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"Html & Html5 & Css -" |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Start A Profitable Freelance Writing Business In 5 Weeks" |
"Are you a good writer and want to earn some serious money?Are you tired of writing articles that pay ridiculous rates?Are you fed up of entering writing competitions?Do you feel as if your writing talents are being wasted?Or do you simply want to switch careers and start working for yourself instead?If so, then you too can start your very own freelance writing business in as little as 5 weeks!If youre sick and tired of writing for content mills and being paid mere pennies for your written work, then its time to switch gears and move from content writing to commercial freelancing for businesses.Perfect for new writers looking for consistent paid work rather than taking chances on writing competitions and submitting articles online, 'Start a Profitable Freelance Writing Business In 5 Weeks' will help you establish yourself as a local business writer in as little as 5 weeks!This course is perfect for you if you want to:Switch careersEarn extra moneyWork for yourselfBuild a flexible, lifestyle business Heres what youll discover in this practical course:The tools you need to get started as a commercial writerThe fastest way to create your commercial portfolioHow to create your own website which sells your services to the publicHow to approach local businesses with easeWhy re-positioning yourself as an expert in marketing can earn you even more moneyLeverage other businesses and services to your advantageHow to market yourself like a proUse the power of hired help to explode your profitabilitySuper easy ways to keep the money coming in consistentlyHow to work out your worth and write for more moneyOrganize yourself to be more productiveEasily switch careers to earn more money than you ever thought possibleAimed at beginners, this course gives you an easy introduction into the world of freelancing and includes detailed marketing advice to help keep your diary full for months!'Start A Profitable Freelance Writing Business in 5 Weeks' is NOT like a traditional course or book which simply gives you hundreds of pages of information and not much action to go through.Start A Profitable Freelance Writing Business In 5 Weeks is a jam-packed powerhouse of actionable content you can complete in the comfort of your own home. The course comprises offive high-energy modules designed to be completed weekly. As a content writer or someone just starting out,youre going to learn EXACTLY how to build your own profitable freelancing business from scratch.Heres what youre going to learn:Module One: Foundations For SuccessThe keys to freelancing success what you need to succeedThe exact things you need to build a cool websiteCreating a business plan which works to help putmore moneyin YOUR pocketHow to build your portfolio quickly and easily so you canhit the ground runningThe absolute minimum requirements you need to startHow to leverage other businesses toeffortlessly create your portfolioThe exact fees you can EASILY charge clients (and youllneversee a tiny amount EVER again!)How tomaximise your earning potentialby positioning yourself correctlyModule Two: Marketing And AdvertisingTurn your website into alead-generating machineHow to provide value to prospective clients so they feel at ease hiring youHow tomarket your business on a shoestring budget, saving you a ton of expensive mistakes!How to build an offline presence so clients get to know you on a more personal levelOnline Vs Offline and how to make the best of both to maximise your conversionsThe BEST places online to advertise to make more moneyTheone place you MUST avoid advertising or youll lose SERIOUS amounts of money(hint, youll have plenty of people telling you to advertise here!)Module Three: Classic Client AcquisitionHow to use social media effectively to make more money (and NO, itsnotgoing to cost you anything!)How to make referral marketing work perfectly for you each and every timeLeveraging other businesses to putmore money in YOUR pocket!Why joint ventures can prove incredibly lucrative andmake your life EASIER!How to see BIG returns with direct mailOne of the best ways to establish yourself as an expertHow to use blogs toincrease your visibilityHow to use article marketing to bring in a solid incomeModule Four: Advanced Client AcquisitionEasy ways to snap up theBESTclientsThe secret strategy I use toQUICKLY and EASILY snag even the most resistant of clients trust me when I tell you clients will bebeggingto work with you when you show them THIS!Using Social Media toland clients in as little as an hour!The best way toland multiple clients in just ONE day!Forget cold calling, Ill teach you warm calling!Lead generation techniques which will catch clients for you long termWhy face-to-face is always better than using the phoneProspecting therightwayThe newspaper strategy that pulls in clients like a charmEASY PEASY ways tograb more work than you can handle!Why your local directory has all the answersAdvanced strategiesyou can use to pull high-profile clientsModule Five Accelerating Your IncomeAdditional sources of income as a freelancerWhy a specialism will give you kudos andMORE money!Use thissecret method to rake in as much as $2000 a DAY!Practical pointers you need to run your business without a headache!Learn how outsourcing effectively can make you evenmore money!Add-on services that can dramatically boost your incomeHow to effortlessly move your business to the next levelTax issues you should never ignore!How to become the go-to person in your niche, soclients seek you outto work with!Bonuses:All the scripts and templates Private Facebook groupAdditional training and resources in the Facebook groupQ&A calls in the Facebook group This must-have course has been battle-tested by hundreds of writers who are now making good money from their skill set rather than relying on poorly paid work:Truly an awesome course, Arfa. I came in with high expectations and left feeling completely satisfied. This is somewhat of a surprise, since its usually the opposite; I enrol on a course or something similar, brimming with excitement and halfway through I lose all enthusiasm for it, since it usually fizzles out and becomes intensely boring. Your course was exciting and engaging throughout, and Ill recommend anyone to go on it. In fact, get them to contact me if they want reassuring or convincing, because this course is pure gold, and no one should be missing out on the pure pearls of wisdom Arfa has to give them.Ben Palmer-Wilson, CopywriterThere are enough faked testimonials on the internet this is certainly not one of those.It is very rare when a successful person will share all the information, and goes out of her way in explaining in her professional manner. Everything is laid out, and even those starting out will not fail, as all the technical issues are easily digested. I thoroughly recommend this course without any reservation.Mike Dakin, FranceAs an intermediate level writer, I came into the course expecting to pick up a few additional scraps of information but essentially expected little more than refresher of what I already know.What Arfa delivered was a clear and workable blueprint of a writing business thats geared towards profit and some of the course members picked up clients paying preferential rates by the end of the first week. The course was perfect for newcomers and those already working to an intermediate levelPaul Miceli, UKAre you a writer? Do you have chops? Need to know how to make money with those chops? Contact Arfa and do it NOW. Ive been writing for years in everything from copywriting to academia to novels. . .I have never encountered the goldmine of proven advice Arfa gives in her course. If youre a commercial writer and dont take advantage of this, have fun watching her students skyrocket to success while youre still fumbling for cents on the word.Eric Nease, CanadaI went into the course looking for some guidance, that extra bit of information that would make me confident in moving forward with the growth of my freelance copywriting business. What I actually ended up getting from the course was a complete guide to building a freelance writing business from scratch.'Jacob Daly, USAI found the course to be extremely beneficial, as Arfa gives an amazing amount of information in a very short space of time. I found this course to behighly practical and hands on, enabling me to implement client attraction strategies pretty much straightaway. This feature alone sets the course apart from others. I thoroughly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to make serious money which does NOT involve writing hundreds of articles at silly rates!Asima Iqbal, UK'If you're a writer, and SERIOUS about turning your talent into serious cash then you need to jump on this offer. I've worked closely with Arfa for some time, and this girl knows the writing business inside out. Her knowledge about client acquisition and marketing is second to none, and she'll show you how to earn REAL MONEY from writing, so if you're sick of writing for peanuts you want to take this course. I'd be happy to recommend this course to anyone, because you're getting an amazing opportunity! I wish I'd had someone like Arfa watching my back when I got started years ago!'Laurence Henry, Direct Response Internet Marketing Consultant/CopywriterFreelancing is perfect for stay at home parents, for those seeking a career change, for online writers tired of thelow pay and high volume of workand for those who love writing and want to make some real money out of it.If you can write well, you can freelance. Its as simple as that.You can easily set your business up from the comfort of your home and work for local businesses in your city where youwontbe up against thousands of other writers. In fact,you will have virtually zero competition!You can EASILY build a successful business weeks from now, even if you already have a job, and then quit when youre ready to take the plunge.Heres to your writing success,Arfa Saira Iqbal"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Anatomical Terms: Taught through the practice of yoga" |
"Drop your stress and pick up a yoga mat! Prepare for anatomy by learning important anatomical terms and enter your studies with confidence. The most exciting part? You don't have to spend all of your time just sitting at a desk studying, get comfortable with these terms while you join me in a simple yet challenging yoga practice series designed to keep you well and teach important anatomical terms for anatomy and/or medical terminology. Anatomical Terms:Anatomical Planes of MotionAnatomical Terms of Location and DirectionAnatomical Terms of MovementAnatomical Terms of Laterality"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Inwestowania od podstaw -Szkolenie Inwestycyjne START" |
"Idealne na pocztek przygody z Gied Papierw Wartociowych i Rynkami Finansowymi. Poka Ci krok po kroku jak zacz inwestowa na giedzieWiedz, e na giedzie powinny pracowa nasze pienidze a nie my - dlatego wanie pokazuje i ucz swojego unikalnego i skutecznego sposobu gry na giedzie. Uwielbiam konkrety i taki jestem. Dlatego postanowiem wycign wiedz inwestycyjn z tendencyjnych i ezoterycznych oczekiwa na rzecz konkretnego, biznesowego podejcia. To co dla Ciebie przygotowaem, to efekt poczenia mojej unikalnej wiedzy z moliwociami jakie daje nam nowoczesna technologia.Podczas szkolenia: Zaoysz profesjonalne konto maklerskieKrok po kroku nauczysz si obsugi i poruszania po platformach z wykresami.Poznasz fundamentaln wiedz o inwestycjach.Zrozumiesz rodowisko i zasady panujce na rynkach finansowych do tego stopnia aby maksymalnie zminimalizowa ryzyko.Zaoysz Dziennik Inwestora.Otrzymasz dziennik inwestycyjny ktry jest jednym z najwaniejszych czynnikw sukcesu zarabiajcych inwestorw.Lekcja dotyczca Analizy Technicznej wykresw ceny.Poznasz metod ktr od rki bdziesz mg zastosowa na rynku niezalenie czy bd to akcje, kontrakty, gieda polska lub zagraniczna.FAQDla kogo to jest?Dla wszystkich osb, ktre zastanawiaj si nad rozpoczciem swojej przygody na rynkach finansowych.Dla kogo to nie jest?Zdecydowanie nie jest to co dla ludzi, ktrzy myl, e wystarczy zapaci, a wiedza sama zadziaa.Czy to dziaa?miao mog powiedzie, e tak - potwierdza to publikowany przeze mnie portfel akcji co miesic na moim blogu oraz wpisy moich studentw.Kiedy to otrzymam?Natychmiastowo po zoeniu i opaceniu zamwienia.Co jeli mi si nie spodoba, zepsuje etc.? Daje Ci moj osobist, 30-dniow gwarancj, e jeli cokolwiek Ci si nie spodoba - zwrc Ci wszystkie pienidze bez poznawania przyczyny.Jeli nie zrozumiem lekcji, czy otrzymuje jakie dodatkowe materiay do nauki?Wszystkie lekcje s w formacie video, z moliwoci wielokrotnego ogldania. Dodatkowo otrzymasz materiay w formacie pdf. Jednoczenie pamitaj o tym, e masz do dyspozycji konsultacje z autorem kursu (1 godzina w dowolnym momencie)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Pizza Making - Soft bubbly pizza crust at home" |
"You will learn how to make an authentic Neapolitan pizza by a Neapolitan pizza chef. I will show you how to make the dough, the secrets for a perfect raising and fermentation with yeast or sourdough, how to stretch a pizza base by hand, how to select best toppings and how to cook pizza in 100 seconds in a regular home oven!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The Right Handed Approach to Vocal Delivery / Music Mastery" |
"This Course Entails All you need to work with your current course material to Reach top Notch Status in No timeYou Wont be Disappointed. Am looking at the breath, Support, the inneracoustics of the singing voice and How to bring them out Nicelyand Introducing out to You my new technique, The ""Right"" Handed The I have a lot of experience as a singer and these techniques come from a lot of frustrations I encountered while trying to learn how to sing."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Responda honestamente: as pessoas importantes para a evoluo da sua carreira ou dos seus negcios, sabem que voc existe?Como seria a sua vida se as suas habilidades e conhecimento fossem devidamente reconhecidos? Sua carreira seria melhor ou pior do que hoje?Existe um ditado que diz: no basta ser bom, tem que parecer bom.Talvez voc me pergunte: como fazer marketing pessoal sem cair na autopromoo barata ou parecer arrogante?Neste curso, separei as estratgias que aplico na minha vida h mais de 36 anos e que me ajudaram a construir uma carreira internacional e negcios prsperos.Trata-se de contedo prtico e atual para voc aplicar rapidamente e comear a melhorar os seus resultados em pouco tempo. O curso composto de 20 vdeoaulas separadas em 11 mdulos para voc construir um plano de ao estratgico. So mais de 5 horas de contedo prtico e atual.Voc aprender como melhorar a percepo que as pessoas tm a seu respeito e como construir um posicionamento slido que lhe ajude a se destacar da multido de concorrentes. Voc sabia que 70% das contrataes acontecem dentro da rede de contatos? Tenho absoluta certeza que tive um enorme crescimento profissional graas a uma boa rede de contatos e eu vou te ensinar os 7 passos para construir um Networking de sucesso e transformar a sua rede de amigos em um mar de oportunidades. Voc vai ver tambm, como usar as redes sociais de forma estratgica e como transformar o Linkedin em uma mquina de divulgao da sua marca pessoal. Esses e outros assuntos sero abordados por mim de forma objetiva e direta para que voc aplique imediatamente o que aprendeu e colha os resultados positivos rapidamente. Ser um prazer compartilhar esse conhecimento prtico com voc. Te aguardo na aula 1. At breve! "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Algoritmos" |
"Te interesa el mundo de la Programacin? Te gustara aprender lo necesario para programar en el lenguaje que t quieras?. Este curso es perfecto para ti ya que aprenders acerca de los Algoritmos y su importancia dentro del mundo de la programacin. Adems de que te compartir algunos datos interesantes para que los lleves ms all de este curso y ejercicios que te apoyarn a desarrollar habilidades en la programacin. Recuerda aprender acerca de los Algoritmos es OBLIGATORIO si lo que quieres es programar como todo un profesional.Algunas cosas que descubrirs en este curso son:Algoritmos.Software para disear algoritmos.Estructuras de los Algoritmos. Solucin de problemas a travs de algoritmos. Al finalizar el curso estars listo para el siguiente paso en el camino al mundo de la programacin en el lenguaje que tu quieras."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JumpStart JavaScript" |
"This course is designed for those new to JavaScript, and even those new to programming entirely. However, as the first module of a comprehensive web development course currently under production, it is intended for those who are serious about becoming superior programmers. In 199 lessons, we cover the commands and methods we use on a daily basis, examine the structure of JavaScript generally, including concepts such as inheritance and scope, and introduce a number of important concepts from general computer science, such as memory management, efficiency of algorithms, sorting methods, and bitwise operations.Finally, a very important part of this course is application of JavaScript to solving problems. Currently the top-ranked coding challenge solver on the Coderbyte website, I found that solving such coding challenges was the easiest way to develop my skill in working with the language, as well as to develop skill at figuring out how to come up with solutions to real world problems."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Joy of RegEx! Adventures with Regular Expressions." |
"In this course we will focus on the most effective tools available to a developer when working with strings, regular expressions. After examining the syntax in detail, we will look at each method in the JavaScript language that makes use of regular expressions. As befitting a subject as detailed as this, the course includes a multitude of quizzes, tests, and problems to make sure we understand the details exactly, and learn how to apply them in numerous coding situations."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Algebra Part 1" |
"In this course you'll learn two fundamental skills in Algebra - how to expand brackets and how to factorise expressions into both single and double brackets. Without a solid understanding of these basics, you will struggle to progress and routinely find yourself stuck. Step by step I take you through plenty of examples and gradually increase the difficulty so you are not overwhelmed, but also deliver the content at a good pace so you are kept engaged and challenged throughout the course. Ihave produced bespoke exercises and solutions at the end of each video so that you have the chance to practice and make positive steps towards mastering algebra. I have practised these explanations to thousands of students over the last 14 years and now packaged my experience into a comprehensive video course to help you reach and exceed your potential."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to become an International Consultant?" |
"This highly intensive post-graduate course is a professional development program of value to social development specialists who wants to work with government, non-government and academic settings worldwide as consultants. This program provides emerging national, regional and international consultants with an opportunity to enhance and improve their professional knowledge and skills in the provision and management of consultancy services within the context of international health and deliver technical assistance that is robust, evidence-based and grounded in the reality of resource-poor settings. This course aims to mirror the reality of working as an international health consultant and has a very strong emphasis on developing practical hands-on skills with a focus on both individual and team working for delivering successful consultancies.A mix of learning and teaching methods are used, including lectures, group exercises, case studies of actual consultancies and projects, analysis of real life scenarios, self-directed learning, tutorial support and networking."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Systeme-io facile !" |
"Dans ce parcours pas pas vous allez dcouvrir comment construire un tunnel de vente efficace de A Z.Vous voyagez de faon logique dans un parcours simple vous guidant dans toutes les tapes conduisant votre prospect de la page d'inscription la page de commande, de paiement puis dans le site membre pour suivre une formation ou la livraison du produit, dans le cas d'une vente d'un produit physique.Construire votre liste de prospect avec les pages d'inscriptions, les formulaires et popup.Vous crez vos espaces membres et hbergez vos formations (pdf ou vidos)Vous crez vos tunnels de vente pour prsenter vos offres.Vos bons de commande avec systme de paiement intgr.La commande passe, votre nouveau client reoit ses accs la formation (Identifiant et mot de passe) ou les informations s'il s'agit d'un vnement prsentiel (sminaire ou sances de coaching) Et tout a compltement automatis ! Pour accder ""Systeme-io facile !"", cliquez sur S'inscrire ds maintenant On se retrouve tout de suite dans la formation !Patrick."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
electrical_transformers_in_arabic |
" ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment utiliser la stratgie d'entreprise et le digitale?" |
"Vous souhaitez apprendre matriser les bases de la stratgie d'entreprise et digitale?Vous dsirez avoir plus de connaissance sur l'avantage concurrentiel? L'audit marketing? La RSE et le dveloppement durable?Vous souhaitez laborer un plan d'actions commerciales align la stratgie d'entreprise?Cette formation est faites pour vous.Vous allez dcouvrir dans cette formation les stratgies mettre en place pour chacun des cycles de vie d'une entreprise.En plus des vidos bonus tlcharger et des e-books sur les matrices BCG et MC kinsey. Ainsi que le dveloppement durable et commercial d'une entreprise et bien autres choses.Vous allez apprendre raliser un Audit Marketing et mettre en oeuvre un avantage concurrentiel pour votre entreprise, ainsi que des conseils par tape pour laborer une stratgie d'entreprise.Enfin, vous y trouverez de nombre conseils en vido et e-book afin de vous apprendre matriser les rseaux sociaux, mettre en oeuvre une stratgie gagnante sur un site e-commerce et crer un site internet. Tous cela va vous permettre de construire un plan d'actions commerciales complet afin de dcliner effacement votre stratgie d'entreprise. Bonne formation vous!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tout les outils du Dirigeant Manager d'Entreprise 2.0" |
"Bonjour vous. Ici Eric Cherni Sylvain de CES Consulting. Vous souhaitez acqurir des comptences en Audit Stratgique, afin dlaborer des Plan dActions Commerciales et pour apprendre les bases du management dune quipe de commerciales, mais tout cela avec lutilisation du digital. Dcouvrez notre formation Le Dirigeant Manager d'Entreprise 2.0.Ces outils prsents dans cette formation mont demand 2 ans dtudes et 10 000 euros dinvestissement. Vous, vous aurez la possibilit de les apprendre ici et maintenant et de les mettre en application en quelques semaines pour moins de 100 euros.Dans cette formation, 3 outils vous sont enseigns pour devenir un Dirigeant Manager d'Entreprise 2.0 la pointe des technologies:Vous allez apprendre faire.-Un Audit Stratgique.-Un Plan dactions commerciales-Le management et lencadrement dune quipe distance par le digital.En effet, nos cas pratique vous permettront dappliquer directement ces outils dans votre propre Business.Pour matriser ces outils que je vous prsente dans cette formation, jai effectu un Master (Bac+5) intitul Dirigeant Manager Oprationnel dEntreprise. Je vous transmet donc des outils de qualit pour votre Business.Voici les meilleurs avantages que vous trouverez dans cette formation :Vous trouverez en plus des vidos de formation, des ebooks pour vous permettre de revoir les trames orales des vidos en pdf, ainsi que les dossiers complets des cas pratiques en e-books.Ces outils vont vous permettre de devenir un Leader et un Manager la pointe des technologies, vous proposant en plus des ides et conseils pour crer un Plan dActions Commerciales et permettre dencadrer vos quipes distance en utilisant le digital.Si vous souhaitez acqurir de nouvelles comptences de management en utilisant les technologies de pointe, comme le big data et lintelligence artificielle, ainsi que les rseaux sociaux dentreprise dans lencadrement des quipes commerciales, cette formation est faite pour vous.Je vous recommande de visionner gratuitement les 10 premires minutes des vidos prsente dans la formation, afin de voir si mon style de cours vous convient. Vous pouvez mme les tlcharger.Bonne formation vous!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"(kivy + Python)" |
"kivy ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Passives Einkommen und Vermgen aufbauen mit ETFs" |
"AUTOR & KONZEPTBEKANNT AUS FOCUS-MONEY!!Du mchtest Dir gerne mit geringem Zeitaufwand ein Vermgen aufbauenoder stetig wachsendes passives Einkommen erzeugen?Dieser Kurs basiert auf dem Finanzbestseller ""Die Faulbr-Strategie zur Million"" (bekannt aus der Focus-Money Ausgabe vom 23.05.2018). Der Autor, Christopher Klein, zeigt in 7 strategisch aufeinander aufgebauten Modulen, langfristig erfolgreich in ETFs zu investieren und sich mit ETFs ein Vermgen und/oder passives Einkommen aufzubauen. Ob Laie oder Fortgeschrittener, ETFs bieten groe Mglichkeiten und eine langfristig realistische Strategie zur finanziellen Unabhngigkeit.Kursaufbau:Modul #1: Allgemeine Informationen zu ETFs (4 Kapitel, 24 Min.)Modul #2: Ziele fr Klein- und Privatanleger mit ETFs (2 Kapitel, 23 Min.)Modul #3: Das ETF-Universum erklrt (2 Kapitel, 11 Min.)Modul #4: Risiken und Fehler bei Investitionen in ETFs (3 Kapitel, 22 Min.)Modul #5: Strategien fr ETF-Investoren (11 Kapitel, 52 Min.)Modul #6: Gebhren und Steuern ein leidiges Thema ganz pragmatisch (14 Kapitel, 60 Min.)Modul #7: Schnellstart in die Praxis (6 Kapitel, 25 Min.)Bonusmaterial zum Kurs:Bonusmodul #1: Das ultimative Faulbr-Depot (1 Kapitel, 13 Min.)Bonusmodul #2: Die grten Fehler fr ETF-Investoren (5 Kapitel, 22 Min.)Bonusmodul #3: Die mchtigsten Tipps und Tricks fr ETF-Investoren (2 Kapitel, 14 Min.)=> + 12 Bonus-PDFszur Orientierung (inkl. 60 genialer ETFs) zum DownloadWenn Du Deine finanzielle Zukunft ab jetzt im Faulbr-Modus bestreiten mchtest und Dir nebenher ein Vermgen und/oder ein passives Einkommen aufbauen willst, dann lasse uns sofort loslegen - ich freue mich schon auf Dich!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Vermgensaufbau und Passives Einkommen mit Aktien" |
"Du mchtest Dir gerne in einfachen Schrittenein Vermgen aufbauen und dieses erhalten?Aktien und Dividendenbieten seit Jahrhunderten eine komfortable Mglichkeit!Dieser 6-stndige Kurs basiert auf meinem Finanzbestseller ""Einmal Dividende bitte!"" und den jahrelangen Erfahrungen, die ich als Portfolio-Manager sammeln durfte. Du lernst in 7 strategisch aufeinander aufgebauten Modulen, wie Du Aktieninvestmentsfr Deine persnliche Vermgensplanungeinsetzt - sei es zum Vermgensaufbauoder zum Vermgenserhalt. Dabei sind weder die Lektre des Buchs, noch sonstige Vorkenntnisse fr diesen Kurs notwendig. Direktinvestitionen in Aktien bieten eine hervorragende und seit Jahrhunderten bewhrte Mglichkeit, finanzielle Freiheit und Unabhngigkeit zu erreichen.Kursaufbau:Modul #1: Allgemeine Informationen zu Aktien und Dividenden (38 Min.)Modul #2: Deine finanziellen Ziele (57 Min.)Modul #3: Das Aktienuniversum (33 Min)Modul #4: Risiken bei Investitionen in Aktien (40 Min.)Modul #5: 5 Aktien Profi-Strategien (55 Min.)Modul #6: Steuern & Gebhren (73 Min.)Modul #7: Schnellstart in die Praxis (49 Min.)Bonusmaterial zum Kurs:Bonusmodul #1: Die grten Fehler fr Aktien-Investoren (32 Min.)Bonusmodul #2: Die mchtigsten Tipps und Tricks fr Aktien-Investoren(31 Min.)Bonus-Download (Excel): 200+ internationale Dividendenchampionsaus-Deutschland-USA-Grobritannien-Kanada-SpanienWenn Du Dir mit Aktien und Dividenden erfolgreich ein Vermgen aufbauen mchtest, dann lass uns sofort loslegen!Ich freue mich schon auf Dich."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Matriser core, pour des applications web pro !" |
"dotnet core, mais qu'est-ce donc ? [Mise jour faite pour dotnet core 3.0][Mise jour faite pour dotnet core 3.1]Vous avez beaucoup entendu parl de ce nouveau framework, propos par Microsoft ?!Vous souhaitez en savoir plus, tout en apprenant crer un site web professionnel ?Et oui, aujourd'hui, Microsoft s'est mis jour et propose de dvelopper des sites internet, hbergeables sur Linux, Mac ou bien Windows ! C'est une vraie rvolution ! Et je vous propose grce ce cours de profiter de tout le travail de Microsoft pour dvelopper un site internet asp mvc net core, multiplateforme ! En rsumBienvenue dans cette formation pour apprendre crer des applications, des sites web, avec asp mvc net core !A travers la mise en place d'un jeu dont on est le hros, nous apprendrons crer :Une application web, professionnelleUne application web fonctionnant sur Linux ou WindowsUne architecture logicielle propre et volutiveCe qui est couvertNous apprendrons plusieurs notions super fun, et essentielles pour la cration de sites web professionnels, avec ASP MVC core :Mettre en place une page d'accueil propre et bien penseCrer des pages dynamiques, branches une base de donnesCrer une base de donnes volutive, avec la mise en place des migrationsCrer un site internet pens pour les moteurs de recherche d'aujourd'huiUtiliser un framework web (BOOTSTRAP ET MATERIALIZE)Comment dployer notre site internet, notre jeu web mobileMettre en place des tests unitaires de votre site Durant toute la formationChaque session vous guidera pas pas, dans la ralisation de notre jeu dont on est le hros.Pour complter l'aventure, vous aurez accs l'ensemble des sources du projet, section aprs section, pour bien avancer, et ne jamais se sentir perdu-e (c'est un de mes buts premiers, en tant que votre hte, votre formateur).A la fin de la formationVous aurez ralis une application web ! Vous aurez un jeu web mobile ! Et surtout : vous saurez crer des sites web asp mvc net avec le framework .net core ! Et c'est vous qui l'aurez ralis, tape aprs tape, pas pas ! Vous commencez quand ? :=)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Development:Ready To Use Tools to lead Your Team" |
"Hi my UDEMY friends and welcome to my course. Since you are interested in the course. I assume that you are already leading a team or at least being an active team member that really wants to develop the team. I know that leading the team is a challenging task and seeing you interested in the course to develop your team, somehow tells me that you are a real team player. I dont know what your business is and I dont know who do you work with but I can say that they are pretty lucky to have you in the team because you are the kind of person that really cares about the happiness of the team as well as the business performance :)Upon finishing the course you will be able to:-Lead your team to be more connected and engaged-Set and align your business goal with your team-Create a constructive feedback-loop in your team-Teach your team how to deal with painful direct negative feedback-Build trust and become the go-to person to your team membersI design my course to be as practical as possible, in each chapter I will also give you some tips and examples from my experiences on how to use those tools effectively in real life. I have not only used these tools in my business teams but I have applied them with my friends and family as well, so I would say the course will be useful for any one who is leading or willing to lead, for the betterment, of their teams and loved ones. If you are ready to begin your leadership journey, welcome to my course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Total Immersion Swimming: Swim Better, Easier, Faster!" |
"The Ultra-Efficient Freestyle Complete Self-Coaching Course will teach you to swim a dramatically more efficient freestyleand transform you into your own most effective swim instructor and coach.You will learn . . . the proven advantages of:Saving energy over trying to build endurance.Letting conditioning 'happen' while you improve the skills that matter.Achieving comfort, body control, and weightlessness before any other skillMaking your body 'slippery' (reducing drag) over increasing power.Learning technique holisticallyso all body parts work in seamless harmony.Swimming a short distance with effortless ease and crisp form before swimming farther.The most effective and fastest-acting skill drills.Practicing over working out.Your self-coaching tools include A 140-page, richly-illustrated ebook that explainsin simple language--the biomechanics and fluid dynamics affect your (land-adapted) body as it moves through water, and the freestyle techniques that minimize common problems and take advantage of natural forces like body mass, gravity, and buoyancy.Fifteen high definition videos. Fourteen illustrate essential mini-skills and how to learn them. The fifteenth is a detailed study of the whole stroke. All videos show every important angle, above and below water, in full and slow motion.A Companion Workbook. This provides detailed guidancewhat and how to do, what to avoid doing, how long and how many repetitions, key focal pointsfor each of the mini-skills and the whole stroke.An Image Gallery of all key positions and timing to print out and take to the pool for reference, or study poolside on your phone or tablet.You can complete this course in . . . 15 to 30 hours of practice, distributed over two or more months.The course is structured as . . . Four major learning modules, each teaching an essential efficiency skill. Each module consists of up to four steps or mini-skillssome of which can be learned in 15 to 30 minutes. Do a brief segment of drill or mini-skill work, then a segment of whole-stroke to integrate and consolidate that skill.Why take this course? You will not only become a strikingly more comfortable, confident, and skilled swimmer. You will also become a passionately-curious student of swimming."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (ML) Fundamentals" |
"Are you a company or a Web developer, IT administrator, data center architect, consultant, enterprise architect, data protection officer, programmer, data security specialist, or big data analyst and want to gain fundamental and intermediate level skills and enjoy a fascinating high paying career?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?Welcome to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (ML) Fundamentals course For Beginners - A one of its kind course!The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Be sure to watch the preview lectures that set course expectations!In this course, you'll learn and practice:Working in Azure ML Studio Creating a machine learning experimentModeling a real business use caseLearn the basic concepts of machine learningUnderstand best practices, and much more.... You will also get complete resources, toolkit, and code where applicable with this course! We've built this course with our Team ClayDesk of industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- start your freelancing career and consult companies, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...this Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (ML) Fundamentals course is exactly what you need, and more. (Youll even get a certification of completion)See what our students say It is such a solid course that covers all important areas of machine learning, and I now know hoe to predict future products based on their features. Simply awesome!. - Alex NeumanThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Ankit Goring.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As an enterprise architect consulting with global companies, technology evangelist, and brand innovator, I have designed, created, and implemented enterprise level projects, I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (ML) Fundamentals today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of Machine Learning and Data Science and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities with Microsoft Azure.Happy learning.Qasim Shah"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft BOT Framework & DialogFlow: Creating ChatBot" |
"Are you a company or a Web developer, IT administrator, data center architect,consultant, enterprise architect, data protection officer, programmer, data security specialist, or big data analystand want to gain fundamental and intermediate level skills andenjoy a fascinating high paying career?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?Welcome to Creating Chatbot with Dialogflow and Microsoft course For Beginners - A one of its kind course!The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Be sure to watch the preview lectures that set course expectations!In this course, you'll learn and practice:Building BOTs in DialogflowBuilding BOTs in Microsoft Azure and Visual StudioDeploying BOTS in Skype and Facebook MessengerLearn the basic concepts of BOTsUnderstand best practices, andmuch more....You will alsoget complete resources, toolkit, and code where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- start your freelancing career and consult companies, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...thisChatbot courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)See what our students say It is such a solid course that covers all important areas of machine learning, and Inow know hoe to predict future products based on their features. Simply awesome!.- Alex NeumanThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Ankit Goring.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As an enterprise architect consulting with global companies, technology evangelist, and brand innovator, Ihave designed, created, and implemented enterprise level projects, I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inCreating Chatbot with DialogFlow and Microsoft today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities with Microsoft Azure and Dialogflow.Qasim Shah"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Blockchains with Hyperledger Fabric using Composer" |
"According to the census, it is found that only0.5%of the worlds population are using Blockchain today, but 50% or 3.77 billion people use the internet, so there is anopportunity to walk ahead of the world and learn Blockchain. All you have to do is:Gather useful resources and exercise them efficientlyLearn Blockchain related skillsStudy the working of the technologyApply your knowledge in building decentralized applicationsSo, if you prefer to walk with the development of the world now is your chance to get started with 'Creating Blockchains with Hyperledger for beginners' - A one of its kind course!The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Be sure to watch the preview lectures that set course expectations!In this course, you'll learn and practice:What is a blockchainHow does Hyperledger fit into blockchainWhat are the different components of a blockchainWhat blockchain solutions does Hyperledger offerUnderstand best practices, andmuch more....You will alsoget complete resources, toolkit, and code where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- start your freelancing career and consult companies, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...thisHyperledger courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)See what our students say It is such a solid course that covers all important areas of machine learning, and Inow know hoe to predict future products based on their features. Simply awesome!.- Alex NeumanThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Ankit Goring.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As an enterprise architect consulting with global companies, technology evangelist, and brand innovator, Ihave designed, created, and implemented enterprise level projects, I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inCreating blockchains with Hyperledger today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of blockchain technology and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities with learning the newest blockchain technology - Hyperledger.Qasim Shah"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Managing Time for Technical Professionals" |
"Are you a company or a technical professionaland want to learn how to better manage your time in order to get that promotion or impress your boss?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking you to a whole new level?Welcome to Managing Time for Technical Professionals - A one of its kind course!Be sure to watch the preview lectures that set course expectations!In this course, you'll learn and practice:how to make the best use of the 24 hours in a dayDifferent management techniquesTime management principles and best practicesUnderstand best practices, andmuch more....You will alsoget complete resources, toolkit, and code where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:-make better use of your time professionally-make better use of your time personally-learn how to be a better manager...thisManaging Time for Technical Professionals courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)See what our students say It is such a solid course that covers all important areas of machine learning, and Inow know hoe to predict future products based on their features. Simply awesome!.- Alex NeumanThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Ankit Goring.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As an enterprise architect consulting with global companies, technology evangelist, and brand innovator, Ihave designed, created, and implemented enterprise level projects, I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inManaging Time for Technical Professionalstoday and revolutionize your learning. Qasim Shah"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Anncios do Facebook: do bsico ao intermedirio" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo ambientar e trazer familiaridade as ferramentas e estratgias iniciais necessrias para que o prprio empresrio, ou autnomo que comercializa o seu servio, possa realizar as suas campanhas no Facebook e Instagram, atingindo os seus objetivos definidos, sejam estes de relacionamento ou converso de novos clientes."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Manualidades y Adornos Navideos 2020" |
"En nuestro Curso de Manualidades y Adornos Navideos 2020 vas a aprender a elaborar adornos y regalos navideos como zapatos, caballos y campanas de navidad en miniatura.Si eres un amante de la Navidad, este es el curso que estabas esperando, en l podrs hacer paso a paso adornos navideos y te ayudamos a decorar tu hogar y rbol navideo en estas fechas. El curso se compone de vdeos para que puedas ver el proceso de creacin paso a paso y patrones de todo lo que te enseamos.Con este curso podrs sorprender a tus invitados cuando vayan a tu casa y tambin podrs obsequiarles sencillos, pero originales regalos navideos.Podrs aprender tcnicas, trucos y mucho ms. Te enseamos a trabajar con tela pana, corospun, dulopillo, cordn dorado, cinta dorada, etc. Lo ms importante es que vas a poder desconectar del da da y relajarte, desarrollar tu imaginacin y vivir la Navidad desde ya.Antes de comenzar cualquiera de las manualidades, te decimos qu materiales necesitas y tambin te damos opciones de otros materiales que puedes utilizar, en el caso de que no puedas conseguir los originales del curso.Y entonces qu? Te animas? Te damos ms razones por las que te deberas apuntar a este curso: Ahorrars dinero en Navidad y podrs iniciar tu propio negocio en estas fechas especiales. Ya sabes que decorar tu casa en estas fechas puede ser caro, pero en este curso te damos la opcin de hacerlo t mismo y por lo tanto, de que te salga ms barato. Adems, la mayora de las manualidades que te ofrecemos las puedes hacer con tus hijos.Te animamos a que descubras tu lado ms creativo, e iniciar tu propio negocio y puedas vender tus creaciones.Cuando compres este curso, tendrs acceso inmediato y sin caducidad. Aunque lo compres ya, lo podrs hacer cuando te vaya bien. No necesitas experiencia previa, simplemente ganas de pasar un rato agradable y de hacer volar tu imaginacin.El curso lo puedes pagar con Paypal, tarjeta de crdito o cuenta bancaria, es un pago 100 % seguro y adems tienes 30 das para probarlo y si no es lo que esperabas, lo devuelves.En el video de presentacin podrs ver todos los adornos que vamos a elaborar.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de COMPRAR AHORA y nos vemos en la leccin 1!Saludos,Victor Manuel Yacolca Laos"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to transform your entire life" |
"In this course, we will go over some of the key steps to take in order to transform and reshape your entire life. Together, we will go through several categories which include, health & self care, relationships with self &other, career/job& purpose, wealth &abundance, and finally mindfulness. I believe these areas are of utmost importance to develop when taking the reins back on your life and seeing an everlasting transformation that others will notice. If you are looking to change your life for the better, and are ready to put your excuses to the side and become the greatest version you are here to be, then look no further and enroll in this course!I look forward to guiding you along this journey of self transformation and discovery!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar um Site ou Blog em Wordpress na Prtica" |
"Voc conhece algum negcio de Sucesso que no tenha um site?Se voc um Empreendedor ou ainda tem um Negcio Iniciando e, precisa Criar Contedo e ter uma Presena Online.Voc precisa de um site e/ou blog para divulgar o seu negcio, deseja criar artigos, expor suas ideias, mostrar seus produtos e/ou servios, ter uma presena online, mas no sabe como e nem por onde comear?Ento voc precisa aprender de forma prtica e simples, e sem enrolao, a criar e seu prprio site e/ou blog.Cerca de 88% das pessoas que adquirem quaisquer produtos pesquisam na web antes de realizar suas compras. Ter um website de negcios no mais um luxo hoje em dia e sim essencial. Isso porque possvel encontrar tudo online. Por isso eu quero mostrar para voc o passo a passo para a criar o seu proprio site ou blog de forma rapida, pratica e simplificadaIremos abordar todos o passos, desde a contratao do dominio at a criao dos primeiros artigos, e o principal, tambm vamos abordar como deixar o seu site com blog otimizado para os mecanismos de buscas, afinal no adianta nada ter um site, se ningum o encontrar na internet. Concorda?Voc vai aprender:Criar o seu site em wordpressFazer o Seo e otimizar para os mecanismos de buscasInstalar o pixel do FacebookCriar um email profissionalInstalar o certificado digital (SSL)Criar paginas com o ElementorCriar postagensE muito mais...Tudo de forma prtica e simples!Eu acredito que o tempo o tempo o maior ativo que temos hoje, por isso meu objetivo aqui no trazer ""trocentas"" aulas para encher linguia!,Meu objetivo focar no que realmente importante para voc conseguir de forma simples e prtica criar o seu site e/ou blog em wordpress, mesmo que voc no entenda nada deprogramao, html, codigos e tudo mais. O que voc precisa saber, s saber mexer na internet.Por isso assista s aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e se voc achar que esse curso para voc.Inscreva se agora mesmo e comece j a transformar o futuro do seu negocio!No exite em me contactar! Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora da Udemy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pre-Algebra Explained" |
"Are you looking to Master Pre-Algebra and Ace your next Exam? In this course, you will master the basic concepts of pre-algebra with our step by step tutorials and quizzes. The concepts you will learn are fundamental to success in higher math classes such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. We will review operations with whole numbers, and then move on to learn how to perform operations with integers, fractions, and decimals. We will wrap up our course by learning how to find the mean, median, and mode for a group of numbers, along with how to convert between various units of measurement."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |