Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Taller de tcnicas de marketing low cost y growth hacking" |
"El tallerdeMarketingLowCost diseado por y para gente interesada en crear estrategias demarketingcon una inversin econmica baja y con grandes resultados. El objetivo principal es otorgar las herramientas necesarias para proporcionar a tu estrategia demarketingde ms recursos al alcance de todos. Consejos y teoras prcticas para el da a da, tanto como si eres freelance, emprendedor, profesional de una empresa o diriges una gran marca te servir para conseguir esos objetivos a final de mes.Agradecimientos a Ana N Churruca y Pablo Vega, los fondos recaudados de este curso sern destinados a causas benficas."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Jogos Multiplayer Online: Unity + Photon 2 (2020)" |
"##################################Promoo relmpago no CUPOM: SETEMB203S aplicar ali do lado>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>O 1 Curso voltado para a criao de Jogos Multiplayer Online com Unity3D e Photon 2 (11 servidores espalhados pelo Mundo, inclusive no Brasil). Voc no precisa se preocupar com servidores para criar seu jogo, deixa a Photon fazer isso para voc!A nova verso do Photon em primeira mo e INDITO, destrinchada e detalhada para voc em um s lugar! Outros Instrutores j esto usando o nosso Curso como base para aprenderem e falarem sobre o Photon 2 tambm!!! Ficamos muito felizes em ver o conhecimento sendo expandido em nosso pas!! Inscreva-se agora e torne-se um desenvolvedor mestre de Jogos Multiplayer Online!Aprenda a planejar, projetar e criar seus jogos em Multiplayer Online com Unity Game Engine + Photon Engine 2.Tenha jogadores do mundo todo jogando Online, 24 horas por dia.Este um curso que eu gostaria de ter quando comecei a aprender o desenvolvimento de jogos.No Brasil existe pouca informao sobre a criao de jogos com Photon, ainda mais agora que temos o Photon 2. As informaes so muito espalhadas e no so muito aprofundadas.Por essa razo, decidi criar um Curso de Desenvolvimento de Jogos, porm, focado em Multiplayer Online. Onde eu reuni toda a informao, experincia e conhecimento em um nico lugar."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Image Editing: Edit and Perfect Your Selfies with Facetune" |
"Do you want to be able to edit pictures of yourself without having to know complicated editing softwares??Are you curious to know how celebrities like the Kardashians uses Facetune to edit most of their selfies?Are you passionate about retouching and image editing? Then this course is definitely for you!Welcome to this course and image editing selfie masterclass where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to edit and enhance a selfie or a portrait picture in the app Facetune. This course begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to edit a photo in FacetuneHow to use iPhone photography to shoot the best possible photo of yourself to edit inside the app How you proceed to upload the photo to Facetune.We are then going to go trough the process of using a natural looking selfie and then retouching it in the app to make it look as natural as before but more enhanced.As the course goes on we are going to take a look at how we can use a photo of ourselves to edit it in a way that makes it look like we might have some make up on or make it look more glamourous.During the course I am going to go through every feature and tool in the app that you will get with the free version of Facetune so that everyone can enjoy image editing at it's finest.These are a couple examples on what tools we are going to be working with:RetouchReshapeFacePaintLight FXVignetteFilters and more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Use image editing to edit a photo of yourself to make it look more natural but enhancedKnow how to use portrait photography with your iPhone to shoot a picture to editEdit a picture or photo in a more glamorous way to make it look like you have make up onFeel confident about being able to use the app and how to master the tools regardless of image editing experienceIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:Image editingRetouchingPortrait photographyDigital designandSocial mediaEarlier this year I discovered this app called Facetune and since I have a passion for image editing I started learning more about it and also how to use it. My experience have grown since starting to use the app and I have now edited and perfected several pictures of both myself but also other people. I hope you now have e good grip on what the course is about and what we will cover.Feel free to look through the curriculum of the course and watch some previews, I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Snapchat Social Media : Master The Social Media App Snapchat" |
"Do you want to be able to use the social media app Snapchat regardless of level?Do you want some tips to know how you can market your business effectively on Snapchat in different ways?Are you passionate about social media? Then this course is definitely for you!Hi! And welcome to this course where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to use Snapchat regardless of level and also be able to market your business effectively while inside the application.This course begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to Snapchat!All of the different levels of Snapchat and all the functions and tools that it offersHow you proceed to snap photos, add friends and discover people to follow on the appWe are then going to go trough the process of creating a Bitmoji and make it look as similar to ourselves as possible or how ever you want to create your BitmojiAs the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on how to use Snapchat as a businessDuring the course I am going to go through every feature and tool in Snapchat and explain what it's for and how you can use itThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:The Snapchat MapYour ProfileDiscoverBitmojiSnapchat TrophiesSnapchat for Businessand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Use the app to the fullest of it's abilitiesKnowing how you can use all of Snapchat's tools and functions to really enjoy the app and have fun with itGet some tips and tricks for how you can grow and market your business with a couple of different examplesUnderstand why Snapchat is such a social media phenomenonIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:Social MediaSocial Media MarketingWeb developingCodingandPhotographyI currently study social media marketing and will be graduating from Stockholm International Business School in May 2019.I hope you now have e good grip on what the course is about and what we will cover.Feel free to look through the curriculum of the course and watch some previews, I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Photography - Master Instagram Photography" |
"Do you want to be able to use the social media app Instagram regardless of level??Do you want to be able to understand how to use the Instagram app completely?Do you want to learn how to master Instagram Photography?Are you passionate about social media? Then this course is definitely for you!Hi! And welcome to this course where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to use Instagram regardless of level and also be able to use the app the way it should be used.This course begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to Instagram!All of the different levels of the Instagram app and all the functions and tools that it offersHow you proceed to scroll down the feed, finding friends to follow and much moreWe are then going to go trough the process of choosing a picture that we have taken and then editing and sharing it to InstagramAs the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on how to use Instagram the bestDuring the course I am also going to go through every feature and tool in the app and explain what it's for and how you can use itThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:Your StoryInstagram TVDiscoverInstagram DirectName Tagsand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Use Instagram to the fullest of it's abilitiesKnowing how you can use all of Instagram's tools and functions to really enjoy the app and have fun with itGet some tips and tricks for how you can upload material to your story and feedUnderstand why Instagram is such a social media phenomenonIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:Social MediaSocial Media MarketingWeb developingCodingandPhotographyI currently study social media marketing and will be graduating from Stockholm International Business School in May 2019.I hope you now have e good grip on what this course is about and what we will cover.Feel free to look through the curriculum of the course and watch some previews, I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Twitter Social Media:Master The Social Media App Twitter" |
"Do you want to be able to use the social media app Twitter regardless of level?Do you want to be able to understand how to use the app completely?Are you passionate about social media? Then this course is definitely for you!Hi! And welcome to this course where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to use Twitter regardless of level and also be able to use the app the way it should be used.This course begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to Tweet!All of the different levels of the app and all the functions and tools that it offersHow you proceed to scroll down the feed, finding friends to follow and much moreWe are then going to go trough the process of building a tweet and then sharing itAs the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on how to use Twitter the bestDuring the course I am also going to go through every feature and tool in the app and explain what it's for and how you can use itThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:FeedYour profileMessagesNotificationsand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Use the app to the fullest of it's abilitiesKnowing how you can use all of Twitter's tools and functions to really enjoy the app and have fun with itGet some tips and tricks for how you can upload material to your story and feedUnderstand why Twitter is such a social media phenomenonIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:Social MediaSocial Media MarketingWeb developingCodingandPhotographyI currently study social media marketing and will be graduating from Stockholm International Business School in May 2019.I hope you now have e good grip on what the course is about and what we will cover.Feel free to look through the curriculum of the course and watch some previews, I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"8 Simple Rules for Landlords (Rental Property Owners)" |
"Why should I take this course?Evictions, turnover and property damage are expensive, time-consuming and stressful. For landlords, rental property owners and property managers to be successful they need great long-term tenants that pay their rent on time. As landlords, our behaviours, our actions and our attitudes all have the ability to impact our tenants experience, their decision to stay or move-out, the security of our investments and our mental well-being. In this course, Ali Alidina, the founder of Landlord Simplified,shares his simple, game-changing strategies and best practices that every landlord, rental property owner and property manager must implement to create a strong, positive relationship with their tenants in order to lower their turnover rate, protect their property from being purposefully damaged and reduce the risk of evictions.This course is an introduction to Landlord Simplified's How to be a better landlord series. Whether you are considering renting out your property, just starting out as a landlord or you are an experienced landlord or property manager, the 8 Simple Rules for Landlords is for you. Who is Ali Alidina?Ali has been managing rental properties since 2005 and coaching and advising landlords since 2010. He founded Landlord Simplified where he shares his learnings, experiences and best practices to help rental property owners overcome the learning curve in their rental property business. I live outside of the US. Will the content still be relevant to me?Absolutely! The concepts presented are universal concepts that can be applied whether you live in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Philippines or anywhere else. We currently have students from over 90 different countries."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conscincia: o caminho para uma vida prspera!" |
"Este um curso online destinado pessoas que querem realmente mudar sua vida financeira, remodelando sua mente e assim conquistando a verdadeira prosperidade. Atravs dele ser possvel compreender por que apesar de ganhar muito bem algumas pessoas ainda no se so prsperas ou bem sucedidas financeiramente e o caminho a ser percorrido para leva-lo de encontro prosperidade e abundncia. Ser prspero apesar de ir muito alm de qualquer bem material tambm passa por este caminho e obter conscincia de si mesmo e de sua relao e das experincias anteriores com o dinheiro fazem toda a diferena. Todos ns podemos e merecemos ser prsperos e abundantes e esse o meu desejo, que cada dia mais e mais pessoas compreendam e vivam esta vida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"DevOps: AWS com Terraform Automatizando sua infraestrutura" |
"Este curso ir lev-lo do bsico implementaes mais avanadas que lhe permitiro criar aplicaes modernas do Terraform envolvendo site esttico (AWS S3 / Route53) com certificado SSL (AWS Certificate Manager) e CDN (CloudFront), aplicao auto-escalvel (EC2, VPC, Load Balancer, Auto Scaling Group) e aplicao Serverless (AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Cognito, CloudWatch, SNS).Voc tambm ir aprender sobre a nova verso do Terraform e suas funcionalidades. Essa verso est planejada para ser lanada no primeiro quarter deste ano (2019) e voc (seu cdigo tambm) j vai estar preparado para essa transio.No curso voc encontrar muito cdigo que poder ser reaproveitvel para aplicar diretamente na sua prpria infraestrutura.Edio Agosto 2019:Implementao, utilizando a verso 0.12 do Terraform, de uma aplicao Serverless baseada em contineres para fazer o deploy automtico para o AWS ECS Fargate."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Intercultural Communication for Sports Managers" |
"In order to succeed in the international and intercultural world of sports, you need to take this course. It will turn you into one of the top experts and actors in the field. This course is based on our long term experience in sports, business and intercultural engagement. Sports is an international language, this is often said. Sports managers need to navigate in an intercultural and diverse field. Recruiting athletes, gaining relevance through community engagement and finding new fan groups are crucial. Crisis need to be avoided and to be embraced as opportunities for growth. The media and sponsor landscape is changing due to technological development and are becoming more value driven. This course goes through all the stages in order to get you fit for todays and tomorrows sports world; Communicating internationally, recruiting and integrating athletes, dealing with politics and media, connecting with fans and communities, gaining social relevance and developing your personal skill set."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Diversity Now 2020" |
"Find out how diversity works, how to successfully build a diverse organisation, how municipalities should be structured and how you can deal with crisis. Gain personal growth through challenging your own implicit bias and get ready to participate in the topics discussed today. Recognise and embrace yourself and others as part of diversity. We have used our combined experience of over forty years in business, NGOs and Diversity Training in order to create the best possible course for you. We encourage you to take steps and action after every section and will go every step with you towards becoming a person who fits in with the world of tomorrow."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de MySQL - Crie Bancos de Dados usando SQL" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender de forma simplificada conceitos importantes de Bancos de Dados Relacionais e tambm a criar bancos de dados e manipular registros em tabelas, alm de realizar consultas diversas, usando a linguagem de consulta padro SQL e o sistema de gerenciamento de bancos de dados relacionais MySQL.O curso consiste em uma srie de vdeo-aulas expositivas do material e em questionrios de avaliao de aprendizado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Improving Emotional Intelligence the Vim Way (lesson #1of24)" |
"This is the 1st step on your journey to authenticity and improving your emotional intelligence the Vim Way.The process that you may soon start is centered around the creation of positive energy and the experience of joyous vitality also known as VIM In order to tap into this pure, radiant energy, you must:Put down your mask.Look deeply into your shadows within.Rediscover the power of awareness & right action.The task is simple, but not easy.You will begin by learning to understand and recognize Energy 1 (i.e. Negative Energy) - your single most dangerous enemy. Two traits of Negative Energy make it so formidable. It is cunningly adroit at entering our psyche when you are tired. It is very pervasive in nature.After identifying that which depletes your energy and inner spirit, we will work together to re-discover and build mechanisms to create Energy 2 (i.e. Positive Energy) in lesson #2 of 24 as we travel together along your path to self-awareness, self-actualization and improving your emotional intelligence.We hope that you join us.Be Well.Russell Owens"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hipnose - Voc Pode!" |
"O Treinamento de Hipnose Bsico ao Avanado simplesmente a certificao em hipnose mais completa do mundo.Voc aprender os mtodos mais avanados e eficientes de hipnose, baseados nos princpios de Dave Elman, com refinamentos do Gerald Kein e Hansruedi Wipf.Damos a mxima importncia a um treinamento que uneteoria e prtica. Abordamos em profundidade a fundamentao terica e conceitual que garante consistncia aos atendimentos e mostramos passo a passo na prtica como aplicar a hipnose em qualquer situao, com rapidez e segurana.Com isso, o profissional elimina a subjetividade e o desperdcio de tempo com coisas desnecessrias e alcanaresultados convincentes com seus clientes no menor tempo possvel."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Habitos de Exito: Qu Hace la Gente Exitosa para Triunfar" |
"Elvdeocurso ms completo en espaol sobre Hbitos de xito, que te ensear de forma fcil yrpida,aidentificar y a crear hbitos que te lleven a tener xito en todo aquello que te propongas y puedas disfrutar de ms libertad, felicidad y reconocimiento. Sabes por qu algunas personas tienen xito mientras que otras no? Es la educacin?, es el dinero?, es algo que va ms all de la comprensin de los humanos? Ser que estas personas tienen un don especial?Hace algunos aos cuando decid emprender y mis resultados eran decepcionantes, decid investigar qu hacan los emprendedores y empresarios de xito para tener los resultados que yo deseaba. Y me di cuenta que el xito o fracaso de las personas se halla en los hbitos que practican. Empec poco a poco a incorporar hbitos de xito y mis resultados en diferentes reas de mi vida, mejoraron, y pude empezar a disfrutar de ms libertad, felicidad y reconocimiento.Es por ello que quiero compartir contigo todo este conocimiento que he ido adquiriendo con los aos. En este curso te enseare:Emprender un camino hacia tu transformacin personal Conocer y poner en practica, hbitos de las personas exitosasDesarrollar una mentalidad de xitoConvertirte en una persona ms productiva y motivadaAprender del poder de las expectativas positivasY mucho ms ...sta es mi promesa para ti: si sigues este curso y pones en prctica mis recomendaciones, empezars a notar mejoras significativas en diferentes reas de tu vida, y las personas a tu alrededor lo notarn y se beneficiarn de estos cambios positivos.Bienvenido a una vida de mayor felicidad, libertad, prosperidad y reconocimiento!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Stay Focused on Building a Business" |
"Are you trying to build a business but are overwhelmed with everything that you need to do which is making it hard to get started or stay focused on what you are trying to build? Or have a business going, but it is starting to get disorganized and not going in the direction of your goals? Then this is the course for you! Learn a system of goal tracking, task assigning, and accountability that will help reduce the overwhelm and set you on a path for success."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to develop your own drawing style" |
"In this class, you will learn how to develop a unique method to draw, a unique style, in which you're going to be able to improve little by little, until you're satisfied with. No more ""I wanted to be as good as him/her"". With these 4 steps, I will only guide you, but you're the one that are going to able to tell what work and what doesn't.The topics are:- Get the general idea for a unique style;- Step 1 - Search for other artists work;- Step 2 - Save what you found interesting;- Step 3 - Being able to identify the elements that you want in your style;- Step 4 - Get to work;- A few other tips.So, shall we begin?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator basics" |
"This class is for everybody that wants to learn about Adobe Illustrator, especially begginers. In it, I'll teach you about the panels, menus, artboard, basic tools that I use (pen, eraser, paintbrush, etc.), how to pick colors, about the envelopes and, finally, about how masks work. If you are an advancedconnoisseur of this software and still manages to learn one thing or two, then I gladly achieve my objetive. The topics are:- Panels;- Artboard;- Basic tools;- Color;- Envelopes;- Masks.Time to learn!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop basics" |
"This class is for everybody that wants to learn about Adobe Photoshop, especially begginers. In it, I'll teach you about the panels, menus, artboard, basic tools that I use (move tool, tools that I used to select, etc.), how to pick colors, about the liquify and, finally, about how masks work. If you are an advancedconnoisseur of this software and still manages to learn one thing or two, then I gladly achieve my objetive. The topics are:- Panels;- Artboard;- Basic tools;- Color;- Selection;- Layers;- Liquify;- Masks.Time to learn!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects basics" |
"This class is for everybody that wants to learn about Adobe After Effects, especially begginers. In it, I'll teach you about the panels, diferentiation between project and composition, how the resolution doesn't affect the result of the footage, about how to make masks (two ways), pre-compose, import and, finally, configurations for the rendering. If you are an advancedconnoisseur of this software and still manages to learn one thing or two, then I gladly achieve my objetive. The topics are:- Panels;- Project;- Resolution;- Timeline;- Masks;- Pre-compose;- Import;- Render.Time to learn!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"My artwork process: vector character" |
"In this class, I will show a step by step that I use on my drawing style when I'm working only with vectors. Basically, the steps are the same when I'm working also with pixels, but subtle changes that consists in a major difference in the visuals. So, let's dive into it!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"My artwork process: painted character" |
"In this class, I will show a step by step that I use on my drawing style when I am working with pixels. Basically, the steps are the same when I am working with vectors, but subtle changes that consists in a major difference in the visuals. So, let's dive into it!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Creating backgrounds" |
"In this class, you will receive a few tips about creating backgrounds, like setting up a composition following the rule of the third, hiding details that you don't appearing in your background, and having no problems when it comes to create the most used angles and perspectives out there. For that, I will use the game Resident Evil Remake (as well as other games and some creations of mine) to provide the examples. So, ready to explore?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Games that visually work well: DD & DS" |
"Did you ever wonder why some games like Darkest Dungeon and Don'tStarve work so well visually? It's because of the hand made drawing used on the entire game! Each game has its own objective, but has features in common as well. And combined with other elements, like the font used or the soundtrack, they work pretty well with each other. So, ready to see what those features are?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Instant anxiety and stress relief - Powerful Stress Cleanse" |
"Need to boost your energy? Having a hard time finding clarity? If you're under a lot of stress, that's completely normal. Anxiety and stress mine your productivity, creativity, and your energy. This course is specially designed to help you cope with hard times, or to release stress from your super busy life. With short but sweet activities, these neuroscience-based strategies will reduce the hormones of stress in your body and will help you boost your immune system. The course is designed to help you develop the habit of self-care and positive thinking, so you can be more happy and productive. Each daily activity takes no more than fifteen minutes, but you'll begin to see results from day one. Break the habits of negative thinking, anxiety, stress and escalating fear, and replace them with a more clear, creative and expansive lifestyle. This course makes it super easy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo disear logos profesionales paso a paso desde cero" |
"Si eres apasionado por el diseo y el arte no dudar ni un segundo que conseguirs el xito si as tu lo deseas, conmigo aprenders a despertar tus sentidos creativos en mi sistema personal y profesional desde cero a disear logos, basados en los fundamentos necesarios para poder llevarlo a la prctica en la vida real. Que haces con slo aprender a manejar un programa si no sabes que hacer con el? en este curso primero pasars por bases y fundamentos, Romper el candado creativo, practica de clientes, como conceptualizar el logo de una marca, bocetearlo y llevarlo al digital hasta su vectorizacin y presentacin."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CSShtml5CSS 3CSSCSS 3Web-(CSS)--"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB----WEB |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--JavaScript--WEB |
"JavascriptJavascriptwebJavascriptJavascript(IIFEs)JavascriptJavascriptAngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery, React, Ember, MongoDBJavascript!Javascript"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |