Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Comment Crer Un Site Web Vitrine Professionnel De A Z" |
"Construire un site web n'est certainement pas li avec le fait d'avoir des connaissances en dveloppement. Et je pse mes mots ! C'est une pure invention cre par ceux qui ont les comptences ncessaires pour faire payer plus cher ceux qui n'en ont pas. Je vais m'attirer les foudres de ceux qui savent crer un site, mais peu m'importe. Je ne suis pas dveloppeur la base, mais j'ai fais l'effort de comprendre le fonctionnement d'un site web pour ne plus tre dpendant de a, et je m'en remercie tous les jours. J'ai compris que l'efficacit d'un site web n'a rien voir avec le dveloppement, que la mise en page n'est pas lie aux comptences et que la visibilit ne concerne jamais le boulot d'un dveloppeur ! Bref, a m'a cout cher, mais maintenant je l'ai compris par la force des choses.Je vous montre comment contourner ces difficults sans connaissances techniques, et en partant de zro. Oui, c'est largement possible ! Et oui, vous pouvez le faire. Voici comment. Module 1 : Comment penser un site avant de le construire, le fonctionnement du trafic, la meilleure mthode pour vendre plus facilement et mieux.Module 2 : L'ensemble des tapes respecter pour btir une structure de site digne des 1 % des sites les plus rentablesModule 3 : Utilisez des outils qui font des mois de travail en 1 clic, construisons TOUTES vos pages de A Z ensembleVous verrez, l'efficacit du programme va vous surprendre. Laissez-vous convaincre par les avis laisss par les participants, je gagnerai votre confiance comme je l'ai fait pour eux. Et je les en remercie chaque jour, c'est grce vous que je peux aider autant d'entrepreneurs :)A tout de suite dans la premire vido :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment Crer Une Stratgie Marketing Complte de A Z" |
"Module 1 : La valeur que vous apportez vos clients est une question de perception. Il suffit d'appuyer sur les bons leviers pour amplifier vos forces et vous dtacher de la concurrence.Module 2 : Choisissez votre avantage concurrentiel, dveloppez vos FCS, crer l'identit suprme de votre entreprise pour faire une excellente premire impression et rendre vos ventes plus faciles, rapides et rcurrentes.Module 3 : Crer, produire et dvelopper des offres au sein de gammes logiques (donc compris facilement par le client), c'est une question de prparation et de mthode. Nous construisons ensemble le chemin qui mnera logiquement vos prospects vers produits, et les transformera en clients sur des produits de plus en plus chers. Module 4 : Le secret pour vaincre la concurrence, c'est de sortir de la comparaison. Je vous montre comment les mettre hors-jeu facilement, grce des stratgies hyper percutantes et largement sous exploites ! Profitons-en :)Module 5 : Allons encore plus loin et finalisons les derniers dtails pour solidifier votre stratgie, la rendre plus aiguise court et rentable long terme. Encore une fois et comme toujours, ce n'est qu'une question de performances !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment Crer Une Stratgie De Vente Complte de A Z" |
"Module 1 : Un excellent systme de vente prend position, et n'est jamais tourn pour tout le monde. Quand vous cherchez l'amour, vous cherchez n'importe qui ? ...Module 2 : La plupart des grandes russites sont lies au courage, et non pas la connaissance. La bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'on peut mlanger les deux.Module 3 : Un coup de foudre client, a se prpare. C'est ce que votre systme doit viser pour crer ""instantanment"" d'excellents clients potentiels sur le long terme (la fidlisation se travaille ds le choix des outils de prospection !)Module 4 : Vous tes l pour gagner, pas pour participer. Se mettre en avant auprs de ses clients, ce n'est pas se battre pour aller les chercher, mais leur donner envie de venir et de rester chez vous.Module 5 : Le systme complet d'un excellent systme de vente, crer un trs bon client en fournissant trs peu d'efforts aux bons endroits.Module 6 : Le vrai secret de la vente : votre gestion du temps et le choix de vos priorits prioritaires."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment Crer Un Blog D'entreprise Rentable De A Z" |
"Module 1 : La russite d'un BLOG se pense avant d'crire le premier MOT, le VRAI objectif est de vendre intelligemment (de diffrentes manires) dans un PLAN cohrent que vous n'avez plus qu' COPIER-COLLER.Module 2 : Le SYSTEME complet de A - Z pour partir ""d'une recherche google d'un contact potentiellement intress"" ""une vente qui dbouche sur un client fidle long terme"". Voil ce que font les BLOGS D'EXCEPTIONS : Ils crent d'excellents clients sur la dure, puis les accumulent !Module 3 : La technique complte pour augmenter CONSIDRABLEMENT la visibilit de vos articles / pages. Nous attaquons DE FRONT la partie qui vous fait peur (cache, sitempa, mta-description, balise title, ALT ...). C'est hyper simple en ralit. Il suffit de l'expliquer simplement, et c'est ce que je vais faire !Module 4 : La diffrence vient du MARKETING, de l'EDM et votre capacit produire AUTOMATIQUEMENT d'excellentes ides fort POTENTIEL sans RIEN FAIRE ! C'est ce que nous allons voir dans ce module, en utilisant le ""trs utile"" principe 20/80. Module 5 : Le rfrencement n'est JAMAIS qu'une question de technique. Il faut ajouter une forte dose d'ME et de COMMUNICATION. C'est ma plus grande force, et je vous dvoile toute mes astuces.Profitez-en ! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dr. Sammy's Practical, Easy Dog Training for the Real World" |
"How to tailor your dog training to your dog to get results. Practical, simple, easily understood methods for the every day dog. Nobody's dog is perfect, even if they are perfect for us. Help your dog become more secure and fulfilled by learning how to teach them correctly. I have trained hundreds of dogs in the Tampa Bay area using these methods, and I'm excited to be able to bring you a practical, real world resource for training your dog."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Dr. Sammy, PhD's Housebreaking Your Puppy or Dog 101" |
"Simple, practical methods in housebreaking your dog. Learn how to teach your dog house manners and how to go to the bathroom outside. Easy solutions for some of the most annoying housebreaking behaviors, including urinating and defecating in the crate, in the house, and chewing on furniture. We go over common hurdles and how to overcome them. Comes with easy to understand course materials."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Launch to Freedom How to Build a Business for Women" |
"Ever dreamed of starting your own business? By acting upon the ideas presented you will begin building a business while gaining real world business skills. You will gain clarity and confidence in what it takes to start a business by taking daily action in small increments. The course starts with ideation to fine tune your idea and helps you build a strong foundation for your business by:creating a simple (one page) business planidentifying ideal customersgaining competitive intelligencecreating a strategic marketing plancreating a brandbuilding a websitelearning basic financialsBy taking a step each day, you can build a business and launch yourself into career freedom!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Vive mejor aprendiendo a reducir tu ansiedad y estrs" |
"Aprende a reducir la ansiedad y el estrs a partir de cinco tcnicas de autoayuda cognitivo-conductuales.Conoce adems todo sobre la ansiedad, clarifica mitos sobre ella .Descubr cmo la ansiedad no es mala en s misma y como es necesaria para la vida.Curso breve que te dar de manera sencilla la teora y tcnicas de autoayuda ms utilizadas en el abordaje de esta problemtica.Despus de ms de 1000 alumnos inscriptos y haber escuchado sugerencias y opiniones, el curso fue totalmente renovado y extendido.Dale te estoy esperando !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a gerir tarefas e equipe online com ASANA" |
"Ganhe Habilidades de Organizao, Gesto de Tarefas, Gesto de Equipe, Controle de TaskList, Cronogramas, Datas Limites, Relatrios de Tarefas, Gesto deTarefas em Equipe e criao da Task e SubTasksEsse curso fundamental se voc precisa:- Gerir melhor a sua empresa com controle de tarefas- Aumentar a produtividade do seu time e em consequncia aumentar os resultados- Gerar relatrios e saber exatamente quais foram as atividades do ms- Trabalhar menos e ter mais produtividade- Melhorar instantaneamente a sua organizao- Gerir suas contas de casa ou tarefas diriasSou Eduardo Salerno, 28 anos, Empresrio e vou dividir um conhecimento com voc!Aps 10 anos trabalhando de casa, tive que aprender muitos truques em diversas agencias de comunicao que passei, e sinceramente depois que aprendi sobre o que eu estou ensinando minha vida realmente mudou, era uma pessoa muito desorganizada e agora sou muito organizado e tudo isso foi graas ao que vou ensinar a vocs!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"L'ABC du SAX!" |
"Bonjour tous, et bienvenue sur ce cours intitul ""LABC du SAX""!Mon nom est Laurent, (de LaurentBarbiermusic), et je vais vous guider dans vos premiers pas dans le monde du Saxophone. Au cours de ce module, nous couvrirons les bases: comment monter son saxophone, jouer ses premires notes, avoir une bonne posture et embouchure, dcouvrir ses premires gammes qui nous permettront de jouer nos premires mlodies, et apprendre reconnatre les notes de nos morceaux prfrs afin de les reproduire. Mon but est de vous donner de bonnes bases techniques afin que vous puissiez ensuite tudier la musique que vous dsirez, votre propre rythme, en vitant les mauvaises habitudes. A la fin de ce cours, et avec de la pratique, vous serez dj capables de jouer quelques mlodies, et serez sur de bons rails pour continuer avancer! Vous aurez juste besoin dun saxophone et de votre motivation pour commencer ce cours. Des notions de solfge seraient idales mais pas ncessaires. En effet, jencourage grandement lapprentissage par mimtisme et loreille. Des partitions transposes seront de toute faons tlchargeables, que ce soit en Mib pour le saxophone Alto et Baryton, en Sib si vous jouez du Tnor ou Soprano, et mme en Do si vous avez dnich un saxophone C-melody. -------Cela fait des annes que japprends au travers de professeurs mrites, de livres, danalyse et dexpriences musicales dans le monde entier. Ici, je vous prsente le fruit de ces annes de recherches: je vais vous donner les secrets les plus importants que jai dcouvert au fil des annes, qui vont vous permettre dvoluer rapidement et rgulirement! Ds la 3eme leon, nous jouerons nos premires mlodies, Et ds la 4eme, notre premire gamme majeure (fondement de la musique classique Europenne). Nous ferons ensuite un travail en profondeur sur la sonorit, et je vous donnerai enfin mes conseils de pratique pour voluer au mieux dans votre matrise du saxophone. Pour chacune des mlodies que nous tudierons dans ce cours, des enregistrements daccompagnement seront fournis, avec et sans saxophone, des vitesses diffrentes, afin de vous permettre dvoluer votre rythme, partir de chez vous! Des fichiers PDF reprenant les concepts vus au cours seront tlchargeables en fin de leons. Ce module est lquivalent de mois de cours privs en une fraction du temps et de largent !---------Si vous dsirez vous joindre laventure, je vous demanderai de vous prsenter dans les commentaires car jaimerais en savoir plus propos de vous. Quest ce qui vous a dcid apprendre le saxophone? Qui sont vos saxophonistes prfrs? Quels sont les styles de musique qui vous intressent le plus? Quelle est la partie qui vous parat la plus complexe dans la dcouverte du saxophone? Je suis disponible pour rpondre vos questions sur le forum.Nhsitez pas non plus me contacter si vous avez la moindre remarque propos de cette formation, cela maidera comprendre ce dont vous avez besoin, et savoir ce que je peux amliorer pour rendre votre exprience de ce cours plus apprciable. A tout de suite!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Servidores Web - Principiante a Experto" |
"Convierte en un Maestro de los servidores , te invito a que veas mi curso y aprendas maravillosas tcnicas de configuracin de servidores Web con vdeos cortos pero con un buen nivel de entendimiento.Te ensearemos como configurar Xammp , usar Joomla , Apache adicional a eso todo el proceso de usar plantillas y publicar tu pagina Web para que su negocio sea visto en el mercado Internacional"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Examen Base de Datos Nivel I" |
"En este examen seras evaluado por tus capacidades en SQL SERVER al momento de crear Base de Datos y Realizar Consultas , tendremos una serie de ejercicios y preguntas donde podrs descubrir tu pasin por las Base de Datos y pondrs a prueba lo que sabes , te servir para entrenar y certificarte en Profesional en Desarrollo de BD"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Examen Redes Informaticas I" |
"Tendremos aproximadamente 16 preguntas en modo aleatorio donde tendrs que esforzarte para poder tener una pregunta nivel I Y a la siguiente una de nivel II , esta metodologa es originaria de la india donde ponen a prueba tu conocimiento y la coordinacin del celebro. Esperamos llegara a sus corazones y poder llenar tus expectativas con nuestro cursoExitos !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing: il Tuo Successo Con o Senza Sito Web" |
"Ci sono infinite possibilit con le quali tu puoi guadagnare online con o senza sito web. Tramite il Programma di Affiliazione di Amazon sei potenzialmente in grado di guadagnare dalla vendita di qualsiasi prodotto o servizio offerto su Amazon. Immagina dessere in grado di guadagnare un percentuale dalla vendita dellultimo modello della Apple, oppure dalla vendita di un drone da qualche migliaio di euro. E non finisce qui, qualsiasi azienda che si rispetti offre servizi di Affiliazione, Amazon semplicemente la pi famosa.ClickBank, eBay, AliExpress, Udemy tramite Rakuten, Microsoft tramite Impact, sono solo alcuni delle migliaia di aziende felici di corrispondere percentuali ai propri affiliati.Dato che hai a disposizione infiniti prodotti e servizi con quali poter guadagnare, e che praticamente chiunque pu diventare affiliato e farti da concorrente, devi agire con attenzione. Questo corso qui per aiutarti nelle tue scelte. Questo corso qui per aiutarti a sviluppare una strategia efficace e metterla in atto.Questo corso qui per fornirti svelarti abilit tecniche (e trucchetti) per non cadere nei classici errori da novellino.ATTENZIONE! Raramente consigliamo di mandare in campagna PPC delle offerte, al fine di guadagnare direttamente con le commissioni d'affiliato. Se fosse cos remunerativo, lo farebbe direttamente la piattaforma! Sia che tu voglia arrotondare lo stipendio, sia che tu voglia guadagnare professionalmente come affiliato, questo il periodo giusto per iniziare, e questo il corso creato per farti realizzare qualsiasi tuo obiettivo finanziario grazie all'affiliazione.Sia che tu abbia un canale YouTube, un Sito Web, una Pagina Facebook, un Gruppo su Telegram, o sia che tu abbia soltanto tanta voglia di lavorare, questo il corso che ti insegner a guadagnare online con lAffiliate Marketing.Onestamente, lAffiliate Marketing NON un Passive Income. Non so che idea tu abbia ma gli introiti passivi sono gli interessi maturati nel conto in banca oppure i dividendi che ti arrivano perch possiedi quote di capitale di un azienda. LAffiliate Marketing, un System Based Income.La stragrande maggioranza delle persone guadagnano denaro tramite quelli che sono chiamati Time Based Incomes, ovvero introiti basati sul tempo impiegato. Prendi 10 allora, lavori 8 ore, guadagni 80. LAffiliate Marketing non funziona cos. Per guadagnare online con lAffiliazione, occorre impostare, monitorare, mantenere e migliorare un Sistema. Non si guadagna con il tempo impiegato, ma non si guadagna neanche bevendosi il caff al bar. Si guadagna con un buon Sistema, pensato bene e attuato bene.E questo il corso che ti insegner a guadagnare online tramite un sistema!Ogni minuto che passa sono potenziali vendite mancate, ogni giorno che passa la tua concorrenza diventa sempre pi forte, non perdere tempo ed iscriviti subito!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Responsibility Reset: Develop Yourself as a Leader" |
"Healthy responsibility is a foundational skill for conscious leaders. When you come from a place of 100% responsibility not more, not less you increase your energy, ability to spot creative solutions, and job satisfaction. Crafted Leadership developed Responsibility Reset to help proactive leaders move from the traditional model of outsourcing responsibility to an innovative model of 100% responsibility.If you're struggling with burnout, resentment, blame, or burden in the workplace, we're here to help! We'll review the traditional approach to responsibility and how it may be leading to these negative feelings. We'll also discuss how to move from blame and burden to 100%responsibility. Viewing the world from a place of radical empowerment, we can take action and make changes from a place of choice.While Responsibility Reset requires new awareness and practice, it's a simple, straightforward model that gets immediate results."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Linear Functions - Why they Matter!" |
"In this course you're finally going to have your #1 question about math answered. ""When will we ever use this in real life?!"" This look at linear functions breaks it down from the very beginning to look at the conceptual background of the topic and then brings all the pieces together to put them to use in real life scenarios. Along the way there will be clever analogies, bad jokes, and a different approach from the traditional math teacher."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tesouro Direto: como investir e otimizar ganhos" |
"Tesouro Direto a melhor aplicao de Renda Fixa do mercado!Percebendo que a maioria dos brasileiros possuem dificuldade em entender o Tesouro Direto devido sua complexidade, eu criei o treinamento TESOURO DIRETO: COMO INVESTIR E OTIMIZAR GANHOS. Esse treinamento lhe ensina a investir e tambm a potencializar ganhos no tesouro direto, de forma simples, para qualquer investidor, sem precisar ser expert nesse mercado. Ento, para quem quiser ganhar muito mais que a poupana, com segurana, esse curso indicado.O treinamento divido em 3 mdulos:1 Tesouro Direto: Nesse mdulo voc aprendera conceitos, vantagens e custos do Tesouro Direto;2 - Ttulos pblicos: Nesse mdulo voc conhecer os ttulos existentes e suas caracterstica para que possa investir com segurana e tranquilidade;3- Como investir: Nesse mdulo voc entenda como funciona a precificao, a variao dos ttulos, a venda antecipada, como otimizar seus ganhos e de que forma voc deve alocar sua carteira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Administracin de Empresas" |
"Este curso es solo para aquellos con ganas de aprender formas fciles y sencillas de administrar cualquier tipo de negocio.ten en cuenta que si apenas manejas la PC igual podrs hacer este curso.Te daremos material de vdeo, trabajos para que puedas hacerlo tu mismo y archivos de texto para que no tengas que anotar nada ya que todo estar en ese cuadernillo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ecommerce real time com Node.js e Adonis Framework" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a criar aplicaes incrveis utilizando Node.js, Adonis, WebSockets e Mysql.Criaremos uma aplicao de E-commerce que servir dados em tempo real para os administradores e clientes e abriremos caminho para posteriormente montar um painel administrativo e frontend de comrcio eletrnico que consumir dados desta API.Durante o decorrer deste curso voc entender como o Adonis pode facilitar a criao de projetos grandes, para o seu negcio ou para a empresa que voc trabalha, por ter uma arquitetura robusta e completa, no deixa a desejar nada e um dos frameworks mais completos do mercado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Get started with Linux fundamentals" |
"Are you new to Linux? Do you want to learn Linux from scratch? I have developed a detailed course on Linux basics and commands. I have developed scripts to setup lab environment and workspaces, that will help you to gain hands-on experience. You will learn all the important basic commands with frequently used options. This course will be updated periodically. I will include more advanced topics eventually."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Credit Score Tale" |
"By The Author of The Upcoming Book ""Improve Credit & Gain Profit"" Well Researched From Artwork of The Course to its Contents,Short & Concentrated on Subject Without Time Wasting,By Going Through This Course, You Will Understand How Credit Reports are Structured and How Credit Scores are Calculated, Then You Will Get to Know How to Read Your Credit Report & Understand it, at This Time You will be Fundamentally Ready to Apply The Actions You were Taught to Improve Your Credit Report."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Easy Wordpress course: build your first Wordpress website!" |
"There are lot's of WordPress courses on Udemy, Why should you choose this one? Other courses have 70 or even 200 hours of video. That sounds pretty impressive but the truth is it's not. Nobody has time to watch a 100-hour course, and there's no reason a course should be that long. We believe in short, clear and strait to the point videos, so that you can build your website over the next few days and not years. Give it try. You won't regret it.Now let's start from the beginning - What's Wordpress?WordPress is like magic. It's a system that let's regular people like you and I build beautiful and professional websites in a matter of hours. WordPress is easy and intuitive, but you do need someone to show you around. That's what this Wordpress course is for.If you're website is already old fashioned, or if you don't have a website at all, or even if you want to get in to the website building business - this is the Wordpress course for you.I'll show how to start from from scratch, and in about 20 minutes from now your new site will already be online.And that's just the beginning. With this course you'll learn how to make your website an amazing full fledged website! You can build a website for your business, an Online store, a forum, a gallery for your work or products, a great looking blog, or any other kind of website you can think of. You will learn how to keep your website safe, free of spam and hackers, how to add Wordpress plugins, how to set up the content (posts and pages), and how to make your website beautiful using Elementor's Drag and Drop system and importing ready made designs to your website.Ready to start? Let's go!*******************From the Wordpress course reviews:""I am a 70 year old technophobe who has avoided anything concerning Wordpress. After reviewing all of Udemy's Wordpress courses, I selected Easy Wordpress by Uri Brilliant. I'm very glad I did becasue Uri couldn't have made Wordpress any easier to understand. For those who are afraid or doubtful as I was, I highly encourage you to enroll. The lessons are very short but complete and Uri's delivery is very none threatening. Sincerely, Mike Canavan""""Building a website has been something I have wanted to do for a long time but was too intimidated. I am very pleased with how well Uri broke down each step into easy to understand instructions. I wish I had done this sooner! Can't recommend highly enough!"" (Joshua Stein)""Thanks Uri, you've managed to take a subject that looks hard and unfriendly and make it simple, easy and usable. The course is carried out in a pleasant, patient and even funny way :) Well designed, built in ""Small steps"" that enabled me to understand and try to implement :)"" (Dafna Frenkel)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn RPA using UiPath - Robotic Process Automation" |
"Hello and welcome to the course onLearning RPAusing UiPath.NO PREVIOUSknowledge about UiPath or programming is required for this course.Every organisation aims at higher productivity at lower cost and RPAis helping organisation achieve this. This is the reason of rapid increase in adoption of RPAtechnologies by organisation. RPAmarket is growing rapdly. Among all the available RPA tools, UiPath is the leader. In this course you will get to know about UiPath tool with practical examples and easy to understand method. By the end of this course you will able to build Robot on your own.If Automation excites you and if you want to become part of this future word of automation then this course this definitely for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O curso ir abordar toda a parte de instalao e gerencia da soluo Citrix XenServer (Citrix Hypervisor). Iremos detalhar os pr-requisitos e os limites de capacidade dos Pool, Hosts e maquinas virtuais. O curso aborda ainda a importncia de se configurar o controle de acesso, assim como, configurar a alta disponibilidade para garantir que seus servios no parem. Neste curso o aluno ser capaz de aprender desde o incio todo o processo para manter sua infraestrutura de XenServer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Solidity Smart Contracts: Build DApps In Ethereum Blockchain" |
"For the past couple of years there hasnt been a bigger brake through in the IT world than the one that the Blockchain technology has made. The extremely fast growth of the industry, market and the technology itself leads to enormous shortage of programmers that truly understand the blockchain. Along with the blockchain smart contracts have emerged and with them - Solidity.The idea of this course if to give you the easiest and best practices in becoming a blockchain developer. We will be focusing on the smart contracts development with Solidity in the Ethereum ecosystem.You will learn to create your first smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain even if you are a complete beginner and you know nothing about programming or Solidity.I will show you the online IDE Remix to create your first smart contracts and we will go through all the features that Solidity provides us as a programming language.You will also be able to set up your environment to start coding with Solidity on your local machine. I will show you what settings and configurations I used to set up my VSCode and how to successfully install Truffle on Windows.After that I will teach you the basics of the Truffle Framework and how to make it work with Ganache as your own private Ethereum blockchain network.We will also test out our Solidity smart contracts behavior with unit testing with Chai and Mocha. If you are a serious developer you need to know that your code is working the way you expect it does.When you are finished you will be able to create your own first decentralized application with Solidity and Truffle.While other courses are filled in with unnecessary information that make them hard to navigate through and leave you confused, this course will take you step by step from a complete beginner to a master of Solidity and smart contracts creation in the Ethereum ecosystem.In this course: Well learn the essentials of the Ethereum blockchain. How to make and protect our wallets as well as mastering Metamask as our main Ethereum wallet in the creation of our smart contracts.We will go through the basic and advanced concepts of the Solidity language. We learn in depth how you can build your own smart contracts and test them out instantly in Remix.I will teach you how to use Metamask as your Ethereum wallet and I will give you security advice that will keep your crypto assets secure.We will also go through how you can develop your own DApp with Solidity and the Truffle Framework + Ganache as your virtual blockchain and the right way to set up your development environment.I will teach you the basics of the IPFS network and we are going to create our own dApp application for file storage (UPDATE)We will learn the essentials in DApp development with Solidity as well as unit testing of our smart contracts, so we can make sure our code behaves the way we expect.You will have assignments that will help you out understand the material better with actual practice and not only passive consumption. After you finish this course you will fall in love with Solidity, Ethereum ecosystem and the smart contracts creation.You will learn how to deploy your dApp using Heroku and make it go live on the web"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Speak English with a Clear British Accent" |
"English is the most widely-spoken language on the earth, and is taught as a second language in many parts of the world in order to help individuals boost their life and career prospects. However, what if you speak English but you are often misunderstood or asked to repeat yourself? Or you are tired of being associated with a certain dialect? If either of these is true in your case, then this course will help you greatly!Learn to Speak English with a Clear British Accent is designed to help you more easily identify the sounds made in an authentic English accent from Great Britain. This training will help with foreign accent reduction. Full explanations are given to help you grasp both the simple and complex consonant and vowel sounds, as well as a number of exercises to help you practice. Quizzes and additional resources will help make the learning fun and instill the information in your memory.Unlike many pronunciation courses, this course does not require you to remember lots of strange symbols that require you to consult a dictionary every time you see a new word. Rather it uses an intuitive combined-letter learning system to help you to grasp the basic rules of pronunciation, as well as some of the most common exceptions.To ensure that all are fully satisfied with the course, each purchase comes with a free 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you don't find the course useful, you will be refunded 100% of the purchase price! In addition, the course will be regularly updated with additional material to assist you.I feel confident that this course will help you in your learning, and really hope that we can take the journey together towards a better, clearer British English accent!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Important English Idioms for work and business" |
"You understand every word of what someone just said but you have no idea what they are trying to communicate! Are you familiar with this situation? Idioms are powerful tools to convey important ideas but they are almost never taught in English books or courses, meaning that you may feel left behind if English isn't your first language.In this course, we will discuss and explain 25 of the most common and useful idioms in an English language workplace. Once you have grasped these, you will be to express yourself more confidently in a range of different situations, and gain the respect of your colleagues and your boss. For example, you will be able to talk about ""pulling your weight"" or describe yourself as someone who doesn't ""drop the ball.""Those who purchase this course will have lifetime access and a free 30-day money back guarantee so there is no risk. In addition, this course will be updated every few months, meaning you will have free access to even more important idioms.Enrol in this course now and enrich your business communication!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Become a Management Consultant" |
"Imagine a step by step guide covering how to get hired in a rewarding (and highly paid) career. Now imagine that this guide costs no more than your average book and it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.Management Consultancy is a highly rewarding career offering excellent pay, an incredible variety of work and the opportunity for international travel. However, like many other highflying careers, it is notoriously difficult to break into. That first job in the consultancy industry can be incredibly elusive (particularly if you're a recent university graduate with limited work experience). It comes as no surprise that the world-famous consultancy firm, McKinsey Company, claims that just 1% of all applicants are successful. Don't be discouraged because this course is the equivalent of having an experienced consultant guide you through the entire process of securing that first job in the industry. From building the right skills to passing the interviews. I have worked for Accenture, Deloitte and have founded my own consultancy company. I'm now inviting you to benefit from my experience. I remember how hard it was for me to get hired in my first job as a Management Consultant (this was ten years ago on the back of the global financial crisis). Fortunately, you can save yourself stress and frustration by learning the skills you need to get hired, and more importantly, you can learn how to pass the challenging job application process of any top consultancy firm.The course is divided into two parts.In the first half, you'll learn how to do the job of a consultant and how to build experience to strengthen your CV making it irresistible to consultancy companies. You will learn in-demand consultancy skills. These are the skills that most people don't learn until after they have joined a consultancy company. By learning them now, you place yourself miles ahead of the competition.In the second half of the course, you'll learn how to apply what you learnt in part and successfully apply for a job at a management consultancy firm.Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn. Part 1 - Consulting SkillsHow To Use The CourseProcess Design & ImprovementProject ManagementAgileBusiness AnalysisBusiness Writing & EmailsPowerPoint & PresentationsPart 2 - Getting HiredCareer PlanningThe Perfect CandidateThe Perfect Consultancy Job ApplicationCVs & Cover LettersInterviews & Assessment CentersLinkedIn & NetworkingBonus Lesson: Independent ConsultancyRemember, when you buy this course you don't just get access to the course materials ... you also get access to me! I work full time in the business world, that is my living. I didn't create this course to get rich, I created it to help people. Why else would I be sharing it for the low price that Udemy charges? Since I do this to help people, I am always happy to answer any questions my students have, no matter what, I will make time for you!ReviewsI am very proud that this course is currently the highest-rated Management Consultancy course on Udemy (June 2020)! Please have a look at what a few others have said about the course!---""An extremely well thought-out course which is ideal for absolute beginners and guides you through the entire process of becoming a managing consultant. There are a lot of very useful gems in this course which you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere. Clark presents in a very professional manner and has direct experience in renowned consultancy firms, so you can trust the content provided is based on first-hand experience. I would definitely recommend this course without hesitation."" Anchico G - 5 Star Review---""This course is a great find! I completed it a few months ago so I've had time to follow the teaching. All I can say is that it works. The course stands out for containing practical advice and ideas you can immediately use. The content is unique and Clark is a very professional teacher. I wish I had found it earlier."" - Paula Garcia - 5 Star Review---""This is an amazing course that has really worked for me! I am a recent graduate and have been struggling to get job applications noticed by consultancy firms so I decided to give the course a try. After following Clark's advice, I've had an application accepted, passed a first round phone interview and been invited in for a final interview!"" Steve Webber - 5 Star Review---""A very insightful course. The coach shares very useful information that helps professionals like me think differently about creating value. I can tell this coach really knows what he's talking about and has the experience to back it up.""Eric Wong - 5 Star Review---I am a second year BA Management at The University of Leeds looking to break into consulting. This course has surpassed my expectations as I am being taught by someone who has literally done things I aspire to do myself and is not much older than me as an undergraduate. His communication style is too the point which is very refreshing, and he goes above and beyond to answer any queries I may have. I recommend this course to any student in my position. For the inside knowledge gained and ability to be one step ahead when applying for graduate schemes, the cost of the course is an absolute bargain. Thanks.Hardeep Matharu - 5 Star Review---"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding basics of programming with C/C++" |
"Most low-level software are written in C/C++. Most cars, IoT devices or embedded devices have their software written in this kind of developing language. For developers just getting started, think of this as the primer to help kickstart your career.C++ is a general-purpose object-oriented programming (OOP) language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, and is an extension of the C language. It is therefore possible to code C++ in a ""C style"" or ""object-oriented style."" In certain scenarios, it can be coded in either way and is thus an effective example of a hybrid language. C++ is considered to be an intermediate-level language, as it encapsulates both high- and low-level language features. Initially, the language was called ""C with classes"" as it had all the properties of the C language with an additional concept of ""classes."" However, it was renamed C++ in 1983."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento de Carreira na Prtica" |
"A ascenso profissional um dos principais objetivos dos trabalhadores. Para evoluir dentro do ambiente organizacional, essencial que se siga um planejamento de carreira bem estruturado.Voc j notou como tudo na vida tem mais chance de dar certo se tivermos um plano?Seja para fazer uma viagem, adquirir um carro, entre outros, o planejamento fundamental para atingir seus objetivos.No muito diferente em sua Carreira Profissional. Um profissional bem planejado possui grande vantagem em relao aos seus concorrentes.No importa se voc j iniciou sua carreira, est buscando recolocao no mercado ou pretende mudar de carreira nos prximos meses. O Curso de Planejamento de Carreira vai mostrar, de forma simples e intuitiva, como traar os passos de sua carreira na direo certa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como elaborar um currculo Extraordinrio" |
"O objetivo do curso orientar o profissional sobre a elaborao de um currculo atrativo e personalizado vaga ou empresa, destacando e valorizado as competncias com o intuito de chamar a ateno do selecionador. Neste curso voc tambm ter dicas de como se posicionar nas redes sociais e quais os 5 erros fatais que as pessoas cometem ao elaborar um currculo.No final da aula do segundo mdulo esto o e-book com todo o material falado no curso e um modelo de currculo em word que voc pode baixar e usar como base para construir seu currculo.Em alguns momentos eu menciono a expresso ""minicurso"" e uso esse termo porque essa a ideia do curso, fazer um curso rpido, mas que possa agregar valor e permitir que o aluno construa seu currculo de forma simples e objetiva."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |