Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Treinos Completos para Glteo, Abdmen e Pernas - POWER GAP" |
"O Power GAP um programa com 6 treinos com quase 30 minutos de durao para voc quer quer deixar o bumbum, a coxa e o abdmen mais durinho. Tambm para voc que quer perder gordura, reduzir medidas e melhorar o seu condicionamento fsico.Power: Intenso. GAP: Glteo, Abdmen e Pernas."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Art Journaling: An Introduction" |
"In this class, you will learn the basics of art journaling. I will begin by explaining what art journaling is and go over the supplies you will need. Next, I will talk a bit about color inspiration before diving right into the background of our journal page. I will then show you how to build up layers of texture and add a focal point and any inspirational words or quotes. You will have completed three journal pages by the end of this course! I look forward to teaching you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
lightroomzone |
". . . ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Core Web Api le Web Servis Oluturma" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kursumda, Microsoft'un gelitirdii .Netframework'n evrimleerek gnmz koullarna ayak uydurduu .Netframeworkcore'un web api'si ile nasl web servis oluturulacan, gelitirileceini gerek projede olmas gereken btn detaylar yine gerek bir proje gelitirerek reneceksiniz.Asp Net Core dnyasna giri yaparak cross platformda, yani ister Linux'da ister Windows'da yaynlayabileceiniz web servis gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz.EntityFrameworkCore ile veritaban ilemlerini kolayca yapmay, ister Mssql veritaban ile, isterseniz Mysql veritaban ile kolayca almay reneceksiniz.Asp Net Core Identity ve Json Web Token (JWT) ile kimlik dorulama, yetkilendirme gibi gvenlik ilemlerini reneceksiniz.Snf-class, miras alma-inheritance, sarmalama-kapslleme-encapsulation, Arayz-Interface, Bamllk-Dependency kavramlarn anlayacaksnz.stemci tarafl-Client-Side ve Sunucu tarafl-Server-Side mantn anlayp web servis ile (Server-Side) dinamik olarak ierikleri retip client'n istediklerini gndermeyi reneceksiniz.Bu kursumuzda web servis gelitirmeyi renmenin yannda Profesyonel olarak SOLID Prensiplerine uygun N Katmanl Yap ile proje gelitirmeyi de reneceksiniz.Not: N Katmanl Yap ile gelitirilen projemize eklemeler devam etmektedir."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"WhatsApp Business Marketing - Cmo Cerrar 70% MS VENTAS" |
"Las ventas y los clientes que necesitas estn en tu telfono, estn tu WhatsApp. En este curso aprenders de forma 100% practica a gestionar tus contactos por WhatsApp. Informacin 100% practica y original, no la encuentras en ninguna parte. El objetivo es que tomes accin de todo lo visto para implementar de inmediato en tus negocios y vida diaria. Esta misma estrategia la han usado ms de 300.000 personas en toda Latinoamerica."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
digitalmarketing-arabic |
": . . . , . . . , . 17 . :- .- .- (SEO).- (Google Analytics).- (Facebook, Instagram).- .- , . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
dropshippinginarabic |
"(Dropshipping Business Model) , . . , . , . , . , . . . ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Dezvolt-te personal indiferent de punctul n care te afli" |
"Eti blocat n ideile tale? i doreti s faci ceva cu viaa ta, dar i e fric de eec? Ai idei i proiecte, dar nu tii cum s ncepi? Ai impresia c i iroseti timpul i aptitudinile n activiti inutile? Dar eti pregtit s ncepi s te dezvoli personal i profesional? Ai nimerit n locul potrivit! Sunt John Cristea i n ultimii 6 ani am reuit s ajut mai bine de 1700 de tineri s-i promoveze visurile, s cread n ei, s ias din zona de confort i s obin un start de invidiat. Acum e momentul tu. Am creat acest curs special pentru tine. Aadar, mpreun vom descoperi care sunt atuurile tale, ce anume i place s faci i care sunt paii pe care i ai de urmat pentru a obine acele rezultate la care tu visezi. Reminder: Utilizeaz cu ncredere resursele pe care le vei descoperi n curs i obine rezultatele dorite!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Java Bootcamp for Arabic Speakers" |
". This course will help you to learn JAVA language from scratch in a simple way and give you all required information that you need to be a Java programmer.This course will lead you also with a good explanation and examples to understand quickly besides implementing plenty of java programs to achieve a full understanding for each subject being explained in Java programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditazione ed Evoluzione Spirituale: primi passi sulla Via" |
"Un percorso di liberazione, risveglio ed evoluzione ESISTENZIALE con Carlo Dorofatti Questo percorso unopportunit da non perdere. Attraverso video-lezioni suddivise in specifici moduli, Carlo Dorofatti ti guider personalmente verso la realizzazione di precisi obbiettivi teorico-pratici per vivere meglio, stare meglio con te stesso e gli altri e riequilibrare la tua vita allinsegna di un processo di crescita e realizzazione.Avrai accesso alla video-lezione successiva dopo una settimana dalla video-lezione precedente. Potrai accedere in qualunque momento alle lezioni gi viste. Sar possibile accedere a diversi livelli progressivi che saranno accessibili dopo una valutazione del percorso svolto.Sono previsti studi ed esercitazioni pratiche da svolgersi durante la settimana, per ottenere il massimo risultato. Settimanalmente invierai unemail a Carlo Dorofatti sottoponendogli i risultati del tuo lavoro individuale.Il pacchetto include colloqui personali con Carlo Dorofatti (via Skype o Hangout). Include inoltre la partecipazione al webinar settimanale in diretta."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"How to bat like Virat Kohli against pace bowling." |
"In the course I will teach you step by step method of improving your batting against pace bowling in swinging conditions and bouncy conditions.There will be an introduction of the whole courseThere will be a lecture on perfect stance and set upThere will be methods on improving your shuffle and trigger movementMethods on playing late on the front footHow to play different shots on the front footHow to play on the back foot followed by playing those shots perfectly"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tu Autoestima con los Animales de Poder" |
"Un curso para crecer con las experiencias del da a da, en el que las observamos desde 7 perspectivas (una por clase) para comprenderlas, integrarlas y finalmente trascenderlas, y en el que las cartas de animales de poder y sus mensajes nos dan las claves que necesitamos y mejoran nuestra autoestima y autoconocimiento (incluye las cartas).Una de las primeras alumnas, Lola Padilla, que lo puntu con 5 estrellas, escribi esta resea: ""Me ha gustado me encanta los mensajes de los animales son verdaderos maestros, el curso ameno, gil, bien explicado, actividades muy claras para poder ejecutarlas, acompaado de la visualizacin y las cartas, muy completo. Enhorabuena a la ponente. Un saludo"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to find inexpensive and good quality makeup" |
"Welcome students!In this course you will learn ""How to discover inexpensive and good quality makeup""Cosmetics can work wonder for appearances, make profundity, and maybe ""another"" bone structure and look. Nonetheless, not every person can spend tremendous sums for each lotion, powder smaller, lipstick, and other excellence items sold in the present market. Brand names with garish bundling put everything on the line to motivate you to purchase the more costly item. However, with research and a smidgen of exertion, will undoubtedly discover quality cosmetics hoodwinks (reasonable look-a-like) at a less expensive price.On the off chance that you've never looked for cosmetics, the procedure can appear to be overpowering. There are such huge numbers of various brands, diverse items and distinctive applications. It's difficult to pick up everything in one day, however with a little help, you can effectively search for cosmetics that will make you closely resemble a rockstar. Cosmetics is essential for some lady and every one of the ladies who purchase want the best of it for their motivation. Notwithstanding, everybody should contemplate that the nature of the items assume a major job. That is the reason in this course you will learn helpful things to buy the most fitting cosmetics for yourself."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"End-to-End with Ionic4 & Parse/MongoDB on NodeJS/Express" |
"Welcome to the first tutorial in the Works-Like-A-Charm series - the goal of this course is to enable you to get a better understanding of the End-to-End FullStack puzzle. The course is short and concise, and is more about architecture than about code. You will learn how to make it happen using an Ionic/Angular Frontend & Parse/Redis/MongoDB on NodeJS/Express Backend, and you will discover the benefits that can be gained with this technology stack: One code base - for both Frontend and Backend; The Power of RxJS - to enable realtime, live, responsive data; The Power of Memory Caching - a simple technique that you can implement on your own; Take Control - create a viable alternative from dependency on cloud-only solutions like Firebase. You will go into the important aspects of the code so you should have some experience with web development, preferably with Javascript frameworks like Angular or Ionic. The course emphasizes the practical side of setting up a real-world environment:creating your own client and server virtual machines; implementing advanced techniques like Observables, memory caching and generic data services; and leveraging the Frontend and Backend components together to create a simple yet powerful architecture that you can rely on to deliver performant and realtime applications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Optimise Your Productivity - Focus on Your Goals & Do more" |
"In this course, you're going to learn tools and techniques that will help you optimise your productivity so that you can truly get more done in less time. These productivity tips don't only apply to the work you do for a living, but any kind of work you do in your daily life. You can apply them to your work around the house, creative work, and even leisure activities. The course lectures are supported by:A 50 Page Coursebook for download to follow along with the learning and to keep for referenceA19 Page Workbook for download to complete activities and for future reference including templatesInfographics covering some key tips and content"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para certificao VMware - VCA6-DCV (Associate)" |
"Pratique seus conhecimentos com estes simulados completospara os exames para as certificaes VMware Certified Associate VCA6-DCV e VMware Certified Associate VCA6.5-DCV.Sodiversas questes preparadas para que voc possa aprender ao mesmo tempo em que testa seus conhecimentos.Voc ter acesso a diversos simulados referentes aos exames2V0-620 (Fundamentos do VMware vSphere 6)e2V0-602 (Fundamentos do VMware vSphere 6.5).Os simulados iro te ajudar a ganharconfiana para a realizao dos exames, testando seus conhecimentos e mostrando quais tpicos devem ser mais estudados.Esta certificao da VMware a porta de entrada para as certificaes profissionais em Virtualizao de Data Center (DCP).As certificaes VMware so muitovalorizadas e reconhecidas internacionalmente, para aqueles profissionais que atuam com virtualizao baseada em VMware.Para obter a certificao VCA, preciso ser aprovado em 1 exame, ficando a escolha do profissional, qual verso seguir:VCA-DCV6: 2V0-620VCA-DCV6.5: 2V0-602Obs: No necessrio realizar os dois exames, basta escolher qual verso do vSphere (6 ou 6.5) dever ser certificado.O exame 2V0-620 (vSphere 6) obrigatrio para as certificaes VMware VCP6-DCV,VCP6-CMA,VCP6-DTM eVCP6-NV.O exame 2V0-602 (vSphere 6.5) obrigatrio para as certificaes VMware VCP6.5-DCV,VCP6-DCV,VCP6-CMA,VCP7-CMA,VCP6-DTM,VCP7-DTM eVCP6-NV .Quem o pblico-alvo?Candidatos ao Exame de Certificao VMware Certified Associate Data Center Virtualization 6 (Exame 2V0-620)Candidatos ao Exame de Certificao VMware Certified Associate Data Center Virtualization 6.5 (Exame 2V0-602)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simple Spreadsheet Insights for Sports Moms and Dads" |
"This class will to help provideinsight into the performance of young athletes.With access to a spreadsheet and a computer you will be able to analyze data to help them improve as they go through their normal development cycle. You will learnsimple techniques to gain insight into your child's sports performance. Parents can help build the skill of self-confidence by focusing on what their kids do well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo UX + HTML5 y CSS3 Fcil y prctico!" |
"En el curso aprenders de la mano de una experta en diseo los conceptos clave de Diseo de Experiencia de Usuario (UX):Tcnicas de anlisis del usuario finalFocus group, Eye tracking, Evaluacin heurstica Test A/BCard Sortingy mucho ms!Generacin de estrategias efectivas: grfico de Garret, Sketch, Wireframe y MockupDefinicin de estrategia, alcance y estructura de una solucin: Storytelling, Iterar, prototipado, BenchmarkingDisear tecnologa que genere alegra y engagement en el usuario, aumentando la adopcin y generando mayores ingresos. Adems, como Diseo UX / UI es uno de los perfiles laborales con mayor crecimiento* te adentraremos en los detalles del trabajo en equipo de una empresa de desarrollo de software, identificando cada uno de los perfiles que podemos encontrar y cul es su funcin, de manera que puedas insertarte rpidamente en la mecnica de trabajo. (* segn informe CNNMoney)Por ltimo, aprenders HTML5 y CSS3 de forma prctica para que puedas realizar la maquetacin de tus prototipos!. Con la explicacin de un experto en desarrollo, podrs llevar a la accin a tus diseos, con una gua prctica y paso a paso, ideal para principiantes y sin necesidad de ningn conocimiento previo en web.Qu es HTML y CSS?Editor de desarrolloManejo de fondos, colores, gradientes y tipografas. Utilizacin de imgenes y efectos de transicin. Diferentes selectores CSSHTML5Y adems: nociones de Flexbox, Bootstrap, compatibilidad cross browser, JQuery, React y mucho ms!POR QU TENGO QUE ELEGIR ESTE CURSO?Porque es un curso que combina de forma nica los conceptos ms importantes del diseo UX a la vez que te da las herramientas de HTML/CSS, ms tips de trabajo en equipo, para que puedas aplicarlo. Porque fue elaborado por expertos, profesionales universitarios y con aos de experiencia prctica en sus respectivos campos de accin, con ms de 6000 estudiantes inscriptos en Udemy.Porque Diseo UX / UX Design es una de las profesiones con mayor crecimiento y demanda en las empresas.Porque si tuvieras dudas durante el curso, con gusto te responderemos, logrando la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje. A tu ritmo, con tus tiempos, pero con el apoyo necesario.Revisa nuestro video de presentacin, los videos con previsualizacin y si quieres haznos consultas.Inscrbete! No dejes pasar la oportunidad!- CON GARANTA DE REEMBOLSO, SI EL CURSO NO CUMPLE TUS EXPECTATIVAS, SE TE DEVUELVE EL DINERO.- CON RECURSOS DESCARGABLES Y CERTIFICADO DE FINALIZACIN."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Epic Self Mastery Course - Multiple Coaches" |
"ARE YOU TIRED OF STRESS, ANXIETY, AND NOT LIVING UP TO YOUR POTENTIAL? We brought the best of the best coaches from all over the world to help you master yourself!This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from thetop self help coachesall at once. You'll finish the course with a greater understanding of where you've come from, where you are and where you're going!In the modern world we can spend so much time looking outside of ourselves and so little getting to know ourselves on a deeper level. This course promotes the simple habit of taking a few minutes a day to deepen your relationship with yourself.You are guaranteed to find more happiness, confidence, clarity and certainty in a few weeks working through the simple videos.You will learn how to...- Positively change your relationship with anxiety and stress- Build genuine confidence- Identify and get rid of the toxic people in your life- Become more self-disciplined- Master your emotions- Face your fears and overcome them- Bring more happiness into your life- Much, much, more!Who are the coaches?Dr Nikki Starr -Dr Nikki Starr Noce is a medical doctor turned transformational life coach, spirit guide and healer, meditation teacher and conscious living influencer.You can follow her @drnikkistarr on instagram for daily inspiration.Stef Sifandos- Through varying profound experiences & having the opportunity to work with some of the worlds best coaches & educators, Stef now implements a robust, broad & unique perspective on exploring peak human states & optimal relationships whilst also leveraging the most from the body, mind & heart integration. Stefs extensive knowledge has seen him become a well-respected mentor & trainer to some of Australias top professional sporting teams, professional individual athletes & professional world champion fighters, Olympians, gold medalists & elite special forces soldiers.You can find him @stefisanddos on instagram.Alanna Johnson- She's a huge inspirational on the popular instagram account @peacelovevibes.Shayon Cork- He's a military veteran, now an empowering life coach. You can find him @3conscious3garden3 on instagram.Sachi Mehta- She is an urban yogi with an experience of more than 10 years of experience the law of attraction and personal development. She is a spiritual teacher and a believer in the power of meditation and positivity.You can follow her @sachimehta_ on instagram.Lizel Zeager -is a Manifestation Coach. She helps you uproot any mental blocks and old beliefs you may have so that you can finally step into your power and manifest the life of your dreams. Find out how to work with her by following her on Instagram @HowToManifest.Ron Kochevar- He's is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, Registered Yoga Teacher 200, Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, and is in the business of equalizing health spans with life spans.Nicole Nailyl- Nicole is a a strong advocate of the law of attraction and positive energy. She's a life coach and YouTuber.You can find her @nicole.nailyl on instagram.Course Contents6 self help videos from coachesTopics - How to control your emotions, Getting rid of negative thoughts, Overcoming fear, Dealing with anxiety, Happiness, How to let go of the past,(Value = $197)2 animated self help videosTopics - Getting out of your comfort zone, Ways to stop procrastinating(Value = $37)2 weeks of affirmation videos(value = $67)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A-Z Marketing de Afiliados - Clickbank y MaxBounty" |
"""Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires""Bienvenidos a todos a este curso de Marketing de Afiliacin donde aprendern su arte y todos los detalles necesarios. Al final del curso dominaran a la perfeccin todas las estrategias y puntos claves sobre el marketing de Afiliacin y al final del curso no habr ningn obstculo que les impida ganar dinero, se los garantizo. Qu comprende este curso?Todo lo necesario para abordar el Mercado de afiliacinAnlisis de Mercado a travs de google Trend y CorrelacionesSeleccin de un niche despus de un anlisis de MercadoAnlisis de la demanda de un producto y seleccin del productoProductos que no deben ser seleccionadosMtricas y medidas necesarias en Clickbank y en Mercado de AfiliacinMtricas y sus efectos sobre las ventasAnlisis y revisin detallada de la plataforma Clickbank y cmo usarlaClculo y determinacin del margen de gananciasLa diferencia entre los modelos CPA (costo por adquisicin) y ClickbankIntroduccin a MaxBounty y los detalles necesarios para ser aceptados.Importancia de una Squeeze page y una Landing PageCreacin gratuita de una Squeeze Page/Landing page y su marketingRecoleccin de data, emails de clientes a travs de la squeeze page y los objetivos a largo plazo de mercadeo y publicidadSeleccin de campaas para hacer un re-marketingImportancia de la fraccin de trfico pago y no pagoUso eficiente de Facebook e Instagram para la obtencin de trfico no-pagoUso eficiente de Youtube y los videos para la obtencin de trfico no-pagoUso y anlisis detallado de Google ads y Bing ads para la obtencin de trafico pagoAnlisis y uso de Kwfinder para encontrar palabras claves (keywords) para google y bing adsEstrategias e informacin necesaria para la escritura de las palabras claves (Broad, Exact Match Etc.)Anlisis e identificacin de las mtricas ms importantes para los canales publicitaros (CTR, Bounce Rate Etc.)Identificacin y determinacin de la estrategia de mercadeo segn Fuente de trfico y el anlisis y revisin de las pginas web de los productos seleccionados a travs de similar webAnlisis de Persona e identificacin y determinacin de las mtricas de un productoy aprendern muchas otras cosas ..Quines son sus instructores?Hello, I'm Andres Pieschacn I'm Mechanical M.Sc.Eng and professional instructor. I've been in the educational area for more than 9 years. I work in different areas of knowledge such as marketing, mathematics, physics, foreign languages. I speak 5 languages (Spanish, Italian, English, Turkish, French). I have a big passion for learning and teaching. I am an entrepreneur. ---------------------------------------------------- Hello, I am Umut smetolu. I am an entrepreneur. Since I was a child I have created many different business models in different fields and have managed them. I opened my first online store at the age of 12 with a montly revenue. After that, I went into the area of drop-shipping and created my own drop-shipping ecommerce models.Also, I am a self-taught coder with a 3,5 year experience in iOS development and Swift programming.Last year I went into the area of network security and did learn the basics of Kali Linux and network attackings. Moreover, I can speak Spanish and English.*Currently working at Google-----------------------------------------------------No duden en contactarme para resolver cualquier tipo de duda,Nos vemos en el cursoAtentamente,Umut smetolu y Andres Pieschacon Gomez."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Microsoft Word 2010" |
"No curso Microsoft Word 2010, voc ir aprender a utilizar as principais ferramentas do Word. Voc sabia que este programa um dos processadores de textos mais utilizado do mundo, com ele voc pode criar diversos tipos de documentos de forma rpida e segura. Vale ainda ressaltar que o Microsoft Word 2010 muito utilizado por pequenas, mdias e grandes empresas, tanto no setor privado, quanto no setor pblico. Da mais um motivo para voc aprender bem a usa-lo, e melhorar suas qualificaes para o mercado de trabalho. Todas as pessoas que trabalham na rea administrativa e outras reas necessita utilizar o Microsoft Word. Ento no espere mais: Invista em voc, pois o conhecimento abre portas principalmente neste mundo cada vez mais informatizado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Substance Designer VOL.I" |
"O Curso de SUBSTANCE DESIGNER VOL. I (Criao de Materiais da Prtica ao Portflio), o primeiro curso em mdia digital da POLYGON ART, tendo por objetivo, mostrar na prtica a criao de materiais em PBR (PHYSICALLY BASED RENDERING ) no SUBSTANCE DESIGNER , este revolucionrio Software da empresa Allegorithmic, que tm como uma das suas principais caractersticas a no destrutibilidade dos materiais criados, ou seja, voc poder alter-los a qualquer momento sem destruir totalmente seu trabalho. Sendo utilizado pelas maiores empresas de GAMES , Arquitetura e Design, desta forma, os alunos podero desenvolver seu PORTFLIO do Zero, associado a ferramentas poderosas como o Marmoset Toolbag 3 para a criao de INCRVEIS apresentaes em imagens e vdeos de alta resoluo . De Bnus, ainda oferecemos as primeiras aulas com o material inicial FREE, alm de um guia exclusivo criado com o passo a passo dos Cinco materiais criados no curso com o objetivo de ajud-los a melhor compreender como tudo foi criado e assim tirar suas dvidas. Junte-se a ns da POLYGONARTe d um Upgrade no seu Portflio Abrindo novos caminhos para seu SUCESSO. Obrigado e nos vemos no Curso.Atenciosamente,Marconi Bonfim Paiva, 3D Artist, Criador da Empresa POLYGONART."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Basic Combatives" |
"Krav Maga Yakn temas anlamnda anlatlr. Krav Maga sistemi uzmanndan renilmesi gerekir aksi durumda baar yerini baarszlkla deitir. Krav Maga sisteminde uzman antrenrn gemii ok nemlidir. Az kuvvet ile ok zarar veren bir eitim sistemidir. Tm savunma sporlar ac verirken Krav Maga hayatta kalma beceri sistemi tehlike arz eder.Krav Maga Temel hareketler videosunda dier videolarn temek tekniklerini oluturan videolar bulunmaktadr. Bu video ok dikkatli izlenmeli ve doru yaplmaldr aksi durumda dier level tekniklerinde zorlanabilirsiniz.Temel Hareketler Krav Maga sisteminin ilk blmn oluturur.Teknikleri yaparken nasl uygulama yapacaz?1.Teknik videosunu bir ka kere izleyin ve aklnza taklan bir soru varsa ltfen bana mesaj ile ulan2.Teknii uygulamadan nce uygun bir alan bulun ve bu alnda siz rahatsz edecek seslerden uzak durun3.Spor yapacanz alanda ayna olsun, eer ayna yoksa duvara doru olmasn baknz pencere ve ak alan olsun4.Ayanzda yksek taban olmayan bir spor ayakkab bulunsun, evde yapacaksanz ayakkabsza olabilir5.Elinizi eldiven veya bandaj ile koruyun yada fazla ser yerlere vuru yapmaynALIMAYA BALAMA & PRATK YAPMA & UYGULAMA1.On dakika snn bu sre en fazla 20 dk olmal2.Esnetme ve germe yapn power almas ile bitirin (Isnma eitim videolarna baknz)3.Teknikleri uygularken ilk nce tek, tek sonra birletirin4.Acele etmeyin sabrl olun, ama doru snmak hzl bitirmek deil5.Yaknlarnza uygulamayn tehlike arz eder, zellikle karde annne, baba ama partner yoksa yardm isteyebilirsiniz6.Anlamadnz derslerde sorular sorun, mesaj atnPartnerinize muhakak yapacanz teknik hakknda bilgi verin yoksa size doru ataklar yapamazTm Level Blmleri bitir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Survival Drawing Skills" |
"This course is for beginners just starting out and wanting to draw recognizable pictures with out the stress of perfection. The easiest ways to start drawing today. Never again say ""I can't draw"". With this course you'll be able to draw everything in the most basic way. A few lines and shapes and you'll have a face, dogs, vehicles, anything you can think of. Once you know these basic drawing tips you'll e able to apply it everywhere. With practice and regular drawing you can draw anything you want. The biggest part is that you like what you make."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Science for Interviews" |
"This course is ideal for someone who is wishing to cover every aspect of machine learning theory before their interview or for someone who is looking for a refresher course. No cliches of sexiest job of 21st century, we discuss everything to the point and whatever is relevant for your preparation. There are several skills required for the same job but this course will focus mainly on 1. Probability and statistics2. All machine learning algorithms which one should know3. Data preprocessing 4. Important metrics to evaluate the performanceHowever, it is assumed that the student is proficient in any programming language. This course can cover major part of your theory preparation, so that you can focus more on your project and programming basics.I will be updating the question bank on interview questions side-by-side. I will also be uploading the video transcripts for the videos.Happy learning!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Waldorf High School Main Lesson: The Word" |
"We begin by exploring the power and origin of sounds and words. It is fascinating to see the impact that sound has on the material world as witnessed by the use of Chladni Plates in science or the images recorded by Dr Emotos experiments on the molecular structure of water. We will experience the personal impact of ancient Sanskrit mantras and realise that as children we ask about our own births but as young adults we question how everything came to be. We will explore the ancient mythologies of the world during this course, discovering parallels in many of the ancient civilizations exploring tales from the Old Testament, the Indian Vedas, Chinese I Ching, Mesopotamias Gilgamesh, The Torah and the Quran. Each student will have the opportunity to research and present the creation myth of a different culture, you will also invent your very own creation mythology. In Section 4 we steep ourselves in Ancient Greek mythology. We will unpack the Olympian pantheon as examples of archetypes and identify our own strengths and challenges in them. Each student chooses a God or Goddess that resonates with them and creates a collage. We become familiar with Homer and his epic of the ten year Trojan War as recorded in The Iliad, we then launch into the remarkable journey of Odysseus and explore our own lives as examples of The Heros Journey. As we study and reflect on The Odyssey, journaling at every turn, we face our fears and make peace with the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves as symbolised by the various magical creatures Odysseus encounters during his ten years wandering. In our final section we trace the many tributaries of the English language, beginning some 100 000 years ago! We see how each new culture brought something to bear, from the Gaelic speaking Celts, to the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings, Normans and eventually how the language mysteriously evolved without the assistance of invasions. We beat out the rhythm of Old English in Beowulf and sing-song through the bawdy Middle English of some of Chaucers Canterbury Tales, eventually enjoying the birth of Modern English in Shakespeares writing. You will come to experience English as a World Language that is always evolving. All reading material is included in the Resources. I have included MP3s of all my lectures should you prefer to listen rather than watch, although some include slides. All you need is a dedicated journal."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Feel Fab in 5 minutes: simple steps to wellbeing" |
"Something Ive realized in my life is that theres a magic at work that defies explanationbut Ill try anyway.Sometimes things just FLOW.Your body, mind and emotions are in harmony, theres a sense of liveliness and possibility, creativity blossoms.But why do we just leave it up to chance, hoping that the heavenly Flow will catch us up in its tingly embrace, when actually its up to us to kindle that flame, to dance that dance, to sing that songto live this life.I invite you to join me for grown-up playdates. Ive created a safe space where you can breathe, move and create. This, I believe with my whole heart, is why we live. Lets share and enjoy our time together.In bite size 5 minute sessions well engage all facets of our selves body, mind & emotions.Body: movement in the form of ancient energy practices like yoga, qi gong, & breathwork, as well as the latest tricks for relaxing & re-energizing. Mind: information, written exercises, visualization & meditation. Emotions: deep listening, relaxation techniques, tapping & mindfulness. Lets do it ~ from hot mess to feeling fabulous in 5 minutes or less!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sell Simple Animated Album Cover With Moho Studio" |
"In this course you will learn how to quickly accustom your self with Moho animation studio in the easiest way possible,you will develop your animation ability in a short period of time, you will learn how to create hot selling music and book covers that will be a great source of income,you will be open to a new world of animation with divers concept,the fun part is you don't have to be a computer/graphic expert to take this course, all you need is a desktop computer or laptop computer of at most 250 gig of hard drive, 2 - 4 gig ram"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Azure and Powershell" |
"UPDATE:Several lectures preview have been made available for this course. So students can go through the demo videos to get a feel of how azure will be taught in this tutorial. This will help students to make decision about buying this course.Course updated on 13th July 2020.This course is designed to help students, IT professionals and beginners with no exposure or with intermediate skill in azure to get started with Microsoft Azure infrastructure with a clear understanding about the basics in a simple way. It is focused on providing key concepts of Azure Infrastructure solution to IT professionals. It will help you to become comfortable with cloud concepts and Azure fundamentals to start developing solutions right away.It touches both gui and powershell part of Azure cloud solution and will help you to prepare your base for understanding advanced and architect level of Azure solution. The concepts and demos are based on real world situation which IT professionals faces on Azure cloud platform and will provide you all the knowledge and tools necessary to get started with your job in Azure cloud platform right away.Students completing this course will be able to prepare for the AZ-103 / AZ-104 azure certifications with clear concepts and confidence.The course has hours of huge learning material and is being updated constantly. Students can directly reach out to instructor for any query. Happy Learning.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JA & JD-" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Create An Alexa Flash Briefing Skill - Step By Step" |
"What Is An Alexa Flash Briefing?An Alexa Flash Briefing is a short voice/text clip that is played when the user says Alexa, whats my Flash Briefing? and has you added in their list of enabled Alexa Flash Briefings.It's similar to a form of social media, where you can build a following of people who have enabled your Alexa Flash Briefing to either sell them something or get your message out.Why Do You Need To Create An Alexa Flash Briefing?The sales of Amazon Alexa devices are already huge and growing very fast.Sales are set to explode once they get into people's cars on mass because this is arguably the ideal location for these devices.It's your chance to get your message/brand out in front of potentially millions of people/customers if you can build a large following.As of October 2018, there's very poor/low competition in the Alexa Skills Store, so you can build a following easier now than ever!Alexa Flash Briefings are very easy to build and maintain. Each one can be done in under a minute!Why My Course?Ive already created multiple Alexa Flash Briefings and figured out how to over come problems that came along with it.Ive taken other popular Udemy courses and improved on them after running into problems that they didnt solve such as adding the Alexa Flash Briefing to other countries, how to schedule them properly and how to edit any details after publishing it.My course is very quick and to the point to save you time, but also easy to follow."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |