Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Youtube Marketing - Best Guide Understand Youtube Algorithm" |
"Hi there,This is the full course of YouTube earning. In this Youtube course i have mentioned all the blueprints of YouTube that what is YouTube and what's the advantage of YouTube to working with. This is the Youtube course which has all the lectures are in detail. So after completing this awesome youtube course you will be able to make your carrier as a youtuber and turn your passion into profit. So follow all the steps to this youtube course and get the profit the way you want. This youtube course has been designed also for them who are struggling to get huge traffic to their YouTube channel and also for their website contents. So this is also best for SEOmarketers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel Eitimi-Temelden Uzmanla Kadar (kinci kurs bedava!)" |
"kinci kurs cretsiz! Bu kursu satn aldnzda ikinci kurs cretsizdir. Yapmanz gereken, satn alm sonras cretsiz almak istediiniz kursu bana mesaj ile bildirmektir. cretsiz tercih edebileceiniz kurslar:1. Excel Eitimi - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar2. Excel Makro (VBA) - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar3. irket Deerleme Eitimi4. Finans Matematii, Finansal Modelleme ve Finansal Analiz5. Business Plan (Proje Finansman, Kaynak Planlama, Deerleme)6. Hayatnda Stratejik Planlama ve Analitik zm retme Eitimi7. Hayatnda Excel8. Excel Power Query9. MS Word Temelden Uzmanla10. irket Deerleme ve Finansal Strateji GelitirmeExcel, i hayatnn vazgeilmez bir parasdr. Hemen her meslek grubu Excel'i youn ekilde kullanmaktadr. Buna karn Excel'i ok iyi bildiini iddia edenler bir ok kii Excel'in sadece %5'ini kullanmaktadrlar. Yaklak 14 yldr Excel ortamnda yzlerce program yazdm ve binlerce kiiye bu tecrbelerim dorultusunda eitimler verdim. Gnmzde de lkemizde nde gelen bir ok tannm firmann danmanlk hizmetlerini vermekteyim. Buradan edindiim bilgiler dorultusunda i hayatnda insanlar en ok zorlayan ve saatlerini alan ilemleri nasl saniyelere indirdiimi de greceksiniz. Excel, sadece bir program olmayp, i hayatnda kalem-kat kadar gereklidir ve Excel'i bilmek, okuma-yazmay bilmek kadar nemlidir. Bu dorultuda, Excel'i gerek anlamda hakkyla kullanmak istiyorsanz, sizi bekliyoruz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel Power Query Eitimi (kinci kurs cretsiz!)" |
"kinci kurs cretsiz! Bu kursu satn aldnzda ikinci kurs cretsizdir. Yapmanz gereken, satn alm sonras cretsiz almak istediiniz kursu bana mesaj ile bildirmektir. cretsiz tercih edebileceiniz kurslar:1. Excel Eitimi - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar2. Excel Makro (VBA) - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar3. irket Deerleme Eitimi4. Finans Matematii, Finansal Modelleme ve Finansal Analiz5. Business Plan (Proje Finansman, Kaynak Planlama, Deerleme)6. Hayatnda Stratejik Planlama ve Analitik zm retme Eitimi7. Hayatnda Excel8. Excel Power Query9. MS Word Temelden Uzmanla10. irket Deerleme ve Finansal Strateji GelitirmePower Query, birok farkl kaynaktan veri alp bu veriler zerinde dzenleme ilemi gerekletirmenizi salayan BI aracdr. lk olarak ubat 2013de Data Explorer ad ile piyasaya srlmtr, Temmuz 2013de ise Power Query adn almtr. Power Query, Microsoft Excel 2010 ve 2013 versiyonlarnda bir eklenti olarak cretsiz indirilip yklenebilir. Excel 2016 versiyonunda ise Data (Veri) sekmesinde Get & Transform (Al ve Dntr) alannda gml olarak karmza kar. Bir de ayrca Microsoft Power BI for Desktop uygulamasnda bulunur.Birok farkl kaynaktan ayn anda veri alabilen, ald bu verilerin ilenebilir anlaml hale getirilmesini salayan, yaplan dzenleme admlarn kaydeden ve yeni veri geldii zaman tpk bir kayt makrosu gibi, yaplan admlar tekrar gerekletirip, verilerin otomatik olarak dzenlemesini salar.Dzenleme ilemleri sonucunda elde edilen veriler gerekirse Excele aktarlabilir, milyonlarca satrlk veriler zerinde allyorsa, dzenlenen veri seti gerekirse Power Pivota aktarlabilir, gerekirse sadece veri ile bir balant bile kurulabilir.Power Query ile Neler Yaplabilir?Power Query ile birok farkl veri kaynandan veri alnabilir. SQL Server, DB2 ya da Oracle. Tm bu veri tabanlar kaynak olarak desteklenir. Ayrca SSASlere balanp veri ekilebilir. .txt, .csv,.xlsx .xlm uzantl veri yaplarna balant oluturulabilir. Bir klasrdeki tm dosyalar bile ayn anda okuyabilirsiniz. Webden, Sharepointden, SalesForcedan hatta Facebook gibi uygulamalara balanp, veri aktarm gerekletirebilirsiniz. Azure Servislerine balanp veri alabilirisiniz. Azure SQL, Azure HDInsight, Azure Blob Storage vb. ok geni alandaki veri tabanlar, Power Query ile balanp veri aktarmn destekler (Power BI iin de geerlidir).Power Query ve Power BIn gncellemeleri ile bu veri kaynaklarnn says artmaktadr.Excel Power Query, lkemizde ok tannmam fakat youn veriler ile alan herkes iin ideal ve olduka basit bir veri ileme sistemidir. Bu sistem, SQL, Access vb. veri ileme programlarndan olduka kolaydr. Burada kod yazmayacaksnz. Siz sadece menlerden baz ilemler yapacaksnz ve kodlar kendisi otomatik olarak yazacaktr. Power Query, renmeye deer bir uygulamadr. Sadece bu uygulamay renmek ile SQL ve Access kullanmanza bir ok alanda gerek kalmayacaktr. Ayrca eitim de olduka ksa ve basittir. 3 saatinizi ayrarak byle nemli bir uygulamay renmek iyi bir frsattr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"irket Deerleme Eitimi (kinci kurs cretsiz!)" |
"kinci kurs cretsiz! Bu kursu satn aldnzda ikinci kurs cretsizdir. Yapmanz gereken, satn alm sonras cretsiz almak istediiniz kursu bana mesaj ile bildirmektir. cretsiz tercih edebileceiniz kurslar:1. Excel Eitimi - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar2. Excel Makro (VBA) - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar3. irket Deerleme Eitimi4. Finans Matematii, Finansal Modelleme ve Finansal Analiz5. Business Plan (Proje Finansman, Kaynak Planlama, Deerleme)6. Hayatnda Stratejik Planlama ve Analitik zm retme Eitimi7. Hayatnda Excel8. Excel Power Query9. MS Word Temelden Uzmanla10. irket Deerleme ve Finansal Strateji GelitirmeBu eitim, katlmclarn irket deerleme yapabilmelerini salamak amacyla hazrlanmtr. Burada greceiniz tm almalar ve videolar, tamamen gereklere dayal ekilde hazrlanmtr. Yine eitimin ilerleyen aamalarnda yaplm olan deerleme almalar, gemite yaplm gerek irket deerleme almalardr. Bu kursun snf ortamnda toplam sresi 25 saat olup video ortamnda ise sadece eitimcinin kendisinin uygulamalar hzl yapyor olmas sebebi ile toplamda daha ksa grnmektedir. Eitim srasnda videolar durdurup Excel dosyalarnda videolara uygun olarak uygulamalar kendiniz yapmanz gerekecektir. Uygulama yaplmad taktirde pratiklik kazanmak olduka zordur.Bu kurs iin temel Excel bilgisine sahip olmanz gerekmektedir. Ayrca Excel'in bilgisayarnzda kurulu olmas ve en az 2007 versiyonu olmas gerekmektedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel for beginners" |
"This course is designed for beginners. You dont need to have prior knowledge on Excel to enroll. you will understand the basic interface in excelLearn excel functions like left, right, vlookup, Count, if, nested if statements and some other Functions.Learn Conditional Formatting and learn to create pivot tables.I will continue to upload more videos when they are available.During the course if you need any help you can always post your question and I will clarify your doubts.Enroll now to get started"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D - Hc V Ci Thin K Nng Qua Vic Lm Game Unity" |
"Cho mng cc bn n vi kha hc Unity 3D - Learn And Improve Unity Skills By Making Games C#Cho ae, mnh l hosongoku.S qua bn thn th mnh l mt lp trnh vin vi hn 4 nm kinh nghim trong lp trnh game v app cho di ng.Trong kha hc ny, bn s hc thm kin thc v Unity cng nh ci thin k nng lp trnh Unity 3D vi C#Hy vng kha hc s gip ch cho cc bn, d t hay nhiu.Hy vng chng ta s gp nhau trong kha hc.Cm n cc bn!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Scrum: cmo cambiar de paradigma e implantarlo con xito" |
"Alguna vez te has preguntado qu es eso de Scrum y las metodologas giles?, Qu componente casi mgico poseen para que tengan el potencial de generar un gran valor?.Te desvelar un pequeo secreto: el verdadero valor de las metodologas giles reside en las personas que las aplican. De qu trata este curso?Este curso aborda la metodologa Scrum desde sus pilares y bases ms profundas, orientando el contenido a la necesidad de un cambio de mentalidad de las personas que pretenden aplicarla.Conocer los procesos y tcnicas de Scrum es necesario para su implementacin. Sin embargo, antes de eso las personas que lo llevarn a cabo deben realizar un cambio en su forma pensar, un cambio en la manera de entender el trabajo que tenan hasta ese momento.En definitiva, antes de empezar a aplicar Scrum debe producirse un cambio de paradigma en todas las personas involucradas en su aplicacin.De este cambio trata este curso.Qu aprenders?- A aplicar el empirismo a tus proyectos actuales y futuros.- A desarrollar y utilizar los pilares y valores de Scrum.- A identificar los proyectos en los que es adecuado usar Scrum- A implantar Scrum en tu organizacin con xito- A dar tus prximos pasos en tu formacin en Scrum A quin est dirigido?- A aquellas personas que quieran comprender los pilares sobre los que se asienta Scrum.- A aquellas personas que quieran saber si Scrum puede hacer que aumente el valor de sus productos.- A aquellas personas que busquen un primer acercamiento a Scrum- A aquellas personas que han intentado implantar Scrum en su organizacin sin xito"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Imparare a Suonare La Chitarra con solo 4 Accordi" |
"La mia Raccolta sotto forma di Video-Corso su come suonare la chitarra con pochissimi accordi base e senza Barr, dimostrando che possibile suonare la chitarra e divertirsi fin da SUBITO, senza studiare ore di teoria. Questo corso ha l'obiettivo di aprirti la mente, facendoti capire quanto sia facile iniziare a suonare, eliminandoti fin da subito molti ostacoli.Ci saranno Raccolte di canzoni con 2 Accordi, con 3 Accordi ed un vasto repertorio da suonare con solo 4 Accordi. Una volta imparati, potrete usufruire del materiale didattico incluso, i miei 2 Canzonieri Da Spiaggia:Il Canzoniere Da Spiaggia Basic: 100 Canzoni con solo 4 Accordi senza Barr!Il Canzoniere Da Spiaggia Beginner: Le 50 Canzoni da 3 Accordi senza Barr!Spero di trasmetterti con il mio carisma questa fantastica passione!Imparate, adesso!Dennis"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Play Ed Sheeran's Songs on the Guitar with Easy Chords" |
"The Italian YouTuber Dennis Bottero will teach you how to play the most famous Ed Sheeran's songs with easy chords and strumming. Adapting the Key of each song, he managed to create an easy and intuitive repertoire to play with friends. This is also an awesome method to play guitar without theory.(Songsbook included)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The ultimate web designer course" |
"Have you ever wanted to build your own website, be able to shape the future of the web? Then this course will teach you how to do web design and be able to get into a career in web design.What you will learn:In this course, you will learn how to create websites from scratch using HTML 5 and CSS 3. This course will cover topics as adding media into a website, basic web design, styling your web page.Why learn web design?Web design will help you build websites and be able to create sites for other people earning income either by getting job ready or doing freelance jobs in the industry."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"bootstrap 4 from scratch for beginners - Build 7 projects" |
"Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end framework for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components.This course is all about bootstrap 4 we have created this course for the students who want to learn bootstrap like a professional with real world example and website projects inside this course you will learn how to write the code in formal way that anyone can read and understand your codes also you will learn bootstrap from basic to advance with 7 amazing projects which we will create from the beginning to the end step by step with clear explanation.If you want to learn how to create modern, great looking and nicely designed websites, then this is the right course for you. Welcome to Bootstrap 4 complete course from scratch with 7 amazing projects. The course is project based, because we think that creating projects is the best way to learn Bootstrap, which is one of the most popular and widely used technology today. Bootstrap allows us to build modern and nicely looking websites in a very simple way, so, if you want to take your web developer or especially web designer skills to the next level, then you definitely need to know how to use bootstrap and what it actually does. By taking this complete course of bootstrap 4 you will learn how to create 7 amazing web projects from scratch step by step i will show you how manage all the things inside project with the new modern tips and tricks to make professional real world web projects just by using bootstrap 4. this course is totally update and we will learn the latest version of bootstrap which is bootstrap (4.1.1) Now that you have decided to learn bootstrap 4 congratulation"" you are in the right placeand this is the right course for you take this course now and start learning bootstrap 4 from scratch and create 7 amazing responsive website projects.To begin learning right now all you have to do is enroll in this course. Just click on the""Take this course button"" on the top right section of this course.Get fast and friendly support from instructors 24/7.JOIN US Now!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PSD to WordPress: Create Responsive Website Using Bootstrap4" |
"Learn to confidently master PSD to WordPress and develop profitable and custom Responsive WordPress websites without any prior experience.Planning on making a responsive PSD to WordPress website but overwhelmed about where to start? Want to be able to seamlessly build exciting and creative websites with confidence? Want to learn how to use Flexbox and Bootstrap to make responsive websites?Well, you wouldnt be here if you didnt want to! The great news is, youve come across a complete and in-depth course that will teach you how to convert PSD to a responsive WordPress website using bootstrap and Flexbox. Dont worry if you dont have any prior experience, thats the purpose of this unique, one-of-a-kind course!Whether you wish to:Bring your ideas to life with your very first profitable websiteMake a little cash on the side so that you can go on the vacation youve been wanting for a whileImprove your core website designing skills and become an expertBecome an in-demand website developer and work for big names in the industryBecome a freelancer and work from the comforts of your home on your own schedule and priceCreate a generous, full-time income making custom WordPress themes and selling them on different websitesthis comprehensive course is what you need to learn everything about bootstrap and Flexbox. Whether you are a code hobbyist, an employee tired of your current job, an entrepreneur, a freelance designer, or just someone who wants to change their career, the course will provide you the skills needed!Heres just a short idea of what you will learn with the courseThe entire course revolves around you working towards building a beautiful and completely custom website using the Flexbox and bootstrap framework. But thats not even the best thing! Once you are done with the course, youll realize that the bootstrap and Flexbox websites youve made are nothing like the websites on the internet. Youll notice that the design is highly customized which makes your work stand out! Some features youll learn include:(Its okay if all of this looks like foreign language, learning is what the course is for!)A modern and professional-quality layout and designHow to handcraft a fantastic website using beautiful, valid, and semantic CSS3 and HTML5How to allow your clients to convert static websites to dynamic websites with easy to use CMSYou will be able to increase your efficiency. Plus, youll be able to supercharge your web development skills. Resultantly, you can take on more projects with higher prices, and get a steady income stream as a freelancer. So, no need to worry if you couldnt understand a word of all thats mentioned above. In this course, we will go into explaining every core concept, technical terms, and the techniques you need to make a PSD to WordPress responsive website. Towards the end of the course, you will be an expert at website programming, even if you are absolutely clueless now. Only after a few classes, you will start understanding what youre doing and the purpose of doing it. Of course, this isnt any simple to follow recipe book; you will need your creativity to make intuitive and unique websites. Plus, you will need ultimate dedication to become the master. Dont get me wrong, the course is not suitable for everyone.Note that this isnt any get quick rich push-button where you can copy the website code made by others, then make low-quality websites and then hope to become an in-demand website developer that will get contracts thrown at you from all directions. Similarly, you wont be able to make creative and intuitive websites on your own if you think this is a recipe book that will teach you everything in just one go. The course needs both time and work. When it comes to learning PSD to WordPress, there is a lot you must learn. However, dont lose hope. With the right information, tutoring, and guidance, it doesnt really need to be as time-intensive or difficult as you might think. The course is NOT for:People who just want to flood the market with poorly designed websites only to make quick cashThose who only want to know the bare minimum, become only a novice, and then hope to be successful as a website developerPeople that are happy with only averagely designed websitesPeople who only wish to put in some effort and have no motivation to find great success with website development. The course IS for:People willing to product high-quality and creative websitesBeginners at PSD to WordPress who want to become expertsPeople who want to get access to insider tips and expert knowledge that the worlds best developers and the top firms useThose who wish to make money by developing completely functional and intuitive websites whether freelance, self-employed, or corporate. People with a firm belief in hard work and are not afraid to come across failure before they finally succeedIf all that defines you, then surely, you will find yourself becoming a successful website developer with less investment, time, and effort than other resources out there. Plus, you will always find the course being updated with fresh content.Its no secret; technology is constantly advancing and there is always a new development which is why it is all the more essential to stay on top of recent developments. Thus, you will find new and updated content without any extra charge. Whether there is a new technique or a new tip when it comes to PSD to WordPress responsive website development. So apart from a comprehensive course, you will also get the support you need. Plus, you will get all your questions answered so that you dont find yourself stuck on one lesson for weeks. So, with my help, you can smoothly progress through the course without major roadblocks. Who is the course suitable for?Still confused if you should take this course? It is for you if you are one of the following:Web designers and graphic designersWhile graphic designers are extremely talented, they often find it difficult to code their designs. Thus, they have no option but to hire a web developer. Plus, all graphic designers are aware that a good web developer can be pretty costly. So, as a designer, learning to code your WordPress websites ultimately result in more profits! Plus, with a new skill added, you become a skillful developer along with an excellent designer. EntrepreneursWhile entrepreneurs have great ideas and big dreams, they often dont have too big of a budget. Thus, to survive the cut-throat competition of any startup, they need a top, world-class website which often comes with a hefty price tag. So, by learning how to build an incredible startup website yourself, you can save a tremendous amount of cash!A companys employeesFor all companies, the training and education is an essential key for a thriving team. Depending on your company, understanding coding and developing CMS driven websites can put you ahead of other employees and increase your chance at a promotion. Code hobbyistsLearning challenging new skills is always fun so code hobbyists can add dynamically designed websites. Plus, if you are a code hobbyist, you can sell the WordPress plugins and themes in return for cash!People who want a new careerIf you are tired of your current job, want a more rewarding job, or are simply out of work, then you can consider becoming a web developer. Web developers earn a good amount plus they get work with amazing firms. Alternatively, you can also start up our own company, work from home, and just enjoy the cash flowing in. So, are you ready to start developing? Get yourself enrolled now by clicking on the Buy Now button and get started on making creative and innovative websites. Catch you on the inside, guys!Whos the target audience?It is best suited for the self-driven and those who take action. The skills acquired with this course will allow you to create a full-time business and get a little money on the side by creating custom WordPress websites.It is also ideal for those looking to start a business in web development on the side or want to become a full-time, work from home freelancerIt isnt for you if you dont prefer humor, hands-on fast-paced learning, or equipping yourself with skills that can help to boost your businessLearning to code custom WordPress sites using frameworks like bootstrap and Flexbox will surely get you some extra freelancing gigs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python Programming in 80 minutes with examples (2020)." |
"Python has become very popular over the last few years. Its demand is booming in the job market. It is an important skill that is bound to open the doors of various exciting industries such as web application, home automation, data science, Artificial Intelligence and many more. According to recent surveys, Python is one of the most wanted and most loved programming language. People who are not using Python already are starting to use it now. Why chose this course?You will:Get a broader and deeper understanding of Python.Be able to write professional Python code rivaled by a professional Python developerHelp you develop a deeper love and understanding of Python and programming by developing good programming habitsWe will start by getting Python installed on your computer. Our wide range of topics includes:Command Line BasicsInstalling PythonRunning Python CodePrint FormattingInputsStringsLists DictionariesTuplesSetsNumber Data TypesLoopsFor loopsNested loopsConditional LoopsConditions (if elif else)FunctionsScopeArgumentsBuilt-in FunctionsCustom DatatypeClassesWho can benefit from this course?Beginners who have no experience with programming Programmers experienced in other programming languages who want to add Python programming to their skill setProgrammers who are proficient in Python programming but want to brush up programming skills So... how will this Python programming help me?Right now Python is HOT! The demand for Python skills in the IT job market keeps growing and growing. If you want to pursue programming as a career, open new doors for you in the IT field, or give a boost to your existing career, then learning Python can help you achieve these goals.Learning Python will help you in career enhancement and find lucrative job opportunities because it is the most requested skill in 2018! There is no previous programming or Python experience required for this course. Even if you have never programmed a computer before this course, but are an expert in another programming language and want to study Python then sign up for this course as it will teach you how."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
emptiness_and_the_power |
", . , . - . , . . . : - :) : :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads/AdWords Consultation - Learn From Former Googler" |
"Welcome to your Google Ads consultation!My name is Trevor Geller and I'm a former Google and Udemy employee that's consulted hundreds of small businesses on how to get the most out of Google Ads. I've also managed millions of dollars in ad spend myself during my time on Udemy's marketing team.This consultation is the product of countless hours spent talking to small businesses and understanding what they struggled with when it came to Google Ads. It was also built in partnership with one of Udemy's top instructors, Chris Haroun. He's helped make sure it's as valuable as possible for your small business. Also, a big thank you to my girlfriend, Denise Rivas, who helped film, edit, and create the beautiful slides for the consultation.This consultation is not designed for someone looking to become a full-time Google Ads expert. Instead, it's built for the vast majority of Google Ads users who wear a million hats at their business and just need to understand the essentials to growing their business sustainably with Google Ads.This consultation will teach you how to properly measure your Google Ads return and how to improve that return. By the end of it, I promise you'll walk away feeling much more confident in growing your business with Google Ads."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Film Festival Guide: Learn How To Submit Your Film Worldwide" |
"Do you have a short film? Would you like it to be screened internationally and meet other filmmakers from around the globe?In this practical course, you will discover a step by step guide on how to submit your film to film festivals and give it the best chances to be officially selected. You will also learn how to createa film festival strategy, that will help you distribute your film and get maximum exposure.In addition to the festival strategy, you will learn what are thenecessary materials every film festival requiresand how to prepare them yourself. This includes such practical lessons ascreating subtitles,DCP(digital cinema package) for cinema theatres.Here are some more questions you will get answers to:What are the differences between Class A, Bor C festivals?Premiere status of a short film, how not to get banned?Online submission platforms and film festival databases?How much should I spend on submissions?What are the common mistakes filmmakers make when submitting their films?The do's and don'ts for submitting your film to festivals.By the end of the course, you'll be ready to launch a filmfestival tour for your short film, whether it is a documentary, fiction, experimental or animation."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Business Analysis: Simple and Practical Guide" |
"Business Analysts are in high demand across a wide range of industries. For people who possess needed skillset, it can be an exciting and rewarding career. Business Analysis help struggling companies thrive and make good companies great. Online coursework is a great way to assess skills, train, and gain insights outside of certification. With this course practical guide for business analysis we will be targeting beginners' to intermediate analysts with focus of requirements documentation, elicitation, APIs and provide examples on the way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Angular Material" |
"There is no doubt Angular is an amazing java script framework with which we can create awesome web applications. And there are also lots of courses available that dive deeply to Angular Concepts, but certainly there is no as such course which focuses on Googles Material Design. I mean if you are using Angular for your application which itself is a JavaScript framework and in the same application you might be using JQuery or other JavaScript framework, it is not making any sense if we are using another JavaScript inside the JavaScript Framework. So basically this course will focus only Googles Material Design and create demos for different component which is obviously built on Angular. I will give you assurance of after having this course you can create an app which looks awesome and which is extremely fast in performance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Guide : Angular for Beginners" |
"Welcome to this course Angular for Beginners by BPB Publications. Angular helps you build modern applications for the web, mobile, or desktop.This course is your first step towards Angular and it will cover topics ranging from Setting up the development environment to navigating from one page to another using routing in Angular. This video course will enhance your learning process with a comprehensive series of lectures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Docker For .Net Developers" |
"In this course, our instructor Rahul Sahay (Microsoft MVP), specialising in Web technologies will take you through the essentials of Docker for .Net Developers.DockerA mainstream programming containerisation platformcan streamline the development procedure by accelerating the setup and design of environments. In case you're a .NET developer who needs to utilise containers in your application environment, this course can help by exhibiting how to use Docker in your workflow. This course will starts by discussing the job of Docker in the container world, and after that goes over fundamental ideas, including how to run a container from a Docker image. Furthermore, how to use docker commands easily. This starts from fundamental Docker process, like how to include a Dockerfile to a Visual Studio project, and how to compose a Docker image from a Dockerfile. He wraps up the course by talking about how to work with the Docker Compose file format and then publishing the same on dockerhub cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Introduction to the Scientific Python 3 Ecosystem" |
"Get introduced to SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas; Have a brief tour of Jupyter Notebooks; Setup your computer and Raspberry Pi for Scientific ProgrammingStudents will be able to clearly understand and explore the Scientific Python Ecosystem further. They will be introduced to all the components of the Scientific Python Ecosystem. They will be comfortable working with Jupyter notebook.1. Understand the Scientific Python Ecosystem2. Setup Windows PC or Raspberry Pi for Scientific Python Programming3. Explore Jupyter Notebook"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programmieren lernen - Vom Beginner zum Fortgeschrittenen" |
"Im ""Programmieren lernen""-Kurs von Code Construct lernst du alles was ich in meiner Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker im Programmier Unterricht gelernt habe, komprimiert auf wenige Stunden! Wie das mglich ist? In der staatlichen Ausbildung muss man sich neben dem Programmieren auch mit anderen Fchern wie Sport, Englisch und Netzwerktechnik auseinandersetzen. In diesem Kurs allerdings geht es nur um das Programmieren und so erhlst du die einmalige Chance auf dem gleichen Level wie ein Fachinformatiker zu programmieren! Neben vielen Basics lernst du auch die Objektorientierte Programmierung (OOP) kennen und schreibst sogar die ersten richtigen Programme! Der Kurs begleitet dich von deinen ersten Schritten bis hin zu deinem ersten selbst-programmierten Spiel. Im Kurs wird das Programmieren anhand von C# beigebracht, allerdings sind die gelernten Lektionen auch bei Programmiersprachen wie Java, Python, Javascript und viele andere anwendbar, da diese Grundelemente und Konzepte der Softwareentwicklung sich in jeder Programmiersprache gleichen und somit bergreifend sind. Neben den Lernvideos bietet dir dieser Kurs auch zustzliche Aufgabenstellungen zum ben, sowie weitere kostenlose Inhalte auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Code Construct! Lege also noch heute los und werde ein Programmierer!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de georreferenciamento utilizando o QGIS" |
"Este curso apresenta de maneira bem simples e prtica como georreferenciar imagens para serem trabalhadas em Sistemas de Informaes Geogrficas, SIG, ou GIS na lngua inglesa. Atualmente estes sistemas so a ferramenta principal para analises de dados geoespaciais de qualquer natureza.Escolhemos o QGis por se tratar de um software livre e de fcil acesso, com uma grande e atuante comunidade apresentando, vrias atualizaes de sistema e de ferramentas.O curso est dividido em duas partes, a primeira, com uma breve reviso sobre os sistemas de coordenadas (geogrficas e planares do tipo-UTM) e conceitos sobre georreferenciamento. E a segunda parte compreendendo as prticas de exerccios com os ensinamentos necessrios do comandos e ferramentas necessrios para a execuo de um georreferenciamento no QGis.Os exerccios prticos so rpidos e dinmicos com varias dicas sobre como coletar pontos de controle e na escolha de qual sistema de coordenadas utilizar para a realizao de trabalhos utilizando o GIS."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Naturopathic Nutrition Diploma: Health and Wellbeing" |
"This naturopathy course has been designed as a rejuvenation programme that will help you to transform your lifestyle and improve your health. You will gain invaluable tips for nutritional diets that can improve health and wellbeing and ensuring that you are in the right frame of mind to make these lifestyle changes.This course is led by Emma Jones Phillips and Steve Phillips combined experience in this field of over 30 years. They have helped thousands of patients transform their lives with this rejuvenation programme and overcome various disorders such as eating disorders, addictions, infertility and skin disorders.Enrol on this course today and notice how subtle changes to your diet and mindset has amazing effects on your lifestyle and health!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The 10 Secrets to Self Mastery (Foundation)" |
"Includes 10 video lectures and an ebook to help reinforce your learning.Learn how to take action and get the results you're looking for.Learn about the importance of staying hydrated and fueling your body with healthy and nutritious food.Invest time into yourself and watch your life manifest in positive and healthy ways.This course is ideally suited for anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life and master themselves.A positive and captivating course that will empower you to find happiness and emit love and positive energy to those around you. You will learn how to develop simple and effective, practices for optimum health and well-being. Use nature to heal and re-connect and grasp the best beauty life has to offer.Steve has had years of experience from being an international rugby player, to gaining a BMSc in metaphysical science, then a diploma in naturopathic nutrition and of course spending over 2 years as a monk. He has a well rounded experience in this field to share with you!This course is the perfect tool for anybody interested in uncovering and appreciating the simple pleasures life has to offer and the potency they hold. If you are ready to find joy and healing and engage in fulfilling life experiences than this course is the perfect resource."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"5-Steps To Reach Your Full Potential" |
"This is an amazing course to assist you in approaching life with a winner mindset by breaking free of disempowering habits and replacing them with self-empowering ways. This is your opportunity to break free of negative thought patterns, move beyond the limitations of the mind, release unwanted habits, grow and prosper in the areas of life that matter the most, and achieve results fast.Take advantage of this training by learning to work with your resources to improve your mood, focus, and energy, as well as adopt an attitude of gratitude and an optimistic outlook on life. Learn to master the art of being the best version of you that you can be by developing a positive self-image, and then taking the necessary actions to reach that excellent self. This is a great opportunity to get clear about what you want in life and the direction you wish to go, before learning life-long skills to smartly breaking any goal down in to attainable pieces, learning to identify and move through your success blockages, before successfully executing your plans for maximum success."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Consigue tu empleo ideal" |
"Espero que puedas disfrutar este camino en la bsqueda de tu empleo ideal. Las mejores tcnicas para hacer el CV, para que t bsqueda sea efectiva y puedas afrontar tu entrevista de trabajo como un campen.Mi compromiso contigo, es que tengas una lista muy importante con de tips, para afrontar esta bsqueda y que lo puedas hacer de la manera ms efectiva."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solution Architect Associate en Francais [Examen blanc]" |
"La certification AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate est parmi les meilleures certifications informatique payantes, sachez qu'AWS est la premire plate-forme de services cloud dans le monde avec prs de 50% de part de march ! Gagnez plus de 70000 par an avec une certification d'architecte de solutions au bout de quelques annes seulement. Pour cela vous devez vous former et russir les diffrents examen de certification associ AWS et c'est l que les examen blanc AWS sont indispensables. Il est possible que vous ayez lu tous les documents disponibles en ligne et que vous chouiez quand mme l'examen ! Ces tests d'entranement AWS simulent l'examen de certification et vous permettent de vous assurer que vous comprenez bien le sujet. Entirement en franais, ils comprennent 3 sries de 60 questions uniques, vous disposerez de 130 minutes pour rpondre comme dans les conditions relles de l'examen officiel. Conu selon le dernier format d'examen et mis jour rgulirement en fonction des commentaires. Domaine 1 : Conception d'architectures rsilientes 30 % Domaine 2 : Dfinition d'architectures performantes 28 % Domaine 3 : Spcification d'applications et d'architectures scurises 24 % Domaine 4 : Conception d'architectures cot optimis 18 % Domaine 1 : Concevoir des architectures rsilientes1.1 Choisir un stockage fiable/rsilient. 1.2 Dterminer comment concevoir des mcanismes de dcouplage l'aide des services AWS. 1.3 Dterminer comment concevoir une solution d'architecture plusieurs niveaux. 1.4 Dterminer comment concevoir des architectures haute disponibilit et/ou tolrantes aux pannes. Domaine 2 : Dfinir des architectures performantes 2.1 Choisir un stockage et des bases de donnes performants. 2.2 Appliquer la mise en cache pour amliorer les performances. 2.3 Solutions de conception pour l'lasticit et l'volutivit. Domaine 3 : Spcifier les applications et architectures scurises 3.1 Dterminer comment scuriser les niveaux d'application. 3.2 Dterminer comment scuriser les donnes. 3.3 Dfinir l'infrastructure rseau pour une seule application VPC. Domaine 4 : Concevoir des architectures cot optimis 4.1 Dterminer comment concevoir un stockage cot optimis. 4.2 Dterminer comment concevoir un calcul cot optimis."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sistema Didrico (1 de 3) para un 10 en Dibujo Tcnico" |
"Con este curso aprenders el Sistema Didrico de principio a fin, explicado de manera sencilla, clara y ordenada.En este primer volumen del curso de un total de 3, partimos desde cero -para absolutos principiantes- y avanzamos por los elementos bsicos del Sistema Didrico (punto, recta y plano) hasta llegar al abatimiento de todos los diferentes tipos de planos que existen.Adems de las lecciones en vdeo incluye una gran cantidad de ejercicios y sus soluciones as como una autoevaluacin final para que puedas aprender a tu ritmo y de manera autnoma.El Sistema Didrico es el sistema de representacin ms universal utilizado en dibujo tcnico y constituye la base para entender cualquier disciplina grfica. Con este curso te convertirs en un experto en Sistema Didrico, incluso aunque tus conocimientos a da de hoy sean nulos en esta rea."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Sistema Didrico (2 de 3) para un 10 en Dibujo Tcnico" |
"Con este curso aprenders el Sistema Didrico de principio a fin, explicado de manera sencilla, clara y ordenada.En este segundo volumen del curso de un total de 3, seguimos avanzando en la teora y prctica de las diferentes herramientas del Sistema Didrico (en este caso Giros y Cambios de Plano) as como en la relacin de los elementos bsicos entre s (Paralelismo, Perpendicularidad y ngulos).Adems de las lecciones de teora en vdeo y los casos prcticos tambin explicados en vdeo, incluye una gran cantidad de ejercicios y sus soluciones as como una autoevaluacin final para que puedas aprender a tu ritmo y de manera autnoma.El Sistema Didrico es el sistema de representacin ms universal utilizado en dibujo tcnico y constituye la base para entender cualquier disciplina grfica. Con este curso te convertirs en un experto en Sistema Didrico."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sistema Didrico (3 de 3) para un 10 en Dibujo Tcnico" |
"Con este curso aprenders el Sistema Didrico de principio a fin, explicado de manera sencilla, clara y ordenada.En este tercer volumen del curso de un total de 3, acabaremos de completar toda la teora y por supuesto la pondremos en prctica, hasta que ests completamente preparado para un examen cualquiera de sistema didrico, ya sea de selectividad, oposiciones o de universidad.Veremos con detalle las intersecciones entre planos y rectas, las distancias entre diferentes elementos (puntos, rectas y planos) y entraremos en profundidad en las secciones planas de poliedros y cuerpos de revolucin, uno de los temas ms extensos del sistema didrico. Asimismo veremos cmo encontrar los puntos de interseccin de una recta con un volumen y estudiaremos a fondo los poliedros regulares, sus caractersticas y cmo dibujarlos a partir de unos datos dados.Adems de las lecciones de teora en vdeo y los casos prcticos tambin explicados en vdeo, incluye una gran cantidad de ejercicios y sus soluciones as como una autoevaluacin final para que puedas aprender a tu ritmo y de manera autnoma.El Sistema Didrico es el sistema de representacin ms universal utilizado en dibujo tcnico y constituye la base para entender cualquier disciplina grfica. Con este curso te convertirs en un experto en Sistema Didrico."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |