Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"This course describes how to install and configure Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database server, and PHP, known collectively as the AMP stack, on a local development computer. I have covered different installation approaches, including installing the components separately on Windows, macOS, and Linux.Then I have created a new website includes these technologies together, We've started from this website from scratch, beginning from mapping the cycle of the website, creating the structure of the web pages, creating database tables, adding styles to web pages, and adding PHP scripts to web pages.Finally, we've introduced an overview of the web hosting and the important types of it, then we've registered to a free web hosting for uploading and publishing our website.There is a lot to cover, let's jump inside."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Solaris 11.4 Virtualization" |
"This course for any oracle developer wants to set up a complete Oracle software on a Solaris system. I've covered not just how installing the Oracle software, but I've explained and demonstrated everything in details. In this course, we're going to include the complete installation of Oracle Solaris 11.4, Oracle Solaris Repository, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 18c, Oracle Database 18c, and Oracle JDeveloper 12c. Each section has prepared in a sequence to make everything easy to follow. Also, I've uploaded a zip file contains all the scripts and commands that we've used during the course."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"La abundancia a travs de Freedom Healing" |
"Este curso se compone de 33 clases terico-prcticas de 10 minutos de duracin.En cada clase activars un potencial espiritual, una llave energtica que te va a permitir resolver problemas y activar virtudes.A travs de un ejercicio de meditacin de 5 minutos, vas a poder conectarte con tu sabidura interior y volverte un ser mas sano, creativo y feliz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rest API Automation using RestSharp and .NET" |
"This course will provide you automation solutions for API Testing using SpecFlow, RestSharp, Nunit and C# .Net and other automation stuff that allow you to create your own automation framework using different language like .NET and Java. This course have step by step automation framework setup so that it will be easy to create your automation solution."
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Intro to Construct 3 - Build a Platformer" |
"Get up and running fast with one of the most popular and user-friendly game engines of all time: Construct 3. This project-based course will teach you the essentials of Construct 3, building your confidence so that you feel empowered to create your own games.In this course, you will build a classically-inspired Platform-style game using freely available digital assets. Instructional videos and a comprehensive, step-by-step project guide are included to support you, however you learn best. More than mere monkey-see-monkey-do video lectures, this course includes a variety of activities aimed at personalizing your learning experience, e.g., hands-on Game Design challenges, WebQuests focused on exploring Construct 3's vast online resources, periodic checks for understanding in the form of quizzes, etc. This course proudly features digital assets by Kenney!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overview of Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe)" |
"Brief introduction about Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) and also it presents the PCIe fundamentals and essentials. Also it provides information about PCIe architecture, topology and terminology. Also it details the components like root complex, endpoint, switch and pcie to pci/pci-x bridge. Also it presents the information about PCIe layering with detailed Transaction Layer Packet Information."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Serial Peripheral Interface - NXP Kinetis KL25, MAX7219" |
"This course presents brief overview about Serial Peripheral Interface and describes about Kinetis KL25 SPIModule Register set and initialization sequence. Then it describes about the MAX7219, 8 digit LEDdisplay interface. Then practical hardware and software implementation of interfacing details along with demo program. It describes about the hardware pin interfacing of Kinetis KL25 like PTD0 ( SS ), PTD1 ( SCK ), PTD2 ( MOSI ) and PTD3 ( MISO )."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bare Metal Programming Kinetis KL25 ARM Cortex-M0+ Processor" |
"1. ARM Cortex-M0+ Processor Architecture and Bus Models2. Kinetis KL25 Micro Controller3. MCUXpresso IDE and NXP Kinetis KL25 Freedom Development Platform4. General Purpose Input Output5. Interrupt Handling, Vectors and Service Routine6. Timer (KL25 Low Power Timer, Periodic Interrupt Timer )7. DHT11 Temperature / Humidity Sensor8. Analog to Digital Convertor9. MH MQ-2 Gas Sensor10. Inter Integrated Circuit Interface11. MMA8451 Accelerometer12. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter13. USB-UART TTL Interface and Teraterm access"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The Manager's Mindset" |
"The Managers Mindset provides an original way to look at building management skills. It focuses on teaching new and developing managers to think and approach problems like an effective manager. It covers six areas/attributes that are foundational to management success. These include: understanding the management role (the transition from individual contributor); goal-setting and accountability; navigating changing relationships; communication; self-awareness (are the messages youre sending the ones your employees are receiving?); and knowing where to get help when you need it. The course uses cases to illustrate common issues for new managers, with questions for reflection 1) about the cases and 2) related to your own management experience."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Manage Difficult Employees" |
"Successfully managing difficult employees is an important management challenge. It can sapmanagement time and energy, and cause stress and anxiety. This course provides a logical framework to help managers approach emotionally-charged employee situations in an unemotional, businesslike way. It describes why it's important to assess employee talent levels and understand employee motivations. It discusses the importance of managing someone ""up or out,"" the reasons for diligent documentation, and the need to adhere closely to company policies in delicate personnel matters. The course includes management cases, plus questions for reflection."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como tirar suas metas do papel" |
"Voc j parou para pensar que o ano comea e termina e voc no conseguiu realizar tudo o que se props no ano anterior?No consegue identificar o real motivo que te leva a no evoluir em seus desejos e aspiraes? De uma forma bem dinmica vamos lhe fornecer contedo e ferramentas, para que voc identifique e coloque em prtica suas metas e sonhos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"CCSK(v4.0)-Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge Tests" |
"Certification Information: CCSK: Certificate of Cloud Security KnowledgeGoverning Body: Cloud Security AllianceCredibility: CCSK is currently one of the sought after certifications in Cloud Security.Benefits: Free preparation materials.CSA's Security Guidance for critical areas of focus in cloud computing V4.0, the ENISA guideNo CPE required, No recertification required, No annual fees or certificate maintenance, No experience requirements, No expiration date,Its vendor independent.Attempt exam from anywhere.Official Exam InformationTotal number of questions: 60Time allowed: 90 minsPass percentage: 80%Number of attempts allowed per token: 2Cost of the certification, 1 token: $395, Effective December 1, 2017CCSK exam tokens are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. The questions are framed based on my experience with the exam. I took the exam on July 2018 and scored a 95%. Pl refer my linked-in Page for my experience with the exam. The sets of the questions are not from the exam, but are from my experience on what type or questions were asked in the exam. I can say, I have tried my best to make the practice test a true reflection of the types of question asked in the exam. The benefits of the practice test are as below.Non-repeated 190 questions.Question framed on different modules wise.Question analysis can be viewed on domain wise.All the question framed keeping the latest publication V4 of the book.Once in 30 days refresh on the db of the questions.Quick response to students queries.Questions are taken from ENISA and CCM document as well. Explanation and page number reference given from the book.Lifetime access and unlimited updates to practice tests.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked. Try it."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"CCSP - Certified Cloud Security Professional Tests" |
"Non-repeated 375 questions.Question framed on six different modules.Scenario based questions, Business use case types questions, Best answer types questions available. Once in 30 days refresh on the db of the questions.Quick response to students queries.Questions are taken from ENISA and CCM documents as well. The explanation for the correct answers given.About the exam:CCSP Examination Information Length of exam - 4 hoursNumber of questions - 125 Question format - Multiple choicePassing grade - 700 out of 1000 pointsExam availability - English Testing center - Pearson VUE Testing Center CCSP Examination Weights Domains - Weight 1. Architectural Concepts & Design Requirements - 19% 2. Cloud Data Security - 20% 3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security - 19% 4. Cloud Application Security - 15% 5. Operations - 15% 6. Legal & Compliance - 12% Total: 100% **The sets of the questions are not taken from the real exam, but are from my experience on what types of questions were asked in the exam. I can say, I have tried my best to make the question sets, a true reflection of the types of question asked in the exam. ***"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Fingerstyle Guitar STEP BY STEP: Learn Songs & Arrangements" |
"Learning is a process of taking the impossible and making it possible, this 13-hour course is like many private lessons. If youll follow closely, and play slowly, again and again, the movements will eventually get into your body and fingers, and then it happens, we can play the thing that we couldnt play before. And that exactly how I teach in this course, slowly and repetitively.So take your time, play, and it will happen.I hope I manage to deliver you my love for fingerstyle guitar and music.The course 1st section is: TECHNIQUES AND FUNDAMENTALS needed in order to play fingerstyle guitar.The 2nd section is an EXERCISE - PICKING PATTERNS section with many exercises that will lead the way to play fingerstyle songs and arrangements.And, a SIX TUNE SECTION, with REAL songs and arrangements that will take your playing to the next level. It is a really wide repertoire, from a classic tune, through folk blues songs, another fingerstyle arrangements for two beautiful songs, and another blues song for the swing.Another Very important section is the ""HOW TO LEARN METHOD"" section, in which I explain and walk through 5 GUIDELINES FOR LEARNING AND SUCCEEDING in learning a new tune. A guidelines that I use my self and with my students. Also in my teachings here I show exactly how to use them and how to practice and play.A bonus section that I added to the course is The Four Steps For Making Your Own Fingerstyle Arrangement, in which I explore the ways and steps for creating beautiful arrangements. Hope to see you inside the course.All the songs used in this course are by permission by ACUM Israel."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Elettrotecnica di Base modulo uno" |
"Nel corso elettrotecnica di base imparerete a risolvere i curcuiti in regime stazionario. La complessit dei circuti sara media. Un introduzione alle grandezze elettriche fondamentali. In questo corso sar trattata anche la parte riguardante i software di simulazione dei circuiti elettrici. Il corso propedeutico ai corsi di elettrotecnica di base modulo due , dove si tratteranno i circuiti in regime sinusoidale."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ethereum: An in-depth overview for non-developers" |
"Ethereum is very different from other blockchains out there!It came into existence in July, 2015 and has rapidly grown in adoption over the past few years. What made this blockchain so special? What are smart contracts? Why are so many talented teams building their applications on top of Ethereum? What are the threats that Ethereum faces? These are some of the questions that we will answer as a part of this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fully functional PHP blog with CMS" |
"It's safe to say that nearly every website that's up-to-date these days is using some form of content management system (CMS). While there are a ton of great free options that provide us with a CMS to power a website (WordPress, Drupal, etc.), it doesn't hurt to peek under the hood and get a feel for how these systems work,and to see that the custom build CMS are among the best nowadays.This work-shop is intended to give you a feel for how PHP and MySQL interact together, and to show what is a CMS through practice . I'll not be skipping explanations of some of the very basic programming stuff in frond-end and back-end ,also I will write comments so you can easily navigate through the course.I'll try not to lose anyone, though, I promise.The project is made on DreamWeaver IDE so will learn also how to use one of the most powerful IDE on the market. I am ready to answer any questions that you might have.PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place. Some of the major TOPICS are How to implement user registration and login Form submissions & interactions with PHP Variables in PHP Logical Operators in PHP Control Structures in PHP Comparison Operators in PHP Loops in PHP such as while(){},for(){} PHP pre-build functions and custom functions Constants PHP, OOP(Object Oriented Programing) Super Globals in PHP POST[],GET[] Sessions in PHP Working with FILES in PHP Authentication Using Bootstrap LearnHTML5 and CSS from scratch (most commonly used up to advance as a animation) Databases in PHP.Note: part 2 PHP CMS blog FUDI Coming Soon!(please see last lesson Where from here ) i will give 20% discount for all my students.Also i will add new content each month."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Stock trading on Wall Street fundamental" |
"I know that finance can be very bored subject, but in this work shop we will have a ton of fun , and in the process you will learn how to trade stocks and understated how the financial market work thought by real economist , to be a successful on wall street mean financial power,financial Independence and freedom. Also I am coming from one of the oldest habitats of the Europe continent , the oldest country that preserve his name in the Europe throw the history , the third fertile land in Europe and I have something to say , in this work-shop we will look deep in the Economy in a funny way , but we also will have a look further in History as I will give you a unique view over the History, I will make you familiar with the one of the most powerful economy of the Europe around 1920 so powerful that the Hitler him-self wanted to connect his currency to they currency I am talking about of the Kingdom of Bulgaria during the rule of king Boris the 3-th and they most trade-able stocks on Chicago stock exchange before the communists took over, we will see together why they was so rich and powerful although they was a small country in the corner of the European continent, in this way you will have the best grasp of what is an Economy and what is all about , there for you will learn to make a different between dirt and gold on wall street.Also i will making a many live demos as real trading seasons , and of-course i will constantly adding content to this course.After you finish this course you will be able to continue in your journey to the successful stock trader as you enroll in the next courses part of this series , such as learning Short-selling or/and Capital Gain with Growth stocks , i also will have courses about Technical and Fundamental analysis where we are going to improve you knowledge about those two important instruments. I will give nice discount to all my students for next courses."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"E-commerce site KinoMania put Bootstrap to practice" |
"This is the first part of fully complex course for development of an E-commerce site , in this part we are going to develop the shell of this site putting Bootstrap to practice, it is easy and fun to work with Bootstrap also we are going to develop responsive design. so can be view on multiple devices .In the second part we are going to develop CMS with PHP similar to Fully functional PHP blog with CMS-course , and in the end we are going to develop the payment system.Bootstrap is one of the most important CSS library give you the possibility to develop a web site quickly and accurate , and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Robotic Process Automation using WinAutomation 8" |
"This course is designed by leading industry Practitioners keeping optimal mix of Robotic Process Automation concepts, WinAutomation 8 capabilities and real-life simple scenarios. The course will act as a stepping stone in the World of RPA Technology and solid foundation to kick-start as WinAutomation Developer.At the end of this course, Candidate should be able to,have clear understanding on RPA technology and most of the WinAutomation features.implement WinAutomation and automate the Business Processes to a large extent."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Light - Reflection, Refraction & Its Applications" |
"A good understanding of principles in Physics will help you to analyze problems, reason logically, and to discriminate between important and irrelevant concepts.*The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech,* If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos,* The average video duration is 10 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later,Course coversLight -What is ReflectionReflection through different MirrorsMirror FormulaLIGHT-REFLECTION AND REFRACTIONLensTHE HUMAN EYE AND THE COLORFUL WORLDATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION AND SCATTERING OF LIGHTLASERSLIGHT"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda a soldar corretamente com tcnicas profissionais" |
"Nesse curso voc ira aprender tcnicas de solda, ferramentas utilizadas os principais reparos de uma placa tais como; soldar, ressoldar , dessoldar fazer Jumper, entender o que uma trilha , o que uma ilha , voc entender todos os aspectos de uma placa. Obs. Esse curso ira capacitar o aluno para fazer soldas, o conhecimento para reparar placas teremos outros cursos, como enfase em eletrnica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D Photon Network ile Online Oyun Yapm" |
"Bu kursta Unity 3D iin tasarlanm olan Photon Network'un cretsiz srmn kullanarak online bir oyun nasl yapldn reneceksiniz. Bu kurs iin Unity program hakknda orta dzey bir bilginiz olmas gerekli. Unity ile ilgili ilemler yaplrken, yaplan ilemleri sadece yzeysel olarak anlattm. Photon Network ile ilgili olan ilemleri daha ok anlatmaya altm. Karlatnz yeni kodlarn aklamalarn sesli bir ekilde anlattm gibi ekranda da bu kodlarn aklamalarn grebileceksiniz.Yeni dersler eklenecektir. Photon Network kullanarak bir oyun yapacaz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Lectura del Rostro" |
"Aprende de la Fisonoma (Lectura del Rostro) y utilzalo para mejorar tu rendimiento en tu Trabajo, mejora la comunicacin con tus colaboradores, con tus compaeros, con tus clientes, mejora tus ventas, as como tambin obtn beneficios en la vida social al conocer como interactuar de manera mas eficiente con las personas."
Price: 2820.00 ![]() |
"A Certificao ANBIMA CPA-20 abre as portas das grandes oportunidades no mercado financeiro.Este curso vai te preparar para obt-la e assim voc estar habilitado a exercer as funes de gerncia e distribuio de produtos de investimentos nos segmentos superiores na maiores instituies financeiras do pas.A Curriculum Treinamentos j contribuiu com o xito na carreira de centenas de profissionais pelo Brasil, e agora vamos juntos dar o primeiro passo para o seu sucesso tambm!"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"O curso PREPARATRIO ANBIMA CPA 10 - CURRICULUM TREINAMENTOS, vai lhe entregar todo o contedo que voc precisa para realizar a sua prova de certificao com absoluto sucesso!Com aulas extradas diretamente das normas e instrues oficiais, voc ser mais que um profissional certificado, e estar preparado para os desafios que a carreira bancria apresenta e se sentir motivado a vos mais altos para uma carreira de sucesso!A Curriculum Treinamentos j contribuiu com o xito na carreira de centenas de profissionais pelo Brasil, e agora vamos juntos dar o primeiro passo para o seu sucesso tambm!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Comment Faire Le Tour Du Monde (Sans Mentir)" |
"Ce programme vous permettra de faire le tour du monde, car toutes les facettes du voyage sont abords.Evidemment, vous serez galement prs faire le tour d'un seul continent, ou mme de votre village :) Je tiens dire qu'il faut 2 choses pour entreprendre ce type de voyage : du courage, et la capacit de dpasser ses peurs.Je ne pourrai pas vous rendre courageux, c'est impossible.Le but de cette formation est donc de vous permettre de dpasser vos peurs en prenant confiance en vous. Et en matire de voyage plus qu'ailleurs, c'est une question de mthode (contrairement ce que l'on entend souvent !)Le voyage m'a bien prouv une chose : il est trs difficile de dmler le vrai du faux car les voyageurs ont tendances amplifier un peu tout !En mme temps, difficile de dire ""c'tait pas terrible"" ou ""j'ai un peu gch 2 semaines"", ou encore ""j'ai tellement galr que je m'en rappellerai toute ma vie"" :) Bref, ce programme vous donnera les avantages et les inconvnients car oui, il y a des 2 ! l'origine, j'ai conu ce programme pour les entrepreneurs qui veulent crer un business et voyage autour du monde en mme temps.Autant vous dire que nous irons directement l'essentiel, et que ce cours est un guide complet, qui vous prend par la main de A Z.Et bien sr, nous discuterons de votre voyage de vive voix :)Je vous expliquerai notamment :- Pourquoi les pays riches coutent en ralit beaucoup moins chers pour voyager- Comment j'ai travers 80%des USA pour 130 (17 destinations, 140 h de transport)- L'quipement vraiment obligatoire pour un voyageur (croyez moi, le poids du sac est un vritable challenge)- Les rflexes de la scurit en voyage (c'est un peu mon mtier - je suis instructeur Krav-Maga)- Comment grerLE truc qui fait que beaucoup abandonnent au milieu de l'aventure ( Rponse : les temps de transport)- Le plus beau voyage de votre vie (tapes, parcours, prix etc).- Les endroits qui valent moins le coup que d'autres, et pourquoi (oui, a existe)- Et bien sr, normment de choses supplmentaires (je manque de temps pour crire.J'ai faim, et un couscous m'attends :)ATTENTION : je le rpte : votre temps est prcieux.Je vais droit au but, et je parle de TOUS les domaines, avec une touche d'humour, et rien n'est objectif dans ce programme.Je donne mon avis, et j'explique pourquoi :) Bien sr, vous vous ferez le vtre quand vous partirez faire le tour du monde :)Si vous tes dj courageux, rejoignez-moi :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comment Faire Connatre Son Entreprise (Guide Complet)" |
"Module 1 : Gagnez 3 ans de communication, conomisez 10 000 que j'ai dpens, dcouvrez pourquoi un communicant = mdecin.Module 2 : Dterminez vos cibles de com', Sacrifiez vos excellentes ides et ne respectez pas la rgle.Module 3 : Arrtez de vous faire pigeonner, dcouvrez les secrets cachs du design, dmonstration en direct live et conomisez beaucoup d'argent.Module 4 : Le choix vital que tout le monde oublie + nous construisons votre identit : nom, nom de domaine rentable, logo gnial, slogan qui vend, charte graphique perso et gratuite, histoire, carte de visite ... etc.Module 5 : Mes plans d'action PROS pour choisir vos meilleurs canaux de com' : presse, radio, affichage , site, application mobile, blog, e-mailing, marketing alternatif, foire, partenariats, print ... etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Faonner Son Ide D'entreprise Pour La Rendre Rentable" |
"Module 1 : Ne commencez JAMAIS par une ide d'entreprise, et crez les bases d'un systme capable de vous dgager du tempsModule 2 : Comprendre et exploitez les failles du march, utilisez le plan d'action qui m'a cout 3 ans de ma vieModule 3 : Dcouvrez comment choisir une ide, tricher et btir un CONCEPT d'entreprise pour faire exploser votre businessMoule 4 : Donnez un angle d'attaque votre business pour VENDRE + et MIEUXModule 5 : Vous devez ABSOLUMENT tourner votre business dans le bon sens, et il n'y en a qu'un seul !Module 6: Vous n'tes pas l pour crer votre entreprise, mais pour lui donner la chance de se dvelopper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment Raliser Une tude De March Professionnelle" |
"Module 1 : Nous dmarrons fort avec les piliers d'une EDM capable de vendre et comment tre plus performant avec des outils professionnels. Une bonne EDM est la rampe de lancement majeure d'une entreprise succs. Ainsi, nous rpondrons ensemble de manire trs prcise aux questions : qui, quoi, quand, comment, ou et pourquoi. Focus rentabilit !Module 2 : Gagne du temps avec des astuces trs utiles, et je te montre comment reprer et exploiter intelligemment une faille de march. Tu n'as plus qu' suivre la mthode, et nous allons co-construire ensemble ta stratgie pas pas aprs chaque vido, en t'appuyant sur les documents et exercices que j'ai conu pour toi. Tu sortiras du programme avec ton plan crit sur une feuille, de A Z !Module 3 : Nous allons prciser tes meilleures cibles, spcifier leurs besoins et adapter tes offres et gammes de produit ce qu'ils veulent. En faisant cela, tu pourras vendre plus facilement, plus vite et plus cher. Tu verras, les schmas que nous utiliserons sont trs prcis pour t'aider convaincre davantage de tes futurs prospects !Module 4 : Je te montre comment utiliser la concurrence pour acclrer tes ventes, au lieu de la craindre ! Oui, tes concurrents sont un excellent tremplin pour conclure plus de deals, et nous allons crer un systme qui nous avantage !Module 5 : Module 5 (je te laisserai juger de l'impact de ce module par toi-mme :)A tout de suite dans la premire vido !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"L'art De Convaincre Pour Vendre Plus Facilement" |
"Module 1 : Convaincre est LA comptence la plus utile pour vendre plus, plus vite et surtout plus cher. Je vais te montrer comment devenir beaucoup plus percutant et incisif dans tes arguments pour gagner la confiance de ceux qui tu t'adresses. Tu n'as plus qu' appliquer la mthode !Module 2 : Paradoxalement, toutes les situations de vente sont diffrentes, mais la mthode pour convaincre est TOUJOURS la mme. Je te montre comment trouver les cls qui feront pencher la balance en ta faveur. Indice : c'est l'autre qui va te donner les rponses :)Module 3 : Nous verrons pourquoi ""avoir raison"" n'a rien voir avec le fait de convaincre, et que le vrai combat est ailleurs ! Pour a, il faut se concentrer sur l'essentiel et oublier volontairement la plupart des informations. C'est l que tu vas remporter ta vente et faire la diffrence. Module 4 : Prends le contrle de l'change, le recul ncessaire pour prendre de la hauteur, attaquer aux bons endroits et avec le bon timing. Tes chances de convaincre seront multiplies par 10, et encore une fois tu n'as plus qu' appliquer la mthode crite sur le document !Module 5 : Convaincre fait partie intgrante d'un excellent systme de vente, mais l'erreur est de se prparer pour tout. Je te montre comment tre malin, minimiser tes efforts et utiliser des raccourcis performants pour mettre toutes les chances de ton ct. Module 6 : Je te donne ce que j'ai toujours dans ma poche (littralement !). De l'impact en barre, simplifi l'extrme et qui te permettra de convaincre plus vite et plus facilement, n'importe quel type de personne en face de toi. Cadre professionnel et hors job. Pour le restant de votre vie !A tout de suite dans la premire vido !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |