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WEB--jQuery--WEB |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--AngularJS--WEB |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--Bootstrap--WEB |
"Bootstrap Bootstrap RWDBootstrapCSSBootstrapBootstrap"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--ReactJS--WEB |
"React JsReactReact Js/React Js!JavaScriptReactJavaScriptReact js"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Web?FacebookTwitter?HTMLcss,JavaScript, jQuery WebHTMLCSSJavaScriptWebH5...?!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--Web--WEB |
"WebHTMLCSSJavaScriptWebSEO jQueryBootstrap WebWeb Web Web"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--Web-WEB |
"HTMLCSS JavaScript jQueryBootstrap webWebWeb Web Web"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB--NodeJS--WEB |
"Node.jsNodewebNodeJSNodeNodeJSNodewebExpresswebwebapiNodeJavascriptpower NodeNodeJSNodeJS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WEB- |
"HTMLCSS JavaScript 1TypeScript2TypeScript3TypeScript(Classes)4TypeScript5TypeScript(Interfaces)6TypeScript7TypeScript 8Egret-9Egret 10Egret 11Egret 12Egret13Egret 14Egret 15Egret 16Egret 17Egret GUI 18Cocos2d-JS 19Cocos2d-JS 20Cocos2d-JS 21Cocos2d-JS Action 22Cocos2d-JS v323Cocos2d-JS v324Cocos2d-JS v325Cocos2d-JS v326Cocos2d-JS CocosStudio 2.x 27Cocos2d-JS CocosStudio 2.x 28Cocos2d-JS 29Google V8 30 Google V8 WebWeb Web Web"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Take your ball-handling and finishing to the next level!" |
"Skyrocket Your Basketball Skills Today!Are you looking for an easy way to learn how to expertly handle the basketball?Have you wanted to solidify you ball-handling skills, maybe break some ankles on the court, or simply have the means to consistently practice core dribbling skills in the convenience of your own home?Nexstory Basketball Academy has the perfect solution!Nextstory offers an online basketball training course that is specifically geared towards developing and solidifying your basketball handling skills, while also allowing you to become a stronger finisher on the court. Our unique program has more than70 drills and workouts, along with expert instruction, to really get the most of the hard work and training youre wanting to put into the sport.This program is ideal for beginners and intermediate players looking to begin crafting these necessary skills, as it teaches you the core fundamentals of ball-handling and finishing from where you can build more expert movements. If youre already an expert on the court, great! This program is a convenient, easy way to make sure that your fundamentals are still strong.And the best part about this program?Not only is it an intensive program that will help you master the basics in no time, and not only is it an extensive program of drills and workouts for you to master, but since its an online program, you can progress at your own pace! Maybe theres a drill that youve mastered easily, you can skip to the next exercise. Maybe theres a drill that is particularly challenging, you can take your time and repeat the drill as many times as you need to master the skill.If youre serious about having real, serious ball-handling skills on the court, this program is an absolute must have.The competition wont know what hit them!Grab Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"F5 ASM BASICS- Part1" |
"The BIG-IP Application Security Manager course gives participants a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks.The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion about different ASM components.This course starts right from the fundamentals of application traffic flow and will help you understand how does F5 ASM behave to attacks and how can you start exploring ASM as a WAFproduct.The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion about different ASM components.In this course we will be discussing below topics: Application Traffic Flow.Initial setup of BIG-IP Basic traffic processing components on F5HTTPheader and explanation of OWASP Top 10 Security Model Ways to deploy initial security policy on ASM.Tuning of your policyAttack Signatures"
Price: 7680.00 ![]() |
"F5 ASM BASICS- Part2" |
"The BIG-IP Application Security Manager course gives participants a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks.The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion about different ASM components.In this course we will be discussing below topics: Approach towards building a positive security policy. Securing Cookies and other headers. Reporting and Logging Functionalities on ASM. Static and Dynamic Parameter Handling Comparing Security Policies ASMdeployment types"
Price: 11200.00 ![]() |
"F5 ASM BASICS- Part3" |
"The BIG-IP Application Security Manager course gives participants a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks.The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion about different ASM components.In this course we will be discussing below topics:1. Use of Templates for policy creation.2. Process of Automatic Policy building.3. Integration of ASM with Vulnerability Scanners4. Use of Layered policies.5. Enforce login and protection of application from Brute Force6. Details of Session tracking and Web Scraping.7. Protecting your application against DOS."
Price: 10240.00 ![]() |
"Aprende SQL Developer desde cero" |
"En este curso y entrenamientocontars con mas de 180 minutos de video que te brindarn el conocimiento y la prctica profesional en las sentencias ms comunes de gestion de PL SQL con Oracle SQL Developer, lo cual tedar mayor competenciaen el mbito profesional.En Tecnologas de informacin Oracle juega un papel muy importante no solo como gestin de bases de datos, sino como proveedor de toda una plataforma tecnologica, por lo queposeer conocimientos mediosde PL SQL en SQL Developer es imperativo. Aprenders desdeinstalar y configurar la herramienta, hasta crear objetos, gestionar registros y administrar todo tipo de datos y estructuras con sentencias de contro DCL (Data Control Language), DDL (Data Definition Language) y DML (Data Manipulation Language)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UX Research" |
"A Catarinas Design uma consultoria que atua como parceiro estratgico de UX de seus clientes, que em geral so empresas de tecnologia e startups. Ao longo dos nossos anos de atuao tivemos oportunidade de vivenciar pesquisas em cenrios diversos que foram desde granjas no setor agrcola fbricas e indstrias. Desenvolvemos com isso uma forte habilidade de pesquisa com usurios em situaes e projetos dos mais extremos e complexos e resolvemos agora compartilhar esses aprendizados para auxiliar na formao de novos profissionais de UX do mercado.Este curso focado em profissionais do design que esto em busca de aprimorar seus conhecimentos em pesquisa ou que esto entrando agora na rea de UX design. O curso bsico aborda conceitos, tcnicas e dicas prticas sobre como colocar o processo de UX research no seu dia a dia de trabalho. Voc vai aprender a melhor conduzir os momentos ANTES, DURANTE e DEPOIS da pesquisa com usurios.Pr-pesquisa:Sero explorados temas que te ajudaro a entender o porque a pesquisa fundamental e argumentos sobre como voc pode convencer os seus colegas de trabalho quanto a esse ponto essencial do processo de UX design. Alm disso compartilhamos conhecimentos sobre como desenhar um bom planejamento da pesquisa, construir uma matriz CSD e ento mtodos eficazes de criar um plano de pesquisa para otimizar ao mximo suas abordagens e investigaes.Aplicao da pesquisa com usurios:No curso compartilhamos as ferramentas e tcnicas de pesquisa que mais utilizamos em nosso dia a dia de consultoria de UX. Explicaremos como aplicar questionrios, entrevistas, focus groups e etnografia/shadowing em seus projetos de forma simples e objetiva, para ajudar a desmistificar que pesquisas necessariamente precisam longas, complexas e caras.Ps-pesquisa:Um ponto central do UX research como organizar todas as informaes coletadas durante as pesquisas realizadas, pois somente a voc realmente consegue concretizar o valor dessa atividade. Compartilhamos formas e atalhos sobre como compilar da melhor forma os diversos dados vindos de uma pesquisa de campo. A organizao e apresentao desses dados e descobertas tambm so fundamentais para isso detalhamos o uso de frameworks como personas e jornada do usurio para auxiliar voc nessa tarefa."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"WORDPRESS tu propia pgina web desde cero a PRO." |
"!Entra y nete! , conoce cmo crear tu pgina web? desde cero para que puedas comenzar tu negocio por ti mismo, sin necesidad de acudir a grandes conocimientos de programacin. Wordpress est diseado para poder personalizar a tu gusto cualquier tipo de negocio y as poder ganar dinero desde internet.Aprovecha este cupn para que este curso sea GRATIS! hasta el 01-03-2018 = WEB_GRATIS"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get Up & Running with the Protractor-Cucumber Framework (JS)" |
"This course is intended to teach you how to use the Protractor-Cucumber Framework, with a few tips from a software engineer familiar with these tools. By the end of the course, a developer should be equipped with enough knowledge to start using these tools at their software shop or in their own projects. Far too often is Integration &End-to-End testing thrown out of a software process, but if it were just easier, then maybe it could find its place everywhere. Technologies Used:Node.jsSelenium (Webdriver-manager)JavaScript(Future Lectures) Typescript Support If RequestedVisual Studio CodeExtensions Listed Under Lecture 2ProtractorCucumberGherkin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mind Mapping Your Way To Stay Focused and Be Productive" |
"If you are a corporate professional, business owner, entrepreneur, busy mom, or a student, the MIND MAPPING YOUR WAY TO STAY FOCUSED AND BE PRODUCTIVE course is for you.Why this course?The course is packed with POWERFUL techniques and strategies that are simple to do. It is designed with you in mind to help you to:Save timeReduce your anxiety and stress levelBe motivated to get up every morningStart your day with a clear plan in mind and looking forward to a productive dayIncrease your confidence levelIncrease your self-respect and self-appreciationAlways feel in control of your time and scheduleSimplify your lifeWhat's included in this course?The 6-step FOCUS framework on getting clear of what matters most to youA step-by-step guide on mapping out your FOCUS areas, prioritizing and organizing them so that you can stay laser-focused on the important stuffStrategies to identify your sweet spots5-step to break bad habits and replace them with healthy habitsTactics on how to always be prepared ahead of timeStrategies to handle distractors before they occurredTechniques to delegateEvaluate and make adjustments to your FOCUS map as you move along"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Infraestrutura de TI com Samba4 + AD + Pfsense + File Server" |
"Este curso ensina passo a passo como voc planejar uma infraestrutura contendo um PfSense liberando o DHCP e internet para um controlador de domnio principal Debian 9.5 com samba 4, um controlador de domnio secundrio Windows Server 2008 R2, um controlador de domnio secundrio Debian 9.5 com samba 4 e um File Server dedicado utilizando o Debian 9.5 com samba 4. Trabalharemos com GPO, provisionaremos um servidor WEB, utilizaremos um servidor Centos7 no domnio totalmente integrado com o AD para realizao de backups na rede utilizando a ferramenta bacula. Ainda configuraremos um servidor para monitoramento da infraestrutura com zabbix e faremos a integrao do mesmo para autenticao dos usurios atravs do AD. Tambm veremos como colocar mquinas windows 7, 8 e Ubuntu 18.04 no domnio samba 4.Trabalharemos na linha de comando e atravs do RSAT para gerenciar o AD. Alm disso, o curso conta com um mdulo especfico para os usurios iniciantes em linux, para que qualquer usurio, mesmo sem conhecimento prvio de linux, possa acompanhar o contedo."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Linux Ubuntu 18.04 do bsico ao avanado" |
"Neste curso voc aprender desde os conceitos bsicos do Linux Ubuntu 18.04, at utilizar a linha de comandos com os principais comandos da distribuio.Faremos a instalao de uma mquina virtual (Virtualbox), onde todo o curso deve ser realizado pelos alunos (Orientamos no utilizar os prprios computadores pois iremos utilizar comandos e realizar aes que podem danificar o sistema). Instalaremos o Ubuntu 18.04 ao lado do windows 7 (dual boot), abordaremos todo o ambiente grfico do sistema, instalao de programas no modo grfico e no modo texto, introduo ao LibreOffice com algumas aulas de Writer e Calc e logo aps teremos uma sequncia de aulas (bnus) sobre os principais comandos da distribuio Debian e como utiliz-los."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Infraestrutura de TI Com Windows Server 2012 R2" |
"Neste curso apresento de forma clara e objetiva, como trabalhar com o Windows Server 2012 R2. Iremos entender as principais caractersticas do sistema, realizar a instalao do tipo GUI e Server Core, realizar a alterao entre tipos de instalao de GUI para Server Core e de Server Core para GUI. Promover um controlador de domnio principal, promover um controlador de domnio adicional, adicionar um File Server e configur-lo, Gerenciamento de discos, trabalhando com Raid-5, Configurar DHCP, Trabalhar com GPO, Adicionar mquinas ao domnio, adicionar servidores ao domnio utilizando o tipo de instalao Server Core, Realizar configuraes em servidores Server Core, Instalando recursos e funes remotamente pelo Server Manager, Trabalhar com o powershel, Integrar nossa infraestrutura com o firewall pfsense."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"SCRUM Prctico en Proyectos de Software" |
"Reseas de estudiantes:Guillermo Tello, Estados Unidos. El material es muy bien explicado y fcil de entender Nicole Lasso Canto: Me interesa mucho el tema, el profesor es bueno y espero poder aprovecharlo y aprender mucho! Jess Hernndez, Colombia: Yes, it is among my future skill improvements purposesRichard Masaya, Guatemala: 5 estrellasEn este curso aprenders las 5 fases de un proyecto y sus 19 procesos, segn el SBOK (Scrum Body of Knowledge). Con este conocimiento podrs llevar tus proyectos de software al siguiente nivel, bajo un entorno gil.La mayora de cursos de Scrum se enfocan en la teora, pero no te dicen cmo ponerlo a funcionar en un entorno empresarial de la vida real. En este curso vamos ms all de la teora, brindndote informacin basada en la experiencia para que puedas implementar Scrum desde una perspectiva de proyecto y puedas llevar tu proyecto de software desde inicio a fin, de manera exitosa.Tambin aprenders sobre gestin de calidad del software, como crear un plan de calidad, a incluir los criterios de aceptacin en las historias de usuario as como el control de la calidad durante la ejecucin de sprints.Tendrs acceso a los bonos adicionales del curso (20+ plantillas totalmente gratis para que lleves la gestin de tu proyecto)."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Gestiona tu Proyecto Scrum con Jira Agile" |
"JIRA Agile es una de las herramientas ms utilizadas para el desarrollo de proyectos con Scrum. Esto se debe a que es muy fcil de usar, es intuitiva, proporciona un amplio conjunto de funciones y te da mucha flexibilidad en la gestin de proyectos giles.Si bien es importante conocer los principios tericos de Scrum, como Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Story Points, Velocidad, Sprint Burndown y otros, tambin es importante saber cmo usarlos en una herramienta prctica del mundo real.Este curso te dar una base slida sobre los principios y prcticas relacionadas con Scrum. Y lo que es ms importante, tiene un enfoque prctico que te permitir aprender a implementar Scrum con una de las herramientas ms utilizadas hoy en da."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"SAP Material Management Practice Test" |
"Anyone who wants to appear for SAP MM Certification The ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Material Management "" certification exam that validates that candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP MM Implementation Consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification.This course will also be useful for anyone preparing for Material Management Interviews. This course can be a quick revision / test covering all topics in SAP MM.Each Test is having 80 different questions and answers and you need to finish this exam in 180 minutes. You have to score 61% marks to pass this exam.A mini Test is Provided with 40 different questions and answers and you need to finish this exam in 90 minutes. Passing score is 61% Marks.We are not in anyway associated with SAP AG or respective company.This Practice test does not guarantee to qualify exam."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administrator Certification Full Practice Exam" |
"Salesforce Admin positions are sweeping across the world and are becoming one of the most in-demand jobs globally. I made 2 great exams that will help you to pass the certification test . All the questions in my exam include answers that help you understand the subject. Try us and good luck in you test!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Russir tes tudes sans stress en Activant ton mental" |
"- Si vous dsirez avoir confiance en vous , - vous dbarrassez de vos penses ngatives- Dfinir votre but - Obtenir plus de motivation- Grer le stress ou le trac En suivant ces 12 tutos, vous serez capable de transformer votre vie, russir tous ce que vous voulez entreprendre Que vous soyez au lyce, en fac, , en cole dingnieur , BTS musiciens, danseurs peu importe Ce programme est fait pour vous Lon vous apprend un mtier , une technique , des matires, une science Mais est ce quon vous apprend , - grer vos penss afin de vous mettre dans les meilleurs conditions pour , - suivre votre intention de russites - avoir de la motivation ncessaire et ne pas baisser les bras en cas dchec Ces ingrdients sont la base de votre russiteOn ne nait pas bon , on le devient ces 12 tutos sont 1. Comprendre ce quest le dveloppement personnel2. comprendre et grer le stress3. savoir vous observer4. Savoir qui vous tes5. comment ne pas culpabiliser6. Obtenir votre but 7. Vous allgez de vos croyances limitantes 8. Vous empcher de tourner en rond9. Vous dbarrasser de vos importances10. Croire en vous 11. Avoir une hygine qui va avec votre vie dtudiant 12. Avoir de la persvranceen bonus un exercice simple pour vous booster nimporte quel moment cette mthode est unique en son genre, puisquelle se base sur toutes les techniques issues des Neurosciences et du bien-tre.Jai bas ce concept original issu des Neurosciences afin de crdibiliser le Je suis capable de tout mais je ne le sais pas Vous avez tous la capacit de russir , mais vous doutez de vos comptences, votre intention est flou et la motivation vous fait dfaut .Ces 12 tutos vous permettrons de comprendre le fonctionnement de votre ordinateur central , votre cerveau afin de le faire tourner pleine puissance . Je vais vous expliquer de manire simple et efficace, comment faire le dfragmenter , le nettoyer , le booster , le programmer , lempcher de ramer. Vous installerez votre anti virus Vous allez grce aux outils de dveloppement personnel que jai mis au point spcialement pour vous Vous allez reprendre possession de toutes vos capacits et vous dbarrasser de toutes vos interrogations Je suis le rveilleur de votre confiance vous , Car vous tes la rponse que vous cherchez"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Revelation" |
"This course is an easy understanding of the book of Revelation. This knowledge then flows over into an understanding of the whole Bible and the the finished work of Christ on the cross and the time leading up to the cross as well as the complete work after the cross.The Word explains the Word and the application of the Word is by the Spirit"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Native English: Master 48 Useful Phrasal Verbs" |
"Are you often confused or overwhelmed by the number of phrasal verbs in the English language?Do you struggle to remember the meanings of key phrasal verbs or mix up similar ones?Do you want your spoken and written English to sound more fluent or natural but arent sure how to achieve this?If you are an intermediate or advanced speaker of English and want to improve your fluency by making your English sound more native, this course can help you! My name is Mark, Im a native, fully qualified and experienced teacher of English as a Foreign language and I will lead you through this detailed and comprehensive course to help you to master these 48 essential phrasal verbs that native English speakers use every day.During this course, Ill introduce you to the phrasal verbs in sets of four, explain each one to you and provide you with many examples and opportunities to practice them in an interactive way. Each set begins with a detailed explanation of the meaning, as well as several examples of each phrasal verb in context, so you can see how it is used in everyday language. Following this, you will have the chance to put what you have learned into practice with multiple choice, listening and sentence transformation exercises. These exercises will help you to use the phrasal verbs accurately and fluently.The lessons are arranged in ascending order of difficulty and you will be challenged to use the phrasal verbs in a variety of different contexts, helping you to really master each one quickly. This course doesnt just teach you new phrasal verbs, it helps you to really command them and to use them naturally so that your English sounds much more fluent.Take the next step to improving your English fluency with Native English: Master 48 Essential Phrasal Verbs."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamal MVC Fullstack .Net Yazlm Gelitirme" |
"Adm adm tasarmndan yazlmna her eyi kendimiz retelim ve srekli test, kontrol ve iyiletirme eklinde ilerleyelim yntemiyle bir eitim hazrladm.Eitimim sresince baz hatalar editlemedim, baz hatalar ise karlaabilirsiniz diye bilerek braktm. Hatalar videolarn ierisinde zmleriyle anlattm. Sadece doru yolu deil, hatalarla nasl ba edeceinizi, karlatnzda neler yapmanz gerektiini, ne yaptnzda nasl sonulanabileceini de anlatyorum.Burada sadece yazlm dilleri konusunda eitim vermiyorum, yazlmc yetitirmeyi hedefliyorum. stiyorum ki bu eitime vakit harcayarak kendine deer veren insanlar kendilerine faydal bilgiler bulsun. Her seviyeden insan bu eitimde kendine mutlaka bir eyler katacaktr.Eitim hakknda beeni ve yorum yaparsanz sevinirim. erikleri iyimser olursa veya yapc eletiriler olursa apayr sevinirim. Emeklerinizin karlk bulmas dileiyle. :)Kursumda neler reneceksiniz:MVC-NTier yazlm mimarileri, Xml ve Json veri formatlar, BackEnd, FrontEnd ve Fullstack kavramlar, Request atldnda geilen admlar, VisualStudio, Sql Server ve Postman kurulumu, Github'n VisualStudio ile kullanm, WebServis(RESTFul) ve Portal(WebApplication) olmak zere Bootstrap'li admin paneli oluturma,Database First alma mant, Code First fark, DrawIO ile database diyagramlar ve ak emalar izme hakknda bilgi, Login-Register ve TokenAuthanticatoion (Owin) ile oklu yetkilendirme yaps, EntityFramework ile veri taban ilemleri (Ado.Net, LinQ), DataAnnotation, Layout'un (MasterPage) avantaj, Tablolama ve Ynetim sayfalar oluturma (Paging, Sorting, Filter Status, Filter Search, Create, Update, Delete, UnDelete),AlertifyJs ve ParsleyJs ile kontroll form yaplar oluturma.Kursuma eklenecek ierikler:CroppicJs eklentisi ile resim dosyas ileme, TSql yazm, StoreProcedure, Trke-ngilizce Translate (Resource ve JsResource), Google eklentileri (MapApi, SearchApi), Select2Js ile ok seenekli inputlar, Repository kullanm ve nedenleri,Yaynlama sreleri."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Otimizao do Windows - Melhorando seu Desempenho" |
"Nada pior que ter um sistema lento, travando, desconfigurado em sua casa ou no seu ambiente de trabalho!Nesse curso de Otimizao do Windows, voc ir aprender diversas tcnicas e recursos que visam melhorar, de maneira significativa o desempenho do seu sistema operacional. Curso voltado para usurios bsicos a intermedirios, que utilizam o Windows mas no conhece recursos mais avanados de otimizao do sistema que o prprio Windows disponibiliza.Resolva problemas de travamentos, lentides, programas indesejados entre outros. Curso 100% em vdeo de tima qualidade para voc tirar o mximo de aproveitamento possvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"O Curso mais completo de Windows 10 - Atualizado 2018" |
"O Curso ideal para voc que pretende ir alm no seu conhecimento do sistema operacional mais utilizado no Mundo, oWindows 10.Conhea seus detalhes, suas ferramentas secretas, torne um profissional de verdade e no um usurio amador.Venha fazer um curso completo, com mais de 2 horas de vdeo de tima qualidade, em alta resoluo, mostrando na prtica (passo a passo) os principais recursos do Windows 10.Curso atualizado constantemente, caprichado, 100% prtico!100% prticoPasso a Passo detalhadoLinguagem SimplesCurso de QualidadeProfessor que administra mais de 100 computadores com Windows 10, na empresa que ele trabalha.OBS:Assista as vdeos aulas com fone de ouvido para maior compreenso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |