeiro uma formao em Fundamentos do Design Grfico, e no, um curso de programas grficos.Os programas grficos so importantes, e uma habilidade que precisa ser desenvolvida. Mas elas, no o tornam diferentes de ningum, isto , voc ser apenas mais uma pessoa que sabe manipular essas ferramentas, em um universo de milhares de outras. E hoje, at uma criana de 10 anos, sabe mexer com esses programas. Ento, deixe esse aprendizado para uma segunda etapa. Uma pessoa que s aprende os programas grficos, trabalha na ""superfcie do Design"", isto , ela trabalha somente com a Esttica e no com as Estratgias que garantiro mais resultados para seus clientes e melhores resultados pra si!Ento, a primeira etapa a se cumprir para quem quer entrar nessa profisso, aprender ""DESIGN"" de fato, seus fundamentos, princpios, orientaes, etapas do projeto, estratgias, cores, tipografias, e uma srie de outros conceitos fundamentais, para quem quer ter sucesso e se diferenciar nesse mercado.Ento eu sugiro que voc conhea o contedo desse curso, que ""DIFERENTE DOS OUTROS 99% EXISTENTES NO MERCADO DE CURSOS ONLINE, PORQUE NO TEM FOCO NOS PROGRAMAS GRFICOS! Aqui, voc NO VAI APRENDER Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw, ou qualquer outro programa grfico. Mas vai sim, aprender a ser um Designer Grfico de verdade, e seus fundamentos, sero a ""base"" e o ""alicerce"" dos seus projetos, que certamente iro conferir uma aparncia muito mais profissional e com muito mais resultados.O curso Design Grfico srie PRO foi criado para preparar um Designer para enfrentar os desafios desta carreira. Percorre todas as etapas para que o aluno aprenda Design a partir do Zero, e j durante o curso comece a desenvolver as prticas de um projeto.Traz uma abordagem de mercado, onde a prtica no existe sem o conceito e o conceito no existe sem a prtica, colocando o aluno muito frente de outros profissionais de design que no possuem uma qualificao profunda na rea, e consequentemente, trazendo clientes mais satisfeitos com os resultados do seu trabalho, e isso atrai: mais clientes, mais projetos e mais resultados pra voc.O contedo tem foco no projeto e nos resultados, as aulas conceituais te daro uma formao slida em Design Grfico, onde o contedo acompanhado de atividades prticas para enriquecer e facilitar seu aprendizado. Voc aprende Design com fundamentos e j pode comear trabalhar de forma muito mais profissional.Ele foi criado para:Iniciante em Design GrficoPara aqueles que atuam de forma amadora e querem se tornar profissionais.Para aqueles que j trabalham com Design, mas sentem que seus projetos podem ir mais longe. Aqui voc vai aprender quais so as competncias tcnicas, gerenciais e comportamentais que o mercado precisa, para que seus resultados cheguem mais rpido. O curso possui mais de 70 aulas, 100% online, certificado e o seu acesso vitalcio na plataforma Udemy.So 9 sees organizados da seguinte forma:Seo 1 - Conversando sobre o mercado de DesignEste mdulo introdutrio, dedicado especialmente para os iniciantes. Ele vai introduzi-lo na carreira, trazer os conceitos iniciais sobre design, esclarecer pontos importantes da profisso, abordar sobre as especializaes do design e as competncias necessrias para atuar neste mercado. Alm disso, traz os aspectos relativos ao trabalho freelancer e um cenrio sobre os ganhos financeiros possveis para esta profisso. Seo 2 - Processo do DesignMuitos designers trabalham de forma intuitiva, sendo desorganizados e cometendo alguns erros que causam grandes desgastes no trato com os clientes. O uso de uma metodologia de trabalho, ser proposta, para que voc siga passos importantes e se torne mais eficiente e produtivo em todas as etapas do projeto, trabalhando com competncias tcnicas, comportamentais e gerenciais que te colocaro em um nvel muito acima da mdia do mercado. Seo 3 - Planejamento Visual GrficoAs habilidades tcnicas da profisso comeam a ser trabalhadas a nesta seo. a partir daqui, que voc comea a ter o domnio sobre o seu projeto, tomando decises sobre as estratgias do design e perseguindo sempre os objetivos estabelecidos pelo cliente. Seo 4 - Linguagem VisualEste mdulo traz um contedo muito esclarecedor e relevante para designers e diretores de arte, pois voc comea a entender, como as pessoas lem uma imagem, como compreendem e interpretam signos e smbolos dentro de contextos especficos, como so transmitidas as informaes atravs das imagens ou da combinao dela com outros elementos visuais, e como os elementos da linguagem visual so delineados atravs dos elementos da arte e dos princpios do design. Seo 5 - Sintaxe VisualSintaxe Visual a gramtica da Linguagem visuais, porque compreende todas as regras a serem aplicadas para se obter melhores resultados na compreenso da mensagem das peas ou projetos. Vai aprender a organizar os elementos do layout, dando a ele equilbrio, ritmo e movimento, alm de atribuir importncias a cada informao presente na pea. Seo 6 - GestaltVoc vai aprender como funciona o crebro dos indivduos ao tentar organizar as partes de um layout em um todo coerente. A partir desse ponto, voc comea a perceber, que um layout esteticamente bonito ou agradvel, no suficiente pra garantir resultado pro seu cliente. preciso conhecer como funciona o crebro e a mente das pessoas diante das entradas de informao que voc prope pra ele. Seo 7 - Estratgias do DesignUm dos maiores desafios de quem trabalha com criao, oferecer sempre solues novas pra velhos problemas, e este mdulo vem pra te ajudar a criar layouts diferentes, oferecendo vrias solues grficas pra um mesmo conceito. Seo 8 - Teoria e Psicologia das CoresAs cores e suas combinaes atingem em cheio a mente do pblico, formando imagens, provocando sensaes e emoes, contribuindo para construir um significado para uma mensagem. Neste mdulo voc vai entender como as cores afetam a mente das pessoas; quais so as estratgias para definir as cores de um projeto e as ferramentas que nos auxiliam na tomada de deciso. Seo 9 - A escolha da TipologiaAs tipologias possuem caractersticas que ajudam a transmitir valores, personalidade, sentimentos e significados, e muitos designers no do importncia devida escolha das fontes, de forma que ela esteja em consonncia com os significados pretendidos para a mensagem. Conhecer esses significados e as relaes que se formam a partir da combinao de fontes com outros elementos em um projeto, so fundamentais para um Design de excelncia. E tudo isso acompanhado de muita prtica para te habilitar rapidamente a comear nessa profisso.Ento, NO PERCA ESSA CHANCE DE CRIAR UMA CARREIRA DE SUCESSO SENDO UM ""DESIGNER PROFISSIONAL"""
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Produo Grfica do Zero" |
"Produo Grfica est no centro das atividades criativas, porque de nada adianta ser criativo, se suas ideias no so viveis do ponto de vista tcnico e oramentrio. Este curso se prope a ensinar Designers, Diretores de Arte e profissionais de Comunicao e Marketing em incio de carreira, a propor, avaliar, viabilizar e orar projetos grficos de forma que no ocorram surpresas na hora da impresso. Alem de orientar profissionais de Criao a no cometer erros que podem comprometer o resultado final dos seus projetos.Para os profissionais de comunicao e marketing, a vantagem deste curso, ser capaz de avaliar as propostas criativas e ter argumentos para discutir aspectos tcnicos com agncias, profissionais freelancers e fornecedores. Ele vai te preparar para atuar de forma mais segura na hora de confeccionar e avaliar projetos, considerando todos os aspectos tcnicos, oramentrios e criativos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Upwork Mastery - how to get high paid clients right now" |
"This course comprises of highly valuable material that pertains to winning online jobs on the public freelancing websites such as Upwork. This course will provide you with guaranteed step by step formula to make real money with minimal effort online.This course is for you whether youre already registered on Upwork or if you are a newbie and wish to generate hassle-free revenue online.Although this course is mainly based upon Upwork, most of the strategies and approaches explained work for other online freelancing platforms as well.We have 3 main objectives for this course:1.Find and locate highly paid quality jobs on Upwork.2.Consistently make a good revenue on Upwork.We will begin by instructing you about the foundational work required in order to set yourself established on Upwork. We will discuss about the importance of being energetic and motivated before getting started and tell you about positioning yourself as a premium contractor from the beginning. This will in-turn help you win quality jobs throughout your career.Then we will gradually move into some of the tactical information that will further enlighten your understanding of Upwork and help you in experimenting and adopting new ways to earn online. We will guide you through the exact process that will help you earn consistently on Upwork.You will exactly know how to consistently get a business, successfully maintain the hourly rates youve established and handle negotiations like a professional.This is a compilation of focused material derived from our personal experience to help you achieve triumph on Upwork!:)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Upwork Mastery - How to Get Highly Paid Gigs Right Now" |
"In this class, I will share my screen and show how I got my first gig on Upwork only 24 hours after registration.You just need to press play and follow step by step what I do. An implement the same strategies. And be successful freelancer in 2019 on Upwork with me."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"How You can Start Clothing Line and How to Design Clothes" |
"Welcome to the course on ""How You can Start Clothing Line and How to Design Clothes"" In this course you will learn all the basics How You Can Design Clothes, Start your own Clothing Line,Sewing Clothes,Drawing Your Design on a Croquis and how you can create a solid Business Plan.So, you dream of starting your own trendy clothing line? To be successful, you'll have to learn how to run a business, market your products, and keep your customers happyYou will learn some basics on getting started in the clothing and fashion business. Fashion design is an exciting, constantly evolving field. It also takes a lot of work, and can be incredibly competitive. If you want to become a successful fashion designer, you have a long road ahead of you, but there are some straightforward steps you can take to begin the process.So lets start learning."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Easiest Ways to Get Charming and Beautiful Eyes" |
"Welcome to the course on ""Easiest Ways to Get Charming and Beautiful Eyes"".Your eyes are regularly the primary thing individuals see about you when they see your face. Worn out, puffy or red eyes can be less appealing and add a long time to your age. Too little rest or an excessive amount of pressure can fuel worn out or puffy eyes. Attempt these tips and guideline to reestablish your eyes' young appearance, clearness and splendor. Big, bright eyes can make you appear youthful, alert, and healthy.If your eyes aren't as naturally large as you'd like them to be, don't worry! There are numerous tricks you can use to get the appearance of bigger eyes, such as strategically applying makeup and making simple lifestyle changes. You don't need tons of makeup products to make your eyes stand out. Whether you are not allowed to wear makeup, have sensitive skin, or just prefer to go au naturale, this article will show you how to make your eyes look bright and beautiful without makeup."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Paint Fluid Art and How to Get Start Painting" |
"Welcome to the course on ""How to Paint Fluid Art and How to Get Start Painting "" Painting is a medium through which many people find that their emotions and thoughts can shine through. No previous experience is necessary, and if youve ever taken an art class, even if it wasfinger paintingin elementary school, then youve had an introduction to painting. To paint, you'll need to choose the best type of paint for your purposes, as well as brushes and other supplies, before familiarizing yourself with the proper way to mix colors, apply artistic principles, and create your work of art. You'll probably need some practice before you can paint a masterpiece, but it doesn't take much to get started. While some expert artists may be able to paint circles freehand, there's no need to put yourself through the same challenge. A few basic tools can make painting a circle much more manageable."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to Look Beautiful and Attractive Naturally" |
"Welcome to the course on ""How to Look Beautiful and Attractive Naturally""You dont need to spend a lot of time and effort to look naturally beautiful! Just take the time to groom yourself so you look and feel fresh and clean. Then, style and present yourself in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Incorporating healthy habits into your routine can also help achieve natural beauty. Youll be looking and feeling great in no time! There is no doubt that dramatic eye makeup and bright red lipstick can be fun for a night on the town or a fancy event. However, some days call for a more toned down, simple appearance. When youre going for the natural, attractive, girl next door look, there's nothing better than clear skin, healthy hair, and big, bright eyes. Throw on a sparkling smile, and you just might choose to rock the au natural look more often! So this course is helpful to you to getting attractive and healthy glow."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Special Arabic language learning for beginners - 1" |
"Step by step - Arabic learningIn this tutorial you can practice the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters , acquire the correct literacy skills based on Arabic grammar, gain good listening skills , distinguish similar letters in pronunciation or in writing, and get lots of vocabulary .Words and expressions that you learned in your words should be used, Because this proves it in your memory and prevents you from forgetting it .You also have to listen to people who speak Arabic, because this helps improve your sense of hearing about Arabic pronunciation This tutorial is going to be in Arabic only, So you need to be able to understand a bit Arabic beforehand .This tutorial is intended for non-Arabic speakers .Anyone can learn Arabic through it ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Special Arabic language learning for beginners - 2" |
"Step by step - Arabic learningIn this tutorial you can practice the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters , acquire the correct literacy skills based on Arabic grammar, gain good listening skills , distinguish similar letters in pronunciation or in writing, and get lots of vocabulary .Words and expressions that you learned in your words should be used, Because this proves it in your memory and prevents you from forgetting it .You also have to listen to people who speak Arabic, because this helps improve your sense of hearing about Arabic pronunciation This tutorial is going to be in Arabic only, So you need to be able to understand a bit Arabic beforehand .This tutorial is intended for non-Arabic speakers .Anyone can learn Arabic through it ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Special Arabic language learning for beginners - 3" |
"Step by step - Arabic learningIn this tutorial you can practice the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters , acquire the correct literacy skills based on Arabic grammar, gain good listening skills , distinguish similar letters in pronunciation or in writing, and get lots of vocabulary .Words and expressions that you learned in your words should be used, Because this proves it in your memory and prevents you from forgetting it .You also have to listen to people who speak Arabic, because this helps improve your sense of hearing about Arabic pronunciation This tutorial is going to be in Arabic only, So you need to be able to understand a bit Arabic beforehand .This tutorial is intended for non-Arabic speakers .Anyone can learn Arabic through it ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Special Arabic language learning for beginners - 4" |
"Step by step - Arabic learningIn this tutorial you can practice the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters , acquire the correct literacy skills based on Arabic grammar, gain good listening skills , distinguish similar letters in pronunciation or in writing, and get lots of vocabulary .Words and expressions that you learned in your words should be used, Because this proves it in your memory and prevents you from forgetting it .You also have to listen to people who speak Arabic, because this helps improve your sense of hearing about Arabic pronunciation This is part IV of this tutorialIn it, you can study many adjectives in Arabic, its opposites and configure correct sentences with itThis tutorial is intended for non-Arabic speakers, but it is going to be in Arabic only, So you need to be able to understand a bit Arabic beforehand ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Special Arabic language learning for beginners - 5" |
"Step by step - Arabic learningIn this tutorial you can practice the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters , acquire the correct literacy skills based on Arabic grammar, gain good listening skills , distinguish similar letters in pronunciation or in writing, and get lots of vocabulary .Words and expressions that you learned in your words should be used, Because this proves it in your memory and prevents you from forgetting it .You also have to listen to people who speak Arabic, because this helps improve your sense of hearing about Arabic pronunciation This tutorial is going to be in Arabic only, So you need to be able to understand a bit Arabic beforehand .This tutorial is intended for non-Arabic speakers .Anyone can learn Arabic through it ."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"This course will have fully Basic to Pro contents on hand embroidery to prove beneficial for the beginners as well as for professionals; Exclusive lecture sessions through subsequent videos to ease for you to jump easily to required information on the specific time; Cheat sheets for each and every video facilitates for you to review each and every information easily. Hopefully, this course will prove an ultimate hand embroidery training course for you which takes you from the absolute beginner stage to hone you become a proficient embroidery designer in no time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Projetos PMBOK 6 + Metodologia + Tcnicas + Extras" |
"Sem dvida alguma, aqui voc ir aprender como unir a teoria de gerenciamento de projetos com a prtica no seu trabalho.Este treinamento foi pensando em voc que deseja aprender a teoria do Guia PMBOK6 edio e aplicar estes conhecimentos no seu dia a dia, seja sua vida pessoal ou sua carreira profissional.O PMBOK 6 edio foi publicado no ano de 2017 e o mais atual guia para gerenciamento de projetos do PMI. Atualmente o guia mais bem aceito em todo o mundo para gerenciamento de projetos, pois possui as melhores prticas de mercado.Neste curso voc ir ter acesso a tudo que de mais importante no Guia PMBOK 6 edio, a partir de um material muito bem elaborado, pensado em como conseguir aplicar o conhecimento.Voc ter acesso ainda a materiais motivacionais e materiais que o ajudar a fazer uma gesto de equipes efetiva.No perca mais tempo, voc que est cansado de procurar por treinamentos que unam a teoria com a prtica..., voc est no lugar certo...Venha aprender!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain for Absolute Beginners" |
"What is Blockchain? How does it work? How can it applied in different fields? If you ever asked yourself these questions, this course is for you! With ""Blockchain for absolute beginners"" tutorial, you will learn the concepts behind blockchain, get to understand this amazing technology and why it is so important for our future."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Profit From Your Invention" |
"Learn how to succeed in inventing from someone that has done it. Business expert and entrepreneurship professor, Dr. Tom Duening, interviews successful inventor Jim Holley and extracts the information that you want to know from his journey, lessons learned and advice. Learn how to evaluate a product, develop it, protect it and maximize the profit from it. Mr. Holley has invented dozens of products, received 22 patents and launched them in every major retailer. Lots of very useful information delivered in a very entertaining way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to be a Startup CEO" |
"Learn how to be a startup CEO. Entrepreneurship Professor, Author and Entrepreneur, Dr. Tom Duening, has packed classrooms across the country. He delivers information in an engaging way that will be extremely applicable and useful, day 1. The program was created to apply directly to a new entrepreneurial venture. Learn how to prepare the information needed to create a strategy and financial model and complete a professional business plan. The right way to launch your business and the tools to grow it and achieve success."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn Kibana - Complete course for beginners and above" |
"Congratulations on making the decision to learn Kibana. This course will walk you through the basics of querying data and into more advanced topics to give you the tools you need to provide value to your company. I have taught hundreds of people how to use Kibana and those people are using it every day to provide value to their company. This is possible for you too! I will be your guide walking you through basic querying and building different types of visualizations including: line graph, area chart, bar chart, pie chart, tables/ grids, metrics, goals, timelion and more."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Makine renmesi iin znitelik Mhendislii Ksm-1" |
"Kurs Serimiz Boyunca leyeceimiz KonularSaysal veri tipine sahip deikenlerin ierisinde bulunan NaN deerlerin belli yaklamlar ile doldurulmasOrtalama(Mean)Medyan(Median)SfrRastgelelik Kavram (Randomness)Ek deiken eklemekExtreme deer kullanarak ek deiken yaratmaKategorik veri tipine sahip deikenlerin ierisinde bulunan NaN deerlerin belli yaklamlar ile doldurulmasSk grlen kategoriler ile doldurulmasRastgelelik Kavram (Randomness)Ek deiken eklemekYeni kategori yaratmaAykr Deerler (Outliers)Kategorik veri tipine sahip deikenler iin Nadir deerler problemiKategorik veriler iin Encoding lemleriMixed deere sahip deikenlerin ele alnmasTarih ve zaman deerlerine sahip deikenlerin ele alnmasFeature Scalling metodlarnn ele alnmasGaussian TransformationDiscretisationNot: Sadece ilk iki maddenin alt balklarna deindim. Dier maddelerde birden fazla alt balktan oluuyor.. Makine renimi iin znitelik Mhendislii Ksm-1 Kursunun KonularSaysal veri tipine sahip deikenlerin bo(NaN) olan deerlerinin Median(Medyan) ve sfr ile doldurulmas. Ortalama deer ile doldurulmas da size brakyorum. Pratik yapmak iin iyi bir frsat olduunu dnyorum.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yaratc Yazarlk Eitimi: indeki Yazar Ortaya kar" |
"Hepimiz ilham perimizin yanmzda olduu o nadir zamanlarda ok yaratc olabiliyoruz. Ama bu nazl peri bizi istemediinde ya da bizi terk ettiinde iler hi yolunda gitmeyebiliyor. imizdeki hikyeyi bir trl kda dkemeyiimiz, yazmaya bir trl balayamaymz, baladmz kitab bitiremeyiimiz, yazdklarmzn bizi ya da bakalarn tatmin etmiyor oluu hep bu perinin acmaszlklarndan kaynaklanyor. Ama bu byle olmak zorunda deil. Gerekli almalar yapp kendimizi yetkin becerilerle donattmz zaman artk biz ilham perisinin deil, o bizim peimizden koacak. nk aslnda btn ilham perileri tam donanml bir yazarn kaleminde ldamak ister. imdi ilham perimizin ban dndrme zaman... katmandan oluan bu kurs yazarlarn yaratc retim srelerinde, hibir zaman yar yolda kalmamalar iin gerekli becerileri ve bak asn kazandrmak zere tasarlanmaya balanan eitim serisinin ilk parasdr. Kendi deneyimlerim ve keiflerimin yan sra; baka yazarlar ve kitaplardan; ayrca psikoloji, sosyoloji, oyunculuk, sinema, tiyatro gibi alanlardan, yaratc yazma srecine uyarladm ve yllardr kullandm yntemleri de iermektedir.Kursu takip edenlerin eksiklerine ve ihtiyalarna gre programn ekillendirilmesine devam edilecektir. Bu kurs farkl deneyimlere ak olan, alkan renciler iindir. Konularn kavranmas iin yaplmas gereken ok sayda altrma iermektedir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"PMP Interpersonal and Others Techniques (PMBOK 6 )" |
"Interpersonal skills are the foremost abilities when it comes to managing a team and supervising a project. The course highlights the significance of interpersonal skills for project managers to efficiently lead a project. Being able to call upon and implement these skills at the right moment can ensure the success of a project. This course will change your viewpoint and equip you with the skills to negotiate with the complicated nature of human."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP - Estimation Techniques (PMBOK 6)" |
"Estimation is a vital practice for making the projects successful. Project managers are often challenged with scope, time, cost, quality, resources and risk limitations and here estimation plays a crucial role. Being a professional estimator is an imperative part of setting schedules, creating budgets, controlling resources and running a booming team and business. This course will highlight some of the most common estimation techniques for project management. These techniques are not only viable but also used frequently in multiple projects. They require a particular data and mathematical and statistical processes that will be taught in this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PMP - Data Gathering & Project Selection Methods (PMBOK 6)" |
"Data gathering is the foremost technique employed in the project management process. Data collection techniques are used to gather information from a variety of sources. Before turning inputs into results, we often need to collect additional information. This course will highlight some of the common data gathering techniques such as brainstorming, statistical sampling and creating checklists. In addition to that, some of the project management methods are also discussed including internal rate of return, cost-benefit analysis and payback period."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Moroccan healthy Sourdough Bread (Batbout) ready in 7 hours!" |
"Do You know what is the effect of the sourdough (bread with natural yeast) on your body, it's a miracle, you will not believe how it reacts in your body, you will love it after you know the health benefits that will ""happen to your body"". I invite you to enroll in this course to know these benefits and to learn a very easy and inexpensive way to prepare *sourdough bread* using only three ingredients, flour, water and salt. No need to use any other chemicals products . only 3 ingredients, I am sure you will be dazzled by the result and will never give up this recipe."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Contar historias con datos!" |
"Porque vale ms un anlisis sencillo de datos con una historia atractiva que te permita vender tus proyectos, tus ideas tus productos, que un anlisis sofisticado cuyos resultados no se saben comunicar, hemos creado este curso de data storytelling.Con este curso podrs comunicar tus ideas claramente, lograr el presupuesto que buscas en tu empresa, vender un producto a un cliente ser ms memorable en tus mensajes, porque a diferencia de la mayora de personas que usan opiniones propias y de otros, t aprenders a argumentar tus posiciones con datos y enganchars a tu audiencia con una historia. En este curso aprenders a analizar datos usando R, conocers los conceptos bsicos de estadstica descriptiva como el EDA (Anlisis exploratorio de datos), visualizars datos con R, usars R Markdown para ordenar tus visualizaciones e ideas, descubrirs tu red de amigos de facebook con Gephi. Con Shiny aprenders a hacer un dashboard (tablero de control) sencillo, que te facilitar la comunicacin de los datos y finalmente conocers las nuevas tendencias para armar historias con datos usando scrollytelling. El cdigo en R del anlisis de datos se encuentra en github /sap0408 : codigo-UdemyCon estos ingredientes y definiendo quin es tu audiencia y qu sentimiento quieres generar en ellos, logrars escribir historias impactantes con datos. Bienvenido!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |