Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso Completo de Whatsapp Marketing" |
"A criao do Whatsapp para Negcios foi um verdadeiro marco para a comunicao entre empresas e clientes. Antes as estratgias se limitavam apenas ao e-mail marketing e algumas outras que no causavam tanta diferena. A taxa de entrega de e-mails no atende mais aos principais objetivos, seja a empresa pequena ou grande.O Whatsapp Business veio para suprir essas lacunas e melhorar ainda mais o relacionamento entre os negcios e os clientes, transformando as conversas chatas e frias do e-mail marketing e um contato muito mais direto e aquecido. O resultado disso: muito mais vendas e uma maior fidelizao, fazendo com que o life time value dispare bastante.Comece hoje mesmo a estudar e a colocar sua estratgia de campanha no whatsapp business em prtica. A sade de seu negcio ir agradecer muito."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Digital Bsico para Profissionais de Dana" |
"Promover a sua arte atravs da dana um dos maiores desafios. Todo o profissional de dana ou mesmo os amadores preservam uma paixo gigante pelos movimentos, mas no sabem, na grande maioria, como fazer para que mais pessoas sejam tocadas pela expresso dos sentimentos atravs do corpo.Felizmente existe a internet, uma grande aliada para fazer qualquer tipo de arte chegar muito mais longe do que se possa imaginar. Com as ferramentas proporcionadas pelas mdias sociais se tornou muito mais simples e barato divulgar seu trabalho e, consequentemente, aumentar as chances de conseguir mais alunos, convites para congressos, workshops e eventos.Com o curso Marketing Digital Bsico para Profissionais de Dana voc ter chance de conhecer os primeiros passos para construir sua presena online de maneira simples e sem enrolao. Ir aprender a forma correta de criar seus perfis nas redes sociais fazendo com que eles sejam otimizados para atrair o pblico que realmente est interessado na sua dana, o que o torna muito mais engajado.Se inscreva no curso e Marketing Digital Bsico para Profissionais de Dana para conhecer as estratgias iniciais no desenvolvimento de sua presena online.Nos vemos dentro do curso.Um abrao.Michael Araujo"
Price: 474.99 ![]() |
"YouTube SEO 2020 - Guia Completo para Mais Visualizaes" |
"Acredito que voc tenha chegado at aqui porque quer receber mais visitas e inscritos no seu canal do YouTube, no mesmo?Ento eu tenho uma boa notcia para te dar: voc chegou ao local correto!O YouTube o lugar perfeito para que voc possa desenvolver sua prpria marca, conseguir muito mais trfego para seu site e ganhar vendendo produtos e servios a atravs dos seus vdeos. E este o curso perfeito para voc comear todo esse processo de criao e desenvolvimento do seu canal no YouTube.Bom, e quem sou eu para te ensinar?Meu nome Michael e ajudei a criar, desenvolver e gerir dezenas de canais de sucesso juntamente com a minha equipe. Alguns canais so de empresas de diversos portes. outros so de empreendendores e produtores de contedo que buscam uma soluo para desenvolver seu trabalho na internet atravs do vdeos.Eu sou um instrutor online em tempo integral e estarei ajudando voc a dar cada passo nesse caminho. Se voc tiver alguma dvida sobre o contedo do curso ou sobre qualquer assunto relacionado a este tpico, voc sempre pode postar uma pergunta ou me enviar uma mensagem direta.Meu objetivo fazer deste o melhor curso sobre YouTube SEO que voc j tenha visto. Ento, se houver alguma maneira de melhorar este curso, apenas me diga com e seguirei os seus comentrios.Se voc quer desenvolver sua prpria marca, ter MAIS MAIS VISUALIZAES E ASSINANTES, ou iniciar um canal do zero, este o curso perfeito para voc!Seja qual for sua motivao para iniciar um canal do YouTube, voc veio ao lugar certo.O curso YouTube SEO tem o que mais necessrio para voc atingir seus objetivos atravs de estratgias com vdeos.O YouTube SEO um curso rpido e eficaz que leva voc de zero habilidades a um canal completo do YouTube com visualizaes e inscritos de alta qualidade.Se inscreva no curso e eu terei o enorme prazer de te guiar nesse aprendizado.Um abrao.Michael"
Price: 564.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro bsico" |
"Esta curso esta enfocado para profesionales y no profesionales en el campo de la edicin de vdeos, que deseen reforzar o conocer ms sobre este programa, al finalizar el curso tendrs la capacidad de generar o producir vdeos profesionalmente y encontraras ejercicios prcticos los cuales te ayudaran a mejorar tus habilidades"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cute Bears Painting on Nails" |
"This course includes 5 cute winter nail art designs and instruction for gel nail polish application. Your will learn to paint on nails using gel polishes. You will get full videos with descriptions and lists of materials. Using them you will find out how to give dimension to your art and will be able to paint these designs. Such a practice will help you to develop your imagination and inspire you to create your own unique designs! Also you will get certificate!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Buy your First Aircraft: What to Do and What to Avoid" |
"If youve thought about what it takes to buy an aircraft, this course is for you! You may be learning to fly for your career, or maybe exploring your options for how to get into the aviation industry, or following your childhood dreams of getting your pilots license for fun. By taking this course, we want to demystify the idea of buying your first aircraft. We know that excitement from finding the right aircraft, making the deal and taking off. So, why not share what I have learned with clear, manageable steps to take in order to make your dream a reality? When I planned this course, I knew I wanted to answer the following questions:Whats the process for buying a plane?Why am I more confused after reviewing airplanes on different websites?Whats the right price for the aircraft I want to buy?Is this the right aircraft for me?How do you make sure that the aircraft is working appropriately? This course will help you get familiar with the complete process of buying an aircraft.By the end of this course, you will learn through a series of 15 videos:Investment analysisAircraft acquisition costsHow to estimate ownership costsAircraft as an investment. An approximate return on your investmentA quantitative analysis of buying vs renting a planeBuy an aircraftWhats the right aircraft for youBudget and timingAircraft financingResearch and selectionValuation tipsMake an offerPre-buy inspectionPaperwork & closingAircraft home and aircraft insuranceFuture operationHow to keep aircraft value up and marketableNext Generation upgrades: ADS-B Out. I will be sharing with you a step by step guide to buy an aircraft to make the buying process easier for you. Print it out and take it with you when you go check out your potential first aircraft. The guide includes:Aircraft purchase agreement sampleBill of sale documentAircraft registration applicationAirworthiness certificate applicationInformation if registering aircraft in an LLCList of websites that advertise aircraft for saleList of Facebook groups that advertise aircraft for saleGuidance to deal with an aircraft mechanic for the pre-buy inspectionFinding an aircraft mechanicDefining the scope of the reviewImportant things to fix versus nice things to fixLegalHow to use the information in your advantageQuestions to help you solve whats the right aircraft for youTables to help you estimating your personal cost structureAcquisition costsOwnership costs"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Curso Licitao Expert" |
"DescrioVoc que est precisando aumentar as vendas e o faturamento do seu negcio, o curso Licitao Expert vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para se tornar um especialista e ganhar muito dinheiro com esse mercado milionrioVoc encontrou o curso de ""aumento de vendas"" certo!Com as habilidades e estratgias que vai aprender aqui no nosso curso Licitao Expert, voc pode:CRESCER seu prprio negcioAUMENTAR as vendas em at 300% REALINHAR sua empresa e coloc la de volta nos trilhosQueremos te ajudar a expandir seu negcio Prometemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para ajud-lo a aumentar o faturamento do seu negcio vendendo para os rgo de governo As ferramentas e estratgias que recomendamos e ensinamos no curso so comprovadamente eficazes !O QUE VOC RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO LICITAO EXPERT?Acesso ao curso e todas as atualizaesSuporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntasMaterial autoexplicativo em PDF para voc comear de imediato PREPARE-SE PARA COLOCAR NA PRTICA!Durante todo o curso, voc estar aplicando as estratgias no seu prprio negcio!Voc aprender as tcnicas e estratgias perfeitas para cada seo. Logo voc ver como essas estratgias so usadas no mundo real com estudos de caso. Finalmente, voc vai colocar na prtica e ver resultados reais!CHEGOU A HORA DE COMEAR A VENDER NO MERCADO MILIONRIO DAS VENDAS PARA O GOVERNO E CRESCER O SEU NEGCIO E VOLTAR A SER FELIZ!Mesmo que voc nunca tenha feito isso antesMesmo que sua empresa esteja no vermelhoMesmo que voc esteja quebrado sem dinheiro pra investir ESSE O MOMENTO PERFEITO PARA COMEAR, ACREDITE!Inscreva-se agora e vamos faturar muito, vender muito e crescer sua empresaTe vejo na primeira lio!Th Junior.Para quem este curso:Empresrios, empreendedores, donos de empresas, Autnomos.Os donos de empresas que desejam sair do vermelho e aumentar as vendas Qualquer pessoa que queira expandir seus negcios"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MagicaVoxel desde Cero - VoxelArt" |
"Bienvenido al curso ""MagicaVoxel desde Cero - VoxelArt"". Este curso contempla todo lo fundamental, para que puedas adquirir el perfil adecuado y as convertirte en un artista VoxelArt.El Arte de Vxel ha ganado mucha popularidad a comienzos del siglo XXI, su uso se ha extendido para diversos campos [Medicina, Ingeniera, Cine, Videojuegos]Este curso contempla lo siguiente:Una clase introductoria terica de corta duracin, para que te puedas familiarizar con los conceptos clavesConocers la pgina oficial del programa, para que puedas descargar e instalar MagicaVoxelAprenders a conocer el editor de MagicaVoxel de manera exhaustiva - [Modo Model - Modo Render]En un corto lapso de tiempo te acostumbrars a utilizar las teclas de acceso rpido, para acelerar el flujo de trabajoCada Modelo una vez finalizado, pasa al modo Render, y para cada caso, se aplica un acabado distintoCada modelo renderizado, generars una captura de pantalla, un archivo .vox y un archivo .objSe trabaja con una paleta personalizada que va obteniendo ms colores a medida que vas avanzando a lo largo del cursoSe incluyen 10 prcticas, utilizars gran parte de las herramientas que ofrece MagicaVoxelAprenders a incorporar un sistema de huesos y animar uno de tus modelos por medio de una aplicacin Web gratuitaConocers unas herramientas ocultas que ofrece MagicaVoxelAprenders a utilizar Unity a un nivel BsicoAprenders a llevar tus modelos 3D hacia UnityConocers los fundamentos de como crear animaciones dentro de UnityAprenders a renderizar una escena dentro de UnityEs un curso muy prctico, todas las acciones de las prcticas se van realizando paso a paso, el uso de las teclas de acceso rpido, se mencionan en voz alta, para que el estudiante pueda estar avanzando a la par con su instructor. Te recomiendo que veas el video de presentacin, as podrs tener una idea ms clara si este curso te convendra realizarlo. Si tienes alguna duda en particular, no dudes en escribirme un mensaje privado.Te espero en el curso estimad@ estudiante, me despido con un cordial saludo, muchas gracias."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"OSPF Basics Courses in 5 Days! (Complete Course)" |
"Most detailed OSPF basic course in the world, walking you throughout the process of establishing OSPF neighbor relationships, showing you the details of LSAs types and their functions, and details of SPF algorithms, and most important the calculation and comparison between OSPF routes, The course taught by Mr.James Zhou.Welcome everyone to join us!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design pattern in C# by using professional examples" |
"Creational Design Pattern 1. Simple Factory - Creation of object by using ""CreateExam"" Method for OnlineExam.2. Factory Method - Creation of object by using ConcreteFactory subclasses for OnlineExam.3. Abstract Factory - Creation of object for Window and Dialog with respect to different OS by using AbstractWidgetFactory.4. Singleton - Generic example to understand the concepts, example of static initialization and double lock checking.5. Prototype - Creation prototype object at run time for GeneralCustomer and PrevilegeCustomer.6. Builder - Creation of object in series of steps by using Fluent Interface and Bank builder for BankAccount.Structural Design Pattern 1. Adapter - Adapter used in between Mediaplayer and Mediapackage2. Bridge - Example Used - Bridge used in between persistence mechanism and file types.3. Composite - Example Used - HTML tree structure with parent and child element.4. Decorator - Example Used - Decorating CarRacing application with stage progression.5. Facade - FacadeReportGenerator for different type of DB.6. Proxy - Example used for remote proxy, virtual proxy and protection proxy through restaurant application.Behavioral Design Pattern 1. Chain of Responsibility - ATMWithdraw application for different denominator of Indian rupees.2. Command - Calculator Application with redo and undo features.3. Interpreter - Convert Roman number to number.4. Iterator - Iterating posts of blog.5. Mediator - ChatMediator for different category of users.6. Memento - Savepoint with file contents so that go back to previous save point.7. Observer - Notify all customers when product is availableSolid Principle1. Checkpoint to see dirty code.2. Should we give importance to Solid Principle.3. Acronym of SOLID.4. SRP Concetps with violation - Example Used : Loan Application5. OCP : Used open and closed principle in Loan Application6. LSP : Violation of LSP after adding Educational Loan to Loan Application.7. ISP : Provide solution to LSP violation in the form of ISP.8. DIP : Used English and French messenger to understand the concepts in Loan Application."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Most Up-to-date GST Course in Hindi by Shaifaly Girdharwal" |
"This course is designed to provide the detailed knowledge of provisions of Goods &Services Tax (GST). It will not only cover the conceptual knowledge, but also the practical aspect and issues. The language of course is Hindi, so it's ideal for those also who do not understand English.It also has a multiple choice question (MCQ)based test so the candidates can assess their knowledge at the end of the course.The course is exclusively created by one of the top GSTSpeaker, Trainer, Author and popular GSTyoutuber CAShaifaly Girdharwal."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Prestashop 1.7: Crea tu propia tienda online desde cero" |
"Descripcin del cursoEn este curso podrs aprender a gestionar o crear una tienda online con Prestashop 1.7 desde cero. Aprenders desde cmo instalar Prestashop en tu sistema, hasta la configuracin de productos, impuestos (incluido el IGIC, impuesto para Canarias), mdulos, temas y mucho ms.Profesores Andrs Nacimiento GarcaJsica Carballo YanesProgramaINTRODUCCIN A PRESTASHOPINSTALACINCATLOGOPEDIDOSCLIENTESMDULOS Y SERVICIOSTRANSPORTISTASIDIOMASIMPUESTOSIGICCONFIGURAR TEMASSEO & URLSCMSAPARTADO LEGALESTADSTICAS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviye Scratch Eitimi" |
"Malum artk reten bir toplumdan maalesef tketen bir topluma getik ve hzla bu yolda ilerliyoruz artk bir eylerin deime zaman geldiini herkes biliyor bunun iin zamann en nemli olgusu teknoloji ve yazlm retimi. Evet bu Scratch eitimi sizi tamamen retken yapmayabilir fakat bir yerlerden balamak her zaman ii bitirmenin yarsdr. Sizde bu retkenlik seferberliine katlmak istiyorsanz Scratch eitimi oyun kodlama alannda sizin iin bir balang olacaktr.Bu kursu bitiren her birey artk hayalinde ki Oyunu kendisi tasarlayabilecek, oynayabilecek ve paylaabilecek."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Email Development for Email Marketing and Enthusiasts" |
"Hello there!My name is Eugene & I'm a Creative Designer at YF Arts.Here you have an opportunity to learn email coding basics, as well as the whole email engineering structure, email design principles and more.I really hope you'll spend a lot less time catching up with all those email principles & tricks than me. Just remember to put your skills into practice as early as you can.Lets not waste your precious time! Lets go"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Superfast Physics for 14 to 16 year olds" |
"How easy will it be when you feel supremely confident in physics. When you know the key equations and you are able to rearrange them effortlessly. When the key points in physics are at your fingertips.This course is designed to help enhance your study of physics learned by students 14-16 years old worldwide. It is a course about memory techniques, physics equations and empowerment through confidence and practice. There is a lot to remember in high school physics but you should enjoy the process. Over 40 equations that have to be rearranged in over 120 different ways. 9 different types of energy. 7 different types of visible light. 7 types of electromagnetic waves. Converting between 7 well-used prefixes. 3 types of radiation and radioactive decay, that have 3 different effects on their parent nucleus, are detected in 3 different ways and have 3 different levels of danger depending on whether they are inside or outside of the body. Various types of subatomic particles making up protons and neutrons. How to construct lens diagrams. How to answer open ended questions. And more!Unless you are good at remembering these things, physics is an uphill struggle. This course will teach you how to remember all of these things easily using fun memory techniques and mnemonics.This course also contains about 800 answered questions and examples. There are over 150 fully explained video questions, many multiple choice quiz questions and extra downloadable practice questions with answers. Working through these questions will increase your confidence and hopefully inspire a love of physics.This course will use your amazing mind to create lasting memories. You are more likely to be able to remember something if it is fun and interesting. By using these memory aids, you are creating new connections in your brain that make learning the physics equations easy. The fun and catchy mnemonics and other memory aids in this course were created to help students remember the essential equations and key concepts at this level of physics. This course also contains techniques to help make rearranging the equations easier. Practice of these methods should improve revision skills and study techniques in physics and for other subjects as well. This course is based on my book published under the same name that was developed from over a decade of classroom experience."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Revise Complete CBSE Class 10 Maths in Just 2 hrs x 2 Days !" |
"A Compact, Crisp But Complete Course to Revise the full Syllabus of CBSE Class 10th MATHS in 1-2 Days !!The student has to practice some assignments and see videos of upto 1-2 hours total in 1-2 days and its done.Unilke competitors who sell few concepts at high price and also bore students to death, this is very different oneLocal Indian feelNO long and Seemingly Unending videos, which bore students and scare them away from study."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Android Complete Reference" |
"The Android Complete Reference Course is primarily designed for students and programmers who want to learn how to create mobile applications on the Android platform. As a part of this course, we will understand the installation process of android, the internals of android application, create widgets, customize List view, Grid view, Spinners etc, create applications using audio, video and data storage in shared preferences, internal/external storage, SQLite database. We have included the advanced view components with material design, Google Maps, Google Places and also to interact with Firebase. This course will help you learn mobile app development from scratch and unlock new job opportunities for you in start-ups as well as different multinational companies. Master Android app development, learn how to set up Android Studio, understand Android architecture in detail, learn about integrating your mobile apps with Facebook, Twitter and other social media, Google Drive, Google Maps, SQLite etc."
Price: 6080.00 ![]() |
"The Foundations of Singing - What every singer should know" |
"This course aims to teach the student the very basics, the foundations of singing. Covering all aspects a singer should know whether a beginner or at an advanced level. It helps the student understand their own instrument and how it can be improved. The course includes 17 modules, to be studied one at a time. Also included are foundation vocal exercises to develop the voice. The Honest Vocal Coach - your teacher for this course, is quite a character.Georgina has 113,000 subscribers on youtube, and thousands of followers on other platforms too. Georgina is a highly trained singer and teacher, qualified in performing arts and singing.Georgina Hill-Brown specialises in teaching children and adults in singing and musical theatre. She has worked with the likes of The Saturdays for MTV, on shows such as Just the Two of Us for the BBC and many more. Throughout her years of teaching she has judged in many competitions, judging Lucy Spraggan, George Samson, Holly Tandy, Birdy, amongst others who have gone onto succeed in the business.Georgina is the founder of Vocaltutor, (founded 2003) the UKs largest vocal and singing tuition network and now The New Foundry Studios which opened in 2013.Georgina has created a fun yet education course, to get teach you all the foundations of singing. Vocal Registers, Breathing, Articulation, Resonance and more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Six Steps Back To Life After Cancer" |
"I know how lost and overwhelmed you feel after your cancer battle, when your medical team step away. This course will show you the way back to life with simple yet powerful strategies to guide and support you along your road back to health and happiness. Over the six steps back to life, I share with you the most beneficial foods to eat that will build your strength and resilience as well as the things to do that will build your confidence and remind you of who you truly are. Let me assure you, you have come through this battle stronger, more compassionate, loving and purposeful - you just don't recognise this within yourself YET!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learning Trigonometry from Amateur to Pro" |
"The course has 18 lectures from the very basics of a triangle to trigonometric graphs.The course covers what student may need to progress with mathematics and gives solid foundation for topics which build on trigonometry.The course explains sum of angles in a triangle,what is an angle ,types of trigonometric ratios,how to calculate angles,length, Co-functions and Reduction.Finding equation of graph by looking at the graph without calculations.Basics of geometry, shape ,angles and plotting curves ,different trig ratios and applications of trigonometry"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator" |
"Illustrator Illustrator Illustrator SNSTwitterInstagram ()() T"
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Ultimate Voice Dev Course - Google Actions & Alexa Skills" |
"There will be more voice devices sold in 2018 than in all previous years combined. There are lots of web and mobile developers.How many voice developers do you know? The Ultimate Voice Dev course will teach you how to build apps on Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa using the Jovo framework."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"30 Chinese sentences you must know before traveling to China" |
"This is a perfect course for beginners who are planning to travel in China,especially in BeiJing. The whole course coversthe most frequently used topics such as courtesy greetings, numbers, asking the way, money,shopping, ordering food,taking taxi , etc.With this course you will learn some survival Chinese words and sentences . that will make your trip in China easier and more convenient .Pictures, audios and exercises are prepared to help you practice and memorize the expressions easily."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mandarin phonetics :PinYin" |
"In this lesson , you will learn how to pronounce Chinese and all the rules about Chinese phonetics. I used a funny and easy way to show you how to pronounce some difficult initials and finals correctly . You will also find a lot of exercises here , these exercises will help you a lot ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos da F" |
"OObjetivo desde curso Fundamentar o aluno nos princpios da f em Deus.Para ento transmitir ao aluno que a vida com Deus tem sua base estabelecida numa f viva e ativa.Como diz a Bblia Sagrada: Sem f impossvel agradar a Deus.Pela f, iniciamos a caminhada com Deus e pela f que devemos continuar seguindo.Continuem abenoados!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hindi Language (Read & Write) in English- Step By Step" |
"Learn Hindi Read & Write Step by Step. Dear Student,On your feedback, we understand the difficulty of the course. Hence we recreated all the videos (Vowels & Consonants) and in the process of recreating other videos.Because of this step by step nature we designed this course in such a way that student can easily understand Hindi, commonly used words in Hindi with lots of pictures.Not only you will get familiar with commonly used words but also able to write and read small sentences. We also added advanced grammar concepts.Please provide us the feedback on requirement so that we will keep adding more and more videos.-Thanks n RegardsDr. Kusum Sharma"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"INKSCAPE: Il videocorso in italiano" |
"Inkscape il miglior software di illustrazione grafica vettoriale open source che si possa trovare oggi in rete. Sicuramente non e non sara' mai un sostituto totale di Adobe Illustrator, per e' il software gratuito pi vicino in assoluto alle sue prestazioni, in relazione al tipo di lavoro che dovremo svolgere di volta in volta, lo possiamo ritenere una sua valida alternativa, o sicuramente il primo step per capire, a titolo completamente gratuito, se la grafica vettoriale possa o no essere parte del vostro futuro.In questi video ho fatto tutto il possibile per rendere chiari tutti gli aspetti primari di questo fantastico programma, un infinit di tempo a preparare informazioni, video e quiz per rendervi tutto facile e leggero da recepire.Sicuramente non saro' riuscito a coprire ogni aspetto del programma, infatti sar un corso in continua evoluzione, pronto a migliorare i video che non vi piacciono, aggiungendone di nuovi, proporvi quiz e link utili, inoltre avrete capitoli bonus dove scaricare grafica gratis che potrete usare come vorrete.Troverete anche una guida pdf da 171 pagine, la trascrizione delle lezioni in modo da poterti dedicare allo studio o al ripasso anche se non hai accesso alle lezioni video, anche senza connessione internet dopo aver scaricato il PDF nel vostro PC.Vi ringrazio e vi lascio al mio video-corso, sperando di migliorarlo insieme."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC: Transforme seus retratos em incrveis pinturas" |
"Este um mtodo indito em lngua portuguesa que vai te ensinar a transformar seus retratos em belas PINTURAS DIGITAIS.O curso photoshop tcnicas de mestre tem como objetivo principal ensinar o aluno a transformar qualquer retrato em pinturas digitais incrveis, atravs de algumas ferramentas especficas do PHOTOSHOP. Nesse curso voc vai aprender passo a passo um mtodo inovador que eu desenvolvi ao longo dos anos, a partir dos estudos baseados em cursos e referncias estrangeiras que utilizam mtodos similares.Aps o curso voc ser capaz de:Transformar qualquer retrato em pintura digital;Usar as tcnicas mais inovadoras para desenvolver o seu prprio estilo;Destacar-se no ramo da arte digital;Bnus: Aula cases de sucesso (inspirao)Materiais para download (Imagem, brushes e presets do curso)Grupo fechado no Facebook para correo, dicas e troca de conhecimento e experincia com outros alunos."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Understanding continuity and derivative of functions" |
"In this course, I will explain with sufficient details and simplicity the concepts of functions and the corresponding tools of analysis. In this respect, I will emphasize on the utility of functions in real life. In each section, I will focus also on the practical aspects of the subject in question with graphical representations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mcanique du point matriel" |
"Ce cours est destin au tudiants en physique et ceux qui ont entam leur carrire dans la mcanique. En effet, en plus de son importance pratique, la mcanique du point matriel est la base pour matriser les diffrents outils qui interviennent la l'etude d'un solide qui est le cas gnral. Dans ce cours, j'ai essay de couvrir toutes les parties fondamentales (la cinmatique, la dynamique et les applications importantes). Par ailleurs, ce cours essaie de simplifier les diffrents concepts qui interviennent la prdiction de l'volution d'un point matriel en les liant la ralit."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"You Can Create Healthy Meals Your Family Will LOVE" |
"Eating healthy foods is more than dieting, it's a way of life. So it shouldn't be a chore. Don't eat foods you don't like, don't eat the same thing over and over again. Healthy eating has to be worth it, it has to taste good and feed your cravings. We've got some easy and delicious foods you can make for meals, sides, and snacks, as well as answers and tips to make eating healthy fun again. No more forcing yourself to eat carrots when you're craving ice cream! Like what you eat again."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |