Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Cmo organizar mi entrenamiento sin ser entrenador personal" |
"Cmo disear un buen plan de entrenamiento fsico?POR FIN! UN SISTEMA PASO A PASO PARA CREAR TU PROPIO PROGRAMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO Y CONSEGUIR LOS RESULTADOS QUE TANTO TIEMPO LLEVAS BUSCANDO.Sin ser entrenador personal ni tener titulacin relacionada.Es un curso online dividido en 4 bloques donde te voy mostrando en vdeos paso a paso las acciones a realizar en cada bloque para que veas de primera mano como yo lo hago, siguiendo adems la hoja de ruta en formato pdf (junto con las plantillas listas para ir rellenando cada paso) que te entrego en cada mdulo. Ademas, te voy indicando las acciones a realizar en cada momento de manera que al final del curso tengas tu propio programa de entrenamiento personalizado de forma clara y visual, listo para poner en prctica en una semana."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Trading from an ex-Wall Street Trader" |
"This course is a guide and review of the main technical analysis tools and price patterns for traders of any level. Whether you are beginning a day trading venture or have years of trading experience, the technical trading techniques provided in this course will enhance your knowledge of key patterns and will aid your timing and identification skills of profitable trading opportunities.Its taught by an experienced trader, who worked as an equity trader at one of Wall Street's largest trading firms and employed the techniques discussed here successfully over multiple years."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computao Grfica para Moda - Mdulo I" |
"CG para Moda um programa completo de auxlio em computao grfica visando o universo Moda, dividido em trs mdulos. Neste primeiro mdulo iremos abordar assuntos do universo de design de moda que podem fazer uso do desenho vetorial. Para isso, iremos utilizar o Adobe Illustrator. No programa, comearemos com o aprendizado do software, sua manipulao e ferramentas. Depois iremos desenvolver modelos bi e tridimensionais que serviro de base para o desenho tcnico de moda, usando tanto o Illustrator, como o Character Creator. Na sequncia, partiremos para o desenho tcnico nas modalidades linha (tratando de desenhos que utilizam apenas contornos) e elaborado (com preenchimentos e efeitos visuais). Por fim, desenvolveremos padronagens e fichas tcnicas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Pour Les Dbutants: Crer Un Site Gratuit Efficace" |
"Voici enfin un cours qui aborde professionnellement la version gratuite de WordPress. Juste parce que tout le monde n'a pas envie de commencer par l'achat d'un espace de serveur et la gestion d'un cpanel dont il devra aprs s'occuper de la complexit.Ce cours est idal car il vous guide pas pas pour crer gratuitement votre propre site web, avant de dcider aprs si, oui ou non, vous devez acheter un espace d'hbergement et un nom de domaine personnalis auprs des entreprises qui en vendent sur Internet.L'instant design (de logo, flyer, poster et carte de visite) qu'il comporte rend ce cours encore plus intressant, y compris pour des utilisateurs plus avancs.. Alors, inscrivez-vous et travaillez votre site votre rythme.DE QUOI IL SAGIRA?Concrtement, ce cours vous apprend crer des sites web en se servant du CMSWordpress. A la fin du cours, chaque participant disposera gratuitement de son propre site web qu'il pourra promouvoir et continuer de mettre jour.Si vous hsitez encore btir votre prsence en ligne, pour des raisons techniques ou financires, alors ce cours devra vous faire changer d'avis.Il vous guide pas pas afin de crer votre propre espace titre gracieux. Pour commencer, il est bon savoir que vous n'avez besoin d'aucune comptence de base en programmation web. POURQUOI WORDPRESS?Il existe videmment de nombreux outils efficaces qui vous permettent de crer un site gratuitement. Mais en ralit, ils ne pas sont pas tous recommands pour garantir une prsence optimale sur Internet. Dans ce cours, nous utilisons Wordpress qui est un outil la fois simple et super efficace.En plus d'tre gratuit, Wordpress vous permet d'imposer un look professionnel votre site et de bnficier des avantages lis votre visibilit en ligne. Si vous disposez dj d'une page Facebook par exemple, vous pouvez facilement la lier votre site afin de crer plus d'interactivit avec vos potentiels visiteurs.AUREZ-VOUS BESOIN D'ACHETER UN HBERGEMENT?Certes Non! Vous n'avez pas besoin d'investir dans l'achat de domaine et d'espace d'hbergement pour vous mettre en ligne.Ce cours vous donne une dmarche simple et qui fonctionne trs bien. Or tout moment, si vous souhaitez acheter votre propre nom de domaine et franchir une autre tape de votre business en ligne, vous pourrez le faire en juste quelques clics. Vous dcouvrirez dans ce cours comment procder, tape par tape.FAUT-IL PROGRAMMER ET AVOIR DU TEMPS?Absolument pas! Ce guide pratique vous convaincra que vous n'avez pas besoin d'attendre de devenir un as de la programmation pour vous jeter.Vous ne ncessitez pas non plus un temps long pour crer votre site. Il vous faut juste de la motivation et une ide claire de ce que vous avez envie de porter en ligne. QUEN EST-IL DE VOTRE IDENTIT VISUELLE?Disposez-vous dj d'un logo ? Votre logo vous satisfait-il ou avez-vous envie de le changer ? Quelle que soit votre rponse ces questions, ce cours vous montrera comment procder pour crer un logo au design professionnel. Mais ne pensez pas que nous allons nous arrter cela. Vous allez galement apprendre crer vos propres supports de communication et les tlcharger au format que vous souhaitez. Avec, bien entendu, des outils super sympas, disponibles en ligne et gratuits.COMMENT PROCDER?Concrtement, vous aurez faire des exercices pratiques que nous corrigerons ensemble.En fonction de votre besoin personnel, je vous demanderai de choisir un thme et de me soumettre votre travail de personnalisation, avec le logo, les pages, les articles et les supports de communication que vous aurez crs durant votre apprentissage. ETES-VOUSPRT(E) ?Alors, si ce cours vous parle, inscrivez-vous et commencez votre site web aujourd'hui mme.Informations importantes savoir :Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas, vous pouvez alors obtenir de Udemy un remboursement sous 30 jours ;Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous en aurez accs vie ;Vous aurez aussi accs gratuit toutes les mises jour que je pourrais apporter aux contenus de cette formation ;Enfin, vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation. J'y rponds avec plaisir afin de vous accompagner dans votre projet."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"PDCA na prtica COMPLETO + Bnus + 26 Downloads" |
"Imagine conhecer o PDCA de forma completa, seus conceitos e ferramentas, e estar capacitado a enxergar grandes oportunidades e criar projetos completos do inicio ao fim, passando por todas as etapas.Voc passar a ser um agente de transformao dentro da empresa, estar preparado para conduzir os mais variados tipos de projetos, mapeando de forma estratgica as fontes de otimizao dos processos de fabricao e/ou produo e administrativos da empresa."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Residential Property Management" |
"The ""Fundamentals of Residential Property Management"" course is a peek into the world of property management. The course will specifically dive into residential property management and the various aspects of running an apartment complex or rental property as a property manager, landlord or for someone interested in starting a residential property management business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bye Bye Sugar Cravings" |
"Do your daily cravings for sugar act as a barrier between you and the goals you really want to achieve for yourself?Do you find yourself making a healthy decision for yourself just to get overruled by your cravings again and again?Then the two of us might have a thing or two in common.Several years ago I felt strongly depended on sugar. The day I realized that half my calorie intake came directly from sugary foods I knew I had to turn things around - but I did not know how and quickly I discovered how difficult it actually was!I was desperate to investigate myself and to find my way out of the prison I felt I was living in.I read many books, tried many different food strategies and continued to use myself as a guinea pig in my own personal experiment. How to quit sugar, get completely rid of the cravings and actually loving the process. That was my goal! And I insisted to find my cure!Slowly I found the solutions and I have used the strategies every day ever since. I have now made this course particularly to help you and others break free from the mental prison with all the answers in your hand from the start so you do not have to search year after year for them yourself as I did.The very same strategies that have worked successfully for me I am going to lay out for you in detail in this course.Are you ready?Before you know it you will find yourself craving healthy foods and loving what you see in the mirror.In this course, I will guide you through the exact steps that have transformed my own life.Make a decision now that you will thank yourself for - for the rest of your life!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Construccin de Aulas Iconogrficas en Moodle. (3.0 a 3.8)" |
"Las Aulas Iconogrficas no son difciles de disear, pero en el proceso de construccin se requiere que el diseador o tutor siga un patrn de construccin, ya que son muchos los aspectos a tomar en cuenta cmo lo son: el diseo, el boceto inicial del aula, los conos, la bsqueda de recursos grficos, uso de editores de imagen y sobre todo el manejo de la interfaz de Moodle para conseguir un aula iconogrfica atractiva y bien diseada.A continuacin, presentamos una METODOLOGA PRCTICA, en donde vamos a develar todos los secretos para construir desde cero aulas iconogrficas, utilizando recursos de libre distribucin y aprovechando las bondades con que cuenta el LMS Moodle para la implementacin de este tipo de entornos virtuales.Durante el curso te llevar paso a paso, con explicaciones sencillas y prcticas, en donde facilitar todo un conjunto de conocimientos que te permitirn en poco tiempo disear y construir tus propias aulas iconogrficas y te sorprenders ya que utilizars herramientas de software que ya conoces. En la primera parte del curso aprenders a Instalar el LMS Moodle en tu computador personal, para que puedas utilizarlo de manera local. Aprenders a configurar la plataforma, a crear usuarios como el de administrador, docente y estudiante. Aprenders a crear un curso virtual desde cero y configurarlo dentro de la plataforma.En la segunda parte se iniciar con el aprendizaje de la metodologa prctica para la construccin del aula iconogrfica. Transformars tu aula virtual de enlace, creada en la primera parte, en un boceto en papel de un aula iconogrfica para luego crear un boceto digital. Aprenders sobre una metodologa actualizada de creacin de aulas virtuales.En la Tercera parte aprenders a identificar los recursos que requieres para hacer realidad el boceto digital y llevarlo a un modelo funcional en Moodle. Aprenders a buscar y descargar conos de bancos de recursos gratuitos, utilizars programas licencia libre de redimiensionamiento de imgenes y aprenders a aprovechar el poder de Power Point para modificar rpidamente el boceto de un aula iconogrfica.En la Cuarta parte, con todos los recursos recopilados y listos para utilizar, ensamblars el aula iconogrfica y pondrs en prctica la parte final de la metodologa, que consiste en el ensamblaje en Moodle de la primera AULA ICONOGRFICA.En la Quinta parte, ya con el dominio de la metodologa prctica de construccin de aulas iconogrficas, elevaremos el nivel de construccin al disear y ensamblar aulas con una apariencia mucho ms profesional. Tambien aprenders a utilizar un editor grfico para construir tu propia coleccin de conos, los cuales son el alma de toda aula iconogrfica.En la sexta parte aprenderemos a publicar nuestra AULA ICONOGRFICA en sitio web para hacerla visible en el CIBERESPACIO.Bienvenido (a) a esta aventura de aprendizaje, de seguro la disfrutars mucho, manos a la obra."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotgrafos: Como Conquistar Clientes" |
"Ol Fotgrafos e Amantes da Fotografia, esse um Curso que voc aprender Como Conquistar Clientes e dar um Upgrade no seu Estdio de Fotografia. Se voc quer passar para um outro patamar e encher sua Agenda de trabalho, esse Curso pra voc.Se voc apenas um apaixonado por fotografia e quer comear a conquistar muitos clientes, esse curso pra voc.Se voc quer criar uma segunda renda na rea de fotografias e ainda no tem clientes, esse curso tambm pra voc.O Curso fecha um Ciclo de Crescimento, onde ser ensinado 03 etapas que iro elevar Seu Faturamento. Essa elevao se dar atravs de Estratgias e Tcnicas supereficientes que far com seus Clientes aumentem o apreo pelos Seus Produtos e Servio, e como resultado, voc ter o Aumento do Valor Percebido.Outra forma de incrementar o Seu Faturamento aprendendo Como Conquistar Clientes, e por fim, como Fideliz-los, criando possibilidades reais de prestao de servios recorrentes.Ser disponibilizado alguns materiais para download para que possa pesquisar sempre que quiser de forma off-line. Entre esses materiais est uma planilha para organizar o contato dos seus novos clientes.O curso est dividido em 06 sees, onde vamos direto ao ponto. O objetivo do curso fechar um ciclo, onde falamos desde a parte introdutria de como conquistar mais clientes at fidelizarmos.Seo 1: IntroduoSeo 2: Aumentando o Valor Percebido do seu Produto e ServioSeo 3: Conquistando Muitos ClientesSeo 4: Fidelizando Seus ClientesSeo 5: Informaes ComplementaresSeo 6: Concluso do CursoVoc que um apaixonado por fotografia, aqui vo algumas dicas para que voc comece a trocar o seu hobby por uma atividade lucrativa.A primeira coisa que deve definir em que segmento voc gosta mais na fotografia, e da procurar se especializar. Entre as modalidades podemos citar:eventos,bebs e crianas,publicidade,retratos,animais,paisagens,comida (para fins publicitrios),casamentos,moda,produtos etc.No se esquea de pesquisar sobre o mercado na categoria que escolher e saber como se inserir e comear a descobrir como conseguir clientes, a entra o nosso curso.Ter como referncia alguns fotgrafos conhecidos e seus trabalhos a segunda dica importante para quem est comeando. Lembrando que deve acompanhar especialistas na rea que escolheu.A terceira dica aprender tcnicas de fotografias, pois isso que diferencia um profissional de um amador.Pensando nisso gostaria de indicar um curso onde voc aprender tcnicas profissionais e elevar o nvel de suas fotografias.Ter um bom portflio minha quarta dica, pois o seu carto de visitas. importante que seja muito bem organizado e com qualidade profissional.Equipamentos para um estdio fotogrfico bsicoExistem inmeras opes de equipamentos e materiais para iniciar no mundo da fotografia, porm, a aquisio sempre ficar em funo do seu oramento.Segue algumas sugestes:Cmera: Canon EOS Rebel T5i para iniciantes e Canon EOS 6D para investir um pouco mais.Flash: Flash Speedlite 270ex II para iniciantes e Flash Speedlite 430ex II para investir um pouco mais.Materiais:Trip de cmeraFotmetroFundos fotogrficosDifusores, rebatedores e bloqueadoresPedestal de luzIluminaoPainis importante lembra que voc deve investir o que tiver dentro das suas capacidades, e com tempo ir melhorando os equipamentos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Espiritualizada - A Prosperidade da sua empresa" |
"O curso Gesto Espiritualizada, tem por objetivo apresentar este novo conceito, aplicando a espiritualidade na gesto empresarial.Voltado para empresrios, empreendedores e autnomos, o curso aborda a diferena entre Espiritualidade e Religio, respeitando as diferenas e mostrando que a espiritualidade se encontra em todas elas.Ser abordado de forma holstica os seguintes temas:- Razo de existir da sua empresa- Misso, Viso e Valores- Produtos e servios- Marketing Servidor- Ambiente Harmnico- Gesto de pessoasSe voc sente que a sua empresa precisa deixar um legado e que a razo de sua existncia est alm da parte visvel!Esse o seu curso!! Muito obrigado e que possamos realizar juntos esta jornada!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Investing 101 Training Course" |
"This course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to successfully get started investing in the stock market. I will be providing slide deck presentations, screen sharing, and videos explaining my personal experiences that have made me successful and how I went from $1000 to $40,000+ in my investing portfolio. I will also share what I did wrong throughout the process to save you tons of time and money.In this training course we will go over:1.Goals2.Different types of investing3.Terms and definitions you need to know4.Find out what type of investor you are5.Best brokers to open an account with based on personal preference6.What are the different investment options you have7.Taxes with Investing (Pros, and Cons)8.Diversification9.How to analyze a stock10.Mutual Funds, ETF's, and Index Funds11.Good stocks for each generation12.When to buy and when to sell13.My strategy14.Share my portfolio"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"8 Steps to Wealth through Real Estate" |
"This 8 steps to Wealth through Real Estate Microdegree will focus on teaching you how you can use the5 pillars of Wealth to overcome barriers such aslack of knowledge, trust and access to the right expertise. Take charge and master the art of creating wealth on your terms. Join this course and getinvaluable tips, content and strategies to not only create wealth, but becoming a Global Citizen, through building multiple streams of income. This is no longer a luxury, it has become a necessity. Learn how you cancreate passive income stream in dollars, pounds, euro's, etc with our proven strategies, systems and tipsfrom Serial Entrepreneur and Global Investor - Scott Picken.Get started from $100...Benefits:Change your mindset from scarcity to abundance to achieve your goalsCreate additional / passive income stream in dollars, pounds, euro's, etc with proven strategies, systems and tips.Get started from as little as $100.Identify and overcome roadblocks on your wealth journeyCreate and implement a personal plan to achieve the freedom you wantGet proven wealth strategies and systems from experts, to track & protect your wealthWhat is takes to get to the next levelImplementing your personal plan to achieve financial freedomCreating your own personal global real estate portfolioAs system to track your progressUsing the Laws of Nature to your advantageDiscover your purpose - your impact on the planet, giving back to others and having more FUN.Align your life with your purpose!Your MentorScott Picken:Founder and CEO of WealthMigrate,published author, Wealth Movement pioneer and serial Fintech entrepreneur.Backed by more than 18 years global real estate investment, technologyandbusiness leadership experience, I am passionate about providing real estate investors access to global markets, the transformative power of financial technology,blockchain, re-inventing wealth, Collaborative SMART InvestingTMand creating global wealth for all.Wealth Migrate:In Wealth Migrate we have built the leading global real estate marketplace which is built on blockchain and digitally integrated into a listed and regulated exchange, which allows us to comply globally in each country and investors can invest safely from as little as $100 per investment. Everyone can now turn global monopoly into a reality as they own aglobaldiversified portfolio of institutional quality real estate assets and manage it all on their smart device. Our vision is to make investing as simple as a swipe of the finger from as little as $1.We have already raised $12m and this has allowed us to build the Trusted Global Real Estate Marketplace with members now in 117 countries (more than half the planet), investors in 47 countries, while growing between 0,5% to 1% a day. We have facilitated $75m+ USD through 1950+ transactions on the blockchain through the platform, which constitutes $485m in real estate deals.With investors across the globe, including China and Wealth Migrate is now actively looking at India. Collectively, with my partners, what makes us unique is that we have over 227 years of combined Fintech & international real estate experience, have facilitated over 10800+ investments internationally on 5 continents and to the value of over $1,4+ billion. Our philosophy is safety, trust, transparency and only partnering where all parties interests are aligned.WealthE CoinTMis going to be the catalyst to unlock the entire Global Wealth Group Ecosystem and turn the vision into a reality. Im the author of Property Going Global, founder of Google-backed Lemonade Day Africa and a thought leader in the growing global Wealth Movement aiming to close the wealth gap and empower one billion people. This is truly my purpose."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Twin Flames Awakening Masterclass" |
"Twin Flame Awakening Masterclass - Awaken Your Infinite Power & PurposeWho is this course for?This course is designed for Twin Flames going through their awakening journey who are seeking to understand the meaning behind their Twin Flame Connection.This course clarifies a lot of misconceptions and overly romanticized theories about Twin flames that are sadly floating all over the social media and are actually hurting people, keeping them in the state of longing and victimhood. This course is the perfect balance between the scientific explanation of what needs healing within you and a spiritual awakening of the Infinite Power Within you. What will you learn?I teach you how to navigate Your Twin Flame Ascension journey, how to heal your mental, emotional and spiritual body which contributes to physical body healing too. You'll learn how to find your Purpose and also how to reach a Sacred Union with your Whole Self internally, so that this inner state of Bliss can be mirrored to you by the external environment. I have included a lot of practical Energy Healing tools, Workbooks, powerful Hypnosis and Guided meditations to help you step into Unconditional Self-love and master your Authentic Power. Every lesson is designed to be interactive to help you integrate the learning for fast and effective transformation. By the end of this course you will transform any pain and confusion into personal power and purpose:OVERVIEW - WHO ARE TWIN FLAMES &THEIR PURPOSE: Introduction:What to expect from the course and how to navigate it.LESSON 1 - SOUL CONTRACTS:Soul contracts, their role in your life and how to navigate them. This lesson includes a short PDF guide on Key differences between Karmic Relationships, False Twin Flames, Twin Flames and Soulmates as well as a Checklist to help you understand if you've met your true Twin Flame. LESSON 2 - TWIN FLAME STAGES AND KEY LESSONS:The stages of the Twin flame journey and the key lesson to master at each stage. Includes a short PDF guide with a summary of each stage and its purpose. LESSON 3 - TWIN FLAME PURPOSE:This lesson takes you on a journey of Self-discovery of who you are deep within your core, your passions and highest joy and how to convert this into a service to others, otherwise known as Purpose (Your reason for being). I'll share the different types of Divinely guided Purpose that Twin flames choose to serve humanity on Earth. Includes a Meditation with a Powerful tool to help you connect to your own Divine Purpose. This lesson also explains how to channel the powerful Twin flame energy into your Purpose, which helps you get centered and focus on your Mission. HOW TO HEAL:LESSON 4 - TWIN FLAMES HEALING &RETURN TO WHOLENESS: In this lesson you'll learn about the most important healing that Twin flames need to do to heal all 5 energetic bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, etheric and physical) in order to return to a space of Divine Wholeness within. This lesson includes an overview of the different healing methods to help you integrate your shadow side, clear Ancestral karma, heal Limiting beliefs, identify Trauma, Self-sabotage & Addictions, heal your Inner Child and Inner Dialogue to name a few. We then go deep into the 3 most transformational Healing Methods (How to rewire Limiting Beliefs, How to heal Your Inner Child and How to use the Twin Flame Mirroring to heal Your Core Wounds), that will help you transform your pain into power and establish yourself as a Powerful Creator of your reality.You'll also learn how to condition yourself to see your pain differently and release any victimhood that holds you back in life. LESSON 5 - TWIN FLAME MIRRORING OF CORE WOUNDS:You'll learn how to use the Twin Flame Mirroring process to heal your Core Wounds and become the best version of yourself. This lesson includes real life examples of the Twin Flame mirroring and my Signature 5 step system to help you identify what your Twin flame is mirroring to you and how to heal it. LESSON 6 - HOW TO HEAL YOUR INNER CHILD: I'll share a powerful tool that helps you heal any Mental, Emotional or Physical trauma from your childhood to release years of baggage that holds you back in life. LESSON 7 - HOW TO REPROGRAM YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS:You'll learn about Core Beliefs and Limiting Beliefs that are sabotaging your desired reality. If you have tried using affirmations to change your life, you likely already know that they don't work because they only communicate with your conscious mind that represents about 5% of your brain power. In this lesson I will teach you how to transform your Limiting Beliefs into self-empowering beliefs using my Signature Process that will integrate your belief changes fast and effectively at the Subconscious level of the mind (controls 95% of your brain activity). This lesson alone is worth over 500 in value because it comes with a powerful Workbook that helps you rewrite every limiting belief, overcome self-sabotage and fulfill your Highest Potential. LESSON 9 - HOW TO BALANCE THE MASCULINE &FEMININE ENERGIES WITHIN:This lesson will expand your consciousness in how to integrate the healthy aspects of masculine &feminine energies within your being to become a whole and balanced person. LESSON 8 - HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF:In this lesson you'll experience a healing meditation to help you connect with your Higher Self - the seed of your Soul to guide you to the greatest life you came here to experience. Includes Certificate of Completion ***BONUSES***HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY:In this lesson you'll experience a hypnotic guided meditation to help you love and accept yourself unconditionally, which leads to attracting more Joy and Abundance into your life. DIVINE UNION MEDITATION:In this lesson you'll experience a Divine Union Meditation to unite with your Whole Self as well as your Twin Flame in your Sacred Heart, teaching you the core Principle of the Unity Consciousness 'We are all One', which leads to a profound healing of the most important wound of Separation. The healing and integration of the Unity Consciousness principle leads to the embodiment of Oneness in all energetic bodies, which can trigger a physical Union with your Twin Flame.About meHavingbeen on my Twin flame journey for the past 6 years my life has undergone a profound transformation in every area. Many Twin Flames experience a complete death of Ego and a rebirth of their Authentic Divine Self. This is one of the most beautiful gifts of the Spiritual Awakening because it allows you to connect with your most Authentic expression and your Divine gifts. It however requires a commitment to expanding Consciousness, Healing and learning to become a Deliberate Creator of your Life. What awaits on the other side of the healing is the most blissful freedom and a life full of synchronicity and flow. The journey to it may not be easy but it's most definitely worth it. The reason why I have created this course is because I am passionate about helping Twin Flames transform their pain into power and purpose. Following my Twin Flame Awakening, I have traveled the world, studied with Buddhist monks and learned from various healers, Consciousness mentors and Spiritual teachers as well as personally qualified in a number of Energy healing modalities and Psychology practices. My journey has guided me to start teaching other Twin flames how to navigate the challenging process of ascension, what to focus on and how to heal in the fastest possible way, to enjoy life again. As a qualified PSYCH-K, Energy Psychology Master Practitioner and Transformation Coach, I have worked with many Twin flameclients and have had an opportunity toobserve the biggest challenges that Twin flames face. Through my practice I have developed powerful Transformation tools to help Twin Flames heal and ultimately return to a place of Wholeness within. It is my highest passion to help Twin flames remember their infinite Divine power, heal and create their most empowered life yet. What my clients say:""I have been so blessed and privileged to have worked with Monika through my own journey of healing. Monika is quite an exceptional person who with her warmth, purity and love shines and touches people. She listens, genuinely cares and makes you feel important , unique and strong. The work that I have done with her has had incredible impact on my ability to manage my emotions and override deep rooted harming beliefs. She has helped me see my shadow side and sabotaging patterns and skillfully reprogram them in a very positive way. I have been to other therapists and different training sessions but the work with Monika was totally unique and profound on a different level. It worked at my core level and the changes became second nature to me very quickly. I now manage my emotions more effectively, I am able to centre myself and feel at ease when Im overwhelmed. My deeper thinking has been altered and Im very grateful for that. Im looking forward to more sessions as with each one I see new changes! Very excited! Monika is an angel that kicks ass!! So happy to know her and learn so much from her. Thank you."" - Izzie, LondonI am honored and excited to walk with you on your journey to greatness. With love and blessings, Monika Grace"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Unity2018 |
"UnityD D Unity"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"En Hzl Tekniklerle Etkileyici PowerPoint Sunumlar" |
"Kursa yaplan baz yorumlara gz atabilirsiniz:Etkili anlatm ve renirken gereksiz bilgiye bomayan gzel bir kurs olduunu tm itenliimle syleyebilirim. Bilgilerinizi bizimle paylatnz iin teekkr ederim. @EmreYlmazKsa ve z bilgilerle, olduka estetik ve gze hitap eden slaytlar hazrlamann yollarn ok gzel bir ekilde anlatm. zellikle d kaynaklar blm sadece slayt deil baka alanlarda da iime yarad. @EnisAydemirHenz 2 blm izledim ve ne kadar doru bir karar verdiimi anladm. Anlatm tarz, verilen pf noktalar harika! Emeinize salk. @IlKomanlEtkileyici, modern ve hzl ekilde sunum hazrlamak m istiyorsunuz?Sunum hazrlamak ou zaman ciddi ba arlarna neden olabiliyor. zleyenleri etkilemek istediimiz her sunum deneyiminde zorlandmz bir gerek. Renkler, fontlar, resimler ya da animasyonlar nasl daha iyi ve hzl ayarlanabilir? Bu kurs, en etkili sunum hazrlama yntemlerini kefetmek ve hzl bir ekilde etkileyici PowerPoint sunumlar hazrlamak isteyenler iin tasarland.10 yl akn sredir profesyonal olarak niversite, i ve giriimcilik dnyas iin hazrladm sunumlardan edindiim deneyimi sizler iin derledim. Hazrladm sunumlar sayesinde iimde ve yarmalarda dl kazandm. Mentorluk yaptm birok startup, yatrmc karsnda sunum yaparak baarya ulat. Bu eitimle siz de kendi imza sunumlarnz hazrlayabileceksiniz. Kendi renkleriniz, modern fontunuz ve zgn grnmnz ile izleyenleri etkilemeye balayacaksnz. stelik gereksiz bilgilerden uzak, baarya giden en etkili yntemleri reneceksiniz. Etkileyici bir sunum iin gerekli olan tm aralar ve ipularn bu kursta bulacaksnz.Eitimi tamamladnzda dilerseniz size hazr olarak sunduum Draft dosyasn dzenleyerek kendi sunumunuzu ksa srede tamamlayabilir ya da hayalinizdeki ablonu sfrdan oluturabilirsiniz.Sizin iin hazrladm worksheetlerde gerek veriler zerinde alma imkan bularak, konu tekrar ve uygulama yapabileceksiniz.Eitim boyunca anlatlan ierii hem takip edip hem anlamaya almann zorluunu bildiim iin mmkn olduunca aklayc konumaya ve kullandm aralar birka kez tekrar etmeye zen gsterdim. Yine de iinden kamadnz her trl sorun ve sorunuz iin bana yazabileceinizi unutmayn.Eitimde yer alan her chapter sonunda bir Review blm bulunuyor. Review blmleriyle chapter boyunca ele aldmz tm konular tekrar ederek pekitirmeye alacaz. Sunumlar anlatrken her defasnda gerek bir senaryo ele almaya altm. Bylelikle konular hatrlamanz kolaylatrmay ve video izleme deneyimini daha keyifli hale getirmeyi hedefledim. Her review blmnde ele alnan senaryo zerinden, aralarn gerek bir sunum zerinde nasl uygulandn birlikte kefedeceiz.Ayrca 80den fazla dzenlenebilir ikonun yer ald Icon Set dosyasn indirebilir ve ikonlar sunumlarnzda nasl kullanacanz Lecture #8 Icons blmnde izleyebilirsiniz. Icon Set dosyas srekli gncelleniyor ve ikon says giderek artyor. Gncellemeleri takip etmeyi unutmayn. Lecture #2 indirilebilir ieriinde ise Find your color dosyasn bulacaksnz. Bu dosya ile sunumunuzun temasna en uygun renk ablonu kodlarn saniyeler iinde edinebileceksiniz. Bu RGB kodlar sunumunuza nasl uygulayacanz ise yine ayn blmde reneceksiniz.Giri seviyesinde de olsa powerpoint bilginiz varsa ve hazrladnz sunumlarla kitlenizi etkilemeyi amalyorsanz, kursu edinerek bunu ne kadar hzl ekilde baarabileceinizi grebilirsiniz. zellikler3 Ana balk altnda toplam 30 Video3 Review blmyle hzl tekrar ve uygulamaHzlca uygulayabileceiniz etkileyici 7 hazr renk temasFarkl konu ve gerek data ile hazrlanm 3 altrma dosyas2 farkl konseptte hazrlanm ve srekli gncellenen, tamam dzenlenebilir toplam 88 farkl ikondan oluan set16:9 formatnda hazr PowerPoint sunum ablonu (10 zgn slayttan oluan sunum ablonu)eitli ekilde kullanlabilecek 4 farkl mockup (iPhone, iPad, iMac ve Mac Air ablonlar)ndirilebilir erik10 farkl slayt ieren ve hzlca dzenleyebileceiniz PowerPoint ablonuSunumunuza uygun renkleri bulabileceiniz RGB kodlarnn yer ald Renk ablonu dosyasTamam yeniden boyutlandrlabilir ve renkleri deitirilebilir genel kullanma uygun 88 ikonKefettiklerinizi uygulayabileceiniz 3 worksheetToplam 6 indirilebilir ierikVideo eriiToplam 4 saat istee bal video. Etkileyici sunum hazrlamak iin en hzl tekniklerin anlatld eitim boyunca gereksiz hibir bilgi iermeyen, sizi dorudan hedefe gtrecek kesin yntemleri reneceksiniz:Birinci blm: D kaynaklarD kaynaklar, sunum hazrlarken ihtiya duyduumuz grsel, font, resim ve renk ablonlarn bulacamz ve az bilinen esiz kaynaklardan oluur. Bu kaynaklar sunum hazrlarken hzmz arttracak ve etkileyici sonular almamza olanak tanyacak. Bundan sonra hibir ey iin saatlerce arama yapmanza gerek kalmayacak.Kefettiiniz bu yeni ara ve uygulamalar sunum hazrlamak dnda i ya da rencilik hayatnzda da kullanabileceksiniz. Tm blmler rneklerle karlatrmal olarak anlatld. Bylece aralarn ne kadar etkili olduunu daha kolay grebileceksiniz.kinci blm: kaynaklarEtkileyici sunum hazrlamak iin ihtiyacmz olan esiz ablonlar ve etkileyici renkler. kaynaklar blmyle hepsi ok daha net bir hal alacak. kaynaklar blmnde PowerPoint aralarn kefederek, kendi imza sunumlarnz oluturmaya bir adm daha yaklaacaksnz. Kullanacamz tm aralar zelletirerek ve farkl ekilde kullanarak unique versiyonlarn elde edeceiz. Bu yeni, benzersiz aralar sunumlarnz ok daha modern ve ilgi ekici hale getirecek. Ayrca bu niteye, sizden gelen yorum ve isteklere gre yeni blmler blm: Animasyon ve GeilerSunum dosyalarn hareketli hale getiren btn aralar bu blmde kefedeceiz. Animasyonlar ve slayt geilerini en ince ayrntsna kadar renerek sunumlarmza uygulayacaz. Bylece her haliyle benzersiz olan sunumlarmz ok daha etkileyici olacak. Blmn sonunda yer alan review blmnde ise eitimle birlikte indirebileceiniz ""draft"" dosyasn nasl etkili bir ekilde dzenleyeceinizi kefedeceiz. Eitim duyurularn takip ederek gncelleme ve eklemelerden haberdar olabilirsiniz. inden kamadnz her trl sorunuz iinse bana her zaman ulaabilirsiniz.nizleme videolarna ve yorumlara gz atmay unutmayn. Keyifli, salkl, baarl sunumlar.Videolarda grmek zere."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
english-for-russian-speakers |
"3 ! , , , ? ? ? : , . , , , . . , . 3 , ... , . , , ... ? 3 . ? , , . . . . . . ? , 60-90 , 3 : 100% . 3 .! !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to Modeling Surface Into 3D. also you will be able to calculate Cut&Fill Volumes for the roads What are the points covered in this course:This course focuses on the following Civil 3D skills:Creation of Points and SurfacesCreation of Center AlignmentCreation of Design ProfileCreation of SampleLinesModeling Road Corridor In 3D ViewCalculate Cut and Fill QTY(Earth Work)Students completing the course will have basic knowledge of AutoDesk Civil 3D.The course is easy to follow; all of the resources needed are posted in the course content. What are you waiting for ! Join US ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Game Development/Art - Create a 2D Action Game with Unity/C#" |
"In this game development course you'll learn how to create a commercial quality 2D action game using Unity, C# and a 2D application like Photoshop or Gimp (whatever 2D drawing tool you have installed on your computer).Here is a list of the key things you will learn by watching this course :First of all, you'll have a stronger understanding of what it takes to actually finish a game from A to Z in Unity! You'll learn how to sketch and paint 2D game characters, then import those creations inside of Unity, rig them and finally make game animations such as run cycles, attack animations, idle animations, and more!Learn how to make a player character who can move around an environment and shoot projectiles by programming in C#!Create various enemy game characters: a melee monster that runs fast towards the player and leaps at him to attack A spooky necromancer that summons small, vicious skeletons that chase after the player a dangerous bat that shoots dark fireballs at the game's hero!Understand how to use state machine behaviors to create a multi-stage boss fight in Unity!Make multiple weapons the player can equip and use against the game's various foes. As well as a health pickup!Create cool looking effects using Unity's particle system and 2D sprites!Create fun sound effects using Audacity and then implement that inside of your game!You'll learn how to make a nice main menu with responsive, animated UI! Create smooth scene transitions using UI panels and animations!Publish your finished game to Itch io, Newgrounds, or Gamejolt!Why learn from us?My brother and I created this course to share our passion for making games and help others bring their unique visions to life!We've been teaching aspiring game developers how to use Unity, code with the C# programming language, and make game art and animations. Our tutorials have been viewed by thousands and are very popular, every day we get dozens of developers thanking us for helping them out on their own game dev journey! We've not only made tons of tutorials but we've also created plenty of games using Unity, both 2D, and 3D!So we know what it's like to create a complete, polished experience from A to Z, and really want to equip you with the right tools and knowledge so you can do the same!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Entrevista de Emprego: Seja APROVADO em QUALQUER seleo!" |
"Quer ser um trainee, estagirio ou conseguir uma vaga de trabalho em uma grande empresa?O Projeto Trabalho vai te preparar para estar muito (mas muito mesmo!) a frente de todos os demais candidatos em qualquer processo de seleo. Voc no s vai aprender, mas vai construir junto com o professor os conceitos e tcnicas necessrias para se destacar nas selees de emprego.Desde os conhecimentos mais clssicos (e facilmente encontrados por a)como construir o seu currculo, at as tcnicas mais avanadas de apresentao pessoal e dinmica de grupo, passando tambm por exerccios PRTICOS de apresentao pessoal e painis de negcio.Curso j testado e APROVADO por dezenas de candidatos que obtiveram sucesso nos processos de seleo mais concorridos!Venha se destacar voc tambm e escolha onde vai trabalhar!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Leben mit chronischen Schmerzen" |
"Ich begrsse dich zu meinem Videokurs ber das Leben mit chronischen Schmerzen. Ich nehme vorne weg dass ich keine medizinische Ausbildung habe und alleine aus der Flle meiner Erfahrung schpfe. Ich werde es auch vermeiden, mich in Details zu verlieren, weil ich weiss dass jeder Fall seinen eigenen Ansatz bentigt und dass es deshalb in der Hand der Kursteilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer liegt, welche Ideen und Vorschlge sie weiterverfolgen mchten. Es ist mein Ziel, Menschen welche sich ihren Schmerzen ausgeliefert fhlen Werkzeuge an die Hand zu geben damit sie neuen Mut fassen und sich nicht enttuscht von der Welt abwenden, selbst wenn ihnen manchmal nachvollziehbarerweise der Mut danach steht.Dieser Videokurs bietet keinen Ersatz fr eine fachmedizinische Betreuung, darf sie aber positiv beeinflussen. Das Manuskript zum Videokurs soll als Gedchtnissttze dienen. Das Dokument zur Erarbeitung der Lebensziele ist separat verfgbar."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The TRUTH about the RAPTURE and the Tribulation" |
"The TRUTH about the Rapture and the Tribulation is Step #3 in our Prioritize Your Life Series where you will learn what the Bible actually says about the End Times, how to see right through all the nonsense being taught out there, and how you can prepare for the future.By the end of this course, youll be able to understand all of the different end times views, have confidence in which one you believe in and why, and have an increased sense of hope and clarity about whats most important now and what you can do about it.Youll LEARN Everything You Need To KNOW andHAVE Everything You Need To GO!Learn what Jesus, Paul, and John said about the End Times eventsLearn what the millennium is, when it is, and how it affects our future and our presentLearn the difference between Historic Premillennialism and Dispensational PremillennialismLearn what Postmillennialism and Amillennialism are and how theyre differentLearn why some believe there will be a rapture of the church and why others dontLearn how to recognize who the Antichrist is and what needs to happen before he comesLearn what is most important to focus on and what to do with your life right nowHaving False Beliefs about the End Times Can Negatively and DramaticallyAffect Our Faith TODAY and How We Live Right NOW!The End Times topic has been either shrouded in mystery or it has been convoluted with theological technical language and odd conspiracy theories. The result is that most of the Christian Church has no clue about what the Bible actually says regarding this topic and even fewer think it even matters. The TRUTH is that it actually matters A LOT!We believe that what a person understands and believes about the End Times dramatically affects their faith, the quality of their relationship with God, their day-to-day lifestyle, and their answer to Gods unique calling on their life. The topic doesnt need to be complicated it has just been made that way. Weve simplified it so that it can be learned, understood, and applied in just a few hours.Our course is set up like a 7-part Bible Study with video lectures.The videos guide you through a slideshow that already has all the main points and Scripture on it, so you dont need anything else to follow along. Every verse is meticulously detailed and outlined so that if you want to follow along using a different translation you easily can.BONUS: Weve also included an additional 7-part Bible Study about the Millennial Kingdom that thoroughly examines the two primary views against the Bible and exposes the ERROR of the view that is most commonly believed in the church!We also include optional materials to get even more out of the course.These include a printable one-page study guide that you can use to take notes on as you watch the videos. Our course also includes a final quiz to make sure you learned the content. Weve also added a list of additional discussion questions to help you go deeper as you reflect on the actionable implications of what youve learned.Learn what Jesus, and the apostles Paul and John had to say about the End TimesLearn what the millennium is, when it is, and how it affects our future and our presentLearn the difference between Historic Premillennialism and Dispensational PremillennialismLearn what Postmillennialism and Amillennialism are and how theyre differentLearn why some believe there will be a rapture of the church and why others dontDiscover how many ministries are teaching things they shouldnt beLearn about the coming third temple in JerusalemLearn how to recognize who the Antichrist is and what needs to happen before he comesFind out how to investigate and analyze the claims made by prophecy teachersLearn why all of this matters for you TODAYLearn what is most important to focus on and what to do with your life right nowBonus Add-Ons:We designed this course for personal education and growth but also for use in Home Churches, Bible Studies, or Small Groups. (Were even okay if you want to use this at a large traditional church!) After you finish the course and pass the quiz, should you decide to, youre free to share this content with others in any local setting where you are physically present. (You're not allowed to sell it or distribute it online, etc) Our materials have been created to do this very easily. You can download our slideshow and teach from it yourself, this helps you practice being a teacher. Or, if youre the shy type and have zero desire to teach, you could just use our videos. They are all high definition and will look good streaming to a TV.Additionally, weve also created a printable version of our final quiz and our discussion questions too. So if you did have a group everyone could get the full benefits of the program and have their copy of the study guide, quiz, and questionnaire.You could start your own home church or study group, etc. and go all out big with it! Or it might be as small as just inviting a friend over to watch with you. Theres no extra charges for doing this, no matter how small or big you decide to go, and you have our full blessing, we just want more Christians to become educated and motivated. :)And were here to support you along the way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maquetes Fsicas, Tridimensionais." |
"Este curso foi preparado por um profissional gabaritadssimo e pioneiro no Brasil, com 40 anos de experiencia, que percebendo que a maquete deixaria de ser totalmente artstica e manual, gravou uma aula h 18 anos atras, para registrar como executar maquetes na mesa com arte.Facilitando desta forma a apresentao de projetos e tambm o aprendizado de crianas que precisam executar trabalhos de maquetes para escolas."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Get the knowledge of an experience vegan in 7 days!" |
"Introducing Easy Vegan Good Life, a smart and simple online Program for Transitioning Vegans to adjust easily to the vegan lifestyle with minimum effort.JOINNOWANDGET:step-by-step program:that prepares you for the vegan lifestyle in only 7 days!Insider information about the easy vegan lifestyle:from a modern world-wide Veganista through clear to-the-point videos, practical mini ebooks, and other information sources.A workbook with simple exercises:that you can integrate into your daily routine.Membership to our Easy Vegan Good Life private community:where youll get amazing support from like-minded people on the same journey.BONUS:A nutritious 7-Day Vegan Meal Plan with easy recipes and a grocery list:Designed for transitioning vegans, to get used to the vegan diet so you dont have to worry about finding the right recipes and nutrients in your first 7 days as a transitioning vegan.The Easiest 45 Vegan Recipes:My personal favorite super tasty vegan recipes you can cook at home without being a top chef.A mini Ebook with strong vegan one-liners:Learn them out of your head and have solid vegan arguments in every discussion.Get up to 15% discount:at the top vegan fashion and cosmetic brands!And much more!THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU IF YOU RECOGNIZE YOURSELF IN THE FOLLOWING:Im trying to be vegan, but I have no idea how to start.There is so much I dont know.Im struggling on what to eat every day.I feel that Im not eating enough of the right vegan foodsI spend so much time looking for vegan friendly productsbut everything seems to have animal ingredients in them.. Im really doing my best to be vegan, but I end up making stupid mistakes.I feel alone in my vegan journey.The people around me arent very supportive and I dont know any vegans. Which makes it harder fully transition."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Documentary Filmmaking Step by Step" |
"Get filmmaking secrets, from finding (and securing)financing, through surviving production, through distribution and everything in between from me, Adam Bhala Lough, a Spirit Award nominated, 3-time Sundance Film Festival alum and one of Filmmaker Magazine's Top 25 Indie Filmmakers to Watch.Who am I?I'm an internationally acclaimed 14-year vet with four documentaries currently on Netflix and three that were the #1 documentary on the iTunes charts. I've had an incredible amount of success in my career but Ihave also failed many, many times. You will learn where Ifailed along the way so you won't make the same mistakes.I'm also a mentor at the Sundance Native labs and Latino Screenwriting labs and was a mentor at the 2015 SXSW Film Festival mentor sessions so Iknow how to teach in a concise and clear way. Why should you take this course and not another?You will get secrets only a seasoned pro can reveal- from the beauty of not paying insane clearance fees by claiming ""fair-use,""to how to get into a film festival without any connections. It's all in this 5 hour course.Other courses give general knowledge of how to make a film from people with very little actual real world experience. This course is taught directly from my experience making eight feature length documentary films, all of which have received worldwide distribution and been translated into many languages."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Black Seed Herbal Medicine: Treat Diseases With Black Seeds" |
"Do you want to learn herbal medicine?Have you heard about the wonders of black seed?================================================================================.Please, click on the Buy Nowbutton to gainlifetimeaccessto this courseinstantly! In the world of medicinal herbs, the black seed occupies an enviable position. This is largely due to its holistic curative and preventative properties. There is no single organ or system in the body that is not positively affected by the black seed. The list of health benefits embedded in this wonderful herb is beyond imagination. No wonder, it has been referred to as the panacea, the miracle herb, the quintessential herb, among other names.In this course - Black Seed as an Herbal Medicine:Treat 19 Diseases With Black Seeds, you will learn the active ingredients of the black seed and how to cure some of the worlds most deadly diseases with this single herb. Enroll for this course todayand have exclusiveaccess to all the current videos and all other upcoming contents. With a robust immune system, cancers and infections from microbes won't thrive. Black seed strengthens the immunity like never before.Black seed is the perfect home remedy. Being the most researched medicinal herb of all time, you cant afford to miss this invaluable course.Are you still having second thoughts?In addition to my personal guarantee, you haveUDEMY'S 30 Days - MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you buy this course and within 30 days, ifyou feel it doesn't liveup to its promises, your money back, no questions asked.Sign up today and getINSTANTaccess to all the videos within the course.See you in the course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Prepare a healthy desert tea" |
"hi . i'm Ali from Algeria i often travel to Tunisia and Morroco and Libya ,i discover that people in desert have a nice method to get super tea which you didn't tried before , my mom have experience with it and i make this video to teach you how to do it right . and during the video you will know some information from history about desert people life , i will make you to travel in deep desert life . enjoy !!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Logic Pro X Beginner to Advanced - The Complete Guide!" |
"This course is designed for beginners who are new to Logic Pro X and coming from another DAW. Garageband uses will be thrilled to know that Logic gives you more advance features to expand your music creation. Like Pro Tools, Logic Pro X is becoming industry standard for music creation and is being taught in colleges all around the world. After learning this course you will have the skills needed to operate this amazing program with endless possiblities of creating music."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Juggle" |
"In this course you will learn how to juggle!A cool party trick, a fun hobby, a healthy distraction to reduce stress... Juggling is it all! With this course everyone can learn how to juggle within one afternoon. Once learned the skill of juggling stays with you for the rest of your life! Juggling is fun, and with this course you can do it in no time!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificado en La Estructura del Buque" |
"curso La Estructura del Buque con una duracin total de 3h 55m, los temas que vamos a tratar son los siguientes:Nomenclatura de la Estructura del Buque.Estructura del Fondo.Estructura de los Costados.Estructura de las Cubiertas.Estructura de los Mamparos y Puntales.Estructura del cuerpo de Proa.Estructura del cuerpo de Popa.Estructuras sobre Cubierta.En la clase de Nomenclatura de La Estructura del Buque con una duracin de 46m 6s hablaremos sobre los siguientes temas:El casco principales definiciones.Partes integrantes del buque.Elementos estructurales del casco.Tipos de elementos estructurales.Elementos estructurales del cuerpo central.Tipos de estructura del cuerpo central.Elementos estructurales del cuerpo de proa.Elementos estructurales del cuerpo de popa.Tipo de estructura de proa y popa.Definicin de los elementos estructurales del casco del buque.En la clase de Estructura del Fondo con una duracin de 32m 35s hablaremos sobre los siguientes temas:Generalidades.Forro de fondo.Quilla.Varengas.Vagras.Longitudinales de fondo.Forro interior.Conjunto estructural de un fondo sencillo.Conjunto estructural de un doble fondo.Eleccin de la estructura del fondo.En la clase de Estructura de los Costados con una duracin de 27m 40s hablaremos sobre los siguientes temas:GENERALIDADESFORRO EXTERIOR DE COSTADOCUADERNASLONGITUDINALES DE COSTADOBULARCAMASPALMEJARESABERTURAS EN LOS COSTADOSCONJUNTO ESTRUCTURAL DE LOS COSTADOSELECCIN DE LA ESTRUCTURA DEL COSTADOAPNDICES DEL FORRO EXTERIOREn la clase Estructura de las Cubiertas con una duracin de 32m 33s hablaremos sobre los siguientes temas:GENERALIDADESFORRO DE CUBIERTABAOSLONGITUDINALES DE CUBIERTAESLORASCONJUNTO ESTRUCTURAL DE LAS CUBIERTASCONEXIONES DE LA ESTRUCTURA DE CUBIERTA CON EL RESTOESCOTILLASELECCIN DE LA ESTRUCTURA DE CUBIERTAEn la clase Estructura de los Mamparos y Puntales con una duracin de 31m 53s hablaremos sobre los siguientes temas:TIPOS DE MAMPAROSMAMPAROS DE SUBDIVISINMAMPAROS RESISTENTESESTRUCTURA DE LOS MAMPAROS PLANOSCONEXIN CON EL RESTO DE LA ESTRUCTURA DE UN MAMPARO PLANOESTRUCTURA DE LOS MAMPAROS ONDULADOSCONEXIN CON EL RESTO DE LA ESTRUCTURA DE UN MAMPARO ONDULADOCRUCE DE MAMPAROSESTRUCTURA DE OTROS TIPOS DE MAMPAROTNEL DEL EJEPUERTAS ESTANCASPUNTALESEn la clase Estructura del Cuerpo de Proa con una duracin de 15m 22s hablaremos sobre los siguientes temas:GENERALIDADESRODACAJA DE CADENASESCOBENELEMENTOS ESTRUCTURALES DEL CUERPO DE PROAEn la clase Estructura del Cuerpo de Popa con una duracin de 22m 28s hablaremos de los siguientes temas:GENERALIDADESCODASTETIMNBOCINAHENCHIMIENTOS Y ARBOTANTESELEMENTOS ESTRUCTURALES DEL CUERPO DE POPACONJUNTO ESTRUCTURAL DEL CUERPO DE POPAEn la clase Estructuras sobre Cubierta con una duracin de 27m 6s hablaremos de los siguientes temas:GENERALIDADESSUPERESTRUCTURASCONEXIN DE LAS SUPERESTRUCTURAS CON EL CASCO DEL BUQUECASETASSUPERESTRUCTURAs Y CASETAS DE ALUMINIOESTRUCTURAS MENORESEste curso sta orientado en particular a Profesionales y Estudiantes de: Ingeniera Naval, Marina Mercante, Marina de Guerra, Inspectores Navales, Tcnicos en Construccin Naval y Tcnicos en Mecnica Naval y en general a todo aquel pblico que le apasionen los buques y su construccin.Al finalizar el curso podrs descargar los archivos de audios de todos los temas desarrollados. Los archivos de audios que te ofrecemos son ideales para escucharlos con sus audfonos en su reproductor porttil, en cualquier momento de descanso, para refrescar o reafirmar los conocimientos en estos temas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hopelessness To Happiness" |
"This course will give you a simple process on how to get motivated, out of bed, and taking the actions you need to take... it will help you get Un-Stuck and back on track! This program was designed specifically designed for PTSDdepression, however all the material and content applies to non PTSDrelated depression as well.This program is action based, just like everything in life! If you take action I promise you, you will see results!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners 2020 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course" |
"Are you worried about hackers social engineering you for your sensitive files, emails, or access to your computer or network? Are you scared your company passwords will be stolen?Are you anxious about being a victim of identity theft?Do you want to learn cyber security awareness and online self defense to protect yourself?Do you want to be taught in an engaging, memorable and effective way, how to securely manage all your sensitive emails, files, passwords, mobile phones, and browsing?Do you want to know how, where, and most importantly why you would be targeted?Do you want to feel safe, secure, and private on the Internet?Then this is the PERFECT course for you!And you are going to love it!I designed this '1:M Cyber Security' beginners course for company employees, and home users, looking for engaging, memorable and effective cyber security awareness training! This course is designed to teach you the BASICS of cyber security awareness, social engineering, network security and online self defense, even if you have no IT / Cyber Security experience or knowledge. What makes my course different, is that I speak passionately from the heart, using visuals, humor and storytelling throughout the training, to make it engaging, memorable and effective! The training is literally 98% real world images and examples! You will love watching the modules, because the curriculum is comprehensive enough to give you all the information you need to stay safe, secure and private on the Internet, and presented to you in a simple and entertaining way.And while the content is presented in VERY simple terms, everyone, (even people with IT/Cyber Security skills) could learn from this course, because to be frank, ANYONE can being socially engineered these days (even including experts in the IT industry sometimes).Furthermore, the entire time I was recording in studio, I kept thinking to myself how can I make this material really fun and interesting?? I really tried to put myself in the mind of my students, so that I could present the information in a way that you would find interesting and engaging.What students are saying about this course:----------------------------------------------------------- Engaging & interesting!""This is the greatest Security Awareness training I have ever attended. The presenter made me feel like I was in the room with him. He was extremely personable and knowledgeable."" - Terrie----------------------------------------------------------- Great instructing!I of the best instructors I have found on Udemy. Good tone, easy to follow along. The presentations are visually appealing, superb body language and don't complicate things. Reza knows what he is talking about! - Nicholas----------------------------------------------------------- Fantastic course!""The information presented, is clear, concise. Well thought out. The presenter is very knowledgeable and engaging in his delivery style. First class course."" - Shaun-----------------------------------------------------------Very good material for beyond just introductory. There are a lot of quizzes which really are well thought out and challenge the thinking and the understanding. A huge amount of additional resources also accompany the material. - Harold----------------------------------------------------------- Incredible!""A cyber security course that is IMMEDIATELY useful, and fun to watch!"" - Andrew----------------------------------------------------------- Amazing course!I have learned a lot and specially how to protect myself online. Great speaker with really good and catchy explanations! Recommended 100% - Ana-----------------------------------------------------------""Very excellent course. I will keep it close and watch over and over again"" - Olukayode ----------------------------------------------------------- Very relevant!""I liked that there were screen shots of actual attacks, with the red flags highlighted as its being discussed."" - Heather-----------------------------------------------------------""Extremely valuable information security course. Everyone should attend!"" - Michal -----------------------------------------------------------""You do an amazing job of communicating technical content in a non-technical way. A participant could be 8 or 80 and the course material would be understood with your approach"" - Richard----------------------------------------------------------- Highly recommended!""A fantastic speaker and compelling material!"" - Pedro----------------------------------------------------------- ""Very informative course""""Reza's style is very engaging and we also benefit from his decades long experience in the field"" - Kaushik----------------------------------------------------------- ""Brilliant course. Brilliant presenter."" - Kevin----------------------------------------------------------- Sensational!Provides very important tips. I recommend that everyone take this course. - Denis----------------------------------------------------------- Far more interesting than I expected!""The instructor's knowledge and engaging manner added a level of entertainment. The flow and consistency made this an excellent training."" - Jennifer----------------------------------------------------------- This was a great course!""I learned a lot, was a good pace, excellent presentation by Reza and quizzes helped with enforcing the learning"" - Lorraine-----------------------------------------------------------""The simplicity with which it is told is amazing ""- Radha-----------------------------------------------------------""Explanations are crystal clear and concise. Information is presented in such a way that it is easy to remember. Instructor has a lot enthusiasm!"" - Chris----------------------------------------------------------- Great content!""A thorough but easy explanation that even someone who isn't tech savvy would understand. Thank you!"" - Joseph-----------------------------------------------------------SOME BENEFITS OF TAKING MY COURSE:You will receive really engaging, memorable and effective security awareness training!You wont spend hours looking at boring PowerPoint slides! I intentionally cut out all the technical jargon, so that you are trained in simple plain EnglishMost of what you will learn can be applied both at home, and at workThis course is based on the real world, drawing on my 17 years of experience on the cyber front linesI have successfully trained over 30,000 people in the past, with very positive feedbackYou will receive a 50-page SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING GUIDE PDF that has ALL the training material, and much more, written as notes for you to downloadYou will feel confident, and empowered to protect your personal, family and company data from the bad guysAnd remember, if for any reason you're not happy with the course (which would make me sad!) you have a 30-day money back guaranteeCONTENTS AND OVERVIEWThis course has 40 brand new '1:M Cyber Security' training videos, covering over 29 cyber security subjects. Its me in front of the camera, speaking passionately from the heart, and talking directly to you about the biggest cyber security threats facing you today.Its packed with the latest tricks hackers and scammers are using to social engineer you for your data, money and secrets.You will start by seeing numerous VISUAL examples of targeted phishing emails, and be taught in detail how to recognize the major red flags, so that you can READILY detect these emails in the future.Next we will cover some common ways that business and corporations are hacked and defrauded, via things such as malicious Macros, BEC Fraud scams, Ransomware attacks and more.We will also cover social engineering attacks that use your mobile phone to trick you into paying money or giving your secrets away. You will also be presented with many different social engineering attacks on the Internet, so you can see how easily people can be preyed upon using their sneaky methods.You will be shown how search engines such as Google are exploited for evil purposes. You will be taught what Banking Trojans are, a common type of cyber attack that effectively depletes your bank accounts of funds. Furthermore, you will learn about Fake Antivirus, a very effective and successful method of socially engineering people into handing over your credit card details.You will understand why Apple devices can be secure most of the time, but can sometimes be JUST as insecure as other computers, as well as some general things you can do to protect yourself whilst using a Mac computer. You will become well versed in the general differences in security between iPhones and Androids, some of their main security features, how to avoid downloading malicious apps, and much more.Then we will spend some time covering the major issues, as well as effective solutions, around password management and 2-Factor Authentication.Next, you will be visually presented with the main privacy/security issues as well as solutions, when it comes to using browsers, and social media platforms such as Facebook. We will also be discussing how nation states have spread misinformation/false news using these platforms. Moreover, we will do a deep dive into the significance of Internet data privacy, the buying/selling of your private data, and the prevention of identity theft.You will then be taught what encryption is, why it is so very important to enforce security and privacy, and common encryption solutions you can use both at home, and at work. You will learn all about the major security issues involving IoT 'Internet of Things' / home connected devices, and be visually guided on how you can secure your home devices and networks to keep the bad guys at bay.Finally, we will review for you again all the great cyber security solutions presented in the training, plus even more cool tips 'n tricks on how to protect yourself when using computers, smartphones and the Internet. ===========I promise, that by the end of this course, you will CONFIDENTLY, SAFELY and SECURELY manage emails, files, mobile phones, computers, and browse the Internet - both for yourself, your family and your company.Enroll now! I can't wait to see you in the course...-Reza"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |