Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Classroom Facilitation Level One: An Introduction (Part 2)" |
"Some children with specific learning difficulties do not have the skills or expertise needed to work effectively on their own. They often need the support of a facilitator who provides instructional support and direction regarding specific tasks, working under the direct supervision of a qualified teacher.This course is recommended for people with some experience in the field of education as well as for students and parents interested in working in inclusive educational settings. It offers training in management techniques, where part one specifically focuses on the role of the facilitator and specific learning difficulties, and part two focuses on classroom strategies and practical experience in the classroom.COURSE OUTLINEPart 1:Module 1:Inclusive education and the role of the facilitatorModule 2:Child development and Specific Learning DifficultiesPart 2:Module 3: Classroom strategies: modifications, accommodations, and interventionsModule 4:Practical application case studies and time in the classroom"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
technom1 |
"2560 . .1, .4, .1 .4 12 3 2561 .1 12 2 2561 ( 4.80 5.0) .1 4 4-8 . 1 - - Microsoft Excel"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Singleton in Spring Framework (Explained in Easy way!)" |
"Spring is a very powerful framework for creating enterprise and distributed web applications. It is the most popular frame work used in the industry and the demand for it is ever growing.Spring offers many features like dependency injection, aspect oriented programming, separation of concerns, and a host of other features. But the core functionality of a spring application is offered by spring beans.To the most port, spring beans are singleton in nature and learning about singleton beans in spring would lay a solid foundation for learning rest of the spring framework."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft word 2016" |
"Microsoft word 2016 Microsoft Word 2016 Microsoft Word 2016 microsoft word 2016 Microsoft Word 2016"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Python em um dia!" |
"O curso de Algoritmos, oferecido no primeiro ano pode ser um verdadeiro desafio para alunos sem interesse na rea. Esse curso ir te preparar, em poucas horas no s com contedo mas tambm com:-Exerccios.-Desafios.-Dicas de aprendizado.-Dicas para as provas.O curso foi feito pensando em voc, que precisa aprender toda a matria de maneira rpida e simples.De aluno para aluno. Chega de monitoria, de PPT e Resumo. Aprenda de uma vez por todas!"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
rubikscuberus |
": ! . - , . , , , , . , , , , , : , , , - !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python - Introduction la Data Science" |
"Apprenez et Comprenez la data science via Python en passant l'action.Ce cours est un condens de ce qu'un data scientist utilisant Python doit connaitre, de la thorie la pratique.Aujourd'hui je suis data scientist, et je vous garanti que ce cours est une base suffisante pour pouvoir s'affirmer comme data scientist. Il y a beaucoup de cours et de confrences sur Python. Cependant, la courbe dapprentissage de Python est trs abrupte et les tudiants sont souvent dbords. Ce cours est diffrent!Pour chaque vido, vous dcouvrez un nouveau concept intressant que vous pouvez appliquer immdiatement. Et la meilleure partie est que vous apprenez travers des exemples en direct.En rsum, ce cours a t conu pour tous les niveaux de comptence et mme si vous navez aucune connaissance en programmation ni en statistique, vous y russirez!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA Criao de Sistemas + Banco de Dados Access (SQL)" |
"Voc ir aprender a criar incrveis sistemas de automao para agilizar e simplificar as tarefas do dia a dia, tambm, sistemasprofissionais utilizando banco de dados Access (SQL), formulrios para controle de estoque, cadastro de produtos, cadastro de clientes/funcionrios e muito mais! Adquira j este curso, e d um passo adiante em sua carreira com esse rico conhecimento!"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"SQL for Dummies, BA, DA, developers and Job Seekers" |
"A one stop point for SQL learners and for those applying for SQL developer, BA, DA, DBAjobs. This course will help you crack the interview with hands-on.It has very well explained all the concepts of SQL with examples and also included assignments and interview questions for beginners to practice and for job seekers. Note This course has not covered advanced level: SSIS, SSRS, Cubes, Replication, Mirroring, Partitioning that are actually required by DBA and Data Analyst. These will be covered in another advanced level SQL course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Disear Estructuras de Concreto ACI 318-14" |
"Proporcionar al participante elementos que le permitan conocer mtodos para el anlisis y el diseo de estructuras comunes de concreto, as como comprender el comportamiento de las estructuras ante diferentes tipos de solicitaciones.Fortalecer las competencias requeridas para el diseo de estructuras de concreto, a partir del conocimiento de las normas de diseo estructural aplicables y vigentes."
Price: 2520.00 ![]() |
"Communicate Your Way to Success: Beginner" |
"Have you ever had a time when you were in a group and your voice became quieter? Or you have had a presentation at work and the audience has paralysed you? Or maybe you have gotten an invitation for a public speech, but youve decided to reject it? You are in the right place. HERE IS WHAT WE WILL COVER TOGETHER: - Improve your confidence when you are in discussion, during a public speech, work presentation or bigger group. - Discover your barriers, how to manage stress or nervousness and create ways to overcome them in a shorter time than you can expect. - Learn about people and how to deal with them, how to react on emotions and not allow others to go over your head. - Understand what better relationships should contain and which tactics you can use to upgrade your ones. - How to ask questions and get the right answers because there are more than open and closed ones to discover. - Get tricks and tactics which will make your life easier and increase your communication skills.***You will get 3 extras as a gift from me. You will learn: 1. 3 important manipulation tactics2. Difference between empathy vs sympathy3. Useful power wordsWHEN WILL IT NOT WORK FOR YOU? If you want to stay as you are and you believe there is nothing to improve because you already know everything about communication, then please stay away from this course. It is a place just for those who are ready to take a challenge and go out of their comfort zone. It is for those who believe that there is a better version of themselves still to discover, and they can experience it.WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NEXT?Check the topics below, listen to invite and invest in yourself."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Unbalanced Data - Quick Start" |
"There is an unprecedented amount of data available. This has caused knowledge discovery to garner attention in recent years. However, many real-world datasets are imbalanced. Learning from imbalanced data poses major challenges and is recognized as needing significant attention. The problem with imbalanced data is the performance of learning algorithms in the presence of underrepresented data and severely skewed class distributions. Models trained on imbalanced datasets strongly favor the majority class and largely ignore the minority class. Several approaches introduced to date present both data-based and algorithmic solutions. The specific goals of this course are: Help the students understand the underline causes of this problemDiscuss the different characteristics of an unbalanced dataset Highlight the severity and importance of this branch of data science Give a general idea of the two main major state-of-the-art approaches that you developed to handle this problem. Go over two methods in details to give an idea about some of the techniques used and hopefully motivate the students to learn more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Great Actor - Acting Tutorial Season 2" |
"Following the free first season available on YouTube, working actor and Los Angeles acting coach Braden Lynch offers ten new episodes that dive deeper into the work that it takes to become a great actor.Its now time to discuss the foundational elements on their own in order to deepen your understanding of them and how they work together to create engaging, authentic performances. Welcome to Season 2 of the BLS Acting Tutorial. Dive Deeper."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Rhinoceros + Maxwell en Espaol desde Nivel ""0""" |
"En este curso te ayudar a iniciarte en el apasionante mundo del modelado en 3D con Rhinoceros y la renderizacin hiper-realista del modelo con el programa Maxwell Render v2.6.Comenzando desde ""0"" y sin requerir ningn conocimiento previo del programa, en pocos das aprenders a modelar elementos de diseo en 3D hasta el modelado y renderizado de la terminal T4 del Aeropuerto de Madrid - Barajas.El curso esta orientado a todos los amantes de la Arquitectura y el Diseo en general.De una forma muy intuitiva aprenderas a modelar en 3D desde formas simples hasta proyectos mas complejos, agregar luces, aplicar materiales y desarrollar increibles renders que te ayudaran a conseguir fantasticas imagenes para tu proyecto."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"HTML+CSS -UI Design User Interface" |
"HTMLUIHTMLHypertext Markup LanguageCSSCascading Style Sheet HTML WebCSS <head> CSSCSS"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Restaurant Kitchen Basics: Restaurant Classics" |
"This all-encompassing course will teach you the basics of cooking with eggs, how to create classic breakfast dishes, and how to make delicious lunch, dinner, and professional saute entrees. This course will expand your cooking knowledge and help you build confidence.We will teach you the skills and techniques that we have used for over 42 years in the restaurant business. You can apply these skills in a kitchen anywhere in the world, including your own!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Restaurant Kitchen Basics: The Breakfast Course" |
"In this course you will learn everything you need to truly master the morning meal. You will be able to cook eggs of any style, as well as prepare and present classic upscale breakfast dishes.We will teach you the skills and techniques that we have used for over 42 years in the restaurant business. You can apply these skills in a kitchen anywhere in the world, including your own!Note:Restaurant Kitchen Basics: Restaurant Classics includes all of the material in the Cooking with Eggs Course ANDThe Breakfast Course, plus nearly a dozen additional classic lunch and diner dishes. If you are interested in more than just breakfast, we recommend you check out our Restaurant Classics course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP OOP Complete Practical Course" |
"In this course you will learn object oriented programming in PHP. In the course we will do each topic practically so that you have a clear concept as well at the same time you can code in object oriented programming in PHP.Yes this course is 100% practical.First we will discuss object-oriented concepts in PHP and implement it practically so that you can have a clear concept as well as you can write it programmatically. After the object-oriented programming that we have learnt we will have a small project so that you can implement those concepts in projects and have a clear understating that how we will use this in projects. Now first of all we will setup our environment and a view of different server packages like wamp, xampp etc. We will also look into some IDE that you can use for PHP development, but dont worry if you already have a choice so your free to use that and there is no need for shifting. Then we will learn objected oriented programming like classes, inheritance, methods, interfaces, traits, auto loading and many more .At the end we will have small project. So that you can implement the object oriented programming that you have learn in a project."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Building dynamic interactive human resource dashboard, Excel" |
"This course is a step by step process of developing a dynamic, interactive HR Dashboard. The uniqueness of this course is that the dashboard you will learn to build is not static BUT dynamic and interactive and on that one dashboard, you can slice and dice your data further to reveal more insights into your raw data. Students will learn how to use inbuilt excel analytical tools like pivot tables, pivot charts and slicers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sztuka Skadania Slajdw" |
"Kada publiczno zasuguje na ciekaw prezentacj i kady prelegent moe tak stworzy. Historia pokazuje ile wspaniaych projektw, produktw i biznesw usyszao swoje TAK!, dziki skutecznej prezentacji. Ten kurs nauczy Ci 4 podstawowych filarw tworzenia efektywnych i efektownych prezentacji. Dziki niemu ju nigdy nie poczujesz si bezradny i zagubiony mylc o przygotowaniu prezentacji. Ta praktyczna wiedza stanie si Twoja baz , do wykorzystania w kadej sytuacji zawodowej. Prezentacja wynikw, pokaz produktu, wdroenie programu, szkolenie, wnioski, raporty itd itd . Przekonaj si , e czasem wystarczy kilka prostych slajdw aby zainspirowa swoich odbiorcw."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jak Pokona Trem na 10 Sposobw & Prezentacje i Wystpienia" |
"Skd si bierze trema? Jak j oswoi?W tej czci poznasz cechywyrniajce dobrych mwcw publicznych i sposoby radzenia sobie w obliczu wystpienia tremy. Pomoemy Ci przyswoi sobie te zasady a take radzi sobie podczas wanych wystpie, spotka i prezentacji.Pokaemy Ci, jak zapanowa nad trem. Mamy dla Was dziesi rnych sposobw, eby j okiezna. Metod krokw, oddechu i zmiany nastawienia do tremy. Przybliymy Ci take metody treningu mentalnego. Ten praktycznykurs maza zadanie uwiadomi uczestnikowinajwaniejsze czynniki wyrniajce dobrego mwc.Kurs pozwalazdiagnozowa i pozby si samoogranicze, tak aby nasze wystpieniabyy trampolinami do sukcesu.W treci kursu uczestnik znajdzie szereg przydatnych przykadw i historii z ycia wzitych. Autorka dzieli si zarwno wasn pul dowiadcze jak i przytacza najlepsze branowe przykady.Jak przygotowywa zwyciskie prezentacje i dobrze komunikowa pomysy, produkty i rozwizania.Prezentacje i wystpienia publiczne"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"15 Sekretw Wystpie Publicznych" |
"W tym kursie ,opierajc si na moim dowiadczeniu (i nie tylko) , chc Ci pokaza, e nie istnieje jeden skuteczny sposb tumienia strachu przed wystpieniami. Moja rada jest taka: sprbuj oderwa si od zdenerwowania i poka swojej publicznoci autentyczno i naturaln pewno siebie. To Ty decydujesz jak bd postrzega Ci inni. W tym kursie zebraam 15 sprawdzonych sekretw wystpie, ktre dotycz wszystkich dziaa (nie tylko zwizanych z trem) budujcych nasze wystpienie. Tak abymy byli efektywni i efektowni w oczach naszych odbiorcw.Jeli mwca demonstruje swoj niepewno wobec publicznoci, wtedy przemwienie zdecydowanie sabnie, wic wybierz najbardziej skuteczne i odpowiednie metody walki ze strachem przed wystpieniami publicznymi.Czy zdajesz sobie spraw, e 84% znanych aktorw i mwcw odczuwa silne objawy tremy? A pozostae 16% zwyczajnie si do nich nie przyznaje.Oznacza to, e kady moe odczuwa niepokj lub lk w tej dziedzinie i kady moe nad tym lkiem zapanowa... wystarczy pozna 15 sprawdzonych sekretw."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer und Internet mit Sicherheit" |
"IT-Sicherheit ist ein wichtiges Thema, das noch immer von zu vielen Menschen strflich vernachlssigt wird. Hufig geschieht dies, weil das Vorwissen nicht vorhanden ist oder die Materie insgesamt als zu komplex wahrgenommen wird.Daher hat der Autor Markus Bender (Diplom-Informatiker) einen ausfhrlichen Videokurs rund um dieses Thema erstellt, der wegen seiner Einfachheit besonders Einsteiger ansprechen soll. Zielgruppe: Rentner bzw. Schler.Behandelt werden in fast 10 Stunden Videomaterial unter anderem Passwrter, Virenscanner, Firewalls, Internet- und E-Mail-Sicherheit. Dazu gibt es noch viele weitere ntzliche Tipps und Tricks.Kontaktieren Sie mich bei weiteren Fragen gerne unter"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dyslexia : Helping you to explain it to your child" |
"The aim of this course is to present to you an explanation of what dyslexia is so that you are in a better position to explain it to your child and give them support that will help them both in school and at home.In the first section we will look at what dyslexia is(As presented by the official bodies and dictionaries). I will then explain it as I see it in layman's terms.We will then move on and explore people who have achieved great success because of or irrespective of their dyslexia. Time will be spent looking at different learning styles and the importance of using a range of learning techniques.My interest in dyslexia started 15+ years ago when I realised what an awful speller my daughter was. I approached the school and asked for help but I was told dyslexia was just an excuse for laziness...I then made it a mission to help her myself. Over the coming years whilst completing my degree in childcare and education, I completed numerous courses on dyslexia, I have read a huge number of books and made it my duty to find out as much as I could to help her. In 2012 I started Starr Tutoring and because of my interest in dyslexia I found that many of the children I worked with had dyslexia. I used their knowledge and experience and that of their parent's to help me grow and understand the subject myself.My interest is how can I help a dyslexic child. As a parent or educator, what can we do ourselves to help them and make their lives as easy as we can.I want to take you through this course as an equal, a friend who has had similar issues with her own child and now wants to use the knowledge she has learned to help as many others as possible.I hope you find the answers to many of your questions in the following course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Tutoring" |
"Do you have a passion for teaching?You want to make a difference in people's lives but you know that working in a classroom isn't for you. Maybe you tried that and you have become alienated with the politics involved.You have a dream of making a difference and tutoring may be the way forward. The problem is, if becoming a successful tutor is the destination, how do you get there?When I started Starr Tutoring in 2012 I had a long list of questions about what was expected of me as a tutor. I had a long and varied career of working in educational settings. I had a degree in childcare and education. The numerous other courses I had taken over the years would also support me with supporting student's learning. But what about running a business? Was tutoring even regarded as a business or would it just be a hobby that would never amount to anything.It had to be a success because I didn't have the confidence to fail. I spent many sleepless nights worrying about things. I made mistakes that cost me a lot of time and money. I picked people's brains, often those who had less of an idea than I had. I read, I learned, I have mentors. I have accountability partners and Starr Tutoring has grown and become far more of a success than I ever dreamed it could be.I asked my mentor to read something for me. It was an e-book I wanted to put on amazon. She came back with the response: ""This is amazing! This is what every tutor needs to get them started or to help them to grow their tutoring business."" She told me I had to present it as a course. it was the ultimate handbook for those who had dreams of growing a successful tutoring business. So here is that course. It is the answers to all the questions I had when I started tutoring. It is the lessons I have learned from the mistakes I have made of the years and there have been many. These steps and systems have helped me to create a business I am so proud of and I know that if you replicate and implement the techniques presented in this course, you can find success and happiness too.I'm not funny and I'm not glamorous, but I know that if you want support at building a successful tutoring business, the information in this course will help you to achieve that.Best wishes and I hope you find true success and happiness as a tutor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Instgram 101: How to start an Instagram account" |
"This is an easy to follow, quick tutorial on how to launch your brand on Instagram, starting right from the beginning. Including identifying your brand, how to generate followers in the beginning and build yourself an audience, all within the first week of launching on Instagram. This is a beginners course for anyone who doesn't know where to start when it comes to launching their brand on Instagram. However, anyone who has already created an account and are struggling to find traction with their account, this guide may fill in any missing gaps you may have not completed when setting up your account. I have also included a few key strategies for creating a strong presence on Instagram. Please note, this is not a FAST guide to gaining followers and becoming an overnight sensation. Patience is key if you want to develop a genuine audience."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ingls para vestibular Fuvest / Usp" |
"Voc ser capaz de realizar sua prova de ingls do vestibular Fuvest com mais agilidade e eficincia, mesmo sem dominar o idioma. No importa o seu nvel de ingls. Resolva sua prova de ingls do Vestibular Fuvest empregando Os Quatro Passos ensinados nesse curso. A primeira parte do curso a terica; curta e direta, pois vestibulando no tem tempo a perder. A segunda parte a prtica, com a resoluo das provas de ingls dos ltimos quatro anos do vestibular Fuvest utilizando Os Quatro Passos. Busque seu lugar na universidade dos seus sonhos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mercado Livre com Marketing Digital COMPLETO + BRINDE" |
"Este curso aborda de uma forma ampla e prtica sobre Mercado Livre e vendas online, tendo o Marketing Digital como ferramenta necessria para aquisio de resultados em negcios digitais . Assim, o curso ensina a criar um negcio do absoluto ZERO no Mercado Livre e tambm ir proporcionar uma nova viso de vendas na internet e de estratgias que esto sendo utilizadas por inmeros vendedores na internet.Brinde: Lista de Fornecedores DropShipping Nacional BRINDE!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Online Transcription from Scratch" |
"Learn Online Transcription From Scratch. You will be able to work online and earn from anywhere, you only need to have a computer with Internet connections, headphones, good command of English grammar, and a typing speed of 35 WPM.I'm here to hold your hand until you make it online, I'll be your tutor and your mentor."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"GET RICH SLOW - Step by step value investing with Python" |
"SEEHOW VALUE INVESTING WAS USED TO MAKE A 27% PROFIT.WHAT YOU GET IN THE ""GET RICH SLOW"" VIDEO COURSE:[NOTE: Some of the python code in this course is no longer up to date, and no longer works,I'm working on patches. This course can still be useful to you to learn the method of this kind of value investing, and you can update the old code yourself, or wait for the patch]Over 7.5 hours of step by step content teaching you value investing.Step by step detail from where to look for investments, to how to analyse a company.Learn how to rank thousands of US stocks in order of most undervalued to most overvalued.Get a crash course coding in Python as you learn to scrape the necessary data from the internet.Learn how to do a discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation of a stock in Excel.Learn how to analyse a company for investment.Learn when to buy & sell a stock."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Read Piano Sheet Music in No Time!" |
"A clear and concise lesson on reading sheet music for the piano. Learn how to read EVERYNOTE on the Treble and Bass Clefs, as well as notes that go ABOVEand BELOW each clef. Learn about many common musical symbols such as: sharps, flats, naturals, ties, staccato, legato, key signatures, time signatures and more! Every new concept has pictures and in-depth descriptions with tremendous resources from a published author. Begin or continue your musical journey now!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |