Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduction to Automotive Design" |
"This course provides the student with the basic foundation for creating professional car design drawings and an understanding of automotive design terms. Automotive design is one of the most competitive and difficult creative fields. Any chance you can give yourself to increase your opportunity to be successful should be taken. This course is that chance. The lectures cover the following: Why drawing cars is different than other types of drawing and how to do it like a proThe secrets of drawing circles and ellipsesWhy you need to draw speed formsWhere car designer get their inspirationHow to structure your side views to take your sketches to the next levelThe language of automotive designThese lessons are the same coursework that is taught at major design colleges and universities around the world. This course gives you head start or will help you improve your skills for a fraction of the price."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Obtn el Empleo que Mereces" |
"Curso para maximizar tu potencial es la bsqueda de empleo que te llevar paso a paso, utilizando la metodologa de empleabilidad acelerada, para transformarte en el candidato ms capacitado para dominar el proceso y encontrar el trabajo que realmente mereces.Comienza tu camino con:AutoconocimientoCV PotencializadoPersonal BrandingBsqueda de Empleo en la Era DigitalEl arte de la Entrevista"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Building PTSD Resilience & Prevention - a change in paradigm" |
"We cannot change the things we see in our work,but we can change how we react to what we see or experience.103 firefighters died by suicide in 2017, compared to 93 firefighter line-of-duty deaths, according to the Ruderman Family Foundation, a philanthropic organization that fights for the rights of people with disabilities. The study also found that little has been done to address PTSD and depression in responders, even though they are five times more likely than civilians to suffer from symptoms...Mental health care is something we have been hearing more often in EMS and Fire. This has been growing in response to the amount of people affected in this line of work. We are seeing more and more depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, excess eating, PTSD and even suicides.We found that since we were small kids, up to when we finish our Healthcare, EMS, Fire, Police, Dispatch and Rescue training, we are taught many things that fast track us to depression, addiction, PTSD and suicide.From EASPAS Foundation, a non profit organization in Argentina, we have also been working on PTSD for some years now. We are an emergency care training facility. For several years we have noticed that it was great working on PTSD, but we started thinking if there could be another way, a way of preventing it.We started doing a lot of research on this. If 50 years ago, somebody came over and told us that a heart problems could be prevented, we would have just denied it. Today we know we can work on the diet, reducing stress, do exercise, etc, and that helps reduce heart problems. We cannot eradicate heart problems, but we can reduce them by focusing on the risk factors.Three years ago, we started finding answers to our questions when we started looking more into the Humanistic Psychology. It was when we focused on the risk factors that lead to depression, addiction, PTSD and suicide, where we realized that we were doing things the wrong way.We need to start changing the way we see ourselves, what being in this line of work really is, and learning tools to be able to cope with the feelings we have.Healthcare, EMS, Fire, Police, Dispatch and Rescue a very stressful lines of work, and if we dont start changing how we see ourselves or how we deal with our emotions, we are doomed.Once completed the seminar, you can submit a short essay (300 words) about the lecture and what feelings you had, to be able to get a participation certificate sent to your email."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ABC of Rational Eating - CBT for dieting" |
"This short power packed course will teach you to why your diets have failed in the past. How to learn to think like a successful diet maintainer and diet without being on a ""diet"", meaning this course doesn't prescribe a diet. What this course does is teach you, what are the common sabotaging thoughts which hamper your dieting or eating practice. How to dispute these thoughts and what are the alternate thoughts. All this and some more you will learn in the context of CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"eBay Drop Shipping: Retail Arbitrage A -Z Course 2020" |
"Drop Shipping is a Fantastic business model. It's basically an Entrepreneur's dream business because you get all the potential for growth with none of the risk. You do not need to purchase any inventory ahead of time. You don't need to invest in a brick and mortar store, and now you don't even need to invest money or time building and optimizing a website!Learn to leverage the power of one of the biggest eCommerce platforms in the world, eBay! There are millions of people already on eBay searching for the products you'llwant to drop ship. Let me show you how to find the most optimal products, list them properly, and then sit back and let eBay work for you.It's really that simple. No need to create a fancy eCommerce store. Let eBay market your products to the customers already searching for them.After all that's alreadywhat they do best.Enroll today.Work for yourself and set your own hours tomorrow.What you will need:1. A computer or laptop2. Open minded3. 5-10 hours per week to start, you must master the skills before you can teach someone else to do it. Then it can be 15 minutes a day of maintenance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Kantu |
"- ! - ! - !Kantu - ! ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business and Conversational English: Idioms" |
"Speaking English is not just about getting the grammar correct and have a large vocabulary - it is about communication. In both British and American English we use idioms. These can be incredibly confusing since it is almost impossible to guess their meaning.This course is about introducing you to the most common idioms. Some idioms don't abide by the grammar rules, some get shortened - in each case Iwill introduce you to the idiom in its most common forms, explain its meaning and give examples and scenarios when it can be used.This course is suitable for intermediate to advanced English learners."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"L'anglais pour les enfants" |
"Dans ce cours, les enfants apprendront un animal et un adjectif pour chaque lettre de l'alphabet.Il y a une vido pour chaque lettre. la fin de la vido, il y a un petit quiz.Enfin, la fin du cours, quelques vidos bonus. Ces vidos sont destines la pratique des voyelles essentielles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre les expressions orales en Anglais" |
"Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez de petites phrases utiliser en anglais conversationnel. Les phrases mmoriser seront galement rdiges en franais pour vous aider mieux comprendre. Le cas chant, des instructions de prononciation vous aideront mieux ressembler un locuteur natif et avoir confiance en vos capacits."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Video Marketing In A Single Weekend" |
"This course is designed to equip those marketers who want to put their face on camera and make them stand as leaders in their marketplace. You'll learn how to overcome the biggest challanges most marketers have, such as how to put my face on camera, what to say in my videos, how to ask my audience to subscribe to my things and purchase my stuff, how to edit and publish my videos. PLUSMUCHMORE."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Exploring arduino step by step:Getting started" |
"With the help of this course you can able to make your own projects :I have cover up all the Basics and all required details in this courseThis course is for new arduino makersThe first version of Arduino was released in 2003 and has exploded in popularity among makers, hobbyists, and tinkerers, who build everything from animatronic sculptures to interactive wearables. Do you have apassionforlearning?Are youexcited about becoming aMakerwith theArduino?If you answered ""yes!"" to both, then you are ready to get started!By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected via the Internet of Things (IoT)The global IoT market is expected to grow from $655.8 billion to $1.7 trillion in 2020Average salary of IoT Developer is $150k Who is the target audience?This course is built keeping in mind all levels of Audience Anybody who is interested in building IOT products to sell or for professional use those are keen to make projects For making of college projects you can too take this course. WHAT WILL I LEARN ?Learn how to Independently Design, Code and Build products with help of arduino.Learn to work with Micro controllers (Arduino Uno, Nano), Sensors , Relays, Displays, Keypads, work with main (220/110) and moreLearn to code using Arduino IDE from basicsLearn how to use simulate programs in proteusexplaination of proteus softwareLearn PCB solderingLearn Designing, Casing, Soldering and morelearn interfacing modules with our microcontrollersGuaranteed learning in every minute!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Manifestando seus desejos" |
"O mundo de hoje foi criado desta forma porque as pessoas primeiro desejaram, pensaram e visualizaram assim.Zaquie Meredith sociloga e pesquisadora das emoes humanas, tendo sido colunista no segundo mais popular jornal de Braslia, durante cinco anos, sobre assuntos de intersse comunitario e auto-ajuda. Zaquie j escrevia, desde 2000, a respeito da arte de visualizar com sucesso. Foi colaboradora e palestrante de tv e rdio em Braslia, Fortaleaza, Piau, rdio nacional (tv cultura de Braslia) e So Paulo. Estudou campo de energia humana nos Estados Unidos (4 anos) pela escola de cura (B. Brennan - Mos de luz). Estudou conselhaes sistmaticas com superviso na inglaterra. Oferece curso em Constelaes. pesquisadora na rea da conscincia das sensaes, tendo escrito o livro A Conscincia das Sensaes e constelaes. autora do livro que j esta na segunda edio O que voc precisa saber, da editora otimismo. Tem cd em meditaao, Exalando o perfume do amor. Apresentou e criou um programa sobre qualidade de vida na tv internet. Faz atendimento individual e de grupo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Tcnicas de Vendas" |
"O curso apresenta tcnicas simples e aplicveis para os profissionais da rea de vendas, com o objetivo de ajuda-los a lidarem com os desafios da profisso. O contedo programtico do curso composto por:Papel do vendedor como consultor - Aquele que um parceiro de negcio do seu clienteFoco no cliente - Em sua necessidade e seus problemasPilares da venda - Qualidade, velocidade e flexibilidadeEtapas de uma venda - Ativa e receptivaA arte de se comunicar - Habilidade essencial para um vendedorEncantamento e valor agregado - Como fidelizar o cliente Reclamaes - Como agir diante das reclamaesAs aulas so atravs de vdeos e slides."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Auxiliar de Classe para Educao Infantil" |
"Atualmente, por causa da vida corrida de vrias mes que precisam trabalhar desde cedo, muitas crianas vo s creches e escolas de educao infantil de maneira at precipitada. Desse modo, necessrio que haja pessoas comprometidas, responsveis e pacientes e que sejam capacitadas para cuidar dessas crianas de maneira impecvel e segura.Todavia, ter vontade e gostar de crianas no o suficiente para ser auxiliar de classe. necessrio se especializar atravs do curso de auxiliar de classe sero passadas aluna diversos assuntos para que sejam entendidas as diversas fases de uma criana.O objetivo do curso de auxiliar de classe preparar as participantes para atuarem em escolas de Educao Infantil e Berrios. So administradas cinco aulas com contedos prticos e tericos diferentes.O curso de Auxiliar de Classe para Educao Infantil orienta as profissionais sobre a rotina desta profisso, d dicas e ajuda nos desafios do dia a dia.No curso o aluno aprender:O que faz uma auxiliar de classeComunicao e Adaptao escolarComo elaborar semanrios e relatrios pedaggicosDicas teis na rotina da auxiliarO que fazer em situaes de emergnciaAo final de cada aula, o aluno faz um teste que confirmar seu aprendizado.A profisso de auxiliar de classe bastante promissora e permite ao profissional ter um plano de carreira dentro da instituio de ensino, inclusive para quem estuda pedagogia.INFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ao concluir o curso, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 30 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Berarista" |
"O que eu aprendo no curso de berarista?Uma das profisses que exige mais cuidado, hoje em dia, a de berarista. Isso porque voc estar lidando com bebs, e ter que entender tudo o que eles precisam e cuidar de suas necessidades de maneira eficiente e paciente. Esse trabalho pode ser rduo caso voc no tenha o treinamento necessrio. Por isso o curso de berarista foi criado.Sobre o cursoO curso de berarista muito completo, sendo que o seu principal objetivo fazer com que voc se torne um profissional respeitado e cuidadoso. Para isso, lhe ensinar diversas tcnicas que lhe ajudaro a exercer este trabalho de maneira exemplar.Uma das principais caractersticas do curso de berarista que ele te ensina sobre os cuidados com bebs e crianas e tambm sobre a rotina na escola. Alm disso, conta com lies muito amplas e completas acerca dos principais riscos de acidentes na infncia, tais como: engasgo, quedas, intoxicaes, as principais medidas para evitar riscos de acidentes, entre outros.Alm de tudo isso, o curso de berarista tambm lhe ensina a se comunicar com os pais de todas as crianas e bebs que voc cuidar. Assim, eles podero confiar em voc e no interferir no seu trabalho.INFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ao concluir o curso, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 15 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Bab e Babysitter" |
"A importncia de realizar um curso de babAtualmente, muitas mes possuem uma rotina corrida que inclui um dia de servios fora de casa. Desse modo, elas no podem dar ateno aos filhos durante alguma parte do dia e procuram uma bab para tomar conta da criana.Bab uma profisso importante. Entretanto, no qualquer pessoa que pode ocupar esse cargo. necessrio pacincia, carinho, amor pelo que faz e, acima de tudo isso, capacitao.Por essa razo, optar pela realizao de um curso de bab altamente importante para pessoas que j atuam nessa rea ou visam atuar futuramente.Conhea o cursoO curso de bab conta com disciplinas importantes como situaes de emergncia para saber agir em casos de acidente, nutrio infantil, desenvolvimento das crianas, rotina e disciplina, recreao, alm de diversos outros temas fundamentais.Como a RB Treinamentos pode te ajudar?A RB Treinamentos surgiu h dois anos, com a proposta de levar o conhecimento para as pessoas de maneira prtica e til no dia a dia. Nosso objetivo capacitar e qualificar profissionais para atuar de maneira cada vez mais assertiva no mercado de trabalho e, desse modo, oferecemos diversas opes de treinamentos, como o curso de bab.INFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ao concluir o curso, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 30 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Cuidador de Idosos" |
"A importncia do curso de cuidador de idososO curso de cuidador de idosos muito importante e vem se tornando cada vez mais popular entre os nossos clientes. Isso acontece porque o Brasil, segundo dados da OMS (Organizao Mundial da Sade), um dos pases cuja populao idosa vem crescendo a cada dia.Sabendo disso, ns disponibilizamos o curso de cuidador de idosos em nosso catlogo. Existem muitas pessoas da terceira idade que so ativas e esto saudveis. Todavia, no podemos esquecer que tambm existem a pessoas que esto debilitadas por conta de doenas como Alzheimer, Parkinson, entre outros e, para cuidar desses idosos, precisamos saber exatamente como fazer isso.Qual o contedo deste curso?Para que voc possa, de fato, aprender a cuidar de idosos, necessrio que voc faa um curso de cuidador de idosos que contenha um contedo de qualidade. Esse o caso do curso disponibilizado no catlogo da RB Treinamentos!No nosso curso, voc aprender quais so as principais competncias e habilidades do cuidador. Para isso, ir lidar com o idoso de modo que ele possa ser funcional na maior parte do tempo, mantendo-o ativo e saudvel. O curso de cuidador de idosos tambm proporciona acesso diversas informaes importantes sobre esse grupo de pessoas dentro de uma sociedade.Qualquer dvida durante as aulas, fale conosco! Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais. Os links esto disponveis no perfil. :)INFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ah, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 60 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Administrao de Empresas" |
"O curso de administrao de empresas voltado para qualquer pessoa que queira melhorar as suas habilidades nessa rea. O nosso curso ideal para pessoas que querem superar as principais barreiras que dificultam e diminuem a produtividade em uma empresa. importante lembrar que toda a nossa programao voltada para a evoluo das pessoas como profissionais. Para tal, necessrio saber a importncia das reas de uma empresa e da gesto de pessoas e entender que essa rea de trabalho tem ligao muito forte com a produtividade de uma companhia. isso que o curso de administrao de empresas proporciona para seus alunos.Aps voc realizar o seu curso, voc observar todo o ambiente de uma empresa com outros olhos. Voc aprender a reconhecer quais so as principais sabedorias e talentos das pessoas que compem cada rea de uma empresa.INFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ao concluir o curso, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 60 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Elaborao de Plano de negcio descomplicado" |
"Empreender hoje um grande desafio e requer coragem, que muitos no tem. Mas a coragem vem de conhecimento. Quanto mais voc conhece de um assunto, mais corajoso voc se torna, assim como o desconhecido atrai o medo.Pensando nisso, criamos este curso que apresenta de uma forma descomplicada as etapas de um plano de negcio. Afinal voc no precisa ser um especialista para conseguir fazer um estudo mais aprofundado de sua ideia, que te ajudar a tira-la do papel.Aqui abordamos:1.As 8 aes iniciais de quem quer empreender2.Identificao da oportunidade3.Adaptao do produto oportunidade4.Criao da empresa5.Anlise do mercado consumidor 6.Anlise da concorrncia 7.Estratgias de produo e logstica8.Aes de marketing9.Definio do time10.Clculo dos custos e despesasSe voc assistir os vdeos com concentrao e fizer as lies sugeridas, estar pronto para empreender, com grandes chances de sucesso!INFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ao concluir o curso, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 60 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Treinamento comportamental para profissionais domsticos" |
"Sabemos que atualmente cerca de 80% das demisses tem relao com a falta de postura ou comportamento inadequado do profissional no trabalho. Muitas vezes o trabalhador foca somente na parte tcnica e esquece que suas atitudes tambm esto sendo avaliadas.O objetivo do curso dar dicas teis que ajudaro o profissional domstico no seu relacionamento com a famlia e em sua postura.As dicas so prticas e alinhadas com os desafios destes profissionais, que sero capazes de aplicar cada item do curso na sua rotina.O curso composto por:1. O profissional domstico precisa...2. Dicas de vestimenta3. Como se comportar em eventos4. Como se comportar em viagens5. Dicas de organizao do tempoINFORMAO IMPORTANTE: Ao concluir o curso, no esquea de solicitar seu certificado com a RB Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Ele ir com carga horria de 30 horas, assinatura do docente e chave de autenticao para comprovar sua participao e concluso no curso."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Practical aspects of Presumptive Tax - Sec 44AD, 44ADA, 44AE" |
"In this course, a person will get to learn about the Presumptive Scheme of Taxation for Small Businesses and Professionals. He will also get to understand the distinction between Business and Professional.This course also explains on whether 6%/8%/50% Income is to be disclosed or the actual profit as disclosed in bank statement is to be disclosed."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Voc tambm tem dificuldade para gravar aulas, videos e treinamentos?Acha muito complicado preparar a cmera, udio, iluminao e captura de tela para apresentar suas aulas ao vivo ou gravadas? Passa horas interminveis gravando seu vdeo ou treinamento e no final o resultado insatisfatrio?J pensou em gravar seu treinamento ou vdeo, de uma forma descomplicada e efetivamente mais produtiva? J pensou gravar vdeos ou realizar transmisses ao vivo, com tima qualidade de udio e imagem sem precisar grandes investimentos em equipamentos, apenas com uma webcam,microfone e um computador com windows? Neste treinamento voc ir aprender na prtica como utilizar o software Broadcast XSplit, em sua verso gratuita, para GRAVAR seus vdeos, aulas e cursos completos 2x MAIS RPIDOS, diminuindo consideravelmente o tempo de edio.Voc aprender a realizar transmisses ao vivo, para o Facebook ou Youtube e tambm transmisses simultneas, para as duas plataformas, utilizando o XSPLIT. O XSplit Broadcast um software criado para realizar transmisses ao vivo com alta qualidade de som e imagem e ao mesmo tempo proporciona voc gravar no seu computador vdeos de excelente qualidade, sendo assim uma tima opo para gravar seu treinamento, utilizando um programa em sua verso gratuita. Com esse treinamento, voc ver que possvel com um baixo investimento, produzir vdeos ou treinamentos de alta qualidade de forma descomplicada e at 2x mais rpido que os mtodos tradicionais."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Proteo Digital e Autoral" |
"Neste treinamento voc aprender como proteger seu contedo ou obra autoral. Ao final desse treinamento voc ter noes importantes sobre o que Propriedade Intelectual, Propriedade Industrial, Direitos Autorais, Proteo de Marca, Proteo de Desenho autoral, Como Registrar um Livro ou uma obra, entre outras informaes relacionadas a Propriedade Intelectual."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the Career Management Course for working in the UAE! If your plans for personal advancement and career development include getting a job in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or other parts of the UAE as well as in other Gulf countries, we can help! We're excited about teaching you how to achieve your professional goals and get where you want to be in life! This course is designed to foster effective approaches to developing a career in the up-cycle job market in the UAE, revealing how you can understand local market conditions, and what the local culture expects from you, as well as what it has to offer you. You'll develop an objective, external view of your marketable skills as a solid foundation for building a successful career in a world where the competition for employment is fierce, understanding more clearly what you have to offer employers and how they will perceive your skills. Well show you how creating your own online network of contacts within the target field that interests you will help you keep tabs on the market. You will find out how establishing your profile at LinkedIn and similar professional websites and advertising forums will help you be more visible in the job sectors that are most relevant for you, and how using your contacts in target companies can help you prepare for applying to work there. This includes many Fortune-500 companies that have their regional headquarters for the Middle East and Africa in the hubs of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Learn the importance of researching a company in detail before applying to work for them, gathering knowledge about their products and services, clients and internal organization. You will discover the best ways to make a first impression, identifying appropriate elements to make your resume and cover letter stand out from the crowd and improve the perception of your value at the organization of your choice, thus helping you to get your foot in the door and attract their attention. Well provide you with texts and videos prepared by recruiter and expert in the field of employment in the UAE and the Gulf states that will help you gain more control over managing your future and the road to achieving your goals. In short, whether your aim is to work in industry, commerce, government, hospitality and tourism (so relevant to the Expo 2020 Dubai Worlds Fair) or other fast-growth sectors, this course will help you to prepare for a new job in the attractive, prosperous and expanding business market in the UAE and the Gulf states."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HOW, WHEN & WHY to get your dream job in the Middle East?" |
"It can be overwhelming finding your way around such a completely different culture anyway - but finding your way around a Gulf State job search can be a daunting task without understanding the nuances and quirks that await you out there. Where do you start?Thats where our course comes in. We will take you, step-by-step, through the whole process of making the impression you need to make - to land your dream job here, in the Middle East.Unlike many courses - we concentrate on what makes the difference with UAE jobs - not what you know already. Our course is totally unique and is not something that can be found somewhere on the internet or in books. It is the result of 25 years of experience in recruitment and headhunting in the Middle East where we have seen common mistakes repeated time after time.We have seen so many really great candidates fail because they werent aware of local culture, rules, and regulations - so we created this easy to follow course to hold your hand through those early days until you get used to the way things are done in the Gulf States.Over many years of working in recruitment in the Middle East, we know that job seekers repeat the same mistakes time and time again when they apply for jobs.We have seen really good candidates losing time and money - and in a place like the Gulf, with such expensive living costs - this can be disastrous.Our course is designed to overcome these problems by addressing The lack of knowledge of the Gulf countries labour laws - and covers new rules and regulations which have been brought in and could allow candidates to protect themselves. In any conflict with an employer, candidates often find that they do not know their rights in the country and are totally confused as to how to sort the situation out.The course gives current information about the relevant local laws which will let you avoid common misunderstandings with employers - and make you more confident in the workplace.The lack of market understanding - many candidates are actually signing contracts with salaries so low that they do not even cover their living costs.This course will run through the current state of the job market and give tips on how to negotiate the highest pay possible - for any given job - enabling you to earn good money while working here, and allowing you to save for life while you do.The lack of interviewing skills - most candidates have no idea how other interviewees are answering questions or how the strongest candidates are performing during their interviews and salary negotiations.Our course is the only one which provides benchmarking information so you can compare your performance with others in similar roles. Recruiters do not normally share their results with candidates.We are fortunate in having a headhunter from one of the top 10 recruitment companies in the world as our speaker on this course. During his 25 year career, Matthew Lewis has interviewed thousands of candidates from the weakest to the strongest.Here he shares the best practices in answering questions during interviews, and which strategies to choose when dealing with different formats - from a full, multi-person, panel interview - to an individual interview with a CEO.The lack of prioritising knowledge - setting the wrong priorities for job searches can, ultimately, cost candidates many days of lost time. Looking for jobs on websites with bad reputations, or on those which are completely ineffective is pointless.Many candidates also write resumes/CVs in a way which does not make them visible to the initial job screenings - so they get completely ignored no matter how good the candidate.It is frustrating that such great candidates are losing time and money and do not succeed.The course will save you this time and money by showing you the shortest, and most effective way to find a job and successfully land it.The lack of inside information - there are many other areas - too numerous to mention - where candidates fall down simply because they do not have an insight into what they are doing, and are going in blindly, making mistakes which could be easily avoided with the right guidance.Our course is designed by professionals who are experienced in the field of recruitment in the Middle East and addresses all of the common issues which trip up those who are unprepared.Our comprehensive course will guide you through the maze and give you a top chance of getting your dream job. Sign up today - and lets get you the best jobs in the Middle East."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"EMV Module 1: A beginner's guide to chip card transactions" |
"Begin your journey into the exciting world of EMV with the 1st module of our flagship course 'Fast track to EMV transaction expertise"", and learn how payment chip cards and terminals work. EMV Module 1 is a high-level course that paints the big picture of card payment and teaches how chip cards and payment terminals work.This 1st module is not very technical, and can be taken by anyone who wants to start a journey towards EMV transaction expertise.The EMV Module 1 course starts with the big picture: the non-technical, high-level information. Then students look at how a chip card works and at how a payment terminal works, because it is important to understand how they interact."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Easy English Grammar: All (12) English grammer tense" |
"This course is all (12) tenses in English with examples. You will learn about affirmative, interrogative and negative forms as well as time markers. You'll also see different exercises. Understanding English grammar is key to improving your speaking, writing and test scores. Improve your English in12 Easy Steps! I hope so this video course will really help you to understand English grammar and English tenses much better. Thanks for your support! So you can recommend it to your friends!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Depreciation Accounting & Methods of depreciation" |
"This course enables to understand basic concept of Depreciation on Fixed assets. It covers the various methods of calculating depreciation - Straight Line Method (SLM), Reducing Balance Method (RBM)/ Written Down Value Method (WDV), Sum of Years Digit Method and Annuity Method and corresponding accounting treatment i.e Passing of Journal Entries and Posting of Journal Entries in respective Ledger accounts."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda SQL do ZERO e crie um banco de dados passo-a-passo!!" |
"Ol, tenho 3 perguntas para voc que est buscando uma transformao em sua vida!!!!Voc gostaria de conversar de igual para igual sobre assuntos referentes a Banco de Dados, como chave-primria, chave-estrangeira, relacionamentos entre tabelas e comandos SQL?Deseja conquistar seu primeiro emprego na rea de TI e ainda no tem segurana quando o assunto Banco de Dados?J trabalha na rea de TI, mas sofre quando o assunto Banco de Dados e seus relacionamentos?Se voc respondeu SIM a uma ou mais perguntas acima, esse curso para VOC!!! Vou te conduzir passo a passo em todas as fases, da leitura e entendimento dos requisitos at a construo do modelo fsico no banco de dados. Voc ainda ir implementar o Banco de Dados em dois SGBD (Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados) :No SQL-Server, que um Banco de dados muito utilizado por empresas;No Access, onde voc ter uma outra viso de um Banco de Dados mais simples e acessvel para pequenas aplicaes.Nesta nossa jornada apresentarei e aplicarei na prtica os principais comandos SQL. Tenho tanta certeza que te ajudarei nesta sua jornada, que te darei uma garantia de 30 dias. Simples assim!!!! Se voc achar que o meu treinamento no agregou valor para voc, basta requisitar a garantia de 30 dias, que devolvo seu investimento.Qualquer dvida que voc tiver quando estiver fazendo o curso, basta me perguntar que terei prazer em te ajudar. A prpria UDEMY fornece este canal de comunicao, ficando bem mais fcil nosso contato.Vamos l adquirir mais um conhecimento? Te espero no curso!!!!Ateno: O curso bsico e introdutrio, se voc um expert em banco de dados, esse curso no para voc!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Drawing For Painters" |
"Drawing for Painters covers the skills that every painter needs. This course addresses the common problems artists encounter. Your instructor, Desiree Holmes Scherini, is an artist and arts instructor, recognized as a top painting instructor, she has been teaching drawing and painting since 2003. In this course she takes you through lessons just as she would in her classroom, with easygoing presentation full of valuable information. Here you have your private lessons to use whenever needed, with instructional drawings provided in resources to download and use. This course will give you the tools to start right and move quickly to a successful painting!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Programlamaya Giri: Sfrdan C++ Eitimi" |
"Bu kursun amac, sizlerde programlamann temel mantn oluturmak ve Orta derece C++ programlama dilini renmenizi salamaktr. Kursu verimli bir ekilde bitirip, ileri seviye programlamaya gei yaparak attnz bu salam adm en gzel ekilde tamamlayn.-lk defa programlama dnyasna giri yapacaklar-Baka bir dil bilip ek olarak C++ renmek isteyenler-niversitelerin C++ ile verilen Programlamaya Giri dersine ek kaynak arayanlarKursumuza hi vakit kaybetmeden balayabilirsiniz...STUDVLPRS kodu ile eitim serimizi 24,99'a satn alabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |