Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica - TODO en UNO" |
"Aprende las nociones bsicas de los Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica. Te ensear a desarrollar mapas desde el principio, visualiza, crea, descarga y edita datos vectoriales y raster!! Te ayudaremos a dominar el diseo de impresin a la perfeccin. Genera mapas temticos (Modelo Digital del Terreno MDT, Mtodos de Interpolacin, Anlisis de Pendientes, Anlisis Hidrolgico, Perfiles Topogrficos. Clculo de Volumen, Anlisis de Cobertura Vegetal NDVI, y ms!!)Un curso interactivo, fcil de entender y completo. Disfruta de mltiples tareas que te ayudarn a practicar y recordar cada funcin, APRENDE HACIENDO.Todo lo que necesitas para empezar en el mundo de los SIG/GIS lo tienes aqu!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro - Learn easy!" |
"Learn how to use the tools provided by ArcGIS Pro, starting from scratch.This course include, the basic of ArcGIS Pro; data edition, methods to selection of spatial data based in attributes and location and creation of bookmarks. Then, we include digitization of shapefiles, addition and digitizing layers, editing attribute and column attributes.You will learnt to use symbology within features and labeling of points, lines and polygons. Includes buffer analyisis, import of Excel data and georeference of images.To share data you will learn how to share data online and generate final maps.Includes step by step excercises in the AulaGEO environment."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Take Charge of Your Health!" |
"In this course you will learn what health is and why it's so important for all aspects of your life:Finances, relationships, connection to a higher power as well as physically and mentally feeling great. Find out:What sugar is doing to your bodyWhy some fats are absolutely vitalWhy low fat and fat free need to get out of your kitchenWhat happens when unhealthy fat and sugar get togetherA4 day experiment to determine what protein sources are best for youHow to use food prep as a toolHow to create a magic plateStart to uncover the reasons you keep falling back on old habits"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Science for Primary Level - Air Pressure EP.1" |
"Introduction of air pressure. Basic knowledge about the air around us is the unseen, but we can touch it.The element of air, the properties of the air, the importance of the air and air pressure.Introduction of Air PressureWater Balloon ExperimentHalf Sphere of Magdeburg ExperimentMagic Inverted Water Cup ExperimentAir Pressure InnovationInspire the students all over the world. Through innovation related to Air Pressure and encourage kids to have the power for learning science that related with Air pressure topic.The innovation have appeared in the sci-fi movie that make kid excited to learn science and not boring any more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
shikiho-bunseki |
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Oil Painting - Learn The Zorn Limited Color Palette" |
"Do you struggle on painting portraits that have a realistic skin tones and colors that famous artists are able to paint?Join artist and instructor Waltteri Reunamo for an inspiring 45-minute-class on learning how to use the world-famous Zorn limited color palette for your oil painting and sketching. Using the Zorn Palette is the best way to learn how to oil paint realistic skin tones for portrait and figure paintings and it works with only four tubes of oil paint! It is used all around the world by portrait and figure oil painters with different skill levels, from beginners to professionals.This course includes a demo painting and color mixing with commentaries. See how the palette is used in actual portrait painting and get insightful tips. This course will improve your color handling and portrait drawing and painting by eliminating from the workflow all the complicated color theories and dozens of oil paint tubes that often get artists really confused. Join in and see for yourself how easy painting realistic skin tones and portraits can be!What other customers are saying about this course:""I found this course full of interesting bits of information that will help me while learning how to mix paint colors. Very good explanation, straight to the point."" - Pini K. ""Very well done and helpful art workshop. Clear-cut and to the point in explanations. Beautiful portrait paintings displaying the Zorn method by the artist. Very worthwhile and high-quality workshop. Thanks!"" - Jane M.Join in now and learn the art of Zorn Limited Color Palette!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Training du chien-mdiateur" |
"Ce cours a t cre par Irina Andryushchenko-Basquin, psychologue et zoothrapeute.18 vidos contiennent des techniques d'apprentissage des chiens-mdiateurs, dmontres sur un chiot et accompagnes par des conseils et des prcisions propres la Mdiation Animale.Une vido intitule ""Comment construire un atelier"" contient des conseils professionnels concernant le choix d'exercices mettre en place (30exercices concrtes)."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Build a Professional, Responsive Business WP Website: FAST!" |
"Welcome to this Professional, Responsive, Business Web-Design Course,It's great to have you here. Before signing up, I have a few questions for you:Are you looking to build your own professional business website?Do you have a Wix or Squarespace website, but are fed-up with the fees & cost of add ons?Have you tried building a website before using YouTube or other courses, but failed at the first hurdle due to complex hosting, startup fees or lack of quality/indepth information?Are you tired of searching through expensive themes and content packages, only to find that they look nothing like the sales page reflected?Do you want to have complete control over the content your own website and the freedom to update and upload content whenever you want?Are you ready to understand just how simple & liberating designing your own website can be?If you have answered 'Yes' to any of the above, I believe that this course will be perfect for you!Welcome to the course, I can't wait to see your incredible website designs!In the course we will cover:Lecture 2 - Choosing & purchasing a custom domain nameLecture 3 - Selecting & purchasing web hosting for your website & professional emailLecture 4 - Creating & launching website via the web hosting serverLecture 5 - Customising & editing website to reflect your brand, ownership & copyrightLecture 6 - Optimising your website for Google Search (Basic SEO)Lecture 7 - Integrating a contact page into your website & linking pages using buttonsLecture 8 - Incorporating a blog into your website & creating categorised postsI have also included 3x EXCLUSIVE EXTRAS:Exclusive Extra 1: Create a FREE LOGO from scratchExclusive Extra 2: Access, download & use free, high-quality CC0 Licensed stock imagesExclusive Extra 3: Create a Google & Gmail account and Professional Business Email"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo o Pensamento Computacional com Python" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso Desenvolvendo o Pensamento Computacional com Python, pensado e produzido para professores do ensino bsico.O objetivo do curso auxiliar professores do ensino bsico a desenvolverem o Pensamento Computacional proposto pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC).O curso ir abranger os seguintes tpicos:Instalao (somente em ambiente Windows) e utilizao de um ambiente de programao (IDE)Entrada e sada de dadosManipulao de variveisUtilizao de operadores lgicos e aritmticosTrabalhar com tipos de dados: inteiro, float, String, BooleanOperaes com stringsEstruturas condicionais (if, elif, else) Estruturas de repetio (for, while) Trabalhar com lista e dicionriosPara ilustrar os conceitos apresentados e exercitar os itens de aprendizagem, so utilizados somente assuntos que se relacionam com os componentes curriculares da educao bsica.Pblico alvo:Professores do ensino bsicoGestores de escolas do ensino bsicoEstudantes de licenciaturaPessoas com interesse em Educao e inovaoPessoas com interesse em incorporar o pensamento computacional ao currculo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Smart Maps In Python and Leaflet" |
"Welcome to theSmart Map In Python Tutorial Series. In this tutorial serieswe'll be building a python GIS application from scratch using a variety of opensource technologies. The purpose of this tutorial and many more to follow, is totake geospatial analytics and convert it into a functional application.We will be powering our application with a PostgreSQL and PostGIS database. Inthe front-end we'll use Bootstrap, JavaScript and Ajax. On the server side we'll beusing Python 3 Django combined with use of scientific libraries like pandas, forour data transformation and conversion operations. The operating system that wewill be working on is Ubuntu Linux 16.04."
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
Matematik-Mantik |
"9.snf matematik dersinin ilk konusudur.nerme nedir ,balalarla nasl bileik nerme olur.Felsefe dersi nermeler konusunda yardmc olacak bir nitedir.Felsefe dersinde nerme konusu ilenirken nermeler nitesi tekrarlanmaldr.Bu konuda nermenin tanm nermenin rneklerle anlatlmas,bileik nerme balalar ( ve,veya,ise,yada,ise ancak ve ancak koullu nermesi) ,bileik nerme balalar ile ilemler ,ak nermenin tanm.Tanm ,teorem,aksiyon,spat eitleri hakknda bilgi iermektedir."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Geometri - Doruda Alar" |
"9.snf genler nitesinde geometri renme alanna sahip olan; gende temel kavramlar, gende elik ve benzerlik, gende yardmc elemanlar, dik gen ve trigonometri ve gende alanlar, bu kursta renilir.Geometri merakllar, geometriyi tmyle renmek isteyenler, lise rencileri, ortaokul 8.snf rencileri, niversite ve lisansst snavlar ile lise giri snavna hazrlananlar iindir.Kurs, videolarn yanndasnav hazrlk sorular, yazlya hazrlk videolar ve devler iermektedir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
manager-x10 |
", ? "" "", ? ? - , ? 99%, 1% , ,, , ,, . 1% ? 100 -, . 9999 . ! 99%. , ."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Java EE Programlama Eitim Seti" |
"Java Web teknolojileri ile Kurumsal projeler gelitirmeye bir adm yaklamanz salayacaksnz. Java EE bileenlerine ayak basacaksnz.Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Persistence API (JPA) ,Web Servis Mimarsini (JAX-RS) ,Dependency Injection (DI), Enterprise Java Bean (EJB), Java Server Faces (JSF), Maven, Bootstrap, Wildfly, MySQL Teknolojileri ile tanacak ve reneceksiniz. bu eitimi tamamlandnzda Kendiniz kurumsal projeler oluturabileceksiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master CPA Marketing in 1Hour, Step-By-Step! Real Case !" |
"Cost Per Action (CPA) Marketing is a affiliate model where a commission is paid when a user takes a specific action. These actions include filling out a form, getting a quote, signing up for a trial, or making a purchase.Why CPA?There are two main reasons that I prefer CPA over banner ads, Adsense, and most other affiliate marketing strategies.1. Higher on the Value ChainTo make the most money from your site, you want to gethigh up on the value chain.2. Integrated AdvertisingThe other nice thing about CPA is that you dont need to disfigure your site with ugly Adsense blocks or banner ads.As youll see later, you can seamlessly integrate CPA offers into your site.This means you run a legit branded site while benefiting from out-of-this-world CTR and commissions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LEED Green Associate l Practice Tests for LEED v4.1 GA" |
"Our online practice tests give everyone a user friendly simulation of the LEED Green Associate exam experience. It provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with green design principals. In addition, students receive feedback of their comprehension of sustainability principles with live scoring and explanations. Our LEED Green Associate practice tests are a functional replica of the GBCIs credential exam for the LEED Green Associate professional accreditation."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Spanish: Practical Tools for Everyday Interactions" |
"If you are looking to learn Spanish in a hurry, this is the course for you!Journey along with Maestra Marissa and your fellow estudiante Roberto to learn the building blocks of espaol or the Spanish language. At the end of this course you will be able to engage in basic conversations around various practical topics such as telling or asking for time or shopping for groceries and you will also be able to leisurely describe objects and/or activities. This beginner's course will include lectures, activities, flashcards, worksheets and resources to reinforce all that you have learned! Within a matter of hours you will be able to speak, read, write and comprehend Spanish!No previous exposure to Spanish is required. This course is for all who are new to the Spanish language! Lesson includes lectures, activities, flashcards, resources, video animations, quizzes and more.Over three ours of course content that is updated weekly.Both academic material, fun activities and exciting mini-trips with Roberto and Marissa to various locations!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)" |
"The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. This course will provide you with general information that will assist you in recognizing coverage eligibility requirements of employees, identify the responsibilities of employers, employee responsibilities and protections offered under the FMLA, eligibility for Airline Flight Crew employees, and Military members."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Python Desde 0 Hasta Hacking - MSTER En Hacking con Python" |
"Aprende desde lo ms bsico del lenguaje de Python hasta darle un enfoque al Hacking.No importa si tienes o no conocimientos previos en el tema, ac aprenders todo lo necesario, desde tu primer ""Hola Mundo"" hasta la construccin y diseo de herramientas como backdoors que mantengan acceso en un sistema operativo, herramientas que se encarguen de validar la seguridad en aplicaciones, el desarrollo de poderosos Scanners de red, aplicaciones que sean capaces de interactuar con sitios o hasta que realicen bsquedas de dispositivos conectados a internet a travs del API de Shodan y mucho ms!.Y eso es solo un poco de lo que aprenderemos, la subida de nuevo contenido es constante y se tiene como objetivo hacer de este curso el ms completo para la habla hispana sobre el Hacking con Python. Pero desde luego, una vez que hayas culminado este curso, podrs darle el enfoque que tu desees!No te pierdas la oportunidad de dominar este lenguaje lo suficiente para seguir avanzando en tu nivel de programador y auditor de seguridad. :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
production-of-corporate-content |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"IELTS AEHelp and GIELTSHelp" |
"World-class IELTS preparation for Academic and General Modules. Our company helps more than 100,000 students everyday train to pass the IELTS. The course includes Six original practice exams with audio for the Listening Section as well as the Reading and Speaking section. There are over 20 hours of professional video lessons with tips, skills and strategies that are proven to work for the test. The materials are designed with educational psychology and test engineering in mind. They are integrated to help you improve not only your English vocabulary and grammar, but also effective communication skills for speaking and writing. Learn with the best IELTS materials, start with us today."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create Virtual Meeting Rooms And Web Classes" |
"You will be able to create Virtual Meetings / Web Classes in your own website without having to write a single line of code.You will be able to start your Live Online Teaching & Tutoring Program, host Remote Guest Speaker Sessions, Virtual Office hours and Lead Remote Teams.It allows you to create and manage live online meetings to interact with your clients."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Come creare scenari epici con la tecnica del Matte Painting" |
"Il Corso rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliono realizzare illustrazioni utilizzando tecniche di compositing con Adobe Photoshop. Impareremo le tecniche fondamentali del Matte Painting e scopriremo come utilizzarle professionalmente per creare illustrazioni dal grande impatto visivo. Durata Totale: 2,5 ore - Lingua: italiano.CONTENUTI DELCORSOSettaggio specifiche del ProgettoImportazione del Materiale Gerarchia dei livelli Tecniche di scontorno Utilizzo dei Pennelli Lavorare con le MaschereTecniche di Fusione tra i LivelliTecniche di creazione di Luci e OmbreCorrezione Colore e Curve Tonali"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learn biology for NEET and AIIMS. Get notes question & atlus" |
"After the acquisition of certificate course from Kanpur I.I.T. in Foreign Language, he handled the medical aspirants in various branches of Delhi Public School in India and also monitored an online project in GYAN SEVA TRUST Chandigarh. Taken satellite classes in entire regions of Punjab for PUNJAB EDU BOARD. Has experience of many years in botany teaching at Aakash Institute New Delhi. Taught Botany to medical aspirants in Career Point Kota. Has been Founder biology faculty in the Pre-medical division of Bansal classes. Authored many books of biology for NEET for international Cengage publication. Another book authored by him is KOTA QUESTION BANK from GRB publications. And from S.CHAND it is objective biology bilingual. He has acquired teaching experience of more than 16 years while serving at ALEEN (Kota), Aakash Institute (New Delhi), Bansal classes (Kota), Resonance (Kota), Career point (Kota)."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aspectos farmacolgicos da depresso e relao com Suicdio" |
"Neste curso voc ver uma abordagem integrada sobre o histrico, etiologia, fisiopatologia, farmacologia e diagnstico da depresso. Tambm, sair apto a tomar aes de preveno ao suicdio. Aps a concluso do curso, os profissionais estaro aptos a tomar as decises mais adequadas com relao ao acompanhamento do paciente de depresso, em questes que envolvem o diagnstico e tratamento do mesmo. Nos ltimos anos, notvel o nmero cada vez maior de pesquisas sobre os transtornos mentais. No para menos: estes transtornos afetam cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo e ainda esto longe de ser completamente entendidos. A Depresso a doena que lidera o ranking das doenas mentais, pelo nmero de pessoas afetadas e os efeitos negativos provocados sobre os indivduos acometidos.O Transtorno Depressivo Maior, tambm chamado popularmente de Depresso, tido como o mal do sculo. Atualmente, estima-se que em torno de 20% da populao mundial apresentar ao menos um episdio deste mal durante a vida. Sabe-se tambm que o nmero de indivduos deprimidos hoje 18% maior do que era h 10 anos atrs. Para agravar a situao, muitos indivduos deprimidos no so corretamente diagnosticados ou no respondem bem ao tratamento farmacolgico proposto, o que piora drasticamente sua qualidade de vida e aumenta a probabilidade de tentativas de suicdio. Por isso, imprescindvel que os profissionais da sade estejam bem informados e preparados para lidar adequadamente com esta doena.Este curso foi cuidadosamente estruturado de uma forma didtica em 8 mdulos, para trazer todas as informaes necessrias para que mdicos, psiclogos, enfermeiros e farmacuticos possam lidar adequadamente com seus pacientes de depresso. O curso dirigido tambm para aquelas pessoas que gostariam apenas de conhecer um pouco mais sobre depresso e suicdio. As aulas trazem o histrico e a epidemiologia da doena, discutem os aspectos psicolgicos dos pacientes, apresentam conceitos de fisiopatologia e tratamento farmacolgico at chegar em uma discusso e preveno ao suicdio. Essa abordagem integrada e inovadora vai muito alm dos conhecimentos apresentados nos cursos de graduao, proporcionando aos profissionais da sade um entendimento amplo e detalhado do transtorno. As aulas tm um carter tcnico, compilando as mais recentes descobertas cientficas, esclarecendo e derrubando alguns mitos que ainda envolvem o assunto. "
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de tempo definitiva - como aumentar sua produtividade" |
"Tempo e vida so a mesma coisa: se voc quer conquistar seu espao e fazer a diferena, precisa saber usar o RECURSO TEMPO eficientemente para atingir seus objetivos pessoais e profissionais, alm de aumentar a satisfao com as atividades do dia-a-dia.Os professores do curso so doutores em engenharia (antes dos 30 anos!), e aps anos lecionando no ensino superior perceberam que o mercado prefere os alunos que conseguem fazer um uso inteligente do tempo aos que somente tiram boas notas.Por exemplo: voc sabia que a Google e a Apple no esto mais exigindo diploma de ensino superior para contratar funcionrios?! As inovadoras e bilionrias empresas entenderam que a educao tradicional no est mais dando conta do recado, e tem focado mais nas HABILIDADES e REALIZAES das pessoas do que em seus currculos. O mercado de trabalho da era digital muda muito rpido, e IMPRESCINDVEL possuir habilidades para acompanhar essas mudanas e obter sucesso.Por isso criamos esse curso, organizando o conhecimento aprendido e pesquisado de vrias fontes, alm de experimentados e testados por ns e vrias outras pessoas. Nosso objetivo fazer com que o material seja o mais didtico e direto ao ponto possvel, alm de ser o mais completo sobre o assunto no Brasil.O intuito do curso que voc possa, sem enrolao, aprender e aplicar conceitos, tcnicas e ferramentas j testadas sobre gesto de tempo. Tomar melhores decises a respeito do nosso recurso mais valioso imprescindvel para que voc seja protagonista da sua vida. Mas no s isso: este curso tambm ir te ensinar a treinar e liderar equipes mais produtivas: outra habilidade importantssima se quiser se bem-sucedido no sculo XXI, a liderana para resoluo de problemas!So 16 aulas organizadas em quatro grandes blocos: conceitos sobre o tempo como recurso, aspectos fisiolgicos da gesto de tempo, tcnicas e ferramentas prticas e mentalidade da melhoria contnua para melhor uso do tempo. Alm disso, ns levamos a questo didtica muito a srio tambm. No existe gesto de tempo apenas com teoria, necessrio prtica. por isso que o curso foi estruturado de uma forma que voc j possa sair aplicando os conhecimentos adquiridos imediatamente aps o trmino de cada aula. Ao final de cada aula, ento, ser proposta uma atividade, para que voc coloque em prtica o que aprendeu no curso. As atividades propostas possuem flexibilidade para que voc possa adaptar s suas necessidades especficas.Temos certeza que o curso te far um exmio gestor de tempo e um lder para que possa motivar e ensinar outras pessoas a tambm serem mais produtivas. Porm, de novo, preciso que voc aplique os conhecimentos aprendidos ao longo do curso. O que voc ganha em troca?Valorizao de currculo, capacidade de organizar e eficientizar processos e equipes, aumento da produtividade (nossos alunos sempre se destacam dentro do mercado), aumento da qualidade de vida pessoal e dos familiares, atravs de um melhor entendimento e uso do recurso tempo."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"Investieren in Hochdividendenwerte" |
"Geldanlagen mit hohen und stabilen Barrenditen sowie quartalsweisen oder gar monatlichen Ausschttungen stellen einen wirksamen Hebel fr ein automatisiertes, lebenslanges und regelmiges Kapitaleinkommen dar. Hochdividendenwerte ebnen auch Durchschnittsverdienern deutlich vor dem Renteneintrittsalter einen gangbaren Weg zur finanziellen Unabhngigkeit. Als der Fachmann fr Hochdividendenwerte im deutschsprachigen Raum vermittle ich im Onlinekurs Investieren in Hochdividendenwerte alle notwendigen Grundlagen zum selbstndigen Auf- und Ausbau eines Portfolios ausschttungsstarker Geldanlagen eben einer ganz persnlichen Hochdividendenrente!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Numerical Methods in EXCEL/VBA PROGRAMING" |
"Numerical modeling is a very powerful branch of mathematics. It is capable to solve very complex problems using very simple techniques. It is a branch that can differentiate and integral without the need to use any of the sometimes complex differentiation and integration rules. It can create best fit models with just knowing a data set. It can create functions where the only thing we know is its derivative and a condition. And best of all, it can generate approximations that have such a low percentage error that they are as good as the true value. But...There is a limitation to numerical methods. They depend of iterative calculations. If for example you want an approximation with a low error, for example 0.001%, this will require a large amount of calculations which can be sometimes impossible to do by hand not to mention tedious. This is where programming comes in.In this course I will walk you through not only the workings of each technique but a step by step process on how to program each of these techniques and preform hundreds if not thousands of calculations with a click of a button using one of the most powerful softwares created, EXCEL. And I'll be using excel's inbuilt programming language, VBA. The great thing about programming languages is they all follow the same programming structure, sequence, repetition and decision making. Meaning, if you know one language you can learn another very easily by just knowing how these structures are defined in the new language. In this course you'll have a very good grasp of these structure so if you decide to learn another language afterwards it will be very easy. This project was a means for me to give back and contribute. I hope you find some value in this course. Thank you and Enjoy!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bestseller Digital marketing course online + Facebook ads" |
"(PRIME FEATURE:- Fastest results with ""Free"" 365*24*7 PRO consultation...(Learn from the World's top 100 awarded digital marketing expert)A whole new level of Facebook ads & Facebook marketing (A TO Z) with advanced growth hacks (Which only PROS know but nobody will tell you)Upgrade your analytics game with in depth coverage on google analytics reports (A TO Z).Get instant results with 80% success rate of Chatbots using my Hyper targeted futuristic pro course on Manychat Chatbots (A TO Z).Achieve 1 Million+ subscribers on YouTube with my Laser focused course on YouTube Marketing.Get 10,000+ followers & sales from Instagram with my Advance hacks on Instagram marketing.Free access to a high converting sales funnel with proven results.Direct access to a well renowned digital marketing expert.(Mohammad Khan)No more overwhelming stuff, no more random strategies, its a completely interconnected system.No more wastage of time & money. Ask me anything, all your queries, all the what, why & how's will be clarified LIVE...)What our top students are saying:-Youssef kachtib says ""As begginer in this field find this course very helpful""Vaibhav Singh says ""Best Facebook & Bot Marketing course, it is useful""Margarie says ""I like it for sure, a complete marketing system with brilliant detailing & examples.""Ramjas Yadav says ""Feeling confident about my marketing skills like never before, lots of doubts have been cleared. Mohammad makes marketing really easy.""Bikas Ranabhat & Seguer soumia ""they both agree that the content is top notch"".Milos Gavranovic asks for more clarity in speaking, which is immediately solved by Mohammad & overall Milos really enjoys the course.Andrei kolozsvari says ""Very good! Exactly what I needed to boost sales on my new webshop"".This Digital marketing online course gives a full proof marketing strategy step by step starting from the very beginning to advance strategies like:-How to come up with a digital marketing idea.Creating a marketing campaign for yourself or client.How to create a sales funnel for different products & services.Super strong in-depth coverage on facebook marketing & facebook ads like:Learn how long should you run a facebook ad?How to find whether you should stop running ad?How many people should see your ad before you make a decision about your ad?Important factors to decide the success or failure of an ad?How to find the budget for your ad campaign?Find when to change the copy of your ad creative?What is the minimum budget required to run facebook ads?What is the avg CTR of ads industry?How many times a person should see your ad before he actually notices it?This & lot more crazy stuff which you won't find anywhere else.Chase your audience where they live with an extremely powerful coverage on Manychat chatbots.Conversion rate optimization, link building & customer acquisition to increase conversion rate.Social media marketing strategies.(including Google & Facebook ads).Email marketing (Creating email sequence, email copywriting).Using Organic & paid marketing to get more sales.SEO, Blogging & content marketing to bring highly targeted traffic.Use storytelling (step by step system) to engage your blog audience.Connect & work with influencers & big brands with secret public relations and influencer marketing tactics. 100+ secret marketing tools (FREE) to make your life easier.Learn complete marketing analytics with complete google analytics reporting.Till now you might have understand that this online course covers a lot on digital marketing but only the stuff which brings results. No bluff, only high quality stuff, which works in today's date.This course is designed in such a way that you don't need any college degree or prior experience to start with it.Who can join this digital marketing online course:- Highly recommended for e-commerce, dropshippers, social media marketers & small businesses.If you're a mom who wants to earn from home while taking care of kids.If you're a teenage looking to enter into online entrepreneurship & earn from the internet.If you're just looking for an extra source of income to pay your bills.If you're a big dreamer looking to enter into serious online business & make real money, you're at the right place.If you're a freelancer or a work from home expert, then you should definitely try this once & you'll forget about that workload forever.Tried different online courses but nothing worked, let me tell you this stuff is trusted by many pros of the industry so your success chances are extremely high.If you're a PRO marketer, I BET you'll learn a whole lot of new stuff...keep learning, keep growing.You'll also get these free resources:- Lifetime 365*24*7 support by Mohammad. (Exclusive offer, no other instructor offering this). Lifetime Access to this 'digital marketing online course + facebook ads'. Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section. Direct access to the instructor for your work & future client projects. Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download. A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Get the most out of this digital marketing online course by going through each chapter step by step & then doing everything by yourself, then check your growth by yourself, you'll feel the change & confidence yourself.No need to worry! Just follow these steps to get a head start and if you get stuck i'm available 365*24*7 days, ask me anything and that too live.(Note: For best experience, Learn in a peaceful environment & use headphones/earphones to listen to these lectures)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Presto: La gua completa para confeccionar tus presupuestos" |
"Presto es un software de gestin de costos desarrollado especficamente para la industria de la construccin por Rib Spain. Sin duda, dominar este programa te ayudara a mejorar significativamente el desempeo de tus proyectos de construccin desde la confeccin del presupuesto, hasta las certificaciones y el posterior control de costos.Este curso esta orientado a introducirte en el ambiente de Presto. Presto es un programa que abarca todas las necesidades de tus proyectos de construccin, debido a esto tiene muchas funciones que iremos conociendo paso a paso. Por supuesto, no abarcaremos todas, pero si las necesarias para que puedas confeccionar tus presupuestos, manejar tu base de datos, hacer el calculo de cantidades de tus obras, registrar las certificaciones de avance y ver y modificar levemente los informes con fines de personalizarlos. Tambin aprenderemos a desplazarnos por la interfaz de usuario de presto, como personalizar el entorno de trabajo para que este se adapte a nuestra metodologa de trabajo.Confeccionaremos un EDT y un presupuesto de un cerramiento perimetral, lo que nos permitir poner a prueba todas las herramientas de las que dispone presto para la confeccin de nuestros presupuestos.""Este es un entrenamiento totalmente prctico""Veremos como estructurar una base de datos, lo que nos ser til en todos los proyectos futuros ya que nos ahorra bastante tiempo cuando tenemos todas nuestras organizadas en categoras y sub-categoras de fcil acceso.Ademas, aprenderemos sobre los informes y sobre como podemos modificarlos para personalizarlos agregndoles nuestra informacin profesional y una imagen como logos de nuestra empresa o personal.""LUEGO DE ESTE ENTRENAMIENTO TENDRS TOTAL CAPACIDAD PARA CONFECCIONAR LOS PRESUPUESTOS DE TUS PROYECTOS EN PRESTO DE MANERA RPIDA Y EFICIENTE""Inscribete Ya!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Produtos para Revenda - Como Vender Sem Estoque" |
"No Curso Produtos para Revenda, Voc vai Conquistar a Liberdade que Deseja para Trabalhar em Qualquer Lugar do Mundo Somente com a Conexo da internet e Sem Precisar de Estoque Fsico.Voc vai Aprender de Forma Prtica:* Revenda Qualquer Produto de Qualquer Nicho Sem Precisar de Estoque* Realize Muitas Vendas Sem Precisar de Loja Virtual ou Site* Aprenda Vender na Internet Sem Precisar de Conhecimento Tcnico*Use Sua Criatividade para Se Tornar um Empreendedor de SucessoEntre J para a Turma de Empreendedores Digitais!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |